Fem Their Design Performance

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A Series of Textbooks and Reference Books


L. L. Fadkner
Columbus Division, Battelle Memorial Institute and Department o f Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University Columbus,Ohio

Volume 89.

FiniteElements:TheirDesign Richard H. MacNeal

and Performance

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData

MacNeal, Richard H. Finite elements: their design and performance / Richard H. MacNeal. p.cm. (Mechanical engineering; 89) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8247-9162-2 1. Finite element method.I. Title. 1 1 . Series:Mechanical engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.); 89. TA347.F5M36 1993 620.00151535-dc20 93-3 1557 CIP

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To Carolyn

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The preface to a technical book is frequently the only place where an author feels free, given the expectations of scientific etiquette, to express his personal opinions about controversial matters. As the reader will discover, this author labors under no such inhibitions and does not need a preface to escape them. Still, the preface is a good place for the reader to learn a little about the convictions which l e d an authorto write a book. My experiencewith finite elementsgoes backto at least 1965* and the beginning of the NASTRAN finite elementprogram as a NASAproject. Through the years I have maintained contact with NASTRAN,and later with MSWNASTRAN, acting more or less in the capacity of resident theoretician. In particular I have authored, or co-authored, the "theory" for nearly all of the *To 1947 if you count experience with the precursors of finite elements.



elements, from theprimitiveones in early NASTRAN to the p elements currently being coded for MSWNASTRAN. I have, therefore, abundant experience with the design of commercial finite elements and with users' complaints about them. Such experience is not, by itself, a sufficient qualification for writing a book about finite elements. I, like most practicing engineers, havelong felt inadequacies on the academic side, particularly in mathematical grounding and familiarity withthe technical literature. It wasnotuntil 1985 and semiretirement that I had the time for study and the inclination to concentrate on such general questions as the causes of element failure and the limits of finite element perfectibility. The decision towrite the book arose,as it so often does, fromthe preparation of a course of lectures, in my case lectures on the properties of finite elements which I gave to the technical staff at MacNeal-Schwendlerin the Spring of 1990. That experience convinced me that my work on the analysis of locking and shape sensitivity could form the core of a book showing how finite element design has been driven, from the earliest days to the present, by the need to suppress these and other flaws. Whatever else we can say about finite elements, we must admit that the pioneering days are over. In other words, it is high time that we treated the design of finite elements less as an art and more as a science. The pioneers of the 1950s, OS, and early '70s relied on heuristics, hunches, and experimental data to guide their design choices. The reaction of the academic community has been to supplement the heuristics and hunches with mathematical rigor, based largely onthevariational calculus. In my opinion, theaddition of mathematical rigor falls well short of the goal of converting finite element design into a science. It does not explain why elements derived rigorously from variationalprinciples sometimes fail miserably in practice. What is needed, and what the book tries to provide, is a rational understanding of the performance of finite elements, including quantitative analysis of their failure modes and of the side effects of proposed remedies. With comprehensive knowledge of this sort, finite element designers can proceed with confidence to



design elements which are free from the major flaws-locking, patch test failure, and spurious modes. And finite element analysts can proceed with confidence to use them. As inany science, thedevelopment of understanding beginswith the classification of observed effects, in our case the classification of finite element failure modes. To the three which have been mentioned, we will add three more: rigid body failure, induced anisotropy, and shape sensitivity. With a classification of effects in hand, emphasis can shift to a search for underlying causes and then to analyses testing whether the supposed underlying causes explain the observations. Such analyses will also frequently indicate remedies which can be further analyzed. The treatment of finite element flaws, or disorders as we will call them, will begin side by side withthetreatment of fundamentals. For example, in Chapter 3 , Assumed Displacement Fields, we will discuss rigid body failure and induced anisotropy as consequences of inappropriate basis sets and will introduceparametric interpolation as a means to overcome inter-element displacement discontinuity (a frequent cause of patch test failure). In the same chapter we will introduce the practice of inventorying internal degrees of freedom and will discusstheconsequences of incompleteness intheir polynomial degrees. The introduction of the patch test in Chapter 5 concentrates on the causes for patch test failure. We will show, inChapter 6, that the most important of these causes, interpolation failure,* is also the underlying causeof locking and shape sensitivity. Chapter 6 i s central to the books purpose. It classifies the types of locking and systematically analyzes locking and shape sensitivity for common types of two- and three-dimensional elements. The introduction of a new tool, aliasing, allows us to predict the shapes and magnitudes of locking modes without invoking the cumbersome element numerics developedin Chapter 4. The analysis of locking repeatedly identifies reduced integration as an obvious remedy. In Chapter 7 we study the benefits and shortcomings of that remedy

*Failure to interpolate displacement fields correctly from nodal values.



and introduce assumed strain fields and spurious mode stabilization as more sophisticated remedies which avoid some of the undesirable side effects of reduced integration and selective underintegration. Chapter 8 expands the examination of remedies for locking into the study of bubble functions, drilling freedoms, and direct assumed strain formulations. We then bring many of these tools to the treatment of plate and shell elements in Chapters 9 and 10. That treatment includes thorough analyses of transverse shear locking and membrane locking, and examinesvariousavoidance measures. The book concludes with a retrospective on the identification, cause, and cure of element disorders and an essay on the limits of finite element perfectibility. It argues not only that the pioneering days are over but that little more is possible concerning the accuracy of lower order elements. If this is true it is time for creative minds to move on, and they largely have. Their product, finite element analysis, remains as a predominant tool in structural mechanics and other fields. It should be studied and understood by its practitioners. It is traditional for a preface to acknowledge the contributions of others. The book includes short quotations and figures from other publications (by Wiley, Elsevier, McGraw-Hill, Pineridge Press, and Ellis Horwood)whichare acknowledged as they occur. I would particularly like to thank John Wiley and Sons for permission to revise and reprint my paper, On the Limits of Finite Element Perfectibility, as Section 11.4 of the book. My secretary, Connie Christ, composed the entire book on a Macintosh in finished, camera-ready form. This was notas easy as the adsimply. It required her to masterarcanecompositionaldetailsaboutfontsandformatsand mathematical notation whichI hope shecan put to good use inthe future.

The petson to whom I owe the greatest debt of gratitude, although he did not
write or revise a single line of the book, is Robert L. Harder. Through the years Bob has supervised the coding of nearly all of the MSC/NASTRAN elements described inthe book andhasproducedall of their test results. The marvelously versatile application of the method of least squares smoothing

described in Section 7.7.1 is his work, asaremanyotherdetails MSC/NASTRAN elements.

of the

Finally I must acknowledge the debt owed to the finite element pioneers and to those who followed in their footsteps. To mention some would risk omitting others equally deserving. The development of the finite element method will make a fascinating history when some day it is told. Richard H. MacNeal

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1.1 Dominance of the Finite Element Method 1.2ReasonsforthePopularityoftheFiniteElementMethod 1.3 ReasonsforStudyingtheDesignofFiniteElements 1.4 Classification of Finite Element Characteristics References

1 7

15 18

21 22

Physics Basic Assumptions 23 The Basic Stiffness Formulation 24 TheStrain-DisplacementMatrixfortheConstantStrain Triangle Evaluated by Three Methods 25 Hybrid Methods References

21 35 37 45 55 61


xii 3


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

71 86 93 100 171 113 1 1 3 129 134 149 157 163 176

Shape Functions and Basis Functions NodeLocations and the Selection of BasisFunctions Inventories of Degrees of Freedom The Issue o f Inter-Element Continuity Parametric Mapping References



4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

The Calculation of Shape Functions The Strain-Displacement Matrix Numerical Integration Loads, Masses, and Output Hierarchical Elements Higher Order VersusLower Order Elements References



Patch Tests as Numerical Experiments ThePatchTest as Proof of Convergence 5.3 How to Pass the PatchTest 5.4 IsoparametricElements andthe PatchTest 5.5 A New Order of Respectability References 5.2

180 185 189 194 199 201



6 . 1

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.A

Aliasing Locking of the Four-Node Rectangle Locking of the Constant Strain Triangle Locking in Other Rectangular Elements Locking in Other Disciplines Shape Sensitivity Skewed Strain Components References

205 212 224 227 240 241




7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7

The Benefits of Reduced Integration TheSpuriousModes of an Element Spurious Modes in Fields of Elements Near Mechanisms Zero Energy Modes in Magnetostatics Selective Underintegration Assumed Strain Hybrid Formulations

262 266 272 277 281 287 299

7.8 Spurious Mode Stabilization References

310 314


Bubble Functions Drilling Freedoms Metric Interpolation Direct Assumed Strain Formulations References

8 . 1
8.2 8.3 8.4

318 330 348 354 366



9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

Plate Theory Kirchhoff Plate Elements Mindlin Plate Elements Transverse Shear Locking Residual Bending Flexibility References

370 378 388 392 406 414



Shell Theory The Use of Flat Plate Elements and Solid Elements in Shell Analysis 10.3 Comparison of Performance in Curved Shell Applications 10.4 Membrane Locking 10.5 Curved Shell Elements References
10.1 10.2

419 435

450 462 482


11.1 11.2



The Medical Analogy Remedies for Finite Element Disorders and TheirSide Effects 11.3 Diagnostic Tests and Other Tests 11.4 TheLimits of FiniteElement Perfectibility References

485 486 492 499 517




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Today the finite element method enjoys a position of predominance among the methods used in structural mechanics and heat transfer. It has occupied that position since at least 1975. The method has also penetrated other fields, but more slowly. In computational fluid dynamics, for example, the method of finite differences stillcompeteswiththefiniteelementmethod,while in electromagnetism, boundary integral methods and equivalent circuit methods remain popular. Worldwide there are, perhaps, 100,000 engineers who use the finite element method. So it is no longer necessary to sell finite elements, at least not to structural engineers and thermodynamicists. We must go back to 1955 to find real competition among the methods used in the analysis of structures. At the time, new digital computers such as the

Chapter 1

IBM 704 were coming on line with all of the features needed for large-scale engineering calculations-storable instructions, higher-orderprogramming languages, substantial high-speed memory (32,000 words), and floating point arithmetic. It was also the heyday of the analog computer, which could solve problems with a few hundred, and ultimately one or two thousand, degrees of freedom very much fasterthan the digital computer. The era of hand calculation with mechanical desk calculators had reached its zenith and was beginning to fade.
The methods used to analyze structures exhibited similar diversity in 1955. It is useful, in recalling them, to separate methods of formulation from methods of solution. Inlinearstatic analysis, for example, the interface between the formulation and solution phases may be taken as the reduction of the problem to a set of linear algebraic equations. From that point, analog computers finessed the solution phase by reducing it to the measurement of response quantities in an analogous physical model (usually an electric circuit). On the digital side, iterative solution methods were preferred, prior to 1955, for any but the smallest sets of equations (ten or less) due to the labor involved in a direct solution.* For example, the number of multiplications required for a direct solution of the linear matrix equation

is, if [K] is a full, square matrix of order N x N,

1 3 M =N + O(N2 1


If the matrix [K] is symmetric and banded with semi-bandwidth B, then the required number of multiplications is

*Today, iterativemethodsaremaking problems.(')

a comeback for very muchlarger


Clearly, mental fatigue sets in at a very small number of equations if a hand calculation of Equation 1:l is attempted, except in cases where the matrix [K] has a small bandwidth. I n similar fashion, considerations of cost and storage capacitylimitedthedirectmatrixsolutioncapabilities of 1955-era digital computerstoafewhundredequations,or possibly afewthousandfor narrowly-banded matrices. With iterative methods of solution, on the other hand, the number of multiplications was reduced to the order of the number of equations, N, times thenumber of iterations. This seemedparticularly advantageous if onewasoptimisticabouttherate of convergence of the iterations. Engineers also exhibited diversity in their choice of formulation methods. Many problem formulations used finite elements, even though they were not called that since the term "finite element" was not coined until 1960. (') Truss and frameworkanalyses hademployedrodelementssince the nineteenth century. Aircraft structural engineers used beamelements to model wings, fuselages, and other airplane parts. Indeed, there was a tendency to force the use of "stick models" into every structural analysis, whether appropriate or not. Even today the MSC/NASTRAN computer program caters to this inclination of aircraftengineers by includinga beam elementwithtaperedsection properties, offset shear centers, and other refinements. Crude two-dimensional finite element models also existed for use in cases where stick models were clearly inappropriate. In 1941, H r e n n i k ~ f f ' ~ ) introduced a framework model for plane elasticity. For example, rod elements assembled in a regular lattice of equilateral triangles could simulate plane stress with a Poisson's ratio equal to one-third. By 1955, rod and shear panel models had found widespread use. With the introduction of Garvey's general quadrilateral shear panel(4) in 1951, they had acquired the ability to model arbitrary plane shapes. Even today there are configurations, such as thin sheet metal panels which buckle at low load intensities, where rod and shear panel models excel. MSC/NASTRAN includes Garvey a shear panel to accommodate such cases.

Chapter 1

Therewereotherways of formulatingtwo-dimensional and eventhreedimensional problems that commanded support. These included a host of analytical methodsbasedonassumed functions of position which either satisfied the underlying differential equations, as in the case of boundary integral

method^,'^) or which did not, as in the case of the method of weighted

judicious choice of residuals. ( 6 ) Such methodshadtheadvantagethata functionscouldreducethenumber of unknown coefficients needed for accuracy, or could diagonalize their solution matrix. These methods had the disadvantages that they did not cope well with irregular boundaries and that each application required expert mathematical ability. Many practicing engineers favored finite difference methods. ('l example, consider Poisson's equation
a2u + " a2u ax2

As a simple




Inthe finite difference method,thepartialderivativesarereplaced difference operations, so that Equation 1:4 becomes

- 2u; +


- 2u; + Ilk-1

= P ;


Theindices Figure 1.1.

(m, n)indicate

position inarectangulargridasshownin

An important advantage of Equation 1:5 is that it couples node (m, n) to its nearest neighbors only. Heuristic modifications of Equation 1:5 were devised to accommodatechanges in meshspacing (Ax, Ay) andevenirregular boundaries. Whencombined with an iterative solution technique, the finite difference formulation yielded a formidable analysis procedure known as the relaxation method, (*) which could find solutions to two-dimensional problems with a thousand or more node points entirely by hand calculation.


Figure 1 . 1

Finite Difference Grid. with the digital computer and with the finite element and

But the future lay

method. In the early 1950s some far-sighted analysts, notably Langefors

Argyris,) were laying the groundwork of matrix formulation that would be needed by the coming finite element systems. In 1956, a landmark paper by Turner, Clough, Martin, and Topp(*) introduced the constant strain triangular element.Unlike therod andshearpanel model, thiselement contained all three components of membrane strain in relationships that were correct for any element shape. The author remembers his reaction to this development-that the mathematical formulation of the new element, which entailed a full 6 x 6 stiffness matrix, was too complex to be incorporated in his analogcomputer circuits. But thiswas precisely thestrength of thenew IBM 704 andsimilardigitalcomputers. Their increasedstoragecapacity allowed a complexity of formulation unmatched by the analog computer and by earlier models of the digital computer. Added complexity would provide greater accuracy and diminish the users burden by allowing the computer to takeovermany of his tasks. And, asthepower of thedigitalcomputer increased, larger and larger problems could be solved.

Chapter l

By theearly 1960s the elements, thesolutionmethods,andthedigital computers had matured to the point where it was possible to contemplate large, general purpose, finite element systems which would be accessible to all engineers. Notable early developments on the element side included the Taig isoparametric membrane quadrilateral'12) (19611, the constant strain tetrahedr~n'~ (1962), ~ ) the first paper on plate bending'I4) (1961), and the P i n assumed-stress membrane quadrilateral ( l 5 )(1964). Element activity attained a peak of intensity at the first Wright Field conference on matrix methods in structural mechanics (1965) which, amongotherimportantdevelopments, included presentation of the element library in the new general purpose ASKA system. (l6) With Irons' generalization of the isoparametric element concept to higher-order membrane and solid elements'l') (19661, the finite element had reached the stage where it could be applied, with somewhat shaky confidence, to the full range of structural applications. General purposesystems soon appearedthatincorporated the new finite elements. These began in the mid-60s with ASKA in Europe and STARDYNE in the U . S . By 1970 they were joined by ANSYS, MARC, NASTRAN, and SAP in the U . S .and by ASAS,BERSAFE,PAFEC, and SESAM in Europe. These codes were extremely large by then current standards, some with more than 100,000 source statements. It is remarkable that all of them are still in use and that they still constitute, for the most part,theleading commercial finite element systems. With theirappearance,theaverageworkingstructural analyst had access to the best finite element technology. Andhe still does. The subsequent history of the finite element method has featured a slow process of incremental improvement, occasionally punctuated by quantum advances in computer architecture or system design. In this book we are primarily concerned with advances in the design of the elements themselves. It has been more than 35 years since the introduction of the constant strain triangle,'") and to one who has lived through those years progress has indeed been slow. But progress is still needed and is still being made. We now have elements which are much better and much more complicated than the early ones, but few if any are without flaws. We are not satisfied, and perhaps we never will be.



Figure 1.2 depicts a few typical finite elements and Figure 1.3 shows their incorporation into the finite elementmodel of a practical structure. To the average structural engineer, Figures 1.2 and 1.3 show about 90% of what he needs to know about finite elements-that they are connected to points in space where displacements and loads are defined, and that, when joined together, they can fill spaces of almost arbitrary complexity. Most of the engineer's time in preparing a finite element analysis is engaged in just this activity-selecting elements and instructing the computer, or perhaps an automatic mesher, to join them together in a meaningful simulation. In so doing, the engineer must decide which structural details he should include in the model and which details he can safely suppress. These may, for example, include such items as holes, fasteners, fillets, and stiffeners. Designing thestructuralmodel is typically a big and important task, so that the average engineer may feel little inclination to inquire about the details which are hidden within each element.

Figure 12

Typical Finite Elements.

Chapter 1

Figure 13

Finite Element Model of a Brake Assembly.

Engineers can, in fact, carry out a finite element analysis without knowing much about what goes on within the finite elements. A modem finite element, unlike the earlier rod and shear panel models, has a one-to-one correspondence with a defined region of space and is, therefore, self-contained. Thus, given the locations of connecting node points, the properties of materials, and such other geometric properties as the thicknesses of plate elements, all of the calculations can proceed automatically. This was not generally the case with the methods that the finite element replaced, which often required considerable judgment or mathematical skill. It seems reasonable, therefore, to claim that the popularity of the finite element method rests on the following two propositions:.
1. That finite elementscanfillspaces

of arbitrary complexity. As a result, the method has thorough generality with respect to structural shape.

2. That the use of self-contained element types allows the mathematics of the solution process to be completely hidden fromthe user.


Taken together, these two propositions constitute a sure-fire recipe for success. They have brought two- and three-dimensional structural analysis, which was formerly the domain of experts, within the reach of the average engineer. Other methods have cleaned up their act and can now make similar claims, particularly the claim that the solution process is transparent to the user. The boundary integral method, in particular, has been reborn as the boundary element method ( 1 8 r 1 9 ) with adherents who claim that its input preparation is easier than that for the finite element method. The boundary element method is not, on the other hand, quite so general with respect to structural shape. No one would, for example, consider using it to analyze a space framework.


There is one class of engineers for whom finite element design is an obvious course of study,namelythosewhowouldlike to become finite element designers. Forthemwe havediscouraging news.Worldwide,only a few hundred engineers and university professors have designed finite elements which are used by other people, and perhaps only a few dozen have designed commercially successful elements. Further, there is no such thing as a full-time "elementologist." However challenging an$ important the task may seem, it is at best a part-time job.Thereason is not hard to find. Any finite element program needs only a few elements(twenty or less) and the turnover of elements is anything but rapid. For the most part, commercial element design work consists of incrementalchanges to addresscustomercomplaints. A thorough overhaul of the element library occurs perhaps once in ten years. Element design impacts the general user of finite element systems in oblique ways-through its effect on the cost of analysis and on the accuracy of the results. It may be notedthat the finite element is the repository for many of the assumptions made in finite element analysis including, principally, assumptions about spatial discretization and material interactions. Indeed, in linear static analysis the finite element is the repository for all assumptions beyond those which are the user's responsibility (geometry, loading, material constants).


Chapter 1

In dynamic analysis or in nonlinear analysis, additional assumptions about the solution procedure (time integration algorithms, convergence criteria, etc.) will affect the cost and accuracy of the results. Even in these cases, the elementembedded assumptions about spatial discretization may well have the most important effect on accuracy.
So it is important that the general user understand something about the effects

of elements on accuracy. The first thing he should learn is that all elements are not equal, that some elements are more accurate than others. The next thing he should learn is that a givenelement does not have equal accuracy in all situations. Both of these points can be demonstrated by the simple beam bending problem illustrated in Figure 1.4. Note that the QDMEM element in Figure 1.4 gives very poor results in all cases, that the QUAD4 element gives fair results only when the element shape is rectangular, andthat QUAD8 and QUADR givegoodresultsforboth rectangularandnonrectangularshapes. An important qualification isthat these resultsapply only to the case of in-planebending;nothingcanbe inferred, for example, about the elements' accuracy for axial extension. We shall assume, for the moment, that it is unimportant to know anythingabout the design of these elements. We note only that they areall NASTRAN or MSC/NASTRAN elements and that the ones with more recent release dates perform better. Apparently something has been learned with the passage of time. Consider next a slightly more complicated example. The thin cylindrical shell roof shown in Figure 1.5 is a standard benchmark test problem known as the Scordelis-Lo roof. (20) The loading is a uniform gravity load, parallel to the z-axis. The output most frequently displayed in benchmark tests is the vertical displacement at the midpoint of the free edge. Symmetry can be used to reduce the analysis to a quarter of the whole roof. Figure 1.6 records results for six elements versus the number of degrees of freedom, in the one-quarter model. Degrees of freedom *Equal tothesumovernodes components per node. of the number of active displacement




45 O 45



4 4


1970 1974 1980 1988

.g04 .g87 .g93
1O .o o

.016 .071 .g46



.g95 .g84 .g88

. O o o


are a better measure of cost than the number of elements because different elements may havedifferent numbers of connected nodes. It is seen, first'of all, that the rates of-convergence vary widely and again that the more recent elements perform better. Note also that for the same age class the triangular elements TRIA2 and TRIA3 perform more poorly than the others,


Chapter 2

Supportedby Rigid

Figure 1 . 5

I /


= 0.0

t = 3in. Loading = 90 lb./sq. ft. in Negative z Direction

Shell Roof Under Gravity Load (the Scordelis-Lo Roof).

which are all rectangular elements. The latter include two versions of the same element,theeight-node Ahmad shell element,(*') which differ onlywith respect to the order of integration, but which exhibit spectacularly different convergence rates. Evidently some design feature of profound importance is operative here. Judging from just these two examples, it seems clear that finite element users should be aware of the effects of element selection on accuracy. It is possible to provide an after-the-fact estimate of discretization error(22) so that the user will know the approximate accuracy of his results. This is a good idea but it is not enough. The user also needs to know how to improve the accuracy in an economic way-whether to use more elements, to rearrange them, or to use different types of elements. In practical problems, and particularly in large


2 3









Degrees of Freedom for1/4 Model Figure 1 . 6 Scordelis-Lo Roof: Performance of Pre-1970 Elements (A, 0,0) Versus Post-l970 Elements (4 m, 0).

ones, constraints on time and cost frequently limit the number of elements that can be used or the amount of rearranging that can be done. It is, of course, always better to build a good finite element modelthe first time. This requires anticipation of expected element behavior. An experienced user will beguided,perhaps intuitively, by guidelines thathehasacquired. Examples include the avoidance of constant strain triangles in a bending environment; the avoidanceof large aspect ratios, severe tapers, and large skew angles in quadrilateral elements; a preference for eight-node quadrilaterals over four-node quadrilaterals (or vice versa depending on the situation); and avoidance of known defects of particular elements. Some of these guidelines may be wrong or out of date. If learned by rote, there i s little chance that the analyst will be able to apply them successfully to new situations or that they


Chapfer 1

will remain current. Someone in every finite element project should have an appreciation for the reasons behind the guidelines. The best way to acquire such an appreciation is to be aware of the principles and limitations of finite element design.
As treated in this book, finite element design means something different than a

method of formulation. The word "design" emphasizes choice, while the word "method" restricts it. We will not be looking for a universal method that cranks out finite elements with impeccable academic credentials. Rather we will be studying the reasons why finite elements fail, in order to discover ways to make elements that do not fail or that fail in gentler ways. It will turn out that finite elements fail in only a small number of different ways. A meaningful analogy can be constructed between the failure modes of finite elements and the diseases of organisms. So we will find it useful to speak of a pathology of finite element diseases (or perhaps disorders is a better term) which are complete with symptoms, underlying causes, and indicated therapies. We have already encountered the symptoms of one common finite element disorder in the beam bending problem (Figure 1.4). That disorder is known as shear locking. It attacks the bending performance of finite elements and makes them too stiff, sometimes by very large factors, as in the results shown for the QDMEM element. The cure of a finite element disorder, through design changes, is a matter for specialists, but the general finite element practitioner (i.e., the user) should be able to spot the symptoms, identify the disorder, and take precautions. Checkups are also useful. These take the form of sets of benchmark test problems. It is helpful to specialists and general practitioners alike if the test problems can identify particular element disorders. Throughout the book we will refer to a set of tests(23) which was selected with this in mind. To date no two- or three-dimensional finite elements have been found that are disease free, although a few can be claimed to have only mild chronic conditions. We will discover that the prescription of a cure for one disorder Finite very often introduces another. Thus we can speak of side effects.



element design largely consists of the search for cures with minimal side effects.


Finite elements come in many different shapes and have a great variety of other properties, so it is well to say at the outset what will be covered and what will not. Short of creating something like a multi-authored encyclopedia of finite elements, an attempt at comprehensive coverage seems futile. Authors tend to cover best what they know best. The selection of a set of attributes on which to hang the properties of any complex subject is, to some degree, arbitrary. The classification used here to describe the properties of finite elements includes the following attributes: physical discipline (e.g., elasticity), physical properties (e.g., stiffness), number of dimensions, shape, type and number of degrees of freedom, and method of formula tion. Table 1.1 provides a quick summary of the features that the book will cover within each class of attributes. A more detailed guide can, of course, be found in the Subject Index. In this section we will attempt to explain some of the choices that have been made. While it is possible to cast finite element theory in a neutral, semantics-free context that is applicable to most of the physical disciplines which employ field theory, the reader's (and also the author's) intuition is lost thereby so that progress is slowed. We have, therefore, decided to develop finite element theory in the language of elasticity, which is the clearest choice based on years and breadth of finite element usage. Heat transfer will also be mentioned occasionally. So will electromagnetism, which is a subject that exhibits, relative to elasticity, some interesting similarities and also some instructive differences. Most books on finite elements treat linear stiffness to almost the exclusion of other physical properties and this book is no exception. The reason is that most of the troubles, or disorders, of finite elements are connected with the linear stiffness matrix. Thus the design of a new element always begins with the


Chapter I

stiffness matrix. Thedesign of the load andmassproperties,which is invariably simpler and more trouble free, will be given summary treatment. Thesimulation of plasticity andothernonlinearproperties is a vast but separable subject, best left toexperts in that specialty. Table 1.1 Classification of Finite Element Characteristics








Flat: Curved: SHAPE (2-D): Axisymmetric:




SHAPE (3-D):

- - not covered

X - emphasized in book 0 - covered lightly in book



Table 1 . 1 (continued) Classification of Finite Element Characteristics









X 0

- emphasized in book - covered lightly in book

It will benotedthat we do notproposetotreatone-dimensionalfinite elements.Thereason is that one-dimensionalelements can be designed to arbitrarily high accuracy by any number of methods, so that there is no need to use approximate theories that are better suited to two- and three-dimensional elements. Occasionally we may refer to a one-dimensional example to illustrate a point. It is interesting that only a few shapes have found favor in finite element design. These include triangles and quadrilaterals and also tetrahedra, pentahedra, and hexahedra. The shape of each may be regular or irregular, with straight or curvededgesand flat or curved faces. Thequadrilateral and hexahedral shapes will be emphasizedbecause they areusedmoreandhavemore interesting disorders than the other shapes. We will not treat axisymmetric elements due to the author's lack of recent experience with them. The use of higher-order derivatives was once common in the design 'of plate and shell elements but it is no longer. We will touch upon the reasons why


Chapter 1

higher-orderderivativeswereconsiderednecessaryfor a certain class of elements, but otherwisewe will stick withtranslations and rotations as degrees of freedom. Lowest-order and next-to-lowest-order elements (e.g., four-, eight-, and ninenodequadrilaterals) will beemphasizedbecausetheyrepresent the vast majority of elements in use today. Higher-order hierarchical element^"^) will be described because they form the basis of a recent development called the p-method. ( 2 5 ) Most of theelementdesignstreated in the book will usetheassumed displacement method. In some cases, assumed strain fields will be introduced to remedy disorders. The treatment of assumed stress methods, or to use a better term, hybrid stress-displacement methods, will be minimal due to the author's inexperience with this important class of elements.

1.1 T. J . R. Hughes, I. Levit, and J . Winget, "Element-by-Element Implicit Algorithms for Problems of Structural and Solid Mechanics," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 36, pp 241 -54,1983.


R. W. Clough, "The Finite Element Method in Plane Stress Analysis," Proc.2nd ASCE Conf. on Electronic Computation, Pittsburgh, PA, pp 345-78,1960.
A. Hrennikoff, "Solution of Problems in Elasticity by the Framework Method," 1.Appl. Mech., 8, pp 169-75,1941.

1.3 1.4

S. J . Garvey, 'The Quadrilateral Shear Panel," Aircraft Engineering, p. 134,


1 . 5
1.6 1.7

B. A. Finlayson and L. E. Saiven, "The Method of Weighted ResidualsA Review," Appl. Mech. Rm'ews, 19, pp 7354,1966. L. F. Richardson, "The Approximate Arithmetical Solution by Finite Differences of Physical Problems," Trans.Royal Soc. (London), A210, pp 307-57,1910. R. V. Southwell, Relaxation Methods in Theoretical Physics, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1946.



B. Langefors, "Analysis of Elastic Structures by Matrix Transformation with Special Regard to Semimonocoque Structures," J. Aeronautical Sn'., 19, pp 451 -8,1952


J . H. Argyris, "Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis," Aircraft

Eng., 26 (Oct.-Nov. 1954),27 (Feb.-May 1955).
M. J. Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C. Martin, and L. J . Topp, "Stiffness and Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures," J. Aeronautical Sci.,23, pp 803-23, p. 854,1956. I.C. Taig, "Structural Analysis by the Matrix Displacement Method," Engl. Electric Aviation Report No.5017, 1961.
R. H. Gallagher, J . Padlog, and P. P. Bijlaard, "Stress Analysis of Heated Complex Shapes," ARS Journal,pp 700-7,1962.

1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16

A. Adini and R. W. Clough, Analysis of Plate Bending by the Finite Element Method and Report to Natl. Sci. Foundation/USA, G7337, 1961. T.H. H.Pian, "Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed , pp 1332-6,1964. Stress Distribution," AIAA Intl., 2

J .H. Argyris, "Continua and Discontinua," Proc. Conf. Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio,

1.17 1.18

B. M. Irons, "Engineering Application of Numerical Integrationin Stiffness Methods," J. AIAA, 14, pp 2035-7,1966.
T. A. Cruse and F. J . Rizzo, "A Direct Formulation and Numerical Solution of the General Transient Elastodynamics Problem," Intl. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 22, pp 244-59,1968. P. K. Banerjee and R. Butterfield, Boundary Element Methods in Engineering Science, McGraw-Hill, London and New York, 1981.

1.19 1.20

A. C. Scordelis and K. S. L o , "Computer Analysis of Cylindrical Shells," J. Amer. Concr. Inst., 61, pp 539-61,1961.
S. Ahmad, "Pseudo-Isoparametric Finite Elements for Shell and Plate Analysis," Proc. Conf. on Recent Advances in Stress Analysis J. B.C.&A, Royal Aero Soc., pp 6-20 to 6-21,1968.


0. C. Zienkiewicz and J . Z. Zhu, "A SimpleErrorEstimatorand Adaptive Procedure for Practical Engineering Analysis," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 24, pp 337-57 1987.
R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, "A Proposed Standard Set of Problems to Test Finite Element Accuracy," FiniteElem.Analysis 6 Design,l,
nn 1-311~ 1985



Chapter 1


A. G.Peano,"HierarchiesofConformingFiniteElementsforElasticity and Plate Bending,"Comp. Meth. 8 Appl., pp 211-24,1976. B. A. Szab6 and A. K. Mehta, "p-Convergent Finite Element Approximations in Fracture Mechanics," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 12, pp 551-60,1978.

Formulation Fundamentals

This chapter and the next three chapters outline the basic theory of finite elements based on assumed displacement fields and make brief excursions into the theories of other element types. They constitute, to continue the medical analogy introduced in Chapter 1 , the description of element anatomy that is a necessary preliminary to the consideration of element pathology.

As indicated in Table 1.1, the finite element coverage in this book emphasizes h e a r elasticity. In fact, propositions which apply generally will most often be stated in the terminology of engineering mechanics. At the same time, we will also use examples from linear heat transfer and electromagnetism to illustrate points.


Chapter 2

An outline of the physics of these three disciplines appears below for ready reference and comparison.

2 . 1 . 1

Linear Elastlclty


The subject of elasticity dealswiththe deformations of solid bodies. See References 2.1 and 2.2 for classical engineering treatment of the subject. Let the position of a point in a three-dimensional body be defined by a vector of Cartesian coordinates


The displacement of the point from its rest position is also represented by a vector


where the vector components, U, v, and the x, y, and z directions respectively.

are components of displacement in

Comments about notation are in order at this point. Vectors and matrices will, for the most part, bewritten with standard matrix notation. Thuscurly brackets, { }, will represent a column vector, while ] or { }' will represent a row vector, and [ ] will represent a matrix. We prefer this notation to the representation of vectors and matrices by special type fonts because it is unambiguous and cames over into handwritten notes. In similar fashion we will employ E to designate summation, in preference toasummation convention regarding subscripts. We will, however, borrow the subscripted comma convention from tensor analysis to indicatepartial differentiation. Thus, W , = a 2w/&dy.Finally, we will find it convenient, on occasion, to XY employ the notation of vector analysis for the gradient, V, divergence, V*, and curl, Vx,of vectors. In such cases, an arrow or a tilde over a quantity, e.g., or



6, will indicate that the quantity is a vector in either two- or three-dimensional

space. To return to the summary of linear elasticity, the strain at a point in the body describes the deformations of an infinitesimal cube at that point. It will be represented by the vector

The strain is, in reality, a second order 3 x 3 tensor, [e,,], but engineering mechanics conventionally treats its six independent components as a vector, or pseudo-vector to be more precise. Note the sequential order of shear strains, Different authors prefer different orders. We prefer this order, yy yxz yyz. which is also used by Irons and Ahmad. (3) In linear elasticity, the strain components are first order derivatives displacementcomponents. Thus of the


where [L] is a matrix of first order derivative operators.


Chapter 2

Carrying out the indicated operations, we obtain the defining equations for linear Cartesian strain components.


( 2 6 ).

Stress components can be defined as the self-equilibrating forces acting on the faces of an (infinitesimal) unit cube (see Figure2.1). The direct stresses ox, U while the shear stresses

cr.)are components of traction normal to the faces


zXz ~ ,T,

~ are ~ components ) of traction parallel to

the faces. The stress components can also be expressed in vector form, i.e.,

Formulation Fundamentals


Figure 2 . 1

Three-Dimensional Stress Components.

Theorientation of stresscomponents on theunitcubeissuchthateach component of {U} acts directly to increase the corresponding Component of the strain vector, { E } . Thus the volumetric density of the incremental work done by {c} on incrementsof strain, { &}, is

6w = {c}T(&]


The stress vector is also related to the strain vector by a constitutive relationship that expresses the elastic properties of the body. The most general form that this relationship can have for linear elastic materials is

where [D] is a 6 x 6 matrix of elastic moduli, ( E ~ }is a vector of initial strains, most often due to thermal expansion, and ( c o } is a vector of initial stresses. The elasticity matrix [D] is symmetric so that, in the most general case of anisotropy, it may have twenty-one independent terms. For isotropic materials, all of the terms of [D] depend on just two elastic constants. The


c h a p t e r 2

elastic constants most frequently employed in engineering are E, the elastic modulus, and U, Poisson's ratio. For the isotropic case

2(1 - U)

2(1' -. U ) ' 1-2u






E [D] =2(1 + u


- 2u

- U)


alternative pairs bf isotropic elastic constants are sometimes used; for example, the shear modulus,

G =
and the bulk modulus,




The shear modulus and the bulk modulus are more fundamental constants than the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio because they relate, respectively, to the two fundamental types of deformation: shear (deviatoric strain) and volumetricexpansion (dilatation). Fornearlyincompressible materials, K is very much larger than G, so that u approaches one-half. The stresses { G } are in equilibrium with the vector of body force density, {p), applied to the unit cube. The equations of equilibrium are




Body forces can arise fromelectromagnetic effects, i.e., the interaction of magnetic and electric fields with currents and charges in the body, or from inertia effects. In the latter case


where p is themass density and t istime.

On the surface of the body, the stresses are in equilibrium with the vector of tractions, {t}, acting on the surface. The equations of equilibrium (boundary

conditions) are oxnx + z n XYY


+ z,nZ

a n +z n +z n Y X Y X YZZ aZnZ+ znnX




where nx, ny, surface.

XI.) are the direction cosines of the outward normal


to the

The foregoing summarizes the physics of classical linear three-dimensional elasticity. Important two-dimensional cases include plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetry. For plane stress, the stress components az, ,z ,and z are YZ assumed to be zero while for plane strain, the strain components cZ, y,, and y are assumed to be zero. If isotropy is assumed, the YZ homogeneous constitutive equation for plane stress az = ecomes


chapter 2





while for plane strain eZ -


The two-dimensional (plane) form of the other important relationships, e.g., Equations 2 6 , 213,214, and 215, is obtained by removing all quantities with z subscripts.

Linear Heat Conduction (and Storage)

As defined in physics, heat describes the average kinetic energy of particles in

randommotion.Heatcanbe transferred from oneplace to another by conduction (transfer between adjacent particles with fixed mean positions), by convection (transfer by the directed motion of particles), or by electromagnetic radiation. Convection and radiation tend to be highly nonlinear and will not be considered here. Heat can also be stored by raising the random kinetic energy of particles. The parameter which measures the random kinetic energy is the temperature, U. The rate at which heat is transferred within a conducting medium i s proportional to the (negative) gradient of the temperature. Thus if we define { q} to be the vector of heat flow (energy transferred acrossa unit area per unit time),

Formulation Fundamentals


where [K]is the conductivity matrix. At every point, a balance exists between the rate at which heat is generated, Q (energy input per unitvolume per unit time), and heat outflow. Thus

q = qx,x


qz,z = Q


Heat can be generated in a solid medium by electrical effects (ohmic heating) and by chemical or nuclear effects. It can also be stored as random thermal energy and released. The value of Q due to the release of stored heat is proportional to the (negative) rate of change of temperature. Thus

where p is the mass density and c is constant. a Heat may also be input at the boundary of a conducting body. If qb is the rate of heat input per unit area at a point on the boundary, then the components of heat flow at the same point are

where the components of { n} are thedirection cosines of the outward normal.

2 . 1 . 3


Engineers have used finite elements for quite a long time to analyze problems in electromagneti~rn,(~) but withnowherenearthesameintensity as in structural mechanics. Recent interest centers in the development of techniques that are suitable for three-dimensional field problems. We consider here the application of a construct known as the magnetic vector because of itspowerin three-dimensional applicationsanditsstrong analogywith


Chapter 2

displacement in structural mechanics. It should also be said that there is, at present, no general consensus among electrical engineers on the best general approach to field problems.The situation is not unlike that which existed whenthe force and displacementmethods of structural mechanicswere contending in the 1950s and 1960s.

We will restrict our attention here to magnetostatics,which considers the

interaction between magnetic fields and electrical currents. It is a subject of much importance to the designers of electrical machinery. The quantity of greatest interest is the vector of magnetic induction, g. It is the quantity which induces mechanical forces on currents in conductors according to the relationship

P = fxi5
where 7 is the currentdensity. according to


It also induces voltages in conducting loops





E is the electric fieldstrength (volts/meter).

The magnetic induction is itself generated by current, but indirectly through another vector quantity, R, called the magnetic field sfrength. is related to g through a matrix of magnetic material properties [p] known as the permeability matrix. Thus

i5 = [

p p


Permeability is very much larger in iron, nickel, and other ferromagnetic materials than it is in air. It tends to be strongly nonlinear and anisotropic in ferromagnetic materials. The magnetic fieldstrength, l ? , is related to current density by

vxft= j




An important property of the magnetic induction is that it has no sources or sinks. Thus

We note that, if the current density is given, first order differential equation v x [p]"



is obtained as the solution of a


subject to a differential constraint (Equation 226). This is a rather odd situation with which to confront a numerical analyst, who would much prefer a second order differential equation and no constraint. That happier condition can be realized by expressing as the curl of another vector, called the magnetic vector potential, Thus, let


= vxx


which automatically satisfies the divergence condition (Equation 2261, since thedivergence of thecurl of a vector isidenticallyzero. In addition, Equation 227 is replaced by (229) We note that has a physical interpretation because, by comparing Equations 223 and 228,

where W is some scalar quantity. Thus is the (negative)time integral of the induced electric field strength. (VW is the electric field strength due to electrostaticcharge.) Another important quantity is the density of energy in the magnetic field


Chapter 2

From the point of view of finite element design, the important results are the following.



(232a) (232b)

vxfi =

(23213 (232d)

These equations are equivalent, respectively, to the following relationships in elasticity: the definition of strain, a constitutive relationship, an equilibrium equation, and the definition of strain energy.

Similarities and Differenca

The variables and relationships of classical linear elasticity, heat transfer, and magnetostatics have analogies which allow these disciplines to be analyzed with the same procedures. Table2.1 indicates the analogies and provides a generic term to describe each type of quantityorrelationship.Thusthe "potential functions" for elasticity, heat conduction, and magnetostatics are, respectively, the displacement vector {U}, the temperature U, and the magnetic vector potential (A}, while the "stresses" are, respectively, the stress vector { G } , the heat flow {q}, and the magnetic field strength {H}. The analogy extends to the relationships which are most important for finite element design, namely the definition of strain, the constitutive relationship, and the equation of equilibrium. Different notation conventions exist side by side in Table 2.1. This is done out of respect for the conventions most commonly used in each discipline but also for conciseness. Thus the equilibrium equation listed for elasticity in Table 2.1 treats'stress as a second order tensor (see Equation 215 for the expanded vector equivalent).

Formulation Fundamentals


Table 2.1 Comparison of Analogous Properties in Three Disciplines DISCIPLINE

~ ~~

HEAT CONDUCTION ?otential ?unction 'Strain" 'Stress" Load Density Boundary Load Definition of Strain Constitutive Relationship Potential Energy Equilibrium Inertia Loading




R X 5
{B} = Vx{A}

{HI = [4-1[Bl

While strong similarities exist between the mathematical formulations of the three disciplines, there are also important differences. Let the student beware who believes that, by learning an analogy, he has mastered a new discipline. Note, for example, thatthequantities of greatest practical importance in analogous disciplines need not belong to the same generic type. Thus the quantity of greatest practical importance in elasticity is the stress {U}, while in


Chapter 2

heat conduction it is the temperature U, and in magnetostatics it is the magnetic induction {B}. In heat conduction the quantity corresponding to "strain" does not even have a special name; it is simply the (negative) temperature gradient. Further, there is no name in heat transfer for the quantity corresponding to "potential energy" in mechanics. That is because heat transfer is a higher order abstraction than mechanics or electromagnetismwhich deals directly with energy density (temperature) and energy transfer (heat flow) as first order response quantities. We can, of course, create a functional corresponding to potential energy for heat transfer, but that is entirely a matter of mathematical convenience without physical standing. In electromagnetism, the magnetic vector potential {A} has so little standing that most of those electrical engineers who are even familiar with it consider it tobea mathematical constructwithout physical significance. They use it reluctantly and only where necessary, as in certain types of three-dimensional analysis. Perhaps that situation will change with the increased availability of finite element codes based on vector potential formulations.( 6 ) The definitions of "strain" for elasticity and magnetostatics exhibit interesting similarities and differences. Each is composed of first order spatial derivatives of a vector potential with three components.There are, in all, ninesuch derivatives, but observe below how each discipline selects different components. ELASTICITY MAGNETOSTATICS



Since {A} is the analog of {U}, we see that the components of {B} = Vx{ A} are the analogs of components of rotation (with only a factor of 1/2 missing). Thus, in an analog sense, the three components of {B} are orthogonal to the six components of {E}; or in other words, magnetostatics keepsthe derivatives that elasticity throws away, and vice versa! This fact makes for some interesting differences between finite element analysis in the two disciplines. For example, while elastic bodies have six rigid body modes (three translations and three rotations), magnetic fields have nine (three sets of constant values for {A} and six constant derivatives of {A} in the form of the elastic strains). 2.2 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS An instructive way to define the term "finite element" is to state a set of rules that finite elements should satisfy. This approach generates discussion about exceptions, thereby further refining the finite element concept. The following is a set of such rules, or assumptions, about finite element formulation. These rules are observed by nearlyall of the elements treated in this book.

U: Each finite element fills a well-defined region of space and represents all

of the relevant physics within the space. A finite element which satisfies this rule is self contained.

A trivial example which does not satisfy Rule 1 is a scalar spring.

Since a scalar spring has no stated geometric properties, its stiffness must be suppli'ed by the user. It is not self contained. Another example which does not satisfy the rule is the representation of a membrane plate by a. triangular lattice of rod elements (in the manner of Hrennikoff")). While the properties of each rod may be derived from the geometry of the array and the material properties of the plate, each rod represents strain in one direction only and is not, therefore, self contained. This becomes quite apparent near the edges of the plate.


Chapter 2

W : Two finite elements interact with each other only through the common values
of a finiteset of variables located in their mutual bounday.

In elastic finite elements, the boundary variables are most frequently the components of displacement at specific locations. More generally, they may simply be parameters which fix themagnitudes of distributed displacement states, as in the case of hierarchical elements.(*) They may also be tractions but such elements are not, generally speaking, well behaved. Notethat this rule establishes the "finiteness" of finite elements. Note further that the finite elements are isolated from each other by the boundary variables. This makes it possible to reduce all element properties to a set of equations written in terms of the boundary variables only. Each such boundary variable is then directly coupled only to the variables in the boundaries of the elements it touches (see Figure 2.2).

Figure 2 . 2

Illustration of Node Coupling. Node Only to Nodes 1 Through 8.

A isCoupled

Finite element analysis based on the force method''') does not make the same useof this rule, with the result that the flexibility matrix that couples redundant forces tends to be much fuller than the typical stiffness matrix of the displacement matrix. Thisistheprincipal reason why the force method has fallen into disfavor.



An important exception to Rule 2 occurs when radiation is present in heat transfer analysis. Radiated heat is transferred between noncontiguous heat conduction elements according to a set of z & w factors. The rule can be finessed byconsidering the entire space bounding the heat conduction elements tobe a special "radiation" element.

Intheinterior of finiteelements,responsevariables(e.g.,displacements, stresses, and strains) my according to functions of position selected by the elementdesigner.Thedegree of smoothness of thesefunctionsmust be sufficient to ensure integrability of the (strain) energy.
Other conditions are frequently placed on the assumed fields, such as the requirement that displacements be continuous at inter-element boundaries, that stresses be in equilibrium, or even that all of the differential equations be satisfied. Such conditions give rise to distinct classes of elements. An example which violates even the relaxed requirements of Rule 3 is an element whose stiffness matrix is specified by the user, such as the NASTRAN general element, GENEL. Violations of Rules 1 and 3 tend to go together. These three basic assumptions seemto beenough. We could state more assumptions but they would tend to exclude important types of elements. For example, we could insist that all element properties be derived according to strict variational principles, but that would eliminate selective underintegration and other successful "variational crimes."

Nearly all finite element programs in use today express the system equations in terms of a vector of displacement variables, (ui), whose components fix the magnitudes of distributed displacement states within the elements. Usually, but not necessarily, the components of U ,correspond to the components of i1 displacement at a discrete set of points. The general form of the matrix system equation is


Chapter 2

,the stiffness matrix, has constant elements and vector, includes all forces except those due to linear elasticity. in general, includenonlinear and time-dependent terms.For analysis, {pi) is a vector of constants.

linear static

The system equation is obtained by summing the contributions of individual elements.Thus,

where the summations extend over all elements. The load vector contains a part associated with the elements and a part associated with the e displacement variables, {P:}.

The basic assumptions 2.2 form the basis of a general procedure for recall . We that the assumptions assert, in brief, that a finite element occupies a well-defined region of space, that it interacts with a neighboringelementthroughcommonvalues of variableslocated in theirmutualboundary,andthatinteriorresponse quantities vary according to designer-supplied functions of position. Figure2.3 shows such an element. We see that it is not a practical element because it has five sides. Being impractical, it can act as a neutral representative of all two- and three-dimensional elements. Note that the edges are straight, but they could as well be curved. The forces acting on the element include a body force density, (p}, and surface (or edge) tractions, {t). The vector (ui contains the boundary variables, which are displacement-like. As represented in Figure 2.3, they are associated with discrete nodal points at the comers of the element, but that is not required.

Formulation Fundamentals


Figure 2.3

A Representative Finite Element.

It is useful, in the present context, to replace the surface tractions {t}, which represent forces exerted by adjacent elements, by generalized forces { F ; } , which are forces exerted on the element by the boundary displacements (The forces exerted bythe element on {ui) are elements of the vector

This substitution is permitted by the assumption that adjacent elements interact only through common values of the boundary displacements. The consequences of this substitution will be explored later. We also need a relationship between the strains {E} at interior points and the boundary displacement set U . Let this relationship be expressed as





The matrix [B], called the strain-displacement matrix, is derived from the designer-supplied functions of position. It can, for example, be evaluated from an assumed displacement distribution

by using the definition of strain (see Section 2.1.1)


Chapter 2

If we restrict ourattention to three-dimensional elasticity, then {U} in Equation 2:37 has three components. [ui}, on the other hand, has a much larger number of components. It is immaterial whether we consider {ui) to includealltheboundary variables or onlythose in theboundaries of a particular element. We will show that the matrix [B] can also be evaluated from an assumed strain distribution, from an assumed stress distribution, or even from a combination of two assumed distributions. For the present, we do not concern ourselves with how [B] is evaluated. We only assume that it exists. Our goal is to compute the element stiffness matrix [K:i] and the associated appliedload vector { P ; } . The easiest routes to this goalemployenergy principles. Wecan, for example, use the principle of virtual work. This principle assumes the existence of virtual (infinitesimal) displacements (8u) and virtual (infinitesimal) strains (&E).It then equates the virtual (incremental) work done by applied forces, S W , to the increment in stored potential energy, S W s . Thus
S W s = 6Wa


The virtual work done by the applied forces, including the generalized forces exerted by the boundary displacements, is

where the integral extends over the element's volume, Ve. The increment in stored energy is, using Equation 2 8
SWs =





so that, from Equation239,

J{o}T{GE}dV = I(p}T{6u}dV
'e ' e

+ [Fi)T[6ui]

Using Equations236 and 237, we can make the substitutions

{GEE) = [BI[~u~]
{SUI = [ N I [ ~ u ~ )
which gives

Since the elements of are independent, we can remove sides of Equation 245. Thus we obtain, taking the transpose of both sides,

Thisresulthasfundamentalimportance.Itshowshow to computethe generalized nodal forces, F. ,from the stresses and the applied load density.

1 1

Equation 246 applies whether the strain-displacement matrix is linear or nonlinear. In the latter case [B] = E,,+ ,the matrix of partial derivatives of strain with respect to nodal displacements. Note that the matrix which cames the assumed displacement distribution, [NI, need not be consistent with the strain-displacement matrix, [B]. As a crudeexample, thedesignercould simply transfer thebody forces to nodepointsinanintuitivemanner. Equation 2:46 also shows that, given an assumed relationship between strains and nodal displacements, a separate assumed relationship between stresses and

[ l


Chapter 2

nodal forces i s not necessary. Indeed, a separate relationship would not be wise because it might destroy the symmetry of the element's stiffness matrix.

To complete the computationof the stiffness matrix, we use the homogeneous part of the constitutive relationship, Equation 29, and write

(4 = [DIM


Later we will see how to use the inhomogeneous part of {c} to include the effects of thermal expansion. Substitution into the left-hand side of Equation 246 gives



We note also that the element-associated vector of nodal loads is

so that Equation 246 can be written as


ui] = Pf

{ } + {F f }


The final step is to sum Equation 251 over all elements connected to ui). We note that equilibrium requires

Formulation Fundamentals


where {P?} isthe vector of loadsapplied directly to summation yields the system equation (Equation 233)with the definitions of ICii] and (Pi] indicated by Equation 234 and 235. It is immaterial whether we keep the part of (Pi] which is applied to the elements separate from the part which is applied directly to . If weconsider that bothpartsare applied directly to ,wecanthen write Equation 246 as

(Fi} =

.I[ B I ~ { ~ I ~ v


which is homogeneous. In general, we will find it convenient to separate homogeneous and inhomogeneous relationships, or in other words, to separate the stiffness and load calculations.

As an alternative to the principle of virtual work, we could have used the principle of minimum potential energy. The potential energy of the element is usually defined as


= J(($){0IT{e} 'e

j{t}T{u)dS Se


where {t) is the vector of the boundary tractions and the second integral extends over the element's external surface. The assumption that elements interact only through common boundary displacement sets allows the substitution

If we use, inaddition,theconstitutiverelationshipandtheassumed relationships of strains and interior displacements to boundary displacements, we obtain

where K;i

'[l { l
and Pf

are definedbyEquations

249 and 250.


Chapter 2

Setting thepartialderivativeswith respect to (ui) to zero, in order to minimize l 7 ,gives Equation 251, which is the result obtained by application P of the principle of virtual work. The only significant difference between the two procedures is that the principle of minimum potential energy requires the constitutive relationship to be linear and homogeneous while, in general, the principle of virtual work does not. (The assumption of homogeneity was made in the latter case to obtain a stiffness matrix after an expression for been derived.) To summarize, the computation of the element stiffness matrix includes the following three steps:
1. Write a strain-displacement matrix, [B] (Equation 236).

T 2. Form the triple matrix product [B] [D][B].

3. Integrate over the elements volume (Equation 2:49).

The second and third steps appear to be routine with little, if any, potential for a display of ingenuity by the element designer. Later we will see that the third step is not quite so routine as it appears. Still, the first step is by far the most important. It is not an exaggeration to call it the central problem of finite element design. We will consider many ways toevaluate [B]. It is interesting to note that the only physical entity which is explicitly present in the computation of the stiffness matrix is the modulus matrix [D]. The dual physical principles which express the definition of strain (Equation 2 6 ) and the equilibrium of stresses (Equation2:13) are not explicitly present. One or the other will, however, enter into the calculation of [B]. For example, [B] can be calculated from an assumed displacement distribution using the definition of strain (Equation2381 or [B] can be inferred from an assumed relationship between { G } and (Fi} (Equation 2:53). There is no requirement that an element must satisfy the equilibrium of stresses at all points within its interior. Indeed most finite elements derived from an assumed displacement distribution do not satisfy internal equilibrium. External, nodal equilibrium (Equation 2:33) is substitutedforinternal equilibrium.



Note also that the boundary tractions { t} do not explicitly enter the calculation of stiffness. This is made possible by a principle of energy conservation which permits generalized forces on boundary displacements to be related directly to stresses within the element. Methods do exist, however, which employ boundary tractions in the computation of stiffness (see Section 2.5).



As emphasized in the preceding section, evaluation of the strain-displacement

matrix [B] is the central problem of finite element design. [B] depends directly on the assumed form of the internal field(s) supplied by the designer. We consider here three distinct types of assumed field-an assumed displacement field, an assumed strain field, and an assumed stress field-nd examine how each may be used to compute the [B] matrix. The constant strain membrane triangle makes an excellent example to display these techniques because of its simplicity, its practical importance, and its place in the history of the finite element method.(*) Figure 2.4 illustrates the element. Its edges are straight and it has three connected nodes at each of which two components of in-plane motion (ui, vi) are defined. Thus the element has six externaldegrees of freedom.

Figure 2.4

The Constant Strain Membrane Triangle.


Chapter 2

Theexternaldegrees of freedom are balancedby six internaldegrees of freedom which, in principle at least, may be selected at the discretion of the designer. Wehave,however, already given the designer's choices away by calling the element a constant strain triangle. Thus there are six candidates for selection as internal degrees of freedom which have overwhelming credentials. They are the three rigid body motions (two components of constant translation plusin-planerotation)andthreeindependentconstantvaluesfor the components of in-plane strain (E,, eY ,and yxy The choice of any other internal degree of freedom, say , E =ax, would require deletion of one of the rigid body motions or one of the constant strain states, which are clearly more important.


Thebalance between theexternal and the(preferred)internaldegrees freedom may be presented as a little table or balance sheet. External Degrees of Freedom


3 nodes x 2 displacement components:

Internal Degrees of Freedom modes: body Rigid Constant strain states: Total:


While this table seems trivial for the constant strain triangle, similar tables for more complex elements can provide valuable insights.

2.4.1 TheAssumedDisulacementMethod
With the assumed displacement method, the vector of displacements,(u}, relates to the nodal displacement vector ui) by




where [ N] is a matrix of designer-supplied shape functions of position. The vector of in-plane strains is

where [L] is alinearderivativeoperator. (&)=[B]{ui},wehave

Thus, since [B] isdefinedby

P I = [LNI


or, in other words, [B] is obtained by applying a linear derivative operator to the matrix of shape functions. In order to obtain constant strain states, it is evident that the displacement states need to be linear in x andy. Thus, let the design choice be u = a1 + a x + a 3y 2

= b,

+ b2x + b3y

Evaluation of U at each node gives, if we employ the nodal coordinate data shown inFigure 24,

Thesolution of Equation 2 6 1 is easily obtainedbecausethematrixis triangular. The solution is


Chapter 2


The solution for the b's in terms of the vi's has the same 3 x 3 matrix of coefficients. The in-plane strains are defined by

or, using the assumed displacement state, Equation 260,




Substitution of the values of a2 and a3 from Equation 2:62 and the values of b, and b3 from the corresponding equation for the b's then gives


1 x2



x3 - x 2


'2y3 '2y3

1 i y3 !

: I X"3 '2y3 I '2y3

2 '


1 x2

(265) The 3 x 6 matrix in this result is the desired strain-displacementmatrix, [B].



Notice that we did not need to form explicit values for the elements of [NIin order to evaluate [B]. We can, however, easily obtain these shape functions by substituting Equation 262 and the corresponding equation for the b ' s into Equation 260. If this is done, it willbe seen that



and [A] is the 3 x 3 matrix appearing in Equation 262. Thus, if we write

LN J = LNl ,N2, N3 1 ,the specific values forthe shape functions are x (x3 - x2)y NI = l - - +


N2 = - x -2 '



Y N3 = y3
Note that, in this example, U and v use the same shape functions. Other important properties of shape functions are describedin Chapter 3.

The Assumed Strain Method

In a pure form of the assumed strain method, the designer equates the strains to assumedfunctions of position. Hethenintegratesthestrains to obtain relationships with the displacements at nodal points. Line integrals can be employed for this purpose. ( l 3 ) Thus, if E is the strain directed along a straight line, ab, and iia , Tib are the displacements in the direction of the line at its end points (see Figure2.51, we can write


Chapter 2

Figure 2.5

Integration of Strain Along a Line Member.


Equation 269 gives a relationship between Ea, tib and the coefficients of the assumedstrainfield. Integration alongenoughlinesegments will provide enough relationships to evaluate all of the coefficients in terms of nodal point displacements; for example, in the constant strain triangle, line integrals along each of the three edges suffice. In some cases it may be preferable to form indefinite integrals of the given strain fields in order to obtain displacement fields that can then be related to nodalpoint displacements. In the case of the constantstrain triangle, the assumed strain field may be taken to be

where a,b, and c are constants. Thus


= ax

+ F(y) by + C ( X )


Formulation Fundamentals
and, from the definition of y


x y '

The only forms forF(y) and G(x) that satisfy Equation272 are F(y) = d

+ Q,

G(x) = e

+ (c - f)x


Substitution into Equation 2.71 gives the form of the d6placement field u=d+ax+fy v =e

+ (c - f ) x + by


where (a, b, c) are the coefficients of the assumed strain field and (d, e, 0 are integration constants. There are just enough coefficients (six) to evaluate (U, v) in terms of nodal point displacements. In this example, the assumed strain method is seen to be trivially related to the assumed displacement method. That is not the case for more complicated elements. In practice, assumed strain fields often appear in conjunction with assumed displacement fields.Thistopic is treated brieflyinSection 2.5.2. It will be brought u p again in later chapters.

The Assumed Stress Method

With the assumed stress method, the designer first selects the form of the spatial distribution of the stress field. He then finds the tractions on the boundary of the element (see Equation215) and relates them to the generalized nodal forces. In the case of the constant strain triangle, the relationship between stresses and nodal forces yields the elements of [BIT (see Equation 2:53). More complex elements require additional steps (see Section2.5.1). For our constant strain triangle, we must,quite clearly, assume that the in-plane stresses are constant. Thus


Chapter 2

Equation 253 gives, since both [B] and o0 are constant,

where X 2 ~ is 3 the area of the triangle in Figure 2.4 and it is assumed that the element has unit thickness. If we havean independent way to evaluate Fi in terms of { e 0 ] , we have, by the same token, a way to evaluatethe elements of [BIT. We can attempt to find such a relationship through the mechanism of static equilibrium. Consider the force distributions shown in Figure 2.6. The triangular element is enclosed in a rectangle to facilitate visualization of the forces acting on its edges. The edge forces are in equilibrium and so must be the nodal forces that replace them. But4 there still seems to be some latitude in the way the edge forces may be concentrated at the nodes. For example, in the case of the vertical component of stress, Q we could elect to concentrate the entire force, x Q ,at Y' 2 Y node 3 , in which case we would have to put -(x2 - x )U at node 1 and 3 Y -x U at node 2 to satisfy equilibrium. Or we could elect to put no part of the 3Y force at node 3 , in which case there would be no net forces at nodes 1 and 2. Thepointisthatweneed to make a decisionandthatthisrequires an additional assumption or an appeal to an additional principle, which is much the same thing. We could assume, for example, that the tractions on each edge are distributed equally to theadjacentcomers.Thuswecouldextendthe principle of equilibrium for the element as a whole to the requirement that each edge be in equilibrium. The resulting relationship between nodal forces and stresses is, by inspection of Figure 2.6,

{ }

Formulation Fundamentals


Figure 2.6

Boundary Forces Triangle.

antd PlJodal Forces for the Constant Strakin

Fx2 Fx3
" "

-y3 y3

0 0


- x2


1 -

0 0

" " " " " " " " " " " "

- x2








c h a p t e r 2

Comparing this result with Equation 2:76, we see that the 6 x 3 matrix in Equation 277 is equal to x2x3[BIT. This produces the same [B] matrix as that given by the assumed displacementmethod (Equation 265). Instead of just assuming that the forces on each edge are distributed equally to adjacent comers, we could appeal to the principle that the work done by the generalized forces F be equal to the work done by edge tractions. Thus we il might require that, from Equation255,


We see that we have not avoidedmaking an assumption because now we must assume a relationship between {U} and . In other words, if we let

so that

then we still must decidehow the shape functions in [NI vary along the edges of the element. In the case of the constant strain triangle, the choice is an easy one because the only displacement field thatis consistent with constant stresses is onethat varies linearly with position. Thus we shouldusetheshape functions already derived by the assumed displacement method (Equation2:68). It turns out that the resulting distribution of nodal forces is exactly the same as that obtained by distributing the edge tractions equally to the adjacent corners. In summary, each of the three assumed field methods, including two variations of theassumedstressmethod,give exactly thesamestrain-displacement matrices. This is no accident because the three assumed fields-linear displacement, constant strain, and constant stress-are fully compatible with each other. In the case of the constant strain triangle, no other plausible choices



are available to the designer. The number of external degrees of freedom (six) allows a complete linear displacement field and a complete constant strain field. Raising the number of connected nodes from three to four, i.e., replacing the triangle by a rectangle, allows a complete linear displacement field plus two extra terms. Finding the best form for the two extra terms has occupied the attention of element designers for more than a generation. (14)


We have seenin the preceding section that the assumed stress method requires an additional assumption, andthat one way to frame the additional assumption is as an assumed displacement field. Thus the assumed stress method is, in reality, a method that requires t w o assumed fields.We will also encounter examples where independent displacement and strain fields are assumed. Such methods of finite element formulation are called hybrid methods, mixed methods, or two-field methods. Variational principles have been devised which include two or even three (15) independent fields. Such principles may be used to formulate finite elements or to show that elements formulated by other means satisfy a variational principle. We haveshown, for example, that the principle of minimum potential energy (Equation2:54) can be used as a basis for the basic, single-field stiffness formula tion. For the record, the two-field variational principle, which is commonly referred to as the Hellinger-Reissner prin~iple(~*~) can be stated as follows.Let superscripts U , E , and CS,refer to fields derived, respectively, from an assumed displacement field, an assumed strain field, and an assumed stress field. The Hellinger-Reissner principle comes in two form-ne for the case of assumed displacementandstrain fields, andtheother for the case of assumed displacement andstress fields.*

*This form is also called the modified Hu-Washizu principle.(l5)



The functionals to be minimizedare




- j{t}T{uu}dS

rIR(U,d =



- {P}T{UU}]dV




It is seen that the two forms differ only in the interchange of U and E in the superscripts." For comparison, the functional for the single field principle of minimum potential energy is

np =

~ [ $ { u } ~ { E} {~}~{u}]dV - j{t}T{u}dS



The functionals are minimized by setting to zero the partial derivatives with respect to the free parameters that define the fields. In the case of the principle of minimum potential energy, the parameters are the nodal displacements (ui). With two assumed fields, there will be additional equations for the partial derivatives with respect to the parameters of the assumed strain or assumed stress field.

2.5.1 The Pian Assumed Stress HvbridElement

As hasbeennoted,the

form of the assumed stress method described in Section2.4.3 requires additional work to be applicable to elements that are more complex than the constant strain triangle. T. H. H. Pian was the first to *The constitutive matrix [D] must be invertible to allow the function& to be stated as shown.



describe an assumed stress hybrid element of general applicability.('*) His starting point is to state an assumed stress distribution in the form

( 4 = [C,]{Pl


where the elements of [C,] are functions of position and {p) is a vector of undetermined stress coefficients. For the case of the constant strain triangle, C is an identity matrix.

Thenext step is to relate {p) to the generalized nodal forces through the agency of boundary tractions. In two dimensions, for example,the tractions are related to stresses by oxnx + 'F n


where nx and n are direction cosines of the normal to the boundary.

In general, we can compute

without making additional assumptions. Then, using Equation 2:80 to relate boundary tractions to generalized nodal forces, we obtain


Thus the calculation of [TI involves the displacement shape functions [NI. A separate assumed displacement field is required and the term "hybrid is properly applied.


Chapter 2

The matrix [TI, which has been called the leverage matrix, occupies a position of central importance for the assumed stress formulation, similar to that of the [B] matrix for the basic stiffness formulation.

The [TI matrix can be expressed in a different way that directly involves [B]. Using Equation253, we can write


Comparing Equations 287.and 289,we observe that [BIT{o}dV =

" e



Equation 291 is an application of the divergence theorem which canbe derived using integration by parts."') Its validity requires that [B] and[N]be consistent, i.e., that [B] = [L][NI. In Section 2.4.3, we simply used Equation 289 to evaluate [B] T for the constant strain triangle and called the analysis complete. To complete the derivation of Pian hybrid elements, on the other hand, we must continue on and derive an expressionfor the stiffnessmatrix Kii interms of C andT . Webeginby defining a generalized "displacement" vector {a) that is associated with the vector of undetermined force coefficients {p). The strain energy can then be expressed as

[ l



where Equation 287 has been used in the last equality. Since the elements of {p} are independent, we have

Formulation Fundamentals


Taken together, Equations 287 and 2:93 expressthe reciprocal static and kinematic properties of a rigid transformation. The strain energy can also be expressed as a volume integral

or, substituting

1 1 .


where the flexibility matrix

' e

Comparing Equation 295 with the first form in Equation 292, we observe that
{a} =



We can then replace Equation 292 with W = +{a}T{f}-l{a} =



so that, using Equation 293 for {a}, we finally obtain the element stiffness


[ K : ] f]"[TIT = [T][


In practical applications, the designer must select specific forrins for C,] and [NI. In his original paper, Pian designed a four-node rectangular element. He assumed that the shape functions in [ N] varied linearly along the included up to ten independent polynomial functions of


Chapter 2

x and y. The minimum number of functions is five, corresponding to the elements five independent strain states. The form that Pian chose for the minimum set of stress functions is

This is an excellent choice. The linear variations of crx in the y direction and cr in the x direction allow in-plane bending along the x- and y-axes. We shall Y seelaterthat the achievement of similarstressstates with theassumed displacement method requires special procedures.


It will be demonstrated that strains based on assumed displacement fields frequently have accurate values only at particular points. In such situations the strains can be interpolated to other points, such as Gauss integration points, by means of assumed interpolation functions. Elements designed in this way have an assumeddisplacement field andanassumedstrain field which are collocated at particular points. In other situations, strains derived from an assumed displacement field may have undesirable higher-order terms or even discontinuities. Such effects can be eliminated with a least-squares fit between the displacement-based strain field and an assumed lower-order strain field. In both of these cases, the resulting elements may be classified as assumedstrain hybrids. For the moment, we will not comment further on them. They will receive full treatment as situations which warrant them arise.




I. S. Sokolnikoff, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (2nd ed.), McGrawHill, New York, 1956.


S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity (3rd ed.), McGrawHill, New York, 1969. B. M. Irons and S. Ahmad, Techniques of Finite Elements, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, p. 462,1980.
P. P. Silvester and R. L . Ferrari, Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers, Cambridge University Press, London, 1983. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962.
B. E. MacNeal, J. R. Brauer, and R. N. Coppolino, A General Finite Element Vector Potential Formulation of ElectromagneticsUsing a Time-Integrated Electric Scalar Potential,IEEE Trans. MAG-26, p. 1768, 1990.

24 25 26


A. Hrennikoff, Solution of Problems in Elasticity by the Framework Method, J . A w l . Mech., 8, pp 169-75,1941.

28 29

0.C. Zienkiewicz, J. P. de S.R. Gago, and D. W. Kelly, The Hierarchical Concept in Finite Element Analysis,Comput. Struct., 16, pp 5365,1983. B. Fraeijs de Veubeke, Displacement and Equilibrium Models in the Finite Element Method, Chap. 9, Stress Analysis, 0 . C. Zienkiewicz and G. Holister (eds.),John Wiley& Sons, 1965.
P. H. Denke, A Matrix Method of Structural Analysis, Proc. 2nd U.S. Natl. Congress of Applied Mech., p. 445, 1954. M. Jacob, Heat Transfer, Vol. I I ,John Wiley& Sons, pp l-24,1957.

2.10 2.11 2.12

M. J. Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C. Martin, and L. J. Topp, stiffnessand Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures, J. AeronauticalSci.,23, pp 803-23, p. 854,1956.
R. H. MacNeal, Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed

2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16

Strain Distributions,Nucl. Eng. Design, 70, pp 3-12,1982.

R. H. MacNeal, Toward a Defect-Free Four-Node Membrane Element,

Finite Elem. Analysis 8 Design, 5, pp 31 -7,1989.

K. Washizu, VariationalMethodsinElasticityandPlasticity, Pergamon Press, Oxford,1975.

2nd ed.,

E. Hellinger, Der Allgemeine Ansatz der Mechanik der Kontinua, Encycl. Math. Wissensch.,4(4), p. 6 0 2 , 1914.


c h a p t e r 2

2.17 2.18 T. 2;19 2.20

E. Reissner,On a VariationalTheorem in Elasticity, J. Math. Phys., 29, pp 90-5,1950. H.H.Pian,DerivationofElementStiffnessMatricesbyAssumed Stress Distribution, AIAA Intl., 2, pp 13326,1964.
B. M.Irons and S. Ahmad, Techniques of Finite Elements, Ellii Horwood, Chichester, p. 256,1980.

J. Barlow,ADifferentViewoftheAssumedStressHybridMethod,
Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 22, pp 114,1986.

Assumed Displacement Fields

The starting point for most finite element designs is an assumed displacement field. The design of assumed stress and assumed strain hybrid elements also requires an assumed displacement field (see Section 2.5). The only exception we have encountered is the assumed constant strain element described ,in Section 2.4.2. In this chapter we will examine the choices for displacement fields that are available to the designer. We will see that those choices are restricted by the number and arrangement of the boundary variables and by the desire to achieve or to avoid particular effects.



Chapter 3


The terms shape function and basis fundion are used interchangeably in the finite element literature. We shall make a distinction between these terms as part of a particular way of describing displacement fields. We have already encountered shape fundions in Chapter 2 (see Equation 237) to describe the displacement field {U} in terms of the set of boundary displacement variables


where [ N] is a matrix whose elements are functions of position that we will call shape functions (not basis functions). Considering a particular component of { U } , we canwrite n
u = 1N](ui] = C N i u i


where n is the number of boundary variables. In most finite element designs, the same shapefunctions are used to relate each of the components of {U] to its boundary values. Later we will encounter exceptions in connection with the design of plate and shell elements. If U iIi partitioned into subsets corresponding to the coordinate directions, then for three-dimensional elements that use the same shape functions for all three components,

Note that n now refers to the number of degrees of freedom in each subset rather thanto the total number of boundary variables. Note also that the relationships between field components (U,v, W) and nodal components are invariant to rotation of the coordinate axes.




In developing the constant strain triangle, we started by assuming the form of thedisplacement field without reference to theboundary variables (see Equation 260). Thus, instead of Equation 3:2 or Equation 3 : 3 , we had n

u = LxI{aj} = x X j a l


where, for the constant strain triangle,

The elements of L X j will be called basis functions and the elements of [a j ] will be called basiscoefficients. If we assume that the number of basis functions equals the number of boundary variables in the subset associated with U, then the relationship between the basis coefficients and the boundary variable Iai subset ui) can be expressed as


where [A ji] is a square matrix of constants.* Substitution of Equation 3 : 6 into Equation 34 shows that

Thus the row vector of shape functions, L N ] , can be factored into a row vector of basis functions, 1x1, and a'squarematrix of constant coefficients. In the case of the constant strain triangle (see Equation 2681,
is chosen to be greater than the size of { ui>, we can simply add some of the members of [ai} to { u i > in order to make the sizes equal. The extra members of {ui then become internal degrees of freedom, not shared with neighboringelements. If the size of werechosento be less than the size of {ui>,the matrixcould be evaluated bysome kind of least squares fit. This choice appears to offer no practical advantage.


Chapter 3

1 x2

0 0





- x2




We can characterize a set of shape functions as a set of basis functions with particular values for the coefficients a . Our study of the general properties jl of assumed displacement fields will not often require knowledge of these coefficients.Accordingly,we will frequently find it more convenient to use elementary basis functions such as those shown in Equation 35.

The calculation of an element's stiffness matrix requires, of course, a way to evaluate the matrix Aji]. Two cases are distinguished which depend on the way ui is formed. In the first case the components of U are assumed to be il the values of U at nodal points. In this case it is clear, from the form of Equation 3 : 3 , that the shape function Ni must have unit value at node (i) and zero value at all other nodes. Evaluation of Equation 3 4 at nodal points then gives, since ui is the value of U at node (i),

{ ]

where elements in the ith row of equal the values of the basis functions at node i. Assuming be nonsingular, we obtain

so that





In order for [Xij] to be non-singular, the basis functions must be linearly independent. This means that, if X1 and X2 are independent basis functions, the onlycoefficients C ,C whichsatisfy
( 1



+ c,x,



at all nodes are the null set C, = C, = 0. Equation 312 shows that the shape functions are entirely determined by the functionalforms of thebasisfunctions and by theirvalues at nodes. Furthermore, the forms of the basis functions can be changed, within limits, without changing the shape functions. To see this, let

1x1 = LxJ[cl


where [C] is a squarematrix of constants. Equation 3:14 expresses each element

1x1 as a linear combination of the basis functions in 1x1.



gives, if [C]

= LXJ{aj} = LXJ[c]-'{aj}



where Zj} = [C]-'{aj}

i; the,vector of basis coefficientsassociated with


Substitution for [X and Xij fromEquation 3:14 into Equation 3:12 gives

Equation 3:16 shows that shape functions are invariant to a non-singular recombination of basis functions. Forexample, the sets of basis functions, [l, x, x2] and [l, x, (l- x) , are equivalent in that they produce the same shape functions. Basis functions are, as we see, marked by a certain indefiniteness in their representation of the displacement field. Shape functions, on the other hand, have unique and explicit forms which suit them better for computation than for speculation about the properties of assumed displacement fields.



Chapter 3


Note that we have conveniently chosen the generalized displacement variables, (ak), to be a subset of the vector of basis coefficients. Evaluation of U at nodes gives


= [Xjj i.ik][



so that,assuming

[Xj j ] to be nonsingular,

Substitution into Equation 3:18 yields

Assumed Displacement Fields


Note that LNk] = Lxk] only if [xjk] = 0. Note, in addition, that the physical iflteTretation of ui as the value of U at node (j) is preserved by requiring

Equation 322 underlies the design of hierarchical elements. ( l ) Such elements havea fewnodes, usuallylocated at corners, and avariablenumber [ak) The addition of onenodaldisplacement of


variable changes all the nodal shape functions, LNj = LXj ]LXjj


but the

addition of one generalized displacement variable, ak+l, does not change any of the other shape functions. Thisfactcan be exploited in the design of a of generalized

sequence of hierarchical elements with increasing numbers displacements (see Section 4.5).

We have not yet addressed the question of what kinds of functions make suitable basis functions for finite elements. The terms of a simple powerseries are by far the most common choice. The one-dimensional basis functions in this class are 1, x,x2, x3,

l x, y, x*, xy, y2, x3,

, andthe two-dimensional basis functions are 1 It is quite natural to allow x and yto be Cartesian

position coordinates. They could also be polar coordinates or coordinates in some other system or even, as we shall see, parameters that are functions of position. The terms in a trigonometric series are sometimes used as basis functions for finite elements. (23) The motivation is to use functions that give a good approximation to the displacement solution, even if only a few terms are used. Thustrigonometric basis functions areappropriate for wavepropagation because the solutions tend to be (slowly) decaying sine waves. In static stress analysis, on the other hand, the most important solutions are constant and



linearly varying strain fields. In this case an appropriate set of displacement basis functions would be a finite power series with terms that are complete through second degree. A power series in three dimensions is said to be complete to second degree if it includes all terms of the form xa yb zc, where a, b, and c are nonnegative integers such that a + b + c I2. Ifx,y, and z are Cartesian position coordinates, the element might then be able to display exact solutions for any constant or linearly varying strain field. The notion of completeness is an important one in finite element design. We have just used it to describe a power series that is complete through the terms of second degree. We will encounter many other examples of this kind but we shouldstop,for a moment, to explore somegeneral implications of the concept. Assume, for example, that we wish to approximate a function U by a series of terms U = u1 + U* + u3 un. The mean squarederrorinthe approximation over the volume of the element is


- u)dV


We hope and expect that the error, E, should tend to zero as n increases. This will be possible if themagnitudes of the added termstend to zero as n increases. Consider, however, what happens if the terms ui, i = 1,2, n, are orthogonal and if one of the terms, U, is left out. Then J(umu)dV = O

so that if U consists entirelyof U ,

+ (u1)dV
This expression, being positive definite, does not tend to zero as n increases. In fact, U = 0 gives the best approximation. The implication is that a series of orthogonal functions cannot converge to an arbitrary function if the series is


Assumed Displacement


incomplete, i.e.,if any of the terms in the series are left out. Of course, in practical finite element design we canuse only a finite number of terms so that errors due to the neglected higher degree terms will always be present. It is important to ask whether the completeness requirement for convergence 2 applies to basis functions which are the terms in a power series (1 ,x, x , The answer is that it does applybecause we can construct an orthogonal set of functions, such as Legendre polynomials, by linear combination of the terms in a power series. We know further from Equation 316 that such a recombination of basis functions will not alter the element's shape functions.



If the components of U are assumed to be the values of U at nodes, then by il prior agreement (see Equation 3:6) we take the number of basis functions to be equal to the number of nodes. We will assume, in this section, that the basis functions are terms from a power series of Cartesian position coordinates. Usually, but not always, the functions will be chosen to be complete to the highest degree possible with a few scattered higher degree terms as needed to make the total number of basis functions equal the number of nodes.
3.2.1 Triangular Elements

Consider the three triangular elements shown in Figure 3.1. They differ only in the number and location of nodes. The triangle in Figure 3.l(a) has three nodes located at the corners; the element in Figure3.lb) has six nodes located at the comers and onthe edges; and the element in Figure 3.lW has ten nodes: one at each corner, two along each edge, and one inside the element. We note in passing that the edges need not be straight and the edge nodes need not be centered. The triangular elements in Figure3.1 are seen to form a sequence with an increasing number of edge nodes. The significance of the center node in the third element is that it allows the element's basis functions to be a complete set.


Chapter 3

(a) Three Nodes Figure 3 . 1

(b) Six Nodes

(c)Nodes Ten

ThreeTriangular Elements.

Figure 3.2 shows the terms in a two-dimensional power series arranged in a Pascal triangle. The complete (cumulative) number of terms through the first, second, and third degrees is, respectively, three, six, and ten. Therefore, to have complete sets of basis functions the three elements must have, respectively, three, six, and ten nodes. The boundarynodes of the first twoelements conveniently satisfy this requirement for completeness, but the third element needs an extra interior node. It causes no harm. It can, indeed, be removed during problem execution by static condensation of the element's stiffness matrix. ( 4 ) Cumulative No. of Terms

x y y 2


x2y x3y






+ 1)(n + 2)

Figure 32

Pascal's Triangle.

Assumed Displacement Fields


It mightwell beaskedwhyweare so keentopreservecompleteness. Convergence is not a decisive issue because we intend to keep only a few terms. In the case of triangles, an argument for completeness can be advanced in terms of isotropy. We would much prefer that the element's stiffness matrix not depend on the orientation of the element's internal coordinate system. For example, the stiffness matrix should not change when the direction of the x-axis is changedfrom side 1-2to side 2-3 of the triangle in Figure 3.1(c).*This iequirement will be met if we get the same set of basis functions, except for is rotatedthrough an linear recombination, whenthecoordinatesystem arbitrary angle. Completepolynomials clearly satisfy the requirement, but observe what happens when weleave one term out of the cubic polynomial so as to achieve an element with nine nodes. The only combinations of cubic or lower degree terms that are invariant to coordinate rotation are the constant term (unity) and x2 + y2. The elimination of the first of these terms would be unacceptable in any element (it would destroy the rigid body property). The elimination of the second of these terms would be unacceptable in a cubic element (the lower order quadratic element would be better). Later we will see, in connection with triangular plate elements, the lengths to which element designers are willing to go to preserve isotropy or, to put it another way, to avoid induced anisotropy. Another important question is whether any difficulty will arise in forming the shape functions for the three triangular elements shown in Figure 3.1. The answer i s that difficulty does occur in special circumstances. Consider the sixnode "triangle" shown in Figure 3.3. All of its nodes lie on a circle. To form the shape functions, we need to invert [Xij], the matrix of basisfunctions

*This allows the coordinate axes for triangles to be chosen, without penalty, by an arbitrary rule. A common rule is to direct the x-axis along the side joining the two comer nodes mentioned first in the element connection data. Nonarbitrary rules can also be devised to accommodate anisotropy, such as a rule directing x along the longest side. This and all similar rules become ambiguous for particular cases.


Chapter 3

evaluated at nodes (see Equation 3:12). Inversion is not possible if a linear combination of the columns exists which is null. The vector of basis functions
is [X J = 11, x, y, x2, xy, y 2 ] . Since x2

sum of columns 4 and 6 of Xij] is equal to R2 times column 1. Thus Xij] is singular and the shape functions cannot be formed. Irons and Ahmad ( 5 )

+ y2 = R2, the radius of the circle, the

apply the term neutral function to a combination of basis functions which vanishes at all nodes. They give
x2 + y2 - R is a neutral function.

several examples. In

the present example,

Figure 33

Six-Node "Triangle" Whose Nodes Lie on a Circle.

32.2 Tetrahedral Elements

Tetrahedral elements can be regarded as the extension to three dimensions of triangular elements. Figure 3.4 shows the first three members of a sequence of tetrahedral elements with zero, one, and two nodes per edge respectively. The basis functions are conveniently taken to be terms in a three-dimensional power series. The complete terms through cubic degreeare shown i n Table 3.1.

Assumed Displacement Fields


Four (a) Figure 3.4

Nodes Ten (b)


(c) Twenty Nodes

ThreeTetrahedral Elements.

Table 3.1 Complete Three-Dimensional Polynomial Sets Through Third Degree CUMULATIVE DEGREE TERMS
O 1 I

x ,y ,z y2 z2 xyl xz# yz

1 4


x3, y3, z3, x 2 y , x2z, x y 2 1 m 2 , yz2 I z2y, xy

Since a tetrahedron has four comers and six edges, wesee that the element with comer nodesonly can have basis functions that are complete through thelinear terms and that the element with comer nodes and one node per edgecan have basis functions that are complete through the quadratic terms. The element with two nodes per edge, however, falls short of completeness by four terms. These can be made up by nodes at the centers of the triangular faces, as shown in Figure 3.4(c).

3 . 2 . 3

Chapter 3

I W h n g d a r Elements

Although rectangular elements were formerly important,(6r7) they are encountered nowadays only as special cases of general quadrilateral elements. They have, however, certainsymmetrypropertieswhichprovideuseful insights. Later we will seehowto extend those properties to general quadrilateral elements. Figure 3.5 shows five rectangular elements with 4, 8, 9, 12, and 16 nodes respectively. We see right away that the number of nodes does not agree, for any of the five elements, with the number of terms in a complete polynomial. (The sequence of the number of such terms is, from Figure3.2,1,3,6,10,15,21, etc.) Nor does there appear to be any symmetrical way of adding nodes that will allow the basis functions to form complete polynomials. The four-node rectangle in Figure 3.5(a) would, for example, require two additional nodes which cannot be added without destroying the double symmetry of the node pattern with respect to the x- and y-axes. Why is such symmetry important? The reason is to preserve the isotropy of the element with respect to its axes. If, for example, two extra nodes were placed on the x-axis, the stiffness matrix would depend on which of the element's two principal axes was selected as the x-axis.
So we are stuck with

incomplete polynomials

as basis functions for

quadrilateral elements. That is not necessarily a bad thing but it does raise the issue of how to select terms from an incomplete polynomial degree. In the case of the four-node element, we could pick either x2, xy, or y2 as the fourth basis function to go along with 1, x, and y. The correct choice is xy. This can be shown by either of two separate arguments. Consider that x2 is the choice. Then, in a rotation of coordinate axes (Z = y, 7 = - x), itis seen that the new set of basis functions 1, F,7 , = 11, y, -x, y is not a linear recombination of the original set 11, x, y, x2

give a different set of shape functions and a different stiffness matrix depending on which principal axis is selected as the x-axis. The choice of x2 as a basis function also causes to be singular. This occurs because the value of x'

'1 of x2 as a basis function will 1. Thus the choice

at each of the four nodes is a2. Thus the fourth column of

Assumed Displacement Fields

lIrrT= 1- 1Four Nodes (a)


(b) Eight Nodes

(c) Nine Nodes

(dl Twelve Nodes Sixteen (e) Nodes Figure 3.5 Five Rectangular Elements.

times the first column. In contrary distinction, the choice ofxy as the fourth basis function passes both the isotropy test and the singularity test. We do not often need to employ such lengthy arguments to amve ata suitable choice of basis functions. In fact, the job can usually be done by inspection. Consider, again, the four-node element in Figure 3.5(a). There are two nodes on the top edge of the element which happens to be parallel to the x-axis. The function of minimum complexity which can match the values of displacement at the two nodes is U = al + a2x. The bottom edge is also parallel to the x-axis but it has a different value of y. To get correct values of U at all four nodes we must, therefore, allow the expression for U tovaryinthe y direction. Consequently,

= a

( 1

+ a2x) ( b1 + b2yisthe

and y that can match the values of displacement at all four nodes. Tuning to the eight-node element, Figure 3.561, we observe that (1, x, x2) is the basis function set of minimum complexity that can match the values of

function of lowest degree in x



Chapter 3

nodes along the top edge. To match values of U along the bottom edge as well, we need to addtheset 1, x, x y. Finally, to match values of U at the 2 , midpoints of the left andright edges, weneed to add the set ( l ,x)y2. Combining - all terms we obtain the complete vector of basis functions for an eight-node rectangle [ X 8 j = 11, x, y, x2, xy, y 2 ,x2y, xy2]. Note that X

(the same set of terms is obtained if x and y are interchanged). These properties would be retained if x2y and xy2 were replaced by x3 and y3, but the resulting is the set of lowest degree which is both isotropic and non-singular for the eight-node rectangle.
1 1 1

L 8l

is complete through the quadratic terms and has xy symmetry

X.. would be singular. Thus the set selected for

The selection of basis functions for the nine-node rectangle is even easier. Here again we note that the set
is needed to match

at nodes on the top

edge. The three nodes on the top edge are repeated at two other values of y so that the complete required set can be expressed as (1, x, vector of basis functions, all the terms in LX8 plus singular. We can proceed in likemannerwiththetwelve-nodeandsixteen-node rectangles. The basis functions for all five rectangles are superimposed on Pascal triangles in Figure 3.6. The five rectangular elements separate into two series. In one series called serendipity* elements, all of the nodes lie on the boundary of the element. In the other series, called Lugrunge** elements, the

lowest degree for the nine-node rectangle which is both isotropic and non-

1, x, y, x2,xy, y 2 ,x2y,

term, x2y2. Again, this is the basis set of

*The word serendipity means "an aptitude for making fortunate discoveties accidentally." The term was coined by Horace Walpole (c. 1754) after his tale The Three Princes of Serendip. Because their shape functions can be described by Lagrange polynomials (see Equation 42).



Assumed Displacement Fields



(a) Serendipity Elements

(b) Lagrange Elements

Figure 3.6 Basis Functions for Rectangular Elements.

node locations make a rectangular grid on the surface of the element. The lowest order members of both series are the same element, the four-node rectangle. The eight-node and nine-node elements are similar enough that they compete heavily with each other. We will, in later chapters, have occasion to


Chapter 3

discuss their advantages anddisadvantages. It is seen, from Figure 3.6, that the basis functions for serendipity elements are more compact in the sense that there are fewer incomplete higher degree terms. Serendipity elements should, therefore, be more efficient than Lagrange elements. It will turn out, however, that the extra higher degree terms of Lagrange elements have some surprising benefits for accuracy.

R e c t a n d a r Brick Elements

The basis functions for rectangular brick elements follow quite easily from the inspection proceduredevised for planerectangularelements.Figure 3.7 illustrates the three lowest order elements with isotropic node patterns. They have, respectively, eight, twenty, and 27nodes. Comparing them with the complete three-dimensional polynomial sets shown in Table 3.1, we observe that only the twenty-node brick has the correct number of nodes to produce basis functions that form a complete polynomial. Alas, even this is an illusion, as a careful application of the inspection method of deriving basis functions will show. Basis functions for each of the three elements are recorded in Table 3.2. These are, again, the sets of lowest degree which are nonsingular and which satisfy isotropy. The twenty-node brickhas nodes only at the eight comers and at the midpoints of the twelve edges. It may, therefore, be classed as a serendipity element. The nodes of a 27-node brick form a regular lattice, which makes it a Lagrange element. Eight- and twenty-node bricks dominate practical applications. 32-node serendipity elements (i.e., elements with two nodes per edge) are occasionally seen, but there appears to be little practical use of Lagrange brick elements.

Pentahedral Elements

Figure 3.8 illustrates two elements whose shapes are right triangular prisms. Such elements sometimesappear in relatively thick shellanalyses as substitutes for triangular shell elements. Wewillcall thempentahedral (five-sided) elements to include their extension to non-prismaticshapes.

Assumed Displacement Fields


Eight-Node Brick

(b) Twenty-Node Brick

(c) 27-Node Brick Figure 3.7 Rectangular Brick Elements.


Chapter 3

Table 3.2 Basis Functions for Rectangular Brick Elements


Eight-Node Brick


x, y ,z

x y ,


Twenty-Node B :k


7-Node Brick



Assumed Displacement Fields


(a) Six Nodes

(b) Fifteen Nodes Figure 3.8 Pentahedral Elements.

Table 3.3 recordsthe basis functionsforthe six-node and fifteen-node pentahedra. They were obtained by multiplying the basis functions for a threenode or six-node triangle byappropriate functions of z. Other node patterns suggest themselves. We could, for example, omitthe three nodes on the vertical legs of fifteen-node elements orthenodesatthe midpoints of the top and bottom edges. Neither of these variations alter the symmetry of the basis functions which are symmetrical with respect to x, y, but not with respect to x, z or y, z.


Chapter 3

Table 3.3 Basis Functions for Pentahedral Elements (a) Six-Node Pentahedron DEGREE


x, y,


(b) Fifteen-NodePentahedron


Node Deletion

The nodepatterns just described a s variations of pentahedralelements employed the technique of node deletion to modify a "basic" element. Most finite elementsystemsallowtheuser to deleteedgenodesatprogram execution time. This practice can accommodate a variety of purposes, such as the juxtaposition of higher and lower order elements or simply the achievement of economy by removing higher order terms from a particular direction where they are not needed.

A corresponding number of basis functions must also be removed. Consider, for example, the eight-node rectangle with top and bottom edge nodes deleted, as shown in Figure 3.9(a).

Assumed Displacement Fields


E "

Deleted Basis Functions:



Top and Bottom Edge Nodes Deleted.

Basis Functions: x2 and x2y replaced by x2 (1 - y/b)

(b) Top Edge Node Deleted.

Figure 3.9 Eight-NodeRectangle with Deleted Nodes.

The basis functions that must be deleted in this case are, from symmetry, 2 x and x2y. The situation becomes somewhat morecomplicated when only one edge node is deleted, as shown in Figure 3.9(b). Here we elect to replace two basis functions, x2 and x2y, by the single function X'( 1 - y/b). Since the replacement function vanishes at y = b, the variation of U along the top edge is linear. The justification for this choice does not come from a desire to preserve symmetry or non-singularity of the basis function matrix. It comes, rather, from a desire to maintain inter-element displacement continuity, which is the subject of Section 3.4. Edge node deletion can have significant effects on the states of strain within elements. In the examples just given, the quadratic displacement states and, correspondingly, the linear strain states were complete and independent prior to the removal of edge nodes, but not afterward. The absence of completeness in linear strains states can cause locking, as will be shown.


Chapter 3

One final remark about the selection of basis functions seems appropriate before passing on to other topics. In all of the examples given, except the last one, there was always one obvious choicefor the best set of basis functions. All other choices either induced anisotropy, gave singular matrices, or substituted higher order terms for lower order ones. The designer's real options were, as a rule, confined to the selection of node locations. Once the node locations were selected, the basis functions logically followed. Thisconditionprobably applies generally.


The degrees of freedom of a finite element have two aspects: external and internal. The externaldegrees of freedom are defined astheboundary displacement variables whether they are actually located on the boundary or in the interior. If these variables are confined to be components of displacement at nodes, then the number of external degrees of freedom equals the sum over the nodes of the number of displacements components at each node. The internal degrees of freedom include rigid body modes and strain states. Later we will encounter a third class of internal degrees of freedom-spurious modes. The number of internal and external degrees of freedom must be equal: they are just two different aspects of the same reality. The internal degrees of freedom of an element are, so to speak, the designer's raw material. He must know how many there are and what they are before he can decide which ones to leave alone, to modify, or to delete. That is, in a nutshell, the principal subject matter of modem finite element design. If the assumed displacement method is used, the spatial dependence of the internal degrees of freedom follows immediately from the form of the assumed basis functions. All we need do to obtain strains and rotations is to take spatial derivatives of the basis functions. In this way we can readily compile an inventory of the internal degrees of freedom for each of the elements described in Section 3.2. In order to reduce burdensome detail we will, for the present, list only the number of strain states in each polynomial degree (constant strains, linear strains, etc.). Later we will be concerned with the functional form of individual strain states.




Tables 3.4 to 3.8 list degree-of-freedom inventories for all of the elements described in Section 3.2. Classical elasticity is assumed for the physics of the elements. The numbers, but not the concepts, change for other disciplines. Each element is identified by a name that describes the shape of the element and the number of nodes. Thus TRIA3 identifies the threenode triangle while HEXA27 identifies the 27-nodehexahedral (brick) element. The number of strainstates in aparticularpolynomial order is simply computed as the number of displacement basis functions in the next higher order times the number of displacement components. Constant strain states are an exception because linear displacements also give rise to rigid rotations. The number of strain states needed to achieve completeness in a particular polynomial order is also listed in the tables. An element which has a complete set of strains statesof a given order can, at least in principle, give correct results for any imposed stress or strain field of that order. If the strain states of a given order are incomplete, the element can give correct results for only certain types or certain orientations of imposed fields of the same order. Consider, for example, the four-node quadrilateral, QUAD4, in Table3.6. It has only two linear strain states rather than the six needed for completeness. That has not stopped a generation of users from employing the four-node quadrilateral for in-plane bending applications. The user should, of course, be aware of the element's limitations and carefully select its orientation relative to the strain field. (How many users actually do this!) The number of quadratic and higher order strain states needed for completeness is actually less than might be expected due to the existence of certain identities. In two dimensions, for example, we might expect the number of quadratic strain states to be (3 components of strain) x (3 variations x2, xy, y ' ) ) = 9 states. The actual number is eight, due to the identity

whichfollows components.

from thedefinitionofstrainsinterms

of displacement


Chapter 3 Table 3.4 Degree-of-Freedom Inventory for Triangular Elements ELEMENTTYPE TRIA3 6 TRIA6


DOF at Boundary Nodes

D O F at Interior Nodes
External D O F Rigid Body Modes 3 Constant Strain States Linear Strain States Quadratic Strain States Internal D O F

3 3



3 3 6 8



3 3 6 6


Table 3.5 Degree-of-Freedom Inventory for Tetrahedral Elements ELEMENTTYPE DOF at Boundary Nodes TETRA4 12 30 TETRA20 TETRA10 60 NEEDED FOR COMPLETE60 30 NESS

D O F at Interior Nodes
External DOF Rigid Body Modes Constant Strain States Linear Strain States Quadratic Strain States Internal D O F


6 6 18


6 6


6 6 18



6 6 18 30

~ e g r e e a o ~ - ~ r e e dfnv om ELEME~ TYPE

DOF at Boundary Nodes DOF at Interior Nodes

r ~ e c t ~ gEle u l ~




_ I _

2 18

External DOF Rigid Body Modes Constant Strain States Linear Strain States Quadratic Strain States Cubic Strain States Quartic Strain States Quintic Strain States Internal DOF





3 3 2

3 3 6 4



3 6 4 2

3 3 6 8 4
" x " ,



3 3 6 8 6 4 2 32

3 3 6 8 10


Table 3.7 ~egree-of-Freedom fnventory for Brick element^

ELEMENT TYPE DOF at Boundary Nodes

DOF at Interior Nodes



3 81


6 6 18 21

External DOF Rigid Body Modes Constant Strain States Linear Strain States Quadratic Strain States Cubic Strain States Quartic Strain States Quintic Strain States Internal DOF


6 6 18 30 42 54 66


6 6 18 21 18 9 3 81


Chapter 3

Table 3.8 Degree-of-Freedom Inventory for Pentahedral Elements ELEMENTTYPE PENTA6




DOF at Boundary Nodes

D O F at Interior Nodes
External D O F Rigid Body Modes Constant Strain States Linear Strain States Quadratic Strain States Internal D O F


6 6 6

6 6 18

6 6 18 30



Another way to look at the completeness issue is to recall that, in the assumed displacement method, quadratic strain states are obtained by differentiating cubic displacement states. Since, in two dimensions, there are four cubic basis functions x ,x y, xy2, y3) and two displacement components, there can be ( 3 only eight independent quadratic strain states. We may also note, in passing, that the strain identity, or strain compatibility condition (Equation 3:26), is not automatically satisfied when the element design employs an assumed strain or an assumed stress field. In three dimensions, there are six strain identities similar to Equation 3:26 SO that the expected number of quadratic strain states (36) i s reduced by six. At cubic or higher orders, the expected numbers of strain states are reduced by the numbers of possible derivatives of the strain identities. If completeness is our objective, we can boil Tables 3.4 to 3.8 down to a list which gives the order of strain to which each element is complete. That list, shown in Table 3 . 9 , indicates that the lowest order element of each type is




complete through constant strains only. The next higher order elements (those with one node per edge regardless of the presence or absence of interior nodes) are complete through linear strains, and the elements with two nodes per edge are complete through the quadratic strain states. Table 3.9 Orders of Completeness of Various Elements


Constant Strain: Linear Strain:


Quadratic Strain: TRIAIO, TETRA20, QUADl2, QUAD16

of We haveseenthatstraincompatibilityreducestherequirednumber quadratic and higher order strain states needed for completeness. We mi; ht also ask whether the stress equilibrium equations (see Equation 293) have a similar effect. The answer is that they most certainly do if a stress field is assumed and that they very well might if a displacement field is assumed. In two dimensions the stress equilibrium equations are


px = O (327) py = O


Since a complete set of linear strain states has six terms, the equilibrium equations can potentially reduce the required number of terms to four. We shall use the term quasi-complete to refer to a set of strain states that meets this reduced requirement. Computation of the reduction in the number of terms needed for quasi-completeness follows the procedure used to compute the effect of strain compatibility. At quadratic and higher orders, the derivatives of Equation 3:27 produce additional conditions on the stress states. Table 3.10 indicates the resulting number of strain states needed for quasi-completeness in



both two and three dimensions. It is interesting to note that, in two dimensions, only four terms are needed in each order above the constant terms.'

Table 3.10 Number of Terms Needed for Quasi-Completeness of Sets of Strain Components With Ascending Polynomial Degrees NUMBER OF TERMS NEEDED FOR 2UASI-COMPLETENESS ORDER OF STRAINS Constant Linear Quadratic Cubic Quartic Quintic IN 2-D 3
4 4 4 4 4

IN 3-D
6 15

24 24

Recognition of quasi-completeness raises the order of "competence" of some elements but not all. Of the elements listed in Tables 3.4 to 3.8, the following have their order of competence raised when quasi-completeness is substituted for completeness.

'It is possible, in the higher orders, that some of the constraints imposed by strain compatibility and stress equilibrium may not be independent. This has not been factored into Table 3.10.

Assumed Displacement Fields



Linear to Quadratic Linear to Quadratic Quadratic to Cubic Quadratic to Quartic Linear to Quadratic Linear to Quadratic

These higher levels represent ideals which can only rarely be achieved. As we shall see, many factors enter which degrade the performance of finite elements. It is also worth noting that, while the four-node membrane element, QUAD4, does not have linear quasi-completeness, the reduction of the required number of linear terms from six to four can be exploited if, somehow, the number of external degrees of freedom is raised. The so-called drilling freedoms(8)provide this possibility (see Section 8.2).


Finite elements interact with each other through the common values of discrete displacement variables in their mutual boundaries. This does not imply that the displacements of two adjacent elements are necessarily equal along their entire mutual boundary. Indeed,wehave deliberately avoided making the continuity of boundary displacements a requirement because many successful elements lack such continuity. On the other hand, inter-element displacement continuity brings important benefits which must be considered and understood. Later we can decide, in individual cases, whether the abandonment of inter-element continuity is worth the loss of these benefits. The chief benefit of inter-element displacement continuity is that it allows convergence proofs to be constructed. Later, in Chapter 5, we will develop one such proof in detail. For now we will only attempt to show that inter-element displacement continuity makes convergence plausible. Consider an element that is subjected to known tractions along its edges. Virtual work may be used to transfer the tractions to nodes (see Equation 280).



The element responds by assigning values to the coefficients of its displacement basis functions. As the number of basis functions is increased, the element's strain energy increases and, if the basis functions satisfy a completeness criterion, the strain energy of the element will approach the strain energy of an elastic continuum occupying the same space. Looked at a little differently, the removal of any basis function imposes a constraint on the element's displacement field bydenying itthe basis function's form.The imposition of each such constraint stiffens the element. The process of adding basis functions is, therefore, a Ritz process") which should converge to the exact solution for the continuum if the basis functions are complete. Consider next that an elastic domain is subdivided into elements and subjected to known tractions along its outer boundary. Each element will respond in the manner described above as the number of basis functions is increased within eachelement. Let us examine,in addition, whathappensatthe interior boundaries between elements. If the displacements of adjacent elements are equalattheirboundaries,nothingremarkablehappensas tractions are transferred smoothly across the boundaries between elements. The process of adding basis functions to each element can then be regarded as just part of a process of removing constraints from the entire domain. The strain energy increases with the addition of each basis function and approaches the correct value for the elastic domain. If, on the other hand, the displacements of adjacent elementsare not equal, gaps open up along the boundaries between elements as loads are applied and the tractions on the boundaries do work against the relative displacements.* Because the gaps soften the structure, we no longer know for certain that the solution for a finite number of basis functions is too stiff. Neither can we be sure of convergence. For example, do the gaps, or slits, between elements tend to widen or contract as the number of basis functions is increased? Each case must be examined on its own merits.

*We can think of the tractions on the edges of one element as being transferred first to its boundary nodes and then to the edges of adjacent elements.



In summary, we can be certain, if the displacements of adjacent elements are equal at their common boundary, but not otherwise, that the finite element model is stiffer than the actual structure and we can expect that the solution will converge to the true solution as basis functions are added to the elements. These conclusions also apply when each element is subdivided into similar elements because that also adds to the total number of internal degrees of freedom. Inter-element displacement continuity is frequently described by other terms. Elements which have this property are said to conform, to be conforming, or to have conformability. They are also said to have C O continuity, or possibly C' continuity. Here we should define terms. An element has C O continuity if its displacement field is continuous with the fields of adjacent elements and has continuous first derivatives at interior points. The continuity level is raised to C' if the slope of the displacement field is continuousalong element boundaries and if the field has continuous second derivatives at interior points. Displacement fields with C' continuity have application in plate elements. If transverse shear strain is neglected, the slopes of the normal displacement, w , ~ and W, , become degrees of freedom atnode points. Inter-element Y continuity of these degrees of freedom then requires C' continuity of W. First, second, and higher order derivatives have, in the past, been used as degrees of freedom for membrane and solid elements. In contrast with the higher-order elements described in Section 3.2, which all have edge nodes, suchelements frequently have all of theirdegrees of freedom,such as ( U , u , ~ U, , ,U, etc. ,concentrated at comer nodes. This is a more efficient Y V' formulationinterms of computertime (matrix bandwidth is reduced). Unfortunately, it may also impose an unwanted degree of continuity on the displacement field. Real engineering structures have plenty of discontinuities, such as free edges, changes in thickness, and changes in material properties. The first derivatives of displacement fields, i.e., strains, are likely to be discontinuousatsuch places, so thattheprovision of continuous first derivatives may be an unwelcome gift. In recognition of this fact, modem element designs have avoided the use of displacement derivatives as degrees of


Chapter 3

freedom. Plate and shell elements are an exception but even there the trend is to design elements with C O continuity only. Given that inter-element displacement continuity is desirable, at least to order CO, the next logical question is how to determine whether it is present. To answer this we refer to the expansion of the displacement field in terms of shape functions n

= 1N][ui> = Z N i u i

( 3 : 2 8 )

The value of U depends, in general, on all of the ui 'S but along an edge it should, if inter-element continuity is to be achieved, depend only on the ui ' S at nodes located on the same edge. Consider, for example, the pair of elements shown in Figure3.10.

At interiorpointsthedisplacement field in element A depends on the values of U at nodes 1, 2'3, and 4, but along the common edge, 3-4, the displacement field in element A must depend only on u3 and u4. Otherwise, the parts proportional to u1 and u2 could not be matched by element B. Thustheshapefunctions for nodes 3 and 4 in the two elements must be the same along edge3-4 and the shape functions for nodes 1,2,5, and 6 must be zero along edge34.
Figure 3 . 1 0 AdjacentElements. The requirement of c continuity can be achieved in general by ensuring that, on a given edge, the shape functions for nodes on or adjacent to the edge are computed identically in adjacent elements and by ensuring that the shape functions for nodes notadjacent to the edge are zero.

Assumed Displacement Fields


We can easily determine whether elements based on polynomial functions of position are conforming. Consider, for a start, the constant strain triangle which has 1 1 , x, y1 as basis functions. Thus U = al + a2x + a3y. We can perform a coordinate transformation so that any given edge, say edge 1-2, is the X-axis and node 1 is the origin, as shown in Figure 3.11. Then U =a; + i 2 X along the edge and the coefficients a; and a; can be evaluated in terms of nodal displacements to give U = (1 - P/P)ul + (X/P)u2 = Nlul + N2u2. Since U depends only on u1 and u2, the element is conforming.

Figure 3 . 1 1 The Constant Strain Triangle Is a Conforming Element. We can apply the same procedure to the four-node quadrilateral shown Figure 3.12. in

Figure 3 . 1 2 Is the Four-Node Quadrilateral Conforming?


Chapter 3


= a1 + a2x + a3y

+ a4xy


so that the coordinate transformation

x = X cos a - 7 sin a
y = X sin a + 7 cos a gives

Along the X-axis, U = al + a ; X + akXz which, since it has three terms, cannot be evaluated in terms of u1 and u2 only. As a result, the value of U along side 1-2 depends on u3 and/or u4 and the element is not conforming. We can, of course, make the displacement field conform along edge 1-2 by orientingthe x-axis parallel to that edge. But wecannotsimultaneously arrange for an axis to be parallel to the other three edges except in the case of a rectangle. With this exception, four-node quadrilateral elements based on power series expansions of the Cartesian position coordinates are nonconforming.* How about a triangle with edge nodes or a tetrahedron with edge nodes?

These elements are conforming as long as the edges are straight and all edges have the samenumber of nodes. The key is thatthe basis functions are complete polynomials so that, in a coordinate transformation, they transform into linear recombinations of themselves. Suppose that the basis functions are
[l, x,y,xz,

x y ,y ] . = al

Then, if the X-axis is selected to coincidewith that edge. Clearly the three coefficients

edge 1-2,

+ a;X + aiXL along

*A conforming four-noded parallelogram can be constructed by using skewed Cartesian coordinates.


Assumed Displacement


al ,a;, and a&can be evaluated in terms of the valueof U at three points on the edge, which ensures that U has inter-element continuity. General quadrilateral elements with edge nodes, on the other hand, do not conform. The reason is that the incomplete basis functions of order n generate an X" term upon coordinate rotation through an arbitrary angle. Thus, if the sides are straight, triangular elements conform for more general shapes than quadrihterals. But what if the edges are curved? In that case elements based on power series expansions of position coordinates are non-conforming. To see this consider the curved edge with one edge node shownin Figure 3.13.


" " " " " " "


Figure 3.13 A CurvedEdge.

Let the x-axis lie along the chord 1-3with the origin at node 1 . Let us assume that the edge hasparabolic shape so that

Then, if the element is a six-node triangle, we can write, for displacement along the curved edge, = a 1+ a 2 x+a3y+a4x 2 + a 5xy +a6y2


Chapter 3

which contains all powers of x up to the fourth power. As a result U contains five independent functions of x along the edge, whose coefficients clearly cannotbeevaluatedinterms of thevalues of U at onlythreenodes. Consequently inter-element displacement continuity does not exist. The results we have obtained are, on balance, discouraging. They show that, for elements based on power series expansions of Cartesian position coordinates, inter-element displacement continuity is achievable for triangular and tetrahedral elements with straight edges and for rectangles, but not for elements with other shapes. To achieve inter-element continuity for a larger range of shapes, we must look to another formulation of the basis functions. We will see in the next section that parametric mapping provides such a possibility. We will also see that the price is not negligible.


In finite element design, parametric mapping is used to map the interior of a finite element into a standard shape. For example, Figure 3.14 illustrates the mapping of a general quadrilateral element into a square.

Figure 3.14 Parametric Mapping of a General Quadrilateral into a Square. Let the mapping be expressed by

= LX']{b}


Assumed Displacement Fields


wheretheelements of the position basis vector, X , are functions of the parametric coordinates (5, q). The displacement field, U, may similarly be expressed as

l 'l

where the elements of the displacement basis vector [X J are also functions of the parametric coordinates.Note that and X are not necessarily equal to each other or to linear recombinations of each other. If they are, the mapping is said to be isopurumetric. Finite element theory recognizes two other cases: if LX'l is a subset of 1x1,the mapping is called subpurumetric; if X includes basis functions thatare not in [X J, the mapping is called superparumetric.


l '1

l 'l

We may regard the standard shapein the ( E , q) , plane (or the ( E , q, , space) as a substituteelementandusethe basis functions previouslyderived for triangles, rectangles, rectangular bricks, etc., to describe the displacement field. Thus, for the case of the four-node quadrilateral element shown in Figure 3.14, the logical choice for a set of displacement basis functions is = 11,5, q, CV]. Since the substitute element is a square, we know, from the results of Section 3.4, that the displacement fieldhas inter-element continuity in the ( E , q) , plane. Inter-element continuity translates immediately into the (x, y) plane if the mapping is continuous, i.e., if adjacent points in the ( E , v) , plane are mapped into adjacent points in the (x, y) plane.



From this example we see that parametric mapping provides a general solution to the problem of inter-element displacement continuity. All that is required is that the substitute element's shape allow inter-element displacement continuity and that the mapping be continuous. From Section 3.4 we know that straightsided rectangles and triangles allow inter-element displacement continuity. By extension, straight-sided rectangular parallelepipeds (bricks), tetrahedra, and righttriangularprismsalsoallow inter-element displacement continuity. These, then, must be the standard substitute shapes in the E , , q plane and the 5, q, space. They are illustrated in Figure3.15. Note that isosceles right

triangular shapeshave been assumed. Any othertriangularshapeswith straight edges would do as well. For higher order elements, the edge nodes and interior nodes take symmetrical positions in the substitute elements.


Chapter 3

(a) Triangle

(b) Quadrilateral

(c) Tetrahedron

(d) Hexahedron Figure 3.15 Standard Substitute Element Shapes.

(e) Pentahedron

The concept of parametric mapping was first introduced into finite element analysis in 1961 byTaig'l') who used it to design his famous four-node isoparametric element. A few years later (1966) Irons"') extended the concept to membrane and solid elements of all orders. Quite independently, Coons (12) (1967) applied the concept to the generation of curved surfaces of engineering interest. Today extensions of the latter development find application in CAD systems andin the automatic generation of finite element meshes.(13)




The mechanics of generating elements which use parametric mapping will be taken u p in the next chapter. Herewe concern ourselvesonlywiththe relationship between accuracy and the selection of position basis functions, X ,to map position.

l l

We begin by examining the smoothness of the mapping for typical cases. Consider first the four-node quadrilateral element of Figure 3.14 and let the position basis vector be LX] = [1,5, q, tq]. Then

= bl

+ b2c + b3q + b4tq


Y = c1 + c& + cgl + c 4 k
For constant q, both x and y are linear functions of E , and, consequently, y is a linear function of x. Thus lines of constant 6 or q are straight lines in the (x, y) plane. The mapping can be represented by a set of rulings on the element surface, as shown in Figure 3 . 16.




Figure 3.16 Lines of Constant

5 and q for a Four-Node Quadrilateral.

This mapping seems quite reasonable and easy to grasp. Consider, however, what happens when extra nodes are added to an element, such as in the onedimensional case illustrated in Figure 3.17. The physical location of the middle node, x2, may be anywhere between the end points, fl, but the parametric coordinate of the middle node is

5= 0

Chapter 3


Physical Element

(b) Substitute Element

Figure 3.17 One-Dimensional Element with Three Nodes. regardless of its physical position. Thus the edgenode in thesubstitute element obeys the symmetry property noted earlier. The logical choice for a vector of position basis functions is LX] = 11, 5 ,C2 The positions selected for the nodes (-1, x2, + 1) then give


x = 5 + (l



Figure 3.18 shows a plot of Equation 337 for three values of x2. Observe that for x2 > 1/2, the value of x can lie outside the range -1 to +l. This unexpected result is certainly not what a prudent analyst would have intended. It carries over into two and three dimensions where edge node locations that are too near the comers can cause elements to spill over their boundaries. Clearly finite element users must exercise caution in selecting the positions of edge nodes. But it is an ill wind indeed that blows nobody some good. It turns out that placing edge nodes at the quarter points (x2 = f 1/ 2 ) allows the element to simulate a stresssingularity at the corner. (l4) dimensionalcasejust examined x,e = 0 at For example, intheone-

5= 1 for x2 = 0.5. 5= 1 provided that




, =~ U,&

, x

becomes infinitely large at

U, is


zero at that point. The selection of the position basis functions in X also affects the ability of the element to represent various strain states. We can reasonably insist, as a minimum, that any respectable element should be able to represent rigid body motion or a constant strain state, say, for example, U = a + bx + cy. Elements

l 1

Assumed Displacement Fields


x* = 1

Figure 3.18

ParametricMapping of a Three-Node Line Element with Various Positions of the Middle Node.

which have this property are said to be complete or to satisfy completeness. (We will use this terminology sparingly to avoid confusion with the important issue of polynomial completeness.) We can determine whether an element does, in fact, satisfy completeness by examining how the element forms its displacement states from nodal values. In general, from Equation3:12,

If we let {ui) = Xij}, a column vector representing the jth basis function at nodes, then U = X.. This follows because

where 6.. is the Kroneker delta. Thus we can say that the element will properly 'l evaluate any of its basis functions that is prescribed at nodes. The same cannot be said of any other function. Forexample, in the case of the four-node quadrilateral, if {ui) = {Sf}, then U = 1 because 2 has the value of unity at all nodes.



Chapter 3

This argument has direct bearing on whetheror not U can properly represent a linear function of position, i.e., on whether the representation will be the same

asthat given by the representation of y is

position basis functions.

For example, the latter

while theformer is

The two representations will be the same, i.e., U will equal y and the shape functions will satisfy completeness, if [X] = [X] or if the basis functions in [X] are a subset of those in [X]. In other words, they will be the same if the mapping is isoparametric or subparametric. In either case, y from Equation 3:40 can be expanded in terms of basis functions contained in [X]. If, on the other hand, the mapping i s superparametric, then X will contain basis functions not contained in [ X J. In this case Equations 340 and 3:41 will give different results.

l 1

Subparametric and superparametric mapping arecontrasted in Figure 3.19. In Figure 3.19(a), the edges are necessarily straight because x and y are defined only at the comers. The edge nodes are also centered. In this case x and y have 2 2 four basis functions ( l , , , q,,q) and U has eight 1,5, q, eq, 5 , , In Figure 3.19(b),on the other hand, the edges may be curved because x and y are specified at eight points. In this case x and y have eight basis functions and U has four.

,?l, Sfl).

If superparametric mapping is employed, then expressions for displacement like U = a + bx + cy will not, in general, be properly represented within the element. This has two immediate consequences. The first is that the element cannot represent constant strain states exactly. The second is that the element cannot properly represent rigid body rotations. The latter consequence is, if anything, worse than the first. Failure of the rigid body property is the most virulent of all the disorders that canafflict a finite element. As Irons and

Assumed Displacement Fields


(a) Subparametric Mapping (b) Superparametric Mapping


Points where x and y aregiven Nodes where U is evaluated

Figure 3 . 1 9 Subparametric and Superparametric Mapping Contrasted. Ahmad propose elements: (15) in their list of "Standardsand Feelings" about finite

''We shall try to kill any element that fails a test for rigid body motions." Every structural analyst with gray hair probably remembers his first encounter with rigid body failure. In the author's case, that first encounter involved a pair of adjacent ribs on a highly swept wing. Since the angle between the ribs was only one or two degrees, he decided it was unnecessary to account for the angle in the representation of a torsion box between the two ribs. The result was a dramatic detour of transverse shear from the rear spar to the front spar, contrary to all experience and common sense. Still, superparametric mapping has powerhl attraction. The unsophisticated user who understandsgeometry but not the intricacies of finite element design, may insist on an accurate representation of the edges of his structure. And the element designer may accede to such insistence. He might, for example, elect to provide exact representation of circular arcs and other curves by special blending functions.(16)


Chapter 3

Subparametric and isoparametric mapping appear, so far, to be on an equal footing, at least with respect to the representation of rigid body motion and constant strain states. To distinguish them, we must go further and consider linear strain states such as U = y2. In this case,

so that, to represent U = y2 correctly, XX must be a displacement basis l k function. We see immediately that this is not generally possible if LXJ = [X],

i.e., if the element is isoparametric. This is a most important result because it shows that an isoparametric element cannot exactly represent linear strain states when the full geometric capability of the element is employed. The only way in which linear strain states can be properly represented is to use less than the full geometric capability or, in other words, to restrict the element to have subparametricshape. In the case of the six-node triangle for instance, this means keeping the edges straight and the edge nodes centered. Then y = LX]{c) = cl included within (1, , , q,

,, v).
, q ,

+ c26 + c3q

so that y2 will be

The case of the quadrilateral is even more restrictive. If we keep the edges straight and the edge nodescentered, then the nonzero basis functions for y are

(l,t,q,,q). The resulting nine terms for y2 are (1,s,q,c2, Sq, q2 ,C 2q, eq2, C2q2). The lowest order element that includes all of these terms is the nine-node Lagrange element. Thus an important advantage of the nine-node Lagrange element over the eight-node serendipity element is its ability to represent linear strain states exactly. Even then the node locations must be effectively subparametric.

*Edges straight, edge nodes centered, and center node located at the intersection of straight lines joining opposite edge nodes.

Assumed Displacement Fields


A practical example of the importance of keeping the edges of isoparametric

elements straight is illustrated in Figure 3.20.

(a) Cantilever Beam Problem


(b) Detail of Modeling

Figure 3.20 Slender Cantilever Beam Modeled by Six-Node Isoparametric Elements.

In this example, which involves the bending of a slender cantilever beam, the displacement field is strongly quadratic with a little cubic content thrown in. The elements are six-node triangles which are arranged in pairs that form


Chapter 3

trapezoids. Results are shown for two cases. For the first case, in which all edge nodes are centered, the error in tip deflection is less than 5%. For the second case, in which the node on each trapezoid's diagonal was moved to the center of the trapezoid, the error exceeds 60%. Thus it is seen that, in extreme cases suchas this, the small displacementof an edge node can have a disastrous effect. The same problem has been solved with an element, the MSC/NASTRAN TRIA6, that does not employ parametric displacement mapping (the element uses an assumed strain field).For this element, the error did not increase significantly when the diagonal edge node was displaced (see Table 8.2). The large increase in error experienced with the isoparametric element is directly attributable to parametric mapping. In spite of the large errors that can occur when edge nodesare not centered, the designs of most six-,eight-, and nine-nodeelementsallowunrestricted placement of edge nodes. The first six-node membrane element in MSC/NASTRAN (called TRIM6 out of respect for an earlier element with the same name and similar design in ASKA) had a subparametric design which centered the edge nodes regardless of the positions specified 'for them. It was not a popular element with users. We have seen, in this section, that parametric mapping provides a general solution for the problem of inter-element displacement continuity. At the same time parametric mapping places severe limitations on the accuracy of strain representation. With no limits on element shape, the best that can be achieved, even with an element of arbitrarily high order, is the exact representation of constant strain states. To achieveaccurate linear or higher order strains, restrictions must be placed on the geometry. In contrast, elements whichare derived withoutbenefit of parametric mapping yield correct linear strains so long as their displacement basis functions are complete to second degree in the position coordinates. To give a name to such elements we will call them metric elements because they employ metric rather than parametric interpolation. The great disadvantage of metric elements, and the reason for the introduction of parametric mapping, is that they exhibit




inter-element displacement continuity only when restrictions are placed on their geometry. Another disadvantage of metric elements is that evaluation of their shape functionsrequirestheinversion' of amatrix(seeEquation 3:12) while parametric shape functions can usually be evaluated by inspection due to the simplicity of element shapes in the parametric domain. Even though matrix inversion causes only a small increase in computer time, it looms large in the minds of element designers who find the attendant loss of numerical control distasteful. Nearly all finite elements use parametric mapping and we will concentrate on them. We will, however, have occasion to apply metric interpolation as a remedy for certain of the disorders of parametric elements (see Section 8.3).


A.G. Peano, "Hierarchies of Conforming Finite Elements for Plane Elasticity and Plate Bending," Comp. 6 Maths. with Appls., 2, pp 211-24,

3.2 3.3

G. R. Heppler and S. J. Hansen, "Timoshenko Beam Finite Elements Using Trigonometric Basis Functions," J. AIAA, 26, pp 1378-86,1988.

A. Anandarajah, "Time-Domain Radiation Boundary for Analysis of Plane Love-Wave Propagation Problem," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 29, pp 1049-63,1990.
R. J . Guyan, "Reduction of Stiffness and Mass Matrices," J . A I A A , 3, No. 2,1965.

3.4 3.5 3.6

B. M. Irons and S. Ahmad, Techniques of Finite Elements, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, pp 411 -14,1980.
M. J . Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C. Martin and L. J . Topp, "stiffness and Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures," J. Aeronautical Sci., 23, p. 805,1956.

3.7 3.8

R. J . Melosh,"Basis for Derivation of Matrices for Direct Stiffness Method," J . AIAA, 1, pp 1631-7,1963.
D. J. Allman, "A Compatible Triangular Element Including Vertex Rotations for Plane Elasticity Analysis," Comput. Strud., 19, pp 14,1984.


c h a p t e r 3


W. Ritz,ijber eine neue Methode zur Losung gewissen Variations. Reine & Angew. Math., 135, Probleme der mathematischen Physik, J pp 1-61,1909.

3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13

I. C. Taig, Structural Analysis by the Matrix Displacement Method, Engl. Electric Aviation Report No.5017, 1961.

B. M. Irons, EngineeringApplication of Numerical Integration in Stiffness Methods,I. AIAA, 14, pp 20357,1966.

S. A. Coons, Surfaces for Computer-Aided Design of Space Form,

MIT Project MAC, MAC-TR-41,1967. R. B. Haber, M. S. Shephard, J . F. Abel, R. H.Gallagher,and D. P. Greenberg, A General Two-Dimensional Finite Element Preprocessor Utilizing Discrete Transfinite Mappings, Infl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 16, pp 10154,1981.

3.14 3.15 3.16

R D. Henshell and K. G. Shaw, CrackTip Elements Are Unnecessary, Intl. I. Numer. Methods Eng., 9, pp 495-509,1975.

B. M. Irons and S. Ahmad, Techniques of Finife Elements, Ellis Horwood,

Chichester, p. 155,1980.
W. J . Gordon and C.A. Hall, Construction of Curvilinear Coordinate Systems and Applications to Mesh Generation, Infl.J. Numer. Methods Eng., 7, pp 461 -77,1973.

4 lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements

This chapter concentrates on the mechanics of isoparametric elements, i.e., on the calculation of their shape functions, stiffness matrices, and load vectors. Later we will examine the disorders of isoparametric elements and ways to improve their performance.Standardisoparametricelements will, thereby, serve us as a base on which to build additional design concepts.


As we have seen, if boundary displacements are concentratedat nodes, shape functions can be calculated from basis functions according to the formula (see Equation 3:12)



Chapter 4

where X.. is the value of the jth basis function at node i. Once the basis '1 functions are selected, according to the principles described in Section 3.2, the evaluation of shape functions is an arithmetic exercise which can be performed by brute force using Equation 41. On the other hand, because the substitute element shapes of isoparametric elements are so simple, it is usually possible to avoid numerical inversion at a slight cost in intellectual effort. The payoff is algebraic conciseness and assured numerical precision. We will outline some of the techniques. It is an easy matter to verify that a candidate algebraic expression satisfies the requirements to be a shape function. These conditions are that Ni have unit value at node i, zero value at other nodes, and consist only of a linear combination of the basis functions. They are obviously satisfied, for example, by theshapefunctions for thethree-nodetriangle listed in Table 4.l(a). Verification of the shape functions for the six-node triangle (Table 4.l(b)) may require more than a quick glance. Here the expressions into which the shape functions are factored provide a clue. Each such expression is the equation of a straight line passing through nodes where the shape function must be zero. This reveals, in fact, the way in which the shape functions were constructed. The leading numerical factor serves to provide unit value of Ni atnode i. Table 4.l(a) Shape Functions for Triangular Elements (Three-Node Triangle)

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements

Table 4.Ub) Shape Functions for Triangular Elements(Six-Node Triangle)

NI = 2(1- 5

- TI)($ - 6 - TI)

The line-product method just described generalizes to "complete" triangles (i.e., triangles with complete polynomials as basis functions) of arbitrary order. Each higher order introduces a new line of nodes in the plane, as shown in Figure 4.1. The number of such lines, e.g., three for the ten-node triangle and four for the fifteen-node triangle, is just sufficient to provide the required polynomial order in the shape functions. In fact, the Pascal triangle (Figure 3.2) maps directly onto Figure 4.1.

Polynomial order Figure 4.1 Triangular Elements with Complete Basis Functions.


Chapter 4

The line-product method of deriving shape functions generalizes into a planeproduct method for tetrahedra, as illustrated in Table 4.2. The shape function for node 1 of the ten-node tetrahedron is, for example, expressedas the product of the equations for two planes passing, respectively, through nodes 2,3,4 and nodes 5,6,7. Each higher order "complete" tetrahedron adds a triangular array of nodes (parallel, for example, to the 511 plane). Figure 4.1 could represent a view from the C axis of a fifth-order "complete"tetrahedronwhichhas 56 nodes. Table 4.2(a) Shape Functions for Tetrahedral Elements (Four-Node Tetrahedron) NI = l - e - n - c Nq =

N3 = 11 N4 =

Table 4.2(b) Shape Functions for Tetrahedral Elements (Ten-Node Tetrahedron)

NI =

2(1- 5

- v - S)(; - 5 - 11 - C)

and Membrane Zsoparametric


Another way to derive the shape functions of triangles is to use the method of area coordinates. This method, which is explained in standard finite element texts, uses three coordinates, one for eachvertex. It has beautiful symmetry but it is not computationally superior to the line-product method. It generalizes into a volume-coordinate method for tetrahedra. The line-product method also works for simple quadrilateral elements (up to nine nodes). The resulting shape functions are illustrated in Table 4.3(a), (b), and (c). Themethoddoesnotwork for higher-orderelements.For example, the shape function for a comer node of the twelve-node element in Table 4.3(d)is seen to be the product of the equations for two straight lines and a circle which passes through all the edge nodes. The discovery of this fact would appear to have required a degree of ingenuity. Perhaps that is why elements with edge and comer nodesonly were dubbed serendipity elements. Table 4.3(a) Shape Functions for Quadrilateral Elements (Four-Node Quadrilateral) (L11

( 4 -1)

Table 4.3(b) Shape Functions for Quadrilateral Elements (Eight-NodeQuadrilateral)

Ni =
1 4 (1 + tti)(l+ IIQi)(cCi+ qvi - 1)

i = 1,2,3,4

N. = i ( 1
' 2

- ,*)(l+ qqi)

i = 5'7
i = 6,8

Ni = 2

1(1- q2)(1 + ,ti)


Chapter 4

' 1 N. = -(l + &,)(l + qrli)(9(S'


+) ' q

- 10)

i = 1,2,3,4
i = 7,8,11,12

Ni = 32 9 (l

+ qqi)(l - c2)(1'+ 955,)

9 N, = % ( l +sSi)(1

-1 ( ) ' 1

+9 q )

i = 5,6,9,10

Systematic procedure do, however, exist for generating the shape functions of higher-order quadrilateral elements. They are, to a greater or lesser extent, based on Lagrange interpolation polynomials. Consider the one-dimensional element shown in Figure 4.2.

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements






Figure 4 2

A One-Dimensional Element with n + 1 Nodes.

The shape function for the ith node can be expressed as


The Lagrange interpolation polynomial, t clearly satisfies the requirements to be the shape function for the ith node. It has unit value at node i, it vanishes at all other nodes, and it has nomore than the maximum polynomial order, n. The extension to two- and three-dimensional Lagrange elements is straightforward. In two dimensions we express the shape function for the ith node as the product of two Lagrange interpolation polynomials


Here weneed a road map such as that shown in Figure4.3 to identify the values of j and k correspondingto node i. For example, the node identified as node I hasj=landk=2. For threedimensional Lagrange elements, each shape function can be written as the product of three Lagrange polynomials. Clearly there is no need, in either two or three dimensions, for the number of nodes in each direction to be equal.


Chapter 4

Figure 4 3

A Quartic LagrangianElement.

A systematicmethodforderiving

theshapefunctions of higher-order serendipity elements can also be devised. (*) Consider, as an example, the cubic element shown in Figure 4.4.


Figure 4.4

A CubicSerendipity Element.

The shape function for an edge node can be expressed as the product of a Lagrange polynomial and a blending function, which makes the shape function vanish on the opposite edge. Thus, for node @ in Figure 4.4,

boparametric Membrane and Solid Elements



(5+ 1)(5

-$)(c - 1)

9 (1 - 52)( 1 - 35)


The shape function for a comer nodeof a higher-order serendipity element can be expressed as the sum of the shape function for the comer of a four-node element, Ni4), and a linear combinationof the shape functions fornodes on the ad'acent edges. Figure 4 . 5 shows plot a along edge @ ) @ of N(4). N5, and N6 for the element in Figure 4 . 4 .

Figure 4.5

Shape Functions Along the Edge Element.

of a Cubic Serendipity

The linear combination which produces zero value at nodes @ and @ and 2 1 unit value atnode is Ni4) - - N - - N Inclusion of the effect of 3 5 3 6 ' nodes @ a n d @ in Figure 4 . 4 gives the result

This method can be extended to any number of edge nodes and to three dimensions.Shape functions for eight- and twenty-nodeserendipity brick elements are listed in Table 4 . 4 . Inspection clearly shows, however, that the


Chapter 4

expressions given for these shape functions were derived by the plane-product method. Table 4.4(a) Shape Functions for Hexahedral Brick Elements (Eight-NodeBrick)
19 7

i = 1,2,

..., 8

Table 4.4(b) Shape Functions for Hexahedral Brick Elements (Twenty-NodeBrick)

Finally, the shape functions for six- and fifteen-node pentahedral elements are listed in Table 4.5. They were derived by the plane-product method.

Isoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


Table 4.5(a) Shape Functions for Pentahedral Elements (Six-Node Pentahedron)

i = 1,4 i = 2,5

i = 3,6


Chapter 4

Table 4.5(b) Shape Functions for Pentahedral Elements (Fifteen-Node Pentahedron)

The method described above for generating the shape functions of higher-order serendipity elements can also be used to delete edge nodes or, in fact, to allow any numberof nodes on any edge. If we wish, for example, to delete nodes @ and @ from the example of Figure 4.4, thenwemay use in place of Equation 46,

The deletion of only a single node, node @ for example, is a little more complicated. In this case N6 should be recomputed using a Lagrange interpolation function with two factors rather than three. Then, if E6 is the recomputed value, (48)

and Membrane Isoparametric


If, in addition, node @ is centered, the factor for N6 becomes 1/2 rather than 1/3. Many finite element programs include provision for automatic calculation of the effects of edge nodedeletion. The user specifies which nodes are connected and the program doesthe rest. The shape function logicL, as we have seen, quite straightforward. An important application of edge node deletion occurs in connection with changes in mesh density. A typical example is shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6

A Change in Mesh Density. All Elements Except

Element @Have Bilinear Shape Functions.

All the elements except element@ are four-node elements with bilinear shape functions 1+ 5 5 1+ qq . There are (at least) three different ways to model

the transition. One way is to takethe shape function for node @ of element @ to be (1 - C)( 1- q /2, which is the standard serendipity shape function for a single edge node. Many finite element programs will do this automatically. Note that, with this selection, displacement continuity is not preserved along the interface because the displacement varies linearly in each of the two elements to the left of node @ and quadratically in element @. As a result, the junction will have excessive flexibility.




This defect can be remedied, as Hughes has suggested,(23) by selecting the shape function for node @ in element @ to be (1- !)(l - lql)/2. Note that, with this novel application of a nonanalytic shape function, special care must be taken in the evaluation of strains because U and v, do not exist along '? 11 q=o.


Chapter 4

The third way to model the transition is to apply a rigid (multipoint) constraint so that u2 = (ut + us) /2. Element @ can then be a standard four-node element (with no connection to node and inter-element displacement continuity will be preserved. While either the second method or the third should be preferred to the first, the second method uses a special element which is not likelytobe found in the average commercial finite element program.


The shape functions for low order elements with the five basic shapes (triangle, quadrilateral, tetrahedron, pentahedron, and hexahedron) are given in Tables 4.1 to 4.5 as products of linear and quadratic factors in 5 ,q, and 6. This functional form is as good as any other for computations in which 5 ,q, and take on numerical values. We will, however, in analyzing the disorders of finite elements, be interested in determining which basis functions are present when displacement fields are prescribed at the nodes. It is useful, for the purpose, to express shape functions in the factored matrix form

where [X J is the row vector of basis functions and Aii


' J

1is a square matrix of

constants. Then, since

= LNi](ui) = LXj[ Aji]{ui}, the coefficient of X.l in U

isjust LAji]{ui).Table4.6

lists LXJ and A.. for the five simplesttwo111

dimensional elements (TRIA3, QUAD4, TRIA6, QUADS,and QUADS).

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


Table 4.6 Shape Functions for Two-Dimensional EIements in Factored Matrix Form, LNi = [ X J[ All]



Table 4.6 (continued) Shape Functions for Two-Dimensional Elements in Factored Matrix Form, LNiJ = LX][AjI]

- 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 4 0 0
0 4


2 2 0 4 0 0
4 0 0-44-4

I 1 1

2 0 2 0 0 - 4

(dl O U A D S :


" 1

-1 -1 -1 2

0 0 0 0 0 2 0 - 2

0 0 0
[Aji] =

0 - 2 0

1 1 - 2 0 - 2 0

1 - 1 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1

0 - 2 0 - 2 2

" I

-1-1 -11

0 -20

1 - 1 0 - 2 0

Isoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


Table 4.6 (continued) Shape Functions for Two-Dimensional Elements in Factored Matrix Form, LNi J = LXj[Ajl]


- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

0 0 0 0 0 2 0-20
0 0 0 0-20
2 0 0

I 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 - 4

[Aji] =

1 -1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0


1 1 2 0 -2 0

-1 1 1 - 1 0 - 2 0

2 0


1 1 1 -2


As summarized in Section 2.3, evaluation of the stiffness matrix by the basic

stiffness formulation consists of the following three steps.

1. Evaluate the strain-displacement matrix, [B], in the relationship

2 Form thetriplematrixproduct



Chapter 4

3 . Integrate over the element's volume to find

In the general discussion of Section 2.3, the vector (ui> included all of the element's boundary displacement variables. It is convenient, for more detailed analysis, to treat ui) as the vector of displacement components at node i. Then, in placeof Equation 49, we have

and, in place o f Equation 410, we have for the ij partition of the element's stiffness matrix


The elastic strain components in


are defined to be, in two dimensions,

and, in three dimensions,

(1 =


lsoparametric ElementsMembrane Solid and


In isoparametric elements, or in parametric elements generally, the assumed ,q, 6. As a result, displacement field is described in terms of the parameters 5 evaluation of the strain components from displacement requires application of the chain rule. For example,

Then, since

c Niui, where Ni is the ith displacement shape function,


Treating all other strain components in similar fashion, we obtain




dther physical disciplines follow the sabe procedure with different content for the B matrices. For example, in heat conduction, the gradient .of the .. temperature ..

{VU} =

c (Bi)ui



Chapter 4


In magnetostatics, the magnetic induction


(Unfortunately, electromagnetism and finite element theory use B to represent different things which happen to intersect here.)

To complete the calculation for any physical discipline, we need to know the partial derivatives of the parametric coordinates 5, q, with respect to the

Cartesian metric coordinates x, y, z. The metric coordinates are related to parametric coordinates by



, q, , 6. In where the geometric shape function, N;, is an assumed function of isoparametric elements, Ni andNiare identical, but we will keep.them distinct to facilitate the investigation of subparametric geometry. The partial derivatives of metric coordinates with respect to parametric coordinates follow from Equation 4 2 3 . For example,

lements Solid Isoparametric and Membrane


What we require, however, are the inverse derivatives, , , , , etc. To form the latter, first arrange x, ,etc., into a square array called.the Jacobian matrix

Then the desired derivatives are obtained from

To verify that this is true, form the products of the columns of Equation 425 and the rows of Equation 426. For example,

+ xrl

rl,, + x,c



= 1



+ x,c

= x, Y = 0

The steps required to compute B


are now complete. They are: functions N

i ,C

1. Find the parametric derivatives of the shape

etc., and

Ni,C, etc.

2 Form thepartialderivatives of metric coordinateswithrespectto parametric coordinates by means of Equation 424.

3. Form and invert the Jacobian matrix [ J] to find the derivatives of

5,q, c

with respect to x, y, z.


of the displacement shape functions, Ni,,, Ni,y, Ni,z,from Equation 418 and substitute into Equation 4:17 (or 420 or 422) to form [B~].

4. Form the metric derivatives

The equations that describe the steps have assumed three dimensions. The reduction to two dimensions is self evident. The calculation is straightforward if values of B are required only at specific il points. This will be the case if numerical integration is used. If the functional form of B. is desired, for example, to study accuracy, the only awkward step 1 1 is the inversion of [J]. In two dimensions

where J2, the determinant of the two-dimensional Jacobian matrix, or simply the Iacobian, i s
12 =


- xtq Y'S


The corresponding expressions in. three dimensions are more cumbersome. It will suffice, for our purposes, to write a typical term of the inverse; for example,

where J3 is the determinant of the three-dimensional Jacobian matrix. All other terms may be found by cyclic permutation of x, y, z and 5 ,q, 6.


The matrices and vectors which expressthe properties of a finite element at the node point level are evaluated by integration over the element's volume. The most important element properties are the stiffness matrix (expressed here as the partition for nodes i and j),

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements



the applied load vector (for the ith node),


and the internal force vector (forthe ith node),

To these properties we should addthe ij partition of the element's mass matrix

obtained by setting {p} = -p{u} = - p ~ N j [ u j )


in Equation 432.

Transformation to Parametric Space

Since we are dealingwithisoparametricelements, theintegrandsinthe integration formulas aremost naturally expressed as functions of 5 ,q, Also, since the elements have simple standard shapes in parametric space, there is considerable numerical advantage to performing the integration in parametric space. To do this, it is first necessary to relate the infinitesimal volume in metric space, dV, to the infinitesimal volume in parametric space dV' = d t dq dc. Consider the two-dimensional mapping shown in Figure 4.7.



Chapter 4

Figure 4.7

Parametric Mapping of an Infinitesimal Area.

In parametric space
dV' = tdA' = t dc dq

where t is the thickness of the element. The corresponding volume in metric space is dV = t d A = t(ii5xii,,)d5dq

where G is the vector in metric space corresponding to a unit vector in the 5 direction in parametric space, i.e.,



unit vectors in metricspace.Similarly,



= ix,,,

-j y,,,


Carrying out the cross product in Equation 437 gives


J, is the two-dimensional Jacobiandeterminant (see Equation429).

andMembrane lsoparametric

Elements Solid

to an

In three dimensions, the infinitesimal metric volume corresponding infinitesimal parametric volume dV' = de dq de is, from Figure 4.8,


Figure 4.8

ParametricMapping of an InfinitesimalVolume.

Again, by carrying out the cross product and then the dot product, we can show that dV de = dq J, de

where J, is the determinant of the three-dimensional Jacobian matrix. Thus, in both two and three dimensions, the Jacobian determinant is the factor that converts incremental volume in parametric space to incremental volume in metric space. As a result, the volume integrals given by Equations431 to 434 can all be written in the general form

where f is the integrand, J is the appropriate Jacobian, and for two-dimensional elements, de is replaced by the thickness, t.


Chapter 4

In an element where the relationship between(x, y, z) and q, is linear, the Jacobian is constant over the element's volume. For distorted elements, e.g., four-node quadrilateral elements which are not parallelograms, the Jacobian is not constant and may even be negative at some points if the distortion is severe. This will occur, for example, if edge nodes are placed nearer the comers than the quarter points (see Figure 3.18). Many finite element programs test for negative Jacobians and produce warningmessages.

(c, c)

NumericalInternation Rules

Numerical integration evaluates a volume (or surface) integral by a weighted summation of the integrand over a set of points. Except in special cases, the evaluation is approximate. The general form given by Equation 4:43 becomes
I = If JdV' = C fg

J, wg


v :
where point.

is a weighting factor and the subscript g identifies the gth integration

Mathematicianshavedevisedmany different numerical integration rules. Well-known rules for one dimension include the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, Newton-Cotes quadrature, and Gauss quadrature. Here we will cover only Gauss quadrature because of its universal prsference by finite element designers. The basic idea behind Gauss quadrature, or Gauss-Legendre quadrature as it is also called, is to use the locations of the integration points and the weighting factors to minimize the error for an integrand that is a general polynomial function of position. Thus, with n integration points and n weighting factors, the error can be nullified for all 2n terms of a polynomial with degree 211-1 in one dimension. Table 4.7 lists weighting factors and the locations of Gauss points in the interval -1 c 4 c 1 for the three lowest orders of Gauss integration. Higher orderrules are given in standard finite element texts,(3) but most lower order elements use only the ones listed in Table 4.7.

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


Table 4.7 Gauss Integration Rules n




* Y&




In quadrilateralisoparametricelements, integration inthe q directionis independent of integration in the 6 direction so that Gauss integration may be performedindependentlyin each direction. The same is true for solid hexahedral elements. The integration points form a two(or three-) dimensional lattice, and the weighting factors are equal to the product of the one-dimensional Gauss weighting factors in each direction. The sum of the weighting factors must equal the area (or volume) of the element in parametric space. Thus for quadrilateral elements C W = 4, and for hexahedral elements, g Z W = 8. Tables 4.8 and 4.9 indicate the weighting factors and the locations of g Gauss integration points for quadrilateral and hexahedral elements respectively. The tables also give the order of the lowest error terms. Due to symmetry, functions which are odd in any parametric coordinate, such as 53114, have null integrals. In addition, the error criterion applies to each coordinate independently. As an example, 3 x 3 Gauss integration accurately integrates 64 ll4 64 in a hexahdral element. Other integration rules have been proposed for quadrilateral and hexahedral elements. For example, Irons(4) hasdescribedafourteen-pointrule for hexahedral elements that is accurate to fifth order, i.e., the rule accurately 5 integrates anyterm of the form hwhere h is anylinearcombination of 6 , q, and 6 . If this rule were truly as accurate as 27-point Gauss integration, it

Chapter 4

Table 4.8 Gauss Integration Rules for Quadrilateral Elements




(a) 1 x 1 Integration

(b) 2 x 2 Integration

(c) 3 x 3 Integration

wa =

= 4

w2 = 1


= =


Error = 0(e2)

Error =


Error = O(

Table 4.9 Gauss Integration Rules for Hexahedral Elements



0 0


*G *G

Isoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


would be quite useful because it costs only slightly more than half as much computer time. Unfortunately it does not accurately integrate the important 2q2 62 which is exactly integrated by even 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss integration. term 5 Gauss quadrature can be extended to triangles by treating them as quadrilaterals with one degenerate edge of zero length. Since such formulas lack isotropy with respect to the directions of the edges, it is better for most applications to use specially devised formulas that possess isotropy. Table 4.10 includes a sampling of successful lowerorder rules. Ruleswhichinclude negative weights have been omitted because they cannot be used for mass matrices in dynamic analysis (negative weights produce instant instability). A comprehensive list of higher order rules will be found in Reference 4.5. The error for each rule in Table 4.10 is expressed as a function ofh, which is an arbitrary linear combination of 4 and q. The sum of the weights for any rule adds upto 0.5, the area of the standard triangle in parametric space.

Table 4.10 Integration Rules for Triangular Elements














Table 4.10 (continued) Integration Rules for Triangular Elements







1 6


x 1







1 3





p2 a2



where al = 0.05971 58717

p1 p2

= 0.47014 20641

a2 = 0.79742 69853

= 0.10128 65073

Zsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


Similar rules have been devised for tetrahedra. Table 4.11 lists the two lowest order rules. Reference 4.6 describes higher order rules. Again, as in the case of triangles, only rules which are isotropic with respect to the edges and which have all positive weights are acceptable for finite elementswithgeneral application. In Table 4.11, the sum of the weights adds upto 1/6, the volume of the standard tetrahedron in parametric space. Table 4.11 Integration Rules for Tetrahedral Elements




O(h2) (h3)

2 1 4

1 24 1 24

where a = 0.5854 1020

P = 0.1381 9660
Rules for pentahedral elements are constructed by combining triangular rules in the @ plane l with Gauss rules in the 6 direction. Popular pentahedral rules arethe six-point (3 x 2) rule which is accurate to 0 and the 21-point (7 x 3) rule which is accurate to 0

HOW Many Internation Points Are E n o u a

Two considerations which always enter into the selection of an integration rule are precision and cost. Other factors whichmustbeconsidered in finite


Chapter 4

element analysis are the accuracy of the integrand and the possibility of instability due to an insufficient number of integration points. We will treat these important matters in later chapters. For the present we consider only the effects of precision and cost on the selection of integration rules from those described in Section 4.3.2. With regard to cost, we need only note that the computer time required to perform the numerical integration of a given integrand is proportional to the number of integration points. Consequently, if a particular integration rule can integrate a given integrand exactly, it makes no sense to consider higher order rules. This very simple logic gives us a conservative way to select integration rules for a broad spectrum of situations: simply select the fewest number of integration points that will exactly compute the integral. Equations 431 to 434 list formulas for the (most important) element properties which require numerical integration. It will be assumed that all of the factors which appear in the integrands (N, B, D, p, c, p) are polynomial functions of the parametric coordinates. Then it is an easy matter to compute the highest powers of 5 ,v, and which occur in the integrand for a particular situation. Comparisonwiththedegree of theleadingerrortermgiven for each integration rule in Section 4.3.2 will indicate the appropriate rule.

The integrands for the element properties are matrix products with many terms, but for our present purpose it is sufficient to consider only a typical term in each integrand. Thus a typical term in the stiffness matrix is

where T(B) and T( D)are typical terms in [B] and [D] and J is the Jacobian determinant. In like manner, typical terms in the load vector, internal force vector, and mass matrix are, respectively, T(P) = T(N)T(P)J

and Membrane Isoparametric


Since everyshape function, N, consists of a linear combination of basis functions, we may take

T(N) =


where X is one of the basis functions,usually one with the highest degree in


A typical term in the strain displacement matrix is, therefore,

T(B) =

x,x =



Evaluation of requires, it will be recalled, inversion of the Jacobian matrix. In two dimensions


while in three dimensions

Substitution into Equation 448 gives T(B) = Xs Y*,,

/ J2



in three dimensions. It is important to note that, in all of the terms of [B] and not just in T(B), derivatives with respect to each of ,, Q, (and occur Once and only once. Likewise, typical terms in the Jacobian determinant are



Chapter 4

Finally, we may write the typical terms for eachof the integrands, as

In Three Dimensions

Note that the notation T( ) has been dropped from D, p, Q, and p. These quantities are usually treated as constant or, at most, as linear functions of the parametric coordinates. More importantly, note that the Jacobian determinant appears in the denominator of T(K) but not in the other element properties. This means that the stiffness matrixcan be evaluated exactly only in caseswhere thedeterminant is constant, i.e., only in cases where the metric position coordinates are linear functions of the parametric coordinates. One might then ask whether, if the stiffness matrix cannot be evaluated exactly, there are good reasons to evaluate the other element properties exactly. The answer is that there is a very good reason, related to convergence, to evaluate the nodal force vector, (F}, exactly. This topic will be taken up in the next chapter. It is also interesting to note that, for constant Q, the typical term in the nodal force vector, T(F), has the same dependence on 6,v, and 6 as the Jacobian determinant, T( J), provided only that T( X,S) = T( x , ~ ) . The latter property follows from the definition of an isoparametric element. Put succinctly, we assert that any integration rule which can exactly integrate the volume of an element can also exactly integrate its nodal force vector forconstant stress. Tables 4.12 and 4.13 list the minimum number of integration points or the precision required to integrate various element properties exactly for a variety of situations. In the tables "geometry" refers to the relationship between metric and parametric coordinates and "loading" refers to the variation of D, p, Q, or p with parametric position. To illustrate the process, consider the

Isoparameiric Membrane and Solid Elements


Table 4.12 Minimum Number of Gauss Integration Points To Exactly Integrate Various Properties of Quadrilateral and Brick Elements MINIMUM NUMBER OF INTEGRATION POINTS TO EXACTLYINTEGRATE ELEMENT QUAD4 QUAD4 QUAD4 QUAD4 QUAD8 QUAD8 QUAD8 QUAD8 HEXA8 HEXAS HEXA20 HEXA20 HEXA20 HEXA20 ZEOMETRY Linear Bilinear Linear Bilinear Linear Bilinear Bilinear General Linear Trilinear Linear Trilinear Trilinear General LOADING Constant Constant Linear Linear Constant Constant Linear Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Linear Constant

1 1


4 4 4 9
9 9 16 16


4 4 4 4 4 9 9

4 4 4 4 4 4

8 8 27 27 64

8 8 8 27 27

8 27 27 64


*[K] cannot be integrated exactly.


Chapter 4

Table 4.13 Minimum Order of Precision to Exactly Integrate Various Properties of Triangular and Tetrahedral Elements MINIMUM ORDER OF PRECISION TO EXACTLY INTEGRATE


LOADING Constant Linear Constant Linear Constant Constant Constant Linear Constant



;EOMETRY Linear Linear Linear Linear Quadratic Linear Linear Linear Quadratic


h h' h' h3 h4 h h2 h3 h5 h h h' h' 1 h h' h3

[MI h' h3 h4 h5 h6 h' h4 h' h'

h h' h3


h2 h3

*[K] cannot be integrated exactly.

QUAD8 element with bilinear "geometry" and linear "loading." A typical term in the internal force vector, {F}, is, according to Equation 4:54, T(F) = (X,e y ,,,)cr. The basis function, X, of highest degree in E , is either or E,'q. Since the geometry is "bilinear," the term of highest degree in y is E,q and we may use y,,, = E,. Likewise, since the loading is "linear" we may select E, as the term of highest degree in G . Thus, adding powers of E,, we see that E,3 is the term of highest degree in T( F). Finally, referring to Table 4.8, we find that 2 x 2 Gauss integration is the lowest order pattern that will evaluate {F) exactly.

E ' ,

lsoparametric and Membrane

Solid Elements


As another example, consider the case of the twenty-node brick, HEXA20, with "trilinear" geometry and "constant" loading. For this case, a typical term in {F} is T(F) = X,s y,,, z C . The term of highest order in both y and z is from

which we obtain y,,, z , = ~ c2qc. Although X can be any of the quartic terms e2qc, ,q2c, or ,qc2, it is seen that the selection of a quartic term makes the integral of T( F) null because T(F) will be odd in one of the parametric coordinates. Thus we select X = cqc which gives T(F) = E,2q2c2. As noted earlier, this term can be integrated exactly by an eight-point Gauss pattern but not by Irons' fourteen-point formula. ( 4 ) It may be noted that different orders of integration (different patterns of integration points) can be used for [K], {P}, and [M]. On the other hand, {F} uses the same integration pattern as [K]. As a matter of fact, {F} is infrequently computed and then only as an output quantity. Its importance lies in its relationship to node point equilibrium. The selection of an integration pattern for [K], and indirectly for {F), dependsonmore considerationsthan just the precision of theintegration. Designers are, however, at liberty to select the integration patterns for {P} and [M] strictly on the basis of precision. As a result, the precision selected for [K] may very well be less than the precision selected for {P} and {M}. The influence of element shape on the required precision of integration is clearly revealed by the results given in Tables 4.12 and 4.13. For example, we have shown that, in the case of HEXA20, 2 x 2 x 2 integration is sufficient to evaluate {F} exactly if the geometry is trilinear. Table 4.12 shows, in addition, that 3 x 3 x 3 integration is required for more general shapes. We will have occasion to refer to these tables, particularly to find the minimum integration pattern that integrates {F} exactly. Reference 4.7 contains additional treatment of the issue of required integration precision.


The discussion of finite element design tends to concentrate on the elastic stiffness matrix and its troubles. On the other hand, much of the designer's



effortand most of theelementcode properties as: load vectors mass matrices damping matrices geometric stiffness matrices output data recovery


to suchotherelement

In this section we will take a brief look at some of the considerations which enter the calculation of load vectors and mass matrices, and the recovery of output data. Regarding the other properties, element damping is frequently treated by a complex material modulus which yields a separate imaginary stiffness matrix which can, if required, be converted into a viscous damping matrix.(8) Sometimes, as in MSWNASTRAN, special viscous damper elements are provided.Geometric stiffness matrices are used to describe geometric nonlinear effects. They are an essential part of the nonlinear analysis of plates and shells.


Loads can be classified either by their origin or by their type of distribution. With regard to origin, all finite element programs must, as a minimum, allow the user to specify the distribution of loads. Most finite element programs also provide a degree of automatic calculation for some loads such as loads due to inertia forces, thermalexpansion,fluid-structure interaction, andvarious electromagnetic forces. We shall treat only the first two of these types. With re$ard to type of distribution, loads can be classified as body forces, surface tractions, line loads, or point loads. Even when the user specifies the magnitudeanddistribution of loads, it is usuallyadvisable to have the computer program handlethe transfer of loads to node points. For example, in thecase of body forces on an element,theequivalentnodal forces are computed by (see Equation 250),

and Membrane lsoparametric


The same form may be used for surface tractions or line loads with dS or de substituted for dV. The reason why the computer programrather than the user should handle the distribution of loads is that, except for the very simplest elements, the distribution is non-intuitive. Figure 4.9 shows the 'node point distribution of surface and line loads for an eight-node rectangular element. The negative corner forces in Figure 4.9(a) are particularly non-intuitive. Not all computer programs provide automatic transfer of such loads. MSC/NASTRAN, for example, provides automatic transfer of surface loads but not line loads.









(a) Surface Load Figure 4.9

(b) Line Load

Distribution of Uniform Surface and Line Loads to Node Points on an Eight-Node Rectangle.

The load distributions shown in Figure 4.9 illustrate one of the differences between corner nodes and edge nodes. There are other differences as well. Consider, for example, a circular ring made up of one-dimensional, three-node elements. The shape of each element will be parabolic rather than circular and, if a uniform radial load is applied according to the distribution of Figure 4.9(b), the edge nodes and comer nodes will displace by slightly different amounts, giving rise to false bending moments. This difficulty does not occur when two-node elements are used.


Chapter 4

Pointloads are entirelytheresponsibility of the userasare enforced displacements. Both are applied directly to nodes. It can be argued, correctly, that point loads and enforced displacements have no place in elasticity because they produce singular stresses. This argument overlooks the role of spatial abstraction in continuum mechanics. A Timoshenko beam or a Kirchhoff plate can certainly undergo concentrated loads without experiencing infinite deformations. Engineers are accustomed to the simplification of structural effects and the lumping of distributed loads into point loads. Any complex structure, such as a bridge, a building, or an airplane, must accommodate idealization to be analyzable. The finite element user should, however, be awarethat local stresses may riseindefinitely as theelementsneara concentrated load are subdivided or refined. This is particularly a problem for higher order elements, such as the hierarchical elements described in the next section.

As has been mentioned, loads due to inertia forces (including gravity) and
thermal expansion arecomputed automatically by most finite element programs. In the case of inertia forces
[ P i ) = -[Mii][Ui)

The acceleration vector, may be specified by the user as a constant acting in a particular direction (the gravity vector) or, more generally, by the rigid translational and rotational acceleration of thestructure. MSC/NASTRAN includes the additional automatic capability to compute the acceleration of a free body subjected to arbitrary time-independent loads, and then to subtract the resulting inertia forces from the load distribution (the so-called inertia relief effect). In the case of thermal expansion, the strains due to temperature rise can be expressed as


Membrane Isoparamefric

and Solid Elements


where {a} is a vector of thermal expansion coefficients. (We use T for temperature here to distinguish it from the symbol used for displacement.) Uniform thermal expansion produces no stress so that, in linear analysis,

= [D]{& - c'}

where {E} is the total observed strain. For example, if a uniformly heated, homogeneous body is rigidly restrained, the stress will be {G} = -[D]{ E'}. Thermal expansion is included in finite element analysis by supplying an equivalent nodal load distribution that produces strains equal to


compute the equivalent load distribution, define the fictitious thermal stress {G'} = [D]{ E ~ } and then use Equation 253 to find

{ P : ' }

= /[Bi]T{G'}dV

= / [ B i ] T [D]{a}(T

- To)dV


Equation 4:58 gives the true stresses for use in data recovery.

So far we have said nothing about loads in dynamic analysis. Such loads have
spatial distributions like those of static loads and an added dimension which can be expressed as a time history or as a frequency spectrum. The added dimension complicates the preparation of input data to the point where a comprehensive user-friendly treatment of all practical situations is next to impossible. The reader is invited to examine the dynamic load provisions of any general purpose finite element system to observe the compromises that are made.

Mass Matrices

Mass matrices are most often computed in finite element analysis by Equation 434, which gives, forthe ij partition of an element's mass matrix,


Chapter 4

A mass matrix computed according to Equation 460 is called a consistenf mass

matrix") because the shape functions [Nil are the same as those used to compute stiffness. Note that a consistent mass matrix has the same extent of coupling as the corresponding stiffness matrix. A diagonal mass matrix can be obtained by the simple expedient of equating each diagonal term to the sum of all terms in the same row.* The resulting matrix, called a lumped mass matrix, will produce the same inertia forces as the consistent mass matrix if the acceleration is uniform, but not if the motion is more general.

A lumped mass matrix can have a significant computational advantage over a consistent mass matrix in some circumstances. For example, explicit
integration of transient dynamics requires that the mass matrix be inverted. This will be less costly, particularly for large problems, if the mass matrix i s diagonal. In general, the use of a lumped mass matrix degrades the accuracy of the solution. There is one exception which occurs when the simplest elements of any type (i.e., rods, triangles, quadrilaterals, bricks, etc., with no edge nodes), sometimes called simp1ex elements, are used to model wave phenomena. In such cases it can be shownthata compromise between thelumped and consistent mass matrices, e.g., one half the sum of the two matrices, minimizes the error in frequency or wave velocity.(10) Lumped mass matrices for elements with edge nodes have the disadvantage that some of the masses may be negative. For example, the lumped mass distribution for an eight-node rectangle isthesame as thenode point distribution of the uniform surface load shown in Figure4.9(a). The reason is that uniform acceleration yields uniform inertia force. Negative masses cannot, of course, be used in transient dynamic analysis because they cause exponential divergence.

*It is important for this calculation that all degrees of freedom have the same scale. For example, terms coupling rotations to translations should not be included in the sum.

and Membrane lsoparametric


On balance, while lumped mass matrices have some legitimate applications, particularly for simplex elements, they tend to degrade performance and should not be used uncritically. For general applications, consistent mass matrices are better. Very often they are the only mass matrices provided in a finite element program. Besides themass of theelements themselves, twootherkinds of mass sometimes appear in finite element programs. The first kind includes the concentrated mass properties of rigid bodies, connected directly to nodes. The second kind includes distributed nonstructural mass, such as the floor loading in a building, which may be spread over a surface element or a line element.
4.4.3 Qutput Data Recovery

In linearstaticanalysis by thedisplacementmethod,displacements . . recovered first by solution of the stiffness equation



Then, if an assumed displacement formulation is used, strains are recovered by

and stresses are recovered by Equation458. Various stress resultants are usually provided, such as the maximum shear stress, the Hencky-von Mises stress, or the mean pressure. The strain energy of the element

may alsobecomputed Section 4.3.2.

by thenumericalintegrationrulesdescribed



Chapter 4

Stress and strain components, and their resultants, are most often output at integration points. They can also be extrapolated to other points, by using shape functions of the parametric coordinates. The only difference from the procedure used to interpolate displacements is that 5 ,Q,and must be scaled to the locations of the integration points rather than to the locations of the nodes.

The points most commonly selected for extrapolated stress and strain output are the center and the comers of the element. In a four-node quadrilateral, for example, stresses are output at thecenter because thestresses at 2 x 2 integration points are inaccurate. The incompleteness of the linear terms in the strain field causes the inaccuracy. Extrapolation of stress and strain output to comer nodes provides the ability to average the results from adjacent elements. This will often improvethe accuracy of the data. Extrapolation to comer nodes also furnishes a way to estimate the error in the data. A statistical measure of probable error is easily constructed by treating the values of stress components from adjacent elements like random experimental data. This approach to A posteriori error estimation has the capital advantages that it is easy to code and inexpensive to use. No information whatever is needed about the formulation of the adjacent elements and no extra runs are required. Although the errors in finite element analysis are more nearly systematic than random, this procedure can provide meaningful error estimates in practical applications. (11,12) The internal force vector, F. (see Equation 4:33), is occasionally provided as 11 output data. In the early days, finite element users liked to check that the internal forces were in equilibrium. More significantly, the availability of F il allows the user to construct his own stress distribution for a particular element. This capability is useful for cases where an element is an idealized representation of complex behavior. The ability of modemcomputersto handle very detailed finite element models makes this capability less important now than formerly.

Membrane Isoparametric

and Solid Elements


The calculation of loads and output data for other disciplines generally follows the procedures that have been outlined for structural mechanics. Electromagnetism tends to have more kinds of outputthanstructural mechanics. The important results may include, in addition to the strengths of the fields themselves, the mechanical forces and ohmic heating in physical media. In addition, such overall properties as the resistance, inductance, or capacitance of a device may be needed as output. Other disciplines also have analogs to the mass matrix. The analogous quantity in heat conduction is the heat capacity matrix, although it comes with the difference that the associated heat flow isproportional to the first rather than to the second time derivative of temperature. In electromagnetism the analog of the mass matrix is a matrix of dielectric permittivities.


The theoretical foundation for hierarchical elements is described in Section 3.1. As will be recalled, interpolation of displacement takes the form

where ui} is a vector .representing the values of U at all connected nodes and a k > are other "generalized" or "hierarchical" displacement variables. The nodal shape function, N satisfies the usual properties that N. = 1 at node j j' 1 and N. = 0 at all other nodes. The hierarchical shape function, Nk, satisfies 1 only the property that Nk is null at nodes. The designation hierarchical derives from the facts that an addition to the number of nodes changes all of the shape functions but that an addition to the number of hierarchical displacement variables changes none of the other shape functions, nodal or hierarchical. As a result, hierarchical degrees of freedom can beadded to a finite element without adding to the number of nodes or changing the existing parts of the stiffness matrix, load vector, etc. This feature facilitates hierarchical analysis in which a given structure is analyzed by a sequence of finite element assemblies with increasing complexity. The number and shape of the elements remains fixed.


Chapter 4

Only the number of hierarchical variables changes. The element stiffness matrix for the nth stage of the sequence has the partitioned form

where K h m is the stiffness matrix for the preceding stage. We can arrange matters so that each stage corresponds to a particular order, p, of complete polynomials in the displacement basis functions. Thus, as p increases, we obtain a sequence of solutions from which we can estimate accuracy and rate of convergence. This approach to finite element analysis is called the p method. ( l 3 ) We considerheretheparticular implementation of the p methodthatis embodied in the MSC/PROBE computer program. (l4) The formulation of the quadrilateral membrane element, which we will call QUADP, will illustrate the general procedure. The QUADP element has nodes only at the comers. Thus the nodal shape functions are just the standard four-node functions, Ni = 1+ 6 5 1 + qq / 4. The basis functions of the hierarchical variables i)( i) are selected to make complete polynomials of ascending orders, p, with as few extra terms as possible. The selection process is illustratedwith Pascal's triangle in Figure 4.10. As will be recalled, a serendipity element, i.e., an element with edge nodes only, requires basis functions of the form q", , "v, tq", n = 0,1, .,.,p. These terms are indicated within the outer bands of the Pascal triangle.

[ l


The terms within the inner triangle, i.e., e2n2, e3v2, t2v3, etc., are added for p 2 4 to make the basis functions complete to order p. If the element were an "ordinary" finite element, these extra terms would require interior nodes (one node for p = 4, three nodes for p = 5, etc.). A hierarchical element, on the other hand, requires no edge nodes or interior nodes which is just as well, because we would not know how to locate the interiornodesfor p 2 5 without inducing anisotropy of the stiffness matrix.

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements



' 5 '\



s411 ,,43112
// I

c211 /' ' e311/' t2q2 "5 '1 1 3

/ R '

t2 "", 5 1 1 /' '\

, '

, '


" "



4 "-



5% , ' " /'4 " S" 11 " 2" " " 5 3 " , . 3" " " " ~'2 ' , , ~ ~~5 4 1 1 6 6 ' '\ ,/~---------'\ " ,5611 //' '",t?+ ,/' '\ '\ ,/ v V
' I / I \ I

Figure 4.10 Selection of Basis Functions for aQuadrilateralMembrane Element of Order p = 1 to p = 6 . The hierarchical shape functions in MSC/PROBE are takentobeslight modifications of Legendre polynomials which retain some of the orthogonality properties of Legendre polynomials. The use of orthogonalpolynomials bringstheadvantagethatitavoids the severe round-off errorsusually associated with high degree polynomials. In addition,coupling between hierarchical degrees of freedom is minimized, and even eliminated altogether for someterms in the case of simply geometries withconstant Jacobian determinants. The first five Legendre polynomials are


= 1

p&) =

- 1)

p2(5) = 3 ( 3 5 2

p3(5) =

3(553- 3 t )

P4(5) = i ( 3 5 5 4

- 3052 + 3)


Chapter 4

Additional Legendre polynomials canbe generated with Bonnet's recursion

(n + ')Pn+1(6) = (2n

l)Spn(t) - npn_I(c)


Legendre polynomials satisfy the orthogonality property


for m

It is seen, from Equation466, that Legendre polynomials take on the values f l at 6 = f 1. Thus they cannot qualify as hierarchical shape functions if nodes are located at 6 = f 1. (The hierarchical shape functions must vanish at node points.) The following functions do, however, qualify


= Pn(g)

- Pn-*(g)

n 2 2


as a glance at Equation 4:66 will verify. It can also be shown(15) that the derivatives of 9, (g) with respect to 6 satisfy the orthogonality property

j $d(s)g;(s)dE

= 0

m # n


As aresult, if the g' S areusedasdisplacementshape functions, the corresponding strain states will be orthogonal, provided that the metric to parametric mapping is uniform (J is constant). Since the $' S are functions of only one variable, they mustbeusedin combination with other functions to form the shapefunctions for atwodimensional element. The hierarchical shapefunctions which replace the shape functions for edge nodes are formed as follows:

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


where superscripts(') etc., refer to the four sides of the quadrilateral domain (see Figure4.11). The blending functions (1 - q) / 2, etc., ensure that the shape functions corresponding to a particular edge are null on the opposite edge and thus arenull on all other edges.

Figure 4 . 1 1 Hierarchical Element in Parametric Space. The shape functions for the interior hierarchical variables can be formed* as products of the $' S . Thus

*MK/PROBE uses a slightly different formulation.


Chapter 4


where it is seen that the subscripts of I$ correspond to the powers of , E and q within the inner triangle of Pascal's triangle (see Figure4.10). The number of displacement variables and shape functions increases rapidly with increasing p,as the following table shows.

No. of Terms

The M!X/PROBE computer programallows p to range from 1 to 8. Numerical integration of the quadrilateral membrane element is performed with Gauss integration using ( pmx + 1)2 integration points. Using the same integration rule for all values of p ensures that the stiffness matrix for the pth order will be a partition of the stiffnessmatrix for the p + 1 ' order. Thus the stiffness matrix for p = pmax is computed first and partitioned down to get results for lower orders. If adjacentelementshave different orders of p, theelementsshouldbe modified to ensure displacement continuity along the common boundary. For example, extra hierarchical displacement variables can be added to the lower orderelementalongthe common edge so as to provideauniqueset of displacement variables on the edge. The shape functions for the additional variables take one of the forms indicated in Equation 471 with n ranging from pc + 1 to ph, where pt and ph are, respectively, the lower and higher values of

and Membrane lsoparametric


p for the adjacent elements. The array of integration points for a lower order element must also be changed from a square array with p + 1 points to a ( e rectangular array with (pe + l)( ph + 1) points.

As we can see, hierarchical elements provide an elegant extension of finite

element concepts to higher orders. They avoid proliferation of edgeand interior nodes and provide a degree of computational efficiency for nested sets of analyses with different values ofp. They also allow the use of orthogonal polynomials to form shape functions, thereby enhancing numerical stability and providing additional computational efficiency for certain simple shapes. 4.6 HIGHERORDER VERSUS LOWER ORDERELEMENTS The material in this chapterhas concentrated on theproceduresused to construct isoparametric finite elements. We have encountered elements of different shapes and different orders of complexity. We have seen, most clearly in Section 4.5, how to extend the polynomial order of elements indefinitely and have noted the availability of elements with a complete polynomial order, p, equal to eight. The question naturally arises as to how best to select p for a given application. Is large p always better than small p? Or are there some applications where small p is better? These are not new questions. In the early editions of his classic finite element text,(16) Zienkiewicz noted that "a dramatic improvement of accuracy arises with the same number of degrees of freedom when complex elements are used."* At the time (ca. 1970) elements with p = 2 or p = 3 were considered to be "complex." Zienkiewicz also pointed to the advantages of lower order elements: lower computer costs to form the elements and greater ability to fit local geometries with thesamenumber of degrees of freedom. The very poor accuracy displayed by quadrilateral elements of the lowest order, p = 1, were due to shear locking, so that when this disorder was diagnosed and corrected(17) the accuracy argument in favor of complex elements became less decisive. (18)


Chapter 4

Today, elements with p = 1 and p = 2 exist side by side in many finite element codes and seem to enjoy about equal use. The issue of higher order versus lower order elements has been rekindled by the availability of high-order hierarchic elements. The issue has two aspects: economics and accuracy. Without doubt, a single low-order element is less accurate and more economic, in terms of computer time, than a single highorder element. It is more instructive, however, to compare accuracy and economy for fields of elements with the same number of degrees of freedom. Ultimately we are interested in the cost to achieve desired accuracy in real life applications.

Economic Areumente

As an introduction to the economic aspect of the issue, consider the rectangular region shown in Figure 4.12(a). We shall assume either that it contains an array of simple, p = 1 , elements or that it contains a smaller number of higher order elements such that the number of displacement variables on an outside edge remains the same. As a result, the number of elements is Ne = NI / p* where NI is the number of elements for p = 1. Unless the elements are Lagrange elements, the total number of degrees of freedom for the array declines as p is increased. As shown in Figure 4.12(b), each element adds Nc displacement variables so that the total number of degrees of freedom* is equal to NeNc, not counting the number on the bottom and left edges. For the p = 8 version of the QUADP element described in Section 4.5, Nc = 30 compared to Nc = 64 for the p = 8 version of a Lagrange element. Thus an array of QUADPs with p = 8 has approximately 30/64 times the number of degrees of freedom that exist for p=l.

*Here we assume one component of motion per node point or hierarchical displacement vector. The number of components is immaterial to the discussion.

Isoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


N , Elements

N, Displacement Variables


Rectangular Array of Elements

(b) Displacement Variables Added by a Single Element

Figure 4.12 Finite Element Model of a Rectangle. Two time-consuming parts of the finite element solution are formation of the element stiffness matrices and decomposition of the combined overall stiffness matrix. For large problems we can obtain a reasonably accurate estimate of computer time by counting the number of arithmetic operations. For example, assume that formation of the ij partition of an element's stiffnessmatrix requires computer time, To, to perform the arithmetic operations at one integration point. The time required to form the stiffness matrices for all of the elements in the array is then no less than

where N is the number of integration pointsand Nv is thenumber of g displacement variables assigned to one element. For the QUADP element, 2 Ng = ( p + 1) and Nv = 4p + ( p - 2)( p - 3) / 2. (In the latter expression 4p is the number of exterior displacement variables and ( p - 2)( p - 3) / 2 is the


Chapter 4

number of interior displacement variables.) Consequently, for the QUADP element,

where Ne = N1 / p2 has been used. The ratio Ts / Tsl is tabulated below for p = 2,3, ... 8 . P

The time required to form the stiffness matrices of p = 1 elements is frequently considered to be an insignificant part of the total solution time. The time for an equivalent array of p = 8 element, whichis seen to be higher by a large factor, is not likely to be insignificant. In this calculation, no credit has been given for possible orthogonality of the shape functions, which would, for simple shapes, result in many null partitions of an element's stiffness matrix. Once the stiffness matrix is formed it must be solved. For very large problems, the controlling time is the matrix decomposition time which can be approximated by

Td =

4 To Nn B2


where Nn is the total number of equivalent nodes (displacement variables) and B is the semi-bandwidth, i.e., the number of terms, including embedded zeroes, in a typical row of the stiffness matrix between the diagonal and the last nonzeroterm to the right. To is just the time required to multiplytwo numbers and accumulate the product. For a regular array, such as that shown in Figure 4.12, degrees of freedom can be ordered so that B is equal to the number of elements in the shorter direction ( Na in Figure 4.12(a)) times the number of degrees of freedom added by each element ( Nc in Figure 4.12(b)).

and Membrane Isoparametric


Td=T o e a c

' T N N2N3


If we keep the ratio of the number of elements in the horizontal and vertical directions fixed, then N, = cNb and NZ = cNaNb = cNe. As a result
T~ = + C T ~ N ~ N ~

Equation 4:77 is an important result which we will use in other contexts. It shows that, in two-dimensional arrays, stiffness matrix decomposition time, which is the controlling efficiency factor for very large problems, is proportional to the square of the number of elements and to the cube of the number of degrees of freedom added by each element. For the QUADP element, Nc = 2 p - 1 + ( p - 2)( p - 3) / 2 so that, using Ne = N1 / p 2

The ratio Td / T P

is tabulated below for p = 2,3,

...8 .

Again we see that the higher order elements take more computer time. The disadvantage can be reduced by partitioning each element's stiffness matrix according to interior and exterior displacement variables and solving out the interior variables in a preliminary operation. For a very largenumber of elements, the time requiredtoeliminatetheinterior variables becomes a negligible part of the total time, so that the total decomposition time may be estimated by Equation 477 with Nc equal to the number of exterior variables


chapter 4
Nc = 2 p - 1 and the asymptotic value of

added by each element. In that case, T for large Ne is


The ratio Ta / Tdl is tabulated below for p = 2,3, dP


Here we see that the computational disadvantage hasbeen reduced, and even reversed for large enough p. The reversal should not be taken too seriously because the required number of elements is very large and because a similar strategy(stageddecomposition) can beemployedfor arrays of simple elements. On balance, considering both stiffness matrix formulation and stiffness matrix decomposition, higher order element are, for equal numbers of degrees of freedom, more costly than lower order elements. To be effective, higher order elements must offset their efficiency disadvantage with greater accuracy.

4.6.2 Accuracy Arguments

The dependence of the accuracy of finite elements on the order of polynomial representation has been studied extensively. We consider here only the one-dimensional case. Let the error in a finite element solution be definedas e = uex ufe


where urn is the exact solution and ufe is the finite element solution. The energy norm of the error is then defined as

Isoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements



where W(e) is the expression forstrain energy with e substituted for U. Consider an interval spanned by N onedimensional finite elements. Then, if the element's shape functions are polynomials of order p andif uex is a smooth -~ function with derivatives to order p defined everywhere, itcan be shown that(19)

wheremistheorder of differentiation required to obtainstrains from displacements and k is a constant. Formost applications, including threedimensional elasticity, heat transfer, and magnetostatics, m = 1. For plate will assume m = 1. bending, m = 2. In the discussion which follows we Equation 482 indicates that the error declines very rapidly with increasing p but more slowly with increasing N. Again we should compare examples with N = NI/ p in equal numbers of degrees of freedom, i.e., we should let Equation 482. Then

and we see that !ell declines with increasing p for all feasible values ( p = NI gives one element). The rate of convergence also depends on the number of elements, N , , selected for p = 1. To provide a concrete example, the ratio le!, / llell is tabulated below for N = 24 and p = 2,3,4,6,8 (note that p = 5,7 give fractional numbers of elements).


Chapter 4

Quite clearly, raising the polynomial order greatly improves the accuracy as long as the solution is smooth with finite derivatives to order p. But what if the solution is not smooth? Consider, for example, a membrane plate which has an abrupt change in thickness or an abrupt change in Young's modulus, and let the change occur along the y-axis of a rectangular element. Since equilibrium requires that the stress normal to any surface be continuous, the strain must be discontinuous. As a result, =E does not exist along the y-axis. The x,x finite element will approximate by a polynomial fit in such a way that the energy norm of the error, [ell, is minimized. For our example that amounts to a simple least square fit. Figure 4.13 shows how the step change in is approximated by polynomials of order 1,3,5,7 corresponding to p = 2,4,6,8. The observed 22% overshoot persists to all higher orders of p. This overshoot is known, at least to electrical engineers, as the Gibbs phenomenon. Generalizing from this example, we can say that finite elements based on polynomial shape functions do not cope well with discontinuities that occur within their boundaries. On the other hand they cope exceedingly well with certain types of discontinuities that occur on their boundaries. For example, if thepreviouslydescribedchange in thickness or materialpropertyhad occurred on the boundary between two elements, then the levels of strain would have been constant or slowly varying within each element and could, very likely, have been accurately represented by simple p = 1 elements. The point of this discussion is that discontinuities should, if possible, be placed on the boundaries of finite elements, not within them. This observation leads to the meshgenerationstrategy followed instinctively by allfiniteelement analysts and also, somewhat surprisingly, to a practical guide for choosing the polynomial order, p.

4.6.3 FiniteElementModeling
Allobjectscanbe observed on different scales. Take the Eiffel Tower for example. On the largest scale, as seen from far away, it appears as a gigantic column. From somewhat closer, the four support legs and the three levels

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements






.6 .4 .2

-.4 -.6






-1 .c

Figure 4.13 Finite Element Approximation to a Step Change in Strain.


Chapter 4

come into view, and then we begin to see that the entire structure consists of trusses, and of smaller trusses within trusses. We come finally to the smallest truss members which are pieces of iron no more than two or three feet long. These are connected to plates, and to each other, with rivets. Finally, if we are structural engineers, we wony about the effects of corrosion, or possibly about the effects of fatigue cracks near the joints.Each of these levels of detail corresponds to a different scale, from the largest to the smallest. Eiffel and his assistants probably thought about problems involved with all of these levelsone level at a time. The great advantage of modern computing machinery is that we are able to consider two or more levels of detail, and their interactions, in a single analysis. Thenumber of levels of detailand their relative size, or scale, setsthe minimum number of elements in a finite element analysis. Suppose that three levels of detail are to be included (for example: a whole airplane, its major parts (wings, fuselage, nacelles,etc.), and major structural elements (ribs, spars, frames, etc.)). Consider further that the relative scales of the separate levels are about 5 to 1. Then the size of the whole relative to the smallest level of detail is about 25 to 1. If the smallest detail, such as a panel between two ribs and two spars, is represented by a single finite element and if the analysis is twodimensional, we can expect the number of finite elements to be about 25 x 25 or 625. Of course this i s a very rough estimate. There may be large smooth areas between details that can be represented more coarsely, or perhaps some of the details require more than one finite element. But the order of magnitude of the number of elements has at least beenset. At this point we must try to characterize what is meant by a structural detail. From a geometric viewpoint, it represents a bump, or discontinuity, in what would otherwise be a smooth landscape. Mandelbrot has used this viewpoint to develop what he calls the "FractalGeometry of Nature." In his world, "bumps" are repeated at an infinite regression of smaller scales, leading to curves of infinite length and surfaces of infinite area. To describe this world, Mandelbrot introduces the idea of fractional dimension. A fairly smooth curve would have a dimension slightly above one, while a very irregular one would have a dimension closer to two (a curve of dimension 2.0 can completely fill a

and Membrane lsoparametric


surface). Engineers sometimes talk in this way as, for example, when they refer to a very complex 2 - j 4 D structure. Mandelbrot's concept of nature has applicability to man-made structures, at least to the more complex ones. While we need not agreeto consider an infinite regression of scales (even physicists would not agree to this), it is sufficient to agree that very often there are some important details too small to be included in a particular finite element analysis. Suchdetailsare either ignoredor "smeared." For example, joint flexibility is often ignored (sometimes to the analyst's later regret) while fibers or closejy-spaced stiffeners are often smeared to produce a composite orthotropic material property. The details included in a structural analysis are usually characterized by some kind of discontinuity, for example: edges, comers, holes, stiffeners, fasteners, changes in load intensity, changes in material properties. Sometimes these changes are smooth rather than discontinuous as, for example, when fillets are used in comers. Such smoothing is a smaller scale effect which is frequently ignored. The concept that structural detail is accompanied by discontinuities is, as we haveseen, an important one for finite element analysis. Since we should avoid putting discontinuities within elements, the construction of a practical finite element model begins by identifying the discontinuities and arranging the finite elements so that the discontinuities occur on the boundaries of elements. The minimum number of elements is set by the number of levels of detail that the analyst chooses to include. That choice is often, andparticularlyforlarge problems, set by economic considerations. The analyst, in such cases, includes as many structural details as his budget can afford. The elements that he selects will most probably have the minimum polynomial order, p = 1. To select more costly, higher order elements might, with rigid budgetary constraints, require the elimination of important structural details. The best that the element designer can do for the analyst in this case is to provide him with the best possible p = 1 elements. Suppose that the analyst's budget were suddenly increased. What would he do? He could elect either to include additional structural details, such as small holes, fillets, stabilizing flanges, etc., or to improve overall accuracy by


c h a p t e r4

subdividing elements and/or by increasing their polynomial order. The choice would depend on the significance of the suppressed structural details. In some structures there exists a large enough difference in scale between two succeeding levels of structural detail that their interaction effects can safely be ignored. Such is the case, for example, inthe analysis of machined parts, where the difference in scale between the smallest design features (flanges, holes, fiilets, threads, etc.) and the largest flaws (cracks, tool marks,surface roughness, voids, etc.) may be very large. For such an example, modeling for structural detail might stop well short of a budgetary limit and the analyst might feel free to refine the model further, simply toaimprove accuracy. In general, finite element modeling is a two-step process. The analyst first lays out the minimum number of lowest order finite elements that are required to model the significant structural details. Then, if an economic limit has not been reached, he can further refine the model by subdividing the elements or by increasing their polynomial order. The latter course gives, as we have seen, greater accuracy if the solution is sufficiently smooth. A simple example, which representsonequarter of a doublysymmetric structure, is shown in Figure 4.14. The model has 18 solid elements which capture all of the design details (intersections of planes, fillets, and a hole). It was analyzed(22) with the hierarchic elements in MSC/PROBE for p = 1,2, ..., 8. The number of degrees of freedom, an estimate of the energy n o m of the error, andthe maximum stress in the model, are listed in Table 4.14 for each value of p. It is noted that, while this example has only a few structural details, it is not trivial in terms of thenumber of degrees of freedom neededto achieve acceptable accuracy. In summary, we can be satisfied that both higher and lower order elements have useful applications in linear fiiite element analysis. In nonlinear analysis, on the other hand, lower order elements are generally preferred. One reason is that it is easier to treat large deformations with simple elements. Another

lsoparametric Membrane and Solid Elements


Figure 4.14 Finite Element Model of a Bathtub Fitting (one-quarter model). Table 4.14 Results for Structural Model of Figure 4.14
~~ ~ ~~ ~


124 420 728 1261 4


31260 46620 49800 49990 52200 51030 51340 51260

25.98 14.89 8.99 5.38 3.48
2.33 1.63

2 3

2025 3074 6

4462 6237 8



reason is that,with plastic materials, rapidchangesinstraincan occur anywhere. As we have seen, theattempttorepresentsuch behavior by continuous polynomial functions converges very slowly. It is best to localize the discontinuities in elements which are as small as possible, such as those provided when using a large number of very simple elements.

4 . 1 4.2 43 4 . 4 4 . 5 4 . 6
0 . C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, pp 128-32, 1989.

R. L. Taylor, On Completeness of Shape Functions for Finite Element Analysis, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 4 ,pp 17-22,1972 Ref. 4 . 1 ,p. 173.

B. M. Irons, Quadrature Rules for Brick-Based Finite Elements, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 3 ,pp 239-94,1971.

G.Strang and G.J.Fix, An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, PrenticeHall, pp 183-4,1973.

D.C. Hammer, 0. P. Marlowe, and A. H. Stroud,Numerical

Integration Over Simplexes and Cones, Math. TabZes Aids Comp., 10, pp 130-7,1956. Ref. 4 . 5 ,pp 181-92.

4.7 4 . 8 4 . 9 4 . 1 0 4 . 1 1

R. H. MacNeal (Ed.), The NASTRAN Theoretical Manual, Level 15.5,

NASA SP-222(01),pp 9.3-7,


J .S. Archer, Consistent Mass Matrix for Distributed Mass Systems, J. Struct. Div. ASCE, 89,No. ST4, p. 161,1963.
Ref. 4 . 8 ,pp 5.5-3,-4.
0 . C. Zienkiewicz and J . Z. Zhu, A SimpleErrorEstimatorand

Adaptive Procedure for Practical Engineering Analysis, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 24, pp 337-57,1987.

andMembrane' lsoparametric



M. J . Wheeler and S. M. Yunus,"AnEfficient Error Approximation Technique for Use with Adaptive Meshing,"Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Elem. Analysis, NAFEMS, May 1989.


B. A. Szab6 and A. K. Mehta, "p-Convergent Finite Element Approximations in Fracture Mechanics," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 12, pp 551 -60,1978.
B. A. Szab6, PROBE Theoretical Manual, Release 1 . 0 , Noetic Technologies Corp., St. Louis,MO, 1985. B. A. Szab6 and I. BabuZka, Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, p. 39,1991.
0 . C. Zienkiewicz, TheFinite Element Method, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill,

4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17

p. 211,1977. W.P. Doherty, E.L. Wilson, and R. L. Taylor, "Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids Using Higher Order Quadrilateral Finite Elements," U. of Calif. Berkeley, Struct. Enq. Lab. Report SESM69-3, 1969.


R. H. MacNeal, "Higher Order vs. Lower Order Elements-Economics and Accuracy,"Proc. 2nd WorldConf. on Finite ElementMethods, Robinson and Associates, pp 201-15,1978.
Ref. 4.5, pp 39-51,105-16,165-71.

4.19 4.20

I. BabuZka, 'The p- and hp-Versions of the Finite Element Method: The State of the Art;' Finite Elements: Theory and Applications, D. L. Dwoyer (Ed.), M. Y. Hussaini, and R. G. Voigt, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988.
B. Mandelbrot, The Fradal Geometry of Nature, W. H. Freeman, New York, 1983.

4.21 4.22

J . E. Schiermeier, "Thep-Version of the Finite ElementMethod in

MSC/PROBE," Proc.1990 MSC World Users' Conf., TheMacNealSchwendler Corp., Los Angeles, 1990.


T. J. R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method, Prentice-Hall, p. 159,1987.

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The Patch Test

The general idea behind the patch test is that the results of a finite element analysis should be exactly correct under sufficiently simple conditions. The genius in this concept lies in its precision. There is no quibbling over degrees of accuracy. An element either passes the test to something like six significant figures or it fails. The most commonly applied test condition is a uniform state of stressimposedthroughboundaryconditions' on a small "patch of irregularly-shaped elements. It is reasoned that, since the element shapes and the load orientation have no special symmetries in the test, an element type which passes the test will produce correct results in any other test or practical application where the state of stress is uniform. This result haswide implications. Ineffect, it validates the element for use in structures with arbitrary shapes, provided only that the stresses vary slowly enough.



Chapter 5

The patch test was first introduced by Irons(lS2)in 1965. At the time the testing of new elements was anything but adequate. The author recalls, for example, that the only set of tests applied to the original NASTRAN plate elements involved a rectangular plate modeled with rectangular elements. (3) There was no attemptto test performancefor other shapes. Recognition of the importance of the patch test did not occur immediately and later developers were sometimes obliged to recall their elements. For example, Wilsons original (1973) incompatible membrane element(4) was modified to passtheconstantstrain patchtest and re-released in 1976.(5) Today it is expected that all commercial element designers will routinely apply the patch test before releasing their elements for public use. As we shall see, there is no need for surprises to occur at patch test time becausethe passing or failing of a patch test is generally predictable on theoretical grounds.


Figure 5.1 illustrates a patch of elements which has frequently been used in benchmark tests(6) of twodimensional elements. The only essential features of the test are the irregular shapes of the elements and the existence of at least one interior node. Usually, but not necessarily, the elements belong to the same type.Also, the exterior shape of the patch is chosen to be rectangular in Figure5.1 to facilitate the calculation of boundary conditions. Thepatch shown in Figure 5.2 would, in principle, do as well. Generally speaking, fairly irregular element shapes should be used to emphasize errors in the solution shouldthey occur.Pathological shapes, e.g., quadrilaterals with re-entrant comers or edge node placements that yield negative Jacobians (see Figure 3.181, should be avoided unless there is a special reason. The patches shown in Figures 5.1 and 5.2 can be applied to triangles by subdividing the elements, and to higher order elements by adding edge nodes. In the latter case, the interior edges canbe left straight or made curved. AS will be seen, the location of edge nodes has a bearing on the test results.

The Patch Test



Figure 5.1

ATwo-Dimensional Patch of Elements.

Figure 5 1

AnotherTwo-Dimensional Patch of Elements.

Figure 5 . 3 illustratesastandardpatch")for testing three-dimensional elements. Again, it includesthe essential requirements-irregularelement shapes and at least one interior node-and has a rectangular exterior shape to facilitate boundary conditions. Pentahedra and hexahedra can be tested by subdividing the elements and higher order elements can be tested by adding edge nodes, etc. Thepatch test has different versionscorresponding totheway in which boundary conditions are applied. In what we will call version 1, the displacements are specified at all exterior nodes.Forexample, suppose we wish to imposetheconstantstrainconditionex = B . Thecorresponding displacements are U = a + Bx + cy and v = d - cx. The integration constants (a, c, d) may be selected arbitrarily since they produce no strains. The values of U and v arerigidly imposed at all exterior nodes. The patch testis passed if the


Chapter 5

Figure 53

A Three-Dimensional Patch of Elements.

values of U and v at interior nodes andthe strains in all elements agree with the selected algebraic forms. We can easily construct patch tests of any polynomial order. For example, if we select U = xy, v = - x + uy / 2 at exterior nodes, then the expected ( 2 linear stress field is cX = y / E, Q = 0, and z = 0. Since the patch of elements in Y Figure 5.1 has no special symmetries, it can be presumed that, if the elements in Figure 5.1 pass this test, they will pass any other linear strain patch test.*


In version 2 of the patch test we impose only the minimum number of exterior constraintsthat will restrain rigid bodymotions andapplyloads to the remaining exterior displacement components to achieve the desired state of stress. The procedure is illustrated in Figure 5.4 for ox = 1.
*We wish to avoidthecomplicationsintroducedby test conditionswith distributed loads. Thus, for linear strain and higher order test conditions, we will assumethatthehomogeneousform of the equilibriumequations, Equation 2.13, is satisfied by the desired state of stress.

The Patch Test



a 2

Figure 5.4

Patch Test with Applied Loads (Method 2).

Version 2 hastheadvantagethat it can detect spurious mechanisms, i.e., deformations that have zero strain energy. If such are present the stiffness matrix will be singular within round-off error, even with constraints that remove the rigid body modes. The displacements at nodes may or may not be extremely large, depending on whether or not the loads excite the spurious mechanisms., If version 1 were used, the detection of spurious mechanisms would require a separate test such as, for example, an eigenvalue analysis to find the number of zero frequency modes for the patch. Version 2 requires calculation of the node point loads that correspond to the desired deformation state. This was particularly easy for the patch in Figure 5.4 due to the symmetry of the exterior shape and the absence of edge nodes. For a more general case, such as the patch of Figure 5.2 with higher order elements, resort must be made to the equations which define nodal forces in terms of stresses. Thus we must use either Equation 253,
( ~ i ]=

C J[~l~{oId~e



*Singular stiffness matrices can occur in practicalapplicationswithout necessarily causing bad effects. For example, displacements normal to a plane of load application may inadvertently be left unconstrained.


Chapter 5

or Equation 280,

where the edge tractions (t) are related to stress components by Equation 215. The calculation is not especially difficult but it raises the disturbing thought that the application of boundary conditions is dependent on element properties ([B] or [NI). As a practical matter this means that different element types may require different loads for the same test. It also seems to violate the impartiality of the test. Note, however, that to pass the test the displacements must be consistent with the desired deformation state. Thus if the boundary displacements are the same as those obtained with version 1 , the boundary reaction forces in version 1 will equal the applied loads in version 2, showing that the two versions of the patch test are equivalent. The results will differ only if the test is failed. There exists a third version of the patch test which is less practical for testing elements but more useful for proving theorems. With version 3 , displacement constraints are applied to all nodes, interior as well as exterior. The test is passed if the strains are correct in all elements and if the forces of constraint are null at the interior nodes. Version 3 is equivalent to version 1 because, if version 1 is applied and the displacements at interior nodes are correct, the forces of constraint at interior nodes will be zero when interior constraints are added to convert version 1 into version 3.

A patch test is sometimes applied to a single element. The so-called single

element test(8) lacks interior nodes and is, as a result, less powerful than a multi-element patch test. The single element test can determine whether strains are correctly evaluated from nodal displacements but it cannot determine whether adjacent elements are compatible. Stated differently, thesingle element test cannotdeterminewhether correct nodaldisplacements and element strains imply nodal equilibrium. The latter is a most important point for element design,as we shall see.

The Patch Test



Satisfaction of the constant strain patch test would appear to be, on physical grounds alone, both a necessary and a sufficient condition for convergence. Consider, for example, that the finite elements in an idealized mathematical model of a physical structure are repeatedly subdivided into smaller elements. Then, if the strain distribution satisfies certain smoothness criteria everywhere within the structure, the strains within each element will become more nearly uniform as the subdivision continues. In the limit, the nonuniform part of the strain distribution within each element will become vanishingly small. Then, since the patch test assures us that the elements will give correctresults for any constant state of strain and any set of element shapes, the error in the solution due to thenonuniformpart of the straindistribution will also become vanishingly small. Mathematical respectability has been added to the above line of reasoning by Strang. (9n10)The difficulty with regard to the sufficiency of the patch test for convergence lies in the smoothness criteria taken for the strains. We know that even in practical problemsthestressesandstrains may not bedefined everywhere. In Section 4.6.2, for example, we examined a case where the strain experienced a step change due to a change in material property. It was shown that a polynomial approximation to the step converges slowly and, in fact, exhibits a finite overshoot regardless of the number of terms used. We could choose to rule out such cases, which would be unfortunate because they occur in practice, or we could accept them and then claim that the finite element solution converges "almost everywhere"; in the example cited it converges everywhere except within a vanishingly small distance of the step. In like manner, we must except the vanishingly small neighborhoods of point loads and other singularities. We can, conveniently, claim convergence in most such cases by using an error "norm," such as the energy norm of the error described by Equation 4:81. Finally, we must reject Mandelbrot's concept of the physical world as an infinite regression of discontinuities at smallerandsmaller scales.'") With these or similar criteria put in suitable mathematical form it is possible to construct a proof of the sufficiency of the patch test for convergence.


Chapter 5

The necessity of the patch test for convergence must also be hedged. If a regular rule is adopted for the subdivision of elements, then the elements may approach a shape which is less than perfectly general. For example, Figure 5.5 shows that equal division of the edges of a general quadrilateral leads, in the limit, to elements of parallelogram shape.

Figure 5.5

ProgressiveHalving of the Edges o f aGeneralQuadrilateral Leads to Elements of Parallelogram Shape.

As a result, a quadrilateral element need onlypass the constant strain patch test for parallelogram shapes in order to converge for problems in which the size of elements is progressively decreased by equal subdivision of the edges. We will return to this question in Section 5.4.
Ultimately we must leave the question of convergence to mathematicians. Engineers are concernedwiththebehavior of finite collections of finite elements and in accuracies down to a percent or so. Anything beyond that is academic. The patch test can also provide a lower bound for the rate of convergence as elements are subdivided. Assume for example that an element type passes the patch test for strains of the form E = xpa (for example, pa = 0 for constant strain and pa = 1 for linear strain). The corresponding correct displacements have the form

= xPa+m, where m is the order of differentiation required to

compute strains from displacements (m = 1 for general elasticity and m = 2 for

The Patch Test Q


plate bending). Let a polynomial displacement field,

a xq, q > pa + m 4 q=l

be imposed at external nodes. The lead term in the strain error can then be no greater than =Pa+ Within any element, let x = x . + F , where x . is the coordinate of the "center" of the element. Thus the lead term in the strain error is no larger than

Since the element properly represents strains to order FP,, the constant term, x0Pa+', cannot be a part of the error and neither can any of the terms except the last. Thus the order of magnitude of the error in strain is


= O(ppa'l)


If h is the maximum dimension of the element, the order of magnitude of the maximum error in strain is

E(&) = O(hPa+')


The derivation of an estimate for the error in displacement is trickier. From Reference 5.10,

E(u) = O(h pa+m+l )+O[h 2( pa + l )


The first term is controlling (has a smaller exponent) if pa > m - 1. It is seen that the second term has the same exponent as the error in strain energy. Thus it correctly predicts the rate of convergence of displacement at the point of application of a single concentrated load. If the structure is uniformly subdivided into elements, then h = L / N, where L is a characteristic length of the structure and N is the number of elements


Chpfer 5

along L. If the elements used inthe analysis only satisfy a constant strain patch test and if general two- or three-dimensional elasticity is assumed,then E(&) = 0(1 / N). This estimateis quite pessimistic. In Section 4.6.2, for example, we quoted a result('*) which stated that, if displacement derivatives to order p exist everywhere, the order of magnitude of the error in the energy "norm" (proportional to the error in strain) is 0 1 / Np where p was the polynomial order of the element. Our present result contends that all elements converge as if p = 1 unless they can be shown to pass a higher order patch test. The highest order of patch test that can be passed is p, = p, - m or possibly p, = pq - m where p, is the order of complete polynomials in the element's displacement basis and p is the order of quasi-complete polynomials in the 9 displacement basis (see Section 3.3). It will beshown in Section 5.4 that satisfaction of patch tests at these higher orders depends on element shape. Thus the manner in which elements are subdivided influences the convergence rate.

The characteristic length, L, also influences the convergence rate through the number of its associated elements, N. It is rarely possible to take L to be the maximum dimension of the structure. If it were possible, the number of elements in today's largest analyses, which may exceed100,000, would produce insanely high levels of accuracy. Such large numbers of elements are, instead, needed to accommodatemultiple levels of structuraldetailinthesame analysis. The scale of the smallest structuraldetaildeterminesthecharacteristic length, L, becausepolynomialscannot usefully be continuedacrossthe discontinuities which characterize structural details. In Figure 5.6, for example, the diameter of the small holes determines L. As a result, the number of layers of elements near each small hole establishes the accuracy of the analysis.

The Patch Test


Figure 5.6 TheSmallestStructuralDetailsDeterminethe Length, L, and the Convergence Rate. Characteristic


As we have seen, satisfaction of the constant strain patch test guarantees convergence to the correct solution of well-posed problems as elements are subdivided. It also appeals to users as a reasonable requirement. Who can say that users are not justified in expecting finite element models to give correct answers for constant stress conditions?
Given the practical requirement of satisfying constantstrainpatch tests, element designers need to know how this can be done. It is not difficult, in fact, to lay out a set of rules, or sufficient conditions, that will guarantee the satisfaction of patch tests. The starting point is version 3 of the patch test in which, it will be recalled, the desired displacement field is imposed at all nodes, interior as well as exterior. The patch test is satisfied if the strains (and stresses) are correct and if the resultant forces at interior nodes are null. The latter requirement, or necessary condition, is satisfied if the forces imposed on the interior nodes by the elements are in equilibrium, i.e., if
X{FT} = 0


c h a p t e r 5

where F : is the vector of generalized forces on node i due to element e.(We assume here that body forces (p} and loads applied directly to interior nodes, {Pp} are null in the test.) The generalized nodal forces { F ; } boundaries by are related to the tractions (t} on element

{ l

{ F : }

Nf {t}dS


where NF is the shape function for node i in element e and the integral is taken over the surface of the element Se. (Equation 5:7 is obtained from Equation 2:80 byrequiringtheshapefunctions to be thesame for all components of displacement.) Substitution into Equation 5:6 then gives

c I Nf {t}dS = 0
e Se


as the requirement for equilibrium. Figure 5.7 illustrates, in two dimensions, the situation represented by Equation 58. Only the elements immediately adjacent to node i are shown because N f is null in all other elements. The element boundaries can be separated into two sets. In set j, two elements share the same boundary; in set k, there is only one element per boundary. All element boundaries belong to one of these two sets in both two and three dimensions. If the stresses are correct in the elements, the tractions along boundaries in set j, such as along H-i in Figure5.7, will be equal and oppositein the two elements. As a result, we may write the equilibrium condition fornode i as

where NY) and Ni-1 are the shape functions for the elements on opposing sides of a boundaryin set j.

T h e Patch Test


Figure 5.7

An Element Patch Showing Boundary Tractions.

We should recall, at this point, the requirements that shape functions must satisfy to ensure inter-element displacement continuity (see Section 3.4). Those requirements are that, on a given edge, the shape functions for nodes on or adjacent to the edge must be computed identically in adjacent elements and that the shape functions for nodes not adjacent to the edge must be zero. Thus, in Equation 5:9, N P ) = N(L) and N f ) = 0 for conforming elements. This leads immediately to the conclusion thatthe equilibrium condition is automatically satisfied by conforming elements. At last we have discovered a concrete justification for requiring inter-element displacement continuity. It ensures satisfaction of theequilibriumcondition and hence, if allother requirements are met, satisfactionof the patch test. We also see that nonconforming elements have a chance of satisfying the equilibrium condition since Equation 5 9 only requires that the sum of certain integrals involving the shape functions be null. Equation 5 9 may be simplified in certain cases. Consider, for example, that node i is interior to a particular element. Then Equation 5 9 can be written as jNi{t}dS = 0




where the integration is taken over the entire boundary of the element. In a constant strain patch test, { t} is constant and the condition becomes simply jNidS = 0


In summary, the equilibriumconditioncan


by using

conformingelements or by requiringsomeweakerconditionthatallows satisfaction of Equation 5:9. It shouldalsobenoted that, inassumed displacement elements, the generalized forces on nodes are computed from volume integrals of stresses rather than from surface integrals of tractions. Thus, from Equation2:53,


= j[Bif{u]dV


Satisfaction of Equation 5 6 clearly requires that the integral in Equation 5 9 2 be computed exactly. We have described, in Section 4.3.3, the integration order required to achieve precision in various circumstances. Equation 5:12 suggests another way in which satisfaction Lf the equilibrium condition can be assured. Let the strain displacement matrix Bi be written as the sum of the matrix for a conforming element (or for an element which is otherwise known to satisfy equilibrium), [BC], and a nonconforming part, [Be], so that




+ Blf{u)"


The Patch Test


Now, since

T I[BCl {a}dV =

I NC{t}dV


' , v
satisfies the equilibrium condition, the condition will continue to be satisfied if


{o}dV = 0


For a constant stress field Equation515 becomes IBTdV = 0


where BY is any component of BY . It is relatively easy, in any particular case,to determine whether this condition is satisfied. For example, Taylor, et al.,(5) usedit to establish a modified version of Wilson's original nonconforming element(4)that would pass the patch test. We are now prepared to state conditions which will guarantee satisfaction of a patch test to any desired order. To repeat, the general required condition is that the known theoretical solution be reproduced exactly within the patch. T h i s is equivalent, in version 3 of the patch test, to the requirement that strains and stresses be correctly computed from nodal displacements and that the forces exerted by elements on interior nodes be in equilibrium, i.e., that the forces of constraint due to the displacements imposed on interior nodes be null. Examination of the equilibrium condition has revealed a variety of ways in which it can be satisfied. Put formally, we may say that the following is a set of sufficient conditions for satisfaction of patch tests by elements derived from an assumed displacement field:
1. Strains and stresses computed from nodal displacements are correct to


the desired order.


Chapter 5

2. The integral relating the generalized forces on grid points to stresses,

is exact for the desired order of {a}.

3 . Equilibrium at interior nodes is satisfied because either
( b )

the elements are conforming, or the nonconforming part of the strain-displacement matrix of each element produces zero grid point forces, i.e., for a general vector {a} of desired order,

[B?] (a}dV = 0


or, (c) the shape functions associated with interior nodes can be shown to satisfy Equation 5:9 for the desired order of {a}. Failure to satisfy these conditions leads to patch test failure. Thus we may say that the cause of patch test failure is either interpolationfailure (failure to compute strains correctly from nodal displacements), integrationfailure, or equilibrium failure. These conditions apply without qualification if all of the elements are of the same type. They also apply if elements of different types are used in the same patch test, provided that inter-element displacement continuity (required in condition 3(a) and in the implied conforming part of condition 3b)) holds for adjacent dissimilar elements. It willnot, for example, hold for an interface between linear and quadratic isoparametric elements (see Figure 4.6). 5.4 ISOPARAMETRIC ELEMENTS AND THE PATCH TEST Since isoparametric elements are conforming, they have no trouble with the equilibrium requirement for passing patch tests. Also, since isoparametric elements satisfy completeness, they can correctly interpolate linear displacement fields regardless of element shape.

The Putch Test


Thepatch test troubles of isoparametricelements begin withquadratic displacementstates. From thediscussion of Section 3.5 we knowthat isoparametric elements cannot accurately represent quadratic and higher order displacementstateswhenthe full geometric capability of the element is employed. This hasimportant implications for plateandshell elements because a state of constant bending curvature corresponds to a quadratic variation of displacement normal to the neutral surface. As a result, isoparametric plate and shell elements cannot pass a constant curvature patch test unless restrictions are placed on element geometry. The same restrictions also apply to solid elements when they are used to model relatively thin shells. Patch tests which employ quadratic or higher-order displacement states have less significance for membrane elements and for general solid elements. Still we would like some assurance that higher accuracy is achievable as we increase the complexity of elements.
If passing a patch test requires that restrictions be placed on element geometry, then we should ascertain whether the restrictions are reasonable. The greatest selling point of finite elements isthat they can fill spaces of arbitrary complexity and we should not toss this advantage away lightly. For example, a restriction to rectangular elements would be unacceptable.

The elements which can most easily fill two- and three-dimensional spaces, respectively, are the general (scalene) triangle and the tetrahedron. Designers of automatic mesh generators frequently prefer these two elements. It matters only a little to users-whether the edges of these elements are straight or curved or whether edge (or face) nodes are evenly spaced., Thus we can readily accept a restriction to triangles andtetrahedra with linear position basis functions [X'1= 11.6, q] and [ X ' ] = 11.6, q, respectively if that will ensure passage of a patch test. A six-node isoparametric triangle or a ten-node isoparametric tetrahedron restricted to linear shape can correctly interpolate quadratic displacement states because their displacement basis functions are complete through the quadratic terms in the parametric coordinates. .


*This is clearly the case for interior edges. It is less likely to be true for exterior edges, particularly where edge displacements are constrained.



The possible restrictions on quadrilaterals and hexahedra are a little more complicated.Theanalog of the scalene triangle is the generalfour-node quadrilateral. A restriction to this shape, i.e., a requirement that edges be straight and that edge nodes be evenly spaced, is readily acceptable, at least for lower order elements. The geometry for this case may be called "bilinear" because the position basis vector, [X'] = 11, , , q, ,qJ, includes the bilinear term. The three-dimensional equivalent is the general eight-node hexahedron with "trilinear" shape, [X'] = q, C, , q , q C , ,Q[].

l',,, ,c,

As explained in Section 3.5, the nine-node Lagrange quadrilateral with bilinear shape can correctly interpolateaquadraticdisplacement field butthe is that eight-node serendipity element cannot. The reason 2 U = y2 =(c1+ c25 + c3q + c4, q) includes the term c4 2 ,2q2 which is in the displacement basis of the nine-node element but not in that of the eight-node element. As a consequence, a nine-node plate element can pass a constant curvature patch test with bilinear element shapes but an eight-node element cannot.

To find a patch test which the eight-node plate element can pass, we must restrict the element geometry to be linear in the parametric coordinates, i.e., to [X'] = 11, , , q], which corresponds to parallelogram shape. A restriction this severe is not useful for fillingarbitrary spaces with coarse elements. Weshould recall, however, from Figure 5.5, that the parallelogram is the shape obtained in the limit when an arbitrary quadrilateral is repeatedly subdivided by equal division of the edges. Thus we can say, with a little chutzpah, that an eightnode isoparametric shell element can pass the constant curvature patch test in the limit as elements are subdivided in a regular way. This has also been called a weak form of the patch test. Other examples of weak patch tests are discussed in Reference 5.14. Whenwe come to consider three- andfour-nodeisoparametricbending elements we findthat no restrictions on element shape will allow them topass a constant curvature patch test. The reason is that the displacement basis vectors of these elements do not contain the complete quadratic terms which are the minimum requirement. In these cases satisfaction of the patch test can be

The Patch Test


achieved only by partial abandonment of parametric interpolation. We will return to this subject in Section9.4. The final requirement for the satisfaction of patch tests is that the integral needed to form the vector of generalized forces on nodes, Fi}, be exact. We considered, in Section 4.3.3, the requirements on integration order that would allow the computation of Fi and other integrals to be exact. Results were presented in Tables 4.12 and 4.13 for various combinations of element type, element geometry, and the polynomial degree of the "loading."


The integration rules which enable isoparametric elements to pass low order patch tests are identified in Table 5.1. From the discussion in Section 4.3.3, we know that any rule which integrates the volume of an isoparametric element exactly will enable it to pass linear displacement patch tests. It is seen that only low integration orders are required and that the integration order does not increase when passing from linear to quadratic displacement states. The reason is that the element shapes which allow linear strains to be computed exactly are necessarily simpler. It should also be noted that the simplest element in each class (QUAD4, HEXA8, TRIA3, and TETRA41 cannot pass quadratic displacement patch tests for any geometry. Finally, it is seen that the QUAD8 and HEXA20 pass the quadratic displacement patch test for lessgeneral shapes that the QUAD9 and HEXA27. It is not difficult to extend the results in Table 5.1 to higher order elements and higher order patch tests. Shape restrictions rather than integration rules are the issuebecause a sufficiently accurateintegrationschemecanalwaysbe constructed. The superiority of Lagrange elements over serendipity elements extends to higherorders. For example,thesixteen-nodecubicLagrange quadrilateral can pass a cubic displacement patch test with bilinear element geometry while the twelve-node cubic serendipity element can only pass the cubic test with linear geometry. The same conclusion applies to nth order patch tests and nth order elements of regular or hierarchic form. It should also be noted that quartic and higher order serendipity elements do not provide basis functions whichare complete to nth order.


Chapter 5

Table 5.1 Integration Rules Required to Pass the Patch Test with Isoparametric Elements



QUADRATICDISPLACEMENTS Element ;eometry :ntegration Element ntegration Rule Rule Geometry

Element Element Type Geometr! Most General



1 pt.


2x2 2x2


2X2X2 3X3X3 3X3X3

1 pt.



3 pts.
1 pt.

2x2 Bilinear 2x2




2x 2 x 2

I Trilinear -

2x 2x 2




5 pts. **

4 pts.

I II -


*Strains not exact. See, for example, Reference 5.20.

In practical analysis the shapes of higher order elements will rarely be simple enough to allow them to pass higher order patch tests. The reason is that the smaller number of higher order elements must have more complex shapes in order to represent the same amount of structural detail. If, for example, we permit the edges of a plane quadrilateral element to be general cubic curves, the nonzero terms in the position basis vector must include all terms of cubic or lower degree plus t3qand 5q3. Satisfaction of even a quadratic patch test then requires that the terms t6q2/ t4q4/and {*v6 be in the displacement basis




vector. This is achieved by thep = 8 hierarchical element described in Section 4.5, but not by any lower order element.


Since isoparametric elements are both complete and conforming, they can accurately interpolate linear displacement states and satisfy nodal equilibrium. They can also be derived from variational principles, as was demonstrated in Section 2.3. Mathematicians are, as a result, quite contented with isoparametric elements, particularlysinceconvergenceproofs can beconstructed for (15) methods based on variational principles. We have confirmed the convergence property of isoparametric elements by notingthattheypass constant strain patch tests which, as discussedin Section 5.2, guarantees convergence. We have emphasized that isoparametric elements can pass patch tests with quadratic displacement states only when restrictions are placed on element shape. Indeed, no three- and four-node isoparametric plate element of any shape can pass a constant curvature patch test. Herein lies the beginning of aquarrel with mathematicians because element designers, being pragmatic, have tended to cope with this problem, and with the other disorders of finite elements, on an ad hoc basis without necessarily appealing to variational principles. In so doing they may have used nonconforming shape functions or inexact integration, thereby committing "variational crimes.* , ( g ) A remedial effort has been mounted by mathematicians and by more mathematically-inclined element designers to relate such "tricks" as reduced and and assumedstrainfields to selective order integration, incompatible modes, variational principles. (10'16r17) Thus they have sought to wrap these devices, which have proven their utility, in the mantle of respectability. While this respectability derives from the use of accepted mathematical principles, it does not of itself confer either utility or accuracy. In fact, elements withouta variational pedigree often exhibit superior performance.


Chapter 5

We propose, instead, a new order of respectability based on the patch test. It will be an order based on merit because satisfaction of a patch test is no mean accomplishment. It requires thatdisplacements andstrainsbe correctly interpolated from nodal displacements, that nodal forces be integrated exactly from stresses, and that nodal equilibrium be satisfied. Each of these requirements defines, in a negative sense, one of the principle disorders of finite elements: interpolation failure, which is the cause of locking; integration failure; and equilibrium failure. We have already discussed how integration failure can be avoided (seeSection 4.3.3). Interpolation failure is the sole subject of the next chapter. We will encounter equilibrium failure as a side effect of remedies for interpolation failure. One of those remedies, reduced order integration, can also create spurious mechanisms as a side effect. Version 2 of the patch test can, as discussed in Section 5.1, also detect this disorder. While we assert that satisfaction of a patch test confers respectability, we do not claim that it necessarily implies superior performance. In Section 11.4 we will encounter cases where elements can only pass patch tests if we allow them to lock. We will find that other important benefits can result from relaxing patch test requirements. Still, it is best for an element developer to keep the patch test in mind and to deviate from it only when there are clear advantages to be gained. Our neworder will havedegrees of respectability which depend on the complexity of element shape and the polynomial degree of the strain (or bending curvature) for which the patch test is passed. At the bottom will be elements whichcannot passa constant strain (or constant curvature) test for any element shape. They will be classed as unusable. Next will come quadrilateral elements which pass constant strain tests for rectangular shapes (the unacceptables) followed by elements which pass for parallelogram shapes (the weaklings), bilinear shapes, and general shapes. Above these will be elements which pass patch tests for linear strain states, quadratic strain states, etc. In all of this we note that bending elements are at a disadvantage because they require patch tests with displacements one degree higher than membrane elements.

The Patch Test


Elements can have their degree of respectability raised through design changes. For example, the original (1976) release of the MSC/NASTRANQUAD4 bending element(18) could satisfy a constant curvature patch test for rectangular shapes only. (Even this was an improvementoverfour-node bending elements based on a strict isoparametric formulation.) The current' version of the QUAD4, reported (l9) in 1982, satisfies constant curvature patch tests for general (bilinear) shapes. There was also an unreported intermediate configuration which only passed the patch test for parallelogram shapes.


B. M. Irons, "Numerical Integration Applied to Finite Element Methods," Conf. on Use of Digital Computers in Structural Engineering, Univ.of Newcastle, 1966.
G. P. Bazely, Y. K. Chueng, B. M. Irons, and 0. C. Zienkiewicz, "Triangular Elements Plate inBending. Conforming and Nonconforming Solutions," Proc.1st Conf. on Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech., pp 547-76, AFFDLTR-CC-80, Wright-Patterson Am, OH, 1966.


5.3 5.4

R. H. MacNeal (Ed,), The NASTRAN Theoretical Manual, Level 15.5, NASA SP-221(01),pp 15.2-1-11.
E. L. Wilson, R. L. Taylor, W. P. Doherty, and J . Ghaboussi, "Incompatible Displacement Models," Numerical and Computer Meth. i n Struc. Mech., S. T. Fenves, et al. (Eds.), Academic Press,pp 43-57/1973.


R. L. Taylor, P. J . Beresford, and E.L. Wilson, "A Nonconforming Element for Stress Analysis," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 10, pp 1211-9, 1976.


J . Robinson and S. Blackham, An Evaluation of Lower Order Membranes as Contained in the MSC/NASTRAN, ASAS, and PAFEC FEM Systems, Robinson and Associates, Dorset, England, 1979.
R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, "A Proposed Standard Set of Problems to Test Finite Element Accuracy," Finite Elem. Analysis &3 Design,l, pp 3-20,1985.



R. L. Taylor, 0. C. Zienkiewicz, J . C. Simo, and A. H. C. Chan, "The Patch Test-A Condition for Assessing F.E.M. Convergence," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 22, pp 39-62/1986. G. Strang, "Variational Crimes and the Finite Element Method," Proc. Foundations of the Finite Element Method, A. K. Aziz (Ed.), Academic Press, pp 689-710,1972.


202 5.10 5.11 5.12

G. Strang and G. J. Fix, An Analysis of theFiniteElementMethod, Prentice-Hall, 1973.

B. Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry York, 1983.

of Nature, W. H. Freeman, New

W. Gui and I . Babdka, "The h-, p-, and hp-Versions of the Finite Element Method in One Dimension. Part I: The Error Analysis of the pVersion; Part 11: The Error Analysis of the h- and hp-Versions; Part

111: The Adaptive hp-Version;" to appear in Numerishe Mathematik.


B. Spect, "Modified Shape Functions for the Three-Node Plate Bending Eng.,26, ElementPassing the Patch Test," lntl. J . Numer.Methods pp 705-15,1988. 0. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, p. 295, pp 311-2,1989.
S. C. Mikhlin, TheProblem of the Minimum of a Quadratic Functional,

5.14 5.15 5.16

Holden-Day, 1966.

D.S. Malkus and T. J . R. Hughes, "Mixed Finite Element MethodsReduced and Selective Integration Techniques," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 15, pp 63-81,1978.
H. C. Huang and E. Hinton, "A New Nine-Node Degenerated Shell Element withEnhancedMembrane and Shear Interpolation," 1ntl.J. Numer. Methods Eng., 22, pp 73-92,1986. R. H. MacNeal, "A SimpleQuadrilateral StWct., 8, pp.Y75-83,1978. Shell Element," Comput.


5.18 5.19 5.20

R. H. MacNeal, "Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed Strain Distributions,"Nucl. Eng. Design, 70, pp 3-12,1982.

H. Kardestuncer (Ed.), Finite Element Handbook, 1987.

McGraw-Hill, p. 2.105,

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity

The term interpolation failure was introduced in Section 5.3 to describe one of the reasons for an element's inability to pass a patch test-namely the incorrect interpolation of a displacement field and its derivatives from its values at nodes. Since a finite element has only a finite number of basis functions, interpolation failure occurs naturally for higher-order functions beyond the range of the basis functions. Interpolation failure can also occur prematurely, i.e., for lower-order functions than might be expected. We havealready encountered premature interpolation failure as one of the consequences of parametricmapping. For example, it was shownin Section 3.5 that, for elements of any order, superparametric mapping does not guarantee correct interpolation of linear displacements and that isoparametric mapping does not guarantee correct interpolation of quadratic displacements. This argument


Chapter 6

was extended in Section 5.4 to determine the restrictions on element shapes which allow displacement fields of various orders to be correctly interpolated by isoparametric elements. While the failure to pass patch tests is an important disorder, it is not the only consequence, nor even the most serious consequence of interpolation failure. That distinction belongs to the phenomenon of locking, which is a condition of excessive stiffness for a particular deformation state or even, as inferred by the lay meaning of the term, a condition of grossly excessive.stiffnessbordering on rigidity. We encountered the locking phenomenon in Chapter 1 where it was used to demonstrate the need for studying element design. It was shown in Figure 1.4, for example, that the bending deflection of the finite element model of a cantilever beam varied from 1.4% to 99.5% of the correct value, depending on the elements used and their shapes. Figures 1.6 and 3.20 illustrated other, less severe examples of locking. It may not be an exaggeration tosay that locking has driven the design of finite elements for the last twenty-five years or perhaps longer. By the mid-l960s, developers were aware of and began to understand the poor performance of the early three-node triangles and four-node quadrilaterals for particular applications. The first result of this awareness was the push to develop higherorder elements. (*) Fixes for the locking problems of the lower-order elements appeared more slowly, the first in 1969,(3) and then throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The term locking, itself, did not appear in the technical literature until the mid-l970s, and as late as 1979 it was possible to discover(*) that many commercial finite elements had easily corrected locking flaws which produced enormous errors. The revelation of these errors was largely responsible for the formation of NAFEMS, the British finite elements standards organization, and the publication of problem set^'^'^) to detect locking and other flaws in finite elements. Even today it cannot be said that the locking phenomenon is well understood by finite element users and developers. Standard texts have little to say on the subject and rarely, if ever, analyze the locking disorders of specific elements.

Interpolation Failure:

Locking and Shape Sensitivity


Element designers are more interested in finding fixes for locking than in understanding why locking occurs. As a result, experts tend to disagree on the causes. The recent work of B a b u h and Suri") on locking is perhaps the most illuminating. Their focus is on the parameters which characterize locking and on the influence which locking has on convergence rates. The emphasis in this chapter, derived from the author's experience, is on the underlying causes of locking and their manifestation in particular elements. The author's conviction that interpolation failure must be present for locking to occur is recent and as yet inadequately tested by peer review. The many examples that will be presented may convince the reader of the plausibility of this thesis. We also know that some elements, such as the early NASTRANQDMEM element, lock for all element shapes (see Figure 1.4), while others, such as the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4, give much better results for some shapes than for others. Thus we are led to consider the shape sensitivity of elements with respect to locking. Shape sensitivity has also been encountered in Chapter 5 as an important consideration for the satisfactionof patch tests. In order to study locking disorders, we will, for the first time in this book, makedetailed calculations of strain states for bothregularanddistorted element shapes. We will, therefore, begin the study by introducingan important tool which can simplify the calculations.

The term aliasing is borrowed from sample data theory where it is used to describe the misinterpretation of a time signal by a sampling device. If, for example, the time interval between samples is too long, the frequency of a sine wave may be assigned a value which is much too low. The sine wave is then represented in the output of the sampling device by a sine wave of lower frequency, which passes as analias for the true signal. In finite element analysis, we can usefully extend the concept of aliasing to spatial discretization.(8) In this case the sample data points are the values of


Chapter 6

displacements at nodes and the alias is the function which interpolates the nodal displacements within an element.* We have shown that any element will correctly interpolate its basis functions or, indeed, any function that is a linear combination of its basis functions (see discussion following Equation 3:38). The interpolation of any other function will not be correct because the interpolate can only contain a linear combination of basis functions. As a result all functions except basis functions and their linear combinations are represented within an element by aliases. It is an easy matter to compute the alias for any particular function. Let the function be U and let U be the vector representing the values of U at nodes. il Then the interpolated value, or alias, is

The product Aji]{ui] = aj} is a vector of constant coefficients for the basis functions in LX J. We can, therefore, easily express ua in terms of elementary basis functions, which is convenient for the derivative operations needed to compute strains. Let us begin by computing the alias for U = 62 in a three-node isoparametric triangle. Table 4.6(a), reproduced below as Figure 6.1, expresses the shape function for the threenode triangle in factored form [NI = [X][ A ji]. The nodal displacement vector is

*Barlow('') hasdeveloped the same concept. He uses the term substitute findion rather than alias.

lnterpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


so that


Thus we can say that within the element the function its alias ua = 6 or, in more compact notation,
u = ~ 2 +

= 4 2 is represented by


We can, in like manner, work out the alias for any function in anyelement, even functions like U = sin x. The aliases for some simple functions are evident by inspection, as in the case of the four-node quadrilateral shown in Figure 6.2. There, for example, the value of U = is 1.0 at all four nodes which clearly gives the alias ua = 1 within the element. Similarly, the other functions shown



Chapter 6

in Figure 6.2 have aliases which mimic each of the elements other elementary basis functions.

1 ) Figure 6 2 Some Aliases for the Four-Node Isoparametric Rectangle.

m + n 4, in the four Table 6.1 records the aliases for the functions simplest isoparametric membrane elements. The aliases for the quadrilateral elements, QUAD4 and QUADS, are evident by inspection except for the alias 5*q2 + q2 - 1 in the QUAD8 element. The aliases for thetriangular elements are not as self evident.



In evaluating the performance of an element we are more interested in its strain field than in its displacement field. In the formal calculations used to construct an elements stiffness matrix, the strains are computed from

The steps used to compute B are outlined in Section 4.2. Fortunately we do il not need to follow these rather cumbersome procedures to compute strains for a given displacement state if we already know the displacement states alias. All that is required is to evaluate

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity












0 0








E n

C = correctly interpolated function


Chapter 6

where [L] is a linear derivative operator. For example, in two-dimensional elasticity

For isoparametric elements, the displacement field's alias will, in the first , and q. Thus the strains are instance, be expressed as a set of polynomials in E computed, in two-dimensional elasticity, from

The three-node, one-dimensional isoparametric element shown in Figure 6.3 provides a simple illustrative example. The center node is deliberately offset and the exercise is to determine the effect of the offset on the accuracy of the axial strain, = uIx. The elementary basis functions of the element are 1, 5 ,52 . The expression for position, x, in terms of the basis functionsis x =

5 + a ( 1 - 52)


Figure 63


Three-Node Isoparametric Element with Offset Center Node.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity

21 1

We know, since the element is isoparametric, that constant strain is correctly evaluated. There may also be a presumption, on the part of a user, that linear strain is correct because the displacement basis includes Let us see whether this is true by assuming a displacement field


The higher degree terns


C4 have the aliases

which is evident by inspection of Figure 6.3. Substitution into Equation 6:11 gives the displacement alias ua = a 2 The resulting strain is

+ (I -


This is to be compared to the correct strain

We observe that

= E: if a = 0. The error in strain for all other cases is

Observe that the error in strain becomes infinite for 2% = 1 so that the quarter points, a = f 0.5, are the offset limits for finite strains. Note also that the first term in the numerator vanishes for t2= 1/ 3 and that the second term vanishes


Chapter 6

for = 1 / 2. The positions 6 = f 1/ fi just happen to be the locations of integration pointsfortwo-pointGaussquadrature.Thustwo-pointGauss quadrature will eliminate the first term inthe error, which is themore important term if a cc 0 . 5 . We will, in later and more important examples, find many cases where particular Gauss rules minimize errors. The effect of center node offset can be mitigated by offsetting the node by a proportionateamount in parametricspace.(g) Thus, if the center node is placed at 6 = a in parametric space, we will have x = in the example. The modified shape functions for the three-node line element are


- 52 , * N3=z 1( 1 + 6 - ( l + a ) N 2 ) l-a The extension to two and three dimensions is straightforward. Note that this tactic avoids aliasing for edge node offset toward one of the adjacent corner nodes but not for offset in a perpendicular direction.
N 1 --(l-E,-(l-a)N2) -2 1
; N2=- 1


We have defined locking as a condition of (grossly1 excessive stiffness for a particular deformation state and have stated that interpolation failure is the primary cause of locking. The word grossly is within brackets because the degree of excess stiffness depends on the parameters of the application. Very often we will find that the degree of excess stiffnessis strongly dependent on a single parameter which we can use to characterize the severity of the locking phenomenon. The four-node rectangular membrane element is a good first example because of its simplicity and because it clearly exhibits two of the most common types of locking. Both types involve the same quadratic displacement state, i.e., inplane bending parallel to one of the rectangle's principal directions. Given the incompleteness of the QUAD4's quadratic displacement states (two terms out of six), interpolation failure is notsurprising. Still, usersand developers expect, in fact insist, that the four-node membrane element perform

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


well for in-plane bending. We shall see that locking is a big roadblock in the way of this requirement.

Shear Locking

Consider the four-node rectangular membrane element shown in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.4

Four-Node Rectangular Membrane Element with In-Plane Bending Load.

The shape of the element is characterized by a single parameter, its aspect ratio A . We wish to determine the element's strain distribution when an in-plane bending load is applied. The desired deformation state is described by the displacement field

The correspondingstrainsandstresses Equation 216) are

, E

for thecase

of planestress



= y


-L 2
l - U

=v, = o Y
= 0

=uEy 2
l - U


+ V ' , b = U' Y



Chapter 6

Note that the stresses correspond to pure bending moment only if Poisson's ratio, U, is zero. For the moment we willignore this effect of Poisson's ratio. Due to thesimplicity of the element's geometry, we can dispensewith parametric mapping and work directly with the metric coordinates, x and y. Since the value of x2 i sA ' at all four nodes, the displacement field's alias is
ua = xy

The corresponding strains and stresses are

Yxy = x

? c =

Ex 2(1 + U)

The shear strain, y isclearlyincorrect.Its effect on stiffness is obtain& by XY ' comparing strain energies. The strain energy of the element is, if we include the spurious shear strain

Ws =

J { C } ~ { E } ~ V=

J J[

E :

Y:~) dxdy

h 1

- h -1

= 2

fi J J(Y' +F
l - U

1 - U x 2 )dxdy

-h -1

2 tEA 3(1 - U')

The ratio of this strain energy to the correct strain energy is just the factor 1 + (1 - u)A' / 2. This factor must then also be the ratio of the element's

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


bending stiffness to the correct bending stiffness. It is seen that, for reasonably slender elements, say A = 10, the increase in stiffness is large enough to be aptly described as gross. The term shear locking has been applied to this phenomenon because its proximate cause is the spurious shear strain. The spatial distribution of the spurious shear strain, y = x, provides a clue to XY an effective remedy. All we need d o to get the correct strain energy for bending states and also for constantstrain states is to substitute the value of y Xy at x = y = 0 for the values at all integration points. This technique is called selectiveunderintegration because,ineffect, we are usingasinglepoint to evaluate the strain energy due to y and a 2 x 2 or perhaps higher order array XY The use of of Gauss points to evaluate the strain energy due to and E Y' selectiveunderintegration as aremedy for locking dates from 1969. (3) Selective underintegration is not an unmixed blessing because it can cause a variety of other disorders as side effects. These matters will be discussed at length in Chapter 7. A clue to another effective remedy is provided by the deformed shape of the element. Within the element the interpolated value of v is constant while the correct value is proportional to x 2 . The remedy is to add amode of deformation in the y direction proportional to x2 - A2. The amplitude of the mode is determined by strain energy minimization. Such a mode is necessarily nonconforming because the two endpoints of an element's edgecannot determine a quadratic curve. This remedy for shear locking, which dates from 1973,'"' will be developed in Section 8.1. 6.2.2 Dilatation Locking

Dilatation locking" is a phenomenon that is most commonly associated with nearly incompressible materials, i.e., with those for which 'U approaches one-half very closely. To study the effect we consider the in-plane bending of a
*This terminology is new. The locking of nearly incompressible materials is called Poisson's ratio locking in Reference 6.23. It hasalso been called volumetric locking.


Chapter 6

four-node rectangular element which is in a state of plane strain. The assumed displacement state, which is a slight modification of that just used to examine shear locking, is

= xy

The associatedstrains and in-plane stresses, (see Equation 2:17) are EX=y

o x = - EY 2 l-U






which shows that the applied loading is pure in-plane bending. It is also useful, for our purpose, to display the volumetric expansion or dilatation

which, it is seen, tends to zero p =-(ox

as U approaches 0.5. The mean pressure, for nearly incompressible

+ QY + Q.)

/ 3, is equal to the dilatation multiplied by the bulk

modulus, K = E / 3(1- 2~). It is notedthat, For our example

materials, the bulk modulus is very much larger than the elastic modulus, E.

which remains finite as U approaches 0.5. Within the four-node rectangular element the displacement field is represented by its alias *Note that
Q .

is not zero in this application.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity

ua = xy



The associatedstrains and stresses are

Ex = y
E = O

ox =

(1 + u)(l

E(1 - U)Y E U Y Ex

- 2u)


(1 + u)(l - 2u)

Yv = x


2(1 + u)

The dilatation, e = + E + = y, is seen toremain finite instead of tending Y to zero as u approaches 0.5. The element's strain energy density is W', = j { o }T {E) =

E 2" 2(1+ v) 1 - 2 u




while the correct strain energy density is


It is seen that there are now two sources of error: the x2 term due to the spuriousshearstrainand the magnification of the y2 term bythe factor 2 (1- v) / (1- 2u). The magnification, which becomes very large as ' u approaches 0.5, is aptly described as dilatation locking. The cause of the locking is the inability of the element to interpolate the y 2 term in v, i.e., the inability to produce the linear strain component E = y. Dilatation locking remains as a y , source of error even if the x2 term inWs is eliminated by evaluating y at XY x = y = 0. A remedy can, however be provided by adding a nonconforming displacement mode, v = y2 - 1. Wilson's 1973 element'll) included both the x2 - A2 and y2 - 1 nonconforming, or incompatible, modes and hence solved the shear locking and dilatation locking problems at the same time.


Chapter 6

A selective integration remedy of sorts can be achieved byfirst subtracting one-

strains, 6 ,

third of the dilatation from the direct strains to obtain the so-called devintoric =E, -+e =& - l e - +eZ, etc. The strainenergy dueto 3 x 3 y deviatoric strains is then evaluated at a normal (2 x 2) set of Gauss points while the strain energy due to dilatation is evaluated only at x = y = 0.(12) The value of dilatation at this point is correct both for bending and for constant strain states. Note, however, that while locking is avoided, the deviatoric strains at the (2 x 2) Gauss points remain in error for bending states. If Poisson's ratio equals exactly 0.5 the material becomes incompressible and the equation for dilatation becomes a constraint, e = ex + E + eZ = 0. Finite Y elementshavebeendesigned to model thislimitingcondition. (l3) The pressure becomes a Lagrange multiplier which is treated as a separate degree of freedom. The form of the element's equations becomes

wherethelowerpartition, [G]{U} = 0, expressestheincompressibility constraint. The number of pressure degrees of freedom per element is equal to the number of points at which the incompressibility constraint is enforced. For the rectangular four-node element, dilatation locking will occur if there is more than one such point.
A s a practical matter, the ratio of.bulk modulus to elastic modulus,

B/E, does not exceed lo4 for most rubbery materials. Since stiffness ratios of this size do notcauseserious numerical stability difficulties, thetreatment of nearly incompressible materials as incompressible has no computational advantage in modern computers.
The interpolation failure which is responsible for dilatation locking in the plane strain case produces significant but non-catastrophic excess stiffness in the plane stress case. Here we assume a displacement state
U =


v = - l2 x2

1 2 - T"Y


lnterpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity

which produces strains and stresses (see Equation216)
Ex = E


ox = Ey

= -uy = 0

=o =o




Within the four-noderectangular displacement field is ua = xy

element of Figure 6.4, thealias

of the

va = - + A 2 - 2 1 ~


and the associated strains and stresses are

Ex = E


A 2
l - U


E Y =- U

l - U 2

The element's strain energy density is

W ' ,=


- E 2 ( 1y2 U2

2(1 x2 +U)


As before, selective underintegration of theshearstrain will removethe spurious x2 term. The y2 term is magnified over its correct value by a factor 1 / 1- U ,which has a maximum value of at U = For metals, which 2, have Poisson's ratios near 0.3, the error in strain energy is approximately ten percent. The MSC/NASTRANQUAD4 element displays this magnitude of error in Figure 1.4 where the tip deflection of a cantilever beam made up of rectangular elements is seen to be too small by9.6%.


The errors for plane strain can be much larger, even when bending does not dominate the displacement field. Consider, for example, the standard thickwalled cylinder test shown in Figure 6.5. ( 5 ) The radial displacement vanes


Chapter 6


Inner Radius = 3.0; Outer Radius= 9.0; Thickness = 1.O; D = 0.49,0.499,0.4999; Plane Strain Condition; Mesh 5 x 1 (as shown above); Loading: UnitPressure at Inner Radius

E = 1,000;

Figure 65

Thick-Walled Cylinder.

approximately as 1 / r for D near one-half. Within each element, the alias for theradialdisplacementhas the form a + br.Five elementswithgraded dimensions are used to minimize the error. Results for four different MSC/NASTRAN elements andthreevalues of Poissons ratio are shown in Table 6.2. It is seen that dilatation locking devours the accuracy of the QUAD2 and QUAD4 elements and begins to nibble at the accuracy of the QUAD8 as U approaches 0.5. Only the QUADR escapes with a small error which is seen to be independent of Poissons ratio. The observed differences in accuracy are due to differences in element design. The QUAD2 is a four-node element made u p of three-node triangles. The QUAD4 is a fournodeisoparametricelementwith selective underintegration for shear. The QUAD8 an eight-node is isoparametric element with selective underintegration. The QUADR is a four-node element with drilling freedoms and nonconforming modes (see Section8.2).

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


Table 6.2 Results for Thick-Walled Cylinder Exact Solution = 1.000 NORMALIZEDRADIALDISPLACEMENT AT INNER BOUNDARY

QUAD2 .49 .499 .4w9

~ ~~~


1. m 0

QUADR .g85

.643 .l56

.g97 .359


.g85 .g67 .053 .018


P -

in Fields of Four-Node Rectanplar Elements

So far we have considered only the locking of a single element and have shown that the source of locking is incorrect interpolation of a higher-order displacement state. In the case of four-node rectangles, the assumed displacement state was quadratic for both shear locking and dilatation locking. Supplied with such elements, a finite element user may attempt to mitigate the locking problem by subdividing the elements. We examine here the extent to which this strategy will succeed.
Figure 6.6 shows three ways in whicha rectangular element can be subdivided into smaller rectangular elements. For the bending states treated in the two prior subsections, the vertical subdivision would appear to be the most logical one because the bending strain, E , , is proportional to y. Thus, since y = yo + 7, where 7 is measured from a sub-element's center, the vertical subdivision will increase the constant part of the bending strain in each element relative to the linear part.


Chapter 6



(b) Horizontal


M elements


Vertical and Horizontal

Figure 6.6 Three Ways to Subdivide a Rectangular Element Into Rectangular Elements.

Vertical subdivision does not, on the other hand, reduce the shear locking problem. In this case the error in strain energy density is proportional to x 2 (see Equation6:21), so that the proper remedy is to subdivide the element in the horizontal direction as shown in Figure 6.6b). This remedy, while effective, is

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


also counter-intuitive, showing that errors due to locking do not necessarily behave like discretization errors. Subdivision in both directions will clearly lessen the effects of both types of locking. If equal numbers of subdivisions, M = N, are used the error in strain energy will decline as 1/ N2, as predicted by discretization theory (see Section 5.2). The number of elements used will, however, belargerthan necessary if only one of the two types of locking is present. Although the magnitude of the errors due to locking declines as the number of elements increases, there is no guarantee that acceptable accuracy will result from a reasonably small number of elements. Suppose, for example, that we wish to reduce the error in strain energy due to shear locking to one percent. Then, from Equation 621,

2 <.


M > A,/50(1 - v)


If the original element's aspect ratio is fairly large, say A = 20, then more than one hundred substitute elements will be required to achieveonepercent accuracy. In the cases of dilatation locking, suppose that v = .4999, which gives a ratio of bulk modulus to Young's modulus, K / E = 1667. We can obtain the ratio of theerrorinstrain energy to the correct strain energy by integrating Equations 6:28 and 6:29 over each vertical sub-element and summing. The result is W -WC -=


N > 1 0 /~ , / -


- 2u)N2

so that, to achieve one percent accuracy with the prescribed value of

= 353. Clearly this result,and also the prior result for shear


Chapfer 6

locking, cannot reasonably be achieved in practical finite element analysis. We conclude, therefore, that living with locking problems is a poor substitute for fixing them.


As its name implies, the constant strain triangle experiences interpolation errors for every quadratic or higher-order displacement field. As a result, it is not unreasonable to expect that the constant strain triangle will lock for inplane bending loads. Consider, for example, the pair of right triangles joined to form a rectangle in Figure 6.7.

to In-Plane

Figure 6.7

Two ConstantStrainRightTrianglesSubjected Bending.

Also assumeacondition of planestrainand let thepair of elementsbe subjected to in-plane bending with the displacement state

= xy

This displacement state is exactly the same as that used to study dilatation locking of the four-node rectangle. We could determine the corresponding strainswithintheelement by findingthedisplacementstate'salias and differentiating. It is, however, more convenientin this caseto evaluate the strains by inspection of the nodal displacements shown in Figure 6.8.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


Figure 6.8

NodalDisplacementsforthe Triangles.

Pair of ConstantStrainRight

The strains, including dilatation, are compared with their correct values in Table 6 . 3 . We see that the bending strain, E,, is correct only at the top and bottom fibers and that theothertwostraincomponentsarecompletely incorrect.Shearlocking is evidentbecause the ratio of y to is equal tothe XY aspect ratio of the element pair, A . Dilatation locking is also evident because the element's dilatation does not tend to zero as U approaches 0.5; in fact, it is not even a function of U. Table 6 . 3 Strains forthe Elements in Figure 6.8 STRAIN COMPONENT







l - U







Chapter 6

While no one (nowadays) would think of using constant strain triangles in the manner illustrated, the implications of the example for fields of constant strain triangles apply with a validity equal to those derived in Section 6.2.3 for fields of four-node rectangles. In particular, the error in strain energy due to locking declines in proportion to the square of thenumber of elementsinthe appropriate direction, but remains large for reasonable numbers of elements if the locking parameter, A or 1 / (1 - 2u), is large. The locking effects are, in fact, stronger for the triangle than for the rectangle because the spurious strain energies are larger by a factor of three due to the constant, as opposed to linearly varying, valuesof strains over the surfaces of the triangles. The incompressible case provides particularly instructive insights. For this case, the element cannot experience a change in volume or, if plane strain is assumed, a change in area. In the field of the constant strain triangles shown in Figure 6.9, each new interior node adds two degrees of freedom and two elements. Note, however, that if the nodes below and to the left of node A are rigidly restrained, there can be no motionat point A which does not change the area of triangle @ or tiangle In effect, the number of internal constraints added by the two elements equals the number of displacement components added by the node so that there is nonet increase in the number of independent degrees of freedom when node A is added to the field. As a result, if boundary conditions constrain the bottom and left edges of the field, an ultimate state of locking is reached-total rigidity everywhere.


Figure 6.9

A Field of Incompressible Constant Strain Triangles.

Interpolation Failure:

Locking and Shape Sensitivity


The ratio of the number of degrees of freedom added by an element or, in this case, by a pair of elements, to the number of internal constraints added hasbeen called the constraint ratio.('4) This ratio givesan indication of the tendency of a field of incompressible or nearly incompressible elements to lock. The constraint ratio for the constant strain triangle, for example, is 2 / 2 = 1. The constraint ratio for the four-node rectangle with single-point evaluation of the dilatation is 2 / 1 = 2. Clearly, the tendency to lock decreases as the constraint ratio is raised. Hughes"') argues that the ideal value of the constraint ratio is two for planar elements. 6.4 LOCKING IN OTHERRECTANGULARELEMENTS Before plunging ahead we should perhaps stop and think over what we have learned so far about locking. We started with the proposition that interpolation failure is the cause of locking and we have indeed seen that the failure to properly interpolate a quadratic displacement state of in-plane bending leads to two types of locking-shear locking and dilatation locking-in four-node rectangles and in three-node right triangles. We have also seen that, to produce grossly excessive stiffness,a large value of some parameter is also required.
It can easily be demonstratedthat interpolation failure does not inevitably lead to excessive strain energy. Consider the displacement state U = x' which, for the four-node rectangular element of Figure 6.4, is interpreted as U = A2 so that the element has no strain energy at all. The difficulty is, of course, that the element cannot distinguish the deformation state U = x2 and the rigid body motion U = A2 Which displacement state is correct? The expectation that 2 U = x exists only in our minds and perhapsalso in the real world problem we are trying to model.The finite elementmodelknowsnothingaboutour expectations.

Thisexample illustrates the point that interpolation failure is adenial of expectation or, as a cynic might say, a denial of unreasonable expectation. For example we expect that a rectangular element subjected to in-plane bending moment should deform as shown in Figure 6.10(a), but if the element is a standard isoparametric with only four nodes, it will actually deform as shown


Chapter 6

(a) Bending

(b) Keystoning

Figure 6 . 1 0 Response of a Four-Node Element to In-Plane Bending Moment. in Figure 6.10@). On the other hand, if incompatible modes are added to the element, or if selective underintegration is used, the element will, in fact, respond in the manner shown in Figure 6.10(a). We can make up examples, such as the one shown in Figure 6.11, where the "keystoning" illustrated in Figure 6.10(b)is the expected behavior. Here the response will be too soft if the elements have been "fixed" to eliminate shear locking. A gap will also open up between the two elements. You can't win them all, but since bending occurs more frequently than keystoning in practical applications, the developer who has fixed his elements for shear locking should sleep better than the one who hasn't.

Figure 6 . 1 1 Example Where Keystoning is the Expected Behavior.

In the investigation of higher-order rectangles and bricks, we will restrict our attention to cases where at least one of the components of displacement is correctly interpolated. To do otherwise would provide no logical limit to the number of cases and would strain the bounds of reasonable expectation. In the

Interpolation Failure:

Locking and Shape Sensitivity


case of the three-node triangle, on the other hand, we had to breach this limit to find a meaningful example of locking. Since interpolation failure occurs only if one or more of the components of displacement is incorrectly interpolated, we can further restrict Our attention to polynomial degrees where the basis functions are incomplete. Still, there will be plenty to do.

6.4.1 Lockin? of the EiPht-Node Rectangle

Consider the eight-node rectangular membrane element shown in Figure 6.12. Its displacement basis includes the terms 1,c, q , 52 ,,Q,q2 2q, cq2 . Since the element is rectangular we can, for convenience, substitute x and y for 5 and q. Only cubic displacement fields needbeconsidered because the quadratic and lower order fields are complete. The aspect ratio of the element, A, is assumed to be greater than one.



Figure 6.12 An Eight-Node Rectangular Membrane Element. Let us begin by assuming U = x2y, v = 0, which are correctly interpolated, and see if anything interesting develops. For this case

= 2xy ; E

= 0 ; yxy = x 2


Observe that.with A > 1 the strain energy due to y is larger than the strain xy expect energy due to by a factor proportional to A2 . If we to be the only nonzero strain component, as in the case of pure bending, we need to add a displacement component v = - x3. This term will, however, be represented in the element by its alias, va = - A2x . The resulting strain components are

5 5


Chapter 6

The shear strain is incorrect, y f 0, at all points except where x = f h / &. Xy Shear locking can therefore be avoided by evaluating y at x = f h / &, Xy y = f 1 / & which happen to be the 2 x 2 integration points for Gauss quadrature. This solution for locking dates from 1971.(16) We also know, from Table 5.1, that constant strain patch tests will be satisfied even if we evaluate all strain components at the 2 x 2 Gauss points. Reduced-order (2 x 2) Gauss integration appears to be a fine choice. The only potential drawback is that there may not be enough integration points to provide stiffness for all of the element's strain states. This possibility is examined in Chapter 7. The next question we ask is whether dilatation locking can result for the bending state under examination. Zero dilatation is achieved by adding a strain E = -2xy which corresponds to adding the term -xy 2 to v. Note that Y xy2 is in thedisplacement basis. The resultingdisplacement andstrain components are

Dilatation locking does not occur because e = ex + E Y shear locking if y is evaluated at 2 x 2 Gauss points.

+ eZ = 0.

Neither does

Consider next the displacement state

Figure 6.13 The Displacement State


= xy2, v = 0, illustrated in Figure 6.13.

= xy2,v = 0.

Interpolation Failure: Lockingand Shape Sensitivity

The corresponding strains are


= y2

, E = 0 , yv = 2 X Y Y


Although the strain energy for y is larger than that for , E if A > 1, shear XY locking cannot be said to occur because, since xy2 is in the displacement basis, the deformation state depicted in Figure 6.13 agrees exactly with the desired displacement state. Dilatation locking can, however, occur because to achieve zerodilatation wemustset e = - y2 which requires the unavailable 3 y displacementtermv = - y / 3. Theresulting alias for v gives, for the displacement and strain fields,

Note that dilatation locking is avoided if strains are evaluated at y = f 1 / 8, i.e., if they are evaluated at 2 x 2 Gauss quadrature points. The remaining two cubic displacement fields of the eight-node rectangle, 2 2 , addnothing new.They are just x-y u = O , v = x y andu=O,v=xy permutations of cases already examined. Locking of the eight-node rectangle is a much less serious problem than locking of the four-node rectangle. When the four-node rectangle locks it locks in its primary bending mode and cannot bend at all. The eight-node rectangle, on the other hand, locks only in its higher modes and can still bend with the help of its lower modes. The result, for most applications, is mild rather than severe loss of accuracy. The cantilever beam problem of Figure 1.4 is a typical application. The shear load at the tip provides a modest linear variation of bendingmomentwithineachelementand,whilethelinear variation of curvature may be lost through locking, the constant part remains. The result for this problem is an approximately 3% error in tip displacement for elements which lock compared to approximately 1.5% error for elements which use reduced-order integration. These conclusions cannot be extended to elements with nonrectangularshapes.

6.42 Lockinv of the Einht-Node Brick

Chapter 6

The eight-node rectangular brick is the three-dimensional analog of the fournode rectangle. Its displacement basis is 11, x, y, z, xy, xz, yz,xyz). We see that there are four incomplete quadratic and cubic terms, so that with three components of displacement (U, v, W) there are a total of twelve independent displacement states to examine for locking. The dimension of the brick in the z direction is assumed smaller by a factor of 1 / A than the dimensions in the other two directions (see Figure6.14). Several of the displacement states are truly two dimensional so that their lockingbehavior is identical to that for thefour-node quadrilateral. The remaining states are U = yz, U = xyz, and their cyclic permutations, v = zx, W = xy, v = xyz, W = xyz. The quadratic displacement states, U = yz, etc., are linearly varying shear states for which = E = E~ = 0. They can be combined Y to form pure twists about each of the three axes and they do not lock because none of the missing quadratic terms (x2, y2, z2) are neededto describe them.

Figure 6.14 Eight-NodeRectangular Brick.

The cubic states do lock. For example, U = xyz represents bending in the xz plane that varies in the y direction. To complete it weneed to add the 2 displacement components v = x2z / 2 and W = - x y / 2 which then give E, = yz and y = 2xz as the only nonzero strains. Within the element, v and Xy W are represented by aliases. The complete displacement and strain fields within theelement are

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


Ex=yZ,EY=OIEZ=O,Yxy = xz


= xy

Yyz = 0

It is seen that, since the x and y dimensions are larger by a factor A than the z dimension, the spurious transverse shear strain y,, has strain energy that is 2 larger by a factor proportional to h than the intended strain energy. Shear locking can be avoided by evaluating y,, in the plane x = 0. Note, in addition, that y is too small by a factor of two and that it too wouldbezero if xy evaluated at x= 0. The error in strain energy due to the inaccuracy of this term hardly matters in comparison with the potentially large strain energy due to locking of y , . Dilatation locking isalso a problem for U = xyz. To avoid the locking we could add a term E = - yzwhich would require the non-available displacement component v y = - y2z / 2. One remedy would be to add this term internally as a nonconforming mode. In summary the eight-node rectangular brick has the same locking problems as the four-node rectangle plus additional locking difficulties associated with the trilinear displacement states. Selective underintegration of shear terms appears to be a promisingremedy for shear locking. The removal of dilatation locking requires a more advancedremedy, such as nonconforming internal modes.

6.4.3 Lockinv of the Twenty-Node Brick

Wecomefinallyto thetwenty-node rectangular brick. Its basis functions, which are recorded in Table 3.2(b), include all cubic terms (except 3 3 3 2 2 2 x I y I and z ) and the quartic functions x yz, xy z, and xyz . Improper interpolation of themissingcubictermscausesplanarlocking modes identical to those of the QUAD8 element. The quartic basis functions have locking modes caused by improper interpolation of terms like x 3z a n d x2 y 2 .


Chapter 6

The quartic locking modes of the twenty-node brick, HEXA20, are recorded in Table 6.4 along with the locking modes of the other rectangular elements we have studied. Shear locking modes, with 'U = 0, and dilatation locking modes, with 'U = .S, are tabulated separately. The locking modes of the solid elements also include the locking modes of the planar elements with obvious permutations. The degree of multiplicity, i.e., the number of possible permutations of position and displacement coordinates is listed for the locking modes of each element. The relative sizes of the strain components determine which component will cause locking. For this purpose, it is assumed that A > 1 so that x is larger than y for 2-D elements and both x and y are larger than z for 3-D elements. Examination of Table 6.4 shows that reduced-order integration eliminates locking for nearly all cases. Thus evaluation of shear strain and dilatation at x = y = z = 0 eliminates locking for the QUAD4 and HEXAS, and evaluation of strains at two Gauss quadrature points in each direction eliminates all locking modes for QUAD8 and all but one of the locking modes for HEXA20. The exception is a shear locking mode of the HEXA2O in which W = x2y2 / 2. This termhasthealias wa = A x + y2 - A2 / 2fortheassumedelement 2( geometry. The spurious shear strains for this mode only vanish at x2 = y2 = A*. The 27-node isoparametric brick, HEXA27, does not have this locking mode because x2y2 is included in its basis (see Table3.2(c)).

Most of the locking modes of the solid brick elements are associated with bending deformations in which the U and v components of displacement vary linearly in the thin dimension, z. (The dilatation locking mode 3 U = xyz2, W = - yz / 3 is an exception.) Thus a plate bending problem (Figure 6.15) makes a good diagnostic tool to study the locking of solid brick elements. Note that the A value for this problem is 100 and that Poisson's ratio is 0.3 so that shear locking predominates. Note also that symmetry permits us to model only one-quarter of the plate.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity



0 0

r 4




Chapter 6

a l




Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


Figure 6.15 Square Plate. Thickness = 1.0, Poisson's Ratio = 0.3. Results are recorded in Table 6.5 for threeelementsandtwodifferent combinations of loading and boundary conditions (uniform pressure with simply supported edges, and a concentrated center load with clamped edges). The three elements are: the MSC/NASTRANHEXA(8) element, which uses selective underintegration for shearstrainsandnonconformingmodes to eliminatedilatation locking; astandardtwenty-nodesolidisoparametric element, HEX20, with full (3 x 3 x 3) Gauss integration; and a twenty-nodesolid isoparametricelement HEX20R withreduced-order (2 x 2 x 2) Gauss integration. No results were obtained for an eight-node isoparametric with full integration. Its results are so poor that it has practically vanished from the inventory of commercial finite element programs. In order to be fair with respect to computational effort, results are compared for equal numbersof nodes, N, along an edgeof the quarter plate model rather than for equalnumbers of elements. On this basis theheavilymodified HEXAQ) is the clear winner, while the standard isoparametric, HEX20, is the clear loser. The latter element converges very slowly, indicating a severe case of locking. Theresponse of thetwenty-nodeisoparametricelementwith reduced integration, HEXZOR, is more subtle. With only a singleelement (N= 3 1 , thedisplacements are larger thanthedisplacementswithmore


Chapter 6

Table 6.5 Normalized Lateral Deflection at Center of Square Plate (Figure 6.15) Exact Solution = 1.000

Uniform Load, Simply-SupportedEdges



.989 .998
.999 1

. HEX20
.738 .967 .991

1.073 .993
1.011 1 .W8

7 9

O .O o

c b ) Concentrated Load, Clamped Edges



.972 .988 .994

HEX20 .002

.983 .433 2 3 1 3 .942


.552 .a21

elements, which shows the softening effect of underintegration. For the case with simply supported edges, the HEX20R converges rapidly even if not monotonically. With clampededges,ontheotherhand, the presence of locking is indicated by the low value of central displacement for N = 5.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


A glance at Table 6.4 shows that the only locking mode of the twenty-node brick not removed by 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss quadrature is the mode in which lateral deflection, W, is proportional to x2 y2 . This then must be the mode which causes locking of the HEX20R for the case with clamped boundary conditions. To see this, consider that W varies as (x - x. near a clamped edge at x = x . and as y - yo near a clamped edge at y = yo. Thus, near a clamped comer, 2 W must vary as (x - x . y - yo) plus higher-order terms. We conclude that, in Figure 6.15, the twenty-node element adjacent to comer must lock because x2 y2 is an essential part of the displacement field which the element is called upon to represent. As more elements are added, the corner element continues to lock but its effect on the total strain energy declines.



Lockinv - of Hipher-Order Elements

Locking is a serious disorder for the lowest order, p = 1, elements and also, as we have just seen, for p = 2 elements. The question then arises as to whether locking remains a serious concern as p is increased. The answer is that it does not except in increasingly specialized circumstances. Babu5ka (') has provided evidence that increasing p is a more "rugged solution to locking problems than increasing the number of lower-order elements. The examples developed in this chapter also tend to bear this out, as long as special "fixes" for locking are not used. The specialized circumstances where locking might be serious for higher-order elements are ones in which the correct displacement fields include important terms not present in the element's basis. Consider the example of a slender beam withdisplacements U = xpy, v = - .p+' / ( p + l ) . If thebeam is represented by a single, standard isoparametric element of order p, the element will lock because .p+' is not included in the element's basis. A model for the beam made up of a number of lower-order elements, say p = 1, may not be accurate but it will not lock if the locking modes have been corrected by reduced-order integration or otherwise. It is not current practice to pay much attention to the locking modes of hierarchical elements because it is reasoned that the locking of higher-order


Chapter 6

displacement states can be removed simply by increasing p. Increasing p is not, however, without cost. The remedy of reduced-order integration, at least, should be considered, particularly since it reduces computational cost and has other advantages, as we shall see in the next chapter.


The examples of locking considered so far have all been taken from the theory of elasticity. They have been further characterized by extremevalues of parametersand, with rare exceptions,by bendingdeformations. We will comment here on the extent to which locking can occur inheat conduction and in magnetostatics, the two other disciplines given nominal treatment in this book. Interpolation failure occurs with certainty in heat conduction and in magnetostatics, as indeed it must in all applications of finite elements. The real issue is whether parameters exist which can intensify interpolation failure to an extent which justifiesthe use of "locking" as a descriptive term. In the case of heat conduction it seems improbable that such parameters exist. In elasticity the presence of locking seems to require leverage through the coupling of motions in different directions. Since heat conduction uses only a single scalar potential function (and a single, second-order partial differential equation) it is not clear where the analog of such leverage might come from. Indeed, the concept of amplification through leverage seems to contradict the spirit, if not the letter, of the second law of thermodynamics. Locking occurs in magnetostatics, although not to the extent that it occurs in elasticity. The three components of vector potential provide the possibility of leverage but since the magnetic induction has only three components (the components are the curl of the vector potential) as opposed to six components of strain for elasticity, the possible number of interactions is fewer. The author is aware of two locking problems in magnetostatics which bear a resemblance to those treated in this chapter. The first problem involves HEXAS elements arranged in a nonplanar loop of magnetic material. (I7) (The elements work perfectly well whensimulatingaplanar magnetic loop.) Analysis of the

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


locking problem('*) requires a minimum of three elements arranged as shown in Figure 6.16. Reduced-order (single point) integration relieves the problem at the expense of potential difficulty with singular modes. The use of twenty-node brick elements also relieves the problem.

Figure 6.16 Locking Probiem in Nonplanar Magnetic Loop. Another type of locking problem occurs in electromagnetism in connection with the divergence of the vector potential V This term is analogous to the dilatation e = V ii in elasticity with the difference that V carries no energy. It is, however, usually necessary to assign some "Stiffness" to V 0 to avoid singular modes, and locking may result if the level of stiffness is too high. Such locking is analogousto dilatation locking. This matter will be taken up in Section 7.5.



So far we have analyzed the locking of rectangular two- and three-dimensional

elements and of a pair of three-node triangles which form a rectangle. The locking parameter in these cases was either the aspect ratio of the rectangle or a function of Poisson's ratio. In several cases the analytical results suggested easy fixes to locking problems, such as the evaluation of strain components at


Chupfer 6

particular points. Experience shows, however, that when such fixes are applied to isoparametric elements, the locking phenomenon will often return when the element's shape is altered from rectangular. This is illustrated in Figure 1.4 where it i s seen that the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4 element behaves fairly well for rectangular shape but locks badly for parallelogram or trapezoidal shapes. Figure 3.20 illustrates another example in which the displacement of the edge node of a six-node triangle causes severe stiffening. Such examples lead to the conclusion that the locking phenomenon can depend on more element shape parameters than just the element's aspect ratio, A. As a preliminary to the study of the shape sensitivity of locking, we need to identify the parameters which determine an element's shape. The number of such parameters can be easily determined from the number of nodes, Nn, connected to the element. Since six position coordinates can define the position and orientation of an element in three-dimensional space and since one dimension can define its size, it follows that the number of parameters needed to define an element's shapeis Ns = 3N, - 7. For a four-node quadrilateral N, = 5, and for a twenty-node brick N, = 53. While it may seem hopeless to attempt to characterize all of the shape parameters of a twenty-node brick,* it is quite useful to do so for the four-node quadrilateral. We begin by taking the standard shape of the quadrilateral to be a square. We can then see, in Figure 6.17, five independent ways in which the shape can be altered. These include: (1) elongation by increasing the aspect ratio, A; (2) skewing the comer angles by an amount, 6; (3) and (4) tapering the element in either of two directions; and (5) warping the element out of its plane. All of these distortion modes are important for element performance in general and for locking in particular. They are easy to identify if the amount of distortion is small. It is also possible to decide how much distortion of each type is present for a general quadrilateral. (l9) This is unnecessary for our purposes because we intend to examine the different types of distortionindependentlyorin combination with aspect ratio only.

*But it hasbeen done (see Reference6.10).

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity






TAPER (2 directions)


Figure 6.17 Types of Geometric Distortion from a Square Plate. If we goon to consider the possible distortionmodes of an eight-node quadrilateral we must add twelve distortion modes corresponding to three components of displacement at each of the four edge nodes. Such distortions can be classified as either in or out of the mean plane, determined by the locations of corner nodes.* The out-of-plane offset of edge nodes converts flat elementsintocurved shell elements, a subject which will betreatedin Chapter 10. In-plane offsets in the directions of theedgescausesevere distortions of internal geometry which usually serve no practical purpose. We *For warped quadrilaterals, the mean plane may be taken midway between the diagonals (see Figure6.17). parallel to and


Chapter 6

have examined such a case in Section 6.1. In-plane offsets of edge nodes in directions normal to the edges are frequently needed to conform tothe exterior shape of a field of elements. All of these movements cause interpolation failure forquadraticdisplacementfieldsand are, therefore, potential locking parameters. Shape sensitivity has been an important consideration since the earliest days of finite element analysis. The need to certify element performance for nonstandard shapes led to the invention of the constant strain patch test. (20) The effect of shape sensitivity on locking has not been recognized nearly so well. Throughtheyearsdesignershaveproducedelementswhichavoid locking for types of shape distortion beyond simple elongation but rarely have they provided an adequate description of the locking problem which was avoided. Test results are, for the most part, relied upon to demonstrate shape sensitivity. There is a danger,as the author can testify from his o w n experience, that the amount of shape distortion in a test may be too small to clearly identify a locking problem. For this reason, if for no other, we should try to determine the parameters which intensify the shape sensitivity of locking. This can best be done, and perhaps can only be done, by analysis.* Analysis will, in addition, provide insights to possible cures for locking.
6.6.1 LockinP of the Four-Node Parallelomam

The parallelogram is a particularly important shape in finite element analysis because, as noted in Figure 5.5, it is the shape approached when an arbitrary quadrilateral is progressively refined by uniform subdivision of its edges. Considertheparallelogramelementshown in Figure 6.18. Its Cartesian position coordinates, measured fromthe center of the element, are related to its parametric coordinates by x=hc+qtan6 , y = q

*Barlow (Reference 6.10) hasused analysis to produceacomprehensive classification of errors due to shape distortions for eight-node membranes and twenty-node bricks.

lnterpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity



Parallelogram Element


Substitute Element in Parametric Space

Figure 6.18 Four-Node Parallelogram. or

5 = +( yx tans)

q = y


The inverse of the Jacobian matrix, which is needed to compute strains, is


As in previous examples, we consider the displacement field for in-plane

bending, U = xy, v = - x 2 / 2. Substitution of the expressions for x and y from Equation 645 gives, for the displacement field and its alias within the element,



= t a n 6 ( - ~ 6+


, yy =




Chapter 6

Since the correct strains are = y = q, = 0, yXy = 0, it is seen that both E and y are in error and that locking will result if A is large. The errors could Y

">I be elimmated by evaluating E and y at E, = q = 0, but since isotropy would Y Xy require that ex also be measured at 5 = q = 0, the element would have no stiffness at all for in-plane bending.
Another solution to the locking problem is to use skewed strain components. If skewed axes F,7 are taken parallel to the edges of the element, it can be shown that the skewed components of strain are:

(see Section 6.A at the end of this chapter).

Substitution of the Cartesian strain components from Equation 6:49 then gives, for the errors in the skewed strain components,

Here we note that zero error is achieved by measuring E- at q = 0 and Y y- at E, = 0. By implication we should also measure E~ at 5 = 0. These XY restrictions are acceptable because measurement of at two points along the line 5 = 0 will provide the desired bending stiffness. The use of skewed coordinates for parallelogram elements was introduced in 1971 for assumed stress hybrid elements, (") but apparently not until 1985 for assumed displacement elements.(22) The latter design extended the concept to general quadrilateralshapes by computingstrains in coordinatesystems locally parallel to lines of constant 5and q (the so-called natural covuriant strain

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


components). TheMSC/NASTRANQUAD4 element does not use skewed coordinates. As shown in Figure 1.4, it locks severely for parallelogram shapes. The term shear locking should not be applied to this example because e is also Y spurious and has the same order of magnitude as the shear strain. The author has introduced the term parallelogram for this case.

Lockin? of the Four-Node Trapezoid

Consider the four-node element of trapezoidal shape shown in Figure 6.19.

Figure 6.19 Four-Node Isosceles Trapezoid, aA = tan 6.

Its Cartesian position coordinates, measured from the centerof the element, are related to its parametric coordinates by

The inverse Jacobian matrixis


Chapter 6

Note that, in contrast to the case of a parallelogram shape, the terms in [JJ' are not constants. Let us assume, as before, the quadratic displacement field 2 / 2. The components of this field and its aliases are, when U = xy, v = -x expressed in terms of parametric coordinates,

The corresponding strains in the element, obtained with the aid of Equation 6:9, are

= q-a


yxy = A t l + -

[ al:q))


Since the correct strains are = q, eY = 0, yXy= 0, we note that all strain components are in error for a # 0. The error in is, however, seen to be small for a small. The error in the shear term can, as in the case of rectangular elements, be eliminated by evaluating y at 6 = = 0. The error in E is XY Y larger than the error in y for crh = tan 6 > 1. Furthermore, since the error in XY E is constant over the element's surface, itcannot be eliminated by a judicious Y selection of strain evaluation points. Indeed, since it cannot be distinguished from constant strain due to v = y, there does not appear to be any practical way in which it can be eliminated. We will discover in Section8.4.2 that the error in E can be eliminated, but only at the cost of violating the constant strain patch Y test. This type of locking,which we might call trapezoidallocking, is exhibited in Figure 1.4 by the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4 element. Its locking parameter is aA2 = A tan 6. The parameter's value is 5.0 in the example shown in Figure 1.4.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


6.6.3 Lockin? of the Eight-Node Trapezoid Consider an eight-node element with the same trapezoidal shape as that of the four-node element shown in Figure 6.19 but with four centered edge nodes. Let the displacement state again be U = xy, v = - x2 / 2 . This displacement 2 ,q and , are in the field does not lock for rectangularshapesbecause element's displacement basis. For the trapezoidal case the displacement field is expressed in terms of parametric coordinates by Equation 655 where it is seen that the only term not in the displacement basis is the ,2q2 term in v. Since the alias of c2q2is C2 + q2 - 1 for the eight-node element, the resulting errors in the displacement field are

The corresponding errors in strain are

E(&.) = 0 , E(&,,) = -A2a2[ q(l

- c2)



G ( .y )


The dominant error for large aspect ratio, A, is E E . Its locking parameter, Y) for small a, is A2a2 = tan2 6. We note that the errors cannot be eliminated by evaluating strains at 2 x 2 Gauss quadraturepoints, where 2, = q2 = The errors can, however, be eliminated by adding a ninth central node which already been noted in provides ,2 2 as a basis function. This fact has Section 3.5.


Figure 6.20 illustrates the shape sensitivity of the HEX20 and HEX20R elements which, it will be recalled, are twenty-node solid elements with 3 x 3x 3 and 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss integration respectively. The cantilever beam example is exactly the same as that shown in Figure 1.4 and the error in tip deflection, where the load isapplied, isexactly equal to the error in strainenergy.The solid elements behave like membrane elements in this example. It is seen that the


Chapter 6





/ / /






.g67 .g70 .g94 .g84

HEX20 HEX20R Exact

.g86 .g64

. O o o

O .o o

Figure 6.20 Solutions of End-Loaded Cantilever Beam Problem. errors for rectangular and parallelogram shapes are quite small, as might be expected when locking does not occur.* The main locking parameter for the trapezoidalcaseis tan2 6 = 1, whiletheauxiliarylockingparameter a = (tan 6 ) / A = 0.2. Thus the locking effect should be weaker than in the case of the four-node trapezoid where the locking parameter A tan 6 = 5.0.

*The complexthree-dimensional stress field at the clamped end causes observed errors.


Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


This concIusion is confirmed by the results which give tip deflections of .071 for the QUAD4 element and 386 for the HEX20 element. The locking effect for the HEX20R element appears to be surprisingly small, only two percent larger than for the case of rectangular elements. There is, in fact, a mitigating effect which explains the small size of the error. We observe from Equation 6:58 that the dominant term in E E for small a is Y) -A2a2q 1 which is equal to -2A2a2q / 3 at 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss integration points. This functional form of E can be mimicked by vertical motion at edge Y nodes asshown in Figure 6.21. Note thatthe motion of edgenodes is uncontrolled in the example of Figure 6.20 and may indeed go unnoticed in the solution. In addition, the factor A2a2 is the same for (most) pairs of adjacent elements in the example, so that vertical motion of a particular edge node will have the same beneficial effect on adjacent elements.

c2 0

N6fs( + Ng,q = - 2 q

v,,, =

- 2q V6 if V6

= V8

Figure 6.21 Strain Field Due to Motion of Edge Nodes.

The mitigating effect of edge node motion is present, to a lesser degree, with 3x 3x 3 integration. In general, locking effects in fields of finite elements may be less than predicted by the rigid imposition of displacements on the nodes of an individual element. The actual displacements will, after all, be those that minimize the strain energy.


Chapter 6
Lockino O f a Six-Node Trianple with an Offset Edpe Node


We have encountered, in Figure 3.20, an example where the location of an edge node away from its normal centered position appeared to cause shear locking. We will attempt here to explain the observed result. To simplify the calculation we will consider the right triangle shown in Figure 6.22.

Figure 6.22 A Six-Node Triangle with Offset Edge Node.

The usual bending displacement field

= xy, v =


/ 2 is assumed. The

first task is to determine the parametric form of the position coordinates, x and y. A convenient way to do this is to use the factored form of the element's shape functions. For example,

Y = l X J { bi}
where the coefficients of the basis functions in


1x1 are given by

LX J and [Aji] are recorded in Table 4.663 for thesix-node triangle.

Interpolation Failure: Locking andShape Sensitivify

2 5 3

The nodal values of xi and yi are listed below.

4 1 5
t Y . A


The results are


= A(-l

+ 25 + 4 e q )

y = 2q-1


The inverse Jacobian matrixis


5 1 ,

9tX] = qly



2 1 I - 4 a k j2A(l

+ 2cq)

where the Jacobian determinant J = 4 A ( 1 + 2 q ) . Parametric expression of the displacement field, U = xy and v = -x 2 / 2 includes the terms C2q, @l2, and e2q2/which are not in the element's basis vector. The aliases for these terms are, from Table6.1,



With these changes, the strains are computed in the usual fashion. Since the resulting formulas are rather long, we omit all terms proportional to a2 and higher powers of a. With this simplification,the errors are
= 2w(1- 271)

,E ( & , )

= 2aA25(25 - 1) , E yv

= 2 ~ 4 5 q)


Chapter 6

trapezoidal locking of the QUAD4 element in Figure 1.4. The tip deflection observed in Figure 3.20 for the TRIA6 is .391 compared to .071 for the QUAD4 in Figure 1.4. While the locking of the TRIA6 is obviously severe, the difference intheseresultsindicatesthemitigating influence of some higher-order deformation mode.
On a practical level, we observe once again the deleterious effect of edge node

offset. There does not appear to be any easy way to avoid its consequences for the six-node triangle. The root cause of the problem is parametric interpolation. If it were replaced by metric interpolation the element would not lock because it could correctly interpolate any quadratic displacement field regardless of element shape. The down side would be nonconforming displacements and a resulting failure to pass the constant strain patch test with offset edge nodes. This matter will be continued in Section 8.3. We have examined the locking problem in this chapter by the straightforward approach of computing the errors in strains for various element shapes. The analytical results have indicated easy fixes to locking problems in some cases andapparentlysevere limitations in other cases. As is true generally of interpolation failure, solution of the locking problem seems to become more difficult as element shape becomes more general. In the case of the four-node quadrilateral, for example, selective integration was the indicated cure for rectangular shape; skewed strain components were additionally needed for parallelogram shapes (where the transformation between metric and parametric coordinates is still linear); and no solution to locking was apparent fortrapezoidalshapes. The sametrend was evident for theeight-node quadrilateral, where it was shown that 2 x 2 integration could solve locking problems for rectangular shapes but not for trapezoidal shapes. Given the severity of the locking problem, these results and similar conclusions for other cases define the main agenda pursued by element designers over the past twenty-five years. We will discover that some of the easy fixes are not as easy as they look. At a minimum they involve variational crimes (inexact integration and nonconforming displacement states) which curl the hair of mathematicians. At the practical level they can result in patch.test failure and

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


spurious mechanisms.Finding fixesfor suchside effects, if possible, and deciding which are the least of alternative evils, if not possible, is the stuff of finite element design.

6 . A


A transformation between rectangular and skewed Cartesian coordinates is

shown in Figure 6.23(a). The position coordinates are computed according to the parallelogram rule, just like force components. Thus,
x = Z +ysin6

, y

= ycos6



x = x-


, 7

= ysec6


(a) Position Coordinates



Figure 6.23 Transformation Between Rectangular and Skewed Coordinates. The displacement components follow a projection rule, i.e., the component of displacement in any direction equals the projection of the total displacement vector, i i , on that direction. The parallelogram rule and the projection rule are the same for rectangular coordinates but not for skewed coordinates. From Figure 6.23(b),

= ii = 1qcosp
v = 1~lsinp

Chapter 6


Thus we can also say that ii and 7 are found by summing the projections of the rectangular displacement components in the SZ and 7 directions respectively. The skewed components of strain are defined by analogy with the rectangular components. Thus


, EY = v,y


= u7



The results of these operations, expressed in matrix form, are



Skewed components of stress are defined as the skewed components of force acting on the unit rhombus shown in Figure 6.24. The inner product of the skewed stress components with the skewed strain components produces the strain energy density multiplied by cos 6, the area of the unitrhombus.

Interpolation Failure: Locking and Shape Sensitivity


Figure 6.24

Skewed Components of Stress.


B. Fraeijs de Veubeke, "Displacement and Equilibrium Models in the . C. Zienkiewicz and Finite Element Method," Chap. 9, Stress Analysis, 0 G. Holister (Eds.), Wiley,1965. B. M. Irons, "EngineeringApplication of NumericalIntegrationin Stiffness Methods;' J. AIAA, 14, pp 2035-7,1966.

6.2 6.3

W. P. Doherty, E. L. Wilson, and R. L. Taylor, "Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids Using Higher Order Quadrilateral Finite Elements," U. of Calif. Berkeley, Struct. Eng. Lab. Report SESM 69-3,


J.Robinson and S. Blackham, "An Evaluation of Lower Order

Membranes as Contained in the MSC/NASTRAN,ASAS, and PAFEC FEM Systems," Robinson and Associates, Dorset, England, 1979.


R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, "A Proposed Standard Set of Problems toTestFinite Element Accuracy;' FiniteElem.Analysis B Design,l, pp 3-20,1985.
T. Belytschko, H. Stolarski, W. K. Liu, N. Carpenter, and J .S . J .Ong, "StressProjection for Membrane and Shear Locking in Shell Finite Elements," Comput. Methods Appl. Meck.Engrg, 51, pp 221-58,1985.



Chapter 6
I.BabuZka, and M. Suri, OnLocking and Robustness in the Finite Element Method, Report BN-1112, Inst. for Physical Sci. and Tech., U. of Maryland, College Park Campus, May 1990. R. H. MacNeal, The Shape Sensitivity of Isoparametric Elements, Finite Element MethodsintheDesignProcess, Proc. 6th World Congress on Finite Element Methods, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1990. M. Utku, E. Citipitio& and G. Ozkan, Isoparametric Elements with Unequally Spaced Edge Nodes, Comput. Strud., 41, pp 455-60,1991.


6.9 6.10

J. Barlow, More on OptimalStress

Points-Reduced Integration, Element Distortions, and Error Estimation, Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 28, pp 1487-504,1989. E. L. Wilson, R. L. Taylor, W. P. Doherty, and J.Ghaboussi, Incompatible Displacement Models, Numer. Computer Meth. in Struc. Mech., S. T. Fenves, et al. (Eds.), Academic Press,pp 43-57, 1973. T. J . R. Hughes, Equivalence of Finite Elements for Incompressible Elasticity, 1.Appl. Mech., 44, pp 181 -3,1977. Nearly


6.12 6.13 6.14

L. R. Herrmann, Elasticity Equations for Nearly Incompressible J.AIAA, 3, pp 1896-900,1965. Materials by a Variational Theorem,
J .C. Nagtegaal, D.M. Parks, and J. R. Rice, On Numerically Accurate Finite Element Solutions in the Fully Plastic Range, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 4, pp 153-78,1974.
T. J.R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p.209, 1987.


0. C. Zienkiewicz, J .Too, and R. L. Taylor, ReducedIntegration Technique in General Analysis of Plates and Shells, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 3, pp 275-90,1971.

6.17 6.18

J .R. Brauer, private communication, 1989.

R. H. MacNeal, Limitations on the Performance of Electromagnetic Brick Elements, MSC/EMAS Memo RHM-4, The MacNeal-Schwendler Corp., Los Angeles, 1990.

6.19 6.20

J. Robinson, Distortion Measures for QuadrilateralswithCurved Boundaries, Finite Elem. Analysis & Design, 4, pp 115-31,1988.
B. M. Irons, Numerical Integration Applied to Finite Element Methods, Conf. on Use of Digital Computers in Structural Engineering, Univ.of Newcastle, 1966.

Interpolation and Locking Failure:


Shape Sensitivity


J .Robinsonand G. W. Haggenmacher,Some New Developments in Matrix Force Analysis, Recent Advances in Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis 6, Design, U. of Alabama Press, pp 183-228,1971.
K. J . Bathe and E. N. Dvorkin, A Formulation of General Shell Elements-The Use of Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components, Proc. NUMETA 85, Balkema Rotterdam, pp 551-65, 1985.



R. H.MacNeal,Toward A Defect-FreeFour-NodeMembraneElement, Finite Elem. Analysis 6 Design, 5, pp 31 -7,1989.

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Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes

The analysis of interpolation failure and locking in Chapter 6 showed that the error in strain sometimes disappears at Gauss integration points of reduced order. In this chapter we will expand upon the benefits of reduced integration and upon the singularities caused by a possible reduction in matrix rank. The latter go by the names of spurious mechanisms or spurious modes. We prefer the term spurious modes because it is discipline neutral. First, we need a working definition of reduced integration. Various objective criteria couldbeused to decidewhen integration is full and when it is reduced, such as the exactness of certain integrals, the satisfaction of certain tests, or the onset of reduction in rank of the element's stiffness matrix. We will instead take the simple rule that, if p is the degree of complete polynomials in an element's displacement basis, Gauss integration withp + 1 or more points in


Chapter 7

each direction is full and Gauss integration with p points or less in each direction is reduced. Usually the designer's practical choice is between p and p + 1 integration points. The definition can, if desired, be extended to elements with different polynomial degrees in each direction. Note, however, that the definition does not extend to triangular elements.



The first obvious benefit of reduced integration is a reduction in computer time. Since the number of multiplications employed in the calculation of an element's stiffness matrix is proportional to the number of integration points, the ratio of computer times for this operation by full and reduced Gauss integration is

(y) ,where d

= 1,2,3 is the number of dimensions. Thus for

p =1 , d = 2 the ratio is 4, and for p = 2, d = 3 the ratio is 3.375. These

improvements in efficiency may or may not be significant. In nonlinear analysis the time used in repeated evaluation of stress components at Gauss points i s significant. In this context, a successful reduction from four Gauss points to one would be a major accomplishment. In Chapter 6 we identified reduced integration as a potential remedy for many locking problems. To be specific, the summary data in Table 6.4 shows that reduced integration eliminates nearly all cases of shear and dilatation locking for rectangular plane and solid isoparametric elements of polynomial orders one and two. The only exception found was a shear locking mode of the twenty-node brick in which W = x 2y2. The examination of shape sensitivity in Section 6.6 showedthatreduced integration provides less than complete relief from the locking modes introduced by shape distortions. Likewise, the examination of edgenode displacement in Section 6.1 foundthatreducedintegrationreduces the dependence of the error on node displacement, a,from O ( a ) to 0 a . In his systematic study of theshape sensitivity of theeight-nodequadrilateral, Barlow found that, in general, reduced integration lowers the critical


nd Integration Reduced


(largest) error term for linear strain states from O( a)to 0 a . Thus, with these 2 , qualifications, reduced integration is an important potential remedy for errors due to interpolation failure.

More generally speaking, it has long been known that strains computed at the reduced-order Gauss points are more accurate than strains computed at other points. Barlow (2t 3, was the first to notice this (1968) and has recommended that such points be used for stress output regardless of whether they are used for calculation of the stiffness matrix. The existence of similar optimal points for triangular elements has been sought without much success, except to note that the errors in some but not all components of strain are minimized at the reduced-order Gauss points of edges. ( 4 ) The existence of optimal locations for stress recovery, or Barlow points, is made plausible by the mathematical d e m ~ n s t r a t i o n (6~ , ' that the error in average strain converges more rapidly than the errors at typical points. This implies that the error does not have the same sign everywhere and hence that it must be zero at some locations. The term superconvergence has been used to describe the reduction in error at optimal locations. Typically, if the error in stress converges as h k at typical points, it converges as hk+' at the optimal points. It is not difficult to discover why Gauss points have a special relationship to error reduction. An important property of Gauss points, which may even be taken as a defining property, is that the Legendre polynomial of order p vanishes a t a set of p Gauss points, i.e.,

P P ( , , ) =O
Let a particularstrain polynomials state,
E ( , ) ,

( 7 1 )
a series of Legendre

be expandedin

E(,) =





where p is the highest term present in E(5). If E is derived from p + 1 nodal displacements, the strains will be of order p - 1 and the coefficient E will be


Chapter 7

zero regardless of the shape of the true displacement field. The term E P P P will, nevertheless, have the correct value (zero) at Gauss points, ,by virtue P of Equation 71. If p + 1 Gauss points are used, Ep Pp = o will not, in general, be the correct value at Gauss points. This admittedly narrow point is the basis for the claimed superiority of reduced integration.



The argument just presented does not take into account the lower-degree aliases that represent E,P+l and other high-degree terms within the element. We know, from the material in Chapter 6, that the aliases do not degrade the accuracy of strain representation at reduced-order Gauss points for p = 1 and p = 2. It is fair to ask whether the same is true for p 2 3. Consider, for example, a one-dimensional element with p + 1 equally spaced nodes. It is an easy matter to work out the alias, ua, for U = c P + l and to comparethe resulting strains with the true strains. This is done in Table 7.1 for p = 1,2,3.

The Barlow points (points where uIS = ualS)are identical to the Gauss points for p = l , 2 but not for p = 3 where the Barlow points are at 0, / 3 = f .74536 and the Gauss points are at 0, f o= .77460. The difference is small, not enough to tempt us to alter the Gauss points for

f p

Integration Reduced

and Spurious Modes


numerical integration but perhaps enough to induce us to change the locations for stress recovery. Similarconclusions are reached if hierarchical degrees of freedom are employed along the lines suggested inSection 4.5. As will be recalled, the hierarchical shape functions were taken tobe 2 1 n I p The derivative


6, (c) = P; (c) =

(c) = Pn-l(,),
E =u

the latter being a

known property of Legendre polynomials. Thus, if the actual displacement i s taken to be


Gauss points,


(c), the actual strain, $,(c)

,= ~ Pp(

c), will vanish


The difficulty is that a least squares fit of

(6) to the
As a

shape functions produces a nonzero result because, unlike Legendre polynomials, the functions are notorthogonal to each other. consequence the derivative of the alias of Q P+l not vanish at Gauss points for p > 2.

(c), ualS = c U,


(c), will

So much for the advantages of reduced integration. They are considerable, particularly as a simple, inexpensive solution to many locking problems. The disadvantages of reduced integration beginwith the reduced accuracy of integration. Table 4.12 shows, for example, that full integration produces exact integrals under less restrictive shape conditions than reduced integration. Still, it was shown in Section 5.4 that plane quadrilaterals can pass constant strain patch tests with reduced integration under the most general conditions on shape. Brickelements, on the other hand, require full integration to pass similar tests. Barlow") concludes, in his study of eight-node quadrilaterals and twenty-node bricks, that the advantage of accuratestrainevaluation outweighs the disadvantage of less accurate integration. In all fairness, the issue would appear to remain open.
We will, in the next section, begin to examine spurious modes. a more serious disadvantage,


Chapter 7

7.2 THE SPURIOUS MODES OF AN ELEMENT We consider first the spurious modes of a single element. Later we will examine the spurious modes of a field of elements. Spuriousmodesare eigenvectors of the stiffness matrix,i.e.,
[K1[%} A spurious mode, (4,), modal strain state
= 0

differs from a rigid body mode, (go}, in that the

is not zero everywhere.* It is, however, zero at integration points with the result that Equation 7 4 holds. Spurious modes will clearly occur if the number of strain evaluations at integration points i s less than the number of independent strain states provided by the nodal displacements. If this is the case, certain linear combinations of the strain states will produce zero strains at all integration points. Thus the difference between the number of independent strain states and the number of strain evaluations provides a lower limit to the number of spurious modes. (There maybe more because some strain evaluations may be redundant.) It i s not difficult to compute this lower limit for a particular element. Consider the four-node plane quadrilateral. Remembering to exclude rigid body modes, we know that it has 4 x 2 - 3 = 5 independent strain states. With reduced integration there is one integration point which provides evaluation of three strain components. Thus the element has, as a minimum, two spurious modes. Full integration, on the other hand, provides 4 x 3 = 12 strain evaluations so that the minimum number of spurious modes is zero.

*We will encounter cases where (eS} is zero everywhere, but the mode shape (0,) is not a standard rigid body mode. We may or may not choose to label such modes spurious, depending on how much we deplore their existence.

Integration Reduced

Modes and Spurious


It is instructive to extend this sort of bookkeeping to the general class of quadrilateral plane elements and hexahedral solid elements which use regular arrays of Gauss integration points. The number of strain evaluations is for reduced integration, 2-D3p2 for full integration, 2-D 3(P for reduced integration, 3-D6p3 for full integration, 3-D
+ 1)2


The number of strain states depends on the nodal arrangements. We consider two arrangements: serendipity elements which have nodes at comers and along edges only, and Lagrange elements which have a full lattice of ( p + l)n nodes. The number of strain states is for serendipity elements, 2-D for Lagrange elements, 2-D for serendipity elements, 3-D for Lagrange elements, 3-D 8p - 3 2(p

+ -3 36p - 18 3(p + 1)3 - 6

It can be seen right away that with full integration the number of strain evaluations exceeds the number of strain states, even for the more populous 2 Lagrange elements. (The excess equals ( p + 1) + 3 for 2-D Lagrange elements 3 and 3 ( p + 1) + 6 for3-D Lagrange elements). As a result, full integration produces a net redundancy in strain evaluations. Spurious modes do not, in fact, occur when full integration is used. The reason is that p + 1 Gauss points can correctly integrate a polynomial of degree 2 p + 1 , which exceeds, for elements with one, two, or three dimensions and constant Jacobians, the highest degree term in the strain energy density. Thus, for such elements, a strain term derived from displacements cannot be zero at all Gauss points if it is not zero everywhere. Reduced integration, on the other hand, is accompanied by spurious modes. The data in Table 7.2, obtained by differencing the formulas presented above, show that spurious modes exist in all cases with p = 1 and p = 2, and that spurious modes exist for Lagrange elements with p = 3. As indicated by


Chapter 7

Table 7.2 The Minimum Number of Spurious Modes Which Accompany Reduced Integration DIMENSION ELEMENT TYPE: POLYNOMIAL DEGREE MINIMUM NUMBER OF SPURIOUS MODES

brackets, ( higher polynomial degrees produce net redundancies in strain evaluation, even when reduced integration is used. Whether or not spurious modes exist at higher polynomial orders remains to be established.

2 3 2


27 24


Knowing that spurious modes exist in certain circumstances, we feel obliged to find out what they look like. In the case of the four-node ( p = 1) quadrilateral, for example, we know that there are at least two spurious modes when a single first thatthe integration point is used. To deducetheirshapeswenote displacements of the spurious modes must conform to the element's displacement basis (1,5,q, &) and, second, that the three constant strain states do not vanish anywhere. Thus the two spurious modes have displacement states U = Cq or v = cq. The strains due to either of these displacement states vanish at the integration point, 5= q = 0 since, for example,
utx = U'S

qtx =

rib, + SqJx


and Integration Reduced


We conclude that the five independentstrainstates of the four-node quadrilateral with reduced integration consist of three constant strain states and two spurious modes whose displacement states are U = cq and v= Sq. This analysis of the four-node quadrilateral extends immediately to an eight node brick with one integration point. The shapes of the spurious modes are given by



(5%cc, VC, 5VC)


which accounts for all twelve of the spurious modes identified in Table7.2. The six remaining strain states are constant. Similar reasoning can be employed to find spurious modes for more complex elements. Consider the displacement state

where P is a Legendre polynomial of degree p. The derivative of P respect to x or y will vanishat aset of p x p Gauss points; for example,



vanishes because Pp GP) = 0 and Pp q p ) = 0. The highest degree monomial in the expansion of Equation 7 8 is , p $ . This term exists in the bases of Lagrange elements, which include the terms (1,6, ,Ep)( 1, q, notinthebase

,qp), but

of serendipity elements. Consequently we concludethat

Lagrange elements have spurious modes of the type indicated by Equation 7 8 regardless of their polynomial degree. In Lagrange quadrilateral elements they account for two spurious modes. In Lagrange brick elements any mode of the form

where f (C,) is any function of C ,is clearly spurious. For p = 2 there are twentyone such modes given by


Chapter 7

Even this large number of modes does not account for all of the spurious modes identified for the 27-node Lagrange brick in Table 7.2. Nor do they account for any of the spurious modes of the twenty-node serendipity brick or for the single spurious mode of the eight-node quadrilateral. The shapes for these latter modes are not easily determined if the element shapes are distorted. For the special case of plane quadrilateral elements with linear geometry (i.e., parallelograms) the shapes of this second type of spurious mode are given by
= p P (c)pppl)c#,- pP(c)p;(+l,,

(7:12) v = p P (e)pp(l)cty - pp(c)ql)vty where v,,, and q Y are constant by assumption. It can easily be verified that , E = u , ~E , = v, and y = U , + v,, all vanish at the set of p x p Y Y Y Gauss points. For the special case of an eight-node rectangular element, = v,, = 0 and Equation 712 reduces to

c,,, c,y,


= e(q2

- +)e,,

v = -q(P

- ;)v,,

The shape of this spurious mode is sketched in Figure 7.1. This shape also accounts for all six of the spurious modes of a twenty-node rectangular brick with reduced integration. There are two such modes in each direction, one as indicated in Equation 713 and the other similar but with U and v multiplied by


The second type of spurious mode, identified by Equation 712, does not exist for serendipity elements with p 2 3 for the simple reason that monomials of the form ,p $-l do not exist in the basis of such an element. They do, however, exist inthe basis of an isoparametric Lagrange element.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes


Figure 7.1

The Spurious Mode of an Eight-Node Rectangular Element with Reduced Integration.

In summary, we have identified spurious modes of two types which account for all of the minimum numbers of spurious modes identified in Table 7.2 for p = 1 and p = 2. We are confident that no other spurious modesexist for p = 1 and p = 2 since we can easily verifythat the remaining lower-order strain states do not vanish at integration points. We know, in addition, that spurious modes of both types exist for all orders of Lagrange elements, even though Table 7.2 indicates a net redundancy in strain evaluations for p 2 4. With slightly less confidence we assert that spurious modes do not exist for reduced-integration serendipity elements with p 2 3. So far wehaveconsideredonlyelementswhichuseGauss integration. Spurious modesdo, of course, occur for any pattern of integration points when the number of strain evaluations at those points is less than the number of strain statesderived from displacements.Triangularelements areanimportant example but there is no reason to employ reduced integration with them because it conveys no advantagein accuracy. In the case of solid pentahedral elements, the most obvious integration pattern is a combination of an appropriate triangular array in two dimensions and a Gaussdistributioninthe third direction (n layers of triangular arrays). Spurious modes can occur in these elements either by design or through


Chapter 7

inadvertence. Consider for example the lowest order element of this type, PENTA6.Each triangular face requires onlya single integration point to evaluate its constant strain states so we are led to consider a 1x 2 pattern (two points in the direction). There are 6 x 3 - 6 = 12 strain states and 2 x 6 = 12 strain evaluations. Everythinglooks fine, buttheelement has, in fact, a spurious mode,corresponding to in-plane rotation of one triangular face relative to the other (see Figure 7.2). The spurious mode is balanced, in the strain state inventory, by redundant evaluation of E~ (if z is parallel to The minimum practical pattern of integration points for the PENTA6 which avoids spurious modes is a 3 x 2 pattern.


Figure 7.2

Spurious Mode of a PENTA6 Element with TwoIntegration Points.

The same 3 x 2 pattern is attractive for the PENTA15 element. In this case there are three spurious modes similar in shape (on one face) to the type 2 mode of the QUAD8 shown in Figure 7.1, but shear locking due to displacements of the 2 3 form u = x z, W = "x / 3 is avoided.

In going from a single element to a field of similar elements we know that several degrees of freedom per element are eliminated by the connections between elements. It is, therefore, natural to ask whether a particular spurious mode of a single element can exist in a field of elements and, if it does, how many copies there will be. Spurious modes which exist in fields of elements

Integration Reduced

and Spurious Modes


are said to be communicating modes. If only one copy of a particular spurious mode exists within the field, we will say that is a global spurious mode. If more than one copy existswe will say that they are local spurious modes. Thus there are atleast three possible classifications of spurious modes: noncommunicating modes (which cannot exist in fields of elements), global modes, and local modes. Global spurious modes are the simplest. An example is the type 1 spurious mode in the four-node membrane element for which, as we recall, U = cq (or v = cq). The mode shape for a field of elements is plotted in Figure 7.3 where it is seen that the pattern is reversed in adjacent elements. This mode is called the hourglass () mode* from its shape. Sometimes all spurious modes are called hourglass modes, regardless of their shape. We note that this mode can exist in fields of nonrectangular or even highly distorted elements because the mode shape for any element, U = f cq, has unit magnitude at its nodes regardless of its shape.

Figure 73

Hourglass Mode of the Four-Node Quadrilateral.

*It has been called keystoning, also from its shape, a term attributed to Sam Key.


Chapter 7

It is easy to see that the hourglass mode is a global mode. If the mode shape for a particular element is specified, the mode shapes for elements adjacent to it are uniquely determined by the requirement of displacement continuity, and so are the mode shapes of the elements next to them, etc. The type 1 spurious modes of the nine-node membrane element are also global modes. In this case (U (or v)= - 1/ 3)(q2- 1/ 3)). The mode shape is sketched in Figure 7.4 where it is seen that displacements in all elements are in phase and the mode shape vaguely resembles a field of hourglasses. Again, element distortion does not affect the existence of this mode.


Figure 7.4

Type 1 Spurious Mode in a Field of Nine-Node Quadrilaterals.

I n three dimensions many of the type 1 spurious modes are local modes. The

spurious mode shapes of the eight-node brick, given by Equation 77, can, for example, be combined to form

which vanishesat

c = 1and has the value v = 25q at c = -1. c),

When such an element is joined from below byan element with v = cq( 1+ a layer two elements deep is formed in which v has nonzero value, while outside the layer v is zero. The mode shape is sketched in Figure 7.5. Clearly we can form similar local modes in other layers. The total number of independent

nd Integration Reduced


spuriousmodesis 3 N4 + N,, + Nr + 1 where N N ,and Nr arethe 4' 1 numbers of elements in the 5, q, and 6 directions. The factor of three accounts for the three independent displacement components.

So far we have considered only type 1 spurious modes. We have found them to be global in two-dimensional fields and local in three-dimensional fields. Type 2 spurious modes, on the other hand, are noncommunicating. Consider, for example, thespurious mode of theeight-node rectangle sketched in Figure 7 . 1 . The top edge stretches and bows outward. To conform, an adjacent element must stretch and bow inward, a clear impossibility unless a second spurious modewith that shape exists. (It does not.)
An investigation of the requirements for the conformity of mode shapes in fields of identical elements can shed light on the general question of mode communication. Consider, for example, a two-dimensional lattice of identical rectangular elements and assume further that the displacement fields within each element are identical except for a possible change in sign. Such a mode is classified S ; global according to our definition of the term.The additional requirement of displacement continuity imposes conditions on the displacement components along element boundaries that are quite different from the familiar conditions of reflective symmetry.


Chapter 7

Consider the element shown in Figure 7.6. To satisfy displacement continuity, the displacementvectors at corresponding points on opposite boundaries must either be the same in magnitude and direction or equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Thus all components of displacement must be the same (even) or all must be opposite (odd) at corresponding points on opposing boundaries. These requirements coincide with the requirements of reflective symmetry only if there is a single nonzero component of displacement.

n y (EO) (a) Even in x, Even in y (EE) (b) Even in x, Odd i Figure 7.6
Two of

Four Possible Symmetry Types for Global Communicating Modesin a Field of Rectangles. The Other Two Types are (OE) and (00).

The general form for the type 2 spurious mode shape of a rectangle is, from Equation 712,

PJS) P , ( s )



v =-P

If p is an even number, thenU is an odd function of 5 and an even functionof q (symmetry type OE) while v is an even function of 5 and an odd function of q (symmetry type EO). ThusU and v donot have the same symmetrytypes, with the result that Equation 715 cannot be the mode shape of a communicating global mode in a field of rectangular elements. We conclude that all type 2 spurious modes are noncommunicating. There is at least one exception to this general conclusion. That exception is the case of a beam made up of reduced-order, twenty-node brick elements. The

Integration Reduced

Modes and Spurious


nonzero displacement components are normal to the axis of the beam and the number of spurious modes equals the number of elements plus or minus one, depending on end conditions. We have seenthat, with regard to their behavior in fields of elements, spurious modes come in three varieties: noncommunicating, global, and local. Of these we expect that noncommunicating spurious modes have the smallest effect on element performance and that local modes have the greatest effect. The effects of spurious modes depend in part on the boundary conditions applied to the field of elements, a subject taken up in the next section. After that we will consider ways to avoid the harmful effects of spurious modes while retaining the advantages of reduced integration.


As we have just seen, spurious modes in fields of elements are of two types: global modes which involve every element in the field, and local modes which involve only some of the elements. Even in the latter case the modes propagate to the edges of the field so that constraints applied to the boundary of the field (i.e., Dirichlet boundary conditions) can remove the singularities. Under these conditions it is appropriate to ask whether the boundary constraints will stiffen thespurious modesenough to make their softening effect unimportant. Certainly that is what the designer of such elements would hope, but the evidence is discouraging. In 1979, Bitanif and Hinton (*) published data which show that the near mechanisms present in restrained fields of reduced integration four- and ninenode membrane elements can greatly degrade performance. They computed the effects of reduced integration on the vibration modes, thereby avoiding the question of how loads excite the near mechanisms. For example, Figure 7.7 shows the six lowest eigenvectors of a cantilever beam analyzed with four-, eight-, and nine-node elements and with reduced integration. Since the beam is not particularly slender (length/width = 6.0), the support at the base should be enough to supply significant stiffness for even the higher modes. The presence of spurious modes is, however, clearly evident beginning with the lowest


Chapter 7

(a) Four-Node

Single-Point Elements, Integration Lowest Six Eigenvectors for Simple Cantilever-Reduced Integration, All Support Nodes Fixed.

(b) Eight-Node Elements, 2 x 2 Integration

(c) Nine-Node Elements, 2 x 2 Integration Figure 7.7

mode of the beam with four-node elements and with the second mode of the beam with nine-node elements. In contrast, the effects of reduced integration on the beam with eight-nodeelements are small-principally small changesin the eigenvalues of the three highest modes.

Reduced lnfegrafionand Spurious Modes


Bitanit and Hinton also computed the effect of reduced integration on a 6 x 6 field of square nine-node membrane elements that was fully constrained on the boundaries. The results indicated a pair of spurious modes with identical eigenvalues equal to only 2.5 times the lowest eigenvalue. Theconclusion is inescapable, from just these few results, that reduced integration of four- and nine-node membrane elements is unacceptably risky for practical application. For eight-node elements, on the other hand, the effect appears to be quite small. The difference which undoubtedly accounts for these separate results is that the type 1 spurious modesof QUAD4 and QUAD9 produce global spurious modes in fields of elements while the type 2 spurious modes of QUAD8 are noncommunicating. Thus, while the incompatibility of the type 2 modes stiffens the modes in all elements, the boundary constraints only stiffen spuriousmodes in elements adjacent to the boundary. More generally, we conclude that reduced integration cannot be used reliably with Lagrange elements of any orderin either twoor three dimensions. The issue of whether or not reduced integration can safely be used with serendipity elements requires further study. Themost importantelements (apart from the lowest order element which is also a Lagrange element) in the serendipity family are the QUAD8 and the HEXA20. We observed in Chapter 6 that reduced integration cured most of the locking disorders of these elements. We will also see, in Chapters 9 and 10, that these beneficial effectsextend to the bending of flat plates and curved shells. The motivation for using reduced integration with these elements is wellfounded. An example frequently cited to discourage the use of reduced integration with eight-node membrane or twenty-node brick elementsis the case of a single stiff element resting on a verysoft foundation (see Figure 7.8). This obviously contrivedexample is notveryconvincing. A better example,whichwas encountered by Irons and Hellen,") is shown in Figure 7.9. It represents a cylindrical shell modeled with four twenty-node brick elements per quadrant and internally pressurized. The shell is quite thin. R/t values of 200 and 500 wereused.Theradialdisplacement,whichshouldbe constant, instead exhibited severe oscillation.The cause of the oscillation proved to be the


Chapter 7

Figure 7.8

A Stiff Element Resting on a Soft Foundation.

200, 500

Figure 7.9

Pressurized Shell Modeled with Twenty-Node Brick Elements.

type 2 spurious mode exhibited in Figure 7.1. The mode is excited by constant pressure acting on the slight difference between the elements parabolic shape and a circular arc. Equation 7.13 shows that, since R/t is large, the circumferential displacements in the spurious mode are much smaller than the radial displacements.* As result a the strains required to maintain displacement continuity by circumferential motion are small and the spurious mode becomes a near mechanism.

*If U is (more or less) parallel to the circumferential direction, then ,,x << q

nd Integration Reduced


This example is a severe one for solid elements and not only because a near mechanism is involved. Since the effect of round off is multiplied by a factor* 4 of (R/t) ,the larger of the two radius-to-thickness ratios (500)is near the limit of numerical precision. Further, the ratio of hoop stiffness to bending stiffness is so large that any slight variation of internal pressure causes a large variation of radial displacement. There are good reasons to have shell elements in finite element programs, and this example exhibitsat least two of them (avoidance of near mechanisms and round-off accumulation). By the same token this is not a good application of solid elements. We should take note of the limitation it imposes on solid elements, particularly on those which use reduced integration, but that should not deter u s from using the same elements in better applications.


It is almost always useful to study a topic in more than one discipline. It is like learning French. The differences between French and English teach u s something about the structure of language in general. We propose here to extend the discussion of spurious modes to magnetostatics where we will discover both similarities and differences with their manifestations in elasticity. As discussed in Section 2.1.4, useful analogies exist between the equations of elasticity and the equations of magnetostatics. According to Table 2.1, if the magnetic vector potential is taken to be analogous to displacement, then the magnetic induction g is analogous to strain and the inverse of the permeability matrix, [K]-', is analogous to the elastic modulus matrix, [D]. The magnetic induction is the curl of the vector potential, i.e., g = V x which also makes it, within a factor of two, analogous to rotation. A curious difference between the two disciplines was noted in Section 2.1.4, namely that the derivatives of the potential function which contain the energy in magnetostatics have no energy in elasticity, and vice versa. More to the point of the topics covered in the present chapter, the magnetic induction has only three components compared


*This factor is proportional to the ratio of extensional stiffness in the radial direction to bending stiffness.


chapter 7

to six components for the elastic strain. We might expect, therefore, that a plus six magnetic field has nine zero energy states (three constant states for constant strain fields) which are analogous to the six rigid body modes of an elastic solid. The actual situation is more complicated, as we shall see.

Let us consider, as a concrete example, the simulation of a magnetic field by eight-node rectangular brick elements. Each such element has 8 x 3 = 24 components of as external degrees of freedom. In matrix notation

Wewill tentatively accept the following classifications to describe internal degrees of freedom. translation modes: curl-free modes: curl modes: all {A} = constant


The displacement basis vector for the element is

The linear terms give nine constant derivatives of the components of which produce, according to previous discussion, three curl modes (the constant components of magnetic induction) and six curl-free modes (the "strains"). The four incomplete higher order terms in the basis yield only a single curl-free mode: Ax = yz, Ay = The fact thatthismode components of curl 'VX

AZ = xy


is curl-free maybe

verified by computingthe

A =; (

- Ay,z) + l(Ax,z - A x .) ,

+ c( Ay,x

- Ax,y)


nd lntegration Reduced

Spurious Modes


A useful rule for finding curl-free modes results from the observation that

VxV$ = 0 where $ is a scalar. Thus we need only postulate a scalar, such as xaybzC, and take as its gradient. The result must be checked however to see whether some of the components of A are excluded by the incompleteness of \he basis vector. That is the case here for all higher order candidates except I $ I = xyz which produces the vector described in Equation 718.

Referring to the classification assumed above, we conclude that the eight-node brick has three translation modes, seven curl-free modes, and, fourteen curl modes. In fields of elements the translation modes behave just like rigid body translation modes in elasticity,i.e.,they are global communicating modes. Some of the curl-free modes, on the other hand, are local modes. Consider, for example, the constant "strain" mode, Ax = x. This mode can be combined with the translation mode Ax = 1 to produce Ax = 0 along a line of nodes, x = xl. Then, as described in Section7.3, a second linear combination can be added in an adjacent set of elements to produce a local mode which vanishes outside the disk x1 c x c x2 as depicted in Figure 7.10.




Figure 7 . 1 0 Local Mode in a Field of Eight-Node Electromagnetic Elements. The presence of local energy-free modes is very undesirable for practical computation.* Fortunately there exists a firm basis in electromagnetic theory for their elimination. That basis stems from the observation that the divergence of appearsnowhere in Maxwell's equations and hencemaybe freely

*Consider the small motions of a fluid treated as a degenerate solid with zero shear modulus. ,Inthis case only one of the nine displacement derivatives has energy. Attempts to use this approach are confounded by swarms of local "spurious" modes.


Chapter 7

assigned. A very common assumption, known as the Coulomb gauge, is to set the divergence, v A = Ax,x + Ay, + A=,=, to zero everywhere. Other assumptions, such as the Lorenz gauge, are sometimes used to simplify the equations of motion in particular contexts, but the Coulomb gauge is well suited to the needs of finite element analysis. (lo) TO implement the Coulomb gauge we evaluate V A at Gauss points and assign it a reluctivity, a / po, where p. is a characteristic permeability and a is an arbitrary dimensionless parameter. In effect, the element's "stiffness" matrix is augmented by a penalty stiffness assigned to the divergence of A. The penalty parameter, a, is assigned a value that will make the stiffness of the divergence much larger than that of the curl, B = V x A. Assuming that penalty stiffness is applied to the divergence, the element's curl-free modes may be separated into divergence modes and divergencefree modes. These modes correspond, respectively, to thedilatationstates and deviatoric strainstates of elasticity. We will call the divergence-free modes, which are also curl-free, shear modes,"') for want of anyname supplied to them by electromagnetic theory. A shear mode is energy free (in magnetostatics)andhasthepropertythatitcanbederived as the gradient of a scalar, = VQ, where Q satisfies Laplace's equation, i.e., V A = Q,, + + Q,= = 0. Thefivelowest shear modes are recorded in Table 7.3. The mode described by Equation718 is also a shear mode.


When it comes to classifying the status of shear modes in fields of elements, we observe that none of them qualifies as a communicating mode according to thelatticesymmetryrequirements described in Section 7.3. Thusin mode S1 of Table 7.3, Ax is even in x and odd in y while 'A is odd in x and Y even in y. Nevertheless all six shearmodes of the HEXAS element are communicating modes. This may be shown by assuming that their spatial dependencies, such as those given forthe lowest five modesin'Table 7.3, extend over the entire field of elements. Each such mode is clearly energy free and just as clearly satisfies displacement continuity. It therefore qualifies as a global energy-free mode. As measured from the center of any element its shape includes linear terms from Table 7.3 and constant terms due to translation.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes


Table 7.3 The Five Lowest Shear Modes in Magnetostatics MODE






! S 3







The shear modes in magnetostatics behave in the same way as rigid body rotations in static elasticity. They and the translation modes can be suppressed by supplying a minimum number of point constraints to a field of elements (nineconstraintsfor a field of HEXA8 elements). Thereare, however, differences. The most important difference is that the number of shear modes depends on the polynomial order of the elements used. Thus, for a field of solid elements which are complete to quadratic degree, there are a minimum of twelve shear modes. Incomplete higher order terms in the displacement basis occasionally add shear modes. This has been observed for serendipity brick elements with p = 1 and p = 3, but not for higher values of p. It has also been observed that the shear modes due to the incomplete terms disappear (pick up energy) when the elements are distorted. The numbers of modes of each of the classes which have been defined are recorded in Table 7.4 for the HEXA8 and HEXA20 elements. It is noted that while, by definition, divergence modes have no curl and shear modes have neither divergence nor curl, divergence modes may have shear and some curl modes may have both shear and divergence.


Chapter 7

Table 7.4 Number of Modes of Different Types in Two Electromagnetic Elements TYPE Translation Shear Divergence Curl TOTAL HEXAS


3 5

14 24


Quite clearly, a divergence penalty reduces the confusion of "spurious" local energy-free modes to the comparative order of a few "shear" modes which behave like rigid body modes in mechanics. At the same time, the divergence penalty can cause locking disorders similar to the dilatation locking of nearly incompressible materials. The reason is that, in thedesiretoshiftthe divergence modes above the curl modes, we may stiffen the divergence modes to such a degree ( a is typically of the order of 105)(12)that a small coupling between curl and divergence may significantly stiffen the curl modes. This is bound to happen if full integration is used to compute the divergence penalty stiffness because many of the curl modes derived from incomplete terms in the displacement basis have unavoidable parasitic divergences. Consider, for example, that Ax = xyz, A = 0, AZ = 0. The divergence of is Y equal to yz. To negate the divergence would require A = - y 2z / 2 or Y AZ = - p 2 / 2, but neither of these functions is in the basis of the HEXA8 element. This situation is exactly analogous to that recorded in Table 6.4 for dilatation locking of the HEXA8 element. The remedy isalsothe samereduced integration of the divergence/dilatation term, in this case at a single point.

Reduced Modes Spurious Integration and


Whilereducedintegrationcausesspuriousmodeswhenapplied to the dominant energy terms (magnetic induction in magnetostatics and deviatoric strains in elasticity), it is much less likely to cause such difficulty when applied to the divergence/dilatation term. In fact the optimal number of integration points for the divergence/dilatation term, as predicted by the constraint ratio argument mentioned in Section 6.3, may well be less than the p 3 integration points provided by standard reduced-order integration.(13)


As we have seen

in previous sections of this chapter, reduced integration causes spurious modes which in many cases will destroy the accuracy of a finite element analysis. We should also remember that reduced integration was introduced as a remedy for locking andthatlockingisthe result of the incorrect interpolation of some, but not all, components of strain. Thus the evaluation of some, but not all, of the strain components at a reduced set of points should eliminate locking and may retain a sufficient number of strain evaluations to preventspuriousmodes.Thisprocedure,whichis called selective underintegration, does in fact produce the desired result. It also has unpleasant side effects. These side effects and clues to their elimination will emerge from the examination of particular cases.

7 . 6 . 1 Selective Underintenation of the Four-Node Ouadrilateral

Selective underintegration of the four-node quadrilateral was the first ever application (1969)('4) of reduced integration, uniform or selective. The element is simple and serviceable and may still be found in commercial finite element codes such as MSC/NASTRAN. The intent was to eliminate shear locking which, independent of element shape, results from spurious shear strains of the form y = a6 + l q (see Section 6.2.1,6.6.1, and 6.6.2). Clearly, Xy evaluation of y at 5= = 0 eliminates shear locking but, as we have seen, XY uniform evaluation of all strain components at that point produces spurious modes. The obvious remedy is to evaluate ex and E at 2 x 2 Gauss points, as


chapter 7

shown in Figure 7.11. The energy in , E and E will, as a result, provide Y q , and v = sq. stiffness for the spurious hourglass modes, U = E

Points for evaluation of

, E

and E

Y' 6 = q = f 1 /@

Point for evaluation of yv ;5 = = o

Figure 7 . 1 1 Selective Underintegration of a Quadrilateral Element. If shear strain is not coupled elastically to the direct strains, as in the case of isotropic materials, we can computethecontributions of y and, , E E separately and add them. Thus the ij partition of the stiffness matnx 'fy is Y

[K ii] =

c Jg[B; ]'[ D [ ] :

]B :

+ 4J , B:i}D:


where the matrices are the values at particular points of portions of the straindisplacement and modulus matrices, i.e., particular values of the partitions of

A similar tactic alleviates dilatation locking for plane strain. In this case the deviatoric strains are integrated at 2 x 2 Gauss points and the dilatation is integrated at the center. Deviatoric strains and stresses are defined as follows.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes


where the dilatation, e, and mean pressure, p, are e=Ex+E


e 2 3 1

The constitutive relationships are

{g} =


, p

= -Ke


where, for isotropic material, [D] is a diagonal matrix and K = E / 3(1 - 2u) is the bulk modulus. The terms on the diagonal of [D] are equal to 2G for E ~E ,, and equal to G for yv ,y, ,yF. Both forms of locking can be removed by measuring both in-plane shear and dilatation at the element's center. It should be noted that forms of locking due to shape sensitivity, such as parallelogram locking and trapezoidal locking, are not removed by selective underintegration. A complication arises if the shear strain is elastically coupled to the direct strains so that the null partitions of [D] in Equation 721 are no longer null. An effective procedure forthis case is to substitute the shear strain at the center for the shear strain at the 2 x 2 Gauss points and then to integrate strain energy in thestandard way. Thisunorthodox integration tactic shouldimmediately arouse our suspicions regarding satisfaction of constant strain patch tests. To check it, we appeal to the argument in Section 5.3 which holds that constant strain patch tests will be satisfied if the nonconforming part of the straindisplacement matrix integrates to zero over the volume of the element. Thus if
[ B i ] = [B;]

+ [By]

2 9 0

Chapter 7

then the nodal force vector


for constant values of { 0 ) . In the present case

[By] =

- B:

where [B$] is thevalue of B : at the center of the element. From the discussion in Section 4.3.3, we know that a typical term of the integrand in the secondform of Equation 726 is X y where X is any one of the element's ' 5 r 'l elementary basis functions. Thus, since = 11, E,, q, E,qJ for the four-node quadrilateral, X = a + and y, = c + dE,. The linear and bilinear terms '4 1 integrate to zero in parametric space leaving only the constant term which, from the form of Equation 728, must also be zero. Consequently, since the integral of the nonconforming part of the straindisplacement matrix is zero, we conclude that thefour-nodequadrilateralwith selective strain substitution passes constant strain tests. patch *

[ l

R 2 8 1


A variation of this procedure is to replace [B$

with its Jacobian-weighted


Integration Reduced

Modes and Spurious


Since the Jacobian is known to be a linear function of 5 and q, the denominator is just four times the value of J at E , = q = 0. The numerator likewise sums to four times its value at the center, giving [Bg, -3. = [Boi Quite independently, the form of Equation 729 guarantees that

1 1.


which satisfies Equation726. The selective underintegration procedure, treated first, also passes the patch test, since it has been established in Section 5.4 that single-point integration of the four-node quadrilateral is sufficient. The separate integration of uncoupled terms in Eeation 720 does notalter that conclusion. Another important issue relates to the requirement that the stiffness matrix be invariant to the way in which the element's coordinate system is selected. Let us assume that the nodal displacements and forces, and hence stiffness, are recorded in some external, global coordinate system and that element properties, such as stresses and strains, are recorded in an element coordinate system that is fiied in the element. We wish to establish that stiffness in the global system is invariant to selection of the element coordinate system, or at least to the alternatives allowed for its selection by a particular algorithm. For example, an element's x-axis is frequently taken to be parallel tothe line joining the first two nodes identified in the element's input data, so that the x-axis could be parallel to any of the element's four sides. We have noted, in Section 3.1, that using the same shape functions for all components of displacement guarantees the functional relationship between field quantities (U, v, W ) and nodal quantities ui ,vi, wi to be invariant to coordinate system rotation. That is all that is required to guarantee invariance of the stiffness matrix to rotation of the elementsystem,provided that anisotropies are not introduced into the calculation. This issue was faced in Section 3.2 where the question of isotropy was found to influence the selection of basis functions andnode locations. It also occurs in connectionwith selective underintegration (or substitution) if the quantity selectively


Chapter 7

underintegrated (or substituted) is not invariant to coordinate system rotation. In thetwoexampleswehaveexamined,one selectively underintegrated quantity (the dilatation) is invariant to coordinate system rotation and the other (in-plane shear) i s not. As a consequence, the method of orienting the element coordinate system is an important concern for reduced integration of in-plane shear but notfor reduced integration of dilatation. For the case of in-plane shear, the important result is that the orientation of the coordinate system not change, or at most change by multiples of 90, when nodes are renumbered or calledin a different orderbyanelement.This protection will ensure, for example, that resequencing the nodes to minimize computer time will not change the solution. Any number of schemes will satisfy this requirement; for example, we could take the longest edge to be the x-axis. The selection is, however, narrowed by the further requirement that the solution not change abruptly when a small change is made to the finite element model, as for example when the relative sizes of two nearly equal edges are interchanged. A method(15) which satisfies both requirements for the four-node quadrilateral is shown in Figure 7.12. It uses the bisectors of the angles between the element's diagonals as the element's x- and y-axes. The bisector most nearly parallel to side is used as the x-axis. Note that substitution of side for side merely rotates the element's coordinate system through go", which leaves the global stiffness matrix unchanged.


0-0 0-0

Figure 7.12 Method for Selecting the Coordinate Axes of a Quadrilateral Element.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes


2 9 3

Selective Underinterntion of the Eipht-Node Brick

As discussed in Section 7.2, the eight-node brick with single point integration
has twelve spurious modes whose shapes aredescribed by Equation 77. It was furthershown in Section 7.3 that these modesproducenumerous local mechanisms in fields of elements. We should recall, however, that reduced integration cures a number of locking problems associated with the element's bilinear and trilinear basis functions (see Section 6.4.2) and would be useful if the spurious modes could be suppressed.

As in the case of the four-node quadrilateral, the basic tactic is to evaluate the direct strains ( E , , E E Y ' z at second order Gauss ints which form a 2 x 2 x 2 array and to evaluate shear strains yXy,y,, yyz at a reduced set of points. Single point integration of the latter components is not sufficient because three of the spurious modes involve twisting about one of the element's axes. This is most easily demonstrated for a rectangular brick using the displacement field

uv == o -, % which yields strains

EX = E

' w=xy



= yyz = 0

, yXy -


, y ,

= y

Clearly this spurious modecannot be suppressedby measuring shear strains at k = q = ( = O . If, however, wemeasure y at ( < , q , ( ) = ( O , O , * l / f i ) and Xy , y at q, = (0, *l/ $,O), the spurious mode will be suppressed and locking will be avoided. We can, in addition, obtain the correct stiffnesses for constant shear and twist by treating these points like Gauss integration points with weighting factors of four rather than the weighting factor of eight that wouldbeassigned to a single integration point at the origin. Figure7.13 illustrates the locations of integration points.

(c, c )

If shear strains are elastically coupled to direct strains, the shear strains and directstrainsmustsomehowusethesame integration points. There are important enough applications of such coupling, for example in the analysis of laminated composites, that general purpose codes are obliged to provide it.


Chapter 7

The obvious ploy is to transfer the value of shear strain at one of the special axial points to thefouradjacentregularGauss substitute the value of y

(5, q, c) = (f 1/fi,

,q, c ) = (0,0,1/fi) v (5


example to

for Gauss point values at

*l /fi, 1/fi

). Unfortunately this tactic does not satisfy

constant strain patch tests for general element shapes. An equivalent procedure which does satisfy constant strain patch tests is to replace the value of shear strain at each Gauss point by its Jacobian-weighted average over four an operation on the strain displacement matrix, this the row of the strain-displacement matrix for y Gauss point g, then in Figure7.13, the Jacobian-weighted average value



replaces [B;

J at Gauss points5,6,7, and 8.

This operation clearly satisfies the patch test requirement

where, in this case, the nonconforming part of the strain-displacement matrix is

= [E;;

LB;~ J

- BZ J.

Unlike ,the selective substitution procedure just described,theselective underintegration procedure described first does not satisfy the patch test for the simple reason that reduced integration does not satisfy constant strain patch tests for solid elements with general shape. The expansion from one point to two points for each component of shear strain provides no relief from this conclusion.

nd Integration Reduced


As in the case of the four-node quadrilateral, the orientation of the element

coordinate system must be invariant to the order of node identification. There appears to benoeasyway to satisfy this requirementandthefurther requirement of no abrupt changesof stiffness in response to small changes in the dimensions of the finite element model. It is, on the other hand, relatively easy to find a suitable set of skewed Cartesian axes, namely those which are tangent to the 5 ,q,and directionsat ,=v = c = O . A suitableset of rectangular axes might then be one with minimum angular differences from these skewed axes.

Integration points for

, , E

Y '

Brick with

Integrationpointsfor shear strains

Figure 7.13 Location of Integration Points for the Eight-Node Selective Underintegration.

Selective Inteeration of EiPht- and Nine-Node Ouadrilaterals

As wasshown in Sections 7.2 and 7.3, the eight-nodequadrilateralwith reduced integration has a single spurious mode which is noncommunicating in fields of elements. It was further demonstrated in Section 7.4 that, while


chapter 7

examples can be found where the spurious mode causes poor results, the performance is generally quite good. Thus there is little reason to consider suppression of the eight-node quadrilateral's spurious mode. Nevertheless, many eight-node elements use selective underintegration in their designs. For example, thedesign of the MSC/NASTRANQUAD8, which dates from 1976,(17) did not have access to the analysisandexperimentalevidence presented in earlier sections of this chapter. Our policy, conceived in fear and sustained by ignorance, was: no spurious modes. The nine-node quadrilateral has three spurious modes, including two which are global modes in element fields and whichunquestionablyrequire suppression. The two type 1 global modes have the form

while the type 2 noncommunicating mode, shared with the eight-node element, has the following form for rectangular shapes.

Clearly, all three modes can besuppressed by evaluating and E at points Y other than the 2 x 2 Gauss points, (5,~) = f1 f1 in particular at the 3x 3 Gauss points. The shear strain y must continue to be measured at the Xy 2 x 2 Gauss points to avoid shear locking (see Table 6.4).

/G, /G,

Membrane locking, which will be studied in Chapter 10, imposes an additional requirement. This type of locking is associated with curved shell elements or with curved membrane and solid elements, such as QUAD8 and HEXA20, which are used to model curved beams and shells. It does not occur in the simpler QUAD4 and HEXA8 elements. The nature of the membrane locking phenomenon is that large membrane strains appear in situations where only bending strains should be present. The cause is failure to interpolate cubic in-plane displacements such as U = x3. The indicated remedy, from the point

d Integration Reduced


of view of reduced integration, is to measure at only two values of 5. Thus 2 x 2 integration of and E appears tobe needed to suppressmembrane Y locking in eight-node and nine-node quadrilateral elements, in conflict withthe proposed strategy for spurious mode suppression. Note, however, that if we measure at a 3x 2 mesh in 6, q space and E at a Y 2 x 3 mesh, the spurious modes will be suppressed because, in any of the modes described by Equations 735 and 736, either the factor C2 or the 2 factor q remains intact after differentiation andcannotbezero at three points simultaneously.

Figure 7.14 illustrates a distribution of strain evaluation points which satisfies all locking andmodesuppression requirements. It evaluates at sixpoints, E at six points, and y at four points for a total of sixteen strain evaluations, Y XY more than enough to provide independent stiffnesses for the thirteen strain states of QUAD8 or the fifteen strain states of QUAD9.

Figure 7.14 Strain Evaluation Points for Selective Integration of Eight- and Nine-Node Elements. For integration, the direct strains, and E ,must be provided at all nine of the Y 3x 3 Gauss points. This requires interpolation f r o m evaluation points. The value of at point 2 can, for example, be obtained by averaging the values at


Chapter 7

points 1 and 3.* If shear strains are uncoupled from direct strains, they may be integrated at the 2 x 2 Gauss points where they are evaluated. Otherwise the shear strains must be extrapolated to the 3 x 3 Gauss points. The shape function concept is convenient for this purpose. Thus, if yi is the value of y at 2 x 2 XY Gauss point i, we might take the value of y at any other point to be


The strain evaluation procedure just described is conceptually simple and computationally efficient. It does not, unfortunately, pass constant strain patch tests for general element shapes. The reason for the failure is the usual reason in such cases-failure of the equilibrium condition due to the presence of nonconforming terms in the strain-displacement matrix, terms which are introduced in this case by the interpolation of strains. Remedies are available forequilibriumfailure of eight- and nine-nodeelementswith selective integration, but they are not transparently simple and they will lead us to connections with other important concepts in finite element design. This is the subject matter of the next section. It is a straightforward matter to extend the selective strain evaluation technique twenty-node brick element. The shearstrainsare just described to the evaluated at 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss points while the direct strains are evaluated at 3 x 3 x 2 Gauss points (or at permutations thereof). The MSC/NASTRAN HEXA20 element"') uses this procedure. Compared to straightreduced integration, the selective version eliminates six noncommunicating spurious modes at some loss of efficiency and some overall reduction in accuracy.

*As shown in Figure 7.14, E, and eY are evaluated (selectively) at 3 x 3 Gauss points. Alternatively, E, and E can be evaluated at 2 x 2 Gauss points and Y points between the 2 x 2 Gauss points and then extrapolated to the 3 x 3 Gauss points. The latter procedure is a little more accurate.

d Integration Reduced


Neither version passes constant strain patch tests for general element shapes,* but the selective version can be fixed so that it will pass, using methods described in the next section.


The preceding treatment of selective integration began by separating the strain vector into uncoupled parts which were integrated with different sets of Gauss points. It then proceeded to consider the extrapolation of strains from one set of Gauss points to another, or the replacement of a set of strains by a weighted average value, followed by the integration of strain energy at a common set of points. Thus the focus shifted from selective underintegration to selective substitution, which was shown to be more versatile with respect to applications (anisotropic materials) and error control. At the same time the principal reason for patch test failure shifted f r o m integration failure to equilibrium failure, and inthe last example (eight- and nine-node quadrilaterals) no easy fix for equilibrium failure was found. We consider in this section a general class of element formulations in which strains computed from displacements are modified prior to the integration of strain energy at a common set of points. Such formulations are sometimes called B-bar methods(18) because if a strain vector computed from displacement is

then the modified strain vector is simply

*As will be recalled, solid elements require full integration to pass constant strain patch tests.


Chapter 7

Such formulations become projection methods if the modified strain is obtained from the unmodifiedstrain by

in sucha way that

This property is shared with geometric projections, (X)=P(x), since P(X) = P(P(x)) = X is just the projection of a projection on itself. It should be noted that not all B-bar formulations are projection methods. Perhaps the most insightful way to characterize formulations based on strain modification is to call them assumed strain methods. In all such cases, a strain field is assumed, quite independently of the displacement field, which has its own spatial distribution.

where X is a row vector of basis functions and {C} is a column vector of coefficients. To complete the calculation, the coefficients {C} must somehow be related to nodal displacements,
{C} =
I f therelationship



R 4 3 1
of anassumed


displacement field

the formulation is designated as an assumed strain hybrid method. The strain substitution techniques described in the preceding section can be classified as examples of the assumed strain hybrid approach. They included the technique ofcollocation, in which assumed strains are equated at specific points to strains

Integration Reduced

and Spurious Modes


derived from the displacement field, and also the technique of averaging. In examples where both techniques were applied, the averaging technique proved superior in that we could easily demonstrate the conditions under which it wouldpasspatch tests. One of the twoforms of theHellinger-Reissner variational principle (see Section 2.5) also represents an assumed strain hybrid approach. Assumed strain methods which do not also employ an assumed displacement field are taken up in later chapters. In 1978 Malkus andHughes(19) clarified the relationship betweenstrain substitutionmethodsandmixedenergy principles, therebyprovidinga theoretical foundation for reduced and selective integration. During the 1980s, many new elements, and particularly shell elements, have appeared which employ strain modification methods under one or another of the designations described above.

7 . 7 . 1 Least Sauares Smoothing

With least squares smoothing, the integral of the squared difference between assumed strains and strains due to displacements is minimized with respect to the coefficients of the assumed strain field. Usually the assumed strain field has a smootherset of basis functions than the strain field due to displacements. Razzaque(20)(1973) was probably the first to use least squares smoothing in a finite element. The Jacobian weighted average, employed in Sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 to modify shear strains for QUAD4 and HEXA8 elements, is a primitive form of least squares smoothing with a single, constant basis function. The first step, and the only one requiring ingenuity, is to select the basis functions for the assumed strain field. Consider the example of the eight- and nine-node elements treated in Section 7.6.3. We know that shear locking is avoided if y is evaluated at 2 x 2 Gauss points. Hence an appropriate set of Xy is 11, 5 ,q, ,qJ. Likewise, weknowthat basis functions for y Xy membrane locking is avoided if E~ i s evaluated at a 3 x 2 set of points. The corresponding set of basis functions for E~ is [kl = 11, , q, , ,q,q2,cq2] and


for E it is

= 1 1 , rl, ~ ~ q5 ,




chapter 7

The least squares smoothing is applied to each strain component independently so there is no need to group the basis vectors into a matrix. We can even apply local smoothing to parts of each strain component's field. For example, it was noted in connection with Figure7.14that ex at point 2 could be evaluated as the average of at points 1 and 3. Thus an appropriate set of assumed strain basis functions for ex at points 1,2,and 3 is = L1,Cj.

L ' ( ' ]

There is no reasontorestrict We will, for example, use otherwisewecouldnot

The only firm requirement is that a constant term be one of the basis functions; represent a constant strain field. In addition, the number of assumed strain basis functions should be less than the number of integration points because the least squares fit becomes an identity if the

to functions of the parametric coordinates. 1-1 1 11, x, to define a strain field in Section 8.2.


numbers are equal* and it becomes singular if the number of basis functions exceeds the number of integration points. We will assume the following form for the functional which is minimized by least squares smoothing.
IT3 =

; { E

- .")7W]{E

- &U}

In this expression, E - eU is a vector representing the difference at integration points between a component of the assumed strain field and the corresponding component of the strain field due to displacements. W is a symmetric matrix of weighting factors, to bedetermined. The functional is minimizedwith respect to the coefficients, {C), of the assumedstrain field, definedby Equation 7 : 4 2 . Thus




[~I'[W]{[i]{c} - &U}

= 0

*Thiscanberegarded as an example of Fraeijs de Veubeke's limitation principle(*') which states that the results of hybrid and assumed displacement formulations will be identical unless portions of the stress (or strain) field are suppressed.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes

so that, solving for {C),

3 0 3

{c)= [nTwnT'[al'[w]{eu]


The resulting relationship between the assumed strain field and the field due to displacements is

{ q = [ic]{c}= [s]{.u}
where the smoothing matrix

R 4 8 1


The substitute

[E] matrix i s

It should benoted that, inthe present context,

refers to values of the same component of strain at all integration points rather than to all components of strain at one integration point. Construction of the [E] matrix in the latter sense requires sorting and piecing together the [B] matrices for the separate components of strain. We have, as yet, no assurance that the least squares smoothing process will permit the element to pass constant strain patch tests. To pass such a test, the least squares smoothing operation must exactly reproduce a constant strain field and its accompanying nodal forces. It turns out that a proper selection of the weighting matrix W can guarantee patch test satisfaction. Infact we can exceed patch test requirements and produce exactly the same results as the unmodified element for any strain field


3 0 4

chapter 7

that is a linear combination of the basis functions of the assumed strain field. To accomplish this result, we require that*

{E} =

} ' E



} : F {

for { E ' }


~ 5 2 )

In these relationships is the vector of nodal forces due a single component is the collection of integration point values of the basis functions. It is seen that produces, by virtue of Equation 748, the requirement that

[sl[k] =


R 5 3 )

or, in other words, the requirement that the smoothing process be a projection method. Substitution of [S] from Equation 749 shows that the requirement is satisfied and also that it places no restrictions on be non-singular.

The requirement that nodal forces remain unmodified for a strain state equal to one of the basis vectors isdeveloped as follows. We know that

where ' c is a single component of stress at integration point g and g {Bgi) is the ith column of the transposed strain-displacement matrix for the particular stress component. Replacing the summation on g by a matrix operation we obtain

where [W] is a diagonal matrix of terms W J The stress due to a particular g g' component of strain will have the spatial distribution of that component of

*Credit goes to Robert L. Harder for the (previously unpublished) proofs which follow.

nd Integration Reduced


strain. Hence we can replace {os) by k], the matrix of basis functions for the particular strain component. Thus we can write

In likemanner

The equality of modified and unmodified nodal forces requires

which is satisfied if

Substitution for [S] from Equation 7 4 9 produces, since [w][k][?Tw?rl[kjTIW][~] = [W][?] This requirement is satisfied if

,i.e., if the wei hting matrii

taken to be a diagonalmatrix of weighted Jacobians, ['W,


Whatwehaveachievedhere is a method which retains the flexibility of selective integration (or substitution) and which also satisfies patch tests to the same degree as the standard, unmodified isoparametric formulation. Note, in particular, that full integration should be used. Locking is also mitigated to tqe same extent as with selective integration. We note, from Table 6.4, that the shear locking terms for QUAD8, and also QUAD9, have - 1 / 3 or q2 - 1/ 3 as a factor. The least squares fit to these termsis zero if the assumed strain basis is Lk]= 11.6, v, cq]. Dilatation locking. is also avoided if dilatation is computed separately with the same assumed basis.



Chapter 7

The down side of the assumed strain hybrid formulation relative to reduced integration is increased computational cost, largely because full rather than reduced integration is used. This is not a disadvantage for Lagrange elements, such as QUAD9, because reduced integration produces severe mechanisms in these elements. The best, most economical solution for theeight-node membrane element, and perhaps also for the twenty-node brick element, may well be straight reduced integration, which produces only noncommunicating spurious modesin these elements. Selective substitution works wellfor the simple four-node membrane and eight-node brick elements.* Shear locking is eliminated, spurious modes are avoided, and the patch test is passed. Dilatation locking and shape sensitivity, on the other hand, remain unresolved issues which will be addressed in the next chapter.

The HellinFer-Reissner Variational Principle

The Hellinger-Reissner variational principle provides a means to derive the equations of an element when two independent fields are assumed. As shown by Equations 281 and 282, the functional to be minimized has two closely related forms, depending on whether the assumed fields are displacement and strain, or displacement and stress. We will show here, for the case of an assumedstrain field, thattheHellinger-Reissner variational principleis equivalent to least squares smoothing with a particular choice of weighting functions. The starting point is Equation 281, restated belowwith current notation.

nR =

({~}'[D]{E~) - i{E}T[D]{i})dV - W


*Provided that Jacobian-weighted averaging is used,as needed, to ensure patch test satisfaction.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes


where W =

' e


+ j (tf (u}dS

is the potential energy due to applied loads. The variation of lTR, as expressed in terms of the variations of 6 , eu, and W, is set to zero.

6nR = I({G}TID]{e"}
' e

+ {E}T[D]{SEU} - {G}T[D]{6})dV - 6W


Thesymmetry of [D] has been used in this result. definitions, that

We note, fromprior

and that, sinceW is a function of U only,

Thematrix X in Equation 764 is the collection of basis functions for all components of assumed strain. Substitution of Equations 764 and 7 6 5 into Equation 763 gives


6nR =



p i >= 0

Since (C} and (ui> are vectors of independent variables, the coefficients of { K }and (6ui) in Equation 766 must vanish independently. Consequently




- 6)dV

= 0


We wish to show that these two equations can also be derived from the least squares fit of an assumed strain field to strains derived from displacements. For this purpose, let the least squares fit be governed by minimization of the functional

with respect to the coefficients of the assumedstrain field. We note that Equation 768 differs from the functional used in Section 7.7.1. The method described in Section 7.7.1 is equivalent to Equation 7 6 8 if [D] = [I] and if all integration points are included in the summation. Setting the variation of TI3 to zero gives, with [D] symmetric,

6n3 =


- EU}dV = {X}T/[i(r[~]{i - EU}dv


= 0

R 6 9 1
which yields Equation 767a exactly. The least squares fit is completed by minimizing

n --




d Integration Reduced

Spurious Modes



The assumed strains are related to nodal displacements

{g} = [']{C}

= ['][AI[u~)


where [A] is evaluated as follows by the least squares fit.

Minimization of lT1 with respectto



or, since [6ui] is a vector of independent variations,

which is just Equation 76% transposed.

We have shown that the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle is equivalent

to a particular least squares fit of an assumed strain field to strains derived

from an assumed displacement field. We have also shown that least squares fits, including this one, can pass patch testsand thus yield convergent results.


Chapter 7


As we have seen, selective integration and its surrogates employ either full integration or a combination of full and reduced integration points. In so doing they give away some or all of the economic advantage of reduced integration. That advantage is particularly important in the case of material nonlinearity where the evaluation of stresses at integration points can consume half or more of the computer time. For such cases it would be highly beneficial to retain reduced integration while finding some simple way to restrain or stabilize the resulting spurious modes. The basic idea behind spurious mode stabilization is to separate the element's modes into low order modes which are evaluated at integration points and high order modes whose stiffnesses are approximated analytically. (') If the intent is only to prevent large responses of spurious modes, we can assign penalty stiffnesses to the higher order modes without much care. Whether this is our intent or whether it is to add the full information content of the higher order modes to the solution, care must be taken to preserve the accuracy of lower order modes by ensuring patch test satisfaction. Spuriousmode stabilization occupies a middle position between reduced integration and full integration with strain modification (by a mixed energy principle or otherwise). It retains some of the economic advantage of reduced integration and avoids spurious modes. Its chief disadvantage is that it places a burden on the user to select a level of penalty stiffness. A level that is too low may cause the spurious modes to be evident in the solution, while a level that is too high may allow locking to return. An acceptable level maynot always be possible. Belytschko and his colleagues(22-26) have developed a family of stabilized, reduced integration elements which they call y-elements. Although .these elements are intended primarily for plate and curved shell applications, their principles can be explained in the context of four- and nine-node membrane elements. Belytschko, et al., are careful to preserve their elements' rigid body and constant strain properties. They do this by "orthogonalizing" the higher ordermodes with respect to the lower order ones. We can conveniently

nd Integration Reduced

Spurious Modes


Let us begin by considering a four-node isoparametric element with a single integration point. The basis vector for this element is, of course, [X J = L1,5, q, sq]. As we have seen in Section 7.2, the cq term accounts for the element's spurious modes because strains computed from it will be zero at the integration point, 5= 9 = 0. Thus is the mode shape of both higher order modes (one forU, the other for v). If we select 11.6, q] to be the basis vector for the lower order modes, we run intotroublebecausetherepresentation of lineardisplacementstates in elements with geneial quadrilateral shapes requires all four terms. We can, however, select the element's basis vector to be =1 1 , x, y, cqj, which is exactly equivalent to the original basis (x and y are linear combinations of 1,5, q, tq) and then isolate the last term. The displacement field is expressed



= pipii]-l{ui}


where, as we recall,

any oneof the basis functions, [ui> = {l},[xi>, or yi),

x.. is the value of x.at node i.If ( u i ) is selected to be '1 I {xij}, will exactly equal xi. Consequently, if

will equal 1, x, or y. Thus, since the higher order

mode will not be excited by lower order nodal displacements, rigid body and patch test properties will be preserved. Put formally, we separate U into lower and higher order parts u = u where

e +Uh




Chapter 7


[*ci] [xiis



provide(26) explicit formulas for these partitions. There is, in fact,

[ l

Ati and [y ] are just partitions of [l, xi, yi ,S i q i ]


Belytschko, et al., no need to

compute Aei]. The value of ut at the integration point is just the same, for any (ui}, as the value obtained by the standard isoparametric formulation. The important result of the revised formulation is the assurance that Uh is not excited when (ui} = {uti} or, to put it a little differently, assurance that L y J is orthogonal to {uti}. The derivatives of ut and vt provide constant strains which are evaluated at the single integration point or, as noted, we can simply use the standard formulation to compute them. Penalty stiffness is assigned to the higher order modes as follows. Let u h and vh be combined into a vector

R 7 9 1

Then the vector of higher orderstrains

where [A] i s a function of position.

Reduced Integration and Spurious Modes

3 1 3

The corresponding matrix of higher order stiffness terms is

[Kh] = j[B]'[Dh][B]dV

where C,, C,, C3 are scalar constants. We can choose to ignore the values which the derivation gives to C,, C,, C3 and assign them arbitrary values to suit our requirements. In fact, Belytschko observes that "the plethora of papers whichhaveappearedonthefour-nodequadrilateralultimatelyhaveall revolved on the selection of these three constants."(26) This, of course, assumes thatpatch test satisfaction is a fixed requirement.Theassignmentwhich Belytschko gives to these constants ensures freedom from locking for parallelogram shapes (see Section 6 . 6 . 1 ) . It has been s h o d 2 ' ) that it is not possible to go farther without violating the patch test. It is not difficult to extend the stabilization concept just described to the eightnode solid elementwithsinglepoint integration. (22) In thatcase the appropriate basis vector is 11, x, y, z, kq, qc, EqcJ where the last four terms constitute thehigher order displacement field. The y row vector becomes a 4 x 8 matrix. The economic advantage of a single integration point for the lower order terms may compensate for the complexity of the higher order terms. Of course, if the intent is only to stabilize the higher order terms, it will be sufficient to replace theequivalent of thevolumeintegral in Equation 7 8 1 with a diagonalmatrix of small terms.


Thenine-nodequadrilateralwithreduced integration has three spurious modes. Belytschko chooses(25) to stabilize only the two type 1


Chapter 7

where the last term constitutes the higher order displacement field. Thus

where, as in the case of the four-node quadrilateral, L y ] is the bottom row of

[xij]-*. The stabilized nine-nodequadrilateral retains all of the properties of

its standard reduced integration counterpart plus stabilization ofthe: type 1 spurious modes. The type 2 spurious mode is not stabilized but, because it is noncommunicating, it is relatively benign.


J . Barlow, "More onOptimalStress

Points-Reduced Integration, Element Distortions, and Error Estimation," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 28, pp 1487-504,1989.
J. Barlow, "A Stiffness Matrix for a Curved Membrane Shell,"Conf. Recent Advances in Stress Analysis, Royal Aeron. Soc., 1968.

7.2 7.3 7.4

J. Barlow, "Optimal Stress Locations in Finite Element Models," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 10, pp 243-51,1976.
R. D. Lazarov and A. B. Andreev, "Superconvergence of the Gradient for Quadratic Triangular Finite Elements," Numer.MethodsforPartial Differ. Equations, 4 , pp 15-32,1988.

7.5 7.6 7.7

G. Strang and G. J. Fix, AnAnalysis of the FiniteElementMethod, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 168, 1973.

M. Zlamal, "Superconvergence and Reduced Integration in the Finite Element Method," Math. Computations, 32, pp 663-85,1978.

D.Kosloff and G. A. Frazier, "Treatment of Hourglass Patterns in Low Order Finite Element Codes," Numer. Analyt. Methods in Geomechunics, 2 , pp 57-72,1978.

ious and Integration Reduced



N. Bitanit and E. Hinton,"Spurious Modes in Two-Dimensional Isoparametric Elements," Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 14, pp 1545-57,


B. M. Ironsand T. K. Hellen, "On ReducedIntegration in Solid Isoparametric Elements when Used in Shells with Membrane Modes;' Intl. 1 . Numer. Methods Eng., 10, pp 1179-82,1978. B. E. MacNeal, J . R. Brauer, and R. N. Coppolino, "A General Finite Element Vector Potential Formulation of Electromagnetics Using a Time-Integrated Electric Scalar Potential," I E E E Trans. on Magnetics, 26, p. 1768,1990. B. E. MacNeal, R. H. MacNeal, and R. N. Coppolino, "Spurious Modes of Electromagnetic Vector Potential Finite Elements," I E E E Trans. On Magnetics, 25, p. 4141,1989.
B. E. MacNeal, L. A. Larkin, J .R. Brauer, and A. 0. Cifuentes, "Elimination of Finite Element Spurious Modes Using a Modal Transformation Technique," I E E E Trans. on Magnetics, 26, p. 1765,1990.




7.13 7.14

R. H. MacNeal, "Selective Penalization of Divergence," MacNealSchwendler Corp. MSC/EMAS Memorandum RHM-6,1991.

W. P. Doherty, E. L. Wilson, and R. L. Taylor, "Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Solids Using Higher Order Quadrilateral Finite Elements," U. of Calif. Berkeley, Struct. Eng.Lab. Report SESM 69-3,

7.15 7.16

R. H. MacNeal, "A Simple Quadrilateral Shell Element," Comput. Struct., 8 , pp 175-83,1978.

R. H. MacNeal, "Specifications for the QUAD8 Quadrilateral Curved Shell Element," MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. MSC/NASTRAN Memorandum RHM-46B, 1976. R. H. MacNeal, "Specifications for the HEXA Element," MacNealSchwendler Corp. MSC/NASTRAN Memorandum RHM-38C, 1976.
T. J. R. Hughes, "Generalization of Selective Integration Procedures to Anisotropic and Nonlinear Media," Intl. J. Numer.MethodsEng., 15, pp 1413-8,1980. D. S. Malkus and T. J . R. Hughes, "Mixed Finite Element MethodsReduced and Selective Integration Techniques: A Unification of Concepts," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 15, pp 68-81,1978. A. Razzaque, "Program for Triangular Bending Elements with Derivative Smoothing," Intl. I. Numer. Methods Eng., 6, pp 333-43,1973.





Chapter 7

B. Fraeijs de Veubeke,Displacement and EquilibriumModels in the Finite Element Method,Stress Analysis (Ed. 0 . C. Zienkiewicz and G. S. Holister), John Wiley, London, 1965.
D .P. Flanagan and T. Belytschko, A Uniform Strain Hexahedron and QuadrilateralwithOrthogonalHourglass Control, Intl. 1. Numer.
Methods Eng., 17, pp 679-706,1981.
T. Belytschko, C. S. Tsay, and W. K. Liu, A Stabilization Matrix for the Bilinear Mindlin Plate Element, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 29, pp 313-27,1981.
T.Belytschko, J. S.-J. Ong,and W. K. Liu,A ConsistentControl of Spurious Singular Modes in the Nine-Node Lagrange Element for the Laplace and Mindlin Plate Equations, Comput.MethodsAppl.Mech. Engrg., 44, pp 269-95,1984.
T. Belytschko, W. K. Liu, J .S.-J. Ong, and D. Lam, Implementation and Application of a Nine-Node Lagrange Shell Element with Spurious Mode Control, Comput. Struct., 20, pp 121-8,1985.






T. Belytschko,W. K. Liu, and B. E. Engelman, The Gamma-Elements Shell and Related Developments, FiniteElementMethodsforPlateand Structures (Ed. T. J. R. Hughes andE. Hinton), Pineridge Press, Swansea, pp 31 6-47,1986.
R. H.MacNeal, A Theorem Re arding the Locking of Ta ered Four1. Numer. Methods Eng., 28, pp 1793-9, N o d 4 Membrane Elements,



8 More Remedies for Locking


We have seen that reduced integration and the related tactics introduced in Chapter 7 can very often eliminate or greatly reduce locking symptoms. Cases exist, however, where reduced integration is ineffective. Examples include a shear locking mode of the twenty-node brick (Section 6.4.3) and trapezoidal locking of the four-node quadrilateral (Section 6.6.2). We have also seen that, while underintegration of volumetric expansion can prevent dilatation locking of the four-node rectangle, it does not entirely eliminate the error in deviatoric strains (Section 6.2.2). Even in cases where reducedintegration is an effective remedy for locking, the attendantspuriousmodescreate difficulties, particularly for Lagrange elements.This fact providedmotivation for theintroduction of selective underintegrationand the related assumed strain hybrid formulations. The


Chapter 8

computational advantage of reduced integration is sacrificed thereby since all strains must be extrapolated to full integration points. In this chapter we consider methods which are not derivatives of reduced integration. They are of two types. In one type, additional degrees of freedom providethemissingspatialdistributionswhich will relaxlocking. Such additionaldegrees of freedomincludeWilson'sincompatiblemodes (Section 8.1) anddrillingfreedoms(2) (Section 8.2). The contrast of these remedieswithreduced integration is sharp because relief is achieved by adding rather than removing terms in the strain field. In theothertype of remedy,changes aremade to theway in which displacements are interpolated toform strains. These methods include the substitution of metric interpolation for standardparametricinterpolation (Section 8.3) and,more radically, the calculation of strains fromnodal displacements without the intermediation of a continuous displacement field (Section 8.4).

8.1 BUBBLE FUNCTIONS We take the terms bubble function and incompatible mode to be equivalent. Each term is roughly descriptive of a nodeless displacement state which is added to supplement an element's displacement basis. The basic idea may be expressed in the form

where (i) refers to nodal values and (01 refers to nodeless degrees of freedom. A typical nodeless shape function for a four-node quadrilateral has the form No = 1Displacements due to thisfunction are incompatible, i.e., nonconforming, because they do not vanish on all edges of the element. The curved shape of this function also roughly resembles a bubble.


The center node of anine-nodequadrilateralhastheshape function Ng = (1 - c2)(1- q') which definitely resembles a bubble but which

More Remedies for Locking


vanishes on all edges and is therefore compatible. Such a function could be used to supplement the displacement basis of a four-node quadrilateral with interesting if impractical consequences. In this case it is immaterial whether or not we associate (Eo)withanodebecause (Eo)does not communicate directly with adjacent elements. The same can be said for any of the interior nodes of any Lagrange element; in other words, the shape functions of interior nodes are particular cases of (compatible) bubble functions. Whatever the added functions in Equation 81 may be called, their purpose is to augment the elements inventory of strain states. In other words, the strain vector becomes
{E> =

C [~i]{ui} C [ ~ o ] { ~ o ]


We will see later that it is frequently convenient to assume the form of B 01 rather than to derive it from an assumed set of displacement functions. The are aptly described as auxiliary strain states. 8.1.1 WilsonsIncompatibleFour-Node


The earliest element with incompatible modes was the four-node incompatible membrane quadrilateral published by Wilson, et al. in 1973. Thespecific form of Equation 8:l for this elementis




+ N5(G5) + N6(.ii6>


where Nt4) is one of the standard four-node isoparametric shape functions, N5=(l-k2)/2andN The functions N5 and N6 are sketched in Figure 8.1. They are nonconforming because the incompatible modes of adjacent elements are not required to have identical values on common boundaries. An important feature of the formulation is that the work done by boundary tractions on the incompatible s ignored. Inclusion of this work would couple the nodeless variables modes i


Chapter 8

Ns =(l-C2) / 2
Figure 8 . 1
Wilson's Incompatible Modes.

~ ~ = ( 1 - + )2

of adjacent elements, thereby violatingrule 2 of the basic assumptions listed in Section 2.2 "Two finiteelementsinteract with eachotheronlythroughthe common values of a finite set of variables located in their mutual boundary." The only purpose assigned to functions N5 and N6 i s to produce the auxiliary strain-displacement matrix in Equation 82. A typical term of that matrix i s ,from Equation 451,

where J is the Jacobian determinant. The complete set of auxiliary strain states is

zero. We see For a rectangle J, x, and y are constant while x,,, andare 4 ' 1 1 that, for rectangles, the nodeless variables add independent strain states as follows: = ax, A& = by, and Ay = cx + dy where a, b, c, d are constants Y v proportional to Ti5, V6, V5 and V6 respectively. These independent strain states are sufficient to correct shear locking (e.g., to cancel y = x in


More Remedies for Locking


Equation 6:20) and dilatation locking (e.g., to add AE = - vy/( 1- v) in Y Equation 627). Minimization of strain energy will assure that these corrections occur, or at least that excessively large locking energy does not occur. Tests show(3)that nearly exact resultsare achievedforin-planebending of rectangular shapes. The correction of locking is still virtually perfect for parallelogram shapes but not for general quadrilateral shapes. (Recall from Section 6.6.2 that in-plane bending of a four-node trapezoid induces a. constant spurious strain in the transverse direction). The design of the element is completed by forming stiffness matrices and load vectors in the usual manner except that no loads are applied to the nodeless variables. The resulting element equations are

where {ui> includesallnodal variables.

variables and {E0> includesallnodeless

Static condensation will produce an equilibrium equation in terms of nodal displacements only, i.e.,

and an equation for displacement at nodeless variables



Chapter 8

An expression for strains in terms of nodal displacements only, obtained by substitution of Equation 8 8 into Equation 82, is

where ui includes only nodal displacements and

{ }

Thus we see that the method of bubble functions is a E method or, in other words, that the net effect of the bubble functions is to alter the matrix relating strains.to nodal displacements. In this respect it does not differ from the assumed strain hybrid formulations described in Section 7.7. In nonlinear analysis it is usually better to keep the nodeless variables as degrees of freedom because static condensation would require specialized iterative procedures. In its original form the Wilson quadrilateral did not pass constant strain patch tests for general shapes. To see this, we recall from Section 5.3 that a sufficient condition for patch test satisfactionis

where BY is any component of the nonconforming part of thestrain displacement matrix.The (potentially) nonconforming part is [Bo][Goi] in Equation 8:11. Since is a matrix of constants, we needonly apply the test to [Bo]. from Equation 8:4 for BY shows that since W = 1 at the 2 x 2 Gauss points of a four-node element,

v ,

BldV =

C. JgwgBTg = -C5yrq


whichvanishes if y is constant. Thus the Wilson elementpassedconstant t l strain patch tests for parallelogram shapes but not for more general shapes. This fact(4) was brought to the attention of the development team and a




correction was issued(5) in 1976. The correction consists simply of replacing y, and the other members of the 2 x 2 Jacobian matrix in Equation 85 by their 11 values at the center of the element, 5= = 0. With this change, the element passes constant strain patch tests for all element shapes.

8.1.2 AssumedAuxiliarvStrainStates
A curious fact which emerges from the preceding discussion is that the added shape functions, No,do not appear explicitly in the implementation of the theory. Shape functions usually appearin the conversion of boundary tractions and body forces into nodal forces, but these uses are specifically forbidden for bubble functions. As a result No is used only to compute [Bo] and, since No is an assumed function, we might just as well assume [Bo] instead. This has the advantage that we can concentrate on the selection of the terms in [Bo] to achieve such purposes as the cancellation of the terms which cause locking in the element's strain states. Assuming [Bo]has, however, the disadvantage that invariance to orientation of the element coordinate system is no longer guaranteed. (The specification of displacement shape functions has this property so long as the same shape functions are used for all components of displacement.) Lack of such invariance is not serious if orientation of the element coordinatesystemisinvariant,withinmultiples of go", to node sequencing. See Figure 7.12 for one such method.
As an example to illustrate the direct selection of [Bo], we recall that the elimination of shear and dilatation locking of the four-node rectangle requires the additional terms , A E = ~ ax, A& = by, and Ay = cx + dy. Since x and y Y Xy are respectively proportional to 5 and for rectangular' geometry, we surmise that locking will be eliminated if the following bubble functions are added.'



Chapter 8

Thesefunctionsare identical to thosesupplied by the Wilsonelement (Equation 8:5) for rectangular geometry but not for more general shapes. Which are better? We can easily demonstrate that the additional terms in the Wilson element allow it to solve the shear locking problem for parallelogram shapes. (Examine Equation 649 and observe that the coefficients of V5 in Equation 8 5 are correct for elimination of shear locking from the example described in Section 6.6.1.) Thus the functions in Equation 8:5 are better than those in Equation 814 because the latter provide an exact solution to the shear locking problem for rectangular shapes only. From a rigorous standpoint, the statements which have been made about the remedial effectiveness of bubble functions are merely conjectural. We have as yet no proof that the added strain states will cancel the locking terms. While we can be sure that the added termswill reduce the strain energy we do not yet know by how much or whether it will be enough to accomplish a cure. Examination of the internal forces will, fortunately, lead us to a true measureof effectiveness. Recall that the internal force vector is related to stresses by

It is convenient, in the present case, to partition {F} into the forces on nodes and the forces on nodeless variables. Then

v 0


Furthermore, we know from Equation 8:6 that {Fo) = 0 because we have deliberately excludedthe application of tractions and body forces to the nodeless variables. As a result

which constitutes a set of constraint conditions on stresses. For example, if bubble functions are computed according to Equation 8:14, then

More Remedies for Locking


If we assume rectangular geometry and limit the stresses to constant and linear variations, the operations in Equation 8:18 lead to the conclusion that ox can have no variation in the x direction, Q can have no variation in the y direction, Y and z must be constant. These conditions, which imply slightly different XY conditions on the strains, are clearly sufficient to eliminate both dilatation and shear locking. Occasions arise where we might wish to impose conditions on the stresses for purposes other than the elimination of locking. For example, we might want the stresses to satisfy equilibrium. While this is the rule for assumed stress elements, it is far from being guaranteed for assumed displacement elements. Bubble functions provide a means to achieve this result. ( 6 ) Consider, for example, the homogeneous stress equilibrium equations in two dimensions





= x y JI = O

Let us assume an element where the stresses are linear functions of x and y. [This requirement can be achieved by least squares smoothing (Section 7.7.111. The equilibrium equations are satisfied by Equation 817 if




O B2 B1


3 2 6

Chapter 8




= [MI

where [M] is a matrix of constants to be determined. Equation 8 : 2 3 clearly satisfies the first column of Equation 821. The second and third columns yield


More Remedies for Locking

are the second moments of the elements area about its formulas for B1 and B2 are


centroid. Explicit

B1 =

- F)

- Ixy (Yg IxxIyy - c y

- Y)

Since the integrals of these expressions over the surface of the element vanish, theconstantstrain patch test is satisfied. In fact, the first column of Equation 821 is just a statementof the patch test sufficiency condition. These results will be applied to the improvement of the design of an element with drilling freedoms in Section 8.2.

8.1.3 Bubble Functions for Other ElemThe Wilson element (Section 8.1.1) extends quite easily to the eight-node hexahedron. In place of Equation 8:3 we have

where : N is a standard eight-node isoparametric shape function, 2 Ng = 1 - 5 , N10 = 1 - q2 and Nll = 1 - C ., Note that there are a total of nine bubble functions. These bubble functions are not sufficient to remedy all of the locking modes of the HEXAS isoparametric element. As described in Section 6.4.2, some of the locking modes are two dimensional, i.e., equivalent to the locking modes of QUAD4 in three perpendicular planes, and the bubble functions described above can certainly correct these modes. Table 6.4 shows, however, that the HEXAS has three additional shear locking modes and three


chapter 8

additionaldilatationlockingmodeswhichinvolve cubic functions of the displacements and which, therefore, require cubic bubble functions. The HEXAS element used in MSC/NASTRAN provides relief from locking by a combination of selective underintegration and bubble functions. The selective underintegration (actually selective substitution) follows the procedure described in Section 7.6.2 and relieves the shear locking modes. Dilatation locking is corrected by six assumed auxiliary strain states of the following form.

Note that the presence of J in the denominator ensures passageof patch tests. Referring to Table 6.4cb) we see that, for the example which illustrates the dilatation locking of HEXA8, an appropriate negative valuefor ii reduces the dilatation, E , to zero. The form indicated in Equation 8:28 provides complete relief from locking but only for rectangular element shapes. Extension of this protection to parallelogram shapes can be achieved by applying the correction to skewed Cartesian strain components, %, E-, andwherethecoordinate Y directions are taken parallel to 5 ,q, and at the point where 5= q = = 0.

As we have seen, bubble functions are particularly useful for loworder

elements. They also have some application to higher order elements. In the case of the eight-nodequadrilateral,reducedintegrationeliminatesall common forms of locking in rectangular shapes, including the membrane locking of curved shells which will bestudied in Chapter 10. Theonly drawback to reduced integration for thiselement is a relatively benign noncommunicating spuriousmode. Bubble functions could eliminate locking without introducing this mode, but at the cost of a considerable increase in

More Remedies for Locking


complexity and computer time. On balance, reduced integration appears to be a better choice for QUADS.
In the case of the nine-node quadrilateral, reduced integration is accompanied by two global spurious modes which are unacceptable for practical calculations (see Section 7.4). Selective underintegration can eliminate the spurious modes, as described in Section 7.6.3, but at the cost of failure to pass the patch test. Replacement of selective underintegration by an equivalent assumed strain hybrid formulation (Section 7.7.1) restores satisfaction of the patch test and produces a satisfactory design which is frequently employed in modem shell elements.

A satisfactory design for the nine-node quadrilateral can also be achieved with bubble functions. A set of auxiliary strain states that will eliminate locking for rectangular elements is

1 = -


Comparison with Table6.4 shows that i i 3 and i i 4 relieve shear locking and that iil and i i 2 relieve dilatation locking. It will be shown in Chapter 10 that these functions also relieve membrane locking for uniform bending of cylindrical and spherical shells. The conditions on stress corresponding to Equation 8:29 are


Chapter 8
is expanded as the product of Legendre polynomials

then, since P2(5) = $( requires that the strains.


,*- 5) and -1

Pa( ,)Pb( E,)dg = 0, a # b, Equation 8:30

contain no term of the form P2 (5) f (v). Thus the functional

forms which cause locking are excluded from the stresses and hence also from

While bubble functions can relieve locking and are occasionally useful for other purposes, the degrees of freedom which they add increase the complexity of element design and the computational cost. There is also a concern that too many bubble functions will cause spurious modes. In the example of the ninenode quadrilateral just cited, the addition of one more quadratic strain state to Equation 8:29 would cause a spurious mode for the simple reason that the four auxiliary strain states already included in Equation 8 2 9 plus the four quadratic strain states derived from nodal displacements (see Table 3.6) exhaust the possible number of independent quadratic strain states. Even when the stability limit is not in danger of being surpassed, more bubble functions do not necessarily imply better accuracy. For example,bubble functions can do nothing to raise the competency of a three-node triangle. The constant strains are complete and the nodal displacements produce no higher order strains to interact with higher order bubble functions. In similar fashion, the four bubble functions of the Wilson element do not, when added to the two linear strainstatesprovidedbynodaldisplacements,maketheelement complete in the linear strains or even quasi-complete in the sense of the term described in Section 3.3. They just modify the strain states provided by nodal displacements.


Drilling freedoms haverecently come into vogue as a way to improve the performance of low order membrane and solid elements. In the case of membrane elements, drilling freedoms are nodal rotations about an axis normal to the

More Remedies for Locking

3 3 2

plane of the element. One would not normally think that such rotations would be associated with strains since in-plane rotation, 8 =
(v,~ - u , ~ ) ,is the

only combination of displacement first derivatives which does not causestrain. We will, in fact, see that the relationship between drilling freedoms andstrains is somewhat contrived. When the concept of drilling freedoms is extended to three dimensions, (') all three components of nodal rotation are involved. If we take the standard complement of degrees of freedom at a node to be three components of translation and three components of rotation, we see that the drilling freedoms occupy slots which are frequently not needed for other purposes. From this point of view, drilling freedoms constitute an efficient use of resources. An important exception occurs in the analysis of curved shells where rotation at nodes about an axis normal to an element's surface may be coupled to bending strains by the shell's curvature. In this case the attempt to improvemembraneperformance by usingnormalrotationsasdrilling freedoms can be offset by a loss of bending performance. Tests show that, with the exception noted above, the accuracy of lowest order elements with drilling freedoms is intermediate between that of lowest order elements without drilling freedoms and that of the next higher order (p = 2) elements. The cost of using such elements is also intermediate. Recall from Equation 4:77 that the time to decompose a stiffness matrix is proportional to the cube of the average numberof degrees of freedom added to the mesh by a single element (this is true in both two and three dimensions). Figure 8.2 illustrates the number of degrees of freedom added by a four-node element with and without drilling freedoms and by an eight-node element. (Note that the designation, QUADR, is givento a four-nodeelementwithdrilling freedoms, which is the convention used in MSC/NASTRAN.) The relative matrix decomposition times for the three elements are asfollows: ELEMENT Matrix Decomposition Time QUAD4


QUAD8 8.0 1.0


Chapter 8

QUAD4 (a) Figure 8 2


(c) QUAD8

Degrees of FreedomAdded by OneElementin a Mesh of (a) QUADQ,(b) QUADR, and (c) QUAD8 Elements.

It is evident that low order elements with drilling freedoms can be welcome additions to finite element codes if their accuracies approach those of the higher order elements, or at least exceed those of the lower order elements by substantial margins. Proposals to usedrillingfreedomswithmembraneelementsgoback to 1965. (*) The performance of the early attempts was, however, so poor that by 1980 IronsandAhmad(9) tried to head off furtherdisappointmentby demonstratingthe futility of the concept. Later authors(2t6t10-13) have achieved much better success by modifying the way in which comer rotations are related to deformations. The issue is illustrated in Figure 8.3. The typical response of an unmodified four-node element to in-plane bending is the keystone deformation pattern shown on the left. The element locks due to the shear strains whose presence is evident at the comers. A possible pattern of deformations due to drilling freedoms is illustrated on the right. When comer rotations are combined with comer translations it is seen that each edge deforms as a general cubic function of position. Note however that the superposition of the deformations due to the drilling freedoms does not relax the shear strains because the drilling freedoms do not changethe angle which two edges make at a comer.

More Remedies for Locking

3 3 3


Keystone Deformation

(b) Drilling Deformation

Figure 8 3

In-Plane Bending of a Four-Node Element Including the Effect of Drilling Rotations.

The modification which improved the success of drilling freedoms was to ignore the cubic part of edge deformation. Thus, in Figure 8.3(b), the vertical edges remain straight while the horizontal edges bow quadratically. This is precisely what is needed to give correct overall response to in-plane bending.

8 . 2 . 1

The AllmaxdCook Formulation

to construct

The quadratic edge displacements just described can be used

special interior strain states, as Allman ( 2 ) demonstrated for the case of the membrane triangle. Cook('3) noted further that the quadratic edge displacements are just those provided by elements with midside nodes. Thus, in his modified formulation of a four-node quadrilateral, the corner rotations define normal translations at midside locations which are then used to define strain states via the usual eight-node shape functions. Cook's formulation is appealing because it employs standard isoparametric theory with a little extra work to relate drilling freedoms to edge node displacements. Figure 8.4 shows the design concept for the four-node element proposed by Cook. Internally the element is an eight-node isoparametric quadrilateral with reduced order integration. Externally, the degrees of freedom at the midpoint of each edge are eliminated in favor of corner point degrees of freedom according to the following formulas.

3 3 4

Chapter 8

ui+0.5 =
vi+0.5 =

( " ui+l) ui

'i+l 8

3(vi " vi+l)


- 'i (ei- ei+l) - x.

L (ei- e i + l )


where i is an integer, modulo 4, and all other quantities are defined in Figure 8.4. The part of edge node displacement due to comer rotation is normal to the edge.
" 3


B I Independent Node

Dependent Node Integration Point(GaussPoint)

Figure 8.4

Cook's Basic Design Concept.

Using Equation832, the relationship between the external degrees of freedom of the underlying eight-node element, [u(~)}, and the degrees of freedom of the four-node element with rotations, (U}, can be expressed in condensed matrix form as




If {u(~)) is partitioned into comer degrees of freedom and edge degrees of freedom, and {U) is partitioned into translations and rotations, Equation 8:33 expands to

where i= 1 --- 4, j = 1 4, and m = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5. The nonzero terms in [L] and [Q], as evaluated from Equation832, arethe partitions

The strain-displacement relationship i s expressed in general as

3 3 6

Chapter 8

where g = 1 4 is the Gauss point index and [B(8).] is the standard isoparametricstrain-displacementmatrix for an eight-nodeelement. As a as result of Equation 8:36, the stiffness matrix can be expressed

[K] = [ ' I T

Id8)][ T]


where [K( 8, ] is the standard isoparametric stiffness matrix. Computational efficiencycan be improved(6) by writing Equation 8:36 in expanded form and simplifying terms.


Note that if [Ii} = 0, Equation 8:38 should reduce to the strain-displacement relationship for an isoparametric four-node element. Thus

where [B(4)] is the standard isoparametric strain displacement matrix for a four-node element. As a result

More Remedies for Locking



= 8 1

(8) is the x derivative, measured at the Gauss point, of the where N(i+0.5),x displacement shapefunction for the next mid-side point beyond node i.

In summary, the strain displacement matrix for the four-node element with drilling freedoms is formed by augmenting the isoparametric strain displacement matrix by a partition for rotations whose terms are computedby the formulas shown in Equation 8:41. Exactly thesameapproachcanbeapplied to the three-nodemembrane

triangle. The only changes are that [B(3)] replaces [B(4)] and N(6) replaces N(8) in Equations8:40 and 841. The Cook formulation has recently been extended to the eight-node brick. ('l A s noted earlier, all three components of rotation at a node are treated as "drilling freedoms." In this case Equation 8:40 becomes


where [B(8)] is the standard strain-displacement matrix for an eight-node brick, [B( 20) ] is the standard strain-displacement matrix for the edge nodes of a twenty-node brick, and both {ui] and {ei } have three components per node. The nonzero elements of [Q,i] are computed by the method indicated in Figure 8.5. Calculation of the stiffness matrix uses 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss integration.

3 3 8

Chapter 8

Az -Ay

Q , ,

Q ,

"Azo = '8
A y

Figure 8.5

Method for Computing Qmi ,i = p, q. (Midside node, m, is located between comer nodesp and 9.)

The addition of drilling freedoms to an element alters the way in which nodal loads due to edge tractions are formed. Figure 8.6 illustrates the example of uniform pressure. The load on the midside nodeis transferred to the comers in conformity with the impliedequation of constraint

i.e., the forces of constraint (loads) are proportional to the coefficients in the equation of constraint. Failure to include the resulting moments leads to patch test failures and poor results in practical applications. Whenit comes to evaluating the performance of elementswithdrilling freedoms, the first thing to notice is that they have spurious modes. If, for example, all four comer nodesin Figure 8.4 have the same value of rotation and no translation, the displacements at mid-size nodes will all be zero with the result that the eight-node interior element can have no strain energy.* Thus
~ ~ ~ ~~

*According to the definition of a spurious modegiven in Section 7.2, the mode in question is more like a rigid body mode than a spurious mode. We extend the definition to include this mode.

More Remedies for Locking



-*-W 6


Pt2 12

_ .


Figure 8.6
8. = 80 1

NodalLoadsCorresponding to Uniform Pressure.

=v1 . = 0, i = 1, -..n, where n is the number of comer nodes, describes a spurious mode for membrane elements with drilling freedoms. This mode is global in a field of planar elements, i.e., a single spurious mode exists in whichall drilling rotations are equal. A four-nodeelement which uses 2 x 2 Gauss integration has a second spurious mode for rectangular shapes. This mode corresponds to the noncommunicating spurious mode of theeight-nodequadrilateralwith reduced integration sketched in Figure 7.1 and described by Equation 713. The comer rotations are el = - O2 = O3 = - 04. The second mode ceases to be spurious (i.e., it picks up energy) when the shape is nonrectangular. Theeight-noderectangular brick with drilling freedoms has six spurious modeswhichcorrespond to the global spuriousmode of thefour-node quadrilateral. In each of these modes all comer translations are zero and the rotations normal to one of the six faces are equal. Three of these modes persist and three vanish for general nonrectangular shapes. They are local modes in the sense that each plane in a three-dimensional rectangular array of elements has its own spurious mode. An eight-node rectangular brick with 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss integration also has six noncommunicatingmodes of the second type, corresponding to the spurious modes of the twenty-node brick with reduced integration. We have shown in Section 7.4 that global and local spurious modes have serious consequences for practical applications; consequently some means


Chapter 8

must be provided to suppress the spuriousmodes of the first type (those with equal rotations). We will address this matter in Section 8.2.3. The noncommunicating modes of the second type can safely be ignored. It is useful, at this point, to take an inventory of the degrees of freedom of elements with drilling freedoms.The results are shown in Table 8.1. The number of spurious modes for the QUADR and HEXAR elements depends on the element shape and on the order of Gauss integration. The disappearing spurious modes become quadratic or cubic strain states. A more important fact is that drilling freedoms cause the number of linear strain states to increase. The number increases from zero to two for TRIAR, from two to four for QUADR, and from nine to fifteen for HEXAR. While in no case do the linear strain states achieve completeness, they do achieve quasi-completeness* for the QUADR and HEXAR. The increases in the number of linear strain states provide substantial but incomplete relief from locking. In the case of thetriangularmembrane element, the two linear strain states reduce but do not completely eliminate shear locking. This is illustrated in Figure 8.7 where the directions of motion for in-plane bending are indicated at the corners and at the midpoints of element sides. The motions are correct at all points except at the center where an unwanted horizontal component exists. (Analysis shows that the motion at this point due to drilling freedoms, which is perpendicular to the diagonal, provides only half of the compensation required to negate the horizontal motion due to end point translation.) In the case of the QUADR element, shear locking is eliminated but dilatation locking persists. The reason is that drilling freedoms only provide motions 2 which are normal to the edges. Consequently, the field component, v = y , which is required to relieve dilatation locking in a rectangular element (see Section 6.2.2) is not supplied. Additional refinements such as bubble functions can, however, provide suchrelief.

*Strain states which are complete when the constraints imposed by equilibrium conditions are taken into account (see Section 3.3 and Table 3.10).

More Remedies for Locking


Table 8.1 Degree-of-Freedom Inventory for Elements with Drilling Freedoms


3 3

12 3 3

48 6

External Degreesof Freedom Rigid Body Modes Constant Strain States Linear Strain States Quadratic Strain States Spurious Modes Internal Degrees of Freedom





*Only one spurious mode if shape is nonrectangular or if 3 x 3 integration is used. **Only six spurious modes if shape is rectangular and 3 x 3 x 3 integration is used; only three spuriousmodes for general shapes.

Figure 8.7

In-Plane Bending of a Pair of TRIAR Elements.

Chapter 8

The Cook variation of the Allman formulation which has just been described relatesdrillingfreedoms to edgenodesandusesthe latters standard isoparametric shape functions to formstrain fields. We have seen that some but not all of the locking disorders of the lower order elements are relieved thereby, and that special spurious modes, not present in elements without drilling freedoms, make their appearance. Some of these spurious modes are global in element fields,or even local in three dimensions, and means must be found to suppress them (see Section 8 . 2 . 3 ) . We will also find that some of the refinements which have been introduced elsewhere in this book, such as bubble functionsand least squaressmoothing,canfurtherreducethelocking symptoms. Consider first the. three-node triangle with drilling freedoms, TRIAR. The MSC/NASTRAN variation of this element uses bubble functions to enhanceits performance. Several combinations of bubble functions were tried, including the pair which forces satisfaction of equilibrium (see discussion following Equation 8:19), but the most effective combination proved to be one which describes the strains due to tangential motion at midside nodes. These motions are, after all, just those displacements of the six-node triangle which drilling freedomscannotprovide.Their shape functions arethestandard ones recorded in Table 4 . l ( b ) . The constant part of the strains due to these shape unctions is removed in order to avoid their coupling with constant strain states. The in-plane bending performance of the TRIAR element, with and without the bubble functions described above, is compared with standard isoparametric TRIA3 and TRIA6 elements in Figure 8.8. We can see that drilling freedoms substantiallyimprovebendingperformanceover that of theunmodified constant strain triangle but clearly not enough to compete with the linear strain triangle. It is also evident that theaddition of bubble functions boosts performance, particularly for slender elements, but not enough to make a critical difference. At bottom, the reason for the lack of spectacular performance for the three-node triangle with drilling freedoms is that the

More Remedies for Locking

3 4 3

(a) Four Element Pairs; Element Aspect Ratio = 1.0; U = 0

(b) Six

Element Pairs; Element Aspect Ratio = 5.0;

U = 0.3



TRIA3 TRIAR (no bubble functions) TRIAR (with bubble functions) TRIA6 Exact


. 7 6 0 . 7 9 6

. 2 2 7

. g 8 3

1 .WO

Figure 8.8

Cantilever Beam Tests of TriangularElements.

drilling freedoms supply only two linear strain states, which is not enough to provide even quasi-completeness. A difficulty of the QUADR element which requires attention is its sensitivity to dilatation locking. The MSC/NASTRANQUADR element(6) includes two refinements which together suppress this tendency and which have the bonus


Chapter 8

feature that they remove the ambiguity of the element's second spurious mode to changes in element shape. The first of these refinements is a least squares smoothing of strains (see Section7.7.1) which retains only linear terms in x and y, i.e., the assumed strain basis vector is = 11, x, y] for all components. The second refinement is the addition of auxiliary strain states to enforce stress 8:19 in equilibriumaccording to thediscussionwhichfollowsEquation Section 8.1.2. These auxiliary strain states include the linear terms necessary to suppress dilatation locking. If we add them to the seven states derived from nodal freedoms (see Table 8.1) we see that the combined number of strain states i s just sufficient to saturate the ninestatespermitted by least squares smoothing. As a consequence the second spurious mode will remain spurious for all elementshapes.


Another consequence of the particular choice of auxiliary strain states is that the element's stiffness matrix is invariant to the orientation of the element's internalcoordinatesystem.This follows because the homogeneousstress equilibrium equations on which the auxiliary strain states are based are the statement of an invariant property (no internal body forces). We can also state with confidence that the resulting element will pass constant strain patch tests if the precautions described in Section 7.7.1 for least squares smoothing and in Section 8.1.2 for forming auxiliarystrain states are observed. The bending performance of the refined and unrefined QUADR elements is compared with other elements in Figure 8.9. These other elements include the QUAD4 and QUAD8 elements which employ selective underintegration for shear. It is observed that the unrefined QUADR gives the same result as the QUAD4 for rectangularelementshapes.This is expectedbecauseboth elements suppress shear locking and neither suppresses the tendency toward dilatation locking. The unrefined QUADR exhibits superior performance only for irregular element shapes. The performance of the refined QUADR is, on the other hand, clearly superior for all element shapes and approaches the performance of the QUAD8 element. We can also point to Figure 1.4 for evidence of the superior performance of the refined QUADR element in an application where the tendency to shear locking

More Remedies for Locking


(a) Rectangular Mesh,


TIP DISPLACEMENT ELEMENT TEST: QUAD4* QUADR QUADR (with refinements) QUAD8* Exact (a) .9188 .g188 .9776 .g846

.B66 .g457 .g761 9.35


*Includes Reduced Integration for Shear Figure 8.9 Cantilever Beam Tests of Quadrilateral Elements.

is exaggerated by theslenderness of the elements. The element's most impressive achievement is the elimination of locking for trapezoidal shapes which, as we shall see, is not possible for four-node elements without drilling


Chapter 8

freedoms unless they violate patch tests. It should, incidentally, be noted that spurious modes are not internally suppressed for any of the elements with drilling freedoms in Figures 8.8 and 8.9. Grounding of drilling rotations at the cantilever boundary provides the minimumnecessary suppression. The brick element with drilling freedoms in Reference 8.7 includes a refinement to suppress the tendency toward dilatation locking. That refinement consists of three bubble functions of the form

ui = ai(l - 6 ; )

i = 1,2,3

where 51 = 5 ,( 2 =Q, 3 , E = and Ei is displacement in the direction of the Si axis at the origin. The element continues to satisfy constant strain patch tests when these bubble functions are used. As inthecase of the four-node quadrilateral,the chief benefit of thebubblefunctions is to eliminate trapezoidal locking. The overall performance approaches that of a twentynode brick element at substantially lower computational cost.

8.2.3 Spurious ModeSuppression

The first type of spurious mode identified in Section 8.2.1 has equal values of drilling rotation at all nodes, or at least at all nodes on a face in the case of solid elements. Such modes are global (or possibly local in three dimensions) and should be suppressed. We have seen, in the case of cantilever beam studies, that grounding the drilling freedoms at the ,built-in end is sufficient to remove this spurious mode without apparent ill effect. This remedy is not always available as, for example, in the case of a simply supported beam. We have seen further, in Section 7.4, that reliance on local conditions to suppress spurious modes is not adequate for the hourglass modes of under-integrated four- and nine-node elements. There is, however, an important difference; the equal rotation type of spurious mode for elements with drilling freedoms produces no element deformation. Whatever the merits of the case, some recent authors (6g7r16) have elected to suppress the first type of spurious mode with a penalty stiffness within each

More Remedies for Locking


element. The basic idea is to relate the drilling rotations at nodes, e,, to the rotation computed from displacement derivatives within the element. At its simplest, in planar elements, this amounts to penalizing the difference between the average drilling rotation at nodes and the in-plane rotation at the center of the element,

e l = Cei - e o




= +(v,x

- U'J

is the in-plane rotation at the center of the element and n is the number of nodes. Any elastic stiffness assigned to will, in the absence of other influences, tend to make thenodaldrillingfreedomsfollowthein-plane rotation. Thus if we assign a "modulus"to equal to 2yG whereG is the shearmodulusand y is a dimensionless constant, the penalty energy associated with will be P1 = VyGB: where V is the volume of the element. Thepenalty stiffness matrix [Kt] =

PI,^. ] where,
1 i

ui, U. areany two


nodal degreesof freedom, is added to the element's elastic stiffness matrix. The concept which has just been described can be expressed in a variational context(14) which allows for continuous representation of a drilling rotation field and elastic restraint of the difference between in-plane rotation and drilling rotation at anydesirednumber of locations. In thelowerorder elements considered here, however, there is no need to consider a relationship more complicated than Equation 8:45 nor more than a single location because that is all that is required to suppress the spurious mode. Suppression of the second (hourglass) type of spurious mode can be achieved by using more integration points or by applying a penalty stiffness along the lines discussed in Section 7.8. Reference 8.6 proposes simply that the function e2= (l1 - e2 + I3- Cl4) be penalized elastically to suppress the hourglass mode of QUADR. This will not violate rigid body or constant strain properties


Chapter 8

because all Bi are equal in rigid body and constant strain states. Reference 8.7 considers use of Irons' fourteen-point integration to suppress the second type of spuriousmode for the HEXAR element. In any event, suppression of the noncommunicatinghourglassmodes of QUADR and HEXAR is not an important issue. More significance attaches to selection of the magnitude of the parameter, y, for the first type of spurious mode. Available evidence(6) indicates that the solution of plane stress problems is noticeably degraded for values of y greater than 0.1 and that for large values of y the solution approaches that of the elementwithoutdrillingfreedoms. To understand this result, recall from Figure 8.2 that drilling freedoms add about one degree of freedom per element. Thus one (nearly) rigid constraint per element cancels the added freedom. In the case of curved shells, degradation of the solution starts at very much smaller values of y. (Reference 8.6 puts the threshold at lo4 for a spherical shell with R / t = 250.) In fact, drilling freedoms are, for reasons discussed earlier, detrimental to the solution of shell problems even without penalty stiffness. To tell the truth, the issue of penalty stiffness for elementswithdrilling freedomshasnotbeen resolved at the time of this writing. Forexample, Ibrahimbegovic,(16) finds no effect of penalty stiffness even for thin shells. This is probably a consequence of the fact that his QUADR element suppresses the constant part of the strain field due to rotations. It also implies that locking must continue to be present in his element for trapezoidal shapes because, as shown in Section 6 . 6 . 2 , constant transverse strain is a characteristic feature of this form of locking.


The exposure of basic concepts at the beginning of this book employed metric interpolationbecause of its simplicity, but we demonstrated fairly early (Section 3.4) that inter-element displacementcontinuity fails with metric interpolation in all but the simplest cases. This fact led to the introduction of

More Remedies for Locking


parametric mapping (Section 3.5) which provides inter-element continuity for all element shapes and which represents linear displacement states exactly, but which cannot properly interpolate higher order displacement states for general shapes. In spite of thisshortcoming,parametricmappingdominatesthe formulation of finite elements. We have employed it consistently with a few exceptions wheremetric interpolation offers advantages.Thoseexceptions include the use of mixed metric and parametric interpolation as an aid in the separation of low and high order displacement states (Section 7.81, bubble functions which enforce satisfaction of stress equilibrium (Section 8.11, and a least squares fit which retains constant and linear metric terms in the strain states (Section 8.2). We consider here additional applications of metric interpolation. As pointed out in Section 3.4, basis functions that are powers of Cartesian coordinates do provide inter-element displacement continuity for triangular and tetrahedral elements with straight edges. This has practical interest for six-node triangles and ten-node tetrahedra because, as demonstrated in Sections 6.1 and 6.6.4, parametric interpolation of quadratic displacement states produces significant errors when edge nodes are offset.Since metric interpolation avoids such errors and also satisfies constant strain patch tests whenthe edges are straight, it provides a practical alternative to parametric interpolation for TRIA6 and TETRA10 elements. Its drawback is, of course, that patch tests are not satisfied when the edges are curved. An even better alternative can be provided by offsetting the edge nodes in parametric spacel) as mentioned at the end of Section 6.1. Figure 8.10 illustrates the concept for a TRIA6 element with curvededges. The projection of an edgenode on thesubtendedchord in metricspace subdividesthechordintosegmentswhoseproportion is maintainedin parametric space. As a result, if the edges are straight in metric space, the relationship between (x, y) and ( 6 , q) will be linear with the result that quadratic functions of (x, y ) will be properly interpolated. If the edges are curved the interpolation of quadratic functions will no longer be exact but inter-element displacement continuity will continue to be preserved and the element will continue to pass constantstrain patch tests.


Chapter 8

(a) MetricSpace (x, y)

(b)ParametricSpace ( 5, Q )

Figure 8.10 Element with Offset Edge Nodes in Both Metric and Parametric Space. Metric interpolation has important applications to plate elements because satisfaction of constant curvature patch tests requires correct interpolation of quadratic displacement states. As a prelude to these applications, consider the related example of a linear strain patch test for a membrane element. Clearly isoparametric elements cannot satisfy this test for general element shapes but, as indicated in Table 5.1, the QUAD9 element can pass it with bilinear element shape while the QUAD8 element can pass it only for linear geometry (i.e., parallelogram shape). This distinction constitutes the principle advantage of Q U A D which otherwise suffers computational disabilities, such as global spurious modes, relative to QUADS. It is, therefore, of some interest to investigate whether the patch test competence of QUAD8 can be raised to that of QUAD9. A simple argument shows that this must be possible because, if the degrees of freedom at the central node of QUAD9 are eliminated by static condensation, the element becomes an eight-node element with all the external properties of the original QUAD9, includingits susceptibility to spurious modes. The real issue is whether the competence of the QUAD8 can be raised by a practical approach which avoids the shortcomings of the QUAD9. Metric interpolation provides a solution in the following manner. (18) Consider a nine-node element in which each component of displacement at the ninth interior node is related to corresponding displacement components at the eight exterior nodes by a rigid equation of constraint. The coefficients in the equation of constraint are selected so that the constrained motion at the ninth


More Remedies



node will be correct for any quadratic displacement field imposed on the exterior nodes. Clearly theequation of constraint will notthenalter the elements response in a quadratic displacement field. If we use the equation of constraint to eliminate the interior node, we achieve an eight-node element which passes constantand linear strain patch tests under the same conditions as the QUAD9 but which does not inherit QUAD9s susceptibility to spurious modes. The details are as follows. Let the U component of displacement be represented within the element by nine-node shape functions, i.e., by

and let the equation of constraint for the interior node be


ug = C T ~ U ~

The v component uses exactly the same forms. Substitution of Equation 8:48 into Equation 847 gives


Thisresultcan functions,

Ni = NI9

+ NkgTi

also beexpressed in terms of standard eight-nodeshape To accomplish this, we put Equation 847 in hierarchical form

3 5 2

Chapter 8

where, assuming that the ninth node is located at

4 = q = 0,

and where Nk9 = (1 Then, in Equation8:49,

- c2)(1 - Q)


Ni = N(8) i + NY)(Ti - N(8(0,0))


We see that the shape functions are revised from those of a standard eight-node element to the extent that Ti differs from N (8) ( 0 , O ) . The constraint coefficients, Ti, are constructedwiththeaid interpolation formula

of a Special


and the elements of [Xm functions.

are a mixed set of metric and parametric basis

is, of course, just the matrix of values of X, at nodes i.) The constant, linear, and quadratic functions of x and y in [Xm J ensure that the value of U given by Equation 8:55 correctly interpolates any quadratic function of x and y specified at the exterior nodes. This would not be possible if these metric terms
( [Xim]

More Remedies for Locking

3 5 3

werereplaced by correspondingpowers of 5 and q. Thecubic terms, E q ' , andeq 2, which are somewhat arbitrary, arerequired to ensurethe existence of [Ami] = [Xim]-'. We require the value of U from Equation 8:55 at only one point, the ninth interior node. If we select the origin of the x, y coordinate system to be at the ninth node, then all terms in X except the first are null at the ninth node, mJ and

ug = L1,0,0,0,

O,O, 0, o J I A m i ] { ~ i }

Finally, by comparisonwith Equation 848,

It is seen that the evaluation of Ti requires the decomposition of the 8 x 8 matrix Xlm [ . This is the onlysignificant added cost. Computation of the eight-node element's stiffness matrix is altered only by the use of the revised shape functions given by Equation 8:50 or Equation 8:54. We can characterize the method developed here as an N-bar method, in distinction with the B-bar methods developed in Section 7.7.


The revision just described affects performance of theelement for nonparallelogramshapes only. Theslender cantilever beam with trapezoidalshaped elements which we have used repeatedly provides a suitable test. The tip deflections are compared in Figure 8.11 for a standard element with full integration (QUAD8F1, an element with reduced integration (QUAD8R), and an element with reduced integration and modified shape functions (QUAD8RM). We see that reduced integration provides significant improvement andthat the modified shape functions provide a small additional improvement. The improvement which accompanies reduced integration is explained in Section 6.6.3. Theadditionalimprovementbroughtbythe modified shape functions is insignificant for this example. We must look to more severe examples of element distortion to find substantial improvement.

3 5 4

Chapter 8


TIP DEFLECTION .886 .g67 .g71

Figure 8 . 1 1 Solutions of Slender Cantilever Elements.

Beam with Trapezoidal

Perhaps the greatest benefit of the modification is the knowledge that, in bending applications, the revised element will pass constant curvature patch tests in all cases where the edges arestraight and the edge nodes are centered. Extension of the method just described to a twenty-node brick element is straightforward. The rigid constraints in this case impose 'correct linear and quadratic displacements at the face nodes and center node of a 27-node brick. The modification will permit twenty-node brick elements to model bending plates with the same patch test competence as similarly modified eight-node plate elements.


In this sectionwe continue to develop the concept of an assumed strain field as a remedy for cases in which assumed displacementfields exhibit interpolation failure. Theassumedstrainhybridformulationsdiscussed in Section 7.7

More Remedies for Locking


improve the displacement fields strain distribution by removing terms which do nothavethedesiredforms; alternatively, theauxiliarystrainstates introduced in Section 8.1.2 improve the strain distribution by adding terms. Here we consider assumed strain field formulations which do not require a separate displacement field to be defined everywhere within the element. We briefly exposed this concept in Section 2.4.2 as one of three ways to derive the stiffness of the three-node triangle. As described there, the assumed strain field was related to nodal displacement either by line integration over particular paths or by forming indefinite integrals. The examples in this section will either use line integration or a closely related technique where displacement fields assumed along particular line segments are collocated with the assumed strain field.

A significant drawback of these techniques is that it is difficult to determine

whether they pass patch tests. Indeed they often fail patch tests where other techniques succeed. For this reason, element designers are inclined to consider direct assumed strain formulations, as we shall call them, to be methods of last resort. Nevertheless they have important applications, particularly to plate and shell bending elements as we shall discoverin Chapters 9 and 10.

A Six-Node Membrane Shell Element

The six-node membrane triangle has the desirable property that the nodal degrees of freedom are just sufficient to support a complete linear strain field. As a result, the six-node triangle generally exhibits good performance. We have, however, encountered an example (Figure 3.20) where the offset of an edge node causes locking of this element. The cause, as explained in Section 6.6.4, is the aliasing of cubic parametric terms, , 21 1 ,and 2 , in the displacement field. We will find in Chapter 10 that out-of-plane curvature also causescubicterms to appear in thedisplacement field, resultinginthe phenomenon called membrane locking.

1 1 s

As discussed in Section 8.3, replacement of parametric interpolation by metric interpolation in a six-node triangle provides relief from locking in some cases. Here wewill devise a direct assumed strain formulation which provides


Chapter 8

similar relief and which is computationally well suited to the analysis of curved shells. In this formulation the set of basis functions for the assumed membrane strain field is taken* to be = 11, x, y] for all three components (E,, , , E ,yY). The nine coefficients of the assumed strain field are related to nodal displacements by collocation with member strains derived from nodal displacementsat the centers of the nine line segments identified in Figure 8.12.



Figure 8.12 The Member Strains of a TRIA6 Element. Member strain, el for example, canbe expressed in terms of the displacements at nodes A and B with the aid of the line integral

where i i A and i i B are displacement components in the direction of the line segment. If E varies linearly with position,as we have assumed, then

*The MSWNASTRAN TRIA6 element (l9) uses

12) = 11.6, q].

More Remedies for Locking


where is the value of strain at the center of the segment and Thus we have the simple result
El =


is its length.

(U* - U*)




We can express each member strain, in terms of Cartesian components of strain by (863) -U , : = cos2 a + E sin2 a + y sin a cos a


where ii and 5 are directed along the member and a is the angle which the member makes with the x-axis. Replacement of each Cartesian strain component in Equation 8:63 by its assumed spatial distribution then gives us an expression for each member strain in terms of coefficients of the assumed strain field. The remaining work is straightforward. What we require is a straindisplacement matrix relating strains at integration points displacements. Put formally, we first assume a strain field

to nodal


and then we evaluate a vector of member strains terms of nodal displacements,

[em> = [ c l ( u i )

I >

in two ways: first in


and then in terms of the field coefficients

where [D] must be invertible. Finallywe require the strains at integration points

which is the desired result.


Chapter 8

The procedure just described extends easily to non-flat elements. (l9) From Figure 8.12 we see that, if the nodes are displaced in a direction normal to their original plane and if the line segments remain straight, we obtain an object consisting of four flat triangular facets. This object approximates the curved surface passing through the nodes and becomes the geometric model for the assumed strain formulation. The important fact, in any case, is that the member strains represent real deformations of the structure whether curvedor flat. The general procedure described by Equations8:64 through 8:67 remains intact for curved surfaces. If the angles between the facets and a mean plane are not too large we can continue to assume linear interpolation in the mean (x, y) plane and usethe projection of a member onto the mean plane to find the angle Q in Equation 853. Strict accuracy need only be retained in the relation of member strains to nodal displacements. We will return to the formulation of six-node shell elements in Section 10.5.3. For the present we restrict our attention to the in-plane bending problem illustrated in Figure 3.20 where it was demonstrated that an isoparametric sixnode triangle suffers severe locking when an edge node is offset. Table 8.2 compares these results with those for the MSC/NASTRAN TRIA6 element which uses an assumed strain formulation. The assumed strain formulation clearly eliminates the locking due to edge node displacement. Table 8.2 Results for Slender Cantilever Beam in Figure 3.20 Modeled with Two Different Six-Node Element Formulations TIPDISPLACEMENT ELEMENTTYPE ISOPARAMETRIC Edge Node Centered (A) Edge Node Displaced (B) Exact


.g53 .391
1 O .o o

.g53 .g61


More Remedies for Locking


As mentioned earlier, it is not generally an easy matter to determine when an assumedstrainelement will passpatch tests. In the presentcasewecan establish patch test competence, at least for a flat element, by showing equivalence of the formulation to metric interpolation. For this purpose we need only assure ourselves that the strains at integration points are the same in the two formulations. This must be the case because the calculation of member strains from nodal displacements is exact,given that the strains are linear functions of (x, y), and because no additional approximations are introduced. Thus we conclude, for this example, that the assumed strain formulation will pass flat constant strain patch tests under the same conditions as an element based on metric interpolation, i.e., when the edges of the element are straight.

The Four-Node OUADH Element

As noted repeatedly, four-node elements of trapezoidal shape have a locking problem .which stubbornly resists removal by themethods previously considered. The reason, as developed in Section 6.6.2, is that in-plane bending of four-node isoparametric trapezoids is accompanied by a constant parasitic strain which is indistinguishable from the legitimate constant strain states. In spite of this difficulty, a direct assumed strain formulation can provide a locking free solution, albeit at the cost of some loss of accuracy for other applications. Consider the element in Figure 8.13. It has five member strains and has been called(19) the QUADH element because its members somewhat resemble the members of a Hrennikoff ( 2 0 ) framework model. Either diagonal can be used as thefifth member-the results are the same. The element is shown embedded in a beam to which end moments are applied. It is clear, even without defining the assumed strain field, that the element will not lock for uniform in-plane bending.The reason, quitesimply, is that for this loadingthestrainis proportional to y with the result that the average strains in members 2, 4, and 5 are zero.


Chapter 8

l " " "

- - - - - - ~ ~ M

Figure 8 . 1 3 The QUADH Element.

We are free to assume anystrain dependence we like that has five independent coefficients. For example, we could select

+ by


which is comparable to the strain distribution provided by selective underintegration. A better distribution is the oneproposedbyTurner, et al.,(*') at the dawn of the finite element movement,


where [D] is the modulus matrix given, fc isotropic materials, by Equation 2:16 or 2:17. Equation 8:69 is equivalent to the assumption that ax vanes linearly in the y direction, etc., which assumptions are consistent with theloadingshown in Figure 8.13. Implementationfollows theprocedure described in Section 8.4.1. The performance of the QUADH element is quite good for bending applications, such as that shown in Figure 8.14. The drawback of the QUADH is its inability to satisfy constant strain patch tests. We will provide a proof of

More Remedies for Locking




1. O o o

1.008 1 O .o o

Figure 8.14

Curved Cantilever with Five Elements. QUADH Versus Selectively Underintegrated QUAD4 Element.

this assertion in Section 11.4. In the meanwhile we can make it plausible by examining the displacement distribution corresponding to the assumed strain distribution. For example, integration of Equation 868 provides

= ax = hx

+ bxy + (e - h)y - i d y2 + j + dxy +cy - 3 b x2 + k


where h, j, k are constants of integration. All eight coefficients canbe evaluated in terms of U and v at the four nodes, which demonstrates the equivalence with an assumeddisplacementformulation. It is, however, a ratherpeculiar distribution from the viewpoint ofassumeddisplacement theory because U and v do not share the same set of basis functions. Since the presence of the x2 and y 2 terms makes the displacement field nonconforming for any element shape, patch test satisfaction is not guaranteed. The appearance of similar terms in Wilson's incompatible mode element required special procedures to ensure patch test satisfaction (see Section 8 . 1 . 1 ) . Because it is unable to satisfy patch tests, the QUADH element has not been introduced into MSC/NASTRAN nor, to the author's knowledge, into any other commercial finite element program.


Ckapter 8


A Nine-Node Element with Assumed Natural Strains

So far we have evaluated member strains at the midpoints of two-node straight line segments where they are correct for any linear strain distribution. The concept readily extends to points on multi-node curved segments where the accuracy of tangential strains can be even higher. Consider, for example, the three-node arc shown in Figure 8.15.

Figure 8.15 Tangential Strain on a Three-Node Arc. The tangential strain at a point on the arc may be computed from the formula
= uIs cos a

+ v,s sin a


(871 )

where U, v are displacement components in the Cartesian x, y system, S is distance along the arc, and a is the angle which the arc makes with the x-axis. The displacement component U is in a fixed direction, locally tangent to the 5 arc. It is easy to show that Equation 8 : 7 1 is equivalent to the more familiar expression

where u t and un are tangential and normal curvi-linear components of displacement and R = 1 / a,, is the radius of curvature. Since x I S = cos a and y,, = sin a,we can put Equation 871 in the form

More Remedies for Locking


where E, is the familiar parametric coordinate of the arc. If we assume an isoparametric formulation along the arc, then x,y, U, and v employ the same shape functions so that

u ,= ~

c Ni,gui

, etc.


In addition,

Evaluation of Equation 8:73 at the reduced order Gauss points, E, = f 1 / yields strains which are accurate for displacement fields that are cubic in E,. This is true because, as demonstrated in Table 7.1, if U = E,3 then U, is correct 5 at these points and because the same demonstration applies to


These results extend easily to higher order curves. They can be applied to a cubic curve inthree dimensions byjust adding W , toEquation 873.

5 =S

An importantapplication of tangentialstrainevaluationalongcurved segments occurs in the nine-node assumed natural strain (ANSI element of Park and Stanley.(Z2) As will be recalled, eight- and nine-node elements have shear locking modes and membrane locking modes which can be eliminated by evaluating all strain components at 2 x 2 Gauss points. Unfortunately, in the case of the nine-node element, this tactic produces a pair of global spurious modes with disastrous practical implications (see Section 7.4). We showed, in Section 7.6.3, that a selective pattern of strain evaluation points could retain the beneficial properties of reduced integration whileremovingthe spurious modes. That pattern included the evaluation of and E at six points and the Y evaluation of y at thefourGauss points. The pattern of strain evaluation Xy points in Park and Stanleys ANS element is similar.



As shown in Figure 8 . 1 6 , the tangential strains E and E are each evaluated at 5 1 1 two Gauss points along each of three arc segments passing through the nodes.

In previous sections of this chapter we interpolated such member strains by collocating them with an assumed Cartesian strain field. An important innovation in the work of Park and Stanley is the interpolation of member strains by collocation with an assumed naturalcovariant strain field. In two dimensions, natural covariant strains are the set
Et =

, Eq





Figure 8.16 Strain Evaluation Points in a Nine-Node ANS Element. We note that E is the tangential strain along a line of constant q and that E is 5 11 the tangential strain along a line of constant , E (S and t are arc lengths along these lines). The natural covariant strains are, in fact, just skewed Cartesian components of strain (see Appendix 6A of Chapter 6) oriented with the local directions of 6 and q. The basis functions used by Park and Stanley for the components of natural covariant strain are as follows:

More Remedies for Locking


The coefficients of the six basis functions for E are evaluated by collocation 5 with member strains, E at the six points previously defined. Note that the 5, use of natural strains rather than Cartesian strains simplifies the calculation in that the projection angles are zero. Evaluation of the natural shear strain requires a different procedure. We could, perhaps, evaluate Cartesian strains from displacements in the standard isoparametric manner and then extract the skewed shear component at 2 x 2 Gauss points by means of the transformation given by Equation 669. Park and Stanley describe a procedure where u ~ is , ~ evaluated at the same points as E5 and us, is evaluated at the same points as E The formula used to evaluate
1 \ '

uq,s is


Shape functions are, as before, used to evaluate the derivatives. Since y has b l at only only four basis functions, we can choose to collocate an assumed U %S four of the six evaluation points or we can employ least squares smoothing as described in Section 7.7.1. Finally, all of the assumed strain components are evaluated at full 3 x 3 Gauss integration points and the strain-displacement matrix is computed by the formal procedure described in Section 8.4.1. An important feature of the ANS element is that it extends directly to curved surfaces. All straincomponents are defined in thesurface so thatit is unnecessary to employ projection rules, as would be required if Cartesian components wereused. Nine-node ANS elements perform well, particularly in curved shell applications. A problem with ANS elements, as with any direct assumed strain formulation, is the difficulty in demonstrating patch test satisfaction. Park and


Chapter 8

Stanley(22) report that their element does not pass constant strain membrane patch tests with curved edges, but that problems with curved edges tend to converge anyway.


E. L. Wilson, R. L. Taylor, W. P. Doherty, and J . Ghaboussi, Incompatible Displacement Models, Numerical and Computer Meth. in Struc. Mech., S. T . Fenves, et a1 (Eds.), Academic Press,pp 43-57,1973.

8.2 83 8.4

D. J . Allman, A CompatibleTriangularElementIncludingVertex Rotations for Plane Elasticity Analysis, Comput. Strud, 19, pp 1-8,1984.

T.J.R. Hughes, TheFiniteElementMethod,

Cliffs, NJ, p. 248, 1987.

Prentice-Hall, Englewood

P. Lesaint, On the Convergence of Wilsons Non-Conforming Element for Solving Elastic Problems, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 7,


R. L. Taylor,P. J . Beresford, and E. L. Wilson,A Nonconforming Element for Stress Analysis, Intl. J . Numer. Methods Eng., 10, pp 1211-9,


R.H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, A Refined Four-Node Membrane Elementwith Rotational Degrees of Freedom, Comput.Struct, 28, pp 75-84,1988.


S. M. Yunus, T. P. Pawlak, and R. D. Cook,Solid Elements with Rotational Degrees of Freedom: Part l-Hexahedron Elements, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 31, pp 573-92,1991. B. N. Abu-Gazaleh, Analysis of Plate-Type Prismatic Structures, Ph.D. Dissertation, U. of California, Berkeley,1965. B. M.Irons and S. Ahmad, Techniques of Finite Elements, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, p. 289,1980.

8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11

J.Robinson, Four-Node Quadrilateral Stress Membrane Elerhent with Rotational Stiffness,Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 16, pp 1567-9,1980.
G.A. Mohr, Finite Element Formulation by Nested Interpolations: Application to the Drilling Freedom Problem, Comput.Struct, 15, pp 185-%,1982. P. G. Bergan and C. A. Felippa, A Triangular Membrane Element with Rotational Degrees of Freedom, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 50, pp 2569,1985.


More Remedies for Locking

8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16


R. D. Cook,"On the Allman Triangle and a Related Quadrilateral Element," Cornput. Struct, 22, pp 1065-7,1986. T. J.R. Hughesand F. Brezzi,"On Drilling Degrees of Freedom," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech.Engrg., 72, pp 105-21,1989.
B. M. Irons, "Quadrature Rules for Brick-Based Finite Elements," Infl.J. Numer. Methods Eng., 3, pp 239-94,1971.

A. Ibrahimbegovic, "A NovelMembraneFiniteElementwith an , Enhanced Displacement Interpolation," Finite Elem. Analysis b Design, 7 pp 167-79,1990. M. Utku, E. Citipitioglu, and G. Ozkan, "Isoparametric Elements with Unequally Spaced Edge Nodes," Comput. Struct, 41, pp 455-60,1991.
R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, "Eight Nodes or Nine?," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 33, pp 1049-58,1992.

8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21

R.H. MacNeal, "Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed

Strain Distributions," Nucl. Eng. Design, 70, pp 3-12,1982 A. Hrennikoff, "Solution of Problems in Elasticity by the Framework Method," J. Appl. Mech., 8, pp 169-75,1941. M. J.Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C. Martin, and L. J . Topp, "Stiffness and Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures," I. AeronauticalSci., 23, pp 803-23, p. 854,1956.


K. C. Park and G. M. Stanley, "A Curved C O Shell Element Based on Assumed Natural-Coordinate Strains," J. Appl. Mech., 53, pp 278-90,1986.

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9 Plate Bending Elements

In previous chapters we have, for the most part, treated the design of finite elements from the viewpoint of the two- and three-dimensional theories of elasticity. In this chapter and the next we consider the deformation of plates and shells according to special approximations which permit the two-dimensional treatmentof three-dimensional phenomena. The resultingplateand shell elements have an important place in finite element analysis even though it is entirely possible and frequently practical to employ thin solid elements for the same purpose. The advantages of plate and shell elements over thin solid elements are a modest reduction in the number of degrees of freedom and a potential for improved accuracy through the elimination of troublesome terms. Nowadays finite element designers treat the flat plate element as a special caseof the curved shell element. This is a matter of economy: one design to fit all cases.


Chapter 9

In the early 1960s, flat plates were about all that an element designer could handle. The design'of curved shell elements(*) had to await the development of a
practical way to treat curved geometry. (2) We willseparate the treatment of flat plates and curved shells, inpart to conform to the historical sequence of development but mainly to simplify the discussion. While the important features of flat plate elements, including their disorders, extend to curved shell elements, the addition of curvature introduces special effects and additional disorders which require separate treatment.

Plate theory derives from the three-dimensional theory of elasticity by the introduction of simplifying approximations. Consider the region of a flat plate shown in Figure 9.1. The x, y plane is a plane of symmetry for geometric properties and also for material properties. (Later we will relax the latter assumption.) The thickness of the plate, t, is small compared to the scale, L, of dimensions in the plane of symmetry, such as the distance between supports or other structural details, or the wavelengths of load distributions. The translational displacements (U,v, W) are oriented along the (x, y, z) axes. The angles a and p are the "mean" rotational displacements of lines drawn normal to the plane of symmetry. One of the assumptions of first order plate theory is that these lines remain straight during distortion so that the sense of which a and p are "mean" values becomes moot. Note that a and p are related torotations about the x- and y-axes by



The only reason for introducing a and p is that theyimprove the symmetry of the plate theory equations. The fundamental assumptions of first order plate theory are, first, that U and v vary linearly through the thickness of the plate and, second, that the normal component of stress, cz, is constant through the thickness. Stated in mathematical terms, the fundamental assumptions are

Plate Bending Elements


Figure 9.1

Coordinate Definitions for a Plate.

= um(x, y) - za(x, y)

v = vrn(x, y )

- ,P(,,


urnand vm are called the membrane components of displacement. Note that an equivalent form of the first assumption is the statement that normals to the plane of symmetry remain straight during distortion. The secondassumption says that the normal stress is equal throughout the thickness to the symmetric part of the normal loading on the top and bottom surfaces, ,p : and hence that the normal component of stress does not interact withany of the other components. For most purposes we can simply put oZ = 0. This does not, however, imply that the normal component of strain, E ~ is , zero.
So far we have made no assumption about the normal displacement,W. We will, for the moment, limit it to linear dependence on z, i.e.,


+ Z W l ( X , y)


and see what develops.



The symmetry of the plate's geometry and material properties allows the separation of displacements and all other variables into uncoupled symmetricand w l idesignate the symmetric parts of the variables as the antisymmetric parts. We membrane parts urn, vm, wm
= zwl, and c :

= p :


The solution for the membrane part consists primarily of the determination of m urn and vm and the membrane strains (e? = uIX, em = v m , ~ ,y; = U :, + v,?) Y by usingthe methods of two-dimensional elasticity, including the use of the twodimensional finite elements described in previous chapters. The subsequent determination of wm is trivial* and may be ignored if the thickness is small. Or we may simply state the obvious-that wm is zero in the plane of symmetry. The solution for the bending part involves new considerations. The normal displacement W b is coupled to the in-plane displacements, Ub and vb, through the mechanism of transverse shear. Expressions for the transverse shear strains are
b b ~ wb ,~a y x2 = wtx + u , =

=W:++ Y


Since Wb ,a , and p are independent of z, the transverse shear strains computed from Equation 97 are constant through the thickness. This result is contrary to the observation that ,y and y should be at least quadratic in z in order to have YZ zero valuesat the top and bottom free surfaces, i.e.,

*wm consists of a part due to c: = p? and a part due to the vertical strain, , : . E induced by membrane strains through Poisson's ratio coupling.

Plate Bending Elements


Achievement of this effect requires either quadratic variation of the normal displacement or cubic variation of the in-plane displacements.(3) In Reissner-Mindlin plate theory, ( 4 t 5 ) whichuses the first order variations presented here, the effect is accounted for by reducing the transverse shear stiffness by a factor. In the case of material that is homogeneous through the thickness, this shear effectiveness factor is equal to 5/6. The bending part of the displacement field produces bending strains

Eb = : v

- zp,,



It is seen that the definition of bending curvatures rotations of thenormal ( a ,p) is formallyanalogous to the definition of membrane strains in terms of in-plane translations Note finallythat there are five independent degrees of freedom at every point in the plane of symmetry. These include two components of membrane displacement urn,vrn) and three components of bending displacement wb, a, p). The superscripts m and bmay be dropped because the distinction between membrane and bending components i s evident without them. The membrane displacements are uncoupled from the bending displacementsif the material properties are symmetrical with respect the to middle plane.

We come nextto an importantadditional assumption which has frequently been made. That assumption, known as the Kirchhoffhypothesis, takes the transverse shear strains to be zero. Thus, from Equation 9:7, the Kirchhoff hypothesis is equivalent to the assumptions

a = wb ,~ ,p =


b Y


or, in other words, that the rotations of the normals to the plane of symmetry are just equal to the slopes of the deformed plane of symmetry. Equation 910 amounts to a pair of rigid constraints which eliminate a and p as independent



variables. As a result, and this is the great strength of the Kirchhoff hypothesis, the analysis of plate bending requires only a single dependent variable. As a matter of fact, the Kirchhoff hypothesis reducesthe relationships which describe the bending of a homogeneous isotropic plate to a single fourth order partial differential equation 2 p, (9:ll)


load density and D is the bending modulus 9:11 admits of very simple solutions in some cases. For example, the homogeneous solutions for a simplysupported rectangular plate of dimensions a, b have the form



m, n = 1,3,5,...


where x and yare measured fromthe center of the plate. While the Kirchhoff hypothesis provides relatively simple analytical solutions for important special cases, difficulties can occur at boundaries, where the undefined transverse shear stresses maybe needed, and with relatively thick plates. Atany rate, in beginning their study of plate bending, finite element designers trusted that the Kirchhoff hypothesis would prove to be as serviceable as it was for analytic solutions.As we shall see, that trust was misplaced. We complete the formulation of first order plate theory by consideration of certain stress resultants and their relationships to strains and curvatures. Figure 9.2 shows the bending moments perunit length m, ,m i ,mv and the transverse shear forces per unit length Q Q ,sometimes called sheurflows, acting on an x Y> infinitesimal rectangular domain. These stress resultants satisfy the following equilibrium equations




9, = O
qy = 0






p, = O

Plate Bending Elements



Q Y Figure 9.2 Bending Moments andTransverse Shears Per Unit Length.

where p, is the vertical load perunit area and q, ,q are moment loads per unit Y area.
A relationship betweenbending moments and curvatures is found by integrating

stresses through the thickness. Thus


m, m


and[D]isthe two-dimensional, plane Equation 216). Substitution then gives

stress constitutive matrix


{m) = ( 2 2 [ D ] d z { ~ }= c[Db]{x} 12

x -x



c h a p t e r 9

where Db = [D] for materials whichare homogeneous through the thickness but not, for example, for layered composites. Membrane forces per unit length { N} are related to membrane strains by an entirely analogous relationship

[ ]

{N} = l ( o m ) d z = /[D]dz[em) = t[Dm](em)

x -x

x -x


Again, for materials [Dm]=[D]=[Db].

which are homogeneous through the


Transverse shear forces are similarly related to transverse shear strains by integration through the thickness. Thus


and [G] is a 2 x 2 matrix of transverse shear moduli. As remarked earlier, while y, and yyz are not constant through the thickness in real plates, ReissnerMindlin plate theory supplies constant effectivevalues for thesequantities which are related to displacementsby Equation9:7. Substitution into Equation 918 with an added shear effectiveness factor, k, then gives

= [G] and k =

% for materials whichare homogeneous through the




Taken together, Equations 9:16,9:17, and 920 express the constitutive equations between stress resultants, strains, and curvatures for plates with a plane of material symmetry. Thestrain energy per unit area is given by

This expression for strain energy density evidences the assumed absence of elastic coupling between membrane strains, bending curvatures, and transverse shear strains. When the Kirchhoff hypothesis is invoked, the third term, representing the density of transverse shear energy, is ignored. In plates which lack a plane of material symmetry, coupling exists between membrane strains and bending curvatures which may not be negligible. Such coupling can very oftenbe accounted forsimply by shifting the z = 0 plane f r o m the middle of the plate to a so-called neutral plune. This must be possible, for example, with materials which are homogeneous and isotropic with respect to x and y but not necessarily with respect to z. In more general cases, as for examplewhenthematerial is anisotropic with respect to x and y and inhomogeneous with respect to z,* it may be necessary to treat the coupling between membrane strains and bending curvatures explicitly. For such cases the appropriate constitutiverelationships can be expressed partitioned in matrix form as

*A plate with unidirectional stiffeners attached to one side is an example.


chapter 9

is the membranebending coupling matrix. Some finite element programs, suchas MSC/NASTRAN, allow the user to offsetan element's neutral plane from the plane of its connecting nodes or to supply a membranebending Special routines may also be provided which automatically and the other modulus matrices for layered composites and for other special cases.


As has been noted, the plate element pioneers of the 1960s employed the Kirchhoff

hypothesis in their designs. Thus, by assulhing transverse shear strains to be zero, they could derive all of an element's bending properties from the assumed distribution of a single variable, the lateral displacement W. For reasons which will be explained, the resulting elements exhibit severe practical difficulties which largely render them noncompetitive with elements which do not invoke the Kirchhoff hypothesis. Today, Kirchhoff plate elements have primarily a historical interest. They also have an aesthetic interest in that they include some of the most exotic forms ever devised. Expressed in the notation we have employed, the formal relationships for Kirchhoff plate elements are developed below. By analogy withthe examples of two- and three-dimensional elasticity, the vector of curvatures {x}is related tonodal displacements ui by

[ )

where the elements of B. are functions of position and the elements of ui are 1 1 the degrees of freedom at node (i); for example,

{ )




where Ox = p = W, , 0 = - a = - w , ~ , and the dots indicate the possible Y Y inclusion of some higher order derivatives of W. Using the terminology developed in Chapter 3 , we can express the lateral displacement, W, in terms of nodal shape functions, LNJi, or in terms of elementary basis functions, [X], i.e., (925)

Using the Kirchhoff hypothesis, we can express the curvatures terms of the second derivatives of lateral displacement,

{x) directly in

Substitution of W from Equation9% then gives

Evaluation of the Bi matrices in Equation 923 requires, finally,an expression for {aj) interms of the { ui ) vectors. Clearly the number of basis functions in LX] must equal the sum of the number of degrees of freedom at nodes in order to allow this determination. The actual calculation may be not asstraightforward as it proved to be for membrane and solid elements where {ui) in Equation 9 : s contained only a single component. Assuming that the calculation can be performed, we will omit the details and concentrate instead on the selection of basis functions and nodal degreesof freedom for particular elements. Aminimumrequirement for accuracy is thattheinterpolation of nodal displacements gives correct constant curvatures. Thisrequirement will be



satisfied if the basis functionsare complete through the quadratic terms inx and y or, in case parametric interpolation is used, if nodal values of W equal to x2 ,xy. and y2are correctly interpolated. This is a far stiffer condition than the correct interpolation of linear displacement fields required in two- and threedimensional elasticity; it contributes to many of the difficulties encountered in plate element design. Satisfaction of a constant curvature patch test requires further that constant assumed bending moments in adjacent elementsbe in equilibrium at nodes. We can easily extend the discussion of nodal equilibrium in Section 5.3 to show that moment equilibrium is satisfied if rotations of the normal to the middle surface are continuous alongthe boundaries between adjacent elements. In the case of Kirchhoff elements, this amounts to C1 continuity of displacements ( W , w , ~and , W, arecontinuousat elementboundaries).Platebending Y elements are conforming if W, a,and p are continuousat element boundaries. And conformingelementswhich exhibit neither interpolation failure nor integration failure will pass patch tests.

TrianPular Kirchhoff Elements

The simplest possible triangular bending element has three comer nodes and three degrees of freedom pernode ( W , a p)as shown in Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3

Three-Node Element with Three Degreesof Freedom Per Node.

The Kirchhoff hypothesis allows all of the element's bending properties to be derived from an assumed lateral displacement field, w(x, y). Since there are nine



external degrees of freedom, we need a field with nine independentterms. Thus we are led to consider the complete cubic polynomial

which has ten terms, i.e., one term too many. Early finite element designers experimented with the elimination of various terms, such as xy, or combinations of terms, such as x2y + xy2, but could find no combination which preserved constant bending (the quadratic terms) and retained isotropy with respect to the element's geometry. More generally, elementdesignerssoondiscovered(6)thatacompletely satisfactory solution could not be achieved for any element with threedegrees of freedom per node. Consider, for example, the four-node rectangle shown in Figure 9.4. Since we wish, as a minimum, to satisfy constant curvature patch tests, we require that the lateral displacement, W, and its slopes, a,p , be continuous along elementboundaries or, in other words, that W, a,and p along any edge be determined by their nodal values at the adjacent comers. Thismeans, for example, that along edge 1-2 of Figure 9.4, W can be,at most, a cubic function of x, and p = W , can b e , at most, a linear function ofx. The six coefficients a. ,all Y etc., are determined by the six displacement components at the two adjacent nodes. Similar reasoning applies to edge 1-4.


+ C3Y3

= a.

+ alx + a2x2 + a3x3 + boy + b,xy

Figure 9.4

Demonstrationof Continuity Requirements.


c h a p t e r 9

Note that the twisting curvature, x = 2w equals 2b,alongedge 1-2 and v ' , Y 2dl along edge1-4. These two values will, In general, be different because b, depends on the displacements at node 2 and dl depends onthe displacements at node 4. As a result x will not be unique at the common point, node 1. As a v assures uniqueness of corollary, an expression forW over the plate's surface which xv, such as any polynomial in x and y, cannot assure slope continuity along the common edgesof adjacent elements when only W and its slopes are prescribed at (6) nodes. The argument just presented extends easily to nonrectangular comers. Three alternative courses of action present themselves to designers of Kirchhoff plate elements. They are:
1. Accept the nonuniqueness of curvature in order to assure conformability.

2. Accept nonconformability in order to assure uniqueness of curvature at all points within an element.

3. Add higher order derivatives of freedom.


such as



as nodal degrees of

All three courses of action have been used by element designers and we w l i consider examplesof each. Clough and Tocher") achieved a conforming three-node triangle with three degrees of freedom per nodeby accepting the nonuniqueness of curvature. Their element, shown in Figure 9.5, consists of three subtriangles with a common node at the center of the element. In each triangle, W is expressed by a cubic polynomial with one missing term, selected to assure conformability alongthe exterior edge of the subtriangle. Thus, in subtriangle A , the x2y term is deleted with the result that slope normal to the edge, W, ,vanes linearly alongedge 1-2. The same term Y is deleted inthe rotated coordinate systems of triangles B and C. Conformability along interior edges is assured byenforcing equality between the normal slopesof adjacent elementsat the midpoint of their common edge. These three constraints, for interior edges 142-4, and 3-4respectively, rigidly specify

Plate Bending Elements


Figure 9.5

The Clough-Tocher Triangle.

the three componentsof displacement at node 4, the interior node,in terms of the displacements at the exterior nodes. The Clough-Tocher triangle is a conforming bending element with a minimum degree of freedom count. It is not, however, a good performer. In Figure 1.6, for example, the element identified as NASTRANTRIA2 is the Clough-Tocher triangle. It is seen to be excessively stiff and to require an exceedingly large number of degrees of freedom to achieve satisfactory accuracy. The reasonthe for slow convergence is that, while only one cubic term is eliminated in each subtriangle, these constraints act in different directions and thus will greatly impede any variation of curvature in the vicinity of the element. The addition of higher order derivatives as degrees of freedom can eliminate troubles with nonuniqueness and nonconformability at the cost of a greatly increased numberof degrees of freedom and new troubles resulting from excessive smoothness of the displacement field. The minimum set of higher order derivatives which makes sense for general application is the set of three second derivatives,
W, 2, W,


W, 2 .

A three-node triangle with second derivatives as degrees of freedom has eighteen degrees of freedom (sixper node). The smallest complete polynomial in x andy which has at least this many terms is the complete 21-term quintic. Clearly we require an adjustment which could eitherbe the elimination of three terms from the polynomial expression for W or the addition of three degrees of freedom tothe element. 1968 and 1969 saw the publication of a truly remarkable number of


Chapter 9

Along a given edge, as shown in Figure 9.6, the complete quintic polynomial allows the lateral displacement, W, to be a six-term quintic function of distance, andnormal slope, W, tobe a five-term quartic function of distance. The Y ' coefficients in the six-term expression for W are accounted for by the values of W, w , ~ and , W at the two adjacent nodes. The coefficients in the five-term 'X2 expression for normal slope, W , , can beaccounted forby the values of Y wtY and W, at the two ends plus one additional degree of freedom. A good Xy choice for the additional degree of freedom is W , at the midpoint of the edge. Y This degree of freedom plus the six degrees of freedom at each of the adjacent comer nodes account for the thirteen terms in the expression forW along edge 1-2. If the addition of nodes with only one degree of freedom is considered too awkward by the developer, he can elect instead to eliminate the b,x 4 y term inthe expression forW and take analogous measures with regardthe toother two edges.

=a .

+ boy + b,xy
Figure 9.6

+ alx + a2x2 + a3x3 + a,x4 + a5x5 + b2x2y + b3x3y + b4x4y + coy2 + clxy2

Three-Node Triangle withSix Degrees of Freedom Per Node.

Since displacements at points along the edge depend only on the degrees of freedom at the adjacent comers and on the normal slope at the center point, if that option is selected, the element satisfies compatibility. The curvatures are unique at all points within the element and, in the case of the full 21degree-of-freedom version, have completecubic dependence on position. These characteristics give the elementatremendousdegree of accuracyandprobablyexplain the



enthusiasm with which it was taken up by element designers in the late sixties. Nevertheless, the element did not prove to be popular and is now mainly a curiosity. The reason for this lack of acceptance is associated with the interpretation of second derivatives of W as nodal variables. Since they physically correspond to curvatures, how are they to be loaded and how are boundaryconditions to be applied to them? Also, since they have unique values at nodes, they tend to prevent anydiscontinuity incurvature along elementedges such as would result from applied moments or changes in material properties. As discussed in Section 4.6.3, structural analysis is very largely concerned with the discontinuities which occur in structures, such as edges, holes, comers, stiffeners, and changes in load intensity. The subdivision of a structure into finite elements normally allows such discontinuities to occurontheboundariesbetween elements. The enforcement of supercontinuity through the use of higher order nodal variables vitiates thisimportant feature.

guadrilateral Kirchhoff Elements

Credit for the earliest practical plate bending element goes to Adini and Cl~ugh('~ for ) their twelve degree of freedom rectangle, published in 1961. The element, sketched in Figure 9.7, has three degrees of freedom per node. Basis functions for the element were selected by noting that W should be allowed to vary cubically along each edge. Thus, the basis functions are given by

= (1, Y)(l. x,x*,x3) + ( l , X ) ( L Y , Y * ,



The factors ( 1 , y) and (1, x) are needed to allow independent cubic variations on opposite edges. Expansion of Equation 9:29 showsthat there are twelve independent terms. The form of Equation 9:29 showstheelement to be nonconforming becausep = W , is not restricted to linear dependenceon x.

The question naturally arises as to whether the Adini-Clough rectangle can be extended to more general shapes. The mechanics are simple because we can substituteparametriccoordinates q) formetriccoordinates (x, y) in Equation 9:29. The real question is whether the element will still be able to



Chapter 9

Figure 9.7

The Adini-CloughRectangle.

compute constant curvatures correctly or, in other words, whether a quadratic displacement field will be correctly interpolated from its nodal values. We recall from Section 3.5 that this will be true for general quadrilateral elements with straightsides if each of theterms (15, q, &, q2, C2q, t2q2)is included in the basis. This is not the case for the Adini-Clough element because, with E , q replacing x, y, the term c2q2is absent from Equation 9:29. The element will, however, produce correct constant curvatures for parallelogram shapes because all that is required of the basis functions in this case is a complete set of quadratic terms.


The lack of conformability of the twelve-node Adini-Clough rectangle can be corrected by adding W, as a degree of freedom at eachnode. The shape functions for the resulting :y Bogner-Fox-Schmit rectangle(I6) are formed by multiplying together beamshape functions along x and y(see Irons and Ahmad, Reference 9.17). The chief weakness of both of these rectangular elements is that they cannot be successfully extended to general quadrilateral shapes. The earliest conforming general quadrilateral, which Irons admired as the prettiest such element, is the Fraeijs de Veubeke quadrilateral.(18) As shown in Figure 9.8, the element has sixteen degrees of freedom including ( W , a , p) at comer nodesand the normal

Plate Bending Elements


Figure 9.8

The Fraeijs de Veubeke Quadrilateral.

slope, W , at the midpoints of edges. The diagonals subdivide the element into four triangles which each have a different cubicoffield lateral displacement.Thus the Veubeke quadrilateral accepts nonuniquenessof curvature in order to assure conformability of W and W,, along exterior edges. The displacement basis is constructed as the sum of three functions
w = w a + wb


where wa is a complete tentermcubic.The second function Wb is zero in subtriangle 1-2-4 and consists of quadratic and cubic terms in subtriangle 2-3-4,
w b = (y*,y3,q2)

(931 1

where X is directed along diagonal 2-4. Note that displacement and slope continuity are preserved alongthe diagonal. In similar fashion the third function, W', is zero i n subtriangle 1-2-3 and contains three quadratic and cubic terms in along diagonal 1-3. Since wa has ten subtriangle 1-3-4 which preserve continuity terms and Wb ,Wc each have three terms, the total number of terms matches the number of external degrees of freedom. If desired, the midside nodes can be constrained to form a twelve-degree-of-freedom element. (18)


Chapter 9

9.2.3 Discrete Kirddmff Elements

In the Kirchhoff elements describedto this point, the Kirchhoff hypothesis has been applied priori to reduce the role of normal rotations to that of nodal variables which determine the coefficients in the field assumed for W. In the discrete KirckkoJf approach, separate fields are assumed for a and p and the Kirchhoff constraints a = w , ~ ,p = w , ~ ) are applied at discrete points, thereby eliminating some of the nodal variables. Successful elementsof this type include both triangles(") and quadrilaterals(20) with minimum node counts and, most prominently, Irons' SEMILOOF quadrilateral(*') (see Figure 9.9). The nodal degrees of freedom forthe SEMILOOFelement includethe values of W at comers and midsides and the values of normal slope, w , ~ at , Se = f 1 /fi on each edge. The SEMILOOF elementis still competitive with more modem elements for both plateand shell applications.

Figure 9.9

Irons' SEMILOOF Element.


As we have seen, elements which enforce C1 continuity, such as some of the Kirchhoff elements just described, are fundamentally flawed because they require the use of second derivatives of the field variable as nodal degrees of freedom. Kirchhoff elements which do not use secondderivatives will violate C' continuity either because slope continuity is not enforced on exterior edges or because the second derivatives of the fieldare discontinuousat interior points (see Section 3.4 for the definition of C' continuity).

Plate Bending Elements


In this section we consider plate bending elements which do not employ the Kirchhoff hypothesis; i.e., the transverse shear strain is allowed a nonzero value. In this casethe rotations of the normal (a, p) become independent variables and the C1 continuity requirement for W translates into C0 continuity requirements for W, a,and p. These requirements are easier to satisfy. They also open the door to the approaches to element design treated in earlier chapters. TheearliestMindlin(orReissner-Mindlin)elementwastheeight-node Ahmad(1'22) curved shell element (1969) derived by applying the ReissnerMndlin plate assumptions to a sixteen-node elastic brick element. I n Figure 9.10, the six degrees of freedom at two nodes with the same values of x and y are replaced by fivedegrees of freedom ( U , v, W , a,p)at their midpoint. Note that this reduction eliminates the effect of vertical strain, E=. Linear variationof U and v with z is already implicit in the choice of nodes for the sixteen-node brick, derived from a twenty-node brick by suppressing the four nodes at the midpoints of the vertical edges.



W, cl,

Figure 9.10 Derivation of the AhmadEight-Node Shell Element From a Sixteen-Node Brick Element. An eight-node plate (or shell) element is somewhat more efficient than a thin sixteen node solid because it has 40 degrees of freedom rather than 48. A more substantial reason for preferring the plate element is that it avoids a numerical round-off problem caused by an excessively large stiffness ratio when the plate's thickness, t, is small comparedto its characteristic length,L. The two stiffnesses in question are the through-the-thickness extensional stiffness, proportional to EL2 / t, and the plate bending stiffness, proportional to Et3 / L2. The ratio of these two stiffnesses, proportional to L 4 / t 4 ,can, as noted in Section 7.4, cause excessive round-off error for valuesof L/t greater thana few hundred.

3 9 0

Chapter 9

If we assume the geometric curvature of the Ahmad shell element to be zero, we obtain a plate element for which the Reissner-Mindlin plate theory derived in Section 9.1 applies directly. Specifically, the membrane and bending deformations can be treated separately if the material is homogeneous with respect to z . In addition, the strain energy in bending depends on rotations of the normal in a manner that is totally analogous to the dependence of membrane strain energy on in-plane translations. Thus, since the curvatures ( a ,p) are independentvariables (independent of W, that is), the formulation of the bending part of Mindlin plate elements is identical tothe formulation of two-dimensional elastic elements. As a result, except for the substitution of ( a ,p) for (U, v) and the substitution of Db] for [Dm] in Equation 922, we canapply all of the theory developed for two-dimensional elastic elements in previous chapters to the bending part of Mindlin plate elements.

The formal treatment of bending curvature for Mmdlin plate elements mimics that of membrane strain. Specifically,



where Ni is the shape function selected for 0

{ i l.

The treatment of transverse shear strains is a different story. In the defining equations for these strains in terms of displacements (Equation 9 : 7 ) , the spatial

Plate Bending Elements


derivatives of W are combined with the field values of a and p. For the important case of pure bending, the terms must cancel to produce zero transverse shear. Note however that, if the same sets of basis functions are used for W, a , and p , which would be natural if they are evaluated at the same nodes, a and p will contain higher degree terms not present in wIXand W, These higher degree Y' terms can causetransverse shear locking and, in fact,did cause locking inAhmads original element. Transverse shearlocking is !he critical problem for the design of Mindlin plate elements. This problem is finessed in the designof Kirchhoff plate elements by embedding the assumption of zero shear strain in the specification of the displacement field. Transverse shear locking of Mindlin plate elements has an exact counterpart in the shear locking of two- and three-dimensional elastic elements treated in Chapter 6. In fact, we can saythat Ahmad's element inherited transverse shear locking from its parent brick element. This type of locking is described, for the QUAD8element,inSection 6.4.1 and in Table 6.4(a). It corresponds toa cubic lateral translation, W = x3. Transverse shear locking is a more serious problem for plate and shell bending elements than it is for membrane and solid elements because even uniform bendingrequiresquadraticdependence of W on position. Thus, in the terminology developed in Chapter 5, convergence to the correct solution for bendingproblemsrequires satisfaction of patch tests in which W varies quadratically. This is more severe than the convergence condition for membrane and solid elements which requires onlythe satisfaction of a linear displacement patch test. It is useful, as a prelude to the detailed discussion of transverse shear locking, to inventory the internal degrees of freedom for frequently used configurations. For this purpose, we can think of a plate element as a box with a top, bottom, and sides, as shown in Figure9.11. Deformations in the planes of the top and bottom covers yield symmetrical membrane strains and antisymmetrical bending strains. Shear deformationsof the vertical webs produce the transverse shear strains. In general there is one transverse shear mode for each vertical panel. (Forthe nine-


Chapter 9

Figure 9 . 1 1 Visualization of a Plate Element as a Box with Top, Bottom, and Vertical Webs. node quadrilateral we add a panel connecting the center node to one of the exterior nodes.) Table 9.1 lists the number of internal degrees of freedom by polynomial degree for All of the bending modesare five first- and second-order plate bending elements. obtained by comparison with the degree-of-freedom inventory for membrane elements given in Tables 3.4 and 3 . 6 . All but one of the transverse shear modes are obtained by assuming independent vertical motions at the nodes with no in-plane motion of the covers. One additional linear transverse shear mode is obtained byletting the top and bottom coversrotate in opposite directions about a vertical axis. It is seenthat the linear elementsare complete through the constant bending and transverse shear strains and that the quadratic elements are complete through the h e a r strains. The scattered higher-order terms add significant accuracyin some cases and help performance inother ways, such as in the passage of patch tests. Actual performance, onthe other hand, willbe far less than that suggested bythe data in Table 9.1 if transverse shear locking is not suppressed.


Mindlin plate elements are differentiated by the manner in which they resolve the issue of transverse shear locking. The matter is critical because even uniform bending requires correct interpolation of a quadratic lateral displacement field.

Plate Bending Elements


m \ o o o


m e 4 0 0


m o o 0

C V - 0 0



As was shown in Section 3.5, exact representation of a quadratic field is not possible forany isoparametric element which employs its full geometric capacity to represent irregular shapes. Thus we are led to consider either restrictions on element shapeorapproachesnotbasedonparametricmapping of the displacement field.

9.4.1 Eieht- and Nine-Node Ouadrilaterals

Ahmad's original eight-node shell element employed full (3 x 3) integration. Before long (19711, Zienkiewicz, Too, and Taylor showed(23) that substantially improved results could be obtained with reduced (2 x 2) integration. We now know that most of the improvement of the Ahmad element for curved shell applicationscomesfromtheavoidance of membrane locking, butsome improvement comes from the avoidance of transverse shear locking. Reduced integrationin an eight-node element provides relief from locking caused by incorrect interpolation of cubicdisplacement fields, as wasshownin Section 6.4.1. This measure yields improvements ranging from mild substantial to in practical applications. See, for example, Table6.5 which compares results for out-of-plane bending of a thin square plate (Figure 6.15). In transverse shear locking the ratio of spurious shear strain energy to the correct strain energy is proportional to the square of the element's length-to-thickness ratio. Thus, for very thin plates,the effect of shear locking is to lock out the mode in question. In the case of an eight-node element the locking modes are not the lowest elastic numbers of elements is rapid. modes so that convergence with increasing An equally important issue for the eight-node quadrilateral is the question of shape sensitivity. As demonstrated in Section 3.5, an eight-node element cannot correctly interpolate W = x2 when it has a general quadrilateral shape with straight sides. Thus, regardless of the relative intensity of the resulting locking, the element cannot pass constant curvature patch tests. One remedy, which supplies the required 5292 term to the displacement basis, is to add a ninth interior node. This is not an unmixed blessing,as we shall see. Another remedy is to add a term to each of the element's shape functions (see Equation 8:54 in Section 8.3) that will ensure correct interpolation of quadratic fields.(24)

Plate Bending Elements


Solutions for the lateral deflection of a slender cantilever plate are compared in Figure 9.12. Note that the end loading on this structure, which has repeatedly been analyzed as a cantilever beam in previous chapters, is now normal to the plane of the paper. The width-to-thicknessratio is 2.0. The modifiers F, R, and Rh4 applied to the names of the elements inFigure 9.12 designate full integration, reduced integration, and reduced integration with shape functions modifiedas in Section 8.3. It is observed that the substitution of reduced integration for full integration makes a substantial improvement. Thesubsequent modification of the shape functions reduces the already small error by nearlya factor of two.


.920 .987 .993

Figure 9 . 1 2 SolutionsforTip Thickness = 0.5.

Loading of a SlenderCantilever


We have not as yet specified the location of integration points for bending curvatures. The natural tendency is to use the same points as are used for transverse shear. If reduced (2 x 2) integration is used with an eight-node element, the element willhave one noncommunicating spurious mode which is similar in appearance to the type 2 mode described formembrane action in Figure 7.1 with a , p replacing U, v. A lateral displacement W = a t 2 - bq2 will accompany the mode to make the transverse shear strains zero at the Gauss points.



The treatment of bending curvature is less criticalthan the treatment of transverse shear because the required polynomial dependence of the rotationsof the normal will, in nearly all cases, be one degree lower than the required polynomial dependence of lateral displacement.Consequently, it makesonlyasmall difference if full integration is used in place of reduced integration for the calculation of bending curvatures.

As has been noted, the QUAD9 is the lowest order isoparametric quadrilateral which can satisfy constant curvature patch tests for general straight-sided shapes.? This fact provides a powerful incentive to substitute QUAD9s for QUAD&. Another reason is that a little noticed QUAD8 locking mode inherited from the 2q2 term and is not corrected by twenty-node brick involves the missing 5 6.4). Whatever the reason, many developers of reduced integration** (see Table plate and shell elements turned to nine-node configurations thein 1980s.
The locking problem for cubic lateral displacement does not disappear when nine nodes are substituted for eight. Unfortunately the obvious solution, 2 x 2 integration of transverse shear, produces a type 1 communicating spurious mode, W = (1 - 3t2)(1 - 3q2) (see Figure 7.4). Since W, and W , vanish at Gauss 5 51 points, zero transverse shear strains result if a and p are zero. This spurious mode can be avoided only by abandoning reduced integration or by stickingwith eight nodes. Hughes and C ~ h e n ' ~ took ~ ) the novel approach in their 1978 Heterosis element of using eight nodes for W and nine nodes for a , p. The integration schemes are, naturally enough, 2 x 2 for transverseshear and 3 x 3 for bending curvature. The element cannot pass constant curvature patchtests with straight-sided elements, but it does appear(26) to offer improved accuracy over the eight-node element with uniform 2 x 2 integration.*** *The issue of distortion due to offsetof an edge node toward one of the adjacent comers can be resolved (see Figure 8.10 and related discussion).

The MSC/NASTRAN QUAD8 element does not display this locking mode, possibly because it adds residual bending flexibility to transverse shear (see Section 9.5). The resultspublished in Reference 9.26 for theeight-nodeelement are considerably poorer than those published for the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD8.(27) The reasons for the differences are not known.

Plate Bending Elements


If the designer prescribes nine nodes for all displacement components,he must also use full integration for both transverse shear and bending curvature to avoid communicating spurious modes. Locking of cubic displacement fields then presents a problem which the designer can avoid by some of the techniques described in previous chapters. Some authors (28n29p30) uselower-order substitute strain fields which they evaluate by selective underintegration or by the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle (see Sections 7.6 and 7.7). Taking a different turn, Belytschko and his associates derive a successful nine-node shell element(31)by separating strain states into low order modes which they evaluate by 2 x 2 integration and high order modes whose stiffnesses are approximated analytically (see Section 7.8). Finally, in their assumed natural strain (ANSI shell element, Parkand Stanley(32) evaluate each component of transverse shear strain at six strategic points on lines of constant E , or (see Figure8.161, and interpolate them to 3 x 3 Gauss points. The elements derived by these various approaches differ somewhat in performance, but they all have acceptable accuracy as, indeed, does the QUAD8 element with reduced integration.

The Six-Node Triande

A six-node triangle with straight edges can correctly interpolate any quadratic displacement field. It follows that a standard isoparametric TRIA6 element will satisfy a constant curvature patch test as long as the edges are straight.* Three integration points are sufficient to avoid spurious modes and to treat any linear variation of transverse shear strain.
It is possible togo farther and to ensure correct transverse shear strains for a cubic displacement field. If S is distance along one of the edges, then w , is ~ correct for cubic W at points 5, = f along the edge(seeSection 8.4.3). The tangential component of transverse shear strain, , y , =w , ~ as, where as is the component of normal rotation in the plane of the edge, will also be correct at these points. The specification of transverse shear strain might then be completed by interpolating


*See Section 8.3 and Figure 8.10 for modifications to accommodate edge node offset toward one of the adjacent comers.


Chapter 9

the edge values to Gauss points, for example, by the method described Section 8.4.1.

Some recent research efforts report improvements of this sort in the performance of the six-node triangle. One approach(33) eliminates cubic shear locking by adding a cubic correction to W which cancels the quadratic terms in a and p. Another approach(34)uses a mixed formulation in which valuesof the transverse shear stress at the six special edge points, 6, = f 1/ 8, are used to enforce linear variation of transverse shear. The latter approach is related to the discrete Kirchhoff triangle @KT) element. (l9) While advanced treatment of transverse shear strain can improve performance for flat plates, little can be gained for shell analysis where membrane locking effectively limits a six-node triangles accuracy to constant bending moments.

The Four-Node Ouadrilateral

In the case of eight- and nine-node quadrilaterals and the six-node triangle, standard isoparametric mapping provides correct interpolation of a quadratic displacement field for elements with straight edges. The only difficulty appears in connection withthe eight-node element, where a special modification to the shape functions is necessary to provide correct interpolation for general quadrilateral shapes. When we come to consider four-node quadrilaterals and three-node triangles the difficulties multiply because there are only a few points at which one or the other of the first derivatives of a quadratic displacement field are correct. Accordingly, the correct evaluationof transverse shear strain can utilize onlythe values computed at these points. In 1977, Hughes, Taylor, and Kanoknukulchaiproposedaquadrilateral element(35) which uses single-point quadrature for transverse shear. Since the internal degree-of-freedom count includes four values of transverse shear (see Table 9.11, the element has two spurious modes. One mode is a global spurious mode, W = ST, a = p = 0. The other mode is a noncommunicating mode which involves equal and oppositein-plane rotations of the top and bottom surfaces,

Plate Bending Elements


= 0, a = y, p = "x. The global spurious mode severely limits the element's practical application.It cannot, for example, resist twisting moments.

In MacNeal's 1978 version(36) of his QUAD4 element, ,y is evaluated at 6 = 0, q = f 1 / fiand y is evaluated at 4 = * l / fi, Q'= 0 (see Figure 9.13). YZ These values are then transferred to the adjacent 2 x 2 Gauss points for numerical integration. The element has the required minimum number of transverse shear strain evaluations and does not, therefore, suffer from spurious modes. The rationale for the selection of points along 5= 0 for the evaluation of ,y is taken from one-dimensional locking theory (see Table 7.1). Clearly, there are difficulties for nonrectangular shapes. For example, in the case of parallelogram shape, the components of transverse shear strain should at least be oriented parallel to the edges. Such difficulties mount in practical applications of the element and, not surprisingly, trapezoidal shapes give particularly bad results. To illustrate the point, let us calculate the transverse shear strains for the isosceles trapezoidshown in Figure 9.14 by followingthe procedure described in Section 6.6.2.

/ J

+ Y X z V




+ Shear Evaluation Point

Gauss Point

Figure 9 . 1 3 Location of Transverse Shear Evaluation Points for MacNeal's 1978 QUAD4 Element By inspection, the relationships between(x, y ) and (5, q) are



Figure 9.14

Four-Node Isosceles Trapezoid, c 4 = tan 6.

from whichit is easily deducedthat



The alias for a quadratic normal displacement, W = x2, is derived as follows using the alias rules in Table 6 . 1 .

= x2 = A2c2c2(l

+ wa

= A c


- 2aq + a2)


The rotations of the normal are simply

a =


= 2x = 2AcS(1-


, p=0


which are correctly interpolated. The aliasesfor the transverse shear strains are

- 2A~6(1 - m)
W, a

y z ;

= w,a Y


5 +w#qrl'y-P a 5 'Y

= - 2 a A c = -2Actan6

Plate Bending Elements


It is seen that ,y is correctly evaluated at 6 = 0 but that y has an incorrect YZ constant value everywhere within the element. This fact invalidates both the Hughes 1977 element(35) and the MacNeal1978 element.'36) Bendingstrain, on the other hand, is correctly computed within the element. Its value is
b =

- zx,

= - za,x = - 22


Thus, comparing Equations 940 and 9:41,

yyz - ACtan 6 " b z


This ratio can be expected to be large for at least some elements in the finite elementmodel of a thin, irregularly-shapedplate small, tan 6 not insignificant). As a result, transverse shear locking is a serious threat to the integrity of four-node Mindlin plate elements.


So back to the drawing boards. Before long, bothHughes andMacNeal replaced their treatments of transverse shear with an assumed strain approach [see Hughes and Te~duyar"~) (1981) and M a ~ N e a l ' ~ (198211. ~) The basic concept is described in Section 8.4.1. At the center of each of the element's four sides we evaluate the component of transverse shear in the vertical planeof the side by the formula

where le is the length of the edge, a is measured in the plane of the edge, and subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the nodes at the ends of the edge. Equation 9:43 is correct forany field in which W varies quadratically and a vanes linearly. The methods used by Hughes and MacNeal differin the way that transverse shear strains are interpolated from the edges to 2 x 2 Gauss points. The method used does not matter for the case of constant curvature because the transverse shears are zero for that case. As a result, any method will satisfy constant curvature patch tests. A word of caution is in order regardingthe implementation of such


c h a p t e r 9

patch tests: all external loads should be applied to a and p. A twisting moment applied as a vertical couple will, for example, produce large local transverse shear strains. Some of us areso used to the Kirchhoff hypothesis that we tend to ignore transverse shear flexibility, even when it's important.

To proceed, we note that the (contravariant) transverse shear strains transform

like displacement vectors in the plane of the element (theyuse a projection rule).


= y,


+ y Y= sin tie


where 6e is the angle that the edge makes withthe x axis. In his revised QUAD4 element,(38) MacNeal assumes the following fields for and Yyz a1

, Y

so that, for side 1,

ysz = [cosSl,ycosGl,sin61,xsin61J

Repeating forthe other three sides, we obtain four equations which can be solved for al,a2,a3,a4interms of transverseedgeshearsand then, from Equation 9:43, in terms of nodal displacements. Finally, Equation 9:45 provides the values of the transverse shear strains at Gauss points.

Plate Bending Elements


In their T1 element,(37) Hughes and Tezduyar define a skewed fieldof transverse where y,, is tangent to lines of constant 11 and y , is 5 (see Figure9.15). At each edge, Equation9:43 evaluates either y,, or y , in termsof nodal displacements.

Figure 9.15 Covariant Transverse Shear Components.

The transverse shear strains at the centers of edges are transferred to the adjacent comers where they forma contravariant vector pair (projection rule).That vector is then transformed into a covariant vector (parallelogram rule) and is interpolated to Gauss points with standard isoparametric shape functions. The final step is to convertthe covariant shearstrain vectors at Gausspointsinto Cartesian components. Note that the approach of Hughes and Tezduyar avoids solution of a 4 x 4 matrix. The two approaches give identicalresults for rectangular elements and differ only slightly for other shapes. In 1985Bathe and D~orkin~) proposed an element that is very similar to the Hughes T1 element. Four node elements constructed in the manner described above will clearly satisfy constant curvature patch tests. They are also competitive with higher order elements. Table 9.2 compares the (revised) MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4 with the MSC/NASTRANQUAD8 for the problem illustratedin Figure9.12. Both elements include minor modifications from the theories which have been described. In the table, rectangular elements are those obtained when the 4 5 O angles in Figure9.12 are replaced by 90 angles.


c h a p t e r 9

Table 9.2 Performanceof MSUNASTRAN QUAD4and QUAD8 Elements for Tip Loading of a Slender Cantilever Plate QUAD4 Rectangular Elements Trapezoidal Elements Exact



.998 .g68

. O o o


The Three-Node Trianple

I na three-node triangle, there is no pointat which linear interpolation of a general quadraticdisplacement field gives correct values for bothcomponents of transverse shear strain. We are, therefore,again forced to consider alternatives to continuous field interpolationof nodal displacements. As in the case of the fournode quadrilateral, Equation 9:43 gives, for quadratic W, correct tangential components of transverse shear strain at the midpoints of the edges.

All that remains is to interpolate the tangential edge values of transverse shear strains to integration points. Hughes and Taylor40) follow the method of Hughes andTe~duyar~) described in the previous section. In their method (see Figure 9.161, the edge shears are transferred to adjacent comers where the two componentsformaskewedvectorpair in a local 5, 9 system. After transformation fromcontravariant to covariant components, the nodal values are linearly interpolated to integration points. In his method, Ma~Neal~) assumes that the transverse shear field consists of two uniform distributions, y ! = and yo and a third circulating component,y,,) 0 YZ which resists relative rotation of the top and bottom surfaces.* Then, assumingan

*It mayhelp to visualize the element as a box (see Figure 9.11).

Plate Bending Elements


Figure 9 . 1 6 The Hughes-Taylor Three-Node Triangle. x-axis that coincides with side 1 , he obtains the following relationship between the edge components and the field componentsof transverse shear.

sin 6,

, Y



yyz 0


cos 6, sin 6,

y ,

2 and 3

where 6, and 6, are the angles that the x-axis makes with sides at a single integration point. We can assign a stiffness to z y :

respectively. After inversion of Equation 9.47, the values of y$ and yo are used fairly arbitrarily since its main purpose is to eliminate a noncommunicating spurious mode. MacNeal uses it as a free parameter to improve test results. Again, as noted in connection with the four-node quadrilateral,the method used for interpolation of transverse shear strains does not affect the satisfaction of a constant curvature patch test. Another successful three-nodetriangle isthediscrete Kirchhoff (DKT) tiangle.(19) It defines separate fields for W , a , and p and uses the Kirchhoff conditions, w , = ~ a , W,,, = p, at discrete points to eliminate coefficientsin the


Chapter 9

assumed displacement fields.I n this way, twenty-one original coefficients reduce to the nine standard nodal degrees of freedom. Note that transverse shear flexibility isassumedtobezero in DKT elements,whichrendersthem inappropriate for the analysis of thick plates. Thereadershouldconsult of discrete Kirchhoff elements. References 9.42 and 9.43 for additional discussion 9.5 RESIDUAL BENDING FLEXIBILITY With the special interpolation procedures noted in Sections 9.4.3 and 9.4.4, the competence of the linear triangleand the bilinear quadrilateral rises tothe level of complete quadratic normal displacement. That would seem a fair accomplishment but it is possible to go farther. For four-node rectangles, at least, we can achieve accurate results for some cubic displacement patterns by augmenting the transverse shear flexibility witha term known as residual bending ~ e ~ i ~ i t y . ' ~ ~ ) The conceptof residual bending flexibility is most easily explained in the context of a two-node beam element. Since integration one in dimension canbe exact, the beam elements found in commercial finite element codes generally give exact results, at least for prismatic shapes. For our purpose, however, itis instructive to consider a two-node beam element (Figure9.17) formed by separate linear interpolation of lateral displacement and normal rotation, with reduced (one point) integration of transverse shear.

Figure 9 . 1 7 Two-Node Beam Element. The two-dimensional rectangular plate elements described in Section 9.4.3 reduce to this beam element forbending in one direction. A beam element with single point evaluationof transverse shear has beenproposed(35) and is appropriate for usein conjunction withfour-nodeplateelementswhichmakesimilar



assumptions. Table 9.3 compares exact expressions for lateral displacement, W, normal rotation, a, curvature, x , and transverse shear, y, with their linearly interpolated values for the case of a general cubic lateral displacement. Note that 2 2 x2 and x3 are replaced by their aliases, e and e x, in the linearly interpolated field values for W and a. Note also thatx and y are correct forw3 = 0, provided that y is measured at the center of the beam. Both x and y are incorrect if w3 f 0. Table 9.3 Comparison of Linear Interpolation with Exact Interpolation of Field Values for the Two-Node Beam Element in Figure 9.17 VARIABLE



+ W1X + w2x2
+ w3x3 + yox

+ wlx + w2e2 + w3e2x + yox

w1 + 2w2x + 3w3e2


+ 2w2x + 3w3x2
2w2 + 6w3x wIX- a = y o


- 2 w2x - 2 w3e2

To proceed further, let us compute the strain energy

W =L 2


+ kAGy2) dx


for the exact and linearly interpolated fields. The result for the exact fieldis


Chapter 9

and for the linearly interpolated fields, with center point evaluation of y,
Wi = EV( 4w;)

+ kAGt(yo - 2w3t



The point we wish to examine is whether the latter expression can be modified to be identical to the first because, in that case, the stiffness matrix for the beam element, as seen at its nodes, willbe exact. For this purpose we replace the shear effectiveness factor,k, in Equation 9:50 by k* and see if we can select k* so that Wi = We for all values of yo and w3. Fortunately, yo and w3 are related by the moment equilibrium equation (see Figure 9:18), M,x+V=O (951)

Figure 9.18

Moment Equilibrium for a Beam.

Substituting M = EIx and V = kAG yowe obtain EIx,,

+ MGy0 = 0


or, bysubstituting the exact value for X from Table 9.3 6EIw3 + kAGyo = 0

kAG w3 = - - 6EI 0 '


Substitution into the Strain energy expressions then gives, with k replaced by k* in Equation 9 9 ,

We = 4EItw2 2 + kAGtyi


Plate Bending Elements


2 Wi = 4EIlw2 + k*


The strain energy expressions will be identical if

or, in other words, if the modified transverse shear flexibility

Thus we see that the exact strain energy and consequently an exact end point stiffness matrix are achieved by the addition of the term l2 / 3EI to the transverse so called becauseit is shear flexibility. This term is the residual bending flexibility, derived from and completes the beam's bending flexibility. It is seen that the value of the residual bending flexibility can exceed that of the transverse shear flexibility for large enough l . The ratio of residual bending flexibility to transverse shear flexibility is, for a rectangular cross section of depth, t,

3 E I = h(t) 2


5 l 21+v


With v = .3 this value exceeds unity for l / t > 1.36 and increasesas ( l / t)

The use'of this concept in the computerized analysisof beams and frameworks is quite old; itgoes back at least to 1953.(44) From a slightly different perspective, the comparison of the exact energy with that for the uncorrected beam element reveals the extent to which locking afflicts the element's ability to represent a cubic displacement field. Thus, from Equations 9:55 and 9:56, the strain energy is seen to be too large by the factor 1 + kAG12 / 3EI. This factor becomes very large for shallow beams and, by


Chapter 9

implication, for thin three- and four-nodeplate elements, effectively eliminating the cubic content of the lateral displacement in such elements. The extent to which residual flexibility canimprove performance is illustrated i n Table 9.4 for the case of an end-loaded cantilever beam.

Table 9.4 Tip Displacementfor a Thin Cantilever Beam, Llt = 100

Number of Elements


Without Residual Flexibility* .750 With Residual Flexibility*


.996 .984 .999.g38



1 . O O O


*Both elements employ single point integration of transverse shear. The implementation of residual bending flexibility in plate elements(36) is entirely heuristic. We could, for example, simply replace the transverse shear * h i s would give effectiveness factor,k, by the value of k given in Equation9:57. T correct results for cubic bending parallel to an edge of a rectangular field of elements used, for example, to model tip loading of a rectangular cantilever plate. It would have other beneficial effects such as the softening of transverse shear locking for other shapes andthe avoidance of numerical precision difficultiesfor extremely thin plates (L/ t > 0 10 1.


There are, however, situations in which the addition of residual bending flexibility is inappropriate as, for example, when the element is subjected to twist.* In this

Here, again, it helps to visualize the element as a rectangular box.

Plate Bending Elements

41 1

case, since W = xy is included in the element's set of basis functions,the twisting curvature x and the transverse shear strains are correct and the modification to v k is not needed to get the correct strain energy. Fortunately we can distinguish between transverseshear strain due to bending and transverse shear strain due to twist becausea rectangular element has two independentvalues of y , located at

Thus if we label these two values y& and y$ constitutive relationship, similar to Equation 920.

we can form

the following


= [Ksx]rr]


b are transverse shear forces per unit width at points a and b. where Q: and Q, The constitutiGe matrix

(961) where Zsx is the transverse shear flexibility matrix

[ l

[zsx] =


O] 0 1


and Zbx is the residual bending flexibilitymatrix

[ l


where Ax is the length of the element in the x direction and a is a small parameter, a << 1, selected to serve other concerns. One concern is that Zbx is singular for a = 0 which opens the door to lockingand round-off troubles for very thin plates. b Another is that, while twist is the main reason that :y can differ from yxz, differential bending can, as illustrated in Figure 9.19, also contribute to the




(a) Twist Figure 9.19

(b)Differential Bending

Two Mechanisms Which Cause y: to Differ From 7:.

difference particularly in the case of short cantilever plates. Residual bending flexibility should be included for differentialbending but not for twist. Theactual value given to the parameter a in MSC/NASTRAN is a = .04
.04+. 96[



This value was selected to optimize testresults for the bending of square plates with either clamped or simply-supported edges. In practical applicationsthe correct interpolationof quadratic displacement fields for general elementshapes is a more important objective than getting improved results for cubic displacement fields. Nevertheless, residual bending flexibility has a small but positive benefit. Hughes has shown,(45) for example, that the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4 element slightly outperforms his T1 element (which does not have residual bending flexibility) for simply supported and clamped rectangular plates. The advantage is largest for coarse element fields and decays to insignificance for finely divided fields. The concept of residual bending flexibility also has application to eight-node quadrilateral elements(46) andthree-node triangular elements.(41) In the latter case, the residual bending flexibility is applied to the integration point values of

Plate Bending Elements transverse shear strain. Thus, referring to the components defined Equation 947, the constitutive relationship is





[zb] =


2 3 3

212 222


l o0

z l

The values of Zll, Z,2, and ZZ2 are selected to give correct results for cubic bending in directions perpendicular to the three sides of the triangle. The value of Z33is, as discussed in Section 9.4.3, unimportant andcan be selected to improve particular test results. The chief effect of residual bending flexibility in practical examples is to softenthe response to applied load. This is illustrated i n Figure 1.6 where it is seen that the MSC/NASTRAN TRIA3, whichhasresidualbending flexibility, greatly outperforms the NASTRAN TRIM, which does not. As will be recalled, the NASTRAN TRIA2 element is the Clough-Tocher triangle(') which, while based on cubic interpolation, includes constraints which effectively lock out the cubic components of lateral displacement.



9 . 1 9 . 2 9.3 9.4 9 . 5 9.6 9 . 7

S. Ahmad, "Curved Finite Elements in the Analysis of Solid, Shell, and Plate Structures," Ph.D. Thesis,University of Wales, Swansea, 1969.
B. M. Irons, "Engineering Application of Numerical Integrationin Stiffness Methods," J.AIAA, 14,pp 2035-7,1966.

J. N. Reddy, "A Simple Higher-Order Theory for Laminated Composite Plates," J. Appl. Meck.,ASME 51,pp 74s-52, 1984.
E. Reissner, 'The Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation the on Bending of Elastic Plates,"J. Appl. Meck.,ASME 12,pp 69-76,1945. R. D. Mindlin, "Influenceof Rotary Inertiaand Shear on Flexural Motions of Isotropic Elastic Plates," J.A w l . Meck, ASME 18,pp 31-58,1951.
B. M. Irons and J.K. Draper, "Inadequacy of Nodal Connections in a Stiffness Solution for Plate Bending," J. AIAA, 3 ,p. 5,1965.

R. W. Clough and J. L. Tocher, "Finite Element Stiffness Matrices for Analysis of Plates in Bending," Proc. Conf. Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1965.

9 . 8 9 . 9

G. A. Butlin and R Ford, "A Compatible Plate Bending Element," Univ. of

68-15,1968. Leicester Eng. Dept. Report, G. R. Cowper, E. Kosko, G. M. Lindberg, and M. D. Olson, "Formulation of a New Triangular Plate Bending Element," Trans. Canad. Aero-Space Inst., 1 ,pp 86-90,1968 (see also N.R.C. Aero Report LR514,1968). B. M. Irons, "A Conforming Quartic Triangular Element for Plate Bending," lntl. I. Numer. Methods Eng., 1 , pp 2946,1969.

9.10 9 . 1 1 9.12 9.13 9.14

W.Bosshard, "Ein Neues Vollvertragliches 'Endliches Element fur

Plattenbiegung," Mt.Assoc. Bridge Struct. Eng. Bulletin,28,pp 2740,1968.
W. Visser,"The Finite ElementMethod in Deformation andHeat Conduction Problems," Dr.W. Dissertation, T.H., Delft, 1968.

K.Bell, "A Refined Triangular Plate Bending Element," Zntl. J.Numer.

Methods Eng., 1 , pp 10122,1969.

J.H. Argyris, I. Fried, and D. W. Scharpf, "The TUBA Family of Plate Elements for the Matrix Displacement Method," The Aeronautical J.R. Ae. S.,
72,pp 701-9,1968.
A. Adini and R. W. Clough, "Analysis of Plate Bending by the Finite Element Method;' and Report to Nat. Sci. Found./USA, G.7337,1961.

9 . 1 5




F. K. Bogner, R. L. Fox, and L. A. Schmit, The Generation of Inter-Element Compatible Stiffness and Mass Matrices by the Use of Interpolation Formulas, Proc. Conf. Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, pp 3974,1966.
B. M. Irons and S. Ahmad, Techniques of Finite Elements, Ellis Honvood, Chichester, p. 268,1980.

9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20

B. Fraeijs de Veubeke, A Conforming Finite Elementfor Plate Bending, Intl. J. Solids Strud., 4, pp 95-108,1968.

J.A. Stricklin, W. Haisler, P. Tisdale, and R. Gunderson, A Rapidly

Converging Triangular Plate Element, J. A I M ,7 , pp 180-1,1969. J . L. Batoz and M.Ben Tahar, Formulation et Evaluation dun Nouvel Element Quadrilateral B 12 D.L. pour la Flexion des Plaques Minces, Departement de Genie Mkanique, Universite de Technologie, Compisgne, France.
B. M. Irons, The Semiloof Shell Element, Finite Elem. for Thin Shells B Curved Members, 11, pp 197-222,1976.
S. Ahmad, B. M. Irons, and 0. C. Zienkiewicz, Analysis of Thick and Thin , Shell Structures by Curved Elements, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 2 pp 419-51,1970.

9.21 9.22


0. C. Zienkiewicz, J . Too, and R. L. Taylor, Reduced Integration Technique in General Analysis of Plates and Shells, Intl. J . Numer. Methods Eng., 3, pp 275-90,1971.
R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, Eight Nodes or Nine?, Intl. J. Numer. Methods in Eng., 33, pp 1049-58,1992.

9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27

T. J.R. Hughes and M. Cohen, The Heterosis Finite Element for Plate Bending, Comput. Strud., 9, pp 44550,1978. T. J.R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method,PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,pp 338-42,1987. R. H. MacNealand R. L. Harder, A Proposed Standard Set of Problems to Test Finite Element Accuracy, Finite Elem. Analysis 8 Design, 1, pp 3-20,


H.C. Huang and E. Hinton, A New Nine-Node Degenerated Shell Element with Enhanced Membrane and Shear Interpolation, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 22, pp 73-92,1986.


J .Jang and P. M. Pinsky, An Assumed Co-Variant Strain Based 9-Node Shell Element, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 24, pp 2389-411,1987.

41 6
9.30 9.31


J .J .Rhiu and S. W. Lee, ANew Efficient Mixed Formulation for Thin Shell M .J.Numer. MethodsEng., 24, pp 581-604,1987. Finite Element Models,
T. Belytschko, J .S.-J. Ong, and W. K. Liu,A Consistent Control of Spurious Singular Modes in the Nine-Node Lagrange Element for the Laplace and Mindlin PlateEquations; Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg, 44, pp 269-95,1984.
K. C. Park and G. M. Stanley, A Curved C O Shell Element Based on Assumed Natural-CoordinateStrains,J.Appl. Mech.,53, pp 278-90,1986.

9.32 9.33 9.34

M. H. Verwoerd and A. W. M. Kok, A Shear Locking Free Six-Node Mindlin Plate Bending Element, Comput. Stmct., 36, pp 547-51,1990.
0.C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor, P. Papadopoulos, and E. mate, Plate Bending Elements with Discrete Constraints: New Triangular Elements, Comput. Strud., 35, pp 502-22,1990.


T. J.R. Hughes, R. L. Taylor, and W. Kanoknukulchai, A Simple and Efficient Element for Plate Bending, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 1 1 , pp 1529-43,1977.

9.36 9.37

R. H. MacNeal, A Simple Quadrilateral Shell Element, Comput. Stmct., 8, pp 175-83,1978.

T. J. R. Hughes and T. E. Tezduyar, Finite Elements Based Upon Mindlin Plate Theory withParticular Reference to the Four-Node Bilinear Isoparametric Element, J. Appl. Mech., pp. 587-96,1981. R. H.MacNeal, Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed Strain Distributions, Nucl. Eng. Design, 70, pp 3-12, 1982.
K. J . Bathe and E. N. Dvorkin, A Four-Node Plate Bending Element Based on Mindlin/Reissner Plate Theory and a Mixed Interpolation, Intl. J.

9.38 9.39

Numer. Methods Eng., 21, pp 367-83,1985.

9.40 9.41 9.42 T. J . R. Hughes and R L. Taylor, The Linear Triangular Bending Element, Mathematics of Finite Elem. andAppl. W, MAFELAP 1981,pp 127-42, 1982.

R. H. MacNeal, The TRIA3 Plate Element, MacNeal-SchwendlerCorp. Memo RHM-37,1976.

J .L. Batoz, K. J . Bathe, and L. W. Ho, A Study of Three-Node Triangular Plate Bending Elements, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 15, pp 1771-812,

9.43 9.44

J . L. Batoz, An Explicit Formulation for an Efficient Triangular PlateBending Element, Intl. ]. Numer. MethodsEng., 18, pp 1077-89,1982.
W. T. Russell and R. H. MacNeal, An Improved Electrical Analogy the for Analysis of Beams in Bending, J.Applied Mech., 1953.

Plate Bending Elements


9.45 9.46

T .J.R. Hughes, The Finite Element Method, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,

NJ,p. 363,1987.

R. H. MacNeal, "Specifications for theQUAD8 Quadrilateral Curved Shell Element," MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. Memo RHM-46B, 1980.

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Shell Elements

The treatment of curved shells appears last in the study of finite elements and for good reason. Curved shell elements include all of the features of twodimensional elastic elements and plate bending elements, plus new complexities arising from the curved geometry. Shell elements are considered to be the most difficult of all elements and are the constant subject of advanced research. Still, we will encounter some very simple shell elements tucked in among those of the greatest sophistication. 10.1 SHELL THEORY Like plate bending theory, curved shell theory is an abstraction of threedimensional elasticity with simplifying assumptions. The midplane of plate bending theory becomes a curved surface, and strain components parallel to


Chapter 10

the midsurface are assumed to vary (approximately linearly) with distance from the midsurface.Unlikeplatebending theory, however, shell theory requires simultaneous treatment of membrane strains and bending strains because the shell's curvature inherently couples them. Distinctions are made, in practical applications, between cases where membrane strains predominate and cases where bendingstrains predominate. At bottom, the assumptions madein shell theory are the same as those made in plate theory with due allowance for the effects of curvature. The reader is invited to consult a standard text on shell analysis. As we shall see, finite elementdesignershavetended to develop shell theoryfrom finite element concepts without reference to earlier theoretical work.

10.1.1 The Depenerated Shell Element Procedure

The earliest curved shell element appears to be S. Utku's fifteen-degree-offreedom triangular element,(4) 1967, which is derived within the framework of linear shell theory. Most later curved shell elements, however, trace their origin to S. Ahmad's "degenerate" isoparametric shell element,(5) 1969. The design concept for Ahmad'selementwas made possibleby Irons' extension, three years earlier, of the isoparametric method to curved solid elements of all orders. ( 6 ) Ahmad derived his element by applying simplifying assumptions to a twenty-node brick. As shown in Figure 10.1, he first eliminated the four midside nodes along edges pointing in the direction to form a sixteen-node brick. The top and bottom surfaces, = *l, coincide with the surfaces of the shell. He then replaced each pair of top and bottom surface nodes by a single node at = 0. The degrees of freedom at this shell nodeincludethreecomponents of translation andeithertwoorthree components of rotation.



The procedure just described, and the subsequent calculations required to form a strain-displacement matrix, etc., are sometimes called the degenerated shell element procedure. ( 7 )

Shell Elements


(a) Twenty-Node Brick



Sixteen-Node Brick

(c) Eight-Node Shell Figure 1 0 . 1 .Degeneration of a Twenty-Node Brick Element into an EightNode Shell Element.

While the assignment of six degrees of freedom to the shell node will equal the number assigned to the top and bottom surface nodes, they cannot exactly duplicate the functions of the surface nodes. For one thing, the difference of displacements in the direction, sometimes called the fiber direction, is not duplicated (see Figure 10.1). This is consistent with the assumption in plate theory (and also in shell theory) that strain in the direction of the normal to the


Ckapfer 10

plate (shell) can be ignored. Another more serious difference is that rotation about the ( axis at the shell node has nocounterpart in the solid element. This drilling freedom, as it was called in Section 8.2, clearly cannot produce strain in the solid element and should not, in the degenerated shell element, if the direction coincides with the normal to the shell. At this point the element designer is faced with a variety of options. To make sure that rotation about the fiber direction does not enter the calculation of strains, he can orient the z-axis of the displacement coordinate system at the shell node in the direction and constrain Oz. This is the approach used in Ahmad's original element. ( 5 ) It requires the user, or some upstream computer code, (8) to supply the ( direction at shell nodes as extra input. (The top and bottom surface nodes don't really exist.) Alternatively, the element designer q , plane") (the shell can define the direction asthe local normal to the E midsurface) and then constrain rotation about the normal. This runs into the difficulty that the normal direction may not be the same for all of the elements joined at a node. As we have emphasized,one of the strengths of finite element analysis is its ability to cope with structural discontinuities such as a change in slope. Buteven when the slope of a shell i s continuous,thepolynomial representation used in finite element analysis will create slope discontinuities between elements. Consider, for example, a circular arc modeled by a set of parabolic arcs representing three-node beam elements. For 30" arc segments, the slope discontinuity at inter-element nodes is about 0.53O, too large to be safely ignored.

It is possible to ensure that normal rotation does not enter each element's strain calculations withoutdefining a uniquenormal rotation at each node. For example, we can begin with a unique vector of rotations at node (i), definedin a Cartesian system, x, y, z, and transform it into a vector for each element which has one component, BE, oriented in the.norma1 direction forthat element. Thus

Shell Elements


Next we multiply the transformed eliminate the OZ component,

vector by an incomplete unit matrix to

and transform back tothe original coordinate system to get

The corrected rotation vector now gives a null result for rotation about the normal to the element at the node. Each element connected to the node can have a different corrected rotation vector. The MSC/NASTRANQUAD8 element(10r11)uses a variation of this procedure. As a final alternative, the element designer can choose to use the uncorrected nodal rotation vector and rely on subsequent strain calculations to ignore contributions from normal rotation. (12) Before proceeding, let usconsider for a moment the consequences of noncoincident element normals at a node. It will not be known before the elements are assembled whether the normals coincide. If they do, the nodal stiffness matrix will be locally singularwith respect to one of the three components of nodal rotation. Thus it is left to the user, or to some automatic singularity detector (such as AUT0SPC in MSC/NASTRAN)/to determine whether the stiffness matrix is singular (or nearly singular) and to apply an appropriate constraint to one of the rotational degrees of freedom. As an aside, these considerations imply difficulties in the use of normal rotation to improve performance in the manner proposed in Section 8.2 (Drilling Freedoms).


ChnpteY 10

Turning next to a consideration of the interior of the element, we note that the midsurface, = 0, formsaconvenient reference for the definition of strain components. This surface and all surfaces for which = constant are called laminns or lnminae. In general, since the shell's thickness can vary, the laminas are not necessarily parallel to the midsurface or to each other. This fact is, however, of little consequence andit will be assumed that all strain components are oriented in planes parallel or perpendicular to the midsurface regardless of the thickness variation.

The location of points in the midsurface is derived from the location of nodes by the usual parametric method


where (x, y, z ) are Cartesian components inan element coordinate system which may be different for each element. The shape function for position, NI((, q ) , may be different from the shape function for displacement, Ni (4, q). The location of points off the midsurface can likewise be derived from the location of points on the nodal fibers. Thus

where t is the thickness of the shell and e g ,% , ) are direction cosines of the fiber direction in the element coordinate system, i.e., the third row of the E' matrixdefined in Equation 1O:l. The secondterm in Equation 10:5 represents an offset fromthenode in the fiber direction. From earlier discussion, the fiber direction may, or may not, be the same for all elements

l *l

SheIl Elements


connected at a node. The value of thickness appearing in Equation 10:s can either be the nodal value or the local value. Components of strain are defined in a local Cartesian system, X, coincide with the interpolated fiber direction.

7, F, with

normal to the midsurface. Note that the direction of Z does not necessarily The transformation from (x, y,z) to (X, F, Z) is given by the [E] matrix (see Equation lO:l),where [E] takes the value E at node (i)and the value Eg at integration point (g).


[ l

In standard texts on shell analysis,") the components of strain are usually defined in curvilinear coordinates. It is, however, much easier to use Cartesian components in thedegenerated shell elementprocedure.The relationship between Cartesian components of strain in the shell and the local components of displacement (E, V, F) is simply

E- = Y v,Y Yq E- = u,-

+v 5


= v 1 + W,-



We require,

finally, a relationship between the and the nodal components

local components of of displacement

displacement ( t i , V , F ) v,

e,, eY,0, .

assumed to vary linearly with distance from the midplane. The same assumption, with distance computed in the direction of the local normal, can be applied to a curved plate. Thus

In first-order plate bending theory, displacements are


v = v .



where a and p are rotations of the normal and the subscript value at the midsurface.


indicates a

0 1 0

0 0 0

}! I]
0 0

(10 8 )

We can relate the local displacement components tonodal variables in different ways. One way is, first, to interpolate the nodal variables to an integration point (g) and to rotate them into the local coordinate system. Then, since

we obtain

0 1 0

We note from Equation 10:8 that rotation about the local normal, BE, produces no displacement and hence no strain. This does not guarantee, however, that rotations about the normals at node points will produce no strain. To ensure this outcome, we can first evaluate Equation 10:lO at node points, transform it to element coordinates, interpolate it to integration points, and then transform it to local coordinates. The result is

SheZl Elements



[Ei] = [ E i r * /

1 0 0 l[Ei]


This is the procedure used in the MSC/NASTRAN element (lotll) for notational differences, in the Ahmad element. (5)

and, except

Comparing Equations 1030 and 10:ll we note that, while Equation 10:ll requires the evaluation of [E] at integration points and at nodes, Equation 1O:lO requires the evaluation of [E] at integration points only. This distinction is significant insome contexts, such as whenusing hierarchical degrees of freedom which have no discrete locations. While the variation of displacements with distance from the midsurface is assumed to be linear, the variation of strains will not belinear unless the shell is locally flat. Observe, for example, that
E? = U?

- S,?

i L q rl,?



includes an explicit linear dependence on C, in the expressions for ii,k and E , , , (Equation 10:lO or 10:ll) and an implied dependence on 6 in S,?, q,?, and As a result, E? is not a linear function of C, . The dependence of x , ~etc., , on C, is illustrated in Figure 10.2 for curvature in one direction. The dimension of a patch of laminar surface is seen to be proportional to 1 + z/R where R is the radius of curvature.


In plate bending theory, the linear dependence of strains on distance from the midplane is used to define the curvatures xx = etc.,(seeEquation 9:9) and also to effect the separation of membrane and bending strain energies. In curved shell theory, such a separation is not strictly possible unless we assume t/R to be negligibly small. If, for t/R finite, we take the definition of elastic curvature to be


Chapter 10

Figure 10.2

Dependence of ArcLength on Distance from the Midsurface.


then the state of strain is approximated by

where ( E ~ )is the laminar strain vector at 6 = 0. Strains can, of course, be computed directly at all points in the cross section without introducing the concept of elastic curvature. The strain energy due to laminarstrains is obtained in the usual way as the volume integral


Elements 429


The integral with respect to 6 in Equation 10:16 can be put in closed form by assuming, for example, that the Jacobian determinant J depends linearly on and that

is the weighting factor at integration point (g) on the midsurface.

is given by Equation 10:15.

dependence of J on

c are dangerous, however, and can lead to violation of


Assumptions regarding the

rigid body properties (self-straining). See the discussion in Section 10.5.1. A similar expression forstrain energy due to transverse shear is

W Y = $ x w g ](J{Y)~[G]{Y})~C


where {y) T = (YE, yp], k is the shear effectiveness factor, and [Gs] is the modulus matrix for transverse shear (see Section 9.1). Theremainingoperations (calculation of nodal forces and stiffness) are standard. Stress and moment resultants, illustrated in Figure 9.2 for the case of flat plate bending, can be computed for curved shells but they do not satisfy equilibrium equations that are as simple as Equation 9:13. For thick shells, the dependence of J on 6 and the nonlinear part of the dependence of {E) on 6 can be significant. One of the more important effects of geometric curvature is that deformations within the midsurface will cause elastic curvature. As a result, theneutral surface (the surface wherein deformationsproducezero elastic curvature) is shiftedawayfromthe midsurface. In very thin shells, such that t/R << 1, these effects are negligible, and it becomes reasonable to employ a simpler formulation(12) in which {x) depends only on rotational displacements (see Section9.5.1). Looking back over the shell theorypresented here, the reader must bestruck by the number and variety of ad hoc assumptions made to accommodate the standard procedures of finite element formulation. One of the more arbitrary assumptions is that displacement varies linearly in the direction. This, of course, is done to conform to the nature of the degrees of freedom assumed at nodes. As we have seen, this assumption gives rise to strains that, in the


chapter 10

presence of curvature, vary nonlinearly with Is this reasonable? Might it not be equally reasonable to assume that strains vary linearly and that displacements vary nonlinearly with C ? , Few finite element developers have bothered to test the merits of such assumptions.
10.15 The Relative m o r t a n c e of B e n d i u Extensiod


Deformations Curved shells differ from flat plates in that they can carry normal loads through extensional deformation and not just through bending. This is an important feature in the design of many types of structures, such as pressure vessels and automobile panels. Curvature stiffens these structures and gives them greater strength. It is important for the design engineer and also for the finite element analyst to know whether loads are taken primarily by membrane action (extension) or primarily by bending. Where bending action predominates, the part will be weaker and the stresses will tend to be higher and to vary more rapidly; as one consequence, the finite element model may need a finer mesh.
As a start toward the classification of shell response into bending dominant and

membrane dominant categories, consider the shallow Figure 10.3.

roof truss shown in

Figure 1 0 . 3

Shallow Roof TNSS with Apex Load.

Shefl Elements


If we assume that the apex can carry bending moment from one member to the other, we see that the applied load is resisted by both bending action and extensional action. Thus

P = (Kb
For h /

+ Ke)u


e cc

1, the bending stiffness is 3EI

K b = F

= T


where t and W are the depth and width of the (assumed) rectangular cross section. Likewise, the effective stiffness due to extension is

Ke =

EA Ehtw (h T) L =-



The ratioof extensional stiffnessto bending stiffnessis (10:21) For h / e cc 1, the height of the truss, h, can be related as follows to the radius, R, of a circle passing through its three nodes

where 0 is half the included angleof the truss. Substitution into Equation 10:21 gives


ec = ,/K


is a characteristic length. Clearly, if e > L, the extensional stiffness predominates and if 1 c .!c the bending stiffness predominates. The fourth


chapter 10

power ensuresthat the dominance of one term or the other increases rapidly as l / e, deviates from unity. The relevance of this example to shell analysis is that the truss shown in Figure 10.3 behaves like a flat-faceted finite element model of a shallow shell. Consequently we should expect that bending action will predominant within of structural discontinuities, suchas the characteristic length, e, = concentrated point and line loads.

p ,

As an example to confirmthis expectation, considerthe infinitely long cylindrical shell with a concentrated radial line load, shown in Figure 10.4(a). An analytical solution for the radial displacement (Reference10.1, p. 282) is

(a) Shell with Applied Load


1 .o



' t



x/& m

Figure 10.4

RadialDisplacement of an Infinitely Long CylindricalShell Under a Concentrated RadialLine Load.

Shell Elements

4 3 3


k = (3(1

- v2)R2 / t2)


In the notation developed for the shallow roof truss, the characteristic length in the x direction is

e c = -R=


F - v2))


The solution is graphed in Figure 10.4(b). We see that the bending solution decays to insignificance at a small multiple of the characteristic length. This can be a very short distance for thin shells. Assume, for example, that R/t = 100 and U = 0.3 in Equation 10:27.Then, from Equation 10:27, lC =. 0778R. Clearly a finite element mesh spacing of this size or smaller is required to capture the bending behavior near the applied load. Configurationsalso exist wherethebendingbehavior of curvedshells predominates at long distances from concentrated loads or other discontinuities. The most important class of such examples is characterized by the presence of free edges.* A thin cylindrical shell with open ends can, for example, be squashed by any nonuniform radial load distribution without inducing extensional deformations. This result follows from the definition of membrane strain in cylindrical coordinates

e4 = &$ 1



*Flugge (Reference 1 0 . 1 , p. 86) also describes pure bending deformations for closed axisymmetric shells with re-entrant (convex inward) comers.


Chapter 10

where (U, v, W) are longitudinal, circumferential, and radial displacements respectively. All three components remain zero if

= Equation 10:29 constitutes the general inextensionalsolution shell. One particular solution is
U =

for a cylindrical

0 , v = cosme ,

= msinm4


Since m is an arbitrary integer, solutions of the form of Equation 1030 can be summed to fit any arbitrary circumferential deformation mode. Another interesting particular solution is

= sinm$

, v

-mcosm$ , R

-m x sin m@ (1031) R

Thissolutionillustrates that purebendingsolutionsstill exist if a rigid diaphragm is placed at x = 0 such that 4 0 ) = w(0) = 0 with u(0) unrestrained. The solution for m = 1 represents rigid body rotation. General inextensional solutions for spherical shells with free edges have also been published (Reference 10.1, p. 85). One such solution forms the basis for the Morley spherical shell test problem(13) (Figure 10.14). We will develop inextensional solutions for shallow shell caps in Section 10.4.1 and use them to study membrane locking. From the standpoint of engineering applications, inextensional solutions exist in the neighborhood of any free edge such as, for example, the perimeter of a small hole in an otherwise closed shell. In general, bending behavior dominates nearfree edges.

Shell Elements

1 6 3 5

The procedure described in Section 10.1.1 uses a solid twenty-node brick as a starting point for development of an eight-node curved shell element. The advantages of a shell element over a solid element are a reduction in the number of degrees of freedom, reduced sensitivity to round-off error through the elimination of strain in the normal direction, and greater attention to the effects of curvature. Situations exist, however, where solid elements have the advantage. One example is the analysis of arch dams and other thick shells where the assumption that displacements vary linearly in the normal direction may be suspect. In this case, an assembly of brick elements may be preferable. Another example is the modeling of the intersection of shell branches,as shown in Figure 10.5.

I ShellElements
Figure 10, .S Model of Shell Intersection.

Figure 10.5 also illustrates a transition from solid elements to shell elements at a point sufficiently removed from the intersection. The transition is customarily treated by constraints (MPCs) between the degrees of freedom at a shell node and the degrees of freedom at the pair of top and bottom surface nodes of the solid. It is also possible to design a transition element which includes some shell nodes and some solid node pairs. Such elements relieve the user of the need to supply constraints.


Chapter 10

Solid elements can perform satisfactorily in moderately thin shell applications if remedies are provided for their variouslocking disorders. Section 10.3 contains comparative data on the performance of solid elements and shell elements in such applications.

The shell theory presented in Section 10.1 requires the existence of at least one node per element edge to define curvature in the midsurface. This would appear to rule out shell elements with comer nodesonly, although it is indeed possible to use the edge nodesto define geometry without assigning degrees of freedom to them. As discussed in Section 3.5, a superparmetric formulation such as this would have difficulty in representing even a constant membrane strain condition. In point of fact, however,flat elements whichhave only comer nodes frequently perform quite well in curved shell applications. Their formulation is identical to that of flat plate elements provided that membrane action and bending action are both included. Thecouplingbetweenmembrane action and bending action occurs mainly through differences between element orientations at nodes,' as illustrated in Figure 10.6. The only essential requirement for the use of flat plate elements in threedimensional applications relates to their internal coordinate systems. Since the normal to a plate is treated differently than the other two directions, each element must have anelement coordinate system that Is fixed with respect to the element's geometry and independent of the coordinate systems used at nodes. The nodal coordinate system can, in most finite element programs, be specified by the user to have a different orientation at each node. The chief uses of a nodal coordinate system are to display displacement output and to provide directions for the application of loads, boundary conditions, and constraints. In MSC/NASTRAN the collection of coordinate directions at all nodes is called the global coordinate system. The code for each element includes a

*Coupling can also be defined within a plate element if material properties are not symmetrical with respect to the midplane (see Equation9:22).

Shell Elements


subroutinewhichcomputes the transformationbetweennodaldegrees of freedom in element coordinates, (ue), and nodal degreesof freedom in global coordinates, [ug}. Thus, at each node,

N, = N,


sin 8


Q, = -NZsin 8 ml = -N,$ Figure 10.6

Coupling Between Membrane Action and Bending Action Due to a Changein Element Direction.

The three-node, triangular plate element can, without any modification, be used in curved shell applications. The four-node, quadrilateral plate element requires additional work because its four nodes may not necessarily lie in a plane. The MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4 elementaccounts for this fact by transferring forces, in a manner that is statically correct, fromthe comers of the element, whichremains flat, to thenearbynodes.Stated differently, the displacementsat the element's comers arerelated to the displacements at nodes in such a way that rigid body conditions are satisfied. Details are described in Section 10.2.1. Althoughthisapproach appearscrudein comparison to treatment of the four-node quadrilateral as a straight-sided but twisted shell with anticlastic curvature, it works well in practice and is a good deal simpler to implement.

10.2.1 Modlflcatlon to OUAD4 for Nonphnar Nodes

chapter 10

.. .

Figure 10.7 illustrates the connections of a four-node flat plate element to nodes which do not lie in a plane. The xy plane of the element is parallel to diagonals 1-3 and 2-4 i n Figure 10.7 and lies midway between them. The comers of the element are connected to the nodes by vertical linksof equal length, h.

Figure 10.7

A Four-Node Flat Plate Element with Offset Nodes.

The stiffness matrix of the element as seen at the nodes, [K"], is computed from the stiffness of the elementin its plane, ,by the transformation (10:33) where [S] relates displacementsin the plane to nodal displacements

and [SIT relates nodal forces and moments to forces and moments in the plane {F"} = [SIT{FP} (1035)

The task is to derive [S] or [SIT. We select [SIT because it is easier in this application to think in terms of forces and moments. As a starting point we note that the vector at node iincludes the terms

Shell Elements


(1036) The last term, MZ, is zero because a flat plate generates no moments about its normal. Transferof this vector to the node induces additional moments A M : = f h F , AMn = i h F x Y Y (10:37)

where the choice of sign depends on whether the node is above or below the xy plane. This is just the result we get if we replace the vertical links by little rigid beams. A moments thought shows, however,that it is not a very good result. It will, for example, induce bending moments in a shell problem that is otherwise membrane dominant; and, since membrane stiffness is usually much larger than bending stiffness, the bending deformations are likely to be quite large. In order to avoid the inadvertent excitation of bending moments, the moments described by Equation 10:37 should be replaced by vertical couples.To do this we first decompose the forces at element corner (i) into forces parallel to the edges. Then, for the case of edge 1-4 in Figure 10.7, we apply vertical forces tonodes 1 and 4. h AFlz = -AF4, = -(F14 1 4

- F41)


Repeating for all edges and collecting results, we can easily generate the entire [SI*maex. There is, however, one remaining difficulty which was discovered, in the case of the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD4, in the validation test of a twisted cantilever beam (Figure 10.8). Portions of two adjacent elements in the beam modelare shown in Figure 10.9. Due to the twist, the plane of each element makes an angle a with respect to a straight line between nodes A and B. As a result, the transfer of bending moment along edge A-B from element 1 to element2 at node A requires a bending moment about the vertical axis,

M, = ( M ~ M* sin a



Chapter 10

Fixed End Length = 12.0, Width = 1.1, Depth = 0.32, Twist = 90" Figure 10.8 Twisted Beam Problem.

Figure 10.9 Model of a Twisted Ribbon.

" " " "

Since nothing restrains this moment, the finite element model will collapse under applied load. (m the actual test, the recorded tip displacements were 200 times too large.) The remedy adopted for this problem was to equilibrate MIby moment about the node line A-B, and a couple normal to z,

This modification completes the specification for the [SIT matrix.

Shell Elements
10.2.2 T h e 11Smlplest"SheUlements


Without doubt, the treatment of rotation about the normal to a shell is a delicate matter for the designer and for the user of shell elements.As we have just seen,an inadvertently placed moment about the normal can cause large unwanted deformations. At the least, thequestion of whether or not to apply constraints so as to remove singularitiesor near singularitiesassociated with normal rotation is a bother which must be addressed at execution timeby the user or by an automatic singularity suppression routine. Ahmad(5) finessed this issue by suppressing rotation in a user-specified fiber direction at each node. His approach has the drawback that it does not accommodate legitimate changes in shell slope. A very simple triangular plate bending element presented by Morley(14) in 1971 avoids the question of normal rotation in an entirely different manner. In his element, shown in Figure 10.10, the degrees of freedom includenormal displacements at the comers and rotations about each of the three edges at their midpoints. The element is converted into a shell element by combining it with a constant strain membrane triangle.

Figure 1 0 . 1 0 The Morley Plate Bending Element. Morley's elementhas six degrees of freedom whichare just sufficient to represent the rigid body modes and the three components of constant elastic curvature. Morley's element is clearly a Kirchhoff element becausethe additional degrees of freedom needed to allow transverse shear strains are not available. The normal displacement function for W is the complete quadratic

= a+bx+cy+dx +exy+fy



chapter 10

The coefficients a, b, ,f are linear combinations of the nodal displacements (w1, w2, w3,81,82,83) which can be evaluated by collocation. Then, since, from Equation 926,

the constant curvatures can be related directly to nodal displacementsto form [B] in

Finally, the element's stiffness matrix is, using the notation of Equation 9:21,

[ K ] = $[B]T[Db][B]
where A is the area of the triangle.


Morley's element is obviously nonconforming. For example, the three nodal displacements on edge 1-2 (i.e., wl, w2, and 8,) are unable to represent a quadratic variation of W or a linear variation of W along edge 1-2. As a result, 'Y the Morley element cannot pass constant curvature patch tests. When Morley elements are joined together to model a shell, the rotational degrees of freedom accommodate easily to changes in slope between elements,and there is no problem with nearly singular degrees of freedom. Theseare the chief virtues of the Morley element. Recently some of the ideas contained in the Morley element have been used by Phaal and Calladine'l') to design shell elements with no rotational degrees of freedom. Their basic SHB element, shown in Figure 10.11, consists of two rigid triangles joined together by a rotational spring along diagonal 1-2. This element has only one elastic mode, bending about the hinge 1-2. This limitation is overcome in practice by overlapping elements as shown in Figure 10.12. The central triangle in Figure 10.12 consists of three overlapping rigid triangles which are joined to the outer triangles by rotational springs. In this respect, the central triangle in Figure 10.12 resembles the Morley triangle.

Shell Elements

4 4 3


Figure 10.11 The Phaal-Calladine Simple Hinged Bending (SHB) Element.


Figure 10.12

Overlapping SHB Elements,

While Phaal and Calladine present data showing good agreement with results obtained with more conventional elements, the selection of the overlapping patterns appears to require considerable ingenuity. Furthermore, the partial overlapping of elements violates the first basic assumption or rule about finite elements stated in Section2.2

"Each finite element fills a well-defined region of space and represents all of the relevant physics within the space. "
The Phaal-Calladine elements may appeal to adventurous users. For finite element purists, they are beyond the pale.


Chapter 10


The claim is made in Section 10.2 that solid elements and lowest order flat plate elements are frequently competitive with curved shell elements in curved shell applications. To test that claim, we consider here the performance of all three types of elements-solid, flat plate, and curved shell-for two problems which have become de facto benchmark standards.(16) The first problem is the Scordelis-Lo roof, Figure 10.13, which we have already used in Section 1.3 to illustrate differences in the performance of elements. It is a moderately thin shell, R/t = 100; and, since two of its edges are free, it must possess inextensional bending modes. Results show, however, that bending action and membraneaction are aboutequally important inthe Scordelis-Lo roof problem. Symmetry allows us to model one-fourth of the roof. The quantity which we will use to compare the performance of elements is the vertical deflection at the centerof the free edge.

Diaphragm ux = uz = 0


Loading = 90 lb./sq. ft. in Negative z Dk c t i o n

Figure 10.13 Shell Roof Under GravityLoad (the Scordelis-Lo Roof).

Shell Elements


Table 10.1 shows results obtained in the Scordelis-Lo roof problem with ten different elements. Comparisons are madefor equal numbers of "node spaces" alongtheedges of the mesh. This isdone to comparemesheson an approximately equal basis with respect to the number of degrees of freedom; for example, meshes of p = 2 elements have two "node spaces" per element and meshes of p = 1 elements have one "node space" per element. The meshes for quadrilateral elements are rectangular arrays with equal numbers of elements in the two directions. The meshes for triangular elements are formed by dividing each quadrilateral element into two triangles. The results depend slightly on which diagonal i s used to subdivide the rectangles, but this facti s not accounted 10.1. for in Table The results for the different elementsare seen to vary widely. The best results are achieved by the QUAD8 curved shell element with reduced (2 x 2) integration, followed closely by the HEXA20 solid element with reduced integration. The same elements withfull integration give the worst results. Score another victory for reduced integration, similar to the victories illustrated in Figure 9.12 and Table 6.5 for the case of flat plate bending! The four-node plate elements QUAD4 and QUADR also perform well, certainly much better than the three-node triangles TRIA2 and TRIA3. The difference between TlUA2 and TRIA3 i s that TlUA2 incorporates the Clough-Tocher bending triangle(19) while TRIA3 uses the assumed strain formulation of transverse shear described in Section 9.4.4 and the residual bending flexibility described by Equation 967. We see that the latter formulation has the better performance for the Scordelis-Lo roof problem. The second problem is the Morley hemispherical shell, shown in Figure 10.14. The 18" hole at the apex, which does not appear in the original description of the pr~blem,"~) has been added to allow a regular mesh of quadrilateral elements without the addition of triangles at the apex. The loading consistsof alternating radial forcesat 90" intervals on the free edge. For this loading the hole at the apex does not greatly affect the results (it increasesthe strain energy by less than 2%). The quantity used to compare performance will be the radial displacement at load points. This quantity is a measure of the strain energy.


chapter 10

Table 1 0 . 1 Results for Scordelis-Lo Roof (Vertical Deflection at Midpoint of Free Edge Normalized 0.3024) to NUMBER OF NODE SPACES ALONG EDGE OF MESH SOLID ELEMENTS HEXA8 (Reduced) HEXA20 (Full) HEXA20 (Reduced) 0.092 1.046 0.258 0:967 4 2



1.012 1.028 1.005 1.320

0.589 1.003 0.812

- - 0.903 0.964



0.676 0.828 0.788 0.769 1.127 0.858 1.376 1.379 1.050





QUAD4 (Reduced) QUADR(3



1.020 1.055

1.002 1.004 1.0


Notes: (1) Constant strain membrane + Clough-Tocherbending (Section 9.2.1). (2) See Section 9.4.4. (3) See Section 8.2. (4) See Section 10.5.3.

Shell Elements




F=1.0 (on quadrant)

Radius = 10.0, Thickness = .04, E = 6.825 x lo7, v = 0.3, Mesh = N x N (on Quadrant) Loading: Concentrated Forces as Shown Figure 10.14 Spherical Shell Problem.

The Morley shell is rather thin, R/t = 250, and it possesses inextensionalbending modes which are strongly excited by the loading. The radial component of displacement in the inextensional solutions is (18) wn = A(n

+ cos 6 ) tan 9 cos n e 2


where 4 is measured along a meridian and 8 is measured alonga polar circle. At theequator, 6 =




= An cos ne



Chapter 10

The loading applied in the Morley shell problem excites harmonics n = 2,6,10, Test results indicate that bending deformations of harmonic n = 2 are dominant in the response.

Table 10.2 compares results obtained in the Morley hemispherical shell problem. Again the meshes for quadrilateral elements are regular arrays of tapered 10.14) and the meshes for triangular elements are obtained by elements (see Figure splitting each quadrilateral along a diagonal. The results for the Morley hemispherical shell vary widely-even more widely than the results for the Scordelis-Lo roof. It comes as no surprise that the worst results are those obtained using full integration in second order elements, HEXA20 and QUAD8. What is surprising is that the best results are achieved by the simplest elements"TRIA2,TRIA3, and QUAD4. The range of performance is enormous. For example, with eight "node spaces," the error varies from 1%(or less) to 98%. Clearly a very virulent form of locking is evident here, much more so than in the Scordelis-Lo roof problem or in the flat plate problems examined earlier. Other smaller but noteworthy points are evident. For example, the addition of drilling freedoms to the QUADR element degrades its performance relative to QUAD4. The reason, as noted earlier, is the coupling of normal rotation to bending deformations through geometric curvature. It is also seen that while reduced integration improvesthe performance of the solid elementsHEXAS and HEXA20, it does notmake them competitive with the flat plate elements or with the better curved shell elements. The best curved shell element appears to be the nine-node "assumed natural strain" element,9ANS, of Park and Stanley.(9) We will defer speculation about the reasons the for superiority of 9ANS until later. The otherwise good results for the TRIA6 element are spoiled by its dependence on restraint of rotation about the normal to the shell. In the case of QUAD8 and the flat plate elements, the difference in results obtained with full restraint and restraint based on a relatively mild automatic singularity criterion did not vary significantly. In the case of TRIA6, the result obtained with the mild automatic singularity criterion appears to converge to an answer thatis about 12%too soft.

Shell Elements


Table 10.2 Results for Morley HemisphericalShell with Hole (Displacement Under Load Normalized 0.0940) to NUMBER OF NODE 6 4 ALONG SPACES EDGE OF MESH SOLID ELEMENTS

10 16 12


1.006 0.942 1.029 1.046 1.059 0.972 1.024




1.012 -

m I A 3 QUAD4 (Reduced) QUADR

1.017 1.009 1.004



1.005 1.001

0.998 -

0.202 0.447 0.858 0.962 0.985 0.992


Notes: (1) SeeReference 10.9. (2) The best case has constrained normal has free normal rotation. Results also depend diagonal is used to split quadrilaterals into triangles. (3) Results forQUAD8R in Reference 10.20.


Chapter 10

Table 10.3 attempts to summarize the detailed results of Tables 10.1 and 10.2 through the assignment of value judgments (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor). It also passes judgment on results obtained with the simple hinged bending (SHB) element described in Section 10.22. No one element gives excellent results in both problems. The QUAD4 has the best overall score (Good in the Scordelis-Lo roof, Excellent in the Morley hemisphere). Recall, however, the deficiencies recorded elsewhere of QUAD4as a membrane element. All in all, the test results vary widely and exhibit differences which are not easily explained. A variety of subtle effects is at work which makes the study of shell elements an interesting and rewarding experience for those with enough patience and curiosity.

The extremely poor results we observed for QUAD8 and HEXA20 with full integration in the Morley hemisphericalshell problem (Table 10.2) are caused by membrane locking. It was also observed that the simpler flat plate elements are immune to this disorder, which implies that it relates to the way curvature is handledin curved shell elements. The earliest explanations of membrane employed the equations of a curved three-node beam element to show that the excessive stiffness comes from incorrect interpolation of a cubic term in the extensional strain. Here we will develop, with only slightly more effort, the equations for a shallow shell cap and apply them directly to curved shell elements.
10.4.1 Inextensional Solutions for a Shallow Shell

Figure 10.15 shows a portion of the middle surface of a shallow shell which makes angles y , ,y at point p with thex-, y-axes of a fixed Cartesian coordinatesystem. Y The local axes X, 7 are tangent to the midsurface at point p and are located, respectively, in the xz and yz planes. The membrane strains at point p are computed in the F,7 plane. Note that Tz and 7 are not (quite) orthogonalbut this is immaterial for our purpose which is to define a valid set of membrane strains (in this case slightly skewed) and to relate them to displacements U, v, W in the x, y, z system.

Shell Elements


Table 10.3 Summary Comparisonof Results for Shell Problems


m A 2



mA6 SANS 9.2.1). Notes: (1) Constant strain membrane+ Clough-Tocher bending (Section (2) See Section 9.4.4. (3) See Section8.2. (4) See Section10.2.2. (5) See Section 10.5.3. (6) See Reference 10.9.


chapter 10

x, y, z: Fixed Cartesian coordinateaxes.


x, y:

Axes which are locally tangent to the midsurface; x in xz plane, y i n yz plane.

Figure 10.15 Coordinates of a Shallow~Shell.

The definition of skewed membrane strain components in the x,7 system is
Ex = U,Z



' F Y = V

y = u,F+v,,

- "


Since, from Figure10.15, xx = and


y- = cosyy , x/y = 0 , y,? = 0 Y


cos y ,

+ W sin y , , 7 = v cos y + W sin y



Shell Elements
we can immediately write the membrane strains in the form



=U , , cos y ,


, sin ~ y , cos y ,

E- = v


cos2 y

+W '

sin y cosy Y Y Y

+v,,) cos y , cos y

+ W,,

sin y cos y ,

+ W, Y sin y ,
c 90').

cos y

These expressions are valid for large angles zero gives conditions which the conditionsare, after dividing by common factors,
u I x+ W,, tan y ,

Setting them to must satisfy. These

= 0

u ,+ ~v,x


+ Wt,a n y Y tan y

= 0


+ W,,


, tan ~ y , = 0

In order to simplifythe search for inextensional solutions, let us assume constant curvature in the x and y directions so that the angles y , and y increase linearly Y along the x- and y-axes. Assume further that these angles are small enough that tan y , can be replaced by y , and tan y can be replaced by y without Y Y significant error. Equation 10:51 then becomes
E- = U , , +-W,

E -

= 0

Y = v , +-W, Y R

= 0


y =


+VlX+- Y

X +-W,

= 0

where R , ,R are the radii of curvature in the x and y directions respectively. Y We see that, for a shallow shell, the effect of curvature is to add small terms proportional to the spatial derivatives of W to the membrane strain components. The form of Equation 10:52 admits polynomial solutions in x and y. We consider two cases: R + m which corresponds to a shallow cylindrical shell, and Y R, = R = R which corresponds to a shallow spherical shell. A general Y


chapter 10

solution for the cylindrical case can be found by assuming W = x" y" and finding what, if any, polynomial forms for U and v then satisfy Equation 10:52. Table 10.4 lists the general solutions found in this way. The solution for n = 1 , m = 0 is a rigid body mode. General solutions for the spherical case are more difficult to construct. Table 10.5 liits the two lowestorder inextensional solutions for a shallow spherical shell. The second solution is, in fact, the first solution rotated by 45" about the z-axis.

Table 10.5 Lowest Order Inextensional Solutions for Shallow Spherical Shells

x -Y

zX3 -3R




Shell Elements


The important thing to note about the inextensional solutions listed in Tables 10.4 and 10.5 is that the polynomial degree for U and v is one degree higher than the polynomial degree for W. For example, simple uniform bending of a cylindrical shell, W = x2 ,requires U to be proportional to x3. From the study of aliasing in Section 6.1, we know that an eight- or nine-node isoparametric element cannot correctly interpolate this cubic term. The result is membrane locking.
10.4.2 Membrane Locking ofiicht- and Nine-Node R e c h g d a Elements

The inextensional solutions listed in Tables 10.4 and 10.5 provide a convenient starting point forthe definition of membrane locking in rectangular elements. We begin with the substitutions x = a t , y = and note the following aliases for eight- and nine-node elements (see Section 6.1).

Making these substitutions in Tables 10.4 and 10.5 and using Equation 10:52, we obtain the expressions for membrane strains recorded in Table 10.6. (Only the displacement components with aliases need be considered inthe derivation since the correct displacements produce no strains.) It is evident from Table 10.6 that the membrane strains for quadratic normal displacement fields vanish at the 2 x 2 Gauss points, 5= f q =f Reduced integration will, therefore, provide relief for the membrane locking of eight-node elementsand this was seen to be true for the QUAD8 results listed in Table 10.2. The spurious modes associated with reduced integration make serious difficulties for nine-node elements, but other equivalent measures-assumed strains (Section 7.7), spurious mode stabilization (Section 7.8), bubble functions (Section 8.1)can be taken which do not suffer from spurious modes. The only cubic lateral displacement state listed in Table 10.6, W =E, 2q, produces a membrane shear strain which does not vanish at the 2 x 2 Gauss points.



We can also use the results in Table 10.6 to construct a parameterwith which to estimate the severity of membrane locking.To conform tothe definition of locking


chapter 10




Shell Elements



parameters in other locking modes,the locking parameter in this exampleshould measure the ratio of spurious membrane strains to desired bending strains. For thefirstexample listed in Table 10.6(a) ( W = the elastic curvature , x = w,xx = 2 / a2. The location for bending strain which best measures the bending energy is at z = t / 2fi where the bending strain is = zx, = t / 8 a 2 . The ratioof spurious membrane strain to bending strain is, therefore,


Dropping the subscript on Rx, we take the membrane locking parameter to be a2 / Rt. Other equivalent expressionsare


where tc is the characteristic length defined in Section 10.1.2. Note that, in contrast to the locking problems treated in earlier chapters, the parameter for membrane locking is the square of a length ratio. As a result, the onset of membrane locking with increasing element size is more abrupt than for other forms of locking. For the Morley hemispherical shell problem R / t = 250 and a / R = L / 2n, where n is the number of node spaces in the quarter model of the shell. Thus, for this example, Pm[ = 250x2 / 4n2. The seventy of membrane locking for the Morley hemispherical shell is evidenced by the fact thatn must be at least 25 to drive Pd below 1.0. It is also possible touse the formulas in Table10.6 to predict results in Table 10.2 for QUAD8 and HEXA20 with full integration. For example, we can use the formulas listed for W = A2k2 - q2 in Table 10.6(b) (Shallow Spherical Geometry) with A = 1.0 to predict the ratio of spurious membrane energyto bending energy. The result i s (1056)


Chapter 10

The ratio of the displacement under load, which isa direct measure of the strain is energy, tothe correct displacement

That ratio, computed from Equations 1055, 10:56, and 10:57, is compared in Table 10.7 with the results for QUAD8 and HEXA20 with full integration. It is seen that the theory has the correct trend but underpredictsthe magnitude of the displacements, particularly forQUAD8. The explanation for the excessively stiff prediction maybe that the finite elementmodelhasmorethan just one deformation modeand that the response in other modes will substantial be when the mode in questionis very stiff. Table 10.7 Comparison of Theoretically Predictedand Observed Displacements Under Load in the Morley HemisphericalShell Problem

We have just seen that membrane locking of rectangular eight- and nine-node isoparametric shell elements can be avoided for constant bending states by the use of reduced integration or equivalent measures. Nevertheless, the experimental

Shell Elements


results for a bending dominant spherical shell problem (Table 10.2) still show relatively slow convergence forthe QUAD8 with reduced integration. A possible explanation is that the taper of the elements in the meridianal direction (see Figure 10.14) causes locking which is not relieved by reduced integration. We will explore that possibility here by analyzing the effect of taper on membrane locking. Figure 10.16 depicts the projection of a tapered shallow shell element onto the xy plane. The relationships between x, y and the parametric coordinates, 4, ?l, are x=at(~-w) or

y = h




- ay / b)



The inverse Jacobian matrix, which we will require for the calculation of strains, is


w= -y x
2 2



tan6 = g b

Figure 10.16 Eight-Node Tapered Shell Element. Assuming the shell to be spherical we take, from Table 10.5, the inextensional (bending) solution







Chapter 10


All functions of 5 ,q except those in the element's basis (l,,, q, 5 2,cq, q2, t2q,eq2, plus 5 2q2 for nine-node elements) are incorrectly interpolated. Consequently, we see that all terms in U and v are incorrectly interpolated. In order to simplify the calculation of strains, we exclude terms proportional to a2 and a3. If we assume, further, thatstrains are evaluated at 2 x 2 Gauss points then, as we have seen in Section 10.4.2, the term proportional to 5 3 in U and the term proportional to q3 in v produce no error even though they are incorrectly interpolated. We are left with the term proportional to t3q in U which has the alias , 3q 3 Q , and which produces the error in U (1063) Expressions forthe membrane strains in a shallow spherical shell are provided by Equation 10:52. We note that, since the only retained error is in U, the nonzero strains are
= E(u),, =


q ,

Y = E(u),, = E ( U ) , ~

L , + E(u),,,

(1064) my

E(U),~ = 2a3a q( 1 - 3t2)

E(u),,, = 2a3a

Rc( 1 - 5 ' )


Shell Elements
Then, since E ( U ) , ~ vanishes at 2 x 2 Gausspointsand Equation 1060), we are left with



is zero (see

as the only membrane strain component which does not vanish at 2 x 2 Gauss points. This term causes membrane locking for tapered elements even when reduced integration is used. To measure the magnitude of the locking effect we can compare y to a typical bending strain component; take, for example,the bending strain in the x direction at a distance t / 2,,/-3 from the midsurface, which is,

Then, if we substitute 5= 1 /

in Equation 1066,

where tan 6 = a a / b in Figure 10.16and shell bending.

LC =

is the characteristic length for

Equation 1068 shows that small valuesof the taper angle, 6 , can cause significant membrane locking of an eight- or nine-node element when the element's size is greater than the characteristic length. Analysis using the inextensional deformation of a cylindrical shell leads to precisely the same result if W = x 2 . Equation 10:68 may somewhat overstate the severity of membrane locking for shells with polar symmetry. Tapered element shapes occur naturally in such cases and since 5measures the polar angle, the normal displacement field is more likely to vary as 5" than as x". This is true for the inextensional spherical shell solutions (Equation 10:45) which, accordingly, will probably produce a less severe locking condition.


Chapter 10


Previous sectionsof this chapter include a good deal of information about curved shell elements including theoretical considerations (Section 10.11, performance comparisons (Section10.3), and ananalysis of membrane locking (Section 10.4). In this section we continue discussion of the formal relationships needed to construct stiffness matrices and describe salient features of representative elements.

The discussion of coordinate systems in Section 1 0 . 1 introduced an element coordinate system, x, y, z ,whose axes are fixed throughoutthe element, and a local Cartesian coordinate system, X, 7, E, whose axesare tangentor perpendicular to the midsurface of the element. Here we complete that discussion by examining available choices for these two coordinate systems and the transformation between them. The xy plane of the element coordinate system is typically chosento lie near the curved surface of the element. In triangular elements this can be achieved by making the xy plane pass through the comer nodes. A good choice for the xy plane of a quadrilateral element is the plane which is parallel to the diagonals joining comer nodes and midway between them (see Figure 1 0 . 7 ) . In order to avoid dependence of the stiffnessmatrix onnode sequencing, the direction of the x- and y-axes should be chosen so that they only change by multiples of 90" when the node sequence changes. A scheme for doing this is described in Figure 7.12. In the case of triangles, we can make no better choice than to take the x-axis parallel to a l i e joining twoof the comer nodes. The X- and y-axes of the local coordinate system must be tangent the toelement's curved midsurface and should also be selected to avoid induced anisotropy. A popular scheme for accomplishing this is to select X and 7 so that they make equal angles with the local directionsof E, and q (see Figure 1 0 . 1 7 ) . Construction of these axes requires first the direction of the E, and ? axes l with respect tothe element coordinate system.

Shell Elements



Figure 10.17 Construction of Orthogonal Local Axes near 6 and q.

G{ = i

+j Y , + ~ k zj5

= i x t l + j y , t l + k z t l

As shown in Figure 10.17,the Tz and TJ axes make f45 angles with the direction

+ 5t The direction of the 7 axis can be constructed as follows. l .

As an alternative choice, we may wish to keep the F, 7 axes close tothe x, y axes of the element coordinate system. To begin construction of these axes, we note that F j TJ in Figure 10.15 lie in the midplane and are close to x, y but are not

orthogonal.Relabelingthem follows.

?and f, we can construct their directions



Chapter IO

These vectors can then be used in place of ii and ?! in Equation1071 to form G-. 5 r l Y Whichever option is selected, the components of 6%,lev, and gz are the elements of the transformation matrix dx (1073)

- ezx eZy e-


where the modifier(0) indicates evaluation in the midsurface. Turning our attention to the formation of the strain displacementmatrix, we recall that Section 10.1.1 provided two methods for interpolating displacements from node points to integration points. In the first method, similar to that employed in the original Ahmad formulation, (5)

is the value of [E] at integration (Gauss) points and

The effect of E ' is, from the right, to transform into the local coordinate system at node i, to extract from it the angles a , p that increment displacements parallel to the midsurface, and to return the result to the element coordinate system. In the originalAhmadformulation was supplied as input. In some

l" 1


Shell Elements


later formulations(9t11) [Ei] is derived from the geometric properties of the midsurface. the strains in While Equation 1074 can be differentiated to form expressions for any lamina, it does not provide a direct means toevaluate the elastic curvatures, xE ,x-, x " . The latter step requires approximations and those approximations Y XY are fraught with difficulties, not the least of which is the possibility that rigid body properties will be violated.We will return to this issue, but first we will examine the second method for interpolating displacements given by Equation 10:9, repeated below.

where subscript (0) indicates location in the midsurface. Since translations and rotations are available separately at the integration point, we can use them toderive separate expressions forstrains and bending curvatures in the midsurface. By so doing we makethe assumptions of plate theory apply to curved shells or,in other words, we ignore the local effectsof curvature on strain. Kebari and Cassell(12) (1991) have shown that this approach gives good results for thin shells. To proceed, we require the displacements in local coordinates

and the definitions of membrane strain and elastic curvature in the plane tangent to the midsurface



Chapter 10

Substituting from Equation 1 0 7 7 into Equation 1078 we find that the expression for membrane strains can be written as





where the strain displacement matrix is


Shell Elements


expresses the two-dimensional transformation from element coordinates to local coordinates obtained by setting dZ = 0 and eliminating dz in [Eg], the threedimensional transformation given by Equation 10:73.

[ J ( ' ) ]



dimensional Jacobian matrix evaluated in the midsurface. Hence

, ,- x,,, y, is the two+mensional Jacobian where J( 2) = x y , Equation 104 provides values forx, ,etc.


Due to the use of the same interpolation rules for {U} and {e}, the curvaturerotation mathxderives from thestrain-displacementmatrixby a simple interchange of matrix terms. Thus

{XI = x [ B P ] { ~ I ~



[ B ! e ]



Ni,y Ni,?

-N. 1 . Y

0 [ER]



and Ni,?, N.


- are given by Equation1093.

For transverse shear strains, we begin with their definition

and substitute for G,BE, and 0- from Equation1 0 7 7 The result is


Chapter 10


[Biu] =

0 0 Ni,? 0 0 Ni,y


Given the strain-displacement and curvature-displacementmatrices as derived above, we complete the computation of the element's stiffness matrix by invoking flat plate theory as represented bythe expression forstrain energy per unit area in Equation 921. In the required integration over the element's surface, we use the two-dimensional Jacobian determinant defined in the midsurface (see Equation 1085). Returningnow to the interpolation of displacementsby the first method and how to compute strains. One way is Equation 10:74), we must decide where to compute strains in several laminas and find {em and {x}by approximate numerical integration. The computation of strain in any particular lamina, { = <e, roughly follows the procedure described above for {em} with extra terms to represent the dependence of
{ E ! }

on {O)i.

Note however that the Jacobian

transfonnation matrix, [J(2)], which now depends on { (see Equation 1051, is different for each lamina. (The rotational transformation matrices, [E] and

[E(2)], are independent of because the laminas are assumed to be parallel to the midsurface.) If the laminar strains are properly computed, the calculation of {em} and {x} presents no difficulty. We can, for example, assume {ee} = {em} (x} and extract { E ~ and } {x} by a best fit procedure.
Alternatively we can electto compute laminar stresses and evaluate their resultants { N) and {m). The method just described is appropriate for problemswith material nonlinearity, where the relationship between stress and strain is not knownin advance. It is, on the other hand, relatively expensive for linear analysis so that most developers have opted for explicit evaluation of {em} and {x}. In doing so, the exact dependence of all quantities on { must be accountedfororelse, as was the first to observe, the rigid body criterion will be violated.

Shell Elements


In order to illustrate the nature of the difficulties, we will outline a method for computing {x} without first computing laminarstrains. The method begins with Equation 1014 of Section 10.1.1, repeated below.

The displacement derivatives on the right are terms inthe matrix


which is formed as follows.

where [5] = [J ] and [J]" isthe ' three-dimensionalJacobianmatrix. Equation 1091 requires the derivative of [ T i , ? ] with respect to6 ,

where we notethe identity (10:95) The transposeof the Jacobian matrix, formed from the derivatives of Equation 105 with Ni = Ni, is



chapter 10



z[f] a -31

In l i e manner,thematrix

,computedfromEquation 1074, i s


so that

The remaining calculations needed to evaluate straightforward, tedious algebra. The final result i s


are nothing but

Shell Elements


These equations, together with similar expressions for membrane strain and transverse shear, are implemented in the MSC/NASTRAN QUAD8 element. (logll) Note that, unlike the result shown in Equation 10236, the elastic curvature contains terms proportional to uOli. Fair enough, since it is expected that geometric curvature will change the location of the neutral surface. What is s that does not vanish us t goes to zero! The most remarkable, however, i factor 2/t in front of F1, F2 just the factor t/2in front of j'] in Equation 1097. As pointed out by Kebariand Cassell,('2) the membrane-bending coupling so introduced, while necessary to avoid violation of the rigid body property, or self straining, is a costly and unnecessary complication given that the simpler process represented by Equation 10:86 is available.


Eight- and Nine-Node Shell Elements

Reference 10.24contains a list of 350 papers about shell elementswritten between 1965 and 1988. Here we will attempt to classify the distinguishing features of a few representative eight- and nine-node curved shell elements (which are the types most frequently described the in literature). A good first question to ask is why developers continue to concentrate on eightand nine-node shell elements given their mediocre performance comparedthe to simpler flat elements, as summarized in Table 10.3. Finite element users are aware of the difference and will opt for the simpler elements nine times out of ten. A plausible answer to the question is that eight- and ninenode curved shell elements often display superior performance (compare, for example, the results forQUAD8 and QUAD4 withreduced integration in the Scordelis-Loroof problem, Table 10.1) and that there is hope for the future. The real reasons, we suspect, are the challenge presented by the persistently poor and poorly understood test scores registered in bending dominant problems (Table 10.2) and the opportunity to display mathematical ingenuity in a complex area. The papers on curved shell elements cover many aspects of their design, suchas the kinematical issues treated in Sections 10.1.1 and 10.5.1, questions of computational efficiency,and special applications such as nonlinear analysis. But


chapter 10

more spaceis spent by far on ways to master their locking disorders, especially membrane locking. It makes sense, therefore, to classify the eight- and nine-node curved shell elements on the basis of the means selected suppress to locking. In the case of eight-node shell elements, uniform, reduced(2 x 2) integration has been the standard method forsuppressinglocking (of all types) since Zienkiewicz, Too, and Tay10r"~) demonstrated the resulting performance improvements in 1971. The accompanying spurious modes (one for membrane, one for bending) are noncommunicating and relatively benign. The MSC/NASTRAN QUAD8 element(lO'll) suppresses these modes by adding integration points selectively (see Figure 7.14). On balance, the effect of the extra integration points is to degrade performance. Other modifications which have a minor effect on the performance of the eight-node shell element include residual bending flexibility (Section 9.5) and alteration of the shape functions to simulate a ninth internal node (Section 8.3). The 1980s werethedecade of thenine-node shell element. As noted in Section 9.4.1, the extra internal node allowsconstant curvature patch tests to be satisfied under more general conditions and unlocks a biquadratic, flat plate bending mode W = !%l2). The presence of the ninth node also eliminates uniform reduced integrationas a remedy for locking disorders because all of the additional five spurious modes (one each for U, v, W, ex, 0 ) are global Y communicating modes (see Figure 7.4). This fact is largely responsible for the development of the substitutes for uniform reduced integration described in Chapters 7 and 8. Developers have applied all of these remedies, and more besides, to the ninenode shell element.

The Hughes and Cohen Heterosis element(26) (1978) marks the transition of developer preference from eight nodes to nine. Their design specifies nine nodes but, for translational displacements (U, v, W) it rigidly slaves the ninth interior node to the exterior nodes throughthe values of their parametricshape functions at the center. With these constraints, the design can then use 2 x 2 integration to eliminate locking for membrane and transverse shear strains. It uses full (3 x 3) integration for bending curvatures where locking is not an issue. Thus, in its critical aspects, the Heterosis element is more like an eight-node element than a nine-node element.

Shell Elements


The combined remedies for locking and spurious modesin nine-node elements include the following classifications: selective underintegration, assumed strain hybrid formulations, mode stabilization, and direct assumedstrain formulations. While selective underintegration (10p27) is the simplest remedy, the fact that it causes violation of constant strain patch tests (seeSection 7.6.3) provided inspiration for the other methods. The assumed strain hybrid method comes in a variety of forms. The basic idea (see Section7 . 7 )is to specify a separate strain field with enough carefully selected low order terms to simultaneously avoid locking and spurious modes. In the case of the nine-node shell element,a reasonable set of basis vectors forthe assumed (natural) strain components is

The strain components inthe local coordinate system(X, y , F) can alsouse these basis vectors. Notethat all of the basis vectors carefully avoid quadratic variation in the direction of the strain component or, in the case of shear strains, inthe plane of the strain component. The number of terms is also sufficient to suppress spurious modes. Subsequent calculations in the assumed strain hybrid formulation extract the coefficients of the assumedstrain field fromthe strain field produced by the nodal displacements. In elements derived by mixed variational method^(^^*^^) such as the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle (Section 7 . 7 . 2 ) , the assumedstrain field is matched to the strain field derived from nodal displacements bya least squares fit. Other nine-node elementdevelopers(30t31)have used constrained variational principles(32) to derive the equations for their elements.


Chapter 10

The basic idea in mode stabilization(33t34)(Section 7.8) is to separate the strain states into a low order set which is evaluated at reduced integration points and a less important high orderset which vanishes at reduced integration points and is then which is orthogonal tothe low order set inan integral sense. The designer free to choose an approximate method for evaluating stiffness due to the high order set. However, in a recent paper, Belytschko, Wong, and S t ~ l a r s k i ' ~ seek ~) improved accuracy by using the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle to evaluate the coefficients of the high order set, thereby uniting two of our classifications for remedying the disorders of nine-node elements. Finally, we must include the nine-node assumed natural strain (ANSI element developed by Park and Stanley.") As will be recalled, strains are evaluated at special points on six lines of constant 6 or q (see Figure 8.16). Of the elements ANS element is the only one which requires a ninth which have been discussed, the interior node. The treatment of the element in Section 8.4.3 for the plane case extends easily to a curved shell. The strain components require no element-tolocal coordinate transformation because they are initially formed in the 6,q nutuml (skewed) system. The only required transformation is from q to X, 7 and then onlyif the developer insists onan orthogonal system for the stress-strain relationship. The ANS element performs well in locking tests. Its chief drawback is that it does not pass constant curvature patch tests.


Table 10.8 compares performance of representative eight- and nine-node shell elements in the Morley hemispherical shell problem. Two of the elements, the 9ANS element and the nine-node y-w element, use the form of the problem illustrated in Figure 10.18 while the remaining five use the form illustrated in Figure 10.14. Neither version is clearly more appropriate than the other. While the irregular mesh pattern of Figure 10.18 emphasizes skewness, the pattern of Figure 10.14 emphasizes taper. The difference in the performance of the elements is not large in comparison with the differences illustrated in Table 10.2. In particular the modified shape functions used by the QUAD8RM (Section 8.31,appear to have little effect. Nor does there appear to be a decisive difference between the eight- and nine-node elements. Park and Stanley's 9ANS element is seen to have the best performance of the

Shell Elements


Table 10.8 More Results for Eight- and Nine-Node Elements in the Morley Hemispherical Shell Problem (See Figure 10.14) NUMBER OF NODE REFERENCE SPACES ALONG EDGE OF MESH QUAD8 (Reduced) QUAD8RM SHELM9 Nine-Node y-\v LAG9 9ANS SEMILOOF 20 20 29 35 34 9

0.194 0.240 0.34 0.074 0.312 0.80 0.474

0.895 0.905 0.97 0.828 0.952 0.97 0.932






group. A possible reasonis that the method used for evaluating strains avoids the 2 membrane locking problem described in Table 10.6(a) for W = 6 q. Irons' SEMILOOF element,(23) .which employs a discrete Kirchhoff formulation, is thrown in for good measure. It is seen that this older element is still quite competitive.


Chapter 10

Radius = 10.0 Thickness = 0.04 E = 6.825x lo7 V = 0.3



Figure 10.18 Alternate Form of the Morley HemisphericalShell Problem.

10.5.3 A Flat-Faceted Six-Node Shell Element

The six-node triangleis the pariah of shell elements. Whilethe six-node flat plate element has enjoyed a certain amount of recent attention (see Section 9.4.21, only a node curved shell elements. few papers(36R37r38) describe six The reason for this lack of interest becomes apparent when one examines the element's membrane locking problem. From the discussion in Section 10.4, we know that constant curvature in the 6 direction of a quadratic element, induces a spurious membrane strain, %, which is proportional to 52 - 1/3. Thus we can avoid locking by locating integration points at 6 = f 1/&. As applied to a straight-sided triangle (Figure 10.19), this means that, for bending in a direction normal to edge 1-2, we can avoid locking by placing integration points at points on lines 6, = f 1/& in Figure 10.19. In like manner, membrane locking for bending normal to one of the other two edges can be avoided by placing
~ ~ ~~

*Here we are talking about one-dimensional response which will be the same for a line element, a triangle, or a rectangle with the same number of nodes in the selected direction.

Shell Elements


integration points along special lines parallel to that edge. Note, however, that these three sets of lines do not intersectat common points. As a result, nomatter where we place the integration points, we cannot avoid locking for all three constant bending states; nor doesthe selection of a compromise set of integration points, such as the standard three-point set shown in Figure 10.19, provide a satisfactory solution.

@ StandardOptimum Three-Point Set, = -2 / 3, +l / 3


Figure 1 0 . 1 9 Locations of Integration Points to Avoid Locking of a Six-Node Triangle in Particular Directions. When we examine alternative approaches, such as the assumed strain hybrid formulations of Section 7.7, we find an essential difficulty in the fact that 2 - 1/ 3, with measured from a point halfway between an edge and the opposite comer, does not integrate to zero over the surface of the element in either metric or parametric space. Consequently a spurious strain state of this form will induce a constant assumed strain state.



Relief from membrane locking might be achieved by employing cubic in-plane displacement states (U, v) as bubble functions. To the author's knowledge, this approach has not been tried.

A remedy for membrane locking which does work is the direct assumed strain formulation described in Section 8.4.1. Here we evaluate tangential strains at the


chapter 10

midpoints of nine straight line segments joining nodes (see Figure 8.12) and collocate them with an assumed linearly varying strain field. The method extends easilyto curved shell geometry. Ineffect,each of the triangles in Figure 8.12 is assumed to be a flat facet for the purpcse of computing tangential strains along its edges. The assumed membrane strain field is still linear in 5 and q over the whole element. We canalso assume the surface of the element to be faceted for the purpose of computing bending curvatures and transverse shear strains but, while such consistency would be intellectually satisfying, it is not necessary. The MSC/NASTRAN TRIA6 element,(21) in fact, uses the older isoparametric formulation as described by Equation 10100 and 10101for bending curvatures and uses similar expressions for transverse shear. Performance of the MSC/NASTRAN TRIA6 element, as illustrated in Tables 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3, is satisfactory. Its chief difficulty, which has not been explained, is an excessive tendency toward flexibility when rotation about the normal to the shell is not restrained (see Table 10.2).

10.5.4 Hipher Order Curved Shell Elements

In view of the membrane locking difficulties of eight- and nine-node shell elements, it is appropriate to look at the next higher order, p = 3, elements. The relationship between p = 2 and p = 3 shell elements is much like the relationship between p = 1 and p = 2 membrane elements. The lower order element in each pair encounters locking difficulties in constant strain (or curvature) states which are relieved by going to the next higher order. Rhiu, Russell, and Lee (39r40) (1989, 1990) havedevelopedthirdorder degenerated shell elements with sixteen nodes (Figure 10.20). The elements use an assumed strain field to eliminate locking and the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle to minimize error. The assumed strain field is separated into low order states and high order states. The low order strain states are taken equal to corresponding states provided by the displacement field and evaluated at reduced integration (3 x 3) points. The high order states are evaluated at (4 x 4) integration

Shell Elements
3 2 2 3


points.*Their basis vector contains terms x y and xy . The separation of strain states into low and high orders has much in common with the mode stabilization method of Belytschko, et al.,(35) but Rhiu, Russell, and Lee do not require the higher and lower order states to be orthogonal.

Figure 10.20 A Sixteen Node Lagrange Shell Element. Performance of the sixteen-node element is, as should be expected, better than that of eight- and nine-node elements. Table10.9 compares performance in the Morley hemispherical shell problem (Figure 10.14) for the better of two variations of the sixteen-node element with that for the QUAD8 with uniform reduced integration. Note that, in the case of the sixteen-node element, six node spaces correspond to two elements, etc. Table 10.9 Results for the Morley HemisphericalShell NUMBER OF NODE REFERENCE SPACES ALONG EDGE OF MESH QUAD8 (Reduced) M16A


0.895 0.639





*Recall that all Lagrange elements have communicating spurious modes when reduced integrationi s employed (Section7.3).


Chapter 10

Arbitrarily high. order hierarchic shell elements are beginning to appear in the technical literature. In perhaps the earliest paper on the subject, Szab6 and %~hrmann(~') (1988) employ solid brick p elements, designed along the lines described in Section 4.5, to analyze shell problems. They take p = 1 in the thickness direction to simulate shell behavior and prescribe a zero value of Poisson's ratio to avoid dilatation locking (see Section 6.2.2). The basis vectors span the Lagrange product space caqbCc with 0 5 a S p, 0 5 b 5 p, c = 0 , l . Full integration is used.Their analysis of the Scordelis-Loroof (Figure 10.13) demonstrates that reasonable convergenceof displacement is achieved for a one element model with p = 6 and that comparable convergence is achieved for a four element model with = p 4. Surana and S ~ r e m ' (1991) ~ ~ ) takean approachwhich is similar to that of Szab6 and Sahrmann and, in fact, achieve the same results for the Scordelis-Lo roof problem. They also study the effect of different values of p in the thickness direction. The work of Leino and P i t k t i r a n k ~ ( (1992) ~ ~ ) begins to unite the conventional development of shell elements, as described in this chapter, with the high order hierarchical approach.Although their element is basedon the curvilinear coordinates of a particular example (a cylindrical shell), they use it effectively to study convergence characteristics in the presence of membrane locking. The basis vectors include the serendipity set of edge functionsplus some interior functions. Their data shows that, forR/t = 100 and R/t = 1000, reduced integration produces substantially better accuracy than full integration for p 5 4 and slightly better accuracy out to p= 7. This resultshould provide a useful guide for the developers of higher order shell elements. The design of practical higher order shell elementsmust copewith the changing realities of finite element analysis. Two points can be emphasized. The f i t is that practical p elements must allow different values of p on each of their edges in order to accommodate the variation of p over a field of elements, suchas might be required to minimize discretization errors efficiently. The second point is that commercial p element codes cannot afford abandon to the lowest two orders, = p1

Shell Elements


and p = 2 . In other words, someof the remedies for locking should be put into p elements, evenif only forthe lowest two orders.


W.Flugge, Stresses in Shells, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1973

(2nd printing 1990).

10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7

J.R. Vinson, Structural Mechanics: The Behavior of Plates and Shells, Wiley International, New York, 1974.
A. L. Golhenveizer, Theory of Thin Elastic Shells, Pergamon, Great Britain, 1961.

S. Utku, Stiffness Matrices for Thin Triangular Elements of Nonzero Gaussian Curvature,I. AIAA, 5 ,pp 1659-67,1967.
S. Ahmad, Curved Finite Elements in the Analysis of Solid, Shell, and

Plate Structures, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wales, Swansea, 1969.

B. M. Irons, Engineering Application of Numerical Integration in Stiffness Methods, I. AIAA, 1 4 ,pp 2035-7,1966.
S. Ahmad, B. M. Irons, and 0. C. Zienkiewicz, Analysis of Thick and Thin

Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 2 , Shell Structures by Curved Finite Elements, pp 419-51,1970.

L. Vu-Quoc and J .A. Mora, A Classof Simple and Efficient Degenerated Shell Elements-Analysis of Global Spurious Mode Filtering, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 74,pp 117-75,1989. K. C. Park and G. M. Stanley, A Curved C O Shell Element Based on Assumed Natural-Coordinate Strains, I. Appl. Mech., 53,pp 278-90,1986. R. H. MacNeal, Specifications for the QUAD8 Quadrilateral Curved Shell Element, MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. Memo RHM-468,1980.

1 0 . 9

10.11 H. V. Lakshminarayana and K. Kailesh, A Shear Deformable Curved Shell

Element of Quadrilateral Shape, Comput. Struct.,33,pp 987-1001,.1989.

10.12 H. Kebari and A. C. Cassell, Nonconforming Modes Stabilization of a Nine-Node Stress-Resultant Degenerated Shell Element with Drilling Freedom, Comput. Struct.,40,pp 569-80,1991.

. Morris, Conflict Between Finite Elements and 10.13 L. S. D. Morley and A. J 1978. Shell Theory, Royal Aircraft Establishment Report, London,

10.14 L. S. D. Morley, The Constant Moment Plate Bending Element, J . Strain Analysis, 6,pp 204,1971.


chapter 10

10.15 R. Phaal and C. R. Calladine, "A Simple Class of Finite Elements for Plate and Shell Problems,I I :An Element forThii Shells with Only Translational Degrees of Freedom," Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 35,pp 979-96,1992. 10.16 R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, "A Proposed Standard Set of Problems to Test Finite Element Accuracy,"Finite Elem. Analysis B Design, 1, pp 3-20, 1985. 10.17 A. C. Scordelis and K. S. Lo, "Computer Analysis of Cylindrical Shells," 1 . Amer. Concr. Inst.,61,pp 539-61,1969.
d . , Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 85, 10.18 W. Flugge, Stresses in Shells, 2nd E 9 9 0 ) . 1973 (2nd printing 1

.L. Tocher, "Finite Element Stiffness Matrices for 10.19 R. W. Clough and J Analysis of Plates in Bending," Proc. Conf. Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech., Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1965.
10.20 R. H. MacNeal and R. L. Harder, "Eight Nodes or Nine?," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng.,33,pp 1049-58,1992. 10.21 R. H. MacNeal, "Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed Strain Distributions;' Nucl. Eng. Design, 7 0 ,pp 3-12,1982.
10.22 H. Stolarski and T. Belytschko, "Shear and Membrane Lockingin Curved C O Elements;' Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 41,pp 279-96,1983.
10.23 B. M. Irons, 'The Semiloof Shell Element," Finite Elements Thin Shells 6 Curved Members (Eds. D .G. Ashwelland R H. Gallagher),pp 197-222, John

Wiley, London,1976.

10.24 W.Gilewski and M. Radwakka, "A Survey of Finite Element Models for the Analysis of Moderately Thick Shells," Finite Elem. Analysis B Design, 9 , pp l-21,1991.
10.25 0.C. Zienkiewicz, J. Too, and R. L. Taylor,"ReducedIntegration Technique in General Analysis of Plates and Shells," Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 3,pp 275-90,1971.

10.26 T. J. R. Hughes and M. Cohen, "The 'Heterosis' Finite Element for Plate Bending," Comput. Struct., 9 ,pp 445-50,1978.
C. Huang and E. Hinton, "Lagrangian and Serendipity Plate and Shell 10.27 H. Elements Through Thick and Thin," Finite Element Methodsfor Plate B Shell Struct., 1 , ElementTechnology (Eds. T. J.R. Hughes and E. Hinton), pp. 62-84, Pineridge Press Int'l., Swansea, U.K.,1986.

10.28 J. J.Rhiu and S. W. Lee, "A New Efficient Mixed Formulation for Thin Shell Finite Element Models," Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng.,24,pp 581-604,1987.

Shell Elements


10.29 T. Y. Chang, A. F. Saleeb, and W. Graf, "On the Mixed Formulation of a

Nine-Node Lagrange Shell Element," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 73, pp 259-81,1989.

H. C. Huang and E. Hinton, "A New Nine-Node Degenerated Shell Element with Enhanced Membrane and Shear Interpolation, Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 22, pp 73-92,1986.

10.31 J. Jang and P. M. Pinsky, "An Assumed Covariant Strain Based Nine-Node Shell Element,"lntl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 24, pp 2389-411,1987.

C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, 4th Ed., 10.32 0. McGraw Hill, London, pp 243-56,1989.
10.38 T. Belytschko, W. K. Liu, J .S . J . Ong, and D. Lam, "Implementation and

Application of a Nine-Node Lagrange Shell Element with Spurious Mode Control," Comput. Strud., 20, pp 121-8,1985.
10.34 D. W. White and J. F. Abel, "Accurate and Efficient Nonlinear Formulation

of a Nine-Node Shell Element with Spurious Mode Control," Comput. Strud., 35, pp 62141,1990.
10.35 T. Belytschko, B. L. Wong, and H. Stolarski, "Assumed Strain Stabilization Procedure for the Nine-Node Lagrange Shell Element," lntl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 28, pp 385-414,1989. 10.36 S. W. Lee, C. C. Dai, and C. H. Yeom, "A Triangular Finite Element for Thin Plates and Shells," Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 21, pp 1813-31,1985. 10.37

P.Seide and R. A. Chaudhuri, "Triangular Finite Elementfor Analysis of Thick Laminated Shells," Intl. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 24, pp 1563-79,1987.

10.38 R. A. Chaudhuri, "A Degenerated Triangular Shell Element with Constant Cross-section Warping,"Comput. Strud., 28, pp 315-26,1988. 10.39

J.J. Rhiu and S. W.Lee,"A Sixteen-Node Shell Element with a Matrix Stabilization Scheme,"Comput. Mech., 3, pp 99-113,1988.

10.40 J . J.Rhiu, R. M. Russell, and S. W. Lee, "Two Higher-Order Shell Finite Elements with Stabilization Matrix," J.AIM, 28, pp 1517-24,1990.
10.41 B. A. Szab6 and G. J . Sahrmann, "Hierarchic Plateand Shell Models Based on p-Extension,'' Intl. J.Numer. MethodsEng., 26, pp 1858-81,1988. 10.42

K.S. Surana and R. M. Sorem, "p-Version Hierarchical Three-Dimensional Curved Shell Elementsfor Elastostatics," Intl. J.Numer. Methods Eng., 31, pp 649-76,1991.
J . Pitkiiranta, "On the Membrane Locking of h-p Finite Elements in a Cylindrical Shell Problem," Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Instit. of Mathematics Research Reports A311, June 1992.

10.43 Y. Leino and

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Finite Element Design In Perspective

With thechapters on platesand shells, we have completed theformal treatment of issues in the design of finite elements.Here we will summarize and generalize the material in ways which may lend a fuller perspective to finite element design.


Throughout our treatment of finite elementdesign we have found many instances where a medical analogy served to sharpen the issues involved. The reader may well wonder why an analogy between such remotely different subjects is so frequently apt. The reason is probably related to the fact that both deal with complex, highly organized objects for which a normal, healthy state of performance is definable. These attributes also fit most complex machines and



chapter II

many institutions which, accordingly, may accommodate a medical analogy. And say that our car is in the hospital or indeed such usage is common. We sometimes that the school systemis sick. A common feature of all such "systems" is that they bring order out of the normally chaoticstate of their constitutive materials or, to putthemattermore succinctly, they locally defythesecondlaw of thermodynamics (or its analog in information theory). The "illness"of such a system does not usually reveal itself as a small change in the system's efficiency. Rather, it is more likely that some part of the system performs badly or not at all. A machine part breaks, an aircraft wing flutters, a hole develops in a dike. In short, the system or object is sick, with possibly disastrous consequences. What is at work is that the normally chaoticstate of nature finds a way tobreak down the object's layersof orderliness, usually in unexpected ways. After all, if the designer had been able to anticipate the breakdown he would have accounted for it in the design. Once he observes thebreakdown the doctor or the engineer or the repairman proposesa cure or a fix, which may work or may not,or which may have undesirable side effects. All of this applies, as we have seen, to finite elements. The underlying mathematical base is chaotic (could a chimpanzee really type out a valid computer program?); the normal state of health is well defined (as correct answers for patch tests and other simple problems); disorder attacks in dramatic, unexpected ways (particularly in the locking phenomenon);many remedies are proposed (reduced integration, assumed strain, etc.); and they have undesirable side effects (spurious modes, patch test failure). The fact that the medical analogy applies to finite elements is not remarkable. It applies equally well to any complex object or system which shares these qualities.




The following list identifies six basic disorders which afflict finite elements. Preceding chapters have treated each of them to a greater or lesser degree. Here we summarize their characteristicsand look for interrelationships.

Finite Element Design in Perspective

Rigid body failure Induced anisotropy Interpolation failure Integration failure Equilibrium failure Spurious modes


Rigd body failure is easily the most severedisorder and at the same time the least
excusable. Recall Irons' remark") quotedin Section 3.5 "We shall try to killany element that fails a test for rigid body motions." Rigid body failure most often occurs because rigid body motion inadvertently shows up in an expression for strain. The cause can be subtle, as is the case forthe definition of bending curvature in curved shells (Section 10.5.11, or it can be flagrant, as when superparametric interpolation is used to supply a "correct" representation of geometry (Section 3.5). The term induced anisotropy describes the condition where featuresof the element design cause its stiffness matrix to depend on the orientation of its coordinate system and hence on the sequence in which its nodes are numbered. As discussed in Section 3.2, the desire to avoid induced anisotropy plays a role in the choice of node patterns and basis functions for elements. Later we saw that selective underintegration and its surrogates (Sections7.6 and 7 . 7 )will induce anisotropy of the stiffness matrix. A remedy for quadrilateral elements is to arrange the selection of the element coordinate systemso that it changes by multiples of 90" when the node sequence is changed (see Figure 7.12). This remedy can be extended withdifficulty to hexahedral solid elements, but a better solution is to express the underintegrated terms in a skewedcoordinate system tangent to the element's parametric (5, v, C ), axes, either locallyor at the center of the element. The only acceptable remedy for induced anisotropy in triangular elements is to make the anisotropic terms invariant to the sequence of the comer nodes; for example, when selecting bubble functions, select one of identical form for each edge.

Interpolation failure is the most difficult disorder to cure. As we sawin Chapter 6, the inability of an element's basis functions toproperly interpolate higher order


Chapfff 12

functions fromtheir values at nodes is the immediate causeof locking and shape sensitivity. We have also seenthat "standard isoparametric elementsare acutely susceptible to the consequences of interpolation failure and that the remedies proposed for locking frequently cause other types of failure. Figure 11.1 illustrates the linkage between remedies and failure modes starting with a standard isoparametric formulation.


Figure 1 1 . 1
The Side Effects of Various Remedies for Locking.

The number of integration points required to produce precise integrationdepends

on the quantity integrated, theshape of the element, and the numberof nodes (see



in Perspective


Tables 4.12 and 4.13). We reserve the term integration failurefor cases which result in the failure of constant strain patch tests. Table5.1 lists the minimum integration rules which various elements require to pass constant strain patch tests with general shape. We observed that reduced integration causes integration failure for solid brick elements but not for flat two-dimensional elements. Reduced integration also produces spuriousmodes. As shown in Sections 7.3 and 7.4, reduced integration of Lagrange elements creates global spurious modes which posean unacceptably large risk for practical application. Underintegration of serendipity elements, on the otherhand, yields only relatively benign noncommunicating spurious modes. The net result of these observations is that reduced integration constitutes an attractive remedy for locking in eight-node shell elements and twenty-node brick elements but not inother elements. Selective underintegration is a simple modification of reduced integration which eliminates spurious modes. It works well for the four-node quadrilateral and, with a little care, for the eight-node brick (see Sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.2). If, however, selective underintegration is tried with the eight- or nine-node quadrilateral or the twenty-node brick, it results in patch test failurethrough the mechanism of equilibrium failure. As explained in Chapter 5, equilibrium failure occurs when the nodal forces computed from constant elementstrains are not in equilibrium. Researchers have sought remedies for locking which avoid spurious modes and equilibrium failure since the early 1970s. In this book we have grouped such remedies into assumed strain hybrid formulations (Section 7 . 7 ) ,spurious mode stabilization (Section7.81, bubble functions (Section 8.11, and direct assumed strain formulations (Section 8.4). These classificationsare fairly arbitrary and they do not exhaust the possibilities. We have, for example, described an N-bar method which explicitly modifiesan element's displacementshape functions (Section8.31, and methods which employ drilling freedoms (Section 8.2). With the exception of methods which use drilling freedoms,all of these remedies can be classed as B-bar methods;(2) in other words, they accept the element's nodal degreesof freedom as given and replace thestandard isoparametric straindisplacement matrix witha new one, [B].


Chapter 11

Some of theseremedies for locking, such as theassumedstrainhybrid formulations and mode stabilization, include patch test satisfaction as an inherent design feature. Others do not and have suffered equilibrium failure. In the case of bubble functions, equilibriumfailure is readily avoidedbyselectingthe nonconforming part of the strain-displacementmatrix so that it integrates to zero 5.18). In the case of direct assumed strain over the element's surface (see Equation formulations, no general procedure exists (we will show i n Section 11.4 that none can exist) which will guarantee patch test satisfaction. Direct assumed strain formulations do, however, pass patch tests in some cases, such as when used to compute the transverse shear strains of three- and four-node plate elements (Sections9.4.3 and 9.4.4). Because they do not automatically pass patch tests, the direct assumed strain formulations are often regarded as measures of last resort, tobe used when other methods fail to remedy locking. Examples of this sort include trapezoidal locking of the four-node quadrilateral (Section 8.4.2) and membrane locking of the sixnode triangle (Section 10.5.3). We should also mention the nine-node ANS shell element (Sections 8.4.3 and 10.5.2) as an example of a direct assumed strain formulation which fails patch tests where other elements succeed but which is otherwise exceptionally competitive. It is possible to take all of these considerations and to construct a designer's guide which indicates the remedies to be preferred various in circumstances. With some trepidation we attempt just that in Table11.1using the word recommended rather than preferred to identify exactly whose preferences are indicated. It will be noted right away that we recommend no locking remedy for membrane action of the three-node triangle even thoughthe element locks quite severely (see Section 6 . 3 ) . The only known remedy which alleviates locking for this caseis to add drilling freedoms. Drilling freedoms are not included in the table because, unlike the other remedies, they add to the nodal degrees of freedom and because their suitability for practical applications remains (December 1992) to be fully validated. We see that each remedy listed in Table 11.1 has more thanone application where it is recommended. In the case of the four-node quadrilateral, selective underintegration has been a preferred remedy for shear locking since 1969.(3) Wilson's incompatible mode method (4 ) adds the avoidance of dilatation locking,

Finite Element Design in Perspective



Table 11.1 Recommended Locking Remedies for Various Elements



Membrane Transverse Shear Membrane Transverse Shear Membrane Transverse Shear Membrane


4 '

4 1 4


-None Required -

1 Transverse Shear.
Membrane Transverse Shear

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

and mode stabili~ation'~) improves the computational efficiency. The only effective remedy for transverse shear locking of QUAD4 is the direct assumed strain formulation. This appears also to be the case formembrane locking of the TRIA6.


Chapter 11

The eight- and nine node shell elements present an interesting contrast. For the QUAD8, simple reduced integration has worked well since 1971( 6 ) and hasonly recently been improved by an N-bar correction(') which allows satisfaction of constant bending patch tests under the same conditions as the nine-node element (Section 8.3). The QUAD9, on the other hand, has received constant attention in recent years from proponents of various advanced formulations. The difference, of course, is that simple reduced integration of QUAD9 causes global spurious modes. In the case of the eight-node brick element, selective underintegration eliminates shear locking and, if carefully done, avoids equilibrium failure(Section 7.6.2). The addition of bubble functions to the element eliminatesdilatation locking (Section 8.1.3). Finally, we are tempted to recommend reduced integration for the twenty-node brick element, possibly with an N-bar refinement similar to that described in Section 8.3. For those who find the nonsatisfaction of constant strain patch tests objectionable, we recommend full integration of the twenty-node brick with an assumed hybrid strain formulation to remove locking modes (Section 7.7). TETRA and PENTA solid elements do not appear in Table11.1. TETRA elements are like triangular membrane elements; they are what they are, perfect in their polynomial completeness, and little if anything can be done to improve them. PENTA solid elements, on the other hand, share some of the characteristics of hexa'hedral elements and can benefit from the remedies which have been described. For example, Section 7.2 discusses integrationpatterns for six-node and fifteen-node PENTAs and indicates that a 3 x 2 pattern for PENTA15 avoids a particular locking state.

1 1 . 3


Anyone whoattempts to devise a set of finite element tests soon discovers that the first task is to decide who will use the test results and for what purpose. The author recalls that at the endof the original NASTRAN development (1969) NASA required the developers to submitresults for NASA-supplied tests. These demonstration problems dealt mostly with axisymmetric shells and they came

Finite Element Design in Perspective


with analyticallyderived solutions. The purposesof the tests were to validatethe program and to demonstrate to potential users the kinds of problems that NASTRAN could solve. We, the developers, were not restricted on the type, number, or arrangement of the elements we could use. Later we modified these tests so that they would validate each of the types of analysis that NASTRAN could solve and they became known as the Holy Thirteen. We ran these problemsafter each new version of NASTRAN to ensure that no errors had crept in. This particular use of test problems continues to grow. At MSC our test problem library now contains over 2,000 problems whichare run by quality assurance engineers to validate that the answers do not change between releases of MSC/NASTRAN and that the results are (virtually) the same for all computers andoperating systems. The results are, for the most part, checked by computer. The problemsare designed to traverseall the important pathsthrough the system. Inevitably a few important paths are not tested untilthe program gets into the hands of users. The errors found by users may be important enoughto trigger re-releases. None of this has much to do with finite element design except to note that the quality assurance testers complain when modifications to the elements causethe test results to change, however slightly. It also illustrates that test results have different constituencies, including the Q. A. department, finite element developers, the marketing department and, to be sure, the company's clients. Differentkinds of test users require different kinds of tests. The marketing department wants tests that demonstrate the product in a good light, potential new users want benchmarks with which to compare competing software systems, the Q. A. department wantstests which ensure that nothing haschanged between systems (or that all changes can be explained), and software developers need tests to diagnose the causes of errors or poor performance. Finite elementdesigners fit into the last category. They need tests which tell them how ,well their elements are performing and which revealthe causes, as closely as possible, of substandard performance. We have included many such diagnostic tests in this book, first to identify and to demonstrate the disorders which afflict finite elements, and then to register the improvements provided by remedies. These requirements call for tests which illustrate, and perhaps exaggerate, the


chapter 11

disorders in qbestion and which are simple enoughto be understood in detail. Such tests can guide the developer to the root causes of the disorders and can also suggest remedies. Unfortunately, the test problems which developers employ have not always been adequate. The early developers of finite elements were only vaguely aware of such disorders as locking and spuriousmodes and so they did not test for them. The author recalls that the only diagnostic tests applied to the original plate elements in NASTRAN involved a regular rectangular array of elements with various combinations of lateral loads and boundary conditions (see Figure 6.15 and Table 6.5). These tests reveal nothing about in-plane shear locking, patch test satisfaction, or shape sensitivity. Their only diagnostic value, beyond the ability to detect the outright blunders which any test can provide,is their ability to detect transverse shear locking. Such was the state of affairs, at least with commercial codes, until the latter half of the 1970s. Until then, Irons' earlier (1966) revelation of the benefits of patch tests(8) went largely unheeded. As the reader will recall, the 1973 version of Wilson's incompatible modeq~adrilateral,(~) which failed the constant strain patch test, was corrected and re-released") in 1976. Many other elements developed in the 1970s, including someof the author's, might not have appeared or might have appeared minus some of their defects if adequate diagnostic tests had been employed. The inadequacyof diagnostic element testing was driven home toward the end of the 1970s by John Robinson's publication in his Finite Element News(1o) and elsewhere(""*) of benchmark tests comparing commercial elements in simple problems where shear locking, spurious modes, and patch test failures were prominent. Some of the failures revealed by Robinson's tests were spectacular. They made many finite element users aware, for the first time, that the finite element method isnot infallible. They caused designers, includingthe author, to reevaluate their elements, and they led to a demand for action by government and professional organizations to monitor and possibly to regulate finite element codes.

Finite in Element Design



One of the results of this outcry was the formation in the United Kingdom of a National Agency for Finite Element Methods and StandardsRJAFEMS). By 1984 NAFEMS wasbeginning to publishbenchmarktestsfor finite element assemblies.('3) One of their favorite tests involves an elliptical plate with an elliptical hole (Figure 11.2). This example is typical of the benchmark problems which NAFEMS has published.('*) They are good comparative benchmark problems because they appeal to engineers as the sort of problems which finite element programs should be able to solve handily. They do not make good diagnostic tests problems, however, because they do not isolate or emphasize particular finite element disorders.


Figure 1 1 . 2

NAFEMS Elliptical Plate Problem. UniformIn-PlanePressure Applied to Exterior Boundary.t = 1 . 0 .

Meanwhile, in 1982 or 1983 theAmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) set up a StandardsCommittee onStructural Analysis to look into the desirability of issuing standards for finite element analysis. The principal outcome of that effort was the publication in 1985 of a "Proposed Standard Set of Problems to Test Finite Element Accuracy."(15) These so-called MacNeal-Harder test problems have since become a virtual de facto standard for finite element development, in that mostpapers on new finite elementsinclude one or more of the problems as examples and sometimes the whole lot.('6) Throughout this book we have had occasion to use of all the MacNeal-Harder test problems one or


chapter l1

more times. Table 11.2 identifies the problems and the figures where they are first described. Table 1 1 . 2 The MacNeal-Harder Test Problems FIGURE WHERE DESCRIBED

PROBLEM NAME Patch Testfor Plates Patch Test for Solids Straight Cantilever Beam Curved Beam Twisted Beam Rectangular Plate Scordelis-LoRoof Hemispherical Shell Thick-Walled Cylinder

1.4 8.14 10.8


1 . 6


The MacNeal-Harder test problems were specifically chosen to be a comprehensive set of diagnostic tests, and this they have proven to be. We have, for example, used them to illustrate all of the known types of locking. Whether they constitute a sufficient set of problems to validate an element's accuracy remains an open question. Authors of new finite elements generally include tests problems from other sources, such as the short "obstacle course" for shell elements offered by Belytschko, et al."') Two of these three problems are the Scordelis-Lo roofand the Morley hemispherical shell without hole (Figure 10.18). The third is the pinched cylinder shown in Figure 11.3. The salient feature of this problem is a stress concentration under the applied load which decays to insignificance within

Finite Element Design in Perspective



= 0.3

t = 3.0
L = 300.0

R = 300.0
P = 1.0

Radial Displacementat Load Point:W = 1.8248E-05. Figure 1 1 . 3 Pinched Cylinder Problem. (17)

about one characteristic length, = Because of this stress concentration, the pinched cylinder problem tends to favor higher order elements. Another test problem whichhas attracted a good deal of attention is the Morley rhombic plate problem('*) illustrated in Figure 11.4. Robinson proposed this problem as a challenge in the June 1983 issue of the Finite Element News and later published results for thirty-three elements from nineteen finite element systems. The challengehas been controversial fromthe start. A major issue is whether to use a "hard" condition for the simple supports, as prescribed by Robinson, or a "soft" condition. The difference is that the hard condition requires rotation about the in-plane normal, en, to be zero, while thesoft condition allows en to be free. The difference should, any in case, be small because




-y tz



Chapter 2 I

6, u=0.3, p z = l . O a=l.O, t=.01, E = 3 0 x 1 0 All Edges Simply Supported

Figure 11.4

The Morley Rhombic Plate Problem.

where w , = ~ 0 because w( t) = 0 and y,, is presumably smallfor a thin plate (in the test problem t/ a = .01). In actual fact, many of the elements recorded much better results for the soft supports than for the hard supports. This result is related to a phenomenon known as BabuEka's par ado^,"^) which concerns the simply supported, multisided plate shown in Figure 11.5. If the Kirchhoff hypothesis is prescribed, then B , , will, from Equation11.1, be zero at all points on the boundary so that, at the intersection of two sides, both in-plane components of rotation must be zero. T h i s leads to the paradox that, as the number of sides increases, so does the number of points of fixed support and, in the limit, the simply-supported plate will behave like a built-in plate. BabuEka's paradox canbe used to attackthe Kirchhoff hypothesis which, among its other eccentricities, predicts a singularity in bending moment at the obtuse comers of the Morley rhombic plate. BabuEka and Scapolla have studied the Morley rhombic plate(20) and have observed large differences between the Kirchhoff and Mindlin solutions. They concluded that "the hard simple support seems tobe physically incorrect." The hard simple support does, however,have a physicalinterpretationin Morley's problem. It corresponds toa plane of antisymmetry at the edgeof the plate. With thisboundary condition, the rhombic

Finite Element Design in Perspective



Figure 1 1 . 5

BabuFka's Paradox. A Multi-Sided Plate with Hard (KirchhofB Simple Supports.

plate represents a unit cell in an infinite planeof identical rhombic cells deflected alternately up and down in a checkerboard pattern.
has prompted agood deal In any event, while the Robinson skew plate challenge of valuable research, it wouldnot appearto be an appropriate benchmark to test the accuracy of finite elements, or at least not until the theoretical issues are resolved.



The taskof developing good finite elements never seems to be finished. Designers return, again andagain, to the same basic configurationof nodes and find some way to eke out animprovement. Considerthe four-node membrane quadrilateral. We showed in Section 6.2 that the standard isoparametric formulation(21) (1961) suffers from shear and dilatation locking, even for rectangular shapes. Selective ~nderintegration,'~) (1969) (Section 7.6.1) eliminates the shear locking but not the dilatation locking. Wilson's incompatible modes(9) (1976) (Section 8.1.1) eliminatebothshearlockinganddilatationlocking for rectangularand (1986) et parallelogram shapes. The gamma elements of Belytschko, (Section 7.8) eliminate lockingunder the same conditions at lower computation


Chapter 11

cost. Locking of thefour-nodemembraneelementwith trapezoidal shape (Section 6.6.2) remained,however, as an outstanding issue. The QUADH element(23) (1982) (Section 8.4.2) eliminates shear locking for trapezoidal shape but fails the constant strain patch test. After a fruitless search for a four-node design which eliminates locking for trapezoidal shape without creating additional external degrees of freedom and which also passes the patch test,the author began to suspect and then was able to prove(24) (1987) that no such element exists. More recently(25) (1992) the author has generalized this result into a concept of the limited perfectibilityof all finite elements. In particular, he has shown that the limited ability of elements to interpolate nodal displacements, i.e., interpolation failure, leads to unsymmetric coupling between low order strain states and high order strain states which cannotbe resolved without causing patch test failure in the low order states or locking in the high order states. The concept of limits on the perfectibility of finite elements would seem to be a fitting, if still speculative, topic on which toend our treatment of finite element design. We will, accordingly, describe the theory in somedetail and applyit to a number of examples.

11.4.1 Theory, With Application to the Four-Node Trapezoid

We begin by assuming an elastic continuum,R,with linear properties. Within the continuum, deformations are described byan ordered set of displacement states. The first states are rigid body translations and rotations; the next describe constant strains; the ones beyond that represent, in order, linear strain states, quadratic strain states, etc. The independent variables are ordinary Cartesian coordinates, x, y, z. Taken together, the displacement states are complete and can, if enough of them are used, represent any nonsingular deformation state. We consider next a boundedsubdomain, ne, of the elastic continuum which we intend to replace by a finite element (see Figure 11.6). At each point on the boundary, re,of the subdomain, there are tractions { t} and displacements { U ) . The quality of the finite element is measured by its ability to mimic the relationship between {t} and {U}. Thus, given {U}, the measure of quality is how wellthe element reproduces{ t}, or vice versa.

Finite Element Designin Perspective


Figure 1 1 . 6

Finite Element Embedded in an Elastic Continuum.

Within the portion of the elastic continuumoutsidetheelement,

no, the

relationship between tractions and displacements is well defined. Thus the strains {E} = [L](u}, where [L] is a linear differentialoperator,thestresses
{e} = [D]{&}, where [D]

is the modulus matrix, assumedconstantand

symmetric; and the tractions { t} =

l jth component of the outward normal. Thus, given the spatial dependence of {U}, we can readily compute { t} on any surface, includingre.

C oijn

on any surface, r, where n. is the

Since the finite element replacing nehas a finite numberof degrees of freedom, it cannot exactly represent the relationship between { t} and {U} for all possible {U}. We are led, therefore, to restrict {U} to be a linear combination of a finite number of the displacement states, or modes, previously defined. Thus



where m = 1,

,M includes all displacement states of order S and lower.


Chapter 11

Let P, be the generalized force acting on a,, i.e., the work done by incremental tractions { t} on mode{U,}. nus


Pm = I(u,y{t}dS

z{um)T{tn]andS =

re n = l


Considering the generalized

forces on all modes to be the

vector, and {un }. The matrix by using the

{P,} =[Pm]{an},

we notethat

the coefficient matrix [Pm] is easily


computed using the known spatial dependencies of divergence theorem to convert Equation 11:4 to

is also symmetric, a factwhich can be demonstrated

We note that for this to hold we must assume that the finite elementdoes notyet occupy ne. Alternatively, we canuse the exterior domainBo to demonstrate the symmetry of P ., The matrix [P,, ] is not necessarily diagonal. It can, however, be made diagonal by Schmidt orthogonalization, i.e., by adding some of mode ul} to mode (u2}, and some of modes ul} and (u2} to mode (u3>, etc. We note also that the are null. elements of [P,, ] corresponding to rigid body modes

The finite element design problem can now be stated. We require that the tractions, and hence also the elements of the generalized force vector, {P,}, be equal on the two sides of the boundary. On the element's side, the generalized



in Perspective


force vector is related to the element's modal coefficients, modal stiffness matrix, [ K ~ ]n .us



,by the element's

Taking {pn) = {Q, >, we see that the design problem is to make [Km] = [Pm]. If this is done, the finite element will exactly mimic the continuum domain it replaces up to and including the highest mode, aM in If this were all there was to finite element design the subject would have been wrapped up long ago. The complicating factor is that finite elements are based on nodes, not modes. In otherwords,the element's degrees of freedomwhich communicate with the outside world consist of the displacements at boundary nodes and/or the coefficients of functions which describe displacements along the boundary [the so-called hierarchiad degrees of freedom (see Section 4.511. Since hierarchical degrees of freedom are interchangeable with nodal degrees of freedom, we retain only the latter for ease of explanation. Let the displacement vector at node i be and {Pi). The relationship between nodal and nodal written as let the force vector at node i be forces can be

where K.. is the ij partition of the element's nodal stiffness matrixand N is the 111 number of nodes. We can express nodal displacements in terms of the modal coefficientspreviously defined and form a weighted sum of the nodal forces to obtain generalized modal forces. Thus


Chapter 11

where uin is the vector of displacement components for moden at node i and {Pm} is the vector of generalized forces for all modes. We can express the relationship between{Pm} and for the element as

I 1



The design problem for the element (Equation11:9) has the same form as before, but the description is incomplete because we have not yet expressed {Pm) in terms of modal coefficients.To do this we first express the nodal forces in terms of modal coefficients, i.e.,

so that

where, from Equations 11:8 and 11:lL

The element design problem is now in exactly .the same form as before

where the object is to make [Kmn ] = [ P : , ] .

As yet we have not specified a

method for computing (Pin), the nth vector of the modal coefficients for nodal



in Perspective


forces. If that selection were arbitrary, we could make the elements of p m

anything we pleased. This follows because, if we take M = NC where C is the the {Pin} vectors will be just equal to the number of elements in P",, could in this way select the {Pin} vectors so that modal force matrix computed from properties of the continuum.

I 1

number of components of motion per node, the number of available coefficients in

[P k] = [Pm], the generalized

I 1 . We

The {Pin} vectors cannot, however, be selected arbitrarily. They mustbe chosen so that the forces at nodes satisfy equilibrium. This requirement takes priority over equating [P;,,] to [P,,,,,] because satisfactionof the latter condition on an element-by-element basis cannot guaranteecorrect solutionsin a field of elements unless nodal equilibrium is also satisfied. We begin the construction of {Pin} vectors which satisfy nodal equilibrium by relating the forces on node i to the tractions on the boundary of the element, i.e.,

where Ni is a C x C matrix of unspecified functions of position. We have not, as yet, given up anything in regard to the of selecting {Pi). We know, however, from Section 2.4.3, that also be the matrix of displacement shape functions forboundary points and, from Section5.3, that we can assure satisfaction of equilibrium onlyif the shape functions are conforming. The nonconformingshape functions, or bubble functions, introduced in Section 8.1 do not alter this conclusion becauseboundary tractions are not applied to them. In addition, finite element designers invariably select to be a diagonal matrix in which the same terms are used for directions with isotropic properties. Thus, for a plate element, NV = NU to preserve isotropy but NW = NU is not required. These considerations severely limitthe designer's options with respect to and hence with respect to The conformability requirement rules out elementary basis functions which are direct functions of metric position

[ ]


Chapfer 2 2

coordinates, such as x, y, z, except in triangular and tetrahedral elements with straight edges. The conformability requirement admits functions of the parametric variables , , q, as basis functions and,indeed,parametric variables were introduced into finite element analysis specificallysatisfy to this requirement. The practical range of choice for basis functions isfurther restricted by the arrangement of an element's nodes (see Section3.2). In the case of the four-node quadrilateral, for example, 1 1 . 6 , q, Er\] is really the only practical choice. Returning to consideration of the element design equation, we note that if we 1 : 1 3 can assume identical shape functions for all components of motion, Equation1 be written as


is the representation of modal displacement boundary. If) : U {

= {urn},

,i.e., its alias, on the element's { l the design problem returns to its original modal
U , , ,

formulationwhich admits a straightforward solution. In isoparametric elements, we are guaranteed that


= {urn} for all rigid body and constant strain

modes. With higher modes there is no guarantee. Thus we can separate the modes into a lower order set, {a!}, where { U ; }
= {ut} and a higher-order set,


{ U : }

{uh} except possiblyunder special circumstances. Observe


what happens to coupling terms P!h and P& defined by Equation 11:16. Since,

{u; } = (ut},

P!h = P!h but, since { U : ]


! : P

P h ! except under

special circumstances. As a result, , , : P

design problem (Equation 11:14) can, in this circumstance, be solved completely only by permitting the element's stiffness matrix to be unsymmetrical. Since this is

[ l

is not guaranteed to be symmetric. The

Finite Element Design in Perspective


abhorrent for many reasons, we are left with the conclusion that the design problem is not solvable under all circumstances or, in other words, that there are limits to a finite element's perfectibility. Before we explore the consequences of this conclusion, the example of the fournode trapezoid shown in Figure 11.7 may reinforceour understanding of it. We assume two modes, a vertical stretching mode and a horizontal bending mode. The properties of these modes are, assuming zero Poisson's ratio: MODE 1 u = o , v = y


= xy, v =





= O

Ex =

y, EY = 0, yy

= 0 = 0

ox = 0,



ox = Ey, cy = 0, T~

Figure 11.7


Four-Node Trapezoidal Element.

The displacements and forces at nodes 1 and 2 are tabulated below. In transferring tractions to nodes the shape functions are assumed, as isusual for a four-node element, to be linear on each edge. We need makeno assumption about shape function form in the element's interior.


Chapter 11






+ a)

- E/3

- a)

v1 v2


-Ln2(1 2 + aI2

0 0

- IA'(I 2 - aI2

[ P : , ]

= 2E[ 0 1 1 \ 3


A 1 0


Note that, since both modes are symmetric aboutthe y-axis, this result would just be doubled if nodes 3 and 4 were included. The nonzero off-diagonal term P& results from the product of the constant vertical traction of mode 1 and the quadratic vertical displacement of mode 2. An accurate integrationof the product of traction and modal displacement would, of course, givea zero result because v in mode 2 is the same at corresponding points on the top and bottom surfaces. Thus the inability of the shape functions to represent a general quadratic function can be taken as the cause of the coupling between modes 1 and 2. Returning tothe element design problem, we note that a separation into low-order modes andhigh-order modes allowsit to be stated in the following form,where [ P ; , ] = 0 and [ P ; , ] is diagonal by Schmidt orthogonalization.

Finite Element Design in Perspective


Although this design problem cannot be solved perfectly, the designer still has choices. To see what theyare more clearly,we putEquation 11:19 in the form


and rigid body modes have been removed from at and p ., The designerhas at least two reasonable choices. The first i s to choose stiffnesses so that ]!! y = [I] and y h l ] = 0,i.e.,


This choice satisfies patch 'tests with the lower modes because, displacements areselected so that [eh) = 0, then [at) = [ P!)

if nodal

and [ a h ) = 0;in

other words, the modal forces relate correctly to modal displacements this for case. This choice requires [K,,]

[y t h ] = [P?!r [pi!




[K e I ] T = [P&].

It gives

which is nonzero. As a result, a high-order modal


Chapter 11

displacement (Ph ) produces a low-order generalized modal force coefficient

M .
The low-order modal force is the cause of the locking of the four-node trapezoidal element described in Section 6.6.2. Inserting values of Equation 11:18 we see that (a,) = al = PI

+ aA2&.

where A is the element's aspect ratio and 6 is the taper angle (see Figure


was identifiedin Section 6.6.2 as the magnitude parameter for trapezoidal locking of four-node membrane elements. choice is to choose stiffnessesSO that y,,]

= [I],

This choice reproduces the higher modes exactly; in fact, it satisfies patch tests with them but it fails patch tests the for

example of the four-node trapezoid

we have, from Equation


{ah) = a2= - 3a A2

P1 + Pp.

This result appears to be worse, if anything, than

the result of the first choice. The relative "merits"of the two choices are applicais clearly bestif in-plane bendingis unimportant. tion dependent. The first choice

Conversely, the second choiceis best for slender beams and, by extension to three dimensions, for thin shells where stretching in the transverse direction is unimportant. The QUADH element, described in Section 8.4.2, uses this choice. Put in general terms, the choice offered by the offending coupling matrix is to compromise eitherthe accuracy of the lower modes or the accuracy of the higher modes. An apparent escape is provided by selecting the higher modes so that

signElement Finite

in Perspective


their displacements conform to the elements basis functions, thereby producing a null coupling matrix. (In the case of the four-node quadrilateral,this would imply uh = or vh = .) Unfortunately this selectionmerelybegs the question.The higher continuum modes are needed to represent important mechanical effects and their suppressionthrough lockingis a real concern. Perhaps the most striking feature of these results is their independence of the elements interior design features. The offending coupling matrix, y&] or, yh(] depends only on the properties of the assumed continuum fields and on the mannerof their interpolation on element boundaries. Interior design features, such as reduced integration, bubble functions, or the use of mixed energy principles, maybe needed to achieve the desired modal stiffnesses, but the values of these stiffnesses are set by exterior considerations.

11.4.2 The Four-Node Parallelogmm Consider the four-node membrane parallelogram sketched in Figure 11.8. Its Cartesian position coordinates are related toits parametric coordinates by x = hc+qtan6 y =q

We see that the bending state,U = xy, v = - )/2 x2, includes terms q2 which are not in the elements displacement basis( 1,6, q, cq). As a result, coupling between the bending state and constant strain states may exist. A symmetry argument can,however, be invoked to show that the coupling is null. As

(c2, )

W iv
Figure 1 1 . 8



chapter 11

illustrated in Figure 11.9, a parallelogram has two classes of symmetry and the linear displacementstates are in a different class from the quadratic displacement states. Four-node membrane elements exist which give correct results for skewed shapes. See, for example, Sections 7.8 and 8.1.1.


Figure 1 1 . 9

u=x ,xy,y
2 2

Symmetry Types of the Parallelogram.

11.4.3 The Four-Node Ouadrilateral with Drillinv Freedoms

As illustrated in Figure 11.10, drilling freedoms contribute quadratic terms to the normal displacementsof an edge. The magnitudes of the added terms are

where 8, and el are rotations at the adjacent comers,le is the length of the edge, and 5 , is measured form the midpoint of the edge. We note that un cannot be independentlyspecified on all edges because equal rotations produce null a result. In the symmetrical exampleof Figure 11.10, the top and bottom edges use up the available options. In addition, the tangential components of displacement still vary linearly along the edges. Thus the quadratic displacement state U = xy, v = - )/2 x2 will not be accurately represented along the nonparallel edges. Still, as shown in Figure 8.9, the performance of a four-nodetrapezoid can be greatly improved by the addition of drilling freedoms.

Finite Element Design in Perspective


Figure 1 1 . 1 0 . Four-Node Quadrilateral with Drilling Freedoms.


&her-Or&r Ouadrilaterals Spaced Edce Nodes

with Straicht Sides and Uniformly

As first noted in Section 3.5, some restrictions must be placed on the shapes of

elements in order to achieve accurate representations of quadratic and higherorder displacement states. We consider here quadrilateral elements with bilinear shapessuchthat x=(l,E,,q,cq). With this restriction the quadratic displacement states

= x2, x y , or y2 include

the terms ( 1 , L q, = (l,!,, q, C2, 6% q2, C2ql 6q2, C2q2). The lowest order element which includes all of these termsin its displacement basis i s the nine-node Lagrange quadrilateral which can, therefore,under the specified shape restriction, accurately represent any quadratic displacement state. In the eight-node serendipity element the function f = C2q2 is represented by an alias, fa = + q2 - 1. Note that fa = f at all points on the boundary of the element because q2 = + q2- 1 for 6 = f 1 and for q = f 1. We may concludefromthetheorydeveloped in Section 11.4.1 thattheeight-node serendipity element should be able to interpolate quadratic displacement states under the same conditions as the nine-node Lagrange element. See Section 8.3 for a particular implementation.




Cubic and higher-order serendipity elements canalso be modified toprovide the same accuracy as the corresponding Lagrange elements. We know this because conformability requires the shape functions on an edge to depend only on the properties of the edge, i.e., to be independentof the existence of interior nodes.


chapter 11

Thus it can readily be shown that a quadrilateral serendipity (or Lagrange) element with bilinear shape and p + 1 equally spaced nodes per edge can be designed to exactly represent any displacement state of degree p in x and y. The perfectibility troubles of straight-sided quadrilateral elements begin with displacement states of degree p + 1. We have already seen that the four-node (p = 1) quadrilateral of trapezoidal shape has essential difficulty with uniform in-plane bending. The eight-node, straight-sided trapezoid has similar difficulty with in-plane bending moments that vary linearly. Consider, as an exercise, the element shown in Figure11.11and the followingtwo deformation states.

Ex =





= x, yv = 0

Ex = XyI EY = 0 , yxy


ox = 0, by

= EX, zX,, = 0

ox = EXY, oy = 0, zXy = 0


Figure 11.11 Eight-Node Trapezoidal Element, o = 0. Note that mode 2 requires a distributed load p, = Ey to be in equilibrium. Note alsothe antisymmehyof both modes with respect a to vertical axis.

Perspective Finite in Element Design


The modal displacements and forces at nodes 1,2, and 3are tabulated below. The element's shape functions were used to convert tractions into forces at nodes.




1 2

0 0

- 12 A2(1+a)2



1 -2



4a 5


-A(I + a )

-(I + a ]

0 0 0


A(I -a)

matrix, obtainedbysummingtheinnerproducts displacements and modal forcesat nodes 1,2, and 3is



ha 5

of modal



+ 2a2)i$(l


adding by some We see that PT2 is nonzero. 4s noted earlier we can make it zero of mode 1 to mode 2. The result is that the value of P;1 is changed toP;1 - PT2. As before, if we wish to have mode 1 satisfy a patch test (in this case hear-strain a patch test) then Kll = Pyl and K12 = F& = P;1 - PT2. The resultingvalue of the generalized force coefficient for mode 1 is


Chapter 2 1

It is seen that, for A large and a small, the locking parameter is proportional to Aa, just as in the case of the four-node trapezoid. It is also easily shown, through a symmetry argument, that coupling of the two modes can be avoided for elements with rectangular or parallelogram shapes. Other locking troubles which are purely internal, such as shear locking, can also be avoided by appropriate design.



11.4.5 Plate and Shell Elements

Plate bending elements require quadratic displacement states to represent even the simplest uniform bending modes. Thus three- and four-node plate bending elements with CO continuity must represent displacement states which are not in their basis sets. The difficulty typically manifests itself as locking of the transverse shear strains, particularly for nonrectangularshapes. The theory presented here shows, however, that there should be no essential difficulty in resolving such locking problems because symmetry mandates zero couplingbetween bending and through-the-thickness extension or between bending and any membrane strain state. Three- and four-node plate bending elements whichdo not lock for general shapes and which pass patch tests are described in Sections 9.4.3 and 9.4.4. The symmetry alibi does not apply to curved shell elements and there we indeed find significant coupling between bending states, membrane states, and throughthe-thickness extension. For example, we have seen in Table 10.2 that the eightnode brick element with reduced integration performs poorly in the Morley hemispherical shell problem while flat-faceted plate elements perform extremely well. The reasonis that curvature causes through-the-thickness taper of the eightnode solid element with effects similar to those of trapezoidal shape in a four-node membrane element. As a consequence, lockingis unavoidable for the eight-node brick but is eliminated by the assumption of zero normal stress in the design of four-node flat plate elements.



in Perspective


Curved shell elements include additional opportunities for high-mode to lowmode coupling. Even simple uniform bending requires displacement components that are cubic functionsof Cartesian position coordinates.As a result, eight- and nine-node curved shell elements may encounter fundamental limits to their perfectibility. To summarize, the requirement of nodal equilibrium places restrictions on an element's shape functions which lead, for general element shapes, to essential couplingbetweenlowmodeswhosedisplacementstatescanbe exactly represented by an element's basis functions and high modes whose displacement states cannot beso represented. The perfectionof an element's design consists of finding exact representations of both high and low modes for the special symmetries whichcancel the coupling. Progress beyond this limit requires compromise betweenthe integrity of the low modesand the viability of the high modes. Usually, but not always, the element designer's choice comes down onthe side of the low modes. The limit of perfectibility, as defined here, has been achieved for the four-node membrane element. Its achievement for all other constant and linear strain elements is only a matter of time.

1 1 . 1

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in Perspective


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Numbers in bold type refer to list of references at the end of each chapter.
Abel, J. F., 112,483,518 Abu-Gazaleh, B. N., 366 Adini, A., 19,385,414 Ahmad, S., 12,19,23,61,62,74,107, 111,112,332,366,386,389,394,414, 415,420,422,427,441,464,481,517 Allman, D.J., 111,333,366 Anandarajah, A., 111 Andreev, A. B., 314 Archer, J. S., 176 . , 5,19,414 Argyris, J. H BabuZka, I., 177,202,205,239,258,498, 518 Banejee, P. K . , 19 Barlow, J., 62,206,244,258,262,263, 265,314 Bathe, K.J., 259,403,416 Batoz, J. L . , 415,416 . ,201 Bazely, G. P . , 414 Bell, K Belytschko, T . ,257,310,312,313,316, 397,416,474,479,482,483,496,499, 517,518,519 Ben Tahar, M.,415 . ,201,366,518 Beresford, P.J Bergan, P. G., 366 Bieanie, N., 277,315 Bijlaard, P.P., 19 Blackham, S., 201,257,518 . ,386, 415 Bogner, F. K Bosshard, W., 414 Brauer, J. R . , 61,258,315 Brezzi, F., 367 Butlin, G. A., 414 Butterfield, R . ,19


Calladine, C. R., 442, 482 Carpenter, N., 257,518 Cassell, A . C., 465,471, 481 Chan, A . H. C., 201 Chang, T .Y . , 483 Chaudhuri, R. A . ,483 Chueng, Y. K., 201 Cifuentes, A .O., 315 Citipitioglu, E., 258,367 Clough, R. W., 5,18,19,61,111,367,

Author Index
Haber, R. B . , 112 Haggenmacher, G. W., 259 Haisler, W., 415 Hall, C. A . , 112 Hammer, D. C., 176 Hansen, S. J., 1 1 1 Harder, R. L . , 19,201,257,

Cohen, M.,396,415,472,482 Cook, R. D., 333,366,367 Coons, S. A . , 102,112 Coppolino, R. N., 61,315 Cowper, G. R., 414 Cruse, T. A . , 19 Dai, C. C., 483 Davies, G. A.O . , 518 Denke, P. H., 6 1 de S.R. Gago, J.P., 6 1 Doherty, W. P., 177,201,257,258,315,

304, 346, 366,367,415,482,495,518 Hellcn, T. K . ,279, 315 Hellinger, E., 55, 6 1 Henshell, R. D., 112 Heppler, G. R., 1 1 1 Herrmann, L. R . , 258 Hinton, E., 202,277,315,415,482,483 Hitchings, D . ,518 Ho, L. W . ,416 Hrennikoff, A . , 3, 18,35,61,359,367 Huang, H. C., 202,415,482,483 Hughes, T. J. R., 18,125,177,202, 227, 258,301, 315,366,367, 396, 398, 401, 404,412,415,416,417,472,482, S17

Ibrahimbegovic, A . , 348, 367 Irons, B. M . ,6, 19,23,61,62,74,

106,111,112,139,149,176,180,201, 257,258,279, 315,332, 348, 366,367, 386, 388, 414,415,420,468,475,481, 482,487,494,517,518


Draper, J.K., 414 Dvorkin, E. N., 259,403,416 Engelman, B. E., 316,519 Felippa, C. A . , 366 Ferrari, R. L . , 61 Finlayson, B. A . , 18 Fix, G. J . ,176,202,314 Flanagan, D. P . ,316 Flugge, W., 433,481,482 Ford, R., 414 Fox, R. L . , 386,415 Fraeijs de Veubeke, B., 61,257, 302, Frazier, G. A . , 314 Fried, I., 414 Gallagher, R. H., 19,112 Garvey, S. J . ,3,18 Ghaboussi, J., 201,258,366,517 Gilewski, W.,482 Goldenveizer, A.L . , 481 Goodier, J.N . ,6 1 Gordon, W.J . ,112 Graf, W., 483 Greenberg, D. P., 112 Gui, W., 202 Gundenon, R., 415 Guyan, R. J . ,1 1 1

Jackson, J.D . ,6 1 Jacob, M . ,6 1 Jang, J . , 415,483 Kailesh, K . , 481 Kamoulakos, A . , 518 Kanoknukulchai, W., 398,416 Kardestuncer, H . , 202 Kebari, H., 465,471,481 Kelly, D. W., 6 1 Kok, A. W.M.,416 Kosko, E . , 414 Kosloff, D., 314 Lakshminarayana, H. V., 481 Lam, D., 316,483 Langefors, B . , 5,19 Larkin, L. A . , 315 Lazarov, R. D., 3.14

Leino, Y . , 480,483 Lesaint, P., 366 Levit, I., 18 Lindberg, G. M . ,414

W., 416,478,482,483

Author Index
Liu, W. K . , 257,316,416,483,517,518,
Lo, K. S . , 10,19,482

Robinson, J . , 201,257,258,259,366, 494,497,518 Russell, R. M., 478,483 Russell, W. T., 416 Sahrmann, G.J . , 480,483 Saleeb, A. F . , 483 Scapollo, T . ,498, 518 Scharpf, D .W . ,414 Schiermeier, J. E . , 177 Schmit, L. A., 386,415 Scordelis, A . C., IO, 19,482 Scriven, L.E . , l8 Seide, P., 483 Shaw, K. G.,112 Shephard, M. S., 112 Silvester, P.P, 61 Simo, J.C., 201 Sokolnikoff, I. S., 61 Sorem, R. M., 480,483 Southwell, R. V., 18 Spect, B . , 202 Stanley, G. M., 363, 367, 397, 416, 474,481 Stolarski, H . , 257,474,482,483,518 Strang, G . ,176,185,201,202,314 Stncklin, J. A., 415 Stroud, A. H., 176 Surana, K. S., 480,483 Suri, M., 205, 258 Szab6, B. A., 20,177,480,483

MacNeal, B. E . , 61,315 MacNeal, R. H . ,19,61,176,177,201, 202,247,257,258,259,315,316,366, 367,399,401,404,415,416,417,481, 482,495,500,518,519 Malkus, D . S., 202,301,315 Mandelbrot, B . , 172,177,185,202 Marlowe, 0 .P . , 176 Martin, H. C., 5,19,61,111,367 Mehta, A. K . , 20,177 Melosh, R. J., 111 Mikhlin, S. C., 202 Mindlin, R. D., 373, 414 Mohr, G. A., 366 Mora, J. A., 481 Morley, L. S. D., 434,441,445, 481,497, 518 Morns, A. J . ,481 NAFEMS Publications, 495, Nagtegaal, J. C., 258



Olson, M. D . ,414 OAate, E . , 416 Qng, J. S.-J,,257,316,416,483,518 Ozkan, G . ,258,367 Padlog, J., 19 Papadopoulos, P . ,416 Park, K. C., 363, 367,397,416, 481 Parks, D. M., 258 Pawlak, T. P . ,366 Peano, A.G . ,20,111 Phaal, R., 442,482 Pian, T .H. H . , 6,19,56,62 Pinsky, P. M., 415,483 PitGranta, J . , 480,483 Radwaiiska, M., 482 Razzaque, A., 301,315 Reddy, J. N., 414 Reissner, E . , 55, 62,373,414 Rhiu, J. J., 416,478, 482,483 Rice, J. R., 258 Richardson, L. F . , l8 Ritz, W., 94,112 Rizzo, F. J., 19

Taig, I. C . ,6,19, 102,112,519 Taylor, R. L . , 176,177, 193, 201,202, 257,258,315,366,394,398,404,415, 448,474, 416,472,482,483,517,518 Tezduyar, T .E . , 401,404,416 Timoshenko, S., 61 Tisdale, P . ,415 Tocher, J. L . , 382,413,414,445,482 Too, J., 258,394,415,472,482,518 Topp, L. J . , 5,19,61,111,367 Tsay, C. S., 310,316,517 Turner, M. J . ,5,19,61,111,360,367 Utku, M . ,258,367 Utku, S., 420,481 Verwoerd, M. H., 416 Vinson, J. R., 481 Visser, W., 414 von Karrnan, T., 18 VU-QUOC, L . , 481

Washizu, K . , 55,61 Wheeler, M.J . ,177 White, D .W., 483,518 Wilson, E. L . , 177, 180, 193, 201, 217,
257,258,315,318,319,366, 499,517,518 177,201,202,258,394,415,416,472, Winget, J . ,18 Wong, B. L . , 474,483 490,494,

Author Index
Yeom, C. H . ,483 Yunus, S. M.,177,366
Zhu, J. Z.,19,176 Zienkiewicz, 0.C., 19,61, 163, 176, Zlamal, M., 314

Subject Index

Aliasing, 205-212 and limiton element perfectibility, 506-507 table of aliases, 209 Analog computer,2,s Analogous physical properties, 33-35 Anisotropy, induced, 73,76,291-292, 487 ANSYS, 6 Area coordinates, 117 ASAS, 6 ASKA, 6,110 Assumed displacement fields, 46,63-111 Assumed displacement method, 39, 46-49 Assumed strain method (direct), 49-51, 354-366 and patch test satisfaction, 360-361, 36-36 QUADH element, 359-361,510 QUAD4, transverse shear, 401403

[Assumed strain method (direct)] QUAD9,9ANS element, 362-366, 397,474 TRIA3, transverse shear, 404-406 "RIA6 element, 355-359,477-478 Assumed strain method (hybrid),60, 299-309 for eight- and ninenode quadrilaterals, 301,397,473 Assumed stress method (hybrid), 5160 Auxiliary strain states(see Bubble functions) BabuEka's paradox, 498499 Barlow points, 263-264 Basis coefficients, 65-69 Basis functions, assumed strain field, k, Basis functions, displacement, X cornpletcness of, 70-71


[Basis functions,displacement, X] mathematical ro rties, 64-71 selection of, 7r8$ hexahedral elements, 80-82 pentahedral elements, 80,83 quadrilateral elements, 76-80 tetrahedral elements, 74-75 triangular elements, 71-74 trigonometric, 69 Basis functions,osition, X', 103-108 B-bar methods, f99,303,322,489 Bending curvature, x, 373 Bending moment, m,374-375 Bendin strains, 373 BERSAh, 6 Blending functions, 120,161 Boundary element method, 9 Boundary integral methods, 1,4,9 Boundary variables, definition of, 36 Bubble functions, 318-330 auxilia strain states, assumed, 319, 3%-327 conditions onstresses, 324-327 to satisfy internal equilibrium, 325-327,344 for HEXA8, 327-328 limitations, 330 and lockin alleviation, 320-321,324, 327-3% for QUAD9, 329-330 Wilson's incompatible four-node quadrilateral, 319-323 patch test, satisfaction of, 322-323 Characteristic length: for conver ence, 187-189 in curved %ells, 431433,457,461 Com leteness, of basis functions, 70-71 o?elements, 105 of strain states, 87-93 Conforming elements, definition of,95 Constitutive equation for lates, 377 Constitutive matrix, [D],2E-28 Constraint ratio, 227 Continuity, CO: conditions for, 96 curvcd edges, 98-100 definition of, 95 four-node quadrilateral,97-98 and Mindlin plateelements, 389 three-node triangle, 97 Continuity, C*: definition of, 95 of Kirchhoff elements, 380-382 ' Continuity, inter-element displacement, 93-100 and convergence, 93-95 and patch test, 191-194

Subject lndex
Convergence: with element subdivision,93-95 patch test, as proof of, 185-188 with polynomial degree, 169, 174-175 in presence of discontinuity, 170 of a series of functions, 70-71 Coordinate system, element: in curved shells, 424 eight-node brick, 295 four-node quadrilateral,292 invariance to selection of, 291-292 Coordinate system, global, 291 Coordinate system, local, in curved shells, 425,462464 Covariant strain components, 246,364, 40344 Derivatives, higher order, as degrees of freedom, 17, 95,382-385 Detail, levels of, 171-174 Deviatoric strains, 218 Dilatation, 216 Dilatation locking eight-node brick, 233 eight-node rectangle, 230-231 four-node rectangle, 215-224 table of results, 236 Discontinuities, treatment of, 170-174 Discrete Kirchhoff elements (see Plate and shell elements, Kirchhoff, discrete) Displacement, definition of, 22 Distortion, types of, 242-243 Drilling freedoms, 330-348 Allman-Cook formulation, 333-341 eight-node brick, HEXAR, 337-338 four-node quadrilateral, QUADR, 333-337 three-node triangle, TRIAR, 337 in combination with other refinements, 342-346 MSC/NASTRAN QUADR, 343-346 MSC/NASTRAN TRIAR, 342-343 in curved shell applications, 348,423 definition of, 330-331 degreesf-freedom inventory, 340-341 history, 332 loads on elementswith, 338 and locking alleviation, 340-346 performance of elements with, 343, 345,446,449,451

Subject Index
[Drilling freedoms] potential benefits, 331-332 spurious modesof, 338-340 suppression, 346-348 Economics: of stiffness matrix decomposition, 166-168 of stiffness matrix formulation, Edge node deletion,124-125 Edie node offset: effects of, 103-105,109.210-212, correction by direct assumed strain formulation, 358 correction by metric interpolation, 349 correction by offset in parametric space, 349-350 Elasticity, linear, physics of, 22-29 Electric field strength, E, 30 Equilibrium e uatlons: bending, 394 in three dimensions,27 Equilibrium failure, 487-489 defined, 194 and selective underintegration, 298 wa S to avoid, 194 in L s o n ' s incom quadrilaterar%:23 Error: energy norm of, 168-170 estimation of, 12,156 Error analysis: constant strain triangle, 224-227 eight-node rectangle, 229-231, eight-node tra ezoid, 249-251, four-nodearallelogram,
511-82 458461,914-516 244-247,
455-458 "_ ~..

[Finite element method] early examples, 3 early history, 3,5-6 term coined, 3 Fractal dimension, 172 Gamma elements (see Spurious mode stabilization) Generalized displacement variables (see Hierarchical displacement variables) Heat conduction, physics, 28-29 Hexahedral elements: basis functions, 80-82 degree-of-freedom inventory, 89 shape functions, 122 Hierarchical displacement variables, Hierarchical elements, 69, 157-163 sha functions, 161-162 in sK"1I analysis, 480-481 Higher order elements: In curved shell analysis, 478-481 economics of, 164-168 hierarchical, 157-163 locking of, 239-240 versus lower orderelements, 163-176 Incom atible modes (see Bubble Enctions) Inextensional shell solutions, 433-434, Integration failure, 194,197-198,487-489 Integration rules (see Numerical integration) Interpolatlon failure, 487-488 as cause of locking, 203-255 as cause of atch test failure, 194 Inventory, of $e ees-of-freedom, 46, Isoparametric elements, standard, satisfaction of patch tests, 194-199 straindisplacement matrix, 129-134 Isoparametrlc mapping: of curved six-node triangle, 109-110 definition of, 101 of linear displacementstates, 106 of quadratic dis lacement states, 108 Iterative methods,
113-176 86-93,340-g1 450455 6869,157,162



four-node rectangle, 212-221 six-node trian le, 252-25 three-node, 1 8 element, 210-212 two-node beam, 407-408 Fiber direction, 421 Finite difference method,4 Finite elementcharacteristics, classification of, 15-18 Finite element disorders,14,194, Finite element method: basic assumptions, 35-37


Jacobian determinant, 134,136-138 Jacobian matrix, definition of, 133 Jacobian-weighted average,290,294 Kirchhoff h

thesis, 373-374, 379,

Lagrange elements: definition of, 78 higher order, 1 6 4 shape functions, 119 Lagran e interpolation polynomials, 1 Lamina, 424 Least squares smoothing, 301-306 of eight- and nine-node adrilaterals, 301 equivgnce to Hellinger-Reissner variational principle, 308-309 and patch test sahsfaction, 303-305 Legendre polynomials, 159-160, 263-265 Limits on rfectibility of elements, 499-E7 eight-node quadrilateral, 513-516 four-node quadrilateral, 507-512 four-node quadrilateral with drilling freedoms, 512-513 higher order elements, 514 plate and shell elements, 516-517 ta ered ei ht node brick, 516 L w g , 150-14 dynamic, 153 on elements with drilling freedoms, 338 inertia, 152 thermal, 152-153 Lockin (see also Dilatation locking, dembrane lockin Parallel0 ram loc&n Shear locking, fransverse sfear . locking, Trapezoidal lockin ) constant strain triangle, 224-22? defined, 204 in fields of four-node rectangles, 221-224 in heat conduction, 240 higher order elements, 239 history, 204-205,499-500 etostatin, 240-241 for, 489-492 assumed strain hybrid formulation, 299-309 bubble functions, 318-330 direct assumed strain formulation, 354-366 drilling freedoms, 330-348 reduced inte ration, 212-240, 262-26i 310-314

Subject Index
Medical analogy, 14,21,485-486 Membrane forces, N, 376 Membrane locking, 296297,450461 eight- and nine-node rectangles, 455-458 eight- and ninenode trapezoids, 458-461 six-node triangle, 476-478 Membrane strains, 372 Mesh density, change in, 125-126 Metric interpolation, 110-111,348-354 mixed wlth arametric interpolation, 311-31!,350-354 in QUADBRM element, 395,475 Minimum tential energy, principle of, 4 P Modelin for finite element analysis, 7 - l 171-176 Modulus: ~ ~ ~ ~ " . bendin 374 bulk, 2 t elastic, 26 shear,-26 M!SC/NASTRAN, 150-152,423,493 MSC/NASTRAN elements, 10 HEXA8, 237-238,328,446,449 HEXA20,298,446,449 QUADR, 10-11,220,343-346,~446,449 i, 10-11,13,201, 205,219-22 1 QUAD1 , 2 117,248.345.399404,412,4: )7, 439; 448,449QUAD8, 10-11,220,296,345,396, 404,427,446,449,475,479 W A R , 342-343 TRIA3, 11, 13,343,404405,413,446, 449 TRIA6, 109-110,356,358,446, 449, 478 TRIM6, 110 MSC/PROBE, 158-159,174-175
~ ~


Magnetic field strength, R, definition of, 30 Magnetic induction, B, definition of, 30 Magnetic vector potential, definition of,

Ma eiostatics,physics of, 29-32 MATC, 6 Mass matrices, 153-155

NAFEMS, 204,495 NASTRAN, 6,492494 NASTRAN elements, 10,180 GENEL,37 QDMEM, 10-11,14,205 QUAD2, 13,220 TRIA2,11,13,383,413,446,449 N-bar method. 353.492 Near mechanisms, 277-281 Neutral functions, 74 Node deletion, 84-86 Numerical integration, 134-149 in parametric space, 135-138 pomts, minimum number, 143-149 rules, 138-143 Gauss, 138-141 for tetrahedra, 143 for triangles, 141-142

Subject lndex
Onedimensional elements,16-17 threenode, error analysis,210-212 three-node, parametric mapping, [Plate elements, Mindlinl Heterosis, 396 QUAD4,398-404 QUAD8 and QUAD9,394-397 TRIA3,404-406 TRIA6,397-398 Plate theory, 370-378 p method, 158 convergence of, 169-170,174-175 Projection methods, 300


two-node, bending beam, 406-410 Output recovery, 155-157

PAFEC, 6 Parallelogram locking, 244-247 Parametric mapping, 100-111 and edge nodes,103-104 four-node auadrilateral. 103 ~.~~ history, 105 Pascal triangle, 72,115,158-159 Patch test failure, 194,200,488 correction for QUAD8 by metric interpolation, 350-353 and selectfve underintegration, 289-291,298 of Wilson's incompatible element, 322-323 Patch tests, 179-201 and element respectability, 199-201 as numerical experiments, 180-184 as proof of convergence, 185-188 requirements on integrationrules, 198 satisfaction by isoparametric elements, 194-199 single elementtest, l84 sufficient conditions, 193-194 weak form, 196 Pentahedral elements: basis functions, 80,83 degree-of-freedom inventory, 90 shape functions, 123-124 Performance comparisons(see Test problems) Permeability, [p],30 Plate and shell elements, Kirchhoff, discrete, 388 Irons' SEMILOOF element, 388,475 triangular (DKT) element, 388,398, 405 Plate elements, 378-413 Plate elements,Kirchhoff, 378-388 quadrilateral elements, 385-388 Adini-Clough rectangle, 385-386 Bogner-Fox-Schmit rectangle, 386 Veubeke quadrilateral, 386-387 triangular elements,380-385 Clough-Tocher triangle, 382-383 quintic triangle, 383-385 Plate elements,Mindlin, 388-413 degree-of-freedom inventory,393

QUADP element, 158,164 Quadrilateral elements: basis functions, 76-80 degree-of-freedom inventory, 89 parametric mapping, 103 shape functions, 117-118 Quasi-completeness, of strain states, 91-93 Reduced integration, 261-262,488-489 (see also Selective underintegration) benefits of, 262-265 cases where ineffective, 317 definition of, 261-262 in eight-node plate and shell elements, 394-396,455-456, 460-461 selective, 287-299 Residual bending flexibility, 406-413 beam element, 406-410 quadrilateral plateelement, 410-412 triangular plateelement, 412-413 Rigid body failure, 106-107,429,471, 487 Rotation about the normal,in shell analysis, 422-423 (see also Drilling freedoms) Rotational degrees of freedom, 370 SAP, 6 Selective strain substitution, 290,294 (see also Reduced integration) Selective underintegration, 287-299 eight- and nine-node quadrilaterals, 295-299 eight-node brick, 293-295 four-node quadrilateral,287-292 Self straining (see Rigid body failure) Serendipity elements, definition of, 78 SESAM, 6 Shape functions, geometric, N', 106, 132-133

Shape functions, N, 39,47,64-69 calculation of, 49,113-129 edge node deletion, 124-125 in factored form, 126-129 HEXA8, 122 HEXA20,122 higher-order serendipity elements, 120-122 Lagrange elements,119 line-product method, 116 PENTA6,123 PENTA15,124 QUAD4,117,127 QUAD8,117,128 QUAD9,118,129 QUAD12,118 TETRA4, 116 TETRAIO, 116 TRIA3,49,114,127 TRIA6, 115, 128 Shape sensitivity, 205,241-255 eight-node trapezoid,249-251, 458-461 four-node parallelogram, 244-247 four-node trapezoid,247-248,398404 six-node triangle, 252-255 Shear effectiveness factor, k, 373,376, 408 Shear flow, Q, 374 Shear locking: eight-node brick, 232-233 eight-node rectangle, 229-230 four-node rectangle, 212-215, 221-224 table of results, 235 twenty-node brick, 233-239 Shear panel, 3 Shell elements, curved,419-481 Ahmad's element, 389,420 eight- and nine-node elements, 471-475 assumed natural strain, 9ANS, 474 assumed strain hybrid, 473 Heterosis, 472 with mode stabilization, 474 reduced integration, 472 higher-order, 478-481 local coordinate system, 462-464 performance, 13, 444451,475,479 SEMILOOF, 475 six-node, 476-478 strain-displacementmatrix, 464-471 theory, 419434,462-471 Shell elements, flat-faceted: correction for nonplanar nodes, 438-440

Subject Index
[Shell elements, flat-faceted] Morley's triangle, 441-442 performance, 444-451 Phaal-Calladine SHB element, 442443 six-node, 476-478 three- and four-node plateelements, 436-442 Shell theory, curved, 419434,462-471 characteristic length,431-433 degenerated shell element procedure, 420-430 inextensional solutions,433-434, 450-455 Single element test, 184 Skewed strain components, 246, 255-257,328,364,403404 Solid elements, incurved shell applications, 279-281,435-436 performance, 444-451 Spurious modes, 183,261-287,487-489 definition of, 266 in a field of elements, 272-277 hourglass mode, 273 in magnetostatics, 281-287 near mechanisms, 277-281 of a single element, 266-272 type 1 and type 2,269-271,296 Spurious modestabilization, 310-314 eight-node brick, 313 four-node quadrilateral,311-313 nine-node quadrilateral,313, 397 STARDYNE, 6 Stiffness formulation, basic, 37-45 Stiffnessmatrix, [K]: calculation of, 129-130 decomposition time, 166-168 definition of, 38 semi-bandwidth, 2,166-167 Strain: on an arc, 362 definition of, 23-24 in shell analysis, 425 Strain-displacement matrix, (B]: constant strain triangle, 48 definition of, 39,41 for isoparametric elements, 129-134 of plates, 377 Strain energy density Stress, definition of, 24-25 Stress, equilibrium equations,27 Subparametric mapping: definition of, 101 of linear displacementstates, 106 of quadratic displacementstates, 108 Superconvergence, 263

Subjecf Index
Superparametric mapping: definition of, 101 of linear displacement states, 106-107 and rigid body failure, 106-107 Test problems, 14,451,492499 bathtub fitting, 175 curved beam, 361 exhibiting near mechanisms,278 MacNeal-Harder set, 495496 Morley hemispherical shell,4 4 7 4 9 , Morley rhombic plate,497499 NAFEMS elliptical plate,495 pinched cylinder, 497 Scordelis-Lo roof,12-13,44446 slender cantilever beam,1 1 , 109,250, slender cantilever plate, 395,404 square plate,237-238 thick cantilever beam, 343,345 thick-walled cylinder,220-221 3-D patch test, 182 twisted beam, 440 2-D patch test, 181
343,354,358 475476,479


Tetrahedral elements: basis functions,74-75 degree-of-freedom inventory, 88 shape functions,116 Transverse shear locking, 391406 Transverse shear strains, 372 Trapezoidal locking,247-251,399401,

Triangle, constant strain,5,45-55 locking, 224-227 Triangular elements: basis functions,71-74 degree-of-freedom inventory, 88 shape functions,114-115 Variational principle, HellingerReissner, 55-56,306-309 application to curved shell elements,

equivalence to least squares fit, Euler equations for, 308 Virtual work, principle of, 40-41, 54 Zero energy modes, in magnetostatics, 281-287 (see also Spurious modes)

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