Lacanian negativity is not a permanent antisociality, but rather an opening for psychic potentiality. Edelmans theories close off progressive movements. Ruti 08 (mari ruti; journal of the theoretical humanities volume 13 number 1 april 2008 WHY THERE IS
ALWAYS A FUTURE IN THE FUTURE Edelmans formulation of the antisocial thesis has elicited strong criticism within queer studies. For instance, a recent issue of PMLA the journal of the Modern Language Association includes a forum on the antisocial thesis in which Jose E. Munoz and Tim Dean take issue with Edelmans argument. In an attempt to articulate a more constructive account of queer optimism and future potentiality, Munoz opposes Edelmans contention that there is no future for the queer by asserting that queerness is primarily about futurity (826), about forging new forms of sociality and relationality. Hope, he implies, is not a conservative form of complacency, but rather a way of sustaining a spirit of imaginative inquisitiveness that allows us to envision alternatives to the life-arresting logic of the heteronormative present. Along related lines, Dean defends the possibility of a queer utopia through a Deleuzian notion of becoming as a trope of endless movement that keeps subjectivity mobile without seeking teleological fulfillment. Dean, moreover, points out that the shattering of the establishment that queer eros potentially enacts betokens not the end of sociality but rather its inception (827). That is, the antisociality of queer eros is not purely, or even primarily, negative, but instead gives rise to fresh forms of erotic connectivity forms that are not governed by the stultifying symbolic law of reproduction but that open to a more promiscuous array of intersubjective possibility. The problem with Edelmans argument, Dean suggests, is less its antisociality than the fact that it cannot admit that anything constructive could ensue from this antisociality. I wish to intervene in this debate on two different levels. First, I would like to link the ideological rift that the debate foregrounds to a larger fissure that I perceive in contemporary critical and social theory more generally speaking. I think that the disagreements around the antisocial thesis are as heated as they are in part because at stake is not only the status of queer studies but also the entire future of posthumanist (poststructuralist, constructivist) theory.1 By this I obviously do not mean to belittle the importance of queer studies which I consider as one of my own intellectual playgrounds but merely to connect the dispute at hand to broader ideological disagreements that remain largely unarticulated (or even acknowledged) within the field of posthumanist theory. Second, I would like to challenge the version of negativity that Edelman advances in his account of queer antisociality. Like Edelman, I will read negativity through a Lacanian lens, but my conclusions will differ considerably from Edelmans more orthodox interpretation. I will illustrate that Lacanian negativity, while undoubtedly in many ways alienating and death-dealing, is simultaneously an opening to creativity, inspiration, and psychic potentiality. Far from foreclosing the future in the manner that Edelman proposes, Lacanian negativity holds open the future as a space of ever-renewed possibility. This in turn allows us to begin to conceptualize the contours of posthumanist subjectivity, including queer subjectivity, along less nihilistic lines. After all, barring some lifeerasing catastrophe, there will always be a future in the future, even for Professor Edelman. The question that remains the only question worth asking is what this future should (or could) entail.
MUCH REPRODUCTION Klages, Associate Professor of English, U of Colorado @ Boulder, 1997 (Mary, Queer Theory, /English/courses/ENGL2012Klages /queertheory.html) QUEER MOTHERING IS A WAY TO CRITIQUE THE HETERNORMATIVITY OF MOTHERING. OKLAHOMA IS WRONG THAT ALL CHILDREN REPRESENT THE SAME REPRODUCTIVE FUTURISM QUEER ADOPTIONS PROVIDE A WAY CONTEST DOMINANT FORMS OF MOTHERING PARK, Pf Philosophy at the University of Central Florida, 2006 (She lley M., Adoptive Maternal Bodies, Hypatia 21.1 (2006) 201-226) DISCUSSING FUTURES IS CRITICAL FOR QUEER STUDIES IT IMSPIRES CONCERN FOR THE PRESENT AND INTELLECTUAL EXCITEMENT Hall, Professor of English at West Virginia University, 2006 (Donald E., The Chronicle of Higher Education, Sep 15, Vol. 53, Iss. 4; pg. B.15) EDELMAN IS WRONG SOCIETY DOES NOT LINK SOCIAL REPRODUCTION AND SEXUAL REPRODUCTION BRENKMAN 2002 (John, Politics, Mortal and Natal: An Arendtian Rejoinder, Narrative 10.2, 186-192)
The affirmatives obsession with life is a symptom of futurist compulsory reproduction. This type of thinking is heterosexist and fascist, leading to the idea that queers are not worthy of being part of society. Edelman, Professor of English Literature , 2004. (Lee, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive, pp. 74-76, JCE) This conflation of homosexuality with the radical negativity of sinthomosexuality ........ Eve with the otherconstitutes, as the film makes clear, a response to an appeal, even if his mode of response is intended to strike us as unappealing.
Compulsory Heterosexuality is the logic of discrimination which materializes into violence against everyone who is incompatible with their world view. Everyone is at risk. Gmez, Political theorist on Hate Crimes, 2005 (Mara Mercedes, On Prejudice, Violence, and
Democracy,, ongoing project from 2005 until 2008, pp. 2-3, JAR) The logic of discrimination seeks to maintain the other ........... or defined as gay, lesbian, and transgender. The Alternative is to Queer Identity: Queering must embrace unintelligibility. We must prevent ourselves from being known, demeaning ourselves and embracing the inhuman suffering that has been projected onto the singled out queer. This alone prevents the violence of signification. Edelman, Professor of English Literature , 2004. (Lee, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive, pp. 106-109, JCE) But what if it didn't? What if Antigone, ........." to have one, must turn its face.
Queer Pessimism Their discourse of security, the environment and transportation infrastructure is inexplicably tied to the dominant social order of the heternormative nuclear family. This logic exploits the virgin lands and perpetuates eco-destruction. Anderson 11 Jill E. Anderson "THE GAY OF THE LAND: QUEER ECOLOGY AND THE
LITERATURE OF THE 1960S"A Dissertation Presented for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree The University of Mississippi, April 2011
The politically sanctioned (and culturally applied) policy of containment is the ....... queer ecocriticism of the destruction of natural resources and abuse of the land itself.
The alternative is abject rejection there is no space for the queer within their social order queerness is ontological dereliction, a void in the coherency of the subject only negativity can reconstitute the socio-symbolic
Lee Edelman. No Future: Queer Theory and Death Drive. 2004 pp. 4-6
Rather than rejecting, with liberal discourse, ......... challenge to the very value of the social itself.
Oh my god an asteroid might kill our great-great-great-great grandchildren yikes! Your discussion of solving some future extinction in a million years presupposes value in future generations and the Child this excludes the queer, guarantees violence. Alt text: reject the affirmative in favor of resisting enslavement to the future. Edelman, 5. Lee (professor and chair of the English department at Tufts University, Fletcher Professor of English Literature,
Ph.D. from Yale University, a M. Phil. from Yale, an M.A. from Yale, and a B.A. from Northwestern University jh), No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive// p. 28-31 Bernard Law, the former cardinal of Boston, ...
2NC Framework
Role of the ballot is to determine whether the aff is psychologically healthy
3 things: 1. Criticism of their advantages is prior to accepting them as neutral if we win a link 2. moral imperative to reject in EVERY POSSIBLE FORUM evaluate the debate from the standpoint of the oppressed 3. Discourse first specific to queerness Miller, 98 [Diane Helene, Ph.D. in Womens Studies from U-Connecticut, former Director of the Writing and Communication Center at East Tennessee State University; Freedom to Differ, The privileges granted to heterosexual...will those around us begin to see us and hear us as we are, and as we can
Their FW arguments make no sense schools KEY SITE to challenge oppression plan doesnt happen, what does happen is reproduction of evil Elias2003 (John Elias, Professor at San Francisco University, Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 45, no. 2/3/4, p. 64, 2003)
Akin to organized religion and the biomedical will follow later in this essay.
2NC Alt
What is reality? We dont know, what we do know is that its produced through the queer voting neg says no no no to this BS
Edelman, 5. Lee (professor and chair of the English department at Tufts University, Fletcher Professor of English Literature, Ph.D. from Yale University, a M. Phil. from Yale, an M.A. from Yale, and a B.A. from Northwestern University jh), No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive// p. 4-7 Rather than rejecting, with liberal discourse...context within which my argument takes shape.
AT Perm do Both
Heterosexuality orders all of society this is an all or nothing question Giffney 2008 (Noreen Giffney, Proffessor at University College Dublin Ireland, Queer Apocal(o)ptic/ism: The Death Drive and
the Human, Published in Queering the Non/Human, 2008, pp 60)
The Child is, in Edelman's view, the ultimate...oppose itself to the logic of opposition'
itself (2004, 4). Speciesism DA Kochi 09 PhD, Lecturer in Law & International Security, University of Sussex, (2009, Tarik, Species War: Law, Violence, and
Animals, Law, Culture and the Humanities 2009; 5: 353369, Proquest) Grotius and Hobbes are sometimes described...early
That outweighs Best 2007 -- Associate Professor, Departments of Humanities and Philosophy, University of Texas (Commonalities of
Oppression: Specieism, Racism, and Oppression. Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume V, Issue 2, 2007) CMR italics in original
the point of the exhibit as true...dinosaurs and 90% of all species on the planet.
Queer Theory K
Notions of preserving some sort of future for our species valorize reproductive, heterogenital sex, while subordinating queer sex to nothing more than meaningless acrobatics. This impregnates heterosexuality with the future of signification, necessitating violence against queerness. Edelman 2004 (Lee Edelman, Prof. English at Tufts University, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive, 2004, pp. 11-13) Charged, after all, with AND that meaning, despite itself, means. Heteronormativity instills a fundamental fear of impurity in society; this amplifies systemic violence against queerness and places our species on a trajectory towards omnicide. Sedwick 1990 (Eve Sedgwick, Professor of English CUNY, Epistemology of the Closet, 1990, pp. 127 130.) From at least the biblical story of Sodom AND ones by opened and opened and opened? The sacralization of the Child as an idol of reproductive futurism depends on the sacrifice of the queer. Privileging large scale impacts over the systemic violence outlined in our criticism is the kind of bankrupt rationale that legitimizes violence in the first place. Edelman 2004 (Lee Edelman, Prof. English at Tufts University, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive, 2004, pp. 28-31) The sacralization of the Child thus AND insist that the future stop here. Our alternative is queer apocal(o)ptic/ism: this is the relentless problematization of the Symbolic, and all imagery and idolatry associated with reproductive futurism. Apocal(o)ptic/ism begins at the level of the self and branches out to capture the apocalyptic moments of destruction wherein the underlying structures of heteronormative hegemony are disrupted. Giffney 2008 (Noreen Giffney, Proffessor at University College Dublin Ireland, Queer Apocal(o)ptic/ism: The Death Drive and the Human, Published in Queering the Non/Human, 2008, pp 57 -58) What characterises queer apocal(o)ptic/ism? AND it can only ever disturb one' (Edelman 2004,17).