February 2nd NVYC Cruise in Safety Check & Super Bowl Sunday

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March 2008 Camaraderie on the Water Volume 230

February 2nd NVYC Cruise In

Safety Check & Super Bowl Sunday



March 2008
Bar Opens at 5:30 pm

Judee Stemmer 5 Hosts are as follows:
Merrilee Newton 11
Soren Axelson 12 March 7
Al Gillette 16 Hosts: Gary & Susan De Wet
Denise Coffield 19 Potluck
Angela Lewis 20
Lou Schirm 30 March 14
Hosts: Richard & Roseanna
Goodfellow and Bob Fowles &
     Linda Parzych
Bob & Judee Stemmer 3 Garlic Bread
Zoe & Betty Zanisan 4 Antipasto
Tom & Judy Nuhan 14 Cake
Daryl & Kathy Nord 22
Howard & Kathie Petersen 15 March 21
Robert & Elizabeth Parker 28 Hosts: Norman & Else Madsen
Bob & Lili Keating 31 and Jon & Carol Lander
Larry & Linda Wolfe 31 Danish Pork Chop Delight
Spinach Salad
   Annette’s Ice Cream & fancy
John & Maryanne Carela sauce toppings
1172 Riverpark Blvd.
Napa, Ca. 94559 March 28
Hosts: Robert & Judee Stem-
707 253-2501 mer and Clay & Mary Parker
Commodore's Swiss
Chicken Bake
Sponsors: Dominique Stahr Garlic Mashed Potatoes
And Evelyn Silveri Stemmer Salad
Tropical Dream Dessert
FROM THE Clay Parker
FLAG Vice Commodore
March 2008

Jon Lander Larry Wolfe

Commodore Rear Commodore
February saw a variety of activities at our As we begin March, almost Spring, I am
This month, even with all the liquid sunshine,
club house. Friends, good food, a chance amazed at the incredible people who make up
is scheduled to be a great time at our club.
to learn- our club camaraderie is going our membership and who donate their time
There is a lot of activity to get members partici-
strong. Thanks to all those that helped with and service to NVYC.
the cruise in, Coast Guard Safety Inspec-
pating and enjoying being a part of our NVYC
For years Sally and Phillip have published
tion and Super Bowl Sunday. The chili community.
our outstanding newsletter that we all enjoy.
cook off had good competition but as he In closing out 2007 we have had an opportu-
We can’t thank them enough. To help with
predicted, Bill Newton walked off with the nity to see what works and what we might im-
the newsletter advertising, Carole Terry has
top prize. (how did he do that?) I had no prove to make your club more valuable in terms
stepped up. Call or email Carole for ad space
quarrel with the outcome as #13 was the of activities and direction. Clubhouse improve-
for your business.
one I picked too. ments are in the offing as we obtain the neces-
Our Webmaster, Mike Noonan, has been
A special thanks to first (and only) mate sary designs and permits where needed. We
very busy updating our website and making
Carol for the support food (coleslaw and already have some work moving in the near
www.NVYC.org more user friendly. You
corn bread) for the chili cook off and Social term, especially a new roof! We have approval will be able to get an early edition of our
Chair Mary Parker for arranging the deco- for running a natural gas line into the property newsletter online.
rating and other support activities. It takes and will proceed as soon as weather permits. Evelyn Silveri is busy working on member-
lots of folks to plan, execute and clean up Our road into the property has magically been ship and on our roster. MGM stands for
from our activities. Thanks for all who graded to smooth out the Grand Canyon like Members Get Members. Do we enjoy good
jump in with a helping hand. potholes and we can do some better surfacing fellowship? Do we get things done and have
As I write this, the Crab feed is still in the after the project is done. fun doing them? Let’s MGM and bring a
future but the fact that it has sold out is an In terms of activities, the Super Bowl Party friend to one of our Friday night dinners.
indication of another great time to be had at was a great success. Thirteen different offer- Merchandise Managers, Angela and Art
the club house. With Bob & Nancy Weeks, ings of chili gave everyone there a roiling good Lewis report that the February 15th sale was
Steve and Ellen Vartan, and Joyce Craven time. I still don’t know how Bill Newton was outstanding. Sales are up for the year. There
as hosts, I am looking forward to another so confident he would win, but he not so mod- is still time to order your “Opening Day on
outstanding event at our clubhouse. estly did just that. The Bocce Ball tournament
Larry has mentioned the good work of
the Bay” shirts.
winners were Tom & Judy Nunan. There was Tom Nunan, Building & Grounds, has been
Tom Nunan in keeping the building and lots of cheering for the game with winners of
grounds in top shape. He is this month’s very busy cleaning yards and yards of debris
the football pool pocketing some cash. and trash from the inside of our 150’ dock,
nominee for outstanding service in promot- We had some good prizes thanks to generous
ing the camaraderie of our club. His single painting the storage container, getting bids on
merchants in the community. Frida’s, Compa- the leaky roof and getting our plumbing
handily removing all the debris caught
dre’s, Las Palmas, Vallerga’s and Ben & FIXED.
behind our dock was beyond the call of
Jerry’s have all donated to the cause. We Fleet Captain, Scott Brown, got us off to a
duty and, as Larry mentioned, he worked
should support these friends any time possible. great start with the Coast Guard inspection of
on a list of other things too.
Looking ahead to March, there is the ever
The calendar for hosting Friday Night Din- 18 boats. Have you signed up for this year’s
popular cruise-out to Loch Lomand and ners is still needing some members to sign up. cruises? There are some great ones. Check
corn beef and cabbage dinner after the po- Linda Sharp is the O.D. Coordinator and can be out the Skipper Saver Class on June 21 & 22.
tato carving contest. Help our cruise leader r e a c h e d a t 2 2 6 - 7 4 8 8 or t h e ga l - Call Scott. Sign up for the GPS class to be
with an early sign up via the club web [email protected]. Each of us agreed when we held at our clubhouse on Wed. April 16th. Go
page. joined the club to participate in hosting. There online to diablosquadron.org. Please keep in
I had the opportunity to attend the PI- is no requirement to cook as things can be mind Ken Graham’s Safety workshops start-
CYA delegates meeting in February. brought in or catered. We need you at the club ing on May 13th. There was an article in last
Maxine Mass and Richard Tipton have to enjoy events like Friday Nights, but we also month’s newsletter. If you are interested in
represented our club for many years at need you to host once per year. Even if you attending, his email address is
these meetings and they are graciously can’t host on a particular date you can trade [email protected].
introducing me to the representatives of our dates or get substitutes. Linda is planning to Lynn Pritchett has volunteered to help pub-
sister yacht clubs around the bay and delta. contact everyone that has not signed up, so licize the many good things that we do; such
There is a wealth of experience and dedica- when she does think about saying yes before as The Friends of the River, Senior Project,
tion in those meetings and the opportunity anything else. Her job is one of the most im- Coast Guard Inspection, Lighted Boat Parade
to make connection with many clubs. PI- portant in the club and she deserves our strong- or any new ideas you may have.
CYA is sponsoring a training session for est thanks and support. Go to the website at There is an important survey elsewhere in
club officers (or interested persons) on www.nvyc.org to see the dates for dinners. this newsletter wanting your input about the
March 22 at Richmond YC. I would like to Have a fun and safe time on the water and Friday Night Dinners. Please respond to it.
see a good contingent from this club attend. join us at the club! Larry Wolfe, Rear Commodore
Please contact me if interested. Clay Parker
Hope to see you at the club or on the
Friday Night Dinners------MEMBERSHIP SURVEY
Can they be improved and how????
Most of us look forward to the social interaction and getting together on Fridays.
Please comment on what you would like to see and what your club can do for you. Do
we want more potlucks? How about a simple night of hotdogs and hamburgers or
maybe tacos? Should the cost be kept down or maybe increased to help defray the cost
of the improvements.
We need your ideas, thoughts and comments. We welcome your suggestions.
Please call, write or email Mary Parker

Friday Night Dinners

On March 16th we'll be trying a "Bring an Appetizer to Share" night. Please
bring finger food to share. We will be using only paper plates and napkins,
so make sure it's truly "finger food". We will all be doing our own cleanup,
as there is no host scheduled for this night.

Hosts have now been scheduled for our Friday Night Dinners. As you
know, each membership is required to host at least one Friday Night Dinner
each year. If you haven’t already signed up to host a dinner, a date has been
chosen for you. If you aren’t able to host on your assigned night, please ei-
ther trade nights with another member or find someone to fill in for you.
Please let me know of any changes to the schedule by calling me at 226-7488
or e-mailing me at [email protected].

Steve Vartan presented a couple of really great ideas for Friday Din-
ners. You can go to Vallerga's and they will cut up whole, cooked chicken at
no extra charge. They can also do lasagna, pasta salads, garlic bread - lots
of variety in their prepared food section. Contact Ray Sercu at
[email protected] or 252-3312. Another choice is Las Palmas Restaurant,
at 1730 Yajome, who does to go catering at a very reasonable price. The
owner is Juan Lopez, and you can reach him at 257-1514.

Be creative and have fun with your dinners!

Linda Sharp


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Allen, Kristen, Sally atop Mazatlan. Allen, Kristen and Lisa in patio.
1999 BAYLINER 33 ft
707 255-9137
Advertise your business and
support our newsletter. Business
card size - only $100 per year.
Ad copy and money are due no
later than March 7th
and calendar year begins with
the April edition.
Contact Carole Terry at
252-3098 to reserve space.


Support Our Advertisers

Scott & Diane Brown


707 258-5211 707 258-5233
%$ !  
#$   ! ! !   
Board Members Meeting called to order at 5:30, January
Commodore Jon Lander 265-9003 8, 2008, at the NVYC Clubhouse.
Vice Commodore Clay Parker 224-0188
Rear Commodore Larry Wolfe 253-9158 Present: Jon Lander, Clay Parker, Larry
Secretary Bob Weeks 253-2276 Wolfe, Bob Weeks, Jim Robbers, Scott
Treasurer James Robbers 253-9052
Staff Commodore; Avi Strugo 224-8707 Brown, Charlie Agnew, Nancy Weeks,
Directors Bill Newton, Tom Nunan, Avi Strugo
Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Scott Brown 255-0885
Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks 253-2276 Excused: Bill Coffield
Tom Nunan 252-7928 Bill Coffield 224-4429 Previous month's minutes approved by
Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore
Port Captain Bill Newton 224-0306 Clay Parker and seconded by Avi Strugo.
Galley: Nancy Weeks 253-2276
Social Chair Mary Parker 224-0188
Commodore Jon Lander announced the
Bar Captain Don Buresh/Sharon Phillips 363-1790 theme for the year will be Camaraderie
OD Coordinator: Linda Sharp 226-7488
(supplies) Bob & Marla Stephenson 255-6012
on the Water which will include a variety
Chairs - Rear Commodore of activities on the water.
Fleet Captain: Scott Brown 255-0885
Web Mike Noonan 224-3647 The Port Captain reported we already
Newsletter Philip Craig 260-4596 have 6 cruise-ins this coming year.
Newsletter Sally Servidio 224-6972
Advertising Carole Terry 252-3098 Tom Nunan reported we have two leaks
Merchandise Angela & Art Lewis 252-8586 in our roof and he will get 3 bids to re-
Membership Evelyn Silveri 255-1254
Bldg. & Grounds Tom Nunan 252-7928 place the old roof and install new gutters.
Public Relations Lynn Pritchett 255-6619 Lynn Pritchett volunteered to be our Pub-
Other Staff - Commodore
Audit and By-laws: Ria Donald 255-1194 lic Relations Officer.
Budget & By-laws Ria Donald 255-1194 Our lease negotiations are continuing
Long Range Planning Steve Vartan 224-6553
Telephone Kathy Nord 255-1804 with the City.
Sunshine Bob Stemmer 255-9137
Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew 255-8115
The deck and kitchen projects are con-
PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas 255-4110 tinuing.
Jon Lander 265-9003
Larry Wolfe 253-9158
There was discussion of the rental of
8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 club to members. A motion by Clay
Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 Kathy Nord 255-1804
. Parker and seconded by Nancy Weeks
that a member would donate $50 and
leave the Club clean and secure.
NVYC PAST COMMODORES Meeting adjourned at 6:45.
1987-1988 Fos Pritchett Respectfully submitted,
1989 Jim Garcia (Dec’d) Bob Weeks, Secretary
1990-1991 George Donald (Dec’d)
1992 Kathy Nord
1993 Gary Schager
1994 Chuck Miller (Dec’d) 2002 Bill Newton
1995 Joe Ramos 2003 Mary Herschend-Robbers
1996 Wayne Friesel 2004 Carol Willis
1997-1998 Ria Donald 2005 Bob Keating
1999 Susie Pritchett 2006 Sherrill Schager
2000 Steve Vartan 2007 Avi Strugo
2001 Dan Robson
P.O.BOX 5951
NAPA, CA. 94581
707 252-3342

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