Helping The Fallen Arches May 2010

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Top Tips from Active Anatomy Helping the fallen arches.

There are not many instances in the fitness industry when you are able to take off your clients shoes due to safety and insurance reasons. Therefore, I find that anatomy of the lower limb below the knee and feet is not really considered or routinely strengthened. A common scenario is the person who has their feet in shoes all day, maybe wearing orthotics as well, and never gets the opportunity to move and use their toes individually. Furthermore, no health professional has prescribed any corrective exercises to help strengthen the arches of the feet or the muscles which control stability at the ankle. The arches and ankle stability are extremely important for balance in upright standing and are an integral part of the righting reflexes. If the intrinsic muscles of the feet become weak they will load the long toe flexors and more global movement muscles of the ankle increasing risk of overuse injuries. Eg: shin splints or tendonitis.

ANATOMY: Feet intrinsics

The intrinsic muscles are made up of INTEROSSEOUS and LUMBRICAL muscles. They are very small muscles in the feet, and in between the toes. They help to maintain the transverse arch of the foot and keep the toes straight when the foot is pointed. Therefore they PREVENT SCRUNCHING of the toes.


Arches of the Foot

They function to provide the following: Absorb and distribute forces with walking Improve walking by increasing speed and agility Provide both stability and flexibility to the foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch

This arch is maintained by the Peroneus Longus, Tibialis Anterior, Tibialis Posterior, FHL, Abductor Hallicus & Plantar Aponeurosis (including ligaments, tarsals and metatarsals). The peroneus longus and the tibialis anterior both attach to the medial cuneiform and base of the 1st metatarsal, thereby acting together forming a stirrup which runs under the arch. The fact that both these tendons join to the same bones of the foot highlights the importance of maintaining control of the medial side of the foot particularly during activity or uneven surfaces.


In standing or sitting, place toes on the ground. Keep them lengthened. Slowly lift the big toe upwards, keeping the other 4 toes on the ground. Then repeat lifting the 4 toes keeping the big toe on the ground No toe scrunching Repeat x10 Try starting from the big toe and slowly lift up one toe at a time in order. Once, all toes are lifted off the ground slowly return the toes from 5th big toe in order No toe scrunching Repeat x5 Place foot onto a facecloth on a hard slippery floor Keeping the toes lengthened and the arch lift, try to gather the facecloth in between the toes and lift off the floor Repeat x5

Big Toe lifts

Piano Playing

Towel picking up

Toe Flaring

Start with foot relaxed, then try and abduct the big toe and little toe outwards, spreading all the toes in between. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat. Put resistance band around foot and hold the band out away from the foot. Working from the ankle ONLY, slowly turn the sole of the foot upwards and inwards. Make sure the leg doesnt roll. Repeat x10 each Make sure the eccentric action is smooth and controlled. Holding band on the other side of the foot, slowly turn the sole of the foot outwards . Repeat x10 each side Make sure the eccentric action is smooth and controlled. Performing calf rises with a band pulling the ankle in either direction will help to recruit either the peroneals or tibialis muscles in a functional position. It is important to keep the weight of the foot over the 2nd toe as you go through a full range of calf rise.

Inversion Strengthening (tib post. & tib ant)

Eversion Strengthening (peroneals)

Calf rises with band resistance

Each rep should be controlled and slow, and care taken on the eccentric part of the exercise. Goal: 20 well performed rises without fatigue each leg. Progress to wobble board balance whilst maintaining arches

For more examples of hip, knee or ankle Stability exercises along with their descriptions and pictures in order of progression, attend my workshop on 6th June 20210 or purchase the Workshop Textbook or Corrective Exercise information CD.

Merrin Martin
B.App.Sc.(Physio), B.Sp.Sc.(Ex.Science), Cert IV Pilates, Cert IV Workplace Assessment & Training, Cert IV Fitness, M.A.P.A.

Merrin is currently the director of ACTIVE ANATOMY - a health professional education business. Combining her experience as a Physiotherapist, Pilates Instructor and Exercise Scientist has enabled her to become a specialist in corrective exercise programs. To contact Merrin Martin or the Active Anatomy team call 0414 423 744 or visit to book online.

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