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Social Networking: Safety or Risky?

THESIS STATEMENT: Social networking contributes huge changes in many people all over the world through internet. The purpose of this research paper is to know the importance of social networking in society. To prevent the risk that may bring in using it and also the effect on the behavior of the users.


Importance of Social Networking A. Advantages of Social Networking 1. Low Costs 2. Builds Credibility 3. Connections B. Disadvantages of Social Networking 1. Lack of Anonymity 2. Scams and Harassment 3. Time Consuming Behavior on Social Networks A. Risky Behavior 1. Sharing Too Much 2. Face to Face Connections are Endanger 3. Answering every quiz/survey that pops-up B. Safe Behavior 1. Choosing a friend 2. Private information Social Networking Sites A. Dangers of social networking sites 1. Invading privacy by bad users 2. Mislead of business venture 3. Childrens behavior





This paper wants to show the role or effects of social networking in our society. To everyone knows who the users of the Social Media are because this paper will discuss the different aspects of social networking issues. The advantages and disadvantages of using social networking will be revealed, the possible behaviors on using social networking will be tackled as this issue relies on if it is risky or safe to use and of course the dangers of social networking will also be presented. This paper wants the users to become aware on many things on using Social Networking, provided that this matter will also be a big helped for everyone to avoid in dangers, and of course this paper will also be a big helped to find opportunity into the business industry through Social Networking. But also need to be careful in using the internet because you can be a victim of the scams. Be acutely aware of the hazards of Social Network. Always remember what is possible online. As with most things in life there are opportunities and there are risks: however eliminate needles risk. There is never a need to share private confidential information online. Use Social Networks to share and promote ideas. Be a giver but dont give what you wouldnt want just anyone seeing in public just by looking over your shoulder or seeing into your home or bedroom.1

Social Networking sites are not the only ones that use gadgets to add functionality either. Googles personalized home page and now even windows vista uses gadgets. Use caution when downloading or enabling them, though because you never know when you might be opening your personal information up for collection. 2 Install some application that may give you a protection when browsing and searching on the internet. That is one of the safest things to do when we are using the Internet because you might be on risk. Theres a lot of surveys that pops-ups so ignored all of it. Its one risk that may encounter when surfing on the internet. The safe and risky behavior in social networking will discuss to this research paper. It is very important to read and understand the content and idea that is discussing on this paper. It is also the guide for you for proper using of the internet.

Dan Wickerson

The Dangers of Social Networking Sites, TeleTech , 21 January

2012, Sec.2 ,p.5


Anita Campbell




Intrigues, Manila Bulletin 26

February 2011, Sec.1, p.3

It can be a bit difficult to define what social networking actually is because it keeps on developing beyond control. It's essential that you know how to optimize the use of social networks before investing in it yourself. You should remember that these networks are complicated because people are complicated beings themselves.


Importance of social networking

Social Networking can be considered as one of the greatest innovations in the Internet today. It was originally used to provide a community wherein people could share information. Now, however, it provides the means for numerous things like information dissemination, selling products and playing games. The term "social networking" is associated with forming connections with other people using the Internet. It brings up images of websites that allow people to speak to others without regard for geographic, social or economic barriers. This allows for an incredible opportunity to connect with people of similar interests, when physical barriers might have kept them from even learning of each other's existence otherwise. The number of users and the business opportunities tapping such massive communities represents has also provided the thrust to improve the technology. As things become more sophisticated, more ways to share information, advice, interests and connections are emerging.3

A. Advantages of Social Networking Social networking is a recent invention that has the Internet still at the edge of its seat due to its popularity with people. This is mostly because it really is for the people. Bringing every kind of social group together in one place and letting them interact is really a big thing indeed. This pertains to the positive side of the Social Networking. Everything about it lies on the advantages of social networking, and what it can do for you. A social network is a platform, site or other online service focusing on building and creating networks. Some sites offer personal social relationship building, catering to individuals sharing mutual interests. 4

Savitz Eric The Right to Surf the Web, Manila Bulletin 2012, Sec.2 , p.5

21 January

Inchi Duran The Advantages of Social Networking - Social Networking Tools Philippine Daily Inquirer 23 May 2010, Sec. 3 , p. 7

You should take notice of all these Social Networking advantages as they will show you the unlimited possibilities that can be provided by these social networking sites. Its role has evolved as a medium where old friends meet and new relationships are created. Today, online businesses consider these sites as the best resources of new ideas as well as potential buyers.

1. Low Costs Definitely, it's cheaper to use online social networking for both personal and business use because most of it is usually free. While personal use is rather simple for anyone, the business functions are underestimated by many. In a social networking site, you can scout out potential customers and target markets with just a few clicks and keystrokes, adding a boost to your usual advertisements and promotional strategies. It lets you learn about their likes and dislikes, which is tremendous. If you want to fine tune your business, then this is the way to go, whether on a budget or not. 2. Builds Credibility You can build trust with customers if you can connect with them on both personal and professional level. Using social networking sites are all about sharing information, not only your own information but other peoples information that you think can be useful for others as well. The more your customers know about you, the better. Despite having to do a bit of work, it definitely pays off as you can be tapped for an offer if someone catches wind of your products or services. As long as you dont pursue them too aggressively, you will do well here. 3. Connections You are friends with people who have other friends, and so on. There is potential in such a common situation. By using a social networking site, you can do what you can and get connected with these people to form a web of connections that can give you leverage if you play your cards right. As long as you give as well as you receive, then they will most likely stick with you. These connections are definitely valuable in the long run. This is a very important advantage of social networking in our society because everyone or everybody is connected. Our love one that is in other country or place, it is easily to communicate with them and also we met different people and friends through internet. Sometimes it becomes the way you find your right one and to keep in touch with him. No matter if you are searching for that former college roommate, your first grade teacher, or an international friend, there is no easier or faster way to make a connection than via the

social network. Although Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace are probably the most wellknown social networking communities, there are new websites popping up regularly that are dedicated to allowing people to connect and to interact via the Internet. Through such sites, individuals make new friends or business connections or extend their personal base by connecting and interacting with friends of friends and so forth.

B. Disadvantages of Social Networking

Social networking disadvantages are mostly related to safety issues. Online social interaction has become a very popular activity online. Like most popular activities there is always a certain amount of danger involved. Social networking disadvantages will be minimized if you are cautious when you use it. Internet networking is the act of interacting and sharing information with others online. If you share the wrong information to the wrong person it can end in some dangerous results. If you are careful when giving out information and networking on social sites than you will most likely be safe and have a great time connecting with others. 5 Because networking in online social communities is still a relatively young online trend, whether or not social networking is harmful is still unknown. Like any other type of networking or social club with which individuals become involved, it is a good idea to do your homework and make sure that you know what you are getting into. Understand the terms of use, the rules and regulations, and be clear on issues like security and privacy. Take responsibility for your own safety and integrity and never join something just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it. In evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, it's best to err on the side of caution and information. After all, the lack of both can have a devastating effect.6

Friedel Coetsee Social Networking Disadvantages - This Could Save Your Life Philippine Daily Inquirer 25 July 2011, sec. 7, p. 12


McGrow Bruce Anti-Social Networking, sec.1 , p.10

Manila Bulletin



1. Lack of Anonymity You are putting out information about your name, location, age, gender, and many other types of information that you may not want to let others know. Most people would say be careful, but no one can be certain at any given time. As long as people can know who you exactly are, then some can find ways to do you in.

2. Scams and Harassment There is a potential for failure of security in both personal and business context. While many sites apply certain measures to keep any of these cases of harassment, cyber-stalking, online scams, and identity theft to an absolute minimum, you still may never know. There are a number of scammers on social networks who may try to steal or use your personal information; Information that can be used for potential crime such as identity theft or fraud. There are also websites that are set up to appear to look like your favorite social networks in order to steal your password. Once someone has your password they can use it to destroy your profile or send out spam messages and viruses, which could do irreparable damage to your online reputation.7 Always make sure you are at the right site when you enter your credentials. You can do this by double checking the address bar and making sure you are in the right place before you log in. Never will log-in sites ask you to send them your password. If you receive a message or email requesting your send them your password do not reply and forward the message to the networks support or privacy department

3. Time Consuming If this is not your kind of thing, which it would just be a waste of time for you? The key to social networking is that it is supposed to be fun, whether you are just doing it for kicks or clicking around for business purposes. That should be reasonable enough for anyone, but there are those people who don't see the point. For them, it can be a disadvantage.

2012 ,

Valerie Tandoi Taking the stand on Privacy, Manila Bulletin 11 February sec.1 p.5

Now there is something to really think about. Nothing is without a blemish, but those of this type of networking shouldn't really be that much of a concern regarding your safety. As long as you go along without making big mistakes, then it is all good. You can take advantage of the Internet phenomenon that continues up to this day. 8


Behavior on Social Networks

A. Risky Behavior With the advent of social networking sites and detailed chat profiles, predators dont need to work very hard to piece together information about a child online. Predators can judge by the appearance of a profile or by the behavior that a child is exhibiting whether he or she might be a prime target for an online relationship.

Teens who dont use privacy settings on social networking and gaming sites often place their informationincluding their deepest desires, likes and dislikes, real-time moods, pictures, addresses, and phone numbersfor anyone to see. Teens who post personal information, blog, or journal about sensitive issues may also be easy targets for predators who seek to isolate children from their parents and friends and exploit a childs emotional vulnerabilities. Some teens think it is fun to flirt with online strangers, seek hookups with other teens and adults, and discuss and share images of their sexual exploits publicly. Those who use sexually inviting usernames, discuss sex online, and arrange to meet for sex place themselves at great risk. Also in danger of becoming targets are teens who are exploring sexual issues onlineincluding sexual orientationand those interested in meeting strangers online.9 Teens who dont tell their parents when they meet someone or see something that makes them uncomfortable online are also at risk. Some experts suggest that these are vulnerable and at-risk teens to begin with, and are most likely to come from families where the parents are not sufficiently involved with their children.

Dianco Angela My take on this new service, Manila Bulletin 2009, sec.3 , p. 5

12 December

Couts Andrew Youth Risky Behavior Internet Safety 18 August 2012, sec. 4 ,


1. Sharing Too Much

Checking in from every place you go to, including regularly checking in from the gym, favorite restaurant etc., thus creating a profile of yourself easily traceable by stalkers. Sharing photos taken with your phone, which are tagged with the exact location details of where the photo was taken. Sharing photos of you drunk or in other seemingly funny situations that can actually turn into compromising evidence of inappropriate behavior. Leaving your full birth date, phone number and home address on your public profile for everyone to see, including ill-intended strangers. Discussing personal problems with friends (and worse, with strangers) through public comments. Do you really want the world to know details about your personal dramas? Another drawback to social networking is that some users are simply sharing too much information. People can lose their jobs or a friendship over leaking information on social networks. Even if a user of a social site has her privacy settings on the highest level, their information can still be passed on by someone on their friends list. It doesn't take much for an angry follower to copy and paste a status or download a picture if they are looking for revenge.10

2. Face to Face Connections are Endanger A huge advantage of these social communities has a reverse side effect that is also a big disadvantage of social networking: they reduce or eliminate face-to-face socialization. Because of the autonomy afforded by the virtual world, individuals are free to create a fantasy persona and can pretend to be someone else.11 It is hard to say no, be rude, or ignore someone when you are looking them in the eye. It's incredibly easy and quick to unfriend or unfollow someone or simply block their efforts to make a connection. Just one click of the mouse and your problems are over. Unfortunately, this feature of online socialization cheats people of the opportunity to learn how to resolve conflicts in the world outside the Internet and it could retard or cripple one's social skills developments.


Francisco Allan Facebooks Ad is Drawing Critism Manila Bulletin 11 June 2011, sec.9, p.12

Kevin Kwang Covering Your Tracks For Internet Privacy Philippine Daily Inquirer, 18 May 2010, sec.9, p.8


3. Answering every quiz/survey that pops-up Internet security threats: phishing attempts, identity theft. Whether you like it or not, the information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. Most thieves need just a few vital pieces of personal information to make your life a nightmare and if they successfully steal your identity, it could cost you dearly.

B. Safe Behavior Social networking isnt just for teenagers, online daters or people who spend a great deal of time on the Internet. Social networking sites are extremely popular online, and theyre used by a vast variety of Internet users. Who uses social networking sites? And should we be worried about their safety? You might be surprised by how many people you know have profiles on the popular social sites. Your co-workers, family members and children probably all have free accounts on social networking sites -- they are that ubiquitous and widely-used.12 Those who use social networking find that they're a great way to interact and connect with others, and everything that's within the confines of the site seems perfectly safe and secure. But is it? Just how safe is social networking? Whether you fully realize it or not, you're revealing a lot about yourself just in a social networking profile. If you maintain a blog or frequently write comments and provide other extras, you may be painting a very accurate picture of the person you are.

1. Choosing a friend

Dont friends total stranger. It is very dangerous when you add or accept a friend that you dont know who really is. Its better to choose a friend or maybe your friend list is only your well-known friends and best friend. Because even you post or share information on one can see only your friends. No one can stalk you, and because of this behavior you are safe to the predators.



2. Private Information Do not post private information, including your cell phone number, home address, class schedule, social plans, etc. unless you are prepared for anyone to find you/track you down, any time of the day or night. Do not post anything that might be embarrassing to you in a potential employment situation. People have been denied work because of information found on social networking sites.


Social Networking Sites A. Dangers of Social Networking Sites

Social networking is everywhere. It is common to find parents, children, coworkers and even the elderly on the networks across the social media world on sites such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. With social networks people across the world have access to tools and options that were previously non-existent. However, there are just as many new opportunities to connect as there are to get into potential danger. Social networking has opened up many new doorways for cyber-crime, and with all the people on social networks who are completely new to technology, it is more important than ever to make sure people are aware of the risks.

1. Invading privacy by bad users Invasion of privacy can happen easily if your children share their passwords, are not selective about whom they add as a friend, or are not careful about what information or photos they post online. The level of visibility to friend lists, profiles, or photos varies from site to site, so it is wise to be aware of the privacy options on the sites your children use. The key to preventing invasion of privacy is to make sure your children are careful about what they share, who they share it with, and that they understand that nothing is private when it is posted online, no matter how many controls are in place13 One reason that many people are wary of uploading their photos or videos to a social networking site like Facebook is because they are concerned about retaining the copyright to



their work. There is a major gray area as to who would own the materials that we upload. Someone who might be concerned about this might be a professional photographer or a musician who might want to share their work. 14Uploading photographs or music is a great way to get a lot of potential friends to notice it, but you might want to think about whether the network could end up owning this material. Another controversy with Facebook is that it could be sharing your private information with third party companies. This is why you are shown a privacy statement when you install an application. The providers of these applications are third party companies and websites who could be able to access your private information such as your address or phone number.

2. Mislead of business venture Businesses have found a new place to market and brand themselves in social media sites. Having a medium available to connect with customers in a non-formal way creates loyalty and awareness but could leave a company vulnerable to hackers and hecklers feeling the squeeze on your new found success. 15A social site provides information on what your company is doing and offers a platform to generate spiteful negative comments that could hurt the reputation of your business. These attacks could be controlled with reputation management and social media marketing strategies. Social networks can be used to make friends, find romance or even to market yourself or your business. The important thing is to remember that these sites can also be misused and we need to take care of our privacy and reputation. Think twice about the way you use social networks.

3. Childrens behavior Perhaps the biggest problem with social networking can be summed up with the acronym TMI or too much information. Your kids need to understand that if they reveal too much about their personal lives, it could lead to problemslike susceptibility to cyber bullies, online predators, invasion of privacy, and identity theft. These problems are not due to social




networking, as they have been around since the advent of email and chat. But with social networking, the volume of content has grown and become much more personal and is easily seen by anyone. Its not just kids who are at risk. Even adults have been embarrassed by putting too much information on their profile pages for the entire world to see.

Children under the age of 13 should not be using the internet without some form of parental supervision. Most social network web sites have a minimum age limit so that young children cannot make profiles. However, it is easy to fool these systems. Make sure they are not entering too much private data, such as their home address or what school they go to. Just as it is simple for a young child to fake their age online, it is easy for a potential predator to fake a profile claiming to have the same interests as, and be the same age as, your child. 16 The parents should guide their children in using the internet because theres a lot of a site that is not applicable for their age; some example is the pornographic sites that should be ban on the bookmark or to be more safe dont let your children use the internet , or do some accounts. The social media have a great effect on the childrens behavior because of the influence that they get on using it.





Social networking has become a major part of society. It is the growing fad across the web, creating communities and sharing information about yourself and your loved ones. But be careful in exposing your information about yourself because you can make a prime target of the predators. Predators that stalk these social networks have access to locate their victims via the most used line of communication in todays culture. It is the risky behavior of the user of social networks. To prevent the risks The most vulnerable are our youth constantly sharing information in regards to their whereabouts.



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