M.E. Quality Engineering and Management Syllabus

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SEMESTER I SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 MA9105 2 QE9111 3 QE9112 4 QE9113 5 QE9114 6 E1 COURSE TITLE Probability and Statistical Methods Manufacturing Systems and Processes Total Quality Management Optimization Techniques Metrology and Inspection Elective I TOTAL SEMESTER II SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 QE9121 2 QE9122 3 QE9123 4 E1 5 E2 6 E3 7 QE9124 COURSE TITLE Total Quality Control Quality by Design Software Quality Engineering Elective II Elective III Elective IV Quality System Design Project TOTAL SEMESTER III SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 E5 2 E6 3 E7 4 QE9131 COURSE TITLE Elective V Elective VI Elective VII Project-Phase I TOTAL SEMESTER IV SL. COURSE NO CODE PRACTICAL 1 PD9141 COURSE TITLE Project Work Phase II TOTAL L 0 0 T 0 0 P 24 24 C 12 12 L 3 3 3 0 15 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 8 8 C 3 3 3 6 15 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 18 T 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 21 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 4 3 3 3 3 3 19

Total number of credits to be earned for the award of the degree: 67



SEMESTER I SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 MA9105 2 QE9111 3 QE9112 COURSE TITLE Probability and Statistical Methods Manufacturing Systems and Processes Total Quality Management TOTAL SEMESTER II SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 QE9121 2 QE9122 3 QE9123 COURSE TITLE Total Quality Control Quality by Design Software Quality Engineering TOTAL SEMESTER III SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 QE9113 2 QE9114 3 E1 COURSE TITLE Optimization Techniques Metrology and Inspection Elective I TOTAL SEMESTER IV SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 E2 2 E3 3 E4 4 QE9124 COURSE TITLE Elective II Elective III Elective IV Quality System Design Project TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 12 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 3 3 C 3 3 3 2 11 L 3 3 3 9 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 9 L 3 3 3 9 T 0 1 0 1 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 4 3 10 L 3 3 3 9 T 1 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 4 3 3 10

SEMESTER V SL. COURSE NO CODE THEORY 1 E5 2 E6 3 E7 4 QE9131 COURSE TITLE Elective V Elective VI Elective VII Project-Phase I TOTAL SEMESTER VI SL. COURSE NO CODE PRACTICAL 1 QE9141 COURSE TITLE Project Work Phase II TOTAL L 0 0 T 0 0 P 24 24 C 12 12 L 3 3 3 0 9 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 8 8 C 3 3 3 6 15

Total number of credits to be earned for the award of the degree: 67

ELECTIVES for M.E. QUALITY ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT SL. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 COURSE CODE QE 9150 QE 9151 IE 9159 IE 9161 QE 9152 IE 9124 QE 9153 QE 9154 QE 9155 QE 9156 QE 9157 IE 9164 IE 9162 IE 9169 IE 9170 IE 9172 IE 9175 QE 9159 IE 9174 IE 9150 IE 9154 QE 9160 IE 9167 IE 9168 IE 9171 IE 9173 COURSE TITLE Maintenance Engineering and Management System Simulation Decision Support Systems Applied Object Oriented Programming Operations Scheduling Supply Chain Management Production and Inventory management Materials Management Value Engineering Product Innovation and Development Lean Six Sigma Reliability Engineering Models Business Excellence Models Management Accounting and Financial Management Project Management Service Operations Management Multi Variate Data Analysis Systems Analysis and design Software Process Measurement and Analysis Data Analysis Facilities Planning and Design Productivity Management and ReEngineering Engineering Economics Industrial Safety and Hygiene Logistics and Distribution Management Industrial Psychology Technology Management L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

MA 9105 UNIT I


LTPC 310 4 9

Random variables-Probability function- moments- moment generating functions and their properties Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma and normal distributions Functions of a Random variable. UNIT II TWO DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES 9

Joint distributions Marginal and conditional distributions Functions of two dimensional random variables Regression Curve Correlation. UNIT III ESTIMATION THEORY 9

Unbiased Estimators Method of moments Maximum likelihood Estimation Curve fitting by principle of least squares Regression lines. UNIT IV TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS 9

Sampling distributions- Type I and Type II errors Tests based on normal, t, 2 and F distributions for testing of mean, variance and proportions Tests for Independence of attributes and Goodness of fit. UNIT V MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 9

Covariance matrix Correlation Matrix Multivariate Normal density function Principal components Sample variation by principal components Principal components by graphing. L+T: 45+15 TOTAL: 60 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Richard Johnson, Miller & Freunds Probability and statistics for Engineers, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, Private Ltd., New Delhi (2007). 2. Richard A.Johnson and Dean W, Wichern, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia (2002). 3. Gupta, S.C and Kapoor, V.K. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan and Sons, New Delhi (2001). 4. Jay L.Devorer, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Thomson and Duxbbury, Singapore (2002). 5. Dallas E Johnson et al., Applied multivariate methods for data analysis, Thomson and Duxbbury Press, Singapore (1998).

QE 9111


LTPC 3 00 3



Lathe types of lathes shaper shapers operations planer planer operations Types of grinding machines UNIT II MANUFACTURING PROCESS 10

Patterns casting process forging rolling - extrusion process- welding technology. UNIT III NON TRADITIONAL MACHINING TECHNIQUES 8

Electric discharge machining wire EDM chemical machining elector chemical machining ultra sonic machining abrasive jet machining water jet machining UNIT IV MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS 9

Manufacturing systems Functions Types of production Costs in manufacturingModern manufacturing systems & controls UNIT V WORK SYSTEMS 10

Introduction to time study and method study.

TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. S.K.Hajara Choudhury,Elements of Workshop technology Volume I and II,Media promoters and publishers Pvt.Ltd,2002. 2. 3. P.C.Sharma,A text book of production technology,S.Chand &Co.,Ltd.,1999. Mikel, P.Groover, Automation Production Systems and Computer integrated manufacturing PHI, 1995. 4. Benjamin W. Niebel, Motion & Time Study, Richard D.Irwin Inc., 1982.

QE 9112


LTPC 3 00 3



Need for TQM, evolution of quality, Definition of quality, TQM philosophy CONTRIBUTIONS OF Deming Juran, Crosby and Ishikawa, TQM models. UNIT II PLANNING 9

Vision, Mission, Quality policy and objective Planning and Organization for quality, Quality policy Deployment, Quality function deployment, introduction to BPR and analysis of Quality Costs. UNIT III TQM PRINCIPLES 9

Customer focus, Leadership and Top management commitment, Employee involvement Empowerment and Team work, Supplier Quality Management, Continuous process improvement, Training, performance Measurement and customer satisfaction. UNIT IV TQM TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 9

PDSA, The Seven Tools of Quality, New Seven management tools, Concept of six sigma, FMEA, Bench Marking, JIT, POKA YOKE, 5S, KAIZEN, Quality circles. UNIT V QUALITY SYSTEMS 9

Need for ISO 9000 Systems, clauses Documentation, Implementation, Introduction to ISO14000 and OSHAS18000, Implementation of TQM, Case Studies. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOK: Dale H.Besterfiled, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, (Indian reprint 2002) REFERENCES: 1. Oakland.J.S. Total Quality Management, ButterworthHcinemann Ltd., Oxford, 1989. 2. Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S., Quality Management Concepts and Tasks, New Age International 1996. 3. Zeiri. Total Quality Management for Engineers, Wood Head Publishers, 1991. 4. Juran J.M and Frank M.Gryna Jr., Quality Planning and Analysis, TMH, India, 1982. 5. Brain Rethery, ISO 9000, Productivity and Quality Publishing Pvt.Ltd., 1993. 6. D.Mills, Quality Auditing, Chapman and Hall, 1993.

QE 9113


LTPC 3 00 3 15



The L.P.model, Assumptions, solving by Graphical and simplex method, Post optimality analysis, the transportation problem, the assignment problem. UNIT II NET WORKS 8

PERT-CPM, the shortest path - Minimal spanning tree Maximum flow problems. UNIT III DECISION ANALYSIS 7

Decision making without and with experimentation Decision trees, Game theory. UNIT IV MARKOV PROCESSES 8

Basic structure of queuing models, application of queuing theory, Markov chain. UNIT V DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING 7

Characteristics of D.P.problems, Deterministic dynamic programming.

TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Ravindran Phillips and Solberg, Operations Research Principles and Practice, Wiley India, 2007. 2. 3. Pannerselvam,R, Operations Research, Prentice Hall, 2008. F.S.Hillier, G.L.Liberman, Introduction to Operations Research McGraw Hill, 1995.

QE 9114


LTPC 30 03 12


Accuracy, Precision, Readability, Sensitivity etc., Linear measuring instrumentsvernier micrometer-Gauge blocks- dial indicator-comparators Angle standards vernier bevel protrctor-sine bar autocollimator. UNIT II STANDARDS FOR LINEAR AND ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS 8

Shop floor standards and their calibration, light interference, Method of coincidence, Slip gauge calibration, Measurement errors, Limits, fits, Tolerance, Gauges, Gauge design. UNIT III MEASUREMENT APPLICATION 8

Measurement of screw threads and gears Radius measurement surface finish measurement -Measurement of straightness-flatness-parallelism squarenessroundness circularity UNIT IV MODERN CONCEPTS 8

Image processing and its application in Metrology, Co-ordinate measuring machine, Types of CMM, Probes used, Application, Non-contact CMM using Electro-optical sensors for dimensional metrology. UNIT V INTRODUCTION TO MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS 9

System configuration, basic characteristics of measuring devices, Displacement, force and torque measurement, standards, Calibration, Sensors, Basic principles and concepts of temperature, Pressure and flow measurement,Destructive testing Nondestructive testing. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Galyer J.F. and Shotbolt C.R.Metrology for Engineers ELBS, 1992. 2. Hune, K.J.Engineering Metrology, Kalyani Publishers, India, 1980. 3. Robinson, S.L. and Miller R.K. Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance, Marcel Dekker Inc.1989. 4. Stout, K.Quality Control in Automation, Prentice Hall, 1986.

QE 9121


LTPC 300 3 7



Quality Dimensions Quality definitions Inspection - Quality control Quality Assurance Quality planning - Quality costs Economics of quality Quality loss function UNIT II CONTROL CHARTS 12 Chance and assignable causes of process variation, statistical basis of the control chart, control charts for variables and attributes- Construction and application. UNIT III SPECIAL CONTROL PROCEDURES 8

Warning and modified control limits, control chart for individual measurements, multivari chart, X-chart with a linear trend, chart for moving averages and ranges, cumulative-sum and exponentially weighted moving average control charts. UNIT IV STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL 8

Process stability, process capability analysis using a Histogram or probability plots and control chart. Gauge capability studies, setting specification limits. UNIT V ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING 10

The acceptance sampling fundamental, OC curve, sampling plans for attributes, simple, double, multiple and sequential, sampling plans for variables, MIL-STD105D and MIL-STD-414E & IS2500 standards.


1. 2. 3.

Grant E.L. and Leavensworth, Statistical Quality Control, TMH, 2000. IS 2500 Standard. Douglas C Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley, 2001.



LTPC 31 0 4 5

Perception of quality, Taguchis definition of quality quality loss function, tolerance using loss function, quality and process capability, Planning of experiments, design principles, terminology. UNIT II FACTORIAL EXPERIMENTS 10

Design and analysis of single factor and multi-factor experiments, tests on means, EMS rules. UNIT III SPECIAL DESIGNS 10

2K Factorial designs, Fractional factorial designs, Nested designs, Blocking and Confounding. UNIT IV ORTHOGONAL EXPERIMENTS 10

Selection of orthogonal arrays (OAs) OA designs, conduct of OA experiments, data collection and analysis of simple experiments, Modification of orthogonal arrays. UNIT V ROBUST DESIGN 10

Variability due to noise factors, Product and process design, Principles of robust design, objective functions in robust design - S/N ratios , Inner and outer OA experiments, optimization using S/N ratios, fraction defective analysis, case studies. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Nicolo Belavendram, Quality by design Taguchi techniques for Industrial experimentation, Prentice Hall, 1999. 2. 3. D.C.Montgomery, Design and analysis of experiments, John Wiley, 2006. Tapan, P. Bagchi, Taguchi methods explained: Practical steps to Robust Design, PHI, 1993. 4. Robert H Lochner and Joseph E Matar, Designing for Quality, Chapman & Hall, 1990.


QE 9123


L T P C 3 0 0 3 5


Concepts & Costs of quality Quality Control Vs Quality Assurance Defect Prevention vs. Defect Prediction Product Life Cycle- Project Life Cycle Models.( Traditional and Agile ) UNIT II SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES 10

Estimation, Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, Design, development Testing and Maintenance UNIT III SUPPORT ACTIVITIES 10

Reviews- Auditing Risk Management Software Quality Assurance- Software Configuration Management UNIT IV SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT TOOLS 10

Seven Basic Quality Tools- Checklist-Pareto Diagram-Cause and Effect DiagramRun ChartHistogram-Control Chart-Scatter Diagram Poke Yoke Statistical Process Control Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)- Quality Function Deployment- Continuous Improvement tools case study. UNIT V QUALITY ASSURANCE MODELS Software Quality standards,ISO 9000 series CMMI P-CMM case study. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOK Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 5th Edition Roger S. Pressman McGraw- Hill International Edition, 6th Edition, 2006 REFERENCES: 1. Norman E-Fenton and Share Lawrence Pflieger, Software Metrics, International Thomson Computer Press, 1997. 2 . Ramesh Gopalswamy, Managing Global Projects; Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2002. 3 .Gordon Schulmeyer.G. and James.L.McHanus, Total Quality Management for Software, International Thomson Computer Press, USA, 1990. 4 Dunn Robert M., Software Quality: Concepts and Plans, Englewood Clifts, Prentice Hall Inc., 1990. 5. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Stephen, Stephen H. Ka,Pearson Education, 2006, Low Price Edition. 10



L TPC 3 00 3

UNIT I INTRODUCTION 6 Maintenance definition Maintenance objectives Maintenance management Functions of maintenance department Tero technology Maintenance costs. UNIT II MAINTENANCE MODELS 12

Maintenance policies Imperfect maintenance PM versus b/d maintenance Optimal PM schedule and product characteristics Inspection decisions: Maximizing profit Minimizing downtime Replacement models. UNIT III MAINTENANCE LOGISTICS 11

Maintenance staffing Human factors Resource requirements: Optimal size of service facility Optimal repair effort Maintenance planning and scheduling Spares planning Capital spare. UNIT IV MAINTENANCE QUALITY 8

Five Zero concept FMECA Maintainability prediction Design for maintainability Maintainability allocation Reliability Centered Maintenance. UNIT IV TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE 8 TPM fundamentals Chronic and sporadic losses Six big losses OEE as a measure TPM pillars Autonomous maintenance TPM implementation. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Andrew K.S.Jardine & Albert H.C.Tsang, Maintenance, Replacement and Reliability, Taylor and Francis, 2006. 2. Bikas Badhury & S.K.Basu, Tero Technology: Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management, Asian Books, 2003. 3. Seichi Nakajima, Total Productive Maintenance, Productivity Press, 1993.


QE 9151 UNIT I


LTPC 3 0 03 3

Systems, modeling, types of models- simulation definition, types of simulation. UNIT II GENERATION OF RANDOM NUMBERS AND VARIATES 5

Pseudo random number, methods of generating random variates, testing of random numbers and variates. UNIT III DESIGN OF SIMULATION EXPERIMENTS 8

Problem formulation, data collection and reduction, time flow mechanism, key variables, logic flow chart, starting condition, run size, UNIT IV SIMULATION LANGUAGES 14

Comparison and selection of simulation languages, study of any one simulation language. UNIT V CASE STUDIES/MINI PROJECT 15

Development of simulation models related to quality engineering & Management

TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Jerry Banks and John S.Carson, Barry L Nelson, David M.Nicol, P.Shahabudeen,Discrete event system simulation, Pearson Education, 2007. 2. 3. 4. Law A.M, Simulation Modelling and Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2008 Thomas J.Schriber, Simulation using GPSS, John Wiley, 1991. Kelton, W. David, Simulation with Arena ,McGraw-Hill,2006


IE 9159


L T P C 3 0 0 3 5



Managerial decision making, system modeling and support-preview of the modeling process-phases of decision making process. UNIT II MODELING AND ANALYSIS 12

DSS components- Data warehousing, access, analysis, mining and visualizationmodeling and analysis-DSS development. UNIT III KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 12

Group support systems- enterprise DSS- supply chain and DSS-knowledge management methods, technologies and tools. UNIT IV INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 12

Artificial intelligence and expert systems-concepts, structure, types-knowledge acquisition and validation, knowledge representation UNIT V IMPLEMENTATION 4

Implementation, integration and impact of management support systems.

REFERENCES: 1. Efraim Turban and Jay E Aronson, Decision Support and Intelligent Systems, Pearson education Asia, Seventh edition, 2005. 2. Elain Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial intelligence, TMH, 2006.





Elements of OOP, classes, subjects, messaging, inheritance, polymorphism, OOP paradigm versus procedural paradigm, object-oriented design. UNIT II ++ Basics 15

Expression and statements, operators, precedence, type conversion, control statements, loops, Arrays structures, functions,argument passing, reference argument, overloaded function. UNIT III C++ CLASS 5

Definition, class objects, member functions, , class argument, , operator overloading, user defined conversions. UNIT IV CLASS DERIVATION 10

Derivation specification, public and private base classes, standard conversions under derivation, class scope, initialization and assignment under derivation. UNIT V APPLICATION 10 OOPs applications in Industrial Engineering. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. 2. Robert Lafore, Object oriented programming in C++, Sam Publishing, 2002. E.Balagurusamy, Object oriented programming with C ++,Tata Mc Graw Hill,2003 3. 4. Stanley B.Lippman, C++ Printer, Addison Wesley Pub.Co., 2003. Nabajyoti Barkakati,Object Oriented Programming in C++, Prentice Hall of India, 2001


QE 9152


LTPC 300 3 8


Scheduling theory and function Sequencing objectives Performance measures Dominant schedules SPT, EDD, WSPT sequences Sequencing Theorems. UNIT II SINGLE MACHINE MODEL 9

Pure sequencing Minimizing T , F Hodgsons algorithm Smiths rule WI algorithm Dynamic programming Branch and Bound Non simultaneous arrivals Dependent jobs Sequence dependent set up times. UNIT III PARALLEL MACHINE MODEL Minimizing makespan: McNaughtons algorithm Heuristic procedures Minimizing Fw : H1 & Hm heuristics Hus algorithm Muntz Coffman algorithm. UNIT IV FLOW SHOP MODEL 8

Johnsons algorithm Campbell Dudek Smith algorithm Palmers method Mittens algorithm Ignall Schrage algorithm - Despatch index heuristic. UNIT V JOB SHOP MODEL 9

Graphical representation Jacksons algorithm Semi-active schedule Active schedule Non delay schedule Dispatching rules Heuristic schedule generation. TOTAL: REFERENCES: 1. Kenneth R.Baker, Introduction to sequencing and scheduling, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000. 2. Richard W. Conway, William L.Maxwell and Louis W. Miller, Theory of Scheduling, Dover Publications, 2003. 45 PERIODS


IE 9124 UNIT I


LTPC 3 00 3 6

Definition of Logistics and SCM: Evolution, Scope, Importance& Decision Phases Drivers of SC Performance and Obstacles. UNIT II LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT 10

Factors Modes of Transportation - Design options for Transportation NetworksRouting and Scheduling Inbound and outbound logistics- Reverse Logistics 3PLIntegrated Logistics Concepts- Integrated Logistics Model Activities - Measuring logistics cost and performance Warehouse Management - Case Analysis UNIT III SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK DESIGN 10

Distribution in Supply Chain Factors in Distribution network design Design options-Network Design in Supply Chain Framework for network Decisions Managing cycle inventory and safety. UNIT IV SOURCING, AND PRICING IN SUPPLY CHAIN 9

Supplier selection and Contracts - Design collaboration - Procurement process. Revenue management in supply chain UNIT V COORDINATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN SUPPLY CHAIN 10

Supply chain coordination - Bullwhip effect Effect of lack of co-ordination and obstacles IT and SCM - supply chain IT frame work. E Business & SCM. Metrics for SC performance Case Analysis TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Supply Chain Management, Strategy, Planning, and operation Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl- PHI, Second edition, 2007 2. 3. Logistics, David J.Bloomberg, Stephen Lemay and Joe B.Hanna, PHI 2002 Logistics and Supply Chain Management Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service. Martin Christopher, Pearson Education Asia, Second Edition 4. 5. Modeling the supply chain, Jeremy F.Shapiro, Thomson Duxbury, 2002 Handbook of Supply chain management, James B.Ayers, St.Lucle Press, 2000


QE 9153


LTPC 300 3 5



Operations strategy, types of processes, process management outsourcing, makebuy decision, process re-engineering UNIT II FORECASTING 10

Purpose and application of forecasts, types of forecasts, Delphi & Market surveys, Moving average and exponential smoothing methods, Linear Regression, monitoring of forecasts. UNIT III PRODUCTION PLANNING 10

Aggregate planning problem, costs, strategies, graphical and tabular methods, transportation and linear programming methods, MRP, MRPII, CRP, ERP. UNIT IV PRODUCTION CONTROL 10

Capacity planning and control, production activity control, JIT, flow shop & Job shop scheduling basic models. UNIT V INVENTOTY MANAGEMENT 10

Inventory classification and analysis, Basic inventory systems, deterministic and probability models. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. Lee J.Krajewsky and Larry P.Ritzman , Operations Management, PHI, 2003. R.Pannerselvam, Production and Operations Management, PHI, 2007. Seetharama L., Narasimhan, Dennis W.McLeavy and Peter J.Brillington, Production Planning and Inventory Control, PHI, 1997. 4. Mahadevan, B. Operations- Theory & Practice, Pearson Education, 2007.


QE 9154


LTPC 300 3 10



Objectives of materials management, Materials control Variety reduction, Codification, Storage and handling, Materials forecasting, Inventory control, MRP & MRP-II UNIT II PURCHASING 10

Policies and procedures, Selection of sources of supply, Make or Buy, Vendor evaluation and rating, Vendor development, Buying of different materials JIT in purchasing, Kanban. UNIT III SPARE PARTS MANAGEMENT 10

Importance of spares management Categorization, Reliability and Quality of spares, Procurement, Warehousing and Logistics, Obsolescence of spares Spares information system UNIT IV VALUE ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 10

Origin of Value Engineering, Meaning of value, Definition of Value Engineering and Value analysis, Type of Value, function Basic and Secondary functions, concept of cost and wroth, creativity in Value Engineering. UNIT V VALUE ENGINEERING PROCESS 10

Seven phases of job plan, FAST Diagram as Value Engineering Tool, Behavioural and organizational aspects of Value Engineering, Ten principles of Value analysis, Benefits of Value Engineering, Case study. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. P.Gopalakrishnan, Purchasing and Materials Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993. 2. L.Lee Jr. and D.M.Dobbler, Purchasing and Materials Management Texts and cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993. 3. Value Engineering Concepts, Techniques & Applications Mukhapadhyaya Sage Publications 2003. 4. P.Gopalakrishnan A.K.Banerji, Maintenance and spare parts Management, PHI New Delhi, 1991.


QE 9155


LTPC 300 3 10


Product development process Product development organizations- Identifying the customer needs Establishing the product specifications concept generation Concept selection. UNIT II PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE 7

Product architecture Implication of the architecture Establishing the architecture Related system level design issues. UNIT III INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING DESIGN 10

Need for industrial design Impact of industrial design Industrial design process. Assessing the quality of industrial design- Human Engineering consideration Estimate the manufacturing cost Reduce the component cost Reduce the assembly cost Reduce the support cost Impact of DFM decisions on other factors UNIT IV PROTOTYPING AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 9 Principles of prototyping Planning for prototypes - Elements of economic analysis Base case financial model Sensitivity analysis Influence of the quantitative factors UNIT V MANAGING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 9

Sequential, parallel and coupled tasks - Baseline project planning Project BudgetProject execution Project evaluation- patents- patent search-patent lawsInternational code for patents. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOK: 1. Karal .T. Ulrich, Steven D.Eppinger, Product Design and Development, McGRAW- HILL International Editions.2003.

REFERENCES: 1. S.Rosenthal, Effective product design and development, Irwin 1992. 2. Charles Gevirtz, Developing New products with TQM, McGraw Hill International editions, 1994


QE 9156


LTPC 30 03 5



Introduction to Lean Principles and Six Sigma Concepts-Similarities and differences Synergy-Evolution of Lean Six Sigma UNIT II LEAN SIX SIGMA APPROACH 8

Lean Six Sigma Methodology- Phases of Lean Six Sigma Method, Managing Lean Six sigma Project, Six sigma Methodologies (DMAIC, DMADV, DFSS) UNIT III SIX SIGMA TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 12

Advanced Statistical Tools - Statistical Process Control-Process Capability Analysis Sigma computation -Hypothesis Testing-ANOVA-Design of Experiments- chi-square test, Regression analysis Case studies UNIT IV LEAN TOOLS 10 Value Stream Mapping Poka Yoke-5S-Cycle Time Analysis-Push-Pull SystemsWaste Elimination- Total Productive Maintenance- Failure Mode Effect AnalysisStandard Work Practices-Control Plans, SMED , Kanban , Visual control , Kaizen Case studies UNIT V LEAN SIX SIGMA IMPLEMENTATION 10

Identifying Lean Six Sigma Projects, Define Scope, Planning for Implementation, Selection of tools and techniques for each phase, measuring the Benefits TOTAL: 45 PERIODS

REFERENCES: 1. Michael L. George, David Rowlands, Bill Kastle, What is Lean Sigma, McGraw-Hill, 2003 2. Thomas Pyzdek,The Six Sigma Handbook ,McGraw-Hill, 2000 3. James P. Womack , Daniel T. Jones ,Lean Thinking, Free press business, 2003. 4 Forrest W. Breyfogle III, Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Using Statistical Methods ,1999. 5. Liker, Jeffrey; Meier, David, Toyota Talent, Tata Mcgraw Hills Solutions Six


QE 9157


LTPC 3 0 03 9



Reliability definition Quality and Reliability Reliability mathematics Reliability functions Hazard rate Measures of Reliability Design life A priori and posteriori probabilities Mortality of a component Bath tub curve Useful life. UNIT II FAILURE DATA ANALYSIS 11 Data collection Empirical methods: Ungrouped/Grouped, Complete/Censored data Time to failure distributions: Exponential, Weibull Hazard plotting Goodness of fit tests. UNIT III RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT 10

Different configurations Redundancy m/n system Complex systems: RBD Bayes method Cut and tie sets Fault Tree Analysis Standby system. UNIT IV RELIABILITY MONITORING 8

Life testing methods: Failure terminated Time terminated Sequential Testing Reliability growth monitoring Reliability allocation Software reliability. UNIT V RELIABILITY IMPROVEMENT 7

Analysis of downtime Repair time distribution System MTTR Maintainability prediction Measures of maintainability System Availability Replacement theory. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS

REFERENCES: 1. Charles E. Ebeling, An introduction to Reliability and Maintainability

engineering, TMH, 2000. 2. Roy Billington and Ronald N. Allan, Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems, Springer, 2007.


IE 9164


LTPC 3 00 3 8



Business Excellence Concepts Need for BE models Pioneers in the model MBNQA, EFQM and DEMING award UNIT II MBNQA 12

Criteria : : LEADERSHIP , Strategic planning , Customer and Market focus , Measurement analysis and Knowledge Management , Human resource focus, process management , business results UNIT III BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS IN INDIA 7

Models in Business excellence: RBNQA CII EXIM Award, Tata BE Model etc UNIT IV IMPLEMENTING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE MODEL 10

Basic concepts Training -Report writing Internal audit-Report submission Initial assessment -Site visit Scoring Criteria for Award, Award finalization UNIT V TEXT BOOK: Mark Graham Brown, Baldrige Award Winning Quality, CRC press, 2008. REFERENCES: http://www.baldrige.nist.gov http://www.baldrige21.com/ www.imc.org http://www.quality.nist.gov/index.html www.qimpro.com www.imcrbnqa.com www.efqm.org www.juse.or.jp/e/deming/index.html CASE STUDY 8



LTPC 300 3 10



Salient features of Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Statement, Cash Flow and Fund Flow Analysis, Working Capital management, Inventory valuation, Financial Ratio analysis Depreciation. UNIT II COST ACCOUNTING 10

Cost accounting systems: Job costing, Process costing, Allocation of overheads, Activity based costing, differential cost and incremental cost, Variance analysis, Software costing. UNIT III BUDGETING 10

Requirements for a sound budget, fixed budget-preparation of sales and production budget, flexible budgets, zero base budgeting and budgetary Control. UNIT IV FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 10

Investment decisions Capital Investment process, types of investment proposals, investment appraisal techniques pay back period method, Accounting rate of return, net present value method, internal rate of return and profitability index method. UNIT V FINANCIAL DECISIONS 5

Cost of Capital Capital structure Dividend Policy Leasing. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS

REFERENCES: 1. Bhattacharya, S.K. and John Deardon, Accounting for Management Text and Cases, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1996. 2. Charles, T.Horn Green Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1996. 3. James, C.Van Horne, Fundamental of Financial Management, Pearson Education, 12th Edition, 2002. 4. Pandey, I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 8th Edition, 2004.


IE 9169


LTPC 3 003 9



Project selection models, Project portfolio process, Analysis under uncertainty, Project organization, Matrix organization UNIT II PROJECT PLANNING 9

Work breakdown structure, Systems integration, Interface coordination, Project life cycle, Conflict and negotiation, UNIT III PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 12

Estimating Project Budgets, Process of cost estimation, Scheduling: Network Techniques PERT and CPM, Risk analysis using simulation, CPM- crashing a project, Resource loading, leveling, and allocation UNIT IV MONITORING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 9

Information needs and the reporting process, computerized PMIS, Earned value analysis, Planning-Monitoring-Controlling cycle, Project control: types of control processes, design of control systems, control of change and scope UNIT V PROJECT AUDITING 6

Construction and use of audit report, Project audit life cycle, Essentials of audit and evaluation, Varieties of project termination, the termination process, The Final Report A project history REFERENCES: 1. Project Management A Managerial Approach, by Jack R. Meredith, and Samuel J. Mantel Jr., John Wiley and Sons, 2006 2. Project Management A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, by Harold Kerzner, John Wiley and Sons, 2006


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Manufacturing and Services, Definition of Service, Characteristic of Service, Nature of Services, Importance of Activity, Impact of technology UNIT II GLOBALIZATION AND STRATEGY 7

Types of Globalized Services, Outsourcing, issues in Globalization, Service strategies UNIT III OPERATIONS ISSUES 12

Forecasting, Inventory, capacity Planning, Scheduling UNIT IV SERVICE QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY 10

Importance of Quality, Models for Service Quality, GAPS model, issues in productivity measurement, Work measurement UNIT V TOOLS FOR SERVICES 10

Data Envelopment Analysis, Queuing models, Vehicle Routing models TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES:

1. Fitzsimmons, J.A. and Fitzsimmons, M.J. Service Management, Tata Mc

Graw Hill India, 2006.

2. Haksever C, Render B, Russell RA and Murdick RG ,Service Management

and Operations, Prentice Hall International, USA, 2000


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Simple Regression, and Correlation estimation using the regression line, correlation analysis, Multiple Regression and Correlation analysis finding the multiple regression equation, modeling techniques, Making inferences about population parameters UNIT II MULTIVARIATE METHODS 9

An overview of multivariate methods, Multivariate normal distribution, Eigen values and Eigen vectors UNIT III FACTOR ANALYSIS 9

Principal components analysis objectives, estimation of principal components, testing for independence of variables, Factor analysis model factor analysis equations and solution UNIT IV DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS 9

Discriminant analysis discrimination for two multi variate normal populations UNIT V CLUSTER ANALYSIS 9

Cluster analysis clustering methods, Multivariate analysis of variance TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Dallas E Johnson, Applied multi variate methods for data analysis, Duxbury Press (1998) 2. Richard I Levin, Statistics for Management, PHI (2000)


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Information systems analysis overview, Classification of information systems, Systems development life cycle, Role of systems analyst, and Role of case tools UNIT II INFORMATION REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS 9

Sampling and investigating hard data, Interviewing, Using Questionnaires, Developing prototype, System requirements specification, Feasibility analysis UNIT III THE ANALYSIS PROCESS 9

Data flow diagrams, Data dictionary, Process specifications, presenting the systems proposal UNITIV THE ESSENTIALS OF DESIGN 9

Designing effective output, Designing the database, Designing the user interface, Designing data entry procedures UNIT V SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND IMPLEMENTATION 9

Quality assurance through software engineering, Implementation approaches, Implementing distributed systems, Object oriented systems analysis and design REFERENCES: 1. Analysis and Design of Information systems, 2001 2. Systems Analysis and Design, Kendall and Kendall, Prentice hall, 2004 3. Analysis and Design of Information systems, V. Rajaraman, PHI, 2006 Arthur M. Langer, Springer


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Measurement theory- Categories of data (Nominal data, Ordinal data, Absolute data (Attribute), Interval data, Ratio data (Continuous Data) - Aspects of Data Quality (correctness, Accuracy, precision, Consistency, Completeness, repeatability)- Base Measures (Size, Cost, Effort, Schedule ,Defects, Resources, Changes) , Product & Process Metrics. UNIT II METRICS FRAMEWORK 10

Goal Question Indicator Metric GQ (I) M Framework- Data Collection & Analysis Plan- Data Collection Systems, Data Validation, Management by Metrics- Key Metrics for each project type UNIT III ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENTS 15 Arriving Organizational capability baselines , Arriving Organization Norms COQ, Productivity, Effort distribution , Phase wise Defect distribution - Using the baselines for Estimation and planning - continual improvement ,Corrective and Preventive actions UNIT IV UNIT V ESTIMATION MODELS PREDICTION MODELS 5 5 Types of Estimation Effort estimation models COCOMO Product Quality Prediction Models- Raleigh model, Exponential model TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Stephen H. Kan Pearson Education, 2006. 2. Applied Software Measurements: Global Analysis of Productivity and Quality by Capers Jones, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2008 3. Norman E-Fenton and Share Lawrence Pflieger, Software Metrics, International Thomson Computer Press, 1997 4. Roger S. Pressman Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach McGraw- Hill International Edition, 6th Edition, 2006 5. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/


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Modern data analytic tools, Stastical concepts: Sampling distributions, resampling, statistical inference, prediction error UNIT II LINEAR SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 9

Regression modeling, Multivariate analysis, Bayesian modeling, inference and Bayesian networks, Support vector and kernel methods, Analysis of time series: linear systems analysis, nonlinear dynamics UNIT III RULE INDUCTION 9

Rule induction: rule learning as search, learning first order rules, evaluating quality of rules, ILP systems at work UNIT IV TOOLS FOR DATA MODELLING 9

Neural networks: learning and generalization, competitive learning, principal component analysis and neural networks; Fuzzy logic: extracting fuzzy models from data, fuzzy decision trees, Stochastic search methods UNIT V VISUALIZATION-INTERACTION 9

Visualization: Visual data analysis techniques, interaction techniques; Systems and applications: Diversity of IDA applications TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer (2007) 2. Glenn J. Myatt, Making Sense of Data, John Wiley & Sons (2007)


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Facilities requirement, need for layout study types of layout. UNIT II PLANT LOCATION 10

Plant location analysis factors, costs, location decisions single facility location models, multi facility location models- set covering problem warehouse location problems. UNIT III LAYOUT DESIGN 10

Design cycle SLP procedure, computerized layout planning procedure ALDEP, CORELAP, CRAFT UNIT IV GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND LINE BALANCING 10

Group technology Production Flow analysis (PFA), ROC (Rank Order Clustering) Line balancing. UNIT V MATERIAL HANDLING 10

Principles, unit load concept, material handling system design, handling equipment types, selection and specification, containers and packaging. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. 2. Tompkins, J.A. and J.A.White, Facilities planning, John Wiley, 2003. Richard Francis.L. and John A.White, Facilities Layout and location - an analytical approach, PHI., 2002. 3. 4. James Apple, M.Plant layout and Material Handling, John Wiley, 1977. Pannerselvam,R, Production and Operations Management, PHI,2007


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Productivity Concepts Macro and Micro factors of productivity Dynamics of Productivity - Productivity Cycle Productivity Measurement at International, National and Organization level - Productivity measurement models UNIT II SYSTEMS APPROACH TO PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT 9

Conceptual frame work, Management by Objectives (MBO), Performance Objectivated Productivity (POP) Methodology and application to manufacturing and service sector. UNIT III ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION 9

Elements of Organizational Transformation and Reengineering-Principles of organizational transformation and re-engineering, fundamentals of process reengineering, preparing the workforce for transformation and re-engineering, methodology, guidelines, LMI CIP Model DSMC Q & PMP model. UNIT IV RE-ENGINEERING PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MODELS 9

PMI models, PASIM Model, Moen and Nolan Strategy for process improvement, LMICIP Model, NPRDC Model. UNIT V RE-ENGINEERING TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTATION 9

Analytical and process tools and techniques Information and Communication Technology Implementation of Reengineering Projects Success Factors and common implementation Problem Cases. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Sumanth, D.J., Productivity Engineering and Management, TMH, New Delhi, 1990. 2. Edosomwan, J.A., Organisational Transformation and Process Re-engineering, Library Cataloging in Pub. Data, 1996. 3. Rastogi, P.N., Re-engineering and Re-inventing the Enterprise, Wheeler Pub. New Delhi, 1995. 4. Premvrat, Sardana, G.D. and Sahay, B.S., Productivity Management A Systems Approach, Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi, 1998.




LTPC 300 3 10

Managerial Economics Meaning, Nature and Scope Managerial Economics and Business decision making Role of Managerial Economist Demand Analysis Fundamental Concepts of Managerial Economics Meaning, Determinants and Types of Demand Elasticity of demand - Demand forecasting and forecasting methods. UNIT II PRODUCTION FUNCTION AND COST ANALYSIS 10

Supply: Meaning and determinants production function- Isoquants Expanstion path Cobb Douglas function Cost concepts Cost output relationship Economies and diseconomies of scale Cost functions- Determination of cost- Estimation of cost. UNIT III MARKET COMPETITION AND PRICING 10

Market Structure Various forms Equilibrium of a firm Perfect competition Monopolistic competition Oligopolistic competition Pricing of products under different market structures Methods of pricing Factors affecting pricing decision Differential pricing Government Intervention and pricing. UNIT IV PROFIT ANALYSIS 07 Profit

The concept of profit: Profit planning, control and measurement of profits. maximisation Cost volume profit analysis Investment Analysis. UNIT V NATIONAL INCOME AND POLICY


National Income Accounting Consumption and investment Business Cycle and unemployment Inflation and deflation, Balance of Payments Monetary and Fiscal policies. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. A. Ramachandra Aryasry and V.V. Ramana Murthy. Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting:, Tata Mc graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhgi, 2004 2. V.L. Mote, Samuel and G.S.Gupta, Managerial Economics Concepts and cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Coimpany Ltd, New Delhi, 1981. 3. A.Nag, :Macro Economics for Management Students MacMillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.


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Hot metal operation, boiler, pressure vessels heat treatment shop gas furnace operation electroplating hot bending pipes safety in welding and cutting, Cold metal operation safety in machine shop cold bending and chamfering of pipesmetal cutting shot blasting, grinding, painting power press and other machines. Management of toxic gases and chemicals industrial fires and prevention road safety highway and urban safety safety of sewage disposal and cleaning control of environmental pollution managing emergencies in industries planning security and risk assessments, on site and off site. Control of major industrial hazards. UNIT II SAFETY APPRAISA L AND ANALYSIS 9

Human side of safety personal protective equipment causes and cost of accidents. Accidents prevention program specific hazard control strategies HAZOP training and development of employees first aid fire fight devices accident reporting, investigation. Measurement of safety performance, accident reporting and investigation plant safety inspection, job safety analysis safety permit procedures. Product safety plant safety rules and procedures safety sampling safety inventory systems. Determining the cost effectiveness of safety measurement. UNIT III OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 9

Concept and spectrum of health functional units and activities of operational health service occupational and related disease levels of prevention of diseases notifiable occupational diseases Toxicology Lead Nickel, chromium and manganese toxicity gas poisoning (such as CO, Ammonia Chlorise, So2, H2s.) their effects and prevention effects of ultra violet radiation and infrared radiation on human system. UNIT IV SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS 9

Safety and health standards industrial hygiene occupational diseases prevention welfare facilities. The object of factories act 1948 with special reference to safety provisions, model rules 123a, history of legislations related to safety pressure vessel act Indian boiler act the environmental protection act electricity act explosive act. UNIT V SAFETY MANAGEMENT 9

Evaluation of modern safety concepts safety management functions safety organization, safety department- safety committee, safety audit performance measurements and motivation employee participation in safety - safety and productivity. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS


TEXT BOOKS: 1. John.V .Grimaldi and Rollin. H Simonds, Safety Managenent, All India traveler Book seller, New Delhi 1989. 2. Krishnan N.V, Safety in Industry , Jaico Publisher House, 1996.


1. 2. 3.

Occupational Safety Manual BHEL. Industrial Safety and the law by P.M.C Nair Publishers, Trivandrum. Managing emergencies in industries, loss prevention of India Ltd., proceedings, 1999.


Safety security and Risk management by U.K singh & J.M Dewam,. A.P.H. publishing company, New Delhi, 1996. singh, U.K and Dewan, J.M., Sagety, Security And Risk Management, APH publishinf company, New Delhi, 1996.


6. 7.

John V Grimaldi, Safety Manageemnt. AITB publishers, 2003. Safety MaNUAL. EDEL engineering Consultancy, 2000.


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Logistics Management: Definition of logistics and the concepts of logistics. Logistics Activities: Functions of the logistics system transportation, warehousing, order processing, information handling and procurement UNIT II DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT 10

Distribution Management, Outbound logistics, Facility location, Classical location problems, Strategic planning models for location analysis, location models, multi objective analysis of location models. UNIT III TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT 10

Transportation alternatives and technologies; transportation performance analysis; total transportation cost analysis; fleet development and management; fleet performance indicators; routing and scheduling; shipment planning; vehicle loading; transportation management and information systems requirements. UNIT IV LOGISTICS MODELLING 10

Logistics Customer Service, Modeling logistics systems, Simulation of logistic systems, cost effective distribution strategies, Value of information in logistics, Elogistics, risk pooling effect, International and global issues in logistics, Integrated functional activities in logistics, Role of government in international logistics and Principal characteristics of logistics in various countries and regions UNIT V LOGISTICS IN DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES 10

Logistics in different industries: Third party, and fourth party logistics, Reverse logistics,Airline Schedule Planning, Railway Networks, Postal services, the maritime industries, health care industry and other service industries REFERENCES: 1. David Bloomberg, Stephen LeMay, Joe Hanna: Logistics, Prentice Hall 2002 2. Thomas Teufel, Jurgen Rohricht, Peter Willems: SAP Processes: Logistics, Addison-Wesley, 2002. 3. Julien Bramel, David Simchi-Levi. The logic of logistics: theory, algorithms, and applications for logistics management", Springer,2006 4. Murphy, G.J. "Transport and Distribution", 2nd Edition, Business Books 5. Ballou, R.H., Business Logistics Management/Supply Chain, 5th edition, 2004, Prentice-Hall


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Definition-development-scope-objectives-importance of individual behavior-causesRole of learning in shaping behavior- the influence of thinking and perception. UNIT II GROUP BEHAVIOR 12

Group Behavior-Groups- Contributing factors- Group Norms, CommunicationProcess-Barriers to communication-Effective communication, leadership-formal and informal characteristics-Managerial grid-Leadership styles-group Decision makingLeadership Role in Group Decision, Group Conflicts-Types-Causes-Conflict Resolution-Intergroup relations and conflicts Organization centralization and decentralization-formal and informal- organizational structures- organizational change and development- change process-resistance to change-culture and ethics UNIT III MOTIVATION 9

Motivation and motivators-The hierarchy of needs theory-the motivation-hygiene approach to motivation-Expectancy-equity-reinforcement-McClellands needs theory of motivation-special motivational techniques-job enrichment- a systems and contingency approach to motivation. UNIT IV TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 9

Training & Development: Training Need and Importance Steps in Training Programme Evaluation of Training Programmes Concept of Management Development Programme Techniques of Training and Development Group Discussion- Conferences and Seminar Case Studies Role Playing Business Games Sensitivity Training Stages of Career Development. UNIT V INDUSTRIAL FATIGUE 7

Definition-concept-Nature-Effects-causes-Elimination- Safety management practicesEffect of environment-Hazard control Technology-Working conditions-environmental conditions TOTAL: 45 PERIODS

REFERENCES: 1. Herald Knottz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of management; Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company, Singapore International Edition, 1980. 2. Ties, AF stoner, and R.Edward Freeman, Management, PHI Pvt ltd, New Delhi, 1992. 3. 4. Joseph J, Massie, Essentials of Management, PHI, Ltd, 1985. Nicky Hayes, Foundations of Psychology and Introductory Text, Routledge, UK, 1994.


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Technology management - Scope, components, and overview. Technology and environment, Technology and society, Technology Impact analysis, environmental, social, legal, political aspects, techniques for analysis - steps involved. Technology policy strategy: Science and technology Policy of India, implications to industry, The dynamics of technology change UNIT II TECHNOLOGY FORECASTING 9

Need, methodology and methods - trend Analysis, Analogy, Delphi, Soft System Methodology, Mathematical Models, Simulation, and System Dynamics. UNIT III TECHNOLOGY CHOICE AND EVALUATION 9

Issues in the development new high tech products, Methods of analyzing alternate technologies, Techno-economic feasibility studies, Need for multi-criteria considerations such as, social, environmental, and political, Analytic hierarchy method, Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making, and other methods. UNIT IV TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND ACQUISITION 9

Import regulations, Implications of agreements like Uruguay Round and WTO, Bargaining process, Transfer option, MOU- Technology Adoption and Productivity Adopting technology-human interactions, Organisational redesign and reengineering, Technology productivity. UNIT V TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION AND INNOVATION 9

Present status in India, Need for new outlook, Absorption strategies for acquired technology, creating new/improved technologies, Innovations, Technology Measurement- Technology Audit, Risk and exposure, R&D portfolio management TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Joseph M. Putti, Management A Functional Approach, McGraw Hill, 1997 2. Kenneth C. Lauden , MIS: Organisation and Technology, Prentice Hall, 1995 3. James A.Senn, Information technology in Business, Prentice Hall, 1995 4. Ronald J. Jordan, Security analysis and Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall, 1995 5. Irvin M. Rubin, Organisational behavior an experimental approach, Prentice Hall, 1995 6. Gerard H. Gaynor, Handbook of Technology Management, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1996 7. Richard C. Dorf, Technology Management Handbook, CRC, 1999


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