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DOCKET NO. A-1338-07T3







Argued October 15, 2008 - Decided April 17, 2009

Before Judges Fuentes, Gilroy and Chambers.

On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,

Law Division, Bergen County, Docket No.

Ronald P. Groseibl argued the cause for appellant

(Mr. Groseibl, attorney; Lawrence W. Lipman, of
counsel and on the brief; Mr. Groseibl, on the brief).

Lawrence J. McDermott, Jr., argued the cause for

respondent (Pressler and Pressler, attorneys;
Mr. McDermott, on the brief).


In this credit card collection case, defendant Steven

Graubard appeals from the order of the trial court issued after

a bench trial, entering judgment against him in the amount of

$17,508. Plaintiff, Palisades Collection L.L.C., is a

collection agency that allegedly acquired this account as part

of a portfolio of delinquent accounts originating from Bank One


On appeal, defendant argues that the trial court

incorrectly applied the doctrine of judicial notice, as codified

in N.J.R.E. 201, to determine that plaintiff had the standing to

prosecute this claim and that the damages awarded were not

supported by competent evidence. We agree with defendant's

argument pertaining to the question of liability and reverse.

The evidence presented at trial consisted of a series of

documents and the testimony of one witness Peter Fish, the

Director of Litigation for Palisades Collection. We derive the

following factual recitation from this evidence.

On April 29, 1999,1 defendant applied for and received

authorization to transfer a balance of $18,000 from another

credit card to a Bank One credit card. According to Fish,

defendant continued to use the Bank One credit card until May of

2003, increasing his debt to a balance of $30,543.67. A Bank

One Statement dated April 25, 2003, showing defendant's name and

address, reflects a payment on the account in the amount of

This date is based on the testimony of plaintiff's
representative. However, the only competent evidence presented
at trial as to the date plaintiff acquired the credit card was a
balance transfer authorization document signed by plaintiff
indicating that the credit/balance transfer offer was "Good
until May 10, 1999."

2 A-1338-07T3
$521.97, and an outstanding balance of $25,73343. The next

payment of $514 was due on June 16, 2003.

By letter dated February 3, 2006, the law firm of Pressler

and Pressler contacted defendant as plaintiff's legal

representative, informing him that "the delinquent account # . .

. which was previously owed to Chevy Chase Bank has been

purchased by PALISADES COLLECTION, L.L.C., and has been placed

with the Law Firm of Pressler and Pressler for collection." By

letter dated February 6, 2006, defendant informed the Pressler

Firm that he was disputing the validity of the claim because, to

his knowledge, he had "never been granted credit by the original

creditor named in your notification."

On May 5, 2006, plaintiff filed suit against defendant

alleging that it was "the owner of the defendant's CHEVY CHASE

VISA account . . . ." The suit demanded judgment in the amount

of $30,543.67. Defendant filed an answer and counterclaim

grounded on the Consumer Fraud Act, N.J.S.A. 56:8-1 to -20, and

the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.A.

1692k(a)(1)(2)(3). After engaging in motion practice, the court

dismissed defendant's counterclaim on plaintiff's motion for

summary judgment.

At the commencement of the bench trial, plaintiff's counsel

moved, pursuant to N.J.R.E. 201(d), to admit into evidence a New

3 A-1338-07T3
York Times article he personally retrieved from the archives of

that newspaper. The article produced in court was a print copy

of the electronic version. It was offered to establish that on

September 3, 1998, First U.S.A., a unit of Bank One Corporation,

"had bought the credit card operations of Chevy Chase Bank


Counsel for plaintiff further moved to admit into evidence

a print version of a page from the website of Wikipedia, a

company which markets itself as an electronic encyclopedia.

Plaintiff offered this to establish that Bank One Corporation

was purchased by J.P. Morgan & Company in 2004. Against this

backdrop, counsel represented to the trial judge that J.P.

Morgan sold the accounts, (including defendant's account) to his

client Palisades Acquisition.

Over defense counsel's objections, the trial court granted

plaintiff's motions, admitting into evidence the New York Times

article and the page from Wikipedia. In support of his ruling,

the trial judge took judicial notice that "banks are frequently

purchased." After reviewing the two articles, the judge also

took judicial notice that "ultimately defendant's account landed

at J.P. Morgan . . . [and] was assigned or sold to Palisades


4 A-1338-07T3
Immediately after these rulings, plaintiff introduced,

again over defendant's objection, a Bill of Sale showing that

[f]or value received and pursuant to the

conditions of the Credit Card Account
Purchase Agreement between Chase Bank USA,
National Association ("Seller") and Palisade
Acquisition X, L.L.C. ("Purchaser"), Seller
does hereby sell, assign and convey to
Purchaser, its successors and assigns, as of
September 30, 2005, all right, title and
interest of Seller in and to those certain
Charged off Accounts described in Exhibit A
attached hereto and made a part hereof for
all purposes.

According to Fish, the Exhibit A attachment referred to in

the Bill of Sale was delivered in electronic form on a compact

disc (CD). Although the CD was not admitted into evidence, Fish

testified that he had personally reviewed the information

contained in the CD to confirm that defendant's account was one

of those transferred in this sale.

In light of this evidence, the trial court found that

plaintiff failed to produce sufficient evidence to support the

charges that increased defendant's debt from $18,000 to

$30,543.67. The court found, however, that defendant had made a

payment of $492, and subtracted that amount from the original

balance transfer of $18,000. Thus, the court awarded plaintiff


5 A-1338-07T3
The common law doctrine of judicial notice is codified in

N.J.R.E. 201. Subsection (b)(3) describes the rationale of the


The purpose of judicial notice is to save

time and promote judicial economy by
precluding the necessity of proving facts
that cannot seriously be disputed and are
either generally or universally known.
Judicial notice cannot be used "to
circumvent the rule against hearsay and
thereby deprive a party of the right of
cross-examination on a contested material
issue of fact." Because judicial notice may
not be used to deprive a party of cross-
examination regarding a contested fact, the
doctrine also cannot be used to take notice
of the ultimate legal issue in dispute.

[State v. Silva, 394 N.J. Super. 270, 275

(App. Div. 2007) (quoting RWB Newton Assocs.
v. Gunn, 224 N.J. Super. 704, 711 (App. Div.

We now turn to the court's ruling concerning the

admissibility of the Wikipedia and New York Times articles. The

question of plaintiff's standing to prosecute this claim was a

central issue in dispute. In this context, the doctrine of

judicial notice cannot be invoked to permit plaintiff to meet

its burden of proof on this issue because: (1) it deprives

defendant his right to cross examination regarding contested

material facts; and (2) it impermissibly settles the ultimate

legal question in dispute, to wit, plaintiff's standing to

prosecute this claim. Silva, supra, 394 N.J. Super. at 275.

6 A-1338-07T3
The trial court's acceptance of Wikipedia was also contrary

to the principle that judicial notice must be based upon

"sources whose accuracy cannot be reasonably questioned."

N.J.R.E. 201(b)(3). We come to this conclusion after reviewing

Wikipedia's own self-assessment.

Wikipedia bills itself as the "online encyclopedia that

anyone can edit."2 Anyone with an internet connection can create

a Wikipedia account and change any entry in Wikipedia. In fact,

Wikipedia warns readers that "[t]he content of any given article

may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone

whose opinion does not correspond with the state of knowledge in

the relevant fields."3 Thus, it is entirely possible for a party

in litigation to alter a Wikipedia article, print the article,

and thereafter offer it in court in support of any given

position. Such a malleable source of information is inherently

unreliable, and clearly not one "whose accuracy cannot be

reasonably questioned."

Purged of this inadmissible material, plaintiff has not

produced sufficient evidence to show it has the right to collect

Wikipedia Main Page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Wikipedia Disclaimer Page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

7 A-1338-07T3
this claim from defendant. In this light, we need not, and

specifically do not reach the issue of damages.


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