Writing Disassembler

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Writing disassembler - part 1 - v1.

0.0 Introdution 0.1 What? 0.2 Why? 0.3 And how? 1.0 Planning the engine 2.0 Structure of instruction 2.1 Opcodes 2.2 Operands 2.3 Prefixes 2.4 Instruction data 2.4.1 Memory address structure 2.5 Pointer to code 2.6 "Label mark" 3.0 Files organization 4.0 What in next part? ---------------------------------------------------------------------0.0 Introdution ---------------------------------------------------------------------0.1 What? Disassembler engine it's some procedure that take some pointer to assembled code (for example it takes it from some exe file from .text (.code) section. Then it disassembles it to some user-friendly structures. Normally assembled instructions have different length and it's hard (or impossible) to manipulate them without disassembling. 0.2 Why? Disassembling is used for poli/meta-morphic viruses. For example metamorphic virus will disassemble his own body (even disassembler procedure) then shrink/change/expand instructions using disassembled structures and then it will reassemble it again and ofcourse put it to some exe it wants to infect :). 0.3 And how? I will write the engine in assembler - because we probably want to use it in some viri stuff :). I use masm many people say that masm is crap and they use nasm. I realy don't know which assembler is better. I started to learn assembler with masm and I realy like it as it has very powerful macro engine (which we will use writing our engine). Nasm have macro support too - I even tried nasm few times but, well, I prefer masm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------1.0 Overview of disassembler engine ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I don't know how to write a good disassembler (dasm) engine yet :). But I have few sources and few ideas (more sources than ideas :) and I will try. The most important part of making such engine is planing - without planing we won't finish anything! So first few chapters of this "tutorial" will focus just on theoretical aspects of our dasm structure. First of all we have to plan how we will store instructions disassembled by our engine - we need some structure which will be capable to hold any instruction we want. It must be also very comfortable to manipulate it. When we will make it, it will define our own pseudo-assembler language. So lets begin and jump to next chapter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------2.0 Structure of instruction ---------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, we need instruction structure - lets create it in "_instr.inc". Here is body of our instruction (empty now): ; _instr.inc _instr struct ... _instr ends Most important field in our structure will be opcode field. It will define the instruction that our structure holds. Let it be one byte - it will allow us to hold there 2^8 = 256 different values (instructions). It should be enough as we don't need every instruction in processor to be recognizable by our dasm engine (for example we don't need FPU or MMX instructions, probably only the basic ones). Now our structure will look like this: ; _instr.inc _instr struct opcode byte ? ... _instr ends

2.1 Opcodes Now we have to define some opcodes that our engine will use - lets create file "opcodes.inc" (writing code in separate files will allow us to manage project easier). We can decide for each instruction what number (from 0 to 255) it will have. But at first lets construct some list of x86 instructions that we want to have in engine: name | operand1 | operand2 ----------------------------------------arithmetic instructions -----------------------------------------

add ; add | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm sub ; sub | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm inc ; inc | mem/reg | dec ; dec | mem/reg | neg ; neg | mem/reg | mul ; mul | mem/reg | eax/edx div ; div | mem/reg | eax/edx ----------------------------------------logic instructions ----------------------------------------or ; or | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm and ; and | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm xor ; and | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm not ; not | mem/reg | ----------------------------------------shift instructions ----------------------------------------shl ; shl | mem/reg | imm/cl shr ; shr | mem/reg | imm/cl sal ; sal | mem/reg | imm/cl sar ; sar | mem/reg | imm/cl ----------------------------------------rotation instructions ----------------------------------------rol ; rol | mem/reg | imm/cl ror ; ror | mem/reg | imm/cl rcl ; rcl | mem/reg | imm/cl rcr ; rcr | mem/reg | imm/cl ----------------------------------------data transfer instructions ----------------------------------------mov ; mov | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm xchg ; xchg | mem/reg | mem/reg push ; push | mem/reg/imm | pop ; pop | mem/reg | pusha; pusha | | popa ; popa | | pushad;pushad| | popad; popad | | pushf; pushf | | pushfd;pushfd| | popf ; popf | | popfd; popfd | | stc ; stc | | clc ; stc | | cmc ; stc | | std ; stc | | cld ; stc | | sti ; stc | | cli ; stc | | cbw ; stc | | cwd ; stc | | cwde ; stc | | ----------------------------------------other instructions -----------------------------------------

lea ; lea | reg | mem nop ; nop | | ----------------------------------------program control instructions ----------------------------------------jxx ; jxx | mem/reg/imm | jmp ; jmp | mem/reg/imm | enter; enter | imm | imm leave;leave | | call; call | mem/reg/imm | ret ; ret | imm | loopxx;loopxx| imm | ----------------------------------------string instructions ----------------------------------------cmps; cmps | esi | edi lods; lods | esi | eax movs; movs | esi | edi scas; scas | edi | eax stos; stos | edi | eax ----------------------------------------compare in structions ----------------------------------------cmp ; cmp | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm test; test | mem/reg | mem/reg/imm ----------------------------------------virtual instructions ----------------------------------------movm; movm | mem | mem apistart; | imm | apiend; | imm | imm Okay, this table needs some explanation. It includes all instructions that we need in our engine - ofcourse we can put here any instruction but we probably won't use most of them. Virtual instructions - what is it? In assembler for example there is no instruction mov mem,mem - it's forbidden. But we have to do this very often in our program. We do this by for example push mem/pop mem or mov reg,mem/mov mem,reg and so on. But in our pseudo assembler we can hold thos instructions like one instruction movm (move mem to mem). It will help us to manipulate the code later. We will just have to expand such instruction in 2 instructions during assembly process. Instructions apistart/apiend are just prologue of the procedure (push ebp/mov ebp,esp/sub esp,imm) and epilogue (add esp,imm/pop ebp). I you don't know any instructions from the table just type "intel instruction set" in google and check first few links to get instructions and descriptions of them. There is something important about operands - even if operand1 can be mem and operand can be mem too - don't forget that mem,mem is forbidden! Okay what about operands size? Ofcourse the register operand can be 8 or 16 or 32 bit. And immidiate value can

also be 8/16/32bit. But our pseudo assembler must be as comfortable for us as possible so we will hold information about operands sizes later in the structure. Now when we have list of instruction lets construct "opcodes.inc", where we will declare some opcodes constants. ; opcodes.inc .const ; arithmetic instructions OPCODE_ADD equ 000h OPCODE_SUB equ 001h OPCODE_INC equ 002h OPCODE_DEC equ 003h OPCODE_NEG equ 004h OPCODE_MUL equ 005h OPCODE_DIV equ 006h ; logic instructions OPCODE_OR equ 007h OPCODE_AND equ 008h OPCODE_XOR equ 009h OPCODE_NOT equ 00ah ; shift instructions OPCODE_SHL equ 00bh OPCODE_SHR equ 00ch OPCODE_SAL equ 00dh OPCODE_SAR equ 00eh ; rotation OPCODE_ROL OPCODE_ROR OPCODE_RCL OPCODE_RCR instructions equ 00fh equ 010h equ 011h equ 012h

; data transfer instructions OPCODE_MOV equ 013h OPCODE_XCHG equ 014h OPCODE_PUSH equ 015h OPCODE_POP equ 016h OPCODE_PUSHA equ 017h OPCODE_POPA equ 018h OPCODE_PUSHAD equ 019h OPCODE_POPAD equ 01ah OPCODE_PUSHF equ 01bh OPCODE_PUSHFD equ 01ch OPCODE_POPF equ 01dh OPCODE_POPFD equ 01eh OPCODE_STC equ 01fh OPCODE_CLC equ 020h OPCODE_CMC equ 021h OPCODE_STD equ 022h


equ equ equ equ equ equ

023h 024h 025h 026h 027h 028h

; other instructions OPCODE_LEA equ 02ah OPCODE_NOP equ 090h ; program control OPCODE_JXX equ OPCODE_JMP equ OPCODE_ENTER equ OPCODE_LEAVE equ OPCODE_CALL equ OPCODE_RET equ OPCODE_LOOPXX equ instructions 02ch 02dh 02eh 02fh 030h 031h 032h

; string instructions OPCODE_CMPS equ 033h OPCODE_LODS equ 034h OPCODE_MOVS equ 035h OPCODE_SCAS equ 036h OPCODE_STOS equ 037h ; compare in structions OPCODE_CMP equ 03eh OPCODE_TEST equ 03fh ; virtual instructions OPCODE_MOVM equ 040h OPCODE_APISTART equ 041h OPCODE_APIEND equ 042h 2.2 Operands

Now we need some variable in our _instr structure that will represent operands used by the instruction which is definied by the opcode field. First lets see what we will add in file "_instr.inc": ; _instr.inc include opcodes.inc include operands.inc _instr struct opcode byte ? operands byte ? ... _instr ends

All we need is file operands.inc. But what types do we have in assembler? There are 3 types of operands: reg (register), mem (memory address), imm (immediate value const number). Each isntruction can have 0,1 or 2 operands (well in fact there are instructions that take 3 arguments but we don't need them). So: ; _operands.inc .const OPERANDS_NONE OPERANDS_REG OPERANDS_MEM OPERANDS_IMM OPERANDS_REG_REG OPERANDS_REG_MEM OPERANDS_REG_IMM OPERANDS_MEM_MEM OPERANDS_MEM_REG OPERANDS_MEM_IMM 2.3 Prefixes Prefixes are some bytes that we can put in front of instruction. Instruction may have 0,1 or more prefixes. Not evry instruction can have specific prefix. There are few groups of prefixes: Lock and repeat prefixes (3 values): LOCK - 0f0h REPNE/REPNZ - 0f2h REP - 0f3h REPE/REPZ - 0f3h (same as REP) SIMD - 0f3h (same as REP) Segment CS SS DS ES FS GS override prefixes (6 values): - 02eh - 036h - 03eh - 026h - 064h - 065h equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ 000h 001h 002h 003h 004h 005h 006h 007h 008h 009h

Operand-size override prefix (1 value): OP_SIZE - 066h Address-size override prefix (1 value): ADDR_SIZE - 067h Each instruction can have only 1 prefix from each group - so one instruction can have up to 4 prefixes (we have 4 groups). There are few prefixes we wont use - SIMD and LOCK we just don't need them. We will store all prefix data in one byte called prefixes:

; _instr.inc include opcodes.inc include operands.inc include prefixes.inc _instr struct opcode byte ? operands byte ? prefixes byte ? ... _instr ends We have one byte so 8 bits to store those values. Lets do like that: [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] \ | / | | | |_ operand size (bit 0) \ | / | | |_ address size (bit 1) \|/ | |_ REPNE/REPNZ (bit 2) | |_ REP/REPE/REPZ (bit 3) |_ segment override (bit 4,5,6) 7th bit stays unused for now maybe we will use it later for some extra data. Okay lets look into "prefixes.inc": ; prefixes.inc .const ; bit patterns PREFIX_OP_SIZE PREFIX_ADDR_SIZE PREFIX_REPNE PREFIX_REPNZ PREFIX_REPE PREFIX_REP PREFIX_REPZ PREFIX_SEG_NONE PREFIX_CS PREFIX_SS PREFIX_DS PREFIX_ES PREFIX_FS PREFIX_GS

equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ

01h ; bit 0 02h ; bit 1 04h ; bit 2 PREFIX_REPNE 08h ; bit 3 PREFIX_REPE PREFIX_REPE 0 000 0000b 0 001 0000b 0 010 0000b 0 011 0000b 0 100 0000b 0 101 0000b 0 110 0000b

; bit indexes (only for 1 bit prefixes) BI_OP_SIZE equ 00h BI_ADDR_SIZE equ 01h BI_REPNE equ 02h BI_REPNZ equ BI_REPNE BI_REPE equ 03h BI_REP equ BI_REPE BI_REPZ equ BI_REPE ; prefix real opcodes


equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ

066h 067h 0f2h OPCODE_REPNE 0f3h OPCODE_REPE OPCODE_REPE 02eh 036h 03eh 026h 064h 065h

Now as we have defined our instruction by its opcode, operands and prefixes, we have to create some structure which will hold data for instruction - for example which register it uses, memory address, any immediate data and so on. The use of this structure will depend on which instruction it is and what operands it uses and what prefixes it has (operand and address prefixes especially). Lets look on this structure ("_idata.inc"): ; _idata.inc include registers.inc include _mem.inc _idata struct union reg1 byte ? union imm1_8 byte imm1_16 word imm1_32 dword ends mem1 _mem <> ends union reg2 byte ? union imm2_8 byte imm2_16 word imm2_32 dword ends mem2 _mem <> ends ends

? ? ?

? ? ?

Okay, we have 2 unions inside - we can use each union as register/immediate/memory. It allow us to construct any option from our defined OPERANDS_XXX constants. The reg1 and reg2 fields will be used ofcourse to encode registers. We need some constants ("registers.inc"):

; registers.inc .const REG_EAX REG_EBX REG_ECX REG_EDX REG_ESI REG_EDI REG_EBP REG_ESP equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ 00h 03h 01h 02h 06h 07h 05h 04h

2.4.1 Memory address structure We have few addressing modes on x86 processors. For example we have direct address [0x00112233] or by register [eax] and so on. The most complex will be addressing mode like this [reg1+reg2 *multiply+displacement] (we will focus on specific addressing modes in later chapters). Multiply can be 1/2/4/8. It's 4 values so we need only 2 bits to encode it. Then we have displacement - it can be 1/2/4 byte long so we need 4 bytes to handle this. So our _mem struct will be like this ("_mem.inc"): ; _mem.inc include registers.inc .const ; multiplication values MULTI_1 equ 00 000000b MULTI_2 equ 01 000000b MULTI_4 equ 10 000000b MULTI_8 equ 11 000000b MULTI_BITMASK equ 11 000000b ; addressing modes MODE_DISP equ 100 00000b MODE_REG equ 011 00000b MODE_REG_REG equ 010 00000b MODE_REG_DISP equ 001 00000b MODE_REG_REG_DISP equ 000 00000b MODE_BITMASK equ 111 00000b

_mem struct memreg1 byte ? ; bits 5/6/7 = mode memreg2 byte ? ; bits 6/7 = multiplicator union disp8 byte ?

disp16 word ? disp32 dword ? ends _mem ends So in memreg1 byte, bits number 0/1/2 contain info about register and bits 5/6/7 about the addressing mode. In memreg2 byte bits 0/1/2 encode the second register and bits 6/7 define multiplicator. Disp is just displacement which can be 1/2/4 byte long. 2.5 Pointer to code The next member of _instr structure will be the pointer to the code - it will just point to the real code that we are disassembling - it is very important but I will explain it later. So this pointer will be just a dword and we will call it "pointer" - look into 2.6 for the whole _instr structure definition. 2.6 "Label mark" Label mark is very handy thing which was "invented" by Mental Driller (I think so) in his metamorphic virus called "metamorpho" :). It's not really neccessery during disassembling but it will be important during morphing of the code. Label mark it's just a byte that can be 0 or 1. It's 1 if any jump/call point to this instruction (instruction has a label on it) or 0 if not. The whole _instr structure now looks: ; _instr.inc include include include include opcodes.inc operands.inc prefixes.inc _idata.inc

_instr struct opcode byte ? operands byte ? prefixes byte ? _idata idata <> pointer dword ? labelmark byte ? _instr ends ---------------------------------------------------------------------3.0 Files organization ---------------------------------------------------------------------Okay we created some files - now lets make a clear view of how we set up directories for our engine. First of all we need some root directory - lets call it "dasm_engine". Inside we should have 2 folders "source" and "include" or "src" and "inc" as you

wish (I choose src/inc). We will put all *.inc files into the "inc" directory and all *.asm files into "src" directory. So till now we have: > dasm_engine > src > inc > _instr.inc > opcodes.inc > operands.inc > prefixes.inc > registers.inc > _mem.inc > _idata.inc U can download those files from the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/292167997/dasm_engine.rar.html . ---------------------------------------------------------------------4.0 What in next part? ---------------------------------------------------------------------In next part we will discuss about the whole engine routine - how it will work, what parameters it will take and so on. Then we will write few (or many :) useful macros. And we will start to write the disassembling procedure :). If you have any questions or remarks or anything else just email me: [email protected].

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