17 IJAT 2012-8-4 Ajay Krishna Saha Mycology
17 IJAT 2012-8-4 Ajay Krishna Saha Mycology
17 IJAT 2012-8-4 Ajay Krishna Saha Mycology
8(4): 1343-1351
ISSN 1686-9141
Introduction Mushrooms represent one of the worlds greatest untapped resources of nutritious and palatable foods. Mushrooms have been used as traditional foods and medicines in different parts of the world, including Asia, Africa and America (Alvarez-Parrilla et al., 2007). Mushrooms have become attractive as functional foods and as a source of physiologically beneficial medicine. Some advantages of using mushrooms over plants as sources of bioactive compounds are that often the fruiting body can be produced in much less time, the mycelium may also be rapidly produced in liquid culture and the culture medium can be manipulated to produce optimal quantities of active products (Ferreira et al., 2007). Different wild mushroom species were reported to have antioxidant activity, which was mainly related to their phenolic content (Lee et al., 2008; Mau et al., 2002 and 2002; Murcia et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2002; Cheung et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2003; Song et al., 2003). Valento et al. (2005) described that conservation procedures seem to affect the qualitative and
quantitative amount of phenolics of edible mushrooms. The mushrooms growth stage also influences their antioxidant contents. In fact, fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms in the mature stage with mature spores, revealed lower content in antioxidants such as phenolics, ascorbic acid and -carotene. This was explained with the involvement of those compounds in defence mechanisms inherent to the aging process (presence of mature spores), resulting in the lowering of their contents in the most advanced stage. The antioxidants found in mushrooms are mainly phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids), followed by tocopherols, ascorbic acid and carotenoids (Ferreira et al., 2007). The highest antioxidant contents were measured by Lilian Barros et al., 2007 in stage II (opened caps in between 4.5-7cm broad with immature spore) of Lacarius piperatu.. The best condition of extraction of antioxidants from Agaricus brasiliensis basidiocarp is with methanol solvent for 60 minutes and strains with closed basidiocarp have higher antioxidant than with opened basidiocarp (F. Mourao et al 20011). Pleurotus djamor (Fr.) Boedijn. is a white ecological variety mushroom found in the northern tropical moist deciduous forests of Tripura (20o5124o32 N latitude and 90 o10-92 o21 E longitude). It is common vegetable to tribal of Tripura due to much palatability and other culinary purposes. Often, it is sold at the vicinity of Assam-Agartala national highway or rural markets and used as substitute of soybean or egg (Figures 1 and 2). Relevant to this, the objective of the present study was to analyze the differences of antioxidant level among various stages of wild edible mushroom Pleurotus djamorin accordance with their level of total phenols, collected from the mixed type of forest of Tripura, one of the seven North Eastern states of India. Materials and methods Collection of samples Wild mushrooms of various stages were collected from the local vendor (Figures 1 and 2) and at the end of the rainy season from northern tropical moist deciduous forests of Tripura during July-August, 2010. Ten to twenty mushrooms of each stage (10g) were collected and kept on ice 4-6 h for transportation to the laboratory. Mushrooms were classified up to species level, using morphological and anatomical characteristics. Mushrooms samples were sent to Mycological Research Laboratory of ICAR, Lembucherra, for identification and were identified as Pleurotus djamor (Fr.) Boedijn. (White ecological variety). Wild mushrooms were cut, weighted and frozen at -10C for 1 day, lyophilized for 48 h (Labconco Freeze dry/shell freeze system), milled and stored at -10C. In order to minimize variability between individuals
from the same species, all mushrooms from the same specie were homogenized according to the modified method of Alvarez-Parrilla et al. (2007). Different stages of mushroom were expressed after emergence of fruit body in the following terms: Juvenile (one day old), Pre-mature (two days old), Mature (three days old) and Over-mature (four days old). Estimation of total phenols P. djamor mushroom extracts were obtained according to the methodology proposed by Khknen et al. (1999) and Alvarez-Parrilla et al. (2007). Total phenols were determined according to the method reported by Georg et al. (2005), with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, using tannic acid in ethanol (80%) as standard. Absorbance at 650nm was determined by using Systronics UV-VIS Model-117 Spectrophotometer and results were expressed as mg of tannic acid (TNA) per 100 g fresh weight (FW) basis. Estimation of antioxidant level Antioxidant capacity in the present mushroom sample P. djamor was determined by the following methods: Ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay (FRAP): FRAP was determined by the method of Benzie and Strain (1996). FRAP reagent was prepared at 37C, by mixing 0.3 M acetate buffer, pH 3.6 with 10 mM 2,4,6tripyridyl-s-triazine (TPTZ) solution in 40 mM HCl plus 20 mM FeCl3 (10:1:1 ratio). Assay solutions were prepared by mixing 180 L of FRAP reagent with 24 L of water: sample mixture (3:1) using 80% methanol (blank or as standard). Methanolic solutions of Fe2+ (80%) in the range of 100-3000 M were prepared from a 3000 M FeSO47H2O stock solution to obtain the standard calibration curves. All measurements were carried out at 37C. Absorbance was measured at 595 nm, every 30 seconds, during 60 minutes monitoring period, using Systronics UV-VIS Model-117. Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD): The mean activity of SOD (units/minutes/mg protein) was determined by the method of Marklund and Marklund (1974) in which one unit was considered to be the amount of enzyme that inhibited pyrogallol auto oxidation by 50%. Glutathione Peroxidase (POX): The mean POX activity of the mushroom extracts was measured according to the method described by Sadasivam and Manickam (2004).
Statistical analysis Values are presented as the mean SEM of five replicates. For standard error of the mean (SEM), the obtained results (data) were statistically analyzed according to Steel and Torrie (1980). Two-way ANOVA analyses were performed in order to determine differences between various biochemical parameters and various stages of mushrooms at 5% significant level, using the commercial software SPSS 13.0 (SPSS Inc. Headquarters Chicago, Illinois, USA). Result Mushrooms apart from being famous for their appetizing flavour, offer themselves as potential antioxidant source. The present mushroom under the investigation is a white ecological variety of P.djamor (Fr.) Boedijn.The results of total phenols and antioxidants property clearly indicated that among four different stages, the antioxidative property was highest in juvenile stage. The total phenol was found maximum (2.791 mg/g) in juvenile stage of the present studied mushroom followed by the over mature (2.085 mg/g) stage. The maximum amount of enzymatic antioxidants viz., FRAP, SOD and POX were recorded 3.841, 28.354 and 7.400 mole respectively (Table 1) in juvenile stage. The data of Table-1 revealed that the total phenol content was found highest (2.791 mg/g on fresh weight basis) at juvenile stage (1day) and gradually decreased in pre-mature and mature stages but recouped a little in the post mature stage. In the present study, the level of antioxidants (viz., FRAP, SOD and POX) were found to be highest in juvenile (1 day stage) and gradually decreased in pre-mature, mature and post-mature stages. Statistical analyses considering the amount of phenol and antioxidants with that of different stages of wild edible mushroom P. djamor in each experimental set (two-way ANOVA) revealed that calculated value of F (24.415) for different stages of wild edible mushroom P. djamor in methanol was much higher than tabulated value of F (4.355) and hence it can be concluded that phenol and antioxidants level among different stages of wild edible mushroom P. djamor was found significant with their properties (Table 2).
Fig. 2. (a, b): Freshly procured mushroom (enlarged view)
1.Juvenile (1 day stage) 2. Pre-mature (2 days stage) 3. Mature (3 days stage) 4. Over mature (4 days stage)
Discussion This quantitative amount of phenol in the present studied mushroom was less than the earlier reports of Puttarajuet al. (2006) where they found 13.22 mg/g phenol in P. djamor in alluvial soil. Yang et al. (2002) and Ramkumar et al. (2010) reported only the methanol extraction of mushroom strains had the highest antioxidant activity. Thus this present report conveys similarities with the earlier literature survey. Edible mushrooms are widely consumed in Asian countries and have currently been found to possess antioxidant activity which would well correlated with their total phenolic content (Cheung and Cheung, 2005; Cheung et al., 2003; Mau et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2002; Yen and Hung, 2000). High phenolic compounds might account for good antioxidant properties found in all species of Leucopaxillus giganteus (6.29 mg/g), Sarcodon imbricatus (3.76mg/g) and Agaricus arvensis (2.83 mg/g) (Barros et al., 2007a and 2007b). Recently, Ramkumar et al. (2010) estimated the level of SOD and POX in dried specimen of P.djamor and found to be 20.29 mole and 4.00 mole
respectively. Our present study also depicted similar trends in the results but variations remained due to the freshly harvesting, preservation conditions and soil factors. Among edible mushrooms, Helvella crispa revealed the highest content of phenolic compounds expressed per gram of freshly harvested sample extract (34.65mg/g), while Sparassis crispa from Korea revealed the highest value expressed in a dry weight basis (0.76 mg/g)(Ferreira et al., 2007). The total phenols content in different growing stages of fruit body of P.djamor was found to vary from 0.12-0.27 percent on fresh weight basis (Acharya and Saha, 2010). The methanol extract of tested wild edible mushroom species (white variety of P.djamor) presented significant antioxidant activity which included scavenging of free radicals and excellent reducing power of ferric ions (Ramkumar et al., 2010). The antioxidant activity of Lactarius piperatus was recorded by Barros et al. (2007) in order of Stage II (mature cap opened with immature spore) > Stage I (immature cap closed) > Stage III (mature with mature spore) > Stage IV (degraded). The present study also bears similarly with the findings of Barros et al. (2007) in the way that the juvenile stage of P. djamor (open fruit body with immature spore) contain highest antioxidant capacity. But in Agaricus brasiliensis higher phenolic content and chelating ability for ferrous ions was observed in mature fruit body (Soares et al., 2009) The reports of F. Mourao et al. (2011) on Agaricus brasiliensis shows similarity having higher antioxidant activity in closed than opened caps condition of fruit body. Total soluble proteins and nitrogen contents analyses from different stages of fruit body of P. djamor was revealed that it contained 1.88-2.96 percent and 0.10-1.44 percent on fresh weight basis. Thus, the present studied mushroom can be utilized as a source of natural antioxidants in food and neutraceutical industries in addition to as an antimicrobial agent and a protein source. References
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