Game Day

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The document discusses strategies bodybuilders use during the final week before a competition, called peak week, to achieve their best condition on stage. This includes manipulating water, sodium, potassium, and carbohydrate intake.

Strategies discussed include using diuretics and manipulating sodium and water intake to decrease subcutaneous water for a drier look. Carbohydrate depletion and refeeding is also covered to achieve a full muscle look through glycogen supercompensation.

Factors like the amount of sodium used during loading, the need for sodium or carbs on competition day, individual needs based on sensitivity to sodium or ability to hold water may need to be adjusted based on how one's body responds.


After dieting for months in order to step onto the competitive bodybuilding stage, you want nothing more than to step on that stage in your best condition ever! You want to be lean, hard, dry and vascular with full muscles. Simply put, you want to look like you came out of a comic book. All bodybuilders fear stepping on stage flat, smooth, holding water, and not at their full potential. The final week before a competition is often called Peak Week because bodybuilders will implement various strategies in an attempt to make themselves look the best they possible can come competition day; they want to attain peak condition on that day. The strategies used include water, sodium, potassium, and carbohydrate manipulation. Done right, these strategies could mean the difference between 1st and 2nd place. Done wrong, these strategies could mean you not placing or standing backstage cramping up. Through both using these strategies on competitors we train as well as ourselves, Scivation has ironed out all the details you need in order to make your peak week a success! Before we continue, I want to say that if you have not put in the hard work needed to be competition shredded there is not a peak week strategy that will bring you in. You cannot rely on the final week to magically do all the work. All of the work is actually done during the weeks and months leading up to the final week. You should not be trying to lose those last couple of pounds of fat during the final week. Instead, I recommend being ready one week out and then using the peak week strategies in this book to further enhance your appearance. First we are going to examine the common manipulation strategies used today and physiological/metabolic backing. Next we will detail the strategies Chuck Rudolph uses with his clients to get the dry and shredded. Building on Chucks strategies, we will look at how Scivation President Marc Lobliner and Marketing Director Derek Charlebois, both of which are NPC competitors, apply and tweak Chucks strategies for themselves. Finally we will help you decide what works best for you and if you need to change anything in the plans we outline.

The Science of Peak Week

Water Water makes up about half of the bodys mass and plays an integral part in maintaining whole body homeostasis. Water can be separated into intracellular (inside cells) and extracellular (outside cells) compartments. About 2/3 of total body water is intracellular and the other 1/3 is extracellular. The goal of peak week is to decrease extracellular water, specifically subcutaneous water (water under the skin) as much as possible leading up to the show. Removing subcutaneous water gives you that dry, hard, and vascular look needed to win competitions. When you step on stage you want your muscles to be full, hard, and vascular. The last thing you want is to be flat and smooth. The first step in accomplishing this is removing subcutaneous water, but in addition you must keep you muscles hydrated and full. Skeletal muscle is over 70% water so you cannot just totally stop drinking water to remove subcutaneous water because you would also then deplete muscle of its water. Muscle must be hydrated to appear full and not flat.

Diuretics Diuretics are compounds that increase urine excretion, an increase in the amount of water you expel. Bodybuilders use various compounds, from prescription drugs to natural herbs. This book will not touch on the use of prescription diuretics but we will talk about legal, over-the-counter supplements that can be used to help expel excess water. Caffeine- Increases urine volume. Dandelion Extract aka Taraxacum Officinale- Increases urine production and excretion. Uva Ursi- Contains Arbutin, which helps expel excess water in cells. Potassium Vitamin B6

Sodium & Potassium Sodium and potassium are electrolytes, an electrically charged ion involved in many bodily processes. Electrolytes are needed to maintain cells electrochemical gradient, which is needed for cells to communicate to one another. An electrolyte imbalance can cause problems with normal body functioning. There are many electrolytes in the body, but sodium and potassium and the two that bodybuilders manipulate in an attempt to peak for a show.

Cells communicate through electrical signals. Cells have an electrochemical gradient governed by electrolytes which allows for this communication to take place. Potassium is found in high concentrations on the inside of cells and sodium in high concentrations on the outside of cells. The commonly believed theory is that by increasing potassium intake while decreasing sodium intake one can increase the volume/water content inside of cells and decrease it on the outside.

Carbohydrates The common carbohydrate manipulation strategy during peak week is to deplete muscle glycogen levels through weight training and cardiovascular exercise and then replenish glycogen stores before the show. By decreasing carb intake and muscle glycogen (in addition to decreasing your water intake) you can remove subcutaneous water more efficiently. Then by consuming carbs (with some water but not as much as you would normally drink) you fill up the muscles with glycogen and water, making them appear larger and full. If you eat too many carbs and drink too much water then all the carbs and water may not go into the muscles (intracellular compartment) but instead be in the extracellular compartment, making you look smooth. This is what competitors are referring to when they say they spilled over and are holding water. Eating too many carbs with too much water can lead to a spill over effect as the muscles can only hold so much glycogen and water.

Dehydration Dehydration is a state where the body does not have enough water, either due to not drinking enough water or losing too much water such as from excessive sweating during prolonged exercise. While you want to get rid of excess extracellular water, you DO NOT want to become dehydrated. Being dehydrated will make you feel terrible, make you shaky and nauseous, could lead to cramping, fainting, and even death. Dehydration is a serious matter and therefore you water intake must be monitored on competition day. You could have paper thin skin and veins all over your body, but if you cant pose due to fatigue or cramping then what is the point?

Muscle Cramps Muscle cramps are involuntary, painful contractions of muscles causes by dehydration, an electrolyte imbalance, or overexertion. It is not uncommon for bodybuilders to cramp up on competition day due to either not drinking enough water or an electrolyte imbalance. It is important to stay hydrated even while trying to expel excess water.

Dialing it in for The Big Day

- Chuck Rudolph Reveals His Secret Technique
Whether its for a bodybuilding contest, a photo shoot or just to look as good as you can for one particular day, this is the best way to showcase your lean mass and lack of body fat. This is a 7-day program (considering you have been following the cut diet for the previous weeks leading to your target day) meant to get you looking your very best for that target day.

The Worst Two Words in Competitive Bodybuilding: Spill Over At this point in the diet and exercise plan, spill-over will not likely occur until 24-36 hours after this sugar, carb, fat frenzy. What happens here is, because you have depleted your body of most of its water, now that you are loading up and eating these carbohydrate and fat laden foods, they go directly into your muscles and they bring in any left over water present, thus filling up the muscle for that "Full look and Drying Out" your skin. This helps provide the illusion of paper-thin skin and tight, full muscles.

One Week Out From the Show 7th day out CARB LOAD, This Carb Meal (the normal Carbohydrate Meal you have been doing the past 12-16 weeks) should be planned out so it occurs on the day one week prior to event. No water intake 60 minutes prior to the Carb Meal or after the Carb Meal. Get all of your water in 60 minutes before the Carb Meal. 60 minutes after the Carb Meal, you can drink four to six ounces of water. 6th day out Chest, shoulders, legs and triceps workout 8-10 reps with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each Dumbbell bench press, pushups (until failure one set), dumbbell military press, side lateral raise, triceps press down, leg press and seated calf raises. Perform your regular cardio routine. Salt everything (10-12 shakes of a salt shaker every meal) 99mg potassium every four hours 2.5-3 gallons of water throughout the day Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter.

5th day out Back, legs and biceps workout 8-10 reps with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each Lat pull down, Low rows, dumbbell shrug, standing barbell or cable curl, lunges and standing calf raises. Perform your regular cardio routine. Salt everything (10-12 shakes of a salt shaker every meal)

99mg potassium every four hours 2.5 gallons of water throughout the day Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter. 4th day out Can do 6th day out routine which was Chest, shoulders, legs and triceps workout 8-10 reps with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each Dumbbell bench press, pushups (until failure one set), dumbbell military press, side lateral raise, triceps press down, leg press and seated calf raises. Perform the following cardio routine: Cardio 30-35 minutes + 10-15 minutes posing practice Salt everything (10-12 shakes of a salt shaker every meal) 99mg potassium every three hours 2 gallons of water throughout the day All taken together three times per day o 100mg Vitamin B6 o 1000mg Dandelion o 625 mg Uva Ursi o 100mg caffeine Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter. CARB LOAD NO WATER intake 60 minutes prior to the Carb Meal or 60 minutes after the Carb Meal. 3rd day out Can do 5th day out weight routine without leg training which was: Back, legs and biceps workout 8-10 reps with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each Lat pull down, Low rows, dumbbell shrug and standing barbell or cable curl, lunges and standing calf raises. Perform the following cardio routine: Light Cardio 30-35 minutes + 20 min posing practice We are not training legs to avoid any water retention or swelling of the legs for the big day. Salt everything UP to 6:00 PM (10-12 shakes of a salt shaker every meal up to 6 PM) 99mg potassium every two - three hours 1.5 gallons of water throughout the day All taken together three times per day o 100mg Vitamin B6 o 1000mg Dandelion o 625 mg Uva Ursi o 100mg caffeine Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter. 2nd day out 15 20 minutes posing practice NO Weights and 20-25 minutes of Cardio if Desired. 99mg potassium every two hours 1-1.5 gallons of water throughout the day All taken together 3-4 times per day

o 100mg Vitamin B6 o 1000mg Dandelion o 625 mg Uva Ursi o 100mg caffeine Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter.

Day before Show 1520 minutes posing practice NO Weights, No Cardio. NO SALT AT ALL all foods are plain, fresh (not frozen or processed) and dry, dull, bland 99mg potassium every two hours 0.5-0.75 gallons of water throughout the day All taken together three-four times per day o 100mg Vitamin B6 o 1000mg Dandelion o 625 mg Uva Ursi o 100mg caffeine Night Time Meal: Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter. Please NOTE: This meal maybe started early and cut in half to be consumed over a 4-4.5 hr period. It maybe too much food at one time and the nibbling effect has indicated better results. The last meal (INSTEAD OF NORMAL CARB LOAD) is the following: Six to ten oz LEAN Fillet or Halibut - no salt, no seasoning, no marinade. One to two cup steamed asparagus/spinach - NO SALT 12-15 oz baked potato or sweet potato - NO SALT One to Two tbsp UNSALTED almond butter Six to Ten oz Red Wine (if applicable) 1.5 Hrs AFTER this meal - One large slice of DENSE cheesecake (If not lactose intolerant) or RICH chocolate cake that is sugary, fatty and salty (last bite 45-60 minutes before lying down to sleep). The size should NOT bloat you nor stuff you. This should be eaten slowly and enjoyed as well as leave you wanting more so you are not too full. BE SURE TO HAVE AN ADDITIONAL STEAK/CHICKEN/HALIBUT AND SLICE OF CHEESECAKE or CHOCOLATE CAKE for the morning. EARLY Breakfast Day of Show: To be nibbled on to avoid bloated feeling 1-2 whole eggs Three to five oz steak - cup oatmeal or 4-6 oz baked sweet potato of the cheese cake or chocolate cake Two tbsp honey 0.5-0.75 gallons of water throughout the day Here is the tricky part. Your body needs water to FILL UP the muscles; however its a fine line of when you add salt to foods as well as begin to gradually add water on competition day. The rule of

thumb is if you feel great about how you look keep water minimal and away from food intake. If you feel flat then consume water three to five oz every 45-60 minutes and three to five salt shakes onto nibbled food or you can use Gatorade (with the electrolytes and sodium) four to six oz every 45-60 minutes. PLEASE NOTE: These are tips that may work for you or you may try different approaches as you learn your body. The key is PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAIL, especially the last week. 99mg potassium every two hours All taken together three times per day o 100mg Vitamin B6 o 1000mg Dandelion o 625 mg Uva Ursi o 100mg caffeine

Food to bring with Day of Show (nibbled on YOU DO NOT WANT TO FEEL STUFFED OR BLOATED): Other half of cheese cake/chocolate cake Gatorade 4-6 oz can be consumed every 45-60 minutes if desired. Keep away from food intake. This is loaded with carbohydrates and electrolytes and can help fill you back up. Baked sweet potatoes Lean protein (boiled chicken or more of the steak/halibut) Almond butter Snickers candy bar eat 30-45 minutes prior to getting on stage of both prejudging (morning show) and finals (night show) You may be asking why we eat certain foods leading into the show. Well, here are the reasons: Cheesecake is typically loaded with fat and sugar. At this point in the diet your body wants all the carbohydrates it can get. Since you are carb depleted and water depleted, this sugar/fat combo will begin to fill up your muscles with glycogen as well as any lingering watermaking you very tight and vascular. The red wine is alcohol, a natural diuretic and as a bonus, it tastes damn good with the fillet! There is no water intake around this meal or with the cheesecake to avoid any possible spill-over.

What to Eat if Youre Lactose Intolerant Instead of the Cheesecake? This is one of the reasons why we recommend our Whey Protein Isolate over Whey Protein concentrate.LACTOSE! Scivation President Marc Lobliner competed using cheesecake as his carb up goody and found himself in a gastrointestinal battle with reality. This is not the time you want to disrupt anything down there. Thus, we have scoured the internet and in his own hunt for a perfect chocolate, lactose-free cake, Marc found this recipe that not only had the fat, carbs and salt to fill him out, but didnt cause

any negative side effects. If you can find a store-bought, lactose-free cake, go for it. But if youre like us and like to control the ingredients, this recipe just might be the thing youre after!

LACTOSE-FREE CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CRUMB TOPPING 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup Cocoa 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup water 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or Enova Oil 1 tablespoon white vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract CRUMB TOPPING (recipe follows) Heat oven to 350F. Grease and flour 9-inch square baking pan. In large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Add water, oil, vinegar and vanilla, beat with spoon or whisk just until batter is smooth and ingredients are well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. Sprinkle CRUMB TOPPING over batter. Bake 35 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. CRUMB TOPPING: In small bowl, stir together 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs, 1/4 cup chopped nuts and 2 tablespoons melted butter (salted or unsalted).

Playing it Safe
- The CLEAN Night-Before Carb Up, Lobliner-Style!

Some of us got into this lifestyle and regardless of purposes of filling out and looking good for one day, like to maintain our healthy lifestyle and avoid things like cake! Scivation President Marc Lobliner found out there was a reason he didnt eat cheesecake beyond a fear of getting fat before his first showlactose intolerance! By subjecting yourself to foods you are not used to, you can elicit a reaction that can be unpredictable. We have a solution for this and the program is right here! CLEAN Night Time Meal: Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter. Please NOTE: This meal may be started early and cut in half to be consumed over a 4-4.5 hr period. It might be too much food at one time and the nibbling effect has indicated better results. The last meal (INSTEAD OF NORMAL CARB LOAD) is the following: Six to ten oz LEAN Fillet/Halibut/Chicken - no salt, no seasoning, no marinade. One to two cup steamed asparagus/spinach - NO SALT 12-15 oz sweet potato - NO SALT Two tbsp of almond butter Six to Ten oz Red Wine (optional, but recommended)

1.5 Hrs AFTER this meal More sweet potato and almond butter with NO protein to avoid insulin spike. CLEAN EARLY Breakfast Day of Show: To be nibbled on to avoid bloat feeling 1-2 whole eggs Three to five oz steak/chicken/halibut - cup oatmeal Two tbsp honey 0.5-0.75 gallons of water throughout the day 99mg potassium every two hours All taken together three times per day o 100mg Vitamin B6 o 1000mg Dandelion o 625 mg Uva Ursi o 100mg caffeine Food to bring with Day of Show (nibbled on YOU DO NOT WANT TO FEEL STUFFED OR BLOATED):

Gatorade 4-6 oz can be consumed every 45-60 minutes if desired. Just keep away from food intake. Baked sweet potatoes Lean protein (Steak/Boiled Chicken/Halibut) Almond butter Snickers candy bar eat 30-45 minutes prior to getting on stage. If allergic to peanuts or you just dont like the idea of eating candy bars, simply have more sweet potato and almond butter.

Marc and Dereks Perfect Carb Load Meal

- Yammin SalminTM
It was the night before Marc and Derek were to film their first training video when they put together the perfect pre-competition/photo shoot carb mealyam and salmon! You may be thinking big whoopity doo protein plus carbs, but there is more to this meal combo than simply protein plus carbs. The most commonly eaten protein sources during the carb load before a show are chicken and beef, both of which are harder to digest than fish. When you eat chicken or steak, you need a knife to cut through the meat, but a knife isnt necessary to cut through fish. Fish is very tender and easy on the digestive system. Salmon is also a great source of essential fatty acids. Bodybuilders often use peanut butter (the old peanut butter on rice cakes) during their refeeds. This can pose some problems as peanuts are a common food allergen for a lot of people. You may have a slight allergy to peanuts and not even know it. Salmon contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which promote increased insulin sensitivity and blood flow, making them a perfect fat source to eat before getting on stage. Sweet potatoes are often used during carb loads, so there is nothing really new there. But we find that sweet potatoes are much easier to digest than oatmeal and rice/rice cakes, making it an ideal low glycemic carb for the pre-competition carb load. Plus they taste great with a little cinnamon and sucralose! Marc and Derek actually mixed their salmon and sweet potato in one container and found the flavors of each food compliment each other very well. Derek was skeptical about putting salmon on top of sweet potato, but actually liked the way it tasted. After saying yam and salmon all day, Derek and Marc began to slur the two words into YamnSalmon. This is how the Yammin Salmin combo was born.

Putting the Yammin Salmin into Practice

Marc competed in the 2007 NPC Heart of Texas competition and used the Yammin Salmin combo exclusively for his carb load. Marcs tweaked plan is as follows:

Salt everything 4 salt shaker shakes 99mg potassium meals 1,3,5 3 gallons of water throughout the day

Salt everything 4 salt shaker shakes 99mg potassium meals 1,3,5 3 gallons of water throughout the day

Salt everything 4 salt shaker shakes 99mg potassium meals 1,3,5 2 gallons of water throughout the day

NO SALT AT ALL all foods are plain and dry Scivation Water Pill 3 times per day 99mg potassium meals 1,3,5 1.5 gallons of water throughout the day

NO SALT AT ALL all foods are plain and dry Scivation Water Pill 3 times per day 99mg potassium meals 1,3,5 1 gallon of water throughout the day

NO SALT AT ALL all foods are plain and dry Scivation Water Pill 3 times per day 99mg potassium meals 1,3,5 Sip water throughout the day

Meal 5 1. 6 oz. Salmon 2. 1.5 cup asparagus 3. 10 oz yam Meal 6 is normal Carb Meal: 1. 1.5 cup asparagus = 15g carbs 2. 13 oz grapefruit = 30g carbs

3. cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and microwave) = 30g carbs 1 tbsp macadamia oil/flax oil/enova oil/olive oil/smart balance oil = 15gfat 4. 15gfat 16 oz yam or sweet potato = 120g carbs 1 tbsp macadamia oil/flax oil/enova oil/olive oil/smart balance oil =

AM MEAL: 2 whole DHA eggs 2 oz salmon 8 oz yam 1st Salmon (3oz)/Yam (6 oz) meal (should be 3-4 hrs prior to prejudge) Add 5 shakes salt to this meal. 2nd Salmon (3oz)/Yam (6 oz) meal (should be 1.5-2 hrs prior to prejudge) Add 5 shakes salt to this meal along with 8 oz water mixed with 2 scoops VasoCharge and 2 scoops Xtend. Pre-Judging: Consume 1-2 scoops VasoCharge DRY During PUMP UP! (Optional but recommended) 3rd Salmon (3oz)/Yam (6 oz) meal (should be between morning and night show) NO SALT or water. 4th Salmon (3oz)/Yam (6 oz) meal (should be 1.5-2 hrs prior to prejudge) Add 5 shakes salt to this meal along with 8 oz water mixed with 2 scoops VasoCharge and 2 scoops Xtend and 1 serving Scivation Water Pill. Night Show: Consume 1-2 scoops VasoCharge DRY During PUMP UP! (Optional but recommended)

Scivation Water Pill 3 times per day AM meal, meal prior to prejudge and then 3-4 PM 99mg potassium first salmon/yam meal, Post Prejudge the 1 hr prior to night show. Sip water throughout the day as needed.

This plan worked perfectly and Marc was dry and shredded:

Peak Week Workouts and Cardio

The goal of the peak week workouts is to deplete muscle glycogen, meaning you should use high reps (i.e. 12-20). This goes for cardio as well. At this point in your prep you should not be trying to lose weight, but instead setting your body up for the supercompensation phase of peak week. You can use various workouts to deplete muscle glycogen. We will detail a few examples now. Sun: Hams, Calves, Back, Traps, Biceps Mon: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Tues: Hams, Calves, Back, Traps, Biceps Wed: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Sun: Hams, Calves, Back, Traps, Biceps Lying Leg Curls Standing Calf Raise Lat Pulldown Seated Row Barbell Shrug Barbell Curl Mon: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Leg Press Leg Extension Machine Chest Press Cable Crossovers Cable Side Lateral Tricep Pressdown Tues: Hams, Calves, Back, Traps, Biceps Lying Leg Curls Standing Calf Raise Lat Pulldown Seated Row Barbell Shrug Cable Curl Wed: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Leg Press Leg Extension Machine Chest Press Cable Crossovers Cable Side Lateral Tricep Pressdown

All exercises are 3 sets of 12-20 reps. No weights performed on Thursday or Friday. The weight you lift is not important during these workouts. What is important is using perfect form and keeping the tension on the targeted muscle to burn glycogen. You can do cardio on these days as well but we recommend your last session of cardio for the week to be on Wednesday, which ensures your legs with no be inflamed and can show their full detail. Some people, such as Marc, actually find that they look better when they lift weights the day before the show. Again, we recommend stopping all leg work on Wednesday for a Saturday show, so and workouts after Wednesday should only target the upper body. Lets look at an examine routine using this technique: Sun: Upper Body Mon: Legs Tues: Upper Body Wed: Legs Thurs: Upper Body Fri: Upper Body Mon & Wed: Legs Leg Press Leg Extension Lying Leg Curl Lunges Standing Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise Sun, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Upper Body Machine or Cable Row Machine or Cable Pulldown Machine Chest Press Cable Crossovers Barbell Shrug Machine Shoulder Press or Cable Lateral Cable Curl Cable Pressdown Again, all exercises are 3 sets of 12-20 reps and Wednesday should be your last day of cardio.

Scivation ShowtimeTM
- Natural Diuretic Formula to Get You DRY!
Scivation has formulated a new natural, herbal diuretic based on what Chuck Rudolph recommends for coming in dry and hard. Introducing Scivation Showtime!

Scivation Showtime contains: Dandelion Extract Uva Ursi Vitamin B6 Potassium Scivation Showtime contains all the ingredients you need to naturally expel water. We choose not to include caffeine in this formula for two reasons: (1) most people already take products with caffeine in them and (2) not including caffeine allows users to take Showtime in the late evening and before going to bed without interrupting there sleep. As any competitor knows it is very hard to sleep the night before a competition and the last thing you need is stimulants running through you keeping you awake. Scivation has taken the guess work out of getting dry with the combination of our Peak Week Strategies and our natural diuretic formula Showtime.

Tweaking the Scivation Peak Week Strategies to Work Best for YOU!
As you can see, Marc tweaked Chucks original plan to best work for Marc. Before you tweak anything in the above plan we highly recommend that you do a run through with it exactly as it is laid out. If you do not know how your body responds to a plan you do not know how to best tweak it. We will know discuss things that you may need to tweak. Amount of sodium/salt used during sodium load Increasing sodium intake will cause you to retain water and may make you look soft. Depending on your sensitivity to sodium you may hold more water than others. When the purpose of the sodium load is to make you retain sodium/water, retaining too much may mean not being able to expel as much as you need to in order to look hard and dry on competition day. When Marc did the recommended 10-12 shakes of salt he held too much water, which made it difficult to lose in time for stepping on stage. Marc found that 4 shakes of salt was enough to kick the Na/K pumps into gear and prime his body for the sodium deprivation stage of the plan. Amount of sodium/salt used on Competition Day Because you have depleted dietary sodium intake during the days prior to the competition you need to add some sodium back in on competition days to fill your muscles up. Whether to add sodium on competition day or not and the amount you add to your meals will depend on how you look THAT day. It is hard to say in advance exactly how much each person needs, so we make a general recommendation. You may need more sodium to fill out or maybe you need less to keep you from looking bloated. This is where experience comes into play. You have to be able to subjectively look at yourself on competition day and decide what you need to do. If you are looking flat and smooth you may need to add some sodium in to make your muscles full and pop when you flex them. If you are looking hard and dry you may want to play it safe and not add in sodium on competition day. Amount of Carbohydrates on Competition Day You depleted muscle glycogen prior to the competition and now you must eat carbs in order to replenish glycogen levels. By depleting glycogen levels before replenishing them you allow for a supercompensation effect to take place, meaning after depleting glycogen levels your body has the ability to store more glycogen than before. Just like with sodium, you have to monitor your body and determine whether you need more carbs or not on competition day. If you look flat but are dry then you should add in some additional carbs. If your muscles look full and you are starting to smooth out then you do not want to add in additional carbs.

Amount of Water on Competition Day If you havent figured it out yet, peak week is designed to deplete your body of carbs, sodium, and water and then replenish those nutrients to cause a supercompensation effect. You want to come in dry on competition day, but if you are too dry or have not drunken enough water you can look flat as water makes up a large amount of muscle volume. The goal is to find what works best for you and allows you to reach your best condition. As you can see with Marcs last plan he drank 8 oz. of water 1.5-2 hours before going on stage to help fill him out. You may need more or less water than that.

What about the Dirty Carb Load? Some competitors like to use foods like pizza, cheeseburgers, and pancakes to carb load the morning of their show. Our feelings on this are that you should stick to the same foods you have been eating throughout your prep for your carb load to minimize digestion issues. Think about it this way, if you have been putting premium gas in your car and it performs great why would you switch to regular unleaded gas? If you have been eating sweet potatoes and oatmeal why would you switch to processed white bread? If you use pizza or pancakes to carb load and it works well for you, more power to you, but we do not recommend such a practice.

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