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 The PIPENET program has been designed to

enable the accurate simulation of the flow of
fluid through a network of pipes and other
 The full suite of program consists of the
following modules:
1. Standard Module For the analysis of the
single-phase flow of liquids and gases.
2. Spray Module For the analysis of fixed fire-
protection systems employing water.
3. Transient Module For the analysis of transient
flow in all types of network employing a liquid.
 There are a number of specific parts in
the user interface, which are as follows:
 Initialisation,
 Libraries,
 Network and attribute data (graphical or
 Calculation controls,
 Viewing results.
Pressure Model
 There are two options for the Pressure Model; namely, the
Colebrook–White equation or the Coulson and Richardson

 There will be small numerical differences (in the calculated

pressure drop in a system between the two approaches.
Use pipe/duct elevations
 Each pipe or duct is assigned a change in elevation (rise) from
its input node to its output node. A reference node is selected,
and is assigned a reference height. The height of each node is
then calculated relative to the reference node.
 In a loop, the sum of the elevation changes must be zero.
However, if a rise is incorrectly entered, the elevation sum will
not be zero, and a height-check error will be reported.

Use node elevations

 The elevation of each node is directly entered as an attribute
of the node. Height-check errors cannot occur with this
Orifice Plate Model
 Select one of the available options. Generally, for restriction
orifice plates, the recommended option is “Crane”.
1. BS1042
 If the BS1042 model is used, the restrictions of that standard are
applied, so plates may only be used in pipes with diameters in
the range 2–14 inches (50.8–355.6mm). Furthermore, for larger
pipes, the ratio of the orifice diameter to the pipe diameter must
be in the range 0.1 –0.748.
 This standard is intended mainly for modeling flow-metering
orifice plates, and it is very accurate in cases where the
pressure loss is low. However, it is not suitable for restriction
orifice plates.
2. Heriot-Watt
 If the "Heriot-Watt Orange Book" orifice plate model is used, the
ratio of the orifice diameter to the pipe diameter should be less
than 0.8. This is proprietary Sunrise Systems data.
3. Crane
 Orifice plates are modelled according to the Crane Technical
Paper 410. This approach is suitable for restriction orifice plates.
User defined Liquids
The density and viscosity must be supplied for a user-defined liquid.
For the following three cases, the density and viscosity can be defined as follows:

1. Liquid direct specification:

The values are supplied as constants.

2. Liquid property correlation:

 The values vary with temperature, and can be obtained
using the following correlation formulae:


3. Liquid variable properties:

From a given set of tabular data for the density and viscosity against temperature, the density and
viscosity at a particular temperature, T, are obtained using linear interpolation.

4. Water:
Water properties require only temperature for fully define water in Pipenet.
Note that heat transfer mode is only active when fluid is water.
User-defined Gases
1. Steam,
2. Vander Waal’s Gas
3. Ideal Gas
4. Low pressure gas
5. Medium pressure gas

1. Steam
Steam properties are fully defined by providing only Temperature

2&3. Van der Waal’s Gas and Ideal Gas

 The user may define the gas to be either a Van der Waal’s Gas or an
Ideal Gas.
 In either case, the user must supply the molecular weight, critical
properties (i.e., temperature, pressure and volume) and ratio of specific
heat capacities (Gamma) for new fluids .
 Temperature only require for built in gas i.e(nitrogen,oxygen,etc)
Low pressure gas

1. Pole
 Good aproximation to smooth pipe flow law for pipe of 4 inch diameter or smaller
 Applicable to Partially turbulent flow
 It apply on low pressure distrubution header (0 to 0.075 barg)

2. Cox
 Pressure range> 5psi
 Velocity < 20 m/s in all pipes.
 Astimate low pressure drop as compared to Pole.
 Applicable to Partially turbulent flow
 It apply on medium and high pressure distribution (0.75 to 7 barg)

3. Yonehana

above detail found on

Medium Pressure Gas

1. Cox
2. Oliphant
 As per GPSA 13th Edition oliphant formula is used
for gas flow for pressure between vacuum and 690
Quadratic Modeling Equations

The quadratic curve will, in general, only apply to the specified working range of
the pump; however, degeneration factors can be used to specify the behaviour
of the curve below the specified working range and/or above the specified
working range
Cubic Modeling Equations

 A simple quadratic curve can deviate considerably from the supplied pump
data, especially when the flow rate exceeds the pump capacity, or is less than
the allowed minimum flow rate. The cubic curve can provide better results.
Smooth Cubic Spline Modeling Equations

 The smooth curve uses cubic spline functions to fit a known pump curve. The
obtained curve is not only a smooth curve but also can closely match all input
 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is an analysis of the energy conditions on the suction side of
the pump to determine whether the liquid will vaporize at the lowest pressure point in the
pump. NPSH is measured in units of length.

 There are two components that must be considered for NPSH:

 NPSHR is defined as Net Positive Suction Head Required. NPSHR is a function of the design
of the pump, and is determined by the pump manufacturers via testing.

 NPSHA is defined as Net Positive Suction Head Available

= (Pi-Pvap)/pg
 If NPSHA < NPSHR then cavitation will happen.

Cavitation Parameter
 The cavitation parameter is a dimensionless ratio used to relate the conditions that inhibit
cavitation to the conditions that cause cavitation. There are several common forms of the
cavitation parameter. In PIPENET, the cavitation parameter is defined as:

 cavitation parameter = NPSHA / H

 where H is the total head of the pump.

Control Valves
 A valve may be characterised by one of three built-in models, which
requires either
(a) Kfactor and port area,
(b) flow coefficient (water at 20 C)
(c) a control-valve type.
Modelling Equation
 The modelling equation is either

Control Valve Considerations

 A control valve regulates flow or pressure in a network.
 The pressure drop across the control valve is dependent on the valve
setting, s, and the physical characteristics of the valve.
 The valve setting can either be specified directly by the user, or be
determined by PIPENET VISION such that a particular sensor reading
is satisfied. Three sensor types are available:
1. Pressure at a node - Pressure control,
2. Flow rate through a particular pipe - Flow control,
3. Pressure difference between two nodes - Differential pressure control.
 Pipe tools
Pipe Fittings
 Pipe fittings can be added in term of eith
pressure drops or K factor
Design Mode include (design and analyses mode)
 In the design case, one or more pipe sizes are left unset. PIPENET VISION will then
determine the pipe sizes based on either the maximum allowable pipe velocity or pressure drop
per unit length.
 In the design case, two sets of specifications need to be provided. One
set is for pipe sizing and the other is for the final analysis calculation.

 The conditions for pipe sizing may be different from the conditions for analysis. For example,
pipe sizing may be based on the summer operating conditions of the plant, whereas the analysis
may be based on the winter operating conditions.

 The following points apply.

 Design Phase: Supply a pressure specification to one input/output node, and then
supply flow-rate specifications to the other input/output nodes.
 Analysis Phase: Supply appropriate pressure and flowrate specifications so that the
total number of specifications is equal to the sum of the number of
input and output nodes.

Np is the number of pressure specifications,

Nf is the number of flowrate specifications,
Nio is the number of input/output nodes.

Analyses Mode
 Only analyses condition apply
Coloring Nodes with description
 The pressure loss, P, in a pipe is given by

 P fric is the pressure loss due to friction
and fittings,
 P elev is the pressure loss due to elevation
 P plat is the pressure loss due to any
orifice plate fitted.
Frictional Losses in Pipes
Darcy Equation
French engineer Henri Darcy (1803–58)

Laminar flow (Re < 2000) Turbulent flow

(Re > 3000)
Pressure Loss due to Fittings
1.Through K factor to Pressure drop
The pressure loss due to fittings is given by the following formula.

where k is the K-factor (resistance coefficient) of the fitting.

Where k=fL/D
2. Through Le/D into Le
Each fitting pressure drop are present in Le/D factor.Le/D is converted into equivalent length
Equivalent length is added with pipe length to get total length .
Total length is used in Darcy equation.

Pressure Loss due to Elevation Change

The pressure drop caused by the difference in elevation of the two ends of a pipe is given by

Frictional Losses in Ducts

The radius of each pipe would be specified as the hydraulic radius of the corresponding duct. The mean hydraulic
diameter, DH, for the duct is given by

Data required
Plot Plan
 Measure length from plot plan as per
following method.
1. Note down Scale factor (i.e. 1 : 1300)
mention on Plot Plan.
2. Measure any length mention on plot plan
3. Equalized the length as per given
measure length according to scale factor
so that measured length is equal to
calculated length.
Simple Line
Hydraulic Node_PQM-HC-01
1. Description:
Hydraulic Study of 30 inch MOGAS Line from FOTCO Point P-1 to MOGAS Storage Tanks (T-1031 to

2. Objective
A. Line Size verification of circuit from FOTCO Point P-1 (Source) to Mogas Tanks "T-
1031/1032/1033/1034/1035/1036" (Sink).
B. To check Minimum pressure requirement at FOTCO Point P-1 (Source point) for MOGAS Transfer
upto the farthest tank (T-1031)

Attachment # 1_Pipenet Calculation PQM_HC-01_Rev A
Attachment # 2_Le Calculation_PQM_HC-01_Rev A
Attachment # 3_MOGAS Properties & Flow rates
Attachment # 4_PQM Plot Plan_Bid Stage
Attachment # 5_Line Size Criteria
Attachment # 6_Pipe Roughness_ITB
Attachment # 7_Piping Specs_ITB
Attachment # 8_Node Map
Attachment # 9_Line Condition from Line List_ITB
Attachment # 10_Alignment Sheets__ITB
Attachment # 11_Tank DataSheet_ITB
A. 1-Fluid properties are referred from "Basis of Design",10-0167-A-
1000-Rev.2; page#12/49 @15oC (attachment # 3).
B. 2-Ship unloading rate is taken as 3500 Metric Ton/hr. as per "Basis of
Design",10-0167-A-1000-Rev.2; page#13/49 (Attach # 3). No design
margin is considered on ship unloading rate.
C. 3-Elevations at FOTCO Point P-1 (Source)is considered as 24.03
meter i.e. (23.03 m is Finished Surface Level @ 0 meter as per
Pipeline Alignment Sheet plus 1 meter sleeper rack elevation is
assumed) (Attachment # 10).
D. 4-At 0.0 meter distance of underground pipeline, Depth of pipeline
upto BOP = FGL- Depth upto TOP - Pipe OD = 23.03-1.4-0.762=
20.87meter as per Pipeline Alignment Sheet, Attachment # 10.
E. 5-At 550.0 meter distance of underground pipeline, Depth of pipeline
upto BOP = FGL-Depth upto TOP- Pipe OD =10.25-1.4-0.762 = 8.09
meter as per Pipeline Alignment Sheet, Attachment # 10.
F. 6- Elevation at T-1031 (Sink) is considered as = FGL at 550 meter
A/G_U/G section + 1 meter sleeper + HHLL of Tank = 10.25+1+13.06
= 24.31 meter.
G. 7- Tank Foundation height is considered 1 meter.
H. 8- Tank HHLL is considered 13.06 meter as per Tank datasheet for
hydraulic calculations. (Attachment # 11)
I. 9- Piping schedule is taken as "STD" from Piping Specification and
pipe roughness as 0.05 m. (Attachment # 6&7)

A . Pump discharge Line criteria (P < 50 barg) is

applied on MOGAS piping/pipeline i.e.Velocity
Limit is 6 m/sec and DP/Km= 3.5 (DP/100 m =
0.35) for >20 inch pipe


1- Velocity in pipe is 3 m/s which is less than

allowable velocity limit i.e. 6 m/s for > 20 inch
2- Calculated DP/100 meter value is 0.052 which
is well below the above limit.
3- Minimum Pressure Required at FOTCO Point
P-1 is 1.084 barg
Pump Case
Example: PQM_HC-03
 Hydraulic Study of ITT Pump (P-1033) Suction and Discharge
 Line Size verification of P-1033 Suction and Discharge Lines
 To calculate the NPSHa for P-1033 Pump
Attachment #1_P&ID For Mogas Storage Tanks
Attachment # 2_Marked Plot Plan
Attachment # 3_ Le Calculation Sheet
Attachment # 4_VMG EXCEL OUTPUT_Farthest Case
Attachment # 5_Tanks Data Sheets
Attachment # 6_ Pages from Basis of Design
Attachment # 7_Pages from Line Sizing Philosophy
Attachment # 8_Pages from Calculations for Pumps at Port Qasim
Attachment # 9_ PDS of Strainer (S-1033)
Attachment # 10_ Basis References
 1- Rated Flow (110 % of normal) is taken as 160 m3/hr from
Attachment # 10 and minimum flow is taken as 30% of Normal flow.
 2-Vertical Cane Type pump is considered as per Attachment # 10
 3- Tank foundation height is taken as 0.95 is taken from Attachment #
8 4- Height from ground level to vertical pump suction eye are taken
from Attachment # 8
 5- Height of Pump (Elevation from Suction eye and Discharge Nozzle
is assumed as 1m.
 6-Tanks LLL and HLL are taken from respective tanks data sheets (
Attachment # 5)
 7-Sleeper height is assumed as 1m.
 8- Factor for LE calculation near tanks and pump are considered
same as of Pipe rack and sleeper as lines are almost straight as per
Piping Layout (Attachment # 10)
 9- Piping Schedule is considered as STD as per Tie In List
(Attachment # 10)
 10- Fluid Properties are taken from Basis of Design (Attachment # 6)
 11-Saturated liquid is considered for calculations.
 12- Max. pressure drop across strainer is considered as 0.07 Bar as
per Attachment # 9
 13- For Max. Differential Head, Max. Flow and Farthest Tanks ( T-
1036 and T-1035)with LLL of source and HLL of sink are considered.
1- velocity in suction piping is 0.87 m/sec and in discharge
piping is 2.38 m/sec
2- dP/100 in suction piping is 0.018 Bar/ 100m and in discharge
piping is 0.222 Bar/ 100m
3- Above values are in acceptable range as per criteria defined
in Line Sizing Philosophy (Attachment # 7)
4- Design Differential Head for Pump is "25.84 m" .
5- Available NPSH for P-1033 is 2.80 m
6- P-1033 shutoff pressure is 3.54 barg as per Attachment #11
1-As dp/100 and flow velocities in pipelines is much less then
design criteria therefore line sizes are adequate
NPSHr should be atleast 1m lower than NAPSHa (2.80 m).
Size criteria for any Pipe
1. Node Mark up
2. Node Description
3. Purpose/verification of Line operating scenario
 Upstream/Downstream Pressure
 Line Size verification
 Drain line size based on erosional velocity(RO
installation to reduce velocity lower than that of erosional
velocity). If velocity is greater than erosional velocity
then check pv2.If pv2 is less than max pv2,then line size
is superseded.
 Two phase line size based on erosional velocity.
 Differential pressure calculation of pump

4. Source Location (farthest case)(farthest height,farthest

pressure,farthest level,farthest pressure,lowest pressure)
5. Sink Location (farthest case) (farthest height,farthest
pressure,farthest level,farthest pressure,lowest pressure)
6. Total length(Pipe length + Le of fitting)
7.Fittings ( types,sizes,details)
8.FluidProperties(Flowrate (normal,minimum,maximum), Temp, Pressure(source
pressure,sink pressure), viscosity, Density, vapor pressure, (RVP or TVP),
etc.,) TVP is calculated through spreadsheet
9. Plot Plan
10. Line Size criteria (max velocity,Max Dp psi /100m,Erosion velocity,sonic
velocity,sound velocity,max velocity,flow pattern,Special requirement( static
electriciity,connection to vessel,max pressure drop,pump suction
length,pump discharge length,bubbling flow,subcooling flow, fluid velocity
limitation due to solid present,etc)
11. Pipenet calculation
12. Pipe Roughness
13. Pipe specification(preliminary pipe size, Sch)
14.Line condition from line list
15.Alignment sheets(geometric or land survey)
16.Tank Datasheet
17 Design Basis
18.Pipe rack elevation,sleeper elevation,pump elevation,underground line
19. P&ID
20 Fluid condition (boiling,non boiling, liquid for max velocity,max dp bar /100m)
21.Governing liquid case for pipe having intermediate flow of two fluids
22.Piping layout (Naviswork file)
23 Pipenet files for same pipe line for different fluids.
24.Pipenet files for same fluid with minimum
flowrate,normal flowrate and maximum flowrate.
(Worse case line size occur on maximum flowrate.
NPSHA will less on higher flowrate than that of
normal flowrate)
25.Pipenet fles for min and max temperature.
26. Pressure drops(FE,strainer,filter,RO,etc)
27.Pump datasheet
28.Shutoff calculation (max suction pressure+(1.25 of
differential pressure))
29 Different node on pipenet calculation on different
30.Minimum submersible level +margin(100mm) =pump
suction head taken for NPSHA calculation
31. Preliminary Pump minimum submergence
calculated from Hydraulic bell method.(Vendor
minimum submergence is taken).
 Design Mode
Hydraulic Study of line from "TP-104" to
"Mogas/HSD storage tank(T-1031)“
 Line Size Design of circuit from "TP 104" to
"Mogas/HSD storage tank(T-1031)".
 Source pressure calculation of TP-104.
Attachment-1: P&IDs (4880-PB-2102-Rev.A,
Attachment-2: Plotplan mark-up
Attachment-3: Le calculation sheet
Attachment-4: VMG output excel file for normal &
maximum flowrate case.
1. As per Design case one and only one pressure (Np)is required .Other
term is flowrate which is Nf=Nio-1.
2- Tank foundation (T-1031) is considered as 1m.
3- TP-104 is considered at sleeper and sleeper height is taken as 1 m.

4- Fluid is considered as non boiling liquid and criteria of nonboiling liquid

for pump suction is applicable for hydraulic.
5- HSD is governing case.
6- Rated flow rate of 6000 m3/hr is taken from data sheet of tank (T-1031).
7- Sink pressure(tank pressure) is taken 0 Barg as tank T-1031 is at
atmospheric pressure.
8.Tank HHLL is at 13.06 m and it is taken from Tank datasheet.
9. Total length is taken from plot plan or 3D model with use of line factor
10.Pipe type is ANSI B 31.10 40S with default value of roughness.
Any pipe type (inside diameter) can be entered other than ANSI

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