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Jack Frost and the Ice Princess Ep.

1 by Mr_ButtonedNose

Mr_ButtonedNose reddit.com/u/jackfrost03

EXT. DESERT - DAY JACK FROST is fighting the PANDA on the side of a dune. Jack Frost (19-21) is a short guy with a sword, wearing a science fiction-y white full helmet and a blue tunic. And a long, white, bad-ass scarf. The Panda (21-23) is a bit taller AND BIGger; his clothes are black and white, he has a cannon strapped to his back, and most of his face is obscured by a Panda mask. Hes wielding a spear. Distant trees ring the desert but are absent from the interior except a small elevated grotto nearby. JACK FROST Panda! The Sand-Farmers find you guilty of rudely destroying their crops! PANDA That sentence is subjective! Jack and the Panda, are locked against each other, sword to spear. JACK FROST Their solemn duty of justice has been left to me. PANDA HA! Justice. If by left you mean sold! Your duty is loose and reeks of disingenuousness! JACK FROST Youre wrong, Panda. I took this duty from the Sand-Farmers because I stand at their back. It is righteous and firm. He forces the Panda out of the frame. JACK FROST Im not here for their money. You believe him. He dives back in the fray and we follow. Jack and the Panda wordlessly exchange blows for a beat. The Panda gets in a hit and puts Jack on the defensive. With every word he wears down Jacks defense. PANDA Youre not interested in fortune, sure; but you do want glory. Yes, you believe that if you go around playing "good guy" long enough, the masses will fall in love with you--and that eventually... The Panda flourishes. Jack guards. (CONTINUED)



PANDA A princess will too. Jack is a deer in the headlights or a wounded lamb. The Panda breaks his guard and locks his weapon. PANDA A second time. Ha. Panda disarms Jack and boots him in the chest, knocking him down. He sticks his spear in the ground and pulls out his cannon. He begins to load. Hes in no rush. PANDA I for one cant afford to wait that long. Maybe youd have been more successful if you had taken a more head on approach--like me--instead of-The Panda is prepared to fire, but is interrupted by Jack headbutting him in the face. JACK FROST Shut up! Ow! PANDA

The Panda falls back on one knee, clutching his face. Jack re-adjusts his helmet and presses down on his mouth plate KSST as he continues. JACK FROST As well as you claim to know me, you think Id ever want to be anything like you? A beat. Jack and the Panda mirror each other: both clutching their faces, unarmed, and breathing heavily. They eye their weapons; Jack, his sword, the Panda, his cannon. They dive in opposite directions. Jack dashes for his sword. Off-screen, the Panda yells PANDA POUNCE and leaps toward the grotto in a single bound. WHOOSH. Jack grabs his sword and turns to face the Panda just in time for a round to whiz over his shoulder. The Panda takes steady aim, and fires again. Jack tries to run but cant get very far. JACK FROST But thats why youre here-More shots. Jack deflects them after every other word.




JACK FROST (CONT.) You disregard--the wants and needs--of others--as if somehow yours are more important. The Pandas gun is emptied, but his rage meter is filled. PANDA Important?! The Panda begins to fire and reload after every shot. Hes quick but Jack is quicker. Jack runs in a wide arc around the grotto. He stays a step ahead of each shot, nabs the Pandas spear and taunts him along the way. PANDA YOU think PRINCESSES are important! JACK FROST Just the one! PANDA YOU think FAME is important! JACK FROST Cause of the princess! Jack makes it to the edge of the EXT. DESERT GROTTO - DAY where the Panda is waiting and calls out, frenzied. PANDA YOUR needs are yours ALONE! I fight for those of an entire RACE! A beat. The Panda searches for him, wildly. Until JACK FROST (amplified) Is someone you know trying to replace an entire villages sand crops with bamboo, too? The Panda howls, picks a direction, and fires. A sand dune is no more. JACK FROST (amplified) Jack-Jump-Over-The-Panda Kick! Jack clumsily crashes down onto the Panda from above and the Panda staggers backward, stunned. Still standing, he (CONTINUED)



raises his cannon over his head howling mad, and turns to meet Jack. SQUISH. He meets his own spear instead. He shrieks and falls backward onto the ground, spear jutting out of his belly. Jack stands and crosses over to him. JACK FROST Not that its any of your business, but I DO plan to meet the Ice Princess one day. If I help folks along the way, sue me. He crouches down to look the Panda in the eye. JACK FROST (CONT.) Every hero has his cause, Panda. Shes mine. Jack turns away to retrieve his sword. JACK FROST (CONT.) Im curious though; howd you-PANDA (coughing) A third time, HA.

Jack looks at the Panda and sheathes his sword. PANDA (CONT.) You call your puppy-love crush a cause? Does the world benefit then, if you succeed? What sacrifices has this cause called you to make? True heroes never prosper, Frosty. They just break even... A beat. Jack turns away, impatient. JACK FROST My names JACK, and you dont know me. Other "Hunters" help themselves to whatever you have and take off. I dont accept anything I dont earn. If I fail, I leave empty-handed. The Panda slowly reaches for his cannon. JACK FROST (CONT.) Thats proper. The way it ought to be done. Maybe youd have been better off if youd tried to HELP people--like me--instead of-Jack turns to see the cannon coming down over his head. CUT TO BLACK

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