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There are three alternative designs: (i) The in-line ejector grid (Section 3.2.1) (ii) The frame-type ejector grid (Section 3.2.2) (iii) The circular support block grid (Section 3.2.3) 3.2.1 In-line ejector grid (Figure 3.1) This consists of two rectangular support blocks (risers) mounted on a back plate. The ejector plate assembly, shown in chain-dotted lines, is accommodated in the parallel space between the two support blocks. A cross-section through the ejector grid is shown in Figure 3.1b. The position of the mould plate is also indicated in chain-dotted lines for reference. The design as illustrated is quite suitable for small types of mould where the overall size .of the ejector plate assembly does not necessitate the support blocks being fitted a great distance apart. When this situation does arise, however, unless the mould plate is made reasonably thick there is the probability that the mould plate will be distorted by the illjection force (see Figure 3.2a). To avoid the necessity of incorporating a thick, and therefore heavy, mould plate, extra support blocks are often added in the central region of the mould (Figure 3.2b). The extra support can take the form of an additional rectangular support block (or blocks) fitted parallel to the outer pair (Figure 3.3). The ejector assembly used in conjunction with this type of ejector grid is shown in chain-dotted lines. It consists essentially of bars (rectangular cross-section) which extend completely across the mould and which are coupled together by a cross-bar at either end. An alternative support arrangement is shown in Figure 3.4. In this system additional local support pillars (support blocks) are incorporated in judicious positions to provide the required additional support. These

The previous chapter dealt with the basic two-part mould in which a moulding is formed by injecting a plastic melt, under pressure, into an impression via a feed system. The two parts by themselves,however, do not constitute an efficient design as no means are incorporated for manually. removing the moulding once it is made. It must therefore be removed Furthermore, all thermoplastic materials contract as they solidify, which means that the moulding will shrink on to the core which forms it. This shrinkage makes the moulding difficult to remove. It is normal practice, therefore, to provide some means by which the moulded can be methods positively which ejected deals with part the various are from used. the core, and this chapter Facilities are provided on the injection machine for automatic actuation of an ejector system, and this is situated behind the moving platen. Because of this, the mould's ejector system will be most effectively operated if placed in the moving half of the mould, i.e. the half attached to the moving platen. We have stated previously that we need to eject the moulding from the core and it therefore follows that the core, too, will most satisfactorily be located in the moving half. The ejector-'systerri in a mould will be discussed under three headings, method namely: of (i)ejection. the ejector grid; (ii) the ejector plate assembly; and (iii) the




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The ejector grid is that part of the mould which supports the mould plate and provides a space into which the ejector plate assembly can be fitted and operated. The grid normally consists of a back plate (clamp plate) on to which is mounted a number of conveniently shaped 'support blocks'.


FOOTNOTE. Various standard part suppliers are mentioned in this chapter. An asterisk following a company's name, indicates that the name has been abbreviated. The company's full title and address can be found in the Appendix.

Figure 3. I - In-line ejector grid








I ;:-~~

Figure 3.2-Mould plate distortion is likely when support blocks are far apart (a), extra support blocks filled close to centre can avoid this hazard (b)

Figure 3.4-Extra

support for mould plate can be obtained by judiciously positioning support blocks


Figure 3.3-Multiple

in-line ejector grid, used in conjunction

with ejector-bar system

bracketed dimensions give the Imperial equivalent): 30(1.2); 32(1.3); 40(1.6); 50(2.0); 60(2.4); 63(2.5); 70(2.8); 80(3.2); 90(3.5); 100(4.0); 120(4.7). A number of alternative lengths are available for each diameter. (Note that the above range of diameters is not available from one particular supplier). Standard support pillars are available with either a central threaded hole (Figure 3.4), a blind-ended dowel hole (this is often provided at the opposite end to the tapped hole) or a straight-through central hole. This later design allows the pillar to be clamped between the mould plate and back plate by directly bolting these two plates together with a socket headed cap screw.

support pillars are made from mild steel bar and are held in position by a single screw from the underside of the back plate. The ejector plate assembly (shown dotted) naturally must incorporate holes bored in positions corresponding to those of the support pillars. Because of the last point, the positioning of these support pillars is always delayed until after the been position of the ejector element (i.e. ejector pin, ejector sleeve, etc.) has decided upon. All of the mould systems which are available as standards are based upon the in-line arrangement. Now while relatively thick mould plates are incorporated in these mould units, it is essential to jncorporate extra local support pillars if the applied injection force to be encounted is likely to be excessive. Note that for practical reasons the standard mould unit manufacturers space the SUpport blocks (risers) relatively wide apart in order to encompass the greatest effective ejection area. Support pillars are available as standards in the UK in the fOllowing outside-diameter sizes (the dimensions given are in mm while the

3.2.2 Frame-type ejector grid

Some frame-type ejector grid designs are illustrated in Figure 3.5. The most common type encountered is the rectangular frame (a) constructed of four support blocks suitably mounted on a back plate. This design is favoured by many mould designers for the following reasons: (i) it is simple and cheap to manufacture; (ii) it provides good support to the mould plate on a small mould; (iii) it allows for the use of a 'conveniently shaped (rectangular) ejector plate assembly and (iv) the ejector plate assembly is completely enclosed, thereby preventing foreign bodies entering the system. When the outside shape of the mould plate is circular it is often convenient to design a correspondingly shaped ejector grid. A typical design is illustrated at (b). It consists of a circular support frame mounted on to the back plate. The circular support frame, being machined from the solid block of steel, makes the design slightly more expensive to produce than the rectangular design. 77






rectangular or circular. The precise shape is dependent primarily upon the positioning of the ejector elements, which in turn determines which part of the ejector plate assembly can be machined away to permit additional support to be incorporated in the design. One example is illustrated at (c). In this case greater support is achieved at each corner by a simple modification to the ejector plate design (i.e. the corners of a rectangular ejector plate are removed). Even more irregularly shaped frames are designed when warranted to give maximum possible support. A general cross-section taken through any of the above frames (a, b or c) is shown at (d). The mould plate and the ejector assembly are shown in chain-dotted lines. Note that certain screws are used simply to attach the support block to the back plate, whereas other screws pass completely through the support block and are used to attach the mould plate to the ejector grid assembly. By undoing these latter screws the ejector grid can be removed from the mould as a unit. This feature facilitates repairs, etc.


3.2.3 Circular support pillar grid

In this design, circular support pillars are used to support the mould plate only, the rectangular outer support blocks of certain of the previous systems being dispensed with altogether. This system is used for large moulds when it is felt that no extra support would be gained by including rectangular blocks as well. A typical support pillar grid system is shown in Figure 3.6. The design simply consists of a number of circular support pillars judiciously positioned on the back plate of the mould. The grid is attached to the mould plate by socket-headed screws. The ejector assembly (chain-dotted)

Figure 3.5-Frame-type


ejector grid: (a-c) various alternative designs; (d) general cross-section

We stated previously that the ejector grid must provide adequate support for the mould plate. Now, as the size of the mould plate increases (and assuming that the ejector plate assembly correspondingly increases in size), the effective support provided by either of the above ejector grid designs progre'ssively decreases. One method of improving this situation is to incorporate additional local support pillars in judicious positions in a manner similar to that described for the in-line ejector grid system (Section 3.2.1; Figure 3.4). It is often possible, however, to obtain additional support for the mould plate by designing the ejector grid of a shape other than the basic






3.6- Circular






can move freely as with previous designs, holes being bored through it to receive the circular support pilIars. To prevent foreign matter getting into the ejector system it is desirable to attach thin metal plates to enclose the grid completely. 3.3 EJECTOR PLATE ASSEMBLY

The ejector plate assembly is that part of the mould to which the ejector element is attached. The assembly is contained in a pocket, formed by the ejector grid, directly behind the mould plate. This is illustrated in Figure 3.7. The assembly consists of an ejector plate, a retaining plate and an ejector rod. One end of this latter member is threaded and it is screwed into the ejector plate (see cross-section view (b) ). In this particular design the ejector rod functions not only as an actuating member but also as a method of guiding the assembly. Note that the paralIel portion of the ejector rod passes through an ejector rod bush fitted in the back plate of the mould. Before proceeding to discuss the individual parts in more detail, let us consider how this assembly is actuated. A cross-section through the moving half of a typical mould is shown in Figure 3.8. (The core and ejector elements qre excluded for clarity.) The mould is mounted on the moving platen of the injection machine. To the left of the moving platen is the machine's actuating rod. This member can be adjusted to alIow for various alternative 'ejector strokes'. When the moving platen is caused to move to the left, and the mould opens, the mould's ejector rod at some point of the stroke strikes the actuating rod. The entire ejector plate assembly is arrested as shown at (b). The remainder of the moving half (i.e. the mould plate and the ejector grid) continues to move to the left until the opening stroke is complete (c). This relative movement between the ejector plate assembly and the mould plate is necessary to operate the ejector element. In the above ilIustration the machine's actuator rod is shown passing through the centre of the moving platen. This is the normal arrangement









Figure 3.B-As moving platen moves left, ejector plate assembly is actuated by machine's actuator rod




! (0)





3.7- Ejector

plate assembly

for the smaller types of injection machine. However, on larger machines several actuator rods are normally incorporated so that a balanced force can be applied to the ejector plate. Such a system is illustrated in Figure 3.9. A view of the moving platen of the machine without the mould is shown at (a). In this example four actuator rods are incorporated and these pass through suitable clearance holes in the moving platen. The method of actuation is identical to that described above for central actuation except that in this case the actuator rods push directly on to the ejector plate as shown at (b). If the ejector rod and ejector rod bush are not incorporated (as in this design) then a separate method of guiding and 81






rL.. --(






\-.. n Lu----L---(b)


(0) Figure

3.9- Direct

actuation of ejector plate assembly by machine's actuator rods



supporting the ejector plate assembly must be incorporated (Section 3.3.3). In addition to the fixed actuator rods, many Injection machine manufacturers incorporate a hydraulic actuator system to facilitate the ejection function. This feature permits the ejection system to be operated (and returned, if required) at any point in the ejection phase of the machine's cycle of operation. The hydraulic actuator may be centrally mounted as shown in the schematic illustration (Figure 3.10). When moulding ejection is required, the hydraulic ram (1) is activated via the machine's hydraulic control system and this forward movement operates the mould's ejector system via the ejector rod (2). Alternatively the ejector rod may be coupled directly to the hydraulic ram so that forward and rearward movement of the ejection system may be achieved. Standard automatic couplings are available which facilitate the setting-up of the mould. A typical standard assembly (illustrated in Figure 3.11) consists of two primary parts, the nipple (1) which is screwed into the end of the hydraulic actuator rod, and the coupling body (2) which is fitted into the ejector plate. A key (not shown) is required to prevent the coupling body from rotating during production. For reasons of clarity Figure 3.11 shows the assembly prior to the two parts being coupled together. A variation of the forward acting hydraulic actuator discussed above, is for the injection machine manufacturer to mount the nydraulic actuator (1) facing the opposite direction. This time the hydraulic ram (2) is coupled to a cross-head (3) as shown in Figure 3.12. A number of actuator rods (4) are attached to this cross-head, and these rods pass through suitable drillings in the moving platen (5), and the mould's back plate (6).

Figure 3.lO-0peration

of ejector assembly by machine's hydraulic actuator


L__ J1

l.--.. j

Figure 3.ll-Standard

coupling foractuator automaticram assembly of ejector rod to hydraulic

Thus the ejector plate (7) may be operated directly by this means, that is, without an ejector rod assembly.

3.3.1 Ejector plate

The purpose of this member is to transmit the ejector force from the actuating system of the injection machine to the moulding via an ejector element (Section 3.4). 83





iFigure 3.l3-Alternative ways of arranging four ejector pin elements. Note that method (a) results in larger ejector plate assembly than does method (b)

Figure 3.J2-0peration

of ejector assembly by a number of actuator rods (hydraulic operation)

The force required to eject a moulding is appreciable, particular with those mouldings ':;Vhichare deep and which incorporate little draft. Most ejector plates which fail in operation do so in fact because too thin a plate is specified in the design. The ejector plate must be sufficiently thick not to deflect to any significant extent. Deflection tends to occur at the beginning of the ejector stroke when there is maximum adhesion between the moulding and the core. The deflection of any beam is inversely proportional to the cube of its depth and, therefore, a relatively small increase in plate thickness will decrease deflection of the plate. If an ejector plate does deflect to any extent, side forces are applied to the ejector elements which result in increased wear in the mould plate holes, bent ejector pins and, in extreme cases, in the complete seizure of the system. During the injection part of the cycle, with certain pin and sleeve type ejector systems (see Section 3.4), the melt pressure acts directly on to the ejector element (Figures 3.25, 3.40). To prevent the ejector elements being hobbed into the ejector plate by the applied force, a reasonably tough steel must be specified for this member. A general purpose medium-carbon steel (BS 970-080 M40) is suitable. The overall size in plan view of the ejector plate is dependent primarily upon the positioning of the ejector elements. For example, consider the plan view of the mould plate for a rectangular box (Figure 3.13). Suppose we decide that four ejector pins are sufficient to eject the moulding. They may be arranged either as at (a) in the figure or as at (b). The ejector plate must back up all the elements in either case, so it is apparent that method (b) permits a smaller ejector plate (shown by inner dotted lines) to be used. It must be remembered that the smaller the ejector plate the greater the support one can obtain from the ejector grid system. For example, compare the support (indicated in both drawings by the outer dotted line)

provided by the in-line ejector grid (a) with that provided by the frame-type ejector grid at (b). A typical rect!lngular type of ejector plate which may be used in conjunction with either an in-line or a frame-type ejector grid is shown in Figure 3.7. For the circular support block ejector grid system a similar rectangular ejector plate assembly design is used, but in this case holes are bored through the ejector plate (and retaining plate) to provide clearance for the columns. This type of ejector plate is illustrated in Figure 3.14. The mould plate and ejector grid system is shown in chain-dotted lines in the cross-sectional view (b). Finally we turn to the ejector bar system. This is used where relatively few ejector elements are incorporated in straight lines (or comparatively straight lines) on large moulds. In this system (Figure 3.15) individual bars are used instead of a plate, and the bars are joined together normally at the outer ends by cross-bars.

3.3.2 Retaining plate

This member is securely attached to the ejector plate by screws (Figure 3.7). Its purpose is to retain the ejector element (or elements) and

(b) Figure 3.l4-Ejector plate assembly for use in conjunction Figure 3.6)

\ !


with circular support grid (see










Figure 3. 15- Ejector bar system Figure 3.16-Guiding and supporting ejector plate assembly

~' I

particular examples are illustrated in Figure 3.32 for pin-type ejection, and in Figure 3.40 for sleeve-type ejection. The thickness of the plate is governed by the depth of the head of the ejector element it retains. In general, retaining plates are within the 7 mm (i in) to 13 mm (! in) thickness range. For small moulds the retaining plate is made to the same general dimensions (pla"n view) as the ejector plate (Figure 3.7). For larger moulds, however, it is convenient from the mould making viewpoint to incorporate local retaining plates (i.e. small blocks of steel) in judicial positions to accommodate one or a small number of ejector elements only. For a similar reason, local retaining plates are normally fitted on ejector bar systems (Figure 3.15). However, for commercial standard systems, the size of the retaining plate is always supplied to the same dimensions as that of the ejector plate. Retaining plates are normally made from a mild steel (BS 970-040 A15).





3.3.3 Guiding and supporting ejector plate assembly

This assembly must be guided and supported if there is any possibility of \.indue strain being applied to any ejector element. The type of guide system used will depend largely upon the size of the mould. We have previously noted that, for the smaller type of mould, the ejector plate incorporates an ejector rod which slides within an ejector rod bush which, in turn, is securely fitted into the back plate of the mould (Figure 3.7). This system very conveniently maintains alignment and provides support for the ejector plate assembly. An alternative method for aligning and supporting the ejector assembly is shown in Figure 3.16. Bushes are incorporated within the ejector assembly and these slide on hardened steel columns attached to the back plate. These columns are normally also used as support pillars. For heavy types of ejector plate or bar assemblies, the plate (or bar) may be supported on its bottom edge as illustrated in Figure 3.17. In this design support strips are attached to the lower support block. The support



Figure 3.17-Method

of guiding and supporting heavy type of eiectqr plate

strips are of either hardened steel or phosphor bronze. An alignment feature may be incorporated if desired in which case T-section support strips are used as illustrated. The projecting portion is a slide fit in a mating recess in the ejector plate assembly. It is common practice, however, on heavy moulds to use hardened steel columns for the main alignment, and incorporate strips purely for the purpose of supporting the member.




3.3.4 Ejector rod and ejector rod bush

There are two alternative designs which may be adopted for this assembly. The first is the older conventional design which may be adopted when when standard parts are not readily available, and the second is the standard part design. (i) Conventional design. A typical design for this assembly is shown in Figure 3.18. The dimensions given apply to a relatively small mould. The assembly details are as follows: The ejector rod is attached to the ejector plate by means of a thread as shown at A. To ensure concentricity a small parallel length of a slightly larger diameter than the thread is provided at B on both the ejector rod and the ejector plate. The threaded hole may either extend completely through the ejector plate as shown, or it may be blind. If the former design is adopted it is normal practice to make the end of the ejector rod at C level with the ejector plate surface. This is particularly desirable when a central sprue puller is used. Spanner flats are provided on the ejector rod at D. The position of these flats must be such that at no time do they enter the ejector rod bush. (If the top end of the ejector rod is damaged by unskilled use of the spanner, and this is then forced into the ejector rod bush, a seizure is likely.) The dimension specified for the distance between the end of the ejector rod bush and the ejector rod flats (see diagram) should therefore exceed the maximum ejector plate movement by at least 7 mm n in). The ejector rod bush is normally made a press fit into the back plate of the mould. Some designers, however, prefer to extend the flange (E) and positively secure the member to the back plate with screws. Both the ejector rod and the ejector rod bush are normally made in a low-carbon steel (BS 970-080 M15) and suitably case-hardened. This gives both members a wear resisting surface. B A c



Figure 3.19-Standard

part ejector rod and ejector rod bush assembly

% in a.s.w.


M 16

(ii) Standard part design. An illustrative design of the assembly is shown in Figure 3.19. This design, or similar designs with minor variations, are available from all standard parts manufacturers. With reference to Figure 3.19 the assembly consists of a plain diameter ejector rod (1), to which an ejector rod cap (2) is attached by means of a socket headed cap screw (3). The attachment of the ejector rod to the ejector plate (4) is either by means of a projecting integral threaded member (as for the conventional design shown in Figure 3.18) or by fitting a suitable diameter grub screw (5) into the front end of the ejector rod to produce the same result. The range of diameters available as standards are as follows: 10(0.4), 14(0.56), 16(0.63), 18(0.7), 20(0.79), 24(0.94), 30(1.2) and 34(1.3). (The above diameters are in mm and the adjacent bracketed terms give approximate Imperial equivalents. Note that the complete range of sizes, as listed, is not available from one particular supplier.) A compression spring (6) may be fitted on the ejector rod, as shown, as an ejector plate return device, see sub-section 3.3.5. The standard ejector rod bush (7) is shorter than its non-standard counterpart. The bush is fitted into a suitably stepped aperture in the back plate (8) as shown. Note that if a moving half register or locating ring (9) in incorporated in the design (as illustrated), this feature nominally secures the bush in position.

3.3.5 Ejector plate assembly return systems

We saw, earlier in this chapter, the mechanism by which the ejector plate assembly is moved forward relative to the remainder of the moving half (Figure 3.8). We must now consider how we are to return the ejector plate assembly to its rear position in preparation for the next shot, when the mould closes.

Figure 3. IS-Ejector

rod and ejector rod bush assembly (dimensions given are suitable for a small type of mould)





Certain ejection techniques provide for the positive return of the ejector assembly by virtue of the mould geometry. The stripper plate design is a good example of this (Figure 3.57). In this design the stripper plate is directly connected to the ejector plate by tie-rods. When the mould closes the stripper plate strikes the cavity mould plate thereby' causing the stripper plate and the ejector plate to be returned to their rear positions. However, the ejector pin and ejector sleeve ejection techniques do not have a large surface contact with the fixed mould half and these techniques require, therefore, the use of a special system to return the ejector plate. Two systems in common use are (i) the push-back return system and (ii) the spring return system. (i) Push-back return system. 'Push-back pins' (return pins) are basically large-diameter ejector pins fitted close to the four corners of the ejector plate back pin is shown in Figure 3.20. In the moulding position as shown

at (a) the push-back pins are flush with the mould plate surface. In the ejected position the push-backs protrude beyond the mould plate surface (b). Thus, when the mould is in the process of being closed, the push-back pins strike the fixed mould plate and progressively return the ejector plate assembly to the rear position (a). The shouldered head design illustrated is adopted for push-back pins under 13 mm 0 in) working diameter. For large pins an alternative design is sometimes adopted. In this, the push-back pin is secured to the ejector plate assembly by a shouldered, headed caps crew (Figure 3.21). Suitable sizes of push-back pins (return pins) may be selected from a standard ejector pin range. Certain manufacturers will supply a standard mould unit with a puch-back system already fitted. (ii) Spring return systems. For small moulds, where the ejector assembly is of light construction, a spring or a stack of 'Belleville' washers can be used to return the ejector plate assembly. A typical arrangement of the former actuating method is illustrated in Figure 3.19. In this design the spring is fitted on the ejector rod. A cap is attached to the end of the ejector rod to hold the spring in position under slight compression. In operation, when the ejector assembly is actuated, the spring is compressed further. Immediately the mould closing stroke commences, however, the spring applies a force to return the ejector assembly to its rear position. An alternative design, used for heavier ejector assemblies, is to incorporate a multiple spring system between the retaining plate and the rear face of the mould plate. These springs are often fitted on local . circular support blocks. When a mould is fitted to a machine which incorporates a hydraulic actuating system, providing the ejector rod is positively coupled to the hydraulic ram, the return of the ejector plate assembly follows automatically. However, even in these cases, many designers prefer to incorporate a push back return system as a safety feature, to ensure that the ejector system is fully returned prior to the melt injection phase.




Figure 3.20-Push-back'

ejector plate return system

Figure 3.2/-Alternative

method of aI/aching push-back

pin to ejector plate assembly



EJECnON 3.3.6 Stop pins With a large ejector plate or large ejector bar system, it is often preferable to incorporate stop pins on the underside of the ejector plate. This design drastically reduces the effective seating area. In so doing, it diminishes the possibility of the ejector elements remaining slightly proud of their correct position due to foreign matter being trapped behind the ejector plate. Four such stop-pins are normalIy fitted directly below the push back pins as shown in Figure 3.22. The heads of the stop-pins should be of a relatively large diameter to prevent the possibility of their being hob bed into the back plate. Stop-pins of 16 mm (~ in) and 25 mm (1 in) are available as standard parts. Stop-discs (plain discs with central countersunk hole for a screw) are also available in two diameters, namely 18 mm (0.7 in) and 28 mm (1.1 in) respectively. In the case of both stop-pins and stop discs, the effective depth is in the 3-4.5 mm (0.1-0.17 in) range. 3.4 EJECTION TECHNIQUES


( b)


3.23- Effect

of shrinkage on two different types of moulding: (a) moulding shrinks away from cavity; (b) moulding shrinks onto core

When a moulding cools, it contracts by an amount depending on the material being prQcessed. For a moulding which has no internal form, for example a solid rectangular block (Figure 3.23a), the moulding wilI shrink away from the cavity walls as shown, thereby permitting a simple ejection technique to be adopted (for example, perhaps, a jet of air). However, when the moulding has internal form, the moulding, as it cools, will shrink onto the core and some positive type of ejection is necessary (Figure 3.23b). The designer has several ejection techniques from which to chose but, in general, the choice will be restricted depending upon the shape of the moulding. The basic ejection techniques are as folIows: (i) pin ejection; (ii) sleeve ejection; (iii) bar ejection; (iv) blade ejection; (v) air ejection and (vi) stripper plate ejection. Certain of the ejector dements used in the above techniques are illustrated in Figure 3.24.

3.4.1 Pin ejection

This is the most common type of ejection as, in general, it is the simplest to incorporate in a mould. With this particular technique the moulding is ejected by the application of a force by a circular steel rod, called an ejector pin (Figure 3.24a). The ejector pin is headed to facilitate its attachment to the ejector plate assembly. Figure 3.25 shows the principle of operation. In the top drawing the ejector pin is in the rear (moulding) position, and it is held back by push-back pins (not shown). In operation, the ejector plate assembly, to which the ejector pin is attached, is moved forward relative to the mould plate. Thus the ejector pin pushes the moulding from the cavity (lower drawing). The working diameter of the ejector pin must be a good slide fit in its mating hole in the mould plate. If it is not, then plastics material will creep through the clearance and a mass of material wilI progressively build up behind the mould plate. In the example taken here the most suitable position for the ejector pin is on the axis of the moulding, as shown. The rear part of the ejector pin is fitted into a suitable hole which is bored and counterbored in the retaining plate. The rear face of the ejector pin head is backed up by the ejector plate. The accom'modation so provided must alIow the ejector pin to float. The reason why this features is necessary is as folIows. As stated above, the ejector pin must be a good slide fit in the hole in the mould plate. The direction of .movement of this ejector pin is, therefore, controlled by this hole. Should this not be bored absolutely at right angles to the mould plate face (an exaggerated example is shown in Figure 3.26 (top)) then when the ejector assembly is actuated (bottom) there will be relative lateral movement between the ejector pin and the retaining plate. Had the self-aligning feature not been provided the pin 93


3.22- 'Stop

pins' incorporated

to reduce seating area of ejector plate


I:: ~(e) : D 0

I I\. (b) (t)

cg @










;;; ~ ,""'~~~ ~~"0"

;: //
V ~

Figure 3.24-Ejector

@ ....


of misaligned ejector pin

Figure 3.25 - Pin ejection

elements: (a) pin; (b) shouldered pin; (c) D-pin; (d) sleeve; (e) blade; (f) valve headed type; (g) bar

would have been subjected to considerable bending strain with the likelihood of breakage or seizure, or both. Suitable diameters for the hole and the counterbore in the retaining plate are shown in Figure 3.27. The plain diameter ejector pin may be used in one of two ways. It may be used as a moulding face pin, in which case the whole of the top surface of the pin is in contact with the moulding and we have seen an example of this in Figure 3.25. The alternative is to use the ejector pin as a parting surface (butting face) pin. In this case only a part of the top surface of the pin is in contact with the moulding; the rest abuts on to the fixed mould plate when the mould is closed. The moulding face pin is normally specified in one of two circumstances. (i) Where the moulding has no internal form and must, 94

Figure 3.26-/llustrating

transverse movement





therefore, be ejected from the cavity. An example of this is illustrated in Figure 3.28 which shows a moulding in the form of a Z-plate. In this case two moulding face pins are used to eject the moulding. (ii) In the alternative case where there is internal form, sometimes it is undesirable (from the point of view of appearance), or it is impracticable, to use parting surface pins. An example of this latter case is shown in Figure 3.29. The sides of the moulding terminate at a feather edge and the only simple positive ejection is by means of moulding face pins as illustrated. However, in general, it is undersirable to use the moulding face pin for ejecting box-type mouldings (Figure 3.30a). When the ejection element is
Figure 3.30-It



is generally undesirable to eject box- type mDuldings with moulding face pins

0+ 0.8 mm


Figure 3.27-Float

in retaining plate to allow for ejector pin misalignment

actuated, due to the adhesion between the 'moulding and the core, there is a tendency to bow the base of the box (Figure 3.30b). With certain of the softer plastics materials there is a tendency for the pins to pusbi straight through the base of the moulding. Moulding face pins are sometimes incorporated in particular positions in addition to other ejection methods, simply for the purpose of allowing air, entrapped within the impression, to escape. This is called venting (Section 5.5). When the moulding face pin is in its rear (moulding) position, the top face of the pin should be flush with the top of the core. If it is not, the moulding face pin will form either an indentation or a boss on the moulding depending whether the ejector pin is projecting above or is sunk below the core (Figure 3.31). The top surface of the moulding face pin must be given the same high finish as the rest of the impression as it forms part of the moulding surface. The parting surface pin is the standard type of ejector element used for ejecting most types of box-shaped mouldings. The ejector pins are arranged to push on the bottom of the side walls of the moulding (Figure 3.32a).

Figure 3.28-Ejection

of Z-plate type moulding

with moulding face pins

Figure 3.29-Situarion

where it is impracticable

to use parting surface pins

Figure 3.3/ - Unless moulding face pin is level with top face of core then either indentation (a) or boss (b) will be formed on moulding






The ejector pin is positioned with respect to the core so that there is a step of 0.13 mm (0.005 in) between the edge of the ejector pin hole and the side wall of the core (Figure 3.32b). Without this step, there is a probability that at some stage in the mould's life the ejector pin will score the side wall of the core. Students beginning their study of mould design have the tendency to make the diameter of the parting surface pin approximately the same as the wall section of the moulding. The ineptitude of this is best illustrated by a diagram. Assume a moulding wall. section of 3 mm (Figure 3.33). If a 25 mm diameter ejector pin is used then the actual ejection area is only 4.92 mm2 (Figure 3.33a). As the diameter of the ejector pin is increased (Figure 3.33b, c) to 5 mm and 10 mill, respectively, the ejection area increases similarly to 9.8 mm2 and 15.3 mm2, respectively. Thus the larger the parting surface pin used, the greater will be the ejection area. Figure 3.34 is a graph on which is plotted the effective ejection area versus the moulding wall section for various sizes of ejection pin.








012 19-4







(b) Figure


3.32- Parting

surface ejector pins



13 mm (0) ~m

0 0 ~."N_ ~"N





13 mm

4.92 mm2


16 14

12 ,0



9.8 mm2









SECTW \1001)3



Figure Figure 3.33-Showing effect of increasing diameter of parting surface pin

3.34- Effective

ejection area for various sizes of parting surface pins and for various moulding wall sections. The metric values are approximate



EJEcrION On certain large area mouldings it is often advantageous to use both parting surface pins and moulding face pins. The former are used around the periphery of the moulding and the latter are used to eject local bosses, etc., and to provide extra ejection area where it may be needed. The location of the ejector pin elements, and the number used, is dependent on the component's size and shape. The aim of the designer must always be to eject the moulding with as little distortion as possible. The ejector pins should be located, therefore, so that the moulding is pushed off evenly from the core. Abrupt changes in shape (i.e. corners) tend to impede ejection; therefore an ejector pin or pins should always be located adjacent to these points. Once the size of the ejector pins has been .decided upon, then the greater the number of ejector pins incorporated, the greater will be the effective ejection force and the less the likelihood of distortion occurring. For this reason it is better to err by having too many ejector pins than by having too few. Pin ejection is the cheapest of the mechanical ejection methods. The close tolerance holes in the mould plate are made by a simple boring and reaming operation and the ejector pins too are made by an equally simple turning and grinding operation. A more rigidly fixed ejector pin is preferred by some designers, and this preference applies particularly to certain European countries. The design is based upon a countersunk headed type of ejector pin (Figure 3.35), which is accommodated in a complimentary shaped recess in the retaining plate. The head of the ejector pin is secured in position by the ejector plate. The included seating angle for the head is standardised at 60. Both plain and countersunk headed types of ejector pin are available as standard parts in an extremely large number of sizes ranging from 1.5 mm to 32 mm diameter respectively. For example, the DME* type 'A' ejector pin is available in 35 different diameters ranging from 2 mm up to 32 mm. Each ejector pin diameter has a number of different lengths associated with it. The 5 mm diameter pin, for example, has nine lengths from which to choose. Obviously the length of standard ejector pin must be adjusted by the mould-maker to suit a specific mould. A similar range in Imperial dimensions is available from 3/64 to 1 inch diameter respectively, from the same company. Ejector pins are subject to friction, thermal and mechanical stresses, and therefore a high surface hardness (exceeding 40 Rc), coupled with a tough core is required. Chrome-vanadium type steels are often used for this purpose and these are either through-hardened or are hardened and subsequently nitrided.



3.4.2 Stepped ejector pins

Next consider the case where small-diameter ejector pins (under 3 mm (l in) diameter) are required for a particular design. Now slender, long length-to-diameter ratio ejector pins have the tendency to concertina in use. It is desirable therefore to keep the working length of such ejector pins to a minimum. This is achieved by designing the ejector pin as shown in Figure 3.24. This is known as a stepped ejector pin. The diagram illustrates a stepped ejector pin manufactured from a solid rod. Alternatively, it could have been made from two pieces of steel, the small diameter portion being fitted into a suitable hole machined in the large-diameter portion, the two parts being subsequently brazed together. This latter method has the advantage that should the ejector pin break only the small-diameter portion has to be remade. The stepped ejector pin is normally used as a moulding face pin for the ejection of moulded bosses and ribs, etc. (Figure 3.36). Note that the main ejection is provided by standard plain type ejector pins. The length of the small diameter portion of the stepped ejection pin should be kept as short as possible. This length need only equal the length in contact with the mould plate (i.e. length X) plus the ejector stroke (i.e. length Y) plus a small allowance of 5 mm (3/16 in). Note that the length of ejector pin contact with the mould plate (X) is. kept to a minimum by incorporating a clearance diameter hole in the mould plate (at Z). A suit<ible contact length (X) for these small-diameter .ejector pins is five to six times the diameter.

Figure 3.36-Moulding Figure 3.35-CounLersunkhead 100 type ejector pin

which necessitates use of parting surface, moulding face, and stepped ejector pins


EJECfION The two part assembly design, discussed above, is not worth considering in countries where standard stepped ejector pins are available, unless a non-standard size is required. These standard parts are obtainable, relatively cheaply, in an excellent range of sizes. Standard parts manufacturer 'DME'*, for example, offer a range of sizes from 0.8 mm (0.031 in) to 2.5 mm (0.098 in). Four lengths of stepped pin are available for each diameter from the above manufacturer.

EJECfION TECHNIQUES Thus the side wall of the mould insert forms the fiat side of the Dshaped hole (Figure 3.37). Another application for the D-shaped ejector pin is illustrated in Figure 3.39. This shows a part-section through a mould for a box lid. Note that the lid incorporates a projecting rim situated a short distance from the edge. By incorporating a part of the rim form on the ejector pin, as shown,

3.4.3 D-shaped ejector pin

This is the name given to a fiat-sided ejector pin. It is made quite simply by machining a fiat on to a standard ejector pin (Figure 3.24c). It is used primarily for the ejection of thin-walled box-type mouldings. The main advantage of this irregular-shaped ejector pin over the standard parting surface pin is that, size for size, the former has a greatly increased effective ejection area. Figure 3.33 clearly shows that the ejection area obtained with the parting surface pin is confined to the extreme edge. Thus, because we are dealing with a segment of a circle, the effective ejection area rapidly diminishes as the wall section of the moulding is reduced. With the D-shaped ejection pin however, reduction of the moulding wall section does not have the same effect on effective ejection area because in this case this is situated at the centre of the ejector pin. Now turn to the machining of the D-shaped hole. If we attempt to machine this complex shape through the mould plate or mould insert, the cost will be relatively high. However, by adopting a slightly modified insert - bolster assembly to that already described (Chapter 2) the incorporation of D-shaped ejector pins only increases mould cost slightly. The D-shaped ejector pin is fitted into a complementary shaped hole in the mould plate, adjacent to the core, as shown in Figure 3.37. Note that the fiat side of the ejector pin is parallel to the core insert face. The procedure adopted for producing the D-shaped hole is shown in . Figure 3.38 (a part-plan view of the mould plate and a corresponding cross-section through the plate). (a) Mark out the required position of the ejector pin hole. (b) Bore and ream the required diameter hole in the bolster. (c) Machine out the recess to accommodate the mould insert. (d) Fit the insert and hold back with screws.



.--Efj.-.-\ -



3.38- Procedure

for manufacture of D-shaped hole in mould plate


3.37- D-Shaped

ejector pin

Figure 3.39-Ejecting

a box lid (with rim) by means of D-pins






it can be positively ejected. When the ejection is in the fully forward position pins. a jet of air may be necessary to dislodge the moulding from the ejector An alternative'method for producing the 'D' shaped hole in the mould plate is to use the spark erosion technique described in Section 1.7. This method is both beneficial from the basic manufacturing time and for the subsequent fitting time for many applications.

3.4.4 Sleeve ejection

With this method the moulding is ejected by means of a hollow ejector pin, termed a sleeve (Figure 3.24d). It is used in one of three circumstances: (i) For the ejection of certain types of circular mouldings. (ii) For the ejection (usually local) of circular bosses on a moulding of any shape. (iii) hole To provide positive ejection around a local core pin forming a round in moulding. A part-section through a mould which incorporates sleeve ejection is shown in Figure 3.40. The sleeve, which is a sliding fit in the cavity insert and on the core pin, is fitted at its rear end to the ejector assembly. It is important for the beginner to note that the core pin extends completely through the sleeve, and is attached to the back plate. Beginners often attempt to anchor the core pin to the mould plate. This is impracticable because the core pin is completely surrounded by the sleeve. The attachment of the core pin to the back plate can be accomplished in one of several ways. In the design illustrated, the core pin is anchored by a local core-retaining plate. An alternative method, to be adopted when several core- pins have to be held back, is to use one large retaining plate securely attached to the back plate by screws (Figure 3.41). A third method, which is used either when very few core pins are required, or when the diameter of the core pin is relatively large, is to adopt a directly mounted core pin. This design is essentially a standard

Figure 3.41-Stepped sleeve design



Figure 3.40-Sleeve



core pin, but one in which an internally threaded hole is incorporated the shank end. Thus this type of core pin may be held back directly or the back plate by means of socket headed screws, and thereby -eliminal the necessity of incorporating a core retaining plate. Such directly mounted core pins are available from standard pa manufacturers. 'Hasco', * for example, produce a range of sizes extendi from 3 mm (0.12 in) to 16.5 mm (0.65 in) inclusive. Two lengths each diameter are produced, and these lengths, naturally, must modified by a machining and griding operation to suit a specific mould Whichever method of attachment is used, because the outside diame of the sleeve is a sliding fit in the cavity insert the sleeve and the core I must be allowed to float in their respective anchorages. When the ejector assembly is actuated, the sleeve is moved relative the core (and to the cavity) and the moulding is ejected. Ejection by means of a sleeve is a particularly efficient method becal the ejection force is applied to a relatively large surface area. In the c; of the example shown (Figure 3.40) the effective ejection area practically the complete area at the base of the moulding. While any shape of sleeve can be made, in practice the design normally restricted to circular types, because of the high expense invoh in the machining and the fitting of other shapes. It is undesirable to allow the sleeve to be in contact with the core over its entire length. To reduce frictional wear, to facilitate fitting, anc lessen the possibility of scoring, the surface contact between the two pc is kept to a minimum. The method for achieving this is to c0unterbore hole in the rear side of the sleeve to a predetermined depth, leaving ab 35 mm (1.4 in) of sliding contact. One important point to note, however, is that as the ejector assembl operated the length of the bearing contact between the sleeve and the c pin is reduced. Care must therefore be exercised in the design to ens that when the sleeve is in the fully forward position a minimum effeci bearing length of 7 mm (1/4 in) is still maintained. A wide selection of ejection sleeve sizes are available as standard pa a similar design being adopted by all manufacturers. About 30 alterna'




it can be positively ejected. When the ejection IS In the fully forward position pins. a jet of air may be necessary to dislodge the moulding from the ejector An alternativemethod for producing the 'D' shaped hole in the mould plate is to use the spark erosion technique described in Section 1.7. This method is both beneficial from the basic manufacturing time and for the subsequent fitting time for many applications. 3.4.4 Sleeve ejection With this method the moulding is ejected by means of a hollow ejector pin, termed a sleeve (Figure 3.24d). It is used in one of three circumstances: (i) For the ejection of certain types of circular mouldings. (ii) any For shape. the ejection (usually local) of circular bosses on a moulding of (iii) hole To provide positive ejection around a local core pin forming a round in moulding. A part-section through a mould which incorporates sleeve ejection is shown in Figure 3.40. The sleeve, which is a sliding fit in the cavity insert and on the core pin, is fitted at its rear end to the ejector assembly. It is important for the beginner to note that the core pin extends completely through the sleeve, and is attached to the back plate. Beginners often attempt to anchor the core pin to the mould plate. This is impracticable because the core pin is completely surrounded by the sleeve. The attachment of the core pin to the back plate can be accomplished in one of several ways. In the design illustrated, the core pin is anchored by a local core-retaining plate. An alternative method, to be adopted when several core- pins have to be held back, is to use one large retaining plate securely attached to the back plate by screws (Figure 3.41). A third method, which is used either when very few core pins are required, or when the diameter of the core pin is relatively large, is to adopt a directly mounted core pin. This design is essentially a standard

Figure 3.4I-Stepped sleeve design





Figure 3.40-Sleeve



core pin, but one in which an internally threaded hole is incorporated in the shank end. Thus this type of core pin may be held back directly onto the back plate by means of socket headed screws, and thereby eliminates the necessity of incorporating a core retaining plate. Such directly mounted core pins are available from standard parts manufacturers. 'Hasco', * for example, produce a range of sizes extending from 3 mm (0.12 in) to 16.5 mm (0.65 in) inclusive. Two lengths of each diameter are produced, and these lengths, naturally, must be modified by a machining and griding operation to suit a specific mould. Whichever method of attachment is used, because the outside diameter of the sleeve is a sliding fit in the cavity insert the sleeve and the core pin must be allowed to float in their respective anchorages. When the ejector assembly is actuated, the sleeve is moved relative to the core (and to the cavity) and the moulding is ejected. Ejection by means of a sleeve is a particularly efficient method because the ejection force is applied to a relatively large surface area. In the case of the example shown (Figure 3.40) the effective ejection area is practically the complete area at the base of the moulding. While any shape of sleeve can be made, in practice the design is normally restricted to circular types, because of the high expense involved in the machining and the fitting of other shapes. It is undesirable to allow the sleeve to be in contact with the core pin over its entire length. To reduce frictional wear, to facilitate fitting, and to lessen the possibility of scoring, the surface contact between the two parts is kept to a minimum. The method for achieving this is to c0unterbore the hole in the rear side of the sleeve to a predetermined depth, leaving about 35 mm (1.4 in) of sliding contact. One important point to note, however, is that as the ejector assembly is operated the length of the bearing contact between the sleeve and the core pin is reduced. Care must therefore be exercised in the design to ensure that when the sleeve is in the fully forward position a minimum effective bearing length of 7 mm (I/4 in) is still maintained. A wide selection of ejection sleeve sizes are available as standard parts, a similar design being adopted by all manufacturers. About 30 alternative 105

EJECfION sizes are available ranging from a working bore diameter of between 1.6 mm (0.062 in) and 16 mm (0.62 in). Note that the above complete range is not available from one particular manufacturer and that some 'shopping around' may be necessary to get the specific size required. A mating core pin is normally supplied with the sleeve ejector and this may be of a standard length, say 50 mm (2 in) greater than the sleeve ejector length, or, a number of core pin lengths may be offered. The above alternatives, vary between manufacturers and the respective catalogues must be consulted. For many applications it is necessary for the mouldmaker to grind the outside diameter of the standard sleeve to the dimensions appropriate to the moulding being produced. As this grinding operation removes part or all of a nitrided surface, the designer should specify that through-hardened and tempered sleeves are supplied for this purpose. Another sleeve design is shown in Figure 3.41. This is known as the stepped sleeve. It is used when a particular moulding necessitates a sleeve with a wall section of less than 2 mm (0.08 in). Long, thin wall-section sleeves are difficult to manufacture and are prone to failure in operation. By enlarging the diameter of the sleeve at the lower end, the length of the thin wall section is shortened, thereby lessening the machining difficulties and producing a generally stronger sleeve. A recess may be provided in the reaf side of the mould plate (directly below the cavity) to accommodate the larger-diameter portion of the sleeve when the ejector assembly is in the forward position. This permits the length of the thin wall section to be kept to a minimum. It is undesirable to allow the sleeve to be in contact with the core pin over its entire length. To reduce frictional wear, to facilitate fitting, and to lessen the possibility of scoring, the surface contact between the two parts is kept to a minimum. Here again it is undesirable to allow the sleeve to be in contact with the core pin over its entire length. There 'are two possible alternative methods to consider. The first is to counterbore the rear side of the sleeve to a predetermined depth in an identical manner to that discussed above for the parallel sleeve. The same clearances may be adopted for this design. The alternative technique is to relieve a portion of the core pin by reducing its diameter locally by 0.26 mm (0.010 in). This offers the advantage (over the above technique) in that irrespective of the length of the relieved section the effective bearing area between the sleeve,and the core pin remains constant over the complete ejector stroke. Thus a smaller length of contact bearing area is acceptable with this design. Note that this method is particularly desirable for use with stepped sleeve design in that it does not necessitate reducing the thin wall of the sleeve even further (Figure 3.41). Typical examples of mouldings which can be ejected by the sleeve technique are now illustrated (Figure 3.42). The first two components, the ring (a) and the bush (b), can also, in fact, be ejected by the alternative 'stripper plate' ejection (Section 3.4.9). Sleeve ejection is used for such components where a limited number of 106


(0) Figure


(d) mouldings which can be sleeve ejected

3.42- Typical

impressions only is required. For moulds containing more than two impressions the stripper plate design is more economical. Now the second two components, the double cone reel (c) an~ the knob (d), illustrate examples which can only be sleeve ejected. Note that as the parting line occurs below the top surface of the moulding, the stripper plate technique is not an efficient ejection method, i.e. a part of the moulding will still be left in the stripper plate after ejection. The final example is of a plate which incorporates a number of bosses and a couple of holes. The most effective ejection for this component is to incorporate a sleeve under each boss and a sleeve around the core pin forming each hole. For components of a more complex nature, a combination of sleeve ejection with some other form of ejection is often desirable to achieve the optimum ejection results.

3.4.5 Blade ejection

The main purpose of the blade ejector is for the ejection of very slender parts, such as ribs and other projections, which cannot satisfactorily be ejected by the standard type of ejector pin. A blade is basically a rectangular ejector pin and examples are shown in Figure 3.43. There are two alternative methods for manufacturing the blade ejector: (i) machining the form from a solid rod (Figure 3.43a), and

(( ((



Figure 3.43-Alternative

ejector blade designs 107

EJECfION (ii) fabricating the element (Figure 3.43b), in which case a blade of steel is inserted into a slot machined into a standard type of ejector pin. The blade may be pinned (as shown) or, alternatively, it may be brazed. The advantage of the two-part construction is that the blade can easily be replaced should it become damaged. Standard blade ejectors are all of the first type, and should be adopted whenever possible, as even if a failure occurs in production the ejector can be quickly and economically replaced. The number of sizes avail\lble are, however, more limited than other types of ejector element. Note that a variation in both width and depth is required and this feature increases the number of possible combinations. In practice the number of widths is lim.ited to eight at the present time (1989) and for reference these are as follows: 3.5, 3.8, 4.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5, 11.5 and 15.5 mm. Similarly the available depths are restricted to five sizes as follows 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mm. Note, however, that each width size does not have the complete depth range associated with it. So here again the manufacturers catalogue must be consulted. The blade ejector element is fitted to the ejector assembly in an identical manner to that described for the standard ejector pin (Section 3.4.1). A cross-sectional view through part of a mould which incorporates blade ejectors is shown in Figure 3.44. The rectangular blaae ejector is accommodated in a complementary shaped hole in the mould plate. Now if this slot is to be machined into a solid mould plate, it must either be spark eroded or end milled. For the latter case it is desirable to facilitate the machining of this aperture by adopting a built-up assembly. For a moulding which incorporates a small projecting rib, it is usually possible to introduce a split bush into the design. Now this split bush (Figure 3.45) will carry the relevant part of the impression form, and by making the bush in two parts a slot can be milled to accommodate the blade ejector. The blade is fitted to the split bush before this latter member is fitted to the core plate. By adopting this technique, machining of both the local impression form and the rectangular aperture (for the blade) is simplified. A somewhat similar method is adopted where a blade ejector is used on the edge of a moulding. In this case a shouldered core insert is adopted (Figure 3.46). A slot is machined completely through the shouldered portion, and when the core insert is fitted into a suitable recess in the mould plate a rectangular aperture is formed into which the ejector blade slides. This latter method is adopted in the design shown in Figure 3.44. Assume that we wish to mould a lattice type component and that we want to have all the moulding form in one mould half (i.e. so that the other mould half will be perfectly plain). Pin ejection is not suitable here because only very small-diameter ejector pins can be fitted at the bottom of the slots in the mould plate. The effective ejection area of even a relatively large number of such pins would be insufficient to eject this type of moulding. Thus for such a moulding we would use blade ejection. 108




(bl Figure

3.44- Blade


Figure 3.45-Split

cavity insert to facilitate machining of slot for blade ejector





Now we come to the problem of machining the rectangular apertures for the blades. This problem is simplified by adopting the method discussed above. The cavity is built up with a number of local core blocks. Each alternate core block incorporates a shoulder (Figure 3.46). Thus when these local core blocks are assembled in the cavity plate, rectangular apertures are formed into which the blade ejectors can be fitted. Note that a round clearance hole is provided in the mould plate directly below the rectangular aperture (Figure 3.44). Very thin ejector blades, under 1 mm (0.4 in) have the tendency to 'concertina' when any undue resistance is met during the ejection phase. It is desirable, therefore, to support these thin ejector blades in some way. One method of doing this illustrated in Figure 3.47 and a description of the assembly and operation follows. The ejector blade (2), which is of uniform section, is supported on one side, and on both of its edges by a slot machined into a link shaped support block(l). A small block(3) is attached to the ejector blade for actuation purposes. A general cross-sectional assembly drawing is shown in Figure 3.48a. The slotted link shaped support block (1) is mounted between the mould plate (4) and the back plate (5). The two part mould insert (6) is



Figure 3.4B-Method

for supporting thin ejector blade

Figure 3.46-Shouldered

core insert to facilitate machining of slot for blade ejector

incorporated in the mould plate as shown. The ejector blade (2) is fitted into the two part insert. The link shaped support block is accommodated in a complementary shaped aperature in both the ejector plate (8) and retaining plate (7). Note that the small block (3) is accommodated in a recess in the retaining plate (7). Movement of the ejector plate (Figure 3.48b) thereby moves the blade forward (with respect to the remainder of the moving half), the support block giving support and guidance to the ejector blade during the complete movement. An alternative approach is to incorporate a 'special blade ejector' which is available as a standard part from 'Hasco'*. This design adopts a different approach to the one discussed above in that the support and guidance is primarily on the two ejector blade faces. The unit is available in four ejector blade thicknesses as follows: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mm (0.016, 0.024, 0.032 and 0.04 in respectively). 3.4.6 Valve ejectiQn The valve ejector element is basically a large-diameter ejector pin. Valve-type ejection is used, normally, for the ejection of relatively large components in situations where it is impracticable to use standard parting surface pins. It is also used as an alternative to stripper plate ejection in certain situations. 111

Figure 3.47-Melhod

for supporting

thin ejector blade





The valve-type ejector element is designed to apply the ejector force on to the inside surface of the moulding (Figure 3.49). Now we have previously noted (for pin ejection) that this is a generally undesirable practice because of the possibility of distorting the moulding during ejection. However, with valve ejection, because the element has a large effective ejection area, the risk of the moulding being distorted is minimised. The ejector element incorporates a valve-type head which is seated in a nest machined into the core as shown. To ensure a material leak-free joint, a small parallel portion is provided at the major diameter of the valve. This is a sliding fit in a complementary parallel recess in the core. The length of the parallel section is between 0.8 mm (1/32 in) and 2.4 mm (3/32 in). Because the ejector element forms a relatively large part of the impression, a large force will be applied to the element by the melt tending to move it rearwards. The head must therefore be carefully bedded into its nest in the core plate. The bedding angle is usually between 900 and 1200 inclusive. Figure 3.49 illustrates a typical application of valve-type ejection. Note that in this example the moulding wall progressively reduces to a f~ather edge at its base. This makes the use of either the parting surface pin or the stripper plate-type ejection impracticable. One important point to note is that the major diameter of the head must not approach too close to the edge of this core (at X), otherwise a weakness at this point will occur. For single-impression moulds, where the moulding is positioned on the centre line, the conventional ejector assembly is not required (Figure 3.49). The shank of the valve ejector (which must be of a suitable diameter to resist bending) passes completely through the mould plate and projects from the rear side. The valve is held in its nest in the mould plate by a heavy spring. In operation, when the mould opens, the shank of the valve ejector element is actuated directly by the injection machine's ejector operating system (Figure 3.49b). Immediately the mould closing stroke commences the spring causes the element to be returned to its seating (Figure 3.49a).

For fully automatic operation it is normal practice to use a jet of air to blow the moulding off the valve as there is a tendency in certain instances for the moulding to adhere to the valve. For a multi-impression mould, an ejector assembly and an ejector grid must be used (Figure 3.50). The valve element is attached directly to the ejector plate by screws (note that no retaining plate is used). A definite gap of 3 mm a in) minimum should be incorporated behind the ejector plate (at X) to ensure that both valves are seated in their respective nests. Push-backs, not. shown, are incorporated to return the ejector plate and valve elements to their rear positions as the mould is closed. An alternative method of actuating the valve element is by an actuator. A cross-section through a mould which uses this method is shown in Figure 3.51. It is, however, restricted to moulds which have a core insert large enough to contain the actuator as shown. The shank of the valve ejector is threaded and screwed into the ram of the actuator. The power lines (not shown) to the actuator are accommodated in suitable slots in the mould body. The main advantage of this system is that the ejection can be operated, forward and return, irrespective of the position of the moving half of the mould. Valve-type ejector elements should be specified to be made from nickel-chromium steel (BS 970-835 M15) and suitably heat-treated.

3.4.7 Air ejection

With this ejection method the ejector force is provided by compressed air, which is introduced directly on to the moulding face via a small air ejector valve. For this method to operate efficiently the adhesion between the moulding wall and the core must be broken locally, to permit the




Figure 3.49-Valve ejection, single-impression mould: (a) moulding position; (b) ejection position Figure 3.50- Valve ejection. multi-impression mould






Figure 3.52-Compressed Figure

air ejection

3.51- Valve

ejector operated by compressed air

compressed air to be introduced. This is achieved by causing the valve ejector to move forward slightly (by air pressure). The effective ejector force is dependent upon the pressure of the compressed air and the area on which it acts. Therefore the larger the area of the component to be ejected the greater will be the ejector force. There is, however, one drawback in that immediately the compressed air finds an escape route the effecive ejector force is rapidly diminished. From this it will be seen that this method of ejection is particularly suitable for box-type components where the side walls act as a seal during a major part of the ejection stroke, thus preventing the escape of the compressed air. Now turn to. the air ejector valve designs; Figure 3.52 shows a small valve ejector element similar to that discussed in the previous section. The head of the element nestles in a complementary shaped recess in the core plate, while the shank of the element is a sliding fit in a hole adjacent to the nest. To provide a passage for the compressed air, small slots are machined longitudinally on the periphery of this hole (at B). The element is held on to its seating by means ofa compression spring. This latter member is held in position by a nut. To prevent the loss of compressed air from the rear side of the core plate, a sealing plate and associated O-ring 'are incorporated. A port (A) connects the air ejector valve to the external compressed air supply .. An alternative design of air ejector valve is illustrated.in Figure 3.53. In this design the air passageway is achieved by machining slots (usually three in number) into the shank of the valve as shown. The introduction of the compressed air can be under either manual or machine control. Both cases are illustrated (Figure 3.54). With manual 114



Figure 3.53-Compressed

air ejection-alternative

air valve design

control (Figure 3.54a) the machine operator operates the two-way valve at any suitable point in the cycle. With machine control (Figure 3.54b) a earn is fitted on to the machine bed so that at the required point in the opening stroke, the valve spool is depresse.d and compressed air flows into the mould. Immediately the roller (attached to the spool) runs off the earn at either end the compressed air supply is cut off. The operation of thi:; form of ejection is as follows. When the control valve is operated compressed air passes into chamber C (Figure 3.52). A force is applied to the air-valve ejector which overcomes the force exerted 115










Figure 3.54-Methods

of introducing compressed air to mould: (a) manual cOn/rol; (b) machine control

ejection is particularly suitable for thin-wall box-type mouldings. As a single bar is used along each wall of the moulding, instead of, perhaps, three or four ejector pins, the marks left on the surface of the moulding by the ejection method are reduced to a minimum. However, against these advantages must be weighed the fact that the stripper bar is very much more expensive to manufacture and fit compared with the manufacture and fitting of an ejector pin. The design of a typical stripper bar assembly is shown in Figure 3.55. At (a) the stripper bar is shown in plan view; at (b) a general cross-section through X-X is given; and (c) illustrates the stripper bar in the forward (ejection) position. The stripper bar is fitted into a complementary shaped recess in the mould plate. A small angle of 100 is incorporated all around the periphery of the stripper bar to minimise wear. Note that if the sides were made parallel, each time the element was operated, they would rub against the complementary face of the mould plate recess. A good fit is r~quired

by the compression spring and the valve ejector leaves its seating. At this point the adhesion between the moulding and the core is broke!)- in the area adjacent to the air-valve ejector. Compressed air is now free to flow from the chamber C through the slots (B), through the open valve and so into the space between the moulding and the core. The moulding is thereby ejected. A few advantages of air ejection should be noted: (i) No ejector grid or ejector assembly is required. This reduces the cost of the mould. (ii) Air ejection can be fitted in either mould half. It is therefore a particularly suitable method of ejecting box-type components which are to be gated on the inside. (iii) The ejection can be operated at any time during the ope-ning stroke of the machine. (iv) The air-valve ejector element acts as a vacuum breaker between the moulding and the core. This arrangement is often incorporated in addition to some other form of ejection simply to facilitate the ejection of the part without distortion. For this application, connection to an external compressed air supply is not necessary. Against these advantages, the following limitations should be noted. (i) The method is only effective on certain types of component. (ii) A compressed air supply must be readily available. (iii) Air is an expensive service and if incorrectly used this system can be wasteful.

----------------:, "
-"'/ -----------------( ) J








5ECTlOIl 011 X-Jt


3.4.8. Stripper bar ejection

This method is an extension of the parting surface ejector pin principle, in which the ejector element is caused to push against the bottom edge of the moulding. However, a far greater effective ejection area is obtainable with the stripper bar method and, because of this characteristic, this method of 116 (c)
Figure 3.55 -Stripper bar ejection





between the stripper bar and the mould plate recess. If a good fit is not achieved, then plastics material will creep down the sides and probably under the stripper bar as well. This will prevent the stripper bar from seating correctly which may damage the opposite mould plate when the mould is closed. To ensure that the working side of the stripper bar does not scrape the side face of the core, the ejector element should be set back from the core wall by at least 0.13 mm (0.005 in) (Figure 3.55). The stripper bar is coupled to the ejector plate by a tie-rod. One end of the member is threaded and attached to the stripper bar. To prevent the tie-rod working loose it is desirable to incorporate a pin as shown. The .rear end of the tie- rod is normally secured to the ejector plate by a socket-headed screw. (Note that a retaining plate is not necessary with this design.) A gap of about 3 mm a in) should be provided between the ejector plate and the back plate to ensure that the stripper bar seats in its nest in the mould plate. The stripper bar should be manufactured from a nickel - chromium steel (BS 970-835 M15) and suitably heat-treated. The tie-rods may be manufactured from a low-carbon steel (BS 970-080 MI5), and these should be carbu'rised to give a hard, wear-resisting surface. 3.4.9 Stripper plate ejection This ejection technique is used primarily for the ejection of circular box-type mouldings. While the design is used for shapes other than circular, particularly for those which have thin wall sections, the mould cost which results is relatively high. The principle of this ejection technique is illustrated in Figure 3.56. The stripper plate is mounted between the cavity plate and the core plate. The aperture in this stripper plate is a sliding fit on the core. The mould is shown closed at (a), When the mould starts to open the stripper plate moves back with the core plate (b). (Remember that the moulding adheres to the core because of the contraction on cooling.) Once the moulding is clear of the cavity, the movement of the stripper plate is arrested, while the core plate continues the rearward movement. The core is thereby withdrawn through the stripper plate and the moulding ejected (c). The mould is then closed in preparation for the next cycle.

So far, discussion has been limited to moulds which consist essentially of two parts, namely: the cavity plate and the core plate, i.e. the fixed mould half and the moving mould half. From the diagram (c) it is apparent that this design consists of three parts, the stripper plate constituting a separate mould member. When the mould is open (as shown) there are two spaces (at X and Y) and these are termed daylights. This type of mould is therefore sometimes referred to as a multi-daylight mould, but, as there are several other multi-daylight designs (Chapter 12), the designation stripper plate design is preferred. We now turn to the details of this design. A part- section through a typical mould is shown in Figure 3.57. The component is a round box with 1 mm (0.040 in) walls. The stripper plate is mounted on guide pillars. which are fitted in the core plate. The apertures in the stripper plate, through which the core and the guide pillars pass, are all bushed. The cavity mould plate is of conventional design. In plan, the stripper plate is usually the same size as the other mould plates (except in the direct actuation design). This allows uniformity in the design. Stripper plate depth, however, must be relatively great: the depth dimension must be sufficient to resist the bending forces applied to the plate as the moulding is ejected. As mentioned previously, these forces can be considerable when ejecting deep mouldings which incorporate little draft. The length of the working diameter of the guide pillar is generally longer than that specified for a corresponding two-part mould. The reason is that the guide pillar must support the stripper plate over the complete ejection stroke and, in addition, it must still project enough to enter the fixed half guide bushes when the mould closes to ensure alignment between the cavity and the core.



(0) Figure


x y



3.56- Principle

of stripper plate ejection


3.57- Part-seer ion

through a stripper plate mould





Finally, the following methods are commonly used for actuating the stripper plate. (i) Tie-rod actuation- Method 1. A conventional ejector plate and ejector grid system are adopted in this design but with the retaining' plate removed (Figure 3.57). The stripper plate is coupled to the ejector plate by three or four tie-rods. The operation of the stripper plate may be either via the injection machine's fixed actuator rod, or alternatively by direct action by the machine's hydraulic ejector system. In the first case, as the mould's moving half moves rearwards, the ejector rod strikes the actuating rod of . the machine. The movement of the ejector plate and the stripper plate is arrested, thereby stripping the moulding from the core, as previously discussed. In the alternative case the ram of the machine's hydraulic ejection actuator is programmed to function at a specific point in the opening stroke and thereby operate the stripper plate via the ejector rod and ejector assembly. There are two main design points to note. First, the ejector plate does not seat on the back plate of the mould. This is because it is impracticable and unnecessary to have both the stripper plate and the ejector plate seating on their respective plates. Second, as the stripper plate is guided on the main guide pillars there is no point in including a separate ejector rod bush in this design. (ii) Operating pin method. A standard two-part ejector assembly is adopted for this design, and 'operating pins' (basically ejector pins) are fitted (Figure 3.58). Note that a gap of 1 mm (0.040 in) is left between the top of the operating pin and the stripper plate. When the ejector plate assembly is actuated, the operating pins push on the rear face of the stripper plate to perform the required function. This is

the design which is commonly used in association with standard mould systems. (iii) Tie-rod actuation - Method 2. This design (Figure 3.59) is very similar to the one discussed above in (i). The only difference is that the ejector grid system is dispensed with. For this method to be practicable, the aperture in the moving platen of the machine must be large enough to accommodate the ejector plate and the tie-rods. (iv) Length-bolt actuation. In this design the ejector plate is arrested by length-bolts suitably situated within the mould. A part cross-section through relevant parts of the design is shown in Figure 3.60. The mould is shown in the closed position at (a). The fixed mould-plate is recessed to accommodate the head of the length-bolt and a clearance hole is provided in the moving mould plate to accommodate the nut and locknut. The amount of free movement that the stripper plate is permitted is the sum of the distances X and Y as shown at (b). (The mould is illustrated in the partly open position.) With this design the maximum stripper plate movement is a function of the overall mould height, and this restricts the design to fairly deep moulds. However, by adopting telescopic length-bolts (Figure 3.61), the design can be used even on shallow 'moulds. The main advantage of this design over the tie-rod method of actuation is that it is cheaper to produce (i.e. there is no ejector grid and ejector







Figure J.59- AlternuriVl".lJ!cthod of acruating stripper plate Figure J.58-Stripper plate mould actuated via operating pins












.u=-=== ... m




the fall of the mouldings is not restricted by the length-bolts. Normally three length-bolts are used on circular-type moulds and four on rectangular-type moulds. Providing the depth of the mould is sufficient, standard socket headed cap screws may be used as an alternative to the length- boIt. The socket headed cap screws are screwed into the fixed mould plate, and the screw shank passes through the stripper plate while the screw cap is accommodated in a suitably sized clearance hole in the moving mould half. The operation of the stripper plate is identical to that described above. The advantage of the socket headed cap screw design is that the setting of the screws may be, more precise. (v) Chain actuation. This method of actuation is similar to the previous method except that chains are used to arrest the motion of the stripper plate instead of length-bolts. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 3.62. One end of the chain is connected to the stripper plate, and the other end to the fixed mould plate via adaptor blocks. When the mould is in the closed position (as shown) the chains hang down in a loop on either side of the mould. As the mould is opened the chains are progressively straightened until, finally, they arrest the movement of the stripper plate. One or two chains are used per side depending upon the size of the mould. Again, while allowing for a cheaper mould than for the tie-rod design, there are two hazards to bear in mind. (1) Should the chain swing in between the mould faces while it is being closed severe damage will occur.

Figure 3.60-Length-bolt




actuation of stripper plate








3.6/- Telescopic

length-bolt actuation of stripper plate

plate assembly) and the mould is lighter for handling purposes. However, against this advantage must be weighed the fact that the length-bolts (as they extend between the stripper plate and the fixed mould plate) tend to encase the moulding. Care must be exercised in this design therefore, to ensure that the operator has reasonable access to the impression and that 122

~ II





Figure 3.62-Chain

actuation of stripper plate



(2) Should one of the chains break while the mould is opening, an offset load will be applied to the stripper plate which will tend to distort this member. Both the above hazards can be avoided by careful design and choice of chain. (vi) Direct actuation. On medium- and large-size injection machines, several actuator rods are normally incorporated for ejection purposes (Figure 3.9). Providing these actuator rods are positioned symmetrically about the centre line of the moving platen they can be used to actuate the stripper plate directly. Figure 3.63a shows a part-section through the mould, suitably mounted on the platens of the machine. When the mould . is opened (Figure 3.63b) the stripper plate moves back with the moving mould half until the stripper plate is arrested by the actuator rods. Further movement of the moving mould half causes the core to be withdrawn through the stripper bush and the moulding to be ejected. The actuator rods either pass through suitable clearance holes in the . moving half, or the ejector plate is extended beyond the edge of the mould

plate, and the actuator rods contact the stripper plate on either side of the mould plate as illustrated. This design, compared with the tie-rod actuation method, is less complex in that it does not require an ejector assembly; it is therefore less expensive to manufacture. Neither does this design suffer the disadvantages associated with the length bolt and chain actuation methods. The directly actuated design should therefore be adopted whenever the situation allows. During the premoulding dry run operation there is just the possibility with this design (and with the chain operated design) that the stripper plate may remain in contact with the fixed half while the moving mould plate is withdrawn. If this opening sequence occurs, the guide pillars may lose contact with the stripper plate, and the stripper plate would then fall between the two mould halves. To avoid this possible hazard, length bolts may be incorporated in the moving mould half to limit the travel of the stripper plate to a maximum consistent with the guide, pillar length adopted. If the mould opens in the wrong sequence when the length bolts are fitted, the stripper plate is pulled away from the fixed mould half when the free length of travel provided by the length bolt has been taken up. The mould setter must be instructed in setting this type of mould to ensure that the ejector stroke as set by the ejector rods is not greater than that permitted by the length bolt. (vii) Supplementary operating force. The stripper plate operating force which is achieved by virtue of the shrinkage of the moulding onto its forming core during the cooling period is not always sufficient for the purpose. On large moulds, in particular, and even on smaller moulds when the moulding is fairly shallow, some' additional motivation force may be required. Once the stripper plate has been caused to move, however, it will normally continue to follow the moving half by virtue of frictional resistance of the guide pillars and bushes. This movement then continues until the stripper plate is positively arrested by one of the methods discussed above. Many alternative methods are available for this purpose and a few of these are discussed below: 1. Spring-loaded plunger system. This method is illustrated in Figure 3.64. A number of spring-loaded plungers (1) are fitted into accommodating pockets in the fixed mould half (2). Note that 'Bellevillewashers' are normally used in preference to springs for this application because of space limitations. These limited stroke plungers provide sufficient impetus to start the stripper plate moving when required. 2. Ball catch system. This method is illustrated in Figure 3.65. A number of additional short pillars (1) are mounted in the moving mould plate (2) as shown. These pillars are accommodated in un bushed holes in the stripper plate (3). A spring loaded ball catch (4) (available as a standard part) is mounted at right angles to the guide pillar. Note that the pillar incorporates a groove which provides a' nest for the ball. The applied 125







Figure 3.63-Direct



actuation of stripper plate by machine's

actuator rods





Figure 3.64-Spring-loaded

plunger method for applying stripper plate actuation force

Figure 3. 66-Hasco

friction puller device for actuating stripper plate

Figure 3.65-Ball

catch method for actuating stripper plate

'frictional locking' force exerted by the spring-loaded ball is sufficient to cause the stripper plate to move with the adjacent moving mQuld plate when the mould is opened. When the stripper plate is subsequently operated, the ball retracts into its accommodating sleeve and thereby release the pillar. . 3. Hasco* Friction Puller System. This method is available as a standard part from the Hasco range. The assembly comprises three parts: a body (1) to which is attached a plastic sleeve (2), and a conical adjusting screw (3) (Figure 3.66). Rotation of .the screw causes the cone to expand the plastic sleeve. For this particular application, the friction puller body is mounted in the moving mould plate and the plastic sleeve is accommodated in a suitable diameter hole machined into the stripper plate. The friction puller is adjusted so that it operates the stripper plate with a minimum fictional force. 4. 'Jiffy Latch-Lok' System. Mechanisms are available which can be fitted to moulds to operate the stripper plate in a positive manner. One such mechanism is produced by 'DME'* called the 'Jiffy Latch-Lok' and the construction and operation are discussed below. Note, however, that when this mechanism is fitted in the manner shown (Figure 3.67), it only ensures that the stripper plate moves back with the rnoving half as the 126




r- I


/~.~. -:'~.l]- - _.1-_ -.\ 6~


_ L-

Figure 3.67-DME 'Jiffy Latch-Lok' system for actuating stripper plate or underfeed type moulds (simplified drawing)




mould opens; it does not arrest the movement of the stripper plate. (The normal application for the Jiffy 'Latch Lok' when fitted in this manner is for the purpose of controlling the opening movement of the third plate of an underfeed mould design, refer to Chapter 12) A simplified drawing of the Jiffy Latch-Lok is given in Figure 3.67. The mechanism consists essentially of five parts as follows: A rectangular shaped body (1), incorporates a rocker (2) which has freedom to move in a radial direction. An internally mounted spring loaded plunger (3) is mounted within the body to apply both the rocker rotating force and also to control its starting position. A latch bar (4), and release bar (5) complete the assembly. Two Jiffy Latch-Loks (minimum) are required, mounted centrally, one on either side of the mould. The body-rocker assembly is positively attached to the stripper plate (6) with screws and dowels (not shown). The latch bar is mounted at right angles to the Latch-Lok body and is secured to the moving mould plate (7), as shown. The release bar is similarly mounted on the the fixed mould plate (8). As the two bars (latch and release) operate on the same plane, they must be mounted the one above the other. This is achieved by incorporating a spacer block (not shown) directly below the release bar. The operating sequence of the mechanism is illustrated in FIgure 3.67. The Jiffy Latch-Lok is shown in the mould closed position at 'a'. As the rocker nose (at 'X') is in engagement with the latch bar when the mould opens, the stripper plate is positively pulled away from the fixed mould plate. Subsequently the projecting cam portion of the release bar contacts the rocker nose, causing it to rotate within the body and thereby release the latch bar (see b). At this point in the opening stroke the stripper plate's movement is arrested by a stop bolt (9). For the remaining part of the opening stroke the mechanism is inoperative. The reverse action occurs during the mould's closing stroke. The Jiffy Latch-Lok may alternatively be fitted the opposite way round. That is with the latch bar attached to the fixed mould plate and the release bar to the moving mould plate. When fitted in this way however, the mechanism is used as a stripper plate arresting device and not as a stripper plate actuating system.)



Figure 3.68-Stripper

ring ejection




While it is generally desirable to situate the ejector system in tpe moving half of the mould this is not always practicable. Consider the case of a box-type component which must, for reasons of appearance, be gated from the inside (Figure 3.69). In this case the core and the ejector system are mounted on the fixed mould half. Now this presents certain complications. First, to incorporate an ejector grid and ejector assembly behind the fixed mould plate causes this mould half to be excessively deep. Because of this the melt has to travel a long distance from the machine's nozzle.









3.4.10 Stripper ring ejection

The stripper ring is basically a local stripper plate. It is used mainly for circular box and cup-type mouldings, and is generally restricted for use on moulds with one or two impressions, only. When there are multi-impressions the stripper plate design is more economic. A stripper ring design is shown in Figure 3.68. The stripper ring is fitted into a recess in the mould plate. The internal bore of the stripper ring is a sliding fit on the major diameter of the core insert. This diameter should be at least 0.26 mm (0.010 in) greater than the core impression diameter, to avoid the possibility of the stripper ring scoring the side of the core during ejection. For the purposes of actuation the stripper ring is coupled to the ejector plate by tie-rods, as shown.






3.69- Ejection

from fixed mould half 129

EJECfION This distance can be minimised, however, by sinking the sprue bush deep into the mould plate assembly as illustrated, though this necessitates using a special extension nozzle. Second, facilities are not normally provided on the machine for actuating any type of ejector system from the fixed mould half side. This means that the actuating mechanism must be incorporated in the mould design. While any of the ejection techniques discussed in Section 3.4 can be incorporated in the fixed half, certain of these techniques are more easily incorporated than others. Air ejection. This ejection technique is the simplest to incorporate in the fixed mould half, as the complications mentioned above do not apply. There is no need, for example, to increase the depth of the mould plate unduly to accommodate the air ejector valve (Figure 3.52). Also, as the actuation is by the medium of compressed air, this is just as easily connected to the fixed half as to the moving half. Stripper plate ejection. Again, this method can very easily be adapted for use on the fixed mould half. The stripper plate is mounted, as previously, between the cavity and the core plate. However, in this case, the stripper plate is coupled to the moving mould plate (not the fixed mould plate as previously) by either length-bolts or chains. When the mould is opened the stripper plate is retained on the fixed half side (the moulding having contracted on to the core) until the free movement allowed by the length-bolt (or chain) has been taken up. Further movement of the moving mould plate actuates the stripper plate and the moulding is ejected. Pin, sleeve, bar ejection, etc. Any ejection method which necessitates the use of the ejector plate assembly is inconvenient, as noted above, for use on the fixed mould half. However, certain types of component necessitate the use of pin, sleeve or bar ejection, in which case a conventional ejector plate assembly must be incorporated. Taking pin ejection as an example (Figure 3.69), the ejector plate assembly is contained in a pocket formed by the ejector grid which consists of support blocks and the front plate. The ejector pins and the push-back pins are attached to the ejector plate by the retaining plate. So this is a standard pin ejection arrangement - it is simply mounted on the moving half. We must, however, provide for the passage of the melt through the ejector assembly. A local circular support block is positioned on the centre-line of the mould and machined to accommodate the rear end of the sprue bush (Figure 3.69). The aperture, which also extends through the front plate, is of sufficient size to accommodate the machine's extension nozzle. Next is actuation of the ejector plate. Where the overall depth of the mould is sufficient to accommodate hydraulic actuators these may be fitted, one on either side of the fixed half, to operate the ejector plate assembly directly. However, the normal practice is to couple the ejector 130

SPRUE PULLERS assembly to the moving mould half by either length-bolts or chains. Thus, during the latter part of the opening stroke the ejector assembly is pulled, thereby ejecting the n\ouldings.


When the mould opens it is essential that the sprue is pulled positively from the sprue bush. With single-impression moulds the sprue feeds directly into the base of the component (Figure 3.59) and the sprue is pulled at the same time as the moulding is pulled from the cavity. For multi-impre~sion moulds using a basic feed system (Figure 2.3) the sprue would probably be left in the sprue bush each time the mould was opened. This would necessitate a manual operation to remove the unwanted sprue. To avoid this undesirable feature, an arrangement for pulling the sprue should always be incorporated in the design. The common sprue pulling methods utilise an undercut pin or an undercut recess situated directly opposite the sprue entry. The .plastics material which flows into the undercut, upon solidifying, provides sufficient adhesion to pull the sprue as the mould is opened. There are two basic designs of sprue puller. In one the undercut is produced within the cold slug well region, and is situated below theparting surface. In the second design, the undercut portion of the sprue pulling device is situated above the parting surface. To differentiate between these two basic types, we designate them Type A and Type B respectively.

3.6.1 Type A sprue pullers

The simplest sprue puller design is the reverse taper cold slug well type, illustrated in Figure 3.70. The cold slug well walls are tapered inwards, as shown, creating an undercut in the in line of draw direction. The sprue pin (which is identical in form to an ejector pin) is positioned behind the cold slug well so that when ejection occurs the slug is ejected with the feed system (Figure 3.70b). In an alternative design, one or more grooves/are cut into the cold slug well walls, thereby creating an undercut for sprue pulling purposes (Figure



Figure 3.70-Reverse

taper cold slug-well sprue puller









Figure 3. 71-Grooved

slug-well sprue puller

Figure 3.73-Mushroom

headed sprue puller




3.72- 'Z'-type

sprue puller


3.74- Reverse

taper sprue puller

3.71a). A sprue pin is again used to extract the slug, but in this case it shears through the plastic material, leaving solidified material in the grooves as shown in Figure 3.71b. During the next cycle of operations the incoming melt welds to this material. Yet another design in the Type A classification, is the 'Z' type sprue puller. This is possibly one of the earliest sprue pulling designs..The end of the sprue pin, now termed a sprue puller, is profiled in the form shown in Figure 3.72a. This 'Z' shape creates a positive undercut which pulls the sprue when the mould is opened. The sprue puller is moved forward during the ejection stroke as shown in Figure 3.72b, and'the feed system removed in the direction indicated. Flash occasionally causes the feed system to adhere to this type of sprue puller and if positive automatic ejection is required, then some form of wiper device should be considered.

be sheared from the sprue puller. Note that a small ring of plastics material remains in the sprue puller undercut after the ejection phase is complete. During the next cycle of operations the incoming melt welds to this ring thereby recreating an effective sprue-pulling device. (Figure 3.73b). A similar system, which is known as the reverse laper sprue puller design is illustrated in Figure 3.74a. The amount of undercut created by the reverse taper is not too severe, and while it is sufficient to pull the sprue and feed system, the elasticity of the plastics material allows the sprue puller to be withdrawn, without shearing the material during the extraction phase (Figure 3.74b).

3~6.3 Sprue puller bushes

The undercut form of the first two undercut sprue pullers,. discussed above, will create machining problems, particularly with respect to large mould plates. It is normal practice, therefore, to machine the undercut form into a separate bush, and mount the bush into the mould plate in a similar manner to that of a circular core insert. A typical assembly is shown in Figure 3.75. Undercut type sprue puller bushes are available as standards, and these may be obtained from most standard part suppliers. The minor bore dimension is available in six sizes, although the complete range cannot be obtained from anyone supplier. The range is as follows: 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 6.5 133

3.6.2 The B sprue pullers

This type of sprue puller works on the principle of withdrawing the sprue puller through a plate, such as a stripper plath or an underfeed floating cavity plate, in order to eject the feed system. One common design is the mushroom headed sprue puller illustrated in Figure 3.73a. The grooved head of the sprue puller creates an effective undercut which is used to pull the sprue, or secondary sprues in underfeed designs. During the mould opening sequence the sprue puller is effectively withdrawn with respect to the adjacent plate, causing the feed system to 132


Figure 3.75-Sprue

puller bush

and 8 mm (0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.24, 0.26 and 0.32 in respectively). The inclusive undercut angle is standardised at 10, but note that some manufacturers incorporate a small parallel section at the front end of the bore.


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