How To Win Any Fightvol.1

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How to Win Any Fight

Vol. 1

The 3 Second KO
Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

Published by:

Spartan Health Pty Ltd

308 The Kingsway Caringbah NSW 2229 Australia 409 N.Pacific Coast Hwy #179 Redondo Beach CA 90277 USA E-mail: [email protected]

Note: The information in this Special Report is for general information purposes only. Neither the author nor publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of information contained in this Report. No part of this Special Report may be re-printed, copied or reproduced without permission from the publisher.
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Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

A Special Report by:

Spartan Health P/L

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

You can win any fight, against any opponent, simply by not giving them a chance to beat you This guide will show you a simple, easy to learn and apply method for winning any fight in under 3 seconds. It is written assuming you have limited fighting or martial art experience. Just by reading it your chances of winning a fight will dramatically improve. But it is highly recommended that you do a lot of practice with this method, as shown in this guide, to achieve full mastery of it. This information is for self-defense purposes only.

The Quick Knock-Out

The best way to stop your opponent is to achieve a knock-out as quickly as possible. Causing pain or lessor injuries is not a guaranteed way to finish a fight. Attackers who are high on drugs, crazy or tougher than average can absorb huge amounts of punishment and still continue fighting. A knock-out will shut down your opponents brain and finish the fight straight away. This is the one and only aim of this guide. The quicker the fight is finished the less chance of serious injury or worse occurring to you.

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

Understanding this concept means the best time to finish a fight is before it has started.

First Strike
Fighting on the street is war. No quarter given, none received Every great military commander knows that the best form of defense is a strong offense. You must deliver first strike. Forget the idea that you must only fight after you have been attacked. That is school-yard mentality that will result in a trip to the local hospital emergency room for you. If you are in fear of an attack or you sense that one is unavoidable then you must strike first. Delaying to do so will allow your attacker a chance to injure you or draw a weapon. Once a fight has commenced the techniques in this guide will have very significantly reduced odds of working. A real fight is a mess, arms and legs flying everywhere and in most cases will end up on the ground, in a confused wrestling match. Avoid this situation by achieving a first strike knock-out. Not only must you strike first but even better is to strike when your opponent is not ready or is distracted.
Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

This technique was first uncovered Tibetan literature, which spoke of; in Ancient

A simple technique delivered via speedy arms centrally to the adversarys chin, which would result in a reaction within his skull. This was said to be as much knowledge as was required. Boxers know to aim for the chin, and that also is your target.

The point of the chin is the Ultimate target. An accurate strike delivered correctly to this point will cause the base of the brain to be concussed and hence neurological shutdown will occur.

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

Secondary targets are anywhere along the jaw line. The further away from the chin you strike the smaller the concussion effect on the brain and the shorter the knock-out. Because the jaw line is a larger area, it is easier to hit, so still makes a good target.

The weapon will be the fist. More specifically the middle or first two knuckles.

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

The fist is a natural weapon that most people are comfortable with. It can be delivered automatically in a very fast strike. Force from your hip and body rotation will be transferred via a small area (your knuckle) to the opponents chin, resulting in maximum effect.

There are strike. 1) 2 main techniques for delivering your Short Right Cross

2) Short Left Hook

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

If you are left handed then reverse the above. These are the 2 techniques that, when used correctly, will give you the tools to win any encounter. The short right cross has the advantage of being able to strike the point of the chin, your No.1 target. With only 2 techniques to learn you will have the advantage over those who try to learn too many. Better to be a master of 2 techniques than average at many. Some people even take this concentrate on 1 of the above. further and only

There are people who have won dozens of fights with the same simple technique, and they do so over and over again. I know of one man whose only weapon is a blindingly fast and pin-point accurate short right cross, none of his fights have lasted longer than 3 seconds. 1 second to set-up his attacker, 1 second to deliver the short right cross and 1 second to follow up with a finishing technique.

Accuracy is more important than power. You must practice to improve your accuracy. If you fail to hit the chin or jaw targets then you will

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

not achieve a knock-out. This means your attacker will have a chance to engage you in combat. You do not want this. The secret to achieving accuracy is to look at the target area as you launch your strike. Everyone has hand-eye co-ordination. Where you look, is where you will hit. Practice until you are confident, then practice some more. This can not be understated. The success of this entire method depends on your ability to strike accurately. Use a punching bag. Paint on or stick a small target at head height. Practice hitting this one spot from different positions and stances. Gradually build up speed and power. Using a dummy, if possible, is even better.

Speed is also important. It is essential to maintain the element of surprise.

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The more acceleration your blow has the more force it will deliver. The more force (if accurate) the greater the knock-out. Speed comes from practice. Try to throw punches that are relaxed until a split second before they impact. This creates a fast whip effect that will explode into the target.

The more power behind your blow the better the knock-out. However even a small woman can generate enough power to effect a knock-out, if done accurately and using body-weight. Always punch through your target. Most people aim for the surface of a target and achieve only average power. Hit the chin but think of punching through the chin to the back of the head. This simple trick will double your power. Using your full body-weight behind your strike along with maximal hip rotation generates most power. Using arm or shoulder strength only will result in a weaker strike. Hip power is a matter of twisting your hip powerfully just before you strike. The force from this travels through your body and ends in the fist. You must practice to get this right. It takes time and hundreds of repetitions to perfect the timing. But you only need master 1 or 2 techniques remember. Once you can do it you will have ample power to knock-out anyone.

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998 11

The correct stance will allow you to put your bodyweight behind your blow. For a short right cross: stand with legs slightly apart, left foot forward so you are at an angle (see set-up for how to get to this position). Weight will be on your back right leg. When you strike shift your weight forward onto your front left leg, this will throw your body weight behind your punch. Practice doing this at the same time as you twist your hip powerfully to the right.

For a short left hook: stand with legs slightly apart, left foot forward at same angle as above (see set-up). However this time your weight will be over your front left leg, or you can shift it there just before you strike. When you strike you shift your weight to the right onto your back right leg, this, again, will put your body weight behind your strike. Twist your hip powerfully to the left.

As you attack yell or scream out violently. This will help you to explode the strike into the target. It will also stop you from holding back. If there is more than one attacker it may stun them for a second as you then line up the next one.

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It can also trigger a release of adrenaline into your system, which will prepare you for fight or flight after your first strike. Yelling prepare fail. can bring out your killer instinct and you for battle should your first strike

The best distance to be at before you strike is 1 of your arms lengths. This is the distance most confrontations start at. Practice throwing strikes mostly from this one distance. So before using this attack all you have to do is get the right distance (1 arms length) then everything will be automatic. The best way to find your distance is by placing your left hand on the targets body. As soon as you do this you will automatically be set up for a perfect strike, so dont hesitate.

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998 13

Most attacks occur after talking/abusing/shouting, from approximately one arms length. will come towards you. a period of a distance of Then an aggressor

This is good. Remember if you think the attack by this person is inevitable then you are going to strike first while he is still abusing you. Hold up your hands with the left arm to the front (as in above picture). This will give you your distance and stop the attacker from getting too close. As you do this slightly shift your right foot back so you are in your striking stance. Make sure your palms are facing forward. This is a sign you do not intend to fight, back this up by saying something like,

Listen I dont want any trouble

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998 14

Come on man, I dont want to fight

This will give the attacker a false sense of confidence. Most will walk forward into your left extended hand giving you a perfect distance. As soon as you get this distance you can strike!

Or if you want to make the strike even more effective do the following. Ask a Question just before striking. When you suddenly ask a question his brain will start to formulate an answer, it is a natural reaction. At the least you will make him pause for a split second. At the most he will actually start to answer it! If he starts instantly. to answer the question, strike

Hitting the chin or jaw while the mouth is open and the target is unprepared will give you the best chance at a knock-out!!! Examples of questions to ask are,

Whats your name? Whats the time?


Do you have the time?

Why are you doing this to me? Dont I know you?

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For a short left hook, pretend you can not hear the answer and bend slightly forward, putting your weight over your left foot. Say,

What was that?

Then you can explode to the right and hit with the hook.

Finishing Techniques
A correct strike will cause a knock-out. When the attacker falls his head can hit the ground very hard. This may end the fight. A lot of the time your strike will only cause a quick loss of consciousness. Or it may cause the attacker to stumble disorientated on the verge of unconsciousness. He may quickly recover from this state and proceed to attack you again. He will not fall for the same trick twice.

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In this case apply a quick finishing technique such as a; Kick or stomp. Your legs are very powerful and can inflict a lot of damage. A heavy stomp to the head will put the lights out on a recovering attacker. This may sound vicious but remember, Im assuming you are in fear for your life (there are no rules in a streetfight). Follow-up furry of punches. Remember the best form of defense is a strong offense. So attack, attack, attack. If your first blow didnt finish the fight, follow up while the attacker is disorientated with a continued aggressive combination of punches. Once the attacker falls switch to the more powerful kicking or stomping. A quick escape while he is disorientated is the best of all, if that is an option.

WARNING: You should only use whatever force is necessary to put you out of danger. Continuing to attack a disabled opponent is foolish and may not be viewed as self-defense.

Practice and become familiar with this guide and you too will have the ability to win any fight in under 3 seconds.

Copyright Anthony Bova 1998

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