Final Oral Pathology Exam

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MSA University

Faculty of Dentistry

Course: Oral Pathology--2 HPT411a Spring 2017

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Salah Hamed (Head of the Department) Time: 180 minutes

Prof Dr. Heba Farag Total marks: 40 marks

I-Enumerate: (6 marks)
a-Three tumours affecting new borne infants (1.5)
b-Three tumours caused by virus infection (1.5 )
c-Three multilocular lesions (1.5)
d-Three oral traumatic lesions (1.5)
II-Give reasons for: (8 marks)
a-Recurrence of pleomorphic adenoma
b-Presence of lymphoid tissue in warthin’s tumour
c-Excessive bleeding after tooth extraction as well as osteomyelitis are considered complications
of paget’s disease of bone
d-Cytoplasmic eosinophilic granules in granular cell tumour and oncocytoma.
III-State true or false and correct the false statement (5 marks)
1-Periapical cemental dysplasia occurs most frequently unilaterally in anterior maxilla.( )
2- Gigantiform cementoma involves jaws bilaterally and symmetrically ( )
3- Hemangioma and lymphangioma are vascular neoplasms ( )
4-Schwannoma histologically consists of two patterns Antoni type A and Antoni type B ( )
5-Salivary stones are most commonly detected within the duct system of sublingual salivary gland( )
6-Kaposi’s sarcoma histologically consists of bundles of malignant spindle fibroblasts.( )
IV-Choose the correct answer: (6 marks)
1-The radiographic picture for the last stage of Paget’s disease of bone is:
a-onion skin appearance

b-cotton wool appearance
c-orange peal appearance
d-smoke screen appearence
2-In facial fibrous dysplasia, trabeculea of new bone give the picture of:
a-chinese face appearance
b-chinese letters appearance
c-capital letters appearance
d-corn cobs appearance
3-All of the followings are the histologic patterns of adenoid cystic carcinoma except:
4- The followings are the histologic features of pleomorphic adenoma except :
a-myxoid tissue
b-chondroid tissue
c-lymphoid tissue
d-duct like structures
5-Multiple radiolcent lesions in jaw bone, loss of lamina dura and elevated serum calcium level
are features of:
a-osteogenesis imperfecta
6- All the following neoplasms are benign but localy invasive except:
a-odontogenic fibroma
b-odontogenic myxoma
c-pindborg’s tumour
7- Compound composite odontome consists of:
a-multiple irregular calcified dental tissues
b-multiple teeth like structures
c-multiple cementicles
d-multiple dystrophic calcifications
8-All the followings are microscopic features of erythroplakia except:
a-hyper keratinization
b-atrophy of epithelium
c- blood cappilaries in the underlying connective tissue
d-signs of epithelial dysplasia
9--All the following malignant neoplasms can metastasize except:
a-squamous cell carcinoma
b-basal cell carcinoma
10-All the following malignant neoplasms arise from stratified squamous epithelium except:
a-basal cell carcinoma
b-spindle cell carcinoma
c-adenoid cystic carcinoma
d-squamous cell carcinoma

11-The charcteritic calcifications in Pindbporg’s tumour are called:

a-Lesigang rings
d-metastatic calcifications

12-The ameloblstic fibro-odontome is:
a-Soft mixed odontogenic neoplasm
b-mixed mixed odontogenic neoplasm
c-mixed epithelial odontogenic neoplasm
d-mixed mesenchymal odontogenic neoplasm
V-Discuss in details (12 marks):
1-The histopathologic features of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (4)
2-The hitopathologic variants of unicystic ameloblastoma(3)
3-The histopathologic features of pigmented nevus (5)
VI-Problem solving (3 marks)
1-A middle age female patient is suffering from swelling in the anterior part of maxilla
related to an unerupted canine. Radiographic picture revealed radiolucent lesion with
scattered radiopacities surrounding the unerupted canine. Histopathologic features showed
encapsulated lesion consists of several duct like structures and tubules surrounded by
proliferating spindle as well as polyhedral cells. Masses of calcifications are also present.
1-What is the possible diagnosis of this lesion?
2-Describe the histology of the duct like structures present within this lesion
2-A middle age female patient came to your clinic suffering from several carious lesions,
gingival inflammation, atrophy of tongue papillae and bilateral parotid swelling. The
patient informed you that she has painful arthritis and burning sensation in her eyes.
Parotid specimen revealed sheets of lymphocytes with solid hyperplastic masses of
epithelial cells replacing the normal gland parenchyma.
a- What is the possible diagnosis of this condition?
b- What can you name the solid masses of the epithelial cells?
2- A young age male patient has a small painful swelling in the posterior mandibular
region. Microscopically, lesion shows sheets of cementum with many deep basophilic
reversal lines. Radiographically, lesion appears as well defined radiopaque mass related to
the apex of lower first molar surrounded by radiolcent rim. Pulp tester of this molar
revealed its vitality.
a- What is the possible diagnosis of this condition?
b- Mention the nature of this lesion


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