TFF Basics

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Tangential flow filtration

Introduction Tangential flow filtration (TFF) is a rapid and efficient method for separation and purification of biomolecules. It can be applied to a wide range of biological fields such as immunology, protein chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology. TFF can be used to concentrate and desalt sample solutions ranging in volume from 10 mL to thousands of liters. It can be used to fractionate large from small biomolecules, harvest cell suspensions, and clarify fermentation broths and cell lysates. This report describes the basic principles that govern TFF and the use of TFF capsules and cassettes in laboratory and process development applications. Why Use Tangential Flow Filtration? 1. TFF is easy to set up and use Simply connect the TFF device to a pump and pressure gauge(s) with tubing and fittings, add your sample to the reservoir and Youre ready to go. 2. TFF is fast and efficient It is easier to set up and much faster than dialysis. You can achieve higher concentrations in less time than with centrifugal devices or stirred cells. 3. Perform two steps with one system You can concentrate and diafilter a sample on the same system, saving time and avoiding product loss. 4. TFF can be scaled-up or scaled-down Materials of construction and cassette path length allow conditions established during pilot-scale trials to be applied to process-scale applications. TFF devices are available that can process sample volumes as small as 10 mL or as large as thousands of liters. 5. TFF is economical TFF devices and cassettes can be cleaned and reused, or disposed of after single use. A simple integrity test can be performed to confirm that membrane and seals are intact. What Can Tangential Flow Filtration Do? 1. Concentrate and desalt proteins and peptides. 2. Concentrate and desalt nucleic acids [DNA/RNA/oligonucleotides11]. 3. Recover and purify antibodies or recombinant proteins from cell culture media. 4. Recover and purify plasmid DNA from cell lysates or chromosomal DNA from whole blood. 5. Fractionate dilute protein mixtures 6. Clarify cell lysates or tissue homogenates.

7. Depyrogenate (remove endotoxin from) water, buffers, and media solutions 8. Prepare samples prior to column chromatography 9. Harvest cells 10. Recover or remove viruses Tangential Flow Filtration Overview What is Tangential Flow Filtration? Membrane filtration is a separation technique widely used in the life science laboratory. Depending on membrane porosity, it can be classified as a microfiltration or ultrafiltration process. Microfiltration membranes, with pore sizes typically between 0.1 m and 10 m, are generally used for clarification, sterilization, and removal of micro particulates or for cell harvesting. Ultrafiltration membranes, with much smaller pore sizes between 0.001 and 0.1 m, are used for concentrating and desalting dissolved molecules (proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and other biomolecules), exchanging buffers, and gross fractionation. Ultrafiltration membranes are typically classified by molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) rather than pore size. There are two main membrane filtration modes which can use either microfiltration or ultrafiltration membranes: 1) Direct Flow Filtration (DFF), also known as dead-end filtration, applies the feed stream perpendicular to the membrane face and attempts to pass 100% of the fluid through the membrane, and 2) Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF), also known as crossflow filtration, where the feed stream passes parallel to the membrane face as one portion passes through the membrane (permeate) while the remainder (retentate) is recirculated back to the feed reservoir. An analogy for understanding the theory behind TFF can be seen in trying to separate sand from pebbles using a sifting screen. The holes in the screen represent the pores in the membrane while the sand and pebbles represent the molecules to be separated. In DFF, the sand and pebble mixture is forced toward the holes in the screen. The smaller sand grains fall through the pores in the screen, but the larger pebbles form a layer on the surface of the screen. This prevents sand grains at the top of the mixture from moving to and through the holes (Figure 2A). With DFF, increasing the pressure simply compresses the mixture without increasing the separation. In contrast, operating in a TFF mode prevents the formation of a restrictive layer by re-circulating the mixture. The process acts like a

shaking sifter to remove the pebbles that block the holes in the screen, allowing the sand grains at the top of the mixture to fall toward and through the holes in the screen.

Figure Separation of Sand and Pebbles Using a Sifting Screen

(A) Applying direct pressure to the mixture allows the sand grains at the bottom to fallthrough. A layer of pebbles builds up at the screen surface preventing sand grains at the top from moving to and through the screen. (B) Shaking the screen breaks up the aggregated pebble layer at the bottom of the mixture and allows for complete fractionation. The crossflow dynamic of the feed stream in tangential flow filtration serves the same purpose as shaking in this example. In solution, the same effect is encountered for DFF and for TFF. The flow of sample solution across the membrane surface sweeps away aggregating molecules that form a membrane-clogging gel (gel polarization), allowing molecules smaller than the membrane pores to move toward and through the membrane. Thus, TFF can be faster and more efficient than DFF for size separation. Figure Direct Flow Filtration Process

(A) The feed is directed into the membrane. Molecules larger than the pores accumulate at the membrane surface to form a gel, which fouls the surface, blocking the flow of liquid through the membrane. (B) As the volume filtered increases, fouling increases and the flux rate decreases rapidly.

Figure Tangential Flow Filtration Process

(A) Sample solution flows through the feed channel and along (tangent to) the surface of the membrane as well as through the membrane. The crossflow prevents build up of molecules at the surface that can cause fouling. (B) The TFF process prevents the rapid decline in flux rate seen in direct flow filtration allowing a greater volume to be processed per unit area of membrane surface. Applications The primary applications for TFF are concentration, diafiltration (desalting and buffer exchange), and fractionation of large from small biomolecules. In addition, it can be used for clarification and removal of cells as well as cellular debris from fermentation or cell culture broths. Concentration Concentration is a simple process that involves removing fluid from a solution while retaining the solute molecules. The concentration of the solute increases in direct proportion to the decrease in solution volume, i.e. halving the volume effectively doubles the concentration. To concentrate a sample, choose a UF membrane with a MWCO that is substantially lower than the molecular weight of the molecules to be retained. This is important in order to assure complete retention and high recovery of the target molecule. A good general rule is to select a membrane with a MWCO that is 3 to 6 times lower than the

molecular weight of the molecules to be retained. For example, if flow rate (or processing time) is a major consideration, selection of a membrane with a MWCO toward the lower end of this range (3x) will yield higher flow rates. If recovery is the primary concern, selection of a tighter membrane (6x) will yield maximum recovery (with a slower flow rate). The membrane is installed (or a disposable TFF capsule selected), and the TFF system is initialized (typically flushed with water and tested for water filtrate flow rate and integrity). Sample is added, a crossflow is established, feed and retentate pressures are set, then filtrate is collected. When the desired concentration is reached, the process is stopped, and sample recovery or diafiltration may begin. Diafiltration Diafiltration is the fractionation process that washes smaller molecules through a membrane and leaves larger molecules in the retentate without ultimately changing concentration. It can be used to remove salts or exchange buffers. It can remove ethanol or other small solvents or additives. There are several ways to perform diafiltration. In continuous diafiltration, the diafiltration solution (water or buffer) is added to the sample feed reservoir at the same rate as filtrate is generated. In this way the volume in the sample reservoir remains constant, but the small molecules (e.g. salts) that can freely permeate through the membrane are washed away. Using salt removal as an example, each additional diafiltration volume (DV) reduces the salt concentration further. (A diafiltration volume is the volume of sample before the diafiltration solution is added.) Using 5 diafiltration volumes will reduce the ionic strength by ~99% with continuous diafiltration. In discontinuous diafiltration, the solution is first diluted and then concentrated back to the starting volume. This process is then repeated until the required concentration of small molecules (e.g. salts) remaining in the reservoir is reached. Each additional diafiltration volume (DV) reduces the salt concentration further. A diafiltration volume is the volume of sample before the diluting solution is added. Using 5 diafiltration volumes will reduce the ionic strength by ~96% with discontinuous diafiltration.

Continuous diafiltration requires less filtrate volume to achieve the same degree of salt reduction as discontinuous diafiltration, By first concentrating a sample, the amount of diafiltration solution required to achieve a specified ionic strength can be substantially reduced. To reduce the ionic strength of a 1liter sample by 96% using discontinuous diafiltration, 5 DVs or, in this case, 5 liters are required. If the sample is first concentrated tenfold to 100 mL, then 5 DVs is now only 500 mL This represents a substantial savings in

buffer and time. Concentrating the sample increases the viscosity, which reduces the filtrate flux rate (rate of liquid flow through the membrane). If the viscosity increase is great, the flux rate may be sufficiently reduced to require more time to process the reduced volume sample. Process Variables in Tangential Flow Filtration Two of the important variables involved in all tangential flow devices are transmembrane pressure (TMP) and crossflow velocity (CF). 1. The transmembrane pressure is the force that drives fluid through the membrane, carrying along the permeable molecules. 2. The crossflow velocity is the rate of the solution flow through the feed channel and across the membrane. It provides the force that sweeps away molecules that can foul the membrane and restrict filtrate flow.

Flow Path Through a Simple TFF Device

Fluid is pumped from the sample reservoir into the feed port, across the membrane surface (crossflow), out the retentate port and back into the sample reservoir (Figure 5). The crossflow sweeps away larger molecules and aggregates that are retained on the surface of the membrane, preventing gel polarization (the formation of a concentrated biomolecule layer on the membrane surface that can foul or plug the membrane). Liquid flowing through the narrow feed channel creates a pressure drop between the feed and retentate ports. This pressure, which is applied to the membrane, can be further increased by increasing the crossflow rate or by restricting the tubing at the retentate port. This transmembrane pressure (TMP) is the force that drives liquid through the membrane. Liquid that flows through the membrane (filtrate or permeate) carries molecules smaller than the membrane pores through the filter. The trick to using TFF effectively is to regulate both the TMP and crossflow rate to prevent membrane fouling, thus allowing a greater volume of product to be processed in the least possible time.

Tangential Flow Device Assembly Tangential flow filtration systems typically require a TFF device (capsule, cassette and holder, hollow fiber module, etc.) with a pump (peristaltic or equivalent), tubing, valves or clamps, one or more pressure gauges, and a sample reservoir (Figure 1, 6 and 7). Pressure gauges are typically installed at the feed, retentate, and filtrate ports in development and process TFF systems. While it is possible to run a TFF system without pressure gauges, the use of at least one pressure gauge on the feed side (between pump and TFF unit) is strongly recommended. Pressure is an important variable in the TFF process. The ability to monitor and control the pressure leads to more consistent results, and can be very helpful for troubleshooting system problems.

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