Worksheet in GE Math: Wk-4 Nature of Mathematics 1.2 The Fibonacci Sequence

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Worksheet in GE Math:

Nature of Mathematics
1.2 The Fibonacci sequence
1. Identify Fibonacci sequence
2. Solve problems involving Fibonacci

The human mind is hardwired to recognize patterns. In mathematics
patterns may be generated by performing one or several mathematical
operations repeatedly.
Sequence – is an ordered list of numbers called terms that may have repeated
values. The arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.

Example :
Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three
a. 1,10, 100, 1000
b. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20
a. Looking at the set of numbers, it can be observed that each
term is a power of 10:
100 = 1 following the rule the next three terms are: 10 4 = 10,000,
101 = 10 105 = 100,000, and 106 =1,000,000.
102 = 100
103 = 1,000
b. looking at the sequence 1st term (2+3=5),followed by (5+4=9) then
(9+5=14), (14+6=20); therefore the next three terms are (20+7=27),(27+8=35)
and (35+9=44)
Check your progress:
Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three
a. 16, 32, 64, 128
b. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

The sequence in letter b is a special sequence called the Fibonacci sequence.

Fibonacci sequence – name after the Italian Mathematician LEONARDO OF PISA
Leonardo of Pisa–was better known by his nickname FIBONACCI.
- He discovered the special sequence Fibonacci as he looked at how a hypothesized
group of rabbits bred and reproduced. He noted that the set of numbers generated
from this problem could be extended by getting the sum of the two previous terms.
Starting with 0 and 1, the succeeding terms in the sequence can be generated by
adding the two numbers that came before the term:
0+1=1 0, 1, 1
1+1=2 0, 1, 1, 2
1+2=3 0, 1, 1, 2, 3
2+3=5 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
3+5=8 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
5 + 8 = 13 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ; 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…….
While the sequence is widely known as Fibonacci sequence, this pattern is said to have been
discovered much earlier in India. According to some scholarly articles, Fibonacci sequence is
evident in the number of variation of a particular category of Sanskrit and Prakrit poetry
meters. In poetry, meter refers to the rhythmic pattern of syllables.
Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties. Among these patterns are visible in
nature. Some of nature’s most beautiful patterns, like the spiral arrangement of sun flower
seeds, the number of petals in a flower, and the shape of a snail’s shell all of them contain
Fibonacci numbers. It is also interesting to note that the ratios of successive Fibonacci
numbers approach the numbers Ø (phi), also known as the Golden Ratio. This is
approximately equal to 1.618.
1/1 = 1.0000 13/8 = 1.6250
2/1 = 2.0000 21/13 = 1.6154
3/2 = 1.5000 34/21 = 1.6190
5/3 = 1.6667 55/34 = 1.6177
8/5 = 1.6000 89/55 = 1.6182
As such, this ratio is visible in many works of art and architecture such as in the Mona Lisa,
the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Parthenon. In Fact the Human DNA molecule also
contains Fibonacci numbers, being 34 Angstroms long by 21 Angstroms wide for each full
cycle of the double helix spiral. As shown in the list above, this approximates the golden
ratio at a value of about 1.619 (1 angstrom =10-10 meter or 0.1 nanometer).
The Sunflower The snail shell

Mathematics in a modern world pattern Iris data

The Parthenon is said to exhibit the application of the Golden Ratio

Check your progress:
Let Fib (n) be the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence, with Fib (1) = 1, Fib (2)= 1, Fib (3) = 2,
and so on..
1. Find Fib (5) =
2. Find Fib (10) =
3. If Fib (12) = 144 and Fib (14) =377 what is Fib (13) =
1. Fib (5) = 5
2. Fib (10) = 55
3. Fib (13) =233

1.2 Exercises:
I. Give the correct answer of the given question:
________1.The arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.
________2. Sequence is an ordered list of numbers called ____ that may have repeated
________3.As special type of sequence name after the Italian Mathematician
________4.The Italian Mathematician
________5. Leonardo of Pisa was better known by his nickname.
________6. He discovered the special sequence as he looked at how a hypothesized group
of ______ bred and reproduced.
________7. The succeeding terms in the sequence can be generated by ____ the two
numbers that came before the term.
________8. The patterns have been discovered much earlier in what place?
________9.Fibonacci sequence is evident in the number of variation of a particular category
of____________ poetry meters.
________10.In poetry,_______ refers to the rhythmic pattern of syllables.
________11.Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties. Among these patterns
are visible in _______.
________12.Some of nature’s most beautiful patterns like the spiral arrangement of _____
________13.It is also interesting to note that the ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers
approach the numbers ___ .
________14. Phi also known as the ________ . This is approximately equal to 1.618.
________15. Golden ratio is visible in many works of art and architecture such as in the
Mona Lisa, the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the _______ .
II. Give the correct answer by following the instruction.
Let Fib (n) be the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence, with Fib (1) = 1, Fib (2)= 1, Fib (3) = 2,
and so on..
1. Find Fib (8) =
2. Find Fib (19) =
3. If Fib (22) = 17,711 and Fib (24) =46,368 what is Fib (23) =
4. Evaluate the ff sums:
a. Fib (1) + Fib (2) =
b. Fib (1) + Fib (2) + Fib (3) =
c. Fib (1) + Fib (2) + Fib (3) + Fib (4) =
5. Determine the pattern in the successive sums from the previous question.
What will be the sum of Fib (1) + Fib (2) + …..+ Fib (10)?
Note: Answer completely
6. Evaluate the product of the ff:
a. Fib (3) x Fib (5) =
b. Fib (4) + Fib (2) x Fib (1) =
c. Fib (3) x Fib (5) + Fib (2) =

7. Starting with the first Fibonacci number, Fib (1) = 1 and the second Fibonacci number,
Fib(2) = 1, What is the 15th Fibonacci number, Fib (15) = ?
8. What is Fib (20)?
9. Given Fib (30) = 832,040 and Fib (28) = 317,811 what is Fib (29) =?
10. What is Fib (8)?

Solve the given problem:

Consider Fib (3) = 2. What do you notice about every 3 rd Fibonacci number, i.e Fib (6), Fib
(9), Fib (12), …….. ? Similarly, look at Fib (4) = 3, then check out every 4 th Fibonacci number
i.e Fib (8), Fib (12), Fib (16) …. ? What seem to be the pattern behind these sequences
generated from Fibonacci numbers?

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