Biographical Method

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The key takeaways are that studying Bible characters can help us learn lessons for living for God and gaining wisdom. Examining their lives allows us to see both positive and negative examples.

The biographical method of Bible study involves selecting a biblical person, researching references about their life, making observations and outlines to understand their character and lessons from their life.

The 10 steps listed are: select a person, make a reference list, do initial readings noting impressions, make a chronological outline, gain insights, identify character qualities, see how Bible truths are illustrated, summarize lessons, apply lessons personally, and consider how to share the study.



Biogr aphical Method of Bible Study

How to Find Out What Made Bible People Tick

The Bible is composed of numerous stories of men and women and their relationships with the loving God who created them. To study the lives of these individuals is meaningful and uplifting. We can learn both what to do and what to be by looking at the positive attributes of hundreds of people who fill the pages of Scripture. We can also gain vast knowledge and wisdom by observing and avoiding the tremendous failures and negative aspects in the lives of people mentioned in Gods Word. Definition With the Biographical Method of Bible Study you select a biblical person and research the Scriptures to study his or her life and character. You try to become thoroughly acquainted with that persons inner life and find out what made it a spiritual success or failure. Ask God to help you think and feel with him or her so that your study becomes a life-changing experience.

Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods

The application of this study comes when you examine your own life in light of the study and ask God to help you make positive character changes in your weak areas. This will result in Christian growth and maturity. The Importance of Bible People eople are important to God. We are made in his image and likeness, and the Bible P is a record of his dealings with men and women. It is also a revelation of God himself, both to people and through people. To understand the Bible fully, you must get to know the prominent people of the Scriptures.

Step OneSelect the Bible Person You Want to Study Step TwoMake a List of All the References about That Person Step ThreeWrite Down First Impressions (First Reading) Step FourMake a Chronological Outline (Second Reading) Step FiveGet Some Insights into the Person (Third Reading) Step SixIdentify Some Character Qualities (Fourth Reading) Step SevenShow How Other Bible Truths Are Illustrated in the Persons Life Step EightSummarize the Main Lesson(s) Step NineWrite Out a Personal Application Step TenMake Your Study Transferable


The Biographical Method of Bible Study

Much of the Old Testament is in narrative form, describing the lives of many people. The book of Genesis, for example, revolves around six great names: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. The apostle Paul said that God gave us the stories in the Old Testament to be examples to us, from which we should learn valuable lessons for living for him in this world. Paul wrote, For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope (Rom. 15:4). He also said, These things happened to [the people of the Old Testament] as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come (1Cor. 10:11). The New Testament is a book of instructions; the Old Testament is a book of illustrations, though both Testaments contain instructions and illustrations. New Testament truths are illustrated in the Old Testament. One of the best ways to study the Old Testament is to study its people. This makes the older Scriptures really come alive. The Bible mentions in greater or lesser detail more than 3,000 people. When you have learned this method of study, you will have opened the door to a lifetime of exciting, fulfilling Bible study. Biographical studies are enjoyable and are also one of the easiest methods from which to find personal applications. Tools You Will Need Study Bible Exhaustive concordance Topical Bible Bible dictionary or encyclopedia Some Tips for a Good Biogr aphical Study To do a meaningful biographical study, keep the following pointers in mind. 1. Start with a person on whom you can do a simple study. Begin with one about whom there is a small number of references. Some biblical people can be

Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods

studied in a few hours; others take weeks to study, and some major persons can take a lifetime. Do not start doing this study on a person such as Jesus, Moses, or Abraham. Begin with some minor but important people such as Andrew, Barnabas, or Mary of Bethany. 2. The secret of a good biographical study is to live with that person during the study. Walk in his or her sandals. Try to get inside their mind and see how they think, feel, and respond to circumstances. Attempt to see things from their point of view, hear with their ears, mingle with their friends, and fight with their enemies. Become that person while you are studying them. This is only possible if you spend much time with that person, reading, and rereading all the Bible references about them. A friend of mine, Wayne Watts, has spent a lifetime studying Abraham. He has studied this biblical person so long that he has taken on many characteristics of Abraham. He is a great man of faith, as Abraham was. 3. Be careful not to confuse different people who have the same name when you look up the references about them. You will have to be sure that the verse is speaking about the person you have chosen to study. You would not want to confuse John the Baptist with John the Apostle or John Mark. For example, the Bible shows us that the following names were popular and refer to different people: Zechariah30 different men Nathan20 men Jonathan15 men Judas8 men Mary7 women James5 men John5 men The context of the verses will usually tell you which person is in view. 4. Be careful to find the various names that may apply to just one person. Since the Bible came out of a Hebrew-Aramaic-Greek context, some peoples names changed in the different languages, in both the Old Testament and the New. The apostle Peter, for example, is known as Peter, Simon, Simeon, and Cephas. Dan100

The Biographical Method of Bible Study

iels three friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are better known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Sometimes a name change came because of a character change, which was the case of Jacob becoming Israel. So be careful and find all the names used for the same person in your Bible study. 5. Stay away from books written about biblical people until after you have exhausted every Bible reference about that person and have drawn every possible insight out of those texts. Dont let a Bible commentary rob you of the task of personal discovery or prejudice your views of a person. Do your own work first, then check other sources. Simple Steps on Doing a Biogr aphical Study The Biographical Study Form has 10 sections, which are the 10 steps for doing this study.
Step One Select the Bible Person You Want to Study

You might start out by selecting someone who either has a weakness that you have or a strength that you would like to develop. Choose a person whose life will give you some valuable insights into how you can conform more to Gods standard for living and become more like Jesus Christ.
Step Two Make a List of All the References about That Person

Using your reference tools, find all the Scripture passages you can about that person and things related to her life. This might include such things as her birth, major events of her life, her accomplishments, what others said about her, and her death. You will not be able to get all the necessary vital statistics about every person you study, but find out as much about them as you can. Also look up any references that deal with the historical background of her life. If you were studying Esther, you would need to study the background of her day: the Persian Empire. If you were studying the apostle Paul, you would have to study his missionary journeys.

Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods

Step Three Write Down First Impressions (First Reading)

Read through the Scripture references you have listed and make some notes. Write out the first impression you have of this person. Then write down some basic observations and important information you discover about him or her. Finally, list any problems, questions, or difficulties you wonder about as you read these references.
Step Four Make a Chronological Outline (Second Reading)

For a major biblical person, read all the references again and make a chronological outline of the persons life. This will help you gain a good perspective on his life, and you will see how different events relate to one another. Later, when you study the events associated with his life, you will know in what part of his life they occurred. For minor biblical people or those about whose lives few details are given, read the references and make an outline on the basis of the information you have. Try to read all the references in one sitting and in a modern translation. This will help you feel the flow of the persons life. As you read, look for any natural, major divisions in his or her life. Then look for and write down any progressions and changes of attitude in that persons life as times goes by. For example, a wellknown division of Moses life is Forty years in Pharaohs courtlearning to be a somebody Forty years in the Midian desertlearning to be a nobody Forty years in the Sinai desertlearning that God is Somebody This is a real key to studying the characters of the people involved. See how God slowly molded and changed the people or how Satan brought them down.
Step Five Get Some Insights into the Person (Third Reading)

Go back over the references again, and look for possible answers to the questions suggested in appendix B. By answering some of these questions, you should get some helpful insights into the character of the person you are studying.

The Biographical Method of Bible Study

Step Six Identify Some Character Qualities (Fourth Reading)

As you review the references once again, use the suggested list of positive and negative characteristics in appendix C as a checklist. Write on your form or paper each quality, good and bad, that shows up in the persons life. Give a verse reference that shows each characteristic you have observed.
Step Seven Show How Other Bible Truths Are Illustrated in the Persons Life

Examine the persons life to see how it illustrates other truths taught in the Bible. For example, does his or her life show the principle of you will reap what you sow? Look in that life for illustrations of some of the Proverbs or of principles taught in the Psalms. For instance, you might ask, Does his life illustrate the promise, Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart (Ps. 37:4)? Find cross-references that illustrate what the Bible says about some of the characteristics you found in this persons life.
Step Eight Summarize the Main Lesson(s)

In a few sentences write out what you think is the main lesson that is taught or illustrated by this persons life. Is there any one word that could describe that life? What was his or her outstanding characteristic?
Step Nine Write Out a Personal Application

Refer to the Devotional Method of study (chapter 1) for the specifics of writing an application. In addition to the principles suggested there, you might ask yourself these questions: Did I see anything of myself in this persons life? Did he show some of my weaknesses? Did he reveal to me some of my strengths? What impressed me most about this persons life? Where do I fall short in this area? What do I intend to do about it?

Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods

Step Ten Make Your Study Transferable

Condense what you have learned into a simple outline that will help you remember it and enable you to share your conclusions with others. Make it pass-on-able. Ask yourself, What can this persons life mean to others? What can I share that I have learned that would help someone else? Divide the information into natural sequences of time and/or events and lessons learned. Use the progressions that you have found and recorded. Then think of some easily remembered ways to title each section. Keep these titles true to the major content of each section, making use of rhymes, alliterations, and other memory devices. Use your imagination in this last step! An illustration of a transferable outline of the life of Barnabas might look like this: He was an investor of money in the lives of church members (Acts 4:3637). He was the introducer of Saul (later Paul) to the apostles (Acts 9:2628). He was the inspector of the new church at Antioch (Acts 11:2224). He was an instructor of new Christians, including Paul and Mark (Acts 11:2226; 15:39). He was the initiator on the first missionary journey, which he began as the team leader but ended as a team member (Acts 1314). He was an interpreter of the doctrine of salvation and Gods plan for the Gentiles (Acts 1314). He was insistent in giving Mark another chance to be trained in the gospel ministry (Acts 15:3639). Conclusion In the 10-step procedure just given, it is suggested that you read all your references through four times. Actually, this is a minimum number. The more times you review the passages about the person you are studying, the more you are going to observe. (See the observation sections in chapter 10 of this book.)

The Biographical Method of Bible Study

How to Fill in the Biographical Study Form

At the end of this chapter is a Biographical Study Form that you can reproduce or use as a guide for writing on your own sheets of paper. The form lists the 10 steps already discussed for doing this study. Filling Out the Form Fill in the blanks of each of the 10 parts as described in the section above. If you need more room, use the back of the form or allow more room on your own paper. Sample Filled-out Form See the example on the life of Stephen at the end of this chapter. Assignment Appendix D provides a list of the major and minor men and prominent women of the Bible. Select from those lists any people who particularly interest you. If you are just beginning this method of study, you might want to do the following people first: 1. Mary of Bethany 2. Andrew 3. Caleb 4. Ruth 5. Daniel

For Further Reading Many books have been written on the men and women of the Bible. The ones listed here are some of the better ones. Remember, however, not to read the books before doing your study; do your study first, then check to see what others have discovered about that person.
All of the Women of the Bible by Edith Deen (HarperSanFrancisco) All the Men of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer (Zondervan) All the Women of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer (Zondervan) 105

Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods

The Complete Book of Whos Who in the Bible by Philip Comfort and Walter Elwell (Tyndale) Her Name Is Woman, Books I and 2, by Gien Karssen (NavPress) Lost Women of the Bible by Carolyn Custis James (Zondervan) Making of a Man of God (on David) by Alan Redpath (Revell) Men of the Bible by Ann Spangler and Robert Wolgemuth (Zondervan) New International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters, edited by Paul Gardner (Zondervan) The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible, edited by Bruce Metzger and Michael Coogan (Oxford University Press) Robust in Faith by J. Oswald Sanders (Moody Press) Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler and Jean Syswerda (Zondervan)


Biogr aphical Study Form

1. Name Stephen 2. Scripture References

Acts 6:38:2 Acts 11:19 Acts 22:20

3. First Impressions and Observations

Stephen was an early Christian who had a tremendous testimony in the church, was a powerful preacher and witness, and was willing to die for his faith.
4. Outline of His or Her Life

A. Chosen by the early church as a leader 1. to help resolve a conflict (Acts 6:5) 2. on the basis of certain godly characteristics (Acts 6:3, 5, 8) B. He had a wide ministry 1. waited on tables (Acts 6:2, 5) 2. performed miracles (Acts 6:8) 3. preached and taught powerfully (Acts 6:10) C. He was persecuted 1. opposed by Jews from overseas (Acts 6:9) 2. falsely accused (Acts 6:11) 3. arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin (Acts 6:1214) a. false witnesses testified against him. b. defended himself with a masterful review of O.T. Scripture (Acts 7:253) c. testified to Jesus (Acts 7:5556) d. lynched by an angry mob (Acts 7:5760) D. He had a ministry after his deathpersecution caused the church to spread (Acts 8:24; 11:19)

Biogr aphical Study Form

5. General Insights (Answers to Questions)

A. Why was he chosen to be a leader? Because He was full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3). He was full of faith and the Spirit (Acts 6:5). He was full of Gods grace and power (Acts 6:8). He knew the Scriptures (Acts 7:253). B. What was his response to false accusations? He kept his cool, remained silent, and only answered when he was directed to speak by the high priest. C. Are there any parallels with Jesus? Yes, he was falsely accused, demonstrated love and concern for his accusers, and died an undeserved death. D. What was his attitude toward his executioners? He was forgiving, even to the point of praying that God would forgive them for their sin of murder. E. What were the long-term results of his life, ministry, and death? They forwarded the plan of God. His death caused the disciples to scatter and take the Gospel to other parts of Judea, Samaria, and regions beyond Palestine in fulfillment of Acts 1:8. His death also helped bring Paul to the Lord.


Biogr aphical Study Form

6. Character Qualities Identified The Book of Acts

Spirit-filled (6:3, 5, 10) Wise (6:3, 10) Faithful (6:5) Available to God (6:8) Persistent (6:10) Holy (6:15) Knowledgeable (chap.7) Bold (7:5153) Brave (7:5153) Forgiving (7:60) Respected by others (8:2) A witness to Jesus (22:20)
7. Bible Truths Illustrated in His or Her Life

The presence and comfort of the Holy Spirit in the trials of life (Acts 7:5455; Hebrews 13:56). False accusations and persecution will come into our lives (Acts 6:11ff). Gods grace is sufficient when we walk with him (Acts 6:10; 1Cor. 1:2731; 2Cor. 12:9).
8. Summary of Lessons Learned from His or Her Life

The outstanding characteristic of Stephen was his commitment to the Lord and his willingness to do anything for him, including giving up his life. This commitment is seen in the fact that he was a man who walked with God (he was full of the Spirit and wisdom ... faith ... Gods grace and power). He had a great testimony before others in the church. He witnessed to people both in life and in death. He was, furthermore, a man of the Word. He really knew his Biblethe Old Testament. He must have spent hours studying the scrolls and the parchments.


Biogr aphical Study Form

9. Personal Application

I need to become a person like Stephena person of the Word who knows Jesus Christ intimately and who is able to answer others with Scripture when they ask questions. As a result of this study, I will commit myself to having a daily quiet time for at least 15 minutes to get to know Christ better. I will also commit myself to memorizing two Scripture verses each week so that I can answer people who ask me questions.

10. Transferable Concepts (Ways I can share this with others)

The concepts in this study that are transferable: A. The necessity of a personal walk with Jesus Christ. The only way we can become men and women of faith and wisdom like Stephen is to have a daily quiet time with the Lord. Stephen had a dynamic walk with Jesus Christ. B. The necessity of being in the Word of God on a regular basisBible study and Scripture memory. If I am to know my Bible as Stephen did, I need to spend quality time in it and be able to teach others how to do so as well. This book is one means to help me do so. I need to share these methods with others. C. The necessity of courage in times of adversity and persecution. I need to pray that God will give me boldness with others.
11. Someone with Whom I Intend to Share This Study

Pat Conner and Tommy Pauter (by email)


Biogr aphical Study Form

1. Name 2. Scripture References

3. First Impressions and Observations

4. Outline of His or Her Life


Biogr aphical Study Form

5. General Insights (Answers to Questions)


Biogr aphical Study Form

6. Character Qualities Identified

7. Bible Truths Illustrated in His or Her Life

8. Summary of Lessons Learned from His or Her Life


Biogr aphical Study Form

9. Personal Application

10. Transferable Concepts (Ways I can share this with others)

11. Someone with Whom I Intend to Share This Study


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