Chapter 5 Thermodynamics - 1 II

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Chapter 5

The first law of thermodynamics deals with the property energy and the conservation of energy. The second law introduced in the previous chapter, leads to the definition of a new property called entropy. Entropy is defined in terms of a calculus operation, and no direct physical picture of it can be given. In this chapter, Clausius inequality, which forms the basis for the definition of entropy will be discussed first. It will be followed by the discussion of entropy changes that take place during various processes for different working fluids. Finally, the reversible steady-flow work and the isentropic efficiencies of various engineering devices such as turbine and compressors will be discussed.


The Clausius Inequality

Consider two heat engines operating between two reservoirs kept at temperature TH and TL as shown in the Figure 5.1. Of the two heat engines, one is reversible and the other is irreversible.

For the reversible heat engine it has already been proved that


dQ =0 rev

As discussed earlier, the work output from the irreversible engine should be less than that of the reversible engine for the same heat input QH. Therefore QL,Irrev will be greater than QL,Rev . Let us define QL,Irrev = QL,Rev + dQ then

QH QL , Irev dQ = T Irrev TH TL QL ,rev dQ Q = H TH TL TL =0 <0

By combining this result with that of a reversible engine we get



dQ 0 Irrev
This is known as Clausius inequality.

... (5.1)

Clausius inequality forms the basis for the definition of a new property known as entropy.

Consider a system taken from state 1 to state 2 along a reversible path A as shown in Figure 5.2. Let the system be brought back to the initial state 1 from state 2 along a reversible path B. Now the system has completed one cycle. Applying Clausius inequality we get

dQ =0 T

dQ dQ + =0 T A 2 T B 1

...(5.2) Instead of taking the system from state2 to state1 along B, consider another reversible path C. Then for this cycle 1-A-2-C-1, applying Clausius inequality :

dQ =0 T

dQ dQ + =0 T T C A 1 2
Comparing 5.2 & 5.3


Hence, it can be concluded that the quantity is a point function, independent of the path followed. Therefore it is a property of the system. Using the symbol S for entropy we can write ...(5.4) upon integration we get S2 S1 = ... (5.5) For a reversible process.


Entropy change for an irreversible process

The relationship between the entropy change and heat transfer across the boundary during an irreversible processes can be illustrated with a simple cycle composed of two processes, one of which is internally reversible and the other is irreversible, as shown in Figure 5.3. The Clausius inequality applied to this irreversible cycle can be written as

Since the process B is internally reversible, this process can be reversed, and therefore or ...(5.6) As defined in equation 5.5, since the process B being reversible the integral on the left hand side can be expressed as ...(5.7)


Temperature - Entropy diagram

In a T-s diagram consider a strip of thickness ds with mean height T as shown in Figure 5.4. Then Tds gives the area of the strip.

For a reversible process the elemental heat transfer dQ = Tds = Area of the strip To get the total heat transfer the above equation should be integrated between the limits 1 and 2, so that, we get ...(5.8) This is equivalent to the area under a curve representing the process in a T-S diagram as shown in the Fig 5.4. Note: For an isothermal process S2 S1 = . For reversible adiabatic process S2 S1 = 0.


Change in Entropy
Solids and Liquids Change in entropy Where dq = du + pdv

For solids and liquids pdv = 0

Where c- is the specific heat ...(5.9) b) For ideal gases change in entropy

Substituting du = CvdT We get

Upon integration ...(5.10a) Also

Substituting and We get Upon integration

dh = CpdT



Principle of Increase in Entropy

Applying Clausius inequality, For an isolated system undergoing a process ...(5.11)

Consider a system interacting with its surroundings. Let the system and its surroundings are included in a boundary forming an isolated system. Since all the reactions are taking place within the combined system, we can express or ...(5.12) Whenever a process occurs entropy of the universe (System plus surroundings) will increase if it is irreversible and remain constant if it is reversible. Since all the processes in practice are irreversible, entropy of universe always increases ie., (s)universe>0 ...(5.13) This is known as principle of increase of entropy.


Adiabatic Efficiency of Compressors and Turbines

In steady flow compressors and turbines reversible adiabatic process is assumed to be the ideal process. But due to the irreversibilities caused by friction between the flowing fluid and impellers, the process is not reversible though it is adiabatic. Percentage deviation of this process from the ideal process is expressed in terms of adiabatic efficiency. (a) Compressors : Since compressors are work consuming devices actual work required is more than ideal work. ...(5.14) For compressors handling ideal gases ...(5.15) (b) Turbines : In turbine due to irreversibilities the actual work output is less than the isentropic work. ...(5.16) For turbines handling ideal gases ...(5.17)

Solved Problems
Prob : 5.1 A body at 200oC undergoes an reversible isothermal process. The heat energy removed in the process is 7875 J. Determine the change in the entropy of the body.

System : Closed system Known : T1 = T2 = 200 C = 473 K Qrejected = 7875 J Process : Isothermal To find : s Diagram :

Analysis :

S2 S1 = for an isothermal process = = 16.65 J/K.

Comment : Prob : 5.2

Entropy decreases as heat is removed from the system.

o o

A mass of 5 kg of liquid water is cooled from 100 C to 20 C. Determine the change in entropy.

System Known

: :

Closed system Mass of water = 5kg T1 = 100 C = 373 K T2 = 20oC = 293 K


Process To find

: :

Constant pressure Change in entropy

Diagrams :

Assumptions : 1) The process is reversible 2) The specific heat of liquid water is constant Analysis : S2 S1 = m For this problem p2 = p1 & Cp = 4.186 S2 S1 = 5 = 5.053 Comment Prob : 5.3 : Entropy decreases as heat is removed from the system. Air is compressed isothermally from 100 kPa to 800 kPa. Determine the change in specific entropy of the air.

System : Closed/Open Known : p1 = 100 kPa p2 = 800 kPa To find : S - change in Specific entropy Diagram :

Analysis :

S = = R ln [Since the process is isothermal] = 0.287 x ln = 0.597 kJ/kgK.

Prob : 5.4

A mass of 5 kg of air is compressed from 90 kPa, 32 C to 600 kPa in a 1.3 polytropic process, pV = constant. Determine the change entropy.

System : Closed / Open Known : p1 = 90 kPa T1 = 32 C = 305 K p2 = 600 kPa m = 5 kg Process : pV = Constant To find : S - Change in entropy Diagram :
1.3 o

Analysis :

S2 S1 = m Where T2 = T1 = 305

= 473 K S2 S1 = 5 = 0.517 kJ/K. Comment : For air the ratio of Cp and Cv is equal to 1.4. Therefore the polytropic index n = 1.3(<1.4) indicates that some heat is removed from the system resulting in negative entropy. Prob : 5.5 A rigid insulated container holds 5 kg of an ideal gas. The gas is stirred so that its state changes from 5 kPa and 300 K to 15 kPa. Assuming Cp = 1.0 kJ/kgK and = 1.4, determine the change of entropy of the system.

System : Closed Process : Constant volume since the gas is stirred in an rigid container Known : p1 = 5 kPa m = 5 kg T1 = 300 K Diagrams : p2 = 15 kPa Cp = 1.0 kJ/kgK

= 1.4

To find

Change in entropy S2 S1 = m By applying the state equation. Since V2 = V1

Analysis :


R = Cp Cv = = = = 0.286 kJ/kgK

Substituting these values we get S2 S1 = 5 = 3.922 kJ/K Comment : Though this process is adiabatic it is not isentropic since the process of stirring is an irreversible process.

Prob : 5.6

An insulated rigid vessel is divided into two chambers of equal volumes. One chamber contains air at 500 K and 2 MPa. The other chamber is evacuated. If the two chambers are connected d, what would be the entropy change ?

System : Closed system Process : Unresisted expansion Known : T1 = 500 K p1 = 2 103 kPa To find : Entropy change Diagrams : Analysis : s2 s1 = s2 s1 = After expansion air will occupy the entire volume of the container.

V2 = 2V1


W2 = 0 since it is an unresisted expansion Q12 = 0 since the vessel is insulated

Applying the first law of thermodynamics Q12 = U + 1W2 Therefore u = 0 For air mcv(T2 T1) = 0 i.e. T2 = T1

Hence s2 s1 = Cvln + Rln = 0.287 ln = 0.199 kJ/kgK Comment : Though the process is adiabatic entropy increases as the process involving unresisted expansion is an irreversible process. It also proves the fact that

Prob : 5.7

An adiabatic chamber is partitioned into two equal compartments. On one side o there is oxygen at 860 kPa and 14 C. On the other side also, there is oxygen, but o at 100 kPa and 14 C. The chamber is insulated and has a volume of 7500 cc. The partition is abruptly removed. Determine the final pressure and the change in entropy of the universe.

System : Closed Process : Adiabatic Mixing Known : Subsystem I Fluid Initial pressure Initial Temperature Initial volume Diagrams : Analysis : Here the energy interaction is taking place only between the two fluids and therefore the energy lost by one fluid should be equal to the energy gained by the other fluid. Taking tF as the final temperature we get Subsystem II Oxygen 850 kPa 14 C

Oxygen 100 kPa 14 C


Since the same fluid is stored in both the systems at the same temperature C1 = C2 and t1 = t2 = 14 C Therefore the final temperature will also be 14 C After removing partition total mass of oxygen is occupying the entire 7500cc at 14oC. Hence the final pressure can be computed as given below :
o o

= 0.0427 kg

= 0.00503 kg To find the final pressure = m1 + m2

= 475 kPa Ssystem = S1 + S2

Ssurroundings = 0 Suniverse = 8.596 Prob : 5.8 Two vessels, A and B each of volume 3 m may be connected by a tube of o negligible volume. Vessel A contains air at 0.7 MPa, 95 C while vessel B o contains air at 0.35 MPa, 205 C. Find the change of entropy when A is connected to B by working from the first principles and assuming the mixing to be complete and adiabatic.

System : Closed Process : Adiabatic mixing Known : Properties Fluid pressure volume Temperature Subsystem A Air 0.7 MPa 3m

Subsystem B Air 0.35 MPa 3 m3 205oC


Diagrams :


: Since the energy interaction is taking place only between the two fluids energy lost by one fluid is equal to the energy gained by the other fluid.

= QB

Taking t2 as the final temperature after mixing maCa (t2 t1a) = mbCb(t1b t2) Since in both A and B the same fluid is stored, Ca = Cb Also ma = = = 19.9 kg mb = = = 7.65 kg 19.9 (t2 95) = 7.65 (205 t2) 2.6 (t2 95) = (205 t2) 2.6t2 + t2 = 205 + 2.6 95 t2 = 125.6oC Entropy change = SA + SB SA = mA SB = mB

Ssys = 5.08 + 0.525 = 5.605 Ssurr = 0 Suniverse = 5.605 Final pressure p2 = = = 525 kPa

Prob : 5.9 Air enters a turbine at 400 C, 30 bar and velocity 160 m/s. It leaves the turbine o at 2 bar, 120 C and velocity 100 m/s. At steady state it develops 200 kJ of work per kg of air. Heat transfer occurs between the surroundings and the turbine at an average temperature of 350 K. Determine the rate of entropy generation.

System : Open Process : Steady flow Known : Properties Pressure Velocity Temperature Inlet 30 bar 160 m/s o 400 C Outlet 2 bar 100 m/s o 120 C

Ambient temperature = 350 K Work output = 200 kJ/kg Diagram :

To find

Rate of entropy generation

Analysis : For unit mass = Cp ln = 1.005 ln = 0.236 kJ/kgK where Qsur =

= Qsur = +89.2 kJ/kg (S)sur = = 0.255 kJ/kgK

= 0.019 kJ/kgK. Prob : 5.10 A turbine operating at steady state receives air at a pressure of p1 = 3.0 bar and temperature of 390 K. Air exits the turbine at a pressure of p2 = 1.0 bar. The work developed is measured as 74 kJ/kg of air flowing through the turbine. The turbine operates adiabatically, and changes in kinetic and potential energy between inlet and exit can be neglected. Using ideal gas model for air, determine the turbine efficiency.

System Process Known

: : :

Open Steady flow p1 = 3.0 bar T1 = 390 K p2 = 1.0 bar Wa = 74 kJ/kg

Diagrams : Analysis :

t = = for an ideal gas

Where T2s = T2s = 284.9 K = Cp ( T1 T2 ) = 74 T1 T2 = = 73.63 K Hence t = = = 0.7 (or 70%). Prob : 5.11 A closed system is taken through a cycle consisting of four reversible processes. Details of the processes are listed below. Determine the power developed if the system is executing 100 cycles per minutes.


Q (kJ)

Temperature (K)

Initial 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1 System : Closed Process : The system is executing cyclic process. 0 +1000 0 300 1000 1000 300

Final 1000 1000 300 300

Known : Heat transfer in process 12, 23 and 34 and temperature change in all the process. No of cycles per minute. To find : Power developed. Diagrams :

Analysis :

To find the power developed Wnet per cycle must be known. From I Law Wnet = Qnet which can be computed from the following table Process 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1 Q (kJ) 0 1000 0 Temperature (K) Initial 300 1000 1000 300 = 0 S = 0 Final 1000 1000 300 300 0 0 S41 S

For a cyclic process where is any property


S12 + S23 + S34 + S41 = 0 0 + 1 + 0 + S41 = 0 S41 = 1

Since the process 4-1 is isothermal = 1 Q41 = 300 kJ Therefore Qnet = Q12 + Q23 + Q34 + Q41 = 0 + 1000 + 0 300 = 700 kJ per cycle Wnet = Qnet = 700 kJ and power developed = = 700 = 1166.7 kW Prob : 5.12 Two kilogram of air is heated from 200 C to 500 C at constant pressure. Determine the change in entropy.
o o

System Working fluid Process Known

: Open/closed : Air : Constant pressure heating : 1) t1 = 200 C 2) t2 = 500 C

o o

Diagram To find Analysis

: : Change in entropy S : S = = = = 0.987 kJ/K

Prob : 5.13 A Carnot engine operated between 4oC and 280oC. If the engine produces 300 kJ of work, determine the entropy change during heat addition and heat rejection.

System Process Known

: Open/closed : The working fluid is executing Carnot cycle : 1) t1 = 280oC 2) t2 = 4 C 3) W = 300 kJ



To find

: 1) S during heat addition 2) S during heat rejection


: 1) In carnot engine heat is added at constant temperature Therefore S = Where Qin = = = = 0.499 Therefore Qin = = 601.1 kJ S = = = 1.087 kJ/K 2) In carnot engine heat rejection is also taking place at constant temperature Therefore S = Where Qout = Qin W = 601.1 300 = 301.1 kJ S =


= 1.087 kJ/K : In a carnot change two isothermal process and two isentropic process. Therefore S during heat addition must be equal to S during heating rejection so that which obeys Clausius Inequality.

Prob : 5.14 Air flows through a perfectly insulated duct. At one section A the pressure and o temperature are respectively 2 bar 200 C and at another section B further along o the duct the corresponding values are 1.5 bar and 150 C. Which way the air flowing?

System Process Known

: Open : Steady flow process : 1) p1 = 2 bar 2) t1 = 200 C

o o

3) p2 = 1.5 bar 4) t2 = 150 C To find Diagram : To know flow direction :


: This problem cannot be solved by simple application of first law of thermodynamics. Because there is nothing to tell us whether the fluid is expanding from A to B or being compressed from B to A. However, since the duct is insulated the inference is that there is no heat transfer to or from the environment and therefore there is no change of entropy in the environment. But in any real process change of entropy of the system plus the surroundings must be positive. In otherwords SAB > 0

Thus SA > SB and the flow is from B to A. Even though entropy cannot be measured directly it can still be used to find the sense of flow in a well insulated duct given two salient states as above. Prob 5.15 : A certain fluid undergoes expansion in a nozzle reversibly and adiabatically from 500 kPa, 500 K to 100 kPa. What is the exit velocity? Take = 1.4 and R = 0.287 .

System Process Known

: Open : Reversible adiabatic expansion : 1) Inlet pressure 2) Inlet temperature 3) Exit pressure 4) The ratio of Specific heats = 500 kPa = 500 K = 100 kPa = 1.4

5) Characteristic Gas constant = 0.287 To find Diagram : Exit velocity :


: Applying Steady Flow Energy Equation

Therefore where Cp and T2 are unknowns. To find CP CP CV = R

Substituting and R we get To find T2 It is stated in the problem that the process of expansion is reversible. Therefore Also the process is given as adiabatic. That is (or) ds = 0 S2 S1 = 0

= 315.8 K Substituting numerical values for T2 and Cp, we get

Prob 5.16 :

Show from the first principle that, for a perfect gas with constant specific heat capacities expanding polytropically (pvn = constant) in a non-flow process, the change of entropy can be expressed by

Gaseous methane is compressed polytropically by a piston from 25oC and 0.8 bar to a pressure of 5.0 bar. Assuming an index of compression of 1.2, calculate the change of entropy and workdone, per unit mass of gas. The relative molecular weight of methane is 16 and = 1.3. System Process Known : Closed : Polytropic (pVn = C) : 1) T1 = 298 K 2) p1 = 80 kPa 3) p2 = 500 kPa 4) n = 1.2

5) M = 16 6) = 1.3 To find : 1) 1W2 Work done 2) S Change in entropy Analysis : a) To prove S2 S1 = From First Law of Thermodynamics Q12 = 1W2 + U In differential form for a polytropic process Therefore Upon integration we get From the process relation

Substituting for we get

We know that R = CP CV R = CV ( 1) Substituting for CV we get (2) Workdone

= 404.45 K Substituting numerical values (3) Change in entropy


: The negative sign in work indicates that work is given into the system. The negative sign in entropy change indicates that there is a heat rejection by the system to the ambient during compression. A closed system undergoes the internally reversible process as shown below :

Prob 5.17 :

Compute the heat transfer. System Process Known : Closed : Defined by a straight line on a T-S diagram. : T1 = 200 K T2 = 600 K S1 = 1 kJ/K S2 = 3 kJ/K To find Analysis Prob 5.18 : : Heat transfer : Q = Area under the curve representing the process in a T-S diagram = 800 kJ In a refrigerant condenser superheated vapour of ammonia enters steadily at 1.4 MPa, 70oC. It leaves the condenser at 20oC. At 1.4 MPa condensation begins and ends at 36.28oC. Cooling water enters the condenser at 10oC and leaves 15oC. Determine


the amount of heat rejected per kg of ammonia vapour condensed for the given inlet and exit conditions.

(b) mass of water to be supplied for each kg of ammonia vapour condensed (c) the change in specific entropy of ammonia (d) the entropy generation per kg of ammonia Take Cpvapour = 2.9 kJ/kgK, Cpliquid = 4.4 kJ/kgK and latent heat of evaporation of ammonia at 1.4 MPa is 1118 kJ/kg. Also represent the process in a T-s diagram.

System Process Known

: Open : Steady flow process : T1 P1 T2 = 70oC = 1.4 MPa = 20oC

TW1 = 10oC TW2 = 15oC To find : (a) the amount of heat rejected per kg of ammonia vapour condensed for the given inlet and exit conditions.

(b) mass of water to be supplied for each kg of ammonia vapour condensed (c) the change in specific entropy of ammonia (d) the entropy generation per kg of ammonia Diagrams :


: (a) Heat rejected per kg of ammonia Q12 = Q1 2a + Q2a 2b + Q2b 2 = 2.9 (70 36.28) + 1118 + 4.4 (36.28 20) = 1287.42 kJ/kg (b) Water flow rate required per kg of ammonia = 61.51 (c) Change in Specific entropy of ammonia = S1 2a + S2a 2b + S2b 2 = 4.153 (d) Suniverse = SWater + Sammonia


SWater = mCp ln = 61.51 4.186 ln = 4.509

Substituting the values we get Suniverse = 4.509 + ( 4.153) = 0.356 Comment : As heat is removed from ammonia its entropy decreases whereas entropy of water increases as it receives heat. But total entropy change will be positive as heat is transferred through finite temperature difference. The specific heats of a gas are given by CP = a + kT and CV = b + kT,

Prob 5.19 :

where a, b and k are constants and T is in K. Show that for an isentropic expansion of this gas Tb ab ekT = constant System Process Known : Closed : Isentropic : 1) CP = a + kT 2) CV = b + kT To prove Proof : Tb a b ekT = constant for an isentropic process : For a gas CP CV = (a + kT) (b + kT) (or) R = a b For an isentropic process ds = 0 (or) Substituting for CV and R Upon integration blnT + KT + (a b) ln = constant Taking antilog Tb eKT a b = constant Prob 5.20 : Calculate the entropy change of the universe as a result of the following process :

(a) A metal block of 0.8 kg mass and specific heat capacity 250 J/kgK is placed in a lake at 8oC (b) The same block, at 8oC, is dropped from a height of 100 m into the lake. (c) Two such blocks, at 100oC and 0oC, are joined together. Case (a)

System Process Known

: A metal block : Cooling the metal block by dipping it in a lake. : 1) Initial temperature of the block (T1)=100 + 273 2) Final temperature of the block (T2) = 8 + 273 3) Mass of the metal block (m) 4) Specific heat capacity of the metal block (C) = 373 K = 281 K = 0.8 Kg = 250

To find Diagram

: Entropy change of the universe :

Analysis :

Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings Where

Where Qsur = Qsys = mC (T2 T1) = 0.8 250 (281 373) = 18400 J

Substituting the values we get Suniverse = 56.6 + 65.48 = 8.84 J/K Comment : As discussed earlier the entropy change of the universe is positive. The reason is the irreversible heat transfer through finite temperature difference from the metal block to the lake.

Case (b)

System Process Known

: A metal block : Falling of the metal block into the lake and reaching equilibrium : 1) Initial Temperature 2) Final Temperature 3) Initial height 4) mass of the metal block (m) = 281 K = 281 K = 100 m = 0.8 kg

5) Specific heat capacity of the metal block (C) = 250 J/kgK Diagrams :


Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings

Where Ssystem = 0, as the system is at the same temperature at both the initial and final state. Qsurroundings = Esystem = mgh = 0.8 9.81 100 = 784.8 J


: Increase in entropy of the universe indicates that there is a irreversibility or degradation of energy. That is the high grade potential energy is converted low grade energy during this process.

Case (c)

Systems Process Known

: Two metal blocks : Two metal blocks are brought in thermal contact and allowed to reach equilibrium. : Initial temperatures of the blocks T1a = 373 K

T1b = 273 K To find Diagrams : Entropy change of the universe :


: Suniverse = Sa + Sb Where

To find T2 Qa = Qb mc (T2 T1a) = mc (T2 T1b)


: In this process also the heat transfer through finite temperature difference makes the process irreversible which in turn results in increase in entropy of the universe.

Prob 5.21 : Each of three identical bodies satisfies the equation U = CT, where C is the heat capacity of each of the bodies. Their initial temperatures are 200 K, 250 K and 540 K. If C = 8.4 kJ/K, what is the maximum amount of work that can be extracted in a process in which these bodies are brought to a final common temperature ?

System Process Known

: Three identical bodies : Extracting work with heat transfer among the three bodies so that they reach a common temperature. : Initial temperature of the three bodies T1a = 540 K T1b = 250 K T1c = 200 K Heat capacity of all the three bodies = 8.4 T

To find Diagram

: The maximum amount of work that can be extracted. :


: Let us assume that the final temperature is greater than 250 K, so that heat is transferred from body (1) to bodies (2) and (3). The net work obtained W = Q1 Q2 Q3 = (U)1 (U)2 (U)3 = C [(540 T2) (T2 250) (T2 200)] = 8.4 [990 3T2]

This work will be maximum if the process under consideration is reversible. Therefore S1 + S2 + S3 = 0 Therefore T2 = 300 K This is the condition for the process to be reversible. Hence the maximum work that can be obtained is Wmax = 8.4 (990 3 300) = 8.4 (90) = 756 kJ Prob 5.22 : A resistor of 50 ohm resistance carries a constant current of 5A. The ambient temperature and the temperature of the resistor remain to be 27oC over a period of 10 seconds. What is the entropy change of the resistor, ambient and the universe ?


: A resistor

Process : Passing of the electrical current through a resistor at constant temperature. Known : 1) Initial and final temperature of the resistor 2) Ambient Temperature 3) Duration () To find : = 300 K = 300 K = 10 seconds

1) Sresistor 2) Sambient 3) Suniverse Analysis :


= Sresistor + Sambient = 0 + 41.7 = 41.7


: When current passes through a resistor it is converted into heat. As the resistor is to be maintained at the same temperature the heat is dissipated into the ambient and hence the process is irreversible resulting in increase of entropy of the universe. A closed system is assumed to have a heat capacity at constant volume where a = 0.002 and T is the temperature in K.

Prob 5.23 :

The system is originally at 600 K and a thermal reservoir at 300 K is available. What is the maximum amount of work that can be recovered as the system is cooled down to the temperature of the reservoir ? System Process Known : A closed system : Obtaining work with the help of the heat transfer from the system to the reservoir. : 1) Cv = e0.002T 2) T1 = 600 K 3) T2 = 300 K To find Diagram : Wmax :



= U

If the work is to be maximum, the process must be reversible. Therefore (S)universe = 0 Ssystem + Sreservoir = 0

Neglecting higher order terms, Therefore Sreservoir = S system = 1.731 Thus maximum work = Q1 Q2 = 911 519.3 = 391.7 kJ

1. 2. 3. 4. = 0 for ____________ processes Ans : Reversible Entropy is a point function (True / False) Ans : True Entropy change of universe can never be negative (True / False) Ans : True All the isentropic processes are reversible adiabatic processes (True / False)

Ans : False 5. 6. 7. 8. What is the difference between adiabatic and isentropic process? A system is losing 500 kJ of heat at a constant temperature of 500 K. What is the change in entropy ? Area under any curve in T-s diagram represents ____________. Ans : heat p = constant lines are steeper than v = constant lines in T-S diagram (True/False) Ans : False 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. During throttling process entropy ____________ (Increases / Decreases) for an ideal gas. Ans : Increases Find the entropy change of the universe when 1000 kJ of heat is transferred from 800 K to 500 K. Give the expression for change in entropy during isothermal processes and polytropic processes. Calculate the change in entropy per kg of air when it expands isothermally from 3bar. A closed system undergoes an adiabatic process. Work done on the system is The entropy change of the system a) is positive b) is negative c) can be positive or negative Ans : positive 14. 15. Give the interpretation of entropy from microscopic point of view. A quantity of gas has an initial pressure, volume and temperature of 140 kPa, 0.14 m o 1.25 and 25 C respectively. It is compressed to a pressure of 1.4 MPa according to the law pV = C. Determine the change in entropy Take cp = 1.041 kJ/ kgK, cv = 0.743 kJ/kgK. Ans : 0.207 kJ/kgK 16. 1 kg of air has a volume of 56 litres and a temperature of 190 C. The air then receives heat o at constant pressure until its temperature becomes 500 C. From this state the air rejects heat at constant volume until its pressure is reduced to 700 kPa. Determine the change of entropy during each process, stating whether it is an increase or decrease. Ans : 0.516 kJ/kgK, an increase 0.88 kJ/kgK, an decrease 17. A quantity of gas has an initial pressure, volume and temperature of 1.1 bar, o and 18 C respectively. It is compressed isothermally to a pressure of Determine the change of entropy. Take R = 0.3 kJ/kgK. 0.16 m 6.9 bar.
3 o 3

6 bar to 15 kJ/kg.

Ans : 0.111 kJ/K 18. A reversible heat engine shown in figure below operates between three constant temperature reservoirs at 600 K, 400 K and 300 K.

It receives 2500 kJ of energy of heat from the reservoir at 600 K and does 1000 kJ of work. Determine the heat interactions with the other two reservoirs. Ans : Q2 = 1008, Q3 = 4926 19. A block of copper with a mass of 1.5 kg is initially at 700 K. It is allowed to cool by means of heat transfer to the surrounding air at 300 K. Determine the change in entropy of the copper and change in entropy of the universe after copper reaches thermal equilibrium. Assume specific heat of copper is 0.39 kJ/kgK. Ans : 0.4967 kJ/K, +0.2843 kJ/K 20. Using the principle of increase in entropy prove that the heat transfer is always from a high-temperature body to a low temperature body. Nitrogen at 420 K and 1.4 MPa is expanded reversibly and adiabatically in a nozzle to exit pressure of 700 kPa. Determine the temperature and velocity of the nitrogen at the exit of the nozzle. Take N2 = 1.40. A vessel is divided into two temperature by means of a membrane as shown in the figure given below. What will be the final state of air and change in entropy of the universe if the membrane is removed. Ans : Pf = 750.14 kPa, Tf = 65.11oC = 0.373 23. A given gaseous system undergoes an isentropic process from state1 to state 2. a) Combine the two relations pv = RT and pv = C and show that b) Integrate the two expressions, using pv = C and show that is times by comparison.




During the isentropic process of 1.36 kg/s of air, the temperature increases from 4.44 C to 115.6oC. For a non-flow process and for a steady flow process find a) Change in internal energy b) Work done c) Change in enthalpy d) Change in entropy and e) Heat transfer Air at 5 bar,100oC, expands reversibly in a piston-cylinder arrangement. It expands to 2 bar in an isothermal process. Calculate (a) heat transfer per unit mass of air (b) change in specific internal energy (c) change in specific entropy



One kg of air at 1 bar, 20 C, is compressed according to the law pv = constant until the pressure is 5 bar. Calculate the change in entropy and sketch the process on a T-S diagram indicating the area representing the heat flow.



1 kg of air at 1bar, 25 C, changes its state to 6 bar and a volume of 1 m . Calculate the change of entropy and sketch the initial and final state points on the p-v and T-S fields. 0.5 m ethane (C2H4) at 7 bar, 260 C expand isentropically in a cylinder behind a piston to o 1bar, 100 C. Calculate the workdone in expansion assuming ethane as perfect gas. The 1.35 same mass is now recompressed back to 7 bar according to the law pv = constant. Calculate the final temperature and the heat transfer. Calculate also the change in entropy and sketch both process on the p-v and T-S fields. Take CP = for ethane. A mass m of water at T1 is mixed with equal mass of water at T2 at the same pressure in an insulated mixing chamber. Show that the entropy change of the Universe is given as Consider a closed system consisting of air as working fluid in a piston cylinder arrangement as shown in the Figure. The weight placed on the piston is such that the air occupies a volume of 1.5 litre when there exist thermodynamic equilibrium between the system and its surroundings. The o corresponding pressure and temperature are 2 bar, 30 C. Heat is added until the pressure
3 o




increases to 5 bar. Volume of air when the piston touches the stop is 3 litres. Find the following a) b) c) d) Final temperature Workdone Heat transformed Change in entropy


An ideal vapour absorption refrigeration system may be considered as the combination of the reversible heat engine operating a reversible refrigerator as given in the following diagram. Obtain the COP of the refrigeration system which is defined as the ratio of Qe to Qg.


Vapour absorption heat transformer is a novel device used for upgrading a portion of waste heat from low temperature to high temperature. An ideal vapour absorption heat transformer may be considered as the combination of the reversible heat engine operating a reversible heat pump as given in the following diagram. Obtain the COP of the vapour absorption heat transformer which is defined as the ratio of Qa to (Qg + Qe).

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