Electrical Safety

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Choose Safety.

Most electrically-related fatalities and injuries could

easily be avoided. Responsibility for your safety begins
with you. Take steps to protect yourself everyday and
make safety an integral part of how you do business.

Awareness of electrical hazards is critical to avoiding

and preventing accidents. Our Workplace Safety
toolkit will provide you with valuable information
that will help you to make safe choices everyday and

< You have a choice:

tips to create a safer work environment. This tool kit
will address topics such as:
Here is how you can
choose safety every day: >
O ver the last 10 years, more than 46,000 workers were
injured from on-the-job electrical hazards. These
types of injuries are not isolated to any one industry or one
Deenergize – Deenergize – Deenergize Job Planning & Work Permits
Power down whenever possible. Working on energized Assess the hazards and define the tasks each job will
field of work. It could happen to anyone when they least
equipment greatly increases your risk of injury and death. entail. Never work energized unless it is necessary.
expect it. It could even happen to you. Fortunately, you
have a choice to protect yourself from these threats.
Lock out/Tag out & Test Before You Touch Who is ESFI?
Each worksite is dynamic. Following these key principles The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI)
Your choice matters
can prevent shock or worse. is dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety.
During the work day, a worker is hurt every 30 minutes so
Established in 1994, ESFI proudly sponsors National
severely from electricity that it requires time off the job.
Arc Flash Prevention & Personal Protective Electrical Safety Month each May and focuses on raising
Recovery from electrical shocks and burns is slow and
Equipment (PPE) worker education to reduce personal injury and death
painful. But, it could be worse. Nearly 300 workers die
In the blink of an eye, an arc flash can forever change due to electrical accidents. With the support of many
from on-the-job electrical injuries each year. Your choice
your life. Protect yourself by choosing the appropriate individuals, corporations, and organizations, ESFI is the
affects families, friends, colleagues and YOU.
equipment for the job. leading advocate of electrical safety in the workplace.

2 3
Working with electricity requires planning and extreme care.
Whether you are on the job or tackling a project at home,
deenergizing and practicing safe work habits can significantly
reduce your risk.

Test Before You Steps for Achieving an Electrically-Safe

Touch Every Time: > Work Condition*

1. Determine all possible sources of electrical supply

to the equipment.
Too Many Workers Put Themselves at Risk
Each day, nearly 3 million workers participate in
work activities where lockout/tagout procedures could
E very year, workers are injured or killed by circuits
they thought were safely turned off. Simply shutting
off the power is not enough. Hazardous conditions can
2. After properly interrupting the load current, open
the disconnecting device(s) for each source.
Deenergize — Be Proactive About Your Safety 3. If possible, visually verify that the disconnecting
protect them. Unfortunately, too many workers still put still exist. Make sure to always TEST BEFORE YOU
The number one way to prevent electrical injuries and devices are fully open or that the drawout-
themselves unnecessarily at risk by working energized or TOUCH. You may not get a second chance to learn this
deaths is to deenergize the equipment being worked on. It type circuit breakers are withdrawn to the fully
not following their company’s lockout/tagout procedures. important lesson.
might take a little more time and planning, but your life disconnected position.
Failure to comply with OSHA’s lockout/tagout standard is
and health are worth it. Be proactive about deenergizing 4. Apply lockout/tagout devices in accordance with
listed as one of the top violations year after year. Electrical hazards on the job can be avoided by following
equipment and taking steps to ensure that it stays a safe your company’s procedures.
approved NFPA 70E and OHSA guidelines. Skilled
work environment. 5.
5. Use an adequately rated voltage detector to test
Lockout/Tagout Could Save Your Life employees, trained in electrical safety procedures, should
By always deenergizing and following established lockout/ make sure they understand and follow safety precautions. each phase conductor or circuit part to verify it is
Lockout/Tagout Helps Prevent the Unexpected deenergized. Before and after each test, make sure
tagout procedures, lives are being saved. Compliance to Those not trained to recognize and avoid electrical
Lockout/tagout procedures safeguard workers from the
OSHA’s lockout/tagout procedures prevents an estimated systems, or not under the supervision of those qualified that that the voltage meter is working correctly.
unexpected energization or startup of machinery and
120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries each year. Workers in electrical safety procedures, should avoid contact with 6.
6. Where the possibility of stored energy exists,
equipment. They also can prevent the release of hazardous
injured on the job from exposure to hazardous energy lose electrical systems and equipment. ground the phase conductors or circuit parts before
energy during service or maintenance activities.
an average of 24 workdays for recuperation. touching them.
* For a more complete list, please see NFPA 70E ®

4 5
Personal Protective Equipment
Arc Flash Explosions Happen Every Day.
is Your Last Line of Defense. >
While great advances are being made to improve
equipment design and thereby reduce the number of arc Workers often find themselves in environments where they
flash incidences each year, there is still much to be done. are exposed to unseen electrical hazards.
2,000 workers are admitted to burn centers each year for
treatment of severe arc flash burns – that’s the equivalent of
5 to 10 arc flash incidences each day.
I n the event of a momentary electric arc, flash fire, or exposure to energized
equipment, a worker can find himself completely unprotected against
forces that cause severe or fatal injuries. Everyday work clothes can ignite

What is an Arc Flash? >

and will continue to burn even after the source of ignition has been removed.
Normal clothes will continue to burn until the fabric is
totally consumed or will continue to burn with melting
and dripping causing severe contact burns to the skin.

A n arc flash is the sudden release of electrical

energy through the air when a high–voltage
gap exists and there is a breakdown between
metal droplets from melted copper and aluminum
electrical components shooting out at speeds up to
700 miles per hour, fast enough for the tiny shrapnel
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is your last line
of defense and will be the major factor in differentiating
between an electrical event you walk away from and one that requires
conductors. to penetrate your body. months of painful healing. PPE comes in many different forms,
including hard hats, gloves, goggles, safety shoes, flame-
An arc flash gives off thermal radiation (heat) What causes an arc flash? resistant shirts and pants, safety glasses, face shields, fall
and bright, intense light that can cause burns. An arc flash can be spontaneous or result from protection equipment, etc.
Temperatures have been recorded as high as 35,000 inadvertently bridging electrical contacts with
˚F. Exposure to these extreme temperatures burns a conducting object. Other causes may include
the skin directly and ignites the clothing that you dropped tools or the buildup of conductive dust or In order to Make PPE work for you, PPE should be:
are wearing. High–voltage arcs can also produce corrosion. • Appropriate for the hazard
considerable pressure waves by rapidly heating • Worn as the outermost layer
the air and creating a blast. This pressure burst Conditions under which arc flash can occur: • Worn CORRECTLY; zipped, buttoned, etc.
can hit a worker with grenade-like force and send • Working on an energized circuit • Repaired correctly and removed from service when needed

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Safety Does Not Just Happen: >
Working Energized
Planning for a job properly prevents mistakes and injuries. Safety on the job is not something that just
If it has to be worked energized, using a work permit will
happens; it should be an integral part of the planning process. Job briefings are a great way to include
help you prepare to face the work hazards ahead with a
and encourage all crew members in the safety planning process. Job briefings can be held at the start of
level of professionalism, productivity, and safety.
work shifts, as work tasks or hazards change, and as additional personnel arrive.
Job Briefing and Planning Checklist:
Work Permits
The hazards The shock protection boundaries
The voltage levels involved The available incident energy
Skills required
Any “foreign” (secondary source) voltage source
Potential for arc flash (Conduct a flash-hazard analysis)
Flash protection boundary
are Safety Tools: >
Any unusual work conditions Number of people needed to do the job

5 ways an energized electrical work

Can the equipment be de-energized Are backfeeds of the circuit to be worked on possible?
n important part of planning for safety is using permit can help you
Is a “standby person” required
work permits. Work permits are used when live
Check 1. The permit requires that you to define your work
parts cannot be deenergized. Energized work should
Job plans Safety procedures
only be performed when deenergizing creates additional tasks and assess the hazards associated with the
Single-line diagrams and vendor prints Vendor information
Status board Individuals are familiar with the facility hazards or is infeasible due to equipment design or work involved.
Information on plant and vendor resources is up to date
operational limitations. Additionally, work permits are 2.
2. It causes you to provide justification for the
Know not necessary when you are testing, troubleshooting, or work to be done energized. Why aren’t you
voltage measuring – provided of course that you follow working de-energized as required by OSHA?
What the job is Who is in charge?
Who else needs to know—Communications safe work practices and use the appropriate PPE. 3.
3. After a hazard assessment, the permit aids in
selecting the PPE necessary to protect you from
When work must be done energized, work permits shock and arc flash hazards.
About the unexpected even...What if? Install and remove grounds help everyone involved to think through the process 4.
4. The permit requires that boundaries be defined
Lock-Tag-Test-Try Install barriers and barricades
Test for voltage—First and to make safety a priority. Work permits include to keep unqualified workers out of harm’s way
What else...?
Use the right tools and equipment, including PPE information such as why and how the work will be and that electrical workers be properly qualified
conducted, detailed information about the shock and for the specific energized work tasks.
Prepare for an emergency
flash hazards involved, safe work practices and personal 5.
5. The most important reason for using the
Is the standby person CPR trained? What is the exact work location?
Is the required emergency equipment available? Where is it? How is the equipment shut off in an emergency? protective equipment (PPE) to be used, and who permit is for the approval to perform the work
Where is the nearest telephone? Are the emergency telephone numbers known? authorized the energized work. energized. Requiring a signature is a powerful
Where is the fire alarm? Where is the fire extinguisher?
Is confined space rescue available? Are radio communications available?
way to reinforce the primary requirement to
work denergized.
2004 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E ®
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The DVD included in this workplace toolkit reinforces the
safety training you have already received. It focuses on:

What is NFPA 70E? Job Planning for Qualified Persons & Work Permits
Promote awareness of this standard for electrical safety This segment provides a summary overview of how to
in the workplace. This short segment explains its role and plan for safety whether working deenergized or not. It
application in the industry. helps you to identify hazards, ask if the equipment can be
de-energized, check job plans and safety procedures, think
Electrical Safety 101 for Construction & Industrial about the unexpected, and prepare for an emergency.
These two clips cover address the most common causes
of electrical injuries in the industrial setting and on Denergize & Test Before You Touch
construction sites. It provides unqualified electrical Finally, this short segment will show you the importance
workers with general electrical safety information of always deenergizing. It explains the absolute
and safe work practices, and how to identify potential importance of testing all conductors, every time for
electrical hazards. absence of voltage before starting a job.

For more information on workplace safety, please visit ESFI’s website at www.esfi.org.

ESFI’s website also has other valuable resources that are available right at your fingertips. There you will find safety
information and tips on a wide variety of topics, from holiday safety to dangers associated with older home wiring
systems. Additionally, ESFI makes available press releases and other resources that will help you to work with local
media in reducing electrically-related deaths and injuries.

10 11
The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety. ESFI is
a 501(c)(3) organization funded by electrical manufacturers and distributors, independent testing laboratories, utilities,
safety and consumer groups, and trade and labor assocations. ESFI sponsors National Electrical Safety Month each
May, and engages in public education campaigns and proactive media relations to help reduce property damage,
personal injury and death due to electrical accidents.

Electrical safety tips are available on the Electrical Safety Foundation International’s
website, at www.electrical-safety.org, or call (703) 841-3229.

Electrical Safety Foundation International

1300 N. 17th St., Suite 1752
Rosslyn, VA 22209

Phone: (703) 841-3229 / Fax (703) 841-3329

E-mail: info @esfi.org
Web: www.electrical-safety.org

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