CH 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs With Multibit Internal Converters

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Richard L.

Richard Schreier
Gabor C. Ternes
Chapter 8
Delta-Sigma ADCs
with Multibit Internal
One-bit noise-shaping modulators have achieved popularity for use in integrated circuit
data converters [1-4]. In part, their attractiveness for IC systems that incorporate digital
filtering and signal processing with analog-to-digital and/or digital-to-analog conversion
is due to the fact that they employ a l-bit internal DAC that does not require precision
component matching. Delta-sigma modulators can be implemented using a standard digi-
tal CMOS process without the economically costly addition of precision thin-film resis-
tors or the use of laser trimming. However, as was shown in Chapter 4, the resolution that
a I-bit L1L modulator can achieve at a given oversampling ratio is limited. Although the
achievable resolution does improve with increasing loop filter order, these improvements
diminish rapidly due to instability. In addition, because of the substantial out-of-band
quantization noise power in L1L modulators, the design of analog output filters for over-
sampled DACs can be quite difficult [5]. One solution to the above problems is to use a
multibit quantizer in the oversampled converter loop.
The primary advantage of noise-shaping modulators employing multibit quantizers is
that the ratio of the total quantization noise power to the signal power at the modulator's out-
put is dramatically reduced from that of a I-bit modulator; typically by 6 dB per additional
bit. Therefore, we can increase the overall resolution of any oversampled data converter,
without increasing the oversampling ratio, simply by increasing the number of levels in the
internal data converters. Equivalently, the multibit noise-shaping coder can achieve reso-
lution comparable to that of a single-bit modulator at a lower sample rate. For example, the
prototype noise-shaping DAC presented in [6], which operated at 3.2 MHz and employed
a 3-bit internal quantizer, achieved performance comparable to that of the dL modulator pre-
Multibit Noise-Shaping Modulator Architectures 245
sented in [2], which operated at 11.3MHz and employed a I-bit internal quantizer. This per-
formance increase can be a significant advantage in applications requiring high bandwidth;
for example, digitizing video signals. Another advantage of the lower clock rate possible
with multi bit modulators is the decreased power consumption in the digital circuitry [7].
The same decrease in the quantization noise power that improves resolution also
relaxes the requirements on the output filter that must remove the out-of-band quantiza-
tion noise power. The use of a multibit internal quantizer in the oversampled feedback
loop also facilitates the design of feedback loops with high-order transfer functions
because the low-frequency oscillations sometimes observed in higher order modula-
tors [8-1 0] are a result of the I-bit quantizer being overloaded [10, 11]. As Chapter 14
will explain in detail, a quantizer can be made overload free, for a given modulator and
input magnitude, if it has enough levels. Assuming that quantizer overload does not occur,
the design of multibit noise-shaping loops is quite simple compared to the design of l-bit
modulators, This simplicity is realized because the gain of the quantizer is known
(1 LSB per digital level), because the quantization error is bounded between +! LSB and
-!LSB and because the quantization error can be accurately modeled as an additive noise
that is independent of the input signal [12-14] . Nonlinear numerical techniques have been
applied to optimize the conversion system's performance for a given internal DAC
through the choice of the loop filter pole and zero locations [12, 13].
A notable disadvantage of multibit systems is that they lack the ability of single-bit
systems to achieve excellent integral linearity without the use of matched components.
The integral linearity of a noise-shaping conversion system is no better than the integral
linearity of the multibit internal DAC [1,7,15]. Therefore, achieving high integral linear-
ity and low total harmonic distortion (fHD) appears to require precisely matched compo-
nents. As the smallest component mismatch that can be achieved is on the order of 0.1
0.5% in the inexpensive CMOS IC fabrication technologies normally employed for con-
sumer electronics [16-18], the harmonics created by multibit modulators can approach
-60 dB relative to a full-scale fundamental. A secondary disadvantage of multibit modula-
tors is that more analog circuitry, which is generally more difficult to design than digital
circuitry, is required.
In this chapter we consider a number of alternative approaches to achieving high
integral linearity while requiring only modest component matching-at a level substan-
tially lower than the required integral linearity. The approaches that will be considered run
the gamut from circuit techniques for electronic trimming of element values to digital
characterization and correction of element mismatches to interconnections of multiple
modulator loops that achieve multibit performance.
Noise-shaping modulators employing multibit internal quantizers can be used for both
ADCs and DACs (see Figure 8.1).
In the case of an ADC system, the quantizer is a true ADC in its own right and is
commonly implemented with a bank of comparators. In the case of a DAC system, the
quantizer merely corresponds to a truncation of the digital word at the output of the accu-
mulator. In both systems, a multibit DAC is necessary. As shown in Figure 8.1, the DAC
246 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
input f
Figure 8.1 Oversampled multibit (a) ADC and (b) DAC block diagrams.
is inside the feedback loop for a multibit ADC system, whereas for a multibit DAC system
the DAC is outside the feedback loop. In order to reduce system complexity, there are
generally only a few quantizer and DAC levels: 4-16 levels (2-4 bits) are typical.
A notable limitation of multibit systems is that the property of perfect linearity char-
acteristic of single-bit systems is lost. We can model the nonlinearities in an ADC system
as additive noise sources, as shown in Figure 8.2. The quantizer is replaced by two addi-
tive noise sources. The one labeled e(n) represents the quantization errors of an ideal con-
verter while c(n) represents the errors caused by the deviation of the comparator switching
thresholds from their ideal values. Similarly, d(n) represents the errors due to the devia-
tion of the internal DAC outputs from their ideal values. For noise shaping to occur, the
gain of L(z) must be large at low frequencies. Therefore, both quantization errors c(n) and
e(n) are reduced by this large gain when referred back to the input u(n). However, the
nonlinearity of the internal DAC, den), resides in the feedback path where its nonlineari-
ties due to mismatches in levels are not reduced by the negative feedback. Similarly, DAC
systems have an M-bit DAC sitting outside of the noise-shaping loop where its nonlineari-
ties clearly are not mitigated by negative feedback. Thus, the ultimate linearity of both
Figure 8.2 Simplified block diagram of an oversampled ADC system with
sources indicating the quantization error, internal ADC non-
linearity, and internal DAC nonlinearity.
DAC Architectures for Improved Linearity 247
ADC and DAC systems is no better than the linearity of the N-bit internal DAC. For
example, 16-bit linearity in an oversampled DAC system can only be achieved if the inter-
nal DAC has its levels placed with an accuracy better than 1 part in 100,000. Although this
degree of matching can be obtained by careful trimming after fabrication [19,20] (e.g., by
laser trimming of resistors), architectural changes and circuit design techniques [21, 22,
23] that avoid the need for this high degree of matching may result in substantially lower
manufacturing costs. Because it is the internal DAC that controls the performance, we will
concentrate on its design and ignore the design of the internal multibit ADC, which is usu-
ally implemented as a parallel bank of comparators (i.e., as a flash ADC [20]).
In this section, we consider the design of the internal DAC for multibit systems. First,
the most common architecture for internal DACs will be described and its overall accu-
racy will be derived. Then, various approaches for improving the overall accuracy of the
internal DACs will be described.
8.3.1 Internal DAC Topology
Although there are a great variety of circuit topologies that can be used to implement
a DAC [20], one common architecture [1,6, 24, 25J employs 2
parallel unit elements of
approximately equal value, where N is the number of bits (see Figure 8.3). Note that an N
bit parallel-unit-element DAC can actually be implemented using only 2
- 1 elements
since the possible digital output levels range from 0 elements being active up to 2
- 1
elements being active. However, because it simplifies the analysis, we will add one extra
unit element to bring the number of elements in an N-bit parallel-unit-element DAC up to
. in a parallel-unit-element DAC, the Kth output level is generated by activating K
approximately equal-valued elements (typically resistors, transistor current sources, or
capacitors) and summing up their charges or currents. The novel characteristic of the inter-
nal DAC is that it requires relatively few output levels, but these output levels must be
Digital N
Thermometer- M= 2
unit elements
Figure 8.3 Block diagram of parallel-unit-element DAC.
248 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
extremely accurate. This requirement is quite different from a standard DAC in which the
required accuracy is on the order of ! LSB. In addition, because the internal DAC must
operate at the clock frequency of the oversampled converter, it is advantageous to select a
DAC topology that is capable of high-speed operation. These characteristics are all well
suited to implementation using 2
parallel unit elements. One would probably never con-
sider implementing a 12-bit converter using this topology, as it would require 4096 paral-
lel unit elements. However, implementing a 4-bit converter, even one with output levels
having 12-bit accuracy, only requires 16 unit elements. In addition, the overall accuracy of
the parallel-unit-element DAC topology is substantially greater than the accuracy of an
individual unit element.
Assuming that all of the element values are drawn from an identical Gaussian proba-
bility distribution having a mean E and a standard deviation of I1E, the standard deviation
of the output voltage for a digital code word K can be expressed as
= (I1E)$ (8.1)
For an N-bit internal DAC, there will be M = 2
individual unit elements and the full-
scale output will be M x E . The standard deviation of the output voltage can be expressed
as a fraction of the full-scale voltage:
11 V0 _ (I1E)$
- ExM
The greatest error comes for the largest value of K, which is M. However, in most data
conversion applications, a slight error in the overall scale factor is not important. Instead,
deviation of each output value from a best fitting straight line is commonly used. In this
case, let us assume that the zero output and the full-scale output (Mx E) define the line
from which we will measure the error at each output code. The deviation from this line is
which we can rewrite as
,1Vo(K) = MMK(.I Ei ) - I Ei ) )
1=1 I=K+1
We can divide both sides of this equation by the nominal value of the full-scale voltage,
M x E , in order to express the fractional error of the output voltage in terms of the frac-
tional error of the individual elements:
,1: = M-2
[I ,1:
[ I ,1:
o() M i =J M i =K+ J
Under the assumption that all of the element values are independent samples of a normal
probability density, the variance of the output voltage, as a fraction of the nominal full-
scale output voltage, is given by
DAC Architectures for Improved Linearity 249
This expression can be simplified to get the "gain" between the standard deviation of the
element fractional mismatch and the standard deviation of the internal DAC's output as a
fraction of nominal full scale:
Note that the variance of the output voltage is a parabolic function of the digital input
code. It goes to zero at both zero output and full-scale output (because we chose the
straight line between those two points as our reference for measuring errors) and it rises to
a maximum when K = M/2 . Since the accuracy of the DAC must be met at all possible
output codes, we need to set K to the worst -case value. The worst -case standard deviation
of the normalized output then simplifies to
crlL\ Vo(worst)] __1_ cr[L\EEi]
Vo(M) - 21M
The worst-case improvement in accuracy between the elements and the overall DAC is
therefore 21M. Note that the 1M term is the expected improvement for formulating an
output that is the sum of M independent random variables. We show the distortion that
results from this element mismatch for a 0.1% gradient error in Figure 8.4. In particular,
the spike in Figure 8.4(b) represents the dominant second harmonic distortion component,
which is only about -70 dB relative to the input signal.
8.3.2 Element- Trimming Approaches
One straightforward approach to improving the accuracy of the internal DAC is to
improve the matching of the individual elements. Approaches of this type can generally be
divided into two distinct groups: one-time trims which are part of the manufacturing pro-
cess and repeated trims which are carried out continuously during the operation of the
internal DAC. Note that the approaches described in this section are not specific to inter-
nal DACs of oversampled data converters. They are generally applied to many different
types of DACs and ADCs in order to improve the matching of their elements. Common
elements that are used are resistors, capacitors, and current sources. One-Time Trimming Methods Many approaches exist for trimming
the values of elements in DACs. One of the most common approaches for improving the
accuracy of DACs is laser trimming of resistors [20]. For example, laser trimming of
resistors is commonly used in the fabrication of 16-bit DACs for digital audio applications
[19]. Trimming of capacitors is typically done by switching in or out very small capacitors
in parallel with the capacitor being trimmed [22]. This trimming can be done at the factory
and the settings of the switches can be stored in some form of programmable read-only
memory (PROM), for example, fusible links or erasable prom (EPROM). When the trim
250 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
linlfs = 0.0099
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency (flI.. )
lin If\= 0.0099
co -60
." -80

0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency (flfs)
Figure8.4 Power spectral density of (a) the signal at the output of a third-
order oversampled AID conversion system using 3-bit internal
DAC and (b) of only the internal DAC error. The input signal is
-6 dB below full scale. Elements of the internal DAC have a sys-
tematic linear gradient mismatch of 0.1% [25].
DAC Architectures for Improved LInearity 251
signal is an analog voltage, it can be pennancntly stored as a charge on a CMOS floating
gate [23, 26]. The major advantage of one-time trimming methods is that sophisticated
off-chip tcst equipment can be used to determine the best possible trim value for each ele-
ment so that little or no extra on-chip circuitry needs to be added to the DAC for element
trimming. There are two drawbacks to one-time trimming methods. First, variations in
matching with temperature, power supply voltage, age, and so on, cannot be compensated
for by this type of trimming. Second, techniques such as laser trimming can add signifi-
cantly to the cost of an IC. Repeated Trimming Methods There arc many different types of
repeated trimming methods. Some of them are performed each time power is applied.
Other repeated trimming methods are performed periodically during operation. The pri-
mary requirement of repeated trimming methods is that there be some on-chip hardware
for determining how to trim the clements. Since the accuracy requirements for this on-chip
measurement hardware are as demanding as the requirements on the overall accuracy,
most repeated trimming schemes rely on using a single piece of on-chip measurement
hardware and switching in the unit elements to be calibrated one at a time (see, e.g., [29)).
One advantage of periodic calibration is that the trimming signal can be stored as an ana-
log voltage on a standard capacitor since it is refreshed each time the element is re-
trimmed. All other analog trim methods require some long-term method of analog storage,
such as storing charge on a C:MOS floating gate [23, 26J. An advantage of all digital trim-
ruing methods, even ones that are performed only when power is first applied, is that the
trimming values can be stored in digital registers, which do not require any specialized
fabrication steps like those required for EPROMs. Other Element-Matching Methods One other important method for
achieving improved accuracy for the internal DAC of oversampled data converters is
pulse density modulation. If the operating frequency of the oversampled feedback loop is
sufficiently low, a single element can be used multiple times to achieve the effect of mul-
tiple elements. For example, when the internal DAC is part of an ovcrsampled ADC sys-
tern and the first-stage integrator is implemented using switched-capacitor circuits or
when an ovcrsampled DAC system is followed by a switched-capacitor output filter, then
by dividing the period of the sampling clock into multiple phases, we can charge the
capacitor multiple tiI11CS and dump that charge onto the integrating capacitor in each Sa111-
pie period [SJ. Instead of improving the element matching by trimming element values,
the accuracy is improved by using the same clement multiple times. Because the power
required to operate switched-capacitor circuits at higher frequencies increases rapidly, this
approach is typically limited to internal DACs with very few (2 or 3) bits.
8.3.3 Dynamic Element Matching
In the special case of an oversampling data converter, we can exploit the fact that the
output of the data converter is followed by a filter that will remove high-frequency energy
by converting the static error into a wide-band noise signal. This conversion is the basis of
many dynamic clement-matching algorithms. To illustrate how element mismatch can be
converted into a wide-band noise signal. consider a three-element DAC. Figure 8.5(a)
252 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
12 12 12 12 12 123

o 2 4 6
8 10 12 14
323 3 2 12 23 13 12 23 123

o 2 4 6
8 10 12 14
Figure 8.5 Examples of the output of a three-element DAC with mismatch
between elements as a function of time: (a) unmodified parallel-
unit-element architecture; (b) randomized element selection. Note
that the numbers across the top indicate which elements are active
during that clock period.
shows the error at the output of the three-element DAC, as a fraction of the full scale, with
the following sequence of digital inputs: 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3. In this exam-
ple, element 1 is 1% high, element 2 is 3% low, and element 3 is 2% high. Note that for
any given digital input code the error remains fixed, which is the cause of the integral non-
linearity in the DAC.
In general, element mismatch is converted from a de error into a wide-bandwidth
noise by choosing different elements to represent a digital input code K at different times,
a technique often referred to as dynamic element matching. In the next four sections we
will discuss four different approaches to determining how to choose different elements at
different times.
DAC Architectures tor 1mprovcd Linearity
i Thermometer-I
input type \

unit elements
Figure 8.6 Block diagram of the parallel-unit-element internal DAC architec-
ture with randomizedelement selection. Dynamic Element Randomization Dynamic element matching can
be implemented by randomly choosing different elements to represent the Kth level as a
function of time [5, 6]. The "randomizer" block determines which elements will be used to
represent the Kth level on each clock cycle (see Figure 8.6). Figure 8.5(b) illustrates the
effect of randomizing the element choices on the example waveform used in Figure 8.5(a).
In essence, the interconnection between the output of the thermometer decoder and the
unit elements is determined at random each time period. However, each unit element ends
up assigned to one and only one thermometer decoder output for that time period. The
goal of this approach is to convert the error due to element mismatch from a de offset into
a time-varying signal of equivalent power that, in an oversampling converter, can be par-
tially removed by the output filter. With ideal randomization, there will be no correlation
between the mismatch error at one time and the mismatch error at any other time. There-
fore, the mismatch error has been converted into a white noise. Note that although the
oversampling data conversion system shapes the quantization noise, the internal DAC ele-
ment mismatch noise either is not in the feedback loop (as in a DAC- see Figure 8.1) or
appears added to the input (as in an ADC; see Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2). In either case,
the element mismatch noise is not affected by the feedback loop and is not shaped. How-
ever, in oversampling data conversion systems, which typically operate at oversampling
ratios of 64: 1 or more, nearly all of the error power is out of band and hence can be filtered
First, let us next consider the linearity of this DAC. For a dc input code of K, each
element is active, on average, K times out of every M clock cycles, where M is the total
number of elements. Therefore, each element of the DAC acts individually as a binary
pulse-density modulator, and the integral linearity is limited only by the product of the
fractional element mismatch E) and the fractional clock jitter IT) [14, 28]. A
second practical limit on the integral linearity results because there is often a small change
in the charge (or current) transferred by each element as a function of the number of ele-
ments active. With careful choice of a DAC topology and the use of a precision clock,
high dc integral linearity can be achieved, even when the elements match very poorly. For
254 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
example, no distortion components are visible in Figure 8.7 though it differs from Figure
8.4 only in that the element choices were randomized. However, as can be seen by com-
paring Figure 8.7(b) with Figure 8.4(b), the element mismatch now appears as an extra
noise at the DAC's output. The constraint on the element matching has changed from a
constraint based on the converter's linearity to a more lenient constraint based on the con-
verter's dynamic range.
With a fixed digital input code K the output of the dynamic element randomized
DAC would be a noise signal. Hence, the expected value of the variance of the noise sig-
nal is the same as the variance computed above for the output voltage error for the code K.
Fortunately, a large portion of this noise power can be removed by the output filter follow-
ing the oversampling data converter. If we assume that the output filter is an ideal low-
pass filter with its cutoff at the Nyquist rate (half of the sampling frequency divided by the
oversampling ratio R), then because the noise is white, only a fraction 1/R of the noise
power is in the output filter's passband. The expected variance of the noise signal after the
output filter can be expressed as a function of the digital input code word K as follows:
2 VoK] _ 2 VoK] 1
ain-band VoMJ - a VoMJ xR
As with the expected value of the error, the in-band variance of the noise signal varies in a
parabolic fashion with the digital input code; going from zero at either zero or full scale to
a maximum at half of full scale, K = M/2 . At this maximum, the relationship between
the in-band rms noise divided by full scale and the percentage element mismatch is
o = 1 a
The ratio between the percentage accuracy limit set by this noise floor and the relative
accuracy of the original elements is now 2 JRJM. For example, if M = 16 and
R = 256, the in-band noise (relative to full scale) due to element mismatch is 128 times
smaller than the relative element mismatch. A tygical matching accuracy for high-quality
capacitors on an integrated circuit process is a rE9 i = 0.005%, which would result in
rms{nin_band(f)} _ (_I_k(dE i ) == -6
Vo(M) - 128; E _3.9xI0
For this example, the dynamic element randomizing DAC built from elements with only
0.05% matching achieved nearly perfect integral linearity, subject to the above discussion
of timing jitter and element output dependence on digital input code and a noise floor
nearly 108 dB below full scale. Note that in multibit oversampling systems, only a rela-
tively small number of quantization levels is required to handle quantization errors; there-
fore, nearly all of the full-scale range can be used by the signal [12, 13]. Since the rms
power in a full-scale sine wave is -3 dB, the SNR for this input is about 105 dB.
The randomizer connects the M outputs from the decoder to the M switching ele-
ments in a time-varying fashion. The number of possible connections is ML Therefore,
DAC Architectures lor Improved Linearity
If I =0.l)()99
0.1S 0.2 0.25 0.3 O.3S 0.4 0.45 OJ
Digital Frequency (fl/I)
:0 ()()

O.OS 0.1
fin =0.0099
- 20

(l.O) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 lUS 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency
Figure 8.7 Power spectral density (a) of the signal at the output of a third-
order ovcrsampled AID conversion sYStC111 using 3-bit internal
DAC with dynamic element randomization and (b) of only the
internal DAC error. The input signal level is -6 dB from full scale.
Elements of the internal DAC have a systematic linear gradient
mismatch of (l.l [251.
256 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
51 55 59
Figure 8.8 Block diagram of a butterfly structure for randomizing element
when M is small (on the order 3 or 4), it is possible to randomly select between all possible
connections. However, when M is large (e.g., Ror 16), the number of possible connections
is so large that it may be necessary to select a subset of connections in order to conserve
die area. For example, an ideal eight-level randomizer that connects each of the eight
inputs to eight outputs would have to include 40,320 possible connections.
One simple approach to randomizing over a subset of possible connections would be
to have an M-port barrel shifter whose rotation is randomly changed each clock period.
This represents only M of the M! possible permutations. This approach would work best if
the mismatch between elements were independent of the element's position on the die.
Unfortunately, just the opposite is typically true. Adjacent elements are normally much
more likely to match than distant elements due to gradients in the process parameters
across the wafer. This results in a substantially larger noise power than that predicted by
assuming that element mismatch is independent of position.
A compromise between these two extremes is the "butterfly" randomizer proposed
by Kenney [5]. The butterfly randomizer circuit consists of a series of butterfly networks
(such as those used in FFT architecture) coupling the inputs to the outputs (see Figure
8.8). In order that any input can be connected to any output, the" number of butterfly stages
should be at least equal to the number of bits in the internal DAC. More butterfly stages
can be added if it is desirable to cover a larger fraction of possible connections. A pseudo-
random sequence generator can be used to generate the random control sequences for the
butterfly switches [29-31]. Dynamic Element Rotation-Barrel Shifter Although the dynamic
element randomization approach achieved the desired goal of nominally eliminating inte-
gral nonlinearity, it did so at the cost of decreased in-band SNR. Another method,
dynamic element rotation, modulates the nonlinearity error around subharmonics of the
sampling clock frequency by making the mismatch noise a periodic signal [24, 28] instead
of making the element mismatch noise white.
From a hardware perspective, the simplest way to arrange that all elements are used
for all digital codes in a periodic manner is to rotate the connections between the ther-
mometer decoder and the unit elements. This rotation would typically be implemented by
DAC Architectures for Improved Linearity
. type
mpu decoder
Shift address N
2Nunit elements
Figure 8.9 Block diagram of the parallel unit element internal DAC architec-
ture with rotating element selection.
placing a barrel shifter between the thermometer decoder and the unit elements and turn-
ing the barrel shifter by one position on each clock pulse (see Figure 8.9). Note that the
order of the wires from the outputs of the barrel shifter should also be scrambled in order
to decorrelate the element mismatch and position as much as possible. One way to look at
rotation is as a form of duty cycle modulation. For an output digital code of K, every ele-
ment is used in K out of M clock cycles. For the example with three unit elements, when
the input digital code is constant, the element mismatch is converted into a noise at a fre-
quency of (21t) / 3, which would be completely removed by the output filter following the
data converter, resulting in no integral nonlinearity and no additional noise at the output
of the data conversion system. In general, rotation of the unit elements will result in tones
at the DAC's output at a frequency (21t)/ M and its harmonics. The amplitudes of these
tones are determined by the actual pattern of the element mismatches. In order for the out-
put filter to reITIOVe the element mismatch signal, the oversampling ratio must be greater
than the number of unit elements.
The above analysis assumed that the input to the DAC was a fixed digital code. In an
oversampled data converter, the input to the DAC contains both the input signal and
shaped quantization noise. Mixing of the quantization noise with the element mismatch
noise may result in folding additional quantization noise down into the passband of the
output filter. In addition, the input signal will also mix with tones at (2nm)1 M (m = 1,
2,...), resulting in the input signal and its harmonics appearing around each of the element
mismatch tones (see Figure 8.10). The limitation on the oversampling ratio must therefore
be such that none of the tones fold back into the output filter's passband. This folding is
most likely to happen for the tone that is nearest the passband, that is, when m = 1.
Assuming that the maximum possible input frequency is nlR, the constraint that the jth
harmonic of the input signal not fall back into the output filter passband requires that
< 2n _jn
Assuming that the maximum harmonic of the input signal that has sufficient power to
appear above the noise floor is the Jth harmonic, then the necessary constraint on the over-
258 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
.!in If I' = 0.0099
o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency(flh)
.!in tt.= 0.0099
o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency(flfs)
Figure 8.10 Power spectral density (a) of a signal at the output of a third-order
oversampled AID conversion system using 3-bit internal DAC
with dynamic element rotation and (b) of only the internal DAC
error. Input signal is -6 dB from full scale. Elements of the inter-
nal DAC have a systematic linear gradient mismatch of 0.1% [25].
DAC Architectures for Improved LInearity
sampling ratio is
R> (I +
Unfortunately, the value of J depends on the pattern of element mismatches and can typi-
cally only be determined from simulations. An upper bound on J is M, since an M-elelnent
DAC can have at most M segments in its transfer function, which can in turn generate at
1110st M harmonics in the output. Applying this upper bound gives
If the internal DAC has 3 bits, then R > 32, and for 4 bits R > 128. For internal DACs of
over 4 bits. satisfying this constraint quickly becomes infeasible. However, this upper
bound may be overly conservative.
When the input to the internal DAC is not constant, SOIne noise power does appear in
the passband. In addition, tones 111ay appear in the passband as well. Tones in the output of
the dynamic element rotation internal DAC may be a result of mixing between the element
mismatch noise and the input signal. However. assuming that the oversampling ratio R
satisfies the above constraint, all of the tones should lie outside of the passband of the out-
put filter. Tones may also result frorn a mixing between the element mismatch noise and
the tones in the quantization noise (limit-cycle oscillations of the oversampled converter
feedback loop) [25J. In many applications, particularly digital audio, tones in the passband
can be unacceptable even when their power is below the overall noise floor. The limit-
cycle oscillations of oversampled data converters can be broken up and randomized by the
addition of dither noise to the feedback loop [6, 14,32-34]. In this case the quantization
noise spectrum and the dither noise spectrum are both smooth and do not contain spikes
(tones) that can be aliased down into the passband. However, the dither signal power at
frequencies ncar the element mismatch tones will be aliased down into the passband and
result in a decrease in the SNR. In general, this decrease in SNR is substantially smaller
than the SNR decrease that results 1'1'0111 dynamic clement randomization [24]. Individual Level A veraging Another Conn of dynamic clement
matching, called individual level averaging, has been proposed by Leung and co-workers
[25, 32J. The goal of individual level averaging is to improve the SNR in the passband
compared to dynamic clement randomization while avoiding the generation of tones. The
tones in the passband due to quantization errors are a result of the interaction between the
interpolation waveform generated by the oversarnpling converter feedback loop and the
element mismatch waveform l25J. The fundamental idea behind individual level averag-
ing is to guarantee that each of the clements is used with equal probability for each digital
input code. Note that this is equivalent to dynamic element rotation when the input digital
word is fixed. However. for individual level averaging the algorithm decides which ele-
ments are used for a specific digital code each time it occurs in such a way as to equalize
across elements the number of times each one has been used to generate that specific digi-
tal code.
Leung and Sutarja [251 suggest two straightforward ways of implementing individual
level averaging: "rotation' and "addition." In both cases, a single digital register RK of
260 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
10g2(M) bits is required for each of the M possible digital input codes. For the rotation
method, the elements to be used at time i are selected by the indices RK(i) through
RK(i) + K - 1. If RK(i) + K - 1 > M, then we wrap around and use the first elements.
Then we can update RK(i + 1) to RK(i) + 1 for use the next time code K is required. Note
that for a fixed digital input code this is exactly the same thing that dynamic element rota-
tion would do. However, in the case when K is varying in time, we still guarantee that
eventually each code's average error is driven to zero regardless of the digital input code
sequence. The number of times a digital input code must be used before all possible output
values have been generated is the period of the individual averaging method for that input.
For the rotation style of individual element averaging it requires M uses of any particular
code to return RK to its starting state. Note that for the rotation style of individual level
averaging the length of the cycle does not depend on the code word K.
Leung and Sutarja [25] also describe a second method for implementing individual
level averaging: the addition method. For the addition method, the indices of the elements
to be used at time i are the same as for the rotation style: RK(i) through RK(i) + K - 1, and
if RK(i) + K - 1 >M, then we wrap around to the first elements. However, a different
update is used. For the addition style we update RK(i + 1) to RK(i) + K for use the next
time code K is required. For the addition style of individual element averaging it takes
only M/ K uses of any particular code in order to return RK to its starting state. When M
and K are relatively prime, this will require a full M uses of code K. However, when M and
K share common factors, the number of uses required before complete averaging has taken
place will be smaller. This shorter period for complete averaging results in less element
mismatch noise appearing at low frequencies in the passband of the output filter. We can
see the difference between the rotation method and the addition method in Figure 8.11.
There is nearly 10 dB of improvement in the SNR in the region of the input frequency
when comparing the rotation style to the addition style of individual level averaging. Noise-Shaped Element Usage More recently, it has been realized
that it is possible to apply the noise-shaping principle to the errors caused by element mis-
match [40, 41]. By modulating the element control signals in a manner analogous to
modulation, the. element mismatch errors can be endowed with a noise-shaped spectrum
A block diagram of the element selection logic that implements noise-shaped ele-
ment usage with a NTF of H
is shown in Figure 8.12. The input to the logic is the digital
code v(n), which takes on values from zero to M; the number of levels in the DAC is
M + 1. The output of the system is the selection vector, sv(n), a collection of bits that
enable individual elements in the unit element array. The element selection logic itself is
essentially a collection of M digital modulators, each possessing a NTF equal to H
implemented with the error feedback structure and supplied with a common input. The
chief difference between the modulators in the element selection logic and a set of regular
modulators is that the quantizers (which are binary) are required to produce a combined
total of v(n) 1s at time n. As a result of this requirement, the vector quantizer provides
coupling between the modulators.
The input to the vector quantizer is a time-varying collection of M digital numbers,
sy(n), which represent the "desired usage" of each of the M unit elements. If it were
!in /Is =0.0099
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency (flf5)
fin/Is =0.0099
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Digital Frequency (Ills)
Figure 8.11 (a) Power spectral density of signal at output of a third-order
oversampled AID conversion system using 3-bit internal DAC
withindividual level averaging usingrotation. (b) Powerspectral
density of signal at output of a third-order oversampled AIDcon-
version system using 3-bit internal DAC with individual level
averaging usingaddition (b). The input signal is -6 dB from full
scale. Elements of theinternal DAChavea systematic linear gra-
dient mismatch of 0.1%[25].
262 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
Figure 8.12 General block diagram of element selection logic which results in
noise-shaped element mismatch. Vector-valued signals are bold.
possible to give each element in the array a weight equal to the corresponding component
of sy(n), error-free conversion would result. However, each element may only be given a
weight of 0 or I and the sum of the weights must equal v(n). The vector quantizer uses the
information in the sy(n) vector to select which v(n) elements to enable. Selecting those
elements with the largest sy(n) components results in the least "selection error,"
se(n) = sv(n) -sy(n). The seen) vector is fed back to the quantizer input after undergo-
ing filtering by the H
-1 filter and a shifting operation which sets the minimum component
in sy(n) to zero. The purpose of the shifting operation is simply to reduce the magnitude of
the sy(n) vector, in a manner that does not disturb the noise-shaping property of the selec-
tion logic. In an actual implementation, this normalization step could be implemented in
the vector quantizer itself.
To see how this system results in noise-shaped DAC errors, define the element errors
as the difference between the actual element value and the average of all elements and
assemble these into a (static) M-element column vector de. As a result of this definition,
the sum of the components of de is precisely zero:
[11] <de = 0 (8.15)
By analogy with the error-feedback topology, the z-transform of the output of the element
selection logic, expressed as an M-element vector of scalar z-transforms, is
S V(z) = sV(z) [ 1.. 1 ] + H2(z)SE(z) (8.16)
Assuming without loss of generality that the average element value is 1, the output of the
DV(z) = sV(z) . ([ 1.. 1] + de)
The constraint on the vector quantizer results in
S V(z) . [1 ... 1] = V(z)
DAC Architectures for Improved Linearity
Thus, by (8.15), (8.16) and (8.18), (8.17) becomes
DV(z) = V(:) + H
(z)(SE(z) . de)
This equation shows that the DAC output is composed of the digital input v plus a noise
term due to element mismatch that is shaped by H
. As generalizations of this system, one
might consider adding dither to the sy vector to whiten the noise caused by a deterministic
selection algorithm or to use a multibit quantizer and selection vector. To maintain the
invariants of the DAC errors and hence the noise-shaping property of the system, the
implementation of a "multibit unit element" would necessitate the repeated use of an indi-
vidual element in each clock period, as discussed in Section
An open question regarding the element selection logic is its stability. It is easy to
show that H 2(z) = 1- :-1 results in a system that is stable. 'This choice for H
also results
in a simple pattern of element usage: the elements are chosen in a circular fashion, starting
frOITI the element adjacent to that which was most recently used [41]. Consequently, an
implementation of first-order shaping of the element mismatch noise is trivial, requiring
only one register of length log2M bits and some combinational logic. Simulations indi-
cate that other choices for H2 also yield stable selection logic, including second-order
shaping [Ii2(':) =(1- z-l )
], bandpass noise shaping [H2(2) = ( 1- z-1 + z-2)], as well
as more general NTFs subject to a constraint on their peak out-of-band gain. However, for
such NTFs, the realization of the selection logic requires many more bits of storage (about
4 bits per clement for second-order shaping) and a great deal more combinational logic.
Figure 8.13 shows the output spectrum of a third-order converter for a half-scale
sine-wave input when connected to a 16-element DAC with 1% element mismatch and
various orders of mismatch noise shaping. With an ideal DAC, the SNR at an oversam-
pling ratio of 50 is 118 dB. With second-order mismatch noise shaping, the SNR is
degraded by less than 7 dB if the element mismatch is less than 1%. With first-order mis-
match shaping, mismatch errors less than 0.20/0 are needed for comparable performance
while unshaped mismatch noise would require the mismatch to be less than 0.002%.
Relative Frequency
Figure 8.13 Output spectra for a third-order low-pass modulator feeding a
16-element DAC with I% element mismatch.
264 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
Clearly, noise-shaping element mismatch can result in a very high performance even with
moderately well matched components.
The preceding sections of this chapter described techniques that can convert the effects of
DAC nonlinearities into a time-varying pseudorandom noise and possibly also shift this
noise to some higher out-of-band frequencies. Most of the noise introduced by the nonlin-
earities could then be removed by subsequent digital filtering. A totally different strategy,
based on converting the noise due to DAC error into a digital form and then canceling it in
the digital domain, was proposed in [43,44]. The details of this approach will be discussed
in this section.
8.4.1 ADC Architectures with Error-Storing
Random-Access Memory
The basic concept for a digitally corrected ADC containing a multibit internal quan-
tizer is illustrated in Figure 8.14. The correction is carried out in the digital block follow-
ing the loop. The input to the block is the N-bit output of the loop; its output is a data
stream with an initially much higher resolution, representing the corrected data. In its con-
ceptually simplest implementation, the correction block is simply a random-access mem-
ory (RAM). In each clock period, the input word to the RAM selects an M-bit word
(MN) for the RAM output. The sequence of these words is the corrected output data
It is easy to see that for correct operation the data stored in the RAM in this imple-
mentation should be simply the accurate digital equivalents of actual output levels of the
N-bit DAC. To see this, assume that the RAM does contain these values, each stored at an
address that is given by the corresponding DAC input code. Assume also that N = 3 and
that the word v (n) = 101 appears at the output of the loop. As a result, a de analog voltage
v'(n) [ideally equal to (5/8) V
but in reality slightly different due to the inevitable
imperfections of the DAC circuit] appears at the output of the N-bit DAC. Simultaneously,
an M-bit digital word wen) that is a very accurate representation of this (imprecise) DAC
output voltage is retrieved from the RAM and is fed into the decimation filter. In a typical
case, this word will be very nearly equal to the RAM input code v(n) (here, 101); thus, for
the case of a 10-bit accurate DAC and a required linearity of 16 bits, it may be of the form
wen) = 10100000001100101. In the baseband, where the loop gain provided by the filter
L(z) is very high, the spectrum of the actual DAC output signal v'(n) follows that of the
input u(n) very closely and with excellent linearity. Since at the same time w(n) is, by
Figure 8.14 General scheme of a digitally corrected ADC.
Digital Correction Techniques 265
assumption, an accurate digital replica of the DAC output, its baseband spectrum must
also correspond very accurately to the input spectrum.
Figure 8.15 (from [44]) verifies these statements. Part (a) shows the measured output
spectrum of a L\1: ADC with a 3-bit precision internal ADC and DAC. Part (b) illustrates
the output spectrum when the internal ADC and DAC had a large (! LSB) nonlinearity;
finally, part (c) shows the spectrum for the corrected converter. It is very similar to the
ideal spectrum.
An alternative way of incorporating digital correction into the L\1: ADC with a multi-
bit quantizer is illustrated in Figure 8.16 [43]. Here, the RAM is inside the L\1: loop, and
the correction is accomplished by cascading a digital L\1: loop containing the RAM with
the multibit DAC. An argument similar to the one given for the system of Figure 8.14
proves that if the in-band loop gains of both analog and digital L\1: loops are sufficiently
high, if the overall system remains stable, and if the RAM contains the accurate digital
equivalents of the output levels of the multibit RAM, then an accurate correction of the
DAC nonlinearity errors will be achieved,
The systems of Figures 8.14 and 8.16 require that an accurate digital equivalent of
each output level of the DAC be acquired and stored in the RAM. The resolution and
accuracy of these data must be at least as high as the overall resolution of the L\1: ADC
system. Also, as shown in the figures, the decimation filter in the corrected system must be
able to process multibit input data at a fast clock rate. This speed requirement makes its
realization expensive. Finally, for proper operation, the settling behavior of the DAC must
be the same during conversion as it was during the error acquisition (calibration) stage.
This can be achieved if the circuit can fully settle in every clock period, both during the
calibration as well as during the conversion operation.
In the next section, the calibrati on process will be discussed. Then, in the following
section, some modifications of the correction system, which reduce the complexity of the
correction hardware and ease the burden on the decimation filter, will be described.
8.4.2 The Calibration of the Digitally Corrected L1L ADC
As discussed above, the accurate acquisition of the required DAC data for the RAM
is necessary for the proper functioning of the correction process. Fortunately, this can eas-
ily be performed using on-chip components [43]. The process is illustrated in Figure 8.17.
An N-bit digital counter produces successively all the possible 2
input codes for the
theDAC output level V
for each code is held for a duration of at least 2
periods, where M is the required linearity, expressed in bits. During this time, V
is con-
vetted into a l-bit data stream using the original L\1: ADC reconfigured into a single-bit
one. [This is achieved by simply using only the most significant bit (MSB) in the internal
quantizer.] A digital filter (usually simply a counter, borrowed from the existing decima-
tion filter system) finds the digital equivalent of V
as the mean value of the data stream.
For the required M-bit accuracy, if a counter is used as the averaging filter, this process
needs at least 2
clock periods, plus the settling time of the overall system. After the M-
bit word representing the converted value of V
has been found, it is stored in the RAM at
the address defined by the N-bit input code generated by the input counter. Next, the pro-
cess is repeated for the following digital input code until all 2
DAC output levels have
been converted and stored in the RAJ\1.
N =











: !















Digital Correction Techniques
Figure 8.16 Digitally corrected N-hit ADC.
Analog DC

(/) c

"0 C'Cl
Figure 8.17 Calibration scheme for digital correction.
The total memory capacity of the RAM needs to be M x 2
, and the total calibration
process requires at least 2
+ N clock periods. The calibration can be performed at power-
up time only. Alternatively, the analog front end may be duplicated on the chip, and the
two front-end stages then take turns converting and being calibrated. This way, thermal
and drift effects can also be continuously corrected.
8.4.3 An Improved Digital Correction System
The digitally corrected multibit system described above can be made more practical
and economical by taking advantage of the special form of the calibration data stored in
the RAM. J\S explained above, the multibit binary number stored at the address (say) 101
is very close (usually with an error only in the l Oth and/or lower binary positions) to its
ideal value 101. Hence. a large saving in the digital hardware can be obtained by process-
ing the bits corresponding to the ideal values separately from the error bits. The general
principle is illustrated in Figure an implementation of the correction circuitry for
the specific case of a second-order lri-bit L\r ADC with a 4-bit internal quantizer (451 is
illustrated in Figure 8.18b. Here, as before. the 4-hit output of the analog front end is used
as the address code for the correction RAM. The data in the RAM, however, now repre-
sents the errors of the 4-bit DAC levels, rather than their actual values. The number of bits
that must be stored can thus be reduced. In the chip described in [45], a worst-case linear-
ity of 9 bits was assumed for the DA(:, and an IS-bit accurate correction was performed.
Thus, the original system would have required the storing and subsequent processing of
IS-bit data. By contrast. in the error-processing system of Figure 8.18a it was sufficient to
268 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
From 6L
+-rl Delay

To the
Output of 4
Sign bit and 8 LSBs
10-to-3 rounder
Figure 8.18 (a) Separation of the ideal and error codes in a digitally corrected
ADC. (b) An example of the digital correction system.
store 9-bit (plus sign bit) data. More importantly, it was also possible to reduce the word
length of these error data from 10 bits to 3 bits, by including a simple first-order digital 8L
loop at the output port of the RAM. The resulting compressed error words were then
added to the uncorrected 4-bit output data of the analog loop, in order to obtain the cor-
rected output data stream. Finally, to make the subsequent decimation filtering more eco-
nomical, the word length of the corrected data was also reduced to 4 bits in an additional
second-order digital 8L stage (Figure 8.18b).
The calibration process for the modified system is illustrated in Figure 8.19. It differs
slightly from the one described earlier (Figure 8.18a) in that only the difference between
I H1(z)

Data in
Figure 8.19 Calibration scheme for an error-storing digital correction system.
Digital Correction Techniques 269
the 4-bit address code and the averaging (decimation) filter output needs to be stored,
requiring only a 9 + I = la-bit word length. The 18-bit adder used to perform the sub-
traction does not need to operate at a fast speed, since it has to subtract data only once in
every 2
clock periods.
In addition to the numerous advantages of using a multibit internal quantizer, as dis-
cussed in Section 7.1, another major advantage can be discerned in the system described
above. The slew rate of the op-amp in the input stage of the analog front end is a crucial
design parameter in every L1L ADC, since the op-amp input signal varies rapidly due to the
(normally very large) DAC output steps. If the time needed for slewing becomes compara-
ble to the time available for the settling of the input stage, then nonlinear distortion
appears in the converted signal. Thus, the op-amp has to be designed with sufficient slew
rate to follow the largest possible input step rapidly. Since the step size of the DAC output
is cut in half with every bit added tc the word length of the quantizer, the necessary slew
rate of the input op-amp for AD<= with, say, a 4-bit quantizer is only about one-eighth
of that needed in an ADC with single-bit quantization.
Figure 8.20 (from [45]) compares the measured input and output spectra of the cor-
rection stage for a digitally corrected L1L ADC for a sine-wave analog input signal.
Clearly, the correction reduces the noise floor by nearly 20 dB and completely eliminates
the large harmonic content caused by the DAC nonlinearities. The linearity of the DAC
used was about 10.5 bits.
8.4.4 Cascade ADC System!. Using Digital Correction
The concept of digital correction is also applicable to cascade (MASH) struc-
tures. Figure 8.21 shows a two-stage cascade ADC [46] with a correction RAM in the
first stage and with additional scaling by a factor A > 1 in the second stage. This scale
factor is useful since it allows the subsequent reduction of the quantization error in the
second stage by a l/A factor; it is made possible by the fact that the input signal to the
second stage is now significantly (by about 2
] times) smaller than the input to the first
one. Hence, a gain block with a scale factor A close to 2
can be used between the first
and the second stages, and a block with a scale factor 1/A < 1 can follow the second
stage. The second block will reduce the quantization noise and nonlinearity error intro-
duced by the second loop. It follows that under ideal conditions the quantization noise at
the output of this system is equivalent to the noise output of a single-stage ADC, with
a loop filter transfer function [L(z)]2 and with a linear (N1 + N2)-bit ADC and DAC.
Note that the second stage of this system normally does not require any digital correction,
since it processes only the quantization error of the first stage and not the input signal,
and hence the harmonic distortion caused by the N
-bit DAC is not a significant consider-
ation. Also, the noise due to the nonlinearity error in the N
DAC is filtered by the
high-pass filter HD(z) and is hence suppressed in the baseband.
If the full accuracy of the system described above is not needed, the second stage of
the cascade ADC of Figure 8.21 can be simplified. As shown in Figure 8.22, the second
L1L loop can be simply replaced by an internal N
ADC. The system's output quantiza-
tion noise is now the same as that of a single-stage ADC with a loop filter transfer function
L(z) and with an (N
+ N
)-bit internal quantizer. The N
ADC need not be a parallel
("flash") converter; it may be pipelined and its latency absorbed by a matching delay (shift
register) cascaded with the digital correction circuit.
270 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002
-140 A......-__---.ll--. ---'
Normal Frequency
0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002
-160 1-.- 1..-- 1.-__--..1"'-- --...

Normal Frequency
Figure 8.20 Measured spectrum of (a) the uncorrected modulator output and
(b) the corrected modulator output.
8.4.5 Digitally Corrected ADC
with Companding Quantizer
The characteristics of the internal multibit ADC and DAC need not be linear. By
assigning an exponential input-output characteristic to the internal ADC and a logarithmic
one to the internal DAC, it is possible to realize a companding ADC. Such a converter
exhibits an SNR that is higher for smaller inputs, but lower for large inputs, than that of a
ADC with a linear AC output quantizer [47]. Figure 8.23 shows the quantizer charac-
Digital Correction Techniques

Figure 8.21 Two-stage digitally corrected MASH ADC.

Figure 8.22 Simplified digitally corrected MASH ADC.
teristics, and Figure 8.24 the output signal of such an ADC with a sine-wave input, when
the u-law companding characteristics [48] are used (with Jl = 100) for determining the
quantization steps. Clearly, the quantization noise is very small when the input is small,
but it increases quite rapidly for larger input signals. Thus, the SNR is nearly independent
of the input signal amplitude over a broad amplitude range. This statement is verified in
Figure 8.25. which shows the simulated SNR versus input amplitude characteristics for a
first- and a second-order ADC with linear as well as u-law quantizers. For small
amplitudes, the SNR of the ADCs with nonlinear quantizers is much larger than that of the
linear-quantizer ones. Only for very large amplitudes is the linear quantizer preferable.
Such a performance 111ay be useful, tor example, in digital audio systems where the tolera-
ble noise level is usually lower for smaller input signals.
Since the overall input-output relation between the analog input signal and the final
digital output Blust be linear. the digital correction circuitry in this system must perform,
not only the DAC error correction. but also the added task of compensating for the com-
panding relation used. Both of these goals are easily achieved, however, if the correction
RAM that is cascaded with the loop accurately reproduces in digital form all levels of
the multibit nonlinear internal DAC. To achieve a wide dynamic range and a low-complex-
ity realization, a binary floating-point representation should be used for the stored data.
272 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Quantized Analog Output
Figure 8.23 Quantizer characteristics for a companding ADC (u-law with
J.l =100).
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Figure 8.24 Output waveform of a nonuniformly quantized first-order
ADC with u-law (u =100).
Finally, it should be pointed out that the correction of the internal DAC' s nonlinearity
can also be carried out in the analog domain by adding a calibration network to each unit
capacitor within the DAC [49] or adding a small calibration DAC in parallel with the
internal DAC [50]. Also, it is possible to combine digital correction and randomization of
the nonlinearity noise [49].
Dual-Quantizer ADC Architectures 273
o -20
I / (b)
40 J /,//

o I I . ---'-- __ __--'-__ ____J
-140 - 120 -1 01) -80 -60 -40
Input Amplitude (dB)

a: 60
Figure 8.25 Simulated SNR vs. input signal amplitude (relative to full scale)
for four 16-level L1L ADCs: (a) first-order modulator with uni-
form quantization; (b) first-order modulator with u-law quantiza-
tion; (c) second-order modulator with uniform quantization; (d)
second-order modulator with u-law quantization. All u-law quan-
tizers use Jl = 100.
An alternative approach to the design of a ALADC with a multibit internal quantizer is to use
two quantizers. One is a single-bit circuit contained in a AI: loop, which includes a single-bit
DAC in the feedback path between the output and the input of the modulator. Since this
DAC plays the key role in determining the linearity of the modulator, its inherent linearity
is used to full advantage. An added path with a second quantizer, a multibit one, is used to
convert and cancel the large quantization error generated by the single-bit quantizer. This
cancellation will then reduce the overall quantization error of the modulator to that of one
with a linear multibit internal quantizer. Several schemes have been developed based on this
principle. They will be discussed next.
8.5.1 The Leslie-Singh Architecture
The basic scheme of the dual-quantizer architecture proposed by Leslie and Singh
[51] is shown in Figure 8.26a. As the diagram shows, a multibit (N-bit) ADC is used in the
forward path, but only the MSB is fed back to the single-bit internal DAC. An equivalent
circuit, which shows the quantizer separated into a l-bit and an N-bit ADC, is shown in
Figure 8.26b. It can be seen that the upper path in the system converts into digital form the
input signal plus an added noise consisting of the high-pass-filtered quantization error E1
of the l-bit ADC. The lower path converts the analog input signal of the l-bit quantizer,
274 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
u w
Figure 8.26 (a) Leslie-Singh structure. (b) An equivalent representation.
which also contains the signal plus a differently filtered version of E i- For appropriate
choice of the internal blocks L(z), HI(z), and H
the error E
can be canceled in the out-
put signal W. Clearly, the operation is analogous to that of the circuit of Figure 8.22 and of
the cascade ADC system discussed in Chapter 6, with the lower path playing the role of
the second stage of the cascade architecture.
Analysis of the system of Figure 8.26b gives for the output signal the expression
Here, G and H are the signal and noise transfer functions, respectively, of the I-bit loop;
also, 1 and 2 are the quantization errors of the l-bit and N-bit ADCs, respectively, in the
z-domain. As the equation shows, the large error E 1 can be canceled by satisfying the con-
(8.21 )
It is usually advantageous to choose the upper path signal transfer function G and the
overall signal transfer function G(H1 + H
) both as delays of k clock periods:
Then the design equations become
Dual-Quantizer AI)C Architecture" 275
Figure 8.27 Second-order dual-quantizcr modulator.
== Z U + HE
As the last relation shows, the output noise now consists of the smaller (N-bit) quantiza-
tion error 2, filtered hy the noise transfer function of the L(z.) upper path loop.
For the important case of a second-order L1L ADC, the transfer functions G = z-1
and H = (1 - z-1)2 can be used., Eqs. (8.23) and (8.24) give H, = 2z-
- 2-
= (1 -- z-I)2. A system realizirg these transfer functions is shown in Figure 8.27,
where it is assumed that each ADC contains an internal delay of one clock period.
In practice, condition (8.21) cannot be exactly satisfied. The transfer functions HI
and Hi. can be realized accurately by digital blocks, but the exact form of the noise transfer
function H depends on the analog components of the I-bit loop. As (15) shows, if H is
inaccurate by an amount dH, an added noise
leaks to the output. Thus, the sensitivity of the overall circuit to noise leakage is the same
as that of the upper path. A likely cause of such leakage is the finite gain of the input op-
amp. This will cause an added noise that is (to a good approximation) equal to E 1 filtered
by a high-pass filter of order M. whce M is the order of the loop filter in the I-bit loop.
The noise leakage due to analog inaccuracies usually limits the achievable accuracy
if the resolution of the multibit ADC is high. This generally makes it useless to choose the
value of N larger than 3-5 bits.
8.5.2 Dual-Quantization cascaue ADG Architectures
A useful dual-quantization system can be obtained by using a multibit quantizer in
the second stage of a two-stage cascade ADC. The resulting structure is shown (for a
third-order 2-1 modulator] in Figure 8.28. Detailed analysis [52] shows that the output
signals of the upper and lower loops arc given by
-1 -I 2
= Z U+(J-Z) E,
276 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
Figure 8.28 Dual-quantization cascade ADC structure [52].
respectively. Here, EDis the nonlinearity error of the N-bit DAC in the lower loop. Hence,
combining V1 and V2 via the digital weight factors HI = z-1 and H2 = -( I - z-1 )
Thus, under ideal conditions, the large l-bit quantization error E1 of the first stage is can-
celed; what remains are the second-order-filtered error EDdue to the nonlinearity of the N
bit DAC and the third-order-filtered quantization error E
of the N-bit ADC in the lower
loop. Both remaining error terms can be made very small by choosing N large. However,
as before, imperfections in the analog components (primarily the finite op-amp gain A)
prevent the complete cancellation of 1. As before, the remaining noise will be 1 filtered
by a high-pass function of order M - 1 = 1. It can be shown [47] that for the system of
Figure 8.28 this function is
-1 -1 2
d.H = (2/A)(I-z )+z /A (8.30)
where A is the de gain of the op-amps used in the upper dL loop. For a given oversampling
ratio and for an available op-amp gain A, the leakage noise power due to dHE
can thus
be estimated. The largest useful value of N is then one that makes the noise power intro-
duced into the output Wby EDand 2 somewhat (but not very much) smaller than that due
to dll-Ei.
8.5.3 Dual-Feedback Single-Path ADC Architecture
An alternative approach [53, 54] to dual-quantizer analog-to-digital conversion is
illustrated in Figure 8.29. In this circuit (which realizes a third-order ADC), the analog
equivalent of the l-bit ADC output VI is fed back into the first two integrator stages, thus
Figure 8.29 Dual-quantization single-path ADC [54].
ensuring the linearity of the signal transmission to the overall output W. By feeding the
analog replica of the N-bit ADC output V
into the last integrator, it becomes possible to
cancel the large l-bit quantization error E1 in W.
Analysis shows that under ideal conditions the output signal W is given by
-1 -1 3 -1 -1 2
W=z U+2(I-z )E
(I-z )E
As was the case for the circuit of Figure 8.28, under finite op-amp gain conditions a leak-
age of uncancelled l-bit quantization noise will occur. Again, this noise will be subject to
a first-order high-pass filtering and thus reduced in the baseband. Figure 8.30 shows the
measured signal/moise--disrortion) performance of a recently published ADC based on
this principle [54].
There are many advantages to employing a multibit, rather than single-bit, internal quan-
tizer in an oversampled data conversion system. There is a significant increase in the
dynamic range due to the increased resolution (and hence reduced quantization noise) of
the internal quantizer. In fact, it can be shown [52] that the dynamic range increase in
decibels equals 20 log(2
- 1), or nearly 6N decibels, when an N-bit quantizer replaces
the single-bit one. Thus, using a 4-bit quantizer, close to 24 dB can be gained. In addition,
the stability of high-order loops is strongly enhanced when multibit quantizers are used.
Also, the design of such loops becomes easier, since the assumption that the quantization
noise has white-noise behavior is much more accurate, and it is also simpler to assign an
equivalent gain to the quantizer.
278 8 Delta-Sigma ADCs with Multibit Internal Converters
100.0 .--------,---........------r------.---,----------,---......-......
Sampling frequency: 5 MHz
80.0 Input frequency: 4.88 kHz
V') 40.0
0.0 -20.0 -40.0 -60.0 -80.0
Input Level (dB)
Figure 8.30 Measured signal/(noise+distortion) vs. input level characteristic
of an ADC based on the scheme of Figure 8.29.
In spite of these important advantages, until quite recently little commercial use has
been made of multibit quantizers in oversampling data converters, because of the diffi-
culty of achieving high integral linearity. In this chapter, we presented a number of
approaches that can achieve very high overall linearity for the converter and require only a
modest accuracy of the analog components used in the system.
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