So, What Is Focus?

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Welcome friends. We are gathered here today that we may nourish and foster our sense of focus
through meditation and lecture.

So, what is focus?

Focusing is the process by which we streamline our consciousness into a more effective route of
energetic flow. Through examining the energetic, physical, emotional, and mental climate we have found
ourselves in we can better understand ourselves and our true soul's purpose can be manifested into this

What can happen if our focus is in the wrong area?

Humans focus an amazing amount of attention to the mind, and this allows the mind to allocate
resources for fear-based thought and run rampant. If emotion is rising as a current energy, and we
neglect to feel it in its ascension, it gets to mind. The mind cannot feel emotion - so mind manages
emotion. This is terrible for you.

When emotions go to the mind, the mind gets into mischief with them by trying to manage
them. Fear is used by mind to run the "what if" machine. Anger is used to run the judgement machine.
Grief can do a few different things, but mind often uses them to run the self-worth machine, whether we
are worthy or not. (When we lose something such as a relationship, we might be wondering our self-
worth.) Therefore, emotion should be felt before it can rise to the level of mind.

What is a positive area of focus?

A change that one could make for a tangible difference in focus is to feel our emotions. To focus
on the body is tremendously important in this process because that is where we feel our emotions. Every
person's relationship with their emotions is on some level dysfunctional based on social conditioning
(factors such as gender, race, cultural upbringing and its relationship to emotions). Everyone is different.
The bottom line is to feel them. The act of feeling emotion is what processes them. We can shift the
relationship we have with emotions by learning to not judge the feelings we have. We can train our
consciousness to focus on the present, which is more sustainable, and therefore we can live in
unconditional love.

When we are present, centered, and grounded in our body we can begin to heal and see our
true selves. The body will heal itself when we focus our attention on it. When we never focus on our
body, our energy isn't going there. Part of my personal work is focusing people on their body so they can
be connected to themselves and who they really are.
What are we?

We are not our thoughts; we are a consciousness that is making choices. We are an attention.
Many of the things that we believe, we did not choose to believe them - they were put there. They were
put there by our teachers, by pop culture, by parents, by an abuser. When you are an adult you own who
you are: All your biases, mistakes, whatever you are lacking (patience, compassion, having tendencies
towards violence). When you take ownership of you, you get to choose what parts of you that you feed.
You can see it; you don't have to judge it as being bad; but you can say you're not going to go there.
There is a deeper part of you that realizes that's not where you want to go. Choosing how to respond to
life is important. That is the spiritual path of focusing. That is what we are, we are a focus, we are an

What are our emotions?

Our emotions are god talking to us through the second chakra. (Raw primal creativity, sexuality,
emotion.) The emotions stored in the body are always something old. The pure emotion that is rising
directly out of the present moment is always divine speaking to you. The reason it is important to feel
them is that it is one way of listening to god. Emotions are a powerful force, and we do not want them
stuck in the body. This can make us unwell.

Fine Tuning...

Meditation is a powerful tool for focusing. One of the main reasons we meditate is so that we
can draw attention to a part of ourselves. So, we can be more ourselves. What we focus our attention on
is going to determine much of what our reality is going to be. Spiritually, we seek to shift our attention,
or ourselves, to the present moment and what we are experiencing right now. It is in the present
moment that there can only exist unconditional love.

Today, through meditation we are going to pay attention to the energies within our energetic field. The
energies in our energetic field can be left over from things we are thinking about, or emotions that are
not completely processed, or leftovers from what we are working on spiritually. The energetic field
around you is also the most immediate divinity you are connected to. The Quality of that field or
presence also relates to the spiritual work of focusing within our body. The quality of the divinity around
you is affected by dozens of factors. Paying attention to the divinity around you matters.

The first step to doing any sort of energy work should be to ground. When we are in the state of
being grounded it is difficult for any kind of energy to knock us over. Through grounding we become
more stable and centered. We can release energy that others may have given us. We can balance
ourselves so that we are not too full of energy or lacking energy. We can release energy that no longer
serves us in a positive way. It is a simple and effective way of connecting to the earth.

So, I would like you to start by closing your eyes and making yourself comfortable. Sit in a way that you
feel the energy would flow most freely. Place your palms face up in your lap.

Focus on the breath that naturally flows in and out of your chest. Do not try to control it, simply observe.
As you do this, invite a sensation of relaxation to wash over your entire body. Allow the stress and
tension to flow out with each breath.

Notice the world around you, the sounds around you. Practice relaxation despite the sounds going on
around you.

Visualize a light that is any color which feels right. It is a warm and safe light. Watch as it descends
through the top of your head and into your body together, with the light that is already inside you. It
feels complete. This light is divine, and it is balancing you. Evening out any parts of you that have any
excess energy, shifting energy to parts that are lacking energy. The light inside of you is becoming
perfectly consistent and perfectly even. You get the sense that it is healing you.

Invite this quality of energy to become larger. Building and growing fuller, enveloping you.

See this light running through your body, down your spine, and into your feet. See this light expand
outside of your body, connecting your energy to the energy around you. This light relaxes you and
releases any pain or negativity from your mind and body. It is clearing and balancing your energetic

Gently and powerfully, the light flows through the souls of your feet into the earth. Visualize this energy
going down into the earth like a system of tree roots. Breathe and see the earth spinning from outer
space. As it turns slowly watch your root system take hold growing bigger and deeper, securing you
firmly in the earth’s many layers. Allow the earth to fully rotate three times.
After it’s done rotating gently open your eyes.

Feel how connected and secure you are on the earth.

When I count to three, we’re going to stand up and let everything that no longer serves us flow out of
our energetic bodies and into the earth. Ready?

1, 2, 3. Put your hands in the air, and let it all fall out through your roots. Feel free to shake anything out
for good measure. Let go of the energy of others, any pain or heartache, of any excess energy we don’t
need. Let go, Let go, Let go. Allow the root system to carry away any negative energy.

Now while we’re standing, take a deep breathe in. Begin drawing your energy back in, leaving what you
don’t need at the base of your root system. Pull up what you do need. Pull up grounding, love, and peace
with every breath. Bring up any other energy that you need, invite it to flow freely through your body.

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