Geometrical Attributes: Instantaneous Dip

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Geometrical Attributes

Geometrical attributes show the spatial relationship and variation of Instantaneous and Wavelet attributes. Instantaneous Dip Spatial derivatives of Instantaneous Phase in inline and crossline directions are computed, giving two components of actual phase dip vector. The length of this vector gives the maximum phase dip. It is expressed in (degrees of phase)*10/m. Dips are computed sample by sample. Instantaneous Lateral Continuity This attribute reflects the instantaneous curvature of seismic reflections. The second derivative of phase is computed in the inline and crossline directions. These values represent bed curvature in two directions. Maximum curvature is computed in a manner similar to that used to compute maximum instantaneous dip. Output is in (degrees of phase)*100/(m*m). Curvature is computed sample by sample Dip Azimuth We assume that inlines are generally oriented parallel to X (East West) direction and crosslines are oriented parallel to Northerly direction. User supplies the azimuth of the crossline axis (measured clockwise positive from North), which is added to the azimuth of the maximum Instantaneous Dip. The output is given in degrees. Similarity and Dip Of Maximum Similarity These two attributes are computed together, but stored independently. First the similarity (semblance) over user indicated sliding time window is computed by scanning adjacent traces in a user defined range of dips. Higher values of similarity are indicative of high degree of lateral similarity of depositional environment. Then we detect the dip of maximum similarity. Similarity values are continuously updated for each sample, therefore there will be a dip and similarity value for each data sample. This could be used to map structural discontinuities. Dip of maximum similarity and similarity attributes are the basis for many of the hybrid attributes. Smoothed Similarity The similarity values are low pass filtered to determine the averages over longer windows. By default the smoothing is performed over 15 adjacent traces and 120 millisecond time windows. Smoothing is performed by a weighted low-pass filter minimizing the effects of local spikes. Smoothed Dip Of Max Similarity The dip of maximum similarity values are low pass filtered to determine the averages over longer windows. Computations are similar to the smoothed similarity. The resulting values are indicative of local anomalous variation of dips. Low similarity and high variance of dips may be a good indicator of structural discontinuities. Dip Variance This is the difference between the smoothed dip of maximum similarity and the local value of the dip of maximum similarity. It emphasizes local anomalies against the smoothed average background. This attribute is used as a component in some of the hybrid attributes.

Similarity Variance This attribute represents the difference between smoothed similarity and its local value, which is equivalent to the high-pass filtered similarity. It indicates local anomalies with respect to the smoothed average background Parallel Bedding Indicator This is the variance of dips of maximum similarity. Parallel bedding will have smaller variance than bedding with arbitrarily varying dips. This attribute is also used as one of components of the Chaotic reflections and Shale indicator attributes. Event Continuity This attribute is designed in order to emphasize continuous events. The program outputs values of +1 at the location of each peaks maximum, and 1 at the location of each troughs minimum. The rest of the trace samples are set to 0. This attribute, in conjunction with the similarity and dip of maximum similarity attributes will be used to form spatially continuous pick-strings and surfaces. They will also be used to identify event terminations for use in stratigraphic interpretation. Shale Indicator This is a hybrid attribute, which combines several attributes that have been assembled to detect possible shale zones in a clastic environment. Shales may be identified by their geometrical configuration as thin, parallel beds with high lateral continuity. This attribute uses Instantaneous Frequency for thin bed detection, Parallel Bedding Indicator and similarity and its variance for lateral continuity detection. Highest output values are indicative of the highest possibility of shale occurrence. Lower values indicate possibility of lithologies other than shale, such as sand or carbonate. Chaotic Reflection This is a hybrid attribute that is used for detecting chaotic bedding zones. Chaotic zones are defined as areas of high lateral continuity bedding with arbitrary dips. Lateral continuity is measured by the similarity attribute and its variance, non-parallel beds are detected by relatively high values of Dip Variance. Zones Of Unconformity This is a hybrid attribute for detecting possible surfaces of unconformity. First we detect the peaks of the seismic trace envelope. The location of the peak of the envelope represents the seismically visible bedding interface, a possible unconformity surface. Its magnitude is relative to the degree of impedance contrast. The next process is to compute additional contrasts. To do that, we use the values of several attributes as components of attribute vectors. We construct three vectors from both sides of the interface. We use the values of the following attributes as vector components: dip of maximum similarity, instantaneous frequency, similarity and dip variance. A normalized vector dot product is computed between the sets of attributes on two sides. Since it is normalized, the vector dot product value will lie between +1 and -1. +1 represents the highest similarity, which means that there is no difference between the sides from dip, frequency and continuity points of view. A smaller value will indicate some degree of differences. A dissimilarity factor is formed by subtraction of the normalized vector dot product from 1.0, which is multiplied by the envelope peak magnitude and output as the indicator of the Zones of Unconformity. Larger magnitudes of output represent higher degree of contrast.

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