Giuliani Letter To Sen. Graham

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Giuliani claims there are witnesses with direct evidence of Democrat conspiracy with Ukrainians to prevent Trump from being elected and later remove him from office. He also alleges corruption involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.

Giuliani mentions there are at least three witnesses who have direct evidence of Democrat criminal conspiracy with Ukrainians. He says they have oral, documentary, and recorded evidence of the Biden family's involvement in bribery, money laundering, and other possible crimes related to Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine.

Giuliani alleges Joe Biden engaged in bribery, money laundering, and extortion related to Hunter Biden's business in Ukraine. He also claims Biden acted as a 'Point Man' for corruption and his efforts in Ukraine to address corruption were hypocritical.


NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022
NOVEMBER 22, 2019

The Honorable Lindsey Graham

Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary
United States Senate
290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Graham,

I write to you to ask your help on a very urgent problem. As the Schiff frame-up moves
forward based on inadmissible evidence (including double-hearsay, rumors, guesses, surmises,
questionable overhears, and a hysterical Trump-hating media), there is a very real set of crimes
crying out to be investigated and, if necessary and appropriate, prosecuted. They are being
ignored and covered-up.

There are at least three (3) witnesses who have direct (non-hearsay) evidence of
Democrat criminal conspiracy with Ukrainians to prevent Donald J. Trump from being President,
with the alternative to remove him from office based on contrived charges. This has been most
recently established by Mark Zaid, the discredited anonymous informant’s lawyer, who called
for a coup ten days after the January 2017 inauguration. These witnesses have oral, documentary,
and recorded evidence of the Biden Family’s involvement in bribery, money laundering, Hobbs
Act extortion, and other possible crimes. They do not seek anonymity, like the disappearing
informant. They desire a visa and it will not be granted by Ambassador Bill Taylor’s embassy in
Kiev. The Ambassador, apparently, has been too busy starring on mid-day soap operas,
providing us with inadmissible second and third-hand information, including guesses and
surmises. Some of which I personally know is false because his information about me is largely
untrue. This is understandable, however, as he has never met me or spoken to me about my legal
work, defending my client against false charges. Frankly, he seems to not care or possibly not
In any event, under Taylor’s predecessor, whom President Zelensky agrees was “bad
news”, visas were denied to many who possessed evidence of Democrat, embassy and Biden
corruption. Some witnesses went even so far as to hire a lawyer and as far back as October 2018,
presented the United States Attorney’s office with their information about Ukrainian falsified
information to affect the 2016 election and the exercise of influence by Joe Biden, in exchange
for payments to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. This lawyer was suspiciously never contacted
again. Now, he is willing to share with you his memoranda and e-mail. I would add that he also
is a well respected former United States Attorney.

These witnesses and others are ready, willing and able to come to the United States and
inform us of the corruption, election interference and other crimes Americans committed in
Ukraine in 2016. However, our embassy is uniformly refusing them visas.

It is my duty, as the President’s personal counsel, in order to defend my client against

another set of false charges, to bring these exigencies circumstances to your attention. Although I
understand the reluctance of the Senate to hold hearings in the past and I appreciate the strong
support from Senators Johnson, Grassley and Kennedy, the Senate now has an additional duty to
protect the office of the Presidency from the damage predicted by Alexander Hamilton, from an
impeachment becoming entirely partisan. Our constitutional balance is under attack by partisans
not trying to do justice or follow the constitution, but remove a President who they know they
cannot defeat in an election less than a year away.

At times, some of your colleagues have been critical of my actions without giving me the
benefit of the doubt or the chance to explain. I am disappointed, but I have a thick skin and
realize there can be mistaken, immediate reactions to false or exaggerated criticisms from a
largely hostile press. ​I assure you, despite the false rumors and exaggerations of reality,
everything I did was to defend an innocent man, in this case, the President of the United
States. Not only from false charges but from a deliberately planned conspiracy to prevent
him from being elected, and then the insurance policy to remove him by false charges and
illegal methods.

This current attempt is undoubtedly another effort to carry out the coup, and the attack on
me which is false, malicious and unrelenting, is because I have had the temerity to call attention
to the tip of the Pay-for-Play pattern in the Obama administration. The Biden situation is not
limited to Ukraine but instead extends to other places where Biden was Obama’s “Point Man”.
Infact, everywhere Biden was “Point Man”, the Biden Family happened to enrich themselves.
Iraq and China are two other notorious examples. Indeed, this conduct of monetizing Biden’s
office, by his family, seems to go way back to his early days in the Senate. When asked, his
forty-year cover is to say he does not know his family’s business dealings. However, after the
third imitation of Kay Corleone (‘don’t ever ask me about my family’s business’) such an absurd
excuse becomes clear evidence of his guilty acquiescence in his family becoming millionaires by
selling his office. His response is also quite often like a cheap thug. That is the way he acted with
President Poroshenko. More recently, his demand on September 29th that the media keep me off
the air, showed an extraordinary entitlement to preferential media treatment. And his even more
recent threat to Senator Lindsey Graham, in which he said the Senator “will regret your (his)
whole life” is like he is playing out a Grade B remake of The Godfather. He does this because he
has been enabled by a predominant media, that has ignored his pattern of criminality which has
played out for over forty years, right in front of their eyes.

Consider that when he brazenly announced his strong-arming of President Poroshenko,

none of the self-acknowledged geniuses at the Council on Foreign Relations even raised an
eyebrow, if their eyes were even open. Contrast that to the reaction of the Trump conversation
with Zelensky (which has no threat, no pressure, no conditions, and no quid pro quo.) Unlike
Biden’s “I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse,” the Trump-Zelensky conversation was entirely
cordial, friendly, and agreeable but is being used as the basis for impeachment. Meanwhile,
Biden hasn't even been investigated.

If you need any other evidence of how corrupt the self-satisfied establishment insiders
have become, not a single one of the ‘very impressed with themselves’ audience members
listening to Biden, connected Biden’s bribery to the December 8, 2015, NY Times article. That
article excoriated Biden for the conflict of interest he had due to his totally unqualified son being
paid by one of the most corrupt businesses in Ukraine. And this was all happening while Biden
was “Point Man” to end corruption.

The allegations against Biden are highly credible (an admission, three (3) witnesses,
tapes, and documents). The conduct, if true, is corruption at the highest levels of both the
American and Ukrainian governments. President Trump was fully justified and legally obligated
in requesting this important investigation, of very serious criminal allegations, because no one
else had the courage to do so. And he has the ultimate responsibility “to take care that the laws
are faithfully executed”, ​Art 2, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.​ The corrupt conflicts and
actions of the Biden Family made the United States’ efforts in Ukraine, to deal with corruption,
pure hypocrisy. Indeed, all of Schiff’s hearsay witnesses have made corruption in Ukraine that
much worse by turning their back on the corruption that took place in 2016. Their protestations,
to the contrary, are pure posturing for a fawning and warped media.

I will supply your staff with the three names of the witnesses who need visas and ask that
you cut through the State Department’s obstruction, to make certain they can come here quickly
and share their highly relevant evidence with us. I also will certainly be willing to give them the
identity of the former United States Attorney, who is willing to share his surprise at the failure to
follow-up in October 2018 to serious allegations of corruption. Someone should find out what

Of course, I am at their disposal for any help they need in facilitating the relevant
witnesses coming to America and also in uncovering and bringing to the American people the
full scope of this scandal. The enablers will fight back and try to destroy those of us who reveal
their long-term pattern of corruption, but be confident all those real people outside the Swamp
know this has been going on for a very long time. As it is revealed many will say, we always
suspected that this is why they are so alienated from D.C. As it is revealed fairly and people held
properly accountable, be assured, trust and faith will be restored in a government with one
standard for all Americans.


Rudolph W. Giuliani

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