Learn Bulgarian - FSI Basic Course (Part 1)

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This document provides an introduction to the Bulgarian language through a course divided into units, each with basic sentences, notes, drills, and sometimes readings.

The document aims to teach basic Bulgarian language skills through dialogues, grammatical explanations, exercises, and readings.

The document covers various everyday topics like greetings, meeting people, sights in the city, occupations, weather, transportation, dining, shopping, and correspondence.



This work was compiled and published with the support of the Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, United States of America.









These volumes comprise an introduction to the Bulgarian language. No previous knowledge of Bulgarian or any other Slavic language is assumed. The course as it now stands was prepared under an agreement with the Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and fJ elfare, under tl,e National Defense Education Act. The original core, of which some sets of Basic Sentences and a few grammatical notes remain, was done by Carleton T. Hodge as a fellow of the American Council of Leamed Societies. Further work was done as a regular part of the work of the Foreign Service Institute before the Institute entered into an agreement with the Office of Education. The linguist in charge of the project has been Carleton T. Hodge, Head of the Department of Near East and African Languages, Foreign Service Institute. A number of Bulgarian speakers have been involved in its preparation over the years, though the present Bulgarian staff is responsible for its present form. Deep appreciation is expressed to all those engaged in the work for their assistance

the project.

D. Lee Hamilton
Acting Dean School of Languages Foreign Service Institute



Foreword Each unit of this parts: reading passage. memorized.

eli vided

course, aside from Notes, Drills.

review units, is divided Units 13 on have

into three

Basic Sent ences ,

a fourth

part, a

The Basic Sentences are three phases.

normal dialogue material, meant to be phase (Units 1-S, 7-11) to give has a

'!he Notes explain the

grammatical structure of the language and are The first the student a
(Units 13(Units

roughly into

great deal of granmatical material per unit, in order working knowledge

17, 19-23)

of the most frequent patterns. overall treatments

The secoM phase

treats fewer granrnatical features per unit.

'!he third phase

The index


gives more

of selected features.

to the

grammatical notes gives ready reference to all features discussed. Use of This Course These units are accompanying drills. (Drills such designed for use with a native speaker of Bulgarian. the Basic Sentences of each un1 t
and nearly


tapes include


as those with blanks to be filled and translation drills These are meant to supplement classroom work, Suggested proceedure for study is:

are omitted, as are all reviews.) not substitute for it.


The instructor reads the Bulgarian of the Basic Sentences item by i tam, each member of the class. Each stlXient repeats inmediately

repeating each for

after the instructor, imitating his or her pronunciation as exactly as possible. (This type of drill is basic and is to be done wi. th Listening In sections also.) Wrong pronunciations including wrong intonations, are corrected. tion at normal speed of
If' a linguist is present

the Grammatical Drills and on the part of the student, repeating.

This correction consists of repetithe student

the i tern mispronounced, with

he may give a tecl:mical explanation, with the instruc-

tor again furnishing the model for the student to itr.i tate.

The student goes over

the same material by listening to

the tape and

repeating, doing this until he knows the dialogue by heart.


The instructor repeats each

sentence for the student, again correcting iv


pronunciation. Repetition is continued until the students can say the sentence. smoothly and naturally. 4. Variation drills are made with the Basic Sentences. These may be answer

straight substitution drills, cue substitution drills, question and drills, etc.
In straight substitution drills the instructor

makes the substitution and

the student repeats the changed sentence. Sentence: Instructor says: (am student repeats) IVlaket spira vet Soliya./ /peter i zena mu spirat vel Soliya./

ITe spirat vat Sofi1'a./

then gives the item to be substituted. Instructor:


In cue substitution drills the instructor says the sentence to be changed,

The student gives the altered sentence:

IVlaket spira ve! Sotiya./ IPetar/

Student: a variety ot types of answers: Question:

/Petar spira vet Sofiya./

Question and answer drills should include, where possible vocabulary-wise,

ISpira 1i vlakat vet Soliyail /Da./ or ,IDa, spira./ /Ne.1 or /Ne, ne spira./ /Da, vIakat spira vet Soli1'a./ /Ne, vlakat ne spira vel Soli1'a./

Short aftirmative answer:

Short negative answer:

Long attirmative answer: Long negative answer:

Expamed altirmati ve answer: Expanded negative answer:

,IDa, vlakat spira vet Soliya i vel Varna./

/Ne, vlakat ne spira vel Sotiya, no spira vet Varna./

Study ot the Grammatical Notes. The Notes should be studied at home and discussed in class (wi th linguist) only' when necessary.


Grannatical Drill.

'!he grammatical drills, being nearly all 'sample'


drills (examples ot the torms under consideration), are to be repeated atter the instructor as in point 1 above. '!bey should also be made the subject of variation drill (see point 4 above), aimed at thoroughly drilling the new 'VD cabula17 of the unit (or ot the reading ot the preceding unit) by using this "IOcabu1ary' as substitutions. Other variation drill should be aimed at giving the stuienta practice in repeating grammatical structures in which they happen to be weak, or with which they are haVing difrieulty. ']he students should listen to the tapes before looking at the text. 'Ibis

will lessen the teo:lency to read a word rather than imitate it by sound. It wil:l also facilitate the reading of the cyrillic, as the student will be more familiar with the lIOrdS he is to read. Occasional new words are introduced into the drills (including the Listening In). These are glossed in the text, but the student shou1d listen to the tapes several times before looking at the text, identifying them. by related known words or by context i f possible.


']he Listening In should be drilled by repetition atter

the instructor and by tape drill until the students are able to act out the situations naturally. Free (or at least treer) conversation may then be held among the students, the instructor participating as advisable. These should go rapidly, with no one taking time to think ot what to say next. A briet, ordinary sentence said naturally is far preterable to a painfully constructed one. ']he latter process is a waste of class time. Reviews. 'lbe re'View un:1 t8 (6, 12, 18, 24, 30) are not meant to be as much comprehensive reviews as breaks in the routine. A thorough classroom and/or tape review may be made at the same time. Several of the reviews ofter a quite dirterent type of exercise than is found in the substantive units.



Table of Contents

Volume I

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15

Getting A round; Greetings and General Phrases Meeting People Seeing the Sights What's your Trade? Let's Talk About the Weather Review Getting a Room By Car Dinner Shopping Letter Writing Review Stepping Out Discussing the Play The Post Office


72 127




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For Vocabulary see Volume II, page 874 For Index to Grammatical Notes see Volume II, page 939

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