Nyquist-Rate A/D Converters

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Nyquist-Rate A/D Converters

1. Different Architectures

2. Integrating A/D Converters

In this type of A/D converters, the analogue input signal is first converted into a time interval which is then converted into a digital number using an accurate clock and a counter. They are used in measurement instruments such as voltage or current meters.

2.1 Single-Slope A/D Converter

Initially the counter is reset and the capacitor is discharged. At this point, Vo > Vin and so the the comparator output goes HIGH. This enables the clock to the counter and starts the ramp generator. Once Vo = Vin, the ramp is reset and the binary count is stored in the latches.

2.2 Dual-Slope A/D Converter

t1 = RC

Vin Vref

t1 nTC

n 2N

Vin Vref

where, t1 is the time needed for the integrator to reach Vin, RC is the time-constant of integrator, Tc is the clock period, n is the number of clock counts, and N the resolution of the converter. Thus, n is the quantised value and digital representation of Vin. The accuracy of the converter is a function of the reference voltage Vref, the clock period TC and the time-constant RC (which tends to drift with time and temperature). 3

Employs both a variable-slope and a fixed-slope ramp. At the end of phase 1, Vo is given by:
Vo = 2N TC Vin Vref

In phase 2 the integrator discharges from Vo to zero in a time interval t2 given by:
t 2 = nTC = VoRC Vref

3. Successive Approximation ADC

Combining the above two equations, we have:

n = 2N Vin Vref

The dual-slope A/D converter has several advantages over the single-slope converter. The accuracy is independent of the clock frequency and the integrator time-constant RC because they effect the up- and down-ramp voltages in the same way. The linearity is excellent because the digital counter generates all codes, and all codes are inherently present. Suitable for high-accuracy applications with low conversion rates, e.g., precision digital voltmeter.

It is a feedback scheme that uses a trial-and-error technique to approximate each analogue sample with a corresponding digital word. The N inputs of the D/A converter are enabled (set to 1) one at a time starting with the MSB (b1). If the error signal is positive (i.e., VDAC < Vin) the comparator output goes LOW causing the bit in the successive-approximation register (SAR) to reset to 0. If is negative, the 1 bit is retained in the SAR. The process is repeated with the next MSB, etc.

Example of 4-bit Conversion

Assume that Vin is constant at 5.1V and the D/A converter output voltages (VDAC) are 8V for the MSB, 4V for the 22 bit, 2V for the 21 bit and 1V for the LSB. MSB trial

4. Counting and Tracking ADCs

These are the two main classes of digital-ramp converters. The counting type is shown below:

22-bit trial Initially the outputs of the counter and the D/A converter are set to LOW. When Vin is applied and Vin > Vo, the comparator output goes HIGH and the counter starts counting the input pulses. The output of the digital counter is applied to the D/A converter which creates a staircase analogue output. The counting continues until Vo > Vin. At this point, the output of the digital counter is the required output word and its dumped into a storage register.
7 8

21-bit trial

LSB trial

A 4-bit counting example is shown below:

5. Flash A/D Converters

They are the fastest and conceptually the simplest A/D converters. In an N-bit converter, 2N-1 analogue latching comparators and voltage references are used to convert the analogue voltage to a digital word. The structure of a 3-bit flash A/D converter is shown below:

Although quite simple in concept, this converter has the disadvantage of being very low speed for a given resolution. Also, the conversion time is a function of the analogue input signal level. An alternative type is the tracking A/D converter, which is realised by replacing the unipolar digital counter with an up-down counter. In this case, if Vin > Vo, the counter counts up, and if Vin < Vo, the counter counts down. The counter is never cleared. The tracking action of a 4-bit converter is shown below:

The 7 comparators generate a thermometer code which is then processed by the encoder/decoder logic to produce a 3-bit digital word. 10

A common method to compress bubbles to to use a 3-input AND gate that compares the logic of each comparator with those immediately above and below. This would then require two 1s and a 0 to cause the encoder output to be true. However, This technique will not remove bubble errors where two or more string of 0s are surrounded by 1s. When everything is working ideally, the pattern of the comparator outputs should resemble that of a thermometer, all 0s above the input level, all 1s below. However, under extremely high input slew-rate conditions or timing differences between various signal paths, a 1 may be found above a 0 in the thermometer code even though this cannot happen at dc. Errors of this type are referred to as bubbles.



In bipolar technology, flash A/D converters operate in a continuous-time mode because sample-and-hold (S/H) circuits cannot be used. CMOS flash A/D converters, on the other hand can operate in either continuous or discrete-time mode. In the latter mode, a S/H circuit can be combined with the comparator input stage. The details of a small CMOS clocked comparator are shown below:

6. Two-step A/D Converters

The circuit complexity of the flash A/D converters increases very rapidly with increasing N. For large values of N (N > 8), the two-step flash architecture is a good alternative. It uses coarse and fine quantisation to increase the resolution.

When is HIGH, the inverter is set to its bistable operating point and the other side of the capacitor C is charged to Vri. When goes LOW, the inverter is free to fall either HIGH or LOW depending on its input voltage. At the same time the other side of C is pulled to Vin. Since the inverter side of C is floating, C must keep its original charge, and therefore the inverters input will change by (Vri Vin). Since the inverters input was at its bistable point, the sign of (Vri Vin) will determine which direction the inverters output will fall. 13

The circuit operates on Vin in two serial steps. First an N-bit coarse flash ADC determines N MSBs which are then converted to an analogue value (VDAC) using an N-bit DAC. VDAC is subtracted from Vin and the difference is applied to an M-bit fine flash ADC that generates the M LSBs. In most cases N and M are equal. For an 8-bit ADC, the two-step flash approach reduces the comparator count from 255 to 30.

7. Time-Interleaved ADCs
Very high-speed A/D conversions can be realised by operating many ADCs in parallel. The system architecture for a four-channel ADC is shown below:

0 is the clock at four times the rate of 1 to 4. Also, 1 to 4 are delayed with respect to each other by the period of 0, such that each converter will get successive samples of Vin. With this approach, the input S/H is very critical and is sometimes realised in GaAs while the other S/Hs can be realised in silicon. 15

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