Paleolithic and Neolithic

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The document discusses the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, including how early humans lived as hunter-gatherers using simple stone tools and fire, the climatic changes between glacial and interglacial periods, and the emergence of religious practices and beliefs in an afterlife.

Paleolithic humans lived in small nomadic bands and subsisted on gathering plants and hunting or scavenging animals. They used simple stone tools and learned to make fire. Hunting was an important part of their lives since they followed migrating food sources.

The climate during the Paleolithic fluctuated between warm and cool temperatures in a series of glacial and interglacial periods. The geography also changed between the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs, with climates becoming cooler and drier and glaciers advancing during the Pleistocene.




The Paleolithic Age is a prehistoric era distinguished by the development of the most primitive stone tools yet discovered and covers roughly 99% of human technological prehistory. During the Paleolithic, humans grouped together in small societies such as bands, and subsisted by gathering plants and hunting or scavenging wild animals

The climate during the Paleolithic consisted of a set of glacial and interglacial periods in which the climate periodically fluctuated between warm and cool temperatures. The Paleolithic is the first period of the Stone Age. Traditionally, it is divided into three (somewhat overlapping) periods, to which various archaeological technologies have been assigned. The assignments are shown in the box to the upper right. The subdivisions are: Lower Paleolithic (c. 2.6 or 2.5 Ma100 ka) Middle Paleolithic (c. 300,00030,000 BP). Upper Paleolithic (c. 45,000 or 40,00010,000 BP).


The Paleolithic climate consisted of a set of glacial and interglacial periods The climate of the Paleolithic Period spanned two geologic epochs known as the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. Both of these epochs experienced important geographic and climatic changes that affected human societies. Climates during the Pliocene became cooler and drier, and seasonal, similar to modern climates. The Pleistocene climate was characterized by repeated glacial cycles during which continental glaciers pushed to the 40th parallel in some places.


Paleolithic people of the old stone age used simple stone tools, and were the earliest people that we know of who had the ability to make tools Hunting was a huge part of the Paleolithic people's lives, they were nomads, because their food sources; buffalo, horses, bison, etc, all migrated and/or had vegetation cycles. They learned to lit fire by hitting two fire stones and rubbing sticks.

Religious behavior is thought to have emerged by the Upper Paleolithic Religious behavior may combine (for example) ritual, spirituality, mythology and magical thinking or animism - aspects that may have had separate histories of development during the Middle Paleolithic before combining into "religion proper" of behavioral modernity. When they buried their dead, they buried tools and utensils along with the dead body as they believed that the dead person might need it in the afterlife.

Anthropologists define culture as a human's ability to adapt to his environment and pass his life's experience to future generations. While each region has a distinct culture, all cultures borrow from their neighbours, thus creating change over time. Culture is distinct from civilization, which is defined as a city-based society in which there are differing occupations and levels of wealth wherein elites exercise economic, political, and religious power.

By 6500 B.C.E., humans secured for themselves a dependable food supply by planting crops and domesticating animals. As a result, the human population increased, food surpluses allowed for economic specialization and exchange, and the emergence of civilization was made possible. As humans began practicing agriculture, it saved them the time they wasted roaming from one place to another in search of food.

Along with development in agriculture, this period was also marked by the use of refined weapons and tools, which could be used to do a lot more that merely digging the ground or hunting animals.

As time elapsed, man learned many new things, which included using new tools for sculpting, creating pottery, painting etc. All these developments in Neolithic art history opened the realms of art for mankind - something which is followed even today.

Characteristics of a Civilization
With the Neolithic Revolution civilizations now began popping up in unsurprising locations - river valleys. These river valleys provided people with fertile soil due to their floods. These floods, combined with the new-found knowledge of farming and animal domestication, allowed for a stable food supply and so the Neolithic people settled down around these rivers. As these people lived together in one spot civilization arose, which often shared theses common characteristics:


Sometime around 3000 BC, the Neolithic peoples around these river valleys learned how to make and use bronze tools and weapons. This in part allowed these peoples to construct permanent shelters and homes since they no longer were nomads, following their food source and looking for caves as shelter.

The floods that helped to provide the fertile soil for survival also posed a problem. The floods were sometimes massive and could wipe out an entire village if uncontrolled and farmers needed to get water to their fields during the dry season.

As a result an irrigation system (dikes and canals) was necessary to control these waters. The construction of these projects required organization and cooperation among the Neolithic people on a massive scaled. So governments probably developed to direct these projects and to provide rules by which to live.

As agricultural productivity increased, fewer people were needed to work in the fields producing food (much like the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century in England). These "extra" people who weren't needed to farm could then become artisans, or merchants etc.

Calendars were created out of the need to predict and know when the floods would arrive. Most of these early calendars were based on the cycle of the moon.

Writing systems developed to keep records, put down rules, and to pass on complex instructions (maybe for irrigation) to future generations. For example the Egyptians developed a system of writing called hieroglyphics and the Sumerians developed cuneiform.

The cultural achievements of the Neolithic society are impressed on the material remains bequeathed to us and which have been revealed through excavations.

Architecture, burials, tools, pottery, figurines and jewellery demonstrate, after a silence of thousands of years, with a unique eloquence and descriptiveness the natural environment and its economic exploitation, the ways of disposing farming products, the structure of society and codes of behaviour, the channels of artistic expression and, finally, the contacts and exchanges, that reveal new worlds, beyond the confines of the small settlements.

Jewellery of clay, stone, gold or silver and possibly seals for the adornment of the body express the tendency for embellishment both in everyday life and in exceptional

cases as well (e.g. rites of a religious character, festivals for rich harvests). During the last phases of the Neolithic the use of jewellery made from the sea-shell Spondylus, as well as silver and gold jewellery (ring idol pendants, earrings) worn by only a few members of the Neolithic community, suggests new social conditions had arisen and a desire for individual promotion. Jewellery from precious materials, as well as arrow heads of obsidian and copper tools, were all objects of social prestige. The need to exchange diet products and raw materials lead Neolithic farmers to explore beyond the confines of the settlements. Thus, a farmer came into contact with metals, copper, silver and gold, and further developed his know-how in the fields of pyrotechnology and navigation. Finally, burial practices reflect a respect for human life and a belief in a life after death, expressed with the offering of funerary items.


Ground stone tools became important during the Neolithic period.

These ground or polished implements are manufactured from larger-grained materials such as basalt, greenstone and some forms of rhyolite which are not suitable for flaking.

The greenstone industry was important in the English Lake District, and is known as the Langdale axe industry. Polished stone axes were important for the widespread clearance of woods and forest during the Neolithic period, when crop and livestock farming developed on a large scale.


After 10.000 BC humans settled down in villages. One of the best preserved is the Neolithic village at Chatal Huyuk in Anatolia (now modern Turkey). The partial reconstruction of the village gives an idea of buildings.

The village of Chatal Huyuk is the largest Neolithic site in the Near East covering 13 hectares.


The imperfection of speech, which nonetheless allowed easier dissemination of ideas and stimulated inventions, eventually resulted in the creation of new forms of communications, improving both the range at which people could communicate and the longevity of the information. All of those inventions were based on the key concept of the symbol: a conventional representation of a concept.


The oldest known symbols created with the purpose of communication through time are the cave paintings, a form of rock art, dating to the Upper Paleolithic.

Though not well standardized, those paintings contained increasing amounts of information. The connection between drawing and writing is further shown by linguistics.


Petroglyphs from Hljesta, Sweden. Nordic Bronze Age. The next step in the history of communications is petroglyphs, carvings into a rock surface. It took about 20,000 years for Homo sapiens to move from the first cave paintings to the first petroglyphs, which are dated to around 10,000 BC.


A pictogram (pictograph) is a symbol representing a concept, object, activity, place or event by illustration. Pictography is a form of proto-writing whereby ideas are transmitted through drawing. Pictographs were the next step in the evolution of communication: Pictograms were used by various ancient cultures all over the world since around 9000 BC.


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