Verification of Advances

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Verification of advances with special reference to Income Recognition and Asset Classification (IRAC) norms.

CA Ketan Saiya
No vember 2 01 2

The article attempts to cover, verification of advances with special reference to Income Recognition and Asset Classification (IR AC) norms, which are also known as Non Performing Asset (NPA) norms and prudential norms. Article covers summary of key requirements points applicable based on Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Prudential norms except it does not cover norms on Restructuring of Advances by Banks and Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme In Bank Audit, we as Auditor carry lot of responsibilities as banking sector directly deal in commodity called Money that too mainly Public funds by way of depos its and secondly we have limited time to complete the bank branch audit.

Reason of concern is banking sector is fraud prone and it again increases our responsibilities in carrying out bank branch audit. There have been many scams in banking sector. As per PTI report on 25 t h February 2010, Frauds have cost banks Rs. 5,517 Crores in last four fiscals. The highest loss was in fiscal 2008-09 of Rs.1883 Crores. As we read in media, in February 2010, one of the bank was imposed with penalty of Rs.25 Lakhs for violating (R BI) directives on acquisition of immovable property, deletion of records in IT system, non-adherence to KYC and anti- money laundering norms, irregularities in the conduct of certain corporate group etc. In 2009, we read instance of cash transactions of Rs.640 crores between November 2006 to December 2008 in one bank account and in one such similar case transfer of funds overseas amounting to $110 millions.

In bank audit, we need to plan very well so we are able to carry out audit effectively. There are various acts applicable in bank audit but we must be updated with RBI guidelines and requirements for banking sector. All related circulars are available on Reserve Bank of Indias website i.e.

Audit of Advances Audit of Advances cover the major part of audit of banks at Branch level. Similarly, the interest and other income on advances constitute major part of the bank Branch

Income. Asset wise also major asset of bank is advances as bank is in lending busines s. The strength of bank and its financial statements is measured from the strength and quality of their advances. Any material misstatement on the quality of advances can have impact on the financial statement of the bank. As public deposit is major part of the liability of Banks, in this attestation function we carry greater responsibility. The first step towards audit of advances is to verify the Procedural and Documentation compliance with respect to the sanction and disbursement of the advances. RBI guidelines, Banks advance manual, internal circulars, latest RBI inspection report, concurrent audit reports and the Banks inspection reports should also be referred for the same. The following points need to be covered: Whether the sanction has been made as per the Banks norms and policies? Whether the credit appraisal report contains adequate information with regard to the means, standing, business integrity, experience and capabilities of the borrower? Has the advances been sanctioned by designated authorities with proper sanctioning powers? Have all the documents been executed with respect to the sanction? Whether certificate of registration of charges is available with the bank? Have the securities been executed with respect to the sanction? Whether all the terms and conditions of the sanctions have been complied with before the loan is disbursed? Whether Processing Fees, Advocate Fees etc has been recovered or not? Whether Pre and Post Disbursement inspection has been done by the competent Authority or not? whether the unit has adequately arranged for insurance of stocks, and the bank clause is incorporated in the policy. Whether the materials lying with third party are also adequately insured with requisite Bank clause No-lien letters are obtained in case of such inventories lying with third parties Whether the bank has a policy of obtaining independent Stock audit report from firm of CAs in those cases where advances exceed Rs 5 crore . in such cases the branch auditor should refer to the adverse comments , if any, in stock audit reports for taking a view on the advances Whether the book debts charged to bank are arising out of genuine trade transactions, are less than XX days old, for calculating the D.P. Whether the conned officials are properly calculating the monthly DP and updating the system? Whether the unit is stating value of creditors in the monthly stock statement? In case of multiple banking whether the bank is obtaining the exposure of other banks, so that there is no over financing? In case of consortium accounts whether the Joint documentation deed is completed, the monthly DP is advised by the leader of consortium, and all banks share the information on their mutual exposure, Whether the consortium minutes are available, and the inspection of unit is carried out by each consortium member and the report made available.

Whether the Mortgaged property is insured or not. Also to verify the insurance period and loan period? Check the Mode of Disbursement that whether it is as per the sanction letter? Whether disbursement is effected after execution of documents, & not before , should be ensured. Special care should be taken to ensure that the loan account parameters as per the computer records match with that of the sanction letter. Whether Borrower is in the Defaulter list as per CIBIL / RBI? Whether the documents were renewed within the specified time?

After the sanctioning details, the next thing for healthy monitoring would be to see operation in account to see its the actual conduct of the loan account and the Record of Recovery. As RB I norms are based on record of recovery it is very important to see that recovery in the accounts is forthcoming and account is having regular operations. An asset becomes Non Performing when it ceases to generate income for the bank. Audit Programme should be designed so as to cover major part of advances in terms of amount disbursed. Audit should be carried out considering the RBI circular on Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and provisioning pertaining to Advances. The following points to be verified while carrying out the audit: A Summary of all advances should be procured from the bank. The statement must contain the Borrower Name, Account Number, Loan Type, Limit Sanctioned, Balance outstanding etc. Critical verification of security available must be done in all major loan account. Internal reports should be taken from the bank containing following information: Major new accounts sanctioned during the month Accounts which have been upgraded during the month Accounts which are written off during the Month. o Policy of write-off of accounts should be examined and it should be ensured that the policy of the bank in this regard is followed consistently. Accounts which have been classified as NPA during the month for the first time. Accounts with disbursements exceeding the drawing power with respect of Cash Credit (CC) and Over Draft (OD) accounts. Overdue statements with respect to Term Loan accounts. Overdue bills and other credit facilities List of debit balance in savings, current accounts Outstanding credit card dues Expired limits with respect to OD, CC, Bank Guarantees (BGs), and Letter of Credit (LCs) etc. The above reports should be carefully scrutinized and the classification and requirements of provisioning should be assessed as per RBI norms.

List of re-structured accounts should be verified keeping RBI guidelines in mind. In the case of CC /OD accounts, whether party submits Stock/Book Debts Statement regularly as stipulated in sanction letter? The auditor needs to satisf y himself that there exists a s ystem in the bank to verify stock statements submitted by the borrower which in turn effects drawing power. Most of the OD and CC accounts are to be renewed and reviewed by the bank annually. The auditor needs to insure that there are no renewals pending. Check the renewal date of CC, OD and LAD is updated in the system with actual date of review? Multiple accounts of each borrower should be carefully reviewed to stud y cross-transactions between the accounts for covering up the deficiencies in the accounts. The auditor should carry out interest analysis vis--vis over all outstanding advances taking help of monthly average figures for advances. Interest calculations should be verified on test check basis and its application in the borrowers accounts also need to be seen. It should be ensured that window dressing in loan account is not carried out by banks. One of the ways this is done is by transferring balance of an irregular account to a newly opened account in some other name with enhanced limits. The auditor can always downgrade an advance further based on facts of the case. Housing Loans The housing loan area has become grey area, RBI had issued a circular which stated that number of frauds have been registered with RBI, following were some of points mentioned in the circular: i) In many cases, the same property was of fered as security to different banks b y submitting fake title deeds. ii) In some cases, the properties, which were mortgaged to the banks, were found to be non-existent. iii) Loans were granted to persons without verifying their antecedents/details. As a result, subsequently they were found to be non-existent. iv) The documents submitted for availing the loans such as the deeds, income tax returns, salary certificates etc. were found to be fake/fictitious. v) The chartered accountants who had purportedly issued/verified the documents were found to be non-existent themselves. vi) In a number of fraud cases, the builders/developers had defrauded the banks b y pocketing the housing loans which they managed to obtain in the names of fictitious persons by submitting forged documents. vii) In certain cases, builders/developers in connivance with the employees of Public Sector Undertakings had arranged housing loans from banks b y submitting fake/forged/manipulated salary certificates. Such loans were subsequently misappropriated. Based on above it is necessary that these area needs to be examined carefully.

Prudential and Income Recognition Norms for Advances Any irregularities having bearing on NPA (Non-Performing Asset) s tatus of the advances needs to be examining carefully. In other words while examining any advances; we need to check what will be the impact of irregularity in advance on its the NPA status. becomes NPA. As per RBI circular, when asset ceased to generate income, it

Reserve Bank of India every year issues Master circular for norms for classifications of Advances in to various categories of NPA. This year like every year RB I has issued master circular on 1 s t July 2012. Key points of the circular are summarized as under:

Type of facility Term Loan

To be Classified as NPA if Interest and/or installment remain overdue for more than 90 days.

Working Capital Finances (Over Credit) draft and

If accounts remain out of order for more than 90

Cash days. Out of order: An account should be treated as 'out of order' if the outstanding balance remains continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit/drawing power. In cases where the outstanding balance in the principal operating account is less than the sanctioned limit/drawing power, but there are no

credits continuously for 90 days as on the date of Balance Sheet or credits are not enough to cover the interest debited during the same period, these accounts should be treated as 'out of order' Bills The bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills purchased and discounted Agricultural Advances Short duration crops The installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons Long duration crops The installment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season.

Natural calamities Where natural calamities impair the repaying capacity of agricultural borrowers, banks may decide on their own as a relief measure conversion of the short-term production loan into a term loan or re-schedulement of the repayment period; and the sanctioning of fresh short-term loan, subject to guidelines contained in RBI circular RPCD. No.PLFS.BC.6/ 05.04.02/ 200405 dated July 1, 2005. The amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days, in respect of a securitization transaction undertaken in terms of guidelines on securitization dated February 1, 2006 The overdue receivables representing positive mark-to-market value of a derivative contract, if these remain unpaid for a period of 90 days from the specified due date for payment. Banks should, classify an account as NPA only if the interest due and charged during any quarter is not serviced fully within 90 days from the end of the quarter. Derivative Transactions, Further advances needs to be classified in to categories as Standard, Sub-standard, Doubtful and loss Asset. Following are criteria for classifications of NPA

Liquidity Facilities

NPA Category Sub- Standard Asset

Criteria for classification Which has remained NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months. In such cases, the current net worth of the borrower/ guarantor or the current market value of the security charged is not enough to ensure recovery of the dues to the banks in full. In other words, such an asset will have well defined credit weaknesses that jeopardize the liquidation of the debt and are characterized by the distinct possibility that the banks will sustain some loss, if deficiencies are not corrected. An asset would be classified as doubtful if it has remained in the substandard category for a period of 12 months. A loan classified as doubtful has all the weaknesses inherent in assets that were classified as sub standard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently known facts, conditions and values highly questionable and improbable. For provisioning, Doubtful Assets are further

Doubtful Asset

classified as per age in doubtful category, in sub-

categories generally called as D-1, D-2 and D-3. Loss Asset A loss asset is one where loss has been identified by the bank or internal or external auditors or the RBI inspection but the amount has not been written off wholly. In other words, such an asset is considered uncollectible and of such little value that its continuance as a bankable asset is not warranted although there may be some salvage or

recovery value. Accounts where there is erosion in the value of security/frauds committed by borrowers In respect of accounts where there are potential threats for recovery on account of erosion in the value of security or nonavailability of security and existence of other factors such as frauds committed by borrowers it will not be prudent that such accounts should go through various stages of asset classification. In cases of such serious credit impairment the asset should be straightaway classified as doubtful or loss asset as appropriate: Value Less than 50 % Less than 10 % Classification to be done Doubtful Asset Loss Asset Full Provision

Internal control systems to eliminate the tendency to delay or postpone the identification of NPAs

Banks should establish appropriate internal systems to eliminate the tendency to delay or postpone the identification of NPAs, especially in respect of high value accounts. The banks may fix a minimum cut off point to decide what would constitute a high value account depending upon their respective business levels. The cutoff point should be valid for the entire accounting year. Responsibility and validation levels for ensuring proper asset classification may be fixed by the banks. The system should ensure that doubts in asset classification due to any reason are settled through specified internal channels within one month from the date on which the account would have been classified as NPA as per extant guidelines.

So in any case lets say advance was becoming NPA on 30 t h J une 2012 and there was a doubt about whether that advances needs to be classified as NPA or not? Any s uch doubt should be resolved by bank by July 2012.

Other issues in classifications of advances as NPA: Accounts with Temporary deficiencies Banks should ensure that drawings in the working capital accounts are covered by the adequacy of current assets, Drawing power is required to be arrived at based on the stock statement which is current. However, considering the difficulties of large borrowers, stock statements relied upon by the banks for determining drawing power should not be older than three months.

Regular limits



hoc credit Regular and ad hoc credit limits need to be reviewed/ regularised not later than three months from the due date/date of ad hoc sanction.

In case of constraints such as non-availability of financial statements and other data from the borrowers, the branch should furnish evidence to show that renewal/ review of credit limits is already on and would be completed soon. In any case, delay beyond six months is not considered desirable as a general discipline. Hence, an account where the regular/ ad hoc credit limits have not been reviewed/ renewed within 180 days from the due date/ date of ad hoc sanction will be treated as NPA. Accounts regularised near The asset classification of borrowal accounts where a solitary or a few credits are recorded before the balance sheet about the balance sheet date date should be handled with care and without scope for subjectivity. Where the account indicates inherent weakness on the basis of the data available, the account should be deemed as a NPA. In other genuine cases, the banks must furnish satisfactory evidence to the Statutory Auditors/Inspecting Officers about the manner of regularisation of the account to eliminate doubts on their performing status. for . In the case of bank finance given for industrial projects or for agricultural plantations etc. where moratorium is available for payment of interest, payment of interest becomes 'due' only after the moratorium or gestation period is over. Therefore, such amounts of interest do not become overdue and hence do not become NPA, with reference to the date of debit of interest. They become overdue after due date for payment of interest, if uncollected.

Loans with moratorium payment of interest

ii. In the case of housing loan or similar advances granted to staff members where interest is payable after recovery of principal, interest need not be considered as overdue from the first quarter onwards. Such loans/advances should be classified as NPA only when there is a default in repayment of instalment of principal or payment of interest on the respective due dates. In my view, extension in moratorium period should not be allowed afterwards unless justified by strong convincing reason.

Government Advances

Guaranteed Central Government Guaranteed Advances The credit facilities backed by guarantee of the Central Government though overdue may be treated as NPA only when the Government repudiates its guarantee when invoked. This exemption from classification of Government guaranteed advances as NPA is not for the purpose of recognition of income. State Government guaranteed Advances State Government guaranteed advances and investments in State Government guaranteed securities would attract asset classification and provisioning norms if interest and/or principal or any other amount due to the bank remains overdue for more than 90 days

Other Points to be considered in classification of an advances as NPA: Asset Classification needs to be done borrower wise and not facility wise , hence even if one small facility is NPA large borrowers all accounts will become NPA Consortium Advances : Asset classification of accounts under consortium should be based on the record of recovery of the individual member banks and other aspects having a bearing on the recoverability of the advances Advances against Term Deposits, NSCs, KVP/IVP, etc Advances against term deposits, NSCs eligible for surrender, IVPs, KVPs and life policies need not be treated as NPAs, provided adequate margin is available in the accounts. Here plain reading of the RBI circular says advance against life policies need not be treated as NPA. In my personal views intention must be to exempt only advances against traditional plans issued by Life Insurance Corporation of India and not advances against life policies such as ULIP or which are issued by private companies may not be covered by this exemption.

Advances against gold ornaments, government securities and all other securities are not covered the NPA classification exemption.

Valuation of Security for provisioning purposes With a view to bringing down divergence arising out of difference in assessment of the value of security, in cases of NPAs with balance of Rs. 5 crore and above stock audit at annual intervals by external agencies Collaterals such as immovable properties charged in favour of the bank should be got valued once in three years by valuers appointed as per the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors. PROVISIONING NORMS

Standard Assets

(A) direct advances to agricultural and SME sectors at 0.25 per cent; (b) advances to Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Sector at 1.00 per cent; (c) all other loans and advances not included in (a) and (b) above at 0.40 per cent For Tier II Banks and 0.25 % for Tier I Banks.

Sub-standard Assets

Secured exposure:

15% on outstanding balance

unsecured exposures for escrow accounts available in respect of infrastructure lending, infrastructure loan accounts 20% on outstanding balance Other unsecured exposures: 25% on outstanding balance

Doubtful Assets

Unsecured Portion : 100% Secured Portion : Provision Period for which the advance has requirement remained in doubtful category (%) Up to one year D1 25 One to three years-D2 40 More than three years D3 100 100 %

Loss Assets

INCOME RECOGNITION The policy of income recognition has to be objective and based on the record of recovery. Internationally income from nonperforming assets (NPA) is not recognised on accrual basis but is booked as income only when it is actually received. Therefore, the banks should not charge and take to income account interest on any NPA. However, interest on advances against term deposits, NSCs, IVPs, KVPs and Life policies may be taken to income account on the due date, provided adequate margin is available in the accounts. Fees and commissions earned by the banks as a result of renegotiations or rescheduling of outstanding debts should be recognised on an accrual basis over the period of time covered by the renegotiated or rescheduled extension of credit. If Government guaranteed advances become NPA, the interest on such advances should not be taken to income account unless the interest has been realised. Reversal of income If any advance, including bills purchased and discounted, becomes NPA, the entire interest accrued and credited to income account in the past periods, should be reversed if the same is not realised. This will apply to Government guaranteed accounts also. In respect of NPAs, fees, commission and similar income that have accrued should cease to accrue in the current period and should be reversed with respect to past periods, if uncollected. Leased Assets The finance charge component of finance income [as defined in AS 19 Leases issued by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)] on the leased asset which has accrued and was credited to income account before the asset became nonperforming, and remaining unrealised, should be reversed or provided for in the current accounting period. Appropriation of recovery in NPAs Interest realized on NPAs may be taken to income account provided the credits in the accounts towards interest are not out of fresh/ additional credit facilities sanctioned to the borrower concerned. In the absence of a clear agreement between the bank and the borrower for the purpose of appropriation of recoveries in NPAs (i.e. towards principal or interest due), banks should adopt an accounting principle and exercise the right of appropriation of recoveries in a uniform and consistent manner. Certain Practical Points In case NPA, the auditor should carefully examine security as it will change the amount of provisioning if advances are found to be unsecured. The advance becoming NPA is important date and needs to be examined whether the same is correctly determined as age of NPA determines its provisioning amounts. The restructuring of advances should not be repeated restructuring.

There are various evergreening techniques are being resorted for not classifying advance as NPA, we have to see the advances are being paid off from genuine sources and not by granting fresh advances in any way. Conclusion As classification, provisioning and income recognition is governed by RBI norms, we have to carry out audit of advances based on latest RBI norms and directives. The NPA norms have improved overall quality of advances. Looking frauds reported, we need to be very vigilant in verif ying correct application of NPA norms.

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