Building Up A Digital Library With Greenstone: A Self-Instructional Guide For Beginner's
Building Up A Digital Library With Greenstone: A Self-Instructional Guide For Beginner's
Building Up A Digital Library With Greenstone: A Self-Instructional Guide For Beginner's
The purpose of this manual is to serve as a self-instructional guide to those who want to build greenstone collections with Greenstone digital library software 2.72 independently. The manual can be used as a training hand-out for exposure training that long for one or two days. The basic approach of the manual is to include the essential and easy-to-learn things and to exclude everything else that cannot be learned by new users. In exposure training, please refrain from showering a lot of information of complex nature to the new participants who cannot digest them all. That many dispel some of them from greenstone. Practice reminds that learning happens in the form of layers one over the other. When the first layer is not stable, you cannot build up the subsequent layers. This manual deals with the first layer of knowledge on implementation of greenstone. Advance features are not dealt with in this manual. We express our gratitude to Dr. John Rose for the enthusiasm he hds shown in clarifying our doubts, helping us learn newer changes and suggesting corrections in the draft, without which the document would have more infirmities. Some others have also pointed out a few corrections. Thanks to them.
The Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) offers exciting ways to build and distribute digital document collections. It helps us to publish digital collections on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Within a few minutes time, one can build fulltext search indexes and browsing classifiers for any collection of digital documents. Once initiated, the collection building process will take place mechanically, running into several hours or days for a very large collection.
Downloading digital documents from World Wide Web, organizing them into focused collections and making the materials accessible to others can be a prime application area of digital libraries.
* Librarian, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Mulagunnathu Kavu 680 581 ** Library Computer Operator, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Mulagunnathu Kavu 680 581
1.1 Objective of this Guide The objective of this write up is to narrate, with screenshots, the most essential basic steps in building up a digital library of collection containing a few documents in an easy-to-learn style, in windows operating system.
1.2 Software Installation Software Download Sites The GSDL 2.72 software can be downloaded from Java2 Runtime Environment can be downloaded from ImageMagick can be had from Ghostscript can be obtained from Installation of Software Install Java2 Runtime Environment in your computer as a pre-requisite for installing GSDL software. Then install the GSDL 2.72 (windows version) software in your computer. Choose the Local Library mode for installation. You may install ImageMagick and Ghostscript softwares, required to build image collections and to do advanced conversion of PDF and Postscript documents, respectively. While installing the softwares, just choose the default options in the installation wizard.
2. Building up a Collection with GLI The simplest way to build a new digital library collection is to use Greenstone's Librarian Interface1 (GLI), a component of Greenstone Digital Library software. GLI allows one to collect the documents, import or assign metadata, and build the documents into a digital library, and convert it into a CD-ROM library. GLI can be used to perform the following basic activities, while building up a collection: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gather documents for building up the collection Enrich the documents by adding metadata Design the collection, its appearance and the access facilities Format the appearance of the digital library Create the collection Convert the digital library into a CD-ROM library
Start a New Collection Open the GLI from the Start Programs Greenstone Digital Library Software v2.72 Greenstone Librarian Interface. To start a new collection, choose New from the File menu. Figure 1 Starting a new collection
GLI is a Graphical Interface program created for making the collection building process easier for librarians who do not have much knowledge to configure a collection. It works in four modes - Library Assistant, Librarian, Library System Specialist and Expert. Librarian is the suitable choice for beginner's and is the default mode. When you go up to the level of Expert, you will get more options to build. You can go to file preference to change the mode.
Fill up a name for the collection (against Collection title) and a brief description about the collection (against Description of content) in the appropriate column in the pop-up window.
Type the Title of the Collection Click here and select New Collection
Choose New Collection2 in the Base this collection on dialogue box and click OK.
2.1 Gather the Documents Now the Gather panel will become active and it allows the user to collect the required documents by exploring the entire computer. Then select the files or directories by browsing the folders in the computer. Drag and drop them into the right hand pane by your mouse. You can drag the documents either individually or as sets of documents in folders/subfolders.
This indicates that your collection to be built now will have as entirely new structure. If you want your present collection to follow the pattern of an already existing collection, select the name of that collection from the drop-down menu.
When you gather the documents, the software usually prompts you to select the Plug-in, if the suitable Plug-in is not included. In such cases, please click the Add Plugin button.
2.2 Enriching Documents with Metadata The next stage is to enrich the documents by adding metadata3. You can Select the individual document and add metadata such as title, creators or subjects manually.
Click on Enrich tab and it will bring up a panel. Left side of the panel under Collection tab shows the files. The right side, on clicking, will allow adding metadata for each document on each metadata field in the Value box against the Element. Here we use Dublin Core metadata and that is why dc. is prefixed with name of metadata elements such as Title, Publisher etc.
Metadata is the data about the documents, such as title, creator, subjects and so on. The metadata element pre-fixed with dc. (eg. dc.Title) denotes dublin core metadata, ex. (eg. ex.Title) denotes extracted metadata, exp. (eg. exp.Title) denotes exploded metadata. Here we use Dublin Core metadata by giving value against the metadata element after selecting each document file name under collection.
Type the Title of the document against dc.Title, type the Creator (Author) of the documents against dc.Creator, and type the Subjects (Keywords) against dc.Subject and Keywords for each selected document shown below Collection tab as in the above figure. 2.3 Design the Collection Then design the collection by choosing the needed features given under the Design menu. Collection design consists of many facets as given in the left side pane.
2.3.1 Document Plug-ins Click on Document Plug-ins to add the required Plug-ins4 needed to convert the document into the document format (greenstone archive format) required for greenstone. All plug-ins, needed for handling common documents, will be
Plug-ins, written in perl language, will translate the source document into a common form, parse them and extract metadata from them. For example, the html plug-in converts the Web pages to greenstone archive format and extract metadata that is explicit in the original document from the html source tags.
loaded by default at the time of installation. Kindly note that if proper Plug-in is not loaded, the software cannot build the digital library collection.
2.3.2 Create Search Indexes Choose the Search Indexes, shown next below on the left pane, for creating Search Indexes. Search Indexes determine whether to confine the search to paragraph, chapter or the entire text of the document.
Remove Default Indexes Remove the default indexes for ex.Title and ex.Source by selecting the index description under Assigned Indexes and then by clicking on the Remove Index button. Do not remove the search index for text [Default Index]5.
If you dont provide the search index for text, you cannot search the entire text of the document. Make it default, preferably.
Adding New Indexes Click on the New Index button. Select the dc.Title, dc.Creator and dc.Subject and Keywords, by tick marking on the check box one by one, and add them
one by one by clicking on the Add Index button. That means select dc.Title first and add it, then select dc.Creator and add it and so on. Figure 7 Adding Indexes
Click here to add New Index
At the end, all the three indexes will be added one by one as in the following figure. Fig 8 Indexes Selected for the Collection
You may select an index and move it up or move it down by clicking on the buttons on the right side so as to set the order of its appearance. Likewise you can set any index as default index by using the Set Default Index button.
2.3.3 Browsing Classifiers If you want to browse on a metadata element, you must set up a Browsing Classifier, independently of creating an index on this metadata element. Browsing Classifiers such as Titles, Creators, Subjects (see the Fig.20) help you to browse the collection.
Select Browsing Classifier by clicking on it and then click on the Remove classifier button for removing them one by one. Remove the default Browsing Classifiers for Title and Source shown below.
Now, choose Select classifier to add pull down list and select A-Z List or A-Z Compact List6.
Then click on Add Classifier and add the Browsing Classifiers7 for Title, Creators and Subjects by one by one.
Use of AZCompactList Classifier brings bookshelf icons under the browsing classifier. It groups together the documents that appear multiple times with same metadata and does not differ with AZList in any other manner. 7 Title, Creators and Subjects are the default button names for dc.Title, dc.Creator and dc.Subject and Keywords. You can change the button name by marking the button name check box and typing the new button name against it, while configuring the browsing classifiers. It is better to use the default button name initially, so as to avoid the complexities.
When you click Add Classifier button in the above screen, you will get the window for choosing the Browsing Classifier.
Select the browsing classifier for Title by choosing the metadata (dc.Title) as follows:Figure 11 Adding Classifier CL1 for Title - dc.Title
Then select the browsing classifier for Creator by choosing the metadata option (dc.Creator) as follows :-
Then select the browsing classifier for Subjects by choosing the metadata option (dc.Subject and Keywords) as follows :Figure 13 Adding Classifier CL3 for Subjects dc.Subject and Keywords
The resultant screen that shows the three added Browsing Classifiers will appear as follows:-
2.4. Format The page-display of the resultant digital library including the display-page that appears on clicking the browsing classifiers or on making a search, are governed by the features provided below the Format tab. 2.4.1 General Choose the Format Tab and select General to provide the general information about the collection. Put a picture as a collection icon Choose a small picture of around 100*100 pixels that needs to appear as an icon of the collection in the homepage, by clicking on the Browse button on middle right and selecting the picture. On choosing the picture, the fullpath of the
picture will appear in the address box lying against the Browse button. You can provide the same picture or a different picture as the image for the about page also. About page is the first page about an individual digital library collection that contains a short description about the collection. Figure 15 Designing the Collection General Information
2.4.2 Format Features Beginner's may skip the Format Features section and go to the next section (2.5 Build the collection). If you skip, the default settings will take care of the pagedisplay.
There are two types of Format Statements - General statement applicable in general to all and specific statement applicable to specific classifier or search list. Specific statements, if present, would override the general statements. Let us examine some statements VList - applies to all vertical lists in all classifiers Search VList - applies to all search result lists CL2HList - applies to all hierarchy lists in classifier 2 The value of any metadata can be interpolated by placing the metadata name in square brackets. eg. [Title] in the format statements.
If you want to change any format feature, select the appropriate one (eg. CL1 AZList- metadata dc.Title) from the Choose Feature pull down list and add the format string to the Format Features by clicking on the Add Format button. You can select any feature appropriate for changing the appearance of the digital library. Fresh users may find it difficult to learn the format features in the beginning stage. But if properly understood, it is so easy to manage. The CL1 Browsing classifier9 for Title can be added as shown in the following screen.
[link] [icon] [/ link] provides a link from icon to the HTML version of the document. [link] [Title] [/link] provides link from the Title of the document. [srclink] [srcicon] [/srclink] provides a link from the word/pdf icon to the word/pdf version of the document. CL1 denotes the first browsing classifier dc.Title and CL2 denotes the second one dc.Creator and so on.
Similarly select any other string from Choose Feature box and click Add Format button for customizing it as in the above screen. You can edit the HTML strings under the Format Features box by selecting it and editing them in the HTML Format String box below.
You can add CL2 and CL3 classifiers for Creators and Subjects and can make modifications if you have reasonable knowledge of HTML.
2.5. Build the Collection Then go to the Create panel. Click on the Build Collection button and the progress bar will show the progress in building10 the collection.
2.5.1 Preview the Collection At the end of the building process, Click on the Preview Collection button to view the collection built.
During the building process, the text of the documents will be compressed and the indexes specified will be generated in order to ensure the availability of the collection for search and retrieval. GNU Data Base Manager, a program used within the Greenstone software, will store the metadata of each document. Managing Gigabytes is the program used by the Greenstone system for fulfilling indexing that incorporates compression techniques.
Search Indexes
Browsing Classifiers
2.6. Converting the Collection in to a CD-ROM You can export the collection/collections to a CD-ROM. If you want to convert your Greenstone application into an installable CD-ROM for distribution among wider audience. Click on File Write CD/DVD image...... Figure 22 Starting the Export Process
A pop-up window will appear as follows:Figure 23 Giving a Collection Name for CD-ROM
Provide a name for your CD-ROM, mark the check box pertaining to the collection to be exported and click Write CD/DVD image button.
Greenstone\tmp\exported_Demo) into a blank CD-ROM for creating selfinstalling Windows CD-ROM. 3. Conclusion The basic greenstone collection with normal look and feel can be created within a few minutes time. The digital library collection created thus can be customized later in a variety of ways. The customization can be done, whenever you like, by opening the collection, which can be done by clicking on the menu, File Open and selecting the appropriate collection in the GLI . Format Features allow unlimited choices in modifying the appearance of the collection. You can radically alter the style of the pages generated, by changing the macro files included in the macro folder of the Greenstone installation. A general-purpose digital library like greenstone is a useful tool to provide information services in our libraries. Absence of knowledge on how to use it, should not come in the way of exploiting the advantages it offers. This documentation may be used as a tool to bring in more people to the growing constituency of greenstone users. We, the librarians, can improve our capabilities, as knowledge managers, if we are particular in learning the information technology tools like greenstone and use them for managing knowledge resources. We should learn, utilise, promote and propagate greenstone to make our libraries better.
References 1. Witten, Ian H and Brainbridge, David (2003) : How to build a digital library. Amsterdam, Morgan Kaufmann 2. Witten, Ian H and Boddie, Stefan (2004): Greenstone Installers Guide. New Zealand Digital Library Project, New Zealand 3. Brainbridge, David et al (2004): Greenstone digital library developers guide. New Zealand Digital Library Project, New Zealand 4. Loots, M. et al (2001) From Paper to Collection. New Zealand Digital Library Project, New Zealand. 5. Witten, Ian.H. et al (2006) Greenstone Users Guide. New Zealand Digital Library Project, New Zealand. 6. Morete, Pablo and Rose, John: Creating Digital Libraries Based on CDS/ISIS Databases. (downloaded from World Wide Web) 7. Tutorial exercises on Greenstone at index.php/Tutorial_exercises *****