Otrs Itsm Datenmodell - Desbloqueado
Otrs Itsm Datenmodell - Desbloqueado
Otrs Itsm Datenmodell - Desbloqueado
status goodsRequiredDate goodsReceiptDate termOfPayment: varchar typeOfDispatch: varchar shippingCost /orderSubTotal (:=sum(pricePerPos)) orderPriceAdjustment /orderGrandTotal (:= SubTotal + Adjustmt.) invoiceDate invoiceNo: varchar createdDateTime createdBy modifiedDateTime modifiedBy relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes OrderItem id pos quantity partNo description pricePerUnit pricePerPos receiptDate receiptQuantity CIClass notes Financials id purchaseDate invoiceNo pricePerUnit units /totalPrice (:=pricePerUnit * units) lease: boolean leaseReturnDate leaseReturnNotificationDate objectLifespan depreciationMethod initialBookValue currBookValue salvageValue attachments notes Contract id contractNo title description category contractStatus termStartDateTime termExpirationDateTime terminationNoticeDateTime renewalNoticeDateTime costPerTerm lastReviewDateTime nextReviewDateTime warrantyType relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes contractOwner Location id parent name description status type phone1 phone2 fax email address1 address2 timezone attachments notes childLoc LEGEND Classes - White background: Implementation in OTRS::ITSM v1.0 - Grey background: Implementation in future OTRS::ITSM release - Black text: Implementation in OTRS::ITSM 1.0 - Grey text: Implementation in future OTRS::ITSM release - Blue text: Available in OTRS Framework 2.x locations OrgUnit id parent orgName description category: int status internal: boolean website attachments notes persons Person id title firstName middleName lastName /displayName (:=fistName & lastName) status vip: boolean businessPhone1 businessPhone2 mobilePhone fax emailAddress instantMsgAddress jobTitle costCenter preferredLanguage attachments notes n..1 members 1..n manager Agent isAgent agentManager id pager workCalendar hourlyRate hourlyOvertimeRate Calendar -organization specificagent Skills Skill id type name description relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes documentOwner documentAuthor Documentation id title name description keywords type category version lastReviewDateTime nextReviewDateTime modifiedDateTime modifiedBy documentStatus relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes
projectProcessOwner & projectLead & projectMember 1..1 ArticleFrom & ArticleActor (1.1) kbArticleNo 1..n requester 1..n user (customer) & 1..n owner & 1..n decisionBy Queue 1..n groupdID id name
Service serviceID serviceName serviceDescription serviceNotes serviceType (serviceCategory) serviceCriticality serviceDeploymentStatus serviceAvailabiltyStatus 1..1 supportingGroup & 1..1 serviceManager
KnowlegeBase id title content contentText status version folder public attachments notes
1..1 queueID Ticket *..1 relevantService TicketID TicketNumber CreateTime CreateBy responseTime dueTime repairStartTime recoverStartTime closeDateTime closureResult modifiedDateTime (ChangeTime) modifiedBy (ChangeBy) currTicketStatus (state) currEscalationLevel currEscalationTo decisionDate decisionResult summary (TicketTitle) impact priority (TicketPriorityID) /totalTime (:=sum(spentTime)) outOfScope: boolean billingType /totalExpenses (:=sum(expenses)) chargeAdjustment /totalCharge (:=totalTime + totalExpenses + chargeAdjust.) billingStatus ( all in Version 1.1) relatedObjects relationTypes
ComputerCI id name vendor model description type category computerName barcode serialNo dhsLocation osName cpu cpuCount cpuSpeed hdd hddCount hddFree ram displayAdapter monitorType network domain lanCard ipAddresses primaryIPAddress warrantyExpirationDate installDate currDeploymentStatus currDeploymentDate plannedDeploymentStatus plannedDeploymentDate createdDateTime createdBy modified modifiedBy modifiedByAudit (unused) relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes
SoftwareCI id name vendor version description type category barcode serialNo licenceKeys media dslLocation licenceType licenceQuantity /licenceBalance (:= installations - Quantity) licenceExpirationDate installationsOnCI installDates currDeploymentStatus currDeploymentDate plannedDeploymentStatus plannedDeploymentDate createdDateTime createdBy modified modifiedBy modifiedByAudit (unused) relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes
HardwareCI id name vendor model description type category barcode serialNo dhsStorageLocation warrantyExpirationDate installDate currDeploymentStatus currDeploymentDate plannedDeploymentStatus plannedDeploymentDate createdDateTime createdBy modified modifiedBy modifiedByAudit (unused) relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes
NetworkCI id name description type category ipAddressRangeFrom ipAddressRangeTo ipAddressesUsed currDeploymentStatus currDeploymentDate plannedDeploymentStatus plannedDeploymentDate createdDateTime createdBy modified modifiedBy modifiedByAudit (unused) relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes 1..* underlyingSLA
MonitoringEvent (3rd Party) AvailabilityStatusChange() TicketOnServiceIncident() id eventSource eventCode eventName eventDescription eventDateTime eventAcknowledged eventClosed eventClosedBy notes
1..1+ TicketID
TicketArticle ArticleID CreateTime CreateBy ArticleType description (Body) public (SenderType) spentTime attachments budget (1.1) expenses (1.1)
1..n childService
Project projects id parent projectName projectObjective projectMemberRole startDateTime endDateTime relatedObjects relationTypes attachments notes childProject
SLA slaID slaName slaDescription slaNotes slaType slaCategory slWindow (Calendar) slAvailabilityTarget slAvailabiltyMeasurementPeriod slTransactionTarget slResponseTimeTarget (= serviceLeadTimeTarget) MaxTimeToRepairTarget (= serviceDeliveryTimeTarget) MinTimeBetweenIncidentsTarget slaStatus slaTermStartDateTime slaTermExpirationDateTime slaReportingCycle slaReportingRecipients slaReviewCycle: varchar nextSLAReviewDateTime slaBaseCost relatedObjects relationTypes EscalationScheme serviceLevel id slEscalationThreshold slCreditOrBonus escalateTo
1..1 ticketClass IncidentRecord id incidentType incidentErrorCode currIncidentStatus slAchievementLevel slAchievementDetail ProblemRecord id problemType currProblemStatus ChangeRecord id changeType risk currChangeStatus pirResult ReleaseRecord id releaseType currReleaseStatus WorkPackage id workPackageType wpSequenceNo wpPredecessor severityOverride priorityOverride currWPStatus budget child Work Package
Enterprise Consulting GmbH Norsk-Data-Str. 1 D-61352 Bad Homburg T F E I +49 6172 18076-0 +49 6172 18076-90 [email protected] www.enterprise-consulting.de
Objective: Functional Class Model (UML 2.0) of the CMDB, conform to ITIL best practices. For the technical DB scheme, implemented in OTRS::ITSM, see: http://ftp.otrs.org.
Author(s): Werner Siebecke (ECO) Effective: 02-JUL-07 Approved by: Manuel Hecht ((otrs))
File: OTRS_ITSM - ECO - CMDB Class Model v1 20070702.VSD As of: 02-JUL-07 Page: 1 of 1