Foundries - Environmental Issues

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The key environmental issues associated with foundries include air emissions, solid waste, wastewater, and noise generated from various industrial processes involved in metal casting.

The main environmental issues associated with foundries are air emissions (dust, particulates, gases), solid waste (sand, slag, dust), wastewater, and noise generated from operations like scrap handling, melting, pouring, cooling, and finishing.

Techniques to control air emissions from foundries include using covered conveyors and stockpiles to reduce fugitive dust, installing filters and cyclones to reduce particulates from melting, optimizing combustion to reduce NOx and SO2, and installing scrubbers to control chloride/fluoride emissions.


Environmental issues associated with this sector primarily include the following: Air emissions Solid waste Wastewater Noise Air Emissions Air emissions from foundry processes include dust and particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, chlorides and fluorides, Volatile organic compounds and other pollutants, dioxins and furans, metals, and greenhouse gases (GHGs). Solid Waste Solid waste streams include sand waste, slag from desulfurization and from melting, dust collected within emissions control systems, refractory waste, and scrubber liquors and sludges (see Wastewater section of this Guideline). Wastewater Industrial process wastewater comes from the use of water in foundries is in the cooling systems of electric furnaces (induction or arc), cupola furnaces, and in wet dedusting systems. Noise The foundry process generates noise from various sources, including scrap handling, furnace charging and EAF melting, fuel burners, shakeout and mould / core shooting, and transportation and ventilation systems. Measures to Avoid, Minimize, or Mitigate environmental Risk Air Emissions Fugitive dust from raw material transport and storage can be addressed by covered or pneumatic conveyors, covered stoickpiles, windbreaks, enclosed silos and other methods. Particulates from the melting process can be managed by using induction furnaces, off-gas collection hoods, bag filters and cyclones. Avoid open hearth furnaces The large amount of sand used in lost mold casting generates dust emissions during the various molding stages, and produces non-metallic particulates, metallic oxide particulates, and metallic iron. Non-metallic particulates are emitted from casting, shakeout and finishing processes. Use dry dust collection technologies (e.g. bag filters and cyclones) instead of wet scrubbers, especially in green sand preparation plants. Use of filters on exhausts, especially in casting and finishing shops; use of vacuum cleaning in moulding and casting shop; and installation of closed dedusting units in working areas are standard management techniques. NOx Pollution prevention and control techniques include minimizing air/fuel ration, enriching oxygen in combustion, using low NOx burners, and secondary controls. SO2 emissions can be reduced by selecting feedstocks, scrap, and fuels with low sulfur content; - and installingl gas wet scrubbing systems before dry scrubbers as part of dedicated collecting and dedusting system. CO emissions can be reduced by the use of induction furnaces, improving thermal efficiency (oxygen injection or other methods), and encapsulating pouring lines with fitted extractors Control of chloride and fluoride emissions should be undertaken as part of dry dedusting or wet scrubbing techniques installed to control particulate matter and sulfur oxide emissions. Control techniques for VOC and other hazardous air pollutant emissions include optimizing temperature during core making, replace alcohol with water based coatings, use non-aromatic solvents,and use of canpy hoods and other collection systems for VOCs and pollutant gases. The primary techniques to prevent dioxin emissions in the melting phase is the post combustion of the furnace off-gas

at a temperature above 1200C, and maximizing the residence time at this temperature. The process is completed with a rapid quenching to minimize time in the dioxin reformation temperature window. Other recommended measures include use clean scrap for melting;inject additive powders (e.g. activated carbons) into the gas stream to adsorb dioxins and remove dust by filtration in fabric filters; and install fabric filters with catalytic oxidation system incorporated. The main ways to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emission are to replace conventional cupola furnaces with induction, cokeless cupola, or oxygen injection cupola type furnaces, use medium frequency power in induction furnaces, limit energy consumption and increase energy efficiency , and implement best available combustion technologies (e.g. oxygen enrichment of blast air, preheating the charge, and automatic control of combustion parameters). Waste General techniques to manage the waste generated by foundries include the selection, design and construction of storage areas for metals, dust waste from filters, refractory waste, slag, and sand waste, with due consideration of site geological and hydrogeological conditions to prevent potential contamination from potential heavy metal leaching. Transfer points and chemical storage areas (e.g. for resins and binders) should be designed in order to minimize spill risks. Sand waste can be recycled internally or externally (e.g., concrete and paving materials). .Dust from emissions control equipment in non-ferrous foundries often contains sufficient levels of metals to make metal recovery economically feasible. Filter dust should be recirculated in the furnaces, to the extent possible. This allows metal recovery through dust reprocessing, and therefore minimizing waste to landfills. Slag waste should be reduced through process adjustments. Slag should be reused, and valuable metals should be extracted. Reuse options may, depending on slag characteristics, include block making, road-base construction, and as coarse aggregate. A small part of the sludge from wastewater treatment can be internally recycled, however the vast majority of it is landfilled. Industry-specific environmental issues generated during decommissioning should be addressed through a comprehensive decommissioning plan. Wastewater Process wastewater should be treated using source segregation and pretreatment of wastewater streams for reduction in heavy metals using chemical precipitation, coagulation and flocculation, etc. Typical wastewater treatment steps include: grease traps, skimmers or oil water separators for separation of oils and floatable solids; filtration for separation of filterable solids; flow and load equalization; sedimentation for suspended solids reduction using clarifiers; dewatering and disposal of residuals in designated hazardous waste landfills. Additional engineering controls may be required Stormwater from outdoor coal storage areas may become contaminated by highly acidic leachate containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Pave process areas, segregate contaminated and noncontaminated stormwater, and implement spill control plans. Route stormwater from process areas into the wastewater treatment unit, and design leachate collection system and location of coal storage facilities to prevent impacts to soil and water resources. Coal stockpile areas should be paved to segregate potentially contaminated stormwater for pretreatment and treatment in the wastewater treatment unit. Noise Recommended noise management techniques include the following: Enclose the process buildings and / or insulate them; Cover and enclose scrap storage and handling areas, as well as shake out and fettling processes; Enclose fans, insulate ventilation pipes and use dampers; Implement management controls, including limitation of scrap handling and transport during nighttime.

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety issues include : Physical hazards Radiation Respiratory hazards Electrical hazards Noise Burial hazards Fire and explosions Physical Hazards Physical hazards in foundry operations may be related to handling of large, heavy, and hot raw materials and product (e.g. charging of furnaces); accidents related to heavy mechanical transport (e.g. trains, trucks and forklifts); injuries from grinding and cutting activities (e.g. contact with scrap material ejected by machine-tools); and injuries due to falls from elevation (e.g. high platforms, ladders, and stairs).

Lifting / Movement of Heavy Loads

Clear signage in all transport corridors and working areas; Appropriate design and layout of facilities to avoid crossover of different activities and flow of processes; Implementation of specific load handling and lifting procedures, Proper handling and shielding of moving hot liquids, as well as solid metal parts; Material and product handling should remain within restricted zones under supervision, with particular attention paid to proximity of electrical cables / equipment; Regular maintenance and repair of lifting, electrical, and transport equipment should be conducted.

Product Handling
Locate machine-tools at a safe distance from other work areas and from walkways. Individual, enclosed workplaces should be provided to prevent accidents resulting from fettling or the use of grinders; Conduct regular inspection and repair of machine-tools, in particular protective shields and safety devices / equipments; Provide rails along the transfer plate with interlocked gates that open only when machine is not in use; Train staff to properly use machines-tools, and to use appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE).

Heat and Hot Liquid Splashes

Shield surfaces where close contact with hot equipment or splashing from hot materials is expected (e.g. in cupola furnaces, EAF, induction melting ladles, and casting); Implement safety buffer zones to separate areas where hot materials and items are handled or temporarily stored. Rail guards around those areas should be provided, with interlocked gates to control access to areas during operations; Use appropriate PPE (e.g. insulated gloves and shoes, goggles to protect against IR and ultraviolet radiation, and clothing to protect against heat radiation); Implement shorter shift durations for work in high air temperature environments. Provide regular work breaks and access to drinking water for workers in hot areas; Install cooling ventilation to control extreme temperatures. Exposure to Radiation Gamma ray testing should be carried out in a controlled, restricted area using a shielded collimator. No other activities should be undertaken in the testing area; All incoming scrap should be tested for radioactivity prior to use as feedstock material; If the testing area is near the plant boundary, ultrasonic testing (UT) should be considered as an alternative to gamma ray techniques; Regular maintenance and repair should be conducted on testing equipment, including protective shields. Exposure to Respiratory Hazards

Insulation Materials
The use of insulation material is widespread in foundries and handling of this material during construction and maintenance may release fibers and present an occupational health hazard. Asbestos and other mineral fibers widely used in older plants may expose people to inhalation risks of cancer-causing substances. In order to limit releases, appropriate and material specific work practices should be applied.

Dust and Gases

Sources of dust and gases should be separated and enclosed; Design facility ventilation to maximize air circulation. Outlet air should be filtered before discharge to the atmosphere; Exhaust ventilation should be installed at the significant point sources of dust and gas emissions, particularly the melting shop; Use automated equipment, especially in the fettling process; Provide a sealed cabin with filtered air conditioning if an operator is needed; Provide separated eating facilities that allow for washing before eating; Provide facilities that allow work clothes to be separated from personal clothes and for showering / washing after work and before eating; Implement a policy for periodic personnel health checks. Respiratory hazard control technologies should be used when exposure cannot be avoided with other means, such as operations for creating sand moulds; manual operations such as grinding or use of non-enclosed machine-tools; and during specific maintenance and repair operations. For carbon monoxide (CO) exposure, detection equipment should be installed to alert control rooms and local personnel. In case of emergency intervention in areas with high levels of CO, workers should be provided with portable CO detectors, and fresh-air supplied respirators. Noise Raw and product material handling (e.g. waste metals, plates, bars), sand compacting, wood-model manufacturing, fettling and finishing may generate noise. To the extent possible, provide shielding of noise sources and PPE. Electrical Hazards Workers may be exposed to electrical hazards due to the presence of heavy-duty electrical equipment throughout foundries, and facilities should develop methods, such as grounding, hot work permits, and shut downs, to ensure safety.. Entrapment Workers creating sand molds are exposed to risk of entrapment due to sand collapse in storage areas and during maintenance operations. Measures to prevent sand burials include the application of material storage criteria that prevent accidental burial. Explosion and Fire Hazards Design facility layout to ensure adequate separation of flammable gas and oxygen pipelines, and storage tanks, away from heat sources; Separate combustible materials and liquids from hot areas and sources of ignition (e.g. electrical panels); Protect flammable gas and oxygen pipelines and tanks during hot work maintenance activities; Initial Due diligence Site Visit Use the opportunity of visiting the facility to assess environmental, social, health, and safety status. This will involve walking the site, visiting all of the production areas, and reviewing documents. For complex facilities, technical environmental staff may be needed. Develop an understanding of the history of the site, the facility, and the surrounding properties to understand whether there might be historic contamination, permitting issues, or community issues. Check: History of the site Age of the facility Surrounding properties and the kinds of activities that occur on them

Current status of environmental permits and land use permits, and any restrictions placed on the facility Signs of spills, soil subsidence, or stressed vegetation Talk to neighbors and request information on the facility Develop an understanding of the production processes, existing pollution controls, and potential for improvement and cost savings. Check: Housekeepingis the facility clean, are materials stored, etc. (Housekeeping is often an important indicator of the capacity and drive for environmental compliance) Age and type of equipment Pollution control equipment and the maintenance schedule Types of waste produced, where and how disposed Types of liquid effluents, where and how disposed Develop an understanding of the facilitys health and safety regime. Check: Availability and use of personnel protective equipment such as goggles, hard hats, safety gloves, and the like. Content and frequency of employee health and safety training History of accidents Frequency of health and safety audits

Annex A: General Description of Industry Activities

Foundries produce ferrous and non-ferrous metal castings. Ferrous castings are comprised of iron and steel, while non-ferrous castings primarily include aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, magnesium, and titanium. Castings are produced by melting, pouring, and casting the ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Many foundries cast both types of materials. Ferrous castings typically include: Grey cast iron, with good damping and machinability characteristics, but lower durability; Malleable cast iron, containing small amounts of carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur and metal alloys; Spheroidal graphite cast iron (SG), obtained by removing the sulfur from the melt of cast iron; Cast carbon steel (low-medium-high), with superior strength, ductility, heat resistance, and weldability compared to iron casting. Non-ferrous metals are produced to meet product specifications such as mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, machinability, lightness, and thermal and electrical conductivity. Non-ferrous casting includes many non-ferrous compounds, such as: aluminum and aluminum alloys; copper and copper alloys; zinc and zinc alloys; magnesium and magnesium alloys; cobalt-base alloys; nickel and nickel alloys; titanium and titanium alloys; zirconium and zirconium alloys; and cast metal-matrix composites. Common non-ferrous alloys include: copper zinc alloy (Brass); copper tin alloy (Bronze); nickel-copper alloys (monel / cupronickel); nickel-chromium-iron alloys (stainless steel); aluminum-copper alloys; aluminum-silicon alloys; aluminum-magnesium-alloys; and titanium alloys.

The Foundry Process

Many different casting techniques are available. All involve the construction of a container (mold) into which molten metal is poured. Two basic casting process subgroups are based on expendable and non-expendable mold casting. Expendable mold casting, typical to ferrous foundries although also used in non-ferrous casting, uses lost molds (e.g. sand molding). Non-expendable mold casting, adopted mainly in non-ferrous foundries, uses permanent molds (e.g. die-casting). Lost molds are separated from the casting and destroyed during the shakeout phase, while permanent molds are reused. A variety of techniques are used within these two mold casting processes depending on the melting, molding and coremaking systems, the casting system, and finishing techniques applied. A typical foundry process, outlined in Figure A.1, includes the following major activities: melting and metal treatment in the melting shop; preparation of molds and cores in the molding shop; casting of molten metal into the mold, cooling for solidification, and removing the casting from the mold in the casting shop; and finishing of raw casting in the finishing shop.

Melting Shop
Different types of melting furnaces and metal treatments are used to produce ferrous and non-ferrous materials depending on the type of metal involved. Cast iron is typically melted in cupola furnaces, induction furnaces (IF), electric arc furnaces (EAF), or rotary furnaces. Use of induction furnaces (coreless induction-type furnace for melting and channel induction-type for holding) is preferred over cupola furnaces due to their superior environmental performance. EAFs are employed less commonly. Cast steel is typically melted in electric arc furnaces or coreless induction furnaces. Cast steel metal treatment consists of refining (e.g. removal of carbon, silicon, sulfur and or phosphorous) and deoxidization depending on the charge metal and required quality of the casting product. Melted metal may require treatments such as desulfurization, and deslagging. To remove impurities in the melt, metal flux is added to the furnace charge or to the molten metal. Flux unites with impurities to form dross or slag which is removed before pouring.

Cupola Furnaces
The cupola furnace is the common furnace used for cast iron melting and the oldest type of furnace used in foundries. It is a cylindrical shaft type furnace lined with refractory material. The furnace uses coke as a fuel and combustion air. Molten iron flows down the cupola furnace while combustion gases move upward leaving the furnace through its stack. As melting proceeds, new material is added at the top of the shaft through a charging door. Added flux combines with

non-metallic impurities in the iron to form slag, which is lighter than molten iron and floats on the top of the molten metal protecting it from oxidation. The liquid metal is tapped through a tap-hole at the level of the sand bed and collected into a ladle and / or a holding furnace. The slag is removed through a hole at higher level. Coke accounts for 816 percent of the total charge to provide the heat needed to melt the metal. Melting capacities of cupola furnaces generally range from 3 to 25 metric tons per hour. Cupola furnaces require a reducing atmosphere to prevent oxidation of the iron as it is melted. Oxidization is minimized by assuring the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) in the combustion gas (about 11-14 percent CO content). This results in inefficient use of the available energy in the coke, and significant CO emissions to the environment. Alternative technologies can be used to increase the efficiency of the cupola furnace and reduce CO emissions. These include preheating combustion air up to 600C as performed in the Hot Blast Cupola1; oxygen enrichment; or supersonic direct injection of pure oxygen. The cupola process also produces a significant amount of particulate emissions. Emission control systems typically require use of high energy wet scrubbers or dry baghouse (fabric filter) systems.

Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)

The EAF is a batching furnace often used in large steel foundries. Its use for cast iron production is less common. The EAF is shaped as a ladle. Heat required to melt the metal is produced with an electric arc from electrodes, initially positioned above the charge. The furnace is tapped by tilting it and forcing the molten metal to flow out through the tapping spout. Opposite the tapping spout is an operating door that allows deslagging and sampling operations.

Induction Furnaces
Induction furnaces (IF) are used for melting ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Melting is achieved through a strong magnetic field created by passing an alternating electric current through a coil wrapped around the furnace and consequently creating an electric current through the metal. The electric resistance of the metal produces heat, which melts the metal itself. These furnaces provide excellent metallurgical control and are relatively pollution free. The most significant air emissions released by IFs relate to the charge cleanliness resulting in the emission of dust and fumes (organic or metallic). Other emissions result from chemical reactions during holding or adjusting the metal composition, which originate metallurgical fumes.2

Reverberatory or Hearth Furnaces

Reverberatory or hearth furnaces are used for batch melting of non-ferrous metals. It is a static furnace with direct heating and consists of a refractory-lined, rectangular or circular bath furnace that is fired by wall or roof mounted burners. Hot air and combustion gases from the burners are blown over the metal charge and exhausted out of the furnace. In addition to the oil or gas fuel burners, oxy-fuel burners may also be used to increase the melting rate. These furnaces are typically used for small-scale production as emissions control is difficult.

Crucible Furnaces
Crucible furnaces are used primarily to melt smaller amounts of non-ferrous metals. The crucible or refractory container is heated in a furnace fired with natural gas, liquid fuel (e.g. propane) or by electricity. The crucible is either tilted manually, with a crane, or automatically, to pour the molten metal into the mold.3

Rotary Furnaces
The rotary furnace consists of a horizontal cylindrical vessel in which the metallic charge is heated by a burner located at one side of the furnace. The flue gases leave the oven through the opposite side. Once the metal is melted, and after a composition check and adjustment, a tap-hole in front of the furnace is opened and the melt in the furnace is discharged into ladles. Rotary furnaces are used for melting volumes of 2 to 20 tonnes, with typical production capacities of 1 to 16 tonnes per hour. Emissions control is often difficult. Rotary furnaces have been used in non-ferrous melting for many years. In this type of furnace, traditional oil-air burners can provide relatively low melting temperatures. The development of oxygen-air burners has enabled their use in cast iron production, using a higher amount of steel scrap and applying graphite for carburization.

Shaft Furnaces
1 EC BREF (2001) on the Smitheries and Foundries Industry 2 EC BREF (2001) on the Smitheries and Foundries Industry and US EPA Office of Compliance. 1998. Sector Note Book Project: Profile of the Metal Casting Industry 3 EC BREF (2001) on the Smitheries and Foundries Industry

Shaft furnaces are only used for non-ferrous metal melting, mainly for aluminum. It is a simple vertical furnace with a collecting hearth (inside or outside the furnace) and burner system at the lower end, and a material charging system at the top. The burners are usually gas-fired. Combustion gases are usually extracted and cleaned. An afterburner is sometimes used to treat any carbon monoxide, oil, volatile organic compounds (VOC), or dioxins produced.

Radiant Roof Furnaces

Radiant roof furnaces are mainly used in non-ferrous (aluminum) pressure die-casting shops with centralized melting facilities. The radiant-roof furnace is a low-energy holding furnace with a heavily insulated box design with banks of resistance elements in a hinged, insulated roof. Typical units have capacities of 250 1000 kilograms (kg).4

Molding Shop
Before metal casting can take place, a mold is created into which the molten metal is poured and cooled. The mold normally consists of a top and bottom form, containing the cavity into which molten metal is poured to produce a casting. To obtain tunnels or holes in the finished mold (or to shape the interior of the casting or that part of the casting that cannot be shaped by the pattern) a sand or metal insert called a core is placed inside. The materials used to make the molds depend on the type of metal being cast, the desired shape of the final product, and the casting technique. Molds can be classified in two broad types5: Lost molds (single use molds): These are specially made for each casting and are destroyed in the shake-out process. These molds are generally made of sand and are clay-bonded, chemically bonded, or sometimes unbonded. Investment casting (lost wax) can also be included in this family; Permanent molds (multi-use molds): These are used for gravity and low-pressure casting, high pressure die-casting, and centrifugal casting. Typically, permanent molds are metallic. Sand is the most common molding material used. Sand grains are bonded together to form the desired shape. The choice of binder technology used depends on factors such as the casting size, the type of sand used, the production rate, the metal poured, and the shakeout properties. In general, the various binding systems can be classified as either clay-bonded sand (green sand) or chemically-bonded sand. The differences in binding systems can have an impact on the amount and toxicity of wastes generated and potential environmental emissions.6 Green sand, which is a mixture of sand, clay, carbonaceous material, and water, is used as a mold in 85 percent of foundries. The sand provides the structure for the mold, the clay binds the sand together, and the carbonaceous materials prevent rust. Water is used to activate the clay. The mold must be dry otherwise it may present a risk of explosion. Green sand is not used to form cores, which require different physical characteristic than mold. Cores should be strong enough to withstand the molten metal and collapsible so they can be removed from the metal piece after cooling. Cores are typically obtained from silica sand and strong chemical binders placed in a core box. The hardening or curing of the chemical binding system is obtained through chemical or catalytic reactions, or by heat. Sand cores and chemically-bonded sand molds are often treated with water-based or spirit-based blacking to improve surface characteristics. The advantages to using chemically-bonded molds over green sand molds include a longer storage life for the molds; a potentially lower metal pouring temperature; and better dimensional stability, and surface finish to the molds. Disadvantages include higher costs of chemical binders and energy used in the process; added complexity to reclaim used sand; and environmental and worker safety concerns related to air emissions associated with binding chemicals during curing and metal pouring.7 Sand molding involves the use of large volumes of sand, with sand-to-liquid metal weight ratios generally ranging from 1:1 to 20:1. After the solidification process, the mold is broken away from the metal piece in a process called shakeout whereby the sand mold is shaken from the metal parts. Most of the used sand from green sand molds is reused to make future molds. Reused sand mixtures are also often used to create cores. However, a portion of sand becomes spent after a number of uses and needs to be disposed of. For this reason, mold and core making are a large source of foundry waste. Investment casting, also known as the lost wax process, is one of oldest manufacturing processes. It is used to make parts with complex shapes or for high-precision metal castings. An investment mold is obtained by pouring, around (investing) a wax or thermoplastic pattern, a slurry which conforms to the pattern shape and subsequently sets to form
4 EC BREF (2001) on the Smitheries and Foundries Industry 5 Ibid. 6 US EPA Office of Compliance. 1998. Sector Note Book Project: Profile of the Metal Casting Industry 7 US EPA Office of Compliance. 1998. Sector Note Book Project: Profile of the Metal Casting Industry

the investment mold. After the mold has dried, the pattern is burned or melted out of the mold cavity and the mold is ready to be utilized. Permanent metal molds are typically used in foundries producing large quantities of the same piece. They can be used for casting both ferrous and non-ferrous metals as long as the mold metal has a higher melting point than the casting metal. Metal molds are used for gravitational casting, low and high pressure die-casting, and centrifugal casting. Cores for permanent molds can be made of sand, plaster, collapsible metal, or soluble salts.

Casting Shop
Pouring the melted metal is the most significant activity in the casting process. Different pouring systems are used depending on the mold and metal type used for casting. The mold can be filled with the liquid metal by gravity (lost mold) or by injection under low or high pressure (die-cast) or by centrifugal forces. A pouring furnace is often utilized in automatic casting lines.8 This casting furnace automatically feeds the molds in the casting lines and is refilled with liquid metal at fixed time intervals. Correct introduction and distribution of poured metal into the mold are provided by a set of columns and channels inside the mold (a runner system or gatting system). The shrinkage (the difference in volume between liquid and solid metal) is compensated by the presence of an adequate feeder reservoir (a riser). After pouring, the casting is cooled to allow for solidification (first cooling) and it is then removed from the mold for further controlled cooling (second cooling). In sand casting foundries, sand castings enter the shakeout process to remove the mold after solidification. During shake-out, dust and smoke are collected by dust-control equipment. Investment molds and shell molds are destroyed during removal, creating solid waste. When the permanent mold technique is used, the mold (die) is opened and the casting extracted without destroying the mold after solidification.9 Some foundries treat mold and core sand thermally to remove binders and organic impurities before recycling to the mold-making facility. Since various additives are used in the manufacture of the molds and cores to bind the sand during metal pouring activities, reaction and decomposition products are generated. These include organic and inorganic compounds (amines and VOC). The generation of decomposition products (mainly VOC) continues during the casting, cooling, and removing operations. Since these products may cause health and odor hazards, they should be extracted and the gas cleaned prior to release.

Finishing Shop
All remaining operations necessary to yield a finished product are conducted in the finishing shop. Depending on the process used, different steps may be required such as removal of the running and gatting system, removal of residual molding sand from the surface and core remains in the casting cavities, removal of pouring burrs, repair of casting errors, and preparation of the casting for mechanical post-treatment, assembly, thermal treatment, and coating.10 The metal piece is cleaned using steel shot, grit, or other mechanical cleaners to remove any remaining casting sand, metal flash, or oxide. Flame cut-off devices and air-carbon arc devices may also be used for this purpose. Small items are usually ground by tumbling, which is carried out in a rotating or vibrating drum. This usually involves the addition of water, which may contain surfactants. Residual refractory material and oxides are typically removed by sand blasting or steel shot blasting, which can also be used to provide the casting with a uniform and improved surface appearance. Welding may be required to join castings, as well as to repair casting flaws. Chemical cleaning of castings may be carried out before coating operations to ensure that the coating will adhere to the metal.

DISA Technology
Disamatic (DISA) technology is a green sand molding process designed to automatically build molds and inject the metal. The DISA molds are produced with the help of a hydraulic press, improving the production and quality of compacted sand. DISA allows for various molding configurations, including vertical molding, horizontal molding, and matchplate molding technology. The vertical molding configuration is the most popular configuration since it provides very close tolerance castings. In this process, the molding chamber is movable and achieved by two opposite patterns (ram pattern and swing pattern). This allows the sand blown in the molding chamber to be compressed and then extracted from the chamber. DISA technology allows an efficient means of creating a string of flask-less molds (without rigid metal or wood frame). It is typically the choice for mass production of close-tolerance iron castings or aluminum. Environmental aspects related to the DISA technology are similar to those experienced by other foundries casting ferrous products in sand
8 EC BREF (2001) on the Smitheries and Foundries Industry 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid.

molds, but are normally contained and handled as part of the automated system.


Raw Materials Storage (Metals, sand, wood, chemicals, plastics, binders, additives) Melting Shop Metal melting Molten metal holding Molten metal treatment Casting Shop Pouring Cooling Shaking-out/Taking-out Sand recovery and recycling Packing Labeling Storage Shipping Molding Shop Mold production Core production Finishing Shop Shot blasting Grinding Deburring Thermal treating Inspection/testing Metal recycling

Figure A.1: Flow Diagram for Foundry Operations

Raw materials


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