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Radoslav Rasko Jovanovic : Binet`s formulas

Binet`s formulas
Jacques Philippe Marie Binet (February 2, 1786 May 12, 1856) was a French mathematician, physicist and astronomer born in Rennes; he died in Paris, France, in 1856. After two years of study at the Ecole Polytechnique, he was appointed, in 1806, studentengineer in the government department of bridges and roads. Teaching, however, soon attracted him. For some time, he was professor of mathematics at the Lyce Napolon. He then became, at the Ecole Polytechnique, successively, rptiteur of descriptive geometry, examiner, professor of mechanics, and inspecteur-gnral of studies. In 1823, he succeeded Delambre in the chair of astronomy at the Collge de France. Because of his intense devotion to the cause of Charles X, the Government of July, 1830, removed him from the Ecole Polytechnique, although it allowed him to retain his professorship at the Collge de France. He had been made a member of the Socit Philomathique, in 1812. In 1843, he was elected to succeed Lacroix* in the Acadmie des Sciences, of which he was a most active member and had become president at the time of his death. Binet was a man of modest manner and a devout Catholic. To mathematics, mechanics, and astronomy, Binet contributed many valuable articles on a great variety of topics. These articles were published in the "Bulletins de la Socit philomathique", in the "Comptes rendus de l'Acadmie des sciences", in the "Journal des Mathmatiques" (Liouville) and, chiefly, in the "Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique". He also rewrote, to a large extent, the second volume of the "Mcanique analytique" of Lagrange for the edition of 1816. A few of his principal articles are: "Mmoire sur la thorie des axes conjugus et des moments d'inertie des corps", enunciating the principle sometimes called Binet's Theorem (Journ. de l'Ec. pol., IX, 1813); "Mmoire sur la dtermination analytique d'une sphre tangente quatre autres sphres (ibid., X, 1815); "Mmoire sur la dtermination des orbites des plantes et des comtes" (ibid., XIII, 1831); "Mmoire sur les intgrales dfinies eulriennes et sur leur application la thorie des suites ainsi qu' l'valuation des fonctions des grands nombres" (ibid., XVI, 1839; Paris, 1840); "Mmoire sur les ingalits sculaires du mouvement des plantes" (Journal de Math., V, 1840); "Mmoire sur la formation d'une classe trs tendue d'quations rciproques renfermant un nombre quelconque de variables" (Paris 1843). Binet's contributions to the fields of mathematics and science are numerous. He researched the foundations of matrix theory, discovering the rule for multiplying matricies in 1812. His other work aside, that discovery is primarily that for which he has been and will be remembered. Binet also contributed to number theory, specifically the theory of the Euclidean algorithm.

Radoslav Rasko Jovanovic : Binet`s formulas

Most interesting is the fact that Binet studied the linear difference equations; the Fibonacci recurrent equation is their particular case. His famous Binet's formulas connect Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with the Golden Section.

Jacques Philippe Marie Binet

Binet's Fibonacci Number Formula was derived by Binet in 1843, although the result was known to Euler and to Daniel Bernoulli more than a century ago.

Radoslav Rasko Jovanovic : Binet`s formulas

To get Binet's formulas let us take the expression of connecting the powers of the golden ratio : phi2 + phi = 1 or: (-1)phi2 + F(1)(2phi + 1)phi = 1

By multiplying the previous identity by -phi2 we get the next identity: (-1)2phi4 + 1*(2phi + 1)phi2 = 1 or: (-1)2phi4 + F(2)(2phi + 1)phi2 = 1

Also by multiplying the previous identity by -phi2 we get the next identity:

(-1)3phi6 + 2*(2phi + 1)phi3 = 1 or:

(-1)3phi6 + F(3)(2phi + 1)phi3 = 1

and so on:

(-1)4phi8 + 3*(2phi + 1)phi4 = 1


(-1)4phi8 + F(4)(2phi + 1)phi4 = 1


(-1)5phi10 + 5*(2phi + 1)phi5 = 1


(-1)5phi10 + F(5)(2phi + 1)phi5 = 1

Radoslav Rasko Jovanovic : Binet`s formulas

In general case we have:

(-1)nphi2n + F(n)(2phi + 1)phin = 1

Note that the equation is valid for any integer n. Using the previous equation it is also possible to exppress Fibonacci number F(n) throught the Golden Section:


Since phi is less than one in size, its powers decrease rapidly. We can use this to derive the following simpler formula for nth Fibonacci number F(n):

It is interesting that A de Moivre (1667-1754) had written about Binet`s Formula, in 1730, and had indeed found a method for finding formula for any general series of numbers formed in a similar way to the Fibonacci series. Let`s remember again that the degrees of the Golden Section are connected by the following identity: phi2 + phi = 1 or: (-1)2phi2 + L(1)phi = 1

By multiplying the previous identity by -phi2 we get the next identity:


Radoslav Rasko Jovanovic : Binet`s formulas

(-1)3phi4 + 3*phi2 = 1 or: (-1)3phi4 + L(2)phi2 = 1

Also by multiplying the previous identity by -phi2 we get the next identity:

(-1)4phi6 + 4* phi3 = 1 or: and so on: or: and or: (-1)4phi6 + L(3)phi3 = 1 (-1)5phi8 + 7*phi4 = 1 (-1)5phi8 + L(4)phi4 = 1 (-1)6phi10 + 11*phi5 = 1 (-1)6phi10 + L(5)phi5 = 1

In general case we have: (-1)n+1phi2n + L(n)phin = 1 Note that the equation is valid for any integer n. Using the previous equation it is also possible to exppress Lucas number L(n) throught the Golden Section:

L(n) = Phin + (-1)nphin or:

Radoslav Rasko Jovanovic : Binet`s formulas

We only used this formula for positive whole values on n and it only gives integer results. Well, perheps it was not really so surprising since the formula is supposed to define the Lucas numbers which are integers; but it is surprising in that this formula involves Phi and phi which are both irrational numbers.

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