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16. Which of the following is TRUE in regards to high risk patient ? A. 0.

1ml of blood from Hepatitis B carrier is less infective than 0.1ml of blood from HIV patient B. 0.1ml of blood from Hepatitis B carrier is more infective than 0.1ml of blood from HIV patient C. Level of virus are similar in the blood and saliva of HIV patient D. Level of virus in the saliva is not significant for Hepatitis B patient E. The presence of Hepatitis B core Antigen in the blood means that active disease is not present 17. Your employer in an attempt to update office sterilization procedures; what would you recommend as the BEST method to verify that sterilization has occurred?

A. Use spore test daily B. Use indicator strips in each load and color change tape on each package C. Use indicator strips daily and spore test weekly D. Use color change tape daily and spore test monthly E. Use color change tape in each load and spore tests weekly 18. A 65 year old woman arrived for dental therapy. The answered questionnaire shows that she is suffering from severe cirrhosis. The problem that can be anticipated in the routine dental therapy is A. Extreme susceptibility to pain B. Tendency towards prolonged haemorrhage C. Recurring oral infection D. Increased tendency to syncope E. Difficulty in achieving adequate local anaesthesia 19. Loss of sensation in the lower lip may be produced by A. Bells palsy B. Traumatic bone cyst C. Trigeminal neuralgia D. Fracture in the mandible first molar region E. Ludwigs angina 20. Patient received heavy blow to the right body of the mandible sustaining a fracture there. You should suspect a second fracture is most likely to be present in A. Symphysis region B. Left body of the mandible C. Left sub-condylar region D. Right sub-condylar region

E. sub-condylar region 21. Signs and symptoms that commonly suggest cardiac failure in a patient being assessed for oral surgery are A. Elevated temperature and nausea B. Palpitations and malaise C. Ankle oedema and dyspnoea D. Erythema and pain E. Pallor and tremor 22. A cyst at the apex of an upper central incisor measuring 1 cm in diameter is visualized in radiograph and confirmed by aspiration biopsy; which method of treatment would you consider A. Extraction of the central incisor and retrieving the cyst through the socket B. Exteriorizing the cyst through the buccal bone and mucosa C. Making a mucoperiosteal flap and removing the cyst through an opening made in the alveolar bone, followed by tooth removal. D. Making a mucoperiosteal flap and removing the cyst through an opening made in the alveolar bone, followed by endodontic treatment. E. Routine orthograde endodontic treatment followed by observation. 23. A persistent oroantral fistula for a 12 weeks period following the extraction of a maxillary first permanent molar is best treated by A. Further review and reassurance since it will most probably heal spontaneously B. Antibiotic therapy and nasal decongestants C. Curettage and dressing of the defect D. Excision of the fistula and surgical closure E. Maxillary antral wash out and nasal antrostomy. 24. The most significant finding in clinical evaluation of parotid mass may be accompanying A. Lymph adenopathy B. Nodular consistency C. Facial paralysis D. Slow progressive enlargement E. Xerostomia 25. As far as surgical removal of wisdom teeth is concerned which of the following is true A. Prophylactic prescription of antibiotic reduces dramatically the chances of infection B. Raising a lingual flap will increases the incidence of neurapraxia but will reduce the incidence of neurotmesis with respect to the lingual nerve C. Prophylactic prescription of dexamethasone will dramatically reduces post operative swelling D. Inferior dental nerve injury is unlikely since the nerve passes medial to the wisdom tooth root

E. The use of vasoconstrictors in local anaesthetics will increase the chances of infection.

(Q16=B , Q17=E, Q18=B or prolonged bleeding , Q19= D, Q20=C, Q21=C , Q22=D Boucher 434 , Q23=D, Q24= C, Q25=A)

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