Army Aviation Digest - Sep 1988
Army Aviation Digest - Sep 1988
Army Aviation Digest - Sep 1988
Professional Bulletin 1-88-9
DIItrIbutIon ReItrictIon: this publication approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
16 Spelling
Pay; Aviation Maintenance "'-VII'\Ar.".
AVllonlCS Maintenance
Joint Task Force
32 A Maintenance
34 Maintenance Management Update,
36 Threat: Threat and Aviation
38 Aviation Unit MAlntiAntln,.,.,. OtDeratlOr1IS
Thomas DeVine
40 Hey CPT
42 IIIIV Hlniasu::ant,
Maintenance ",,,,'U'U"Arn
Cover: This month the Aviation ..""'.::;:,.,, emlpniastzes
important role aircraft rnalnt'AnICllnl"A
sustainability play in Ulil'1lnil'1lft
field. In a IWCJ-can
Major General Ellis D. Parker
Chief, Army Aviation Branch
The UB -60 Multitrack Training Program
T HE GOAL TO consistently graduate highly skilled
aviators from our flight training programs is the mission
of the Aviation Training Brigade (A TB) at the U . S. Army
Aviation Center, Ft. Rucker, AL. Incorporating the multi-
track program with its UH-l Huey, OH-58 Kiowa, AH-l
Cobra and UH-60 Black Hawk tracks for the initial entry
rotary wing (lERW) student into the ATB family has
created several challenges for those units that previously
taught only graduate flight courses. The AH-l Cobra and
UH-60 Black Hawk training companies are well on their
way toward increasing their training mission to include
multitrack. We've heard a lot about multitrack in previous
issues of the Aviation Digest, but exactly what will each
student in this program receive? Let's examine the UH-60
track as an example of the multitrack flow for a better
understanding of this new Aviation Center mission.
Currently (fiscal year 1988), the UH-60 transition is
available only as a graduate flight training program (air-
craft qualification course (AQC. Individuals selected to
attend the AQC are rated aviators with various levels of
aircraft experience. The course is 6 weeks in length and
consists of transition-tactics training (Phase I) and night/
night vision goggles (NVG) training (Phase II).
During Phase I, the student receives 25.5 hours (16.0
hours UH-60A and 9.0 hours UH-60 synthetic flight train-
ing system (SFTS. In Phase II, the student receives 7.0
hours (4.5 hours NV G and 2.5 hours night in the
UH-60A). Each student who completes the qualification
program goes on to his or her next unit with only a limited
amount of experience in the UH-60A.
Multitrack training begins for the IERW student after
instrument training. The premise is to produce aviators
from IERW who have trained in their specific combat air-
craft during flight school, instead of tacking on an AQC
program after the fact. Graduates from the Black Hawk
multitrack program will receive more than twice the flight
time currently allotted for the UH-60 AQC. This time will
be broken down into four separate phases of training: tran-
sition, basic combat skills, night/NVG and advanced com-
bat skills.
The transition phase is 20 training days and provides
18.4 hours in the UH-60A and 6.0 hours in the UH-60
SFTS. The transition phase establishes the foundation for
additional training by teaching basic aircraft skills and
maneuvers in the stagefield environment. Students com-
plete a checkride during flight period 20 and move on to
the basic combat skills.
Basic combat skills is also 4 weeks in length and pro-
vides multitrack students their first look at the types of
missions they will be doing at their next assignment.
Maneuvers include: Doppler navigation, confined area
reconnaissance, terrain flight navigation and terrain flight
mission planning. Scheduled flight time is 26.2 hours in
the UH -60. The final flight period is scheduled for an end-
of-stage evaluation before entering the night/NVG phase.
Twenty training days are scheduled during this phase;
each student receives 8.8 hours of night flight in the
UH-60A, 12.2 hours NVG and 4.5 hours in the UH-60
SFTS. The training is centered around the proper under-
standing and use of NVG in rotary wing aircraft. A quali-
fication evaluation completes this phase.
The final phase of multitrack training in the UH-60
Black Hawk is the advanced combat skills phase. It is in
this phase that the efforts and lessons learned in the
previous 60 days are combined into 2 weeks of mission-
oriented training. This consists of 11.9 hours in the air-
craft and provides students the opportunity to plan and
execute multiship cross-flot operations, using AirLand
Battle doctrine. It also allows students the chance to use
all the skills and maneuvers taught in the transition and
basic combat skills phases. Aviation tactical exercises with
students in the other tracks also are planned to use the
full range of the multitrack concept before graduation from
flight training.
The UH-60 multitrack flow begins in October 1988.
It will be a positive, worthwhile addition to the flight train-
ing programs conducted at the Army Aviation Center. The
end result will be the continued advancement of our mis-
sion to produce qualified aviators through new innova-
tions in training and doctrine. -----=7
The Anay (the largest user). Navy and Air Force
have adopted the VH-60, a high technology
weapon system, to perform vital missions. In a
scenario depicting a war in Europe in the 1990s,
the author shows how shortages of this helicopter could occur, and the
consequences resulting from such a shortage. Part 1 discusses the V.S.,
Allies and combat demands for helicopters; ~ e production rate of the
VH-60 to sustain these forces; and the problems with subcontractors and
suppliers. Part 2, in the next issue, outlines solutions to the problems.
Colonel George Michael Mullen
A European War Scenario for the 1990s
The U.S. Army in Europe has long been comfortable
with using helicopters in close combat. Despite its
vulnerability to enemy fire and inability to be fully
effective under conditions of reduced visibility, the
helicopter is indispensable to Army leaders of the 1990s.
At the onset of conventional war in central Europe,
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NA TO) forces are
more effective than anticipated by prewar planners-
they hold their own against probing, wide front,
initial Soviet assaults. Attrition of men and materiel is
high. The Allied Forces Central Region commander
requests and receives approval to accelerate
movement of critical combat items from U.S.-based
reinforcing units. Among these supplies are UH-60
Black Hawk utility helicopters and flight crews. These
crews and aircraft come from the most ready unit,
the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).
European War Scenario, continued
Months before, as international tensions
rose, Sikorsky Aircraft, a division of United
Technologies, received contracts to double
helicopter production rates on the last
existing contracts and to meet anticipated
demands of the war in Europe. The
manufacturer, with plans already in-place to
Increase production, Immediately places
orders with its subcontractors.
Unfortunately, the peacetime manufacturing
process to produce helicopters takes more
than 2 years, and the United States
historically has taken 2 years to tool up
additional production of complete weapon
systems. Only those helicopters in the
prewar funded production line can be
accelerated. The war could be over before
the first reinforcing UH-60s arrive in Europe.
At the onset of hostilities by Warsaw
Pact nations In Europe, U.S. Allies and
other free world countries see the danger
to security, and immediately initiate plans
for mobilization. The long-delayed
worldwide provisioning for adequate
defense results in an overwhelming
demand for sophisticated weapon systems
from the United States, the country with
weapon systems available to meet the
Immediate needs for self-defense. The
United States Is tied to these countries
. through longstanding security
arrangements and treaties. These
:' agreements do not specify logistical and
materiel support, but do attest to mutual
concerns for the security of treaty nations.
The United States needs the support of
well-equipped allied armed forces and the
Allies need the support of the United States
In their mobilization efforts. The level of
threat determines the most pressing need.
In the case of Japan, the least prepared of
the Pacific powers, the immediate threat
during a European war is Soviet submarine
Interdiction of Japanese sea lifelines.
Japan's ambassador to the United States
meets with the American Secretaries of
State and Defense during the Initial weeks
of the European war to demand weapons,
, Including antisubmarine helicopters, which
he sees as absolutely essential if Japan is
to protect its Internal and external sea
For its part, Japan will attempt to contain
the Soviet Pacific fleet but the Japanese
representative also requests additional
artillery, vehicles, air defense weapons and
Black Hawk helicopters for Its ground
After heated debate within the
Department of Defense (DOD) and the State
Department, both Secretaries recommend
to the President that the United States
honor Its moral obligations to Japan and
provide the high-technology systems
Forty SH-60B Light Airborne
Multipurpose System (LAMPS) III
antisubmarine helicopters and 25 H-60A
Black Hawk utility helicopters are shipped
to Japan, along with other equipment
required to strengthen Its defense forces.
To meet the needs of the U.S. Navy, the
Secretary of Defense gives priorlty to the
production of Seahawk helicopters.
Sikorsky's production facilities cannot
immediately meet the increase. On the
authorization of the Secretary of Defense,
Sikorsky devotes Its entire resources to the
production of Seahawks. Parts and
components needed for the Seahawks are
taken from the Army's primary utility
helicopters stili on the production line.
Production of Army Black Hawks Is
stopped, awaiting critical parts. Additional
Army helicopters become "not-misslon-
capable" because of parts shortages."
Without a full complement of Black
Hawks, commanders in the European
theater soon feel constraints on their
operations. The tempo of U.S. ground
operations noticeably slows as the
reluctance to use an irreplaceable weapon
system permeates the command.
The Soviets, noticing the hesitation in
U.S. ground mobility, press their newly
founded advantage; they attack the
weakened NA TO units-all are without
sufficient replacements to cover combat
footnotes on page 5
Part 1:
The Supply-Demand
This article is adapted from a national security essay published in February 1988, by the National Defense University. The
Aviation Digest thanks the National Defense University and the author for permission to reprint this essay. The opinions expressed
are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any Department of Defense agency.
I n the preceding scenario, U.S.
demands for equipment could not be
met. Additional demands from under-
defended Allies resulted in multiply-
ing the demand that, when filled,
sealed the fate of the U. S. Army in
Europe. The results predicted by
mobilization exercises in the late
1970s and early 1980s were validated
in the 1990s.
Demand for Helicopters
The utility helicopter played a cri-
tical role in the preceding scenario; the
helicopter is one of many high-tech-
nology devices on which the Armed
Forces depend. The unique vertical
takeoff, landing and hover capabilities
of the helicopter give great tactical
mobility to the military commander,
because the aircraft is not constrained
by terrain. The United States is the
free world's primary user of military
helicopters, with more than 8,000 in
the Army, 400 in the Navy and some
300 in the Air Force. The helicopter
proved to be a significant force mul-
tiplier in combat during the Korean
and Vietnam wars. Its special capabil-
ities make it indispensable for certain
missions; without an available heli-
copter, the mission usually isn't
Helicopters, however, are expen-
sive high-technology weapon systems
that are not purchased in the same
relative numbers by other armed forc-
es of the free world. Japan's self-
defense forces, for example, have a
total of 545 helicopters of 9 different
Only the Soviets have put aside af-
fordability to maintain a larger fleet
of combat helicopters. The national
priorities of most countries currently
do not allow for the purchase of heli-
copters to meet modern military re-
quirements. And, in the case of many
nations, only small purchases of any
defense items are allowed. But a pent-
up demand still remains for these
machines, and this demand will be
realized when the national security of
these nations is threatened.
The demand for H -60s will be con-
sidered from the view of our own
forces. Potential demand by our Allies
for H-60 helicopters is difficult to de-
fine. But since the H-60 fills a critical
need for the U.S. military, an addi-
tional demand is likely for this impor-
tant weapon system to meet the need
for tactical mobility. The needs of
U.S. Allies cannot be met from avail-
able inventories, and will add an ad-
ditional load to our already overloaded
supply system. This conflict in supply
and demand will have a significant im-
pact on U.S. Armed Forces.
The greatest user of helicopters in
the U.S. Armed Forces is the Army.
The rapid tactical movement of men
and supplies by helicopters has be-
come the norm. Helicopters have a
significant influence on the maneuver
doctrine of the U. S. Army, and this
support is an integral part in the plan-
ning and execution of all tactical
Black Hawks meet the need for in-
creased performance and battlefield
survivability. The aircraft is capable
1. The importance of sophisticated high technology helicopters in detecting, tracking and destroying
submarines is discussed in The Air and Sea Lanes of the North Atlantic: Their Security in the 1980s by .J;'
Sherwood Cordier (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1981).
2. " Exclusive AFJ Interview with Admiral William S. Crowe Jr., Commander in Chief , U.S. Pacific Command,"
Deborah G. Meyer, senior editor, Armed Forces Joumallntemational, May 1985, p. 106.
3. Since 1960, the United States has had mutual cooperation and security treaties with Japan.
4. A Report to the Committee of Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, on Readiness of the U.S.
Military-U.S. Army, Volume 1, March 1983.
5. " Military Balance," Defense Helicopter World, Volume 4, No. 1, March-May 1985, p. 131 .
of performing its mission anywhere in
the world, even in the previously pro-
hibited mountainous areas of hot
Southwestern Asia. Essentially a util-
ity helicopter-a performer of tactical
troop lift and frontline logistical mis-
sions-the Black Hawk also has been
purchased by the V. S. Army for spe-
cial electronic warfare missions. The
Army is planning to phase out about
1,300 vintage 1960 VH-l Hueys, and
replace them with VH-60As.
A number of special-mission Black
Hawk derivatives also are being pro-
duced. Production of the Black Hawk
is expected to extend into the 1990s.
Needing a complementary LAMPS
helicopter to extend the range of an-
tisubmarine operations, the Navy
selected Sikorsky Aircraft as airframe
contractor for its LAMPS III heli-
copter. In the 1960s, the developing
technology in submarine detection
allowed the Navy to think of extending
antisubmarine warfare (ASW) beyond
the immediate vicinity of a destroyer.
Projecting defenses 100 miles forward
of the fleet has greatly increased the
effectiveness of detecting and identi-
fying enemy submarines. Working as
a team with a destroyer, the Seahawk
greatly enhances the fleet's ASW ef-
fort. Controlled by the destoyer's
combat information center, the Sea-
hawk is a highly responsive total
weapon system that detects enemy
submarines at distances that exceed
the enemy's ability to effectively
engage V. S. forces. 6
The need to replace the aging Sikor-
sky SH -3 antisubmarine helicopter has
generated additional demand for
SH-60B Seahawks. The new aircraft
(the SH-60F) would be used for close-
in fleet protection by equipping this
version with a dipping sonar. The in-
tegration of surface and airborne ASW
operations has produced one of the
world's most effective countersub-
marine weapons.
Also creating a demand for essen-
tially the same airframe as the Army's
Black Hawk is the combat search and
rescue (SAR) mission of the V.S. Air
Force. With specially designed equip-
ment, the Air Force's HH-60D Night-
hawk will be fully capable for low-
altitude, adverse weather operations.
A navigation system, plus terrain-
following avoidance radar and addi-
tional fuel capacity, will increase the
performance of this special derivative
of the Black Hawk.
FIGURE 1: Service allocation of H-60 helicopter assets.
- \ ~
1,491 284 1,775
U.S. Army UH60 Black Hawk
- ~ ~
150 54 204
U.S. Navy SH60B Seahawk
.,.. --1IIIiIiJiL
202 41 243
U.S. Air Force HH60 Nighthawk
Total 1,843 379 2,222
Numbers are estimates of helicopters that will be committed to combat or be available for replacement for combat losses
because they are supporting critical missions, such as training.
Japan trails all industrialized nations
with 1.6 percent of its GNP allocated
for defense.
>- ---.---
Countries more directly threatened
by the Soviet Union spend more for
defense. For example, the People's
Republic of China spends 9 percent
and the Republic of Korea (ROK)
spends 9 percent. As the threat of war
increases, nations tend to greatly in-
crease their defense expenditures,
historically to levels exceeding 30 per-
cent of GNP. Shortly before World
War II (1934 to 1938), for example,
expenditures for armaments doubled,
tripled and, in the cases of Germany
and Japan, even quadrupled. to Before
1934, the average levels of spending
of these nations were less than 5 per-
cent of GNP.
L-____ __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~ ~ ~ _
\ -
As the threat becomes more real,
demand for armaments grows stron-
ger, as reflected in percentage of GNP
spent for defense by countries that are,
in fact, prepared for war. The coun-
tries of Southwestern Asia are just one
example: They are spending nearly 17
percent of their GNP for defense.
Israel and Syria are spending more
than 20 percent of their GNP for
defense, while Egypt and Saudi
Arabia are spending in excess of 10
percent. Using a level of defense
spending equal to 6 percent of GNP
as a prudent level of concern for
security, in response to a Soviet an-
nual expenditure exceeding 12 per-
cent, relative levels of potential
demand for defense equipment of cer-
The SAR mission is critical to air
combat operations, as requirements
for sustained tactical fighter support
operations demand a rapid recovery of
downed aircrews. The Nighthawk will
replace the Air Force's aging combat
SAR helicopter fleet with unique ca-
pabilities that make possible rescue
missions into the most hostile weather
and enemy antiaircraft environments-
missions that previously could not be
flown without unacceptable losses.
The U.S. Armed Forces established
a 1985 demand for 1,775 UH-60A
Black Hawk, 204 SH-60B Seahawk
and 243 HH-60D Nighthawk heli-
copters. These numbers represent
only budget constrained requirements
to outfit the currently planned force,
the force that is the nation' s commit-
ment to initial combat. Not all these
aircraft would be committed to com-
United States is ill-prepared to help its
Allies in a global mobilization. In fact,
this aid was not considered. The con-
cern a nation has for its defense and
its perception of the level of threat to
its freedom and security are reflected
in the amount of that nation's re-
sources allocated to defense. The Uni-
ted States has established its concern
at a spending level of about 6 percent
of its gross national product (GNP).
Other NATO countries spend less,
about 4 percent; Australia and New
Zealand spend about 3 percent; and
6. " Navy Stressing Survival of Fleet in Nuclear War," Aviation Week and Space Technology.
8 March 1982. p. 51 .
7. " '83 Flight Test Set for Rescue Chopper," Anny Times, 1 November 1982. p. 27.
bat, but they would be needed to ac- 8. Requirements for operational units. training base and maintenance differ in each Service, but are specified
complish the overall mission. (The in requirements documents.
general breakdown is shown in figure
1.) Force requirements include air- 9. Since 1976. Japan has limited its defense expenditures to under 1 percent; the figure of 1.6 percent is
craft designated to meet operational, derived by using the same general accounting criteria for Japan that are used for NATO countries. NATO
training, replacement and mainte- includes such items as military penSions as part of the defense budget.
nance needs. 8
While allocating resources to supply 10. Alan S. Milward. War, Economy, and Society 1939-1945 (Berkeley: University of California Press,
U.S. forces with H-60 helicopters, the 1977), p. 47.
tain countries are shown in figure 2.
Shortfalls in yearly spending by
these major countries represent a
significant deficiency in levels of
armed forces and equipment. Coun-
tries depicted have one thing in com-
mon: They are all tied to the United
States through defense treatie&. These
treaties bind the United States to some
level of support in case of attack. To
what extent the United States is obli-
gated to support these nations with
military equipment is not defined. But
during World War II and the Korean
War, and after the Mideast War of
1973, the United States responded to
requests from Allied Nations for
equipment. The same strategic as-
sumption must be made today as was
made in the World War II Victory
Plan: American materiel must be
deployed to U.S. Allies.
The United States has the free
world's largest annament industry and
greatest industrial potential, which
were displayed as the "Arsenal of
Democracy" during World War II.
Demands for equipment will come at
the point when the free world per-
ceives the threat to be sufficient to
reevaluate national priorities and
spend more for defense. Mobilization
of U.S. forces, in will
generate a global mobilization of the
free world that, in turn, will cause a
huge initial demand for U. S. defense
The combat effectiveness of any
armed force may be heightened by in-
creasing its responsiveness and mo-
bility. Countries on the Pacific Rim,
including those in North America, are
absolutely dependent on sea lanes of
communication for their existence.
The Soviet Navy has the capability of
interdicting these sea lanes. 12
Japan, in particular, sees the need
for ASW helicopters. 13 Prime Minis-
ter Yasuhiro Nakasone, in fact, has
announced the following objectives:
-------------------- ---------
4 '"--
2 ->--
-- --
FIGURE 2: Response to Soviet forces buildup during the early 19805.
To have complete control of the
four straits near the Japanese Islands.
To limit the Soviet Navy's surface
and subsurface activities.
To secure and maintain the ocean
lanes of communication between Guam
and Tokyo and between the Strait of
Taiwan and Osaka. 14
To help attain these objectives,
Japan has ordered two SH -60B Sea-
hawks for evaluation as its ASW
helicopter. 1 S
Like Japan, Australia and New Zea-
land are dependent on the sea for their
economic well-being. Australia sees
its commitment to the Australia, New
Zealand and the United States Pact as
imposing the obligation to provide for
its own defense. In addition to the
practical peacetime benefits of the
alliance to both countries, Australia
recognizes that the defense relation-
ship with the United States gives sub-
stantial grounds for confidence that,
in the event of a fundamental threat to
Australia's security, U . S. military
support would be forthcoming.
The number of H -60s needed by
these Pacific nations is difficult to
determine, but a definite shortage of
these weapon systems exists. At the
escalation of world hostilities, the de-
mand will be immediate. Vital to our
own security is the support of equip-
ment needs of countries that will, in
turn, support our objective of defeat-
ing Soviet aggression. Because our
high technology weapon systems are
the best in the world, our Allies will
want and expect nothing less. Given
the capabilities of the SH-60B Sea-
hawk, it will be on the top of the want
list of these nations threatened from
the sea.
Following the provisioning of U.S.
Allies, H-60s will be in great demand
for replacing combat losses. Many
scenarios and simulations indicate the
likelihood of high combat losses. Loss
Operations such as in Grenada in 1983 (above) and
exercises such as Bright Star in 1982 (right) have
shown that helicopter losses during ground operations
will be high.
rates for helicopters during the Yom
Kippur War, the Falklands conflict
and Grenada, for example, and Soviet
losses in Afghanistan, indicate that at-
trition in ground combat will be high.
The Royal Navy lost more than 20
helicopters during flight operations in
the short war in the Falkland Islands. 17
Attrition rates for UH -60s engaged
in ground combat operations in a con-
ventional war in Central Europe prob-
ably will be in excess of 60 per month.
Projecting from the Falklands battles,
operational losses for extended ASW
operations in the North Atlantic and
Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean
Sea will exceed 10 per month. The
U.S. Air Force will have significant
losses of HH-60D helicopters, be-
cause the SAR mission is particularly
dangerous; HH-60D losses also will
exceed 10 per month. These attrition
figures represent about 7 percent of
the initial aircraft engaged in combat
operations, plus noncombat losses for
the total fleet. This attrition rate is
very conservative, but it serves to il-
lustrate the problem.
Combat losses are not the only
cause of aircraft nonavailability.
month. Wartime flying hours are con-
sidered to be a minimum of 76 hours
a month. 18
At Ft. Lewis, WA, testing of the
Army's first divisional aviation brigade
was at a rate of 180 hours per aircraft
a month. It represents a major increase
in peacetime flying rates and signifi-
cantly will increase the flying hour-
based demand for repair parts. De-
mand for H-60 helicopters will start as
the level of hostilities reaches the point
where all nations become alarmed.
U.S. Allies, many without a defense
industrial base, will need to upgrade
their military forces. They logically
will turn to the most powerful free
world force with requests to buy high
technology weapon systems. Increased
11. Ibid., pp. 51-52.
12. Japan Defense Agency, Defense of Japan 1981, p. 93.
13. Ibid., p. 135.
14. The Washington Post, 19 January 1983, pp. Al, A13.
15. Defense Helicopter WOrld, MarchMay 1985, p. 132.
16. Pacific Defense, February 1981, p. 39.
operations and combat losses will re-
sult in high demands for spare parts
and additional H -60s.
Initial Wartime Supply
In a central European conflict, the
helicopter shortage resulting from the
diversion of Black Hawks to U.S.
Allies would be only one example of
equipment deficiencies that will re-
duce conventional combat capabilities
of the U.S. Anny. Undoubtedly, other
key items of equipment would be
diverted. Decisions to deny the Anny
some of its primary weapons would be
necessary and correct for the overall
war effort. Shortages, and the fact that
demands could not be filled quickly,
would be caused by decisions made in
Normal maintenance and repair of
these high technology machines add
significantly to their nonavailability.
Peacetime flying rates drive the need
for repair parts; the Army will pur-
chase enough parts to keep 75 per-
cent of the fleet in the air if each air-
craft flies about 14 to 20 hours per
17. Derek Wood and Mark Hewish, " The Falklands Conflict, Part 1: The Air War," Intemational Defense
Review, Volume 15, No. 8/1982, pp. 977-1980.
18. See U.S. Army Aviation Digest, January 1985, pp. 38-39 for a general discussion of conclusions of the
"AVLOG 84" analysis.
response to other national priorities
during the preceding 30 years-
decisions that were neither necessary
nor correct. 19
Shortfalls in equipment needed to
sustain combat operations would be
predictable, for the United States had
deliberately allowed its industrial base
to decline. A weak defense industrial
base ensured that U.S. Armed Forces
would not be able to contain a major
thrust by Warsaw Pact countries.
On 29 December 1980, the U.S.
Congress recognized the seriousness
of problems with the defense industry
base. That was the day when Rep.
Richard H. Ichord (D-MO) presented
the report of the Defense Industrial
Base Panel of the House Committee
on Armed Services for the 96th Con-
gress. In his letter of transmittal,
Ichord wrote:
The panel finds that there has been
a serious decline in the nation's de-
fense industrial capability that plac-
es our national security in jeopardy.
An alarming erosion of critical in-
dustrial elements, coupled with a
mushrooming dependence on for-
eign sources for critical materials,
is endangering our defense posture
at its very foundation. 20
How far has the industrial base de-
clined? It has declined to the point
where recovery is going to be expen-
sive, and long in coming. Loren
Thompson, a consultant to Congress
on national security affairs, adds the
following emphasis to the long-term
nature of the problem of the declin-
ing U. S. industrial base:
The inauguration of President Ron-
ald Reagan presages a period of
substantially increased defense
spending. Within both the new ad-
ministration and the new Congress
there is widespread agreement that
the erosion of American military
strength must be halted, and that
means much larger defense budgets.
However, many proponents of in-
creased defense spending errone-
ously assume that the American
economy is able to convert substan-
tially more defense dollars into sub-
stantially more defense with little
difficulty. In fact, the ability of U.S.
industry to expand defense produc-
tion significantly any time soon is
very much in doubt, and the reasons
why are not hard to identify. 21
These defense industrial base prob-
lems are directly attacking the primary
source of U. S. military strength, ac-
cording to United States Military
Posture for Fiscal Year 1983. Any
major confrontation with the Soviet
Union, the report states:
... would place extraordinary de-
mands on war materiel critical to
sustaining U.S. force. A strong in-
dustrial base, capable of rapid ex-
pansion' is therefore critical to both
deterrence and defense ....
Over the years, there has been lit-
tle improvement in the capability of
the defense industrial base to re-
spond to potential wartime require-
ments ... new directions proposed by
DOD will take several years to im-
plement, but if vigorously pursued
should result in a surge capability
for related combat essential materiel
and an enhanced U. S. sustaining
capability. 22
The United States is not prepared
for conventional war simply because
it cannot sustain its forces nor replace
equipment within any prudent time-
frame-equipment that predictably will
be lost on the battlefield, along with
the operational capability it affords. 23
Specifically, Black Hawk helicop-
ters will not be available in Europe to
replace losses; industry cannot pro-
duce additional airframes fast enough
to cover those losses. This lack of pro-
duction capability will be an additional
difficulty for the commander already
burdened by a shortage of other criti-
cal items. 24
Most equipment used in training for
combat will be in short supply after
the first weeks of combat. The cen-
tral issue here is whether the rate of
production meets the need to sustain
combat operations. 25
Without a doubt, the United States
eventually can outproduce any poten-
tial adversary. Time becomes the
primary factor-time to recognize the
threat; time for the Government to
contract for more defense items; time
for contractors to let contracts; time
for subcontractors to set up and man-
ufacture components for the prime
contractor; and time to produce the
weapon systems. Given ample time
for all these process delays before the
first day of hostilities, the U.S. econ-
omy would be able to supply U.S.
needs, as well as the needs of U.S.
The shortfall in H -60s is shown in
figure 3. By starting combat opera-
tions with only sufficient helicopters
to equip the forces in being at that
time, attrition guarantees shortfalls
until years later, when U.S. industry
can overcome the losses due to com-
bat. The graphics demonstrate both
the immediate problem and the even-
tual solution. The shortfall for the
commander in Europe will exist if in-
ventories on hand at the beginning of
the war are not sufficient; and insuf-
ficient inventories will exist when
peacetime requirements are less than
wartime needs. The DOD procure-
ment plans that should include realistic
approximations of the total needs of
combat (to include the requirements
of Allies), but in fact provide only
what is needed to fill peacetime force
level needs of the U.S. Armed Forces,
guarantee that the commander will
fight without sufficient aircraft, once
attrition begins. Combat consumables,
such as ammunition, have long been
planned for, using a method that cal-
culates inventories needed to cover the
demand required from the onset of
hostilities (D-day) to the time that pro-
duction can meet combat expenditures
Although not directly applicable to
complete helicopter inventories, this D-
day to P-day planning concept (figure
4, page 12) does emphasize front-end
requirements for sufficient inventories
to cover initial losses. As published in
the May 1981 Comptroller General
Report to the Congress, the D-day to
P-day concept shows the difference in
peacetime and wartime requirements.
To sustain any force in war, all classes
of supplies must be available to replace
losses. 26
Unlike the D-day to P-day view,
H-60 helicopter production is geared
to produce quantities to fill the needs
of current force levels.
The H -60 totals are based on needs
of U. S. forces to meet current force
requirements. Production rates vary
from 4 to 15 per month, and produc-
tion will end in the early 1990s.
Programed production of H-60 heli-
copters for the 1980s and into the
1990s is designed to fill anticipated re-
quirements. If war breaks out before
the end of production, production
rates may have to be increased to ac-
celerate the initial force-fill and to
replace combat losses. If war breaks
out after the initial contracted buy,
production must be restarted to cover
combat losses. Any additional heli-
copters required to fill the needs of
other than the current U. S. force
structure will require even greater
production rates.
How responsive the manufacturing
system is to the needs of the nation's
defense is the central issue of conven-
tional warfare sustainability. Consid-
erable evidence exists that industry
will not be responsive. Manufacturing
weapon systems is a lengthy process.
The speed at which the prime contrac-
tor and his suppliers can increase the
rate of production is limited by the
complexity of the systems, materials
f--- ","--
--- ---
M-DAY D-DAY 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
FIGURE 3: UH-60 inventory production and attrition.
Adapted for UH-60s from a Joint Department of Defense Office of
Management and Budget Aircraft Industry Capacity Study of January
Level at peacetime assumes planned procurement is complete.
M-day is the day of mobilization and the day the President authorizes
additional production, and was assumed to have been declared 6 months
prior to start of hostilities.
Rebuilding of damaged aircraft will be critically important to the
sustainment effort .
19. The Ailing Defense Industrial Base: Unready for Crisis. report of the Defense Industrial Base Panel of the
Committee on Armed Services. U.S. Congress. House. 96th Congress. 2d session. 31 December 1980
(Washington. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office).
20. Ibid . p. 1.
21. Loren Thompson. " The Defense Industrial Base: GOing. Going .. .. " International Security Review. Vol VI.
No. II. Summer 1981 . pp. 237-272.
22. United States Military Posture for FY 1983. prepared by the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(Washington. DC; U.S. Government Printing Office. 1982/83). p. 53.
23. A definitive and comprehensive history of U.S. policies and decisions concerning industrial base
preparedness for mobilization is contained in Industrial Mobilization: The Relevant History by Roderick l.
Vawter (Washington. DC: NDU Press. 1983).
24. General Alton D. Slay. USAF. in testimony before the Defense Industrial Base Panel. underscored the
inability of U.S. industry to surge to meet needs generated by a conventional war.
25 The Ailing Defense Industrial Base. p. 1.
26. U.S. Comptroller General Report to the Congress. DOD's Industrial Preparedness Program Needs National
Policy to Effectively Meet Emergency Needs. 27 May 1981. p. 15.
used, special tooling required to work
the material, and the high level of
skills demanded of the work force.
Dr. Jacques S. Gansler, vice presi-
dent of The Analytic Sciences Cor-
poration in Washington, DC, notes in
his comprehensive study, The Defense
Industry, that American industry
simply cannot quickly meet the ma-
teriel needs of combat. Dr. Gansler,
a former Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Materiel Acquisition,
The industrial base of U . S. defense
is becoming both economically
inefficient in the production of de-
fense materiel and strategically
unresponsive in terms of the pro-
duction speedup required to meet an
emergency. 27
Problems of the industrial base are
many and have become apparent in
both the public and private sectors.
Responsibility for maintaining a
ready and responsive defense industry
clearly rests with the DOD.28
Unfortunately, the Defense Depart-
ment has failed to ensure industrial
preparedness. The free enterprise sys-
tem does not deliberately produce prod-
ucts it cannot sell, nor does it maintain
in reserve a nonproductive expansion
capability in case the National Gov-
ernment decides to accelerate produc-
tion. Industrial responsiveness must be
paid for; the United States failed to
buy responsiveness and bought, in-
stead, the "short-war" assumption
that emphasized forces in being and
reflected little concern for the indus-
trial base.
The decline from a fully
mobilized nation to one with extreme-
ly limited mobilization potential oc-
curred over a 30-year period.
As the overwhelmingly major hold-
er of nuclear weapons in the 1950s,
the United States knew that it had to
have an alternative to the singular
nuclear response to aggression. It
therefore maintained relatively large
standing conventional forces and fund-
ed industrial facilities to support any
war effort. During the Korean War,
the U.S. Armed Forces were served
by remaining World War IT facilities;
with the exception of certain types of
ammunition, the industrial base was
In the 1960s, the intensity of the
Vietnam War increased, materiel was
supplied essentially on a business-as-
usual, lowest cost basis. The slow
buildup in Southeast Asia did not re-
quire a surge to meet needs. As the
war progressed, without a declared
emergency, contracts were let with re-
gard only to price, often to unqualified
bidders. Many qualified and designat-
ed " planned mobilization producers, "
who had made previous agreements
with the Government for war produc-
tion, were ignored. 30
The planning effort that the defense
industry had expended under existing
mobilization regulations did not count
in the competition for contracts dur-
OF H-60
ing the Vietnam War. The lack of a
connection between predesignated
mobilization suppliers and companies
that obtained contracts ensured an
industry-wide avoidance of that pro-
gram. After the Vietnam War, con-
flicting national priorities led to a
further reduction in concern for the in-
dustrial base. Decisions made on
price, while often economically
sound, were the cause, in part , of the
final demise of the defense industrial
base. Some industries went to where
the money is- the commercial mar-
ket. The decline of American industry
continued through the 1970s largely
because of the DOD's lack of financ-
ing of industrial preparedness, and
reliance on the assumption that any
war to be fought would be short and
industrial mobilization would not be
The short-war concept assumes
away any problem with industrial pre-
paredness. Funds need not be spent on
preparedness for a war that is so
violent , and with attrition rates so
FIGURE 4: D-day to P-day concept.
P-day is the day production meets the needs of sustained combat.
The curve of the wartime requirements line is historically derived and
shows the initial buildup of intense combat followed by some dropoff in
attrition to a steady state level.
high, that battles last only a few
weeks. Such a war is far too short to
require a national mobilization. To
further ensure that funds are not
allocated for the industrial base, the
short war is assumed to start without
sufficient warning to allow any pro-
duction increase. The short war will
be fought with the "force in being"
and with whatever stockpiles of
materiels are available.
This short war assumption in plan-
ning has had a significant impact on
funding the defense industrial base.
Most directly affected by this scenario
are criteria for estimating the size of
the country's industrial base.
Industrial base-sizing is the single
most important factor in determining
the size of production facilities for
new weapon systems being acquired,
as well as funding maintenance and
modernization of facilities producing
equipment under existing programs.
Defense guidance steadily eroded the
industrial base size from that required
for total mobilization in 1977, to that
required to support wartime require-
ments by 1979. This aspect of defense
guidance finally reduced base-sizing
criteria in 1980 to a level required to
support peacetime requirements, with
the added emphasis that this peacetime
production would be at the most
economic production rate.
The steady reduction in the size of
the industrial base ensures little or no
industrial surge or quick start-up to
meet the demands of war; it plans for
production that is going double shift
simply to fulfill peacetime contracts.
Problems associated with an under-
sized industrial base have been recog-
nized and addressed in recent defense
guidance. 32
As conceived, this DOD policy of
funding only the most cost-effective
production lines does save money in
the short run, but it also is very short-
sighted. One of the easiest methods of
ensuring some sort of measurable
surge capability for any active produc-
tion line, and a method used for years
in Government contracts, is to plan on
the addition of second and third work
shifts as part of that surge capability.
Simply hiring more people to work in
a factory, however, is not necessari-
ly the complete solution to increasing
production; the largest problem lies
with the ability of subcontractors to
provide components and materials.
Without committed and planned
subcontractor effort, surge capability
is not possible. Many governmental
agencies concerned with a responsive
defense industrial base have identified
other major problems with that base.
These problems stem primarily from
faulty planning under the DOD Indus-
trial Planning Program. These faults
include the following:
Unrealistic assumptions about
availability of materials, facilities and
Little or no information on sec-
ond- or third-tier subcontractor
No identification of funding for
industrial preparedness measures.
Problems associated with mobili-
zation being assumed away.
Supporting any major defense con-
tractor are hundreds of individual
companies under subcontracts to
manufacture parts and components or
supply materiel to the prime contrac-
tor. The sophisticated H -60 helicopter
series is made up of hundreds of
thousands of component parts; these
parts are manufactured in production
facilities that respond to real-world
problems of manufacturing, as does
the prime contractor.
Problems with manpower, materi-
als, facilities, tools and other supplies
are magnified throughout the industry.
The overall effect is a large delay in
response time. However, production
delays due to subcontractor shortcom-
ings generally are not the most serious
Very few delays in the industry can
exceed the delay of metal fabrication.
Even if Sikorsky Aircraft has the
necessary people, facilities and tool-
ing in place, it must wait up to 46
weeks for aluminum extrusions, 115
27. Jacques s. Gansler, The Defense Industry (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1980), p. 4.
28. Comptroller General's report to the Congress on Industrial Preparedness (see note 26), p. 1.
29. Report of the Defense Science Board 1980 Summer Study Panel on Industrial Responsiveness, January
1981, p. 21 .
30. Association of the United States Army, Army Industrial Preparedness: A Primer on What It TaI<es to Stay
Until the War is Over, 1979, p. 4.
31 . Industrial preparedness measure is a procedure designed to shorten post mobilization day lead times or
increase production. A part of the industrial preparedness program is the recognized efficiencies that
contractors present to the DOD for consideration for implementational funding.
32. The Secretary of Defense reported to the Congress in February 1984 on current DOD industrial base
guidance. Secretary Caspar Weinberger recognized the need to " reverse the alarming decline of U.S.
33. Discussed in Dr. Norman Friedman' s paper, Surge Mobilization: The United States Versus the Soviet Union,
presented to the Sixth National Security Affairs Conference in 1979, is the "manpower" mobilization
concept of the Soviet Union, characterized by high peacetime rates of production and stockpiled
equipment to be manned by pretrained troops in a quick mobilization and almost instantaneous surge. The
United States, on the other hand, does not maintain large stockpiles nor high current production rates, but
relies instead on a superior industrial potential.
weeks for large titanium forgings and
36 weeks for titanium sheet and
plate. 34
These lead times have increased
considerably for many reasons. The
Federal Government's uncoordi-
nated efforts at times create greater
For example, Federal pollution
standards and certain wilderness
preservation programs have devastat-
ed the metal industry. The fact that
forging manufacturers use large ham-
mers, causing noise and vibration
levels exceeding standards of the Oc-
cupational Safety and Health Agency,
has caused a portion of the forging in-
dustry to leave the business or move
out of the country to be competitive
in price. 35
Acquiring forgings necessary for
production has become increasingly
more difficult for prime defense con-
tractors. Solicitations for forgings
often are for small quantities of special
items. As many as 40 percent of forg-
ings suppliers do not bother to respond
to Government-related requests. 36
The result is significantly increased
lead times, often from foreign sourc-
es, that almost doubled during 1976
to 1980. An example is a titanium
bolt: In 1976, 32 weeks were required
for delivery; in 1980, delivery took 62
weeks. In 1985, 26 weeks delivery
time was required even in a period of
limited demand. The lead time re-
quired for basic components and parts
has become the most significant fac-
tor in the decrease in responsiveness
of U. S. industry.
As an additional note, despite recent
corrective legislation, the U.S. Gov-
ernment often does not pay its bills on
time, which can mean the difference
between life and death for small con-
tractors who supply vital materials.
The interest on money borrowed by
the small contractors to cover the
/2-month delay in payments often
means that they do not survive or, at
least, are not interested in future Gov-
ernment business.
American industry responds to prof-
it and loss as the economic system dic-
tates. To be successful in the defense
industry, a company must produce
efficiently those items specified in a
contract. The ability to rapidly surge
production is based on having ma-
terials, facilities and manpower readi-
ly accessible. Prestockage of items
necessary for production is costly but
necessary for surge. In this case, cost
savings also directly limit surge capa-
bilities. Because long lead times are
required for critical H-60 helicopter
components, any increase in produc-
tion must be delayed by these lead
times. Limits exist to what a contrac-
tor can do, even if lead times for
necessary supplies were reduced;
these limits include the availability of
facilities, special tooling and skilled
manpower .
34. From the Joint Logistical Commander Conference 1979.
Colonel George Michael Mullen,
U.S. Army, recently relinquished
command of the Aviation
Brigade, 1st Infantry Division
(Mechanized), Ft. Riley, KS, and
is currently assigned to the U.S
Army Research and Development
Standardization Group, Ottowa,
Canada, National Defense
Headquarters. He Is a graduate
of the United States Naval
Academy and earned a master of
science degree in aerospace
engineering from the University
of Alabama.
Key aSSignments for Colonel
Mullen include director, Space
and Technology Directorate,
Headquarters, U.S. Army
Training and Doctrine Command;
deputy director, Army Space
Initiative Study; and deputy
director, AirLand Forces
Application Agency. He also has
served as commander, 3d
Squadron, 5th Cavalry, at Ft.
Lewis, WA; and as an experi-
mental test pilot and director,
Plans and Army
Engineering Flight Test Activity,
Edwards Air Force Base, CA.
Colonel Mullen is a graduate of
the Armed Forces Staff College,
Naval Test Pilot School, Defense
System Management College and
the Industrial College of the
Armed Forces. He researched
and wrote this essay while a
Senior Fellow at the National
Defense University.
35. General Alton D. Slay, USAF, commander of the Air Force Systems Command, testified before the
Congress that:
there are currently 80 different laws administered by 20 different Federal agencies that directly or
indirectly affect the domestic non fuel industry. The complex regulatory processes; the government
demand for data; and the environmental , safety and health requirements often prevent companies
from starting new operations or expanding existing capacity.
36. Defense Science Board Report on Industrial Responsiveness, January 1981 , p. 49.
ATe Focus
us. Army Air Traffic Control Activity
ATe Standardization
Master Sergeants Ralph B. Bischoff, Charles P. Kline and Jon T. Eubanks
u.s. Army Air Traffic Control Activity
Fort Rucker, AL
T HE UNITED STATES Army Air Traffic Control Activi-
ty (USAATCA), Systems Evaluation Division, Ft. Rucker, AL,
is here to support you, the provider of air traffic services. The
ATC chiefs, facility chiefs and managers who may think other-
wise have not been visited recently by the systems evaluation
team. We do not wear a black hat during our evaluations; we
are here to help you improve your facility operations. This ar-
ticle clarifies some of the misconceptions that may be present
for those of you due a visit in the near future .
The U.S. Army operates and maintains many ATC facilities
throughout the world. The facilities are managed in accordance
with (lAW) guidance given in regulations, technical manuals
(TMs) , field manuals and other policy making directives . The
problems usually arise when directives are interpreted and im-
plemented. Unfortunately, some of the interpretations are in-
correct and misapplied. Remember the game where several
people sit in a circle and whisper a short story to the next per-
son? That person passes it to the next , and so on until the circle
is complete? If the last person repeats the story correctly, you
have no problem. However, if the final story little resembles
the original, there was an obvious breakdown in communica-
tions. When communications break down in the A TC communi-
ty, we have a problem with standardization that could affect the
worldwide mission of A TC.
Safety and standardization are our most important responsi-
bilities. We carry out these responsibilities by ensuring user com-
pliance with all applicable regulations , policies and procedures.
It is not expected that all facilities be clones of each other, only
that they are operated and managed using the same basic criteria
and policies.
Your facility should be ready for an evaluation at all times .
You should setup your own internal checklist for the operational
requirements of your facility , be it daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
The development of your checklist is the easy part. Ensuring
that it is used, and used correctly, will require constant vigilance
on your part. Once you have your system set up, your facility
operations will be smoother.
Every rated controller should be trained in the operation of
the facility. This develops the junior controllers and prepares
them for when they have their own facility , and they eventually
will. The leadership and guidance provided now will ensure
continuity throughout the A TC community today and for years
to come. Using sound judgment, correct procedures, and pro-
viding safe and reliable A TC services to the aviation communi-
ty ensures that our junior controllers are prepared for the future.
Overall, standardization throughout the field is good but there
are still a few undotted "i ' s" and uncrossed "t's" to be cor-
rected. During the past 18 months the following problem areas
have been found at many facilities:
Trainee/controller evaluators need to call it like it is. If the
individual is marginal or unsatisfactory, he or she should be
evaluated as such. Safety and proficiency take precedence over
personal feelings; to do less hurts the trainee and the system.
Preventative maintenance checks and services (PMCSs) are
not being performed by the operators, and it shows. All too many
facility chiefs and controllers feel that PMCSs are a maintenance
function; therefore, it is not being done. This is a mistake. Facili-
ty managers and controllers should constantly interrelate with
maintenance personnel and make certain each responsibility is
understood. Read, teach and use your operator TMs.
Tape recorder checks are not being performed correctly.
Periodic checks are not being made during shift or when a piece
of equipment returns to service. Ensure the supervisor override
position was operating and recording properly.
Letters of agreement (LOAs), operations letters and waivers
are not being reviewed and updated on an annual basis as need-
ed. LOAs that involve the Federal Aviation Administration are
not always being routed through the appropriate Department of
the Army Regional Representative office.
Minimum vectoring altitude charts are not being updated
on an annual basis. This is a process that must be accomplished
before expiration.
If you have a question on policy or procedures, please do not
hesitate to contact the USA A TCA A TC Management Office,
Operations and Procedures Division, at AUTOVON
558-2025/4893. Also, if you feel you have a correction or a
change that should be incorporated, submit a DA Form 2028
lAW FM 95-93, paragraph 122.1. -=-::ll
Readers are encouraged to address matters concerning air traffic control to:
Commander, USAAVNC, A TTN: A TZQ-A TC-MO, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5265.
Spelling SAFETY a New Way
The following excerpts are from an address by COL(P) Marvin E. Mitchiner Jr., Director of Army Safety,
to graduates of a recent Initial Entry Rotary Wing Course at Ft. Rucker, AL.
IN SUPPORT OF one of our recent media campaigns
at the Safety Center, we were discussing what major ideas
could be associated with each letter in the word safety.
While we came up with a lot of topics representing each
letter, a few of them are especially important, and I'd like
to share with you our final selections.
We affixed standards to the letter S. Standards really
are key to our safety program. In this year with the Army
theme of "training," we have adopted training to stan-
dards as the cornerstone of our safety strategy. We use
the premise that safe performance is a predictable result
of performing to standard, and performing to standard is
a result of training to standard. Training to standard leads
directly to discipline and discipline leads directly to safety.
When we look at accidents in the Army, we find that
people certainly don't cause them on purpose. But human
error is still a definite cause in the majority of all Army
accidents. Experience also shows us that the root cause
of the problem is failure to train to standard or to the right
When we investigate human-error accidents, we look
at four areas in which failure to meet standards might have
contributed to the accident. We have found that there can
be a command failure when standards are not clear or
practical or do not exist. We can have a training failure
when standards exist but are not known or ways to achieve
them are not known. We can have a leadership failure
when standards are known but are not enforced. And,
finally, we can have an individual failure where standards
are known but are not followed.
Training to standard is a key ingredient in the integra-
tion of safety into the way we do business. But there is
another area dealing with standards that should be men-
tioned. That's setting the standard. You are officers, and
as such you are expected to meet the highest standards
both on and off duty in order to set standards that others
will try to reach.
Don't walk by mistakes. Don't accept less than the re-
quired standard. In enforcing standards, I have found two
things to be true: An indiscipline left unchecked will stay
with you; and, if you fail to enforce a standard, you have
made that your new standard.
The bottom line is that training to standard, setting the
standard, and enforcing the standard will lead to a sixth
sense-the sense of safety awareness.
Awareness. That is what the A in safety stands for.
When we visit units with good safety records, we con-
sistently find a keen sense of safety awareness, both in
and out of the cockpit, on the part of all unit personnel.
We find that the entire chain of command feels that they
can influence safety, and they do. They are aware of their
safety record and take pride in it. To them it is a key per-
formance indicator that they are a good organization.
Another important thing is that they maintain that safe-
ty awareness. They don't let down. Too many times we've
found, in reviewing accident reports, that the mishap oc-
curred after the most demanding part of the mission was
over: on a flight home after completing a demanding nap-
of-the-earth route under night vision goggles; in a vehi-
cle accident after performing flawlessly in a combined
arms live-fire exercise. Safe units maintain a high level
of safety awareness at all times.
An especially interesting thing we've found is that new
aviators are true energizers in safety awareness. They
bring with them the attention to detail and discipline they
had to exhibit in flight school. Experience is showing that
the new aviator follows the book.
Following the book, is the F in safety. It is here
that you can have an immediate impact on unit 'safety and
professionalism. Following the book is the foundation of
the entire aviation safety program. Procedures have been
established for everything from preflight checklists to in-
flight emergencies. Throughout flight school, the em-
phasis is on doing things as you are taught-to follow the
book. It works. Don't leave it behind at flight school. Take
it to your unit and use it. You'll find that following the
book is contagious. When one does it, others will, too.
There isn't a book for every situation, however. That's
where employing risk management comes in. That's our
E. When you employ risk management techniques, you're
putting a smart decision-making process to work. It's a
process that identifies the areas that are the highest risk
and diverts resources to those areas to reduce those risks.
The mission must be accomplished. Risk management
is not a way of getting around that fact; it's a way to ac-
complish the mission with the least possible risk.
Field Manual 100-5 demands leaders who are bold risk
takers and innovators in accomplishing the mission. But
risk taking must be prudent risk taking that comes after
an assessment of risk to determine which risks are accept-
able and which are not. That is the distinction between a
blind gamble and a prudent risk. Risk management won't
always prevent accidents. What it will do is provide you
a discriminator for the process of making tough decisions.
The ability to employ risk management will also in-
crease technical and tactical proficiency. That's the T
in safety.
Being tactically and technically competent is not an op-
tion; it's an obligation. It's the way you establish credibili-
ty with seniors, peers and subordinates. Competence is
what gives you access to the capabilities and limitations
of your people and equipment. Your competence and
credibility allow you to confront the really tough safety
Gone are the days when aviators simply followed the
aircraft in front. Gone are the days when warrant officers
were just great pilots, and commissioned officers made
all the decisions. All aviators must be prepared tactical-
ly; our combat arms brothers expect it. And no longer
can commissioned officers get by on tactical proficiency
alone. They are expected to be instructor pilot certified
soon. Battalion and brigade commanders and even com-
pany commanders are instructor pilots now. They must
know how to conduct an air mission commander's brief
for a tactical operation.
Your tactical and technical competence is the ingredient
that allows you to be a soldier, a leader, an officer and an
aviator-in that order. I say soldier first because you are
in combat arms. And to lead soldiers and to lead them safe-
ly, you must first be one.
The final letter in the word safety is probably the most
important. It is the Y that means you. That really sums
it up. You are the "why" of safety. You are the ones
who benefit most from it, and you are the ones who will
make it work.
As leaders, you must exercise tough caring, and that
isn't always easy. Too many times in reviewing accident
data we find that somebody knew the individual was head-
ed for trouble. Somebody close to the victim knew of a
personality trait, a behavior or an attitude that signaled
the potential for an accident. Yet nothing was done about
it. Tough caring means tough decisions. I think we all
want to give the benefit of the doubt to the individual,
but when we know about an unsafe practice or attitude,
we cannot just look the other way and hope things turn
out right. The consequences are too high.
One final point on how you can really influence
safety-and you can start in just a few minutes-and that's
to buckle your seatbelt. Half the fatalities we suffer in
the Army result from privately owned vehicle accidents;
seatbelts could prevent two-thirds of those fatalities. So,
if you take nothing else from my message today, please
remember to buckle your seatbelt because you are the
Army's most precious resource. ~
u.s. Army Class A Aviation Flight Mishaps
Army Total Cost
Number Flying Hours Rate Fatalities (in millions)
FV87 (through 15 August) 33 1,463,912 2.25 41 $76.8
FV88 (through 15 August) 28 1,497,093* 1.87 38 $61.0
Personal Equipment And Rescue/survival Lowdown
NA V AIR 13-1-6.7 on Personnel Protective Equipment
This manual is to be revised to extend 9O-day inspections
to a 180-day inspection cycle for the following ALSS:
Nomenclature PIN
CWU-27/P Summer Ayer's Coverall MIL-C-83141
CWU-36/P Summer Ayer's Jacket MIL-J-83382
CWU-45/P Cold Weather Ayer's Jacket MIL-J-83588
G-l Intermediate Flyer's Jacket MIL-J-7823
CWU-18/P Extreme Cold Weather Trousers MIL-T-83385
Winter Ayer's Hood MIL-H-85037
GS/FRP-2 Fire Resistant Ayer's Gloves MIL-G-81188
Note: Revision will be included in change 11 to the manual.
We are giving you this information as we also use Navy per-
sonnel protective equipment when it is necessary for the mis-
sion of ALSE. The Naval Air Systems Command POe is
Ms. L. Wormser, Code 602416, AUTOVON 441-7164.
Let's Hear From You ALSE Users
A word of support and encouragement would be sincerely
appreciated. Or better yet, why not prepare some articles for
PEARL'S. "She" would thank you from the bottom of' 'her"
heart. I will be most happy to do the initial editing. Then the
Aviation Digest staff will be happy to do the final editing so
we will truly have administratively and technically
correct articles for the benefit of all readers and users of
Summer Flyer's Coveralls-CWU-731P and CWU-27/P
The Naval Air Development Center is preparing an
engineering change proposal to authorize the removal of
lower leg pockets of subject coveralls at the discretion of
aircrews. Such action will be staffed before the Army
authorizes such action. (This notice is for only
at this time.) Ms. Sue Reeps, Code 602431, AUTOVON
441-1926, is the action officer.
Army Aviation Systems Program 82 Update
Personal equipment and rescue survival lowdown, more
commonly referred to as PEARL'S, had "her" beginning
in early 1967 and has been published monthly each and
every month since in the U. S. Army A viation Digest.
Through mutual agreement between Major General James
C. Smith, former commander of the U. S. Army Aviation
School and Center, Ft. Rucker, AL, and the then U.S.
Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command
project officer for aviation life support equipment (ALSE),
Mr. A.B.C. Davis, the permanent change of station of
PEARL'S was effected. In 1979, PEARL'S was moved
from the U.S. Army Safety Center, Ft. Rucker, AL, to
the Aviation Systems Command, St. Louis, MO. PEARL'S
has continued to live in the Digest, bringing you the latest
information in this critical area.
A typical example of one of the first articles to appear
was a letter to the editor (July 1967 issue) that read:
Editor-in-Chief, U. S. Army Aviation Digest
I call your attention to page 49 of the March 1967 issue
of the Aviation Digest. You invited readers to see how many
mistakes they could find. Upon turning to page 63 I was
surprised to see that the second most important piece of
equipment that an aviator should wear was not listed.
Why even PEARL on page 52 knows that the aviation
flight suit should be worn at all times when flying because
one of the most flammable objects that the pilot on page
49 is wearing is his nice fresh, STARCH IMPREGNATED
Dear Specialist Bridgewater:
SP6 J. L. Bridgewater
Co D, 15th TC Battalion
1 st Cavalry Division
The most important thing about what aircrewmembers
wear, whether flight suits or fatigues, is that the material
be inherently fire retardant or treated to make it fire re-
tardant. Despite his other mistakes, the pilot on page 49
of the March issue was wearing fatigues that had been
treated by the fire retardant process shown on page 52 of
the May issue of the Aviation Digest.
The first of a series of five articles on the subject of Army
A viation Systems Program Review appeared in the June
1982 issue. The materiel panel identified ALSE as the
second major issue. A great deal of our current ALSE is
either not designed specifically for aircrew use or for use
with our current aircraft and, thus, is not compatible with
aircrew task performance. To effectively deal with these
shortcomings, the panel had to address these major
First, protection of the eyes from high-intensity light
sources such as lasers and nuclear bursts, exists in indus-
try and other services, but the challenge is to provide pro-
tection only when needed to Army aircrews. Solutions
endorsed by the panel are incremental and progressive in
the near-term. We must use those items currently avail-
able from industry and the Air Force despite the limita-
tions involved. Mid-term efforts should be directed toward
compatibility among the various devices, with far-term
development of both laser and nuclear flashblindness pro-
tection into a single device worn by the aircrew. Ultimate-
ly, we should transition this protection into an integral part
of the aircraft that protects the aircrew as well as sensors
and optics worn by the aircrew.
The chemical protective is the second subissue. Over-
boots all but eliminate pedal feedback and become easily
entangled on aircraft parts; gloves are bulky and reduce
tactility; the overgarment contributes to heat stress, ham-
per's movement and is inflammable. The current protec-
tive mask, the M-24, has many deficiencies. We are
currently working with the XM-43 that has recently been
type classified and is currently being procured. A general
shortcoming is even more dramatic when nuclear, biolog-
ical and chemical (NBC) protective clothing is used and
current equipment is incompatible with aircrew tasks
among ALSE components.
The substance of the third subissue is the need for a task
based, total system designed to interface with the aircraft,
protect against the threat and environment and facilitate
aircraft task performance. The vehicle for this is an air-
crew life support system integrated battlefield. We now
recognize the man and machine interface requirement. We
must manage both product improvements and new develop-
ment of ALSE as intensively as if they were part of the
aircraft systems package. In the far-term, aircrew life sup-
port systems must be integral to the airframe and, to close
the loop, we must take steps to centrally manage ALSE.
We have taken steps to do just that through the project
manager (PM)-ALSE and the PM for clothing and in-
dividual equipment. But we must elevate the PM to a
Department of the Army chartered single focal point for
the Army as an equal to the Department of Defense tri-
Services for life cycle management of the aviation life sup-
port system program.
The fourth ALSE subissue is again NBC related. It is
critical because Army aviators are particularly suscepti-
ble to incapacitating chemical agents.
The fifth subissue is that of avoiding contamination. Cur-
rent systems do not allow our aircrews to look ahead and
detect contamination before entering a given area. We also
lack the means to protect our aircraft from contamination
while on the ground. If fully funded in the near-term,
aviation-specific solutions will begin to appear in the
The sixth subissue pertains to decontamination. Present
aircraft paints, canopies, gaskets, avionics and other com-
ponents absorb agents, making them virtually impossible
to decontaminate. We are working on this problem.
The seventh subissue is search and rescue. We do have
the emergency locator transmitters for this purpose and the
personal locator system is being worked on. We are well
on our way in these two areas.
The eighth and final subissue is flight data recorders,
perhaps better known as flight and maintenance informa-
tion systems. The advantage to be gained is the prevention
of aircraft and crew losses through improved aircraft ac-
cident investigation and maintenance techinques. The panel
recommended that flight data recorders eventually be in-
stalled on all Army aircraft. However, priority for develop-
ment should be given to advanced aircraft systems because
current commercial transport flight data recorders do not
meet the Army's criteria for small, lightweight units. The
following are the panel's ALSE findings:
Additional funding needed for the Army Materiel Com-
mand long-range research, development and acquisition
Higher priority needed.
Funding inadequate in near-term.
Funding inadequate in mid-term.
Laser protection programs for sensors and optics worn
by aircrew not fully defined or funded.
ALSE is still working on solutions to the panel findings
of 1982. Together, we can make these things happen.
Key ALSE Personnel Losses
We have had to take the bad with the good. Unfortunately
within the past several months two important key players have
retired-Mr. AI Cargen, formerly a key ALSE team member
with the 5th U.S. Army and focal point for the Army Na-
tional Guard; also, MSG "Jim" Snyder, 5th U.S. Army and
Army Reserve ALSE "King Pin." Both of these gentlemen
supported ALSE to the highest degree daily. We will take
a long time to recover from these losses, and it will be up
to you, the sustainers and new ALSE people, to carry the ball.
If you have a question about personal equipment or rescue/survival gear, write PEARL'S, AMC Product Management Office, ATTN: A MCPM-
ALSE, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798 or call AUTOVON 693-3573 or Commercial 314-263-3573.
Office of the Aviation Medicine Consultant
The Thermoplastic Liner....;;...A Reality at Last
Major Daniel w. Gower Jr.
Director, Biodynamics Research Division
U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory
Fort Rucker, AL
FOR THE LAST 4 years, the U.S. Army Aeromedical
Research Laboratory (USAARL), Ft. Rucker, AL, has
been conducting studies aimed at alleviating the age-old
problem of helmet "hotspots." As the use of night vi-
sion goggles has increased, so has complaints of head-
aches, hotspots and helmet instability.
In 1984, the Gentex Corporation, Carbondale, PA, in-
troduced a new product known as the thermoplastic liner
(TPL) , shown at figure 1. The TPL was tested and ap-
proved for its crashworthiness properties. It was later used
by USAARL to alleviate medical problems caused by a
poorly fitted helmet. Those of you who have hotspots or
headaches caused by your SPH -4 helmet know too well
these problems are annoying, to say the least, and border
on safety-of-flight issues at the most. Our success with
the "problem fit" program and the use of the TPL led
us to push for acceptance of the TPL as an improvement
to the existing SPH series of helmets. As in any item
entering the Army system, the TPL must pass the stan-
dard battery of tests to ensure it is accepted under all of
the conditions it would conceivably be used in.
On 1 June 1987, the U. S. Army Aviation Board, Ft.
Rucker, completed its study on the TPL and forwarded
the results to Natick Research and Development and
Engineering Center, Natick, MA. In November 1987, the
program manager for clothing and individual equipment
(PM-CIE) held a type-classification review board, and the
TPL was accepted as an approved item of aviation life
support equipment (ALSE).
In July 1988, the Defense Personnel Support Center
(DPSC), Philadelphia, PA, assigned three national stock
numbers (NSNs) to the three sizes of the TPL. These three
sizes are available to fit the full range of aviators currently
wearing the SPH series of helmets. The three sizes are
small-regular, regular and extra-large. Units may now
order the TPL installation kits through the supply system
The Real
Colonel Daniel J. Rubery
Acting Logistical Director
U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command
St. Louis, MO
asked by someone being briefed on Proj-
ect OLR, U.S. Army Aviation Systems
Command's (AVSCOM's) aircraft modi-
fication work order (MWO) application
program, is "What does 'OLR' stand
for?" Considering the Army's penchant
for acronyms, this is a fair question. No,
it does not mean' 'Organizational Logis-
tical Repair" or even "Our Last Resort . "
It is only a computer-assigned project code
with no hidden meaning. My apologies to
the budding acronym makers among you.
A little MWO history should give a
proper perspective of OLR. Before 1976,
owning units and activities were respon-
sible for applying MWOs. A VSCOM de-
signed, purchased and stocked the MWO
kits and published the MWO (application
instructions). Owning units reviewed De-
partment of the Army (DA) Pamphlet
310-7, determined which MWOs were ap-
plicable to their assigned aircraft, requisi-
tioned the kit (or submitted a work order
to their direct support unit or general sup-
port unit for higher level MWOs) and re-
ported the completed MWO to A VSCOM.
The effecti veness of this system was
spotty at best. Some units were not as con-
scientious as others about modifying their
aircraft. Some modifications were not pop-
ular and were not installed on every ap-
plicable aircraft. As a result, aircraft did
not receive the MWOs they were supposed
to, MWO kits were lost and aircraft con-
figuration management suffered.
To correct this situation, DA gave total
MWO responsibility, including applica-
tion, to AVSCOM. Project OLR was
created to carry out this newly assigned
mission of applying MWOs to user air-
craft. Thus, Project OLR became the
mechanism by which A VSCOM ensures
each aircraft in the Army's fleet is con-
figured with the most current modifica-
tions for improved mission capability and
Initially, the personnel to run the OLR
sites were borrowed from the host installa-
tion on temporary memorandums of un-
derstanding. There was no real continuity
in the assignment of these personnel , and
they really did not work for A VSCOM.
Therefore, this arrangement proved less
than satisfactory. A VSCOM began staff-
ing OLR sites with full-time project of-
ficers and quality assurance representatives
(QARs) . These A VSCOM representatives
are DA civilians responsible for adminis-
tering the program and controlling Depart-
ment of Defense contractor field teams in
applying MWOs according to schedules
coordinated with aircraft users (Active
Army, National Guard and the Army Re-
serve). Each OLR project officer was
assigned a geographical area of respon-
sibility. There are seven OLR sites world-
wide. Figure 1 shows the location of each
site and its assigned area.
Project OLR uses contractor field team
(CFT) personnel to actually apply the
MWOs. The contract is awarded by the
U.S. Air Force. This contract is used by
all the military services and other govern-
ment agencies (i.e., Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation, Customs Bureau and Forestry
Department). The Air Force negotiates the
basic contract and determines the hourly
rates the Government will pay for each
particular skill (e.g., mechanical, electri-
cian, etc.). Because of this wide use by
other services and agencies, the rates for
each skill are much lower than if A VSCOM
contracted for the service on its own.
Using the Air Force CFT concept en-
ables the use of the Air Force's experience
in monitoring contractor performance to
ensure quality work. Our greatest concern
in Project OLR is maintaining the highest
level of workmanship on every MWO ap-
plication. The use of the Air Force field
team concept gives us the basis of an ex-
cellent quality assurance program from
which to start. The maintenance of a high
level of quality in Project OLR is a team
effort, with the CFT, the OLR project of-
ficer/QARs and the customer (you, the air-
craft user) each playing an important part.
First, the contractor must, according to
contract provisions, maintain a "quality
system" approved by the Air Force. This
system consists of all of the work proce-
dures, inspection procedures, recordkeep-
ing and inspector certification practices
that the contractor uses to make sure that
all work is performed properly to specifi-
cation. An audit trail of mechanic and in-
spector actions is maintained. It roughly
compares to The Army Maintenance Man-
agement System as described in DA Pam-
phlet 738-751; however, in most respects,
it is much more comprehensive.
For example, the CFT uses a contrac-
tor workbook to record all actions involved
in applying an MWO. This workbook is
essentially a detailed, step-by-step break-
out of the MWO instructions. Unlike the
DA Form 2404, however, the workbook
has separate signature blocks for the me-
chanic, the contractor inspector and the
government inspector for each step (i.e.,
removal, modification, installation, checks,
etc.). For critical steps, the mechanic must
have the work checked by the government
inspector before proceeding to the next
step. The workbook must be retained by
the contractor, in its original form, for 60
months (10 times longer than DA Form
2404s) . A key point of this system is that
the contractor remains liable for the quality
of workmanship on any modification even
after the aircraft is returned to the user.
Second, government surveillance of the
contractor's quality system is what keeps
the system honest. Under contract provi-
sions, the contractor is constantly liable for
the quality of workmanship. Therefore,
l00-percent inspection of every applica-
tion is not required. (Nor is it possible for
the A VSCOM project officer or QAR to
inspect all of the thousands of MWOs
applied each year.) What is necessary is
CH-47D Chinook
Qualified for In-Flight
qualified the first CH -4 7D Chinook
in-flight refueling system for the U. S.
Army during ground and flight evalu-
ations at the company's Greater Wil-
mington, DE, airport flight center.
The first production model CH -47D
having in-flight refueling capability
was delivered to the Army in early
July 1988. The new refueling system
will greatly increase the Army's abili-
ty to use the Chinook for a variety of
long-range missions.
Boeing Helicopters' test pilot Mr.
Bob Gradle tested the Anny's CH-47D
in a series of probe and drogue en-
gagements with U.S. Air Force and
Marine Corps/Lockheed HC-130 Her-
cules tanker aircraft.
Mr. Gradle described the operation
as being as simple as routine forma-
tion flying. "We'd get into position
behind the tanker, which was flying
at about 110 knots, or around 20 knots
above its stall speed," Mr. Gradle
said. "We'd stay in that formation for
whatever time was required to fill the
tanks, which was about 6 minutes to
take on 1,000 gallons of fuel."
Mr. Larry Hartman, Boeing Heli-
copters' flight test engineer, explained
that, until now, the only production
helicopters refueled in-flight have
been single-rotor helicopters. "Pre-
viously," Mr. Hartman said, "Boe-
ing had conducted two aerial refuel-
ing programs to prove the feasibility
of refueling tandem-rotor helicopters
in flight.
"We used a telescoping boom,
which, when fully extended, put its tip
roughly 3 feet out in front of the rotor
disc where it could safely contact the
tanker's drogue," Mr. Hartman com-
The first tests, conducted in July
1985, consisted of nine sorties totaling
9.8 flight hours (see "First Chinook
Aerial Refueling," Aviation Digest,
December 1985). During these tests,
Mr. Gradle discovered the Chinook's
rotor downwash forced the drogue
downward and kept it safely clear of
the rotor disc. Based on that observa-
tion, a second program was introduced
in December 1986, using a CH-47D
equipped with a fixed composite-shell
refueling probe that allowed drogue
engagement while under the Chinook's
forward rotor disc.
photos courtesy of Boeing Helicopters
During the qualification program,
Boeing and military pilots evaluated
the shorter fixed probe, using both the
HC-130s left and right refueling
drogues. These flights included suc-
cessful day and night engagements in
a variety of smooth and turbulent air
conditions. Night sorties were flown
both with and without the pilots' use
of night vision goggles.
The U.S. Army's CH-47D is a
modernized version of the famed Boe-
ing Chinook medium-lift helicopter.
Boeing Helicopters is presently under
contract to bring 328 CH-47s up to
D-model standards, with 240 of these
helicopters covered by a
procurement contract. ?i - "-
""'----.,- ,
Boeing Helicopters CH-47D Chinook demonstrated its aerial refueling
capability during tests conducted at the company's Wilmington, DE, flight
test facility. The successful ground and flight testing marks the first time a
tandem rotor production helicopter has been qualified for in-flight fuel
transfer. The first production model CH-47D with in-flight capability was
delivered to the U.S. Army In July.
A Boeing Helicopter CH-47D Chinook is guided into position behind an Air Force HC-130 tanker during qualification
of the aircraft's aerial refueling capability. Qualification of the system marks the first time such aerial refueling
capability has been demonstrated on a production tandem rotor helicopter. The Boeing CH-47D Chinook with in-
flight refueling capability will greatly increase the U.S. Army's ability to conduct a variety of long-range missions
such as self-deployment.
FIGURE 1: The newly developed theromoplastic liner
initially approved for its crashworthiness properties is
also effective in alleviating medical problems caused by a
poorly fitted helmet.
(figure 2). Until the NSNs are placed in the Army Master
Data File, the message from the commander, U.S. Army
Support Activity, Philadelphia, PA 112219Z Jul 88, sub-
ject: Thermoplastic Liner Conversion Kit for SPH-4
Flyer's Helmet, should be cited as the authority for pur-
chase. The TPLs can currently be bought through local
purchase channels on a sole source basis from the Gentex
Corporation, P.O. Box 315, Carbondale, PA 18407.
The NSNs for purchasing the TPL modification kits are
as follows:
Small-regular-NSN 8415-01-281-5497.
Regular-NSN 8415-01-281-5498.
Extra-Iarge-NSN 8415-01-281-5499.
In addition, until this item is stocked at the DPSC level
units should consider consolidating their orders with other
units to take advantage of the' 'volume cost reductions"
offered by the manufacturer. It is our understanding that
if a unit orders two to nine kits the price is $65.00 each.
If a unit orders 10 to 99 kits the price is $60.00 each.
If more than 99 kits are ordered the price is $50.00 each.
The above message states that the approximate cost of the
item is $60.00. A call to Gentex at 717-282-3550 will con-
firm the price for your order.
Because the TPL is a newly recognized item of ALSE,
there is not much in the field for the ALSE technician
to learn about the care and installation of the TPL. The
FIGURE 2: The theromoplastic installation kit includes the
theromoplastic liner, VelcroTl' pads, strips of Velcro,
Styrofoam plugs and rubber plugs.
U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command, St. Louis, MO,
is currently rewriting the SPH-4 helmet operator's man-
uals to include the installation, inspection and care criteria
for the new TPL. USAARL Life Support Equipment Branch
recently completed the TPL-(Installation Fittings and
Maintenance for the SPH-4 Helmet), video tape number
-2C/600-011-1392-B A0522-88-OO33, running time 29 min-
utes, 53 seconds. To obtain a copy, send a blank 30-minute
tape to: U.S. Army Aviation Center, Training Service
Center, Building 9313, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5000.
On another good news note, testing is underway at Ft.
Rucker on the improved SPH-4 helmet. This helmet in-
cludes a Kevlar shell, crushable earcups, adjustable
retention assembly, dual visors, thicker energy absorb-
ing liner and the TPL. After the customer test for form,
fit_ and function, a type-classification review panel will
be held in November 1988. If testing is successful, the
Army will procure a retrofit kit to install all of the items
noted above on the current SPH -4 helmets inventory, with
the exception of the shell. When the present supply of
SPH-4 helmets is depleted from the DPSC helmets
stockage, the improved SPH-4 helmet will be purchased
as a unit. This helmet exceeds the safety performance of
the current SPH-4 helmet in all areas of technical testing;
i.e., crash-force attenuation, helmet retention characteris-
tics, overall weight, adaptability to dual visor laser pro-
tection and hearing attenuation. In short, we will have
matured from 1960s technologies to 1980s technologies.
For additional information on this or other ALSE mat-
ters, call Major Dan Gower, AUTOVON 558-6943,
Commercial 205-255-6943; Major John Barson or Staff
Sergeant Doug Pritts at AUTOVON 558-6881, Commer-
cial 205-255-6881-or write to these individuals at
USAARL, P.O. Box 577, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5292.
The Aviation Medicine Report is a monthly report from the Aviation Medicine Consultant of TSG. Please forward subject matter of current
aeromedical importance for editorial consideration to U.S. Army Aeromedical Center, ATTN: HSXY-AOJ, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5333.
constant checking to ensure that the con-
tractor's approved system is working.
The A VSCOM project officers and
QARs at each OLR site accomplish this
by a combination of tasks: physical inspec-
tion of sample aircraft; unannounced spot-
checks of CFTs applying MWOs at user
locations; and, most important, delegation
of temporary authority, to users , to act as
remote QARs while the CFT is at their
location installing MWOs . You, the user ,
have the final say on the quality of MWOs
applied to your aircraft.
The contractor has a vested interest in
doing it right the first time. If you are not
satisfied with the work, the contractor
must do it over. If he has to do it over,
he does not make any profit. Because of
this, the leadman (supervisor) of any CFT
sent by Project OLR is normally very will-
ing to correct any discrepancies noted by
the customer. Any situations not resolved
to the user's satisfaction should be brought
to the immediate attention of your support-
ing OLR project officer. If you have a
problem with the CFT, tell us about it right
away! We will get it fixed.
Another lesser known aspect of Project
OLR is its limited depot level, onsite repair
capability. In certain instances, an OLR
CFT can be dispatched to do onsite depot
level repairs. If you have a candidate re-
quiring repair above your level, submit
your normal estimated cost of damage
report with the commander's request for
onsite repair to Commander, AVSCOM,
ATTN: AMSAV-MDP, 4300 Goodfellow
Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. De-
pending on the situation and specific
repair , response time can be as short as
2 weeks from the date we receive your re-
quest. The use of CFT is another option
to satisfy your requirement as is the
dispatch of U.S. Army Depot , Corpus
Christi, TX, personnel (figure 2).
In short, Project OLR is prepared to help
you keep your aircraft ready to fight with
the latest improvements in combat avia-
tion technology. Project OLR is an integral
part of the Army Aviation team.
FIGURE 2: Points of contact.
Leonard E. Yates
AUTOVON 693-3961/3962
Commercial 314-263-3961/3962
Dale D. DeRoia, Ft. Stewart, GA
AUTOVON 971-5402/5931
Commercial 912-352-5402/5931
Jim Simon, Ft. Campbell, KY
AUTOVON 635-7511/7538
Commercial 502-798-7511/7538
CW4 James l. Nance, Ft. Hood, TX
AUTOVON 737-3511/4505
Commercial 817-287-351114505
Jack Kelly, Germany
AUTOVON Mannheim Military 2131-7481
Charles Land herr, Ft. Carson, CO
AUTOVON 691-5077
Commercial 303-579-5077
James Bush, Ft. Lewis, W A
(includes Alaska and Hawaii)
AUTOVON 357-5761/3836
Commercial 206-967-5781/3876
John P. Evans, Korea
AUTOVON 253-7108/7109
u.s . ,
Directorate of Evaluation/Standardization
s ~
Altitude Over Airspeed
Versus Airspeed Over
Mr. Wilburn James
Literature Review Branch
Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
T HE ARGUMENT OF which is best-altitude over
airspeed or airspeed over altitude-is as old as the first
flight in the Wright flyer.
The first fatal crash in an airplane occurred in 1908 in
a Wright pusher-type airplane piloted by Orville Wright
as he was instructing First Lieutenant (ILT) Thomas E.
Selfridge, U.S. Army. A contributing cause was a failure
in one of the propeller blades. Consequently, sufficient
flying speed was not maintained and the airplane crashed,
seriously injuring Orville Wright and killing lLT Self-
ridge. Ironically, the first 14 airplane crashes resulted in
9 fatalities. Most, or all, of these crashes were caused
to some degree by loss of sufficient flying speed.
During the course of fixed-wing flight training, various
types of takeoffs and climbs are taught and for a very good
reason. There is a definite need for the pilot to know how
to perform a minimum-run takeoff and to climb over ob-
stacles immediately after liftoff, or to climb over hills or
surrounding terrain.
Many may think that Vy, the velocity of the best rate
of climb, is the only way to go because that is what is
taught in flight school and that to gain altitude is the most
important thing. However, climbout at Vy is not necessary
for every flight. For routine operations, when runway
length, obstacles or surrounding terrain are not problems,
it may be desirable to takeoff and climbout at a pitch at-
titude that provides better forward visibility and a higher
airspeed. This reduced angle of climb and resulting higher
airspeed allow the reduction of power much sooner after
takeoff and greatly reduce the high noise level. The early
reduction of power results in increased fuel economy and
prolongs engine life. It also allows more time for reac-
tion in the event of an unexpected engine failure.
If climbing at Vy, which is at or near Vyse (safe single
engine climb speed) and an engine fails, the pilot has a
problem. The pitch attitude that he has for the Vy climb
is considerably steeper than the pitch attitude he will need
to maintain Vyse. The sudden loss of power on one engine
results in a significant loss of effective thrust (usually in
most light aircraft 70 percent to 80 percent). The greatly
induced drag caused by a windmilling propeller and an
out-of-balance or trim condition will rapidly decay his
airspeed. He may find himself at an airspeed that is below
Vyse with insufficient power on the remaining engine to
regain Vyse without lowering the nose and experiencing
an altitude loss. If a pilot is flying over uneven terrain,
especially at night or on instruments, his margin of safe-
ty is greatly reduced because of this airspeed and altitude
A climb may be performed at about the same pitch at-
titude with both engines operating as if the pilot were
established in a single-engine climb. The airspeed will be
greater and the rate of climb will be less than if he were
climbing at Vy, the best two-engine rate. A climb at a
reduced angle and higher airspeed will require little, if
any, pitch attitude change as airspeed diminishes because
of the loss of an engine. This allows more time to devote
to an engine failure versus trying to regain lost airspeed
and altitude.
The following hypothetical situation will give some in-
sight as to the problems that exist under the most trying
Imagine two identical aircraft taking off simultaneous-
lyon parallel runways (figure 1).
Aircraft A lifts off and begins a climb at Vy (120
Aircraft B lifts off and begins a climb at cruise climb
airspeed ( 140 knots).
Assume that both aircraft experience an engine failure
at 1 minute after liftoff.
Since aircraft A is climbing at Vy, which is at or near
Vyse, the pilot must discontinue the climb and enter a de-
I mil/u(('
lI/ier li/roll-
('I/:s.:il/(' jil/"lilr'
2 mil/llfes,
d('creased to
2 mil/uf('s, f20 kl/o(s
hllck to
120 I\/Iot\
d stance
o Aircraft A and B experience an engine failure at 1 minute after liftoff.
o Aircraft B must discontinue climb and enter a descent to regain lost airspeed.
o Aircraft B continues to climb as airspeed decreases.
o At 2 minutes after liftoff, aircraft B has gained more altitude and traveled farther than aircraft A.
NOTE: This diagram is for illustration purposes only and is not drawn to scale.
scent to regain single-engine climb speed Vyse.
Since aircraft B is climbing at a higher airspeed, the
pilot can continue climbing at the same attitude (angle)
with no problem with aircraft control.
At 2 minutes after takeoff, aircraft B has gained more
altitude and traveled farther than aircraft A.
The advocates of altitude over airspeed are more com-
fortable with the extra altitude. They tend to overlook Sir
Isaac Newton's laws of motion. To demonstrate Newton's
second law of motion, the law of acceleration, try this
maneuver in your aircraft (figure 2):
Maintain cruise airspeed, cruise power and straight-and-
level flight. Note your cruise airspeed; for example, 200
knots and your altitude. Now smoothly raise the nose to
30 degrees pitch attitude; hold this pitch attitude constant
until your airspeed decreases by one-half (50 percent) 100
knots. At this time, lower the nose smoothly (at the same
rate that you raised the nose) to 30 degrees nose down.
When your airspeed increases to 200 knots, note your
altitude. You may be surprised to find that your altitude
is somewhat lower than when you entered the climb. This
demonstration should show you that, because of the laws
of acceleration, it takes more altitude to regain lost
airspeed versus the altitude you gained; i.e., if you have
extra airspeed, you can trade it off for altitude and come
out ahead versus trading altitude to regain lost airspeed,
when you lose.
Using this technique, i.e., maintaining about the same
pitch attitude or climb angle while analyzing the emergen-
cy situation and taking appropriate action, will ensure safe
aircraft control. After all emergency action steps have
been completed, you will find that you are still climbing
and the airspeed will be Vyse. A little practice with this
at a safe altitude will quickly show you the pitch attitude
or angle of climb for your aircraft.
Orville once said to Wilbur, "There are three things
that cause an airplane to fly and they are (1) airspeed,
(2) airspeed and (3) airspeed."
Think about it, which do you prefer when losing an
engine right after takeoff-altitude or airspeed?
FIGURE 2 100knots
G"\ ,
CONSTANT ALTITUf' ----- ---- -- -- - -- --- - -- --1--ALTiT'uO-E--
normal cruise 200 knots '- LOST
normal cruise power
200 knots
DES welcomes your inquiries and requests to focus attention on an area of major importance. Write to us at: Commander, U.S. Army
Aviation Center, ATTN: A TZQ-ES, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362-5208; or call us at AUTOVON 558-3504 or Commercial 205-255-3504. After duty
hours call Ft. Rucker Hotline, AUTOVON 558-6487 or Commercial 205-255-6487 and leave a message.
Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP)
Queries from the field indicate there is a recur-
ring confusion regarding ACIP. This results in part
from the lack of a single source document that clearly
spells out ACIP from A to Z and is easily accessible
at the individual aviator level. Aviators having de-
tailed questions about their specific flight pay en-
titlements should consult their local finance and
accounting officer. The critical points of ACIP are
reviewed below and are followed by a list of
references required for an exhaustive treatment of
the subject.
An officer (except a flight surgeon or other medical
officer) who is entitled to basic pay, holds an aero-
nautical rating or designation and is qualified for avia-
tion service, is entitled to continuous ACIP for the
first 12 years of aviation service without regard to
monthly performance requirements. Entitlement
thereafter depends on the performance of prescribed
operational flying duties, as follows:
On completion of 12 years' aviation service, an
officer must have performed 6 or more years of op-
erational flying to be eligible to receive continuous
entitlement until the 18th year (12th year review
gate) .
On completion of 18 years' aviation service-
must have performed at least 9 but less than 11 years
of operational flying to be eligible to receive con-
tinuous entitlement until the 22d year of total Federal
officer service (TFOS). An officer is eligible to
receive continuous entitlement until the 25th year of
TFOS if 11 or more years of operational flying have
been performed (18th year review gate).
Entitlement to ACIP terminates for commis-
sioned officers on completion of 25 years' TFOS.
The U.S. Army Finance and Accounting Center auto-
matically will terminate flight pay under this con-
A commissioned officer, below the pay grade
07 with more than 25 years of officer service, who
is qualified for aviation service and required by com-
petent orders to perform operational flying duties is
entitled to monthly (conditional) ACIP for the per-
formance of minimum flight requirements (current-
ly 4 hours per month). Finance regulations are such
that it is not assumed that flight will occur in any
given month and thus payment made in advance for
flight. Payment is made only for flight performed.
Officers in this category do, however, have a
3-month grace period and may use excess flight time
from the preceding 5 months to qualify for the 4-hour
per month minimum.
Flight surgeons and other medical officers are
not entitled to continuous ACIP credit. They are en-
titled to monthly ACIP credit when they are per-
forming operational flying duties under competent
orders and the performance of minimum flight re-
quirements has been met.
Officers who fail to meet the requirements of
the gate system are entitled to monthly ACIP only
while performing operational or proficiency flying
per competent orders. Further, the officer must per-
form the minimum aerial flights. It is both possible
and permissible for an officer to miss the 12th year
review gate (have less than 6 years of operational
flying time) and to regain continuous entitlement pro-
visions at the 18th year review gate.
There is another category of aviators restricted to
limited cockpit duty. Colonel (06) aviators in non-
operational aviation positions and general officers
who hold a U.S. military aeronautical designation
may perform these limited cockpit duties.
Limited cockpit duty permits those officers whose
duties inherently require the performance of cockpit
duties on a limited basis to operate military aircraft.
Limited cockpit duty is not intended to permit these
officers to perform phot duties independent of the
requirements of their position.
Requests by such officers will only be considered
for approval to perform the following duties in con-
junction with their duty assignment:
Evaluate operational flying procedures.
Review flight training effectiveness and per-
Participate in flying exercises or test programs.
Gain familiarity with aviation systems
and equipment. "
Officers performing limited coclq>it duties will not
receive operational flying duty credit or ACIP unless
otherwise entitled by the Aviation Career Incentive
Act of 1974. It may be possible to qualify for haz-
ardous duty incentive pay for flying while perform-
ing limited cockpit duties.
The following regulations relate to ACIP:
AR 95-1, "Army Aviation: General Provisions
and Flight Regulations."
AR 37-104-3, "Military Pay and Allowance Pro-
cedures, Joint Uniform Military Pay Systems
(JUMPS-Army). "
AR 570-1, "Commissioned Officer Aviation
Position Criteria."
AR 600-106, "Flying Status for Nonrated Army
Aviation Personnel."
Department of Defense Military Pay and Allow-
ances Entitlements Manual.
A viation Maintenance Expands to Incorporate
Avionics Maintenance
On 23 March 1988, Lieutenant General Allen K.
Ono, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, ap-
proved the merger of career management field
(CMF) 28 and CMF 67. This decision culminates
a 5-year effort to bring all aviation maintenance under
one CMF. Although there will be little or no effect
on the way maintenance is performed because of this
decision to merge the two fields into one, there are
many personnel changes associated with the decision.
Avionics personnel presently hold military occupa-
tional specialty (MOS) 35K, 35L, 35M, 35P and
35R. The approved change will cause these MOSs
to become 68N, 68L, 68Q and 68R, respectively.
Another major change will align career progression
of avionics personnel with that of CMF 67. The cur-
rent progression is capped to 35P (from 35K, L, M
and R) at staff sergeant (SSG). The new structure
will progress from the base MOS through SSG and
cap at sergeant first class (SFC) 68P40. All sergeant
major and master sergeant (MSG) 35P50s will be
reclassified to 67Z50 as a result of the merger.
All reclassification will take place in October and
November 1989. The positions will be recorded in
table of organization and equipment and table of dis-
tribution and allowances units in the July to Septem-
ber 1989 change window. The 1988 MSG promotion
board considered avionics soldiers for promotion us-
ing their new MOS designations as will the SFC pro-
motion board to be held in October 1988.
1988 Aviation LogistiCS and Maintenance
Commanders Conference
The United States Army Aviation LogistiCS
School Is sponsoring the second annual
Aviation Logistics and Maintenance
Commanders Conference to be held at Ft.
Eustis, VA, from 17 to 21 October 1988.
About 100 aviation logisticians from Europe,
Korea, Panama and the continental United
States are scheduled to partiCipate. This
conference will provide a forum for
discussion and exchange of information and
an update and review of aviation logistics
Issues. It will also provide Input to the
Aviation Commanders Conference to be held
at Ft. Rucker, AL, in December 1988. Panels
will be formed to discuss the following
Issues: doctrine, organization, equipment,
maintenance management/operations,
training and proponency. For more
Information call Major Payne at AUTOVON
927-6566, Commercial 804-878-6566.
Innovative Logistics
Support: Forward Support
for Joint Task Force Bravo
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any
Department of Defense agency.
Mr. Don L. Hamblin
u.s. Army Forces Command
Fort McPherson, GA
T HE 82D AIRBORNE Division
was making headlines in 1983. At the
same time the 101 st Airborne Division
(Air Assault) was building the foun-
dation for what is now called the Joint
Task Force Bravo (JTF-B) forward
support package (FSP).
W hen the 101 st arrived for A Haus
Tara II, Palmerola Air Base, Hon-
duras, was the training base for the
Honduran Air Force. Located about
8 miles from the village of Com-
ayagua, the air base looked very little
like the back drop it has since become
for the news media in Central Ameri-
ca. A tent city sprang up for flight
crews and support personnel. Life was
three MREs (meals ready to eat) dai-
ly, and phased maintenance in a cloud
of volcanic dust. Water and fuel were
trucked in to wash and "feed" the air-
craft; repair parts were flown in by air
lines of communication to replenish
the deployment package. Such was
life at "Camp Black Jack."
The requirement for providing ro-
tary wing support for the region did
not e.nd with redeployment of the
101 st. What did end was the ability to
commit the assets of an entire air
assault division to a temporary "ash
and trash" administrative mission. In-
ternational diplomacy decided both the
amount of available "real estate" and
the maximum number of soldiers who
could provide the services. The ques-
tion became, with only a couple hun-
dred soldiers, how can we do the jobs
below of:
A corps support command.
A nondivisional aviation interme-
diate maintenance (A VIM) company.
A "lift" company.
A CH-47 Chinook company.
An air ambulance detachment.
A supply support activity autho-
rized stockage list (ASL).
Prescribed load lists (PLLs).
An aviation battalion headquar-
The U.S. Army Forces Command
(FORSCOM) aircraft logistics office
dug into all the available lessons
learned and afteraction reports to try
to find the easy answer. It didn't
work. For once, we couldn't copy
what somebody else had done.
FORSCOM headquarters had to in-
novate to get the job done. The first
step was to let the operators task III
Corps to develop the perfect task force
to do the job. It seemed easy at the
time; however, another question came
up, "What do you guys do around
here anyway?" Pushed to the wall, we
had to earn our keep.
Midway through the first JTF-B
rotation, onsite visits to Palmerola
started; that meant civilians l i v i n ~ and
working with the soldiers to learn the
real story of what was needed. Actions
started to design a truly task organized
aviation logistics support structure,
which was anything but business as
usual. Business as usual could no
longer apply since we no longer had
a doctrinal organization or mission.
Having an A VIM company, an in-
stallation aircraft maintenance activi-
ty and a UH-I Huey and CH-47
aviation unit maintenance (A VUM)
platoon works fine when you're not
far from home, but that support
couldn't be afforded with the new
nonstandard restrictions. A Chinese
restaurant approach-one from col-
umn A, one from column B, etc.-
was taken. A slice of A VIM, A VUM,
PLLs, ASL shop stock and the FOR-
SCOM aviation intensive management
item account was mixed into a "JTF-
B 10 mein" called the FSP.
The rules of logistics support had to
be modified. The concepts of "we've
always done it this way" had to
change. Some responsibilities grew
while others shrank. Talk to the
troops, talk to the wholesale. Above
all, make sure that what was done was
smart. Procedures and policy were
developed on the ground and coor-
dinated for approval. More than once
the FORSCOM deputy chief of staff
for logistics came to Palmerola to ap-
prove innovative procedures for troops
in the trenches.
All these pieces had to come from
somewhere. It is a well-known fact
that the Army doesn't have any extra
equipment or repair parts. Take a lit-
tle from here, a little from there and
beg everything possible from the
wholesale system. The idea was to
save our commitment in parts and
equipment by not having our assets
pass each other in the transportation
system. Consolidating any "fat" in a
forward deployed location seemed
better than always keeping two divi-
sions short of their "lean."
The first significant action was to
consolidate some of the FORSCOM
operational readiness float UH-l air-
craft at Palmerola. No longer were
continental United States (CONUS)
divisions "wasting" aircraft in the
transportation system. With these
same aircraft always pulling the mis-
sion, repair parts could be forecasted
and requisitioned before their need.
Ground support equipment and tools
had started to grow. "Don't strip the
divisions" had become the rule rather
than the hollow promise felt all too
The largest savings came in person-
nel. Much of the necessary overhead
in corps aviation logistics management
wasn't needed to support the fewer
number of aircraft. The consolidation
of A VIM and A VUM, along with
PLL and ASL, cut the number of re-
quired people dramatically. No longer
did we have AVIM or AVUM tasks,
now we merely fixed broken aircraft.
No longer was there a need to have
an ASL with only one customer. A
consolidated repair parts stockage
could be better tailored to support the
new organization. Reducing layers of
stockage reduces the requirements for
storage, materiel handling equipment,
recordkeeping and personnel. When
you develop personal computer based
programs to perform arithmetic func-
tions, you reduce the requirement for
supply clerks.
Building the FSP repair parts stock-
age list became an important chal-
lenge. For this we started with a PLL
for UH-ls from the 1st Infantry Divi-
sion, along with a specialized slice of
their ASL and a PLL for CH -4 7 from
the 210th Aviation Brigade. Then
came more modification. Provisions
had to be made for the requisition
transmission link with CONUS item
managers possibly being cut during a
surge in missions. This form of req-
uisitioning required more onsite visits
with deployed maintenance personnel
and wholesale item managers to deter-
mine levels for the "one's and two's"
of the "nuts and bolts" that can hold
an aircraft as close to the ground as
a one-half million dollar engine. The
FSP stockage list became more
nonstandard from business as usual
PLLI ASL management.
Introduction of UH-60 Black Hawks
into the task force called for even more
high-level coordination. An agree-
ment was made with the UH-60 pro-
gram manager's office to provide a
standard "push package" of Black
Hawk parts for the FSP. U.S. Army
Aviation Systems Command (A V-
SCOM) support was impressive. The
A VSCOM commander, Major Gen-
eral Richard Stephenson, personally
accompanied the package to Palmer-
ola. Again, soldiers on the ground
were reminded of their importance.
The same modification process be-
gan again. By this time, however, a
procedure had been developed to han-
dle the process. Each rotation had to
review the entire FSP to ensure the
stockage was still consistent with sup-
ported aircraft and mission require-
ments. The task force maintenance
officer, supply officer and commander
had to approve any changes to the
stockage. The FORSCOM aviation
supply representative for the Aviation
Resource Management Survey
(ARMS) team would then review the
list at each rotation. Basic guidelines
included stocking only smallest quan-
tities of any item and watching for that
one "nickel-dime" item that holds the
$8 million aircraft on the ground.
All this reduction sounds good on
paper. To make it work, however, re-
quires actions that can't be measured
or requisitioned. Soldiers in the field
have to work closely with the logistics
assistance representatives provided
from the U. S. Army Materiel Com-
mand, logistics assistance office. The
FORSCOM aircraft logistics office
has to remain proactive and maintain
a responsive communications line so
that an "honest broker" is always
available. Onsite visits still go on once
during each rotation when the troops
change over, and once with the
FORSCOM ARMS team staff assis-
tance visit, at the midpoint of each
rotation. Innovations at each level of
logistics and command must be docu-
mented and consolidated during these
visits. There is no free lunch.
A truly operational test of the FSP
concept was something nobody ever
wanted. However, during the JTF-B
support to Exercise Golden Pheasant,
it happened. Systems problems in the
communications link with the whole-
sale community stopped the requisi-
tion flow to the national inventory
control points for almost 60 days. The
supply pipe line almost emptied. Task
force maintenance operations had to
depend on the FSP support base. The
bottom line was that, while flying
more than four flying
hours, not mission capable supply
rates were within a couple of percent-
age points of the published Depart-
ment of the Army goals. It wasn't a
pleasant way to test the concept; how-
ever, forward stockage of critical
repair parts proved to be the buffer
needed to maintain operations.
Camp Black Jack no longer looks
like it did back in 1983. No perma-
nent structures exist there; however,
the temporary assets are much better
suited to good logistics support. Once
in a while a tourist comes through who
remembers the way it used to be.
There is some value in nostalgia;
however, we should be thinking,
"What can we do to make it better for
the next rotation?" War stories are
only good when we can learn from our
mistakes. This is not the way we plan
to fight wars. However, we have
proven that the American soldier can
find a way to "make it happen" and
is not always satisfied with "doing it
the hard way."
A Maintenance Chart
That Works
Captain Timothy J. Edens
Captain Edens was assigned to
Aviation Officer Advanced Course 86-3,
U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker,
AL, when he wrote this article.
WHEN WAS THE last time
you saw or used a maintenance chart
that actually helped you? I don't mean
the kind of chart that was only fllled
out for the inspector general or avia-
tion resource management survey in-
spection. You know, the "pretty
colored" charts that make it appear
you are busy and right on top of the
maintenance situation. I mean a useful
chart that helped you in making day-
to-day maintenance decisions.
During my assignment in A Com-
pany, 1st Aviation Battalion (Combat),
Ft. Riley, KS, I tried several charts
in my attack helicopter platoon. With
the two types of aircraft (OH-58
Kiowa and AH-IS Cobra), I found it
difflcult to track my maintenance
without scrubbing daily each logbook
myself-a time-consuming chore.
There had to be a more efflcient way
of doing business- a way that would
show where to focus my maintenance
efforts without getting lost in dash
12s, dash 13s and dash 14s.
My last company commander intro-
duced a maintenance chart similar to
what he had used as a cavalry troop
commander in the 2d Armored Caval-
ry Regiment. He expected it to be
fllled out and updated daily. We had
to be prepared to brief it to him at any
time and always at our weekly main-
tenance meetings. At flrst, we all felt
it was merely a harassment technique.
After we used the chart for several
weeks, however, we could not help
but notice the improvement in our
maintenance status.
The real beauty of this maintenance
chart is its simplicity and practicali-
ty. An example of the version I used
is shown below.
As you can see, it is an easily adapt-
able chart, one that can be used in any
type of unit-aviation, armor, trans-
portation or whatever. In fact, it is
based on a chart that had been used
in an armored cavalry regiment.
The columns are pretty much self-
explanatory so I will discuss only the
status column, and remark
column. The and- symbols,
of course, are the standard Army
Aviation status symbols. The colored
blocks are used to tell immediately at
what level of readiness a particular
system of each aircraft is currently.
Red denotes a completely nonfunc-
tional system. Yellow indicates a
degraded system. The degradation
reduces the aircraft's capabilities but
does not interfere with mission ac-
complishment. Finally, green denotes
a system that is lOO-percent mission
capable. These codes are nearly
synonymous with fully mission ca-
pable (FMC), partially mission ca-
pable (PMC) and nonmission capable
(NM C). In essence, this chart gives
the platoon leader or joint table of
organization and equipment company
commander a visual representation,
readily available, of his aircraft log-
books. The color codes make it quite
simple to see where the platoon should
focus its maintenance efforts; these
codes make tracking of progress and
mission readiness easier.
The chart, as I said, is easily adapt-
able to different units. How the com-
mander determines FMC (green),
PMC (yellow) and NMC (red) is com-
pletely flexible. For instance, in my
unit, AH-lS aircraft, to be carried as
FMC on the chart, had to have
lOO-percent functionable weapons
systems, not just the TOW missile
system. The chart shows vividly the
difference between a flyable aircraft
and an FMC aircraft. This flexibility
allows the commander to tailor his
charts to his standards and mission.
The remarks section of the chart is
used for reporting any additional in-
formation on aircraft systems status.
More important, it is used to show
where the platoon stands in perform-
ing the required maintenance to im-
prove each aircraft's status. For
example, this is where work order
numbers or parts request numbers
would be noted.
As I have shown, this chart is not
revolutionary or original. However, it
was most effective in my last unit. The
impact of command involvement on
this effective technique cannot be
overstated. Likewise, this chart pro-
vides a vehicle to facilitate effective
command involvement. f
The u.s. Army Materiel Command (AMC) has identified an
Armywide problem concerning-
Misapplication of bolts.
Improper mixing of different grades of bolts in parts bins.
Lack of awareness of bolt grades on the part of supply
clerks, mechanics and their supervisors.
Corrective action is being taken to-
Explain to the field the different kinds of bolts in
existence and criticality of application.
Notify users of critical applications requiring specified
Identify manufacturers whose bolts have not met
contractual requirements.
Automatically regrade to the lowest strength rating those
bolts whose actual grade is uncertain.
Limit local purchase of untested bolts and eliminate local
purchase of bolts destined for critical applications.
"The Army needs to purge its bolt bins," according to Mr.
Jerry Stahl, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Product
Assurance and Testing, AMC. Furthermore, Mr. Stahl says,
"Equipment scheduled for maintenance will be inspected
and bolts in critical areas will be checked to ensure the bolts
called for in the technical manual are being used."
The Army first identified it had received bolts that did not
conform to contract specifications when it was discovered
that 8.2 grade bolts were being supplied instead of 8.0 grade
Standard 8.0 and 8.2 bolts have the same tensile strength
(150,000 pounds per square inch), but the 8.2 bolt should not
be used for applications exceeding 500 degrees F.
Last year, the Army removed nonconforming bolts from the
wholesale supply system. The problem was bigger than
initially believed, and officials realized they should have
educated the field on the problem.
"Where we were most remiss was in not fully educating the
field as to difference in bolts and the criticality of their
application," Lieutenant General Jerry Max Bunyard, Deputy
Commanding General for Research, Development and
Acquisition, AMC, told Congress.
The problem does not significantly affect Army-level
operational readiness except for the time required to inspect
and repair as necessary. There will be some degrading in
maintenance at unit level until all bolt bins are purged and
replaced with conforming bolts.
Army officials emphasize that the bolt problem-which was
brought to the Army's attention through the government
industry data exchange program-is in the private sector,
too. It's not just an Army problem. It is a nationwide problem
as well.
Testifying before Congress, LTG Bunyard said. "We found
we were dealing not just with bolts, but contractor integrity
and testing accuracy and reliability."
Soldiers with questions about bolts or their application, or
those who think they have a problem that is caused by bolts,
are asked to contact their logistics assistance representative.
LTG Bunyard stated, "Readiness is our business. We're
totally committed to providing quality equipment to the
soldiers, whether it is a bolt or a tank."
The Army's newest attack helicopter, the AH64
Apache, undergoes a routine maintenance deficiency check.
CW3 Larry Cornell, U.S. Army, Retired
CW3 Cornell was assigned to the Directorate of Combat
Development, U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, AL,
when he wrote this article.
EIR. QDR. DR. Do you recognize these acro-
nyms? If not, then you may not be making use of a valu-
a b l ~ tool incorporated into the Army Maintenance Man-
agement System. An equipment improvement report
(EIR), or quality deficiency report (QDR) (Standard Form
(SF) 368), is the best resource that the user has to inform
the equipment program manager at the U.S. Army Avia-
tion Systems Command (A VSCOM), the U.S. Army
Missile Command, the U.S. Army Armament Munition
Command or the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics
Command about a deficiency or potential problem with
equipment or repair parts. Both EIRs and Q D Rs are re-
ferred to as deficiency reports (DRs) in this article. If you
think you have received defective parts or equipment, send
a DR to inform one of these commands.
photo by Joe E. Lolley
Conditions that require submission of DRs are numer-
ous. Instructions for preparing and sending an SF 368 or
an electronic message are contained in DA Pamphlet
(Pam) 738-751, "Functional Users Manual for the Army
Maintenance Management System-Aviation," for
aviation-managed equipment. DA Pam 738-750, "The
Army Maintenance Management System," contains in-
structions for separately managed equipment located on
aircraft (i.e., weapons or avionics). The regulations for
the Army's quality programs are Army Regulation (AR)
702-7, "Reporting of Product Quality Deficiencies Across
Component Lines," and AR 702-7-1, "Reporting of
Product Quality Deficiencies Within the U.S. Army."
The two reporting categories for all DRs are I and II.
A category I DR is a deficiency report describing an
unsafe condition or procedure for an aircraft, component,
repair part or technical publication. A category I report
can be submitted when incorrect or missing data found
in the technical manual (TM) would cause a dangerous
situation. Otherwise submit a DA Form 2028, Recom-
mended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms, to cor-
rect the error. For a category I situation, the application
is to the airworthiness, and failure could be expected to
cause loss of the aircraft and/or serious injury to the air-
crew or ground personnel. A category I DR must be sent
by message within 24 hours (the clock starts when the
deficiency is discovered). A category I DR initially may
be transmitted by telephone, followed up with a message.
A category II DR will be submitted for any deficiency
that does not meet category I standards. An SF 368 will
be used for a category IT DR and must be submitted within
5 days of discovering the fault. The SF 368 can be hand-
written, but it must be readable and include all correct
information required by the DA Pam. A category II can
be submitted on anything from low-quality workmanship
during manufacture, or modification, to equipment failure
due to environmental conditions. If you are not sure about
the requirements for sending a DR, read the instructions
outlined in DA Pam 738-751, paragraph 2-13 through
2-16. If you are still uncertain, seek assistance from a tech-
nical inspector in the quality control (QC) shop. If you
have a recurring problem, send a new DR emphasizing
submission of other reports on the same problem.
Unit commanders should know that they are respon-
sible for ensuring DRs are completed and forwarded to
the appropriate agency. Requirements in AR 95-18,
"Safety of Flight Messages," and AR 385-40, "Acci-
dent Reporting and Records," relate DRs to safety-of-
flight (SO F) incidents and to PRAMS (preliminary reports
of aircraft mishaps). Since the above listed ARs are safe-
ty related, the unit safety officer will be able to help you.
The Army publishes a quarterly Technical Bulletin
43-0001 series, EIR Digest, to disseminate technical in-
formation to aircraft maintenance activities. The Digest
also contains solutions and/or actions to be taken to cor-
rect equipment faults reported through DRs, DA Forms
2028 and advanced information on proposed modifica-
tion work orders. The infonnation contained in this Digest
may be used until applicable TM changes are distributed.
When a DR is sent to AVSCOM (the sender forwards
the original copy only, no duplicates), the customer feed-
back center (CFC) receives it. The CFC conducts daily
meetings with representatives from maintenance, engi-
neering and product assurance. Each DR is reviewed for
flight safety, and screened to ensure that it is readable,
accurate and complete. Previous' history of similar prob-
lems is reviewed, and the DR is assigned to the appro-
priate action office.
A DR that deals with contractor conformance to design
specification will be assigned to a quality assurance spe-
cialist in product assurance. A design deficiency will be
handled by an engineer or an equipment specialist involv-
ing one of three major functional areas: accessory, power
plant/propulsion or airframe. The appropriate action of-
fice in maintenance, engineering or product assurance will
decide to have the exhibit processed for teardown analysis
or turned in through normal supply channels.
The CFC will provide an acknowledgement letter to in-
form you which office the DR has been assigned to. The
action office will provide the sender with disposition in-
structions for any exhibits. New procedures have been
Performing scheduled maintenance checks on the UH-iO
Black Hawk pays high dividends.
photo by SSG Columbus Frazier
initiated to include exhibit shipping instructions in the
acknowledgement, when possible. The CFC sends the
acknowledgement within 1 week of receipt of the DR.
Accounting for mail, distribution and processing time, you
should receive your acknowledgement within 30 days after
you send your DR. If you have not received an initial
response within 60 days of sending your DR, contact the
CFC for information. The CFC is working to improve
response time and to improve procedures to trace exhibits
that have been shipped.
The AVSCOM logistical assistance representatives
(LARs), located at major installations, may be able to
assist you in getting answers about releasing exhibits
sooner. The CFC and LARs also have packaging stickers
to place on DR exhibit containers to help identify tear-
down analysis exhibits.
Many programs are affected as a result of DR findings.
SOF messages are issued. Items are improved, redesigned
or modified as appropriate. Publications are revised and
procedures are changed. If a contractor does not improve
faulty production processes, his contract can be terminated
and an alternate source obtained to manufacture the part.
Deficiency reports are submitted by anybody who finds
a deficiency or has a recommendation to improve parts,
components or systems. The DR must be legible and have
all the required information in the correct block of the
SF 368. It is not being checked for grammar, so do not
hold up a report for fear of misspelled words. Command-
ers , continue to monitor your unit's use of DRs to send
information to AVSCOM and to enhance the Army Avia-
tion Safety Program. Protect the exhibits and process them
immediately upon receiving shipping instructions. Read
DA Pam 738-750 and DA Pam 738-751 so you will be
able to complete an SF 368 when needed. Your DRs will
affect future equipment, manuals, maintenance procedures
and eliminate many recurring problems, but only if you
submit them. f
A NEW COURSE for aviation maintenance of-
ficers is taught at the U. S. Army Aviation Logistics School
(USAALS), Ft. Eustis, VA. The new classes combine the
contents of maintenance officer courses with the main-
tenance test pilot curriculum. The Maintenance Manager/
Maintenance Test Pilot Course (MM/MTPC) has not only
a lengthy title, but also offers a new twist: a section on
Why should this subject be of interest to maintenance
officers? Most of the material about threat deals with
weapons and tactics, and seems to be written for com-
bined arms or combat support units. Maintenance and
logistics activities have traditionally occurred in rear areas,
and the real enemy in aircraft maintenance was thought
to be corrosion. Also, the argument was that the advanced
courses at the u.S. Army Aviation Center, Ft. Rucker,
AL, or at other U. S. Army Training and Doctrine Com-
mand (TRADOC) schools provided all the threat infor-
mation an officer would need. There was a growing
realization, however, that maintenance personnel are
targets in high-, medium- and low-intensity conflicts and
Mr. Wolf Prow
Threat Manager
U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School
Fort Eustis, VA
and Aviation
that the maintenance crew is as much at risk as the breth-
ren in the more glamorous combat and flying roles.
Threat instructions, as part of the professional curric-
ulum, at noncommissioned officer academies or in ad-
vanced officer courses, are not necessarily up to date, not
always taught by intelligence personnel and rarely geared
to the purpose of the course.
The most cogent argument is the reality of a threat that
does not respect distances, type of activity, or size or loca-
tion in a so called rear area. Maintenance facilities are
easily detected and highly vulnerable. Loss of the main-
tenance capability could tip the scales of battle and upset
the best laid plans.
The USAALS seeks to redress the oversight of the past
when the impact of enemy actions on maintenance and
logistics was not a major concern. Now the questions of
how to survive in battle and how to generate sorties in
the face of great adversities have become critical.
The AirLand Battle concept envisages combat actions
in rear areas and over great distances. The imminent sepa-
ration of the USAALS from the Transportation Center
also calls for a closer adjustment with Army Aviation and
consideration of threat as a real battle element. A 4-hour
threat section in the new MMIMTPC provides relevant
and up-to-date information specifically for ground crews
and the combat services support elements. The argument
that' 'we've heard it before" becomes shallow. Students
begin to think of themselves in an environment in which
the enemy is all around and in many guises; fuel, food,
supplies, water and even mail may not arrive; equipment
and spare parts may not work; new weapons cause heavy
losses and serious damages; and confusion reigns.
The up-to-date threat portion at the USAALS is a first.
This section on threat fills a long-felt need to keep main-
tenance officers and logisticians abreast with develop-
ments and the nature of the threat. The future will bring
MI-8 Hlp
MI-24 Hind
new challenges through revised tactics, changed param-
eters and new technologies. Maintenance will be affected
by directed energy weapons, new munitions and also new
ways to locate targets and establish battlefield priorities.
The mission-oriented approach of the USAALS has
been highly successful. Students are delighted to have a
subject that turns out to be meaningful and directly ap-
plies to future assignments. Threat training in TRADOC
schools is a major undertaking. It has the objective of pro-
viding all graduates with a basic understanding of the
threats affecting them. Hopefully, personnel and resources
will be available to realize this objective in all TRADOC
schools to reach all students.
The conclusion is inevitable that threat training must
apply and that it is critical. The mission of the u.S. Army
is to win wars. The USAALS pursues this objective and
seeks ways to generate sorties at all times and under any
adversity. The approach seems to be effective, but much
work remains to be done. ;zrF'"
SU-7 Fitter l...-________ --'
Maintenance personnel
must have a thorough
knowledge of UH-60 Black
Hawk aircraft systems.
Aviation Unit
in Combat
Captain Thomas DeVine
Captain DeVine was assigned to Aviation
Officer Advanced Course 86-5, U.S. Army
Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, AL, when
he wrote this article.
A VIATION UNIT maintenance
(AVUM) units, conducting operations in
future conflicts, must be prepared to pro-
vide continuous and effective aircraft
maintenance support. This is necessary,
considering the increasing reliance on high
technology in aircraft systems, armament
systems and aviation maintenance support
equipment. Aircraft maintenance is in-
creasing in importance. It will greatly
impact on the combat effectiveness of avi-
ation units in future operations.
To successfully support and maintain
future combat operations, aircraft main-
tenance policies and procedures will
require major adjustments. The basic phi-
losophy of all aircraft maintenance and
flight personnel must drastically change.
The primary goal of the aviation main-
tenance program is to support continuous
operations with enough aircraft to suc-
photo by SSG Columbus Frazier
cessfully support all mission requirements.
The cornerstone of a successful combat
aviation maintenance program is based on
the absolute requirement that all main-
tenance and flight personnel know their
respective aircraft systems extremely well.
Maintenance personnel must know how to
make the essential aircraft and weapon
systems function without always having
the highly sophisticated, " nice to have"
test .equipment and special tools. A
thorough understanding of systems, and
how they operate, will allow maintenance
personnel to use field expedient trouble-
shooting procedures for repairs .
Technical inspectors must shift their
peacetime philosophy of returning aircraft
to "like new" condition to a wartime,
mission-oriented philosophy of producing
reasonably safe, combat-effective aircraft.
This may require quality control (QC) per-
sonnel to accept less than perfect, but still
useful , parts, tolerances and maintenance
practices and procedures. By knowing air-
craft and weapon systems very well ,
maintenance and flight personnel can
maintain a reasonably safe and combat-
effective aircraft.
Massive numbers of flight hours are
flown during combat; therefore, the supply
system may be taxed to its limit to supply
the needed repair parts to sustain aviation
operations. This problem can be greatly
decreased with the reuse of serviceable
parts, packings, filters and hardware. This
would require important serviceability de-
cisions by the QC. We will not have the
luxury of discarding reusable parts. In ad-
dition, an aggressively managed, con-
trolled exchange (cannibalization) program
could help offset supply shortages. The
combat-damaged aircraft could be an ex-
cellent source of repair parts under this
program. Also, many less critical inspec-
tions and services may need to be extend-
ed, overflown or eliminated to facilitate
readiness. Unit test pilots may not be able
to perfonn all maintenance test flights.
This may require flight crews to do
thorough maintenance operational checks
and conduct limited test flights.
The A VUM headquarters and primary
maintenance site will be located in the
brigade support area. An ideal site for this
operation would be a small factory , ware-
house or any other " hard" site that can
offer concealment, cover and the facilities
to support 24-hour-a-day maintenance
Small contact teams will go forward to
accomplish maintenance as far forward as
possible. A heavy contact team at the for-
ward arming and refueling point could in-
clude avionics, armament, sheetmetal and
QC personnel to complete minor repairs
during refueling and rearming operations.
This team could use float radios, "black
boxes" and spare parts to troubleshoot and
repair damaged aircraft. These contact
teams should be supplemented with per-
sonnel from the aviation intennediate
maintenance (A VIM) unit to help with
repairs; assess damage and problems; and
to determine at what level, and location,
the required maintenance will be per-
fonned. Also, with assistance of the
AVIM personnel, the contact teams will
assess, plan, coordinate and conduct air-
craft recovery operations.
One serious problem that exists within
our new ' ' J" series tables of organization
and equipment (TOEs) concerns the lack
of light vehicles within the A VUM pla-
toon. The TOEs only assign one light vehi-
cle to the A VUM platoon, which is not
enough to support the transportation needs
of the forward contact teams, class 9 (air)
section, QC section and the platoon leader/
platoon sergeant . Considering the dis-
tances between the brigade support area
and the battalion combat trains, more light
vehicles are required to support a highly
mobile, 24-hour-a-day maintenance opera-
tion. When the new J series TOEs are
reviewed and revised, at least three or four
more light vehicles must be authorized.
Recently, many debates have occurred
over the controversial issue based on the
idea of converting the A VUM platoon to a
service company/troop in the new J series
TOEs. Originally, the A VUM organiza-
tion was a platoon organic to the headquar-
ters and service company (HSC). In this
situation, the AVUM platoon, which ac-
counts for about half of the HSC, has an
authorized captain (platoon leader) work-
ing for a captain company commander.
This brought cries for the formation of a
service company.
Either organization can work effective-
ly. Although, if the maintenance platoon
remains a platoon, the maintenance officer
must serve as a battalion special staff of-
ficer reporting directly to the battalion
commander. The heart of adequate com-
munication and support lies in the require-
ment that the service platoon leader must
attend all command and staff meetings and
planning conferences to facilitate good
planning. Also, the maintenance officer
must continually brief and update the bat-
talion commander, S3 , S4 and company /
troop commanders of the overall aircraft
maintenance posture. This close and con-
tinuous communication is required for suc-
cessful aircraft maintenance support in
future combat oPerations. ~
Captain Joseph E. Schmaltz
Captain Schmaltz was assigned to the
Aviation Officer Advanced Course, U.S.
Army Aviation Centel', Fort Rucker, AL,
when he wrote this article.
I T IS A COLD early January morning in Germany.
As you drive to the hangar for a 0900 mission, you notice
that a couple of inches of fresh snow have fallen last night.
You're not looking forward to that cold preflight, know-
ing that the aircraft is covered with snow and is usually
parked out in the north forty.
As you approach your aircraft, you fmd that all the snow
has been cleared off the machine. Your crewchief is busy
with the Herman Nelson heater, melting the snow away
from the pylon section. The aircraft is completely opened
up, fuel sample taken and the logbook ready for your in-
spection. As you conduct your preflight, your crewchief
follows behind you, answering your questions and clos-
ing the cowlings. Walking back to the hangar to complete
the mission planning, you yell back and say' 'Hey Chief,
have it ready to go in 30 minutes. " Thirty minutes later
everything is closed up, blades untied and ready to go.
Throughout Army Aviation, the crewchief has played
a very important role. There is no special school for the
sole training of a crewchief, except for the CH -4 7 Flight
Engineer Instructor Course taught at F Company, 1114
Aviation Regiment, at Ft. Rucker, AL. He comes to the
unit as a school-trained aircraft mechanic, and is normally
assigned to a maintenance team to develop his mechanical
skills. When a mechanic is assigned to a flight slot, it is
,because he has been recommended by his supervisor as
being above average. The soldier's performance has
demonstrated that he is knowledgeable in his job and
capable of handling the responsibilities of a crewmember.
What are the duties of a crewchief? It is more than just
opening and closing the aircraft for preflight. He carries
out the duties assigned to him by the pilot in addition to
the following:
Performs maintenance, servicing, inspection, loading
and security.
Performs the daily inspection and ensures all forms
and records are current and correct.
Assists the pilot with the preflight.
Checks the security of each inspected area.
Assists in seating and secures passengers and cargo.
Clears aircraft during all starting operations.
Observes and gives clearance to pilots during all hover
and taxi operations.
Monitors aircraft systems instruments and informs
pilot of all inflight traffic.
Operates and controls the use of the hoist and winch
controls, directs the pilot over extemalloads and monitors
the load in flight.
These are just a few duties performed by the crewchief.
Chapter 8 of each aircraft operator's manual discusses
these duties in more detail. Each crewchief should be
thoroughly familiar with his duties as outlined in the
operator's manual.
The crewchief is the first to arrive and the last to leave
the aircraft. Normally, he arrives at least 1 hour before
the scheduled preflight. This gives him time to remove
the covers and open the cowlings. Sometimes conditions
warrant an earlier show time, as in the above scenario,
to remove snow or ice accumulation. At the end of the
mission day, the crewchief must conduct a daily inspec-
tion or perform a service. The aircraft must be secured
and the logbook forms closed out before he is allowed
to leave. All in all it means hard work and long hours.
Remember there is no establlshed crew rest policy for
crewmembers other than what you decide in your unit.
The crewchief is a vital link in the aviation maintenance
effort. His daily exposure to the aircraft allows him to
have his pulse on the condition and mission readiness of
his aircraft. He performs all required inspections and ser-
vices, and he assists the phase team leader during the phase
inspection. His efforts ensure the safe and continuous
operation of the aircraft and needless loss of downtime.
What are the signs of a good crewchief? The obvious
answer is his aircraft and all that is related to it. First,
let's take a look at his logbook:
Is the logbook neat, serviceable and complete?
Are all entries on the DA Form 2408 series forms
current and readable?
Does the DA Form 2408-13 have a laundry list of
discrepancies carried forward?
Does the crewchief keep sufficient quantities of DA
Forms 2408-12 and 2408-13 in the back of the logbook?
Now let's take a quick look at the aircraft. It is im-
possible to keep these machines looking like new, but it
isn't impossible to keep them clean. A professional crew-
chief always will have a clean rotor head and tail rotor.
The main rotor and tail rotor blades will be clean of all
dirt, oil and carbon caused by engine exhaust. The heli-
copter's interior is clean, neat and organized. Seat belts
are arranged for ease of use by passengers, and all flyaway
gear is stowed and secured. The windows will be kept
clean and highly polished.
A good crewchief will always be on time and ready for
your preflight. Just make sure you, as the pilot, are on
time also. It is no fun to freeze on a cold flight line waiting
for your pilots to show up.
There are some things we as pilots can do to help our
crewchiefs perform their jobs. First and most important
is the maintenance operational check (MOC). Many of
the inspections and repairs require the aircraft to be runup.
Crewchiefs in almost all cases are not allowed to start air-
craft engines. This means a crewchief must hunt down
a pilot to start the aircraft if he is to complete the inspec-
tion. If your crewchief is performing maintenance that
will require a MOC, make yourself available for the
runup. He will appreciate it!
Next is the mission brief. Before each mission the pilot
in command must brief the copilot on the mission. All
too often we fail to include our crewchief on the brief-
ing. He is part of the crew and needs to know what his
special duties are during the mission. Be sure to include
the estimated hours to be flown, estimated time for end
of mission, special mission equipment, cargo and number
of passengers and, in the case of war, any down aviator
pickup points.
As I stated before, there is only one specialized school
for crewchiefs. They are appointed at the unit, which
means they must also be trained at the unit. First, you
must identify when you are going to need a replacement
crewchief. Request that your maintenance supervisors
submit names of those mechanics they feel are ready for
the job. Use skill qualification test scores, job performance
and time in unit to help select a good prospect. Flight
status is an incentive to good performance and should be
treated as an award or job promotion.
Once you' ve decided on an individual, have him link
up with the crewchief that is being replaced. This will
allow him to learn about his new duties and the aircraft,
and gain some supervised experience. These steps all help
to lessen the problems of transitioning into a new job.
The crewchief is a valuable asset to the unit. His func-
tions are instrumental to the success of Army Aviation.
The history of crew chiefs goes back as far as the time
when the Army bought its first airplane. The next time
you yell "Hey Chief, " add a little pat on the back with
it; he deserves it. ~ "
Captain Steven S. Hoyem
13th Aviation Regiment
1 st Aviation Brigade (Air Assault)
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
You MIGHT SAY the writing was
"on the wall" as I stood listening appre-
hensively in the commander's office. As
he twirled the telephone cord between
thumb and a finger, I glanced occasional-
ly at the chalkboard marked with the hasti-
ly written names of all lieutenants in .the
attack battalion.
Apparently, I had entered soon after the
conclusion of some' 'process of elimina-
tion" for all of the names had been lined
out-except mine.
The suspense was killing me!
"I'm making you IIIN platoon leader,"
the commander said even before the re-
ceiver met the dial. The heavy emphasis
he placed on the word making stunned me.
"Too late to try and wrangle my way out
of it now. His mind's made up, " I thought.
Most people familiar with the class IIIN
(ill is petroleum, oils and lubricants; V is
ammunition) platoon leader's job know it
is one of the most (if not the most) often
avoided jobs among the junior ranks of
commissioned Army aviators.
I recalled how I had often pitied the out-
going "ID/V guy" from my cockpit as he
scrambled around his forward arming and
refueling point (F ARP). Little did I know
that one day this day would come. The
commander confirmed my wing-stripped
flight activity category II (F AC II) status
by saying, "I'm sure you know the job
doesn't allow a whole lot of flying ... it's
a FAC II slot." To make matters worse,
he reminded me of the battalion's upcom-
ing trip to the National Training Center
(that place of all places where class illlV
platoon leaders are most pitied).
The temptation to rip the wings from my
flight suit and lay them on his desk was
almost uncontrollable. His behind-the-
desk, sloppy handed salute prompted mine
and I was out the door quicker than you
can say "fuel them birds."
I'll always remember the night I sat
down at my kitchen table with an open
beer in my left hand and a pencil in my
right. I took little consolation in the fact
that for quite some time I would rarely
have to count the 12 hours back from "bot-
tle to throttle. " As I fllled out my support
form, the goals block suddenly sat before
me. I scrutinized it for a moment or two
and lightly scribbled "survive."
A little more than a year later, I stood
beside my replacement, breathed a sigh of
relief and witnessed his shock upon learn-
ing that he was the next "to be pitied."
I had survived a potential career-wrecker.
I sat down one day and tried to explain
"how to survive" to the new platoon lead-
er. That's when it dawned on me that I
didn't really know. The truth of the mat-
ter is that no one comes out of illlV un-
scathed. I made mistakes. Many of them
and some more than once. The key to sur-
vival is an understanding commander-
one that realizes the frustration associated
with the job, and recognizes that too often
missions are well beyond your means.
With a little luck, you'll accomplish them
I decided that the best I could do was
lay down my fundamental rules for him.
These rules I had learned offered the best
chance for survival.
... "Rule Number 1," I said, "is
\.\ Hit the books." Soon after tak-
. ing the platoon, my commander
began asking questions that re-
quired me to possess more than a basic
technical knowledge of my equipment and
its operation. He also stressed the need for
a firm grasp of the tactical employment of
my platoon under AirLand Battle doctrine.
The alternatives to educating myself were
not attractive. Either I hit the books or kept
my platoon sergeant in tow to answer the
technical questions. I would also have to
continue tapdancing around the doctrinal
ones. I elected to hit the books and have
my platoon sergeant set up a training pro-
gram for me to learn to operate , the
After handing my stack of publications
to the new platoon leader, I proceeded to
the next rule.
Rule Number 2 is Lead by
example. The average aviator-
lieutenant often can relate to the
young enlisted soldier only as the
diligent crewchief who maintains
his aircraft-no more-no less.
At the crucial point in his career when
developing his leadership skills is so im-
portant, the lieutenant is isolated by the
lack of a need to lead. The III/V platoon,
I found, offers the leader an opportunity
that is, unfortunately, rare in Army A via-
tion. He is given the mission and the op-
portunity to accomplish it with his platoon,
independent of higher control. He plans,
coordinates and leads.
The platoon can sometimes run itself and
missions may even be accomplished. Only
through the leader's direct involvement in
setting work priorities, and in planning and
coordinating, can maximum effectiveness
be achieved, however.
Standing back and watching the process
happen will not prove to be an effective
motivator for the platoon. When the mis-
sion is big and resources (particularly peo-
pie) are few, the last thing the platoon
needs is another foreman. I won't soon
forget the weight of a rocket box-and I
still have my fuel handler's card.
Rule Number 3 is Develop
your noncommissioned officers
~ (NCOs) and rely on them. The
fast pace of today' s aviation train-
ing geared for the even faster pace ex-
pected on tomorrow's battlefields often
requires simultaneous refueling and rearm-
ing from several forward locations. The
ill/V platoon leader should have a desire
to be present at all sites but simply won't
be able to.
Here, peace of mind can be had only
through confidence in thoroughly briefed,
competent NCOs. Only the class IIIIV pla-
toon leader can judge this confidence, and
on taking charge of his platoon, should
begin a continuous evaluation of his NCOs'
strengths and weaknesses. He should coun-
sel when appropriate since communication
is key to developing trust and confidence
in his NCO leaders. FARP operations are
inherently dangerous and lack of confi-
dence in the NCO in charge will rapidly
age a young lieutenant.
Rule Number 4 is Establish
teams, train teams and rely
on your best. Integrate new
soldiers into an established
team where they can train and learn as a
member. The platoon leader and platoon
sergeant should evaluate teams and rotate
personnel between teams until the most ef-
fective combinations are determined.
Under high-pressure situations, never
fail to use your best crews. As personnel
depart, graduate the best candidate to the
first team.
Finally, rule Number 5 is Emphasize
motor maintenance. One characteristic of
all class IIIIV platoons or support platoons
is the common battle to maintain equip-
ment at higher levels of operational readi-
ness. Platoons usually fall into one of two
distinct categories, those using old, an-
tiquated vehicles that break down often
because they're old, or those having new
vehicles (like the heavy expanded mobili-
ty tactical trucks (HEMTI that break be-
cause they're new and have "bugs."
Whatever the case, increasing vehicle
readiness requires that the platoon leader
develop a close working relationship with
the motor officer. Your broken vehicle
is, after all, the motor officer's broken
A little mutual cooperation and coor-
dination can go a long way in seeing to it
that your vehicles are repaired and on Yle
road to the next refueling site.
The motor officer also will be in-
strumental in training and certifying your
drivers. Indirectly, he greatly influences
your platoon's ability to accomplish its
The tendency for a soldier to perform
preventive maintenance checks and ser-
vices (PMCS), as well as the quality of the
PMCS, is directly affected by the type of
supervision present while they are con-
ducted. Weekly command or platoon
motor stables are a must. Motor stables
conducted with the platoon leader and pla-
toon sergeant absent might as well as not
be conducted at all.
Often training or garrison commitments
complicate a scheduled maintenance pe-
riod. PMCS simply has to be conducted.
Leaders should show flexibility in vehicle
scheduling and work schedules to ensure
that maintenance is accomplished.
A little ingenuity can sometimes de-
crease maintenance or inspection times.
There's usually a more efficient approach
to -performing maintenance. The trick is
finding it. In my platoon, for example, we
consolidated the before, during and after
operations checks into a more manageable
checklist form. At that time the operator's
manuals for the M900 series HEMTT
were consolidated into one easily weighing
5 pounds and having at least 1,000 pages.
Once a soldier had demonstrated an
understanding for what each item on the
checklist corresponded to he was free to
use it.
Short of these few words of advice,
there was little I could do to ease the new
lieutenant's transition to the class IIIIV pla-
toon. But then again a little advice was bet-
ter than none at all.
I wished him luck (you need it to sur-
vive) and was out the door-quicker than
you can say, "Gotta go preflight. I'm fly-
ing today!" ~ ~
Toward a More Efficient and
Effective Aircraft Maintenance
Captain Ph ilip Fine
Captain Fine was assigned to the Aviation
Officer Advanced Course, U.S. Army
Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, AL, when
he wrote this article.
A IRCRAFf MAINTENANCE has long been avoid-
ed by most aviators because of a false perception of its
complex and time-consuming nature. The job can be com-
plex and time consuming if the maintenance officer does
not plan ahead and use his common sense to accomplish
his mission. This article outlines but a few of the more
common methods of running an efficient and effective
maintenance operation.
All too often, the commander turns out to be a main-
tenance officer's biggest stumbling block. Many com-
manders feel they must get as many flying hours as
possible to complete training requirements. This is great
for the pilots, but only to the extent that the maintenance
unit and supply lines can handle the hours.
As maintenance officer, you must be able to plan ahead
given the flight hour program and upcoming events. If
your maintenance unit cannot keep pace with the flying
hours, you must advise the commander. To maintain your
credibility, have all of the facts ready before you request
any cut in flying hours.
A commander must balance maintenance and training
to have an effective training program.
All too often unit maintenance officers, in an effort to
get fast service from the support unit, will sport a chip
on their shoulder with aviation intermediate maintenance
(A VIM). This is probably the worst thing they can do.
Diplomacy and cooperation can pay great benefits far
down the road. A good working relationship with A VIM
can mean shorter maintenance turnaround time.
Efficiency in production control can directly affect air-
craft maintenance. If production control doesn't have a
computer, every effort should be made to obtain one. The
laborious tasks of record keeping and reporting can be ac-
complished more efficiently with a computer, leaving
more time for work order processing and prioritizing.
Mention split shift maintenance operation and you'll get
one of two reactions-either for or against. Split shift
operations can be a very manageable and effective method
of improving the turnaround time on an aircraft in
maintenance. With cooperation from the chain of com-
mand; i.e., reduced extra duty requirements, manning a
split shift should pose no problems.
What do I mean by split shift? Break your maintenance
platoon in half by military occupational specialty or sec-
tion. The first half, A team, pulls its shift from 0700 hours
to 1700 hours. The second shift, B team, works from 1600
hours to 0200 hours. This overlap of at least 1 hour is
necessary to make a smooth transition from A team to
B team.
With a consistent supply of parts, this method can
reduce the time it takes to repair an aircraft by 25 to 50
percent. Unfortunately, the supply system is a major fac-
tor in how effective this system will be.
The timely arrival of repair parts is key to the rapid
repair of aircraft. Too many times a needed part is over-
looked and not discovered until near the completion of
a service or repair. Discussion here will be limited to
scheduled repairs because there is no method for fore-
casting parts for unscheduled repairs.
Depending on a unit's flying hour program, a parts in-
spection point must be established for scheduled main-
tenance. For example, on a phase the aircraft should be
given a thorough and complete inspection about 25 hours
before the phase. This will give the supply system a chance
to process and deliver a parts request for time between
overhaul, finite life or other needed parts.
Should a needed part be stocked in the unit prescribed
load list, it should be removed from stockage and tagged
for the specific aircraft, thus generating a demand for the
These are but a few of the commonsense things that can
be done to make an aircraft maintenance unit more ef-
Aircraft maintenance is a very challenging job. By us-
ing common sense and a little imagination, we can avoid
the long frustrating hours and low-readiness rates that less
prepared officers face. -.--
Mr. Walter Perron
u.s. Army Aeronautical Services Office
Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA
IN 1972, THE U. S. Air Force proposed to the military
services and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
the development of a single U.S. notice to airmen
(NOT AM) system. There was strong support for a con-
solidated system. After numerous conferences it was
determined that the equipment and software were not
available to support a U.S. NOTAM office. The Army
then elected to participate in both the civil and military
NOT AM systems. With the advent of enhanced computer
technology, and because the Air Force central NOT AM
facility equipment was antiquated, the proposal for a con-
solidated U.S. NOTAM system resurfaced. A series of
Department of Defense (DOD)/F AA meetings were held
in 1984; all parties agreed that a consolidated system was
feasible. FAA/DOD system integration is progressing
with an anticipated phase I completion date of 30
November 1988.
Several actions have initiated concerning NOT AMs that
affect Army airfield operations aviators. These are-
Each airfield listed on the summary or update will
have the four-letter identifier printed in front of the air-
field's name. For those airfields without a four-letter iden-
tifier, just add "K" to the front of your identifier.
Special notices on the European Summary, Caribbean
Summary and Pacific Summary are no longer in a special
notice section, but are intermingled with country and sta-
tion NOT AMs. They are listed alphabetically according
to the location given to Air Force Central NOT AM Facili-
ty by the international NOTAM's office.
Those bases that transmit NOT AMs are now required
to send them in International Civil Aviation Organization
formats using NOT AM codes.
How will the combined FAA/DOD NOTAM system
The FAA will operate the U.S. NOTAM Office
(USNOF) with each service providing a liaison noncom-
missioned officer to assist with DOD unique criteria.
NOT AMs will be transmitted through a central computer
in Kansas City to the Carswell AFB, TX, Air Force Wea-
ther Network. The computer at Carswell AFB will then
transmit the information on CONUS meteorological data
system (COMEDS), European meteorological data sys-
tem, Pacific meteorological data system or Caribbean
meteorological data system.
How does operations disseminate or receive NOT AM in-
Several methods may be used as follows:
Send and receive via message through base telecom-
munications centers. Message address to be published in
Technical Bulletin Aviation I-Flight Information Bulletin
Send and receive through another base that has COM-
EDs equipment. Letters of agreement should be developed
between the appropriate facilities. If the only way to re-
ceive a NOT AM briefing is via telephone, instructions
should be displayed in an accessible location for all
Send direct to USNOF via AUTOVON. Number will
be published in the FIB when the line is installed. Follow
up with a message. This procedure is to be used as a last
How does the aviator obtain NOT AMs?
Until phase n aviator request is completed, the aviator
will still be required in most cases to obtain NOTAMs
off both the military and civil flight service station
For DOD airfields and heliports with a diamond in the
flight information publication, the military NOT AMs will
For joint use or airfields where the military is a tenant,
the aviator will have to query two systems.
Aviators without access to the military NOT AM system
(COMEDS) contact the FSS and ask for NOTAMs for
the appropriate DOD facility or facility with military
tenants using the appropriate four-letter identifier (if the
identifier is a three-letter identifier, add "K" to the front).
Then to receive the civil class "D" NOTAMs on all but
DOD only facilities, make the same request using the
three-letter identifier. '
USAASO invites your questions and comments and may be contacted at AUTOVON 284-7773.
PIN: 084821-000