Taitz Report 06.09.2013

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Orly Taitz, Esquire

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2013

World's Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption. Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do Mail donations to: Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. not necessarily represent the Orly Taitz Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has 29839 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688. no means of checking the veracity Contact Dr. Taitz at of all the claims and allegations in In case [email protected]. emergency, call 949-683-5411. the articles. When the people fear their government, there
is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. -- Mahatma Gandhi

Judd Complaint went to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments

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Urgent action item: please, call, fax, e-mail senator Kelly Ayotte, who is simply a political clone of McCain and is returning a favor to McCain, who pushed her candidacy.
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments Press release Law Offices of Attorney Orly Taitz On Sunday 06.09.2013 senator Kelly Ayotte (R) NH announced her support for the new Mega Amnesty. A letter to Senator Ayotte and all the supporting documentation ares attached. It is expected that the Democrats believed to have 60 votes to clear the Senate, however they are not believed to have sufficient votes to clear the House of Representatives. All of the supporters f Attorney Orly Taitz are asked to call, e-mail, fax Senator Ayotte and demand NO on mega amnesty.In case she forgot, she was not elected to represent the illegals. She was elected to represent American citizens who are losing their jobs and livelihood by the millions. The last thing they need or want, is another amnesty for millions of illegals. Additionally, attacheddocuments show that she cannot even mention e-verify checks for illegals, if she herself is covering up failed E-verify of Obama DEFEND OUR FREEDOMS FOUNDATION 29839 SANTA MARGARITA STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 PH.949-683-5411 FAX 949-766-7687 Via Federal Express Senator Kelly Ayotte 144 Russell Senate Office building Washington DC 20510

ph 202-224-3324 fax 202-224-4952 EXTREMELY URGENT 06.09.2013 Dear Ms. Ayotte, Today you made a statement that you will be voting for the new mega amnesty and you are trying to convince American citizens that millions of illegals receiving this new amnesty will not rob Americans of their jobs, as their status will be checked through E-verify. Before you cast your vote on Tuesday, you are hereby put on notice that Mr. Barack Obama posted his 2009 tax returns on line and originally did not flatten the PDF file, as such full unredacted Social Security number he is using was downloaded by thousands of Americans. This is a Connecticut number 042-68-4425, which FAILED both E-verify and SSNVS. The number in question was traced to one Harrison J. Bounel, immigrant from Russia, born in 1890, presumed to be deceased. There is a suspicion that former Chief Actuary of SSA Harry C. Ballantyne was complicit in this SSA fraud, as national databases show Mr. Obama using the Social Security number of Mr. Ballantynes deceased mother as well. Moreover, upon request under signed attorney can forward to you other documents of Mr. Obama, exhibiting signs of forgery and fraudulent use. Please, see attached pleadings and exhibits sent to Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Royce C. Lamberth seeking the original SS-5 application for the SSN 042-68-4425, which Mr. Obama is fraudulently using. Senator Ayotte, aside from being a U.S. senator, you are a former Attorney General of New Hampshire, a Chief Law Enforcement officer of a state. You are being held to a higher authority. It is your duty to demand to stay the hearing on the new immigration bill and seek to hear the issue of Mr. Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number, which failed E-verify. You will have zero credibility in promising U.S. citizens and your constituents that e-Verify of millions of illegals will be checked, if you are covering up the failed E-Verify of an individual occupying the position of the U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief. Moreover, if you do not take action, you will be criminally complicit in the cover up of forgery, fraud, Social Security Fraud IRS fraud, violation of Identity Theft Act of 1988 and treason. Your constituents expect from you integrity, moral values, and adherence to your oath of office to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. We trust that you will not become complicit in this most egregious violation of all of the above. Respectfully, /s/ Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

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this year between 60,000 to nearly 200,000 unique users were visiting this web site every month. we are spreading the word
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments

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If Zullo has a statement from a forensic document examiner, he should make it public. what is he waiting for? why is he making a deal for the examiner not to make public his report?
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 8 Comments Mike Zullo says that he has a report from a forensic document examiner stating that Obamas BC is a 100% forgery, he needs to make this report public. Every day of Obama regime causes an immeasurable damage to this nation. You might remember an article stating that some records were found in England. This article went around for a year and no records were ever produced. Now, I am not saying that Zullo does not have a report, I believe he does have it, but he needs to make it public and he needs to resolve some concerns. These are the concerns that need to be resolved: 1. I contacted multiple forensic document examiners. They all told me that they cannot sign an opinion that the copy produced for public consumption is a forgery without seeing the original document on file, and Hawaii refuses to release the original (wet ink) document, even after I served them with a federal subpoena. Zullo never had any subpoenas and he never saw the original document, so I am extremely surprised that the Forensic DocumentExaminer agreed to sign an opinion that the document is a forgery without actually seeing the original document on file. write. 2. I received an e-mail from P.B. and she questioned Zullos and Arpaios statement that the opinion was provided by an examiner, who is a registered Democrat in Hawaii. According to research by Ms. Barnett HI does not post a party affiliation of the voter. Maybe it is some kind of a minor error, I do not know, but it would be nice to get an explanation, where did they get information that he is a registered Democrat in Hawaii. 3. Why did Mike Zullo submit to the Supreme Court in AL a hearsay, a statement that he has an opinion of someone? Of course the Supreme Court will not take into account Zullos affidavit any way, as they will not review new evidence and there was no affidavit from Zullo in the lower court, but even if this would be submitted to the lower court, they would ask for the actual report from the examiner, Zullos affidavit would be opposed and probably stricken as a hearsay. 4. Why did this examiner, Reed Hayes, state in his e-mail, which I published here a day ago, that he made a deal with Zullo not to work with anyone else? Several Secretaries of State, including AZ and KS sought verification from HI. If there is a report from a forensic document examiner that it is a 100% forgery, then Zullo and Arpaio have a duty to make it public and forward to all 50 secretaries of State and all 50 AGs and their own District Attorney, and US Attorney. We need to get answers and we need to see this report. I am not saying he didnt, but we need to see it, we need to see what did he actually

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Another unsuccessful attempt from Obama camp

Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 2 Comments I am getting all of these desperate theories from Obama camp. Here is the latest, they claim that the Identity theft Act came later, so he cannot be convicted of a crime after the fact. Apparently they are referring to the fact that he started using this stolen social security number before 1988 when the Act was enacted. Here is my response: 1. He was a Harvard educated lawyer and an officer of the court. even if he started using a stolen Social security number before the Identity theft Act was enacted by Congress, he still knew that he is committing fraud. Fraud is a common law crime. 2. Moreover he is guilty of violation of Identity Theft Act of 1988, as I have his tax returns signed after 1988. He signed his 2009 tax returns using the same number and like an idiot posted it on whiteHouse.gov an did not flatten the PDF file, so I got him violating the IdentityTheft Act of 1988 as late as April 15 2010. 3. Additionally, I suspect that this bogus Selective service certificate with a stolen SSNm was created after 1988 as well. I am 99.9% certain in that. So, you lose again boys. Here is the message. I am redacting the cuss words. They are calling me each and every name in the book. Real class!

Eric B Walker 0 approved EricBWalker.com x EricBWalker..@hotmail. con

Submitted on 2013/06/09 at 12:46 pm Dumb ask c..even if he did the statue covering SSN number cam in to effect after the fact.Their for he was committed no crime base on your own document..what a worthless pies of s.. you are orly.when will some one run you over in the middle of the street. Approve | Reply | Quick Edit | Edit | History | Spam | Trash | Check SFS | Check HoneyPot | Report to SFS

As Arpaio and Zullo claim that since Obama only used a stolen Social Security number, but did not use the persons name, he did not commit any crime. Our Obots on duty are asking which laws Obama violated. Here is one for starters: use of someone elses Social Security number

is considere d to be a violation of Identity Theft Act and is a crime, a felony. See below 6View Post
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More desperate statements coming from Obama and his accomplices

Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 3 Comments Obama is trying to to avoid prosecution based on his use of the stolen Social Security number of Harison J. Bounel. He runs scenarios using his tag team. One of them goes by pseudonym Paul Jackson. They are claiming that Arpaio cannot do anything and state court cannot do anything as Social Security fraud is a federal crime. This is not the case. Arpaio can and has to file a criminal complaint with the District Attorney showing violations of both federal and state statutes. District Attorney, as well as Attorney General can and have to file this criminal complaint with the court and represent the people of certain county or certain state against Obama and his accomplices. In this situation the defense might claim that the federal causes of action are controlling and he will remove it to the federal court. The federal judge will decided whether he will try on all the charges or he might decide to hear the federal crimes only and remand the state crimes to the state court and the case will be split. He might transfer the part of the case against Onaka to HI and against the Commissioner of Social Security and Director of Selective service and others to DC. At any rate the case will not be dismissed. It might be split, it might be transferred, but it will be tried and Obama and his accomplices will be convicted. So, good try boys, but you are wrong and your attempts to intimidate me are not working. It is time for you to give up, go away and find another occupation.

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As Arpaio and Zullo claim that since Obama only used a stolen Social Security number, but did not use the persons name, he did not commit any crime. Our Obots on duty are asking which laws Obama violated. Here is one for starters: use of someone elses Social Security number is considered to be a violation of Identity Theft Act and is a crime, a felony. See below
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 9 Comments

Andy Morris 11 approved

Submitted on 2013/06/09 at 5:35 am To have him prosecuted, you need to identify what statute and section hes contravened.

Please, check the third time. I made a couple of corrections noticed by readers. I want to make sure this is docketed asap. We need to remove the criminal out of the White House ASAP and send him to prison ASAP for using a stolen social Security number and forged IDs. See, if you notice any other areas that need redaction. thank you


As amended by Public Law 105-318, 112 Stat. 3007 (Oct. 30, 1998)

An Act

To amend chapter 47 of title 18, United States Code, relating to identity fraud, and for other purposes. [NOTE: Oct. 30, 1998 - [H.R. 4151] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, [NOTE: Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998.] Sec. 001. Short Title 002. Constitutional Authority to Enact this Legislation. 003. Identity Theft 004. Amendment of Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Offenses Under Section 1028 005. Centralized Complaint and Consumer Education Service for Victims of Identity Theft 006. Technical Amendments to Title 18, United States Code 007. Redaction of Ethics Reports Filed by Judicial Officers and Employees 001. Short Title. [NOTE: 18 USC 1001 note.] This Act may be cited as the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998. 002. Constitutional Authority to Enact this Legislation. [NOTE: 18 USC 1028 note.] The constitutional authority upon which this Act rests is the power of Congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several States, and the authority to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States or in any department or officer thereof, as set forth in article I, section 8 of the United States Constitution. 003. Identity Theft. (a) Establishment of Offense.Section 1028(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended (1) in paragraph (5), by striking or at the end; (2) in paragraph (6), by adding or at the end; (3) in the flush matter following paragraph (6), by striking or attempts to do so,; and (4) by inserting after paragraph (6) the following: (7) knowingly transfers or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law;. (b) Penalties.Section 1028(b) of title 18, United States Code, is amended (1) in paragraph (1) (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking or at the end; (B) in subparagraph (C), by adding or at the end; and (C) by adding at the end the following: (D) an offense under paragraph (7) of such subsection that involves the transfer or use of 1 or more means of identification if, as a result of the offense, any individual committing the offense obtains anything of value aggregating $1,000 or more during any 1-year period;;

(2) in paragraph (2) (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking or transfer of an identification document or and inserting , transfer, or use of a means of identification, an identification document, or a; and (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting or (7) after (3); (3) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: (3) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both, if the offense is committed (A) to facilitate a drug trafficking crime (as defined in section 929(a)(2)); (B) in connection with a crime of violence (as defined in section 924(c)(3)); or (C) after a prior conviction under this section becomes final;; (4) in paragraph (4), by striking and at the end; (5) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and (6) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following: (5) in the case of any offense under subsection (a), forfeiture to the United States of any personal property used or intended to be used to commit the offense; and. (c) Circumstances.Section 1028(c) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking paragraph (3) and inserting the following: (3) either (A) the production, transfer, possession, or use prohibited by this section is in or affects interstate or foreign commerce; or (B) the means of identification, identification document, false identification document, or document- making implement is transported in the mail in the course of the production, transfer, possession, or use prohibited by this section.. (d) Definitions.Subsection (d) of section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: (d) In this section (1) the term `document-making implement means any implement, impression, electronic device, or computer hardware or software, that is specifically configured or primarily used for making an identification document, a false identification document, or another document-making implement; (2) the term `identification document means a document made or issued by or under the authority of the United States Government, a State, political subdivision of a State, a foreign government, political subdivision of a foreign government, an international governmental or an international quasi-governmental organization which, when completed with information concerning a particular individual, is of a type intended or commonly accepted for the purpose of identification of individuals; (3) the term `means of identification means any name or number that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific individual, including any (A) name, social security number, date of birth, official State or government issued drivers license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer identification number;

(B) unique biometric data, such as fingerprint, voice print, retina or iris image, or other unique physical representation; (C) unique electronic identification number, address, or routing code; or (D) telecommunication identifying information or access device (as defined in section 1029(e)); (4) the term `personal identification card means an identification document issued by a State or local government solely for the purpose of identification; (5) the term `produce includes alter, authenticate, or assemble; and (6) the term `State includes any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any other commonwealth, possession, or territory of the United States.. (e) Attempt and Conspiracy.Section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (f ) Attempt and Conspiracy.Any person who attempts or conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the attempt or conspiracy.. (f ) Forfeiture Procedures.Section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (g) Forfeiture Procedures.The forfeiture of property under this section, including any seizure and disposition of the property and any related judicial or administrative proceeding, shall be governed by the provisions of section 413 (other than subsection (d) of that section) of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. 853).. (g) Rule of Construction.Section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (h) Rule of Construction.For purpose of subsection (a)(7), a single identification document or false identification document that contains 1 or more means of identification shall be construed to be 1 means of identification.. (h) Conforming Amendments.Chapter 47 of title 18, United States Code, is amended (1) in the heading for section 1028, by adding and information at the end; and (2) in the table of sections at the beginning of the chapter, in the item relating to section 1028, by adding and information at the end. 004. Amendment of Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Offenses Under Section 1028.[NOTE: 28 USC 994 note.]

(a) In General.Pursuant to its authority under section 994(p) of title 28, United States Code, the United States Sentencing Commission shall review and amend the Federal sentencing guidelines and the policy statements of the Commission, as appropriate, to provide an appropriate penalty for each offense under section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by this Act. (b) Factors for Consideration.In carrying out subsection (a), the United States Sentencing Commission shall consider, with respect to each offense described in subsection (a) (1) the extent to which the number of victims (as defined in section 3663A(a) of title 18, United States Code) involved in the offense, including harm to reputation, inconvenience,

and other difficulties resulting from the offense, is an adequate measure for establishing penalties under the Federal sentencing guidelines; (2) the number of means of identification, identification documents, or false identification documents (as those terms are defined in section 1028(d) of title 18, United States Code, as amended by this Act) involved in the offense, is an adequate measure for establishing penalties under the Federal sentencing guidelines; (3) the extent to which the value of the loss to any individual caused by the offense is an adequate measure for establishing penalties under the Federal sentencing guidelines; (4) the range of conduct covered by the offense; (5) the extent to which sentencing enhancements within the Federal sentencing guidelines and the courts authority to sentence above the applicable guideline range are adequate to ensure punishment at or near the maximum penalty for the most egregious conduct covered by the offense; (6) the extent to which Federal sentencing guidelines sentences for the offense have been constrained by statutory maximum penalties; (7) the extent to which Federal sentencing guidelines for the offense adequately achieve the purposes of sentencing set forth in section 3553(a)(2) of title 18, United States Code; and (8) any other factor that the United States Sentencing Commission considers to be appropriate. 005. Centralized Complaing and Consumer Education Service for Victims of Identity Theft. [NOTE: 18 USC 1028 note.] (a) In <<NOTE: Deadline.>> General.Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Federal Trade Commission shall establish procedures to (1) log and acknowledge the receipt of complaints by individuals who certify that they have a reasonable belief that 1 or more of their means of identification (as defined in section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by this Act) have been assumed, stolen, or otherwise unlawfully acquired in violation of section 1028 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by this Act; (2) provide informational materials to individuals described in paragraph (1); and (3) refer complaints described in paragraph (1) to appropriate entities, which may include referral to

(A) the 3 major national consumer reporting agencies; and (B) appropriate law enforcement agencies for potential law enforcement action. (b) Authorization of Appropriations.There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. 006. Technical Amendments to Title 18, United States Code. (a) Technical Correction Relating to Criminal Forfeiture Procedures.Section 982(b)(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: (1) The forfeiture of property under this section, including any seizure and disposition of the property and any related judicial or administrative proceeding, shall be governed by the provisions of section 413 (other than subsection (d) of that section) of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and

Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. 853).. (b) Economic Espionage and Theft of Trade Secrets as Predicate Offenses for Wire Interception.Section 2516(1)(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting chapter 90 (relating to protection of trade secrets), after to espionage),. 007. Redaction of Ethics Reports Filed by Judicial Officers and Employees. Section 105(b) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (3)(A) This section does not require the immediate and unconditional availability of reports filed by an individual described in section 109(8) or 109(10) of this Act if a finding is made by the Judicial Conference, in consultation with United States Marshall Service, that revealing personal and sensitive information could endanger that individual. (B) A report may be redacted pursuant to this paragraph only (i) to the extent necessary to protect the individual who filed the report; and (ii) for as long as the danger to such individual exists. (C) The Administrative Office of the United States Courts shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and of the Senate an annual report with respect to the operation of this paragraph including (i) the total number of reports redacted pursuant to this paragraph; (ii) the total number of individuals whose reports have been redacted pursuant to this paragraph; and (iii) the types of threats against individuals whose reports are redacted, if appropriate. (D) The Judicial Conference, in consultation with the Department of Justice, shall issue regulations setting forth the circumstances under which redaction is appropriate under this paragraph and the procedures for redaction.[NOTE: Regulations.] (E) This paragraph shall expire on December 31, 2001, and apply to filings through calendar year 2001.. [NOTE: Expiration date.] Approved October 30, 1998. LEGISLATIVE HISTORYH.R. 4151 (S. 512): SENATE REPORTS: No. 105-274 accompanying S. 512 (Comm. on the Judiciary). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 144 (1998): Oct. 7, considered and passed House. Oct. 14, considered and passed Senate. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 34 (1998): Oct. 30, Presidential statement.
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US House of Representatives votes to stop massive weapons and ammunition stock piling which is done by rogue Napolitano to complete the dictatorial coup takeover by criminal usurper Obama. It is time to completely de-fund and dismantle DHS, de-fund and dismantle all FEMA camps and hold congressional hearings in oversight of actions of DHS, FBI, CIA and Department of Justice. How could they allow Obama in the WH with a stolen SSN and forged IDs? Maybe their funding should be cut as well

Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 6 Comments

House Votes to Delay Bulk Ammo Purchase by DHS

Inbox x [email protected] 12:37 AM (2 hours ago) to Norman, Norman, Tom, Senator, Mike, Rep, Congressman, correspondence, Sarah, Senator, R and, U.S., Senator, Mike, Congressman, Ron, trump, me, Congressman, Congressman, Congress man, ronpaul, Congressman, Pete, Congressman
Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from [email protected] We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. God Bless our America.

A government ought to contain in itself every power requisite to the full accomplishment of the objects committed to its care, and to the complete execution of the trusts for which it is responsible, free from every other control but a regard to the public good and to the sense of the people. Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 31, January 1, 1788 It is impossible to rightly govern the world without The Bible.George Washington.T To Sin by Silence when They Should Protest Makes Cowards of Men. Sincerely, Suzanne C. Short DUH! Abraham Lincoln

To the one or two members of Congress who remain loyal to the American people The vote must be to defund the domestic enemies of the RepublicThe Obama administration, The DHS, the DOJ, the FDA, the Judiciary! Repeal the NDAA, declare the war on terrorism a success and end the Patriots act! Immediately reimpose strict adherence to the Posse Comitatus Act.1 Repeal the trading with the enemies act and end the perpetual state of martial law imposed in 1865. Renounce your allegiance to the British Crown! Return all military units to America. Disband the current military/industrial complex. And this is for starters. Arnie Available 24/7 Defending freedom has become a full-time job! [email protected] 714-964-4056 714-501-8247 - mobile On Jun 8, 2013, at 9:45 AM, America Conservative 2 Conservative <[email protected]> wrote:

House Votes To Delay Bulk Ammunition Purchase by DHS

AMERICA UNDER SIEGE TheHill The House late Wednesday voted to stop the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from entering into new contracts to buy millions of rounds of ammunition until the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reports to Congress on the need for the ammo, and its cost. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) proposed an amendment to the DHS spending bill for 2014 that would require the report to Congress before it can pursue plans to buy 1.1 billion rounds of ammunition. Meadows said the speed bump is a necessary reaction to news of the huge purchase, which alarmed many Americans and prompted conservative groups to suspect that the government was stocking up on the rounds to fight citizens.

Given this large purchase, the American people and members of Congress rightfully had concerns and questions, Meadows said. This is a responsible amendment which ensures that Congress and the American people are aware of the necessity and the cost of ammunition prior to entering into new contracts for procurement. Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) said the amendment was unnecessary based on his talks with DHS officials. Carter said the department has since admitted that its ammunition needs are not as great as first reported, and said the department is pursuing a bulk purchase to keep the costs down.
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Maxine Waters: Obama Has Put In Place Secret Database With Everything On Everyone
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 6 Comments

Maxine Waters: Obama Jerry 67 Has Put In Place Secret approved Database With Everything On Everyone The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life, Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. Thats going to be very, very powerful, Waters said. That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that its never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. Theyre going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they cant get around it. And hes [President Obama] been very smart. Its very powerful what hes

If Zullo is stating that Obama is not using the stolen SSN for employment, why is it listed in his 2009 tax retuurn? Why are we paying his salary, that he is getting under the CT SSN of Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890? If U.S. Presidency is not an employment, we should take away all the moneys received and all the perks, such as his free housing in the White House 0View Post

leaving in place.

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It may be nothing, I might be over-thinking, but I wonder if Putin marries his Muslim girlfriend, would it be a calculated message to Iran, Syria, 30 million Muslims within Russia and 1 billion Muslims outside Russia, that Putin is strengthening his ties with Islam and making a stand against the proliferation of Bilderberg-Davos New World order Cartel. What do you think? How will it all affect all of us?
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 6 Comments

Barba ra 43 approv ed

Submitted on 2013/06/08 at 9:08 pm Putins Appear Together to Announce Split http://politicalwire.com/archives/2013/06/07/putins_appear_together_to_ann ounce_split.html New York Times: For years Moscow has been captivated by speculation about the apparently moribund marriage of President Vladimir V. Putin The Kremlin and Mr. Putin vigorously denied that his marriage was in trouble, and a newspaper that suggested otherwise was shut down abruptly. But on Thursday night Mr. Putin made a rare public appearance with Lyudmila to announce that they were divorcing after nearly 30 years, the first time since Peter the Great in 1698 that a sitting leader of Russia has dissolved his marriage.

As I predicted, now the media is talking about Alina Kabyeva. What is important , is not her gymnastic s backgrou nd, but her religious backgrou nd 4View Post

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there is no such thing as using a mute SSN. Obama used a stolen SSN and we have his whole 2009 tax return with his personal signature under the stolen SSN. Also, he used a forged Selective Service card with the same stolen SSN. Thats 2 felony counts right there, and thats without counting the forged BC
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | 2 Comments

Submitted on 2013/06/08 at 10:59 pm JAK 92 I can see that Obama and his enablers want to approved distinguish between using a false SSN and just presenting a mute SSN. However, I will bet that somewhere in all the paperwork Obama used and some personally attested to there is a requirement/mandate by law that a SSN be affixed as a

Now the Obama media: Huffington Post, AOL, Patch and many others are attacking me and quoting Zullo by stating that Obama did not commit any crime. this is wrong, read further why

legally required part of the document. As such a use of a false/invalid SSN would be unlawful. I have had my doubts about the Zullo-Arpaio combo for quite some time. Dedicated truth seekers and law enforcement people dont play ring-around like these two have done.

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can someone ID the IP of this person threatening me?

Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 7 Comments

Eric B Walker 0 approved EricBWalker.com x [email protected]

Submitted on 2013/06/08 at 8:38 pm it will be nice when the government kill you bitch.you are such a redacted .what a racist redacted.soon or later some one will come for you..at take off you headyou just never learn, do youredacted redacted redacted.

If Zullo is stating that Obama is not using the stolen SSN for employment, why is it listed in his 2009 tax retuurn? Why are we paying his salary, that he is getting under the CT SSN of Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890? If U.S. Presidency is not an employment, we should take away all the moneys received and all the perks, such as his free housing in the White House 0View Post

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If Zullo is stating that Obama is not using the stolen SSN for employment, why is it listed in his 2009 tax retuurn? Why are we paying his salary, that he is getting under the CT SSN of Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890? If U.S. Presidency is not an employment, we should take away all the moneys received and all the perks, such as his free housing in the White House
Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 12 Comments

AM Berresw 0 approved

Submitted on 2013/06/08 at 7:37 pm Since Zullo has stated that Obama did not use the stolen SSN for employment, what is the reason why Obama is still using the stolen SSN?? We already know that he started using that SSN when he was very young and was looking for a job. What Zullo has claimed does not make any sense. I believe that he is trying to find an excuse for not filing a criminal charge against Obama with the district attorney, etc. Orly, please keep up with a good fight as a soldier under the name of the living God.

Now the Obama media: Huffington Post, AOL, Patch and many others are attacking me and quoting Zullo by stating that Obama did not commit any crime. this is wrong, read further why

Category: Uncategorized

Please, join the Audit the IRS protest Obama regime abuses rally June 19, 12 noon in front of the U.S. Capitol. I believe we need to rename the protest to Protest usurper Obama and his tyranny regime rally
Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 2 Comments

Category: Events, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz civil rights leader

More people today are realizing what I said 5 years ago

Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 1 Comment

Please read this, it is very serious and frightening, than please, pass this to all people on your mailing list, lets make this viral. It looks, that Rush Limbaugh might be right, that we are in the midst of a coup, that President Obama Hussein Barack is leading a coup against the nation our nation, the American people. Our only hope to overcome the Obamas treats, machinations and betrayals is our Unity and resolve to save our Constitutional

Republic. Please remember, on June 19, 2013 at noon is a big rally in Washington, D.C. organized by Tea Party to Audit the IRS. Everybody who is angry about IRS scandal and can afford the trip to D.C. should attend the rally. Hubert Poetschke, www.hubertpoetschke.mycambridgewebsite.co
Category: Uncategorized Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 2 Comments

Submitted Kevin J Lankford on 2013/06/08 at 2:30 16 approved pm Being called a birther is becoming more and more a source of pride rather than the insult they think it infers. Spitting on choking on their lies must certainly be more disturbing to them than their simplistic childish pejoratives are to those who are still demanding the truth. Your tenacity is inspiring to us, and a thorn to them.

Now the Obama media: Huffington Post, AOL, Patch and many others are attacking me and quoting Zullo by stating that Obama did not commit any crime. this is wrong, read further why

Category: Uncategorized

Please, check the third time. I made a couple of corrections noticed by readers. I want to make sure this is docketed asap. We need to remove the criminal out of the White House ASAP and send him to prison ASAP for using a stolen social Security number and forged IDs. See, if you notice any other areas that need redaction. thank you
Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 4 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Now the Obama media: Huffington Post, AOL, Patch and many others are attacking me and quoting Zullo by stating that Obama did not commit any crime. this is wrong, read further why
Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 10 Comments In his interview Arpaios assistant Mike Zullo finally admitted that using a stolen Social Security number is a crime, that indeed they arrested people for using Stolen Social Security numbers, but he claims that there is a difference. He claims that others were arrested and prosecuted because they used the stolen Social Security numbers for employment. He claims that Obama did not do that. This is absolutely wrong. see Obamas signature in his tax return under the stolen Social Security number 042-68-4425 Being a President of the united states is an employment for which we the tax payers pay his salary, we are the employers, people of the United States of America. In order to gain this employment he had to run in each and every county in the country. He placed his name on the ballot asserting his eligibility and his identity based on stolen or forged IDs. So, Zullo is wrong. Sadly, now all the left wing media is attacking me with his incorrect assertion that Obama did not commit any crime and cannot be charged with any crime.


Paige Lavender Huffington Post

www.huffingtonpost.com/paige-lavender/ 23 hours ago Orly Taitz Slammed By Mike Zullo, Member Of Joe Arpaios Cold Case Posse Attorney Orly Taitz, also known as the Birther Queen, recently received

Category: Uncategorized

Newly redacted motions to be received by Judge Lamberth on Monday. Please, read and advice me, whether I missed anywhere any area for redaction. Thank you
Posted on | June 8, 2013 | No Comments

Category: HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities

Regime is reposting an article published right after the election, claiming that Bob Bauers Perkins Coie will sue me for defamation of Obama. In spite of 5 years of threats they did not do it, but be my guest, make my day, Ill be entitled to subpoena all of Obamas original birth records
Posted on | June 8, 2013 | 16 Comments


New York Leftist

newyorkleftist.blogspot.com/ 2 hours ago Obama: I Am Suing Orly Taitz of Perkins Coie is filing a libel, slander, and defamation lawsuit against California dentist/lawyer/real estate agent Dr. Orly Taitz.

Category: Uncategorized

A great Kabuki theater in Phoenix, a review of current status of ObamaForgery case by attorney Orly Taitz
Posted on | June 7, 2013 | 13 Comments A review of the current status of ObamaForgeryGate by attorney Orly Taitz Recently Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo announced that they have an opinion of a forensic document examiner Reed Hayes that Obamas BC is a forgery. They also stated that Hayes is a registered Democrat in HI. First, I received information that HI does not register party affiliation, so there is a need for clarification, why is it being announced that he is a registered Democrat in HI? else. See e-mails below. I contacted Mr. Hayes, he stated that he made a deal with Mike Zullo that he will not cooperate with anyone

What is going on here? To me this is like a Kabuki theater: great male song, dance and acting theater. Feds brought the law suit against Arpaio before he decided to become really hot on the issue of Obamas birth certificate. When Brian Riley and 250 residents of AZ brought this complaint against Obama, Arpaio was already facing a federal law suit from Hispanics in his district, where they claimed that he violated their civil rights under the color of authority, that he does not investigate complaints of rape and sexual abuse in Hispanic enclaves. If convicted, Arpaio could get a prison term. So Arpaio became vary loud, very outspoken about Obamas use of a forged birth certificate. Suddenly on August 31, 2012, right before the election, Obama dropped federal law suit against Arpaio and Arpaio never filed a criminal complaint against Obama. People donated millions of dollars, nothing came out of it. Arpaio never submitted his criminal complaint against Obama and Obama was reelected without a cinch. After the election Arpaio was not vocal, but he continued collecting donations through his right hand Mike Zullo and his private foundation Cold Case Posse, where Zullo is a director. The public got restless and started pressuring Arpaio for results and demanding that he file a criminal complaint with the local District Attorney on a 100% forged birth certificate. At the same time another law suit was simmering in the back ground. It also came from a predominantly Hispanic population, this time drivers. The charge was essentially the same: discrimination and violation of civil rights. This law suit was designed as a one-two punch. The lead was a civil case brought by Hispanics and seeking an injunctive relief only, to stop alleged discrimination. However, on the heels of the civil case came another criminal case by the feds that is brewing against Arpaio. If Judge Snow rules for the drivers, it goes to the 9th circuit, which is to the left of Karl Marx and Obama cheer- leaders-are-us, meaning the 9th Circuit is all but sure to rubber stamp the decision by judge Snow and the feds can use it to bring a criminal complaint against Arpaio in relation to discrimination of Hispanic Drivers. This placed Arpaio in a corner and facing criminal charges. So what could Arpaio do? First he suspended all activity in deportation of illegals. Second, he threw out there this candy, saying that a forensic examiner found Obamas BC to be a forgery, but he never filed a criminal complaint, he did not even disclose the affidavit, according to the e-mail from Reed Hayes a deal was made for him not to cooperate with anyone else. Further, Arpaio made everything he could to derail my cases: he and Zullo were in contempt of court subpoenas and never showed up in court and they contacted my witness, Deportation Officer John Sampson, paid for his travel to Arizona and made a deal with him not to appear in my cases. (admission against interest by Sampson was made on the public radio on Peter Boyles show) So the sheriff and his assistant made a deal with a witness to be in contempt of court ordered subpoenas and obstruct justice. What is the end result of this Kabuki dance? The whole country is still going down the drain, but Arpaio has an ace in his deck playing poker with Obama, while Obama has an ace in his deck against Arpaio. The country is still going down the drain, but as long as Arpaio does not file his criminal complaint against Obama and does not disclose the aforementioned affidavit, Obama will not file criminal charges against Arpaio on Hispanic drivers civil rights violation criminal case. Moreover, recently all of the Soros and company far left Obama lackey media, such as all the Patch local papers, Huffington Post and even AOL were quoting Zullo attacking me. Why? The answer is, because I am very close to proving Obama to be a criminal, who absolutely has to be removed from the White House and send to prison. Recently Judge Lamberth denied my motion for one reason only, redacting. Big deal! Monday morning he will have the same motion staring at him with black marker and not pen redacting. Lamberth did not indicate any other reasons, which means that within a short period of time we will get the original application to this Connecticut Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel 042-68-4425. Now Lamberth has zero justification to deny it, as I have proven that the owner of the Social Security number that Obama is using would be 123 years old today and by SSAs own 120 year rule they are obligated to give me his application even without his consent and without any proof that he is deceased. We have Obama cornered, I have his tax returns with his signature under the stolen Social Security number, I do not tell witnesses not to testify for others, I do not hide important evidence and I cannot be bought or intimidated by anything or anyone. Obama, Mooch, Reggie Love, Valerie Jarett, Holder and company, it is time for you to pack your bags. I am attaching one of my favorites: Ciao Bambino, Sorry by Mireille Mathieu http://youtu.be/WHaiJmHIOGQ

Correspondence with forensic document examiner Reed Hayes who states that a deal was made with Mike Zullo for Hayes not to cooperate with anyone else

Orly Taitz <[email protected]> 11:58 PM (19 hours ago)

to reed
Mr. Hayes did you analyze the Selective Service certificate for Mr. Obama? If not, can you do it and what will be the fee? Please, see the report of another ivestigator

Affidavit of Jeffrey Stephan Coffman.pdf 601K View Download 4:46 PM (2 hours ago)

Reed Hayes

to Mike, me
Mike Zullo is my client with respect to the Obama Certificate of Live Birth and any related material. Mr. Zullo and I have an agreement that I will not perform work for anyone else pertaining to the matter. Please contact Mr. Zullo directly for answers to any other questions. Sincerely, Reed Hayes <Affidavit of Jeffrey Stephan Coffman.pdf> Reed Hayes, CDE P.O. Box 235213 Honolulu, Hawaii 96823 Tel: 808-737-0502 Fax: 808-356-0811 Website: http://www.reedwrite.com Training Course in Questioned Handwriting & Document Examination. For info, go to:


Category: Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney,Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities

Unbelievable. Judge Lamberth refused to docket my motion because he stated that I redacted the documents in pen and someone can see through the redaction. What does he want me to use?
Posted on | June 7, 2013 | 26 Comments After 15 days Judge Lamberth refused to docket my motions and documents claiming that those were redacted in pen, that someone can see through the redaction. I did not use a pencil, I used a pen. What does he want me to use? I will resubmit again and use a black marker to redact a Social Security number, which needs to be released by 120 year law anyways, as it was issued to someone born in 1890. Does anyone know, what else can I use to redact. The only thing I can think off, is a black marker, which is darker than a pen. So, the court will have the new packet redacted with black marker tomorrow. So, tomorrow they will have no more excuses. Judge Lamberth will have to order release of Harrison J. Bounels CT SSN 042-68-4425 under SSA 120 year rule, the whole nation will see that we have a criminal with a stolen Social Security number sitting in the White House and Obama will be out and facing criminal charges for identity theft. Even Arpaio in one of his interviews in regards to arrest of Mexicans using stolen SSNs, stated that stealing a Social Security number is an identity theft and a class 4 felony. I will post the pleadings redacted with marker, so the whole country will be able to see that everything is properly redacted. I will redact this motion with a thick black marker and Judge Lamberth will have newly marker redacted motions and exhibits in front of him Monday morning.

Category: Uncategorized

As I predicted, now the media is talking about Alina Kabyeva. What is important, is not her gymnastics background, but her religious background
Posted on | June 7, 2013 | 5 Comments http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2337048/Russian-president-Putin-wife-Lyudmila-announce-TV-marriage-over.html What people often do not understand is that Soviet Union consisted of 15 republics,. People in those republic had different background. For example, Moldova, republic from which I came, has a Latin background, not Slavic. Out of 15 republics, 6 or 40% were Muslim. My question is what will happen next? I was correct in predicting that now Russian and international media will start openly speaking about Kabayeva. I believe that Putin might marry her, officially adopt her son, who many believe to be his son, and will give him Putin name. At issue is something else. Though Kabayeva competed

for the USSR, she is not Russian. She is Uzbek. And Uzbecks are Muslim. (Remember Umah, Congressman Weiners wife and Hillarys aide, whose whole family was connected to Islamic Jihad?) What will be an influence on Putin? I do not know. One of the keys is her former coach. Many prominent gymnastics and figure skating coaches in Russia happen to be Jewish. As I used to be in rhythmic gymnastic, I know some of them. From what I remember, Kabayevas coach was Irina Vainer, who is Jewish. Vainer is known to be a very smart lady and a pragmatic one too. Somebody needs to have a talk with her. But keep in mind, Vainer married a billionaire, who also came from one of Muslim republics. (Oh, vey!)

Category: Uncategorized

I am starting a list of federal agencies that should be abolished due to ongoing abuse or the people responsible for this abuse should be sitting in prison right about now
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 26 Comments a list of agencies that should be abolished due to abuse: 1. NSA- a(ka Noamerican is Safe Agency) 2. FBI, (what a legacy for Mueller ) 3. IRS- (how many times a year did this IRS commissioner celebrate Easter? was 177 times that he brought his kid to the WH for theEaster hunt?) 4. Dep of Justice, (Eric Holde,r the pillar of Justice) 5. Dep of Health and Human services (aka shakedown ala Sebelius) 6. EPA Seeing all of the above, the post office doesnt look so bad. (Putin and KGB look like the messengers of freedom and democracy in comparison to what we have seen in the past couple of weeks. )

Category: Uncategorized

Now I can really relax with this delightful and endearing announcement from the White House
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 2 Comments

10:49 PM (22 minutes ago) Chris Kitze

Dear All, Wed heard about PRISM for a while now, but its much more extensive than anyone could imagine. EVERYTHING is collected and stored, from all the biggest companies.Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, etc. There appears to be little oversight as to how it gets used, so if you like the way the IRS ran things, youll LOVE PRISM.check out the powerpoint slides in this article from zero hedge. Read it all.. Why people need unsene, our new private and secure communications service.. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-06-06/meet-prism-us-984xn-us-governments-internet-espionage-super-operation and on a lighter note (satire): Today, President Obama issued the following letter to all Verizon customers: Dear Verizon Customers, Yesterday it came to light that the National Security Agency has been collecting millions of phone records from you each and every day. Since that news was released, many of you have called the White House with questions and concerns about this new program. To save my time and yours, here are answers to three of the F.A.Q.s (Frequently Asked Questions) weve been hearing from you: 1. Will I be charged extra for this service? Im happy to say that the answer is no. While the harvesting and surveillance of your domestic phone calls were not a part of your original Verizon service contract, the National Security Agency is providing this service entirely free of charge. 2. If I add a phone to my account, will those calls also be monitored? Once again, the answer is good news. If you want to add a child or any other family member to your Verizon account, their phone callswhom they called, when, and the duration of the callwill all be monitored by the United States government, at no additional cost. 3. Can the National Security Agency help me understand my Verizon bill? Unfortunately, no. The National Security Agency has tried, but failed, to understand Verizons bills. Please call Verizon customer service and follow the series of electronic prompts. I hope Ive helped clear up some of the confusion about this exciting new program. But if you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to call the White House. Joe Biden is standing by. God bless America, President Obama

Category: Uncategorized

Press release: Shocking new revelation! The same Judge that signed an order allowing search and seizure of phone records of millions of innocent U.S. citizens, refused to allow to include in Obamacare case any evidence showing Obama using all forged and fraudulently obtained IDs
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 27 Comments Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Shocking new revelations AP reported today that phone records of millions of innocent U.S. citizens were seized from phone providers and forwarded to NSA . The order was signed by Judge Roger Vinson, the same judge who presided in State of FL v United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Secret court order

requires VERIZON to hand overALL CALL DATA...

Attorney Orly Taitz filed an intervener motion in this case on 04.14.2010. In this and a subsequent motion Taitz advised Judge Vinson that she filed a Quo Warranto legal action in Washington DC with the Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth. Taitz sought to link these cases through the Panel for Multidistrict Litigation in Washington DC. Taitz argued that she provided with Quo Warranto in DC and in the case at hand evidence that the person who signed the new Healhtcare bill, which concerned every health provider, every state in the union and every U. S. citizen, did so fraudulently. Taitz provided Vinson with evidence, which was also provided to Judge Lamberth, showing that Obama is using a stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which failed SSNVS and E-Verify, forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service Certificate and that he was stricken/removed from his mothers U.S. Passport due to foreign allegiance. In his order Vinson ruled that all of this is Irrelevant. See link to the order by Judge Vinson below. S,o the same judge who signed an order to subject millions of innocent Americans to a search and seizure of their private phone records without any probable cause, ruled that it is irrelevant whether a criminal is occupying a position of the U.S. President and Commander in Chief, with his finger on the red button of nuclear arsenal, is doing so while asserting his U.S. citizenship and his whole persona and identity based on forged and stolen IDs. Do you believe this judge is really tough on crime or tough on innocent Americans? If Judge Vinson were to allow Taitz as an intervener and were to seek an answer from Obama, Obamacare would have never become law, it would never have reached the Supreme Court, Obama would have been out of the White House and in prison long time ago. Judge Vinson should sua sponte reconsider his ruling. Judge Lamberth should reconsider his ruling as well. Please, forward all of this information to Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the U.S. Judiciary Committee, Darrel Issa, Chair of the Oversight Committee and US and international media.

Category: Events, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz doctor and attorney, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Orly Taitz subpoena, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Supporting Documentation

More information regarding investigation

Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 11 Comments I got a call from a Phoenix TV reporter, the call was recorded by a reporter, he stated that he followed Arpaios investigation. He stated that in AZ a sheriff has more than one option. He has an option of submitting to the District Attorney a criminal complaint or what is called a long form complaint, where he provides the District Attorney with the affidavits of witnesses and experts and a narrative why in his opinion the County District Attorney should file a criminal complaint with the court on behalf of the people of the county. Now Sheriff Arpaio is stating that he has a 40 page affidavit from a Hawaiian Forensic Document examiner Reed Hayes, who stated that Obamas birth certificate is a fabrication and a 100% forgery. So, we know with a 100% certainty that Obama committed the same crime twice in Maricopa county AZ and in every county in the United States: he ran for U.S. President using a forged birth certificate as a basis of his eligibility and identity. Sheriff Arpaio owes an answer to the donors, to supporters, to residents of Maricopa County and the whole nation: Why didnt he file either a criminal complaint or a long form complaint with the District Attorney of Maricopa County Bill Montgomery?

Category: Uncategorized

After years of persistent rumors of Russian President Putin being linked to rhythmic gymnastics champion Alina Kabaeva Vladimir and Ludmila Putin announce their divorce.
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 2 Comments http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/vladimir-putin/10104671/Vladimir-Putin-and-his-wife-announce-split.html As I was in rhythmic gymnastics, for years Ive heard rumors about Putin having an affair with the rhytmic gymnastics world champion Alina Kabaeva and that her son is actually Putins son, while she stated that she is raising her sisters son. Putin has two grown daughters with his now ex-wife. Interestingly his older daughter married a foreigner, I believe from Denmark. His other daughter has been dating a son of a prominent diplomat from South Korea, who studied in the U.S. The rumors about Kabayeva were very similar to Sarcozi rumors before he and his wife got divorced married ex model and singer Carla Bruni. Actually Cecilia Sarkozis father came from the same area in Moldova as my family. Putin rumors are also similar to Obama rumors, though Obama rumors are slightly different as they link him to both his former female assistant Vera Baker, who reportedly was sent out of state by Michelle and to several men, among them Donald Young and Larry Bland, who were murdered in November-December on 2007, right when Obama started his campaign for President and Reggie love, whom Obama called his body man, a personal assistant, who played basketball with Obama, carried pens, phone and towels for him and maybe even umbrella. The rumors persistently show Obama as bisexual. I remember talking to one of former Occidental college students who stated that Obama and his Pakistani roommate looked like a gay couple. Maybe these persistent rumors prompted recent release of Obamas high school prom pictures, maybe these rumors were the reason why Michelle took her trip to Spain alone, why she and the girls went to Aspin, when BO and Reggie Love went golfing in FL. I dont know, but there is a high probability that BO is not who he claims to be on more than one level, not only in connection with his use of a stolen Social Security number and forged IDs.

Category: Uncategorized

More explanation on 60B Motion. Rule 60B6 allows to bring a motion for consideration any time for any reason that justifies relief. Ending usurpation of the US Presidency by a criminal using a stolen Social Security number definitely justifies relief. Any more questions???
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 4 Comments


(a) Corrections Based on Clerical Mistakes; Oversights and Omissions. The court may correct a clerical mistake or a mistake arising from oversight or omission whenever one is found in a judgment, order, or other part of the record. The court may do so on motion or on its own, with or without notice. But after an appeal has been docketed in the appellate court and while it is pending, such a mistake may be corrected only with the appellate courts leave. (b) Grounds for Relief from a Final Judgment, Order, or Proceeding. On motion and just terms, the court may relieve a party or its legal representative from a final judgment, order, or proceeding for the following reasons: (1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect; (2) newly discovered evidence that, with reasonable diligence, could not have been discovered in time to move for a new trial under Rule 59(b); (3) fraud (whether previously called intrinsic or extrinsic), misrepresentation, or misconduct by an opposing party; (4) the judgment is void; (5) the judgment has been satisfied, released, or discharged; it is based on an earlier judgment that has been reversed or vacated; or applying it prospectively is no longer equitable; or (6) any other reason that justifies relief. (c) Timing and Effect of the Motion. (1) Timing. A motion under Rule 60(b) must be made within a reasonable timeand for reasons (1), (2), and (3) no more than a year after the entry of the judgment or order or the date of the proceeding. (2) Effect on Finality. The motion does not affect the judgments finality or suspend its operation. (d) Other Powers to Grant Relief. This rule does not limit a courts power to: (1) entertain an independent action to relieve a party from a judgment, order, or proceeding; (2) grant relief under 28 U.S.C. 1655 to a defendant who was not personally notified of the action; or (3) set aside a judgment for fraud on the court. (e) Bills and Writs Abolished. The following are abolished: bills of review, bills in the nature of bills of review, and writs of coram nobis, coram vobis, and audita querela.

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Category: Uncategorized

Press release. Judge Lamberths law clerk apologized for the delay, stated Judge Lamberth was out of town and he is reviewing the pleadings and exhibits now
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 7 Comments Press Release Law offices of Orly Taitz Attorney Orly Taitz was able to talk to a law clerk for for the Chief Judge of the USDC, Judge Royce C. Lamberth. She provided her name and phone number which are not being posted at this time. She stated that they apologize for the delay. She stated that Judge Lamberth was out of town. He is in town now, he has the pleadings and exhibits and he will review them in the near future. During the conversation the phone call was often cutting out and both the clerk and attorney Taitz had difficulty hearing and had to repeat several times. This cutting out could be due to someone somewhere using a listening device. Attorney Taitz did not use a listening device.

Category: Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number

Press release: Rubio had evidence of Obamas use of a stolen SSN since 09.22.2011. I met with his General Counsel Leonard Collins and Chief Legislative Counsel, A.J. Sanchez, on 09.22.2011, Rubio had in front of him Obamas failed E-Verify report for a year and a half, as well as all the evidence of forgery in his BC and SSS, but defrauds the nation by saying that we can trust him, we can trust the government to enforce the E-Verify. Demand that Rubio bring to the floor of the Senate Obamas failed E-Verify immediately or resign immediately
Posted on | June 6, 2013 | 16 Comments Press release Law offices of Orly taitz senator Marco Rubio knew about Obamas failed E-Verify since 09.22.2011 Yesterday Senator Marco Rubio appeared on Greta Van Susteren show and lied to the public by claiming that we have to accept the new mega amnesty since we can trust the government to run E-Verify to make sure illegals do not take American jobs. On 09.22.2011 at 11 am Attorney Orly Taitz met with Rubios General Counsel Leonard Collins and his Chief Legislative counsel, A.J. Sanchez, who is also an attorney. I gave them all the evidence of Obamas use of a stolen SSN and forged IDs, including Obamas 2009 tax return showing him using CT SSN 042-68-4425 and E-Verify and SSNVS reports showing that this Social Security number used by Obama in his 2009 tax return was never assigned to him. She also provided them with all the evidence of Obamas use of a forged birth certificate and his fraudulent Selective Service Certificate where he used the same stolen Social Security number. They were not sure how Selective Service can be used. Taitz got on their computer and showed them how to use simple deductive reasoning, by entering SSN, date of birth and name, verifying registration and checking which Social Security was used for . They did such searches for themselves and verified by using their own Social Security numbers. There is a computer trace, computer record in Rubios own computer in his office of these Selective Service Searches. A.J. Sanchez took Taitz to the office of Orrin Hatch, who was the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time and Hatch got the same information. Michael Schwartz, the Chief of Staff for Senator Coburn of OK met with Taitz on the same day, he knew by heart each and every detail of her pleadings submitted to court on the matter. He even brought to the meeting his son, who is a university professor. Taitz met with the chief legislative aid for Senator Inhofe and many others. E-mail exchange with Rubios office is attached below. attorney Orly Taitz requests her supporters to forward to Rubio the file she submitted to Judge Lamberth and demand that he act immediately. Rubio is a licensed attorney. If he does not bring to the floor of the Senate all the evidence, she is asking to report him and his attorneys Leonard Collins and A.J. Sanchez to their respective bars. Rubios attorneys and Senator Rubio as both an attorney and Senator became criminally complicit in the cover up of the most egregious crime in the history of this nation, usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by a criminal with forged and stolen IDs. Both Rubio and his two attorneys have a duty to act and to speak up. Let us not forget that John Mitchell, Attorney General of the United States during Nixon administration, was sent to prison for complicity in the cover up. All of the corrupt senators and congressmen, judges, attorneys, governmental officials, who are complicit in ObamaForgeryGate, have to be prosecuted, just as 30 officials of Nixon administration were prosecuted and were sent to prison. members of the public are asked to write to Laura Ingram, Greta Van Susteren, Megyn Kelly, Kimberly Guilfoil of FOX, Savannah Guthrie of NBC and other licensed attorneys working for the networks and MSM. Advise them that if they do not stop defrauding the public and do not stop this complicity and cover up of Obamas use of a stolen SSN and forged BCs, they will be reported to their prospective Bars and their District Attorneys and the public will seek their prosecution as aiders and abettors and accomplices. Today, 06.06.2013. 14 days since Judge Lamberth got the complaint and evidence of Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel and he is covering it up by refusing to allow his clerks to post the pleadings and documents on the public PACER docket.

From: Orly Taitz [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:05 PM To: Scheduling, Rubio (Rubio) Subject: Fwd: Fw: RE: Next Thursday I am meeting with a legal counsel of one of the top committee chairs in Congress. I need your help to secure meetings with more senators and representatives Ms. Lee, thank you for taking the time to write to me. I believe attorney Mr. Alonso from FL contacted you. I attached a file with pleadings with the most explosive evidence dealing with national security. I already have meetings with senior members of house judiciary committee, scheduled at 12am and at 3pm on Thurday the 22nd of September. I wonder, if I can meet with senator Rubio the same day.my number is 949-683-5411 thank you Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

Scheduling, Rubio (Rubio) <[email protected]>9/20/11 to me

Hi Dr. Taitz, Please contact our General Counsel, Len Collins, at: [email protected]. Thank you!

Collins, Leonard (Rubio) <[email protected]>9/20/11 to me

Lets meet at 11 am in my office, Hart 317. From: Orly Taitz [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 4:17 PM To: Collins, Leonard (Rubio); [email protected]; Scheduling, Rubio (Rubio) Subject: Fwd: RE: Next Thursday I am meeting with a legal counsel of one of the top committee chairs in Congress. I need your help to secure meetings with more senators and representatives [Message clipped] View entire message

Orly Taitz <[email protected]>9/20/11 to Leonard

Thank you Mr. Collins for your very prompt response. I am looking forward to meeting you at 11am on September 22nd. Sincerely Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ [Message clipped]

Category: HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Supporting Documentation

Help in research needed

Posted on | June 5, 2013 | 5 Comments I am trying to locate Robert Eliott, prior deputy for Judge Lamberth and would appreciate your help in locating him. also, I need any and all State Public Disclosure laws (similar to Federal Foia), particularly for NY, CT, PA. IL, Ca, VA, MD, DC thank you for all your help

Category: Uncategorized

More explanation
Posted on | June 5, 2013 | 6 Comments One can bring a 60B motion for reconsideration any time he gets new information. For example, suddenly one finds a DNA of a person who committed a crime, when a new witness comes forward. For this reason there is a 60 B motion. I got new information, the name of the person who was the rightful owner of the SSN in question. With this information I filed on May 23, 2013 a new motion for reconsideration. Previously Lamberth refused to release the SS-5, application for SSN 042-68-4425, because he claimed privacy rights, even though he had in front of him a SSNVS and E-Verify reports showing that the number did not belong to Obama, even though it was used by Obama. Now I showed him the evidence: this SSN was issued to Harrison J. Bounel, he was born in 1890. According to a 120 year rule of SSA he is obligated to grant my motion. So Lamberth is trying to get out of it by hiding the motion and the evidence and by allowing a criminal with a flagrantly stolen Social Security number to continue usurping the position of the U.S. President and destroying this country. This makes Judge Lamberth complicit in the cover up of forgery, identity theft, IRS fraud, Social Security fraud and a host of other crimes committed by Obama.

Please, keep calling Goodlatte, Issa and the rest of the US Congress. They all know what is going on. I do not know what are they waiting for. It is time for them to act and start Congressional hearings on this issue .

Category: Uncategorized

stop egregious violations of our 4th amendment rights by Obama Gestapo forces, time for Nuremberg on Potomac trials
Posted on | June 5, 2013 | 5 Comments

Submitted on 2013/06/05 at 4:55 pm cq 111 Greenwald: Top secret court order requiring Verizon to hand approved over all call data shows scale of domestic surveillance under Obama New breaking exclusive from Glenn Greenwald (EDIT: And one must wonder, seriously, if he will be prosecuted for revealing this top secret FISA order, or to ferret out the source of the leak, in a similar vein as James Risen et al were GGreenwald has elevated from talking a very good game, to backing it up in full with his neck out. He is deserving of tons of respect): The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of Americas largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court order issued in April. The order, a copy of which has been obtained by the Guardian, requires Verizon on an ongoing, daily basis to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the US and between the US and other countries. The document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing Read in full here. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/nsa-phonerecords-verizon-court-order
Category: Uncategorized

Something is going on. Now I cant even get to my case Taitz v Astrue 11-402 USDC. Maybe PACER is overloading as many are trying to see if Lamberth posted the docs. Please, let me know if you can get an update from the court . 1 View Post

Something is going on. Now I cant even get to my case Taitz v Astrue 11-402 USDC. Maybe PACER is overloading as many are trying to see if Lamberth posted the docs. Please, let me know if you can get an update from the court .
Posted on | June 5, 2013 | 6 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Attorney Taitz received and saved a recorded message from USDC for the District of Columbia stating that the motion and documents were indeed received by the court and given to Chief Judge Lamberth, the clerks are

waiting for him to give them ok to docket the pleadings and exhibits. They are hoping that he will do it soon, but it is not the fault of the clerks
Posted on | June 5, 2013 | 11 Comments Press release Law Offices of Attorney Orly Taitz 13 days ago, in the morning of 05.24.2013 US District Court for the District of Columbia received pleadings and documents from Attorney Orly Taitz, providing undeniable proof that Barack Hussein Obama signed his 2009 tax return while using a stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison J. Bounel, immigrant from Russia, born in 1890, presumed to be deceased. The pleadings were supposed to be docketed the same day on 05.24.2013 and were not docketed for 13 days. Dozens of concerned citizens called the court and demanded to post the documents in PACER, electronic public docket. Toady at 9:16 am the USDC called back from 202-354-3000 court number. Taitz went jogging at a time, so the call and message were recorded on her cell phone. In a 1 minute 17 seconds message a representative of the Clerks Office stated that this is not the fault of the Clerks Office. He stated that the documents were given to the Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth immediately and the clerks are waiting for him to ok posting of the documents in PACER, Public electronic docket, that they hope that Judge Lamberth will give them an ok soon, but it is not their fault. This is of particular interest, as Judge Lamberth is the same judge who approved the secret subpoena to obtain e-mails of FOX reporter James Rosen and even of Rosens parents based on a subpoena signed by Attorney General Holder. Lamberth gave this approval after two judges refused to give such an approval. Later, when redacted subpoena was declassified, it was kept hidden from the public for 18 months. Recently Judge Lamberth issued a public apology claiming that it was a clerks fault, that clerks in his court did not do their job and did not post the subpoena in the electronic docket. Apparently the clerks of the court are not willing to be thrown under the bus and now they provided a recorded statement that in Taitz case the documents are not placed on the public docket not because of the actions of the clerks, but by the order of Judge Lamberth. Taitz called the deputy for Judge Lamberth demanding to post her motions and exhibits. The recording at the phone number of the Deputy for Judge Lamberth, is a recording from Deputy Robert Elliott. Taitz was advised by other employees of the court that Elliott left the clerks office. For over a year the deputy for Judge Lamberth is one Reggie Johnson. There is no explanation or excuse why for over a year a new recording was not made with the correct name of the deputy. It appears the Reggie Johnson does not want the public to know his name. The phone number for the clerks office is 202-354-3080. The phone number for Reggie Johnson, who hides behind the recording of Robert Elliott is 202-354-3192. Attorney Taitz has been working on this and related issues 24/7 for the last 5 years and asks for an assistance of the members of the media and public to help her expose this flagrant abuse of power, abuse of judicial discretion and deprivation of her 1st and 14 th amendment rights by Chief Judge Royce c. Lamberth, assist her in placing these documents on the docket and get an expedient hearing and oral argument by Chief Judge Lamberth. Also Taitz is asking the public to contact the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, which is currently holding hearings in James Rosen case and in the Immigration Reform case. Contact information for the Chair of the Judiciary Committee Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Darrell Issa, Chair of the House Oversight Committee listed below. Demand to enter this information in the record of the committee hearing and allow Taitz to testify. We are seeing the same pattern of evidence being hidden from the public and complete lack of transparency by the court. Moreover, US Congress and Barack Obama are now pushing for a mega amnesty of millions of illegals, claiming that American jobs will not be affected because the government will be using E-Verify to check the Social Security numbers of the illegals to give job preference to American citizens. Taitz submitted to court and Congress alike U.S. government issued E-Verify and SSNVS reports showing that the Social Security number used by Barack Obama in his tax returns was never issued to him. Each and every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate will look like a pathological liar, who needs to be thrown out of Congress, if they continue this cover up of Obamas failed E-Verify, but claim that American citizens will not be robbed of their jobs, wages and benefits as the government will check the E-Verify and SSNVS (Social security verification) of millions of illegals. By hiding these documents Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth is depriving the whole nation of of honest services of the Judiciary and makes the Federal Court system criminally complicit in the cover up of the IRS fraud, Social Security Fraud, identity theft and elections fraud by Obama. A judge can deny the motion based on law and fact, but he has no right not to docket it and keep the most explosive evidence of serious crimes hidden from the public. (see below the unredacted version of the documents. the court got a redacted version for public docket and unredacted version with the full security number under seal) Attorney Orly Taitz OrlyTaitzESQ.com [email protected] 949-683-5411

Contact information for the Chair of the U.S. House of representatives Judiciary Committee WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE 2309 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-5431 Fax: (202) 225-9681 HARRISONBURG OFFICE 70 North Mason Street Harrisonburg, VA 22802 Phone: (540) 432-2391 Fax: (540) 432-6593 LYNCHBURG OFFICE 916 Main Street Suite 300 Lynchburg, VA 24504 Phone: (434) 845-8306 Fax: (434) 845-8245 ROANOKE OFFICE 10 Franklin Road SE Suite 540 Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540) 857-2672 Fax: (540) 857-2675 STAUNTON OFFICE 117 South Lewis Street Suite 215 Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540) 885-3861 Fax: (540) 885-3930 contact info for the Chair of the Oversight committee Darrell Issa Washington DC Office 2347 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-3906 Fax: 202-225-3303 California District Office 1800 Thibodo Road, #310 Vista, CA 92081 Phone: 760-599-5000 Fax: 760-599-1178

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz for U.S. Senate 2012, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Supporting Documentation

Please, join 52,548 U.S. citizens who signed my petition for the U.S. Congress to investigate Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison J. Bounel and his use of forged IDs. Please click the red Take Action button in the right column of the web site
Posted on | June 5, 2013 | 7 Comments

Start immediate investigation of Barack Obamas use of forged IDs and a CT SSN which was never assigned to him according to e-verify
52,548 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

On April 15, 2010 Obama posted his 2009 tax returns on line. He forgot to fllatten the PDF file and his full unredacted Social Security number xxx-xx-4425 became known to the public. This number immediately raised suspicions of Attorney Orly Taitz, as it started with 042, a digit combination which was assigned to the state of CT and Obama was never a resident of CT. E-verify and SSNVS showed that this number used by Barack Obama was never assigned to him. We have an individual sitting in the WH as the US president and Commander-in-Chief, in control of our nuclear arsenal, while using a stolen/fraudulently obtained Social Security number from a state where he never resided. Additionally, former Chief Investigator of the special inveastigations unit of the U.S. Coast Guard Jeffrey Stephan Coffman prepared a sworn affidavit for Attorney Orly Taitz showing that Obamas alleged application for the Selective Service is a forgery. According to 5 USC 3328.one is forbidden from holding a position in the executive branch if he did not register for the Selective Service. Obama never legally registered for the selective service, as his application is a forgery, as such he is forbidden to work as a President in the White House or as a janitor in the White House. According to Obamas school registration in Indonesia he is a citizen of Indonesia. According to his mothers passport records his legal last name is Soebarkah. According to sworn affidavits of the Sheriff of Maricopa county, AZ and multiple experts Obamas alleged birth certificate is a computer generated forgery. Attorney Orly Taitz and her supporters, law abiding U.S. citizens, demand that the U.S. Congress do not engage in treason and do not cover up Obamas usurpation of the U.S. Presidency with forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained SSN. We demand immediate investigation of Obamas usurpation of the U.S. Presidency to be conducted in the both houses of the U.S. Congress.

Category: Uncategorized

Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the judiciary Committee foes for the jugular round 2
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 1 Comment Bob Goodlatte appeared on Greta yesterday night and indicated that if Holder does not respond to his questions by 5 pm EST today, subpoenas will start flying. I am not sure whether he will subpoena today only Holder or Judge Lamberth as well demanding to explain how exactly subpoena for James Rosens e-mails evaded PACER, public docket, for 18 months, did clerks really go rogue or were they ordered by someone to cover up evidence? Please, contact Goodlatte, demand investigation of Obamas use of a stolen SSN in his tax returns and cover up by the same Judge Lamberth, who is refusing to docket my pleadings and exhibits. Demand he subpoena the clerks to ascertain who really makes decisions and gives orders to cover up all evidence of inconvenient truth for Obama regime. demand they subpoena deputies and clerks for Lamberth: Robert Elliott, who left, Reggie Johnson, Ms. Jeffries, Mike and others.

Category: Uncategorized

Please, contact Congressman Bridestine and ask him to show his moral compass in speaking up on Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number, forged IDs and on corrupt members of law enforcement and judges, who cover it up
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 2 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

thats it! Id rather vote for Ted Cruz born in Canada to a Cuban citizen father for the U.S. Pres than for Mr. Crispie Cream, who had a chance to do something positive for his country and state, yet he chose to serve his personal interests first
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 11 Comments This is one after another. First Crispy Cream sucks up to BO right before the election and helps BO win, now he gives BO photo ops to deflect from scandals and the last drop is him not appointing a Republican to the position of the U.S. Senator as he placed his interest for re-election as governor and his run for Pres above the whole country. He could appoint someone who would fight against mega amnesty, against IRS and Dep of Justice abuses, yet he chooses his self interests. I hope he does not receive any donations from Republicans. He is pretty much set with donations from Democrats. He could staple his stomach, but he cannot staple his reputation and integrity which were shred into pieces!

Category: Uncategorized

Arpaio arrests 28 people for using fake Social Security numbers, saying it is a class 4 felony and stating that he is trying to help the President and the country due to unemployment, yet through his sidekicks Zullo and Jeffries he claims that Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number is not a crime. Shame! Demand Arpaio to stop playing games and file a criminal complaint against Obama, first and for most for using a stolen Social Security number, as well as forged IDs as a basis for his identity while running for the U.S. President
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 5 Comments

Another Arpaio Comment on Identity Theft

David Harris to me

9:38 PM (1 hour ago)

http://camelblot.wordpress.com/2011/07/16/fake-stolen-social-security-numbers-sheriffs-joes-office-makes-28-arrests-in-mesa-bread-factory-raid/ THESE INVESTIGATIONS ZERO-IN ON PEOPLE WHO HAVE PROVIDED FALSE IDENTIFICATION, ARPAIO SAID. ITS A CLASS 4 FELONY.

Category: Uncategorized

This is the third interview I will be doing. I did not do interviews for a while, as I was busy, but now I am livid about Judge Lamberth refusing to even docket the pleadings and exhibits and covering up flagrant theft of SSN by Obama and by Arpaio, Zullo and Co refusing to file criminal charges on 100% forgery and claiming that using a stolen SSN is not a criminal offence. The word livid is an understatement of the year!
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 12 Comments

Interview Request

Inbox x Clayton R. Douglas <[email protected]>May 26 (9 days ago) to orlytaitz, me

Call me from the phone you would use for the interview. I have days open beginning Monday June 10 TODAYS SHOW http://freedomslips.com 2 HOURS WEEKDAYS 9:OO AM to 11:00AM CENTRAL at 7:00 to 9:00 AM Pacific Clay will take calls 646-915-8774 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/claydouglas CLAYS YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Clay Douglas E-MAIL Chat Room on Revolution Radio

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz for U.S. Senate 2012, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate,Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities,Radio and Media Broadcasts

I will be doing another interview with American freedom radio, involving more and more people in regards to Judge Lamberths refusal to docket and Arpaios refusal to file a criminal complaint on 100% evidence of forgery
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | No Comments

Category: Uncategorized

I will be on John Clark show today at 6pm. Sheriff Mack was supposed to be on the show as well, but we believe he got cold feet and afraid to respond to Zullos, Arpaios claims that they have no jurisdiction to file a criminal complaint and that using someone elses number is not a crime
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | No Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Retired Elite Scotland Yard officer responds to idiotic claims by team Arpaio, Zullo and controlled opposition media of WND, ORYR, PPSimmons and others who attacked me and sang praise to Arpaio and Zullo who did not file any criminal complaint after 2 years and who claimed that Obama did not commit Social Security fraud, that using someones Social Security number is ok.
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 7 Comments

Neil Sankey Responds To Team Arpaio Obama Social Security Number Statements.

Inboxx 3:26 PM (11 minutes ago)

Paula Hoehn to me

Dear Orly,Do you already know about the SSN letter by Neil Sankey today on: http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/06/licensed-investigator-neil-sankey.html Licensed Private Investigator Neil Sankey Responds To Team Arpaio Obama Social Security Number Statements By Licensed Private Investigator Neil Sankey I certainly stand by my original list which, incidentally was originally formulated in 2008, long before the first coronation. The original list, as constructed was much longer, in fact, over two hundred names, bits of names and addresses and bits of addresses. I eventually put the list out, in refined and somewhat verified form through Orly, who uses it still in her cases, as an exhibit. I have not tried to interpret the cause of the list, that would be futile. But, because of factors, of which we are aware the list displays, to an experienced investigator if no-one else, the extreme need for a detailed and thorough investigation. Remember, if nothing else, according to his own narrative, his Grandmother and mother were allegedly both in Micro Banking Remember also Acorn and the other organizations fraudulently collecting voter names (or similar) and, perhaps most importantly, was not the Weather Underground industriously engaged in collecting false identities for use in crime? Yes, there was, and still is, a desperate need for a thorough investigation. Such an investigation can only be done by people with complete access to records, including Social Security files. This means an unbiased, but honest and patriotic person who has integrity and an analytical mind, regardless of his personal feelings. You are only looking for the truth, not another theory. Such a person has not yet been found, obviously. Other alternatives include Judicial or Congressional investigation, the same applies. The big question, repeatedly heard, is Oh, why bother, it is just a number, there could be all kinds of reasons for it and it does not matter. Well, I strongly disagree. I have credentials, I will not go into them here, except to say that I was an English Detective working at New Scotland Yard, specifically on a subject, aptly called Revolutionary Criminality I have been doing this for nearly fifty years. I have monitored the creep of Socialism, more specifically, under its loose overall title, Communism. I left my native England in the early eighties, partly to get away from what I saw developing in Europe, and to get away from it I came here to the USA and became a Citizen. Guess what? It was already here!. I know Marxism. I was already familiar with Ayers, Dohrn, Leary and the use of Castros Cuba. I know the Weather Underground and the activities of M19CO. I have no doubt what they were, and are, up to. So here, in the pre-election months of 2008, I began to wonder who this Barack Obama really was, it was a name I had not heard before. As an investigator, I ran usual, Public Record searches, and I produced The List I did not know then what it could possibly mean, but it was obvious that the Social Security number attributed to him in his own handwriting, did not agree with the Nativity story that he was circulating. Here we were, about to possibly elect someone who just did not check out. Surely that could not happen here. The FBI, CIA, Police, someone would never let that happen. How could we possibly have a man whose real identity we do not know (to this date), not only with the title of president (although fraudulently obtained) but in possession of all our secrets, Military and Civil. Be in control of the nuclear football!! Anyway, that is why and how the list was born. Since then, five years of intense research has not alleviated the problem. I have met, and work with some incredibly talented people in all fields, particularly research and investigation. Many theories exist, many other will yet come, but only one will be the right one. Obama has himself to blame totally. You cannot withhold this truth from the whole world. If you dont tell the truth they will find it! Or make it up. Neil Sankey License

Category: Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Uncategorized

Obama just learned by watching CNN and totally astounded to find outhe is married (from peoples cube)
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 5 Comments

President Obama Astounded to Discover that He is Married

Inboxx Oleg @ Gmail 12:58 PM (3 minutes ago)

to Oleg, bcc: me

President Obama Astounded to Discover that He is Married

President Obama, in a press release this morning, revealed that he was surprised to discover that he has apparently been married for quite some time.

The first I heard of it was when I saw a CNN report on my wifeuhMichelle, apparentlydelivering an address to the National Coalition of Lobster Producers, said the President. This was as much a surprise to me as discovering rogue agents in the IRS was when I found out about that by watching CNN too. Presidential spokesperson Jay Carney was quick to point out that there are several layers of bureaucracy in any marriage, and that nobody on the White House Staff was aware of the marriage until CNN broke the story on March 22, 2013. Evidence suggests that the marriage has been an on-going situation, as the President has also learned that he has two children, although their names, genders, and exact ages were not provided in the press briefing. I think it important to note, Carney told reporters, that at least one and possibly both of these children were already in place at the time the previous administration occupied the White House.

It is possible that one or perhaps both were conceived during a Republican administration, or when there was a Republican majority in Congress. New reports of this heretofore unknown First Lady have been surfacing, including some disturbing allegations of lavish spending on travel and accommodations over the past four years. When questioned by reporters on the subject, Carney replied that while such wild allegations were inevitable in an era of Republican overreach, the President himself rarely accompanied the First Lady and had thus been completely unaware of any travel, if indeed any travel had taken place. The Justice Department has announced it will be investigating possible leaks related to the revelation of the First Ladys existence on CNN. As a part of this investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder has obtained a warrant for all Fox News emails for the past 96 months.

Category: Uncategorized

Is Chris Christie a complete moron or is he a bought and paid for rotten politician? Corrupt in name only Republicans are more dangerous than Democrats
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 5 Comments People were asking, why big wig Liberal Democrat billionaires are sending money to Mr. Crispie Creme for his reelection campaign. Now we have the answer. Mr. Crispie Creme managed to outdo himself yet again. When Senator Lautenberg passed away Christie had an opportunity to appoint a Republican to a position of a temporary U.S. Senator until a new election, he had an opportunity to stop some of the most devastating programs of Obama, which destroy the US economy and constitutional rights of the U.S. citizens. What did Christie do? He decided not to appoint anyone and put it up for an election, so we might get another liberal Democrat. Do you think Christie is that dumb? I dont think so, I believe that Liberal billionaires who sent him large campaign contributions got their moneys worth.

Category: Uncategorized

Respond to Congressman Lamar Smith for me, demand to stop the BS and start hearings on Obamas use, his signature under a stolen Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison J. Bounel on his tax returns. Tell congressmen to stop committing treason and stop being complicit in the cover up or we will try them one day for treason
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 7 Comments

DC Update: Congress Investigates the IRS


Congressman Lamar Smith <[email protected]> to me

9:28 AM (12 minutes ago)

Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from [email protected]

News from Representative Lamar Smith

WEBSITE | BIOGRAPHY | CONSTITUENT SERVICES | ISSUES | NEWSROOM | DISTRICT Dear Friends, Many Americans across the country are rightfully upset by reports that IRS officials intentionally targeted conservative groups for additional screenings. The abuse of authority and violation of trust by IRS officials is deeply troubling. The individuals responsible must be held accountable and anyone who is found to have broken the law must be prosecuted. I have called for a special prosecutor to be appointed to independently investigate the allegations against the IRS. An independent prosecutor is needed to fully and fairly investigate the IRSs actions and determine whether senior Administration officials were involved. In the absence of a special prosecutor, Congress is determined to pursue and investigate the allegations that IRS employees discriminated against conservative organizations by targeting them for additional screening. This week, Congress is holding three hearings to further examine the allegations against the IRS. Information about each of the hearings can be found below. We will follow the facts wherever they lead and ensure that the constitutional rights of American citizens are protected. To receive regular updates on what Congress is doing to hold the IRS accountable, please sign up for my E-Newsletter, visit my website or follow me on Facebook and Twitter. As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 202-2254236 to share your views. Sincerely,

Lamar Smith

Member of Congress

This week on Capitol Hill three separate oversight hearings are being held on the IRS Scandal. They are: House Committee on Appropriations June 3, 2013 Oversight Hearing on the Internal Revenue Service Witnesses: Danny Werfel, Acting Commissioner, IRS More information about the hearing can be found here. House Committee on Ways and Means June 4, 2013 Hearing with Organizations Targeted by Internal Revenue Service for Their Personal Beliefs Witnesses: Mr. John Eastman, Chairman, National Organization for Marriage Ms. Diane Belsom, Laurens County Tea Party Ms. Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party Ms. Karen Kenny, San Fernando Valley Patriots Mr. Kevin Kookogey, Founder and President, Linchpins of Liberty Ms. Sue Martinek, Coalition for Life of Iowa More information about the hearing can be found here. House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform June 6, 2013 Collected and Wasted: The IRS Spending Culture and Conference Abuses Witnesses: To be announced later this week More information about the hearing can be found here.

Washington, DC San Antonio District Kerrville District Office Austin District Office Office Office 301 Junction Hwy, #346C 2211 South IH-35, #106 2409 Rayburn HOB 1100 NE Loop 410, #640 Kerrville, TX 78028 Austin, TX 78741 Washington, DC 20515 San Antonio, TX 78209 ph: 830-896-0154 ph: 512-912-7508 ph: 202-225-4236 ph: 210-821-5024 fax: 830-896-0168 fax: 512-912-7519 fax: 202-225-8628 fax: 210-821-5947
Category: Uncategorized

If you dont rise the whole USA will be a wasteland and bankrupt like Detroit. Your life savings will be turned into toilet paper. You have to stop mega amnesty, you have to throw out of office corrupt politicians
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 4 Comments The City of Detroit, for decades run by Democrats is now selling off its museum masterpieces to postpone financial collapse. The number of people in the city on welfare defies all reason, plus there is a huge Muslim population in the area. And in spite of heroic teachers, the citys schools are in crisis.

Desperation has hit a new low in Detroit. Last week the Citys Emergency Manager (and bankruptcy lawyer) Kevyn Orr decided to list the holdings of the Detroit Institute of Arts among the citys assets in preparation for a possible bankruptcy. If the city goes into bankruptcy, it could be forced to sell off any and

all of its assets which now include the museums collection. The collection, which include treasures by Bruegel, Rodin and van Gogh as well as Diego Riveras famous Detroit Industry murals, are ostensibly worth billions of dollars, but those measures cant really capture what such

artistic treasures mean to a community. Unfortunately the city is already struggling to keep the lights on. Local businesses recently had to step in to buy the city police cars and ambulances. Meanwhile, Detroit has closed nearly a quarter of the citys firehouses, and the departments equipment is beginning to fall apart.

At this point, the city may need the money more than it needs the art. This is another grim reminder of just how destructive Detroits corrupt machine politics have been. At one time, Detroit was the manufacturing capital of America and one of the countrys great cities; today its trying to stave

off a kind of modern-day bonfire of the vanities. To be sure, there are still many good, hard working people in Detroit. However, the citys population has plummeted in recent decades as families (mostly White) have moved out to avoid one of the highest crime rates in the country. Hundreds of city blocks of

what were once beautiful buildings, libraries, office buildings, successful businesses, and lovely homes, have become a devastated, deserted, drug and crime ridden, uninhabitable wasteland.
Category: Uncategorized

Record numbers of Americans and Europeans commit suicide! People, stop ending your lives, end corruption and treason in the government: throw out of White House Kenyan-Indonesian criminal with stolen and forged IDs, throw out of Congress and Judiciary corrupt Congressmen and judges. Your lives should not end, their tenure should end immediately
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 8 Comments

Baby boomers killing themselves at alarming rate Rash of lawyer suicides rattles Kentucky

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Obama Fraud Gate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Radio and Media Broadcasts, Supporting Documentation

Call your congressmen and demand to stop mega amnesty! These shameless bought and paid for puppets in the U.S. Congress are getting millions in campaign contributions while they are robbing you and your children of your jobs and benefits. Tell your congressmen: we will work very hard to throw you out in the primary, to recall you if it is not time for you to run, and we will try you for treason, if you vote for this America robbing amnesty!!! We do not need immigration reform, we need corruption reform!
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 6 Comments

Send FREE Fax to your elected officials in 1 STEP Amnesty Betrays California Congress is preparing to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens, and grant lifetime work visas to another 22 million foreign workers. Amnesty advocates in Congress are working with the media to make this seem inevitable. That could cause some in Congress who might vote against amnesty to crumble under pressure. We need to show our elected officials that Americans will not accept excuses for passing an amnesty! Please send the fax below. In one step, youll send a message to President Obama, California Gov. Senators Feinstein and Boxer, and your local U.S. Representative. It is already paid for; we only need your authorization to send it. PRESS TO SEND FREE FAX IN 1 STEP Dear [each elected official's name goes here],The last thing we need when 20 million Americans are unable to find full-time jobs at every level of occupation is for Congress to flood the country with more foreign job-seekers.S. 744 promises to give work permits to at least 11 million illegal border crossers and visa overstayers. It also would continue the recent elevated flow of 11 million new immigrants a decade. And it would add at least another 11 million the first decade through new immigration categories and increases in existing categories. It is irrational and cruel to give out 33 million more work permits when millions of Americans who ARE employed are suffering long-term wage depression due to the persistent shortage of jobs and excess of workers. This bill would give out about half the number of green cards in a single decade as all the immigrants who have ever arrived in our entire history since the founding of Jamestown in 1607. No matter what you may think about legalizing most of the current illegal population in this country, you cant possibly justify adding 33 million potential foreign job seekers as competitors for scarce U.S. jobs. Furthermore, this bill would be a pathway to higher chain migration and massive new social service expenditures in a time of budget deficit and debt crisis. And it would lead to more illegal immigration because it gives the legalization and work permits first with only promises of future enforcement, just like the previous seven amnesties between 1986 and 2000 which had no hard enforcement triggers and served only to entice 11 million new illegal immigrants who now demand their own amnesty. Sincerely, (Your Name Will Appear Here).

PRESS TO SEND FREE FAX IN 1 STEP NumbersUSA, Americas largest-member immigration-reduction organization. We are non-profit and non-partisan.

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities

Cosa Nostra of the New World Order! Time for a legislation banning all members and attendees of secret groups, like Bilderberg, Davos and so on from holding any elected or appointed positions in the federal or state governments or be allowed to give any campaign contributions to any elected or appointed officials of the federal or state government. It is time to end this targeted destruction of our lives by the world oligarchy and their puppets in the government and academia
Posted on | June 4, 2013 | 1 Comment

~ The Whose Who At Bilderberg!

InternetPaulRevere to dans2little2

6:45 AM (22 minutes ago)

Tuesday June 4, 2013 5:00 AM PDTHi All You Anti-Bilderberg Patriots: On this date in History, Henry Fords First Car rolled off the assembly line in 1896! Also today another date in Infamy will be marked by the convening of the 61st Annual Meeting of Bilderberg Group, which will meet at the Grove Hotel and Golf Course in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. Is there a coincidence here? In the first three lines, I wrote here: The name Ford appears three times! Henry Ford was a New World Orderist! Maybe, the site was chosen to honor Henry Fords Contribution to the New World Order! Oh, that is just another conspiracy theory Right? This will be the first Bilderberg Conference held since the passing of Big Jim Tucker of American Free Press! Personally, I value Big Jim Tuckers contributions to America more than I do any of the pond-scum, who have and/or are attending any New World Order Bilderberg Conference! The first Bilderberg Meeting was held on May, 28, 29, and 30 in 1954, at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeck, Holland, and was hosted by Hollands Prince Bernhard! First I give you a link about the Bilderberg Conference here: http://rt.com/news/bilderberg-protests-england-grove-elite-162/ Note the names of the American that are attending! Names like: Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State; Timothy Geithner, the former Secretary of the US Treasury, and Gen David Petraeus, the former Allied commander in Afghanistan and head of the CIA. These people should all be charged with Treason! Now I give you the link to Article by Andrew Marzal, of the Daily Telegraph, which is posted today in Lew Rockwell! http://lewrockwell.com/spl5/2013-bildergerg-attendees.html Also up today on Lew Rockwell, is one of Chuck Baldwins and my favorite Authors/Journalists William Norman Grigg! The Article is called: The American Secret Police, and I give you the link here: http://lewrockwell.com/grigg/grigg-w327.html At the top of this Article, there are these words as follows: Recently by William Norman Grigg and is reference to an Article called The Protected Predator Class. That link is here: http://lewrockwell.com/grigg/grigg-w326.html The Lew Rockwell site always has many great Articles Daily that are informative and on point! Therefore, I give you the Lew Rockwell link here: http://lewrockwell.com/ Remember, safety and well being is a choice, each of us must make each and every day! The more you, yours, and others know, the safer you all can be! Your Internet Paul Revere, Dan Fairchild

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!

FOX-James Rosen cover up all over again!!! Multiple calls to the DC court went unanswered. Royce C. Lamberth, Chief Judge of the District of Columbia continues in the style of the Soviet Judiciary and simply refuses to post on PACER, public docket, my pleadings and exhibits received by the court on May 24, 2013. They were supposed to be docketed the same day or next day. Please, keep writing and calling the inspector General of the Department of Justice, GAO, Public Integrity unit of the Dep of Justice, Congressmen ISSA, Congressman Goodlatte chair of the Judiciary Committee. They cant keep this in their pocket any longer, waiting for the right time. the right time is now.!!!
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 6 Comments

U.S. District Court District of Columbia (Washington, DC) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL

TAITZ v. ASTRUE Assigned to: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth Cases:1:10-cv-00151-RCL 1:11-cv-01421-RCL Case in other court: USCA, 11-05304 Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act Plaintiff ORLY TAITZ Dr.

Date Filed: 02/16/2011 Date Terminated: 08/30/2011 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 895 Freedom of Information Act Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Defendant

represented byORLY TAITZ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway Suite 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 683 5411 Fax: (949) 766 7603 Email: [email protected] PRO SE

V. Defendant MICHAEL JAMES ASTRUE Commissioner of the Social Security Administration

represented byPatrick George Nemeroff U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Room 5381 Washington, DC 20530 (202) 305-8727 Fax: (202) 616-8470 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED


represented byPAUL MAAS RISENHOOVER Island of Taiwan in the Allied American Formosa Trust Territory, West Pacific 27-1 Yu Nung Rd

5th floor 1-2, 5A3 East Dist Taiwan City 70164 289-7481 PRO SE Date Filed 02/16/2011 02/16/2011 04/08/2011 # Docket Text Summons (1) Issued as to MICHAEL ASTRUE. (jf, ) (Entered: 02/22/2011) 2 NOTICE OF RELATED CASE by ORLY TAITZ. Case related to Case No. 10-cv-151. (jf, ) (Entered: 02/22/2011) 4 AFFIDAVIT of Mailing by ORLY TAITZ. Let this be filed, The Court notes mailing was sent to improper address for the U.S. Attorney, and time to respond doesnt run until U.S. Attorney is properly served. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth.(rdj) (Entered: 04/11/2011) 5 RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed on United States Attorney General. Date of Service Upon United States Attorney General 3/30/2011. (rdj) (Entered: 04/13/2011) 6 AFFIDAVIT of Mailing to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia with Summons and First Amended Complaint by ORLY TAITZ. (rdj) (Entered: 04/25/2011) 7 AFFIDAVIT FOR DEFAULT by ORLY TAITZ. Let this be filed. Request DENIED. No proof of service has been filed ; only proof of mailing. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth(rdj) (Entered: 05/19/2011) 8 RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. MICHAEL ASTRUE served on 3/28/2011, RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed as to the United States Attorney. Date of Service Upon United States Attorney on 4/3/2011. ( Answer due for ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS by 5/3/2011.) (rdj) (Entered: 05/23/2011) 9 NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick George Nemeroff on behalf of MICHAEL ASTRUE (Nemeroff, Patrick) Modified on 5/24/2011 to correct filer(rdj). (Entered: 05/23/2011) 10 ANSWER to 3 Amended Complaint by MICHAEL ASTRUE. Related document: 3 Amended Complaint filed by ORLY TAITZ.(Nemeroff, Patrick) Modified on 5/24/2011 to correct filer (rdj). (Entered: 05/23/2011) 11 MOTION to Strike 1 Complaint, 3 Amended Complaint and Attached Exhibits by MICHAEL ASTRUE (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nemeroff, Patrick) Modified on 5/24/2011 to correct filer (rdj). (Entered: 05/23/2011) 12 MOTION to Compel Preparation of a Vaughn Index by ORLY TAITZ (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(rdj) (Entered: 06/02/2011) 13 ORDER granting in part and denying in part 11 Motion to Strike. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 6/2/11. (rje, ) (Entered: 06/03/2011) 14 SCHEDULING ORDER: Any Dispositive Motions by defendant shall be due within thirty (30) days. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 6/2/11. (rje, ) (Entered: 06/03/2011)








05/31/2011 06/02/2011 06/02/2011






06/22/2011 06/22/2011 07/01/2011

07/08/2011 07/20/2011

07/21/2011 07/21/2011

07/22/2011 07/25/2011 07/25/2011


15 MOTION to Intervene, MOTION for Hearing on contempt of the Courts order of June 2 by PAUL MAAS RISENHOOVER Let this be filed. Motion and all reliefs DENIED. Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth(rdj) (Entered: 06/09/2011) 16 Redacted COMPLAINT against MICHAEL ASTRUE ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 4616036614) filed by ORLY TAITZ. (Per 06/02/2011 Order 13 )(rdj) Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF. (Entered: 06/15/2011) 17 Redacted AMENDED COMPLAINT against MICHAEL ASTRUE filed by ORLY TAITZ. (Per 06/02/2011 Order 13 )(rdj) Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF. (Entered: 06/15/2011) Leave to File Denied. Notice of Motion and Motion for Default Judgment, Leave to file DENIED. No certificate of service on counsel for defendant. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth (rdj) (Entered: 06/15/2011) 18 MOTION to Strike 10 Answer to Amended Complaint by ORLY TAITZ (rdj) Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF. (Entered: 06/21/2011) 19 MOTION for Clarification by ORLY TAITZ Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF.(rdj) (Entered: 06/23/2011) 20 MOTION for Default Judgment by ORLY TAITZ Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF.(rdj) (Entered: 06/23/2011) 21 MOTION for Summary Judgment by MICHAEL ASTRUE (Attachments: # 1 Statement of Facts, # 2 Memorandum in Support, # 3 Text of Proposed Order, # 4 Exhibit A, # 5 Exhibit B, # 6Exhibit C, # 7 Exhibit D, # 8 Exhibit E)(Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 07/01/2011) 22 MOTION to Compel by ORLY TAITZ Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF.(rdj) (Entered: 07/11/2011) 24 MOTION to Strike 23 Memorandum in Opposition by MICHAEL ASTRUE (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 07/20/2011) 25 ORDER granting 24 Motion to Strike 23 Memorandum in Opposition. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 7/20/11. (rje) (Entered: 07/21/2011) 26 ORDER that plaintiff shall file the redacted version of her Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment within fourteen days of this date. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on July 21, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 07/21/2011) 27 MOTION for Reconsideration re 25 Order on Motion to Strike by ORLY TAITZ (rdj) (Entered: 07/25/2011) 29 ORDER to seal Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 7/25/11. (rje) (Entered: 07/25/2011) 30 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER denying 27 Motion for Reconsideration and Striking 28 Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 7/25/11. (rje) (Entered: 07/25/2011) 31 Memorandum in opposition to re 21 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by ORLY TAITZ. Let this be filed, except for Exhibit 9, which shall be filed under seal only since it still contains improper redactions. by Chief Judge

08/03/2011 08/30/2011 08/30/2011








Royce C. Lamberth (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 9 *Sealed pursuant to Chief Judge Lamberth*)(various pages are illegible in paper form and on ECF)(zrdj) (Entered: 07/28/2011) 32 REPLY to opposition to motion re 21 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by MICHAEL ASTRUE. (Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 08/03/2011) 33 MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on August 30, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 08/30/2011) 34 ORDER granting 21 defendants Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on August 30, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 08/30/2011) 35 ORDER denying 12 Motion to Compel; denying 18 Motion to Strike; denying 19 Motion for Clarification; denying 20 Motion for Default Judgment; and denying 22 Motion to Compel. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on August 30, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 08/30/2011) 36 MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment by ORLY TAITZ (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit (Unredacted))(various pages are illegible in paper form and on ECF) (Entered: 09/13/2011) 37 Memorandum in opposition to re 36 MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment,,,,,, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment,,,,,, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment filed by MICHAEL ASTRUE. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 09/23/2011) 38 REPLY to opposition to motion re 36 MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment filed by ORLY TAITZ. (rdj) (Entered: 10/03/2011) 39 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER denying 36 Motion for Reconsideration. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on October 17, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 10/17/2011) 40 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment by ORLY TAITZ. Filing fee $ 0.00. Fee Status: No Fee Paid. Parties have been notified. (rdj) (Entered: 10/26/2011) 41 Transmission of the Notice of Appeal, Order Appealed, and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals. The Fee remains to be paid and another notice will be transmitted when the fee has been paid in the District Court re 40 Notice of Appeal. (rdj) (Entered: 10/26/2011)

11/01/2011 12/02/2011 12/02/2011 08/30/2012

USCA Case Number 11-5304 for 40 Notice of Appeal filed by ORLY TAITZ. (rdj) (Entered: 11/01/2011) USCA Appeal Fees received $ 455 receipt number 4616044235 re 40 Notice of Appeal filed by ORLY TAITZ (rdj) (Entered: 12/02/2011) 42 Supplemental Record on Appeal transmitted to US Court of Appeals re 40 Notice of Appeal ; (rdj) (Entered: 12/02/2011) 43 MANDATE of USCA (certified copy) as to 40 Notice of Appeal filed by ORLY TAITZ ; ORDERED that the motion for default judgement be denied; FURTHER ORDERED that the motion for summary reversal be denied and the motion for summary affirmance be granted. USCA Case Number 11-5304. (md, ) (Entered: 08/30/2012)

PACER Service Center

Transaction Receipt 06/04/2013 01:01:19 ot036 Client 3 Code: Docke Search Descriptio t Criteria 1:11-cv-00402-RCL n: Repor : t 0.40 PACER Login:

Billable Pages:


Category: HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities

Update: 11 days past since judge Lamberth got the pleadings, he continues the cover up of Obamas stolen Social Security number, help needed. On the other front regime controlled web sites continue repeating the same empty talk, same BS about Zullo and Arpaio, no criminal complaint was ever filed by them. Donors got fed up with the same BS and started demanding their refunds!
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 3 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Senator Lautenberg dies. Lets hope that Christie does not act as an Obama lackey and Obama kiss up yet again and that he appoints a Republican to the Senate
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 22 Comments NJ Sen. Lautenberg Dies; Christie to Appoint Successor

Category: Uncategorized

Rubio loses support and sees his political career going down the drain on a very unpopular mega amnesty, he is trying to undo the damage and distance himself from the immigration reform, saying he might not vote for it after all. Please, keep the push against Bilderberg mafia attack on your jobs and your benefits done through this mega amnesty. Say no to imigration reform, no to destruction of US sovereignty
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 5 Comments

Rubio raises the possibility of jumping off immigration reform push [VIDEO]
In a video to constituents, Sen. Marco Rubio has raised the possibility that he could abandon the immigration reform bill hes been pushing if political The Daily Caller from RSS

Category: Uncategorized

Reggie Johnson, deputy for Judge Lamberth 202-354-3192, Chief clerk Angela Cesar 202-354-3080
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 2 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Taitz Report 06.03.2013

Posted on | June 3, 2013 | No Comments

Taitz Report 06.03.2013

Category: Uncategorized

Judge Royce Lamberth, Chief Judge of the US District court for DC, who did not post James Rosen subpoena on the docket for 18 months, continues the same pattern of aiding and abetting Obama regime and covering up the most explosive evidence. He refuses to allow his clerks to post on the public electronic docket the most explosive evidence submitted by me on May 24, 2013, showing Obama commiting IRS fraud, Social Security fraud, elections fraud when Obama signed his name on the tax return under a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel. I am asking all members of the media to call this court and demand to immediately post in PACER, electronic public court docket, the pleadings and evidence received by the court 10 days ago. Please, call Bob Goodlatte, Chair of House Judiciary Committee and Darrel Issa, Chair of House Oversight Committee and demand an immediate investigation of Chief USDC Judge Royce Lamberth
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 7 Comments

Query Reports



U.S. District Court District of Columbia (Washington, DC) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL

TAITZ v. ASTRUE Assigned to: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth Cases:1:10-cv-00151-RCL 1:11-cv-01421-RCL Case in other court: USCA, 11-05304 Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act Plaintiff ORLY TAITZ Dr.

Date Filed: 02/16/2011 Date Terminated: 08/30/2011 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 895 Freedom of Information Act Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Defendant

represented byORLY TAITZ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway Suite 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 683 5411 Fax: (949) 766 7603 Email: [email protected] PRO SE

V. Defendant MICHAEL JAMES ASTRUE Commissioner of the Social Security Administration

represented byPatrick George Nemeroff U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Room 5381 Washington, DC 20530 (202) 305-8727

Fax: (202) 616-8470 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Defendant DOES 1 100 TERMINATED: 04/08/2011 V. Interested Party SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Movant PAUL MAAS RISENHOOVER Dr.

represented byPAUL MAAS RISENHOOVER Island of Taiwan in the Allied American Formosa Trust Territory, West Pacific 27-1 Yu Nung Rd 5th floor 1-2, 5A3 East Dist Taiwan City 70164 289-7481 PRO SE

Date Filed 02/16/2011 02/16/2011 04/08/2011





# Docket Text Summons (1) Issued as to MICHAEL ASTRUE. (jf, ) (Entered: 02/22/2011) 2 NOTICE OF RELATED CASE by ORLY TAITZ. Case related to Case No. 10-cv-151. (jf, ) (Entered: 02/22/2011) 4 AFFIDAVIT of Mailing by ORLY TAITZ. Let this be filed, The Court notes mailing was sent to improper address for the U.S. Attorney, and time to respond doesnt run until U.S. Attorney is properly served. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth.(rdj) (Entered: 04/11/2011) 5 RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed on United States Attorney General. Date of Service Upon United States Attorney General 3/30/2011. (rdj) (Entered: 04/13/2011) 6 AFFIDAVIT of Mailing to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia with Summons and First Amended Complaint by ORLY TAITZ. (rdj) (Entered: 04/25/2011) 7 AFFIDAVIT FOR DEFAULT by ORLY TAITZ. Let this be filed. Request DENIED. No proof of service has been filed ; only proof of mailing. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth(rdj) (Entered: 05/19/2011) 8 RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. MICHAEL ASTRUE served on 3/28/2011, RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed as to the United States Attorney. Date of Service Upon United States Attorney on 4/3/2011. ( Answer due for ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS by 5/3/2011.) (rdj) (Entered: 05/23/2011)




05/31/2011 06/02/2011 06/02/2011






06/22/2011 06/22/2011 07/01/2011

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9 NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick George Nemeroff on behalf of MICHAEL ASTRUE (Nemeroff, Patrick) Modified on 5/24/2011 to correct filer(rdj). (Entered: 05/23/2011) 10 ANSWER to 3 Amended Complaint by MICHAEL ASTRUE. Related document: 3 Amended Complaint filed by ORLY TAITZ.(Nemeroff, Patrick) Modified on 5/24/2011 to correct filer (rdj). (Entered: 05/23/2011) 11 MOTION to Strike 1 Complaint, 3 Amended Complaint and Attached Exhibits by MICHAEL ASTRUE (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nemeroff, Patrick) Modified on 5/24/2011 to correct filer (rdj). (Entered: 05/23/2011) 12 MOTION to Compel Preparation of a Vaughn Index by ORLY TAITZ (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(rdj) (Entered: 06/02/2011) 13 ORDER granting in part and denying in part 11 Motion to Strike. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 6/2/11. (rje, ) (Entered: 06/03/2011) 14 SCHEDULING ORDER: Any Dispositive Motions by defendant shall be due within thirty (30) days. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 6/2/11. (rje, ) (Entered: 06/03/2011) 15 MOTION to Intervene, MOTION for Hearing on contempt of the Courts order of June 2 by PAUL MAAS RISENHOOVER Let this be filed. Motion and all reliefs DENIED. Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth(rdj) (Entered: 06/09/2011) 16 Redacted COMPLAINT against MICHAEL ASTRUE ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 4616036614) filed by ORLY TAITZ. (Per 06/02/2011 Order 13 )(rdj) Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF. (Entered: 06/15/2011) 17 Redacted AMENDED COMPLAINT against MICHAEL ASTRUE filed by ORLY TAITZ. (Per 06/02/2011 Order 13 )(rdj) Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF. (Entered: 06/15/2011) Leave to File Denied. Notice of Motion and Motion for Default Judgment, Leave to file DENIED. No certificate of service on counsel for defendant. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth (rdj) (Entered: 06/15/2011) 18 MOTION to Strike 10 Answer to Amended Complaint by ORLY TAITZ (rdj) Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF. (Entered: 06/21/2011) 19 MOTION for Clarification by ORLY TAITZ Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF.(rdj) (Entered: 06/23/2011) 20 MOTION for Default Judgment by ORLY TAITZ Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF.(rdj) (Entered: 06/23/2011) 21 MOTION for Summary Judgment by MICHAEL ASTRUE (Attachments: # 1 Statement of Facts, # 2 Memorandum in Support, # 3 Text of Proposed Order, # 4 Exhibit A, # 5 Exhibit B, # 6 Exhibit C, # 7 Exhibit D, # 8 Exhibit E)(Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 07/01/2011) 22 MOTION to Compel by ORLY TAITZ Note: Portions of these exhibits are illegible in paper form and on ECF.(rdj) (Entered: 07/11/2011) 24 MOTION to Strike 23 Memorandum in Opposition by MICHAEL ASTRUE (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered:

07/21/2011 07/21/2011

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08/03/2011 08/30/2011 08/30/2011





07/20/2011) 25 ORDER granting 24 Motion to Strike 23 Memorandum in Opposition. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 7/20/11. (rje) (Entered: 07/21/2011) 26 ORDER that plaintiff shall file the redacted version of her Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment within fourteen days of this date. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on July 21, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 07/21/2011) 27 MOTION for Reconsideration re 25 Order on Motion to Strike by ORLY TAITZ (rdj) (Entered: 07/25/2011) 29 ORDER to seal Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 7/25/11. (rje) (Entered: 07/25/2011) 30 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER denying 27 Motion for Reconsideration and Striking 28 Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on 7/25/11. (rje) (Entered: 07/25/2011) 31 Memorandum in opposition to re 21 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by ORLY TAITZ. Let this be filed, except for Exhibit 9, which shall be filed under seal only since it still contains improper redactions. by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 9 *Sealed pursuant to Chief Judge Lamberth*)(various pages are illegible in paper form and on ECF)(zrdj) (Entered: 07/28/2011) 32 REPLY to opposition to motion re 21 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by MICHAEL ASTRUE. (Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 08/03/2011) 33 MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on August 30, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 08/30/2011) 34 ORDER granting 21 defendants Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on August 30, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 08/30/2011) 35 ORDER denying 12 Motion to Compel; denying 18 Motion to Strike; denying 19 Motion for Clarification; denying 20 Motion for Default Judgment; and denying 22 Motion to Compel. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on August 30, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 08/30/2011) 36 MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment by ORLY TAITZ (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit (Unredacted))(various pages are illegible in paper form and on ECF) (Entered: 09/13/2011) 37 Memorandum in opposition to re 36 MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment,,,,,, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment,,,,,, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment filed by MICHAEL ASTRUE. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Nemeroff, Patrick) (Entered: 09/23/2011) 38 REPLY to opposition to motion re 36 MOTION for Reconsideration




11/01/2011 12/02/2011 12/02/2011 08/30/2012

re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment MOTION for Reconsideration re 35 Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion to Strike, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Default Judgment, 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment filed by ORLY TAITZ. (rdj) (Entered: 10/03/2011) 39 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER denying 36 Motion for Reconsideration. Signed by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth on October 17, 2011. (lcrcl2) (Entered: 10/17/2011) 40 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 34 Order on Motion for Summary Judgment by ORLY TAITZ. Filing fee $ 0.00. Fee Status: No Fee Paid. Parties have been notified. (rdj) (Entered: 10/26/2011) 41 Transmission of the Notice of Appeal, Order Appealed, and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals. The Fee remains to be paid and another notice will be transmitted when the fee has been paid in the District Court re 40 Notice of Appeal. (rdj) (Entered: 10/26/2011) USCA Case Number 11-5304 for 40 Notice of Appeal filed by ORLY TAITZ. (rdj) (Entered: 11/01/2011) USCA Appeal Fees received $ 455 receipt number 4616044235 re 40 Notice of Appeal filed by ORLY TAITZ (rdj) (Entered: 12/02/2011) 42 Supplemental Record on Appeal transmitted to US Court of Appeals re 40 Notice of Appeal ; (rdj) (Entered: 12/02/2011) 43 MANDATE of USCA (certified copy) as to 40 Notice of Appeal filed by ORLY TAITZ ; ORDERED that the motion for default judgement be denied; FURTHER ORDERED that the motion for summary reversal be denied and the motion for summary affirmance be granted. USCA Case Number 11-5304. (md, ) (Entered: 08/30/2012)

Category: Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Supporting Documentation

As you can see, the left, Obamas operatives, are using the Cold Case Posse to attack the strongest evidence against Obama. They are grabbing at straws and repeating the CCP manufactured nonsense that Obamas use of Bounels Social security number in his tax returns, Selective Service certificate and other docs is not a crime, because he did not use the name Bounel. Not only Arpaio and Zullo did not file a criminal complaint, they tampered with my witness in IN and now they are aiding and abetting Obama by attacking the strongest evidence against Obama. All the controlled opposition web sites are working with Arpaio and Zulllo
Posted on | June 3, 2013 | 4 Comments


Birther Fight: Orly Taitz vs The Cold Case Posse Democrats

www.city-data.com Politics and Other Controversies 9 hours ago in a surprise move (imo) an investigator for the maricopa county cold case posse publicly debunked one of orly taitzs hallmark claims, that obama is.


@Doc C Zullo tries to pull off a fast one on sheriffs

17 hours ago NBC on Cold Case Posse throws Orly under the bus. NBC on Cold Case Posse Not a very good day; NBC on Zimmer v Acheson 91 F.Supp. 313 (1950) nativeborncitizen.wordpress.com/2013/06/02/doc-c-zullo - Cached

2. Comment from Orly Taitz:

what is more dangerous, is not just the web sites on the left, but the web sites on the right that were created as a decoy, to dumb down the opposition to Obama. Please, look at all the web sites that were created supposedly as opposition to Obama and to expose the eligibility issue: World Net Daily, Western Journalism, Obama Release Your Records, ObamaBallotchallenge. You can see that they all are essentially doing the same as Obama operatives on the left, they are promoting Arpaio and Zullo and as such delegitimaizing and suppressing the most explosive evidence against Obama. None of these web sites are publishing any information about my filing with Judge Lamberth the most explosive evidence against Obama, the fact that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, the fact that we found that the real owner of the SSNVS is Harrison J. Bounel born in 1890 and Social Security administration is obligated to release his Social Security application under the new 120 year release of information rule. They are not writing a word about the fact that Arpaio and Zullo spent 2 years on fundraising and never filed a criminal complaint, even though it is an obligation for the sheriff to file such a complaint, when he has evidence of crime. They are not writing anything about the fact that Arpaio and Zullo made and agreement not to appear in court in Indiana and persuaded an important witness not to appear in court, they are not writing anything about the fact that Arpaio and Cold Case Posse are de facto aiding and abetting Obama by attacking the most explosive evidence against Obama, the fact that Obama can be sent to prison immediately by the fact that he signed his tax return under a stolen Social Security number, and I provided this tax return to Judge Lamberth in Washington DC. So you can see that Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi of WND and reportedly of Western Journalism, Richard Garruth (using pseudonym Bob Nelson) of Obama Release Your Records, George Miller of ObamaBallotchallenge are acting as controlled opposition, created to muddy the issue, use this issue as a fundraiser from dumb supporters, who are donating to a sheriff who is not filing a criminal complaint and obfuscate the most explosive evidence against Obama. Are you going to allow all of these people to use you as complete morons? Or are you going to rise and state enough is enough, we are not complete morons. Arpaio, Zullo and CCP had over 2 years to file the criminal complaint, they never did it and just tampered with a witness and attacked evidence. They have to refund the donations given for criminal investigation. They did not do their job, did not file the complaint and they are admitting now that they never will file a criminal complaint and they never had any intention of filing a criminal complaint. All of these bloggers of faux opposition have to be held accountable as well.

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Orly Taitz subpoena, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Uncategorized

A letter from Dr. Ladian to Sheriff Arpaio: Who Are You: Patrick Henry or Benedict ArnoldThe Eyes of History Are Upon You
Posted on | June 2, 2013 | 8 Comments

Who Are You: Patrick Henry or Benedict ArnoldThe Eyes of History Are Upon You

Inbox x Kimball Ladien7:47 PM (1 hour ago) to Sheriff, jcorsi, me

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County, AZ Mike Zullo, Cold Case Posse Jerry Corsi, World Net Daily

May 31, 2013

An Open Letter to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo and Jerry Corsi, and all other wouldbe COWARDS and HYPOCRITS Sheriff Joe, Mike and Jerry, Patrick Henry said Give me Liberty or give me Death over 200 years ago. He showed by his DEEDS that he said what he meant and meant what he said. Patrick Henry will always remain a great American hero in the annals of History. While Benedict Arnold fought bravely early in our Countrys struggle, he betrayed these ideals for his 30 pieces of silver and shall FOREVER live in ignominy. Nobody loves or respects TRAITORS, COWARDS and HYPOCRITS. All three of you have fought as hard as anyone in the battle for the truth about Obamas Birth Certificate and Social Security number early on in this fight. And yet, when you could have acted FORCEFULLY and DECISIVELY with Orly Taitz BEFORE the 2012 elections, you slinked away as cowards full of sound and fury but signifying

nothing. Now you, Sheriff Joe, have the opportunity to bring your case against Obama to the State Attorney for review and prosecution. Mike Zullo and Jerry Corsi should be standing with you in this effort. Thus you may all show by DEEDS, NOT WORDS your dedication to this Country, TRUTH and JUSTICE or not. It is time for all three of you (Joe, Mike and Jerry) to STAND WITH ORLY TAITZ and stand for LIBERTY like Patrick Henry or slink away forever like Benedict Arnold. The choice is yours to make. But the Country you help to SAVE will be our own. CHOOSE WISELY! May all who read this letter also STAND WITH ORLY and call and write to Arpaio, Zullo and Corsi NOW to encourage their help in these matters WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. God Bless Orly Taitz and GOD BLESS AMERICA, Kimball Ladien, M.D. KLSheriffJoeJerryCorsi31May13w
Category: Uncategorized

Judge Lamberth to receive newly redacted motions by FedEx. additionally fedEx letters and documents were sent to Senator Kelly Ayotte and Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Congressman Bob Goodlatte. Donations to cover the fees are appreciated
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments

Category: HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Legal Actions

Here is an AZ statute, class 4 felony, under which Arpaio can file a criminal complaint with the District Attorney
Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments 13-2008. Taking identity of another person or entity; knowingly accepting identity of another person; classification A. A person commits taking the identity of another person or entity if the person knowingly takes, purchases, manufactures, records, possesses or uses any personal identifying information or entity identifying information of another person or entity, including a real or fictitious person or entity, without the consent of that other person or entity, with the intent to obtain or use the other persons or entitys identity for any unlawful purpose or to cause loss to a person or entity whether or not the person or entity actually suffers any economic loss as a result of the offense, or with the intent to obtain or continue employment. B. A person commits knowingly accepting the identity of another person if the person, in hiring an employee, knowingly does both of the following: 1. Accepts any personal identifying information of another person from an individual and knows that the individual is not the actual person identified by that information. 2. Uses that identity information for the purpose of determining whether the individual who presented that identity information has the legal right or authorization under federal law to work in the United States as described and determined under the processes and procedures under 8 United States Code section 1324a. C. On the request of a person or entity, a peace officer in any jurisdiction in which an element of an offense under this section is committed, a result of an offense under this section occurs or the person or entity whose identity is taken or accepted resides or is located shall take a report. The peace officer may provide a copy of the report to any other law enforcement agency that is located in a jurisdiction in which a violation of this section occurred. D. If a defendant is alleged to have committed multiple violations of this section within the same county, the prosecutor may file a complaint charging all of the violations and any related charges under other sections that have not been previously filed in any precinct in which a violation is alleged to have occurred. If a defendant is alleged to have committed multiple violations of this section within the state, the prosecutor may file a complaint charging all of the violations and any related charges under other sections that have not been previously filed in any county in which a violation is alleged to have occurred. E. This section does not apply to a violation of section 4-241 by a person who is under twenty-one years of age. F. Taking the identity of another person or entity or knowingly accepting the identity of another person is a class 4 felony.

Category: Uncategorized

I wonder if black op officers can capture those 5 Benghazi suspects

Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments there are persistent reports in the media connected to Al Qaeda stating that Benghazi was an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap the U.S. ambassador and exchange him for the Blind Sheikh incarcerated in NY. If this is the case, the orders to sand down definitely gave comfort to the enemy and represent treason. I am wondering id retired special ops officers and Black Op contractors are able to capture individuals who are connected to those attacks, individuals who are posting those articles on Al Qaeda web sites. We have interrogation facilities all over the Middle East, Europe and pretty much everywhere in the world. I am afraid that Congressional inquiry alone will not give us all the answers and ultimately it will be up to the special ops to capture individuals involved and get from them the names of ones that are collaborating with them, possibly the names of individuals who prevented General Ham and General Galuette from doing their jobs

Category: Uncategorized

I was asked, how can sheriff enforce federal laws?

Posted on | June 9, 2013 | No Comments Fraud, use of stolen and forged IDs is in jurisdiction of the state court. Often courts hear case where a person is prosecuted on violation of both state and federal statutes. Moreover, a sheriff, who found evuidence of crime being committed, can and has to submit his findings to both state and federal prosecutors. As you have seen, he routinely arrests people for using stolen Social Security numbers. Obama most definitely committed a crime in AZ, he submitted his declaration of a candidate and asserted his identity and eligibility to be on Az state ballot based on forged and stolen IDs. There is no question that felonies were committed based on both federal and state law, the problem is that people are either too scared or got an incentive to do nothing

Category: Uncategorized

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EVIDENCES ON BARACK OBAMA Affidavit of Paul Irey Obama file Exhibits 1 - 7 Obama file Exhibit 8 - Part 1 Obama file Exhibit 8 - Part 2 Obama file Exhibits 9-13 Obama file Exhibits 14-21 Request for Docs under FOIA and Emergency Motion for Reconsideration Exhibits sent to Inspector Generals and Congress


If Zullo has a statement from a forensic document examiner, he should make it public. what is he waiting for? why is he making a deal for the examiner not to make public his report?



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DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where

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29839 Sta Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 92688 orly.taitz @gmail. com (949) 766-7687


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Defendant Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al Grinols Subpoenas ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complaint .Affidavit of Mike Zullo 1. Judd v Obama 2. Farrar v Obama 3. Taitz v Sebelius 4. Taitz v Indiana, IN Judge Orders Trial 5. Taitz v Astrue 6. Mississippi Filed Complaint Update 7. Taitz Walters v Sec of State Kansas Videos Video: Orly before NH Election Committee

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