An Introduction To Fibre Optic Systems - Part I
An Introduction To Fibre Optic Systems - Part I
An Introduction To Fibre Optic Systems - Part I
This series of articles on Fibre Optics, plans to introduce the reader to CATV Fibre Optics. Part
-1 of this series introduces the reader to the basic technology, components and functioning of
a Fibre Optic System. Academic Details and the Physics are kept to a minimum, with greater
emphasis on the practical aspects, relevant to CATV Systems. Practical details and
approximate prices are provided where-ever possible, to provide a better appreciation of this
esoteric subject.
Fibre Optics is often perceived as a futuristic technology within the Indian Cable TV industry.
As is the case with most futuristic technologies, factual technical details are hard to come by.
The CATV operator then usually assumes either, that Fibre Optics is a panacea for all his
problems or that Fibre Optics is too expensive for him to implement. Often the CATV operator
assumes both the above. As is frequently the case, the truth is somewhere in-between.
To fully understand and appreciate the capabilities and limitations of a fibre optic system, lets
take a close look at the basics. A copper (coaxial conductor ) based CATV system utilises a
RF carrier which is Amplitude Modulated ( AM) by the program signal. This modulated carrier
is then carried on a cable for distribution. The signal is fed to different points using Tap-offs
and Splitters which divide the signal as required. The signal is then fed into a TV set which
provides the final picture.
The basic Fibre Optic system is quite similar to a copper based system, but for a few important
differences. Before we get down to details, it is relevant to note that not all Fibre Optic (F.O.)
systems use amplitude modulation. Fibre Optic systems used in Communications such as
Telephony, utilise digital transmission and are quite different from the CATV Fibre Optic
transmission systems. Contrary to the popular perception, it is not possible to use the digital
F.O. systems employed for telephony, for CATV signals. The range of equipment and signal
processing are totally different. These series of articles will be restricted only to A.M. Fibre
Optic systems used for CATV signal distribution.
The brightness (amplitude or intensity) of the Laser beam is varied by the incoming signal
simply by changing the current fed to the laser. This produces an Amplitude Modulated light
beam, which is Coherent and monochromatic. This single carrier usually carries 70 to 80
channels of TV programs.
In the early days of Fibre Optics, a LASER used to typically be a large unwieldy piece of
equipment, that required an entire room to house it. This image of the laser, was further
reinforced by science fiction stories of mad scientists in the labs, toiling over giant Lasers
capable of vaporising air planes in mid-air ! While there do exist today, Lasers that are capable
of burning a hole through a thick slab of steel, most commercial lasers are mundane pieces of
equipment, called Laser Diodes. Every CD player (Video, Audio or computer ) uses a laser
diode to read the information from the disc. This laser diode is the size of a regular LED and is
also fabricated using similar production facilities. These laser diodes cost approximately US $
100 (Rs. 4,200) each. Of course, a range of products are available, with different intensities
and wavelengths. CATV F.O. systems utilise lasers emitting light at 1310 or 1550 nanometers.
This wavelength is in the near infra red region, not visible to the human eye.
The light from the laser is quite powerful, particularly since it is focused into a narrow beam.
This beam, though invisible, can injure the retina if the light is directed, even accidentally, to
the eye. For safety reasons, most Laser equipment carry statutory warning near active lasers.
Several CATV transmitters even have a provision to automatically reduce the laser intensity if
the output port is left open, or a fault develops in the distribution system. A Fibre Optic
Transmitter typically costs approximately Rs. 4 to 5 Lakhs each. One of the most important
factors that influences price of the transmitter, is the output power of the laser. A more
powerful laser permits longer runs of cable from the F.O. Transmitter to the Receiver. The
lasers initially developed had a life of about 10,000 hours. The more powerful lasers had an
even shorter life. The technology has now advanced significantly, and now Scientific Atlanta
claim a M.T.B.F. (Mean Time Before Failure) of 100,000 hours, fortheir Fibre Optic
transmitters. This is equivalent to over 10 years of continuous use.
The Fibre Optic Cable Basically consists of an optically transparent core. This core can be
made of either Glass or plastic. The plastic core has a much higher loss and is not used in
large, high bandwidth systems, such as those required for CATV applications.
CATV Fibre Optic cable consists of a Silica (Glass) core of a very fine diameter - about 125
microns (1000 microns = 1 millimetre). Physically this means that each core is about the
thickness of a human hair. Each glass core is then covered with a protective sheath or “
Cladding ". Several such cladded cores can be packed into a small sized cable. Manufactures,
such as Commscope usually provide a minimum of 4 cores and 100 or even more cores per
cable. These cores are the enclosed in a mechanically robust jacket. The actual construction is
shown in the picture of a Fibre Optic Cable.
Over the years, extensive research has been done for the glass used to manufacture the glass
fibre. During research, it was observed, that though there was a reasonably high transmission
loss for light travelling in glass, if the glass was doped with certain elements, the glass
transmitted particular wavelengths of light with almost no loss at all. Today, practical F.O.
systems offer transmission loss of only 0.5dB per Km ! Of this, the glass fibre contributes about
0.2 dB and other losses such as joints and connectors, and other stay losses account for the
Absorption is caused on unwanted material in the fibre. Chemically, glass is not a solid but a “
Super cooled liquid “ Water (OH-ions) in the glass crystal are the dominant absorber in most
fibres, causing the peaks in optical loss at 1250nm and 1390nm. Above 1700nm, glass starts
absorbing light energy due to the molecular resonance of SiO2. Modern manufacturing
methods are capable of reducing these effects to almost zero. The attenuation curve in Fig. 1
clearly shows why Optical CATV system designers prefer the 1300nm and 1550nm
The third effect is bending. Two types can be distinguished: MICROBENDING is due to
microscopic imperfections in the geometry of the fibre (rotational asymmetry, changes of the
core diameter, “rough boundaries between core and cladding) caused by either the
manufacturing process or by mechanical stress, such as pressure, tension and twist.
Fibre curvatures with diameters on the order of centimeters are called MACROBENDING. In
this case, the loss of optical power is due to less-than-total internal reflection at the core-to-
cladding boundary. Bending loss is usually unnoticeable if the diameter of the bend is larger
than 10 cm. An interesting application of the fibres sensitivity to bending is a (non-reflecting)
termination of the fibre. Just as in coaxial cable systems, it is necessary to properly terminate
the end of a fibre. If this is not done, the light in the fibre will reflect back into the fibre, and
destructively interfere with the incoming signal, causing severe distortion. An optical
termination can be constructed with one or two knots of 1cm diameter, this will reduce the
reflections to less than -40dB.
OPTICAL SPLITTERS: The optical signal, travelling down a fibre optic cable has to be
distributed to various nodes. A coaxial cable based system utilises directional couplers (Tap-
Offs) and splitters. A similar method is employed for fibre optic systems. F.O. systems employ
only optical splitters. These are available in a range of splitting ratios viz.: 50:50 (i.e. split in 2
equal parts), 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 and 90:10. Obviously, the unequal splits perform the same
function as conventional directional couplers, with different Tap-Off losses. An optical splitter
typically costs approximately US $ 500 each.
A conventional coaxial cable based CATV system employs amplifiers at regular intervals to
amplify the signal and compensate for cable and distribution losses. Contrary to popular belief,
there are no optical amplifiers for Amplitude Modulated signal, used in CATV F.O. systems.
There are optical amplifiers available for amplifying digital, optical pulses, that are employed in
digital telecommunication systems, but these cannot be deployed for analog signals. This
means that once the optical signal becomes weak, there is no alternative, but to convert the
signal back to an electrical (R.F.) signal, using a fibre optic receiver. The R.F. signal can be
amplified if necessary, and then fed to another F.O. Transmitter, for retransmission.
Clearly, such conversions of the signal from an optical form to R.F. and then back to an optical
signal is economically extravagant, and the conversions will add noise and distortion to the
original signal. Hence, every effort is made to minimise all losses in the optical path. Where
necessary (or possible) a more powerful laser transmitter can be employed. However,
enhanced laser power comes attached with a significant price tag, and usually a shorter
operational life.
Most advanced CATV Systems require Bi Directional transmission capabilities. Separate
frequencies (wavelengths) are to be employed for this purpose. Such CATV systems utilise a
1310nm carrier for the forward path (Head End to distribution nodes) and 1550nm for reverse
path transmissions (from Nodes back to the Head End), on the same fibre core. Alternately,
separate fibre cores can be used for the forward & reverse paths, both at 1310nm. Details of
the practical implementation will be given in the Part II of this series.
Inspite of all the precautions taken, a good Fibre connector will have a loss of atleast 0.2dB.
(i.e. a loss equivalent to 1Km of uncut cable!) While connectors are inevitable for use with
optical splitters, clearly, a more efficient connection would be welcome. With copper wire, an
excellent joint can be produced by melting metal and forming the joint as in soldering or
welding. Similarly, an almost perfect joint can be made on an optical fibre by FUSION
WELDING. The process trains a powerful burst of Laser light at the joint, which fuses the glass
fibre. The ends are joined by the as the molten glass solidifies. Laser fusion equipment is
expensive, a typical, fully automatic field set up would cost approximately Rs. 8 Lakhs As a
cynic commented, “ The common razor blade is a very potent weapon to sabotage a Fibre
Optic Distribution system. “
Does Fibre Optic Transmission offer the perfect, - distortionless, noiseless medium ? Again,
contrary to popular belief, the answer is “ NO ".
The amplification and conversion of the R.F. signal, does introduce distortion. However, in a
typical F.O. system, the worst case distortion is fairly low, and is not a major concern. This is
mainly because the F.O. system does not employ multiple amplifiers to boost the signal for
transmission. Distortion can only take place at the time of conversion of the R.F. signal to an
optical signal, and then again when converting the optical signal back to an electrical signal.
The F.O. receiver has the difficult task of accepting a weak beam of light and converting it to a
large (80dB +) R.F. signal. The PIN photodiode produces only a very tiny current fluctuation in
response to the incident light. Further, the situation is compounded when a larger number of
channels are employed. These changes are to be amplified by several orders of magnitude, to
obtain the required output. This large signal amplification results in a fairly large noise,
ultimately yielding a poor C/N (Carrier-to-Noise) ratio. Other more sensitive photodetectors
could be used, but these do not exhibit the excellent linearity (Low Distortion) of the PIN
As a result of the above, the F.O. system noise increases significantly, if a larger number of
channels are used, particularly where the incident optical power to the receiver is low. A Fibre
Optic CATV system, would typically provide much lower distortion, but the same, or more
noise, than a conventional R.F. distribution system offering 70 channel operation over the
same distance.
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