MCS 204 Client Server Programming

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MCS 204 Client Server Programming Unit I Client Server Model and Software Design Introduction, Motivation, Terminology

and Concepts. Concurrent Processing in Client-Server software, Introduction, Concurrency in Networks, Concurrency in Servers, Terminology and Concepts, An example of Concurrent Process Creation, Executing New Code, Context Switching and Protocol Software Design, Concurrency and Asynchronous I/O. Program Interface to Protocols- Introduction, Loosely Specified Protocol Software Interface, Interface Functionality, Conceptual Interface Specification, System Calls, Two Basic Approaches to Network Communication, The Basic I/O Functions available in UNIX, Using UNIX I/O with TCP/IP. Unit II The Socket Interface Introduction, Berkley Sockets, Specifying a Protocol Interface, The Socket Abstraction, Specifying an End Point Address, A Generic Address Structure, Major System Calls used with Sockets, Utility Routines for Integer Conversion, Using Socket Calls in a Program, Symbolic Constants for Socket Call Parameters. Algorithms and Issues in Client Software Design Introduction, Learning Algorithms instead of Details, Client Architecture, Identifying the Location of a Server, Parsing an Address Argument, Looking up a Domain Name, Looking up a well-known Port by Name, Port Numbers and Network Byte Order, Looking up a Protocol by Name, The TCP Client Algorithm, Allocating a Socket, Choosing a Local Protocol Port Number, A fundamental Problem in choosing a Local IP Address, Connecting a TCP Socket to a Server, Communicating with the Server using TCP, Reading a response from a TCP Connection, Closing a TCP Connection, Programming a UDP Client, Connected and Unconnected UDP Socket, Using Connect with UDP, Communicating with a Server using UDP, Closing a Socket that uses UDP, Partial Close for UDP, A Warning about UDP Unreliability. Unit III Example Client Software Introduction, The Importance of Small Examples, Hiding Details, An Example Procedure Library for Client Programs, Implementation of Connect TCP, Implementation of Connect UDP, A Procedure that Forms Connections, Using the Example Library, The DAYTIME Service, Implementation of a TCP Client for DAYTIME, Reading from a TCP Connection, The Time Service, Accessing the TIME Service, Accurate Times and Network Delays, A UDP Client for the TIME Service, The ECHO Service, A TCP Client for the ECHO Service, A UDP Client for the ECHO Service. Unit IVAlgorithms and Issues in Server Software Design Introduction, The Conceptual Server Algorithm, Concurrent Vs Iterative Servers, ConnectionOriented Vs Connectionless Access, Connection-Oriented Servers, Connectionless Servers, Failure, Reliability and Statelessness, Optimizing Stateless Servers, Four Basic Types of Servers, Request Processing Time, Iterative Server Algorithms, An Iterative Connection-Oriented Server Algorithm, Binding to a Well Known Address using INADDR_ANY, Placing the Socket in Passive Mode, Accepting Connections and using them. An Iterative Connectionless Server

Algorithm, Forming a Reply Address in a Connectionless Server, Concurrent Server Algorithms, Master and Slave Processes, A Concurrent Connectionless Server Algorithm, A concurrent Connection-Oriented Server Algorithm, Using separate Programs as Slaves, Apparent Concurrency using a Single Process, When to use each Server Types, The Important Problem of Server Deadlock, Alternative Implementations. Unit V Iterative, Connectionless Servers (UDP) Introduction, Creating a Passive Socket, Process Structure, An example TIME Server. Iterative, Connection-Oriented Servers (TCP) - Introduction, Allocating a Passive TCP Socket, A Server for the DAYTIME Service, Process Structure, An Example DAYTIME Server, Closing Connections, Connection Termination and Server Vulnerability.Concurrent, ConnectionOriented Servers (TCP) - Introduction, Concurrent ECHO, Iterative Vs Concurrent Implementations, Process Structure, An example Concurrent ECHO Server, Cleaning up Errant Processes. TEXT BOOK: 1. Douglas E.Comer & David L. Stevens: Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. 3, ClientServer Programming and Applications, BSD Socket Version with ANSI C, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.

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