2-3 A Study of Population Growth II
2-3 A Study of Population Growth II
2-3 A Study of Population Growth II
2. In order to remove the sensitivity analysis from the model select Run/Sensi Specs from the Run menu. Click on Birth Fraction in the Selected Window. Click on the << button to place it back in the Allowable Window, removing it from the Selected Window. Click OK. 3. To remove the sensitivity graph, double click on the "Graph 1" icon. Use the little white triangle in the lower left of the grid to change between graph pages. (There should currently be two graph pages.) Make sure you are viewing the sensitivity graph. Select the dynamite icon and click the flash of the dynamite in the little white triangle. This should remove that graph from the graph pad.
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-21 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
10. Double click on Births and make the equation: Births = Reproducing Females * Births per Reproducing Female per Year {people/year} Click OK. 11. Double-click on Females in Population and make the equation: Females in Population = Population * Fraction that are Females {people} Click OK.
The statistics used were obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics (www.cdc.gov/nchswww/) and from the US Census Bureau (www.census.gov) and are values for the United States in 1996. 2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-22 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
12. Double-click on Reproducing Females and make the equation: Reproducing Females = Females in Population * Fraction that are Reproducing {people} Click OK. 13. Double click on Births per Reproducing Female per Year. Change the value from 15/1000 to 66/1000 {people/ people/year} or just {1/year} Click OK. Question: What does this value mean? What assumptions are being made?
14. Double click on Fraction that are Females. Type in 0.5 {no units}. 15. Double click on Fraction that are Reproducing. Type in 0.45 {no units}. 16. Now run the simulation. Compare the results to the final graph obtained for the first population model. What is the approximate value for the population at the end of 50 years for the current simulation run?
Note: The results should be fundamentally the same. Hopefully, the change in the calculation of new births made sense.
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-23 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
of Deaths/1000 people concept for creating a death fraction make sense. Both techniques are valid depending upon the situation.2 17. For the second population model, the deaths/1000 people value will be used. Rename Lifespan as Death Fraction. Double click on Death Fraction and type in 8/1000 {people/people/year} or just {1/year}. Click OK. 18. Double click on Deaths and change the formula to Deaths = Population * Death Fraction {people/year} 19. Run the simulation. (approximately)? What is the population value at the end of 50 years
Finally (back to our model diagram), we want to consider a situation where the Death Fraction is not constant during the entire simulation. Economic stresses resulting from explosive births in various countries activate factors that influence the death rate. Starvation and lack of resources for adequate shelter or medical attention can cause the number of deaths to increase over time. A special structure called a dimensionless multiplier will be introduced to help accomplish the task at hand. The multiplier is formally introduced in chapter 8, but will be incorporated here using step-by-step instructions to help you set it up correctly. 20. Rename Death Fraction as Normal Death Fraction. Carefully remove the connection from Normal Death Fraction to Deaths. Move the Normal Death Fraction converter to the right of its current location about one inch. Add a new converter one inch to the left of Normal Death Fraction. Label this new converter Actual Death Fraction. Connect Normal Death Fraction to Actual Death Fraction. Connect Actual Death Fraction to Deaths. 21. Create two converters, the first one inch below and the second two inches below the Deaths flow. Label the upper converter Effect of Population on Death Fraction. Label the lower converter Initial Population. 22. Make a new connection from Population to Effect of Population on Death Fraction. Make a connection from Initial Population to Effect of Population on Death Fraction. Make a third connection from Effect of Population on Death Fraction to Actual Death Fraction. 23. Double click on Deaths and make the equation: Deaths = Population * Actual Death Fraction {people/year} Click OK. 24. Double click on Actual Death Fraction and make the equation: Actual Death Fraction = Normal Death Fraction * Effect of Population on Death Fraction {1/year} Click OK. 25. Double click on Initial Population. Type in 1e5 {people} Click OK.
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-25 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
26. Double click on the Effect of Population on Death Fraction converter. Click on Population in the Required Inputs window. Click on / (the division symbol). Click on Initial Population in the Required Inputs window. Units are {people/people}. Then, click once on the "Become Graphical Function" button. 27. Position the cursor inside the minimum box of the horizontal axis for Population/Initial Population. (The minimum box is the box at the left end of the horizontal axis.) Delete the current value set in this box. Set the lower range of the ratio to 0 by typing in this value. Press the Tab key (or press Return). Type 2 in the box at the right end of the horizontal axis. Hit the Tab key. (We are assuming that the largest value the current population will achieve is twice the initial population.) 28. Set the maximum vertical axis value for Effect of Population on Death Fraction to 10. Then press the Tab key. Set the minimum vertical axis value to 0. 29. In the box at the right of the window, position your cursor and click in the top slot within the Output Column (across from 0). Next, type a 0 (for the first Output value in the graph). Then hit the Tab or Return key. The cursor will automatically drop to the second slot in the Output column. Type in the second value (0.2). Continue to enter the numbers shown below in the Output Column:
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Click OK. 30. Recall that the equation for Actual Death Fraction is: Actual Death Fraction = Normal Death Fraction * Effect of Population on Death Fraction {1/year} Explain how the Effect of Population on Death Fraction causes a fluctuation to occur in the actual death fraction used by the model to calculate Deaths.
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-26 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
31. Draw the diagram of your model using the sample screen below.
32. Double Click on the "Graph 1" icon. Double click on the graph to define it. Click on Births in the Allowable Window. Click on the >> button. Similarly move Deaths from the Allowable to the Selected Window. Then, manually change the range values for the Population, Births, and Deaths to the values shown below. To do this be sure to click on the appropriate variable (i.e., Population) in the Selected window. Click on the double headed arrow to the right of the variable name once (so that there are horizontal bars above and below the arrowheads). Then type in the MIN and MAX values for that variable. Be sure to click "Set" after you have scaled each variable. Click OK when you are done.
Population Births Deaths MIN 100000 0 0 MAX 140000 3000 3000
33. Select Save from the file menu to save all the work you've done so far. 34. Change the Simulation time to 150 years instead of 50 years by changing the "To" value in the Run/Run Specs... dialog box. Choose Run from the run menu. 35. Draw the graph generated using the sample Graph Pad on the following page. Identify each graph.
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-27 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
2: Births
3: Deaths
1: 2: 3:
120000 1500
1: 2: 3: Page 1
36. Close the graph pad when finished. 37. Double click on your table icon. Add Births and Deaths to the table. Rerun the simulation.
In the boxes below each question or on a separate sheet of paper, write a short description of what happened to the population over time, when you executed the final simulation. Use your graphs, tables, and diagram to help you describe your system. Be sure to answer the questions below as part of your complete description. 38. What happened to the population over time (explain beginning, middle, and end)? Why did it level off? What does this leveling off mean?
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-28 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher
39. What does it mean that the births and deaths graphs coincide at years 110 to 150?
40. Notice that the population graph is below the births and deaths graph. Why is this not an important piece of information?
2.3 A Study of Population Growth II Student Lessons Page 2-29 Modeling Dynamic Systems: Lessons for a First Course 2nd Edition 2007 Diana M. Fisher