Prepare Session Plan
Prepare Session Plan
Prepare Session Plan
Objectives: 1. To familiarize the process of developing a session plan. 2. To identify the different training delivery modes and training methods to address the required competencies. 3. To determine the sequence of training activities to address the required competencies. 4. To identify the resources to support learning. 5. To prepare and develop a session plan. CONTENT 1. Definition and importance of a session plan 2. Process of preparing a session plan 3. Elements of the session plan 4. Sequencing training contents 5. Preparing learning activities 6. Training Delivery Modes and Methods 7. Assessment method 8. Training Resources 9. Session Plan Preparation The Plan is a Guide not a Law. (Carter Mcnamara, MBA, PhD) What is a Session Plan a simply stated, clearly written, flexible, and individualized trainers aid for conducting a session or module. WHY DO TRAINERS USE SESSION PLAN Give the trainers an idea of where they are and where they are going in the conduct of the training program. Give the trainers and the trainees a clear idea of the training activities they are doing at a given time. Record the training sessions the trainees have taken Give the trainers a starting point if they have to do the training again with another learner or group of learners. Give the trainers a firm base to review their performance
NINE STEPS FOR DESIGNING AN EFFECTIVE SESSION PLAN Step 1. Determine Participants Needs as Indicated in the ILTR Step 2. Define Learning Outcomes as Indicated in the Module of Instruction Step 3. Outline Training Content Step 4. Determine Learning Activities Step 5. Identify Teaching Methods and Techniques Step 6. Define assessment methods Step 7. Outline Follow-up Activities Step 8. Determine Training Resources Step 9. Determine Training Duration Elements of the Session Plan Industry Sector Qualification Title Unit of Competency Module Title Module Description Learning Outcomes Content Outline Learning Activities Teaching Methods and Techniques Assessment Methods Follow-up Activities Learning/Instructional Resources Nominal Duration (Time/Day)
Sequencing of Contents
Types of of Sequence Random Topics Chronological Sequence Casual Sequence Structural Logic
Random Topics- when it doesnt matter the order of topics. One doesnt necessarily depend on another. For example, teaching about product knowledge.
Chronological Sequence-this is based on the order in which things happen over time. It is useful for teaching a daily routine or wherever the understanding of one event or of one stage depends on the understanding of what had occurred. Casual Sequence-this kind of sequence is closely related to the chronological. The learner follows a chain of cause and effect relationships in different landscape formations. Structural Logic - where a certain topic cannot be learned without prior understanding of some other topics.
Preparing the Learning Activities Learning Activities Refers to actions the trainees will do to achieve the learning outcome stated in the module of instruction. Elements: Presentation Practice Feedback
Preparing the Learning Activities The Learning Activities for Each LO Must Ensure That: First, The trainee is presented some instruction appropriate for the LO. (Presentation) Activities and Resources to Achieve This:
Reading Textbooks, references, manuals Viewing slides, films, film strips Listening to tapes Observing an advanced trainees
Then, The trainee is provided an opportunity to practice or apply the same knowledge or skill that was presented. (Practice) Finally, The trainee is given immediate feedback on the success of that practice and is helped in correcting it if needed. (Feedback)
Solving typical problems Critiquing case studies Hands-on practice of a skill Answering questions
Checking answers with answer key Checking finished product or procedure with detailed checklist. Having trainers or experienced trainee evaluate product or critique performance.
Sample Learning Activities A single learning activity for presentation of instruction and practice
TRAINING DELIVERY MODES Dualized Mode. Programs contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Modular/Self-Paced Learning. It is a competency-based training modality wherein the trainee is allowed to progress at his own pace. The trainer just facilitates the training delivery. Peer teaching/Mentoring. A training modality wherein the fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slow learners. Supervised Industry Training or On-The-Job Training. It is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific competencies prescribed in the Training Regulations. Distance Learning. A formal education process in which majority of the instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same place. It may employ correspondence study, audio, video or computer technologies.
Training Methods Demonstration Simulation Oral Presentation Group Work Laboratory Work Assignments Computer-Based Learning Group Discussion Brainstorming Case Study
Demonstration It is a presentation that shows how to perform an act or how to use a procedure. It is often followed by the learner carrying out the activity under the guidance of the instructor. It is basically a visual presentation accompanied by oral discussion Simulation It is a useful teaching strategy for illustrating a complex and changing situation. It serves as simplified models of real activities. Learner acts, the simulation reacts, the learner learns from this feedback. For the trainee to learn what you intend for them, to learn from the simulation, you must hold a discussion during and/or after the game. This is integral to the trainees training. Oral Presentation Oral presentation is the most widely used method. Every instructor should know how to develop and present a lesson. They also should understand the advantages and limitation of this method. It is used for introduction of new subjects, summarizing ideas, showing relationship between theory and practice, and reemphasizing main points. It is adaptable to many different settings, including either small or large groups. It may also used to introduce a unit or instruction or a complete training program. Work Group Method This method allows students to talk among each other and listen to all view points of discussion or assignment. Helps students think in an unbiased way When this lesson plan is carried out, the teacher may assess the lesson of working as a team, leadership skills, or presenting with roles. Laboratory Work This method aims to train students in problem solving with incidental acquisition of information and motor skills Emphasis is on discovery, original procedure, analysis, and solution of problems. Activities under this method also include visits to museums, exhibits, and art galleries, watching demonstrations, listening to lectures, and going on field trips. Assignment Method This method is generally advocated for teaching different subjects to students in the higher classes. Syllabus is split up into significant units or topics; each unit or topic, in its turn, is subdivided into learning assignments for students.
Students are usually required to prepare the assignment in writing. It help in organization of knowledge, assimilation of facts and better preparation of examination.
Computer Based Learning Method Uses personal computer as a training device. Computer Based Training (CBT) allow students to progress through a series of interactive segments where the presentation varies as a result of their responses. If students wish to learn about a particular area, they do so by clicking the mouse on a particular portion of the screen. Instructor must be actively involved with the student when using this method. This involvement should include close supervision, question, examination, quizzes or guided discussion on the subject matter. Group Discussion A group of persons meet together to discuss informally and deliberate on a topic of mutual concern. Brainstorming Listening exercise that allows creative thinking for new ideas Encourages full participation because all ideas are equally recorded Draws on groups knowledge and experience Spirit of congeniality is created One idea can spark off other ideas Case Study It is a detailed account of an event or a series of related events that may be presented to an audience orally, in written form, or film, or in a combination of these forms. Gives a detailed accounting of the case under study. Helps the learner to see various alternative solutions to the problem. Helps people develop analytical and problem-solving skills. FACTORS IN CHOOSING A METHOD The Objectives of the Lesson What you are trying to accomplish will help to determine the best method of approaching the material and the class. Age Group of the Students Teens are topically oriented Adults are text oriented Children are story oriented Content of the Lesson Available Resources Educational Background of the Students Allotted time
Assessment Method
- Indicates the method of assessing the achievement of the learning outcome. - Assessment may be: Formative progress checks for every learning outcome of the module thru selfcheck (paper and pencil) or hands-on activity. Institutional progress checks given at the end of a module as final assessment in the form of written or demonstration of skills. Self-Checks provide immediate feedback on how they are doing without having to wait for the instructor. o Self-checks can be o knowledge or skill. Examples of Knowledge Self-Check Learning Outcomes Compute tax on purchases. Explain operation of four-stroke engine. Identify parts and their functions.
Self-Check Problems or Questions List totals of typical purchases and various tax rates and have the trainees compute the tax. Give the trainees a series of questions on the operation of the engine. Give the trainees a diagram with each part numbered and a list of part names and functions for them to match up.
Skills Demonstration as a Method of Assessment Example: Demonstration Method: Given a blue print, fabricate a step shaft. The performance will include: Facing Cylindrical turning The finished project will be submitted to the trainer for assessment. Follow-up Activities These are assignments given to the trainees to enable them to achieve the learning outcome. Assignments can either be in the form of: Self-Check Review of Operations or Jobs Sheets Research activity related to learning outcomes etc
Learning/Instructional Resources The things the student will use when carrying out the instructions outlined in the learning activities. Learning resources can be used to present instruction, and for practice and feedback. Types of Learning/Instructional Resources for Presenting Instruction Resources Print Materials Textbooks, references, etc. if written well and illustrated. Technical, shop, and manufacusing turers manuals Step-by-step procedure for performing task specific make or model of a product, tool or equipment. Leaders, current issues, and trends in occupation; new advances in technology; career awareness. Anything for which other resources cannot be located. Facts, concepts, terms, background information, principles, and actual steps in performing tasks
Used to Present
Magazines, journals, trade publications, pamphlets, and periodicals Instructor-developed Instruction Sheets
Types of Learning/Instructional Resources for Presenting Instruction Resources Non-Print Materials Still visuals (with & without sound), slides, film strips, flip charts, photograph Motion visuals (with & without sound)16mm, 8mm, film loops & cartridges, video tape, video discs Cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, records, and language machines Step-by-step procedure in performing task; interior parts or construction of devices, close-up shots; color. Complex tasks where motion and sequence are critical; speed up or slow down time. Recordings of specialized sounds or Recordings of specialized sounds or
9 Used to Present
Types of Learning/Instructional Resources for Presenting Instruction Resources Human Resources Trainer, aide, tutor or advanced Trainee Live demonstration of skills or presentation of knowledge for which no learning resource is yet available.
Used to Present
Nominal Duration Refers to the estimated time to complete a particular competency/qualification . SAMPLE OF A SESSION PLAN Workshop Activity : Preparation of a Session Plan Expected Output: Accomplished Session Plan LINK TO CBC LINK to Training Regulation (TR)