Emerson Drinkwater Brochure

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Drinking Water Industry Solutions

Safe and Reliable Liquid Analysis

We Start With One Idea in Mind: Make it Safe

Water is the most crucial element needed for human activity on the planet, including agricultural, industrial and domestic use. Unfortunately, water quality around the world is poor and getting worse. While over 70% of the Earth is covered in water, only about 0.01% is usable fresh water. And since water demand increases with population, the re-use of water and proper treatment methods have become a critical necessity.

Poor Water Quality: Understanding the Problem Water treatment plants come in a wide variety of sizes, with no two plants exactly alike. But whether publicly owned or privately held, they all share the same goal to provide a source of safe and reliable drinking water to their communities. Water treatment varies based on the quality of the water source, size of the plant, and if ground water or surface water is used. Smaller systems are likely to use ground water, while larger systems rely on surface water sources such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. As water travels through the ground, or sits in lakes and rivers, it comes in contact with organic materials, which dissolve in water. These organics in water become a food source for microorganisms. Even the most minute nutrient sources will support growth. While thats good news for microorganisms, it spells disaster for people, since these microorganisms (like Giardia lamblia or the protozoa Cryptosporidium) can be harmful or even lethal to humans.

Comprehensive Solutions For Your Application Some smaller treatment plants using ground water systems can meet the local and national requirements without any treatment, but many other systems need additional treatment and disinfection. Governmental agencies such as the US Environmental Production Agency (USEPA) protect the public health by specifying water treatment components and appropriate disinfection levels. To meet these requirements, a variety of water treatment methods are used to remove contaminants from drinking water, and are arranged in a sequence or a treatment train. A combination of appropriate water treatment processes is selected by the water utilities to treat the contaminants in the raw water source used. Commonly used processes include pre-treatment, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Other treatment methods could include ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and adsorption. For these applications and more, count on Emerson. Our full line of Rosemount Analytical sensors and measurement solutions for drinking water are proven solutions. When you bring your problem to Emerson, consider it solved.

With so much at stake, you


need a partner that can deliver the best in knowledge and systems, and do it quickly, thoroughly and cost-effectively. The liquid analysis professionals at Emerson Process Management are ready to put their 60-plus years of experience to work for you. Well evaluate your application and deliver an optimal, real-world, customized solution for your specific requirements, utilizing worldclass Rosemount Analytical sensors and instrumentation.

E M E R S O N . C O N S I D E R I T S O LV E D .

Drinking Water Treatment Overview

Pretreatment Plant Intake

Primary Disinfection (Ozone or Chlorine Treatment)

Page 4

Filter Wastewater Backwash

Flash Mixers Flocculation Basin

Page 5 Page 5 Page 6

Settling Basin Industries

Filter Beds

Secondary Disinfection Chlorine Addition (Ammonia Addition)

Page 7

Water Tower Clear Well


To Distribution System Page 8 Booster Station

Heres a typical drinking water plant. It takes water from a lake, river or well and treats it through primary disinfection, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and secondary disinfection to purify it into safe drinking water.

monitored and controlled by continuous measurement of ozone and/or chlorine. Particles are removed and filtered out,
Primary Disinfection 4 CO N T E N T S Pretreatment 4

and require continuous turbidity measurement for reporting purposes and indicate filter performance. Particle Counters are gaining more acceptance
Filtration Secondary Disinfection Distribution Monitoring Desalination Instrumentation 6 7 8 9 10 Coagulation, Flocculation and Sedimentation 5

Harmful organisms are killed by a combination of ozone, chlorine and ammonia addition. The disinfection process is

since they provide a quantitative measurement of drinking water clarity and are being used to anticipate filter breakthrough.


Primary Disinfection

To better define the dynamics of the raw water source being used by a water treatment plant, a number of liquid analytical measurements are made prior to entering the treatment process. Influent monitoring measurements could include pH, conductivity, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Some plants also keep a permanent record of each of these measurements for future reference or for detecting seasonal changes in the source water. Before water is clarified, it passes through coarse filters to remove sticks, leaves, fish, and other large objects, preventing them from entering the water treatment plant. Pre-treatment also includes primary disinfection using either chlorine or ozone to treat algae growth and for oxidation of chemicals and microorganisms.

Since water is a universal solvent, it comes in contact with several different pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and parasitic protozoa), some of which are well know and potentially lethal. Both surface water and groundwater sources can be contaminated by these pathogens, and inactivation is accomplished through chemical disinfection and mechanical filtration treatment.

Chemical Oxidation Potential (volts) free oxygen radiOzone 2.08 cal, which Hydrogen Peroxide 1.78 survives less 1.48 Hypochlorous Acid than 30 minutes. 1.36 Chlorine Gas The rate of Hypobromous Acid 1.33 degradation Chlorine Dioxide 0.95 0.81 Hypochlorite depends on the water chemistry, Relative Oxidation Power of Various Chemicals pH and temperature. Since ozone is unstable, it is generated on site.

Chlorine was used first used in the USA in 1908 as a chemical disinfectant of drinking water. Ozone (O3) is also a powerful disinfectant first used in water treatment in Europe in 1886. Ozone consists of three oxygen atoms and degrades back to oxygen forming a

Ozone is a very powerful oxidant and it disinfects in less time than is required with chlorine. Ozone attacks the chemical bonds of pathogens in the water, reducing the concentration of organic material, iron, manganese, sulfur, and reducing or eliminating odor and taste problems. Chlorine is a slow oxidizer, has limited effect on bacteria, and Cryptosporidium and Giardia are extremely resistant to chlorine disinfection. Ozone treatment is gaining popularity as a fast and effective treatment technology for disinfection in the primary disinfection stage. Ozonated air is bubbled up through the water in contact chambers. By the time the water reaches the end of the contact chambers, primary disinfection is complete and the ozone has converted back to oxygen. For proper ozone disinfection to occur, suitable contact time and the proper ozone dosage are required.

The Ozone sensor Model 499AOZ is used to monitor ozone dosage and residuals in the contact chamber.

Coagulation, Flocculation and Sedimentation

After pretreatment and primary disinfection, the clarification of raw water is usually a multiple step process for reducing turbidity and suspended solids.

Coagulation and Focculation Smaller particles combine or coagulate into larger fluffy particles called floc and settle out of the raw water source as sediment. The coagulation process is promoted by the addition of chemical coagulant such as alum, iron salts or synthetic organic polymers. After chemical addition, the water flows through a mixing channel where the water and chemicals are flash mixed. The floc is mechanically stirred to attract suspended solids and microorganisms. The pH measurement plays an important role in the coagulation process. Keeping the pH at the proper levels improves the coagulation process, lowers the turbidity and also improves TOC removal as the pH is lowered.

If the raw water source has an unusually high hardness, chemicals are added such as lime and soda ash to reduce the levels of calcium and magnesium. Lime softening can produce water from 60 to 120 ppm hardness, but will result in a higher pH. Therefore, the treated water is buffered to reduce the pH to make it acceptable for further processing. Sedimentation Floc settles to the bottom to form a sludge in sedimentation basins. The combined weight of the dirt and chemical agent become heavy enough to sink to the bottom, and the settling or sedimentation occurs naturally as larger particles settle out. Sludge is removed by mechanical scrapers and disposed of properly. Water is skimmed from the surface of the settling basins and flows into settled water channels.

A pH sensor, Model 399, is used to monitor and control the addition of chemicals for pH adjustment.

>>> While the Earths population

is now twice the 1960 total, the amount of fresh water available is unchanged.


The sedimentation process removes particles 25 microns and larger, but the process is not 100% efficient, and filtration is required. The turbidity is between 1 and 10 NTU as it enters the filtration stage.
The Clarity II On-Line Turbidimeter is used to monitor and report the turbidity of the filter effluent.

Item Light Source Wavelength

EPA 180.1

IS0 7027

Tungsten Lamp LED or Tungsten Lamp 400-600 nm 860 30 nm Low Stray Light

Characteristics Long WarmUp Time

More Sensitive Less Sensitive to Smaller to Smaller Particles Particles Color Interferences Low Color Interferences

Comparison of USEPA 180.1 and ISO 7027

Water flows through sand filters and percolates down through a combination of sand, gravel, anthracite coal, and a mixture of support gravel fine sand. Larger particles become trapped first and smaller particles such as clay, iron, manganese, microorganisms, organic matter, precipitates from other treatment processes, and silt are also removed resulting in crystal clear water. The filtration stage also removes residual matter resulting from the oxidation of organic chemicals and microorganisms in the primary disinfection stage. Finally, microorganisms resistant to chlorine or ozone disinfection in the pretreatment stage are effectively removed during filtration. Periodically, the filter must be back washed to remove the fine suspended matter and accumulated sediment that collects in the filter media. As an indication of filter performance and the need to backwash filters, the effluent from the filter beds is continuously monitored with a turbidimeter. Turbidity is the clarity of the sample, and the cloudy appearance is caused by tiny particles in the water. The Clarity II On-line Turbidimeter can be used to

monitor and report the turbidity of the filter effluent. Turbidity measurements also help monitor and improve plant efficiency. High turbidity levels are an indication that the filter is not operating properly, and back washing is necessary. Government rules and regulations apply to public water systems, and water treatment plants are required to achieve a minimal reduction of harmful microorganisms and viruses. Filtration systems are presumed to achieve the minimal percent reduction of harmful Cryptosporidium, Giardia and viruses by meeting certain turbidity limits in combination with adequate disinfection. The adequacy of the filtration process and the removal of these microorganisms are determined by measuring the turbidity of the combined filter effluent water to meet governmental criteria. This criteria includes the turbidity monitoring frequency, the maximum turbidity limit, and the approved turbidity measuring methods. Two approved measuring methods have been accepted for making turbidity measurements for

compliance monitoring purposes, the USEPA Method 180.1 and the ISO Method 7027. USEPA method is used in the United States and some other countries. The ISO method is used outside of the United States, such as in Canada, Europe, Latin America and Asia. A comparison of the two methods is shown in the table above. Keeping water systems safe is a national priority. To monitor online multiple parameters, Emerson has a configurable system, the Water Quality System, model WQS, to meet your particular system and regulatory requirements. The system assists in meeting the requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule.

The WQS provides constant surveillance of water quality events to help ensure that acceptable water quality parameters are maintained.

Secondary Disinfection

In compliance with the regulations requiring post residual disinfection, plants use chlorination as secondary disinfection in the final treatment step. Ozone does not provide germicidal or a long-lasting disinfection residual to inhibit or prevent re-growth of pathogens in the water distribution system.

also a stronger disinfectant and oxidizer. Hypochlorous acid is 80 to 100 times more effective than hypochlorite ion. To accurately measure free chlorine concentrations, the Rosemount Analytical three electrode chlorine sensor Model 498CL can be used for continuous measurement of free chlorine. Neither a pH sensor, sample conditioning, nor reagent is required. Chlorine diffuses through a semi-permeable membrane and develops a current proportional to the chlorine concentration inside the sensor. Chlorination by-products were discovered in drinking water in 1974, and can form when chlorine reacts with bromide and natural organic materials present in the water source. These by-products have a potential health effect on humans. Fears that these byproducts could be potential human carcinogens has led the USEPA to establish maximum levels for these disinfection by-products. Alternates to chlorine disinfection exist, such as chloramines. This process involves adding chlorine and ammonia compounds to the water that, when properly controlled, form chloramines. Compared to chlorine, chloramines produce fewer disinfection byproducts and exist as monochloramine, dichloramine or trichloramine. The ratios of these three depend on the pH, physical properties of the water source, chlorine contact time, and the ratio of chlorine to ammonia.

The Monochloramine Measuring System Model MCL directly measures monochloramine without chemical reagents to condition the sample.

Today, chlorine is added as chlorine gas (Cl2), sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), or chlorine dioxide (ClO2) as the secondary disinfection agent. Secondary disinfection prevents the re-growth of certain pathogens that may enter the treatment plant or be introduced by backflow contamination. When chlorine is added to water, free chlorine forms a mixture of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ion (OCl-). The relative amount of each is dependent on the pH, and the total of HOCl and OCl- is defined as free chlorine. For disinfecting water, hypochlorous acid is not only more reactive than hypochlorite ion, but is

Monochloramine is the most desirable of the three forms, since it contributes little or no taste or odor, and is considered to be the most effective at disinfecting water. Plant operators using chloramination for disinfection need to accurately determine monochloramine levels in the water treatment systems. Rosemount Analytical offers a complete Monochloramine Measuring System Model MCL capable of directly measuring monochloramine. No chemical reagents are needed to condition the sample. For customers that want to measure Total Chlorine, we have the Total Chlorine Measuring System, the Model TCL. The TCL uses household vinegar and potassium iodide as reagent.
Model TCL Total Chlorine Sample Conditioning System

Distribution Monitoring

The prevention of contamination in the distribution system, thereby reducing the risk of water borne diseases, requires regular monitoring for disinfectant levels, microbial levels, and corrosion products. Although water may be safe upon leaving the treatment plant, it is important to monitor for contamination by growth of microorganisms, pressure problems, and water main breaks. Monitoring can also indicate formation of biofilms, malfunctioning piping and valves or other threats to the system.

Because pathogens can enter the distribution system through cracks and joints in pipes, water systems are also required to provide continuous disinfection of the drinking water entering the distribution system, and maintain a detectable residual level within the distribution system. Regular monitoring includes microbial monitoring to meet public health standards. Chlorine residuals in the distribution system also need to be checked. The pH is monitored to confirm that the proper applications of corrosion control chemicals are being applied at the treatment plant. A minimum of 0.2 mg/L of chlorine residual is advisable at the last tap on the distribution system, and prompt investigation is required to correct a low or no residual reading.

Water quality within the distribution system can be monitored on a continuous basis, and several large water utilities have installed automatic sampling systems throughout their district. A continuous on-line chlorine measurement is especially important in ensuring adequate disinfection levels throughout the distribution system; it can be accomplished by using one of three measurement systems available from Rosemount: free chlorine, monochloramine or total chlorine. The monitoring data can be transmitted back to the plant and automatically stored for future reference, historical trends, and detection of seasonal fluctuations.

Free Chlorine Measuring System Model FCLi is a complete package that does not require a pH sensor.

>>> In a large water system,

hundreds of miles of piping serve thousands of people.


Desalination refers to the water treatment process of removing salts from water. Of all the earths water, 94% is salt water and less than 1% is accessible fresh surface water. With the improvements in desalination technologies over the past 50 years, and the growing demand for fresh water, there are over 16,000 desalination plants worldwide. This compares to only 5 plants in 1960. Cities and major industries have developed with the availability of fresh water produced from seawater.

of the incoming sea-water. The main dual-purpose benefit of this plant is the reduction of fuel used. Multi-Stage Flash Distillation is one of the most commonly used types. Typically, the salt water is heated in the brine vessel for the separation of water and salt. The heated water is sent to another vessel where it boils rapidly and flashes to create steam. The steam is then captured and immediately cooled to convert it back into a liquid that has been desalinated and is ready for use. Desalination plants can have anywhere from four to 40 different stages of flashing. Scaling is one of the biggest problems in multi-stage distillation applications. Maintaining a pH balance of 5.7 or less is crucial to minimize scaling. This can be achieved by using a Rosemount Analytical pH/ORP sensor model 399 with the 1056 dual channel analyzer. Scaling also causes a problem when the feed solution becomes saturated with calcium sulfate. It is important to maintain a concentration level below the saturation point. Using the Rosemount Analytical toroidal conductivity sensor model 228 along with a 1056 two channel analyzer, will insure that no excessive build up of dissolved solids takes place and minimizes fouling in the evaporator. Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) using membrane technology is another way of accomplishing

Contacting Conductivity ENDURANCE Sensors are used to monitor the reverse osmosis treatment process and are available in a variety of mounting options.

Thermal techniques, such as multistage flash desalination (MSF) distillation, and membrane technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO), are the two major competing techniques used in the desalination of seawater, and both make seawater drinkable. About half the world's desalting plants produce fresh water using heat to distill water from sea water. Hybrid plants combine a steam power plant and a desalination plant. The latent heat of condensation from the power plant is reused to increase the temperature

desalination. RO is a technique in which water is forced through semipermeable membranes, and requires pretreatment consisting of coagulation and filtration. The passage of dissolved salts and microscopic particles is blocked, and relatively ion-free water (calledpermeate), passes through the membrane. Contacting conductivity sensors placed in the feed-water and permeate let operators monitor the overall water quality and efficiency of the RO treatment. Chemical attack can occur on the cellulose acetate RO membranes when the pH is outside the acidic range. To protect the membrane, the acidity of the feed source is adjusted with the use of a pH measurement. A general-purpose sensor such as Model 399 can complete this measurement.

Rosemount Analytical Instrumentation

The optimum solution for the process relies most heavily on selecting the right sensor to match the process needs. In most cases the instrument is simple to select and depends on the power,

control, and communication requirements, in addition to other desired features, such as HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, preventative diagnostics, and more. Choose the one that meets your needs.

Features Power Requirement Number of Sensor Inputs

1056 Series 115 - 230 VAC or 24 VDC* Two

54e Series 115 - 230 VAC or 24 VDC One

5081 Series 24 VDC One

SoluComp Xmt Series 24 VDC One


Number of 4-20 mA Outputs Available Measurements





Select any two: pH/ORP/ISE, Select one: pH, ORP, Conductivity, Resistivity, Conductivity, Resistivity, % Concentration,Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Oxygen, Ozone, Flow, * Turbidity, * Ozone, Chlorine Chlorine (Total, Free, Monochloramine, pH Independent Free Chlorine) Yes* Yes

Select one: pH, ORP, Conductivity, Resistivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Ozone, Chlorine

Select one: pH, ORP, Conductivity, Resistivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Ozone, Chlorine

HART Compatible FOUNDATION fieldbus Compatible Multi-lingual menus Relays PID Control Advanced Diagnostics Capability Area Classifications Available Approvals
* Future option







Yes 4* No Complete

Yes 4 Yes Complete

No 0 Yes/Ff Complete

Yes 0 Yes/Ff Complete


Class I, Div. 2

Class I, Div. 1 and Div. 2, Explosion proof FM, CSA, CE, ATEX

Class I, Div. 1 and Div. 2

CE approval (others pending)



Emerson Process Management: The Proven Source

Emerson Process Management is the proven supplier of Rosemount Analytical on-line electrochemical sensors and instrumentation with over 60 years experience in drinking water treatment, waste treatment and process control. In recognition of our dedication to customer service, product excellence, and quality we have received the #1 Readers Choice Award from Control Magazine for the tenth consecutive year. With a fixed amount of fresh water available for consumption and our worldwide increased demand for access to safe water, continuous monitoring and measuring of the water treatment process and water quality becomes one of the most important elements to prevent water-related diseases caused by pathogens.

Producing a source of safe and reliable drinking water and the removal of harmful microorganisms are the primary goals of every drinking water treatment plant. Thousands were killed each year due to cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery and hepatitis before cities began treating drinking water with chlorine. Today, chlorine, ozone and UV are being used in primary disinfection at the pre-treatment stage and secondary disinfection in the final stage to inhibit or prevent regrowth of pathogens in the water distribution system. Accurate on-line process instrumentation, such as pH, conductivity, chlorine, dissolved ozone, turbidity, and particle counters, plays a critical role in achieving the plant objective and meeting regulatory compliance at the local and federal level. Count on Emerson for the systems and

Gas Chromatography & Process Gas Analysis

Emerson is the worlds largest provider of gas chromatography, process gas, combustion and environmental analysis solutions. We feature products with unmatched accuracy, superior performance and worry-free dependability. Emersons leading edge instruments and applications expertise, along with unbeatable customer service and support worldwide help our customers maximize process performance, productivity, and profitability. Our solutions provide reduced installation and maintenance costs while improving process quality.

11 solutions you need in an ever-changing, dynamic world. See us on the web at RAIhome.com.

PlantWeb Brings It All Together

Rosemount Analyticals instruments are part of Emerson Process Managements PlantWeb fieldbased architecture: a scalable way to use open and interoperable devices and systems to build process solutions. The PlantWeb architecture consists of intelligent field devices, scalable platforms and standards, and integrated modular software, all working together to create, capture, use, and distribute information and process control data. This architecture can reduce your capital and engineering costs, reduce operations and maintenance costs, increase process availability, reduce process variability, and streamline regulatory reporting. To see what PlantWeb can do for your operation, call or visit us at PlantWeb.com/RunSafe

Offices Worldwide

Emerson Process Managements field sales offices are your source for more information on the full line of Rosemount Analytical products. Field sales personnel will work closely with you to supply technical data and application information. For more information on any of the products listed in this brochure and their applications, please contact your nearest Rosemount Analytical sales office. To request copies of our literature, call 800.854.8257 or visit our website.

INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES: Angola Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Bolivia Brazil Brunei Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt Ethiopia Finland France Germany Ghana Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Korea Kuwait Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovak Republic South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Trinidad Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Yemen Yugoslavia

Online ordering available.

Emerson's Rosemount Analytical Liquid Division provides technologies and services for the analysis of liquid processes. For a wide range of applications, Emerson provides more than 60 years of expertise in high-precision analytical sensors, instrumentation and services. For information, call 800.854.8257. Emerson Process Management, Rosemount Analytical, PlantWeb, DeltaV, TUpH, ENDURANCE, ACCU-GLASS, and Solu Comp are marks of Emerson Process Management group of companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice. Rosemount Analytical Inc. 2007. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

HEADQUARTERS Emerson Process Management Rosemount Analytical Liquid Division 2400 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92606 T 949.757.8500 T 800.854.8257 F 949.474.7250

ASIA-PACIFIC Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific Private Ltd. 1 Pandan Crescent Singapore 0512 Republic of Singapore T 65.777.8211 F 65.777.0947

EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AND AFRICA Emerson Process Management Services Ltd. Heath Place Bognor Regis West Sussex PO22 9SH England T 44.1243.863121 F 44.1243.845354

LATIN AMERICA Emerson Process Management 9753 Pinelake Drive Houston, TX 77055 T 713.827.3301 F 713.827.3329

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