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Timeline 2500-

by Jackdays

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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
Sources are given in last column. These are found from separate document. Any notes are found at the end of this
document. Always check the version info for updates. Here are two important notes:

1. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Dwarfs 8th Edition changed the Dwarfen years. Two different years are now
given. First one is the original timeline given in Dwarfs: Stone and Steel (WFRP1 sourcebook) and second from
the WFB book.
2. This timeline is what timeline was before Games Workshop The End Times Campaign -changes (2014-2015)
during the Storm of Chaos and beyond that point.

2500 Louen Leoncoeur (Leon de la Tete D'Or?) crowned king of Bretonnia. He is 1), WFB, KoG, BoD,
immediately concerned with the "Mousillon Problem", strengthening the Cordon GW
Sanitaire and assisting the dukes of Lyonesse and Bordeaux in patrolling their
borders (Bretonnian year 1522).
Incursions of Chaos grow increasingly active. GW, WFB, D:S&S
-(2510) At different times, Golgfag Maneater fights both for and against Orc Warboss WFB
Gnashrak Badtooth. His deeds rise Ogre's infame, but also rebutation as a
daring and unbeatable mercenary captain.
Famous Ice Witch Kazahaila Yevschenko, originally from Erengrad and keeper RotIQ
of Frosthome for over fifty years, disappears in the oblast (Kislev year 976).
Styrkaar, son of a Varg Jerg (=chieftain) Svengor of Sortsvinaer clan (minor 11), LC, SoC
tribe) from Novgoborg, kills his father and takes the leadership of his clan. He is
currently eighteen summers old and very respected by his clan members. This
is done by Sle'zuzu, a demonic entity whom had been inhabiting Styrkaar's mind
since the young Champions birth. Styrkaar's mind merged with that of Sle'zuzu
after he murdered his father and Styrkaar changes also physically. His teeth
lenghtened into delicate fangs and his skin took on an unnatural glow from
within, as if a cold light burned just beneath the surface. For he was truly been
touched by the Gods. Within a year he was King of Vargs. Styrkaar became
living legends as he traveled and fought enemies with his growing warhird and
his strange serpent-steed. This continued two decades. For he killed Vandred
the Majestic, former Champion of Slaanesh, destroyd dread Karnak and his
devoutees of Khorne, and the mysterious Asgeiir and his masked warriors of
Tzeentch. He eventually becomes great champion of Slaanesh and also one of
The Four generals of Archaon.
2501 Felix, student and known poet, has a duel with Wolfgang Krassner and kills him. Slayer
He is expelled from the University. This causes argument with his father Gustav
Jaeger and Felix leaves home. Loremaster Borek travels to Middenheim and
meets up with wizard Maximillian Schreiber. They discuss about protective
magic. Those two travel/adventure together some years. Loremaster Borek
starts planning new expedition to Karag Dum.
Hrofil Halfdane (Sarl), known mercenary, is in ship that sunks in a great storm. ToS
Hrofil prays for Malor (Manann) for mercy, and when he is washed up alive on
the northern coast of the Empire, he gave thanks to Malor (Manann) by offering
his blade to the service of the cult. He joins templar order of Sons of Manann.
Popular Press (Middenheim) publishes Famous Mass Murderers of Our Lands CD
by Johann Biedenhopf, which details also happenings in the dreaded Castle
Young Hedge-Wizard (Hedgefolk) Markus Fischer is found by Lord Magister SoE
Krammovitch of the Grey Order plying his trade. He is captured and taken to the
Colleges, where he stays and learns the "right-way" of the Winds of Magic.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
2502 Karl Franz I Holswig-Schliestein becomes emperor after dead of his father LoP, WFRP3, WFB,
Emperor Luitpold I Ferrand. GW, SOB, SH
Erik Redaxe (Norse) raids Cothique. Elf war fleet led by Tyrion defeats Norse 11), WFB
and drives them away from coast of Ulthuan.
Massive invasion of Norse. Emperor Karl Franz aid Elector Count of Nordland to 11), WFB
repel a massive invasion of Norse barbarians. Aided by the wizards and war
machines of the Celestial College, Karl Franz predicts where and when the
northern marauders plan to attack. WIth this knowledge, Karl Franz prepares a
well-executed ambush that devastes the Norse forces before they even realise
they are under attack. The Emperor personally leads the Reiksguard in the final
charge against the Norse shield wall.
Ruler of the Border Princedom of Khypris, Prince Harmis Detz, passes away. Khypris
His nephew becomes the new Prince, with his adopted mother Averil as his
Marienburg Directorate denies bribing Elector-Counts. Marienburg, SH
Riots in Averland (town of Streissen) from shortage of food. Elector Countess SH
Ludmilla Alptraum resolves this brutally.
The Great Halfling Uprising. Halflings rise up against Averland's attempts to TEWv2, WFB, WD
build a road through the Moot without their permission. Conflict is ended brutally
by Marius Leitdorf in the Battle of Nearstream, where Marius Leitdorf defeats the
armies of the Elder of the Moot, and orders the death of every Halfling standing
against him. Among the armies are later Averheim Greatsword Captain Marcus
Baerfaust and his brother Karl Baerfast.
Graf Boris Todbringer takes Anika-Elise Nikse of Nordland as his second wife. CoC
Emperor Karl Franz campaign against Orcs in the east. the Battle of Red Orc Slayer
Altdorf Press publishes Anthology of New Imperial Poetry. It includes later Slayer
infamous Felix Jaeger's poetry in Reikspiel, not Classical.
The Window Tax March. Ends up in full riot where Reiksguard Cavarly attacks Slayer
against the civilians in the Koningsplatz near the statue of Emperor Wilhelm.
More chaos is created when mysterious Slayer saves the life of one of the
agitators and hacks their way through Imperial Cavarly leaving dead half a
dozen lancers.
A small but fanatical cult of Shallya, known as The Weeping Chalice flourishes Bergsburg
briefly in the city of Bersburg. The Temple voices disapproval of the tenets of the
cult, but within the year all known members are dead as a result of a suicide
Lord Magister of Gold Order Helga Menze is brutally murdered. She is actually RoS1
tortured to death. Official story is that she was killed by a jealous lover, but many
in the Gold Order believe that she was killed by a fellow master convinced that
Helga had learned the method of True Transmutation and Lasting Creation and
was keeping it to herself. The killer was not found.
Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu, a low status Savage Orc of the Bone Nose tribe, is WFB/Goblin
expelled from the tribe by the shaman Wizzbang out of jealousy when he starts
to develop shamanistic powers.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
Bahb-Elonn, a mage from the Old World. He led an expedition to the new WD
continent of Lustria where he rediscovered and gained control of the Floating-
Gardens (2422). Now finally the failing Floating-Gardens fell to earth near a
pygmy tribe. His diary, "Tales of a Travelling Dictator", exists.
Scholar-Priest of Gorlaz the Golden Hegakin Rokrison starts creating cult of KA
Gorlaz in Karak Azgal with Elgrom Dragonslayer. Elgrom Dragonslayer is dwarf
believed to be a descendant of Skalf Dragonslayer.
The Sultan of Copher hires Arabyen sorcerer Shibab ibn Alim to find out who is SoE
sinking so many of his ships. Shibab captures Sartosan pirate Fredo Tellini, who
is also a teacher of teh Knights of Margritta. Tellini exposes the secret order to
the sorcerer and the arabyans.
Exiled Baron Gottfried von Diehl expedition travels south through the Black Slayer
Mountains. The vast majority of the Gottfried von Diehl expedition is wiped out in
a huge Goblinoid attack, and Baron himself is assassinated.
Legendary High Jarl of Skaelings Egil Styrbjorn of Strovengaard makes massive 11), Knight of the
invasion to the kingdom of Bretonnia in early winter. His seer, Bjarki, has Realm
received a blood-vision from the Dark Gods of a woman, residing in the land of
Bretonnia, which would give birth to Styrbjorns Daemon-boy. Styrbjorn gathers
huge amount of marauders, feral Ulfwerenar, beasts of war, Styrbjorn's Chaos
Champion huskarls, Tuskers (War-Mammoths), his eldest daughers (sword-
maidens) and finally Chaos Dwarf Lord Zumarah and his Hellcannon Ereshkigal-
Namatar. First invasion is against the great isle of Landri, off the coast of
Lyonnesse. Next they fight against the army of Lyonnesse commanded by Duke
Adalhard. Styrbjorns tactics crush the thousands of Bretonnians. After this great
victory, the dark and bloody ritual to conceive Styrbjorn's Daemon-son is done
under the sight of the Witch Moon. Later the Bretonnians manage to capture the
mother of the Daemon-boy and bring her to Lyonnesse. After this Styrbjorn
launches siege against the Lyonnesse. The unnatural Daemon-boys birth.
Styrbjorn challenges the champion of the Bretonnians in a duel. This champion
is the legendary Grail Knight Reolus who wields silver blade Durendyal.
Challenge is for the Daemon-boy and the departure of the Norse horde.
Styrbjorn finally wins hacking the Grail Knight's head from his shoulders. After
this the Daemon-boy is brought to his father and the Norse leave Bretonnia.
2503 Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz takes title of Elector Countess. FoN
Mannfred von Carstein is resurrected. WFB, NDM, Charnel
Congress novel
Gotrek & Felix travel to Karak Kadrin "Slayer Keep". There is a massive Chaos 11), Slayer
Incursion in the Peak Pass from the Dark Lands, lead by Exalted Chaos
Champion Garmr "Gorewulf" Hrodvitnir (also known as Garmr Kinslayer, Garmr
Childeater, Garmr Tribekiller). Among his ranks are marauders from Norsca and
Chaos Wastes. His ranks include powerful Chaos Champions Ekaterina Maria
Anastasia Olgcheck, Sword-Maiden of Praag; and Hrolf Wyrdulf, Prince of the
Vargs and Promised Son of the Witch-Moon; and Canto Unsworn. Also there is
Chaos Dwarf Khorreg Hell-Worker with his Hellcannons and Chaos Sorcerer
Grettir Many-Eyes (Garmr's cousin). Dwarfs are lead by Slayer King Ungrim
Ironfist, his son War-mourner Garagrim Ironfist and king's closest advisor (and
Heartwarden) Snorri Thungrimsson (Dwarf year 5503/7026).

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
Gorfang Rotgut's Orcs besieges Barak Varr. Later they join up with Orc and D:S&S, WFB
Goblin tribes led by Morglum Necksnapper and attack Karak Azul by long
forgotten tunnel. King Kazador's family caught defenceless in throne room,
many hauled off to dungeons of Black Crag. The king's son, Kazrik, is shaven
and left behind nailed onto his father's throne (Dwarf year 5503/7026).
Crom the Conqueror (Vardek Crom), mighty High King of Kurgan, meets 2), GW, SoC
Archaon. He chooses to follow this master of Chaos and leaves his tribe to help
Archaon find the last Treasures of Chaos.
Borgio of Miragliano, known as "The Besieger", is murdered in his bath with a WFB
toasting fork.
Winter comes early and this winter (2503-2504) will be harshest winter in 13), LC
decades. Snow will lay on the ground for six months in most of the Empire (even
longer in Kislev and Norsca). This causes the crop to fail and kills livestock.
Eventually this will also starve people to death and cause plagues next spring.
The Norse Longaxe colony destroyed by a horde of skinks (a handful of The Southlands
survivors who survived in a fleeing ship described the scene). Project
2504 Valten is born. SoC
Skaven Invasion of Nuln. Grey Seer Thanquol’s (Skaven) great plot to plunge Slayer, FoN, CotHR,
the Empire into anarchy is thwarted by heroes Gotrek & Felix in Nuln. Skaven WoM
are later said to be Beastmen.
Luthor Huss becomes a Priest of Sigmar. He appears to Sigmarite monastery SoC, WFB, WFRP2
door as young boy.
Grimbor Ironhide, legendary Black Orc Warboss, fights in the fallen dwarfen SoC
realms across the Worlds Edge Mountains killing thousands of Skaven.
During the Pie Week a new extra tax is passed on the Halfling living in TiT
Talabheim - The Short Shrift. This causes fast decrease in Halfling population in
that region.
Waterfront War in Altdorf. Gangwars were Hooks and Fishes fight. Legendary 3), Beast in Velvet,
(and infamous) watch-captain Harald "Filthy" Kleindeinst loses his wife (killed SoE
either by Hooks or Fishes, Altdorf gangs). Shortly after this he kills war chiefs of
both gangs and the war ends.
The Broken Nose Goblins discover Lead Belcher, a Dwarfen multiple cannon, in Goblin
Karak Azgal. Together with the magical Dwarfen trebuchet Skull Crusher, it
helps the tribe rise in prominence in the Badlands.
Melekh, son of a Aesling tribe's blacksmith, fathers a mutant child of his own. 11), SoC
The child's name is Cyspeth, and he is hideously malformed, bearing the shape
of a bird's head in place of his own. Melekh is charged by the tribe's shaman to
learn the true name of a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch. They will both eventually
becomes great champions of Tzeentch and also one of The Four generals of
Feytor, fugitive from the Empire, comes to Norsca. He travels deep in the lands 11), LC, SoC
of Sarls and Sarl minor tribe the Wolf Brothers, who are workshippers of Nurgle.
He is accepted as one of them. He eventually becomes great champion of
Nurgle, Jerg (=chieftain) of the Wolf Brothers tribe and also one of The Four
generals of Archaon.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 5 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
Champion of the Khorne Oleg "Sea of Blood" (Aesling) and his Black Horde 11), PGU
(mostly Graelings) raids the lands of Southern Norsca Tribes. During the
summer their fleet attack Gottborg (future Swerborg) and murder most of the
Swer tribe (Bjornlings). Gustav Swer, Jerg (=Chieftain) of the Swer and Jarl of
the Gottborg, returns back from a raid to Bretonnia with 50 of his men and
discover this massacre. He seeks the help from Ulric and with the help of the
God of battle and winter, he tracks Oleg and kills him and also his Black Horde.
Battle of Cleansing of Sorrol's Canyon. 400 noble knights face 3000 orcs. 9 CC
knights survive. Later Count Marius Leitdorf of Averland commissions and order
to honour the nine survivors and apponts sir Otto Guntallan the first
grandmaster of the order known as the Knights of Black Lynx or Order of the
Black Lynx. Order grows fast.
Sea Lord Aislinn's Dragonship squadron engages a ramschackle fleet near the WFB
Shifting Isles. Despite the foe's arcane machines, the Elves triumph. The
Skaven corpses that wash up on the north-east coast of Ulthuan are gathered
and burnt by the shore patrols.
2505 Actor and Playwright Detlef Sierck is thrown to the Mudson Keep. Under WC1, Drachenfels
patronage of Prince Oswald von Koeningswald (little later Elector Count Oswald
of Ostland), Detlef Sierck is saved from the Mudson Keep. Detlef attemps to
stage his play Drachenfels in Castle Drachenfels itself. Death of disgraced
Oswald von Koeningswald. After this von Tassenincks take Elector status of
Watch-captain Harald "Filthy" Kleindeinst kills Ulli von Tasseninck defending 3), Beast in Velvet
innocent commoner. He is sacked from the Altdorf watch.
Lorenzo Lupo becomes Prince of Luccini. WFB
Siege of Praag: Great Chaos army attacks Praag leaded by champion of Slayer, RotIQ
Tzeentch Arek Demonclaw. Fight is joined by two heroes: Gotrek & Felix and
their companions in autumn (Kislev year 981).
There is uprising in the Skaven lair of Hell Pit. This is caused by the Lurk Slayer
Snitchtongue, Warp changed Skaven.
Tilean engineer Leonardo di Miragliano dies. Engineer
Jarl Thur Haraldursson (Skaeling), adventurer and trader, makes good trade 11)
relations to powerful merchant house in Kislev. He ensures safe trading heaven
in Norsca (in Skaeling lands) to his own village of Turui in the lands of his clan.
Eventually Turui becomes small, but important trading port.
-(2506) Jarl Gustav Swer continues his revenge against the Chaos forces and against 11), PGU
the Northern Tribes. He unites many clans under his flag.
2506 Stench Act from Emperor against Orders of Magic. SoA, SH
Challenge for Supreme Patriarch. Most powerful Magisters gather to the Altdorf 4), WFB, RoS1, RoS2
in the Hall of the Duels. Current Supreme Patriarch Thyrus Gormann (Bright
Order) is undefeated again second time.
Haimreik von Siert becomes Admiral of The Imperia Navy. He is the heir of the SoE
Duchy of Siert, which lies behind the Wasteland's border.
Boris Todbringer becomes Elector Count and Graf of Middenheim after dead of CoC
his father Graf Berthold Todbringer.
In an ironic repeat of history, Melkhior's apprentice, Zacharias, attempts to steal WFB
the Book of Nagash from his master. Melkhior awakes and drives Zacharias
from his tower and pursues him across the Old World.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 6 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
Dieter von Nachttorin, rightful heir of Baron Holmruk, becomes knight in the CC
Order of the Black Lynx. He will later become the grandmaster of the order.
2507 Viscount Leos von Liebwitz, younger brother of Elector Countess Emmanuelle Beast in Velvet, Slayer
von Liebwitz, is one of the most famous and feared duellist in the Empire during
the time (even he is very young). Prince Luitpold (II), son of Emperor
Karl Franz, is his student.
During the festival of Sigmartag mosquitos, borne on an ill wind from the LI
wetlands of teh Midden moors, lay their eggs in the food set out for the festivities
in the village of Flachdorf (situated at the edge of Midden Moors). This will
cause "The Dancing Malady". Soon villagers dance to next settlement and
beyond carrying the malady there. Finally all the settlements south of the
Midden Moors are affected. Finally this massive force of dancers (those that still
live - Many die dancing) threat Carroburg. General von Rau, commander of the
Carroburg garrison, leads his pistolier corps against the dancing rabble. With
him is Xavier Kreb, a priest of Sigmar who realises that peasants are affected by
rear disease connected to the Nurgle. In the battle sight also arrives finally the
high priestess of Shallya, Anja Gustavson. He will try to save peasants, but
General von Rau still orders his men to kill the peasants. Priest Xavier Kreb
joins the slaughter of "the tainted ones".
Lord Magister Alchemist Christa Feldmann (Gold Order) becomes the new RoS1
Magister Matriarch of the Golden Order when last Patriarch of the Order chokes
to death on a chicken bone at a public banquet.
Balthasar Gelt arrives in the busy port of Marienburg. From there he travels to RoS2
the Altdorf and joins the Gold Order. He is accepted into the College
Famous Imperial Engineer Ludwig von Meinkopt dies accidentally. Engineer
Blue Face Orcs gain control over the trade route that passes between the WFB/Goblin
Badlands coast and the Dragonback mountains. They charge tolls to all groups
that travel along the route, often multiple times along the route with threat of
violence. They also hold some of the lands of the Border Princes on the edge of
the Black Gulf.
2508 Beast in Velvet murders in Altdorf that end to infamous Great Fog Riots. Harald Beast in Velvet
Kleindeist is given again watch-captain status by Elector Count Johann von
Mecklenberg. Beast in Velvet case is investigated by Harald Kleindeinst,
Rosanna Ophulus (seer from the church of Sigmar) and young watchman
Helmut Elsaesser. After Fog Riots Rosanna Ophulus leaves church of Sigmar.
King Louen Leoncoeur crushes a massive orc invasion at the Battle of WFB, KoG
Swamphold (Bretonnian year 1530).
Malathrax the Mighty, a massive Doomfire Dragon, terrorises the Reikland. WFB
Several villages are razed, and the Dragon single-handedly destroys the
Knightly Order of teh Ebon Sword. Malathrax is tracked down by the
Huntsmarshal, Markus Wulfhart, and his regiment of monster hunters, and
ambushed whilst resting on the banks of the River Reik. The Dragon is slain
before it can reach the opposite river bank after the Huntsmarshal shoots not
one, but three arrows through its heart.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 7 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu, now a Savage Orc Great Shaman, returns to the Bone WFB/Goblin
Nose tribe where he smites the shaman Wizzbang who expelled him from the
tribe and transforms him into a Squig. Wurrzag then leaves, saying he's off to
find the famously mythical Once and Future Git who will unite the Orcs. Some of
the tribe follow him. Among those that remain with Warboss Gablag
Nosebreaker, a Savage Orc named Wooshum develops shaman powers and
takes over shamanhood of the tribe.
Feytor the Tainted, Champion of Nurgle, Challenges the Jerg (=chieftain) of the 11), LC
Wolf Brothers tribe to a battle. He wins the former Jerg Suolos and becomes
new Jerg.
2509 Warhawk killings in Altdorf. "Filthy" Haralds famous rampage through the city of Warhawk
Altdorf. Infamous Gotrek & Felix are back in Altdorf to leave Felix books/diaries
Gotrek & Felix travel from Altdorf to the far north, in the border of the Chaos ROC: tLatD
Wastes. From there they face Chaos Dwarfs.
Tomb Kings: Settra the Imperishable embarks upon his great purge and begins WFB
new age of conquest to expand realm.
The Bone Nose Orcs, led by Gablag Nosebreaker, ambush an Imperial WFB/Goblin
sponsored research expedition in the Badlands, south of the Marshes of
In Marienburg current Staadtholder Luitpold van Raemerswijk commissioned Marienburg
Tilean artist Ralf Hawkslay to create the map of Marienburg. The Great Map,
which was to be woven as a massive tapestry for the wall of the Staadtholder's
Palace. Hawkslay had three months and he draw panoramas from the great
heights using first Hoogbrug Bridge and then a great kite. Then storm stranded
him in mid-air for a day. He fall and was found as gibbering wreck. His agent
and friend, Tomas Maurise, vowed that the map would be done, and on time.
Then there are rumours of some scandal and van Raemerswijk had Tomas
Maurise burned as a Chaos-worshipper. But strangely the Great Map was
actually found from the tapestry with the mutated body of Hawkslay. Map was
later locked to the temple of Verena.
The deeds of Jarl Gustav Swer has earned him the the surname "Holy Warrior". 11), PGU
A mighty Chaos Lord of Khorne, hailing from the savage Aesling tribes, Hakka 11), WFB
led his warband of mighty Norse warriors and slavering Bloodbeasts into the
Chaos Wastes to earn the right to lead the next great Chaos incursion by
defeating his adversaries. Though the strength and fury of Hakka and his
berserkers was unmatched, it was countered by numbers of his Slaaneshi rival,
Sargath of the Kurgans and his hordes of hedonistic madmen, and the
daemonic magics of Urak the Soulfiend and his coven of southling warlocks.
Finally, the arrival of Tamurkhan the Maggot-Lord, champion of Nurgle, sealed
the fate of the other three armies. Tamurkhan slew the arrogant Sargath, and
the Kurgan's warband was then slaughtered by the Aesling Khornates. The fury
of Hakka and his warriors was then marshaled against the plagued warriors of
Tamurkhan. Against the rage of Khorne, the warriors of Nurgle wavered but did
not break. Hakka, realizing he and his brothers were set against an impossible
foe, roared out his defiance and committed his soul to the Norscan god of battle.
The Khornates fought with all the fury of their race, and many of Tamurkhan's
slaves fell to their northern rage, but in the end, Hakka was swept away from his
fellow warriors by the tide of battle. Though many thousands fell to the whirlwind
fury of his twin axes, Hakka was eventually slain by four Bile Trolls.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 8 Timeline 2500-

©2014 Jackdays Version 001
(-2511) The Onslaught of the Maggot Lord: Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, body-thief and WFB
favoured of Nurgle, leads a mighty incursion of Chaos in a great scything arc
down the Mountains of Mourn and sweeping across the Dark Lands, laying all
desolate in his wake.
Gotrek & Felix are in Sartosa, Tilean port town, when huge Skaven invasion Slayer
2510 A Goblin horde led by the infamous Night Goblin Warboss, Spinny Backstab, WFB, GW
rampages through the farmsteads surrounding Middenheim, razing to the
ground over a hundred farms and villages. Backstab is eventually defeated by
the celebrated Middenmarshal Kurt Heinwald, and the timely intervention of a
steam tank dispatched in haste from Nuln.
Spee boatyards finish building The Emperor Luitpold (Luxure-liner) for Hindelin WC1
Lines. Luitpold is build to move between Altdorf-Bechafen. Also two similar
sister-ships are created: Emperor Wilhelm (Altdorf-Nuln) and Emperor Magnus
The formerly unremarkable Goblin Boss Gorblum Yellowstreak cons an WFB, GW
enchanted crown from an Orc Shaman, utilises its formidable powers of
command to gather an army, and renames himself Gorblum the Magnificant. He
goes on to achieve notoriety as he slaughters a Dwarf throng under King
Thorgrim and rampages across half the Worlds Edge Mountains (Dwarf year
Orc Warlord Gnashrak Badtooth, who has united the Orcs and Goblins of the WFB, GW, D:S&S
eastern Worlds Edge Mountains (and terrorized area past decade), is finally
defeated at the Battle of Broken Leg Gulley by a Dwarf army led by Ungrim
Ironfist of Karak Kadrin. Among the battle is also famous Ogre mercenary
captain Golgfag Maneater who loots the Dwarf Lord's treasure, leading ot the
Ogre's growing infamy (Dwarf year 5510/7033).
Johann von Mecklenberg abdicates the rule of the province of Sudenland to his 5)
cousin, Grand Baroness Etelka Toppenheimer.
The Eldritch Order of the Unblinking Eye cult is exposed before its greates evil ToB
("the great plot"). The majority of its members are burned by the order of
Magistrate Heissman von Bruner, yet some escape this fate.
(-2511) The Onslaught of the Maggot Lord: Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, body-thief and WFB
favoured of Nurgle, leads a mighty incursion of Chaos. With the Chaos Dwarfs
and a horde of nightmarish beasts as his allies, he lays waste to the Border
2511 Knight Order of the High Helms is formed by the Emperor Karl Franz. SOB
The Elector Count of Nordland makes it against the law to live in the old town of LCa
Emskrank. This is because the Neues Emskrank project (populating the new
town of Emskrank).
Graf Dietr Krieghertz becomes Grand Master of the Order of the Blazing Sun, WD
when current Grand Master is reported killed in distant Nehekhara.
Town of Glumhof is burnt to the ground by Forest Goblins. WFB
The Onslaught of the Maggot Lord: Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, body-thief and WFB
favoured of Nurgle, leads a mighty incursion of Chaos to the Empire. He is
defeated at the gates of Nuln.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 9 Timeline 2500-

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Magister and Hedge-Wizard Markus Fischer leaves College as one of their most SoE
talented and powerful Grey Magisters. He later asigned to the Reikland State
Army and also Imperial Guard earning finally the title of Lord Magister.
Middenmarshal Kurt Heinwald dies. 6)
Death of Anika-Elise Nikse, second wife of Boris Todbringer. There are nasty CoC, LoLL
rumours about Ruinous Powers involvement in her sudden death.
The Mere Goblins of Crag Mere attack Imperial forces at Black Fire Pass. They WFB/Goblin
are forced to retreat back along Black Fire Pass to Crag Mere as Imperial
reinforcements threaten to wipe the tribe out. Imperial scouts attempt to follow
the retreating Goblins but lose them in the mountains.
Haargroth, a goat herd from Graeling tribe, finds an ancient axe belonging to a 11), SoC
Beastmen raider. He eventually becomes great champion of Khorne and also
one of The Four generals of Archaon.
Emperor Karl Franz establishes a network of complex signalling devices that are SOB
built on convenient hilltops in lines radiating outwards from Altdorf. First system
will be build between Altdorf and Nuln. These devices are manned towers
(beacons). Work is done by the Dwarfen Engineer's Guild.
The most amount won in a game of Five Knives happens in the Dog's Bark CC
tavern, Nuln. After weeding out the small fry in the opening hour of the game,
the remaining players were Milo Speer (Bögenhafen Gambler), Baron Ranulf
von Bilderburger, Kelber Blue (Averland Merchant) and Captain Antonio Cimino
(Tilean Mercenary Officer). A mound of gold and jeweller had piled between
them on the table. Ath then end Milo Speer wins over a thousand Crowns,
innumerable heirlooms, the title deeds to the Bilderburger family mansion and
captaincy of the "Flashing Blades" (Captain Cimino regiment). Speer becomes
renowned officer later.
2512 There are some deaths and scandal among the most powerful families in SOB/TEW, SH
Bögenhafen. This involves actions of unknown group of heroes. Also there is
rumours about Ruinous Powers involvement.
Crown Prince Hergard von Tasseninck of Ostland starts his journey into the SOB/TEW, EaW/TEW
Grey Mountains. Later he is reported killed in there. Elector Count Hals von
Tasseninck blames the Talabecland Grand Duke for his son's death. This lead
to conflicts between these two provinces.
Emperor Karl Franz issues the Mutant Edict. EaW/TEW
During the spring waves of raiders led by the Sea-kings of the tribes of Norsca, 11), WFB
arrive across the Sea of Claws by longship to assail the coastlines of Nordland
and Ostland. Other, more formidable warbands came out of the Northern
Wastes. Some of these warbands were particularly large, their numbers swollen
with heavily armoured warriors that openly bore the foul mutations of Chaos.
They drove through the lands of Kislev, but the nomadic tribesmen made elusive
targets, so the despoilers travelled further south to the richer plunder of the
Empire. Tales of marauding Giants or village-destroying attacks by winged
monstrosities, creatures of legend that had not been seen with any frequency for
several generations, were once again commonplace in Ostland and Ostermark.
Emperor Karl Franz sents across the Old World for the best shipbuilders to SoE
increase the quality of the Reikland fleet (First Fleet). The Shipwrights' Guild
tooks steps to limit the Emperor, but he would not be denided, and soon many
Reiklander shipwrights found themselves unemployed. Now Duke Leopold von
Bildhofen of Carroburg saw his opportunity and employed them. This was the
beginning of Carroburg Fleet, which is not supported by Middenheim or the

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Emperor Karl Franz helds discussion with Grand Baron Gausser of Nordland SoE
and Baron Köhler of Dietershafen. They come to an agreement about the
Imperial Second Fleet (or Northern Fleet). This is build inside a next decade.
Skaven sappers completely destroy Castle Wittgenstein and retrieve the CotHR, DotR/TEW
Warpstone stored there.
Eight Chaos Sorcerers reach foothills of Middle Mountains and strange cave OoW
called The Fanged Cave. In there they open rift to the Realm of Chaos itself.
From there mighty army of Daemons come to real world and advance to teh
villages, towns and forts of Ostland, which is supprised by this attack. Later Hunt
Captain Octavius Grouff and his veteran huntsmen found the cave. They
succeed on killing the sorcerers and rift is closed. Also many Daemons in across
the Osland fade away. Even Hunt Captain Grouff survives this attack he is later
taken to the Wulfenburg sanatorium and cave is not anymore found.
Given inspiration and counsel by the whispering voice in his head, Azhag the WFB, GW, EaW/TEW,
Slaughterer, gathers a huge army of Orcs and Night Goblins. He will eventually WD
lead this army to the northern Empire razing the town of Kohlizt. During the time
of this invasion is famous Battle of Osterwald. Otto Blucher commanded the
Imperial side. His hand was bolstered by the presence of Ludwig Swartzhelm,
Wolfgang Greiss, Franz Wagner and the Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim.
Against them stood Azhag the Slaughterer and his army of Orc and Goblin
During the Middenheim Carneval there is rumours of devious schemes at the CoC/TEW
court. In the following weeks, however, Graf Boris Todbringer seems to tighten
his grip on the city-state.
Wood Elves: Naieth the Prophetess has a vision showing the Death of Athel WFB
Loren. Ariel directs the nobles of the forest to begin hunting the Beastmen in the
wider world.
The Ghoul Swarms blight Stirland. WFB
The spring festival of Bordeleaux is disrupted when four peasants dressed as a WFB
dragon accidentally slay the peasant playing the "Grail Knight". This quickly
descends into a town-wide riot, as the peasantry run amok, some say addled by
wine supplied by Duke Alberic. This lends wieght to the Bretonnian phrase "as
rare as the sober man of Bordeleaux" (Bretonnian year 1534).
Strange group of people from north (the northern Empire, Middenheim) arrives LoLL
to Vitrolle in Border Princes (close to Mad Dog Pass).
Rodrigo Jose Eusebio from Estalia comes to Deadgate (Karak Azgal) and opens KA
the Birdcage Theatre.
Merchant Bruno Widmann comes to Deadgate (Karak Azgal) from Nuln. He is KA
the only surviving member of a doomed trade caravan. Ashamed to return home
in disgrace, he decides to settle in Deadgate (Karag Azgal). Bruno takes over
the fighting business and creates pit fighting ring with owner of the Ice Maiden
Dmitri Markov, who is also powerful criminal boss in Deadgate (Karak Azgal).
Fighting ring is called the Pit of Blood.
Broken Nose Goblins, in possession of Skull Crusher and Lead Belcher from the WFB
Dwarfs, build up power in the Badlands, based around Karak Azul. The Crooked
Moon Goblins, lead by Skarsnik, continue to hold Karak Eight Peaks, Karak Azul
and Barak Varr to siege. Skarsniks power continues to grow and clashes with
the Broken Nose Goblins and Red Fang Orcs grow more frequent.
Blue Face Orcs continue to control the trade route that passes between the WFB/Goblin
Badlands coast and the Dragonback mountains, as well as parts of the Border
Princes coast.

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The Undead legions of Imrathepis, the Crimson King of Numas, stride out of the WFB
Land of the Dead, sweeping through the Badlands and into the Mountains of
Mourn. The Tomb King is defeated after the Thunderhoof Tribe unleashes a
Rhinoxen herd into the narrow Daggertooth Valley, crushing the skeletal army to
powdered bones.
Ruler of Magritta, Estalia, is King Carlos IX. Rumoured to be puppet-king. Marienburg
Ruler of Bilbali, Estalia, is Queen Juana la Roja. Marienburg
High King of Norsca is Svein of Olricstaad (Skaeling). Marienburg
Ruling houses/families (the Ten, Great Families...etc.) of Marienburg Directorate Marienburg
include: Van de Kuypers, van Onderzoeker, de Roelef, van Haagen, van
Scheldt, van Raemerswijk, Fooger (Dwarf), van den Nijmenk, den Euwe and
Magister Patriarch of the Order of Light dies suddenly in Tilea. Lord Magister RoS1
Hubert Grünwald is chosen to be next Patriarch of the Order.
Battle of Skorlm. Jarl Gustav "Holy Warrior" Swer and his army fights Army of 11), PGU
Khorne (Aeslings and Graelings) defending the Skaeling lands that they have
invaded. In Skorlm Gustav's forces are surrounded by the enemy, when
suddenly Mount Vanir explodes doing damage to Khorne forces and giving new
divine power to Gustav's men. With this power they win Khornate force. It is said
that this power comes from Olric himself.
Elementalist Christoph Adler, leader of the "Modernists" movement, founds new LiT:TRoE
patron for Elementalism: Feldmarschall Marius Leitdorf of Streissen.
Walther Flieser, a rat catcher from Grunburg, discoveres that mayor of LM
Grunburg, Meinhart Gierig, is actually Tzeentch cultist. This causes eventually
rebellion joined by the militia and killing of Chaos workshippers. During the riots
also innocent people die and town is se aflame. Inferno destroys also ancient
Temple of Sigmar and its collection of sacred relics. Imperial forces are needed
to ensure peace. Later rat catcher Walter Flieser flees town mutated now.
Burgomeister Philip Adler is appointed as the administrative head of Stromdorf tGS
by the ruling family von Jungfreuds. He is self-made man, who has made a
fortune in the textile business and also married a distant relative of the von
Jungfreud noble family.
Baugard the Rash, of Bretonnia, launches an attack upon the Empire to avenge WFB
an insult done to his infamously ugly wife by the visiting Elector Count of
Averland, Marius Leitdorf. The short-lived crusade is ended before the walls of
Helmgart when the knights are bloodily repulsed by the keep's massed
Hellblaster Volley Gun batteries.
Grim winter. With the harsh weather came ravenous packs of unnatural WFB
warhounds, leaving their hunting grounds in the far north to savage herd
animals or maul unwary travellers.
2513 Baron Stefan Todbringer, heir to Middenheim, dies in his sleep after a long EaW/TEW, AoM

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The Imperial Navy sent an armada of warships to the Sea of Claws, braving the 11), WFB
many leviathans and sea monsters that had begun to appear in greater
numbers. Admiral Kronenheim led the fleet, seeking to sink any marauders long
before they could make landfall. Nordland redoubled its coastal patrols, but
Ostland took the most aggressive steps. Commanded by Valmir von Raukov,
the fiery Elector Count, the grand principality of Ostland prepared for the onset
of war. Von Raukov was everywhere, mustering new state troops, bolstering the
border forts, and rallying his troops to meet the enemy head on. It was he who
suggested reprisal raids, taking the fight into Norsca itself. The first counter-
attack set forth in 2513, returning late in the year with the broken prows of seven
longships and the carven beams of a Great Hall as proof of the destruction of
several coastal villages. Many hail von Raukov as a true hero of Ostland and
toasted his name. Others protest, saying such audacity would draw the ire of the
barbarians, or even, some dared to whisper, the attention of their foul gods.
Magister Patriarch of Celestial Order Hildegard Niederthaler names Lord 7), RoS1, RoS2
Magister Stern Glanzend the next Patriarch of Order.
Challenge for Supreme Patriarch. Most powerful Magisters gather to the Altdorf 4), WFB, RoS1, RoS2
in the Hall of the Duels. Current Supreme Patriarch Thyrus Gormann (Bright
Order) is undefeated again third time.
Azhag the Slaughterer horde is routed by Count von Raukov's companies in EaW/TEW
Battle of Aver Vale. On an Angestag morning, in the month of Brauzeit, the army WD
of Dwarf Lord Durnatz Duran faced the Orc Warlord King Uggo's hordes.
Notable for the use of Dwarfen Thwopters.
Open Civil-War breaks between Ostland and Talabecland. Also other provinces EaW/TEW
start taking their sides. There is also differences between Ulricans and
Sigmarite. Also there are Chaos cultist plots and Beastmen raids sametime. In
the end (when war is finally over) Grand Conference commences in Altdorf.
There are many changes among the Electors and ruleships over the Provinces.
Magister Patriarch of the Order of Light Hubert Grünwald dies suddenly, just 8), RoS2, RoS1, GW,
after one year of service. Youngest and most gifted Magister ever in any of the WFB, LC
Empires Colleges of Magic, Egrimm Van Horstmann, is elected as new
Patriarch. Unknown to everyone he is also servant of Tzeentch and actually
killed former Patriarch.
Lucretia Belladonna poisons her seventh husband, the Prince of Pavona. WFB
The plan of the Skaven Master Moulder; Throt the Unclean, to capture a WFB
Mutalith Vortex Beast is thwated when his army of Rat Ogres approaches the
beast and are mutated into piles of black-bodied worms and pulsing eyeballs.
Towns and forts along both sides of the Grey Mountains begin to disappear due WFB
to Skaven attacks. The Empire and Bretonnia suspect each other. Although
tensions are raised between nations, only border skirmishes have thus far taken
2514 Magister Patriarch (Wild Father) of the Amber Brotherhood Kerwen Sigmarsson RoS1, RoS2
is killed by the shaman of a particularly large and succesful Beastmen herd.
Lord Magister Setanta Lobas is chosen to be next Patriarch of the Order.

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After the dead of Baernsonling King both Bran Bearheart, Jarl and Jerg 11)
(=chieftain) of Ursfjording clan (minor tribe) from Urslo and Huern, Jarl and Jerg
(=chieftain) of the Wolf clan (minor tribe) from Vinteerholm claim the crown. Both
tribes are powerful enough and this leads to skirmishes between these minor
tribes and four year period when Baernsonlings do not have a official King.
Because Baernsonlings are divided there are many attacks by the Aeslings
during this period. This will eventually lead to a civil-war between these minor
tribes in 2518.
Jarl Gustav "Holy Warrior" Swer ends his "crusade" (or war) against the Chaos 11), PGU
forces of Aeslings, Graelings and Vargs. He returns to Gottborg and soon after
this is crowned as king of Bjornlings. He renames Gottborg as Swerborg making
it his capital (not Frost). After four months he is crowned as the High King, even
only Bjornlings, Sarls and Skaelings are under his ruling (belong to Midgard -
High Kings realm).
To the initiative of the Emperor, a diplomatic meeting is started between the PGU
Empire, Kislev and the Norsca (Bjornlings). The chivalric order the the Holy
Union is founded.
Elementalist Christoph Adler, and the "Modernists" (Elementalists), enjoy the LiT:TRoE
support of Marius Leitdorf of Streissen when he becomes Elector Count of
The Elector Count Valmir von Raukov and his son Oleg von Raukov continue to 11), WFB
raid Norse coastline. They raze Aarvik and Ulfennik to the ground. Only Aarvik is
rebuild after this. All of Norsca curse the Oleg's name. They return home late
this year.
2515 Chaos incursions start to increase once again. The attack on the Empire is 11), WFB, GW
unlike anything seen in recent memory. The roiling storms within the Realm of
Chaos burst forth with unbridled fury. The skies blaze with multi-coloured
lightning, seeringly vibrant against the oncoming blackness. Spring meltings
brought a wave of northern barbarians, although in fact this was little more than
the displaced tribes that had been driven away by the growing wars further
north. Encouraged by the rampant Winds of Chaos, more attacks followed. An
army descended from Norsca across the Sea of Claws. It set towns along the
coasts of Nordland ablaze, but was not large or bold enough to threaten the
major cities and keeps. Another even larger host plunged southwards on a
broad front into Kislev, causing a swathe of destruction. Although much
momentum dissipated in the endless steppes, some of the farflung warbands of
that wave bypassed the border forts of Ostland and caused much havoc in that
province. The third attack was led by Prince Sigvald the Magnificent. Sigvald's
army blazed through Kislev and into Ostland on a three month rampage until it
was finally blunted at the battle of the Temple of Skulls. A coalition of many
Imperial states had come to aid the beleaguered province of Ostland, who,
beset by so many dangers had put forth a call for help. But these attacks are
just a foreshadowing of what was to come.
There is border rife between the Empire and Bretonnia in the Grey Mountains WFB
during the winter 2514-1515. The Emperor Karl Franz summons the Elector
Count Valmir von Raukov to his help in the beginning of the year.
Provincial rulers gather to Altdorf on 25th Pflugzeit to ratify the agreement done EaW/TEW
after Civil-War (2513) and verify that its terms were carried out. This is called
later the Volkshalle Edict.

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Azhag the Slaughterer, and his horde, meets his end at the Battle of Osterwald. WFB, GW, WD
He is finally stopped and killed by Seneschal Kessler and Grand Master Werner
von Kriegstad of the Knights Panther in single combat. Azhag's powerful
magical crown is recovered and finally taken to Altdorf where it remains in the
care of the Cult of Sigmar.
Arch Lector Kurt Mannfeld crusade against the north. Baernsonling King Beorg 11), WFB
Bearstuck joins gladly the Chaos armies of Warlord Archaon. One of the famous
fights where his Bearmen of Urslo are involved is The Battle of the Monoliths
were they meet the armies of Arch-Lector Mannfeld of Nuln. The soldiers of the
Empire, Kislevites and Dwarfs are horrified to find themselves confronted by
men in half-bear shape, snarling and tearing like the savages they were.
Amongst them all was the towering shape of Beorg. Arch-Lector Kurt Mannfeld
is not heard anymore.
Lord Mortkin starts his great invasion. This was no warm-weather raid, content 11), WFB
merely to plunder the rich lands of the south. At its head was Lord Mortkin, a
favoured scion of Chaos, a king of kings and leader of many tribes. This horde
of iron-bound warriors, barbaric tribes, and hell-spawned Daemons was the
most powerful army to cross the borders of the Empire in an age. Among the
Lord Mortkins army is Kargharak (leader of the Daemonhost), Covenmaster
Zakhar (The Coven of the Eternal Eye), Hothgar (Chaos Dwarf forge-sorcerer),
Lord Hackbile (leader of the Plague Army) and Ul-Ruk the Red (leader of the
Beastman Horde). Army ravages the Kislev, Ostland, but is finally stopped at the
city of Volganof. Slaughter at Volganof. There the army is finally defeated by the
defenders and the Reiksguard relief force (leaded by Grand Master Kurt Helborg
and the champion Ludwig Schwarzhelm). Among the dead is the leader of the
Ostland forces, Oleg von Raukov. Also Lord Mortkin dies.
Mighty army of Waaagh! Goretoof moves over Middenland and finally reaches WD
the Middenheim. For sometime city is under siege. Waaagh! Goretoof Siege of
The Battle of Blüdhof. Skaven Morskittar, Lord Warlock of Clan Skryre, puts into WD
motion a scheme to create weapon of untold power. For this he needs special
rare meteoric iron, which his scouts report to be in the bell of the Empire town of
Blüdhof, which is located in the towns great tower. Morskittars emissary Ikit
Claw forms army and travels to this town. During the night-raid Skrish
Charwhiskers, spy and assassin of Lord Kritislik, tries to shoot Ikit failing and
also alerting the town defenders. Town survives the night-raid and Skaven
retreat finally. When Ikit orders a new attack next day, suddenly knights come to
help the town of Blüdhof. Dietr Krieghertz, Grand Master of the Order of the
Blazing Sun, had been travelling from Talabheim with a relief army to distant
Middenheim, which is still under siege from Waaagh! Goretoof. Among the
forces of Dietr Krieghertz is Amethyst Magister Albrecht Mausman, Talabheim
Pistolkorps Captain Markus von Stahlburg (sun of the renowed general Baron
Otto von Stahlburg), Sigmar Warrior-Priest Kurt Sternbach, Preceaptor Klaus
Valhoff (commander of the Reiksguard unit) and finally Sergeant Freidrich
Weisshelm (leader of Weishelm's Sharpswords).
Beastlord Graktar destroys Gortsburg and Leitenbad, but is defeated at Battle of WFB
A peasant named Huebald Ariadne from the beasts of the forest - only the thrid WFB
peasant born ever to hae attained knighthood. He does not survive his first
battle (Bretonnian year 1537).

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Sister Griselda von Velten, from Sisters of Faith and Chastity (lesser Sigmarite ToS
order), is visited by Morr during the Sisters march down Volker Weg during the
Sonnstill Parade in Altdorf. She suddenly falls shaking and whisperers that the
End is coming.
Stola Ormanoff founds Jewel of Kislev Distillery (and also Kvas known for same RotIQ
name) in Kislev. This kvas will eventually become most famous drink in Kislev
(Kislev year 991).
Altdorf Press publishes "Felix Jaegar from My Travels With Gotrek (First Slayer
Episodes)". This is done by Otto Jaeger without Felix permission.
The Skaven burrow of Fester Spike is attacked by a Dwarf expidition seeking to WFB
reclaim one of the lost Hammers of Valaya. Grey Seer Thanquol attempts to
summon a Vermin Lord of the Horned Rat. Instead, he mistakenly conjours the
legion of the Bloodthirster, Skarbrand, which then rampages through both Dwarf
and Skaven armies. Blood runs in swift rivers as Thanquol makes a timely
escape (Dwarf year 5515/7038).
Middenheim (and the Church of Ulric) sends an Ulrican delegation to Skorlm to 11), PGU
help build a temple of Ulric close to Mount Vanir where "Fire of Ulric" is located.
Vilitch the Curseling incinerates Tzeskagrad with balefire, the Sorcerer's WFB
laughter infecting even those who are caught in the flames.
Captain Allard von Mordenland has engagement with Tileans and losts his eyes SoE
because Shrapnel ruins them. He is stationed after this in The Stone Frigate,
Von Nachttorin, Baron of Holmruk dies. Because rightful heir, Dieter von CC
Nachttorin, is serving in the Knights of the Black Lynx his cousin Karl becomes
Andreas von Bruner is handed the keys to the Grunewald Lodge manor (located ToA
in the Reikland). Andreas is the second son of a cousin of Graf Sigismund,
patriarch of the very powerful von Jungfreud family.
In the Dark Lands Skaven Trentch Craventail begins to carve himself a WFB
reputation for greatness.
Ungrim Ironfist beats, captures and then ultimately releases Golgfag Maneater, WFB
saying it would be more sporting to hunt him down later (Dwarf year 5515/7038).
2516 Beastlord Graktar is defeated in challenge by Khazrak. WFB
The Empire stoods on the brink of civil war as Theoderic Gausser - the Elector 4), WFB
Count of Nordland - soughts to enact his territorial ambitions against
neighbouring Hockland. The Emperor asks Balthasar Gelt to intervene on his
behalf, and hi travels to the Nordland's capital of Castle Salzenmund. Gelt
secretly transmutes the gold earnmarked for Theoderic's armies and
mercenaries into worthless bars of lead before returning to Altdorf on the back of
a Pegasus. The hired swords refused to fight without payment and the looming
threat of civil war is narrowly averted. In revenge, Theoderic has sworn he will
have Gelt's head.
After dead of sister Griselda von Velten last year, and month of heated ToS
communication with Grand Theogonist Volkmar, the Sisters of Faith and
Chastity repair for upcoming mysterious war.

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Shame of Light Order. Finally Van Horstmann, Patriarch of the Order of Light, is 8), RoS2, GW, WFB,
revealed to be servant of Ruinous Powers. This is done by another Light Order LC, LM
magister Verspasian Kant (Tilean), with the help of Grand Theogonist Volkamar.
Van Horstmann escapes Altdorf with help of Chaos Dragon Baudros, which he
freeds from the magical prison beneath the Pyramid of Light in Altdorf. He later
on creates infamous fortress Egrimm's Towers in the Screaming Hills on the
Wastes. There he teaches the magic and power of Tzeentch gathering powerful
workshippers (they are called the Cabal, who are warrior-wizards).
The son fo Aldebrand Ludenhof, Elector Count of Hochland, falls ill with a WFB
mysterious illness. He is treated by a cloaked doctor who instructs him to drink a
potion should the symptoms return. Upon drinking the tainted elixir, he is
transformed into a hideous mutant that slaughters a dozen of the Count's most
trusted advisors before sloping off to the north to obey its new master, Festus
the Leechlord.
2517 Beastlord Khazrak now embarks on serie of raids across Drakwald, sacking the WFB
settlements of Jagerhausen, Immelscheld, and Arenburg, and completely razing
the castle of Graf Sternhauer outside Grimminhagen.
Tzar Radii Bokha dies fighting in the Troll Country against Kurgan army GW, RotIQ, WoM
of Hetzar Feydaj. Tzarina Katarin “Ice Queen” Bokha is crowned (Kislev year
Luminary Konrad Mauer (Light Wizard) moves to Averheim. TEWv2
Nephew of Duc Folcard D'Montfort, young knight errant Hernault Clairvaux, OoW
decides to attack Imperial garrison in the Axe Bite Pass with his knights.
Imperial fortress of Helmgart is lead by man calling himself Otto l'Magnifique and
his mercenaries. Knight Hernault takes the fortress of Helmgart with his mighty
assault, but soon new imperial army is sent to the pass. This army is lead by the
famous Grandmashal of the Reiksguard and Reiksmarshal of Karl Franz's
armies, Kurt Helborg. Knight Hernault faces Imperials outside the fortress. The
Bretonnians lose the battle. Knight Errant Hernault is expelled from his uncle's
province and Bretonnia itself. Later rumours persist that a young Bretonnian
knight has founded "Neuvan Montfort" in the Border Princes (Bretonnian year
The first sighting of the Black Knight, Mallobaude, said to have attended the WFB, BoD
court of the noble Aucassin in Mousillon (Bretonnian year 1539).
Freida Cooper, leader and the founder of The Dyke (Manann fanatical sect) ToS
dies. Her followers start waiting for the great flood. One follower, Nathander,
gathers people to the Middle Mountains building a large ship.
Karl Richthofen inherites the huge family fortune and foundry in Nuln FoN
(Richthofen Foundry).
The Troll King Throgg gathers the monsters of the north to his side and begins 11), WFB
his war against the civilized world.
The Battle of Bones. The Vampire Lord Zacharius the Everliving raises an army WFB
of Skeletons and Zombie Dragons and attacks Wissenland. The Empire forces,
hard pressed to hold back the terrifying hordes, believe they are doomed when
a second Undead host approaches from the south to surround them. However,
this army, led by a mummified king, instead bolsters the faltering Empire line
and together they drive the shambling hordes of Zacharias back.
Battle of Bloodspine Woods. Emperor Karl Franz leads and army into the heart WFB
of the Reikwald to eradicate the Spiderclaw tribe of Goblins.

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The long-lost Chameleon Skink Oxyotl mysteriously returns to Lustria, having WFB
been lost since the fall of Pahuax. This coincides with the spontaneous and
unheralded spawning of Chameleon Skinks in the ruined city - the first in many
thousand years.
2518 Graf Boris Todbringer hunts great beastman herd leaded by powerful WFB, SH
commander Khazrak and stab Khazrak’s one eye in the Battle of Elsterweld.
After that Beastlord is known by the name Khazrak "The One-Eye".
The Forest Goblins are stirred up when humans aproach upon the Black Pit. WFB
The Battle for the Drakvald is begun.
Grimbor kills single-handedly Rat Ogres of Clan Moulder. Tiring of Skaven he SoC
turns against the Kurgan tribes / Chaos Marauders of North.
Artur Malleus, leader and the founder of the Malleuns (Sigmarite fanatical sect) ToS
dies. After that large sect is just getting bigger and lives on. They speak against
the Karl Franz and about "True Hammer", what will eventually come back.
The Branchwraith Drycha attacks several villages in the vicinity of Parravon, WFB
leaving neither survivors nor a hint of motive (Bretonnian year 1540).
Schloss Kroppenleben in Wissenland is attacked and destroyed by strange OoW
creatures. A diary of unknown writer, possibly Konrad Proll - Master of the
Castle Armoury, is found detailing some strange events before the castle.
War between Baernsonling clans (minor tribes) of the Wolf and Ursfjordings (the 11), WFB
Bearmen of Urslo). Beorg, son of Bran and leader of Ursfjordings, kills Ulsdau
and Graill who are the twin sons of Huern, Jerg (=chieftain) of the Wolf. During
this battle he changes to a Bear, becoming werekin. Beorg is now considered to
be Bearstruck, blessed by the Great Bear, which is the mark of lordship
amongst his people. Ursfjordings win the war. After this Huern, Jerg (=chieftain)
of the Wolf clan, gathered few of the remaining loyal followers and hided deep in
the mountains. Beorg Bearstruck, Jerg (=chieftain) of the Ursfjorndings,
appointed new Jarl in the Vinteerholm, which was the capital of the Wolf clan.
Feytor the Tainted, Champion of Nurgle and the Jerg (=chieftain) of the Wolf 11), LC
Brothers Tribe (known as the Decayed Ones) meets Archaon.
Sigvald the Magnificent, Geld-Prince of Slaanesh, has the township of 11), WFB
Chamburg razed to the ground because the wine it produced was no to his
Wilhelm Brehnsson publishes "Myths the Cities Forgot" where he describes 12)
Sunstill celebration where he was involved in 2512 and also the Chant of
Vampire Zacharias eventually hides in the Middle Mountains, but his lair is found WFB
by a Black Dragon. Zacharias slays it and uses the Dragon's carcass as a
mount, returning to Melkhior's tower and defeating his former master.
Golgfag Maneater's reputation grows to such an extent that all Ogre WFB
mercenaries take the name "Maneater", finding that it leads to more frequent
employ. Many fake "Golgfags" spring up across the known world as a result.
Cultists of Tzeentch succeed on a powerful summoning ritual in the Auerswald LM
opening gates to the Realm of Chaos. Daemonic horders burst in the streets of
town. It takes two weeks to Imperial army to cleanse the streets and a further
year before priests completely purified the town.

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The Martyrs of Taalfjord. The Chaos warhost of Grakthor Flameaxe is WFB
vanquished when Volkmar the Grim arrives with an army of ten thousand
Flagellants. Riding atop the War Altar of Sigmar, the Grand Theogonist leads
them across the River Talabec, into the heart of the enemy force. The river runs
red with the blood of the slain, and at battle's end, only a score of Flagellants,
and Volkmar himself, are left standing.
Lord Throt the Unclean and his army from Hell Pit fight Chaos Lord Aelfric WFB
Cyenwulf and his barbarian force. Cyenwulf later leads his army to opposite
way. Preferring to take on the might of Kislev rather than the mutated beasts of
Clan Moulder.
Siege of Urkh. Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg armies are involved. His trusted SotE
preceptor of the Ninth Company of the Reiksguard, Leofric von Skarr, loses his
2519 Battle of a Hundred Cannons. A Goblin horde assails Zhufbar without warning WFB, GW
but fails to breach the defences. An army from Karaz-a-Karak rapidly marches
to the beleaguered hold’s aid. The Goblins are quickly dispersed, but actually
flee a greater threat. Within weeks a powerful Ogre army bypasses Karak
Kadrin and marches on the Moot. The armies of Karaz-a-Karak, Karak Kadrin
and Zhufbar unite under High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer and give battle as
the Ogres ford the River Aver. Just as the Ogres turn at bay, their forces divided
by the river, and army of Men from Nuln arrives on the scene. Caught between
Dwarfs and Men, the Ogre ranks are swept by the largest concentration of
artillery yet seen in the Old World and utterly destroyed.
To revenge Khazrak the One-Eye ambushes Graf Boris Todbringer's army WFB, SH
outside Norderingen, and stabs his right eye out. Feud goes on. Count gives 10
000 crown reward on Khazrak’s head.
Respected and affluent professor Ehrwig von Dankien, from the Arcane History WoM
of Altdorf University, makes perilous journey to the Lustria. His ship, Sigmar's
Crown, set sail from ALtdorf in the spring. His goal is to research the glyphs
(texts) of the Old Ones and he succeeds on that in the abandoned temple-city of
Pahuax on the Cactus Coast. Von Dankien discoveres the truth and origin of all
The bearer of the Standard of Bretonnia, Armand, becomes the Duke of WFB
Aquitaine at the King's order (Bretonnian year 1541).
Boot Tax Riots. CC
Tibaldus Marsarius de Vela (Patriarch of the de Vela banking house) becomes WC2
Prince of Tobaro after dead of his late uncle the Prince of Tobaro. During the
election there are rumours of heavy bribery.
Dead frogs rain from the sky across the eastern Grismarie valley. This is seen BoD
as a dire portent, and there is much agitation among the peasant of Mousillon
(Bretonnian year 1541).
Karitamen awokes a second time. LoLL
Hrofil Halfdane (Sarl), templar of Son of Manann, becomes commander of the ToS
order, the Grand Admiral.
Tyeddi Bearsson (Baernsonling), brother of Beorg Bearstuck, from the clan 11), WFB
(minor tribe) of Ursfjordings (the Bearmen of Urslo), leaves Norsca and travels
to the Empire. After many adventures he settles to Nuln. He is now considered
to be "the Black Sheep" of the family in Norsca.

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There are stories that mysterious wizard Väinö, Northern Druid, has again 11)
appeared in the lands of Norsca to warn the tribes about the coming of Chaos
(and Archaon).
Famous Norse adventurer Siegfried Helgenheimer (Bjornling) retires to the town 11), KA
of Deadgate (Karak Azgal) and opens a smithy called Siegfried's Arms and
Armour. His specialty is Axe of Norsca. Very expensive, but extremely well
balanced Battle Axe. Siegfried also gives advices, especially about Karak Azgal.
He has fought now almost every monster that can be found from the Old World
and even beyond.
The Battle of a Thousand Skulls. Wulfrik the Wanderer (Sarl) kills King Torgald 11), WFB, Wulfrik
(Aesling). During the victory banquet he boasts that he is the mightiest mortal
warrior of all, and is then cursed, by the Dark Gods, to wander the world to
prove his claim. His first mission is to kill tomb lord Khareops. For this he
gathers huge force of reavers to attacks the Daemon Fortress of Baga Yar
(Skaeling) to get mighty sky-ship sorcerer has created. Two hundred of his men
die in the attack, but Wulfrik gets the mighty enchanted ship, which he will call
now Seafang.
Slaughter at the Six Spikes. Despite the heroic actions of Kurt Helborg, the WFB
Empire barely manage to hold back a tide of monsters during the Slaughter at
the Six Spikes. The Beastmen army is only narrowly defeated when Balthasar
Gelt draws upon the raging Storm of Magic to transmute the Chaos host into a
forest of gilded statues.
Archaon's Coronation. The shadowy figre known ase the Dark Master presides LC, SoC, WFB
over Archaon's blasphemous coronation. Be’lakor and Warlord of Chaos
Archaon meet first time.
Jarl Vignar, powerful Aesling warrior, becomes Champion of the Blood God. He 11), TTT
has gained his fame from many raids against the Hold of Kraka Drak,
Baersonlings and to the Troll Country. He severes his ties with his people and
ventures into the Chaos Wastes to join Archaon Everchosen in his war against
the Empire. Dark Legends tell that Vignar leaded his Warband to the Kislev in
the wake of the Incursion, but then he disappeared.
2520 The Third Battle of Black Fire Pass. Orc horde leaded by Orc Warlord Vorgaz TEWv2, BFP, WFB,
Ironjaw tries to invade the Empire. Elector Count of Averland Marius Leitdorf GW, SH, WoM, Slayer
"Mad Lord of Averland" is killed with most of the Averland’s Greatswords
(Landsknects), when completely surrounded by the huge tide of Greenskins.
The commander of the Averheim Greatswords is famous Captain Marcus
Baerfast. They death brings enough time to Reiksguard Knights, leaded by
Emperor Karl Franz himself, to smash the Orcs. Among the Empire folk is also
Captain Zacharius Gucklhorn who later writes his memoirs about the war.
Among the armies is also Gravin Clothilde von Alptraum serving as volunteer at
a Shallyan hospice. Grandmaster Caspian Rodor from the Order of the Black
Bear dies alongside Elector Count Marius.
During the invasion of Warlord Vorgaz Ironjaw, the legendary Dwarf brewery of Slayer
Olgep Wynters falls to Greenskins. Also Olgep himself is killed. Grudi Halfhand
(former Master-Brewer Grudi Wynters from the brewery and son of Olgep)
survives the attack and becomes Slayer.

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Sir Dieter von Nachttorin becames a stalwart Black Lynx. He gains a ruthless CC
reputation for his prowess in battle against orc and goblin war parties. Sir Dieter
ascended to the grandmaster’s position during the Averland orc invasions and
succeeded Sir Gustav Kelnheil, who dies when orcs twelve times their number
overwhelmed his patrol at the Battle of the Parlak Gorge. Sir Dieter organises a
retreat and slows the orcs until other Mountain Guard troops come to the
survivors’ aid. His stand on Tharln’s Gap – holding the bridge alone with only a
lance and sword against two score orcs until bowmen allowed his own retreat –
becomes legendary.
The Bretonnian's Year of Woe. Tzeentch sents Kairos Fateweaver to steal teh WFB
twelve enchanted artefacts once possessed by the companions of Gilles le
Breton. So important is this goal to Tzeentch that he dispatches the greater part
of his armies to the mortal plane. Tombs of companions are ransacked, nearby
towns razed and countless thousands of Bretonnians - high and low born alike -
die at the tentacles of Tzeentchian Daemons. Castles give no defence, for their
crude stones are easily tumbled by the sorceries of Pink Horrors or transmuted
by the warpfires of Flamers. Only at Grail shrines, where the power of the Lady
still holds strong, can give shelter. Worse, with each artefact recovered,
Fateweaver's Daemons grow even more powerful. In the initial battles about
Montfort and Quenelles, the lances and valour of the Bretonnian Knights cost
the Daemonic host greatly. By the time of eight artefacts had been lost, only the
boldest dukes would even consider taking the field. In the twelth month, with
only single artefact outside of Fateweavers cluthes, only King Louen chanced
his arm -and he lost far more battles than he won. Finally battle is Siege of
Moussillon where the last artefact is. In there, suddenly, also Nurgle joins the
battle sending K'gath Plaguefather to lead the his Daemon host. In there
Tzeentch host and Nurgle host and Bretonnians fight until both leaders of
Daemonic host are destroyed and both Daemon armies vanish.
Graf Friedrich von Kaufman from Averheim, sends expedition to the Southlands TEWv2
via Marienburg. This expedition is head by famous explorer Johann
Templemann. They will travel to the small imperial enclave of Sudenberg and
explore one year the tropical jungles and their temples. During one of these
journeys Johann Templemann mysteriously will not return.
The army of Baron Kreiglitz marches to the foothills of the Black Mountains OoW
during the summer. His goal is to retake his long lost family castle. Baron
succeeds on this.
Be’Lakor, disquised as Dark Master, seeks to escape his curse once again. He SoC, LC
uses the power of Albion’s Ogham Stones. Even his power is thwarted, he
absorbs just enough magic from his attempt to stave off his madness.
Challenge for Supreme Patriarch. Most powerful Magisters gather to the Altdorf 4), WFB, RoS2, WoM
in the Hall of the Duels. Current Supreme Patriarch Thyrus Gormann (Bright
Order) is defeated by young promising Lord Magister Balthasar Gelt (Gold
Lizardmen: The Threat to Albion. Gates are opened to the island. Scar-Leader WFB
Kroq-Gar leads the first war parties to cleanse the isle of warm-bloods. Under
the manipulations of Lord Mazdamundi, the climate of the isle is altered, and the
start of new jungle is formed. Work begins on the founding of the new temple-
city Konquata, Place of Resistance, in the interion of Albion.
Übersreik (Reikland) gains charter to become Free Town from Graf von SH

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After many trials Melekh, Aesling Champion of Tzeentch and father of Cyspeth, 11), SoC
is successful and returns to his clan (minor tribe) in only to face the clan shaman
in battle. Cyspeth, son of Melekh, betrays the shaman and kills him, fulfilling an
ancient prophecy as father and son unite. Archaon watches the battle and rides
down to offer leadership of one of his armies to the duo.
Following rumours of activity in Drakenhof Castle, Grand Theogonist Volkmar WFB
despatches the witch hunter Gunther Stahlberg. Once Stahlberg crosses the
border of Sylvania, he is never heard from again.
The Lost Plaques are recovered from the Turtle Isles by Ten-Zlati, the Oracle of WFB
Andreas von Bruner, owner of a Grunewald Lodge manor (located in the ToA
Reikland), disappears mysteriously.
Siege of Middendorf. Festus the Leechlord continues to blight the Empire with WFB
his dark experimets, unleashing a straing of Eyeslime Fever so virulent that the
death causes allows a horde of Daemons to manifest within the Empire, laying
siege to teh city of Middendorf. Luthor Huss rallies the defenders of Middendorf
as the city is besieged by Daemons.
High Mage Torinubar, Mage Lord of the Gates of Calith, is mysteriously slain. WFB
None of the typical signs of Dark Elf outrages can be found.
2521 The Ogres, having grown ever more numerous and wealthy under the rule of WFB
Greasus Goldtooth, find their population is becoming too large for the Mountains
of Mourn. As the Fire Mouth erupts, Greasus orders the conquering of new
lands and soon the heavy footfalls of marching Ogres is heard throughout many
Kristoff Haamar is engaged by an unknown patron to write the definitive history BFP
of Black Fire Pass. The receipt shows that the text was to include descriptions of
prominent features both geographical and sociological, along with a series of
twentyfive wood cut illustrations. Kristoff set out in the company of a band of
Mercenary Soldiers under the command of one Captain Gerhard Olenbay of
Wissenland. On the fifth day of Kaldezeit, a merchant named Ubrecht Fell
discovered Kristoff ’s body in Black Fire Pass and brought the poet historian’s
journal to Altdorf for publication.
Snorri "Father Rustskull" Nosebiter is in Averland and joins mission to free fallen Slayer
Dwarf brewery of Olgep Wynters (brewery fall during the time of The Third Black
Fire Pass Battle. In the group is Slayer Grudi Halfhand (former Master-Brewer
Grudi Wynters from the brewery), and Knights of the Black Bear: Volg "the
Voluminous" Sthaal (leader of the expedition, Angmar of Nordland, Kislevite
Grim Hogan and Wastelander Flanders Drahl.
There are rumours of "The Conspiracy" and mysterious figure leading this all TEWv2
named "The Black Cowl".
Respected and affluent professor Ehrwig von Dankien, from the Arcane History WoM
of Altdorf University, publishes infamous study about the origins of magic. This
book is titled The Inconvenient Truths and tells his finding from this journey to
Lustria in 2519. Publication is met with mixed feelings and reviews - Sneers and
open mocking by some, revulsion and condemnation by others. Regardless, this
seemingly innocuous tratise sents shockwaves through both the academic and
arcane communities. The Colleges of Magic soon start destroying the copies of
the book.
Magister Patriarch of Gold Order Christa Feldmann disappears suddenly. RoS2
Supreme Patriarch Balthasar Gelt (Gold Order) becomes also Patriarch of the
Gold Order.

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The Imperial School of Engineers claim that their ingenuity surpasses that of WFB
their Dwarf allies, leading to raging arguments. The resultant "field testing
contest" escalates when each side decides to demostrate their superiority in the
field of counter-battery fire. Before long the air is filled with silvered shot, runic
cannonballs, flaming naptha and helstorm rockets, whilst exploding flying
machines and clockwork angels duel with steel zeppelins and Gyrocopter
squadrons in the skies above.
Norse longships begin to raid the north coast of Bretonnia, sacking isolated 11), WFB
villages within the dukedoms of L'Anguille and Couronne (Bretonnian year
A group of knights arrives unbidden at a battle against Norscan raiders near 11), BoD
L’Anguille. Their standard bears the heraldry of a gold snake on a black field.
The group leaves midway through the battle without explanation, and many
brave knights die at the hands of Norscan berserkers as a result (Bretonnian
year 1543).
Rise of Archaon – Lord of the End Times. Former Templar of Sigmar finally SoC, ToC, SH, LC
ends his quest (that started over a century ago) for six Treasures of Chaos.
Archaon gathers the Four (his warlords): Haargoth (Khorne), Feytor (Nurgle),
Styrkaar (Slaanesh), Melekh and his son Cyspeth (Tzeentch).
Crom the Conqueror (Vardek Crom), the Herald of Archaon, returns among the SoC
Kurgan and regains control of his own tribe and after that all the Kurgan tribes
one by one. Legendary warrior starts to plan eastern attack to the Empire.
Spring Driving. Archaon marches with his army to Kislev during the spring and TEWv2, SoC, SH,
summer. Long siege that lasts through the summer to autumn. His warlord RotIQ
Surtha Lenk invades the Empire all the way to the Wolfenburg, which is brutally
sacked. Then his forces are defeated in the Battle of Mazhorod. Aelfric Cyenwulf
army ravages northern Kislev. Cyenwulf is beaten at Urzebya by an army of the
Empire and the Ice Queen. But Surtha Lenk's (and Cyenwulf) armies were
merely the vanguard. The true Chaos invasion has not yet come (Kislev year
Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim challenges the Archaon (he is leading the SoC, ToS, RotIQ
Empire’s army with the Elector Count Feuerbach to help the Kislev). The
Everchosen Archaon triuphs, slaying the Grand Theogonist (late summer). After
information reaches Altdorf new Grand Theogonist is choosen: Johann Esmer.
Warrior Priest Luthor Huss (now given status of Lector) travels around the SoC, ToS
empire to find worshippers of Chaos and speaking against the new Grand
Theogonist Johann Esmer III. Esmer keeps records of Huss movement. Then
suddenly he believes he has found "Sigmar-Reborn", Valten the Blacksmith’s
son, in Reikland village. This boy has birth-mark of Twin Taled comet. Valten's
village, Lachenbad, was attacked by the Beastman horde leaded by a powerful
Beastlord named Rargarth. Valten took twin hammers from his fathers smithy
and attacked the Beastmen. Eventually he was joined by other villagers who
fought off the Beastmen. Luthor Huss brings youngster forward and is soon
branded heretic by some sigmarite priests (especially new Grand Theogonist).
Lizardmen: Sacred mists of Albion restored. WFB
Skaeling Jarl Hinrikson is asked by his King to join the Archaons Horder, but his Khypris
tribal Seer advises to refuse order and seek new home or they will not enter the
Halls of Olric. So, Jarl Hinrikson and his clan sets sails for new land leaving
Norsca. Norse sail to the south in the lands of Border Princes. There they settle
in the Khypris area where they establish town of Hinrikness.

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The terrible reign of Bragthorn the Necromancer ends in the Masserschloss RC
area in Border Princes suddenly.
Morathi reaffirms her ancient pact with Slaanesh. Seeking power and a way to WFB
dominate the Druchii nation of Naggaroth, Morathi - The Hag Queen, travels far
to the north accompanied by many of her favoured Sorceresses. They use Dark
Pegasus to travel far north into the lands of Hung marauders. In the Chaos
Wastes, Morathi reaffirms her ancient pact with Slaanesh, and with the power of
her Daemonic patron, takes over a tribe of marauders known as the Hung.
Morathi summons sixty troupes of six Daemonettes and makes them attack the
Hung tribe's main Kurgan rivals. Hung believe that Morathi is the chosen of
Slaanesh. She becomes known as the Consort-Queen of Shaarnor (name the
Hung use from Slaanesh). Morathi takes her new forces south toward Lustria,
seeking ancient artifacts of power from the temples of the Old Ones.
Elementalist "Modernists" leaded by Christoph Adler lose their charter in LiT:TRoE
Averland. New Count of Stressen, Kastor Leitdorf, will not grant charter to them
after the dead of his uncle last year. Modernists must flee to the wilderness and
they are not hunted because the coming war. They disappear.
Gustav Jaeger's long time associate from Marienburg, Ulfgang Euler, dies. His Slayer
son Hans Euler takes business.
Elector Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz commissioned Grunbar, a Dwarf FoN/PotD
weaponsmith, to forge seven identical swords for her brave leaders that were to
thrown their support behind Middeheim and repel the forces of Chaos. Grunbar
was later thrown to prison (Iron Tower) for selling similar swords on the open
On the Hexentstag 2522, the eve of the new year, the Brotherhood of Untold ToB
Aeons is going to summon Changer of Ways in Nuln at the Baron Rundsted
mansion. But brotherhood's secrecy is been compromised and Witch Hunters
leaded by Witch Hunter Markus Reiner raid the mansion just in time. Mysterious
magus, called Arch-heretic Veneficus, disappears/escapes.
Skaven Clan Mors Warlord Queek Headtaker is recalled to the City of Pillars in WFB
an attempt to bring an end to the ongoing battles there. Elsewhere the copper
mines of Grim-Duraz in the Grey Mountains become the latest Dwarf holdings to
fall under Skaven control.
2522 Daemons of all four powers muster behind the banner of Archaon, Lord of the WFB
End Times. The combined horde marches against the armies of the Old World
in the invasion.
Nyklaus von Carstein, tired of teh infighting of his peers, uses shadow magic to WFB
translocate his entire castle into the fabled nautical realm of the Galleon's
Graveyard. There he becomes Count Noctilus, terror of the seas and
commander of the fabled Dreadfleet. He is hunted down and killed in his lair by
a confederation of pirate lords led by the vengeful Captain Roth.
Magister Patriarch of Celestial Order Stern Glanzend names Lord Magister RoS2
Raphael Julevno the next Patriarch of Order before leaves to war in
Middenheim. During the war Stern Glanzend dies.
Wood Elves: Ariel believes that Cyanathair rallies for yet another assault upon WFB
Athel Loren.
King Louen Leoncoeur readies his armies, and many are certain that an Errantry WFB, BoD
War is to be declared against Mousillon and the Black Knight. In truth the
Bretonnians march to the Empire to fight in the coming war (Bretonnian year

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Conclave of Light. Karl Franz hosts a grand Conclave of Light at his capital of SoC, SH
Atldorf and invites heads of state from across the Old World to a conference
where he explains the situation of Archaon’s invasion and asks for aid. Conclave
lasts 30 days. In the 30th day the High Elves finally arrive with Teclis himself.
The Dwarfs and High Elves pledge to assist the Empire in its time of need, as do
many others, such as the Tzarina of Kislev. At this Conclave of Light, plans for
the defence of the Empire are laid out, and ancient alliances are renewed.
Crom the Conqueror (Vardek Crom) arrives from the East as the self-titled SoC, RotIQ
Herald of Archaon. He leads massive army of Marauders (Kurgan) out of the
Dark Lands toward Peak Pass (and eventually the Empire), only to find his path
halted by Grimbor Ironhide and his Black Orc army in the High Pass. Orcs are
defeated during the battle. Grimbor battles Crom, but abandons the battlefield
vowing revenge. both survive.
The Conquest of Anah-Kehzzar. The Tomb Kings have made large gains, the SoC
armies of Settra marching north from Numas and Khemri to claim ancient tombs
around the Marshes of Madness, and toward the Sour Sea. Greenskins from
around Red Cloud Mountain have met the Undead in the foothils of the World’s
Edge mountains. Armies of Undead are holded by resistance in the form of
Black Orc Warboss Uzgor Scabgrit. Finally Undead armies retreat.
Every pass through the Worlds Edge Mountains becomes a battlefield and every WFB
throng is mustered for war. Under the leadership of High King Thorgrim, the
Dwarfs honour their alliance and defend their holds. High King commands king
Alric Ranulfsson to clear the Silver Road of Goblins and attack Mount Gunbad.
Without the fighting power of the Orcs to oppose him, King Alrik settles many
grudges with the Goblins and recovers many long-lost treasures (Dwarf year
While Dwarf army is away fighting in the war, the Dwarf holds in the Border Slayer
Princes area are attacked by huge Greenskin Hordes. Infamous Gotrek & Felix
return to Old World and to the Barak Varr, which is under a siege also
(Greenskins). They join expedition to free now lost Dwarf hold Karak-Hirn with
prince Hamnir. Karak Hirn has been taken by the Orcs when Hamnir was in
trading mission in Barak Varr (Dwarf year 5522/7045).
Famous Slayer Engineer Malakai Makaisson is made professor in Nuln. His Slayer
airship is used to transport new guns to Middenheim to help fight Archaon's
Gotrek & Felix (infamous "Heroes of Nuln") return to the Empire and to Nuln. Slayer
They also meet up with Engineer Malakai Makaisson and get ready to join the
war. But they are all stuck in the Nuln, because a series of nasty accidents
against guns that should be transported to Middenheim. These are sabotage
against the Empires war-efforts to help Middenheim fight Archaon's Chaos
There is huge fire in the Shantytown, Nuln. Part of the district is burned down. Slayer
There are also rumours of mutants and cultist activity in Nuln.
From the South Athel Loren is attacked by thousands of Beastmen. Elves SoC
succesfully defend their lands. Hunt of Orion begins.
Magister Matriarch (Jade Mother) of the Jade College Dagmar von Arburg is RoS2
killed during the war. Lord Magister Druid Tochter Grunfeld is chosen to be next

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Lizardmen: Increase in raids on Lustria by Marauder tribes. Mazdamundi and WFB, SoC
Kroq-Gar return to Hexoatl to crush attack led by Hung warlord Vashnaar the
Tormentor. Druchii (Dark Elves), with their barbaric Hung allies, attack jungles of
Lustria and Lizardmen. Druchii sack the ruins of the temples surrounding
Tlanxla and Quetza. Disturbed from their efforts by these distractions, the Realm
of Chaos has grown further, and occurrences of Daemonic intrustions are
increased. Eventually Lizardmen are beating the Dark Elves back. Remaining
forces of Dark Elves escape to their Black Arks.
Sisters of Faith and Chastity (lesser Sigmarite order) join Valten (and Luthor ToS
Huss). Half of their numbers will march to war.
Storm of Chaos begins. Archaon forces make a deal with Throt the Unclean SoC, SH, RotIQ, LC
(Skaven). Skaven clans experiments join the war, but they have their own
agenda also. Luthor Huss and Valten arrive to the Altdorf. For three days gates
are kept closed until finally they can enter the city. Karl Franz meets finally
Valten and gives him the Hammer. Be’lakor visits the battlefield where Archaon
defeated Volkmar the Grim and brings Volkmar back to life. After that Volkmar is
chained to the battle standard of his legion. Archaon's warlord D'aggorn the
Exalted laids siege to the city of Kislev while Archaon leads his horde against
Erengrad - Siege of Erengrad (7 days). Norse marauders attack Erengrad from
the sea. Archaon's armies move to south in the Empire divind to five different
hosts (Archaon himself leads one). Thousands Bretonnian knights, leaded by
Duke Bohemond the Beast-Slayer, enter Middenland. Vardek Crom leads his
Kurgan horde through the Peak Pass against the Dwarfs. Finally they break the
Dwarfen defence lines and enter to Sylvania. Khazrak One-Eye Beastman herds
join the war on Archaon's side. Haargroth, the Blooded One, is slain by Ar-ulric
Emil Valgeir. Melekh, the Changer, is executed by Archaon for failing to
advance his troops fast enough across the Middle Mountains. After this his son,
Cyspeth, will lead the forces of Tzeentch. Rumours from Stirland tell dark cloud
spreading across the province. The Restless Dead are coming. Fighting in the
dark tunnels of the Ulricsberg continue hard against the Skaven that are plotting
something - Project Supremacy. Part of Skaven project is Doom Hemisphere,
which explodes in the tunnels of Ulricsberg. Garagrim Ironfist dies in Praag.
Imperial armies arrive to Middenheim with Karl Franz and Valten, with them is
also Luthor Huss zealots. Valten challenges Archaon, but looses. Luthor Huss
saves Valten from the battlefield. Grimgor Ironhides orcs arrive to Middenheim
also. Grimgor Ironhide bests the Chaos Everchosen, Archaon, in single combat
before the gates of Middenheim. Finally armies of Restless Dead leaded by
Mannfred von Carstein arrive to Middenheim, but they are challenged by now
freed Volkmar the Grim. Mannfred retreats back to Sylvania to fight Crom's
remaining marauders there. Storm of Chaos ends. Scattered Norse return to
their homes (Kislev year 998).
The Sea of Claws has also been the site of a great battle, as several Norse 11), SoC, RotIQ
tribes combined their fleets to launch an attack against the coast of Nordland.
However, the flotilla was surrounded by a glittering mist several miles from the
shore and was set upon by the Hawkships of High Elven Lord Aislinn. Confused
by the magical fog, the Norsemen were unable to close with their more
maneuverable foes and were eventually sunk or driven back to the north by
several hours of merciless bolt thrower volleys (Kislev year 998).
Wounded Valten is assassinated by Skaven Deathmaster Snikch. SoC, CotHR

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Gotrek & Felix end up to Altdorf, again. Ten days after they arrive, news come Slayer
from the north that Archaon had retreated from Middenheim and the siege is
lifted. War is over. Gotrek & Felix remain in Altdorf for two months. Felix visits
his father, Gustav Jaeger, first time in twenty years. Gotrek & Felix meet Wizard
Maximillian Schreiber (Light Order Magister) and his companions. They join
Wizards in a mission eventually ending to the Marienburg and from there to
open sea to hunt down old Elven artifact.
Mannfred von Carsteins Diabolic Plan. Over the years Mannfred has travelled WFB
far and wide to secure allies. He swordn a dread pact with the corrupted wraith-
wizards that yet served Nagash in the South - A pact to aid them in their own
goal of summoning the Great Necromancer. From the mountains to the east of
Bretonnia he located the Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler, and the Wight King,
Krell, along with their army of armoured Wights. Plan was ready to be executed.
It was late in the Season of Storm when Aliathra, daughter of the Phoenix King
and the future Everqueen vanished whilst acting as emissary to the High King of
the Dwarfs. Mannfred's allies had killed the Dwarfs and taken Aliathra. Krell had
killed the commander of the Dwarfs Elder Thane Orgrimm that lead the great
throng of Dwarfs. So, occured the greatest assemblage of Elven heroes in many
hundred years. Prince Tyrion, Teclis, Eltharion the Grim, Eldyra of Tiranoc,
Ystranna of Avelorn and Belannaer of Hoeth. During the voyage to the Old
World, Teclis finally broke the spells of concealment that surrounded Aliathra -
She was held in the labyrinthine champers of Nagashizzar. From there they
found Aliathra, pale and in a deep, sorcerous sleep. Also in there they had to
face Mannfred von Carstein and his minions. Mannfred knew that between
Kemmler's necromancy and Krell's brute force, the tattered remains of the allies
would have no chance but to flee. The High Court of Ulthuan would soon get
word that the Phoenix King's daughter had died under the protection of a Dwarf
honour guard, and the old wounds would reopen, driving a blade of accusation
between Elf and Dwarf forever (Dwarf year 5522/7045).
Two months later from their last adventure, winter has come, Gotrek & Felix Slayer
return to Altdorf. Felix learns the death of his father and meets with his brother
Otto. Then heroes meet old templar and librarian of the Order of the Fiery Heart
sir Theobalt von Dreschler and his squire Ortwin Wielhaler. Sir Theobalt has
come to reclaim the sword Karaghul back to his order, from which fate he has
learned from the novels written by Felix. But little later he realises that heroes
maybe useful for his mission and grants Felix stewardship to Karaghul and asks
their help. During their adventure Gotrek & Felix meet up with Kat (Katerina),
slayer of beasts, again.
Graf Falken Reiklander, cousin of Karl Franz, returns to Castle Reikguard from Slayer
the Storm of Chaos gravely wounded and with only one third of his men. Its the
end of Ulriczeit (11th month).
There are rumours that long lost Ice Witch Kazahaila Yevschenko appeared to RotIQ
her homecity Erengrand suddenly during the war (Kislev year 998).
When forces of Chaos were still fighting in the North, engineers fo Altdorf and FoN/PotD
Nuln design new steam tanks and organ guns. In Nuln plans for greatest gun
ever are started by Marshall Lord Randolf Vogt. This gun will be called the
Recently rebuilt tavern, in the town of Glumhof, collapses into unexplained WFB
tunnels. Only gnawed bones remain.

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There are rumours of Chaos plots in Middenheim after the Storm of Chaos. This AoM/PotD
happens when the Middenheim army, with Graf Boris, Ar-Ulric
and Middenmarshals (excluding Watch Commander), are still hunting remains of
the Archaons horde. Church of Ulric takes active part in these happenings and
old rivarly with Church of Sigmar rises again. Details are not given to public, but
some group of heroes were involved.
The Fall of Miragliano. A massive Skaven force from the Blighted Marshes WD
crushes the defending mercenary army and sacks the city of Miragliano. The
disgraced former Imperial Count Leopold von Stroheim - once an aspirant to the
lordship of the fledgling province of Neuland on the island of Albion - led the
remnants of the defeated force through the Blighted Marshes until cornered and
destroyed by a force led by Warlord Quickpaw and Grey Seer Squelch.
2523 At the dawn of a new year, Hexenstag, Gotrek & Felix with their companions Slayer
and troops from both Reikland and Talabecland fight huge Beastman Horde at
the Tarnhalt's Crown (The Barren Hills). Just after this their guide, Hans the
Hermit, suddenly raises all the death and has created even greater army of the
death. Remains of the defenders of the Empire must rally to the Castle
Reikguard where the army of the dead is following them. Later is revealed that
the mighty necromancer is actually dreaded Heinrich Kemmler who wants to
attack the Altdorf itself. Among his army of the dead is the undead champion
Krell. Because Graf Reiklander cannot act as commander the commanders of
the Castle Reikguard are now General Taalman Nordling and Steward Bardolf
von Geldrecht. Leader of the remaining Talabecland knights is Rutger von
Volgen, vassal of Count Feurbach of Talabecland. The relief force from Altdorf is
lead by General Horst von Uhland (Reiksguard). With the relief force is also
Dominic Reiklander (Pistolier and the son of Graf Reiklander), twins Father
Marnalt (Priest of Morr) and Wizard Marhalt (Amethyst Order Magister) and also
Wizard Maximillian Schreiber.
Former Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim returns to Altdorf and takes his title WFB, ToS
back. Grand Theogonist Esmer III must flee to Marienburg.
Birth of ??? Todbringer, Baronette of Middenheim, and son of Baron Heinrich ToS
Todbringer. The mother of the child is Sigrid Köhler, a young noblewoman from
Nordland and sworn priestess of Ulric. This caused celibacy vows again come to
Baernsonling King Beorg Bearstuck and his men, Bearmen of Urslo, remain in 11), WFB
the south after the war. They see plenty of opportunity for bloodletting and
savagery, so they start pillaging and plundering. Eventually they travel in the
lands of Border Princes.
Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer clan (minor tribe), King of the Vargs, return to Varg 11)
lands after the war.
Feytor the Tainted, Champion of Nurgle and the Jerg (=chieftain) of the Wolf 11)
Brothers Tribe (known as the Decayed Ones) returns to the mountains of
Norsca with surviving tribal members.
Battle of Turgitz Cauldron in Reikland. Emperors Champion Ludwig SotE
Schwarzhelm and his army faces the huge Beastman horde leaded by Doombull
Raghram. Also Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg rides to help Champions battle at the
very last second. The Empire forces win and Raghram is killed by Schwarzhelm.

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Emperor Karl Franz sends his Champion Ludwig Schwarzhelm to Averheim to SotE
select the next Elector Count of Averland. His mission also includes to
investigate Greenskin attacks in eastern Averland. Competition for the
Electorship causes civil-disturbances in Averheim, which eventually lead to civil-
war between supporters of Leitdorfs (Rufus Leitdorf, son of Marius Leitdorf) and
Alptraums (who support Heinz-Mark Grosslich as Elector). After this the Ninth
Company of the Reiksguard, leaded by Preceptor Leofric von Skarr and
Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg, join the battle. Helborg is badly wounded in the
battles and the remaining Reiksguard retreat with Rufus Leitdorf to Leitdorfs
secret castle in the Drakenmoor.
Battle of Averheim. After the civil-war in Averheim and Averland, there is strong SotE
evidence that corrupted powers are work in the province. Emperor Karl Franz
next sends Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim with a army. This army is
collected from the normal state troops (halberdiers, great swords, dogs of
war...), battle-wizards, warrior-priests, flagellants, artillerists and company of
Knights Panthera. Volkmar's commanders include Confessor Efraim Roll, Odain
Maljdir (who carries warhammer Bloodbringer), Preceptor Leonidas Gruppen of
the Knights Panthera and Celestial Battle-Wizard Alonysius von Hettram. They
lead army of almost 40 000 men to Averland, through Nuln, sacking Streissen
on the way. When they reach Averheim, the gates to Realm of Chaos have
been opened in the city, and the city is under Daemonic Incursion. There is
huge battle just outside the city in the ridge called Averspeak. This battle is
joined also by the Champion Ludwig Schwarzhelm and Reiksmarshal Kurt
Helborg with remaining Reiksguard. Most of the Averheim is destroyed,
including most of it's population and also Imperial forces before the battle is
After the Battle of Averheim Volkmar the Grim stays in the Averheim to clean the SotE
city from the stain of Chaos with number of Witch Hunters and Priests of
Sigmar. It will take months to cleanse the place and exorcism rituals are
performed. This cleanse includes the building of a new church of Sigmar, The
Destroyer of Heresy, in the corrupted ground. Also a new Steward is appointed,
who is Klaus Meuningen from Grenzstadt.
Jerik Wildorn (master tracker and woodsman) creates knight order Hunters of GW
Sigmar. These knights are good woodsmen and trackers spending long periods
of time living in outdoors. They provide escort services to choaches and
caravans, but their main mission is to hunt remains of Chaos forces in the
Drakwald forest area. Jerik Wildorn is the first Grandmaster of order.
Elector Count Valmir von Raukov starts to build his own fleet naming himself as SoE
the Sea Lord. Even the Emperor didn't recommend this action.
There has been negotiations since last year, after Storm of Chaos, that the RoS2
Bright Wizards could join the Middenheim The Wizards and Alchemists Guild.
They are finally accepted.

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(-2526) Dark Years. After war there is famine, plagues, mutation and rampaging AoM/PotD, SoA/PotD,
enemies causing trouble in the Empire (especially the northern and the eastern FoN/PotD, TiT, ToC,
Empire). Vardek Crom's marauding Kurgans are trapped in the Ostermark and ToS, TTT, SoE, WFB
the Sylvania area where they still try to fight against Dwarfs and the Imperial
forces. Greenskins rampage all over the World Edge Mountains and the
southern Empire. There are troubles with Restless Dead in Talabecland,
Ostermark and Sylvania (everywhere were Mannfred von Carsteins army moved
during the SoC). Beastmen hordes trouble lands of Middenland, Nordland,
Hockland, Talabecland, Reikland and Ostland. Imperial army is still active
hunting remains of Archaons horde. Also thousands of people are trying to
return their homes. Then there are dark rumours of scandals, cultist plots and
mutant uprisings involving Ruinous Powers in Altdorf, Nuln and Talabheim.
Finally from the ashes of war rises new Sigmar cult involving chosen child.
Stories tell, that ancient evil in the darkness, the Vampires, talk about old
proficies. Also there are rumours about dreaded Skaven, but many considere
this just old-wife tales. If this is not enough, also the infamous Prince Vladimir
Mikael Kloszowski has returned to the Empire and reformer The Glorious
Revolution of the People (The GRP) publishing the "Griffon's Tail".
2524 Some of the southern Norse tribes try to re-open trade-relations with the
Marienburg, the Empire and the Kislev. Especially new Jarl of Turui Larus
Thursson, son of Jarl Thur Haraldursson, makes contacts to the ravaged Kislev.
Birth of Siggurd, son of Rufus Leitdorf, grandson of Marius Leitdorf. SotE
2526 Mighty earthquake shooks the Howling Hills, bringing tales of fresh Gromril 10), Nemesis
seams and wealth to be had in the area of the old mine. A band of Dwarf miners
are despatched to investigate. They found far more than they had bargained for.
A short time later, a band of Night Goblins, ever on the search for new cracks
and crannies to infest, came upon the mine, finding the insane Dwarf and his
dead companions. The lone miner was captured by greenskins, who discerned
from his rantings that an object of great power was to be found somewhere in
their new lair. Perhaps the location of the Crown would thus have remained
secret, but a Dwarf rescue force led by Thane Grombold of the famous Krud
clan came in search of the lost miners. During the chaos that followed, a black-
hearted Night Goblin came upon the crown by chance, slaughtered his fellows
and fled with it into the forest. Long lost dreaded Nemesis Crown (made by
Alaric the Mad) was finally found again.
Nemesis Crown Conflict starts. Suddenly rumours about the Crown spreads 9), 10), Nemesis
through the Old World. Now, armies muster to retrieve the Crown. Beastmen
(leaded by rebirth Moghur), Humans (both Bretonnians and the Empire), Dwarfs,
Elves (even Teclis returns to Old World), Chaos, Ogres, Orcs (leaded by mighty
Grimgor Ironhide), Skaven and Restless Dead (both Vampire Counts leaded
by vampire Waldakir Rahtep and Tomb Kings leaded by Lord of Khemri
Settra) ready their forces to hunt the Crown. Also even Lizardmen (Lizardmen of
South Lands) and Dark Elves (Malekith sends his raiders with Black Arks) get
involved. Everyone has their own motives. From the Empire Karl Franz himself
joins the hunt with Lector Luthor Huss (Bretonnian year 1548; Dwarf year

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Battle of Chaos Moon. Great final battle is fought in the strange night of Chaos 10), Nemesis
Moon Morrslieb. Chaos Moon waxed, a terrible stirring, felt in the soul of every
living creature, swept the land. The wind died and the light of the moons
become strangely pallid. Every Wizard, every practitioner of the arts of magic in
the region, was struck by a sudden fear, as if some ancient will from before
creation had looked deep within his unworthy heart and found him wanting. The
Emperor's Wizards were struck blind, for the winds of magic blew no longer.
Grimgor's shamans gibbered empty nonsense as any clue of the Crown's hiding
place was lost. The sorcerers of Chaos slunk away into the night, abandoning
their lords, for they knew the end was come. Even Teclis, most accomplished of
High Elven magic users, felt the echoes of aeons-old thought touching his soul,
and he alone knew that the Mage-Priests of Lustria had awakened to take a
hand in events from their distant temples. To the Skaven, the sudden lull in the
winds of magic was so terrifying as to invoke widespread panic in their ranks.
The Grey Seers squealed in horror, for they knew deep in their putrid hearts that
they, and their entire race, had no place in this world, and neither did the
Nemesis Crown. In distant Altdorf, the night sky was illuminated by blinding
fireballs and incandescent explosions as a battle between invisible foes erupted.
Though none could see them, the citizens wailed that the armies of the Undead
had come to reclaim what was theirs and that only the Colleges of Magic could
save them. The Wizards battled as the night wore on, a great many of their
number falling, withered and dry, to the spells and curses of an unseen foe.
None would know what armies besieged Altdorf that night, for no corpses would
be left to tell the tale. Only the Wizards themselves knew how close Altdorf had
come to disaster at the wizened hands of the Tomb Kings of Khemri. Nemesis
Crown Conflict ends. Finally Crown was secured by the Dwarfs who took it to
their holds and locked away for good...
2527 Challenge for Supreme Patriarch. Most powerful Magisters gather to the Altdorf 4), WFB, RoS2
in the Hall of the Duels. Current Supreme Patriarch is Balthasar Gelt (Gold
Altdorf Press publishes "Felix Jaegar from My Travels With Gotrek (Vol VI)". Slayer
2528 Altdorf Press publishes "Felix Jaegar from My Travels With Gotrek (Vol VII)". Slayer
2529 Altdorf Press publishes "Felix Jaegar from My Travels With Gotrek (Vol VIII)". Slayer

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Notes About the Timeline
1) Why Leon de la Tete D'Or? In WFRP1 time (before changes made by GW) king of Bretonnia was not Louen, but
Charles de la Tete D'Or. Now, if Leon would actually be de la Tete D'Or in birth name (and Louen Leoncoeur is more
calling name) it would actually suit better for older documents, some novels...etc. Just idea.

2) This is another idea I had when I read about Crom's history. First: Crom followed Archaon some decades. Second: He
remained in the memory of Kurgan as a legendary chieftain. I was thinking why not actually put the meeting of Crom and
Archaon on the Timeline. With this year (2503) Crom has followed Archaon couple of decades before SoC starts. He is
middle-aged now, but powerful still (and who really knows has he actually aged...). What ever, he was powerful chieftain
in the beginning of century and he is even more powerful and feared ruler after SoC.

3) In some other sources it is stated that Beast in Velvet and Warhawk hero "Filthy" Harald is sacked three years before
events of Beast in Velvet from the watch. So, I placed his sacking to 2505, but placed infamous Waterfront War year
earlier (one of the last things he did as Captain before sacking from the watch).

4) Warhammer Fantasy Battle:Empire -book states that challenge for Supreme Patriarch is held for every eight years.
But in both WFRP1 and WFRP2 Realms of Sorcery it is only seven years. I'll go for seven years. In RoS1 it is stated that
the current years is last year for Thyrus Gormann to held the office (and then we have the duel again). Well, if RoS1
happens in 2512, then the duel is 2513. From there we can count the Duel years: ...2499, 2506, 2513, 2520, 2527,
2534... In the WFB 8th Edition Empire book mentiones that Supreme Patriarch is Balthasar Gelt in 2516.

5) Von Mecklenbergs are not any longer Electors of Sudenland during the TEW. So, Johann is probably last Elector
Count before giving this status to Toppenheimers. I placed this after Warhawk novel, but before TEW. I found out that
Grand Baroness Etelka is his cousin from Mad Alfred's site. Don't know were he found that, but it works.

6) Now, there isn't any Middenmarshal named Kurt Heinwald in CoC or AoM books? So, he must have ended his career
somehow about this time. I think sudden death is good explanation.

7) This is just my speculation again.

8) Now this is really connecting WFRP1 and WFRP2 rules. RoS1 probably is based on the year 2512 or 2513. New
Patriarch of Light Order is Hubert Grünwald there. Well, RoS2 gives idea it should be Egrimm Von Horstmann. So,
Grünwald is murdered soon after he takes his position and Van Horstmann takes the position instead. He is three years
Patriarch and is finally revealed in year 2516, when he escapes to Screaming Hills. GW might have idea that this
happened little earlier, but it suits this way the Timeline well. Grand Theogonist Volkmar would actually be Grand
Theogonist also if we go for happenings given in EaW. In the WFB:Warriors of Chaos it is mentioned that Egrimm Von
Horstmann is corrupted in the year 2457. This is possible, but he has then hide this corruption for REALLY long time.

9) In Nemesis Crown (check Vampire Counts from Official Site) there is following statement: "...Waldakir took wing to the
haunted land of Sylvania. As one of the eldest of his kind, other Vampires heeded his call. Many of Sylvania's Undead
had been leaderless since the death of Mannfred von Carstein and were easily bent to Waldakir's will...". So, someone or
something kills bad-old-Mannfred after SoC. Maybe a good adventure idea for experienced players. OR is he? That was
my first idea, but I think it might mean that Waldakir has taken the lead for past decades (or hundred years) when
Mannfred has been missing. Maybe Mannfred is building his position after SoC?

10) There is no official year currently for Nemesis Crown conflict, but it happens sometime (not very far) after SoC. This
is what I taught.

11) These entries are part of my Norsca Project and found from the Timeline: Norsca also. Most of this information is
based on the WFB, SoC, The Citadel Journal and Liber Chaotica material, but also expanded by myself.

12) These entries are from the notes from hapimeses -site (Andy Law's site, check Links) forum. They were cut from the
Tome of Salvation.

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13) This information is based on the story of Feytor the Tainted, which is found from LC.

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