Design Notes 4 V-Belt

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Design notes 1.

Adjustment for the centre distance must be provided in both directions from the nominal value to set the initial tension. Provision for increasing the centre distance must be made to take up for belt stretch during use. If fixed centres are required, idler pulleys should be used to adjust the belt. 2. Ideally, the nominal range of centre distance should be D2 < C < 3*(D1+D2) 3. Maximum centre distance should be less than 20 times the smaller pulley pitch diameter. 4. The wrap angle on the smaller pulley should be greater than 120. 5. Belt speed should be <30m/s (6,000 ft/min). 6. Consider an alternative type of drive, such as a gear type or chain, if the belt speed is less than 5 m/s (1,000 ft/min). 7. Avoid elevated temperatures around belts. 8. Avoid contaminants such as oil, grease or grit on the belts. 9. Ensure that any shafts with pulleys are parallel, and the pulleys are in alignment. If an idler pulley or roller is used, it should be installed on the slack side of the belt. It should also be closer to the smaller pulley to maximise the wrap angle of the belt. A typical arrangement is shown at left. The idler pulley position should be adjustable to 1) set the initial tension, and 2) to adjust the tension as the belt ages and stretches during use. It is possible for lower power applications to make a primitive clutch using a belt and an idler. Referring to the diagram just above, the centre distance is deliberately made too large so that the belt slips on the pulleys and no power is transferred. The idler roller is then moved inwards to increase the belt tension until the belt fully engages. While possible, this is a very simple and crude arrangement, but can be effective in some applications. It will require trial and error to align for desired operation, will increase the wear on the belt shortening its life and require more space for the idler movement and operating mechanism.

Correct belt pulley selection. Important factor of reliability and equal operation of V-belts is exact fulfilling of conditions specified for belt pulleys: belts should work at grooved pulleys of dimensions fitted to belt section, as only side (working) walls of belt were in contact with walls of pulley grooves; pulley grooves should be smooth, without deformations, snagging and contaminations, particularly grease and oils. Surface coincides of groove pulleys should not be painted. all grooves edges of belt pulleys should be rounded of radius r>1mm; minimal recommended diameter of pulley for given belt section should be observed unless compactness of gear is going to be reached at all costs, even at the expense of reduced efficiency and lowering

of belt lifetime; all wheel belts should be balanced statically (degree of quality Q in accordance to VDI 2060); additionally for wheel belts which peripheral speed exceed 30 m/s, or if a ratio of diameter to width of pulley rim dp/s<4 while v>20 m/s, should be balanced dynamically (degree of quality Q 6.3); with respect to belt lifetime is recommended to use pulleys of big diameters, for which belt speed should be between 25-30 m/s; grooved pulleys should be made according to recommendations included in chapter 4.

V-belt drives are essentially short centre drives. If in drive design the centre distance C is not specified, then it should be set at around 2D1 (R+1) but preferably not less than D2 . Since the diameters and belt length are discrete variables so also is the theoretical centre distance, though in the

absence of idlers the nominally fixed centre distance must be capable of slight variation by motor slide rails for example, to allow for belt installation and subsequent take-up (initial tightening) before rotation commences. This capability also allows for manufacturing tolerances on belt length, L. From the geometry :( 3) ( Fmax - v2 ) / ( Fmin - v2 ) e ( f )min cosec and ( f )min = min ( (f)1 , (f)2 ) where f

Every cross-section of the belt is subjected alternately to the strand tensions Fmax and Fmin and therefore undergoes fatigue. These tensions at least must be detemined before fatigue can be addressed. If the power transmitted by the drive P is shared equally between z belts in parallel then since the torque per belt always equals ( Fmax - Fmin) radius :( 4a) P = z ( Fmax - Fmin) v ie. Fmax - Fmin = P / z v

This relation alone is insufficient for determining Fmax, Fmin individually for a given power- per- belt (P/z) and velocity (v). If however we focus on the maximum power transmissible without gross slip, then equation ( 3) applies. Eliminating Fmin between ( 3) and ( 4a), the tight side tension Fmax per belt for a given slip- limited power P is :( 4b)
) min

Fmax = P / z k v + v2 by definition.

where the drive property

k 1

- e-(f

Properties found by curve fitting to belt capacities cited in the Code, are given in Table 1.

STANDARD PITCH LENGTHS ( mm ) SP SP SP Y Z A B C D Z A B 2 40 63 93 156 274 63 80 12 00 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 47 70 10 176 313 71 90 14 224 5 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 53 79 11 195 333 80 10 16 250 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 62 89 12 219 373 90 11 18 280 5 0 10 0 0 0 20 00 70 99 13 234 408 10 12 20 315 0 0 70 0 0 00 50 00 78 11 15 249 462 11 14 22 355 0 00 60 0 0 20 00 40 92 12 16 272 540 12 16 25 400 0 50 90 0 0 50 00 00 10 14 17 288 610 14 18 28 450 80 30 60 0 0 00 00 00 15 19 308 684 16 20 31 500 50 50 0 0 00 00 50 17 21 331 762 18 22 35 50 80 0 0 00 40 50 19 23 352 841 20 25 40 40 00 0 0 00 00 00 20 25 406 914 22 28 45 50 00 0 0 40 00 00 22 27 460 107 25 31 50 00 00 0 00 00 50 00 23 28 538 122 28 35 56 00 70 0 00 00 50 00 24 32 610 137 31 40 63 80 00 0 00 50 00 00 25 36 686 152 35 45 71 70 00 0 00 50 00 00 27 40 760 80 00 60 0 00

SPC 200 0 224 0 250 0 280 0 315 0 355 0 400 0 450 0 500 0 560 0 630 0 710 0 800 0 900 0 100 00 112 00 125 00

29 10 30 80 32 90 35 40

44 910 30 0 48 107 20 00 53 70 60 70

The design power input to the selection process must incorporate a duty factor to allow for shock, high starting torques and other expected non-uniformities :( iii) design power = actual nominal power duty factor (from the table below eg.) Note that a duty factor of 1.5 implies a life reduction of approximately 1.512 = 130.

RECOMMENDED PULLEY PITCH DIAMETERS ( mm ) SP Y Z A B C D SPA SPB SPC Z 20 50 75 125 200 355 67 100 160 224 22. 53 80 132 212 375 71 106 170 236 4 25 56 85 140 224 400 75 112 180 250 28 60 90 150 236 425 80 118 190 265 31.5 63 95 160 250 450 85 125 200 280 35.5 67 100 170 265 475 90 132 212 315 40 71 106 180 280 500 95 140 224 355 45 75 112 190 315 530 100 150 236 400 50 80 118 200 355 560 112 160 250 450 56 85 125 212 400 630 125 180 280 500 63 90 132 224 450 710 140 200 315 560 71 95 140 236 500 800 150 250 355 630 10 80 150 250 560 900 160 315 400 800 0 11 100 90 160 280 630 180 400 500 1000 2 0 12 125 100 180 315 800 200 500 630 1250 5 0 14 100 160 112 200 355 250 630 800 0 0 0 15 125 200 100 125 250 400 315 800 0 0 0 0 16 100 125 315 500 400 0 0 0 18 400 630 500 0 20 500 800 630 0 25 100 630 800 0 0 31 125 800 5 0 40 100

0 50 0 63 0 80 0

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