Data About Pakistan

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Summary statistics
Region Currency Surface area (square kilometres) Population in 2010 (estimated, 000) Population density in 2010 (per square kilometre) Capital city and population in 2011 (000) United Nations membership date South-central Asia Pakistani Rupee (PKR) 796095 173593 218.1 Islamabad (919) 30 September 1947

Economic indicators
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) GDP per capita (current US$) GDP per capita (current US$) GDP per capita (current US$) GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 174150 109213 71319 4.1 7.7 4.3 1003.2 688.4 493.5 1041.5 702.7 487.3

Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Exchange rates (national currency per US$) Exchange rates (national currency per US$) Exchange rates (national currency per US$) Balance of payments, current account (million US$) Balance of payments, current account (million US$) Balance of payments, current account (million US$) CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) Food production index (20042006=100) Food production index (20042006=100) Food production index (20042006=100) Employment in industrial sector (%

2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010

13.8 17.5 15.9 85.71 59.83 58.03 -1490 -3606 -85 234 129 100 111 100 88 113 101 88 20.1
Age group Market rate. Market rate. Market rate.

of employed)

10 years and over. January. 2008. Age group 10 years and over. July. Age group 10 years and over. July. Age group 10 years and over. January. 2008. Age group 10 years and over. July. Age group 10 years and over. July.

Employment in industrial sector (% of employed)



Employment in industrial sector (% of employed)



Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)



Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)



Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) Tourist arrivals at national borders



2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000

22.4 19.3 16.0 83.3 84.1 83.7 855 798 557


(000) Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) Exports (million US$) Imports (million US$) Balance (million US$) Major trading partners (% of exports) Major trading partners (% of imports) 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2005 2000 2010 2010 2010 2010 40375 39619 23767 59.1 11.4 2.3 16.8 6.3 1.3 21413.1 37537.0 -16123.9 United States (17.2), United Arab Emirates (8.6), Afghanistan (7.9) United Arab Emirates (14.0), China (14.0), Saudi Arabia (10.2)
2001. 2009.


Social indicators
Population growth rate (average annual %) Urban population growth rate (average annual %) Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2010-2015 2010-2015 1.8 2.7 1.2

Urban population (%) Population aged 0-14 years (%) Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) Sex ratio (males per 100 females) Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) Contraceptive prevalence (ages 1549, %) International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)

2011 2011 2011 2011 2010-2015 2010-2015 2010-2015 2006-2010 mid-2010

36.2 35.0 6.4/6.5 103.3 66.9/64.9 65.7 3.2 27.0 4233.6/2.3

Includes refugees. The refugee population is an estimated number of Afghan refugees registered with the Government of Pakistan, and is subject to change after completion of the verfication exercise ongoing at the time of reporting.

Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR



Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) Education: Female third-level

2005-2011 2005-2011 2005-2011

2.4 52.4/65.8 44.5


students (% of total) Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2011 22.2


Environmental indicators
Threatened species Forested area (% of land area) CO2 emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 2011 2009 2008 113 2.2 163044/0.9


347.0 1142 14.1/28.6

Economic comparison of Pakistan 19992008







$ 75 billion

$ 160 billion

$ 170 billion

$ 185 billion

GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

$ 270 billion

$ 475.5 billion

$ 504 billion

$ 545.6 billion

GDP per Capita Income

$ 450

$ 925



Revenue collection

Rs. 305 billion

Rs. 708 billion

Rs. 990 billion

Rs. 1.05 trillion

Foreign reserves

$ 1.96 billion

$ 16.4 billion

$ 8.89 billion

$ 17.21 billion


$ 8.5 billion

$ 18.5 billion

$ 19.22 billion

$ 18.45 billion

Textile Exports

$ 5.5 billion

$ 11.2 billion

KHI stock exchange (100-Index)

$ 5 billion at 700 points

$ 75 billion at 14,000 points

$ 46 billion at 9,300 points

$ 26.5 billion at 9,000 points

Foreign Direct Investment

$ 1 billion

$ 8.4 billion

$ 5.19 billion

$ 4.6 billion

External Debt & Liabilities

$ 39 billion

$ 40.17 billion

$ 45.9 billion

$ 50.1 billion

Poverty level



Literacy rate



Development programmes

Rs. 80 billion

Rs. 520 billion

Rs. 549.7 billion

Rs. 621 billion

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