Size Exclusion Chortamography

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Size Exclusion Chromatography – Principles and Methods
Size Exclusion Chromatography
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Principles and Methods
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Size Exclusion Chromatography Chromatography
Principles and Methods Handbook

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Size exclusion
Principles and Methods
Symbols, acronyms and terminology used in this handbook.......................................................... 5
Symbols.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Common acronyms and abbreviations............................................................................................................... 5
Chromatography terminology................................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 11
Versatility of size exclusion chromatography............................................................................................... 11
Purification by size exclusion chromatography........................................................................................... 12
Size exclusion chromatography in theory...................................................................................................... 14
Defining the process........................................................................................................................................ 14
Selectivity curves and resin selection...................................................................................................... 17
Resolution............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Chapter 2
Size exclusion chromatography in practice....................................................................................... 21
General advice............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Columns and resin preparation.................................................................................................................. 21
Scaling up............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Sample and buffer preparation.................................................................................................................. 22
Filtration................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Equipment selection........................................................................................................................................ 23
Setting column pressure limits .................................................................................................................. 23
Maintenance of SEC columns...................................................................................................................... 24
Optimizing your separation .................................................................................................................................. 24
Resin selection.................................................................................................................................................... 25
Sample volume and column dimensions............................................................................................... 26
Elution and flow rates..................................................................................................................................... 27
Sample concentration and viscosity........................................................................................................ 29
Buffer composition........................................................................................................................................... 31
System configuration...................................................................................................................................... 33
Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................................... 35
Reference.............................................................................................................................................................. 38
Chapter 3
Considerations for analytical SEC....................................................................................................... 39
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Factors to consider when performing analytical SEC............................................................................... 39
Resin properties................................................................................................................................................. 40
Particle size and size distribution............................................................................................................... 40
Column-related factors.................................................................................................................................. 41
Chromatography system configuration................................................................................................. 42
Agarose-based resins for analytical SEC......................................................................................................... 42
High reproducibility.......................................................................................................................................... 42
Lifetime stability................................................................................................................................................. 43
Applications............................................................................................................................................................................ 43

2 18102218 AM
Chapter 4
Superdex, Superose, and Sephacryl resins: high-resolution SEC................................................... 47
Superdex resins........................................................................................................................................................... 48
Superdex............................................................................................................................................................... 49
Superdex Increase............................................................................................................................................ 49
Superdex prep grade....................................................................................................................................... 51
Product selection............................................................................................................................................... 52
Performing a separation................................................................................................................................ 53
Applications......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Superose resins........................................................................................................................................................... 57
Superose................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Superose Increase............................................................................................................................................ 58
Superose prep grade....................................................................................................................................... 60
Product selection............................................................................................................................................... 61
Performing a separation................................................................................................................................ 62
Application............................................................................................................................................................ 64
Sephacryl resins.......................................................................................................................................................... 65
Product selection............................................................................................................................................... 67
Performing a separation................................................................................................................................ 68
Applications......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 5
Sephadex resins: desalting and buffer exchange............................................................................. 71
Sephadex resin characteristics............................................................................................................................ 72
Group separation/desalting......................................................................................................................... 73
Product selection............................................................................................................................................... 74
Performing desalting and buffer exchange.......................................................................................... 74
HiTrap Desalting and HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns.................................................................. 78
Protocol for HiPrep 26/10 Desalting......................................................................................................... 81
Scale-up and processing larger sample volumes....................................................................................... 81
PD Desalting columns and 96-well plates for manual separations.................................................... 83
Protocols for PD-10 Desalting, PD MiniTrap, and PD MidiTrap..................................................... 83
Applications......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Appendix 1
Column packing and preparation........................................................................................................ 89
Columns for packing SEC resins.......................................................................................................................... 89
Checking column efficiency................................................................................................................................... 90
Column packing for preparative SEC................................................................................................................ 91
General packing protocol.............................................................................................................................. 91
Column packing for buffer exchange using Sephadex resin................................................................. 92
General packing protocol.............................................................................................................................. 93
Appendix 2
Determination of column efficiency and asymmetry factor.......................................................... 94
Column efficiency test.............................................................................................................................................. 94

18102218 AM 3
Appendix 3
Selection of purification equipment.................................................................................................... 96
System recommendations for high-resolution SEC columns....................................................... 96
Appendix 4
Column pressure limits and maximum flow rate..................................................................................99
Column pressure limits............................................................................................................................................. 99
Maximum flow rate..................................................................................................................................................101
Appendix 5
Converting flow rates and velocities; other conversion data..........................................................103
Converting between volumetric flow rate (mL/min) and linear flow velocity (cm/h)................103
Protein weight to molar quantity......................................................................................................................104
Nucleic acid molecular weight ..........................................................................................................................104
Pressure units.............................................................................................................................................................104
Appendix 6
Molecular weight estimation ..................................................................................................................105
Performing a molecular weight determination..........................................................................................107
Appendix 7
Sephadex LH-20....................................................................................................................................109
Resin characteristics...............................................................................................................................................109
Packing a column.....................................................................................................................................................110
Transferring Sephadex LH-20 from aqueous solution to organic solvent.....................................111
Product index 114
Related literature.................................................................................................................................116
Ordering information...........................................................................................................................117
High-resolution SEC.................................................................................................................................................117
Desalting and group separations......................................................................................................................118
Empty columns..........................................................................................................................................................119

4 18102218 AM
Symbols, acronyms and terminology used
in this handbook
This symbol indicates general advice on how to improve procedures or recommends
measures to take in specific situations
This symbol indicates where special care should be taken

Highlights chemicals, buffers, and equipment
Outline of experimental protocol.

Common acronyms and abbreviations

H tritium
P phosphorous 32
A280 UV absorbance at specified wavelength (in this example, 280 nm)
AC affinity chromatography
AIEX anion exchange chromatography
As peak symmetry, expressed as asymmetry factor
ATP adenosine triphosphate
AU absorbance units
BSA bovine serum albumin
CF chromatofocusing
CIEX cation exchange chromatography
CIP cleaning-in-place
CIPP capture, intermediate purification, polishing
CV column volume(s)
DDM n-dodecyl-β-maltoside
DM n-decyl-β-maltoside and
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DoE design of experiments
DTE dithioerythritol
DTT dithiothreitol
dTTP 2´-deoxythymidine triphosphate
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
GF gel filtration (also referred to as SEC, size exclusion chromatography)
HCl hydrochloric acid
HIC hydrophobic interaction chromatography
HIV human immnunodeficiency virus
HMW high molecular weight
HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography
i.d. inner diameter
ID50 inhibitory dose causing 50% inhibition
IEF isoelectric focusing
IEX ion exchange chromatography
IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor 1

18102218 AM 5
IgG immunoglobulin G
IgM immunoglobulin M
IMAC immobilized metal affinity chromatography
IU inhibitor activity units
Kav partition coefficient
Kd distribution coefficient
Ko specific permeability
LMW low molecular weight
mAU milli absorbance units
MPa megaPascal
Mp peak molecular weight
Mr relative molecular mass
MS mass spectrometry
NaCl sodium chloride
NHS N-hydroxysuccinimide
Ni nickel
N/m, Nm-1 column efficiency expressed as number of theoretical plates per meter
NM n-nonyl-β-maltoside
PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PBS phosphate-buffered saline
pI isolectric point
psi pounds per square inch
PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride
RI refractive index
RNA ribonucleic acid
RPC reversed phase chromatography
Rs resolution, the degree of separation between peaks
SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate
SEC size exclusion chromatography (also referred to as GF, gel filtration)
ssDNA, ssRNA single-stranded DNA, RNA
SR solvent resistant
TCM traditional Chinese medicine
UDM n-undecyl-β-maltoside
UV ultraviolet
Ve peak elution (retention) volume
V0 void volume
Vi volume of buffer inside the matrix
Vs volume of stationary phase
Vsep separation volume
Vt total volume of the packed bed
v/v volume/volume
W1/2 peak width at half peak height
w/v weight/volume

6 18102218 AM
Chromatography terminology

Adapter Often used for the movable end pieces of columns; contains
filter, flow distributor, and possibility to connect tubing.
Adsorption Binding. The process of interaction between the solute
(for example, a protein) and the stationary phase.
Affinity chromatography A group of methods based on various types of specific
affinities between target molecule(s), for example, a protein
and a specific ligand coupled to a chromatography resin.
Asymmetry (asymmetry Factor describing the shape of a chromatographic peak.
Back pressure The pressure drop across a column and/or a
chromatography system.
Band broadening The widening of a zone of solute (for example, a protein) when
passing through a column or a chromatography system. Gives
rise to dilution of the solute and reduces resolution. Also often
called peak broadening or zone broadening.
Binding Adsorption. The process of interaction between a solute (for
example, a protein) and the stationary phase.
Binding buffer Buffer/solution/eluent used for equilibration of the column
before sample loading.
Binding capacity The maximum amount of material that can be bound/mL of
chromatography resin. See also Dynamic binding capacity.
Capacity factor The degree of retention of a solute (for example, a protein)
relative to an unretained peak.
Chromatofocusing Method that separates proteins on the basis of pI.
Chromatogram A graphical presentation of detector response(s) indicating the
concentration of the solutes coming out of the column during
the purification (volume or time).
Chromatography From Greek chroma, color, and graphein, to write.
Chromatography resin The stationary phase. The chromatography resin is composed
of a porous matrix that is usually functionalized by coupling of
ligands to it. The matrix is in the form of particles or, rarely, a
single polymer block (monolith).
CIP (cleaning-in-place) Common term for cleaning chromatography columns
and/or systems with the purpose of removing unwanted/
nonspecifically bound material.
Column Usually column hardware packed with chromatography resin.
Column equilibration Passage of buffer/solution through the chromatography
column to establish conditions suitable for binding of selected
sample components. For example, to establish correct pH and
ionic strength, and ensure that proper counter ions or counter
ligands are present.
Column hardware The column tube and adapters. All pieces of the column except
the chromatography resin/the packed bed.
Column hardware pressure The pressure inside the column. Column hardware pressure
that is too high can break the column.
Column packing Controlled filling of the column hardware with chromatography
resin to obtain a packed bed.

18102218 AM 7
Column volume The geometrical volume of the column interior/the
chromatography bed.
Counter ion Ion of opposite charge that interacts with an ion exchange
chromatography resin after the column equilibration. The
counter ion is displaced by a protein that binds to the ion
exchanger. If a high concentration of the counter ion is applied,
it will compete with the bound protein and elute it from the
chromatography column.
Counter ligand Substances that interact with ligands of a chromatography
resin and can be displaced by a solute (for example, protein)
binding to the ligand.
Dead volume The volume outside the packed chromatography bed. Can be
column dead volume or chromatography system dead volume.
The dead volume contributes to band broadening.
Degassing Removal of dissolved air from buffers/solutions.
Desorption Elution. Release or removal of bound substances from the
chromatography resin.
Design of experiments (DoE) DoE allows use of a minimum number of experiments, in which
several experimental parameters can be varied simultaneously.
Based on the obtained data, a mathematical model of the
studied process (e.g., a protein purification protocol or a
chromatography step) is created. The model can be used to
understand the influence of the experimental parameters on
the outcome and to find an optimum for the process.
Dynamic binding capacity The binding capacity determined by applying the target using
flow through a column, as opposed to equilibrium binding
capacity determined by batch experiment.
Efficiency Measured as number of theoretical plates. High efficiency
means that sharp peaks will be obtained.
Effluent The mobile phase leaving the column (= eluate).
Eluate The mobile phase leaving the column (= effluent).
Eluent The buffer/solution used during chromatography (= mobile phase).
Elution buffer Buffer/solution used for elution (desorption) of bound solutes
(for example, proteins) from a column.
Elution volume The volume of buffer/solution (eluent) required to elute the
solute for example, a protein (= retention volume).
Elution time The time required for elution of a solute (protein) (= retention time).
Flow rate Volumetric flow (mL/min) or linear flow rate (cm/h).
Measurement of flow through a column and/or
chromatography system.
Flowthrough Material passing the column during sample loading (without
being bound).
Frit Type of deep filter often used at top and bottom of columns.
Gel filtration (GF) Size-exclusion chromatography. Separates solutes (for
example, proteins) according to size.
Gradient elution Continuous increased or decreased concentration of a
substance (in the eluent) that causes elution of bound solutes
(for example, proteins).

8 18102218 AM
Hydrophobic interaction Method based on the hydrophobic interaction between solutes
chromatography (HIC) (for example, proteins) and the chromatography resin in the
presence of high salt concentration.
Hydroxyapatite Mixed-mode ion exchange chromatography method.
Immobilized metal ion affinity Method based on the affinity of proteins with His, Cys, or
chromatography (IMAC) Trp amino residues on their surface and metal ions on the
chromatography resin.
Ion exchange Method based on electrostatic interactions between solutes
chromatography (IEX) (for example, proteins) and chromatography medium.
Isocratic elution Elution of the solutes without changing the composition of the
buffer/solution (eluent).
Ligand The specific molecular group that is coupled to the matrix to
give some decided function to the chromatography resin.
Ligand density Related to ligand concentration. The distribution of
ligands on the surfaces (also surfaces inside pores) of the
chromatography matrix.
Linear velocity The flow rate normalized by the column cross section (cm/h).
Mass transfer Movement of a solute (for example, a protein) in and out of the
stationary phase. Important factor for column efficiency.
Matrix The matrix is the nonfunctional base for the chromatography
resin. The matrix has a porous structure that provides a large
surface that can be modified with ligands that introduce
possibilities for protein binding.
Mobile phase The fluid (buffer/solution) carrying the solutes during
chromatography (= eluent).
Peak broadening Same as band broadening.
Peak capacity The number of peaks that can be separated using a
chromatography column.
Peak fronting Broadening at the beginning of a peak.
Peak tailing Broadening at the end of a peak due to additional delay of a
fraction of the solute. Results in increased asymmetry factor.
Pore Cavity in a chromatography matrix.
Pore volume The total volume of the pores in a chromatography resin.
Pressure over the packed bed The pressure drop across the packed bed upon passage of
solution through the column. Caused by flow resistance in the
packed bed.
Recovery The relative amount of target protein that is retrieved after
purification compared with amount loaded on the column.
Resolution Measurement of the ability of a packed column to separate
two solutes (peaks).
Retention volume Same as elution volume.
Retention time Same as elution time.
Reversed phase Method based on hydrophobic interactions between
chromatography (RPC) solutes (sample components) and ligands coupled to the
chromatography resin. Organic modifiers (for example,
acetonitrile) in the eluent are used for elution.
Sample The material loaded on the chromatography column/resin, or
to be analyzed.

18102218 AM 9
Sample application Applying/loading sample on the column.
Sample loading Loading/applying sample on the column.
Sample volume Usually the volume of the sample loaded on the
chromatography column/resin.
Selectivity Measure of the relative retention of two solutes in a column.
Related to the distance between two peaks.
Solute The dissolved substance (for example, a protein) in, for
example, the mobile phase.
Stationary phase Often called resin, chromatography particles, chromatography
material, chromatography medium or media.
Step gradient elution Stepwise increase in concentration of the substance that
affects elution of bound solutes.
Void volume The elution volume of solutes that do not enter the pores or
interact with the chromatography resin, thus passing between
the particles in the packed bed.
Wash Wash step. Removal of unbound or weakly bound material
from a column after the sample loading.
Wash buffer Buffer/solution used for washing the column after sample
Wash volume Volume of buffer/solution used for the wash step.
Yield Amount of target protein (or other solute) obtained after a
purification step, or after the entire purification (multiple steps).
Zone broadening Same as peak broadening.

10 18102218 AM
Chapter 1
This handbook describes the use of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) for the purification
and separation of biomolecules, with focus on practical information for optimized results.
Since the introduction of the first SEC resin, Sephadex™ in 1959, SEC has played a key role in
the purification of proteins and enzymes, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and other biological
macromolecules. This handbook focuses on the most up-to-date SEC resins and prepacked
columns from GE Healthcare Life Sciences. The resins available, selection criteria, and
examples of the most common applications are included, as well as the theoretical principles
behind the technique.
Biomolecules are purified using chromatography techniques that separate them according to
differences in their specific properties, as shown in Figure 1.1.

Property Technique
Size Size exclusion chromatography (SEC), also called gel filtration (GF)
Charge Ion exchange chromatography (IEX)
Biorecognition (ligand specificity) Affinity chromatography (AC)
Hydrophobicity Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC)
Reversed phase chromatography (RPC)
Various (e.g., charge, hydrophobicity, Multimodal chromatography (MMC)
and hydrogen bonding)

Affinity Ion exchange Size exclusion Hydrophobic Reversed phase Mulitmodal

interaction chromatography

Fig 1.1. Schematic drawing of separation principles in chromatography purification. From left to right: AC, IEX, SEC, HIC,
RPC, and MMC.

Versatility of size exclusion chromatography

SEC separates molecules by differences in size as they pass through a SEC resin packed in a
column. Unlike techniques such as IEX or AC, molecules do not bind to the chromatography
resin, which means that buffer composition does not directly affect resolution (the degree of
separation between peaks). Consequently, a significant advantage of SEC is that conditions
can be varied to suit the type of sample or the requirements for further purification, analysis, or
storage without altering the separation.

18102218 AM 11
SEC is a highly versatile separation technique. It is well suited for biomolecules sensitive to
changes in pH, concentration of metal ions or cofactors, or harsh environmental conditions.
Separations can be performed in the presence of essential ions, cofactors, detergents, urea,
or guanidine hydrochloride at high or low ionic strength. Furthermore, SEC can be performed
within a wide temperature range covering the requirements of most experiments. SEC is most
commonly performed in the range +4°C to +30°C, but many SEC columns enable separations at
even higher temperatures. Purified biomolecules may be collected in any chosen buffer.

Purification by size exclusion chromatography

To perform a separation, the resin is packed into a column to form a packed bed. SEC resins
consist of a porous matrix of chemically and physically stable spherical particles with properties
that minimize adsorption of biomolecules.
The packed bed is equilibrated with buffer, which fills the pores of the matrix and the space
between the particles. The liquid inside the pores, or stationary phase, is in equilibrium with
the liquid (buffer or mobile phase) outside the particles. Sample components are eluted
isocratically, that is, the buffer composition remains constant throughout the separation.
There is no need to use different buffers during the separation. However, a wash step using
the running buffer is often included at the end of a separation to remove molecules that might
have been retained on the column and to prepare the column for a new run.
SEC can be performed directly after IEX, HIC, or AC since the buffer composition will not
generally affect the final separation.
Figure 1.2 illustrates the separation process of SEC.

(A) (B) (C) (i) (ii) (iii)

(D) Vo

High Ve
weight Intermediate

weight Low
Sample injection molecular

Equilibration 1 CV Column volumes (CV)

Fig 1.2. Process of SEC. (A) Schematic picture of a particle with an electron microscopic enlargement. (B) Schematic drawing of
sample molecules diffusing into the pores of the particle. (C) Graphical description of separation: (i) sample is applied to the column;
(ii) the smallest molecule (yellow) is more delayed than the largest molecule (red); (iii) the largest molecule is eluted first from the
column. Band broadening causes significant dilution of the protein zones during chromatography. (D) Schematic chromatogram.

12 18102218 AM
SEC can be categorized into three main application approaches:
1. Preparative size exclusion chromatography: a high-resolution size-based separation
of biomolecules with fractionation. Preparative SEC is performed to isolate one or more
components of a sample. Separated components can directly be transferred to a suitable
buffer for assay or storage. Small sample volumes of 0.5% to 4% of the total column volume
are applied at low flow rates using long columns, often 60 cm or longer. The particle size is
commonly > 12 µm, providing low column back pressure. Resolution of preparative SEC varies
from high to more moderate depending on the particle size. For optimal results, samples with
few components such as those partly purified by other chromatography techniques are used.
This makes preparative SEC well-suited for the final polishing step in a purification scheme; see
handbook Strategies for Protein Purification. Figure 1.3 shows the chromatogram of a typical
high-resolution separation. As the separation takes place in only 1 CV, it is essential to have
a well packed column for good results in SEC. For convenience and optimal performance,
prepacked SEC columns are recommended.

molecular weight
High molecular
Low molecular


1 CV Column volumes (CV)

Fig 1.3. Typical high-resolution SEC separation.

2. Analytical size exclusion chromatography: a high-resolution size-based separation without

fractionation (Fig 1.3). Often, the analysis is connected to highly selective detectors such as
mass spectrometers and photodiode arrays (DAD), as well as multiangle light scattering (MALS)
or fluorescence detectors.
Analytical SEC is performed to check the quality of the sample or to study the properties of a
biomolecule. Small sample volumes, often 0.3% to 0.5% of the column volume are applied at
low flow rates using long columns, typically 30 cm. The particle size is commonly 4 to 12 µm,
providing high resolution. Prepacked SEC columns are an excellent choice for ensuring reliable
results and for convenience.
Analytical SEC can also be used for rapid purity checks and screening. For this, shorter columns
of typically 15 cm, which provide adequate resolution are used giving short cycle times
together with small sample volume and low buffer consumption.

Note that shorter columns typically used for purity check/screening give lower
resolution than longer columns.

3. Desalting and buffer exchange: a group separation where small molecules such as salt
or free labels are separated from a group of larger molecules such as proteins. Samples can
be prepared for storage or for other chromatography techniques and assays. Large sample
volumes—up to 30% of the total column volume—can be applied at high flow rates using
broad, short columns. The particle size is relatively large, providing low column back pressure
and high flow rates.

18102218 AM 13
Figure 1.4 shows the chromatogram of a typical group separation. Large molecules have no or
limited access to the resin pores and are thus eluted in or just after the void volume, V0. Small
molecules such as salts have full access to the pores and move down the column more slowly.
These molecules usually elute just before 1 CV of buffer has passed through the column.


UV 280 nm

Sample Salt

1 CV Column volumes (CV)

Fig 1.4. Typical group separation.

Information on available resins and prepacked columns as well as protocols are provided in
Chapters 4 and 5.

Size exclusion chromatography in theory

Defining the process
Results from SEC are usually expressed as a chromatogram (elution profile) that shows the
variation in concentration of sample components as they elute from the column in order of
their molecular size.
Figure 1.5 shows a theoretical chromatogram of a high-resolution separation. Molecules that
are larger than the largest pores in the matrix cannot enter the matrix. These molecules are
eluted together in the void volume, V0 as they pass directly through the column. For a well-packed
column, the void volume is equivalent to approximately 30% of the total column volume.
Molecules with partial access to the pores of the matrix are separated and elute from the
column in order of decreasing size. Small molecules such as salts have full access to the pores
and are not separated when they move down the column. These molecules usually elute at the
total liquid volume (Vt), slightly before 1 CV (or Vc) of buffer has passed through the column.

molecular weight
High molecular
Low molecular

void volume V0
total liquid volume Vt
Sample geometrical column volume Vc
injection pore volume Vi

V0 Vt Vc

1 CV Column volumes (CV)


Fig 1.5. Theoretical chromatogram of a high-resolution separation.

14 18102218 AM
From the chromatogram, the elution volume (Ve), often referred to as the retention volume (VR),
of a molecule is obtained. As shown in Figure 1.6, there are three different ways of measuring
Ve depending on the volume of sample applied to the column.

(A) A 280 nm


Ve Elution volume

Ve Elution volume

inflexion point

Ve Elution volume

Fig 1.6. Measurement of elution volume, Ve. (A) Sample size negligible compared with volume of packed bed. (B) Sample size
not negligible compared with volume of packed bed. (C) Sample giving elution curve with plateau.

Ve varies with the total volume of the packed bed (Vc) and the way in which the column has
been packed. Consequently, the elution of a sample is best characterized by a distribution (or
partition) coefficient (Kd). Kd is independent of column dimensions and thus allows comparison
and prediction between columns with different sizes if the same resin is used. Kd describes how
a molecule is distributed between the two phases:

Concentration of solute in stationary phase

Kd =
Concentration of solute in mobile phase

The mobile phase of a SEC resin corresponds to the solution between the particles, that is, the
void volume, V0 (Fig 1.7).
The stationary phase corresponds to the pore volume, that is, the volume of solution inside
the particles, Vi. Molecules with access to the entire pore volume elute at Vt. These molecules
distribute freely between the mobile and stationary phases.
In other words, Kd represents the fraction of the resin’s stationary phase that is available for
diffusion of a given molecule:

Ve – V0 Ve – V0 Ve – V0
Kd = = =
Vi Vc – Vmatrix – V0 Vt – V0

18102218 AM 15
Large molecules passing directly through the resin without entering the particles will have a Kd
equal to 0 whereas small molecules with full access to the pores of the particle will have a Kd
equal to 1.
In practice, the Vi is often difficult to determine. Instead, the average distribution constant, Kav,
is often used. Here Vt is substituted by the more easily determined geometrical bed volume, Vc:

Ve – V0
Kav =
Vc – V0

Void volume V0 Total bed volume Vc Pore volume Vi =

Vc - Vmatrix - V0

Fig 1.7. Diagrammatic representation of V0, Vc and Vi. Note that the simplified expression Vc – V0 will include the volume
of the solid material which forms the matrix, Vmatrix. From Fischer, L. Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology. Vol. 1 part II. An Introduction to Gel Chromatography. North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Reproduced
by kind permission of the author and publisher.

Since the simplified expression for the stationary phase (Vc – V0) includes the volume of the
solid matrix that is inaccessible to all solute molecules, Kav is not a true distribution coefficient.
However, for a given resin there is a constant ratio between Kav and Kd, which is independent
of the nature of the molecule or its concentration. Kav is easily determined and, like Kd, defines
sample behavior independently of the column dimensions and packing. Kav is more affected
by variations in system parameters such as flow and dead volumes than Kd. An accurate
determination of the bed height is crucial for the determination of Vc. Other methods of
normalizing data give values that vary depending upon how well the column is packed. The
approximate relationships between some of these terms are shown in Figure 1.8.
Interacting with medium
High molecular weight

Low molecular weight

molecular weight
Sample injection


V0 Vt Vc Ve– V0
K av =
Ve Vc– V0
Vc– V0
Ve– V0 Ve– V0 Ve– V0
Vi Kd = = =
Vi Vc– Vmatrix – V0 Vt – V0
0 0.5 1.0 CV = Ve/Vc

0 0.5 1.0 K av

0 0.5 1.0 Kd
Fig 1.8. Relationship between several expressions used for normalizing elution behavior.

16 18102218 AM
Selectivity curves and resin selection
The distribution coefficients, Kd and Kav are related to the size of a molecule. Molecules of
similar shape and density demonstrate a sigmoidal relationship between their Kd (or Kav) values
and the logarithms of their relative molecular weights (Mr). Calibration curves constructed in
this way are termed selectivity curves. The relationship between log Mr and Kd (or Kav) is virtually
linear over a considerable range. The practical working range of Kd is approximately 0.1 to 0.9.
The selectivity of a SEC resin is an inherent property of the matrix. It depends solely on its pore
size distribution and is visualized by the selectivity curve. Figure 1.9 shows selectivity curves
for typical SEC resins. The slope of the selectivity curve is related to the shape of the analyzed
molecules, that is, the selectivity curve will be steeper for rod-shaped molecules than for
globular molecules of similar size (Fig 1.9).

Superdex™ 30 prep grade Superdex 75 prep grade and Superdex 200 prep grade
K av K av
0.7 0.8


Peptides Dextrans





4 5 6 7
300 103 104 10 10 10 10
Mr logarithmic scale Mr logarithmic scale

Superdex 75 prep grade and Superdex 200 prep grade

K av

0.6 Globular



4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10
Mr logarithmic scale

Fig 1.9. Selectivity curves for typical SEC resins.

18102218 AM 17
The fractionation range of a resin defines the range of molecular weights that have partial
access to the pores of the particle and can be separated. The exclusion limit of a SEC resin
indicates the size of the molecules that are excluded from the pores and therefore elute in
the void volume. The selectivity curve can be used to determine the fractionation range and
estimate the exclusion limit of a SEC resin (Fig 1.10).



K av

Exclusion limit

Log M r
Fractionation range

Fig 1.10. Defining fractionation range and exclusion limit from a selectivity curve.

A steeper selectivity curve means an improved separation (high selectivity) but a small
separation range.
SEC resins should be selected so that the important components are found in the most linear
part of the selectivity curve with minimum peak broadening or dilution and minimum time on
the column. The lowest molecular weight substances should be eluted near Vt (Kd = 1).

Under ideal conditions, no molecules can be eluted with a Kd greater than 1 or less than 0.
The steeper the selectivity curve, the higher the resolution that can be achieved.
If Kd is greater than 1, nonspecific adsorption to the chromatographic resin might have
If Kd is less than 0, channeling in the chromatography bed might have occurred and the
column must be repacked.

Deviations from ideal SEC: In ideal SEC, only steric effects contribute to the separation of
biomolecules. An advantage of SEC is that the separation is generally insensitive to the eluent
composition. However, deviation from the linear log Mr:Kd relationship might still occur. A
nonideal behavior is caused by interactions between the resin and the biomolecules and can
also influence the separation. Nonspecific interactions are generally only of concern when
separating highly charged substances at an ionic strength that is too low; or when separating
aromatic molecules on dense resins with a high matrix content (higher dry weight of resin).
Hydrophobic interactions might also occur in some cases. Interactions can usually be avoided
by changing the running buffer. Small biomolecules are more susceptible to interactions with
SEC resins than larger.

Note that the molecular shape can also explain an unexpected elution position.

18 18102218 AM
Resolution is a function of the selectivity of the resin and the efficiency of that resin to produce
sharp, narrow peaks with minimal peak broadening.
Resolution (Rs) can be expressed as follows:

Ve2 – Ve1
Rs =
(W1 + W2)

Ve1 and Ve2 are the elution volumes for two adjacent peaks measured at the center of the peak.
W1 and W2 are the respective peak widths.
(Ve2 – Ve1) represents the distance between the peaks and (W1 + W2)/2 the mean peak width of
the two peaks as shown in Figure 1.11.

Ve2 – Ve1

W1 W2
Fig 1.11. Parameters used to define resolution (Rs).

The final resolution, that is the degree of separation between peaks, depends both on the
selectivity of the resin and the degree of peak broadening (Fig 1.12). The resin efficiency and
other experimental factors contribute to peak broadening. Some factors such as particle size,
particle size distribution, porosity, column dimensions, and column packing are related to
the SEC column. Other factors include sample volume, flow rate, viscosity of the solution, and
the equipment used. The success of SEC depends primarily on choosing conditions that give
sufficient selectivity and counteract peak broadening effects during the separation.

high efficiency

low efficiency

Fig 1.12. Resolution depends both on the selectivity and the efficiency of the resin.

18102218 AM 19
The homogeneity of the packed bed and of the particles influences uniformity of flow through
the column and hence affects the shape and width of peaks in the chromatogram. SEC resins
with high uniformity and narrow particle size distribution result in the elution of molecules in
sharp peaks.
SEC resins with smaller particle sizes facilitate diffusion of sample molecules in and out of the
particles by reducing the time to achieve equilibrium between mobile and stationary phases.
Peak width is reduced and resolution is thus improved.
Sample dilution is inevitable because diffusion occurs. To minimize sample dilution, a maximum
sample volume is used within the limits set by the separation distance, that is, the resolution
required between the peaks of interest. The sample can be regarded as a zone passing down
the column. Figure 1.13 shows how, if no zone broadening occurs, the maximum sample
volume could be as great as the separation volume (VSep):
VSep = VeB – VeA

VeA and VeB are the elution volumes of molecule peaks A and B, respectively.
However, due to eddy diffusion, nonequilibrium between the stationary phase and the mobile
phase, and longitudinal diffusion in the bed, the zones will always be broadened. Therefore, the
sample volume must always be smaller than the separation volume.


Elution volume

VeA VeB Elution volume


Fig 1.13. Elution curves for different sample sizes. The top diagram corresponds to the application of a small sample.
The bottom diagram corresponds to the maximum sample volume to obtain complete separation in the conditions of the
experiment. The shaded areas correspond to the elution profiles that would be obtained if there was no zone broadening.

20 18102218 AM
Chapter 2
Size exclusion chromatography in practice
General advice
Columns and resin preparation
Efficient column packing is essential, particularly for high-resolution separations. Column
bed heights of between 30 and 60 cm are recommended for preparative or analytical SEC
separation. Rapid screening experiments may be performed on shorter columns (15 cm). For
buffer exchange, a bed height of 10 cm is often sufficient. The required bed volume and hence
the diameter of the column is determined by the sample volume.
A well-packed column should produce narrow symmetrical peaks with minimal peak
broadening. This is especially important in SEC where the separation is limited by 1 CV. The
uniformity of the packed bed and the particles influences the flow through the column and
hence affects the shape and width of the peaks. High-performance SEC resins with high bed
uniformity (smaller and more uniform particles) give decreased peak widths and improved
resolution. Two parameters are generally used to characterize the column performance (see
Appendix 2, Determination of column efficiency and asymmetry factor for further details):
• Efficiency (theoretical plate number per meter, N/m) describes the column ability
to produce narrow peaks.
• Peak asymmetry factor (As) describes the symmetry of the peak.
Always perform a column efficiency test before first-time use. The values from the test should
be used as the baseline for the column performance. Note that the system used, including
the capillaries and other dead volumes can affect measured column efficiency. This means
that the measured column efficiency can deviate from values given in the specification for
the column. Refer to Appendix 1 and 2 for further information on column packing and column
efficiency, respectively.

For optimal performance and reproducible results, use of prepacked columns is highly
Storage solutions and preservatives should be washed away thoroughly before using
any SEC resin. Then equilibrate the column with 1 to 2 column volumes (CV) of buffer
before starting a separation. Buffers and columns must have the same temperature
before use.
Ensure sufficient buffer for the entire run. SEC columns that run completely dry must
be repacked.

Scaling up
After establishing a separation on a small column, larger columns can be packed to process
larger sample volumes in a single step. Note that small particles generate a high back pressure,
which can restrict separation scale-up.
When comparing results between columns of different size, the flow velocity (cm/h) is a useful
measurement. Results obtained at the same flow velocity on different sized columns will be
comparable as far as the effects of flow velocity are concerned.

18102218 AM 21
The volumetric flow rate (for example mL/min) is however often used in practice. To convert
between volumetric flow rate and flow velocity, see Appendix 5.
General guidelines for scaling up are shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1. General guidelines for scaling up SEC separations

Maintain Increase
Bed height Column diameter
Flow velocity (cm/h) Flow rate (mL/min)
Sample composition Sample volume

To scale up a SEC separation, follow this advice:

1. Optimize the separation at small scale, see Optimizing your separation later in this chapter.
2. Maintain the sample-to-column volume ratio.
3. Maintain the bed height and increase the column volume by increasing the cross-sectional
area of the column.
4. Run the separation at the same flow velocity (cm/h) as used on the smaller column (see
Appendix 5).

Different factors related to the equipment can affect the performance after scale-up. Peak
broadening can occur on a larger system if dead volumes are introduced or if the distribution
system of the larger column has lower flow efficiency. This will cause extra dilution of the target
molecule or even loss of resolution if the application is sensitive to variations in efficiency.

Sample and buffer preparation

Removal of particles in the sample, buffers, and cleaning solutions is extremely important
for SEC. Clarifying a sample before applying it to a column will minimize the risk of blockage,
reduce the need for stringent washing procedures and extend the lifetime of the column.
A running buffer of 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0 works well
for many separations. Alternatively, select a suitable buffer for the next step (e.g., further
purification, analysis, or storage). See advice on buffer composition later in this chapter.
Use high-quality water and chemicals. Solutions should be filtered through 0.45 µm or
0.22 µm filters before use. Degas buffers before any SEC separation since air bubbles
can reduce performance. Buffers are automatically degassed if filtered under vacuum.
Buffers and columns must have the same temperature before use. Rapid changes in
temperature, for example removing packed columns from a cold room and applying
buffer at room temperature, can introduce air bubbles in the packed bed, resulting in
poorer separation.
Samples must be clear and free from particulate matter, especially when working
with particle sizes of 34 µm or smaller. For small sample volumes, a syringe-tip filter of
cellulose acetate or polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) might be sufficient.

Filtration removes particulate matter. Whatman™ syringe filters, which give the least amount
of nonspecific binding of proteins, are composed of cellulose acetate (CA), regenerated
cellulose (RC), or polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF; Table 2.2).

22 18102218 AM
Table 2.2. Whatman syringe filters for filtration of samples

Filter pore size (µm) Up to sample volume (mL) Whatman syringe filter1 Membrane
0.8 100 Puradisc FP 30 CA
0.45 1 Puradisc 4 PVDF
0.45 10 Puradisc 13 PVDF
0.45 100 Puradisc 25 PVDF
0.45 10 SPARTAN™ 13 RC
0.45 100 SPARTAN 30 RC
0.45 100 Puradisc FP 30 CA
0.2 1 Puradisc 4 PVDF
0.2 10 Puradisc 13 PVDF
0.2 100 Puradisc 25 PVDF
0.2 10 SPARTAN 13 RC
0.2 100 SPARTAN 30 RC
0.2 100 Puradisc FP 30 CA
The number indicates the diameter (mm) of the syringe filter.

For sample preparation before chromatography, select a filter pore size in relation to the bead
size of the chromatographic medium (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3. Selecting a sample filter based on the bead size of the chomatographic medium used

Nominal pore size of filter (µm) Particle size of chromatographic medium (µm)
1.0 90 and upwards
0.45 30 or 34
0.22 3, 10, 15 or when extra clean samples or sterile filtration is required

Check the recovery of the target protein in a test run. Some proteins adsorb
nonspecifically to filter surfaces.

Equipment selection
Accurate, reproducible control of the separation is not only essential for good results,
but also for reliability in routine preparative work and repeated experiments. Use a liquid
chromatography system (rather than a peristaltic pump or gravity flow) to maximize column
performance. When working with small prepacked columns such as HiTrap™ Desalting, a
syringe or standalone pump can also be used. For buffer exchange of small sample volumes,
gravity columns and spin columns are also available. Appendix 3 provides a guide to the
selection of suitable chromatography systems. Note that the chromatography system and the
injection technique used can affect the resolution of the separation, see System configuration
later in this chapter.

Setting column pressure limits

Pressure is generated by the flow through the chromatographic system. To protect the column
hardware and the packed bed of the chromatographic resin, it is highly important to set
maximum pressure limits. See Appendix 4 for further details on setting column pressure limits.

18102218 AM 23
Maintenance of SEC columns
Routine cleaning of the SEC column should be performed to prolong column lifetime. Cleaning
is performed to remove any precipitated proteins or other contaminants that build up on the
column. The frequency of cleaning depends mainly on the sample, but once every 20 runs is a
guideline. Insufficient cleaning might lead to discoloration, loss in resolution, and increase in
back pressure. Cleaning procedures for each SEC resin are given in Chapter 4 and 5 and in the
instructions for each product.
Remove the cleaning solution thoroughly and re-equilibrate the column with at least
1 to 2 CV of buffer before the next separation. Check that pH is neutral.
In case of increased back pressure, see also Troubleshooting section in this chapter.

Optimizing your separation

The success of SEC depends primarily on choosing conditions that give sufficient selectivity and
counteract peak broadening effects during the separation. Prepacked columns are delivered
with recommended running conditions that give satisfactory results in most situations but
optimization might sometimes be necessary to reach the required resolution. Resolution is a
function of the selectivity of the resin and the efficiency of that resin to produce narrow peaks
(minimal peak broadening), as illustrated in Chapter 1.
Final resolution is influenced by many factors (Table 2.4). After selection of SEC resin, sample
volume and column dimensions are the two most critical parameters that will affect the
resolution of the separation. Chromatography system-related factors also affect resolution,
particularly when working with small columns for high-resolution separations. Note that
conditions leading to the highest resolution usually conflict with other experimental objectives,
for example, separation time. Careful evaluation of overall requirements is therefore necessary.

Table 2.4. Factors that influence resolution

Resin-related factors Selectivity

Match between pore size and size of target molecule
Particle size
Particle uniformity
Column-related factors Bed height
Column packing quality
Chromatography system-related factors Tubing dimensions (diameter and length)
Volumes in system components
Experimental-related factors Flow rate
Sample volume
Buffer composition

If optimization is needed, follow these steps (given in order of priority):

1. Select a resin with a suitable fractionation range providing optimal resolution; see Figure 4.1.
2. Select a column with a bed height providing the required resolution. A bed height between
30 and 100 cm is recommended for preparative and analytical separation whereas 10 cm
is often sufficient for buffer exchange and desalting.
3. Select a column size appropriate for the volume of sample that needs to be processed.
4. Select the highest flow rate that maintains resolution and minimizes separation time.

24 18102218 AM
Resin selection
For highest resolution, select a SEC resin with suitable fractionation range and a small particle
size. In cases where two resins have similar fractionation ranges, select the resin with the
steepest selectivity curve for optimal resolution of all the sample components. For a specific
component, select a resin where the log of molecular weight for the target component falls
in the middle of the selectivity curve. Efficiency can be improved by using a resin with smaller
particle size. However, using a smaller particle size will increase the back pressure. See Chapter
4 and 5 and Ordering information for available resins from GE.
For buffer exchange and desalting, select a SEC resin that elutes high molecular weight-
molecules in the void volume to minimize peak broadening and dilution. The lowest molecular
weight substances should appear within 1 CV of buffer.
An example of the effects of different selectivities between two similar SEC resins is shown
in Figure 2.1. Superdex 200 Increase and Superose™ 6 Increase are both resins for small-
scale preparative purification and analysis, with the same high-flow agarose base matrix
(average particle size 8.6 µm). They differ in fractionation range, which results in very different
chromatography profiles for the same sample mix. Superdex 200 Increase gives excellent
resolution for biomolecules with molecular weight less than 440 000, while larger biomolecules
elute together with aggregates in the void volume. Superose 6 Increase, on the other hand, has
good separation between the largest biomolecules.

Columns: Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL and Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: 1. IgM (Mr ~ 970 000)1, 0.5 mg/mL
2. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000), 1 mg/mL
3. Ferritin (Mr 440 000), 0.1 mg/mL
4. Bovine serum albumin (Mr 66 000), 1 mg/mL
5. Myoglobin (Mr 17 000), 0.5 mg/mL
6. Vitamin B12 (Mr 1355), 0.05 mg/mL
Sample volume: 100 µL
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
Buffer: PBS (10 mM phosphate buffer, 140 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4)
System: ÄKTAmicro
Sample also contained aggregated forms of IgM.

(A) (B)
70.0 1 + aggregates 70.0

60.0 60.0

50.0 50.0
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)

40.0 40.0

30.0 30.0 3 4 5
4 5 6

20.0 6 20.0
10.0 10.0 1

0.0 0.0
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

Fig 2.1. Chromatograms showing high-resolution SEC of six standard proteins on (A) Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL and
(B) Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL. The broad peak of IgM was confirmed by light scattering to include different isoforms
and aggregates of IgM.

18102218 AM 25
Sample volume and column dimensions
Sample volume is one of the most important parameters in SEC. Smaller sample volumes help
to avoid overlap if closely spaced peaks are eluted. Figure 2.2 illustrates how sample volume
can influence a high-resolution separation.

Column: Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL

Sample: 1. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000), 3 mg/mL
2. Aldolase (Mr 158 000), 3 mg/mL
3. Conalbumin (Mr 75 000), 3 mg/mL
4. Carbonic anhydrase (Mr 29 000), 3 mg/mL
5. Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700), 3 mg/mL
Sample volumes: 50 and 4 µL
Buffer: PBS (10 mM phosphate buffer, 140 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4)
Flow rate: 0.45 mL/min
System: ÄKTAmicro

Sample: 50 µL Sample: 4 µL 3
1 2 4 1 2 4
5 5
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)



1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

Fig 2.2. Comparison of protein separation on Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL using different sample volumes.

The sample volume can be expressed as a percentage of the total column volume (packed bed).
This sample-to-column volume ratio influences resolution. As shown in Figure 2.3, higher ratios
give lower resolution. Note that sample dilution is inevitable since diffusion occurs as the sample
passes through the column. Small samples will be diluted more relative to the column volume.

Column: HiLoad™ 16/600 Superdex 200 prep grade

Sample: 1:1 solution of transferrin (Mr 81 000) and IgG (Mr 160 000)
Sample concentration: 8 mg/mL
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 100 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.2
Flow rate (flow velocity): 1 mL/min (30 cm/h)


Resolution, Rs


0 1 2 3 4 5
Sample volume (percentage of column volume)

Fig 2.3. Influence of sample–to-column volume ratio on the resolution of transferrin and IgG on
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 prep grade.

For buffer exchange and desalting, use sample volumes of up to 30% of the total
column volume (Vc).

26 18102218 AM
For high-resolution separation, a sample volume from 0.3 to 4% of Vc is recommended,
depending on the type of resin used. For most applications, the sample volume should
not exceed 2% to achieve high resolution. Depending on the nature of the specific
sample, it might be possible to load larger sample volumes, particularly if the peaks of
interest are well separated. This can only be determined experimentally.
For analytical separations and separations of complex samples, start with a sample
volume of 0.5% of the total column volume. Sample volumes of less than 0.3% do not
normally improve resolution.
Concentrating samples can increase the capacity of a SEC separation. Avoid excessively
high protein concentrations as viscosity effects can interfere with the separation. See
section Sample concentration and viscosity, later in this chapter.

Normally, the column size is selected according to the sample volume to be processed. Larger
sample volumes can require significantly larger columns; it might be beneficial to repeat
the separation several times on a smaller column and pool the fractions of interest or to
concentrate the sample prior to SEC.
The height of the packed bed affects both resolution and the separation time. Resolution in SEC
increases with the square root of bed height. Doubling the bed height gives a 40% increase in
resolution (√2 = 1.4). For high resolution, long columns will give the best results.
If higher resolution is required, the effective bed height can be increased by using columns,
containing the same resin, coupled in series. Alternatively, try a resin with the same or
similar fractionation range, but with a smaller particle size.
For rapid purity check and screening, shorter columns with small bed volumes providing
short cycle time, small sample volume, and low buffer consumption are suitable.

Elution and flow rates

The goal for most separations is to achieve the required resolution in the shortest possible
time. Generally, a lower flow rate will allow time for molecules to diffuse in and out of the
matrix and improve the resolution. The effect is most pronounced for large molecules whereas
decreasing the flow rate can even have a negative impact on the resolution for very small
Figures 2.4 to 2.6 show the effect of flow rate on resolution. Each separation must be optimized
to find the optimal flow rate. For most molecules, maximum resolution is obtained with a long
column and a low flow rate. Maximum speed, however, is obtained with a short column and a
high flow rate. The advantage of a higher flow rate, and consequently a faster separation, often
outweighs the loss of resolution in, for example, screening experiments.

18102218 AM 27
Column: Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL
Sample: 1. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000), 3 mg/mL
2. Ferritin (Mr 440 000), 0.3 mg/mL
3. Aldolase (Mr 158 000), 3 mg/mL
4. Ovalbumin (Mr 44 000), 3 mg/mL
5. Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700), 3 mg/mL
6. Aprotinin (Mr 6500), 1 mg/mL
Sample volume: 100 µL
Buffer: PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 140 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4)
Flow rates: 1.5 and 0.25 mL/min, room temperature
System: ÄKTAmicro

1.5 mL/min 0.25 mL/min 3

120 5 120
3 4
A280 (mAU)

80 1 A280 (mAU) 80

40 6 40

0 0

10 20 10 20
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

Fig 2.4. Comparison of protein separation on Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL at different flow rates.

Column: HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 30 prep grade

Sample: Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1, Mr 7650) containing monomers and dimers
Sample volume: 1 mL (0.8% × Vc)
Sample concentration: (A) 1.25 mg/mL
(B) 5 mg/mL
Buffer: 50 mM sodium acetate, 100 mM sodium chloride, pH 5.0
Flow rates (flow velocities): 0.5 to 2.5 mL/min (15 to 80 cm/h)


Resolution, Rs



0 20 40 60 80
Flow velocity (cm/h)

Fig 2.5. Resolution between (A) 1.25 mg/mL and (B) 5 mg/mL IGF-1 containing monomers and dimers at different flow velocities.

28 18102218 AM
Columns: HiPrep™ 16/60 Sephacryl™ S-100 HR
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR
Sample: IgG, ovalbumin, cytochrome C, 1:2:1
Sample volume: 2.4 mL (2% × Vc)
Sample load: 8 mg
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, 0.02% sodium azide, pH 7.0

Resolution, R s


1 S-300

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Flow rate (mL/min)

Fig 2.6. Influence on resolution between IgG, ovalbumin, and cytochrome C using different SEC resins, at different flow rates.

If peaks are well separated at a low flow rate, the separation time can be decreased
by increasing the flow rate or by using a shorter column. Alternatively, increase the
sample volume and benefit from a higher sample volume capacity without significant
loss of resolution.

Sample concentration and viscosity

Sample mass and hence sample concentration has little effect on resolution in SEC (Fig 2.7 and
2.8). High resolution can be maintained despite high sample concentration. The viscosity of the
sample might, however, limit the concentration that can be used.

Column: Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: Mix of three standard proteins:
1. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000)
2. Conalbumin (Mr 75 000)
3. Cytochrome C (Mr 12 400)
Sample volume: 100 µL
Buffer: PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 140 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4)
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min

(A) (B)
200 1500
3 3

150 1200
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)

100 2
800 2

50 400 1

0 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

Fig 2.7. Comparison of separation of mixture with total protein concentration of (A) 10 and (B) 100 mg/mL on
Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL.

18102218 AM 29
Column: XK 16/70 (140 mL)
Resin: Superdex 200 prep grade
Sample: Solution of transferrin (Mr 81 000) and IgG (Mr 160 000) by equal weight
Sample volume: 1.1 mL (0.8% × Vc)
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 100 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.2
Flow rate (flow velocity): 1 mL/min (30 cm/h)


Resolution, R S


0 24 48 72 96 120 148
Sample conc. (mg/mL)
Fig 2.8. Influence of sample concentration on the resolution of transferrin and IgG on Superdex 200 prep grade.

A critical variable is the viscosity of the sample relative to the running buffer, as shown
by the change in elution profiles of hemoglobin and sodium chloride at different sample
viscosities in Figure 2.9.
Low viscosity

Intermediate viscosity

High viscosity

Elution volume

Fig 2.9. Deteriorating separation caused by increasing sample viscosity. Elution profiles obtained when hemoglobin (blue)
and sodium chloride (red) were separated. Experimental conditions were identical except that the sample viscosities were
altered by the addition of increasing amounts of dextran.

Dilute viscous samples, but not more than necessary to keep the sample volume low.
For example, for proteins such as human serum albumin, the concentration should
generally not exceed 70 mg/mL. Remember that viscosity varies with temperature.

30 18102218 AM
Sample concentration does not generally influence the separation if the viscosity does
not differ by more than a factor of 1.5 from that of the buffer used. If the viscosity of
the sample is very high, this may be compensated for by increasing the viscosity of the
eluent, for example by addition of sucrose or dextran.
High sample viscosity causes instability of the separation and an irregular flow pattern.
This leads to very broad and skewed peaks and back pressure might increase.
The maximum flow rate for a column will be reduced using high-viscosity solutions
or samples and the flow rate needs to be decreased accordingly. See Appendix 4 for
further details.

Buffer composition
The pH, ionic strength, and composition of the buffer will not significantly affect resolution as long
as these parameters do not alter the size or stability of the biomolecules to be separated and are
within the stability range of the SEC resin. Extremes of pH and ionic strength and the presence of
denaturing agents or detergents can cause conformational changes, dissociation, or association
of protein complexes. The sample does not have to be dissolved in the running buffer since the
buffer is exchanged during the separation, which is an added benefit of SEC.
Use a buffer concentration that maintains buffering capacity and constant pH. Sodium chloride
(300 mM) may be included to suppress nonspecific ionic interactions, which might be seen as
delays in peak elution or broad peaks. SEC of proteins at two different NaCl concentrations is
shown in Figure 2.10. An increase in NaCl concentration had little effect on retention volume for
the negatively charged α-acid glycoprotein (pI 2.7 to 3.2) and myoglobin (pI 6.8 to 7.2). However,
for the positively charged cytochrome C (pI ~ 10), the behavior was different; at low NaCl
concentration, the strongly charged protein interacted with the column (cation interaction),
leading to a decrease in retention volume.
Note that interactions in some cases may be used to improve resolution.

Column: Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: Mix of three proteins
1. α-acid glycoprotein (Mr 41 to 43 000)
2. Myoglobin (Mr 16 700)
3. Cytochrome C (Mr 12 400)
Sample volume: 100 µL
Buffer: (A) 10 mM sodium phosphate, 140 mM NaCl
(B) 10 mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
(A) (B)
1 1
150 2 150
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)

100 100

50 50

0 0

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)
Fig 2.10. Separation of α-acid glycoprotein, myoglobin, and cytochrome C, using (A) 140 and (B) 300 mM NaCl in sample
and running buffer.

Some proteins can precipitate in low ionic strength solutions.

Avoid using unnecessarily high salt concentrations as this might increase
hydrophobic interaction.

18102218 AM 31
Addition of organic solvent can be beneficial for hydrophobic substances (Fig 2.11).

Column: Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: Somatostatin (Mr 1600)
Sample volume: 50 µL
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 250 mM NaCl,
pH 7.4 with addition of 0% to 30% acetonitrile
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min

A280 (mAU)




10 15 20 25 30
Volume (mL)
Fig 2.11. Elution profiles of somatostatin separated in 50 mM sodium phosphate, 250 mM NaCl, pH 7.4 with 30% (blue),
15% (red), and 0% (green) acetonitrile.

Note that peptides and other small biomolecules are more susceptible than larger biomolecules
to interactions with SEC resins, as peptides display very little or no tertiary structure leaving
amino acid side chains exposed. Detergents are useful as solubilizing agents for proteins with
low aqueous solubility, such as membrane components, and will not affect the separation.
Sometimes, detergents are necessary to maintain the solubility of the sample. Additives must
be present all the time, both in the running buffer and the sample.
Choose buffer conditions suitable for protein stability and activity. An increase of the
sodium chloride concentration to 300 mM or including additives such as detergents or
organic solvents can improve the result. See further information regarding denaturing
(chaotropic) agents below.
Note that some additives increase buffer viscosity. Use lower flow rates for high-
viscosity solutions and/or low temperature (see Appendix 4).
Volatile buffers such as ammonium acetate or ammonium bicarbonate should be used
if the separated product is to be lyophilized.
SEC can be used to exchange the detergent environment of a protein. For example,
a protein solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) could be transferred to a milder
detergent such as Tween™ 20 without losing solubility.
Avoid extreme changes in pH or other conditions that can cause inactivation or even
precipitation. If the sample precipitates in the SEC column, the column will be blocked—
possibly irreversibly—and the sample might be lost.

32 18102218 AM
Denaturing (chaotropic) agents
Denaturing agents such as guanidine hydrochloride or urea may be used for initial
solubilization of a sample as well as in SEC buffers to maintain solubility. However, since the
proteins will denature, avoid chaotropics unless denaturation is specifically desired.
Urea and guanidine hydrochloride are very useful for molecular weight determination.
The presence of these denaturing agents in the running buffer maintains proteins and
polypeptides in an extended configuration. For accurate molecular weight determination,
calibration standards must be run under the same conditions as the sample.
Note that selectivity curves are usually determined using globular proteins and do not
reflect the behavior of denatured samples.

System configuration
Depending on the system setup, the contributions from internal system volumes to band
broadening vary. For the highest resolution, it is important that the chromatography system
used has the smallest possible internal system volumes. This is especially important when
working with small columns for high-resolution separations. Internal system volumes may be
decreased by, for example, using short, narrow-diameter capillaries (Fig 2.12).
Consider actions to reduce system volumes if sufficient resolution is not achieved. For
optimal configuration of ÄKTA™ pure 25 for small-scale SEC, see Optimal configuration of
ÄKTA pure 25 for small-scale SEC, 29181181.

ID: 0.5 mm ID: 0.15 mm

300 800
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)


100 200

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

Fig 2.12. Comparison of peptide separation on Superdex 30 Increase 3.2/300 using different diameters of a 42 cm long
capillary connected to the column.

Another way to minimize dead volumes in the system is to use components with small internal
volumes. Figure 2.13 shows the effect of different internal volumes in column valves on
ÄKTA pure 25. In Figure 2.13A, the resolution on Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL column (Vc 3 mL)
is highly affected by a larger internal volume in the column valve compared with Fig 2.13B,
where Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL column (Vc 24 mL) is less affected.

18102218 AM 33
(A) Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL
Column valve V9-C, 100 µL Column valve V9-Cs, 14 µL
10.0 40

7.5 30
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)
5.0 20

2.5 10

0 0

1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

(B) Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL

Column valve V9-C, 100 µL Column valve V9-Cs, 14 µL
100 100

75 75
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)

50 50

25 25

0 0

5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)
Fig 2.13. Comparison of protein separation on (A) Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL and (B) Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL.
Purification was performed with ÄKTA pure 25 chromatography system using either column valve V9-C (internal volume
100 µL) or column valve V9-Cs (internal volume 14 µL). Note that column valve V9-C is not recommended for use with
5/150 GL column.

The injection technique might also affect the resolution and needs to be considered when working
with high-resolution separations. Figure 2.14 shows an example of how resolution can be
improved by decreasing the volumes used to empty the loop during sample injection. This is a
common way of working when analytical studies are performed. For detailed information on
injection techniques, see ÄKTA Laboratory-scale Chromatography Systems Handbook, 29010831.

Column: Superdex 200 5/150 GL

Loop volume: 50 µL
Flow rate: 0.3 mL/min

3 loop volumes
1 loop volume
A280 (mAU)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Volume (mL)

Fig 2.14. The chromatogram shows how the separation in SEC is affected by the different volumes used to empty the loop
during sample injection.

34 18102218 AM
This section focuses on practical problems that can occur during SEC. Figure 2.15 indicates how
the elution profile in a chromatogram can deviate from normal during a separation. Table 2.5
on the following pages contains further suggestions of possible causes and their solutions.

Satisfactory separation
Well-resolved, symmetrical peaks.

Vo Vt

Poor resolution
Review factors affecting resolution, including the selectivity
of the resin, particle size, sample-to-column volume ratio,
flow rate, and the equipment used.

Vo Vt

Asymmetric peaks: Tailing

Tailing peaks can be caused by an underpacked column,
that is, a column packed at a very low pressure or flow
rate. Ensure the resin is evenly packed. Tailing peaks
can also be explained by uneven sample application or
interactions with the column.


Asymmetric peaks: Fronting

Fronting peaks can be caused by an overpacked column,
that is, a column packed at excessive pressure or flow
rate. Peaks appearing before the void volume indicate
channeling in the packed bed.


Late elution
Peaks eluting after 1 CV of buffer can be caused by
nonspecific interactions with the resin. Include a wash
step or extend the elution to ensure elution of late eluting
molecules. Changing the buffer composition might also
be beneficial.
Vo Vt

Fig 2.15. Normal chromatograms and chromatograms deviating from normal behavior.

18102218 AM 35
Table 2.5. Troubleshooting guide for SEC

Situation Possible cause Solution

Peak of interest is Sample volume is too high. Decrease sample volume and apply sample carefully.
poorly resolved from Sample is too viscous. Dilute with buffer, but check maximum sample volume.
other major peaks. Maintain protein concentration below 70 mg/mL.
Sample contains particles. Re-equilibrate column, filter sample, and repeat.
Column is poorly packed. Check column efficiency (see Appendix 2).
Repack if needed1. Use prepacked columns.
Column is dirty. Clean and re-equilibrate.
Incorrect resin. Check selectivity curve. Check for adsorption
effects. Consider effects of denaturing agents or
detergents if present.
Large dead volumes. Minimize dead volumes in tubing and connections.
Column is too short. Increase bed height.
Flow rate is too high. Check recommended flow rates. Note that the
maximum flow rate for a packed column will vary
with running conditions.
Molecule does not Ionic interactions between molecule Maintain ionic strength of buffers above 50 mM
elute as expected. and matrix. (preferably include up to 300 mM sodium chloride).
Hydrophobic interactions between Reduce salt concentration to minimize hydrophobic
molecule and matrix. interaction. Add suitable detergent or organic
solvent, e.g., 5% isopropanol. Changing pH might
also affect hydrophobic interactions.
Sample has not been filtered properly. Clean the column, filter the sample.
Sample has changed during storage. Prepare fresh samples.
Column is not equilibrated sufficiently. Repeat or prolong the equilibration step.
Proteins or lipids have precipitated on Clean the column or use a new column.
the column.
Column is overloaded with sample. Decrease the sample load.
Precipitation of protein in the column Clean the column, exchange or clean the filter, or use
filter and/or at the top of the bed. a new column.
Microbial growth has occurred in the Microbial growth rarely occurs in columns during
column. use. To prevent infection of packed columns, store in
20% ethanol when possible.
Molecule elutes later Hydrophobic and/or ionic interactions Reduce salt concentration to minimize hydrophobic
than expected or between molecule and matrix. interaction. Increase pH. Add suitable detergent or
even after running a organic solvent, e.g., 5% isopropanol.
total column volume. Increase salt concentration (up to 300 mM) to
minimize ionic interaction.
Peaks elute late Column is dirty. Clean and re-equilibrate.
and are very broad.
Molecule elutes earlier Channeling in the column. Repack column1. Using a thinner slurry of resin might
than expected (before prevent channeling during repacking.
the void volume).
Fronting or very rounded Column overloaded. Decrease sample load and repeat.
peaks in chromatogram.
Tailing peaks. Column is packed too loosely. Check column efficiency (see Appendix 2). Repack
using a higher flow rate. Use prepacked columns1.
Fronting peaks. Column is packed too tightly. Check column efficiency (see Appendix 2). Repack
using a lower flow rate. Use prepacked columns1.
Not all prepacked columns may be repacked.

36 18102218 AM
Situation Possible cause Solution
Low recovery of Molecule is unstable or inactive in the Determine the pH and salt stability of the molecule.
activity but normal buffer.
recovery of molecule. Enzyme separated from cofactor Test by pooling aliquots from the reactions and
or similar. repeat the assay.
Lower yield than expected. Protein has been degraded Add protease inhibitors to the sample and buffers to
by proteases. prevent proteolytic digestion. Run sample through a
resin such as Benzamidine 4 Fast Flow (high sub) to
remove trypsin-like serine proteases.
Adsorption to filter during sample Use another type of filter.
Sample precipitates. Can be caused by removal of salts or unsuitable
buffer conditions. Change the buffer conditions.
Hydrophobic molecules. Decrease the ionic strength. Use denaturing agents,
or detergents. Addition of organic solvent or
changing pH might be beneficial.
Nonspecific ionic adsorption. Increase salt concentration in the buffer, up to
300 mM sodium chloride.
More target substance is Molecule is coeluting with other Optimize conditions to improve resolution. Check
recovered than expected. substances. buffer conditions used for assay before and after the
run. Check selection of resin.
Obtained column Result for column efficiency is Use the obtained column efficiency for later
efficiency is not the dependent on the system and cannot comparisons in order to detect any changes in
same as in the column be expected to be the same. column performance. Consider system dead volumes
specification. when determining efficiency (see Appendix 2).
Results are not The new column is not saturated by Perform test runs until the column is saturated with
reproducible. molecule in the first two to three runs. molecule and stability is obtained.
Column is not sufficiently equilibrated. Allow more time for equilibration.
Reduced or poor flow Presence of lipoproteins or protein Remove lipoproteins and aggregates during sample
through the column. aggregates. preparation.
Protein precipitation in the column Modify the eluent to maintain stability.
caused by removal of stabilizing agents
during separation.
Blocked column filter. If possible, replace the filter or use a new column.
Always filter samples and buffer before use.
Blocked end-piece, adapter, or tubing. If possible, remove and clean or use a new column.
Precipitated proteins. Clean the column using recommended methods or
use a new column.
Bed compressed. Clean or repack the column1. Alternatively, use a
new column1.
Microbial growth. Microbial growth rarely occurs in columns during
use. To prevent infection of packed columns, store
in 20% ethanol when possible. Always filter samples
and buffers. Clean the column.
Fines (Sephadex). Decant fines before column packing. Avoid using
magnetic stirrers that can break the particles.
Back pressure increases Turbid sample. Improve sample preparation. Improve sample
during a run or during solubility by the addition of ethylene glycol,
successive runs. detergents, or organic solvents.
Precipitation of protein in the column Clean using recommended methods. If possible,
filter and/or at the top of the bed. exchange or clean filter or use a new column.
Include any additives that were used for initial
sample solubilization in the running buffer.
Clogged on-line filters. Exchange on-line filters.

Not all prepacked columns may be repacked.


18102218 AM 37
Situation Possible cause Solution
Air bubbles in the bed. Column packed or stored at cool Note that small amounts of air will normally not
temperature and then warmed up. affect the performance of the column. Remove air
bubbles by passing degassed buffer in an up-flow
direction at low flow rate. Note that reverse flow
should not be used for Sephacryl columns. Repack
column if needed1 (see Appendix 1).
Buffers not properly degassed. Degas buffers thoroughly. Take special care if buffers
are used after storage in a fridge or cold-room.
Gap between resin bed Back pressure increase or bed Clean the column if dirty. Adjust the adapter to the
and adapter. insufficiently packed. resin bed. Make sure that the pressure limits are set
appropriately. Perform a column performance test.
Flow rate too high. Do not exceed maximum flow rate for resin or packed
column. Note that the maximum flow rate for a
packed column will vary with running conditions.
Cracks in the bed. Large air leak in column. Check all connections for leaks. Repack the column1.
Distorted bands as sample Air trapped at top of column or in inlet If possible, re-install the adapter taking care to avoid
runs into the bed. adapter. air bubbles. Perform a column performance control.
Particles in buffer or sample. Filter or centrifuge the sample. Cover bottles to avoid
particles in the buffer.
Blocked or damaged net/filter in If possible, dismantle the adapter, clean or replace
upper adapter. the net.
Keep particles out of samples and eluents.
Distorted bands as sample Column poorly packed. Suspension too thick or too thin. Bed packed at a
passes down the bed. temperature different from run.
Bed insufficiently packed (packing pressure too
low, equilibration time too short). Column packed at
excessively high pressure.
Resin/particles appear Bed support end piece is loose or Replace or tighten.
in eluent. broken.
Filter pores are too large. Use a filter with smaller pores appropriate for the size
of the resin particles.
Column operated at excessively Do not exceed recommended operating pressure for
high pressure. medium or column.
Not all prepacked columns may be repacked.

1. Janson, J.-C. ed. In Protein Purification: Principles, High Resolution Methods, and Applications,
pp 59, equation 3.16 third edition, Wiley Online Library (2011). doi: 10.1002/9780470939932

38 18102218 AM
Chapter 3
Considerations for analytical SEC
SEC is widely used in several different analytical applications from basic research to quality control
of biotherapeutics. It is a very effective method for protein analysis and it allows true size profiling
of protein samples due to the mild separation conditions that can be used to obtain high-resolution
separations. A protein can occur in different “size forms” (monomeric, aggregated, degraded,
complexed, Fig 3.1) and those different forms exhibit different functions. As many protein
“size forms” are held together by noncovalent means, they are often weak and could be easily
broken if using nonnative (i.e., denaturing) conditions.

Target protein Aggregated Complexed Degraded Other proteins or

target protein target protein target protein contaminants

Fig 3.1. Schematic illustration of different “size forms” of a protein.

The use of SEC makes it possible to size profiling the sample, for example when you need to:
• Monitor protein preparation quality
• Evaluate protein stability
• Study complex formation
• Evaluate tendency to aggregate and quantity of aggregates
• Evaluate tendency to degrade and quantity of degraded forms
• Identify protein interaction partners and interaction conditions

Factors to consider when performing analytical SEC

As for all types of SEC, the goal for analytical SEC separations is to achieve the required resolution
in the shortest possible time. The requirements on resolution are however often considerably
higher in analytical SEC compared to preparative SEC.
In addition, the need for a robust and consistent method is of utmost importance, especially
for methods used for quality control (QC). Careful evaluation of critical method parameters
such as running conditions and column lot-to-lot variation and their influence on accuracy and
precision need to be identified.
To confirm that an analytical SEC method continuously delivers reliable results, a system
suitability test can be performed. Typically, a system suitability test involves numerical
acceptance limits for predefined chromatographic parameters such as theoretical plates,
retention time, and resolution.

18102218 AM 39
As described in Chapter 2, resolution is influenced by many factors (see Table 2.2). After the
selection of SEC resin, column dimensions, sample volume, and flow rate are the most important
factors for the separation. When performing analytical SEC, factors such as those marked in
blue in Table 3.1 need to be considered and are further discussed in this chapter. Note that
these factors do not necessarily influence the resolution the most.

Table 3.1. Factors affecting analytical SEC1

Resin properties Chemical composition

Particle size and distribution
Pore size and selectivity
Fractionation range
Chromatography running conditions Sample volume and injection technique
Flow rate
Buffer composition
Chromatography system-related factors Tubing diameter
Volume of the flow path

General information about the factors described in this table is provided in Chapter 2.

Resin properties
Chemical composition
The most commonly used SEC resins for analytical purposes are based on either silica or agarose.
Agarose is obtained from natural sources and contains a very low amount of ionic and
hydrophobic groups that could interact with the compound of interest. In contrast, silica-based
resins have silanol groups that require coating before use in SEC.
Properties of silica-based and agarose-based resins are listed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Properties of silica-based and agarose-based resins1

Property Silica particles Agarose particles

Chemical composition SiO2 Polysaccharide
Surface coating Silanols are blocked to minimize Not required
pH stability Typically, pH 2 to 8 (operational)2 Typically, pH 3 to 11, operational2
pH 1 to 12, cleaning-in-place (CIP)3
Mechanical stability Rigid, high pressure stability Rigidity achieved by chemical cross-linking
Porosity Can be controlled to achieve the Can be controlled to achieve the desired
desired separation range separation range
This information is taken from product information on vendor’s web pages.
pH range where resin can be operated without significant change in function.
pH range where resin can be subjected to cleaning- or sanitization-in-place without significant change in function.

Silica-based resins are stable below a pH of about 7 but do not tolerate pH above 8. Efficient
cleaning prolongs the column lifetime and minimizes the risk of carry-over between runs
allowing the same SEC column to be used for different samples. For analytical SEC columns, it
may be sufficient to clean the column by regular injections of a small volume of NaOH.

Particle size and size distribution

Particle size is important for the resolution in SEC. Small particles and narrow size distribution
usually give the highest resolution. Particle size ranges used for analytical SEC currently available
on the market including benefits and challenges are listed in Table 3.3.

40 18102218 AM
The size range of 4 to 12 μm in diameter is traditionally the standard for analytical SEC resins.
However, there is a trend towards even smaller particle sizes (< 2 μm) used with ultra-high-
performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) systems for even faster separations in high-throughput
mode. Columns packed with particles < 4 μm typically provide rapid runs and high resolution.
However, the high pressure obtained under UHPLC conditions generates high temperatures and
shear stress, which might affect sensitive proteins.

Table 3.3. Particle size ranges currently available for analytical SEC

4 to 12 µm particles < 4 µm particles

(standard for analytical SEC) (includes particles for UHPLC)
Benefits Benefits
• Usually provides adequate resolution and run times • Rapid runs
• Standard HPLC equipment can be used • High resolution
• Milder conditions can be used than with UHPLC Challenges
• Very high back pressure; demands specific equipment
• Loss of resolution due to LC system dead volumes
• Heat generation and shear stress at high flow rates
could affect proteins

Column-related factors
A well-packed column is essential for high-resolution SEC separations. Use of prepacked columns
is highly recommended, especially for routine use of analytical SEC where lot-to-lot consistency
is highly important. Smaller particles are more difficult to pack with good results and are
predominantly supplied prepacked.
As described in Chapter 2, the height of the packed bed affects both resolution and separation
time. The efficiency in SEC increases with the bed height. As high resolution is often important
for analytical SEC, bed heights of 30 cm are typically used. Longer columns however also
mean longer run times. There is a tradeoff between resolution and runtime that needs to be
defined by the purpose of the analysis. Suitable columns for rapid purity check and screening
need to provide short cycle times and are invariably shorter—typically around 15 cm in length.
When using columns packed with very small particle size (< 4 µm), the resolution increases
significantly allowing usage of even shorter columns, high flow velocities, and thus reduction in
separation time.

Running conditions
Running conditions to be considered are sample volume and injection method, buffer composition,
and flow rate. Ensure that the sample is stable and soluble at the concentration used. When
developing an analytical SEC method for routine use, for example in a QC lab, it is highly
recommended to use an experimental design approach, for example, a design of experiments
(DoE). DoE allows several parameters to be studied simultaneously in a minimum number of
experiments. Critical method parameters can be identified and their influence on accuracy and
precision estimated.
In analytical SEC, the sample volume should be approximately 0.3% of the bed volume to
achieve optimal results. It is also relevant to consider how the sample loop (capillary) is filled
and emptied, a factor that is often overlooked. For detailed information on injection techniques,
see ÄKTA Laboratory-scale Chromatography Systems Handbook, 29010831.

18102218 AM 41
Chromatography system configuration
To maximize the performance of a high-resolution SEC column, it is crucial to optimize the
configuration of the liquid chromatography (LC) system. For maximum resolution, small internal
(dead) volumes are required. Use short, narrow capillaries and bypass unnecessary system
It is important to understand how the configuration of the chromatography system contributes
to band broadening. If system volumes in the chromatography system are too large,
optimization of other parameters affecting resolution will not have the intended effect.

Modifications of the system configuration might affect results. Modifications made after
setting up a high-performance SEC method must be evaluated carefully.

Agarose-based resins for analytical SEC

Superdex Increase and Superose Increase resins and prepacked columns have high reproducibility,
buffer stability, and lifetime stability including stability in high pH. Agarose-based resins have
low nonspecific interactions, which is also important for performance. The narrow specification
for particle size range and selectivity of these resins provide low batch-to-batch variation and
thus high consistency and reproducibility. See Chapter 4 for further information about Superdex
Increase and Superose Increase columns.
It is important to clean the column and check the performance at regular intervals (see Appendix 2).
A column performance test should also be carried out before first-time use of a column to create
a baseline for the column performance. It is highly recommended to set up criteria for when a
column should be replaced. Suitable criteria may include changes in plate number, resolution,
retention time, and peak asymmetry. Before use, column conditioning may be performed by
repeated injections of a suitable sample.

High reproducibility
Results from batch-to-batch reproducibility of different resin lots of Superdex 200 Increase are
shown in Figure 3.2. Six different resin lots were compared for resolution and retention volume
and show minor differences in relative standard deviation (RSD); < 6% for resolution and < 10%
for retention volume.

Columns: Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: mAb5 containing monomer, dimer, and Fab fragments
Sample volume: 50 μL (0.2% Vc)
Buffer: 20 mM NaH2PO4, 300 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
Flow rate: 0.75 mL/min

Resolution Retention volume

2.50 16


2.00 12
Volume (mL)


1.50 8

0.50 4

0 0
mAb dimer - mAb monomer - mAb dimer mAb monomer
mAb monomer Fab dimer

Fig 3.2. Comparison of six different Superdex 200 Increase batches of resin on resolution and retention volume in the
purification of mAb, mAb aggregates, and fragments.

42 18102218 AM
Lifetime stability
Reproducible results are essential in all research. The long working life and high reproducibility
of Superdex Increase and Superose Increase prepacked columns are the result of optimized design,
stable properties of the resin, and controlled production procedures. The high tolerance of
Superdex Increase and Superose Increase columns for NaOH enables efficient cleaning, which
promotes a long column lifetime. In Figure 3.3, a total of 350 injections of a sample mix consisting
of low concentrations of proteins and peptides was performed on Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL
column. Peak areas and resolution were essentially unchanged during the study.

Column: Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: 1. Cytochrome C (Mr 12 400), 0.16 mg/mL
2. Aprotinin (Mr 6500), 0.16 mg/mL
3. [Ile7]-Angiotensin III (Mr 897), 0.08 mg/mL
4. Triglycine (Mr 189), 0.16 mg/mL
5. Glycine (Mr 75), 5.6 mg/mL
Sample volume: 50 μL
Buffer: 20 mM phosphate buffer, 280 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min
System: HPLC

1 Run 1
Run 50
Run 150
Run 250
Run 350

3 4 5
A214 nm (mAU)

Fig 3.3. Repeated injections of a sample mix consisting of proteins and peptides on Superdex 30 Increase.
Results from run 1, 50, 150, 250, and 350 are shown. Peaks of the proteins and peptides are labeled 1 to 5.

Superdex Increase and Superose Increase columns from GE have been used in several published
studies for analytical SEC applications including: molecular mass determination, analysis of
oligomeric state, SEC-multiangle light scattering (MALS) experiments, and complex formation
studies. The columns have also been used to prepare samples for protein structure determination
using cryo-EM or X-ray crystallization.
A selection of applications where Superdex and Superose Increase columns have been used
are highlighted in the following examples.

Screening of mAb aggregates

Screening for mAb aggregation is important in the production of mAb. When performing aggregate
analysis on mAbs there is often no issues when the aggregate level is above 1%. At lower levels,
however, problems can arise during integration of the aggregate peak. Figure 3.4 shows that it is
possible to determine ≥ 0.1% aggregate with 4 min run time on Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL.
Thus, this column is a good screening tool to evaluate conditions for mAbs.

18102218 AM 43
2.2 Aggregates (%)
2.0 2.66
1.6 0.77
Response (mAU)

1.4 0.14

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6

Retention time (min)

Fig 3.4. Screening of mAb aggregates on Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL at run times down to 4 min.

Studying aggregation and degradation

over time
In structural and functional protein studies, it is essential that the prepared protein does not
aggregate, oligomerize, or degrade. With analytical SEC, tendency to aggregate and other size
changes can be studied under different conditions, such as in storage stability analyses of
A220 nm (mAU)

In the examples in Figures 3.5 and 3.6, Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL was used to monitor
small changes in size homogeneity of two proteins stored under different conditions and over
different time periods (weeks). The HPLC system used was equipped with an autosampler to
allow analysis of many samples during long, unattended, overnight SEC runs.
Column: Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL
Sample volume: 10 μL
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
System: HPLC Retention time (min)

0 wk
2 wk
4 wk

A220 nm (mAU)


400 10

A220 nm (mAU)


200 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0
Retention time (min)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Retention time (min)

Fig 3.5.
30 Monitoring of size-homogeneity changes of proteins during storage (0, 2, and 4 wk) using Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL
0 wk
for rapid analyses of higher molecular weight variants. 2The
wk area under the curves for the much larger main peaks decreased
over time and corresponded to the area increase seen for4 wkthe small fronting peaks.

44 20
18102218 AM

0 wk
25 2 wk
Column: 4 wk
Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL
20 volume: 10 μL
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min

A220 nm (mAU)
System: HPLC

0 wk
25 2 wk
4 wk

A220 nm (mAU)
1.7 2.2 2.7
Retention volume15


A220 nm (mAU)

150 1.7 2.2 2.7
Retention volume (mL)
100 300

0 wk
50 250
2 wk
4 wk
0 200
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
A220 nm (mAU)

Retention volume (mL)

Fig 3.6. Monitoring of size-homogeneity changes of proteins during storage (0, 2, and 4 wk) using Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL
for rapid analyses of degraded products.
100 The area under the curves for the much larger main peaks decreased over time
and corresponded to the area increase seen for the small tailing peaks.
0 wk
2 wk

Studying the initiation of α-synuclein

4 wk
aggregation by an aldehyde
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Lewy bodies are abnormalities found inside nerve cells in patients with Parkinson’s disease and
Retention volume (mL)
related neurodegenerative disorders. Lewy bodies are composed of mainly aggregated forms of the
protein α-synuclein. Aldehydes formed during oxidative stress are believed to be involved in the
formation of Lewy bodies. Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300 was used for analysis of oligomerized
α-synuclein for further in vitro and in vivo studies (Fig 3.7).

Column: Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300

Sample volume: 10 μL
Flow rate: 0.05 mL/min
System: HPLC

(A) (B)

0.25 0.25
0.20 α-synuclein Mr 14 000 0.20
Aggregated α-synuclein
Absorbance (AU)
Absorbance (AU)

0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Retention time (min) Retention time (min)

Fig 3.7. Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300 was used for characterizations during the preparation of oligomerized α-synuclein for
further in vitro and in vivo studies. In chromatogram (A) a monomeric form of α-synuclein is seen. In chromatogram (B), no
monomers of the protein remain after incubation with aldehydes; only oligomerized α-synuclein is present. Data courtesy of
Dr. Joakim Bergstrom, Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University.

18102218 AM 45
Purity of a peptide: different lots of [Ile7]-Angiotensin III
Peptides are attracting increasing interest as therapeutics since they are considered potent
and specific, but also relatively safe and easy to manufacture. Characterization of different
types of impurities is important not only for release of a drug, but also for initial functionality
studies in early drug discovery phases. Analytical SEC offers quantitative assessment of
aggregates, multimers, and other size homogeneities of the active peptide under native conditions.
Figure 3.8 illustrates the separation of a peptide from two different lots using Superdex 30 Increase
10/300 GL. The amount of main impurity (peak 1) was 1.2% of the total peak area for lot A and
0.1% for lot B. Total impurity was 3.2% and 0.7% for lots A and B, respectively. Additional mass
spectrometry analysis showed that the main impurity (peak 1) contained peptide with a mass
suggesting acetylation of an amino acid and that impurity in peak 2 contained peptide with a
mass suggesting a missing amino acid in the sequence.

Column: Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: Different lots of [Ile7]-Angiotensin III (Mr 897)
Sample volume: 100 µL
Buffer: 20 mM phosphate buffer, 280 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
System: HPLC
(A) 1800
A214 (mAU)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (min)

Lot A
60 Lot B
A214 (mAU)

30 1
20 2

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Time (min)

Fig 3.8. (A) Separation of two different lots of [Ile7]-Angiotensin III on Superdex 30 Increase. (B) Magnified chromatogram
showing impurity profile.

46 18102218 AM
Chapter 4
Superdex, Superose, and Sephacryl resins:
high-resolution SEC
SEC resins from GE cover a broad molecular weight range offering separation of a very wide
range of biomolecules.

When choosing a resin, consider three main factors:

1. The aim of the experiment (analytical SEC, preparative SEC or buffer exchange).
2. The molecular weights of the target proteins and contaminants to be separated.
3. The final scale of the purification.

An overview of the SEC resins available from GE is shown in Figure 4.1. Almost all resins are
available in prepacked columns. If you are not very experienced in column packing, prepacked
columns are recommended. Further information about buffer exchange and Sephadex resins
is found in Chapter 5.

Mr 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 Resolution

Superdex 30 Increase

Superdex 75 Increase
Superdex 200 Increase

Superose 6 Increase

Superdex 30 prep grade

Superdex 75 prep grade

Superdex 200 prep grade

Superose 6 prep grade

Superose 12 prep grade

Sephacryl S-100 HR

Sephacryl S-200 HR
Sephacryl S-300 HR

Sephacryl S-400 HR

Sephacryl S-500 HR

Fig 4.1. SEC resin fractionation ranges (globular proteins). Sephacryl S-500 HR fractionation range is for dextrans.

Superdex Increase and Superose Increase are designed for high resolution, short run
times, and high recovery.
Superdex prep grade, Superose prep grade, and Sephacryl are suitable for fast, high-
recovery separations at laboratory and industrial scale.

18102218 AM 47
Superdex, Superose, and Sephacryl are available with a wide variety of fractionation ranges.
In cases when two resins have similar fractionation ranges, select the resin with the steepest
selectivity curve for optimal resolution of all the sample components (see Chapter 1 for
definition of selectivity curve and later in this section for further information about each resin).
For a specific component of interest, select the resin where the log of molecular weight for the
target component falls in the middle of the selectivity curve.

Superdex resins
Superdex resins consist of a composite base matrix of dextran and agarose (Fig 4.2). This
matrix combines the excellent SEC properties of dextran with the physical and chemical
stability of cross-linked agarose, resulting in a resin with outstanding selectivity and high
resolution. In addition, low nonspecific interactions permit high recovery of biological material.
Together, these properties make Superdex an excellent choice for all applications from
laboratory to process scale.

Cross-linked agarose

Fig 4.2. A schematic section of a Superdex particle. In Superdex, the dextran chains are covalently linked to a highly cross-
linked agarose matrix.

Two types of Superdex resins are available: Superdex Increase, which replaces the previously
available Superdex resin, and Superdex prep grade.
Figure 4.3 shows the fractionation ranges for all Superdex resins available. The fractionation
ranges of the discontinued Superdex resins were equivalent to those of the Superdex Increase

Mr 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 Resolution

Superdex 30 Increase
Superdex 75 Increase
Superdex 200 Increase

Superdex 30 prep grade

Superdex 75 prep grade

Superdex 200 prep grade

Fig 4.3. Fractionation ranges (globular proteins) for Superdex resins.

The high rigidity of Superdex resins allows even viscous eluents, such as 8 M urea, to be
run at relatively high flow rates. Superdex is chemically stable in commonly used aqueous
buffers and additives such as detergents, denaturing agents (8 M urea or 6 M guanidine
hydrochloride), and 30% acetonitrile.

48 18102218 AM
Superdex can be cleaned using up to 1 M NaOH. Cleaning with NaOH is highly efficient,
prolongs column life, and minimizes the risk for carry-over between runs.
A packed column should be used at the temperature range 4°C to 40°C. Further characteristics
of Superdex are found in Table 4.1 and in the instructions for each product.

Table 4.1. Superdex resin characteristics

Product Efficiency1 Operational2 Cleaning-in-place (CIP)3 Particle size, d50v (µm)4

Superdex 30 Increase > 43 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~9
Superdex 75 Increase > 43 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~9
Superdex 200 Increase > 48 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 8.6
Superdex 30 prep grade ≥ 13 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 34
Superdex 75 prep grade ≥ 13 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 34
Superdex 200 prep grade ≥ 13 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 34
Theoretical plates per meter (prepacked columns only).
pH range where resin can be operated without significant change in function.
pH range where resin can be subjected to cleaning- or sanitization-in-place without significant change in function.
Median particle size of the cumulative volume distribution.

The legacy Superdex resin from GE has a particle size of ~ 13 μm and three different fractionation
ranges: Superdex Peptide (Mr 100 to 7000), Superdex 75 (Mr 3000 to 70 000), and Superdex 200
(Mr 10 000 to 600 000). These products have been replaced by Superdex Increase.

Superdex Increase
The next generation Superdex resin, Superdex Increase, offers improved performance providing
high resolution and shorter run times. This is achieved by using a high-flow agarose base
matrix with higher pressure-flow tolerance, smaller particle size (~ 9 µm), and narrower particle
size distribution. The design enables high-resolution separations in short run times, resulting in
excellent analytical results and high final purity.
Superdex Increase resins cover a molecular weight range from peptides to larger biomolecules
(Mr 100 to 6 × 105, for globular proteins). Three resins with different fractionation ranges
are available; Superdex 30 Increase, Superdex 75 Increase, and Superdex 200 Increase.
Superdex 30 Increase has a fractionation range from Mr 100 to 7000 allowing separation of
peptides and other small biomolecules. Superdex 75 Increase has a fractionation range that
allows separation of proteins ranging from Mr 3000 to 70 000. Superdex 200 Increase has
a fractionation range that allows separation of proteins from Mr 10 000 to 600 000 with an
optimized resolution for the antibody molecular weight range of Mr 100 000 to 300 000 (see
Fig 4.4 and 4.5).

18102218 AM 49


Elution volume (mL)



Superose 6 Increase
11 Superdex 200 Increase
Superdex 75 Increase
Superdex 30 Increase
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Molecular weight (log Mr x 103)

Fig 4.4. Fractionation range (globular proteins and peptides) for Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL, Superdex 75 Increase
10/300 GL, Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL, and Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL. Note that the whole fractionation range
of Superose 6 Increase is not covered.

Column: Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL
400 1
Sample: 1. Cytochrome C (Mr 12 400) 0.2 mg/mL
2. Aprotinin (Mr 6500) 0.2 mg/mL 2
A214 (mAU)

3. Vitamin B12 (Mr 1355) 0.07 mg/mL 300

4 5
4. Triglycine (Mr 189) 0.2 mg/mL
5. Glycine (Mr 75) 7 mg/mL
Sample volume: 100 μL
Eluent: 2× PBS (20 mM phosphate buffer,
280 mM NaCl, 6 mM KCl, pH 7.4) 100
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min, room temperature
System: ÄKTA pure 25
0 5 10 15 20 Vol. (mL)

(B) 4

Column: Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: 1. Conalbumin (Mr 75 000) 1.5 mg/mL 40 2
2. Ovalbumin (Mr 44 000) 4 mg/mL 3
3. Carbonic anhydrase (Mr 29 000) 1.5 mg/mL
A280 (mAU)

4. Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700) 3 mg/mL

5. Aprotinin (Mr 6500) 1 mg/mL
Sample volume: 100 µL 20
Eluent: PBS (10 mM phosphate buffer,
140 mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, pH 7.4)
10 5
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min, room temperature
System: ÄKTA pure 25
0 5 10 15 20 Vol. (mL)

Column: Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL 6 7
Sample: 1. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000) 3 mg/mL 600 1 4
2. Ferritin (Mr 440 000) 0.3 mg/mL
3. Aldolase (Mr 158 000) 3 mg/mL 400
4. Conalbumin (Mr 75 000) 3 mg/mL 3
A280 (mAU)

5. Ovalbumin (Mr 44 000) 3 mg/mL 300 2
6. Carbonic anhydrase (Mr 29 000) 3 mg/mL
7. Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700) 3 mg/mL
Sample volume: 100 µL
Eluent: 10 mM phosphate buffer, 140 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
Flow rate: 0.75 mL/min, room temperature
0 5 10 15 20 Vol. (mL)

Fig 4.5. Typical chromatograms showing high-resolution separations of biomolecules on (A) Superdex 30 Increase 10/300
GL, (B) Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL, and (C) Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL.

50 18102218 AM
Superdex prep grade
Superdex prep grade has a particle size of ~ 34 µm and is excellent for preparative purification
and scale-up purposes. The high stability makes Superdex prep grade suitable for use in larger
scale where high flow rates and fast, effective cleaning-in-place (CIP) protocols are required.
Since these resins can withstand high flow rates during equilibration and cleaning, the overall
cycle time can be kept short.
Superdex prep grade is available as Superdex 30 prep grade, Superdex 75 prep grade, and
Superdex 200 prep grade for different fractionation ranges (Fig 4.3). Selectivity curves for the
Superdex prep grade resins are shown in Figure 4.6.

Superdex 30 prep grade
Superdex 75 prep grade
0.75 Superdex 200 prep grade
K av



101 102 103 104 105 106

Log Mr

Fig 4.6. Selectivity curves for the Superdex prep grade resins.

A comparison of the selectivity of Superdex 200 prep grade and Superdex 75 prep grade using
standard proteins is shown in Figure 4.7.

Columns: (A) HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 prep grade

(B) HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 prep grade
Sample: 1. Ferritin (Mr 440 000), 0.24 mg/mL
2. IgG (Mr 158 000), 0.2 mg/mL
3. Albumin (Mr 67 000), 5 mg/mL
4. Ovalbumin (Mr 43 000), 4 mg/mL
5. Myoglobin (Mr 17 000), 1.5 mg/mL
Sample load: 500 µL
Buffer: 50 mM phosphate buffer, 150 mM sodium chloride, 0.01% sodium azide, pH 7.0
Flow rate (flow velocity): 1.5 mL/min (45 cm/h)
(A) (B)
3 4
1500 1250 4
HiLoad 16/600 HiLoad 16/600
Superdex 75 prep grade 3
Superdex 200 prep grade
1250 1000
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)

750 1 and 2

5 500 5
500 2
250 1

0 0
40 50 60 70 80 60 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig 4.7. Comparison of the selectivity of Superdex 75 prep grade and Superdex 200 prep grade for standard proteins.
Superdex 75 prep grade (A) gives excellent resolution of the three proteins in the molecular weight range of 17 000 to 67 000
while the two largest proteins (ferritin and IgG, peaks 1 and 2) elute together in the void volume (Vo). These peaks are completely
resolved using Superdex 200 prep grade (B). Ferritin peak (peak 1) contains aggregates, which accounts for the observed
double peak.

18102218 AM 51
Product selection
Superdex is available in two different particle sizes and for three different fractionation ranges
(see Table 4.2).
Superdex 200 Increase or Superdex 200 prep grade resins are especially suitable for
the separation of antibody monomers from dimers and from contaminants of lower
molecular weight, for example albumin and transferrin.
Superdex 30 Increase or Superdex 30 prep grade are suitable for separations of
peptides, oligonucleotides and small proteins below Mr 10 000.
Superdex Increase resins are available in prepacked high-performance glass columns in
three different sizes, offering versatility for different applications. Superdex Increase 10/300
GL is designed for high-resolution small-scale preparative purification and characterization.
Superdex Increase 5/150 GL is the first choice for rapid screening, purity checks and for
applications where buffer consumption needs to be low. Superdex Increase prepacked in
3.2/300 columns is an excellent choice when working with very small sample volumes where
high sensitivity is crucial, and for high resolution microscale separations. Superdex prep grade
is available as bulk resin and packed in two different column formats suitable for high-resolution
preparative SEC; HiLoad 16/600 and HiLoad 26/600.

Table 4.2. Separation options with Superdex resins

Typical pressure Recommended
Fractionation range, Sample volume drop over the operating flow
Product Mr (globular proteins) capacity packed bed (MPa)* rate†
Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL 1 × 102 to 7 × 103 25 to 500 µL 3.0‡ 0.8 mL/min
Superdex 30 Increase 3.2/300 1 × 10 to 7 × 10
2 3
4 to 50 µL 2.0‡ 0.075 mL/min
Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL 3 × 103 to 7 × 104 25 to 500 µL 3.0‡ 0.8 mL/min
Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL 3 × 10 to 7 × 10
3 4
4 to 50 µL 3.0‡
0.45 mL/min
Superdex 75 Increase 3.2/300 3 × 103 to 7 × 104 4 to 50 µL 2.0‡ 0.75 mL/min
Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL 1 × 104 to 6 × 105 25 to 500 µL 3.0‡ 0.75 mL/min
Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL 1 × 104 to 6 × 105 4 to 50 µL 3.0‡ 0.45 mL/min
Superdex 200 Increase 3.2/300 1 × 104 to 6 × 105 4 to 50 µL 2.0‡ 0.075 mL/min
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 30 pg < 1 × 10 4
≤ 5 mL 0.3¶
1.0 mL/min
HiLoad 26/600 Superdex 30 pg < 1 × 104 ≤ 13 mL 0.3¶ 2.6 mL/min
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 pg 3 × 103 to 7 × 104 ≤ 5 mL 0.3¶ 1.0 mL/min
HiLoad 26/600 Superdex 75 pg 3 × 103 to 7 × 104 ≤ 13 mL 0.3¶ 2.6 mL/min
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 pg 1 × 104 to 6 × 105 ≤ 5 mL 0.3¶ 1.0 mL/min
HiLoad 26/600 Superdex 200 pg 1 × 10 to 6 × 10
4 5
≤ 13 mL 0.3¶
2.6 mL/min
Superdex 30 prep grade (bulk resin)§ < 1 × 104 0.5% to 4% of total Column- 10 to 50 cm/h
column volume dependent
Superdex 75 prep grade (bulk resin)§ 3 × 103 to 7 × 104 0.5% to 4% of total Column- 10 to 50 cm/h
column volume dependent
Superdex 200 prep grade (bulk resin)§ 3 × 103 to 6 × 105 0.5% to 4% of total Column- 10 to 50 cm/h
column volume dependent
* See Appendix 4 to convert between different pressure units.

Do not exceed maximum flow rate limits. Note that the maximum flow rate will depend on the temperature and the
viscosity of the solution. For further information, see Appendix 4.

The actual value is individual for each column and needs to be determined (see Appendix 4 Column pressure limits and
maximum flow rate).
Recommended operating flow velocity measured in a 20 cm diameter column with 83 cm bed height at room temperature
using buffers with the same viscosity as water.

For HiLoad columns, the values given correspond to max. pressure on the column

52 18102218 AM
Use columns prepacked with Superdex 30 Increase, Superdex 75 Increase, and
Superdex 200 Increase for small-scale preparative purification and analytical runs with
sample volumes up to 0.5 mL.
Use columns prepacked with Superdex 30 prep grade, Superdex 75 prep grade, or
Superdex 200 prep grade resins for preparative purification with larger sample volumes,
up to 13 mL.

Performing a separation

Buffer: 10 to 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0 to 7.4, or select

the buffer in which the sample should be stored or solubilized for the next step.

Under normal conditions, nonspecific interactions are low when using buffers with ionic
strengths in the range 0.15 M to 1.5 M. Some hydrophobic interactions have been noted,
particularly for compounds such as smaller hydrophobic and/or aromatic peptides,
membrane proteins, and/or lipoproteins, which can elute later than predicted. However,
in some applications, these interactions can be an advantage for increasing the
resolution of the separation.
The sample should be fully dissolved. Centrifuge or filter to remove particulate matter.
Always use degassed buffers and maintain a constant temperature during the run to
avoid introducing air into the column.
Ensure that the maximum flow rate and pressure limits of the column are not exceeded
and that an appropriate pressure limit is set on the chromatography system. This is
particularly important when working at low temperatures, such as in a cold room, or
when the column is used with 20% ethanol or other viscous solutions. Use lower flow
rates for high viscosity solutions and at low temperature (see Appendix 4).

Purification protocol

1. Remove the storage solution by applying 2 CV of distilled water at room temperature. Use
a low flow rate to avoid gap formation (see Table 4.3 and Appendix 4).
2. For first-time use: Perform a column performance test (see Appendix 2) and determine
the limit for maximum pressure over the packed bed if recommended (see Table 4.2).
3. Equilibrate with 2 CV of buffer at recommended flow rate (see Table 4.2).
4. Apply a sample volume equivalent to between 0.3% and 4% of the bed volume. For
most applications, the sample volume should not exceed 2% to achieve high resolution.
Smaller sample volumes generally lead to improved resolution.
5. Elute with 1 CV of buffer.
6. Before applying a new sample, re-equilibrate column with buffer until the baseline of the
monitored signal is stable. Proteins can be monitored at 280 nm.
Note: To detect any column changes, the column performance should be checked at regular
intervals (see Appendix 2).

18102218 AM 53
Table 4.3. Recommended flow rates (room temperature) for removal of storage solution with 20% ethanol , and during
cleaning-in-place using Superdex Increase or HiLoad Superdex prep grade prepacked columns

Recommended flow rates (mL/min)

3.2/300 5/150 GL 10/300 GL HiLoad 16/600 HiLoad 26/600
First-time use or after 0.04 0.25 0.5 1 (30 cm/h) 2.6 (30 cm/h)
long-term storage
(all resins except
Superdex 200 Increase)
First-time use or after 0.075 0.3 0.75 N/A N/A
long-term storage
(Superdex 200 Increase)
Cleaning-in-place, CIP 0.02 0.13 0.5 0.8 (25 cm/h) 2.2 (25 cm/h)

For further information about performing a separation and for optimization, see Chapter 2
Size exclusion chromatography in practice and the product instructions.

Routine cleaning of the SEC column should be done to prolong column lifetime. The frequency
of cleaning depends mainly on the sample, but once every 20 runs is a guideline.

1. Wash with 1 CV of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide, alternatively 0.5 M acetic acid. Use a low flow
rate during the entire CIP procedure (see Table 4.3).
2. Immediately wash with 1 CV of distilled water followed by at least 2 CV of buffer or
until the baseline of the monitored signal and the pH of the eluent are stable. Further
equilibration might be necessary if the buffer contains detergent.
Note: For other cleaning solutions and for extreme cases of contamination, check the
instructions supplied with each product.

In special cases, it might be necessary to change the top filter or to remove and discard
the top 2 to 3 mm of the resin. These operations must be done with extreme care to
avoid serious loss of resolution. Note that this is not possible with the 3.2/300 column as
it should not be opened.
Superdex prep grade may be autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min (1 cycle) without
significantly affecting its chromatographic properties. The resin should be removed
from the column prior to autoclaving.

Store bulk resin at 4°C to 30°C in 200 mM sodium acetate, 20% ethanol (Superdex 30 prep
grade and Superdex 75 prep grade), or 20% ethanol (all other resins). Do not freeze.
For long-term storage of columns, wash with 2 CV of distilled water followed by 2 CV of 20%
ethanol (or 200 mM sodium acetate, 20% ethanol for Superdex 30 prep grade and Superdex 75
prep grade) at low flow rate. Connect a storage/shipping device to prevent air from entering
the column during storage. Store the column at 4°C to 30°C. Avoid changes in temperature,
which can cause formation of air bubbles in the packed bed.

54 18102218 AM
Figures 4.8 to 4.10 show applications on columns packed with Superdex Increase and Superdex
prep grade resins.

Analysis of size distribution of a protein hydrolysate

Analysis of the size distribution is important for the characterization of a protein hydrolysate.
The Superdex Increase resins offer the possibility to separate proteins and peptides according
to size under native conditions and are hence well suited for this purpose. Figure 4.8 shows
separations of hydrolyzed proteins from a lentil extract on Superdex 30 Increase, Superdex 75
Increase, and Superdex 200 Increase columns. The hydrolysate was most efficiently separated
on Superdex 30 Increase with fraction range for the smallest molecules (Mr 100 to 7000).
Superdex 75 Increase and Superdex 200 Increase columns are more suitable for separation of
larger molecules such as the proteins in the lentil extract.

Columns: Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL

Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL
Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL
Sample: Tryptic hydrolysate from lentils
Sample volume: 50 µL
Buffer: 20 mM phosphate buffer, 280 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
Flow rate: 0.75 mL/min
System: HPLC

(A) (B)
Mr × 10
Lanes Superdex 30 Increase Mr × 103
225 800 225
1. MW marker Superdex 75 Increase
2. Lentil extract 700 Superdex 200 Increase
97 3. Lentil hydrolysate 600 97
66 500 66
A214 (mAU)

50 50
35 35
25 25
20 100
14 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
25 30 35 1 2 3
Time (min)

Fig 4.8. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis of lentil extract (lane 2) and lentil hydrolysate (lane 3). (B) Separation of a lentil hydrolysate
sample on Superdex 30 Increase, Superdex 75 Increase, and Superdex 200 Increase columns

Rapid screening of detergents for crystallization

For evaluation of detergents for further crystallization of a membrane protein, a rapid
screening of maltoside detergents of variable acyl chain length—n-Dodecyl-β-maltoside (DDM),
n-Undecyl-β-maltoside (UDM), n-Decyl-β-maltoside (DM), and n-Nonyl-β-maltoside (NM)—was
performed on Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL. Purified recombinant membrane protein CE07
was run on Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL, equilibrated in each respective detergent. The run
time was approximately 6 min each and the results are shown in Figure 4.9.

18102218 AM 55
Column: Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL
Sample: Recombinant integral membrane protein CE07
Sample volume: 25 µL
Buffer: 20 mM HEPES, 150 mM sodium chloride, 5% glycerol, 0.5 mM TCEP + maltoside detergent, pH 7.5
Detergent: 0.03% DDM, 0.2% UDM, 0.01% DM, or 0.3% NM
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
System: ÄKTAmicro

(A) 40 (B) 40

35 35

30 30

25 25

A280nm (mAU)
A280nm (mAU)

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

C12 C11

(C) 40 (D) 40

35 35

30 30

25 25
A280nm (mAU)

A280nm (mAU)

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

C10 C9

Fig 4.9. Rapid screening of detergents using Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL. Purified recombinant membrane protein CE07
was run in a column equilibrated with (A) DDM, (B) UDM, (C) DM, and (D) NM. The study was perfomed in collaboration with
Dr. Per Moberg at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

56 18102218 AM
Preparative purification of IGF-1
Figure 4.10 shows the separation of IGF-1 (Mr 7600) from its ZZ fusion protein partner (Mr 14 500)
and uncleaved material on HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 pg. This column is an excellent choice
since the resin separates proteins and peptides in the molecular weight range Mr 3000 to 70 000
and performs best between Mr 8000 and 50 000.

Column: HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 pg

Sample: IGF-1, ZZ fusion protein, and uncleaved material
Buffer: 0.15 ammonium acetate, pH 6.0
Flow rate (flow velocity): 0.75 mL/min (22.5 cm/h)



0 1.0 2.0
Time (h)
Fig 4.10. Separation of recombinant IGF-1 (Mr 7600) from its ZZ fusion protein partner (Mr 14 500) and uncleaved material.

Superose resins
Superose resins are based on cross-linked porous agarose particles. The resins have broad
fractionation ranges and high physical and chemical stability. Under normal chromatographic
conditions, nonspecific interactions between proteins and Superose are low.
Two types of Superose resins are available: Superose Increase (particle size ~ 8.6 µm) and
Superose prep grade (particle size ~30 µm), see Table 4.4. Superose Increase replaces the
legacy Superose resin previously available from GE.
Figure 4.11 shows the fractionation ranges for all Superose resins available.

Mr 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8

Superose 6 Increase

Superose 6 prep grade

Superose 12 prep grade

Fig 4.11 Fractionation ranges of Superose resins.

The high rigidity of Superose allows even viscous eluents, such as 8 M urea, to be run at relatively
high flow rates. Superose is chemically stable in commonly used aqueous buffers and additives
such as detergents, denaturing agents (8 M urea or 6 M guanidine hydrochloride), and 30% acetonitrile.
Superose is agarose based and may be cleaned using up to 1 M sodium hydroxide. Cleaning
with sodium hydroxide is highly efficient, prolongs column life and minimizes the risk for carry-
over between runs. A packed column should be used at the temperature range 4°C to 40°C.
Further characteristics of the resins are found in Table 4.4 and in the instructions for each product.

18102218 AM 57
Table 4.4. Superose resin characteristics

pH stability
Cleaning-in- Particle size,
Product Efficiency1 Operational2 place (CIP)3 d50v (µm)4
Superose 6 Increase > 48 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 8.6
Superose 6 prep grade > 10 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 30
Superose 12 prep grade > 10 000 3 to 12 1 to 14 ~ 30
Theoretical plates per meter (prepacked columns only).
pH range where resin can be operated without significant change in function.
pH range where resin can be subjected to cleaning- or sanitization-in-place without significant change in function.
Median particle size of the cumulative volume distribution.

Superose 6 has a fractionation range between 5000 and 5 000 000 (globular proteins) and a
particle size of ~ 13 μm. This product has been replaced by Superose 6 Increase, which has the
same fractionation range (see Fig 4.11).
Superose 12 has a fractionation range between 1000 and 300 000 (globular proteins) and a
particle size of ~ 11 μm. Superose 12 will not be replaced by a Superose Increase resin with the
same fractionation range. The most suitable replacement resin will thus depend on the size of
the molecules to be separated.

To select a replacement resin for Superose 12, see Table 4.6 and Figure 4.16.

Superose Increase
Superose 6 Increase is the next generation Superose resin with improved performance providing
higher resolution and increased flow rates. This is achieved by using a high-flow agarose base
matrix, which has higher pressure-flow tolerance, smaller particle size (~ 8.6 µm), and narrower
particle size distribution. The design enables high-resolution separations in short run times,
resulting in excellent analytical results and high final purity.
Superose 6 Increase has a broad fractionation range for molecular weights between 5000 and
5 000 000 (globular proteins), and is especially valuable for its ability to separate large biomolecules,
membrane proteins, and protein complexes. The selectivity curve for Superose 6 Increase is
shown in Figure 4.12.


103 104 105 Log Mr

Fig 4.12. Superose 6 Increase selectivity curve for globular proteins.

58 18102218 AM
Superose 6 Increase has higher resolution capabilities compared with the legacy Superose 6 resin.
The improved resolution on Superose 6 Increase can be attributed to the reduced particle size
of Superose 6 Increase resin (~ 8.6 µm) compared with the larger particles of Superose 6 (~ 13 µm)
as well as the narrower particle size distribution. The higher rigidity of the chromatography resin
and thereby enhanced flow properties enable faster runs on Superose 6 Increase.
A typical chromatogram showing high-resolution separation of a protein mix on Superose 6
Increase 10/300 GL is shown in Figure 4.13.

Column: Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL

Sample: 1. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000) 3 mg/mL
2. Ferritin (Mr 440 000) 0.3 mg/mL
3. Aldolase (Mr 158 000) 3 mg/mL
4. Ovalbumin (Mr 44 000) 3 mg/mL
5. Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700) 3 mg/mL
6. Aprotinin (Mr 6500) 1 mg/mL
Sample volume: 100 µL
Eluent: 10 mM phosphate buffer, 140 mM NaCl, pH 7.4
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min, room temperature

3 5

1 4
A280 (mAU)


0 10 20
Volume (mL)

Fig 4.13. Chromatogram from a function test of Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL showing high-resolution separation of
a protein mix.

The excellent reproducibility of Superose 6 Increase over the duration of 200 injections of IgG2b
and 200 cleaning-in-place (CIP) cycles can be seen in Figure 4.14.

18102218 AM 59
Column: Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL
Sample: 1. Thyroglobulin (Mr 669 000), 2 mg/mL
2. Aldolase (Mr 158 000), 2 mg/mL
3. Ovalbumin (Mr 44 000), 2 mg/mL
4. Ribonuclease A (Mr 13 700), 0.6 mg/mL
Sample volume: 50 µL
Buffer: PBS (10 mM phosphate buffer, 140 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4)
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
System: ÄKTAexplorer 10

(A) (B)
Run no. 1 140 Run no. 200
140 2 3 2

120 120

100 100
A280 (mAU)

A280 (mAU)
80 1 80 1

60 4 60 4

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Volume (mL) Volume (mL)

Fig 4.14. SEC of standard proteins on Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL (A) before and (B) after 200 injections of IgG2b including
20 CIP cycles with 0.5 M NaOH.

Superose prep grade

Superose 6 prep grade and Superose 12 prep grade have a particle size of ~ 30 µm. The resins
have fractionation ranges of Mr 5000 to 5 000 000 and 1000 to 300 000 (globular proteins),
respectively. Superose prep grade resins are designed for preparative purposes mainly at
laboratory scale. The selectivity curves for Superose prep grade resins are shown in Figure 4.15.

K av
Superose 6 prep grade


0.6 Superose 6 Increase



Superose 12 prep grade

3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 Log M r

Fig 4.15. Selectivity curves (globular proteins) for Superose 6 prep grade, Superose 12 prep grade, and Superose 6 Increase.

60 18102218 AM
Product selection
Superose resins are available in two different particle sizes and two different fractionation
ranges (Table 4.4 and 4.5).
Superose 6 Increase is available prepacked in high-performance glass columns in three different
sizes for separation of proteins between Mr 5000 and 5 000 000. Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL
is designed for high-resolution small-scale preparative purification, and protein characterization.
Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL is the first choice for rapid screening, purity checks, and for
applications where buffer consumption needs to be low. Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300 is
an excellent choice when working with very small sample volumes and for high resolution
microscale separations.
Superose prep grade is only available as bulk resin. See Appendix 1 for column packing

Table 4.5. Separation options with Superose resins

Typical pressure Recommended
Fractionation range, Sample volume drop over the operating flow
Product Mr (globular proteins) capacity packed bed (MPa)* rate/flow velocity†

Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL 5 × 103 to 5 × 106 25 to 500 µL 3.0‡ 0.5 mL/min

Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL 5 × 103 to 5 × 106 4 to 50 µL 3.0‡ 0.3 mL/min

Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300 5 × 10 to 5 × 10

3 6
4 to 50 µL 2.0 ‡
0.04 mL/min

Superose 6 prep grade (bulk resin) 5 × 103 to 5 × 106 0.5% to 4% of Column-dependent up to 40 cm/h
total column

Superose 12 prep grade (bulk resin) 1 × 103 to 3 × 106 0.5% to 4% of Column-dependent up to 40 cm/h
total column

* See Appendix 4 to convert between different pressure units.

Do not exceed maximum flow rate limits. Note that the maximum flow rate will depend on the temperature and the
viscosity of the solution. For further information, see Appendix 4.

The actual value is individual for each column and needs to be determined (see Appendix 4 Column pressure limits and
maximum flow rate).

Table 4.6. Guide to selecting a replacement resin for Superose 12

Mol. Superose Superose Superdex Superdex Superdex

Peak Protein weight (Mr) 12 6 Increase 200 Increase 75 Increase 30 Increase
> 600 000 •
1 Ferritin 440 000 • •
2 Conalbumin 75 000 • • • •
3 Ovalbumin 44 300 • • • •
4 Carbonic anhydrase 29 000 • • • •
5 Ribonuclease A 13 700 • • • •
6 Aprotinin 6500 • • • •
7 Vitamin B12 1200 • •
8 Cytidine 240 •
• = Suitable column for separation of the indicated protein

18102218 AM 61
Columns: 10/300 GL
Sample load: 100 µL
Buffer: PBS (10 mM phosphate buffer, 140 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.4)
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min

Superdex 30 Increase
2 Superdex 75 Increase
Superdex 200 Increase
Superose 6 Increase
Superose 12

5 7 8
2 3 4 5 7 8

2 3 4 7 8
4 6 7
5 8
1 2
2 3 3
1 4 5 7 8

0 5 10 15 20 25
Volume (mL)

Fig 4.16. Chromatograms showing separation of eight molecules on Superdex 30 Increase, Superdex 75 Increase,
Superdex 200 Increase, Superose 6 Increase and Superose 12. Peak numbers: 1. ferritin; 2. conalbumin; 3. ovalbumin;
4. carbonic anhydrase; 5. ribonuclease A; 6. aprotinin; 7. vitamin B12; 8. cytidine.

For guidance on selecting a suitable replacement resin for Superose 12, see Table 4.6
and Figure 4.16.
Use prepacked Superose 6 Increase columns for small-scale preparative purification
and analytical runs with sample volumes up to 0.5 mL.

Performing a separation

Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0, or select the buffer in
which the sample should be stored or solubilized for the next step.

Under normal chromatography conditions, nonspecific interactions are low when using
buffers with ionic strengths in the range 0.15 M to 1.5 M. Some hydrophobic interactions
have been noted, particularly for compounds such as smaller hydrophobic and/or
aromatic peptides, membrane proteins and/or lipoproteins which can elute later than
predicted. However, in some applications, these interactions can be an advantage for
increasing the resolution of the separation.
The sample should be fully dissolved. Centrifuge or filter to remove particulate material.
Always use degassed buffers and maintain a constant temperature during the run to
avoid introducing air into the column.
Ensure that the maximum flow rate and pressure limits of the column are not exceeded,
and that an appropriate pressure limit is set on the chromatography system. This is
particularly important when working at low temperatures, such as in a cold room, or
when the column is used with 20% ethanol or other viscous solutions. Use lower flow
rates for high viscosity solutions and at low temperature (see Appendix 4).

62 18102218 AM
Purification protocol

1. Remove the storage solution by applying 2 CV of distilled water at room temperature.

Use a low flow rate to avoid gap formation (see Table 4.7 and Appendix 4).
2. For first-time use: Perform a column performance test (see Appendix 2) and determine
the maximum pressure over the packed bed limit if recommended (see Table 4.6).
3. Equilibrate with 2 CV of buffer at recommended flow rate (see Table 4.6).
4. Apply a sample volume equivalent to between 0.3% and 4% of the bed volume. For
most applications, the sample volume should not exceed 2% to achieve high resolution.
Smaller sample volumes generally lead to improved resolution.
5. Elute with 1 CV of buffer.
6. Before applying a new sample, re-equilibrate the column with buffer until the baseline
of the monitored signal is stable. Proteins can be monitored at 280 nm.
Note: To detect any column changes, the column performance should be checked at
regular intervals (see Appendix 2)

Table 4.7. Recommended flow rates at different stages using columns containing Superose 6 Increase resin

Flow rates (mL/min) at room temperature

3.2/300 5/150 GL 10/300 GL
First-time use or after long-term storage 0.04 0.25 0.5
Cleaning-in-place, CIP 0.02 0.1 0.5

For further information about performing a separation and for optimization, see Chapter 2 Size
exclusion chromatography in practice and the product instructions.

Routine cleaning of the SEC column should be performed to prolong column lifetime. The
frequency of cleaning depends mainly on the sample, but once every 20 runs is a guideline.

1. Wash with 1 CV of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide, alternatively 0.5 M acetic acid. Use a low flow
rate during the entire CIP procedure (see Table 4.7).
2. Immediately wash with 1 CV of distilled water followed by at least 2 CV of buffer or
until the baseline of the monitored signal and the pH of the eluent are stable. Further
equilibration might be necessary if the buffer contains detergent.
Note: For other cleaning solutions and for extreme cases of contamination check the
instructions supplied with each product.

In special cases, it might be necessary to change the top filter or to remove and discard
the top 2 to 3 mm of the resin. These operations must be done with extreme care to
avoid serious loss of resolution. Note that this is not possible with the 3.2/300 column as
it should not be opened.
Superose prep grade may be autoclaved repeatedly at 121°C, pH 7.0 for 20 min without
significantly affecting its chromatographic properties. The resin should be removed
from the column prior to autoclaving.

18102218 AM 63
Store bulk resin at 4°C to 30°C in 20% ethanol. Do not freeze.
For long-term storage of columns, wash with 2 CV of distilled water followed by 2 CV of
20% ethanol at low flow rate. Connect a storage/shipping device to prevent air from entering
the column during storage. Store the column at 4°C to 30°C. Avoid changes in temperature,
which can cause air bubbles in the packing.

ATP synthase complex from E. coli membrane was captured with Ni Sepharose™ 6 Fast Flow
and further purified on Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL. As seen in Figure 4.17, the resolution
between aggregates (Peak 1) and monomeric ATP synthase protein complex was good (Peak
2), as well as separation from degradation products (Peaks 3 and 4). In addition to small
consumption of sample and buffer, the separation was achieved in a short run time, yet with
sufficient resolution. The purified material was further used for structural and molecular
mechanism studies.

Column: Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL

Sample: ATP synthase complex from E. coli membrane
Sample volume: 25 µL
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM sodium chloride, 10% glycerol, 250 µM magnesium chloride,
0.05% dodecyl maltoside, pH 8.0
Flow rate: 0.15 mL/min
System: ÄKTAmicro in cold room


Absorbance (mAU)



200 ATP synthase complex


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Vol. (mL)

Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3 Peak 4

Fig 4.17. SEC using Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL of ATP synthase complex from E. coli membrane.
Peak 1: Aggregates; Peak 2: Monomeric ATP synthetase complex; Peak 3 and 4: Degradation products.

64 18102218 AM
Sephacryl resins
Sephacryl High Resolution (HR) resins provide a useful alternative for applications that require
a broad fractionation range. The particle size, ~ 50 μm, together with the rigidity of the matrix
and high chemical stability make Sephacryl HR well suited for industrial use.
Sephacryl HR covers a wide molecular weight range from peptides to very large biomolecules
(Mr 1 × 103 to 2 × 107). Figure 4.18 shows the fractionation ranges for the five Sephacryl HR
resins available.

Mr 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8

Sephacryl S-100 HR
Sephacryl S-200 HR
Sephacryl S-300 HR
Sephacryl S-400 HR
Sephacryl S-500 HR

Fig 4.18. Fractionation ranges for Sephacryl HR. The fractionation range for Sephacryl S-500 HR is for dextrans; all other
fractionation ranges are given for globular proteins.

Sephacryl HR consists of covalently cross-linked allyl dextran and N,N’-Methylene

bisacrylamide providing a hydrophilic resin with minimized nonspecific adsorption, typically
> 95% yield for proteins.
Sephacryl HR is chemically stable in commonly used aqueous buffers and additives such as
detergents, denaturing agents (8 M urea or 6 M guanidine hydrochloride), and 30% acetonitrile.
A packed column should be used at the temperature range 4°C to 40°C. Further characteristics
of the resins are found in Table 4.8 and in the product instructions.

Table 4.8 Sephacryl resin characteristics

pH stability
Cleaning-in- Particle size,
Product Efficiency1 Operational2 place (CIP)3 d50v (µm)4
Sephacryl S-100 HR, S-200 HR, S-300 HR, ≥ 5000 3 to 11 2 to 13 ~ 50
S-400 HR, and S-500 HR resins
Theoretical plates per meter (prepacked columns only).
pH range where resin can be operated without significant change in function.
pH range where resin can be subjected to cleaning- or sanitization-in-place without significant change in function.
Median particle size of the cumulative volume distribution.

Figure 4.19 shows comparisons of the selectivity of the five Sephacryl HR resins. Typical
selectivity curves for Sephacryl are shown in Figure 4.20.

18102218 AM 65
Column: (A) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR
(B) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR
(C) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR
Sample: 500 µl of a mixture comprising IgG (Mr 160 000), BSA (Mr 67 000),
β-lactoglobulin (Mr 35 000), cytochrome C (Mr 12 400), and cytidine (Mr 240)
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rate (flow velocity): 0.8 mL/min (24 cm/h)
(A) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR (B) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR

(A) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR (B) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR
0.3 BSA β-lactoglobulin 0.3
IgG Cytochrome C
A280 nm

A nm
BSA Cytochrome C
0.2 BSA β-lactoglobulin 0.20.3 β-lactoglobulin

A280 nm 280
Cytochrome C Cytidine IgG Cytidine
A280 nm

BSA Cytochrome C
0.1 0.10.2
Cytidine IgG Cytidine

0.1 0.1
20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL) 20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL)

20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL) 20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL)

(C) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR

0.3 16/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR

(C) HiPrep
BSA Cytochrome C
A280 nmA280 nm

Cytochrome C
20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL)

20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL)

Column: (D) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-400 HR

(E) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR
Sample: (D) 1.2 mL of a sample containing three dextrans; Mr > 20 × 106,
Mr 270 000, and Mr 12 000
(E) 1.2 mL of a sample containing three dextrans, Mr > 20 × 106,
Mr 1.8 × 106, and Mr 25 000
Buffer: 250 mM sodium chloride
Flow rate (flow velocity): 0.5 mL/min (15 cm/h)

(D) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-400 HR (E) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR

(D) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-400
6 HR (E) HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR Mr 25 000
M 20 × 10 50 r Mr 12 000
index (mV)index (mV)

Refractive index (mV)

50 100 Mr 20 × 106
60 Mr 25 000
50 Mr 20 × 106Mr 270 000
Mr 12 000 Mr 1.8 × 106
Refractive index (mV)

50 40

Mr 20 × 106
20 60
40 Mr 270 000 20
10 Mr 58 (NaCl) Mr 1.8 × 106 Mr 58 (NaCl)
30 40
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Vol. (mL) 200 20 40 60 80 100 Vol. (mL)
10 Mr 58 (NaCl) Mr 58 (NaCl)
0 0
Fig 4.19. Comparison of selectivity of the five Sephacryl HR resins in prepacked HiPrep 16/60 columns. The same sample
mix was used for20Sephacryl
40 S-100 60 HR, S-200
80 HR, 100 120 Vol.
and S-300 HR(mL) 0 two different
(A to C), while 20 40
dextran mixes 100 Vol. (mL)
60 were80used for
Sephacryl S-400 HR and S-500 HR (D and E).

66 18102218 AM
Globular proteins1 Proteins2 Dextran standards1
Kav Kav Kav

0.8 0.8 0.8

50 -400




0.6 0.6 0.6





00 H


0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

104 105 106 104 105 106 104 105 106

Mr logarithmic scale Mr logarithmic scale Mr logarithmic scale
In 50 mM phosphate buffer, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
In 6 M guanidine hydrochloride

Fig 4.20. Selectivity curves for Sephacryl HR resins.

Product selection
Sephacryl HR is available in five different fractionation ranges (Fig 4.18). The resins are available
as bulk resin and prepacked in two different column formats; HiPrep 16/60 and HiPrep 26/60
(see Fig 4.21 and Table 4.9).

Fig 4.21. Sephacryl is available as bulk resin and in prepacked columns.

18102218 AM 67
Table 4.9. Separation options with Sephacryl resins

Fractionation Fractionation Sample Maximum Recommended

range, Mr range, Mr volume pressure drop over operating flow
Product (globular proteins) (dextrans) capacity the packed bed* rate/flow velocity†
HiPrep 16/60 1 × 103 to 1 × 105 ≤ 5 mL 0.15 MPa 0.5 mL/min
Sephacryl S-100 HR
HiPrep 26/60 1 × 103 to 1 × 105 ≤ 13 mL 0.15 MPa 1.3 mL/min
Sephacryl S-100 HR
Sephacryl S-100 HR 1 × 103 to 1 × 105 0.5% to 4% of Column- 10 to 35 cm/h
(Bulk resin) total column dependent
HiPrep 16/60 5 × 103 to 2.5 × 105 1 × 103 to 8 × 104 ≤ 5 mL 0.15 MPa 0.5 mL/min
Sephacryl S-200 HR
HiPrep 26/60 5 × 103 to 2.5 × 105 1 × 103 to 8 × 104 ≤ 13 mL 0.15 MPa 1.3 mL/min
Sephacryl S-200 HR
Sephacryl S-200 HR 5 × 103 to 2.5 × 105 1 × 103 to 8 × 104 0.5% to 4% of Column- 10 to 35 cm/h
(Bulk resin) total column dependent
HiPrep 16/60 1 × 104 to 1.5 × 106 2 × 103 to 4 × 105 ≤ 5 mL 0.15 MPa 0.5 mL/min
Sephacryl S-300 HR
HiPrep 26/60 1 × 104 to 1.5 × 106 2 × 103 to 4 × 105 ≤ 13 mL 0.15 MPa 1.3 mL/min
Sephacryl S-300 HR
Sephacryl S-300 HR 1 × 104 to 1.5 × 106 2 × 103 to 4 × 105 0.5% to 4% of Column- 10 to 35 cm/h
(Bulk resin) total column dependent
HiPrep 16/60 2 × 104 to 8 × 106 1 × 104 to 2 × 106 ≤ 5 mL 0.15 MPa 0.5 mL/min
Sephacryl S-400 HR
HiPrep 26/60 2 × 104 to 8 × 106 1 × 104 to 2 × 106 ≤ 13 mL 0.15 MPa 1.3 mL/min
Sephacryl S-400 HR
Sephacryl S-400 HR 2 × 104 to 8 × 106 1 × 104 to 2 × 106 0.5% to 4% of Column- 10 to 35 cm/h
(Bulk resin) total column dependent
HiPrep 16/60 4 × 104 to 2 × 107 ≤ 5 mL 0.15 MPa 0.5 mL/min
Sephacryl S-500 HR
HiPrep 26/60 4 × 104 to 2 × 107 ≤ 13 mL 0.15 MPa 1.3 mL/min
Sephacryl S-500 HR
Sephacryl S-500 HR 4 × 104 to 2 × 107 0.5% to 4% of Column- 10 to 35 cm/h
(Bulk resin) total column dependent
* See Appendix 4 to convert between different pressure units.

Do not exceed maximum flow rate limits. Note that the maximum flow rate will depend on the temperature and the
viscosity of the solution. For further information, see Appendix 4.

Performing a separation

Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.2 or select the buffer in
which the sample should be stored or solubilized for the next step.

To avoid ionic interactions with the resin, it is recommended to include at least 150 mM
sodium chloride, or to use a buffer with equivalent ionic strength.
The sample should be fully dissolved. Centrifuge or filter to remove particulate material.
Always use degassed buffers and maintain a constant temperature during the run to
avoid introducing air into the column.

68 18102218 AM
Ensure that the pressure limits of the column are not exceeded and that an appropriate
pressure limit is set on the chromatography system. This is particularly important when
working at low temperatures, such as in a cold room, or when the column is used with
20% ethanol or other viscous solutions. Use lower flow rates for high viscosity solutions
and at low temperature (see Appendix 4).

Purification protocol

1. Remove the storage solution by applying at least 0.5 CV of distilled water at room
temperature. Use a low flow velocity of 15 cm/h to avoid gap formation (0.5 mL/min for
16/60 column or 1.3 mL/min for 26/60 column).
2. Perform a column performance test (see Appendix 2).
3. Equilibrate with 2 CV of buffer at 30 cm/h (1.0 mL/min for 16/60 column or 2.6 mL/min
for 26/60 column).
4. Reduce the flow to 15 cm/h and apply a sample volume equivalent to between 0.5% and
4% of the bed volume. Smaller sample volumes generally lead to improved resolution.
5. Elute with 1 CV of buffer.
6. Before applying a new sample, re-equilibrate the column with buffer at 30 cm/h until the
baseline of the monitored signal is stable. Proteins can be monitored at 280 nm.
Note: To detect any column changes, the column performance should be checked at regular
intervals (see Appendix 2).

For further information about performing a separation and for optimization, see Chapter 2 Size
exclusion chromatography in practice and the product instructions

Routine cleaning of the SEC column should be performed to prolong column lifetime. The
frequency of cleaning depends mainly on the sample, but once every 20 runs is a guideline.

1. Wash with 0.5 CV of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide at a flow velocity of 15 cm/h (0.5 mL/min for
16/60 column or 1.3 mL/min for 26/60 column).
2. Immediately wash with 2 CV of buffer or until the baseline of the monitored signal and
the pH of the eluent are stable. Further equilibration might be necessary if the buffer
contains detergent.
Note: For other cleaning solutions and for extreme cases of contamination check the
instructions supplied with each product.

Reversing flow through a column packed with Sephacryl resin should only be
considered under cases of severe contamination. Reversing the flow can cause
channeling through the packed bed leading to poor resolution, reduced efficiency,
and the need to repack the column. Prepacked columns (HiPrep) are less likely to be
affected, but extreme care must be taken as they may not be repacked.

In special cases, it might be necessary to change the top filter or to remove and discard
the top 2 to 3 mm of the resin. These operations must be done with extreme care to
avoid serious loss of resolution. Note that this is not possible for prepacked HiPrep
columns as they should not be opened.

18102218 AM 69
Sephacryl HR may be autoclaved at 121°C in 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7 for 20 min (5 cycles) without
significantly affecting its chromatographic properties. The resin should be removed
from the column prior to autoclaving. Note that HiPrep columns cannot be repacked.
Store bulk resin at 4°C to 30°C in 20% ethanol. Do not freeze.
For long-term storage of columns, wash with 4 CV of distilled water followed by 4 CV of
degassed 20% ethanol at low flow rate. Connect a storage/shipping device to prevent air
from entering the column during storage. Store the column at 4°C to 30°C. Avoid changes in
temperature, which can cause air bubbles in the packing.

Figures 4.22 and 4.23 show examples of separations performed on Sephacryl resins.
Column: HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR
Sample: 1 mL of a mixture containing bovine insulin chain A (Mr 2532) and chain B (Mr 3496),
0.5 mg/mL of each
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rate (flow velocity): 2.0 mL/min (22 cm/h)


20 Chain A

Chain B

0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Time (min)

Fig 4.22. Separation of insulin chains on HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR.

Column: HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR

Sample: (A) 1 mL PHA-M, 2 mg/mL in acetic acid
(B) 1 mL PHA-P, 2 mg/mL in acetic acid
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.0
Flow rate (flow velocity): 2 mL/min (22 cm/h)
A280 nm A280 nm

0.002 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Vol. (mL)
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Vol. (mL)

A280 nm A280 nm


0 40 80 120 160 200 Vol. (mL)

0.00Purification of phytohemagglutinin on HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR.

Fig 4.23.
0 40 80 120 160 200 Vol. (mL)
70 18102218 AM
Chapter 5
Sephadex resins: desalting and
buffer exchange
Desalting and other types of buffer exchange are examples of group separations on SEC resins
where the purpose is to separate small molecules, such as salts, from large biomolecules such
as proteins. Although prepacked columns designated for this purpose generally are termed
desalting columns the application area is much wider. Examples of group separations include:
• Removal of phenol red from culture fluids prior to anion exchange chromatography or
nucleic acid preparations
• Removal of unincorporated nucleotides during DNA sequencing
• Removal of free low-molecular weight labels
• Termination of reactions between macromolecules and low molecular weight reactants
• Removal of products, cofactors, or inhibitors from enzymes
• Removal of unreacted radiolabels such as [α-32P] adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from nucleic
acid labeling reactions
Desalting provides several advantages over dialysis, which is generally a slow technique that
requires large volumes of buffer and carries the risk of losing material and activity of the target
molecule during handling. When desalting, sample volumes of up to 30% of the total column
volume can be processed. SEC resins with large particles packed in broad, short columns can
be used, which enables fast separations using high flow rates. A sample can be processed in
less than 5 min with a high recovery. The recovery depends on the biomolecule, the column
format, and the purification protocol but is often > 95%. Low target molecule concentrations
often result in lower recovery.
The high speed and capacity of the separation allows even relatively large sample volumes to
be processed rapidly and efficiently, as illustrated in Figure 5.1 and 5.2. Figure 5.1 shows that the
resolution between the protein peak and the salt peak remains high when increasing the flow
rate. The position, shape, and width of the peaks are similar in all runs irrespective of flow rate.

Column: HiTrap Desalting

Sample: Bovine serum albumin, 2 mg/mL in 500 mM NaCl, 50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0
Sample volume: 0.8 mL
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rates: 1.7, 3.3, 6.7, 10.0, 13.3, 16.7, 20.0 mL/min

3.3 mL/min 75
0.40 1.2
10.0 1.0
0.30 13.3
Conductivity (mS/cm)

Relative resolution

A 280 nm


BSA 0.2
0.00 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20
Volume (mL) Flow rate (mL/min)

Fig 5.1. Influence of flow rate on resolution.

18102218 AM 71
Figure 5.2 shows the effect of increasing sample volumes on resolution. The peaks become
wider when the sample volume increases, which leads to a larger overlap of the protein peak
and the NaCl peak. The effect on resolution is illustrated by the NaCl concentration in the
collected protein fraction. The size of the collected volume will affect the NaCl concentration in
the protein fraction and also the target protein yield.

Column: HiTrap Desalting

Sample: Bovine serum albumin, 2 mg/mL in 50 mM sodium phosphate, 500 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Sample volumes: 0.8, 1.3, 1.7, 2.2 mL
Flow rate: 5 mL/min

0.8 mL sample
2.2 mL 1.3 mL sample

NaCl contamination (%)

Conductivity (mS/cm)
1.7 mL 50 1.7 mL sample
A 280 nm

20 2.2 mL sample
1.3 mL
0.8 mL
0.10 10

0.00 0
0 2 4 6 8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0
Volume (mL) Volume collected: (mL)

Fig 5.2. Influence of sample volume on resolution.

Generally, sample concentration does not significantly influence the separation providing
viscosity does not become too high in relation to the viscosity of the eluent. Also, the target
molecule needs to be stable and soluble at the concentration used.
Use desalting/buffer exchange when needed, before purification, between purification steps,
and/or after purification. Note that each extra step might reduce the yield and that desalting
often dilutes the sample (except for spin protocols).

Sephadex resin characteristics

SEC based on Sephadex chromatography resins enables desalting and buffer exchange of
biomolecules. Sephadex is prepared by cross-linking dextran with epichlorohydrin. The exclusion
limit and the fractionation range are controlled by varying the degree of cross-linking of the
resin. Biomolecules with sizes above the exclusion limit of the resin can be separated from
contaminants such as salts, dyes, and radioactive labels that have excess to the pores.
Different types of Sephadex resins with selectivity for specific molecular sizes are available.
The characteristics of Sephadex resins are summarized in Table 5.1 and Figure 5.3
Sephadex G-25 is recommended for the majority of group separations involving globular proteins.
Sephadex G-10 is suitable for desalting smaller biomolecules (Mr > 700), and Sephadex G-50
can be used to separate large molecules (Mr > 30 000) from molecules with Mr < 1500.

72 18102218 AM
Table 5.1 Sephadex characteristics and typical applications

Separation range
Particle Swelling (Mr) globular
Resin size (µm) factor§ proteins Typical applications
Sephadex G-10 Medium 40 to 120* 1.4 < 7 × 10 2
Separation of small
biomolecules such as peptides
(Mr > 700) from smaller
molecules (Mr < 100).
Sephadex G-25 Superfine 20 to 50† 1.7 1 × 103 to 5 × 103 Recommended for most
Sephadex G-25 Fine 20 to 80† 1.7 1 × 103 to 5 × 103 group separations involving
Sephadex G-25 Medium 50 to 150‡ 1.7 1 × 103 to 5 × 103 globular proteins, excellent for
Sephadex G-25 Coarse 100 to 300‡ 1.7 1 × 103 to 5 × 103 removing salts and other small
contaminants from molecules
with Mr > 5000.
Sephadex G-50 Fine 20 to 80† 2.1 1 × 103 to 3 × 104 Suitable for separation of
molecules with Mr > 30 000
from molecules Mr < 1500 such
as labeled protein or DNA from
unconjugated dyes. Often used
for removal of small nucleotides
from longer chain nucleic acids.
≥ 85% of the volume of particles are found within the range shown.

≥ 80% of the volume of particles are found within the range shown.

≥ 90% of the volume of particles are found within the range shown.
Suitable swelling solutions are water, buffers, or salt solutions. Note that Sephadex particles shrink in alcohol solutions.

Group separation/desalting
Mr 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8

Sephadex G-10 Medium Exclusion limit

Sephadex G-25 Superfine Exclusion limit
Sephadex G-25 Fine Exclusion limit
Sephadex G-25 Medium Exclusion limit
Sephadex G-25 Coarse Exclusion limit
Sephadex G-50 Fine Exclusion limit

Sephadex LH-20

Fig 5.3. Exclusion limits of Sephadex resins. Sephadex LH-20 is for use with organic solvents, see Appendix 7.

Sephadex G-25 is available in different particle sizes. Sephadex G-25 Superfine, the resin with
the smallest particles, is used for highest efficiency and resolution. This resin is suitable for
small-scale separations in short columns since the small particles generate high operating
pressure. Sephadex G-25 Fine particles are also relatively small and are best suited for
laboratory-scale separations. Sephadex Medium and Coarse can be used when high flow rate
at low operating pressure is essential, for example in large-scale applications.
Sephadex is stable in commonly used aqueous buffers and additives such as ionic and
nonionic detergents, as well as denaturing agents. Most Sephadex resins are operational in the
pH range 2 to 13 (for Sephadex G-50 Fine, pH 2 to 10). Cleaning-/sanitization-in-place may be
performed in the pH range 2 to 13.
Further characteristics of the resins are found in the product literature for the respective resins,

18102218 AM 73
Product selection
Select the resin so that the size of the high molecular weight substances exceeds the exclusion
limit of the resin (see Fig 5.3).
For convenience and reliable performance, GE offers a wide range of prepacked Sephadex
columns for desalting and buffer exchange in different scales by chromatography systems or
manual purifications using a syringe, by gravity flow, or by centrifugation (Fig 5.5 and Table 5.2).
Sephadex G-25 resins are used in most prepacked columns.
Sephadex resins with different selectivities and particle size are available as dry powder in bulk
packs for packing your own column. See Appendix 1 for recommendations on swelling and
column packing.

Table 5.2. Columns prepacked with Sephadex for desalting and buffer exchange

Columns and Loaded volume Eluted volume Dilution factor Operation

96-well plates (mL) (mL)
PD SpinTrap™ G-251 0.07 to 0.13 0.07 to 0.13 No dilution Centrifuge
PD MultiTrap™ G-25 0.07 to 0.13 0.07 to 0.13 No dilution Centrifuge
PD MiniTrap™ G-251 0.2 to 0.5 0.2 to 0.5 No dilution Centrifuge
0.1 to 0.5 1.0 2 to 10 Gravity flow
PD MidiTrap™ G-251 0.75 to 1.0 0.75 to 1.0 No dilution Centrifuge
0.5 to 1.0 1.5 1.5 to 3 Gravity flow
PD-10 Desalting columns1 1.75 to 2.5 1.75 to 2.5 No dilution Centrifuge
1.0 to 2.5 3.5 1.5 to 3.5 Gravity flow
PD MiniTrap G-10 0.1 to 0.3 0.5 1.7 to 5 Gravity flow
PD MidiTrap G-10 0.4 to 1.0 1.2 1.2 to 3.0 Gravity flow
HiTrap Desalting 0.25 1.0 4 (approx.) Syringe/pump/system
0.5 1.5 3 (approx.) Syringe/pump/system
1.0 2.0 2 (approx.) Syringe/pump/system
1.5 (max.) 2.0 1.3 (approx.) Syringe/pump/system
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 10 10 to 15 1.0 to 1.5 Pump/system
15 (max.) 15 to 20 1.0 to 1.3 Pump/system

Contains Sephadex G-25 Medium

Contains Sephadex G-10 Medium
Contains Sephadex G-25 Superfine
Contains Sephadex G-25 Fine
Also available with Sephadex G-25 DNA grade within the illustra™ product family.

When working with small-scale purification, several samples may be run in parallel
manually by gravity flow, or by centrifugation.
If the volume of the sample exceeds the sample volume capacity, several prepacked
HiTrap Desalting or HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns can be connected in series.

Performing desalting and buffer exchange

Buffer: Use 10 to 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, with at least 25 mM NaCl, pH 7.0 to 7.4, or
select an appropriate buffer depending on the purpose of the separation. Avoid salt
concentrations > 1.0 M.

To prevent potential ionic interactions the presence of a low salt concentration (25 mM
sodium chloride) is recommended in the buffer during desalting. Volatile buffers such as
100 mM ammonium acetate or 100 mM ammonium hydrogen carbonate can be used if
it is necessary to avoid the presence of sodium chloride.
The sample should be fully dissolved. Centrifuge or filter to remove particulate material.
Always use degassed buffers to avoid introducing air into the column.
74 18102218 AM
Protein concentrations up to 70 mg/mL should not influence the separation when using
normal aqueous buffers.
When using a chromatography system, ensure that the pressure limits of the column are
not exceeded. This is particularly important when working at low temperatures, such as
in a cold room, or when the column is used with 20% ethanol or other viscous solutions.
Use lower flow rates for high viscosity solutions and at low temperature (see Appendix 4).
Using a chromatography system equipped with monitors facilitates the possibility to follow
the separation and simplifies optimization of the separation. Elution of biomolecules can be
monitored by UV absorption (280 nm for proteins) and the appearance of salt can be followed
exactly by a conductivity monitor (Fig 5.4).

0.30 15.0

0.25 A 280 Conductivity

Conductivity (mS/cm)
A 280 nm



0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Time (min)
Fig 5.4. Buffer exchange of mouse plasma on HiPrep 26/10 Desalting column.

Desalting generally causes dilution of the sample (except for spin protocols). Minimal dilution
is obtained when the maximum desalting capacity of the column is utilized. When possible,
select a prepacked column that is suited to the volume of sample that needs to be desalted. As
the sample volume increases the dilution factor decreases. For most applications, up to 30%
of the total bed volume may be used. The final dilution factor also depends on the collected
elution volume. Maximizing the recovery of the target molecule by collecting a large volume
will increase the dilution of the sample. Note that large sample volumes and collection of large
elution volumes can increase the amount of salt remaining in the sample after elution.
Use a large sample volume (≤ 30% of the total bed volume) for minimal sample dilution.
Application of sample volumes larger than 30% of the bed volume will give less efficient
desalting. Reduce sample volume (< 30% of the column volume) when highest resolution
is required for the separation.
If conductivity cannot be monitored and recovery of completely desalted sample is the
major requirement, apply sample volumes of between 15% and 20% of the total bed volume.
For the majority of separations, the instructions supplied with each product ensure
satisfactory results and very little optimization should be necessary. Ensure that buffer
conditions are optimal for the separation and that the maximum sample volume for the
column is not exceeded.
For sample and buffer preparation, see General advice in Chapter 2.
Re-equilibration is not necessary between runs with the same buffer. Extended
equilibration might be needed with buffers containing detergents. Equilibrate with
at least 5 CV.

18102218 AM 75
Mr rof
target Will you use an
Will you use an
protein >5000? > 5000? automated
system suchsuch
system as as
an ÄKTA system?
Syringe or or

Gravity flow
Gravity flow



7.5 mL; up to five columns in series
60 mL; up to four columns in series

Contains Sephadex G-25 Medium

Contains Sephadex G-25 Fine
Contains Sephadex G-25 Superfine Gravity flow
(Mr > 700)
Contains Sephadex G-10 Medium

Fig 5.5. Selecting prepacked columns for desalting and buffer exchange.

76 18102218 AM
0.1 to 1.5 mL
HiTrap Desalting
(7.5 mL) 1
What is your
sample volume?
2.5 to 15 mL
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting
(60 mL) 2

What is your 0.1 to 1.5 mL

sample volume? HiTrap Desalting
(7.5 mL) 1

0.1 to 0.5 mL PD MiniTrap G-25

What is your
sample volume? 0.5 to 1.0 mL PD MidiTrap G-25

1.0 to 2.5 mL PD-10 Desalting

70 to 130 µL PD SpinTrap G-25

PD MiniTrap G-25 +
0.2 to 0.5 mL
MiniSpin Adapter
What is your
sample volume?
PD MidiTrap G-25 +
0.75 to 1.0 mL
MidiSpin Adapter

PD-10 Desalting
1.75 to 2.5 mL
+ PD-10 Spin Adapter

70 to 130 µL
PD MultiTrap G-25
(96-well plate)

100 to 300 µL PD MiniTrap G-10

What is your
sample volume?
400 µL to
PD MidiTrap G-10
1.0 mL3

18102218 AM 77
HiTrap Desalting and HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns

Fig 5.6. Prepacked Sephadex G-25 columns: left HiPrep 26/10 Desalting, right HiTrap Desalting.

HiTrap Desalting and HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns (Fig 5.6) are designed for fast, reproducible
and convenient desalting and buffer exchange of high (Mr > 5000 for globular proteins)
from low molecular weight substances (Mr < 1000). Separations are easily performed with a
standalone pump, or a chromatography system such as ÄKTA. HiTrap Desalting may also be
operated with a syringe. The characteristics of these prepacked columns are given in Table 5.3.
HiTrap Desalting is packed with Sephadex G-25 Superfine. The bed volume is 5 mL and the void
volume 1.5 mL. Small sample volumes of 0.1 to 1.5 mL may be applied in one run. The
recommended operating flow rate is in the range 1 to 10 mL/min and the maximum flow rate
15 mL/min. To avoid cross-contamination, the column should only be used with the same type
of sample.
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting is packed with Sephadex G-25 Fine. The bed volume is 53 mL and
the void volume 15 mL; 2.5 to 15 mL sample may be applied in one run. The recommended
operating flow rate is in the range 9 to 31 mL/min (100 to 350 cm/h) and the maximum flow
rate 40 mL/min (450 cm/h).

Table 5.3. Characteristics of HiTrap Desalting and HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns

Recommended Maximum
operational operational
Column Matrix Bed volume flow rate flow rate
HiTrap Desalting Sephadex G-25 Superfine 5 mL 1 to 10 mL/min 15 mL/min
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting Sephadex G-25 Fine 53 mL 9 to 31 mL/min 40 mL/min

High molecular weight compounds start to elute after approximately 1.5 mL and low molecular
weight components after 3.5 mL. Figure 5.7 shows the effect of varying the sample volume
applied to the column.

78 18102218 AM
Column: HiTrap Desalting
Sample: 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, 500 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Sample volume: 0.3 mL, 1.3 mL, 2.2 mL
Eluent: 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rate: 5 mL/min

BSA 2.2 mL
2.2 mL

1.3 mL
1.3 mL

Conductivity (mS/cm)
A280 (AU)

0.3 mL

0.3 mL

Volume (mL)
Fig 5.7. The effect of different sample volumes on desalting of bovine serum albumin using HiTrap Desalting.

HiTrap Desalting: operation with pump or chromatography system

1. Preparation
Ensure that the appropriate pressure limits have been set and fill the pump tubing with
buffer. Remove the stop plug and the snap-off end at the column outlet. Connect the
column drop-to-drop to the pump tubing to avoid introducing air into the column.
2. Equilibration
First-time use: Equilibrate the column with 25 mL buffer at 5 mL/min.
3. Sample application
Apply up to 1.5 mL of sample. Use a flow rate of 5 mL/min.
4. Elution
Elute the column with 10 mL buffer and collect fractions.

If air is trapped in the column, wash with degassed buffer until the air disappears.
Inverting the column while washing enables the air to escape more easily through the
column outlet. Small amounts of air introduced into the column by accident during
sample application do not influence the separation.

18102218 AM 79
HiTrap Desalting: operation with a syringe

Fig 5.8. HiTrap Desalting column operated by syringe.

Desalting with HiTrap Desalting column can be performed easily with a syringe (Fig 5.8)
according to the following steps:

1. Preparation
Fill the syringe with buffer and remove the stop plug. Use the supplied Luer connector
and connect the column to the syringe drop-to-drop to avoid introducing air into the
column. Remove the snap-off end at the column outlet.
2. Equilibration
First-time use: Equilibrate the column with 25 mL of buffer at 5 mL/min1.
3. Sample application
Apply up to 1.5 mL sample using a syringe fitted to the Luer connector on the column.
Use a flow rate of 5 mL/min1. If the sample volume is less than 1.5 mL, add buffer
(stacker volume) until a total volume of 1.5 mL buffer is eluted. Discard the eluted buffer.
4. Elution
Elute the high molecular weight components with the volumes listed in Table 5.4.
Collect the eluate.
5 mL/min corresponds to approximately 120 drops/min

Table 5.4. Recommended sample and elution volumes using a syringe; examples of typical yields and remaining salt in the
desalted sample

Sample Stacker Elution Remaining Salt Dilution factor

load (mL) volume (mL) volume (mL) yield (% ) (%)
0.25 1.25 1.0 > 95 0.0 4.0
0.50 1.0 1.5 > 95 < 0.1 3.0
1.00 0.5 2.0 > 95 < 0.2 2.0
1.50 0.0 2.0 > 95 < 0.2 1.3

80 18102218 AM
Protocol for HiPrep 26/10 Desalting
1. Preparation
Ensure that appropriate pressure limits have been set and fill the pump tubing with
buffer. Connect the column drop-to-drop to the pump tubing to avoid introducing air into
the column.
2. Equilibration
First-time use or after long-term storage: Equilibrate the column with 5 CV buffer at
15 mL/min.
3. Sample application
Apply up to 15 mL of sample. Use a flow rate of 20 mL/min.
4. Elution
Elute the column with 2 CV of buffer and collect fractions. High molecular weight
compounds start to elute after approximately 15 mL.

Scale-up and processing larger sample volumes

For separation of larger sample volumes or for increased resolution between high and low
molecular weight components, up to five HiTrap Desalting or four HiPrep 26/10 Desalting
columns may easily be connected in series (Fig 5.9). Connecting columns in series increases
the effective bed volume and thereby increases the sample loading capacity. Five HiTrap
Desalting columns allow up to 7.5 mL to be processed in one run whereas 60 mL sample can be
processed using four HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns.

Fig 5.9. Four HiPrep 26/10 Desalting columns connected in series.

Figure 5.10 A to C shows the results obtained when one, three, and five HiTrap Desalting
columns were connected in series. A sample volume corresponding to 28% of the total bed
volume was applied.

18102218 AM 81
Columns: HiTrap Desalting, 1 × 5 mL, 3 × 5 mL, 5 × 5 mL
Sample: 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin in 50 mM sodium phosphate,
500 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Sample volume: 28% of column volume (1.4, 4.3, and 7.1 mL, respectively)
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rate: 5 mL/min

(A) HiTrap Desalting 1 × 5 mL (B) HiTrap Desalting 3 × 5 mL in series

0.40 NaCl
50 0.40 50

Conductivity (mS/cm)

Conductivity (mS/cm)
A280 (AU)


A280 (AU)
0.10 30

0.00 20
0.00 20
0 2.0 4.0 6.0
0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Volume (mL)
Volume (mL)

(C) HiTrap Desalting 5 × 5 mL in series

0.40 50
Conductivity (mS/cm)

A280 (AU)



0.00 20
0 10.0 20.0 30.0
Volume (mL)

Fig 5.10. Desalting scale-up of bovine serum albumin using HiTrap columns connected in series.

For sample volumes greater than 60 mL, larger columns may be packed. Select a suitable
particle size of Sephadex G-25, swell and pack into a short, wide column to facilitate high flow
rates and rapid recovery of desalted materials. See Appendix 1 for details on column packing.
The maximum flow rate and sample volume is related to the particle size, as shown in Figure
5.11. Use Sephadex G-25 Medium or Coarse grades packed in columns < 50 cm in bed height to
enable high flow rates. The Coarse grade can also be used for batch procedures.

100 200
maximum flow velocity
Linear flow velocity (cm/h)
Percentage of CV

maximum sample volume

Superfine Fine Medium Coorse

Increasing particle size

Fig 5.11. Sephadex G-25: recommended sample volumes and flow velocities vary with particle size.

82 18102218 AM
PD Desalting columns and 96-well plates for manual separations

Fig 5.12. Clean-up products for small-scale manual desalting applications.

GE provides an assortment of products for convenient small-scale desalting and buffer

exchange, suitable for processing multiple samples in parallel. Columns are manufactured
from biocompatible polypropylene. A special bed support of polyethylene protects the resin
from running dry during use. The different formats and recommended volumes for sample
loading and elution are listed in Table 5.2.
PD MiniTrap, PD MidiTrap and PD-10 Desalting (Fig 5.12) are prepacked, single-use columns
designed for manual separations with protocols for gravity flow and centrifugation. PD MiniTrap
and PD MidiTrap columns are available packed with Sephadex G-25 and Sephadex G-10.
PD-10 Desalting is packed with Sephadex G-25. Sephadex G-10 may also be packed into empty
PD-10 columns and run in a similar manner as described in the gravity-flow protocol below.
PD SpinTrap G-25 and PD MultiTrap G-25 are prepacked single-use products for convenient
desalting and buffer exchange of small sample volumes. PD SpinTrap columns are designed for
use in standard laboratory microcentrifuges. PD MultiTrap is a 96-well filter plate format for high-
throughput applications and is designed for use by centrifugation (or vacuum). PD MultiTrap
can be used with common automated liquid-handling stations equipped with a centrifuge.
PD columns are also available with Sephadex G-25 DNA grade for desalting and buffer
exchange of oligonucleotides and small DNA fragments. The product names are illustra
NAP 5, illustra NAP-10, illustra NAP-25, and illustra MicroSpin™ G-25.

Protocols for PD-10 Desalting, PD MiniTrap, and PD MidiTrap

There are two protocols for PD-10 Desalting, PD MiniTrap, and PD MidiTrap columns prepacked
with Sephadex G-25. Use the gravity protocols for highest recovery and desalting capacity and
use the spin protocols to avoid dilution of the sample.
The gravity and spin protocols for PD-10 Desalting columns are shown below. PD MiniTrap and
PD MidiTrap columns are operated similarly. Protocols for these products are found in the
product instructions. Gravity-flow protocols are also available for PD MiniTrap and PD MidiTrap
prepacked with Sephadex G-10.

18102218 AM 83
Gravity-flow protocol for PD-10 Desalting

1. Preparation
Remove the top cap and pour off the storage solution. Cut the sealed bottom end of
the column at the notch. Place the column in a holder such as the supplied Desalting
Workmate, above a plastic tray.
2. Equilibration
Equilibrate the column with 25 mL of buffer. Use LabMate PD-10 Buffer Reservoir for
3. Sample application
Apply up to 2.5 mL of sample. For sample volumes less than 2.5 mL, add buffer up to
2.5 mL (stacker volume) after the sample has entered the packed bed completely. Let
the buffer enter the packed bed completely.
4. Elution
Place a test tube for sample collection under the column. Add 3.5 mL buffer to elute the
high molecular weight components and collect the eluate. A typical elution profile is
shown in Figure 5.13

Column: PD-10 Desalting column

Sample: 2.5 mL of 1 mg/mL bovine serum albumin
Eluent: 1 M NaCl
Separation method: Gravity flow

Protein concentration (µg/mL)
1000 NaCl concentration (mM)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Elution volume (mL)

Fig 5.13. Removal of NaCl from bovine serum albumin solution with PD-10 Desalting column.

84 18102218 AM
Spin protocol for PD-10 Desalting
For optimal recovery when applying sample volumes < 2.5 mL, add buffer up to 2.5 mL
(stacker volume), when the sample has entered the packed bed.

1. Preparation
Remove the top cap and pour off the column storage solution. If using a fixed-angle rotor,
carefully remove the top filter using forceps. This is not necessary when using a swing-
out rotor. A higher precision in recovery is obtained with a swing-out rotor. Cut the sealed
end of the column at the notch.
2. Equilibration
Equilibrate the column with 25 mL buffer by gravity. Use LabMate PD-10 Buffer Reservoir
for convenience. Use a spin adapter (Fig 5.14) and place the PD-10 Desalting column in
a 50 mL collection tube. Fill the column with buffer and centrifuge at 1000 × g for 3 min.
Discard the flowthrough.
3. Sample application
Use a clean 50 mL collection tube for sample collection. Apply up to 2.5 mL sample. If the
top filter is removed, apply the sample slowly in the middle of the packed bed.
4. Elution
Elute by centrifugation 1000 × g for 4 min. Collect the eluate.

Fig 5.14. Spin adapters enable the use of PD-10 Desalting column, as well as PD MidiTrap G-25 and PD MiniTrap G-25 columns
in a standard centrifuge.

Protocol for PD SpinTrap G-25

Note: For optimal recovery when applying sample volumes < 100 μL, add buffer up to 100 μL
(stacker volume) when the sample has entered the packed bed.

1. Preparation
Suspend the resin by vortexing. Loosen screw cap lid and twist off bottom closure.
Place the column in an appropriate size collection tube. Remove the storage solution by
centrifugation at 800 × g for 1 min.
2. Equilibration
Apply 400 μL of buffer to equilibrate the column. Centrifuge at 800 × g for 1 min. Discard
the flowthrough. Repeat this procedure an additional four times.
3. Sample application
Use a clean collection tube for sample collection. Apply up to 130 μL slowly and in the
middle of the packed bed.
4. Elution
Elute by centrifugation at 800 × g for 2 min. Collect the eluate.

18102218 AM 85
Protocol for PD MultiTrap G-25
For optimal recovery when applying sample volumes < 100 μL, add buffer up to 100 μL (stacker
volume), when the sample has entered the packed bed.
Note: PD MultiTrap G-25 can also be used with vacuum, but this is not recommended due to
reduced reproducibility compared to centrifugation.

1. Preparation
Suspend the resin by gently shaking the plate upside down. Remove the top and bottom
seals and place the plate on the collection plate. Remove the storage solution by
centrifugation at 800 × g for 1 min.
2. Equilibration
Apply 300 μL buffer per well. Centrifuge at 800 × g for 1 min. Discard the flowthrough.
Repeat this procedure an additional four times.
3. Sample application
Use a new clean collection plate for sample collection. Apply up to 130 μL sample slowly
in the middle of the packed bed.
4. Elution
Elute by centrifugation at 800 × g for 2 min. Collect the eluate.

HiTrap Desalting, PD-10 Desalting, PD SpinTrap, PD MultiTrap, PD MiniTrap, and PD MidiTrap are
single-use products and do not have recommendations for cleaning. They may however be
reused a few times depending on the type of sample providing that cross-contamination is not
a concern. Cleaning of HiPrep 26/10 Desalting is performed as follows:

1. Wash the column with 2 CV of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide, 0.1 M acetic acid or a solution of a
nonionic detergent dissolved in distilled water. Use a flow rate of 10 mL/min. Ensure that
the pressure drop does not exceed 0.15 MPa (21.8 psi, 1.5 bar).
2. Immediately wash the column with 5 CV of distilled water at a flow rate of 15 mL/min.
3. Re-equilibrate the column with at least 5 CV of buffer until the UV baseline and pH are stable.
Note: For other cleaning solutions and for extreme cases of contamination check the
instructions supplied with the column.

Store dry Sephadex resin at 4°C to 30°C.
After use, wash the resin with 2 CV of distilled water followed by 2 CV of 20% ethanol before
storage. Alternatively, wash with 2 CV of distilled water followed by 2 CV of 10 mM sodium
hydroxide. Store swollen resin and columns at 4°C to 30°C. Do not freeze.

86 18102218 AM
Figures 5.15 to 5.17 show examples of buffer exchange performed on prepacked
Sephadex columns.

Sample: (His)6-tagged protein eluted from HiTrap Chelating HP with 20 mM sodium phosphate,
500 mM sodium chloride, 500 mM imidazole, pH 7.4
Column: HiTrap Desalting
Buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rate: 2.5 mL/min
System: ÄKTAprime

UV 280 nm
(His)6 -protein
A280 (AU)




Vo Vt

0 1 2
Time (min)

Fig 5.15. Desalting a (His)6-tagged protein using HiTrap Desalting. The UV (protein) and conductivity (salt) traces enable
pooling of the desalted fractions and facilitate optimization of the separation.

Column: HiPrep 26/10 Desalting

Sample: 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA), 0.07 mg/mL N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) in 50 mM sodium
phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0. Filtered through a 0.45 µm filter
Sample volume: 13 mL
Buffer: 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0
Flow rate: 31 mL/min



0.0 1.0 2.0

Time (min)

Fig 5.16. Reproducible removal of N-hydroxysuccinimide from bovine serum albumin.

PD products are also excellent for desalting biomolecules other than proteins. Figure 5.17
shows the desalting of tritium-labeled intestinal heparan sulfate ([3H]-HS) after elution from an
IEX column using high salt concentration. An elution pool of 1.1 mL was collected. The recovery
of [3H]-HS was 87% and > 98% salt was removed.

18102218 AM 87
Column: PD MidiTrap G-25
Sample: 18 600 cpm bovine intestinal 3H-labeled heparan
sulfate ([3H]HS) in 1.5 M NaCl
Sample volume: 0.5 mL
Eluent: Distilled water

3000 6000

2500 5000

2000 4000
[3H]HS (cpm)

NaCl (µS)
1500 3000

1000 2000

500 1000

0 0
0.1 0.6 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6
Elution volume (mL)

Fig 5.17. Removal of NaCl from [3H]-HS on a PD MidiTrap G-25 column.

88 18102218 AM
Appendix 1
Column packing and preparation
A well-packed column is essential for SEC, especially for high-resolution separations. Prepacked
columns from GE will ensure reproducible results and the highest performance. Contact your
local GE sales representative to inquire about our column packing services if your selected resin
is not available in your required format.
Packing a column is a very critical stage in any SEC experiment. A poorly packed column can
give uneven flow, peak broadening, and loss of resolution. It can also affect the maximum flow
rate. If you decide to pack a SEC column yourself, follow the guidelines in this Appendix.
SEC is simple to perform once a well-packed column has been obtained. Provided that a column
is used and maintained carefully it can be expected to give reproducible, high-resolution results
for a long time.
Always use a flow rate for column packing that is higher than the flow rate used for
separation. A guideline that works well for many resins is to never exceed 75% of the
packing flow rate during the separation.
The maximum flow rate will depend on column diameter and buffer viscosity. Due to
wall support, narrow columns support the bed more than wider columns.
Do not exceed the maximum recommended values for pressure or linear flow for the
resin. Exceeding these values might cause the resin to compress and reduce the flow
rate and resolution during the separation.
Ensure sufficient buffer for the entire run. SEC columns that run completely dry must
be repacked.

Columns for packing SEC resins

A broad range of empty columns is available from GE for column packing. Ordering information
for empty columns can be found at the back of this handbook.
XK, HiScale™, and Tricorn™ empty columns are optimal for SEC with a design that ensures a
uniform liquid flow and minimal dead volumes to minimize dilution and to prevent remixing of
separated peaks. All columns are manufactured from materials providing minimized nonspecific
adsorption. They are easily dismantled and reassembled for thorough cleaning, which is
particularly important when handling biological samples.
Tricorn and XK empty columns are delivered with one adjustable end piece, that is,
adapter, and one fixed end piece. A second adapter can be used instead of the fixed
end piece if a shorter bed height is required. HiScale columns are equipped with dual
adapters. A range of accessories and spare parts are available for all empty columns.
Ensure that the column and all components are clean and in good condition and that
no part is damaged. Use well degassed buffers and equilibrate all materials to the
temperature at which the separation will be performed. Keep a packed column away
from locations that are exposed to drafts or direct sunlight that can cause temperature
changes and thereby formation of bubbles.
Longer columns (50 cm and more) can be difficult to pack under normal laboratory
conditions. Alternatively, use our column packing services or connect two or more
shorter columns (20 or 30 cm bed height) in series to achieve the required bed height.

18102218 AM 89
Table A1.1. Bed heights and volumes for XK columns

With one adapter With two adapters

Column Column i.d. (mm) Volume (mL) Bed height (cm) Volume (mL) Bed height (cm)
XK 16/20 16 5 to 31 2.5 to 15.5 0 to 31 0 to 15.5
XK 16/40 16 45 to 70 22.5 to 35 16 to 70 8 to 35
XK 16/70 16 105 to 130 53 to 65 76 to 130 38 to 65
XK 16/100 16 165 to 190 82.5 to 95 136 to 190 68 to 95
XK 26/20 26 5 to 66 1 to 12.5 0 to 66 0 to 12.5
XK 26/40 26 122 to 186 23 to 35 45 to 186 8.5 to 35
XK 26/70 26 281 to 344 53 to 65 204 to 344 38.5 to 65
XK 26/100 26 440 to 504 83 to 95 365 to 504 68.5 to 95
XK 50/20 50 0 to 274 0 to 14 0 to 274 0 to 14
XK 50/30 50 265 to 559 14 to 28 0 to 559 0 to 28
XK 50/60 50 794 to 1090 40 to 56 500 to 1090 26 to 56
XK 50/100 50 1590 to 1860 81 to 95 1270 to 1860 65 to 95

Table A1.2. Maximum bed heights and volumes for HiScale columns

With two adapters

Column Column i.d. (mm) Volume (mL) Bed height (cm)
HiScale 16/20 16 40 20
HiScale 16/40 16 80 40
HiScale 26/20 26 106 20
HiScale 26/40 26 212 40
HiScale 50/20 50 393 20
HiScale 50/40 50 785 40

Table A1.3. Bed volumes and heights for Tricorn columns

With one adapter With two adapters

Column Column i.d. (mm) Volume (mL) Bed height (cm) Volume (mL) Bed height (cm)
Tricorn 10/150 10 10.1 to 12.5 12.9 to 15.9 7.6 to 12.3 9.6 to 15.6
Tricorn 10/200 10 14.1 to 16.4 17.9 to 20.9 11.5 to 16.2 14.6 to 20.6
Tricorn 10/300 10 21.9 to 24.3 27.9 to 30.9 19.4 to 24.1 24.6 to 30.6
Tricorn 10/600 10 45.5 to 47.8 57.9 to 60.9 42.9 to 47.6 54.6 to 60.6

Checking column efficiency

A column performance test should be done before first-time use of a column. Column
performance should also be checked at regular intervals by determining the theoretical
plate number and the peak symmetry. Note that the measured result for column efficiency is
dependent on the system used, including the capillaries and dead volumes. See Appendix 2.
Determination of column efficiency and asymmetry factor, for further details.

90 18102218 AM
Column packing for preparative SEC
Superdex prep grade, Superose prep grade and Sephacryl High Resolution (HR) resins can easily
be packed in XK or similar columns. For preparative SEC, it is recommended to use bed heights
between 30 and 60 cm. The volume of settled resin should be ~ 1.15-fold that of the required
packed bed volume.

The following packing protocol works well for packing most columns. Further guidelines
can be found in the individual instructions for the resins and in the instructions for
empty columns.

General packing protocol

1. The resins are supplied in a suspension containing 20% ethanol. Resuspend the resin
by shaking gently. Avoid using magnetic stirrers, spatulas or glass rods since they can
damage the resins.
2. Wash the resin with 5 to 10 CV of distilled water on a glass filter and resuspend in
distilled water to a final concentration of 50% settled resin. The resin must be thoroughly
washed to remove the 20% ethanol storage solution. The shipping solution for Superdex
30 prep grade and Superdex 75 prep grade also contains 0.2 M sodium acetate. These
resins need to be more thoroughly washed before packing. See Superdex prep grade
Instructions 18106029 for further information.
To produce a more evenly dispersed slurry, 0.05% Tween 20 may be added to
reduce surface tension.
3. Prepare a suitable empty column for packing according to the column instructions.
Mount a bottom filter if this is not part of the end piece. Wet the filter. If the slurry volume
exceeds the column volume, attach a packing reservoir or packing tube.
Using a second column tube and a packing connector instead of using a packing
reservoir makes it easier to obtain a well-packed column.
4. Fill the column with distilled water to a height of approximately 2 cm.
5. Resuspend and pour the well-degassed slurry down the inside of the column in one
continuous step. Fill up the column or column reservoir with distilled water. Avoid
introducing air bubbles.
6. Attach a top adapter to the column tube (or the cap on the packing reservoir). Connect
to a pump and open the column outlet.
To achieve satisfactory column efficiency, pack Superdex prep grade and Superose
prep grade resins in two steps: Step 1 for 2 h or until the bed has reached a
constant height and Step 2 for 60 min. For packing flow rates in XK columns, see
Table A1.4.
Sephacryl HR can usually be packed satisfactorily using only the higher flow rate
given in Step 2 of Table A1.4. Use the two-step process if the column efficiency is
unsatisfactory after the first attempt.
7. Stop the pump and remove the packing reservoir or packing tube if used. Fill up the
column with distilled water and mount a wetted adapter onto the column as described
in the column instructions. Also, mount a wetted filter if this is not part of the adapter.
Ensure no air bubbles are trapped in the column. Avoid introducing air bubbles.
8. Continue packing the column at the flow rate used in Step 2 for approximately 10 min.
Mark the position of the bed surface, stop the pump, close the column outlet, adjust the
adapter down to the mark and then a further 3 mm into the resin. The column is now
ready for use.

18102218 AM 91
Do not exceed maximum pressures during packing:
- 0.2 MPa (2 bar, 29 psi) to 0.4 MPa (4 bar, 58 psi) for Sephacryl S-100 HR, S 200 HR,
and S-300 HR
- 0.15 MPa (1.5 bar, 21 psi) for Sephacryl S-400 HR and S-500 HR
- 0.4 to 0.5 MPa (5 bar, 72.5 psi) for Superdex prep grade (30, 75, and 200).
- 0.4 MPa (4 bar, 58 psi) for Superose 6 prep grade.
- 0.7 MPa (7 bar, 101.5 psi) for Superose 12 prep grade.

Table A1.4. Maximum bed heights and recommended flow rates during column packing of different SEC resins in XK columns

Sephacryl HR Superdex and Superose prep grade

Column Bed height (cm) Step 1 (mL/min) Step 2 (mL/min) Step 1 (mL/min) Step 2 (mL/min)
XK 16/40 35 1 to 2 2 to 4 1 to 2 4 to 6
XK 16/70 65 1 to 2 2 to 4 1 to 2 4 to 6
XK 16/100 95 1 to 2 2 to 4 1 to 2 4 to 6
XK 26/40 35 2 to 4 4 to 8 2 to 4 10 to 14
XK 26/70 65 2 to 4 4 to 8 2 to 4 10 to 14
XK 26/100 95 2 to 4 4 to 8 2 to 4 10 to 14
XK 50/20 15 8 to 10 4 to 8 9 to 11 19 to 21
XK 50/30 25 8 to 10 10 to 14 9 to 11 19 to 21
XK 50/60 55 8 to 10 10 to 14 9 to 11 19 to 21
XK 50/100 95 8 to 10 10 to 14 9 to 11 19 to 21

Column packing for buffer exchange using Sephadex resin

Sephadex G-10, G-25, and G-50 resins can easily be packed in for example XK or HiScale
columns. For buffer exchange, a column bed height of 10 cm is recommended. Sephadex is
supplied as a dry powder and must be allowed to swell in excess packing solution before use.
Accelerate the swelling process by using a boiling water bath (Table A1.5). This also
serves to degas the suspension. Allow the suspension to cool before use.

Table A1.5. Bed volume and swelling times for Sephadex resins

Approx. bed volume Swelling time (h), Swelling time (h),

Resin (mL/g resin) 20°C 90°C
Sephadex G-10 Medium 2 to 3 3 1
Sephadex G-25 (all grades) 4 to 6 3 1
Sephadex G-50 Fine 9 to 11 3 1

The following packing protocol works well for packing most columns. Further
guidelines can be found in the individual instructions for the resins and in the
instructions for empty columns:

92 18102218 AM
General packing protocol

1. Weigh out the correct amount of dry Sephadex and allow the resin to swell as described
above. Avoid using magnetic stirrers, spatulas, or glass rods since they can damage the
resin. After swelling, adjust with buffer to form a thick slurry, apply vacuum to remove air
bubbles. Approximately 75% settled resin is suitable. Fine particles can be decanted.
2. Prepare a suitable empty column for packing according to the column instructions.
Mount a bottom filter if this is not part of the end piece. Wet the filter. If the slurry volume
is greater than the volume of the column, attach a packing reservoir or packing tube.
3. Fill the column with the packing solution to a height of approximately 2 cm.
4. Resuspend and pour the well-degassed slurry down the inside of the column in one
continuous step. Fill the column or the packing reservoir to the top with packing solution.
Avoid introducing air bubbles.
5. Attach a top adapter to the column tube (or the cap on the packing reservoir). Connect
to a pump, open the column outlet and start the flow. Pump 2 to 3 CV of packing
solution through the column to stabilize the bed and equilibrate completely. Use a
slightly higher flow rate than the flow rate to be used during separations. Maintain the
packing flow rate for at least 3 CV after a constant bed height is obtained.
6. Close the column outlet and remove the packing reservoir or packing tube if used. Fill
up the column with packing solution and mount a wetted adapter onto the column as
described in the column instructions. Also, mount a wetted filter if this is not part of the
adapter. Ensure no air bubbles are trapped in the column and that no air bubbles are in
the flow path.
7. Open the column outlet and continue packing the column for approximately 10 min.
Mark the position of the bed surface, stop the pump, close the column outlet, adjust the
adapter down to the mark and then a further 3 mm into the resin. The column is now
ready for use.

Fig A1.1. A well-packed column is essential for SEC, especially for high-resolution separations.

18102218 AM 93
Appendix 2
Determination of column efficiency and
asymmetry factor
Column performance is essential for all SEC separations, particularly for high-resolution
separations. Two parameters are generally used to characterize the column performance:
• Efficiency (theoretical plate number per meter, N/m) describes the column ability to produce
narrow peaks.
• Peak asymmetry factor (As) describes the symmetry of the peak.
To detect any column changes, column performance should be checked at regular intervals.
A column performance test should also be carried out before first-time use of a column to
evaluate the column packing and to create a baseline for the column performance. Likewise,
a column performance test is recommended for prepacked columns. Note that the measured
column efficiency and peak asymmetry are affected by the chromatography system used,
including the capillaries and other dead volumes. This means that the measured column
efficiency can deviate from values given in the specification for the column. Keeping the internal
volumes of the chromatography system low is particularly important working with small columns
for high-resolution separations. See Chapter 2 section System configuration for further details.

Column efficiency test

The efficiency and peak asymmetry can be determined as follows:

1. Equilibrate the packed column in distilled water or buffer at the flow rate recommended
in the product instructions.
2. Inject 2% acetone (20 mg/mL in water) in a volume equivalent to 0.2% to 0.4% of the
geometrical bed volume.
3. Monitor the UV absorbance at 280 nm and determine the elution volume for acetone.
4. Calculate column efficiency, that is, the number of theoretical plates per meter (N/m):
N Ve 2 1
= 5.54 × (W )
Ve = peak elution (retention) volume
W1/2 = peak width at half peak height w1/2

L = bed height (m)

Ve and W1/2 are in the same units
5. Calculate the asymmetry factor (As):
where: a b

a = first half peak width at 10% peak height Ve Volume

b = second half peak width at 10% peak height

Fig A2.1. Determination of column efficiency by number of theoretical plates and peak asymmetry.

94 18102218 AM
Typical values for column performance:
Superdex prep grade: Efficiency, N/m > 10 000, peak asymmetry, As = 0.70 to 1.30
Superdex Increase: Efficiency, N/m > 40 000, peak asymmetry, As = 0.70 to 1.20
The column performance may also be checked by running a function test using a suitable
sample. This test is an alternative to the above efficiency test and will also provide information
regarding resolution. Descriptions for how a function test can be done are included in many
of the instructions for prepacked columns, see for example Instructions Superdex 75 Increase
10/300 GL and Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL, 29163059.

18102218 AM 95
Appendix 3
Selection of purification equipment
Accurate, reproducible control of the separation is critical for good results, but also for reliability
in routine preparative work and repeated experiments. Use a liquid chromatography system
(rather than a peristaltic pump or gravity flow) to fully utilize the potential of the column. When
working with small prepacked columns such as HiTrap Desalting, a syringe or standalone pump
may also be used. For buffer exchange of small sample volumes, gravity and spin columns are
also available.
Note that the chromatography system used might affect the resolution of the separation. For
highest resolution, it is important that the chromatography system has as small internal volumes
as possible. This is especially important working with small columns for high-resolution separation.

System recommendations for high-resolution SEC columns

The small bed volume of 3.2/300, and 5/150 columns makes them extra sensitive to dead
volumes in the system. For these columns, systems such as ÄKTA pure 25 and older systems
such as ÄKTA micro and ÄKTApurifier 10 are recommended.
Depending on the chromatography system setup, the contributions from dead volumes to band
broadening will vary. Use short, narrow tubing and avoid unnecessary components in the flow path.
The injection technique used can also affect the resolution and needs to be considered when
working with high-resolution separations. ÄKTA pure may be configured for microscale purification.
For optimal configuration of AKTA pure 25, see Optimal configuration of ÄKTA pure 25 for small
scale SEC, 29181181. The 10/300 SEC column has a larger bed volume and may also be used
in systems such as ÄKTA avant 25 and older systems such as ÄKTAexplorer 10. See Chapter 2,
section System configuration for further details.
Note that ÄKTA start chromatography system is not compatible with Superdex
Increase and Superose Increase columns (3.2/300, 5/150, or 10/300), see Prepacked
chromatography columns for ÄKTA systems, 28931778.

96 18102218 AM

Table A3.1. Selection of purification equipment for buffer exchange and high-resolution separations

ÄKTA protein purification system

Application ÄKTA start plus ÄKTAxpress ÄKTA pure ÄKTA avant
Simple, one-step desalting, × × × × ×
buffer exchange
Automated and reproducible ×1 × × × ×
protein purification using all
common techniques including
support for gradient elution
Software compatible with × × ×
regulatory requirements, e.g.,
good laboratory practice (GLP)
Method development and (×) ×
optimization using DoE
Automatic buffer preparation ×
Automatic buffer scouting (×) ×
Automatic column scouting (×) ×
Automatic multistep purification (×) × (×) (×)
Scale-up, process development (×) ×
Software for system control
UNICORN™ PrimeView 3
and data handling start or later or later
For SEC, ÄKTA start is not compatible with Superdex Increase and Superose Increase columns (10/300 GL, 5/150 GL, and 3.2/300).
A specific software version might be needed for the chosen system. See the web page for each respective system at
With PrimeView, you can monitor results and evaluate data but not create method nor control the system.
× = included
(×) = optional configuration
DoE = Design of experiments

18102218 AM 97
ÄKTA start ÄKTAprime plus

ÄKTAxpress ÄKTA pure

ÄKTA avant

Fig A3.1. Selection of chromatography systems from GE that are suitable for size exclusion
chromatography, buffer exchange, or desalting.

98 18102218 AM
Appendix 4
Column pressure limits and maximum
flow rate
Pressure is generated by the flow through the column and the chromatographic system. The
pressure may be expressed in megapascal (MPa), bar, or pounds per square inch (psi) and can
be converted as follows: 1 MPa = 10 bar = 145 psi.

Column pressure limits

To protect the column hardware and the bed of the packed resin, it is important to set limits
that must not be exceeded during the run. There are two important pressures that need to be
1. Column hardware pressure: The column hardware pressure limit is the maximum pressure
the hardware can withstand without being damaged (Fig A4.1). This value is fixed for each
column type. The column hardware pressure limit for each column type is included in the
column instructions and in the UNICORN column list, in ÄKTA systems.
The pressure on the column hardware equals the sum of the back pressure generated by
the column itself and the back pressure generated by the system components located after
the column. This sum must never exceed the column hardware pressure limit.

Fig A4.1. The column hardware pressure limit is the maximum pressure the column hardware can withstand without damage.

2. Pressure drop over the packed bed: The pressure drop over the packed bed is caused
by flow resistance when a solution is passed through the column. The pressure over the
packed bed can be described by the Hagen-Poiseuille equation1 and depends on several
parameters including:
• Flow rate
• Viscosity of sample and eluent including running temperature
• Bed height
• Resin particle size and shape
• The resin void fraction (Vo/Vc)

See pp 71, equation 3.27 in Janson, J.-C. ed. Protein Purification: Principles, High Resolution Methods, and Applications,
third edition, Wiley Online Library (2011). doi: 10.1002/9780470939932

18102218 AM 99
Note that several of these factors are related to how the column has been packed.

The maximum pressure drop over the packed bed or the maximum delta pressure (∆p), is the
maximum pressure the packed bed can withstand without risking gap formation (Fig A4.2) or
bed collapse. This value is strongly dependent on how the column has been packed.
For many columns, the maximum ∆p provided in the product instructions and in the UNICORN
column list is a typical value (see Tables 4.2 and 4.7). The actual value is individual for each
column and needs to be determined. The procedure for doing this is described in Instructions
for the column at hand, for example Superdex 200 Increase columns, 29027271. Note that
most prepacked columns are designed to withstand a maximum flow, not a maximum
pressure. Consequently, the packed bed is best protected by controlling the flow rate. However,
insufficient column cleaning can increase column back pressure over time. Determine the
column specific pressure limit as well as the initial column back pressure at first-time-use and
monitor the back pressure regularly.

Fig A4.2. The maximum pressure over the packed bed is the maximum pressure the packed bed of chromatography
medium can withstand without gap formation. This is not a fixed value.

The pressure drop over different parts of a chromatography system and how it affects the
column is described in Figure A4.3.

Fig A4.3. Example of the pressure in different parts of a system during run of a column. Note that the pressure values are
only used to illustrate the principle. All ÄKTA systems measure pressure at the system pump, Ppump. Some systems have
additional pressure sensors located before and after the column, Ppre-c and Ppost-c, which enables direct measurement of the
pressure drop over the packed bed, ∆p.

∆pbefore does not affect the column hardware or the packed bed.
The pressure on the column hardware is the sum of ∆pafter and ∆p. Do not exceed the
column hardware limit!
For many columns, ∆p is individual and needs to be determined for each column.

For more information, refer to the ÄKTA Laboratory-scale Chromatography Systems Instrument
Management Handbook, 29010831.

100 18102218 AM
Maximum flow rate
The maximum flow rate of a prepacked column is found in the product instructions and the
UNICORN column list. The value listed is generally valid for water at room temperature.
When packing your own column, the maximum flow rate will depend on the properties of the
resin, the packing procedure as well as the column dimensions. Due to wall support, narrow
columns support the bed more than wider columns, which allows higher linear flow. A guideline
that works well for many resins is to never exceed 75% of the packing flow rate during the
When changing running conditions such as temperature or viscosity, the maximum flow rate is
affected (Table A4.1). It is therefore important to adjust the flow rate according to the running
conditions used. Use lower flow rates for high-viscosity solutions and/or low temperature.

Table A4.1. Example of maximum flow rate limits at different viscosity and temperature, Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL

Temperature Buffer Flow rate (mL/min)

20ºC to 25ºC Water 1.20
20% ethanol 0.60
10% glycerol 0.60
30% acetonitrile 1.20
40% methanol 0.60
4ºC to 8ºC Water 0.60
20% ethanol 0.30
10% glycerol 0.30
30% acetonitrile 0.60
40% methanol 0.30

The viscosity of the sample also needs to be considered. When running viscous samples such
as samples containing glycerol, it is important to dilute the sample or lower the flow rate, see
example above. High protein concentration or additives in the sample can cause instability of
the separation and the back pressure might increase.
Note that the viscosity of liquids increases with high salt concentrations, some additives, and
low temperature. Mixing organic and aqueous solution will also affect the viscosity. Figure A4.4
shows some examples of how the viscosity varies for commonly used liquids and temperatures
in chromatography.

18102218 AM 101
(A) Ammonium sulfate
Viscosity (mPas)
1.6 Sodium chloride



0 2 4 6 8
Conc. (M)

Viscosity (mPas)

3.0 Isopropanol

2.0 Ethanol
0 20 40 60 80 100
Conc. (%)

Viscosity (mPas)

water ∆η (4°C to 25°C) = 0.68 mPas


0 5 10 15 20 25
Temp (°C)

Fig. A4.4 Effect of type of salt, salt concentration (A), content of organic solvents in water (B), and temperature
(C) on viscosity. 1 mPas = 1 cP.

102 18102218 AM
Appendix 5
Converting flow rates and velocities;
other conversion data
Converting between volumetric flow rate (mL/min) and linear flow
velocity (cm/h)
When comparing results for columns of different sizes, it is convenient to express flow as linear
flow velocity (cm/h). However, flow is usually measured in volumetric flow rate (mL/min). To
convert between linear flow velocity and volumetric flow rate use one of the formulas below:

From volumetric flow rate (mL/min) to linear flow velocity (cm/h)

Volumetric flow rate (mL/min) × 60
Linear flow velocity (cm/h) =
column cross-sectional area (cm2)
= Z × 60 ×
π × d2
Z = volumetric flow rate in mL/min
d = column inner diameter in cm
What is the linear flow velocity in a Tricorn 5/50 column (i.d. 0.5 cm) when the volumetric flow
rate is 1 mL/min?
Z = volumetric flow rate = 1 mL/min
d = column inner diameter = 0.5 cm
Linear flow velocity (cm/h) = 1 × 60 × cm/h
π × 0.5 × 0.5

= 306 cm/h

From linear flow velocity (cm/h) to volumetric flow rate (mL/min)

Linear flow velocity (cm/h)
Volumetric flow rate (mL/min) = × column cross-sectional area (cm2)

Y π × d2
= ×
60 4
Y = linear flow velocity in cm/h
d = column inner diameter in cm
What is the volumetric flow rate in an XK 16/70 column (i.d. 1.6 cm) when the linear flow
velocity is 150 cm/h?
Y = linear flow velocity = 150 cm/h
d = column inner diameter = 1.6 cm
150 × π × 1.6 × 1.6
Volumetric flow rate (mL/min) = mL/min
60 × 4

= 5.0 mL/min
18102218 AM 103
From volumetric flow rate (mL/min) to using a syringe
5 mL/min = approximately 120 drops/min on a HiTrap Desalting 5 mL column

Protein weight to molar quantity

Protein size and amount conversion
Mr 1 µg protein 1 nmol protein
10 000 100 pmol; 6 × 10 molecules
10 µg
50 000 20 pmol; 1.2 × 1013 molecules 50 µg
100 000 10 pmol; 6.0 × 10 molecules
100 µg
150 000 6.7 pmol; 4.0 × 1012 molecules 150 µg

Nucleic acid molecular weight

Approximate molecular weights (Mr) of nucleic acids
Mr of ssRNA = (no. of nucleotides × 320.5) + 159.0
Mr of ssDNA = (no. of nucleotides × 303.7) + 79.0
Mr of dsDNA = (no. of nucleotides × 607.4) + 157.9

Pressure units
Pressure units may be expressed in megapascal (MPa), bar, or pounds per square inch (psi) and
can be converted as follows: 1 MPa = 10 bar = 145 psi.

104 18102218 AM
Appendix 6
Molecular weight estimation
Unlike electrophoretic techniques, SEC provides a means of determining the molecular weight
or size (Stokes radius) of native or denatured proteins under a wide variety of conditions of pH,
ionic strength, and temperature.
To fully understand and follow the procedures outlined, it is important to have
read Chapter 1, section Size exclusion chromatography in theory. Refer also to the
list of Common acronyms and abbreviations at the beginning of this handbook for
chromatography acronyms and definitions described in this Appendix.
For molecular weight determination, several theoretical models have been proposed to
describe the behavior of solutes during SEC. Most models assume that the partition of
molecules between the particles and surrounding liquid is an entirely steric effect. In practice, a
homologous series of compounds demonstrate a sigmoidal relationship between their various
elution volume parameters and the logarithm of their molecular weights. Thus, molecular
weight determination by SEC can be made by comparing an elution volume parameter, such as
the distribution coefficient (Kav) of the substance of interest, with the values obtained for several
known calibration standards.
A calibration curve is prepared by measuring the elution volumes of several standards, calculating
their corresponding Kav values (or similar parameter), and plotting their Kav values vs the
logarithm of their molecular weight. The molecular weight of an unknown substance can be
determined from the calibration curve once its Kav value is calculated from its elution volume.
Various elution parameters, such as Ve (elution volume), Ve/V0 (elution volume/void volume),
Kd (distribution coefficient), and Kav have been used in the literature for the preparation of
calibration curves. However, the use of Kav is recommended since it is:
1) less sensitive to errors caused by variations in column preparation and column dimension
2) does not require determination of the internal volume (Vi) as is required with Kd.
For good estimation of molecular weight, calibration standards must have the same
relationship between molecular weight and molecular shape as the substance of interest.
Calibration kits from GE provide well-characterized, globular protein standards for molecular
weight estimation in the low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) range.
The Gel Filtration LMW Calibration Kit contains five individually lyophilized proteins with
molecular weights in the range 6 500 to 75 000 and Blue Dextran 2000, which is used to
determine the V0 of the column (Table A6.1). The Gel Filtration HMW Calibration Kit contains five
individually lyophilized proteins with molecular weights in the range 43 000 to 669 000 together
with Blue Dextran 2000 (Table A6.2). These well-defined protein standards show excellent
behavior in SEC and enable simple, reliable calibration of SEC columns.

Note that the molecular weight determinations of glycoproteins, lipoproteins, nonglobular

proteins, or other polymers may not correlate well to calibration curves with globular
proteins. For such compounds, useful information can be obtained by relating the
elution volume data to a molecular size parameter, such as Stokes radius (RSt), rather
than to molecular weight. The calibration kit proteins may be used for these plots as well.

18102218 AM 105
Table A6.1. Characteristics of Gel Filtration LMW Calibration Kit

Protein (weight per vial) Molecular weight (Mr) Source

Aprotinin (10 mg) 6500 Bovine lung
Ribonuclease A (50 mg) 13 700 Bovine pancreas
Carbonic anhydrase (15 mg) 29 000 Bovine erythrocytes
Ovalbumin (50 mg) 43 000 Hen egg
Conalbumin (50 mg) 75 000 Chicken egg white
Blue Dextran 2000 (50 mg) 2 000 000

Table A6.2. Characteristics of Gel Filtration HMW Calibration Kit

Protein (weight per vial) Molecular weight (Mr) Source

Ovalbumin (50 mg) 43 000 Hen egg
Conalbumin (50 mg) 75 000 Chicken egg white
Aldolase (50 mg)
158 000 Rabbit muscle
Ferritin1 (15 mg) 440 000 Horse spleen
Thyroglobulin (50 mg) 669 000 Bovine thyroid
Blue Dextran 2000 (50 mg) 2 000 000
These proteins are supplied mixed with sucrose or mannitol to maintain stability and aid their solubility.

Typical elution profiles from calibrations performed on prepacked Superdex columns and
corresponding calibration curves are shown in Figures A6.1 and A6.2.

Sample: Proteins from Gel Filtration Calibration Kits LMW and HMW:
aprotinin (Apr), RNase A (R), carbonic anhydrase (CA), ovalbumin (O), conalbumin (C),
aldolase (Ald), ferritin (F), and thyroglobulin (T)
Sample vol.: Figures A10.1 and A10.2, 100 μL
Buffer: 50 mM phosphate buffer, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.2
Flow rate: Figure A10.1, 0.5 mL/min
Figure A10.2, 0.6 mL/min

A280 (mAU) Kav


400 R 0.80

Ald C 0.70

RNase A
300 F Carbonic anhydrase
Apr Ovalbumin
200 0.30

3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10
Mr logarithmic scale

0 5 10 15 20 25 Vol. (mL)

Fig A10.1. Chromatographic separation and calibration curve for the standard proteins on Superdex 200 10/300 GL column.

106 18102218 AM
A280 (mAU) 1.00

O 0.80
CA 0.70
0.50 Aprotinin
0.40 RNase A

200 0.30 Carbonic anhydrase

0.20 Ovalbumin
3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10
Mr logarithmic scale

0 5 10 15 20 25 Vol. (mL)
Fig A10.2. Chromatographic separation and calibration curve for the standard proteins on Superdex 75 10/300 GL column.

Many of the parameters important for a successful molecular weight determination are the
same as for any high-resolution separation:
Use a resin with the correct fractionation range for the molecules of interest. The
expected molecular weight values should fall in the linear part of the selectivity curve.
If the molecular weight is unknown, use a resin with a wide fractionation range such as
Superose 6 Increase. Use a prepacked column whenever possible.
Use freshly prepared calibration standards, selected so that the expected molecular
weight values are covered by the calibration range. Always filter Blue Dextran 2000
before use.
Use the same buffer for the separation of calibrants and sample.
Performing a molecular weight determination in the presence of urea, guanidine
hydrochloride, or SDS transforms polypeptides and proteins to a random coil
configuration and reduces structural differences. Differences will be seen in the
resulting molecular weight values when compared to values acquired under
nondenaturing conditions.
Deviations from a Kav:log Mr calibration curve can occur if the molecule of interest does not
have the same molecular shape as the standards. Under certain conditions, factors other
than the size and shape of the molecules being studied can also influence the separation.
These nonspecific interactions can usually be avoided and are generally only significant when
performing chromatography of highly charged substances at low ionic strength; or aromatic
molecules on dense resins with high matrix content (higher dry weight of resin).

The behavior of thyroglobulin is nonlinear on Superose 6 Increase and may be excluded

from the calculation of Kav on Superose 6 Increase columns. Thyroglobulin should
however be included in a plot of √ (-log Kav) vs Stokes radius (RSt).

Performing a molecular weight determination

1. Prepare a fresh, filtered solution of Blue Dextran 2000 (1 mg/mL) in the running buffer. Apply
Blue Dextran to the column, using a sample volume < 2% of the total column volume (Vc).
2. Dissolve the selected calibration standards in the running buffer (at concentrations
recommended by the manufacturer). If necessary, filter the calibration solution.
3. Apply the calibration solution to the column, in a sample volume < 2% of Vc.
4. Determine the elution volumes (Ve) for the standards.

18102218 AM 107
5. Calculate the Kav values for the standards and prepare a calibration curve of Kav vs the
logarithm of their molecular weights, as follows:

Ve – V0
K =
Vc – V0

Ve = elution volume for the standard
V0 = column void volume = elution volume for Blue Dextran 2000
Vc = total column volume
6. Plot the Kav value for each standard against the corresponding logarithmic molecular weight
and calculate the regression line.

7. Apply the sample in the same volume as used for the standards and determine the elution
volume (Ve) for the molecule of interest.
8. Calculate the corresponding Kav for the molecule of interest and determine its molecular
weight from the calibration curve.

A calibrated column may be used for extended periods if the column is kept in
good condition.

108 18102218 AM
Appendix 7
Sephadex LH-20
Sephadex LH-20 is a special resin designed for separation and purification of natural substances,
which require the presence of organic solvents to maintain their solubility. This makes the resin
useful for purification of molecules such as steroids, terpenoids, lipids, and low molecular weight
peptides (up to 35 amino acid residues).
In addition to SEC applications, Sephadex LH-20 is often used for other types of chromatography.
The hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the resin make it useful for liquid/liquid partition
chromatography. Moreover, the resin can have a strong affinity for aromatic compounds enabling
adsorption chromatography. The aromatic adsorption is most pronounced when lower alcohols
such as isopropanol are used as solvent.
Due to its special physicochemical properties, Sephadex LH-20 offers an alternative selectivity to
other SEC resins and is often used for preparation of closely related substances. Sephadex LH-
20 has found widespread use in the isolation of active components from herbal extract used in
traditional chinese medicine (TCM). It can be used either during initial purification prior to polishing
by ion exchange or reversed phase chromatography, or as the final polishing step, for example,
during the preparation of diastereomers.

Resin characteristics
Sephadex LH-20 consists of hydroxypropylated cross-linked dextran particles with both hydrophilic
and hydrophobic character. The resin is made from Sephadex G-25 and can be swollen in water or
organic solvents. Table A7.1 summarizes the characteristics of Sephadex LH-20.

Table A7.1. Characteristics of Sephadex LH-20

Matrix Hydroxypropylated, cross-linked dextran

Exclusion limit (Mr) globular proteins 4000 to 5000 (depends on solvent)
Sample loading:
adsorption mode Depends on resolution required
molecular sizing < 2% of total bed volume
partition mode < 1% of total bed volume
Particle form Spherical, porous
Average diameter (dry) 70 µm
Recommended max. operating flow velocity 720 cm/h
Rec. operating flow velocity 60 cm/h
pH stability
operational1 2 to 13
2 to 13
Chemical stability Stable in most aqueous and organic eluent systems.
The resin should not be exposed to strong oxidizing agents.
Autoclavable 20 min at 121°C
Operating temperature 4°C to 40°C

pH range where resin can be operated without significant change in function.


pH range where resin can be subjected to cleaning- or sanitization-in-place without significant change in function.

18102218 AM 109
Packing a column
General packing protocol

The following packing protocol works well for packing most columns. Further
guidelines can be found in the individual instructions for the resins and in the
instructions for empty columns.
1. Sephadex LH-20 is supplied as a dry powder and must be swollen before use. The
degree of swelling depends on the solvent used (see Table A7.2). Swell the resin for at
least 3 h at room temperature in an excess of the solvent to be used for the separation.
Avoid using magnetic stirrers, spatulas, or glass rods since they can damage the resin.
2. Prepare a slurry in a ratio 75% settled resin to 25% solvent. Decant any fine particles.
3. Prepare a suitable empty column for packing according to the column instructions.
Make sure that the column tolerates the solvent used. Mount a bottom filter if this is
not part of the end piece. Wet the bottom filter. If the slurry volume exceeds the column
volume, attach a packing reservoir or packing tube.
4. Equilibrate all materials to room temperature.
5. Fill the column with the solvent to a height of approximately 2 cm.
6. Resuspend and pour the slurry down the inside of the column in one continuous step.
Fill the column or column reservoir to the top with solvent. Avoid air bubbles.
7. Attach a top adapter to the column tube (or the cap on the packing reservoir). Connect
to a pump, and open the column outlet. Pack at 300 cm/h until the bed has reached a
constant height and stop the flow. Remove the packing reservoir or packing tube if used.
8. Fill the column with solvent and mount a wetted adapter onto the column as described in
the column instructions. Also, mount a wetted filter if this is not part of the adapter. Ensure
no air bubbles are trapped in the column and that no air bubbles are in the flow path.
9. Open the column outlet and continue packing until the packed bed is stable. A final
adjustment of the top adapter might be necessary.

In some solvents such as chloroform, Sephadex LH-20 is less dense than the solvent
and the resin will float. In this case, a column with two adapters should be used. Pour
the resin into the column and drain until the second adapter can be inserted. Lock the
adapter in position at the surface of the resin and direct the flow of solvent upwards.
The bed will be packed against the top adapter and the lower adapter can be pushed
slowly upwards towards the lower surface of the resin. Close the column outlet when
moving the adapter to avoid compressing the bed.

110 18102218 AM
Table A7.2. Approximate values for packed bed volumes of Sephadex LH-20 swollen in different solvents

Approx. bed volume

Solvent (mL/g dry Sephadex LH-20)
Dimethyl sulfoxide 4.4 to 4.6
Pyridine 4.2 to 4.4
Water 4.0 to 4.4
Dimethylformamide 4.0 to 4.4
Methanol 3.9 to 4.3
Saline 3.8 to 4.2
Ethylene dichloride 3.8 to 4.1
Chloroform1 3.8 to 4.1
Propanol 3.7 to 4.0
Ethanol2 3.6 to 3.9
Isobutanol 3.6 to 3.9
Formamide 3.6 to 3.9
Methylene dichloride 3.6 to 3.9
Butanol 3.5 to 3.8
Isopropanol 3.3 to 3.6
Tetrahydrofuran 3.3 to 3.6
Dioxane 3.2 to 3.5
Acetone 2.4 to 2.6
Acetonitrile3 2.2 to 2.4
Carbon tetrachloride3 1.8 to 2.2
Benzene3 1.6 to 2.0
Ethyl acetate3 1.6 to 1.8
Toluene3 1.5 to 1.6
Containing 1% ethanol.
Containing 1% benzene.
Bed volumes < 2.5 mL/g dry Sephadex LH-20 are generally not useful.

Transferring Sephadex LH-20 from aqueous solution to organic solvent

Transfer Sephadex LH-20 from an aqueous solution to an organic solvent by moving through a
series of solvent mixtures of increasing concentration. This will ensure efficient replacement of
the water by the required solvent.
To transfer from aqueous solution or organic solvent (100% A) to a new organic solvent (100% B),
proceed as follows:
1. Transfer to 70% A:30% B
2. Transfer to 30% A:70%, B
3. Finally transfer to 100% B. If A and B are not mutually miscible, make the transfer via an
intermediate solvent, for example from water to chloroform via acetone, as shown in
Figure A7.1.

18102218 AM 111
Water Dioxane
Dimethyl sulfoxide


Chloroform, dixhloroethane, tetrahydrofuran,

n-heptane, ethyl acetate, toluene

Fig A7.1. Suggested methods for transferring Sephadex LH-20 to organic solvents.

1. Transfer the required amount of resin to a sintered glass Buchner funnel and remove the
excess aqueous solution by gentle suction.
2. Add the next solvent and resuspend the resin by stirring gently.
3. Using suction, remove excess solvent and resuspend in the same solvent.
4. Repeat the process with the next solvent in the series. Perform at least two resuspensions
for each change of solvent conditions until the final solvent composition is reached.
5. Pack the resin into a suitable column.

Isolation of an HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (HIV-1 RT) inhibitor from P. niruri
Phyllanthus niruri is a widespread tropical plant that has been used as a natural medicine
against edema and jaundice for many years. Aqueous extracts of this plant contain an
inhibitor of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT), which has been identified as repandusinic acid A
monosodium salt (RA), a small tannin-like molecule (1). Purification results of RA from P. niruri
using a purification scheme including Sephadex LH-20 are found in Sephadex LH-20 data file,
18110722. The structure of the free acid form of repandusinic acid A is shown in Figure A7.2.



4 O 1

3 2 OH
6' 7' O
4' 6''
3' 4''
2'' 3''

Fig A7.2. Structure of free acid form of repandusinic acid A.

112 18102218 AM
Preparative separation of 2-acetamidobenzoic acid from 4-acetamidobenzoic acid
The dual hydrophilic-hydrophobic characteristics of Sephadex LH-20 offers an alternative
selectivity to other SEC resins, which enables high resolution of closely related molecular
species. Sephadex LH-20 was used in a preparative-scale separation of 2-acetamidobenzoic
acid from 4-acetamidobenzoic acid, which are molecules that differ only by the position of the
acetamide moiety on the benzene ring. The separation of the molecules was made possible
only because of the selectivity the resin, see Data file Sephadex LH-20 18110722 for details.

1. Ogata, T. et al. HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor from Phyllanthus niruri. AIDS Res. Hum.
Retroviruses 8, 1937–1944 (1992).

18102218 AM 113
Product index
ÄKTA avant chromatography system 96–98
ÄKTAexplorer chromatography system 59, 96
ÄKTA micro chromatography system 25–26, 28, 56, 64, 96
ÄKTAprime chromatography system 87
ÄKTAprime plus chromatography system 97–98
ÄKTApurifier chromatography system 96
ÄKTA pure chromatography system 34, 50, 96–98
ÄKTA start chromatography system 96–98
ÄKTAxpress chromatography system 97–98
Blue Dextran 2000 105–109
Gel Filtration Calibration Kit LMW 106
Gel Filtration Calibration Kit HMW 106
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 30 prep grade 28
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 prep grade 51, 57
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 prep grade 26, 51
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 74–75, 77–78, 81, 87
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR 29, 66, 68
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR 68, 70
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR 29, 66, 68
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR 68, 70
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR 29, 66, 68
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR 68
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-400 HR 66, 68
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-400 HR 68
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR 66, 68
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR 68
HiScale empty columns 90, 92
HiTrap Chelating HP 87
HiTrap Desalting Column 71–72, 74, 77–82, 87, 96, 104
LabMate PD-10 Buffer Resevoir 84–85
MidiSpin Adapter 77
MiniSpin Adapter 77
Ni Sepharose 6 Fast Flow 64
PD-10 Desalting Column 73, 83–85
PD-10 Spin Adapter 77
PD MidiTrap G-25 69, 71, 73, 88
PD MiniTrap G-10 74, 77
PD MiniTrap G-25 77, 85
PD MultiTrap G-25 77, 83, 86

114 18102218 AM
PD SpinTrap G-25 77, 83, 85
PrimeView software 97
Sephacryl S-100 HR 47, 65–66, 68, 70, 92
Sephacryl S-200 HR 29, 47, 65–66, 68, 70
Sephacryl S-300 HR 29, 47, 65–66, 68
Sephacryl S-400 HR 47, 65–66, 68, 92
Sephacryl S-500 HR 47, 65–66, 68
Sephadex G-10 72–74, 76, 83, 92
Sephadex G-25 Superfine 72–74, 76, 78
Sephadex G-25 Fine 73–74, 76, 78
Sephadex G-25 Medium 73–74, 76, 82
Sephadex G-25 Coarse 73
Sephadex LH-20 73, 109–113
Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL 32, 43, 46, 50, 52, 55, 101
Superdex 30 Increase 3.2/300 33, 52
Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL 33–34, 50, 52, 55
Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL 33–34, 44–45, 52, 95
Superdex 75 Increase 3.2/300 72
Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL 25, 42, 50, 52, 55
Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL 26, 43–44, 52, 55–56
Superdex 200 Increase 3.2/300 52
Superdex 30 prep grade 17, 47–49, 51–53, 91
Superdex 75 prep grade 17, 47–49, 51–53, 91
Superdex 200 prep grade 17, 26, 30, 47–49, 51–53
Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL 25, 28–29, 31, 50, 59–61
Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL 61, 64
Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300 45, 61
Superose 6 prep grade 47, 57–58, 60, 61, 92
Superose 12 prep grade 47, 57–58, 60, 61, 92
Tricorn columns 90, 103, 108
UNICORN control software 97, 99–101
Whatman syringe filters 22-23
XK empty columns 30, 80, 90, 92, 103

18102218 AM 115
Related literature
Document Code number
Affinity Chromatography Handbook Vol. 1: Antibodies 18103746
Affinity Chromatography Handbook Vol. 2: Tagged proteins 18114275
Affinity Chromatography Handbook Vol. 3: Specific Groups of Biomolecules 18102229
Strategies for Protein Purification Handbook 28983331
Purifying Challenging Proteins, Principles and Methods 28909531
Ion Exchange Chromatography, Principles and Methods 11000421
Hydrophobic Interaction and Reversed Phase Chromatography, Principles and Methods 11001269
Multimodal Chromatography Handbook 29054808
Protein Sample Preparation Handbook 28988741
Size exclusion chromatography columns resins, Selection guide 18112419
Columns and resins for antibody purification and immunoprecipitation, Selection guide 28935197
Ion exchange columns and media, Selection guide 18112731
Affinity chromatography columns and media, Selection guide 18112186
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography, Selection guide 29022223
Prepacked chromatography columns for ÄKTA systems, Selection guide 28931778
XK empty columns, Data file 28997659
HiScale columns, Data file 28975523
Tricorn empty high-performance columns, Data file 18114736

116 18102218 AM
Ordering information
High-resolution SEC

Product Quantity Code number

Superdex 30 Increase 10/300 GL 1 × 24 mL column 29219757
Superdex 30 Increase 3.2/300 1 × 2.4 mL column 29219758
Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL 1 × 24 mL column 29148721
Superdex 75 Increase 5/150 GL 1 × 3 mL column 29148722
Superdex 75 Increase 3.2/300 1 × 2.4 mL column 29148723
Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL 1 × 24 mL column 28990944
Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL 1 × 3 mL column 28990945
Superdex 200 Increase 3.2/300 1 × 2.4 mL column 28990946
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 30 prep grade 1 × 120 mL column 28989331
HiLoad 26/600 Superdex 30 prep grade 1 × 320 mL column 28989332
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 prep grade 1 × 120 mL column 28989333
HiLoad 26/600 Superdex 75 prep grade 1 × 320 mL column 28989334
HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 prep grade 1 × 120 mL column 28989335
HiLoad 26/600 Superdex 200 prep grade 1 × 320 mL column 28989336
Superdex 30 prep grade 150 mL 17090501
Superdex 30 prep grade 1L 17090503
Superdex 75 prep grade 150 mL 17104401
Superdex 75 prep grade 1L 17104402
Superdex 75 prep grade 5L 17104404
Superdex 200 prep grade 150 mL 17104301
Superdex 200 prep grade 1L 17104302
Superdex 200 prep grade 5L 17104304

Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL 1 × 24 mL column 29091596
Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL 1 × 3 mL column 29091597
Superose 6 Increase 3.2/300 1 × 2.4 mL column 29091598
Superose 6 prep grade 125 mL 17048901
Superose 6 prep grade 1L 17048903
Superose 6 prep grade 5L 17048904
Superose 12 prep grade 125 mL 17053601
Superose 12 prep grade 1L 17053603

18102218 AM 117
Product Quantity Code number

HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR 1 × 120 mL column 17116501
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-100 HR 1 × 320 mL column 17119401
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR 1 × 120 mL column 17116601
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-200 HR 1 × 320 mL column 17119501
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR 1 × 120 mL column 17116701
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR 1 × 320 mL column 17119601
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-400 HR 1 × 120 mL column 28935604
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-400 HR 1 × 320 mL column 28935605
HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR 1 × 120 mL column 28935606
HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-500 HR 1 × 320 mL column 28935607
Sephacryl S-100 HR 150 mL 17061210
Sephacryl S-100 HR 750 mL 17061201
Sephacryl S-100 HR 10 L 17061205
Sephacryl S-200 HR 150 mL 17058410
Sephacryl S-200 HR 750 mL 17058401
Sephacryl S-200 HR 10 L 17058405
Sephacryl S-300 HR 150 mL 17059910
Sephacryl S-300 HR 750 mL 17059901
Sephacryl S-300 HR 10 L 17059905
Sephacryl S-400 HR 150 mL 17060910
Sephacryl S-400 HR 750 mL 17060901
Sephacryl S-400 HR 10 L 17060905
Sephacryl S-500 HR 150 mL 17061310
Sephacryl S-500 HR 750 mL 17061301
Sephacryl S-500 HR 10 L 17061305

Calibration Kits
Gel Filtration Calibration Kit LMW 1 28403841
Gel Filtration Calibration Kit HMW 1 28403842

Desalting and group separations

HiTrap Desalting 1 × 5 mL column 29048684
HiTrap Desalting 5 × 5 mL columns 17140801
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 1 × 53 mL column 17508701
HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 4 × 53 mL column 17508702
PD-10 Desalting Column 30 gravity-fed columns 17085101
Empty PD-10 Desalting Column 50 gravity-fed empty columns 17043501
PD MiniTrap G-10 50 columns 28918010
PD MidiTrap G-10 50 columns 28918011
PD Spin Trap G-25 50 columns 28918004
PD MultiTrap G-25 4 × 96-well plates 28918006
PD MiniTrap G-25 50 columns 28918007
PD MidiTrap G-25 50 columns 28918008
MiniSpin Adapter 10 28923243

118 18102218 AM
Product Quantity Code number
MidiSpin Adapter 10 28923244
PD-10 Spin Adapter 10 28923245
Collection plate 500 µl V-bottom 5 × 96-well plates 28403943
LabMate PD-10 Buffer Reservoir 10 18321603
Sephadex G-10 100 g 17001001
Sephadex G-10 500 g 17001002
Sephadex G-10 5 kg 17001003
Sephadex G-25 Coarse 100 g 17003401
Sephadex G-25 Coarse 500 g 17003402
Sephadex G-25 Coarse 5 kg 17003403
Sephadex G-25 Fine 100 g 17003201
Sephadex G-25 Fine 500 g 17003202
Sephadex G-25 Fine 5 kg 17003203
Sephadex G-25 Medium 100 g 17003301
Sephadex G-25 Medium 500 g 17003302
Sephadex G-25 Medium 5 kg 17003303
Sephadex G-25 Superfine 100 g 17003101
Sephadex G-25 Superfine 5 kg 17003103
Sephadex G-50 Fine 100 g 17004201
Sephadex G-50 Fine 500 g 17004202
Sephadex G-50 Fine 5 kg 17004203
Sephadex G-50 Superfine 100 g 17004101
Sephadex G-50 Superfine 5 kg 17004103
Sephadex G-50 Medium 100 g 17004301
Sephadex G-50 Medium 500 g 17004302
Sephadex G-50 Medium 5 kg 17004303

Separation in organic solvents

Sephadex LH-20 25 g 17009010
Sephadex LH-20 100 g 17009001
Sephadex LH-20 500 g 17009002
Sephadex LH-20 5 kg 17009003

Empty columns
XK columns
XK 16/20 column 1 28988937
XK 16/40 column 1 28988938
XK 16/70 column 1 28988946
XK 16/100 column 1 28988947
XK 26/20 column 1 28988948
XK 26/40 column 1 28988949
XK 26/70 column 1 28988950
XK 26/100 column 1 28988951
XK 50/20 column 1 28988952
XK 50/30 column 1 28988953
XK 50/60 column 1 28988964
XK 50/100 column 1 28988965

18102218 AM 119
Product Quantity Code number

Tricorn columns
Tricorn 10/150 1 28406416
Tricorn 10/200 1 28406417
Tricorn 10/300 1 28406418
Tricorn 10/600 1 28406419

HiScale columns
HiScale 16/20 1 28964441
HiScale 16/40 1 28964424
HiScale 26/20 1 28964514
HiScale 26/40 1 28964513
HiScale 50/20 1 28964445
HiScale 50/40 1 28964444

More details and products can be found at

120 18102218 AM
18102218 AM 121
GE Healthcare

Size Exclusion Chromatography – Principles and Methods
Size Exclusion Chromatography
GE, the GE Monogram, ÄKTA, Biacore, BioProcess, HiLoad, HiPrep, HiScale, HiTrap, illustra, MicroSpin,
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