PopulationDynamics-StudentWS-CL_0 (3)
PopulationDynamics-StudentWS-CL_0 (3)
PopulationDynamics-StudentWS-CL_0 (3)
Student Worksheet
In the Population Dynamics Click & Learn, you’ll explore a powerful tool for learning about populations:
mathematical models. As you’ll see by doing the Click & Learn and this activity, you can use models to answer
questions, solve problems, and make predictions about all kinds of populations — from bacteria in your body, to
wildlife across the world, to our own human populations.
PART 1: Introduction to Population Dynamics
Open the Population Dynamics Click & Learn and read through the introduction on the first page.
1. Describe a specific question or problem related to population dynamics that interests you.
2. Do you think the question or problem you described could be investigated using a mathematical population
model? Why or why not?
4. Complete the following table to explain the biological meanings of the symbols in the exponential growth
model. For each explanation, give a specific example using the population you described above.
Symbol Biological Meaning Specific Example
5. Both dN/dt and r are types of growth rates. What are the differences between them?
9. Set r = 0.1, then gradually increase r by clicking the up-arrow to the right of the number. You may need to
hover over the number to see the arrow.
a. Examine Plot 1. As you increase r, what happens to the curve of population size over time?
b. Examine Plot 2. As you increase r, what happens to the curve of population growth rate vs. population
10. Set r = 0.5 and N0 = 5, then gradually increase N0 by clicking the up-arrow to the right of the number.
a. Examine Plot 1. How does the curve of population size over time change if you start with a smaller
number of individuals (e.g., N0 = 5) compared to a larger number of individuals (e.g., N0 = 100)?
b. Examine Plot 2. How does the curve of population growth rate vs. population size change if you start
with a smaller number of individuals compared to a larger number?
11. List one combination of values for r and N0 that produces each of the following patterns for population size
over time. (There are many possible answers.) Use a time range with a “Min” of 0 and a “Max” of 10.
Pattern Value of r Value of N0
A long period of what appears to be almost no growth.
(The curve in Plot 1 looks almost flat.)
A long period of slow but clearly accelerating growth.
(The curve in Plot 1 starts to become steeper at the end.)
Extremely fast growth from the very beginning.
12. The example claims that the population growth rate at 24 hours will be 1.69 ⨉ 1026 bacteria per hour.
Confirm this result by showing your calculations below. (Hint: The example contains the equations and
values that you’ll need to use.)
Return to the exponential model simulator and fill in the settings using the E. coli bacteria example (N0 = 2, r =
13. Using the simulator, fill in the following table with the population size (N) and population growth rate
(dN/dt) at different time points (t, measured in hours).
Time (t) 1 2 3 4 5
Population size (N)
Population growth
rate (dN/dt)
14. Use your table above and/or the simulator to answer the following questions. (Hint: For the simulator, you
may want to change the “Max” values for the axes on Plot 1 to get a better look at the curve. You can use
the values of t and N from your table above to decide what the “Max” values should be.)
a. Sketch how the population size (N) changes over time.
b. Sketch how the population growth rate (dN/dt) changes based on population size (N).
c. The population growth rate (dN/dt) depends on the maximum per capita growth rate (r). Does r also
change based on time or population size? Why or why not?
15. All models have strengths and limitations. A strength of a model could be something that the model
simulates very well or something that makes it easy to use. A limitation could be something that the model
does not simulate as well or an important process that it does not include.
a. What is one strength of the exponential growth model you explored?
17. Explain what the carrying capacity (K) is in your own words.
b. Examine Plot 2. For what values of N is the population growth rate almost zero (for example, 0.01 or
c. Set N0 = 1500. What happens to the population size over time now? For what values of N is the
population growth rate almost zero?
d. In general, for what values of N and K is the population growth rate almost zero?
19. Set N0 = 1 again. Gradually increase r by clicking the up-arrow on its box.
a. Examine Plot 1. As you increase r, what happens to the curve of population size over time?
b. Examine Plot 2. As you increase r, what happens to the curve of population growth rate vs. population
size? (Hint: Pay attention to the numbers on the y-axis of Plot 2.)
Return to the logistic model simulator and fill in r and N0 using the E. coli bacteria example (N0 = 2, r = 0.05). For
the following questions, we’ll imagine that the bacteria are growing in an environment with fewer resources, so
the carrying capacity (K) is 10,000 bacteria instead of 1013 bacteria. So, set K = 10,000 instead of 1013.
20. Using the simulator, fill in the following table with the population size (N) and population growth rate
(dN/dt) at different time points (t, measured in hours).
Time (t) 100 200 300 400 500
Population size (N)
Population growth
rate (dN/dt)
21. Use your table above and/or the simulator to answer the following questions. (Hint: For the simulator, you
may want to change the “Max” values for the axes on Plot 1 to get a better look at the curve. You can use
the values of t and N from your table above to decide what the “Max” values should be.)
a. Sketch how the population size (N) changes over time.
b. Sketch how the population growth rate (dN/dt) changes based on population size (N).
c. How do your answers above compare to your answers for the exponential growth model (Question 14)?
22. Complete the following table to explain why the population growth rate (dN/dt) is small in certain situations.
The first row is filled out for you as an example.
The population Mathematical explanation Biological explanation
growth rate (dN/dt)
is small when…
the population size The equation for the population growth When the population size is small, the
(N) is close to 0 rate is dN/dt = rN(1–N/K). When N is population has only a few individuals to
close to 0, both rN and N/K are small, produce offspring. This means the
which makes dN/dt small too. population can’t grow very quickly, so
the population growth rate is small.
the population size
(N) is close to the
carrying capacity (K)
23. Like all models, the logistic growth model has both strengths and limitations.
a. What is one strength of the logistic growth model you explored?
c. How do your answers above compare to your answers for the exponential growth model (Question 15)?
25. Find a graph of the global human population over time and sketch it below.
26. Based on the graph you found, would you change your answer to Question 24? Why or why not?
27. What do you think will happen to the size of the global human population in the long run? Why?
28. Think of a population from a species not yet discussed that you are familiar with or have learned about.
a. Propose a specific question about this population that you could investigate using a mathematical
population model.
b. What kind of model, exponential or logistic, would you use to simulate this population and why?
c. Is there anything you would need to add to the model you chose in Part B in order to answer your
question in Part A? If so, what?