Local Government Administration

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Local/Regional Government Administration

Day 2 Module 1 for PA4 (For Local Admin) INTRODUCTION In this unit, attempt is made to present the basic idea about the local government. This includes the philosophy, need for the institution, definition, and role of local government. You will need to nderstand these to be able to appreciate the specific issues you will follow in subsequent units. These issues here are actually background issues. The other way of stating all these, is what are local governments? Why do we need them? What role do they play in the life of individual and communities? (What type of development do they facilitate?). 2.0 OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit, you should be able to 1. Advance five reasons why local governments are necessary 2. Define local government from the perspectives of two authors 3. State 5 characteristics of local government 4. Outline the key issues on the political and socio-economic role of local government. 3.1 THE PLACE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local Government is the closest tie of government to the people. In a unitary system, power is shared between the Central Government and local government. In a Federal system power is shared between Federal-State and Local Governments. Generally we talk of a central-local relationship. In a Federal system however, the relationship is largely between the state or regional government and local government because, constitutionally local government are within the constitution mandates of the state or regional governments. Basically, in any system local governments are created to decongest the functions and burden of central governments and to provide services that are local in character. The rest of this unit looks at the meaning of local government, the specific purposes of local government and role of these institutions. 3.2 THE NEED FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT The need for local government may be stated specifically as follows: a) It is more democratic. This is referring to the fact that it increases the scope for citizenship participation in the government of their locality. b) It provides valuable political education. This type of education expose citizens to power and authority it s acquisition, its use and its risk. c) It trains people for higher public offices. Local Government becomes a platform or a springboard for acquiring experiences for higher career in government. d) d) Local knowledge is brought to bear on decision by local government.

e) It is more sensitive to local opinion. Councilors and representatives are closer to the people and respond much easily to their demands or to be voted out. f) Local initiative can easily be identified and taken on board especially in mobilizing community to gain local support for projects. g) Power is more widely dispersed which is a safeguard against tyranny. The local government system protects citizens against this. h) Local variations and needs in service provision can better be handled by local government since it understands the needs of its own locality. ACTIVITY 1 Now that you have seen the need for local government, identify three contributions local government can make to your community and two negative things it can do to you and your community. ANSWER Contributions - Mobilize groups for community development in my community - Provide services to my community - Prepare people for political offices - Cause disaffection among community groups as a result of party politics - Marginalize my community by not providing services 3.3 MEANING OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local Government is grassroots government recognized by law. It is defined severally by authors and bodies. Let us look at the definition of local government from the perspective of one author and two bodies or documents. Maddick (1963) defines local government as: A sub-unit of government controlled by a local council which is authorized by the central government to pass ordinances having a local application, levy taxes or exact labour and within limit specified by the central government, vary centrally decided policy in applying it locally. The United Nations defines local government as: A political sub-division of a nation (or in a federal system, a state) which is constituted by a law and has substantial control of local affairs including the power to impose taxes or to exert labour for prescribed purposes. The governing body of such an entity is elected or otherwise locally selected. From the definitions above, certain characteristics of local government stand out. a) That local government is a subordinate system of government b) It has both legal and constitutional power to perform certain legislative, administrative and quasi judicial functions c) Has the power to make policies, prepare budgets and a measure of control over its own staff. d) Its council could be elected or selected.

e) It has legal personality i.e. can sue and be sued. f) It exercise authority over a given territory or population. These definitions, point at local government as having government character within limited powers. This can be further broken down more specifically as follows: a) Legal entity which can sue and be sued for wrong doing. b) Power to make its own laws, policies, plans and budgets on what to do, how why, where, when, for who and at what cost. c) Legislative body called a council composed of elected councilors and a chairman to make laws and policies. d) Executive body called the Committee composed of appointed or elected officials and the chairman to formulate policies and laws. e) Administrative body called the local government service composed of career civil servants to assist in formulating and in implementing laws and policies. f) Power to tap human, financial and material resources for public use within the geographical area. g) Answerable to a higher level of government (National or state or regional) on certain power and functions it carries out (especially concurrent function). This is to say that a local government is not absolutely autonomous. ACTIVITY 2 From the characteristics of local governments, state 5 power local governments enjoy. ANSWER - Power to make laws, policies, plans and budgets - Power to tap human, financial and material resources. - Power to sue - Power to exercise authority over a territory or population 3.4 ROLESOF LOCAL GOVERNMENT The roles of local government are in some ways similar to those of central government. Central government exists to provide for development services to the people and provide security for the citizenry and ensures participation of the citizenry in government. To some extent local government performs such roles even though with some varying degree of intensity. For easier understanding such roles could be classified into two viz; political and socio-economic roles. 3.4.1 Political Role Local governments are veritable and appropriate institutions for promoting democracy at the local level. They are well placed to mobilization the people politically through political education, political enlightenment and political actions. Local Government have became very useful tool for the conduct of election at all levels of government. With such, the process of political recruitment is institutionalized and the institution can then help to train people for higher responsibilities. Another political role is that of maintenance law and order. Local governments have the instrumentality of the police at their disposal and therefore work with its leadership at the local level to enforce law and order and maintain security. Moreover, certain committees such as the Security Committee, the police Committee, facilitate

such exercise. Furthermore, to enhance responsive governance, local governments serve as a two-way channel of communication between the government and the governed. Just as it transmits the decision of governments to the local people, it also conveys or channels their demands and feedback on policies to governments (local or central). 3.4.2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ROLE The exercise of democracy and human rights can only be meaningful if demands and policies can be translated into physical development including the provision of basic socio-economic services. Services of local government are primary or basic in nature as reflected in their functions. Some of these are basic health, basic education, agriculture and revenue raising and regulating functions. People expect such services to be delivered to make any meaning of democracy and bureaucracy at the local level. The services delivered also depend on the nature of the local government whether it is a municipal council or a rural council the complexity may depend on the level of urbanization or the availability of funds. In providing socio-economic services, local governments have to work with community groups and the citizenry to harness community energies and input into development. A greater part of the developmental initiatives and effectiveness in local government is a function of community development or self-help groups. These two roles of local governments will be revisited in another form when in a later unit look at the theories of local government and the argument for each of these role highlighting the importance of each. 3.0 CONCLUSION Local government, from the brief discussion on need, definition and roles above can be seen as the government at the grassroots level designed to decongest the activities of higher tiers, transmit policies and demands and promote democracy. Very importantly, it is supposed to bring about the development of communities, being urban or rural. It should be noted that in doing this, they enjoy some powers and at the same time some constraints. They are not autonomous or independent entities but subordinate governments, subject to various forms of dictates and controls. Local government becomes indispensable because of what they do to affect the leves of rural communities and how their activities can also contribute to national development. All these issues of need, role, and meaning will receive expansion in the subsequent units as we discuss powers, structures, functions, personnel and finance etc, 4.0 SUMMARY Let us recall the major things we have talked about in this unit. Local governments are the closest government administration to communities. They enjoy political, legal, constitutional, administrative, financial and territorial power. Local governments help to enforce democracy at the local level while bringing about socio-economic development in rural areas. 5.0 TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT 1. Discuss a political, social and economic reason why you feel your local government is important.

ANSWER Introduction -- Local governments are created to decongest the services of government. They are also to effect development Political Need -- Local governments will promote democracy thereby producing good leaders and representatives from the community (Give examples with the present or past actors). Social Need -Local Governments promotes community understanding through encouragement of group organization. This will in turn promote self help. Economic Need -- Local government has the resources to intervene and regulate in the development of the community especially at the level of services and even economic development. (Point to a few of these achievement by local governments in your community) 6.0 REFERENCES (FURTHER READINGS & OTHER RESOURSES) H. Maddick, Democracy, Decentralization & Development (Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1963) Introductory Chapter. P.C. Akpan, Modern Local Government Administration in Nigeria (Unpublished, 1984 Ch. 1. M.P. Barber, Local Government (Third Edition) (Macdonald & Evans Ltd., London, 1974) Ch. 1

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