(Question Papers) RBI Grade "B" Officers - Finance and Management Papers of Last 8 Exams (Phase 2) Mrunal
(Question Papers) RBI Grade "B" Officers - Finance and Management Papers of Last 8 Exams (Phase 2) Mrunal
(Question Papers) RBI Grade "B" Officers - Finance and Management Papers of Last 8 Exams (Phase 2) Mrunal
[Question Papers] RBI Grade B Officers: Finance and Management Papers of last 8 exams (phase 2) Mrunal
[Question Papers] RBI Grade B Officers: Finance and Management Papers of last 8 exams (phase 2)
Prologue How to prepare finance and Management paper? Instructions for finance- Management Paper RBI Grade B 2002 RBI Grade B 2003 RBI Grade B 2004 RBI Grade B 2007 RBI Grade B 2008 RBI Grade B 2009 RBI Grade B 2010 RBI Grade B 2011
RBI grade B officers exam has three stages 1. phase 1 = prelims, MCQs 2. Phase 2 = mains, descriptive, three papers: English, finance and Management. 3. interview This article contains, previous years papers for Phase 2=>Paper 3 (Finance and Management) for last 8 exams. paper 1 (English), paper 2 (economic and social issues) will be uploaded soon Courtesy: Mr. cls80 and Mr. Abhishek Shrivastava for the papers.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Explain briefly the salient features of the Foreign Exchange Management Act. Discuss the role of the Reserve Bank of India in the economic development of the country. Critically evaluate our countrys efforts in disinvestment in public sector undertakings. Write short notes on-any two of the following a. Regional Rural Banks. b. Mutual Funds c. Role of NABARD in economic development. d. Difference between direct and indirect taxes. SECTION II Planning and Control are two sides of the same coin. Do you agree? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization? Identify the skills required for a manager to be an effective leader. What is performance appraisal? What are its objectives?
[Question Papers] RBI Grade B Officers: Finance and Management Papers of last 8 exams (phase 2) Mrunal
6. 7. 8. 9.
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[Question Papers] RBI B Officers: Finance and Management Papers of last 8 exams (phase 2) Mrunal Discuss the investment objectives of Grade mutual furids. Outline the restrictions on investments and borrowings by mutual funds
SECTION II 6. 7. 8. 9. Management is the development of people; not the direction of things Discuss Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making. Decentralisation is not necessarily good; nor centralisation necessarily bad . Discuss. What is control? What are the essentials of a good control system?
Papers] RBI Grade B Officers: Finance and Management Papers of last 8 exams (phase 2) Mrunal a. Explain the terms [Question centralisation and decentralisation. b. Explain the role of delegation of authority in making decentralisation effective.
8. What is decision making? What is the role played by Management Information System in decision making? 9. Discuss the role of communication in an organisation. What are the barriers to effective communication?
1 comment to [Question Papers] RBI Grade B Officers: Finance and Management Papers of last 8 exams (phase 2)
Reply to this comment mrunal bhai you wrote several article,plz give some guidance for gs for indian engg service