Fourth Boundary Conditions
Fourth Boundary Conditions
Fourth Boundary Conditions
Lecturer: Ehsan Saadati Sharif University of Technology Owj Group-Tehran: First Edition -Fall 2008 [email protected]
(The internal face boundary conditions are defined on cell faces, which means that they do not have a finite thickness and they provide a means of introducing a step change in flow properties. These boundary conditions are used to implement physical models representing fans, thin porous membranes, and radiators. The "interior'' type of internal face zone does not require any input from you.)
Specification of Turbulence Quantities Using Profiles If it is important to accurately represent a boundary layer or fully-developed turbulent flow at the inlet, you should ideally set the turbulence quantities by creating a boundary profile file (see Section 7.26) from experimental data or empirical formulas. If you have an analytical description of the profile, rather than data points, you can either use this analytical description to create a boundary profile file, or create a user-defined function to provide the inlet boundary information. Uniform Specification of Turbulence Quantities In some situations, it is appropriate to specify a uniform value of the turbulence quantity at the boundary where inflow occurs. Examples are fluid entering a duct, far-field boundaries, or even fullydeveloped duct flows where accurate profiles of turbulence quantities are unknown.
I , is defined as the ratio of the root-mean-square of the velocity fluctuations, u to the mean flow velocity,
A turbulence intensity of 1% or less is generally considered low and turbulence intensities greater than 10% are considered high. Ideally, you will have a good estimate of the turbulence intensity at the inlet boundary from external, measured data. For example, if you are simulating a wind-tunnel experiment, the turbulence intensity in the free stream is usually available from the tunnel characteristics. In modern low-turbulence wind tunnels, the free-stream turbulence intensity may be as low as 0.05%. For internal flows, the turbulence intensity at the inlets is totally dependent on the upstream history of the flow. If the flow upstream is under-developed and undisturbed, you can use a low turbulence intensity. If the flow is fully developed, the turbulence intensity may be as high as a few percent. The turbulence intensity at the core of a fully-developed duct flow can be estimated from the following formula derived from an empirical correlation for pipe flows:
At a Reynolds number of 50,000, for example, the turbulence intensity will be 4%, according to this formula.
Where L is the relevant dimension of the duct. The factor of 0.07 is based on the maximum value of the mixing length in fully-developed turbulent pipe flow, where L is the diameter of the pipe. In a channel of non-circular cross-section, you can base L on the hydraulic diameter. If the turbulence derives its characteristic length from an obstacle in the flow, such as a perforated plate, it is more appropriate to base the turbulence length scale on the characteristic length of the obstacle rather than on the duct size. It should be noted that the relationship of Equation 7.2-2, which relates a physical dimension (L) to the turbulence length scale (l), is not necessarily applicable to all situations. For most cases, however, it is a suitable approximation.
This definition allows the hydrostatic head to be taken into the body force term, (- 0)g , and excluded from the pressure calculation when the density is uniform. Thus your inputs of pressure should not include hydrostatic pressure differences, and reports of pressure (P' s ) will not show any influence of the hydrostatic pressure. See Section 12.5 for information about buoyancy-driven (natural-convection) flows.
Defining Static Pressure The static pressure (termed the Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure) must be specified if the inlet flow is supersonic or if you plan to initialize the solution based on the pressure inlet boundary conditions. Remember that the static pressure value you enter is relative to the operating pressure set in the Operating Conditions panel.
In special instances, a velocity inlet may be used in FLUENT to define the flow velocity at flow exits. (The scalar inputs are not used in such cases.) In such cases you must ensure that overall continuity is maintained in the domain.
If the inlet is supersonic, the static pressure used is the value that has been set as a boundary condition. If the inlet is subsonic, the static pressure is extrapolated from the cells inside the inlet face. The static temperature at the inlet is computed from the total enthalpy, which is determined from the total temperature that has been set as a boundary condition. The total enthalpy is given by
Flow Calculations at Mass Flow Boundaries for Incompressible Flows When you are modeling incompressible flows, the static temperature is equal to the total temperature. The density at the inlet is either constant or readily computed as a function of the temperature and (optionally) the species mass fractions. The velocity is then computed using Equation 7.5-1.
(DP is the pressure drop in the direction of the flow; therefore the vent will appear as a resistance even in the case of backflow.)
Defining Backflow Conditions Backflow properties consistent with the models you are using will appear in the Pressure Outlet panel. The specified values will be used only if flow is pulled in through the outlet.
As noted in Section 7.10.1, the outflow boundary condition is obeyed in fullydeveloped flows where the diffusion flux for all flow variables in the exit direction are zero. However, you may also define outflow boundaries at physical boundaries where the flow is not fully developed--and you can do so with confidence if the assumption of a zero diffusion flux at the exit is expected to have a small impact on your flow solution.
If the wall zone is a "two-sided wall'' (a wall that forms the interface between two regions, such as the fluid/solid interface for a conjugate heat transfer problem) a subset of these thermal conditions will be available, but you will also be able to choose whether or not the two sides of the wall are "coupled''. See below for details. The inputs for each type of thermal condition are described below. If the wall has a non-zero thickness, you should also set parameters for calculating thinwall thermal resistance and heat generation in the wall, as described below. You can model conduction within boundary walls and internal (i.e., two-sided) walls of your model. This type of conduction, called shell conduction, allows you to more conveniently model heat conduction on walls where the wall thickness is small with respect to the overall geometry (e.g., finned heat exchangers or sheet metal in automobile underhoods). Meshing these walls with solid cells would lead to high-aspect-ratio meshes and a significant increase in the total number of cells. See below for details about shell conduction.
The no-slip condition is the default, and it indicates that the fluid sticks to the wall and moves with the same velocity as the wall, if it is moving. The specified shear and Marangoni stress boundary conditions are useful in modeling situations in which the shear stress (rather than the motion of the fluid) is known. Examples of such situations are applied shear stress, slip wall (zero shear stress), and free surface conditions (zero shear stress or shear stress dependent on surface tension gradient). The specified shear boundary condition allows you to specify the , , and components of the shear stress as constant values or boundary profiles. The Marangoni stress boundary condition allows you to specify the gradient of the surface tension with respect to the temperature at this surface. The shear stress is calculated based on the surface gradient of the temperature and the specified surface tension gradient. The Marangoni stress option is available only for calculations in which the energy equation is being solved. The specularity coefficient shear condition is specifically used in multiphase with granular flows. The specularity coefficient is a measure of the fraction of collisions which transfer momentum to the wall and its value ranges between zero and unity.
The End
By: Ehsan Saadati
Pardad Petrodanesh Co [email protected] Find out more at: