Solar Electrical Safety Presentation 1PDF

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The presentation discusses electrical safety when working with solar electrical systems, which have two power sources - the utility grid and the solar electrical system. It defines various electrical terms and hazards.

Common conductors include copper, aluminum, iron, steel and brass while common insulators include glass, rubber, plastic, asphalt, fiberglass, dry wood and pure water.

Hazards of working with batteries include exposure to lead and acid, hydrogen gas, inadequate storage, poor ventilation, arcing from tools and jewelry, heavy lifting, hand moisture and electrical shock.



by Ms Candice Joseph
Solar Electrical Works

Solar electrical systems present the unique

condition of having two electrical power
Its electrical power sources comes from Both
• The utility grid (T&TEC)
• The solar electrical system.
• Electrical Hazard – a dangerous condition where a worker
could make electrical contact with energized
equipment or a conductor, and from which the
person may sustain an injury from shock;

there is a potential for the worker to receive an

arc flash burn, thermal burn, or blast injury.

• Electrical Risk – an electrical risk is the likelihood of a fatality, shock

or other injury to a person, damage to the environment or
equipment; Caused directly or indirectly by electricity.
• Severity –the quality or state of being severe or the harshness of a

• Conductors – materials with high electron mobility.

• Insulators – materials with low electron mobility.

Common Examples of Conductors and
Conductors: Insulators:
Copper Glass
Aluminium Rubber
Iron Plastic
Steel Asphalt
Brass Fiberglass
Bronze Dry wood
Dirty water Pure water
Concrete Air
• GFCIs – (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) detect any difference
in electrical current between the two circuit wires.
If leakage current (a ground fault) is detected in a
GFCI – protected circuit, the GFCI switches off the current
in the circuit.
GFCI also detect the loss of current resulting from leakage
through a person who is beginning to get shocked.

• Protective/Control Measures
– are protective measures put in place at the
source (remove hazard or de-energize), or
along the path (place electrical
insulation/barrier between the worker and
the electrical hazard).

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) which includes

insulative gloves, safety helmets, safety boots, fall
protection …etc)
Hazards Associated with Electricity
Electrical Sparks – a spark arises from a sudden discharge through the air between two
conductors, or from one conductor to earth. The current produced is usually
small so that serious fire are unlikely unless explosive
gasses or vapours are present, or highly flammable materials is in contact
with the conductor.

Electrical Shock - Electrical shock is the passing of electric current through the body.
Electrical contact can cause involuntary physical movements.

The electrical current may

• Prevent you from releasing your grip from a live conductor
• Cause your balance and fall
• Throw you into contact with a higher voltage conducter
• Cause severe internal and external burns
• Kill you

Electrocution – death from electrical shock.

Hazards Associated with Electricity
Electrical Arcs - its usually arises when a circuit is broken or when a conductor melts or fractures
leaving a gap across with current continues to flow. When an arc is established
the air in the vicinity becomes ionized and forms a conductor which may allow
current to flow to a nearby metal framework. Any combustible material in the
vicinity could therefore lead to fire.

Arc flash – a release of energy caused by an electric arc.

Electrical Explosion – the arc flash causes an explosive expansion of air and metal.

The blast produces;

• A dangerous pressure wave
• A dangerous sound wave
• Extreme heat
• Sharpnel
• Extreme light
Hazards Associated with Electricity

Electrical Fire – a failure or malfunction which originates within electrical components,

electric wires, cables and circuit breakers.

Electrical Burns – entry and exit marks where the current enter and left the body,
internal burns can also result.
The Human Body Electrical Current Threshold Capacity
1000 milliamps (mA) = 1 watt/volt (V)

The human body threshhold of preception is approximately 1.5mA, below this level it is unlikely
that any sensation of current flow will be felt.

As the prospective current level increases, contractions of the muscles occurs

Resulting in the person gipping the points of contact and being ‘held-on’

A further small increase in current will cause the respiratory muscles and
Heart muscles to be affected.

At 50mA = 0.05V, ventricular fibrillation may occur (i.e. the heart “flutters” rapidly and no longer
serves as a pump).

A current of 100mA = 0.1V is likely to prove fatal

In comparison, a typical house electrical service of 120vAC can produce currents thousands of
times higher than 100mA.
The Factors Affecting the Severity of Shock

• Duration
• Path of current
• Size of current
• Voltage
• Frequency
• Personal susceptibility
• Environment
• Possible protection afforded by PPE.
General Electrical Hazards associated with High Risk

Overhead power lines

• Overhead power lines are not insulated
• When mobile equipments, work platforms, or other conductive materials
such as ladders or aluminium mounting rail make contact with overhead
wires, the equipment operator or other workers can be killed
• More than half of all electrocutions are caused by direct worker contact
with energized power lines.
General Electrical Hazards associated with High Risk
Use of Defective electrical equipment and Tools
• Extension cords with missing or broken ground terminals, damage casing,
bare wires, defective GFCIs are unsafe and should never be used.
• Slips, trips and falls improper running or arrangement of extension cords
and cables.
• Use of defective electrical device that is not grounded (or grounded

All electric equipment should be inspected or checked by the operator prior

to the start of work.
If an fault or damage is detected during inspection the item should be taken
out of circulation and sent for repairs where applicable.
Use approved portable electrical hand tools.
General Electrical Hazards associated with High Risk

Excavation Works
• During excavation work buried cables may be present.
• Shovels and post hole diggers can damage buried cables.

Use fiberglass-insulated shovel and pick axes when excavating

by hand.
Use appropriate PPE (voltage rated gloves, footwear and safety
helmet etc.)
General Electrical Hazards associated with High Risk

Overloaded circuits
• Overloads in an electrical system can produce heat or arching.
• If too many devices are plugged into a circuit.
• If a single device draws too much current.
• Incorrect wire size is used, the electrical current can heat the wires to a
very high temperature.
• Excessive heat can melt insulation and lead to arching which can create
ground fault or fires.

Properly functional breakers trips when circuits are overloaded.

Properly functional GFCIs trips during current leakage, the GFCI switches off
the current in the circuit.
General Electrical Hazards associated with High Risk

Electrical hazards can be worse if the workers, location, or

Equipment is wet.
• Working in wet conditions is hazardous because it increases
the chance of completing a path for current flow.

• Wet clothing, high humidity, and perspiration also increases

the chances of electrocution.

• Coming into contact with a live wire or other electrical component, if

well-grounded standing in a wet area the risk shock is high.
General Electrical Hazards associated with High Risk

Secondary Effects
• Fall from height (ladders and scaffolding etc.), which may turn
a relatively minor electrical shock into a serious accident.
• Loss of control of equipment.

Do not use metal ladders near circuits or lines.(Use ladders

made of fiberglass).
Working with Solar Electric System
Evaluate and Identify Work Place Location

Ensure a proper site visit is conducted:

• Evaluate and identify the works area
(outdoor or indoor)
• The level or height (roofing or ground works)
• Access to and egress from(ladder or scaffolding etc.)
• Environmental exposure.
Roofing Works Hazard Evaluation

• Observe the structural integrity of the roof structure

• Consider the weight of the solar panels/PVs
• Consider the weight of the workers on the roof
• Consider the roofing dimensions for the installation of
solar panels/PVs, required clearance area and pathway.
• Observe possible solar panel/PVs reflective range and
neighbour placement.

Note the appropriate PPE (voltage rated gloves, safety boots,

helmets, fall protection etc.)
Working with Solar Panels/PVs
Hazards associated with solar Safe work solar panel/PVs Installation
panel/PVs works and Installation

• Small amount of sunlight can • Always read PV specifications follow

produce a voltage potential and manufacturer directions and check
shock or arc-flash. the equipment and safety
• Voltage can be present even in
• Turn off the PVs by removing it from
very low light conditions, enough is fuel source ‘the sun’ or
to produce shock to an
unsuspecting installer. cover the PVs with an opaque
cover that blocks the sunlight to
• Surprise shocks can cause injuries
prevent it from generating
directly or cause a fall from a roof
or ladder.
• Disrupt the current path by
• The energy from the bright arc- disconnecting the DC disconnect
flash and explosion can cause switch. Tag and lock out the circuit
severe burns. using standard procedure.
Safe work solar panel/PVs Installation

• NEVER disconnect PV module connectors or other associated PV wiring

under load.
• Always open the DC Disconnect Switch prior to working on a solar PV
• Use a current clamp to check for hazardous energy prior to working on
PV array.
Working with batteries

Working with battery back-up systems can be the most dangerous part of
solar electric installations and maintenance.
Hazards associated with battery installations and maintenance;
• Typical batteries are lead acid, lead is known to cause
reproductive harm and acid can cause severe burns.
• Hydrogen gas is know to be released by some batteries.
• Inadequate storage location for batteries.
• Poor ventilations of storage location.
• Arcing of battery terminal by fall metal hand tools and works with
personal jewelry.
• Extreme weight of battery (back pains or strains)
Working with batteries

Hazards continued;
• Extreme hand moisture.
• Electrical shock.
Working with batteries

Safe work battery Installation and Maintenance

• Follow manufacturing guidelines for proper handling , installation and
• Select a proper, spacious and ventilated storage location.
• Use of insulative materials example ply boards in storage location.
• Properly insulated hand metal tools and removal of personal jewelry.
• Practicing proper lifting techniques, adequate personnel lifting assistants.
• Use of required P.P.E (gloves, safety glasses etc.)
Working with Batteries
Safety Components
of a Solar System

• Proper earthing
• Lighting Arrestors
• Disconnectors
• Disconnection
• Circuit breakers
• Fuses
Electrical Fire and Extingushers
Class C or Class E
• Fires are fires involving energized electrical equipment such
as computers, servers, motors, transformers, and appliances.
• Remove the power and the Class C or E fire becomes one of the other
of fire.
First-Aid Treatment for Electrical Shock

• Call or send for help immediately

• If possible, the electricity supply should be switched off
• If this is not possible the victim must be moved as quickly as
possible away from the source of the power and this must be
achieved without endangering anyone else. The victim should be
pulled away from the source by means of non conducting
implement such as a wooden broom handle (dry).
• If very high voltages are involved, such improvision may be very
dangerous; proceed with extreme care.

If the victim is unresponsive and has stopped breathing, artificial

resuscitation must be started immediately and continue, even if the
victim appears to be dead.
First-Aid Treatment for Electrical Shock
First-Aid Treatment for Electrical Shock

Generally CPR is stopped when:

• The person is revived and starts breathing on their own
• Medical help such as ambulance paramedics arrive to take
• The person preforming the CPR is force to stop from physical

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