Meditation For The Aquarian Age: Our Original Identity

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Aquarius Full Moon 2005

To whose temple the Arch is starlit, In whose temple the Sun is the image of gold, To whose temple the Moon goes every month And brings the message out every full-moon, And whose message the Moon sings as a word of sixteen letters, His religion I belong to, His temple I visit, His name I utter, His glory I live in. To Him I offer the lotus of my day, To Him I offer the lotus of my night. These seed thoughts from the Spiritual Psychology meditations of Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya give the note for the Lunar Messenger of the Circle of Good Will. The moon is the reflective principle and symbol of the mind. When pure and calm, it reflects impressions from higher circles. Especially the time of the full moon is conducive for higher alignment, if we are poised enough. The alignment of the sun, moon and earth in the sky helps experiencing the magic of the light of the soul and its manifestation down to the physical. The Lunar Messenger is published every month in time for the full moon. It contains thoughts from the teachings of eternal wisdom. Its purpose is to inspire putting them into practical life.


Our Original Identity
All forms are manifestations of the One Life, the One Truth, the original state of pure existence. Periodically the awareness emerges from this eternal existence, and subsequently we experience: I AM . This happens with us every morning. It is not our decision to wake up: Like a wave from the ocean we emerge from the existence into awareness and awake. Then thoughts are coming and we begin with our daily activity. Where comes the I Am from? Where do the thoughts emerge from? Anything we think, even about ourselves, isn t really ourselves. We don t give thoughts a permission to come. They come as soon as we wake up, even if we don t want them. We can observe our thoughts, but we cannot get a grip on them. The fundamental meditation is to source the thoughts and to trace: Who am I? Thus we recall our original identity: that we are neither the thoughts nor the emotions nor the body, but that we exist as souls having emerged from the one Truth and belonging to it. We have taken to a name and a form, we belong to a race and a nationality and through the five senses we enter into the outer world. The many kinds of prayers, rituals, exercises and meditations are nothing but means to conjoin with the one consciousness and to keep the fundamental truth in mind. When the awareness is lost, we lose ourselves in the illusion of the outer world, in the many opinions and concepts. With the morning meditation we consciously descend into daily action and with the evening meditation we learn to withdraw again from the hustle and bustle of worldly activity deliberately, in order to be with ourselves. When we are in harmony with the oceanic consciousness, we align our will to the divine Will and begin to behave according to the Great Plan. Through prayer and meditation we invoke the Being or the Divine and wait in order to receive it in us. When we are in the personality, it seems as if the soul were outside of ourselves and something distant. The soul or the I Am however is nothing outside, but our real essence. The secret concerning meditation therefore is: We don t have to reach a state of meditation, but to leave aside the other states which aren t meditation. When the being gets lost in activity, we are thrown off our balance. When we dissipate our power, there is no meditative state in ourselves. We have to make our mind receptive, in order to be able to receive from the soul. But mostly the mind remains busy with its own thoughts and cannot open up to the hints coming from the soul.

Many people sit down in a meditation posture, close their eyes and then go outside for a walk with their thoughts. Even if you try to remain inside, the mind nevertheless goes into objectivity. Meditation isn t possible if there is no adjustment concerning the objective life, and meditation remains a concept. There is also no possibility for an aligned meditation, if we are in a bad shape; this is particularly true in the case of drug usage. In the case of diseases which don t cause immediate bodily suffering, like for example aids, you can meditate and thus strengthen the

vital body. We have to slowly realign our lives and to set up a new rhythm over a long time, in order to maintain a higher vibration. That way deeper meditations become possible with the time. If we just sit down for some minutes for meditation and work on the contrary during the whole day, we won t be able to quieten down the mental activity.

Dip deep
The meditation proposed by Master CVV for the Aquarian Age is to observe how the thoughts emerge from us. We meditate on the state of the absolute being we are ourselves, where there is neither sound, colour, form, idea nor thoughts. For the daily meditation we choose a fix time, best at an interval of 12 hours. 6 o clock in the morning and evening are recommended as the appropriate time. In the morning we should have had a bath, purged the bowels and put on fresh clothes. We sit in a comfortable position with the eyes closed, the spine upright, facing East or North. In addition we can light a candle and incense particularly recommended is sandalwood. We utter 3 or 7 times the OM in a soft and uniform manner and listen to the sound. We visualize the Master; the presence helps us for meditation. In order to become a channel to the energies of synthesis the Master has given the sound key Namaskarams Master CVV and added that you don t have to repeat it like a mantra, but just invoke it once in the morning and in the evening. Thereafter we remain silent for 15 minutes and observe what is happening inside. The Master called this: Dip deep . He said it takes at least 15 minutes for the energy to spread to all nooks and corners of the body and to dynamise it. Thereby adjustments happen in the body and energy blockages are removed for a free circulation of prana energy. The Master called this repair work . The entire process can be summarized into three points: Observe the time in the morning and evening, invoke the sound key, and observe within. In addition we should meditate upon every form as the Master, that is the background consciousness of all that IS. And we shouldn t work for our personal gains, that is not to entertain a feeling that we work for ourselves, but for the others. If this meditation is practiced regularly over a longer period, it causes profound changes. It eliminates the old rhythm of life and stabilizes a new vibration. The outer life gets more organized and aligned with the inner life. We acquire the ability to include, accept and integrate. By this we prepare ourselves for the supra-consciousness to descend into ourselves. Thus we are uplifted and transformed into an immortal being. Master CVV calls this attaining physical immortality.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: The Aquarian Master / seminar notes. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India (booklist: )

The Fundamentals
By meditating we get subtle powers not to use them for ourselves, but in order to be able to serve better. Meditation and study are for better service. As long as we don t make a right use of what we get, nothing deeper can be given to us. The wisdom or the teacher of wisdom feel obliged to reveal more to us only when we make a good use of what we have received. In all prayers and meditations we should thing of the welfare of mankind as a whole. This work has to be intensified, so that the energy of those can be neutralized who act with very much violence and force and who have a selfish intention behind. We invoke the Avatar of Synthesis: May He lift up the earth to the Kings of Beauty. For this uplift we must not aspire toward our individual enlightenment, but we have to try to be of use for the whole. If we don t have the attitude of serving it is dangerous to meditate. If we are self-centred and meditate, the meditation easily gets us into problems: It might strengthen ambition and pride, but also emotionality or uncontrolled sexual impulses. With some even confusion and psychic disturbances develop. Therefore we should be careful, use our discrimination and control our motives. For meditation no specific qualification nor prerequisite is needed. It is nothing exclusive and there is also no question which status you have attained. We gain the inner awareness according to our ability to align. Everybody can work with his own power of imagination and visualisation and get into this awareness. The power of visualizing depends on the general state of purity which we have obtained in our lives. Continuous working leads to attain alignment and the corresponding realisation. No one can get the fruit before the fundamentals aren t cleared. But this shouldn t prevent us from using or imparting the technique. Most techniques protect themselves. To meditate in a group is particularly effective.

Good Will is contagious !

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